#cheap wonder woman costume
reanimatestar · 2 years
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halloween or whatever <3
[image description: a pencil drawing of the artist's original character, ru'en, dressed as dr frank n furter from the rocky horror picture show. they are a han chinese person with long wavy hair tied in a braid. he is wearing surgery scrubs with a triangle on the breast and sleeves rolled up to his elbows, gloves that cover his forearms, fishnet tights, and stiletto heels. they are also wearing pearl earrings, a pearl necklace, and a pearl anklet. they have a hand on their hip with the other doing a limp wrist gesture. /end description]
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clairenatural · 11 months
Dean doesn't like the word "boyfriend." He decides this the second time Cas says it–the first time it was new, shiny, exciting. The second time, he fights the urge to cringe.
It's not the "boy" part. It's not. It would have been, for a long time, but he's dug all that shit up and unpacked all the suitcases. They hold hands in public. They kiss goodbye in front of his coworkers at the garage.
It's just–not enough. Not nearly. Jack comes home from hanging out with his friends and fills Dean on the gossip and his boyfriend and her girlfriend and–that's not them. "Boyfriend" feels like a cheap mockery. Like how demons used to tease.
He's heard "partner." He's heard it from Sam, to Eileen, but he doesn't know how he can stomach it. He's said that word too many times. I'm Agent Tyler and this is my partner, Agent Perry. This is my partner, Agent Page. My partner, Agent Stills. All lies. Sam says he likes it, that he's making it mean something real. Besides, Eileen loves it.
Good for them, Dean thinks. It makes his skin crawl.
So he sticks with “boyfriend” and he shrugs off the funny urge to protest every time Cas says it. It makes him happy, and honestly, it’s not like he has an alternative.
It’s a Sunday when he realizes that somehow, Cas does. They’re at the farmer’s market, like Cas is every weekend, but Dean had picked up weekend shifts and missed the past few. Cas is excited the whole way there, telling Dean about how he’d manage to befriend the local honey vendor in his absence, how she’d invited him to a beginner’s apiarist group she helps run. They beeline (heh) to the honey booth as soon as they get there, and the woman--Judith? Janice?--smiles up at them both, hands Cas a jar of honey like she’d been expecting him, and says “Oh, this must be the husband! I’ve heard so much about you.”
Dean stares at Cas. Cas stares at the honey. Judith/Janice stares at both of them, smile fading as the silence goes on a beat too long. 
Dean clears his throat. “Uh, yeah. The husband, that’s me! Ha ha.” Beside him, Cas relaxes, just barely. In front of him, the woman breathes an audible sigh of relief. “Sorry,” Dean shifts. “Just didn’t, um. Realize I was such a hot topic.” 
The smile he gets is almost sympathetic. “Oh, only good things. Here,” she hands him a business card. “You should also come out to our meeting on Wednesday. Lots of people bring their partners.” She leans in, almost conspiratorial. “Beekeeping can be wonderful for couples.”
It’s at this point that Cas clears his throat and finally looks up from the honey in his hand, evidently giving up hope on escaping this conversation. “Thank you, Janet.” (oh. Janet.) “Dean works late on Wednesdays, but I’m very excited to see you all.” He’s pulling out money as he says this, apparently deciding to just go ahead and end the entire interaction. He hands her the bills, grabs Dean’s hand, and is already moving away from the booth by the time Janet calls “See you Wednesday!” after them.
Cas drags him all the way back to the car without stopping for tomatoes, or Sam's carrots, or the free-range eggs that are way too expensive but Cas buys anyway because you can taste when the hen is well cared-for, Dean (whatever that means). They slide into the car, still not talking, and sit in silence for several long seconds. Dean stares at Cas, who stares out the windshield at the parking lot.
"I can explain," Cas speaks, finally, right as Dean was about to open his mouth and say anything to break the silence.
Dean pauses. Can you? Cause I feel like I missed a few chapters, he thinks.
"I don't work late on Wednesdays," he says instead.
"Oh." Now it's Cas staring at Dean, and Dean staring out at the asphalt.
He turns the keys. He drives them home.
Later, making dinner, Dean rolls the word around in his head. Husband. He's making his husband pasta (It's missing the tomatoes. He's made more with less).
Husband doesn't feel like a costume, like an ill-fitting suit and scratchy tie. It doesn't feel like high school gossip, or a monster trying to hit him where it hurts. It settles in warm in his chest.
It's just the two of them that night, and they're eating in the comfortable silence of the bunker until Dean clears his throat and brings it up. "Why does Janet at the farmer's market think we're married?"
Cas pauses, fork of pasta halfway to his mouth. He puts the fork down and takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry."
"I'm not mad," Dean hurries to clarify. "It's just that there's usually, uh. Steps, you know. Like a whole....thing."
"I'm aware." Cas sighs. "She assumed, seeing us around - the first time I spoke to her without you, she asked where my husband was. And I..."
"You didn't correct her?"
"...No. I, um." Cas is looking down at his plate again. He picks up the fork, still half-full of pasta, then puts it back down again. "I didn't want to?" He says the end of the sentence like a question but looks back up at Dean and squints just a bit, and Dean knows he's watching for a reaction.
"Uh huh."
"It felt trivial."
"To tell her we're not married?"
"To call you my boyfriend." For the first time, he stumbles over the word.
Dean blinks. "You--" he stops, brain processing too much information to finish that sentence. "Okay." He leans back in his chair. Sighs. Rubs a hand across his eyes and lets it drag down his face. "Okay, listen. I don't like boyfriend either, but we gotta...talk about it."
"We are talking about it. You don't like it either?" Cas leans forward as Dean slumps back, following him across the table.
Dean snorts. "No, man." He shakes his head. "It's been a decade. I've seen you die." Six times. But who's counting.
"I agree." Cas pauses, and then, as if it's the most natural conclusion in the world, "Will you marry me?"
Dean actually laughs at this. "You're asking me that now?"
Cas quirks an eyebrow at him. "I've grown quite fond of calling you my husband at the farmer's market. I'd like to continue."
Dean stares at him in disbelief. It's not how he'd pictured it going, but he also can't think of it going any other way. Slowly, he nods. "Yeah, okay. Let's be husbands."
Across the table, Cas grins at him.
"But we're getting rings," Dean points a finger at him, because something about this is going to be normal.
"If you'd like. Although I already told Janet that you can't wear a ring because of your work at the garage, and I don't wear mine in solidarity."
"Rings," Dean insists, and decides to overlook the rest of that sentence. For now. He stabs his fork into a pile of the pasta. "And let me stop for the damn tomatoes next time."
They get rings and wear them on chains around their necks. Cas puts a beehive on the hill, and there's a small ceremony in the summer - a "vow renewal" to Cas' beekeeping group, who all receive invites attached to little jars of honey. Janet gets the nicest one.
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elsweetheart · 1 year
what you heard : part one
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synopsis: you start to develop feelings for your boyfriends dealer.
♪ what you heard — sonder ♪
cw: reader is a bisexual woman dating a man, brief descriptions of having sex with a man, weed, alcohol, ellie’s sexual thoughts, blink and you miss it mention of throwing up, a man being really mean and a bad boyfriend, gay girl drama, ellie is kind of a homewrecker but reader doesn’t technically cheat, but mentions of it. kind of angsty at times? a little?
an: whew this is kinda lengthy !! idk how many words so… don’t ask me :( i hope you all enjoy it! i’ll start writing part two asap!
Ellie didn’t hate any of her customers, no. That would be bad for business. She just simply… preferred some over the others. Louis was one of those customers that she wouldn’t exactly reserve her best weed for. Not originally, at least. He was like a lot of the other guys on campus, average. Brown hair with the same old outfits, love of sports, and friend group. She could find one hundred of him. She kept a pretty exclusive clients list, not wanting to overwhelm herself with business whilst she’s really trying this year to stay on top of her studies. He wasn’t the most polite, and he was always showing up without texting first — but he paid, and that was good enough to keep him on as a customer.
Alright, maybe that wasn’t really the reason Ellie kept him on as a customer.
She always liked to check out the social media accounts of the people she sold to, try and figure out what kind of person they were, who they knew, and if they seemed like the type to give her up if a cop came knocking. Also, simply put — the girl was nosy. Don’t let her nonchalant demeanour fool you, her Insta-stalking skills rivalled the FBI. She knew she probably shouldn’t, and she did feel a little weird doing it — scrolling on her bed one evening in a hoodie and basketball shorts, she typed in Louis’ name to the Instagram search bar.
He had one picture up of you, the rest were pictures of him and his friends at parties. Real classy, she thought. She clicked the picture, wondering what kind of girl would have to be desperate enough to go out with a guy this… meh, and oh… Oh. You were smoking hot. It was a halloween throwback, a basic couple costume with Louis dressed as the devil and you, ironically enough dressed as an angel. He kept his sweaty pink hand on the curve of your ass as the two of you laughed. She wondered what was funny. He got lucky, she thought. Very lucky.
Ellie tapped you, and a tag emerged on the screen with your name. Pretty name, of course. Private account — much to her disappointment.
It would be totally inappropriate to follow you, right? Her customers girlfriend. Ellie clicked her own profile, gazing at it thoughtfully. Her profile picture was a black screen, and she had zero pictures up on her account. She had a considerable amount of followers, given her reputation but she didn’t follow many back — just a few very loyal customers, and her best friends Jesse and Dina. It would be weird to follow you right? Yes. Very weird, Ellie. She closed out the app, and pretty much forgot about it.
It was always the same exchange with Louis. He turned up, either unannounced or 2 hours late — burp, demand weed whilst barely sparing Ellie a glance or a thank you, and then head out. She didn’t always mind — not being a huge fan of small talk anyway, though she could do without the burp. He’d had texted earlier in the day, asking — no, telling Ellie that he would be passing by to pick up his usual ‘at some point’. A quiet knock rapt at the door around 02:23PM. Ellie swung the door open, coming face to face with you.
“Hi… Ellie?” You smiled. Hopeful, sweet, even prettier in person. You were wearing a little sundress with the cheap thin material that hugged every curve on your body, and if she stared a little longer like she wanted to she’d start to border on creepy. Ellie cleared her throat, fighting out a greeting and praying it would come out relatively normal.
“Yeah.” Was what she landed on. Whatever, play it cool. Pretend you didn’t try and stalk her Instagram.
“Louis isn’t coming, the weed is for me and he told me where to buy from, so… hi.” You grinned before telling her your name like she didn’t already know it.
“Hey. I’m Ellie.” And with that, she stepped aside and let you in.
It was like you brought the sunshine in from outside with you, because as soon as you stepped into her room Ellie felt too warm in her grey hoodie. She pushed the sleeves up as your eyes flickered around her dorm, realised she felt stupid and pushed them back down.
“How much you want?” She was pulling out the metal box from her drawer, glancing up at you as your brows furrowed unsurely — thinking as you tugged at your glossed lip. Ellie tried not to stare.
“Uh—” You breathed, and it relaxed Ellie slightly to see that you seemed more nervous than she did somewhat— just for a different reason. “Louis told me to just ask for what he usually gets? I’m sorry, I’ve never bought my own weed before.” You cringed, and then cringed again at the word choice. Ellie smiled fade into a soft chuckle with a nod that said ‘I bet you haven’t.’ She should have guessed, when did pretty girls ever buy their own weed?
“You’re good. I know what his usual is.” Ellie reassured, digging around in the nuggets. She pulled a couple out, placing them down on her scale before bagging them up. You held out your hand unsurely, and she pressed the plastic baggie into it. Your mouth opened to say something, and Ellie’s hand froze above yours as she watched you — trying to work out what might be wrong. “What? Is this not…”
“No, sorry. It’s perfect. I assume. I’m not sure. I just… I don’t know how to roll these. Lou told me to buy my own weed seeing as I am the one who wanted to smoke and — it’s okay. I’ll just Google it.” You shook your head, feeling your cheeks turn warm at your own rambling. Ellie stopped you as you went to shove the baggie into her pocket with a calm smile, raising her eyebrows as if to say ‘Hey, it’s okay. Chill.’
“I can roll it for you. It’s no biggie.”
You visibly relaxed, and Ellie could tell because of the way your chest collapsed slightly, not suffocating your tits against the material of your dress anymore which she couldn’t help but glance at as you looked away. “Thanks. Sorry.” You guffawed, your embarrassment seeming a little relieved as you stepped back, leaning against her desk as she pulled her chair and tray out to do the rolling.
“Louis not buying your weed for you?” She conversed, eyes on the rolling paper as she carefully packed it. Your head snapped towards her, realising that you were the one who blabbed that. Her eyes glanced up at you briefly when you didn’t immediately answer.
“No. It’s… okay though.” You justified, a mass of shame swirling just below your rib cage. You didn’t wanna talk shit about your boyfriend to a stranger, even if the stranger had a totally welcoming vibe about her — and your boyfriend was cheap. Ellie tsk’d lightheartedly, shaking her head. “Against the rules, man.” She comment quietly.
“What rules?” You furrowed your brows defensively as she continued packing.
“You don’t let your girl buy her own weed?” She repeat obviously. Something about the way she said it made the embarrassment in your stomach dissipate into butterflies, which widened your eyes slightly at the disloyal feeling.
Silence for a beat or two as Ellie concentrate. You notice the lesbian flag on her pinboard.
“It’ll probably just be me and my friends that smoke it anyway. The weathers nice so we’ll be at one of those frat pool parties… You don’t go to those?” You tilt your head, and her eyes lingered on you as you did so at the sugary sweetness in your gesture. God, you made her teeth hurt.
“Nah. I hear those things get weird and horny. Straight people… no offence.” She glances towards you once more, the ‘no offence’ holding little to no weight. Ellie didn’t seem like the type to give a shit about offence, anyways.
“I’m bisexual, but I understand.” You giggle, pushing yourself back to sit more on her desk, swinging your legs as you watch her roll. Her fingers froze for just a moment, before she continued rolling.
“Oh yeah?” She conversed, absolutely despising how a flame of hope flickered in her chest. Nope. Not doing this again.
“Yeah, actually I…” You chuckled. “I started college with the hopes of finding a girlfriend. Things just… didn’t end up that way I guess.” You shrugged, and you seemed happy enough but Ellie could sense the disappointment buried deep.
“Huh.” Ellie let out as she licked the rolling paper, firmly closing it up. She kind of hoped you were watching her as she did so. You weren’t. “You know if you squint really hard Louis could be a lesbian.”
“Really?” You raise an eyebrow.
“Nope.” Ellie pushed her chair back, standing. You chuckled and she smirked, pushing the two pre rolls she’d made into a bigger baggie and then presenting them to you. “This gonna be enough?”
“Oh yeah, I’m a total lightweight.” You giggled girlishly and she nodded, stuffing her hands into her pockets as she watched you fish around in your purse, unzipping an inside pocket to stuff the rolls inside.
“Cute.” She let slip with a smile, and your heart fluttered a little. You berated yourself for that silently.
“What extra do I owe you? Do you charge for rolling or… I don’t know how this usually works.” You pulled out your pink zip up wallet, the zip a glittery jewel between your fingers.
“Nah. No extra charge.” She held her hands up and you raised your eyebrows in surprise. That was a lie. She did usually charge extra for that, but one thing about Ellie was that she was a sucker for the pretty girl discount.
“Really?” And out came the doe eyes, your dark heavy eyelashes weighty above your pretty eyes as you looked up at her in awe. It was Ellie’s hearts turn to flutter.
“Really.” She smirked, not breaking eye contact (much to her surprise) as she pinched the cash payment from you between her pointer and middle finger knuckles, only swallowing down the giddiness when your fingers brushed hers. You grinned, zipping your wallet back up and tucking it away, feet tapping on the floor a little like you just couldn’t contain your excitement (Which made Ellie want to squeeze you.)
“I know you said it’s not your thing, but you should come to one of the pool parties. Most of the time the people there are cool. It’ll be good for business.” You wiggled your eyebrows which made Ellie’s smile uncontainable, teeth actually on display now which she honestly never did. No one was ever funny or cute enough.
“Maybe.” She rolled her eyes with a smile, walking you towards her door.
“They happen every weekend. Would be cool to see you there.” You fixed your bag over your shoulder before turning back to her. “Nice to meet you, Ellie. You’ll be seeing more of me.” You nodded formally, and the auburn haired girl tore her eyes away from the visible band of your underwear through the material of the dress when you looked back at her, muttering a “Good.”
Ellie always came away from these kind of things wishing she said more. She knew you had a boyfriend, but something about you seemed more curious. Like you weren’t totally against the idea of flirting back. Maybe it was all in her head because of the stupid crush she’d already developed. She didn’t understand it, how could someone like you feel fulfilled by someone like him. Ellie would never let you pay for your own weed, she’d treat you right. She had the means to be able to spoil you, which she didn’t need proof to know that Louis didn’t. Hell, he couldn’t even pay for his girls weed — Ellie knew stingy when she saw it. He probably wasn’t even making you cum. Not like Ellie could anyway, but then again who could? She’d like to think she had a gift — but maybe it was a guitarist-fingers thing, and years of deftly rolling tight joints.
Ellie shook her head free of the thought — sure she was a little grey-moralled — but thinking about finger fucking one of your customers girlfriends on a sunny afternoon felt a little wrong even for her. She was heading off to meet Dina to exchange notes for a class she missed, again just about willing herself to stay focused this semester. The two of them chat over coffee, the notes barely touched as the two friends joked around. When a pensive silence filled the space between them, Ellie spoke up — picking at a hangnail in a way she hoped was casual.
“You ever been to those campus pool parties? The ones at that douchey frat house?” She shrugged, glancing up at her darker haired friend.
“Uh, yeah. Like once or twice.” Dina frowned before snickering, raising a doubtful eyebrow. “What, you interested? You don’t even enjoy regular parties, hermit.”
Ellie’s jaw dropped slightly in offence, letting out a scoff before taking a sip of her coffee — still scalding hot on her tongue. “Excuse me. I’d be there strictly on business. I heard it’s… I was told I should go.” She explained. Dina’s smirk deepened, eyes lowering into slits.
“Who is she?”
“Why do you assume this is about a girl?” She rolled her jewelled eyes, before glancing around the cafe just incase anyone was listening to her pathetic segue into talking about you.
“Because last time I suggested you come with me and Jesse you nearly threw a textbook at my head.” Dina argued, making Ellie sit back in her seat, looking away in defeat as she crossed her arms over her light grey hoodie.
“She’s got a boyfriend. So it doesn’t matter. Just said it would be good for business and… the customer is always right, so I’ve been told.” Ellie rushed out, Dina’s shoulders dropping with a pitying look.
“Oh Ellie. Why put yourself through that?”
“She’s bi — okay stop. This isn’t about her. I was just asking. Fuckin’… forget it.” Ellie flipped the page of her notes now, going to scribble down what Dina had written to get her mind off the conversation.
“Alright, alright.” Her friends held up her hands. “Defensive.”
Ellie didn’t see Louis much from that point on. Same time, every week — you would be on her doorstep. Ellie wasn’t sure if it was just out of convenience, or maybe you had wanted to see her. You had the same spritely, sunshine attitude each time you stepped into her dorm — lighting it up with your smile and your pretty dresses. The auburn haired dealers heart was beginning to ache in a painfully familiar way. An unrequited crush, a girl she couldn’t have. She wished she could say this was the first time she’d crushed on a girl with a boyfriend — but that would be a lie.
Each time you left, the giddiness would fade out into a prickly, warm and uncomfortable anger settling in at the pit of her stomach. Occasionally, you’d let slip the way Louis treat you — and if you didn’t say it, she could tell by the look on your face when his name would come up. Your classes were stressing you out, hence needing her weed to unwind in the first place, and your boyfriend was doing nothing to ease your anxiety, instead choosing to go out and get wasted with his friends each night. You deserved better, and she knew it wasn’t her place to say but shit, it was killing her. You were killing her. She could treat you better.
From outside the frat house, she could hear music, laughter, and water splashing from down the street. Ellie stood with Dina and Jesse, already regretting her decision.
“Fuck this. I’m turning around.” Ellie attempted to swivel, but Jesse grabbed her arm.
“No you’re not. You’re here to sell, remember? Got a friend with money, said he’d pay you good.” He gave her a light shove towards the door, Dina rolling her eyes at the two’s antics. Ellie felt overdressed, wearing her short sleeved blue worn denim shirt unbuttoned over a wife beater and shorts with her Converse, pockets stuffed with pre-rolls gifting her that usual marijuana infused smell that followed her around that said ‘Hey everyone! I’m a dealer!’ Upon stepping out into the backyard, it was clear what kind of party it was. The sun was still shining, and people seemed pretty drunk already — jumping off the low roof and into the pool, girls on the outskirts squealing in their bikinis. The floor was practically vibrating with the bass from a Drake song and the sun was sizzling the back of Ellie’s neck — recipe for a headache, she thought. She’d sell her shit, and get out.
She knew you’d be here. In the back of her mind she knew. And yet, her heart still damn near thudded out her chest when you were suddenly right in front of her, arms extended with a big toothy grin. Ellie had almost panicked, not ready for the confrontation. She hadn’t even gotten herself a drink yet, hadn’t even smoked yet and here you were. You were wearing a white bikini and it looks so pretty against your soft skin. She was looking at your tits again.
Ah, shit.
“Ellie! M’so happy you came! I didn’t think I’d ever see you at one of these!” You all but squealed, throwing your arms around her neck and pulling your body taut against hers. Ellie didn’t have to look at Dina and Jesse to know that their eyebrows were practically in their hairline, taking in the scene in front of them. Your bikini top was damp still clearly having taken a dip in the pool earlier, along with the ends of your hair and she felt the wet triangles pressing damp spots into her own chest, your tits pressed up against her. You even had the nerve to let out a happy little ‘mmph’ moan as your body collided with hers. Were you really that happy to see her? God, if I had a dick right now, it would be rock fuckin’ hard. Thank fuck I don’t, Ellie thought— eyes opening again, not realising that she had squeezed them shut to suppress a moan when she’d hugged you back.
“Uh, yeah! Told you I’d consider it.” She tried to play it cool when she pulled back, taking in your giggly expression. You didn’t let go of her arm as you pulled away, and a waft of alcohol drifted through to Ellie’s nose, suddenly helping her understand the situation a little better. You were pretty drunk, but where was your boyfriend? Ellie scanned behind you, searching for his brunette mop only to be met with several dozens of them. Great. She felt a spike of anger in her chest again, violently protective. Who just leaves their girl wandering around in a bikini, drunk, at a frat party? “Wheres your little boyfriend?” Her expression flattened out, and she caught herself. She didn’t mean for it to come out like… that. Luckily, you were drunk enough to not notice the bitterness in her tone.
“Louis? Oh— uh…” Your bottom lip stuck out as you spun around on your tiptoes to see over heads, scanning the yard for him before spinning back with a shrug. You dropped back down onto the balls of your feet and your tits bounced in Ellie’s peripheral vision. “Who knows.” You giggle, eyes jumping to Ellie’s two friends, silently watching with amused smirks.
“Oh, uh— these are my friends. Dragged me along here. Dina,” She pointed. “And Jesse.” He gave you a little wave.
“Hi!” You chirped with an adorable little wave, before telling them your own name. “I’m not usually this…uh—”
“Drunk?” Ellie leant forward quietly with a smirk, like it was a secret just between the two of you. You giggled, turning back to her, introductions long forgotten as your face morphed into a theatric pout, blown out puppy dog eyes and all.
“Who says I’m drunk? Maybe I’m just really friendly.” You practically pur, suggestiveness dripping off your tone as your hand pulled her by her arm just that little bit closer, soft fingertips over her tattoo. Just as Ellie scrambled for an answer — your name was called in a familiar voice. Louis.
“Babe, there you are.” He sounded irritated, and Ellie straightened her back, jaw squaring ever so slightly. Be friendly, Ellie. He’s a customer — she remind herself. A shitty one, but he still pays you.
“Oh…” He took Ellie in, eyes jumping over her attire before glancing back at you. She just admit, she did look violently lesbian that day — and the body language between her and his girl wasn’t looking all too great to fresh eyes. “Hey.”
You reluctantly let go of Ellie’s arm, which didn’t go unnoticed by the brunette boy.
“I was just catching up with Ellie!” You grinned, and God — were you aware of just how flirtatious you looked batting your eyelashes up at her like that? In front of your boyfriend?
“Yeah, I see that.” Louis’ eyes didn’t leave Ellie’s, which of course she took as a competition without even thinking. She took a step closer, eyes narrowing ever so slightly. She stood around 5’7. Taller when she wore boots. Taller if she fixed her posture. He wasn’t much taller than her, so she pretty much met his eye. Her heart skipped a few beats knowing you were watching her, but she held his gaze anyway— tilting her chin up a little. “Thanks for looking after my girl.” He spoke, which almost made Ellie want to laugh.
“Any time.” Eye to eye, the smirk that tugged at her lips held more meaning and the two of you knew it. Oh, she’d look after you alright. Louis’ eyes flickered away, glancing over at Dina and Jesse before back to her, stepping away and putting an arm around your shoulder.
“Come watch me play beer pong?” He spoke to you and you shrugged happily, taking the drink out of his hand and sipping. The freckled dealer couldn’t help but briefly think about how if you were with her she would have cut you off by this point, wrapping an arm around your waist and telling you that you’d had enough to drink, maybe suggest grabbing you a water. As he lead you away, you craned in his hold to wave at Ellie, who waved a few fingers back— watching closely. It was a casual crush before, but now it was on. She didn’t like Louis’ smugness, nor his general attitude or the way he was neglecting you. She had to take you and leave him with nothing. No, Ellie. You’re being like him. She’s not a piece of meat. But she knew the protectiveness didn’t stem from that. Did she think about you sexually? Yeah. But she could give you more than that. You were a sweet girl, and you should be treated as such.
“That was tense.” Dina raised her eyebrows, breaking the auburn haired girls concentration, her gaze snapping back to her friends.
“Oh, uh — he’s fuckin’… weird. I dunno. I give him my shitty weed.” She shrugged it off, looking over her shoulder once more to watch you disappear inside.
“I get it now, though. She’s a total smoke show.” Dina dropped her hand onto Ellie’s shoulder who sighed, shaking off the whole interaction.
“Whatever. I need a drink.” Ellie rolled her eyes, stepping away.
“She was hot.”
“Jesse, it’s okay when I say it. Not when you say it.”
“What? You just called her a smoke show! You’ve never called me that.”
Ellie left the bickering couple behind to find a beer, needing something cool and alcoholic to wind her down. Why was she getting so possessive over someone that wasn’t hers? You were making her feel like a creep, and she didn’t like that. Ellie did not catch feelings easily, despite her past mistakes. So like… what the fuck?
She didn’t see you for two weeks.
Maybe you’d realised you shouldn’t be giving her the eyes. Maybe Louis stepped up his game, who knows. Neither of you had even purchased any weed, and it was approaching exam season so Ellie knew you were stressed. But did she know? Was it presumptuous of her to ‘know’ how you feel?Just based off several occurrences and conversations when you’d come to her dorm to pick up? She tried to shake the feeling of you, your skin grazing hers and your pretty eyes staring up at her — and it was actually working. Maybe time does heal everything. Until of course, she went to the library and the clocks reversed on themselves.
She had to admit, she was falling a little behind in her work. She had gotten so preoccupied in selling that she had almost forgotten to be, well… a student. Her backpack was making her shoulder sore so she switched it to the other as she wandered through the building, fairly quiet for a Tuesday. She felt a pit of irritation bud inside her when she saw someone sat in the seat she wanted, the one that was away from everyone else in the library. She note the pink laptop case, the Hello Kitty stickers on the water bottle, the bracelets on the protruding arm. Oh, it was you.
Ellie was planning to walk on by. You’re here to do work, not flirt or get yourself involved in some kind of sapphic shenanigan. Your head was on the desk, and she figured you had fallen asleep — which almost made her smile fondly before she caught herself. Not yours, Ellie. As she stepped away however, she heard a sniffle. Then another. Ellie froze, willing herself not to do it. It’s not your responsibility Ellie, you can walk away and pretend you never saw. She pursed her lips, turning around anyway.
As she did so, you were lifting your head from the table, wiping your cheeks and nose of tears. You had this pitiful pout on your face, streaming eyes all pink and glossy and your nostrils damp in this oddly adorable way. Ellie still had time to creep away, but she didn’t. She couldn’t.
“You uh… you good?” She stood awkwardly, making you snap your head towards her in surprise. She didn’t miss the way your eyes widened slightly in embarrassment at seeing a familiar face in such a vulnerable moment.
“Oh — Ellie. Um, yes. I’m fine.” You tried, but when you held her doubtful gaze — your lip wobbled again.
“Okay.” Ellie sighed after a beat, pulling up a seat and dragging it to your small table. Yep, she was doing this. “Talk to me.” She spoke in a hushed tone. She was so gentle with her voice and her eyes and her general demeanour — something you weren’t so used to — it soothed you enough to calm you for a moment and you revelled in the unfamiliar but warm feeling she brought you.
“I don’t wanna bore you with it.” You shook your head with an demure chuckle. Ellie wanted to reach forward and wipe your tears away, her hands itched on the table in-front of her instead.
“We’re literally in the library. I promise you that nothing is more boring than my text-book.” She raised an eyebrow with the attempts of making you laugh. Instead, you watched her for a moment. Ellie could tell you were wondering why she was being so nice to you. Does she treat all her customers this way?
“It’s… stupid. Louis just…” You sigh, as if the mere mention of his name makes you cringe. “We’re not that serious. So… I don’t care what he goes off and does in his spare time,” Interesting, Ellie noted. “But he gets really mad. And when he gets mad he gets mean. I guess I just need thicker skin.” Your voice cracked.
“Or you need to be with someone who’s not an asshole.” Ellie snipped before she got the chance to stop herself. Your eyes met hers again, a little wide in shock. “Sorry.” She closed her eyes, collecting herself. You blinked and two fat tears rolled down your cheeks.
“It’s… okay.” You whispered, playing with your bracelet. A silence sat between you two, just the sound of quiet shuffling in the library and your sniffs.
“Look, don’t let him get to you. You don’t… deserve that.” She shook her head and you nodded slowly, accepting. It was as if Louis were purposely giving her more reason to dislike him, and it was getting harder to hide her distaste for him. Snide comments were slipping out more frequently, Shit — she could barely even contain her facial expressions when his name was mentioned. Something had to be done soon, because she didn’t know how much ‘pretending’ she had left in her. Thankfully, the two of you seemed to have developed a bit of a friendship — so she felt less guilty about bashing your boyfriend, as you seemed understanding due to his often unlikeable ways.
“You done here soon?” Ellie looked around at the library. You wiped your cheek, hitting save on your laptop and shrugging.
“Didn’t really have any work to do, just didn’t know where to go.” You pout sadly, making Ellie have to dig her nails into her seat this time so that she didn’t lean forward and kiss it off you.
“Y’wanna smoke? On me. You need cheering up.” She stood up, swinging her backpack back on, studying long forgotten. You looked up at her hopefully, a glint of reluctance in your eye. You didn’t know why it felt wrong, you weren’t technically doing anything wrong. Just two friends hanging out, right? Louis wouldn’t know that you’re attracted to her. You wasn’t even sure if Louis remembered that you were bisexual for Gods sake, despite telling him a whole bunch of times.
“Really? I can pay you Ellie…” Your eyebrows knit together, and she was already shaking her head.
“My treat. I don’t like seeing pretty girls cry. Makes me wanna cry. You want me to cry?” She joked, pointing at herself in disbelief. She felt relief at the giggle that made its way out your throat, covering your mouth as to not disturb the other library goers. Pretty girls. The words echoed around your head until your face was hot before it dropped into your stomach and made a nest there.
“Okay.” You agreed after a moment. What harm could it do? Louis was an asshole, and the guilt began to slip away as you stood up — remembering all the nasty things he’d said to you.
“Alright, good.” Ellie grinned, turning her face away for a moment so maybe you wouldn’t see how excited she was. You did.
“Thats a terrible first high story.” You giggled, taking a draw from the joint.
“What? Fuck you let’s hear yours then!” Ellie gaped, leaning forward from her seat on her bed to take the joint from you as you exhaled. You bit back your smile, letting your pink, watery eyes sail off in thought at you recalled your first time smoking.
“Kay, so… I was 17.” You staged dramatically, widening your eyes slightly as she smirked at your theatrics, leaning back with her eyes glued to you. If you weren’t so blazed, maybe you’d feel nervous under her simmering gaze. “Best friends brother let us smoke some in the backyard with his friends. I tried to play it cool, but I smoked too much and start laughing and I couldn’t stop. Like — it was painful, and I was scared because I couldn’t stop laughing. And they were all looking at me like what the fuck… so I went inside, tried to calm myself down and I threw up on the carpet. Like a distressed cat.” You pouted lightheartedly as Ellie chuckled along with your story.
“Threw up? How strong was the weed? Damn.” She laughed and you shook your head.
“It might have been the shots we’d done before hand to calm our nerves. Bad idea.” You cringed and she nodded, eyes still piercing into you as her laughter died down.
“That might’ve been it, yeah.”
A comfortable silence fell over the two of you as she brought the joint to her lips once again, sucking in as she inhaled the pungent smoke. Ellie always got this confidence about her when she smoked. Well — she always had this slightly cocky demeanour about her, but for the most part it was an act. A need to protect herself. A defence mechanism that helped her get by — being a dealer was a social ass job. But smoking made that feeling real. She knew that was bad, relying on weed for real confidence and all, but hey — she’ll take what she can get.
“How you feeling? Any better?” She tested the waters, almost sorry she brought it up when you remembered Louis’ existence, expression melting a little into one of slight disappointment. One that said ‘Oh yeah… him.’ Like you’d forgotten for a moment.
“I guess. Not gonna let it bother me like you said. I don’t have the energy.” You shrugged, tearing your gaze away to study your baby pink manicure instead. Ellie scoffed out a little chuckle, finally stubbing out the joint. The noise attracted your attention and you met her analytical stare.
“Can I… ask what you see in that guy? Not judging just… curious.” She held her hands up in defence, but you didn’t exactly jump to his rescue. Infact it took you a moment to think about it.
“I don’t…” You stop yourself from saying ‘I don’t know’, your pride still burning despite the weed letting your guard down. “He’s… nice most of the time. Kinda guy your parents want you to bring home. He’s not as bad as he seems around other people. I guess he makes me feel wanted when we’re together?” You consider, but the way you say it makes Ellie think that you don’t even fully believe it. “I think… it was gonna be just sex. When I first met him anyway, but if I’m being totally honest the sex isn’t worth it on its own so I dunno… I thought I’d feel more fulfilled by a commitment, you know?”
Ellie was delighted, to be honest. It was music to her ears. You were just spewing about how unfulfilled you were, and she was starting to feel more and more confident that she could convince you that there was a bigger and better world out there. She laughed, openly — letting the joy of the moment go to her head for a minute.
“Oh that’s funny?” You giggled back, chucking a small brown sentimental looking teddy bear at her from her bed. You pursed your lips and she could tell despite your laughter you were knocked slightly insecure by her reaction.
“A little.” She looks off to the side. You want to chuck something else at her but there’s nothing to throw.
“Why?” You push. You know why.
“Your boyfriend can’t fuck.” Her stomach tensed as another laugh bubbled up and you rolled your eyes theatrically, pushing yourself up just so you can dramatically change your position to face the other way on the bed, arms crossed and brow creased.
“Not opening up to you again.” You push out and she nudges you gently with her foot, a more sympathetic (yet equally amused) expression still at the surface.
“No, I’m sorry. Go on.” She waved her a hand a little in the smoky room, nudging you again with her sock covered toe.
“Thats it! There’s nothing else to it. My boyfriend can’t fuck and it sucks. I hate everything.” You complain, not daring to face her. She can’t help but burst out laughing again, the back of her head leaning back to rest on the wooden headboard as she runs a hand over her eyes, shielding herself from the bright dorm light, and you. She lets out an ‘ahhh’ at the end of her outburst.
She hears you whine her name, and she takes more pity on you this time purely because you sound so cute.
“Alright uh— tell me what he’s doing wrong. I’ll give you pointers to give to him so he can fix his shit.” She tries suddenly, as if just being struck by the idea — and she feels you slowly look at her. She pushes her chin down to her chest, looking at you now as she removes her hand from her eyes. You blink at her a couple of times, still pretty, still high as a kite.
You inhale through your nose, eyes drifting off in thought as you turn back towards her, invested, tucking your feet beneath your ass. You hum, coming up blank. “I don’t know. I feel like… you either got it or you don’t, you know? Sex is… emotional. Well, it should be. To him it’s just… getting off.” You shrug, opting to pick at a loose thread on her grey bed throw than look at her. The smirk is still dying on her lips like the slither of sunlight resting on water at the culmination of a sunset. She takes a little longer to think, brain fogged by her high.
“So… okay.” She pushes her palms into the bed to sit up a little more. “What do you like? I don’t really pin you as someone who… wants to be in control.” She analyses, watching you carefully for a reaction. She notices the flick up of your eyebrows and guesses — correct.
“With him there’s no… no one is in control. It’s not one person calling the shots or any kind of dynamic it’s just… we just fuck and that’s it.” You sound sad this time, like bringing the conversation to forefront was making you realised just how unhappy you were.
“Do you cum?” She asks abruptly, and you nearly choke on your own saliva. You think it catches her off guard too, because she looks away from you for a moment and itches her head before deciding fuck it, and goes back to staring. You bite your lip. Well there was that one time, you were on your back — Louis on top, you had a hand pressed between the two of you, rubbing your clit in quick sloppy circles as he got busy. Your eyes were closed. Did you cum? Kind of? Your eyes were closed. You were somewhere else. Somewhere softer and warmer, and it didn’t smell like beer and sweat. You shake your head, no. It was the closest time though, but Louis got all hostile about you touching yourself during sex. Said it was insulting, that you undermined him. You shook off the memory.
“No?” She whispers, eyebrows raised to the high heavens as if she just couldn’t fathom having sex and not making her partner cum — because that’s exactly what she was doing. She felt that hot tingling anger again in her chest, but it was dulled out by the weed — leaving her with just a light irritation at the back of her throat. “Thats fucked up.”
“Is it? I mean… orgasms take time. Doesn’t just happen in five minutes… that can get exhausting.” You defend, and you’re not sure why. You both know there’s no excuse.
“Nah.” She sniffs, not quite bothered to begin on how wrong you are. She switches the subject slightly instead. “So let me guess, missionary everytime?”
Your eyes widen, pressing your fingers over your lips to stop the childish giggle from bursting out. Ellie’s eyes widen too, realising how, well — down bad she was acting. She felt like a teenage boy on Snapchat playing truth or dare asking an uninterested girl if she’d ever send nudes before.
“Uh— fuck, you don’t have to answer that. Just making conversatio—”
“Most of the time. I think…” You decide to share something to make her feel less invasive, not wanting the conversation to end. You actually enjoyed getting to talk someone about this. “I think I’d feel good on top, maybe. But, hmm. How do I put this?” You thought. You looked at her for a moment and she gazed back, waiting on you to continue. Her breath caught in her throat when you crawled up toward her. “Lay back, please?” It was a request, not a command — and Ellie thought she might be dreaming when you straddled her with a frustrated expression.
You settled, and she was hyper aware of the feeling of your pillowy ass dropped down onto her thighs over her warm crotch.
“Okay, say I’m here. In this position.” You explain as well as you can, and when you give a few demonstrative bounces on her phantom cock her hands instinctively land on your hips to steady you. Fuck. Fucking shit. You don’t even seem to notice, or care. “This,” You point at your position. “Is me being in charge and… I don’t want that. It— it doesn’t get me off. I don’t wanna feel like I’m dominating them.” You whisper the last part like you’re telling her a secret at a girly sleepover, and she catches herself grinning before she scrambles, running over what you just said in her brain.
“Wait. Nah, that’s…” She adjusts herself slightly sheepish because she can feel herself blushing. Be cool, Ellie. Be dominant. “Thats bull. It doesn’t matter what position you’re in, it’s about how you make them feel.” She shrugs, and when you continue to stare at her, pink, glossy wide eyes— she carries on, you requiring more explanation. “If you’re on top working overtime, he should be telling you what a good job you’re doin’. How pretty you look doin’ it.” Her voices rasps in the way it does when she gets horny and she hopes she’s not giving herself away. Your mind goes a little blank, succumbing to the daydream of receiving that kind of praise. It makes your skin feel clammy. Louis isn’t below you in your daydream. Your freckled friend breaks your trail of thoughts. “And,” She’s smug now, and raises her knees behind you, planting her feet down on the bed and thrusting upwards a few times making you bounce a little, gripping her tighter. “Doesn’t matter if you were on top. I could still be the one fucking you. Just like this.”
You pause, only because you’re frozen in fear that she can feel the sudden floodgates open between your legs— praying to every God imaginable that you don’t leave some kind of pathetic wet patch on her. She thinks you’ve frozen at what she’s said.
“Uh— I mean Louis. Louis could still be the one— yeah.” She shrugs off, squeezing your hips with her warm fingers and you’re suddenly aware of your compromising position again, shaken from a dream. You slide off her quickly, bringing your knees to your chest and your back to the cool wall beside her bed. You were not a cheater. It doesn’t matter that the two of you didn’t kiss, or fuck, or whatever — what would have happened if Louis had walked in and seen you in your very gay dealers lap, pretending to have sex? You were not a cheater.
Ellie’s mouth was agape, like she wanted to say sorry but just couldn’t find it in her to feel sorry enough to say it. Her eyes were worried however, worried she’d made you uncomfortable or pushed it too far.
“I should… I shouldn’t stay. It’s getting late and—” You started looking for your bag with your laptop in it, where did you put it again?
“I’m sorry I— I didn’t mean to be weird. That was… I made you feel—” Her tone was apologetic now.
“No, no. It’s not that. I’m just hungry and I get weird when I’m… when I haven’t eaten. You’re fine. I mean, you were fine. Nothing weird just… friends hanging out, right?”
It hurt her, but Ellie nodded anyway. You were going back to him. It always ended this way.
“‘Kay. You got everything? You gonna be okay getting back? You’re still high.” Ellie stood, awkwardly dawdling behind you as you scooped up your purse. “I can walk you back—” She started patting her pockets for her key card.
“It’s okay, really. It’s still light outside and it’s a short walk. I think I need just… fresh air and quiet.” You avoid her eyes, but turn to face her as you back towards her door.
“Okay.” She was disappointed. “I hope you feel better now, ‘n stuff.” Your hand pushed the cold metal handle down and the hallway of her building was just as muggy, but it felt like a relief when some of the smoke from her dorm was released.
“I do.” You could look now, standing in the hallway as she didn’t move past her doorway. The distance made it safe enough to look at her pretty eyes without feeling you were going to do something bad. “Thank you Ellie. I owe you one.” Your brows knit together sincerely. Sure, I have a favour I need — break up with your boyfriend.
“Sure.” Ellie left it there, shook her head like it was nothing. “Text me and just… let me know that you got in okay. Yeah?” She continued to speak to you as you backed up down the hallway, awkwardly fumbling with your bag. It was wrong to let a girl walk back home high and alone. She thought about you walking around drunk and alone at that frat party. She was Louis this time.
“Will do. See you, Ellie.” Her name sounded like music when you said it. She had a new favourite song.
Your dorm was cooler, refreshing to be in when you got back. Your first mission was to look in the mirror and you sighed almost angrily seeing how flustered and a little dishevelled you look. You wanted to take the clothes off that touched her, still stinking of weed. You wanted food in your belly to flush her out. Flopping onto your back on your bed you pull your phone out, ignoring the texts and calls from your boyfriend — all to send a message to your dealer.
‘got back safe, thanks again😊’ You regret the emoji, but the Read: 5:13PM was immediate so there was no time to regret it for long. Three bubbles and then ‘Good’. You stare at the text, and then stare past the phone. You didn’t want to answer Louis right now. He could wait until tomorrow.
part two
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goldengirlgalaxy · 2 years
Danny arrives in the DC universe and, for one reason or another, decides to help fight some bad guys. But he doesn't do it as Phantom or Fenton, oh no. He doesn't want either of his identities to get mixed up in all this nonsense and get traced back to him. So what does he do?
Crappy cosplay.
He's in Metropolis and Superman needs a little help? He's showing up in a blue tee with a paper superman symbol visibly tapped on the front. He's wearing blue jeans with red boxers over them. He's wearing a cheap mask of Supe's face that was clearly bought from the dollar store.
He's in Gotham? His cape and cowl is a curtain duck-taped into a barely passable hood with paper for the mask and toilet paper rolls for the ears.
Wonder woman? It's some kind of swim suit, put over his clothes mind you, and he has a wig that is clearly made of a mop.
He's showing up in bootleg merchandise, clothes that are the wrong color, accents that are made of paper and visibly taped on, armor that is made of cardboard and tinfoil, literal undergarments on the outside of his clothes, symbols put backwards or upside-down, costumes that generally look like he put them together in five minutes.
At some point, it becomes some sort of game amongst the Justice League to see who the cosplayer will dress up as next. They have a betting pool to see who's the next one to be cosplayed.
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 months
Hi, I want to talk to you abou this image:
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This illustration is titled "black slave women of different african nations". I find the combination of traditional African elements such as face-paint, necklaces and what appears to be ritual scarification and Western fashion worn by these women incredibly striking, but what made my jaw drop is the idea that these women are slaves.
While I am aware that maids and other lower-class women were sometimes able to access fancy clothing hand-me-downs from their employers, I had expected the nature of slavery in the Americas to make it impossible for enslaved black women to do the same.
So, this is a drawing. Whether it's drawn from life or not, I don't know, but the artist could easily have staged these women in fashionable (early 19th century) dresses or made the outfits up from their imagination. That being said, enslaved women absolutely did attempt to have "best" clothing and follow the fashions when they became aware of them.
Humans are human, no matter the circumstances. You can't crush that drive for beauty out of people, however you oppress them.
I know a bit more about fashion and later generations of Black women enslaved in the southeastern US, after scarification and such had been stripped out of their culture, but that certainly bears out this idea of treasuring beauty and trying to make space for fine clothing in their lives. Church services, weddings, and holidays like Christmas were often occasions for enslaved women to wear the best outfits they had, along with any jewelry or other finery they had managed to make or inherit. Some enslavers did give "favorite" people they held in bondage cloth, castoff clothes, cheap jewelry, lace, etc. At other times, the enslaved people cleverly made things themselves- one WPA Former Slave Interview in the 1930s, which I cannot find again for the life of me, featured an elderly man recalling that he once made hoop skirts from dried grapevine with an enterprising friend, selling them to the women in his community for a nickel (many enslaved people earned small amounts of money taking side jobs outside of their punishing work schedule).
Obviously such clothes could not be worn while working, but like I said, there WERE occasions of joy and celebration even in the harshness of slavery. The tradition of Black women wearing elaborate hats to church may in part originate from enslaved women (and their free but economically disempowered sisters) taking advantage of a rare chance for self-expression and elegance.
(Of course there were also less positive instances in which an enslaved woman might have fine clothing, namely sex trafficking, or habitual rape by an enslaver who then attempted to compensate her for this heinous crime with presents. New Orleans' infamous "fancy girl" market is enough to turn your stomach if you look it up.)
After the Civil War, some white commentators were incensed to see Black women in fashionable attire walking the streets where they'd once been enslaved. For these women, it acted as a visible and tangible way of asserting their freedom- as their ancestors despite wringing what happiness they could from life -had been unable to.
If anyone has more to add on this, please chime in! Enslaved women's fashion specifically is not my area of research, so I welcome input from people who study this more extensively. Cheyney McKnight is a wonderful source on enslaved people's lives in general, and a historical costumer herself.
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hazelsmirrorball · 1 year
Undercover Spider-Woman | Hazel Callahan
Spider-woman! Hazel Callahan x fem! Reader, loser! Hazel x Fem! Reader Summary:  PJ decides to do a Fight Club Halloween Party and Hazel has no choice but to wear her superhero costume.  Warnings: english isn’t my main language, not proof-read,fighting, spicy? a/n: first bottoms imagine! Hope you guys like it, I’ll probably do more parts and I might do more Hazel one shots! I really hope I’m not shadow banned! Thank you
part two
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October 31s, Halloween. A perfect excuse for teenagers to get drunk out of their minds while dressing up without being judged. Couples would go in matching costumes or go to haunted houses. Little kids would go trick or treating and the fight club, well they were making this halloween one to remember.  Usually people would hang out, go to parties but since this year October 31st came around a week day, those plans were out of the picture. Plus adding to the fact that none of them were that popular to be invited to a party , excluding Brittney, Isabel and Y/n. The fight club, specifically PJ, made it their mission to make this halloween one for the books.  
Hazel could hear the faint music playing from inside the gym as she paced back and forth debating if it even was a good idea to stumble in these conditions. She could risk everything she had been hiding so well since sophomore year for a party. Hazel took a deep breath taking her mask off and pushing it inside her bag as she felt her bangs covering her face.  She anxiously licked her lips feeling the metallic flavor overpowering her tongue as she hesitated to push open the big gym doors. Her glove covered hands hovered against the door as she thought if it was a good idea to go inside in the first place. 
What was PJ’s wonderful idea of making Halloween one for the books, you may ask? Fight Club with costumes. She made it her mission to sell the idea really well, but who wouldn’t like to have girls fighting in slutty costumes, heaven on earth,or  at least that’s what  PJ said. 
Hazel didn’t have anything against the party, she loved the idea of hanging out with her friends on halloween. She finally clicked with a group of friends good enough to celebrate a holiday together. Hazel was ecstatic, she had made it her mission to make the perfect Anakin Skywaker costume, which she had succeeded perfectly. She had slept the night before with her costume freshly dry cleaned next to her.  But her plans got destroyed when Green Goblin decided to show up and ruin her day by turning the city into his playground. Who would’ve known that Halloween was going to be a crime filled day. Hazel had managed to leave everything in perfect conditions  with ease leaving  just in time for the party. But just not in time for her to change out of her suit into her Anakin costume. 
So that’s how she found herself waiting outside of the gym doors in her spider woman suit. Her face was covered in bruises from the fight before and her hair was sweaty and messy due to it being stuck in her suit for a long time.  It wasn’t that she looked bad in her suit, it gave her power, made her unrecognizable. She wasn’t that nerdy little girl that people would stomp over. She was a badass that saved the world. She was a good superhero and she looked good doing her job. The red and blue suit would drive people crazy. She had even caught PJ and Josie gushing over her on a daily basis, but what if it slipped? 
The suit wasn’t one of those cheap costumes you could find in a store for under 30 dollars. It was a high tech suit that could kill someone in an instant and wearing that suit for a fight club meeting drove her insane. She worried on a daily basis that she could easily murder a girl with a blink of an eye, but now, with her suit on, it just made things even more difficult. Wall crawling,  superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, spider senses, spiderwebs and healing factors, all open for everyone to see. 
Hazel took one last breath while pushing the doors open. She let out a cough as smoke filled her nostrils, taking her by surprise. As she looked around, she noticed the usual bright lights of the gym were now red while smoke came from a smoke machine not far away from the door. Hazel chuckled, feeling the nerves quickly ease off, as she looked at her friends standing near a makeshift snack table. PJ did outdid herself. 
“Well look who decided to finally show up... Wait, is that the costume you made? Dude I actually thought you were going to do a crappy Anakin costume like last year. You have improved so much, this shit is so fucking cool, way better than the store one’s”   PJ said as she pushed down her sunglasses to take a better look. Hazel let out a nervous chuckle thinking of what words to say, but nothing came out. She looked at PJ taking in her costume, noticing the familiar men and black, lanyard hanging from her black suit pocket. 
“It makes you look super hot, Hazel! You even have an ass!” Sylvie exclaimed, taking off her scream mask while biting onto her fake knife. Hazel blushed, hiding her face behind her hands. If she had one more comment directed her way she was going to lose it. 
“No, but like PJ is right. This looks really good. How did you even make this look so good?  It looks like the real thing.” Josie added as she circled Hazel around taking in her costume. Hazel's eyes wandered as she shook her head, scoffing. 
“Please, how would you even know what it looks like, if you haven’t seen the real one.” Hazel said as she took a cup of punch gulping it down to ease her nerves. She wasn’t going to outlive this night.
“Because Y/n bought a Spider-Woman costume and it looks like shit compared to yours. No offense, Y/n. Your ass still looks good though.  ” PJ yelled, pointing at Y/n, who was standing a few feet away from her. 
Her body was adorned with a tight low quality version of the suit Hazel was wearing. But Hazel found herself staring in awe, not being able to move one bit. Hazel scanned every inch of Y/n Osborn's body taking a mental picture of her to remember in the future. 
Y/n Osborn had been Hazel’s crush ever since she understood what liking someone more than friends meant. She was Hazel’s everything, yet she wasn’t aware of that. They shared countless classes together but Hazel couldn’t even address her without turning into a nervous wreck. Fight Club had changed Hazel’s opportunities, when she had seen Y/n walk through those gym doors, she knew that at least a friendship would come out and she wasn’t completely wrong. Y/n did talk to Hazel, but Hazel didn’t talk back. She managed to mumble responses but that was about it. When it came to Y/n, Hazel felt like she was never bitten by a radioactive spider and that she was the same loser she had been all her life. 
But now seeing her in that outfit, wearing her iconic colors. Her hair moved softly because of the wind that came from the smoke machine. The red light outlining her body made Hazel go insane, she really was not surviving October 31st but if she didn’t she was going to leave with that image of Y/n engraved in the back of her head. 
“Shut up, PJ! It’s not my fault that this was the only thing that they were selling.I didn’t know that Hazel was going to show up in a better quality looking costume. I thought it looked good in the costume” Y/n muttered as she placed down a bag full of candy on the table. Brittany tapped her back for support as the rest of the girls looked back and forth between the two Spider-woman costumes. 
“You know what! Since we are all here, let’s get to business” Josie said as she walked towards the makeshift fighting mat that was in the middle of the gym. The girls followed close behind leaving Y/n and Hazel near the table. Y/n leaned down as searched for something in her bag which didn’t go unnoticed by Hazel. She took a deep breath quickly biting her lip before she could say something that could worsen the situation. As she looked for a notebook and a pen for notes, her eyes never left Y/n’s body. She took all the strength in her body to walk towards her and place her hand on Y/n’s lower back leaning with her. Hazel lips lightly grazed on her ear as she felt Y/n’s body tensed as she gripped harder on the thing she was searching for in her tote bag. 
“I think you look fucking hot in that costume.” Hazel responded by tapping her back and moving away towards the group of girls like nothing. Y/n gulped, taken aback by Hazel’s actions not used to this side of her. She cleared her throat jogging towards the girls sitting in between Josie and Sylvie, avoiding the hungry look Hazel was giving her. If Hazel knew that wearing the suit with Y/n was going to change the way she acted with her, she would’ve worn it to school years ago. 
“Well, let’s make this fun. Spider-Woman vs. Cheap Spider-girl” PJ exclaimed pushing Hazel out of her thoughts as she noticed Y/n groan and get up glaring at her. Hazel followed standing in front of her, but different from the other times she fought with her, she didn’t break eye contact with her sending her a cocky smile.
"Could you please drop it already, PJ? I get it, it's a shitty costume" Y/n muttered, as she sent a glare towards PJ, trying to avoid Hazel's haunting gaze. 
PJ shook her off, wiggling her eyebrows while pointing towards Hazel. Y/n quickly adverted her eyes towards her noticing how Hazel slipped her mask on up to her nose making it possible for her to see her pearly whites. Y/n raised an eyebrow, confused by the sudden change in Hazel’s actions, used to the girl being deadly afraid of looking her in the eye. The girl that was used to being a blushing mes with her stood tall smirking down at her. Before Y/n could even process what was going let alone swing a punch, she felt her body smash against the floor, her body being pinned down by Hazel. 
Hazel's thighs pinched her into place making it impossible for her to move. Hazel hands pushed Y/n's hands on top of her head as she leaned towards her. Hazel’s chain slowly moved up and down Y/n’s face as she struggled to get Hazel's body off hers, she had done it before, why was it so hard now? Seeing Hazel in this new angle made her nervous. Her once sweet eyes were full of something Y/n couldn’t describe, Hazel’s agitated breaths made her loose concentration as her masked eyes scanned her face with a proud grin on her face. She wanted to punch that cocky grin out of her face.
“Oh, see, the cheap costume is losing. Punch her already, Hazel! End her.” PJ exclaimed, clapping, making Hazel chuckle. The other girls yelled at Hazel encouraging her to finish the job. Maybe it was the sudden glory she felt, the suit, the hollers and Y/n being under her in her suit, made Hazel feel like one of her dreams was finally coming through. The things she kept hidden in her bedroom was finally happening. 
Y/n noticed how Hazel was far gone taking advantage off this already pissed out of her mind. Y/n wrapped her leg around Hazel’s waist taking her by surprise. She quickly took over turning them around making Hazel face the floor while Y/n straddled her. She leaned towards her, her lips grazing softly over her cheek. 
“I think I like this position better.” She said softly into Hazel's ear, making her warm inside. Hazel wasn’t going to lie and say that she didn’t like this position, but she felt powerful with the suit. She was going to be on top. Hazel with ease pushed Y/n off her straddling her once again, smiling at her. 
“I guess a little change doesn’t hurt once in a while.”  She responded by making Y/n roll her eyes. 
“Hey! Stop with the porno and hit each other already” Sylvie yelled making Hazel punch Y/n straight in the nose.
“Fuck!” Y/n yelled, holding onto her nose as blood started trailing out like a water stream. Hazel quickly got off her, her once confident persona slipping away. As  she slipped the mask off she could see how Y/n stood up coughing the blood out of her lips. 
“Shit, Hazel! We didn’t tell you to kill her” Josie exclaimed, helping Y/n up. She shakes her shrugging it off. 
“It’s okay! I’m usually the one that beats Hazel. I guess tonight was her comeback” Y/n said laughing softly as she stopped the blood flowing with a piece of Isabel shirt she had managed to rip off.  Hazel knew it wasn’t fine and that she could’ve killed Y/n if she hit her just a little bit harder.
 “I’ll take her to the bathroom. Help her clean up while you guys continue. Keep the party going” Hazel managed to get out as she took Y/n away from Josie’s grasp leading her to the bathroom. 
Y/n stayed quiet as she sat on the sink whilst Hazel nervously cleaned her probably broken nose. A smile adorned her lips when she noticed that Hazel wouldn’t dare to look at her, her Hazel was back. 
“Why are you smiling?” Hazel asked, dropping the tissues of the trash can watching the bloody mouth smiling towards her. 
“I was worried that my nervous little Hazel was gone, but I guess she’s back. Got worried for a second. ” She replied as she inspected Hazel. Hazel turned away blushing as she leaned against the door behind her, nearly falling back. 
“I’m really sorry about your nose. I didn’t mean to hit you that hard” Hazel replied quickly while gaining her balance. Y/n shook her off while getting down from the sink. 
“It’s no problem, finally you stopped being soft with me. I was starting to believe you didn’t want to hit my pretty little face” She replied sarcastically as she headed towards Hazel. Her hand pushed off the bangs from her face making her see Hazel’s features better. Y/n slowly moved closer to her but stopped dead in her tracks when both her and Hazel's phone vibrated. She quickly moved away looking at her phone while Hazel cleared her throat looking at hers, seeing the notification that Green Goblin was on the loose. 
“I really need to go! But please text me if you are feeling better! I really am sorry” She said quickly as she noticed Y/n also running towards the door. 
“Yeah, it’s no problem! I also have to go, my dad wants me to help him with work” Y/n said as she followed Hazel outside. Both of the girls looked at each other parting ways not knowing that in a few minutes they were going to face each other once again but this time to battle against death. 
part two
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countlessimagines · 1 month
The Easy Love ( Luther Hargreeves x Reader )
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Summary: Luther never thought he’d move on from Sloane, but then you begin to work with him
A/N: I’ve held a special place for Luther in my heart and I’m happy to see people love him this season!
Warnings: working at a club, I guess? Lol, general drinking and Luther being a “professional dancer”, injuries
Luther was grateful he didn’t have to be confined to his ape body anymore, but it also meant he didn’t have Sloane at his side. He tried to find her for a couple of years, searching through every record in libraries, police reports, newspapers, but there was never any trace or record of her.
He knew he had to move on, because if he didn’t, he would be stuck in an endless loop of despair.
He couldn’t really find work suited for him since he had been either fighting for the Umbrella Academy or when he was stuck in the 60’s - also fighting. One thing led to another, and he was now wearing cheap costumes and showing off his body for a lack luster crowd.
He tried his best to stay positive, especially for his family who slowly broke apart more and more as the years went on. While he had hope that everyone would come together, especially for their niece Grace, it never seemed to work out.
It also did not help with the fact that he had no where to stay, so he resided in the broken down Hargreeves’ house. It wasn’t ideal but he made the best of it with decorating and finding specific curtains that reminded him of their childhood.
On the outside, Luther’s life looked like a horrid mess. But, he still kept his smile and his love for his siblings.
The bar he worked at didn’t exactly bring in a ton of crowds, and waiters and bar tenders began to drop like flies. It was inevitable that a “Now Hiring” sign was posted on the side of the building.
Luther was in the middle of doing his iconic Space man routine to a crowd of one when the door opened and light flooded into the large room.
He hesitated in ripping off his pants when his eyes landed on you. His boss cleared his throat on the side of the stage, loud enough to snap Luther out of his train of thoughts that only consisted of I need to talk to her immediately.
Your eyes caught his own as he had to continue his routine, and next thing you knew - you were staring at his silver speedo. Luther prided himself in his work, he really did - but he had never felt more embarrassed than he did in that moment.
You gave him a smile and approached his boss, handing over a resume.
Luther begrudgingly finished his set and collected his clothes before running back stage.
Your eyes lingered after him, wondering why a good looking man like him was stuck in a dump like this?
But Luther was thinking nearly the same thing. Why was a beautiful woman like you trying to work in a place like this?
Luther changed back into his normal clothes just as you were being brought back stage to get a uniform and apron. He smiled at you sheepishly and you returned the gesture.
You were officially hired so your boss introduced the two of you, “Hargreeves, this is (Y/L/N).”
Luther extended a very eager hand and you grasped it happily. He nearly melted at the touch of your soft hand.
“You can call me (Y/N).” You said and dropped your hand. “Shall I expect to be graced with your routines often?” You didn’t mean it to come across as a snarky remark, but more of a I can’t wait to work with you way.
Your boss grunted at the obvious twinkle in both of your guys’ eyes. “You’ll both be working the same schedule. Luther, give her the rundown, won’t you?”
Luther shook his head yes immediately and nearly jumped towards you.
He gestured to the back of the house where the kitchen was, and you followed him with a gentle smile.
Being a waitress for a subpar bar wasn’t ideal, but working with Luther made it worth it.
You two would take your lunch breaks at the same time, often coming up with absurd food combinations that tasted delicious. He was definitely a foodie, and was very adamant on you trying a burger with a layer of fried Mac and cheese shoved in the middle.
He didn’t make much money, and neither did you, but when he bought you non-slip shoes because he noticed yours were tattered, you had to lunge yourself to be able to hug him around his neck.
Luther always defended you if your boss tried to talk bad about how much tips you brought in. If it was a bad day, it was your fault for the lack of tips. If it was a good day, your boss claimed it was because of the amazing special he was offering. It aggravated Luther to no ends, so he reassured you that your boss was an idiot and probably took home the middle aged ladies that were there at 10am on a Tuesday. It made you giggle even if he had said it a million times.
You brought Luther baby powder for the days that required more… pole work than usual. You helped him apply it to hard to reach areas and tried not to blush at the way he watched you.
It was easy to work with him, it came so natural to him to protect you. And it came so natural for you to fall for him.
He always made sure to walk you to your car at night because he didn’t trust the sleezy drunk men who kept tipping you like you were the one dancing.
And one particular night, someone got a bit too handsy with you when you tried to tell him that the bartender was cutting him off.
“Why don’t you make me a drink and we can take this party to my place?” The drunk was now in your face, spitting almost every other word.
You were backed into a wall and Luther’s blood boiled in an instant. He jumped off the stage, only in his Speedo, and slammed so hard into the drunk that they flew into one of the tables.
You screamed and tried to help Luther, but he was in such a state of fury that he couldn’t really register anything other than the sound of his fist colliding with the drunk’s face.
Finally your boss snapped Luther out of it and shoved him off the drunk. You were quick to help Luther up and reach up to place your hands on his cheeks. “Hey, look at me. Let’s go.”
He forced a nod, guilt beginning to flood his system as he noticed you shaking.
You both went to the back where the lockers were, and sat him down. He winced as you grabbed his sliced knuckles. You draped his robe over his shoulders and left to get the first aid kit.
Luther sat there, shoulders slouched as he registered what he had done. He didn’t regret protecting you - but that part of him that he had hidden away, the one who did underground boxing while he waited for his family to find him - it had returned. He didn’t want to go back to that mindset, the days where he had no one to patch him up.
He was taken out of his trace as you knelt before him and began to tend to his cuts. He winced as you poured the rubbing alcohol on them.
You patted his arm reassuringly, and made sure to kiss the dry part of his hands.
Luther’s cheeks had been previously red from the adrenaline rush, but now they blushed just from the simple act from you.
His wounds weren’t severe, so you quickly wrapped his knuckles and held them delicately in your hands when you were finished.
The room was quiet, other than the buzzing sound of the music from the front room. You two sat there, staring at each other with such an intense passion.
“I’m sorry-“ “thank you.”
Luther was caught off guard but you just chuckled at the two of you talking at the same time. He gestured for you to continue with a slight smile.
“Thank you, Luther.” You said and stood up, now looking down to him while he continued to sit. “Thank you for always looking out for me.”
“You’re welcome… But I’m also sorry for getting so violent… I haven’t been that way in years and this guilt is flooding into me like a river because I never wanted you to see the side of me that I was ashamed of.” Luther’s eyes drifted downwards and he sniffled. “You don’t deserve someone who comes from my kind of past. Don’t even get me started on the moon.”
You were confused but didn’t want him to see it, so you lifted his chin so he would meet your eyes. “If that is your past, I will accept it. Because you have shown me nothing but genuine respect and care. And plus, I don’t think you could really scare me away if I’m okay with your dancing.”
Luther laughed but decided to make a bold move by placing his hands on your hips. You seemed to be more than happy with his decision as you dipped your head down closer to him.
He took it as his chance and pressed his lips on yours in a feather light kiss. You smiled into it, and knowing Luther would be a gentleman, you pushed closer to him.
He wasted no time in wrapping his arms around your waist and bringing you impossibly closer, his lips chasing yours in a heated kiss that was long overdue.
You placed your hands on his broad chest, completely ignoring the fact you were both still at work, where anyone could walk in to see you and Luther passionately making out.
But neither of you cared, as you were finally in Luther’s arms, and he was kissing you after he had dreamt of a future with you. One where he could be with you forever.
And in that dingy changing room, you and Luther didn’t want to let go of one another.
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cxsmiicc · 11 months
her little devil - lady lesso x reader
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happy halloween yall idk wym im totally not 20 minutes late posting this shush
warnings - smut, orgasm denial, eating out, light fingering, vibrator, possessive lesso, halloween party
posted on ao3 also <3
2.2k words
You picked at your chosen costume, suddenly doubting if it was the right one. The red latex clung to you in ways you were unused to and growing insecure of, neckline dipping far lower than you would usually wear and skirt stopping mid thigh. More than a little alcohol had gone into this decision. Well, too late to change now. Grabbing the headband with horns attached, you slammed out of your room before you lost your nerve, smoothing your hair around the cheap plastic as you walked down to the party. Clarissa and her damn parties, ever since the schools had merged it seemed like there was one every other week. And she just had to have the wonderful idea for a costume party, as though you didn’t have enough on your plate with classes and grading and her.
You banished those thoughts to the back of your mind, you had a party to attend after all. Of course whether or not you wanted to was a different matter, you would much rather spend tonight hiding away with a bottle and a vibrator. If you could escape early that could still work, it all depended on how fast Clarissa could corner you into taking drink after drink. For all she preached about good deeds that woman could coerce anyone into doing damn near anything with minimal effort.
Swinging the door open, you spotted her immediately. She was facing you, gesturing for you to join her and whoever it was she was talking to the second you were visible. The mystery woman turned around and your mouth fell open in shock. Lady. Fucking. Lesso. Her hair was straightened and dyed black for the night and there was a drip of blood decorating either corner of her mouth. She smirked at your reaction to her outfit and fangs became visible, successfully creating a fiery heat between your thighs. It only became worse as your eyes slid downwards to the generous amount of skin on show, matching your own outfit in everything but length. Where your dress was short and flared hers was long and fitted, flowing down and accentuating her every curve before pooling on the ground. Breaking yourself out of the haze, you made your way over to the two of them, first smiling at Clarissa before turning your attention to your boss.
“A vampire? Very appropriate Red, if I can even say that with you looking like this.”
“Seems like I should call you that tonight. Even I didn’t think to be quite so on the nose with my costume. The Evil history teacher, dressed as the devil? Somewhat obvious, don’t you think Clarissa?”
The blonde could only stare at the two of you and giggle, already too tipsy to care about pretending she couldn’t sense the tension between you and her fellow dean.
Rolling your eyes at the state of her, you turned back to Lesso to keep the conversation going, “So, what gives with you putting in effort tonight? Call me crazy but you don’t exactly strike me as the type to go all out for a work party.”
“Maybe I just felt like dressing up,” she spun where she stood, giving you a glimpse of the low back of her dress and sending a wave of arousal crashing through you, “My reasons are none of your business, though you seem to be enjoying it just the same.” A wicked grin graced her features, red lips quirking upwards as her eyes flitted across your body. “I must admit, you don’t look half bad yourself.”
“Oh? Careful Lesso, that almost sounded like a compliment. Wouldn’t want the ice queen to show emotion now would we.”
She laughed at you, low and slow and right in your ear. Right when you didn’t think it was possible to be any more turned on by this woman and she goes and does it.
“Ice queen… now that would’ve been a good costume idea.”
“Ah ah, what happened to not wanting to be too on the nose.” It was your turn to smirk as she registered what you just said, eyes darkening with what you would swear was lust if you didn’t know who you were talking to. All of a sudden you felt a tear on your costume and she was forcing you out of the room before you even knew what was happening, one hand firmly on your hip and the other on your shoulder. Everything was a blur as she guided you all the way back to your room, flashing her finger at the door to open it before you collided with the ageing wood. It was only to fling you down on the bed that she finally let go, pacing the empty space on your floor and offering no explanation for what she had just done.
“Care to tell me what that was all about?”
Rather than answering, she just stopped her pacing and crashed her bloodstained lips to yours, kissing you with a desperation you didn’t think her capable of. Just as quickly as she had started it, she pulled away, both hands buried in her hair as she resumed her pacing.
“Do you even know what you do to me.” Her voice came out low and gravelly, sending another spike to your core at both the tone and her words. “Always prancing around the school in those little outfits, it was driving me insane knowing I couldn’t just tear them off and have my way with you. And then tonight, oh tonight,” You stood, drawing closer to her as she kept ranting, too caught up in what she was saying to pay you much attention. “You thought you could just waltz into that party with that much skin on show with no consequences?” She grabbed your wrists and slammed them against the wall above your head before tracing a hand down your torso. “That teeny tiny costume, oh so low cut with a skirt that barely covers your ass. Latex? Not your best idea, my little devil.” Keeping her hold on your hands, she slid a nail down the ripped neckline of your outfit, successfully exposing your breasts to her. “It all would’ve been fine, had it not been for your wardrobe malfunction. Only I get to see that much of you, are we clear?”
All you could do was moan in response as she lavished attention on your chest, drinking in the sight of you half bare and entirely at her mercy.
“I said, are we clear.”
“Mmm, we’re clear, we're clear.”
“We’re clear mommy.”
“Yes mommy, you’re the only one allowed to see me like this.”
“Good, now help me take the rest of this off. Latex is a bitch to sweat in, and I'm guessing someone’s more than a little bit worked up right about now.”
She released her hold on your wrists and you dropped your arms, allowing her to peel the dress off of you and discard it on the floor, leaving you in nothing but your black underwear and horned headband.
“I want to see you, please?”
“Of course, go lay down for me and I’ll be right there.”
Rushing back over to the bed, you lay on your back and craned your neck to get the best possible view as she dropped her dress to the ground and walked over with a sway of her hips that only darkened the visible mark on your panties. She wasted no time in straddling you and pulling you into another bruising kiss, swiping her tongue along the seam of your lips and gaining the access she wanted right away. It was everything you expected of her, rough and selfish while still showing enough care to keep you enthralled as her tongue swept through your mouth, swallowing each others moans as she rolled her hips across your stomach, leaving a trail of arousal in her wake. The pressure of her on top of you was almost too much as she maintained both the force of the kiss and the motion of her hips, groaning whenever her clit hit your skin. Your hands were buried in her hair, ruining the sleekness she had worked so hard for earlier that evening but now couldn’t care less about, not when the thing she had craved for so long was finally happening. She pulled away and you whined and attempted to pull her back in, earning a glare from the older woman as she slipped down the bed until her head was between your thighs. Lighting her finger once more to vanish your underwear, she began kissing down your thighs, slowly drawing closer to where you wanted her the most.
“Please…” you let out.
“Please what?”
Please eat me out, please mommy.”
“Anything baby.” 
Her tongue ran across your entrance and you gasped at the sensation, eyes falling closed and the sound morphing into a groan as she reached your clit. She nipped at the sensitive spot and you saw stars for a moment, the sinful moans leaving your lips only spurring her on. Focusing on your entrance, she kissed and teased at the flesh, dragging sounds you had never heard yourself make before from the base of your throat. Dipping her tongue into you, your back arched off the bed as she picked up the pace, plunging it in and out as your breath came in short puffs of air, most of which were immediately used up on the truly barbaric sounds you were making now. Your walls clenched around her as you reached the edge, spouting gibberish in an attempt to convey how close you were, only for her to retract her tongue and go back to marking your inner thighs. Whimpering in confusion, you opened your eyes to find her staring at you, lips still moving slowly against your skin. Pulling away, she licked the taste of you from her mouth before speaking.
“You really thought it’d be that easy? That you could wear that little outfit, tease me like that, and still get to cum?” The look in her eyes was dangerous, almost predatory.
You looked away, not trusting yourself to speak.
“Look at me,” she grabbed your chin, balancing herself by planting her other hand on your thigh. “If you can’t take it, don’t act like such a brat.” Leaning back onto her heels, she pulled you up with her, forcing you against the headboard when you were upright, mirroring her position and sitting on your own heels.
“Hands on the bed.”
The same glow that usually emanated from her finger this time came from her eyes, conjuring thick swathes of silk and binding your hands to the bed. Scanning the room for a moment, her eyes settled on something on your nightstand and she smiled, leaning over you painfully slowly to grab it. Hand wrapped around her prize, she went back to sitting opposite you, close but not quite touching.
“Now, just what do we have here?” Her hand unclenched to reveal your vibrator, the original plan for tonight before everything went sideways. “Is this what you were planning on doing after the party? Putting in an appearance and then sneaking off to touch yourself? And here I thought you were better than that.” She poised the toy over her entrance, fingers hovering over the settings. “Eyes on me love.”
Pushing it in with a groan, she started it on a lower setting and let her hands roam her upper body, stopping at her chest to tease her nipples, plucking at the bars going through them and successfully causing you to drip onto the sheets. One hand dropped down to turn up the intensity before immediately resuming rolling her piercings between her fingertips, letting every little sound fall from her open mouth, the blood long since smeared across your face and legs. Violet eyes bored into yours during her entire display, the colour barely visible around her blown pupils. The bed shook as she turned it up one final time, rocking her hips for more friction as she reached her peak, eye contact finally breaking as her head fell back and she released a wicked moan that had you writhing against the bonds, aching to feel something, anything other than the soft fabric of the bedsheets. She tipped her head back down, eying you hungrily.
Voice lower than usual she said, “Go on, say whatever it is you’re thinking.” 
The sight of her using your vibrator, the thing that had been inside you oh so many times now inside of her, had triggered some need inside of you that you didn’t know you had. Everything about what she had just done was driving you wild with need, as she could so plainly see by the wet patch on the bed beneath you.
“Please mommy, please touch me I need you gods just please.” Your voice came out far higher than you were expecting it to, barely less than a whine. “I won’t do it again, you’ll be the only one allowed to see that much of me.”
“Damn right.”
She advanced, two fingers easily slipping into your dripping cunt and lips muffling your gasp. The binds stayed around your wrists, rendering you putty in her grasp.
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gentrychild · 2 years
If the ask game is still open: When Inko saw that the thief Takami was caught by Endeavor, she immediately went to look for her friend from the orphanage, Tomie.
1 - Tomie and Inko learned to sew together. The orphanage they were at wanted the children to acquire all the practical skills they could get and while every children learn to knit, Inko loved sewing and tailoring clothes while Tomie learned to embroider for fun. This is important because when the Takami thief was arrested, there was a patch of a very beautiful and very specific embroidery on his jacket. Since Tomie absolutely sucks at choosing romantic partners, Inko immediately realized that Tomie had moved in with a hitman. And not even a good one at that.
2 - She goes to the town where the Takami thief was found and wanders a bit until she finds Tomie and a five-year-old in the streets. Tomie tells her that her honey was arrested. The child is barefoot. Inko buys him Endeavor sneakers (they are cheap and good quality and he is incredibly happy about it) then brings everyone in her tiny apartment. Baby Keigo is the perfect roommate who cleans the apartment, catches birds and tries too cook them and Inko keeps telling him that no, it's not necessary. Tomie is not and Inko, fed up, tells her to GET A HOLD OF HERSELF. When Tomie asks her if Inko is going to kick her out if she doesn't, Inko tells her that no, she is going to kick Tomie's ass. Tomie 100% believes her, leaves, and she comes back in the evening, she announces that she had found a job and that she is going to pay half of the rent and some of the grocery bills now.
3 - Inko heavily suspects that Tomie's new job is absolutely not legal but she is poor and doesn't care much about illegality. It happens that Tomie is making a lot of money and she expects her to move out in the next week but Tomie is finding out what it's like to live with someone actually nice to her, is nice to her son, and let's be honest, Inko is an excellent cook. However, about a week later, some strange woman with a bullet wound in her stomach breaks into her home and passes out in Inko's bathroom. When the HPSC comes knocking to ask them if they have seen the awful sniper hero who killed the HPSC President, Inko throws a crocheted blanket over Kaina's limp form and lies through her teeth because she doesn't trust the government.
4 - They take a bigger apartment because Kaina also doesn't leave. Inko wonders if she is turning into one of those crazy cat ladies but with people technically on the run from the law. Tomie is still working as a very efficient look-out for criminals. Kaina isn't killing anyone lately but she acts as security detail for people who also work in the underworld. Inko has finished her studies but found out that there are more money to be made making reinforced clothes for the black market than hero costumes in the hero industry. Keigo is so happy that his mom is happy and that her aunts love him. (Aunt Inko even chased a HPSC recruiter with a slipper on two city blocks!)
5 - I will pass over the fact that Inko got a fling with a guy that turned out to be the boogeyman of the underworld, that Tomie and Kaina will never live it down and that Keigo cried the first time he saw Izuku because of how tiny and squishy he was. Instead, I am just going to say that their new neighbor moved in with her children in the apartment next door but her eldest accidentally burned the wall separating their homes down. At first, they put a curtain but soon, Himura Rei and her kids joined the little tribe.
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beansnsoup · 2 years
“I love you.” “I know.”
Eric Forman x gn!reader
Summary- Halloween is right around the corner, and this year it’s Erics turn to pick costumes.
Warnings- fluff, cheesy romance, fem reader
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You sat in the Forman’s basement flipping through the style catalog that Jackie brought over for you to borrow.  You always tried to at least look decent, Jackie would always gripe about your and Donna’s style, but you brushed it off because you knew whatever you wore she would have some kind of opinion on it, you still loved her though.
It was quiet until a scream came from Jackie then a bunch of laughter following after, “Michael!”  You look over towards her to find Kelso taking off a cheap Halloween store mask, Hyde with Elvis shades on with the sideburns attached, and Eric holding a bag with two costumes in it.
“What’s that?” You ask him, nodding your head to the bag, he smirked, “Ours Halloween costumes.”  Oh god, you totally forgot he was in charge of costume planning this year, you did not trust him at all, last year you forced him to be Tommy while you were Carrie.  He pulled the costumes out of the bag and showed you a Han Solo and a Princess Leia Costume, it wasn’t terrible.
“I can work with that,” You turn to Jackie and point at her, “You, my very fashionable friend, will be doing my hair.”  She claps in excitement; you knew you wouldn’t be able to do your hair like Leias by yourself.  Eric jumps over the couch and throws an arm around you, “What are our plans for Halloween anyway?”  Donna asks, you guys obviously weren’t going Trick or Treating, you all knew for a fact the adult would turn you down for being “too old.”
“Dad was thinking about closing down Grooves for a Halloween party
 thing, he’s only letting a certain amount of people in.”  Hyde informed us, we all smiled at each other, now knowing what you all were going to do for Halloween.
You, Donna, and Jackie all say in a circle on Donna’s bedroom floor, “You’re not actually going to wear that costume, are you?” Jackie asked you, taking another puff from the join Donna handed to her.  You shrugged, “I actually think it’s really cute, Leia and Han are such a power couple.”  Jackie rolled her eyes in response to yours.  
“What are you and Kelso gonna do?” Donna asked her, she smiled like she was about to blow us away by her idea, “Daphne and Fred.”  You and Donna just looked at each other and laughed, “What’s so funny?”
“Well, they’re like super complicated, and Fred just kind of, I don’t know, is dumb and ignores her, kind of like you and Kelso.”  You tell her, causing Donna to burst out laughing again. Jackie huffed out and got up and walked to the bathroom, you turn to look at Donna who’s now rolling on the floor, “You should look for someone at the party on Halloween.”
She calms down and looks at you, “I don’t know, all of my relationships have been so bad.”  
“Yeah but, you won’t know unless you try, right?”  
You were in Erics bathroom, everyone was getting ready together before you all headed to Grooves.  Jackie had already stuck like 20 bobby pins in your hair just for the first bun, she was doing a really good job, better that you could’ve done, so you weren’t complaining.
Donna walked in dressed up as Wonder Woman, “Oh my God, Donna you look hot!” You compliment me her was she laughs, “Stop moving.” Jackie says, she has bobby pins held between her teeth so it’s hard to make out what she said.”
She sticks the last bobby pin in, “There! All done!” Jackie smiles at her work, “This looks awesome, Thanks Jackie.”  You get up from the stool and leave the bathroom as the girls follow behind, all the boys are down in the basement waiting for you guys.  Hyde was wearing the same thing he was wearing earlier in the week, a normal out fit with Elvis sideburn sunglasses.
“Are you guys ready or are we going to sit in the basement all night?”  Donna asks them, they all turn towards you guys while getting up, then everyone walks outside to the car to finally be getting on the way.
You’re all smooshed in the car; Hyde is flooring the gas so the limit of people doesn’t get before you guys.  He pulls in the parking lot of the record store, thankfully there aren’t a lot of cars parked just yet, everyone piles out of the car, Eric puts an arm around you and kisses your cheek, “You look awesome.”  You smile at him, “Thank you babe, just don’t ruin my hair.” You warn him.
He unwraps his arm and puts both of them up to “surrender.”  The store looks great, Angie did a great job, she’s in the corner of the store setting up drinks, she dressed up as Catwoman.  She noticed Hyde and the gang come in and walks up to greet you all, “So? What do think?”  
“It looks great!” You tell her, she smiles at you and kisses your cheek and walks off.  
You all got to this party at roughly 9:00, it was no 1 in the morning.  Hyde insisted on staying at the store to help out his siter in cleaning up for the workday, so everyone left without him.  You hopped in the front seat with Eric, sliding close to his side, he dropped everyone off at their places instead of taking them back to his place, you were the only one he took back home.
You both tried to hardest to be quiet when walking into the basement, not wake up his parents, scratch that, wake up Red.  He grabbed you hand once your feet hit the floor, dragging you to the couch, you guys had had a few drinks that night, not too many so Hydes dad wouldn’t go bazerk. 
Eric was still a little tipsy though, now that you thought about it, letting him drive everyone home wasn’t the best idea.  He glided his lips up to yours, bringing you in to a soft kiss, you obviously kissed back, he wasn’t terribly drunk.
After a few minutes of making out you both quietly headed upstairs to his bedroom, you told him no funny business, you were too tired to let anything escalate.  You sat down in front of a mirror you accidently left over at his house last week, taking out all the bunches of bobby pins Jackie put in your hair, it surprisingly stayed up all night.
He didn’t even try to get out of his Han costume, he instead walked over to you, you looked up at him and gave him a peck,
“I love you.”
Eric has alway been my go to for that 70s show boys, and he has like little to no fics, now that 90s show is pretty popular i decided to feed onto that, also how would yall feel about a Nate or Gwen Runck fic?
“I know.”
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xxstorywriterxx · 1 year
Your local barista / Part 1
Larissa Weems x fem reader fanfiction
You´re a barista working at Weathervane. A tall blonde, beautiful woman comes in from time to time to get a coffee and talk to you. She seems nice at first but after a while you find yourself wondering if you could become more than friends?
I was inspired a little by the game "coffee talk". Please enjoy!
Link to following chapter is at the bottom.
Warnings: none
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It was 7:30 am and you just opened the cafe. The coffee machine was already running, the main floor was smelling like fresh coffee and you cleaned the tables like every morning. And just like every morning a tall blonde woman opened the door and greeted you with a "Good morning, Darling!" You smiled at her. "Good morning to you too Larissa! Please, take a seat. Would you like a coffee?" Of course she would. You just asked to be polite. "Oh, yes please! Last night was ruff and I need something to keep me awake throughout the day." Larissa Weems placed herself at a table on a window, legs crossed. No other costumer has arrived at the shop so you two were alone. You usally were but it never got easier to be around the tall beauty. Everytime she would visit, you could only admire her. Of course you never told her that. You were a professional and didn´t want to cross any boundaries. "Is that so? What happened? If you want to tell me of course" you said while placing a hot coffee with milk and two spoons of sugar in font of her. "Thank you, Darling! Oh, we have a student at our school who has been causing trouble since they´ve arried non-stop. I love my job but she really makes my blood boil sometimes. I had a meeting with a few other teachers because of her actions last evening and it got pretty late. When I got up this morning I knew, only your coffee could make my day better." She smiled at you. And she looked so lovely while doing so. You felt warmth spreading in your chest. "Well, I´m glad to hear that. And I´m always happy to have you around. Everyday you´re the first customer here and I got really used to having a nice morning chat with you!" You both smiled at each other, happy to have such nice company.
Larissa took a sip of her coffee and closed her eyes while enjoying the taste of it. "Mmh, your coffee really is something else. How do you always ge it to taste this perfect?" You leaned against the seat in front of Larissa while talking to her. "Well, I use overpriced products, put in some cheap sugar and the rest is a secret." You winked at her when you said the last word. Larissa smiled at you with slight reddish cheeks. "Is that so? Well, maybe I get to figure it out one day. Your 'secret'." "Maybe." You smiled back at her with confidence though you felt your tummy going crazy. Larissa continued drinking her coffee and you got behind the counter to refill a jar with cookies. "How long are you shifts usally?" Larissa asked you. She looked at you with her bright blue eyes. You felt your knees shaking a bit. "Because I work in the mornings I get off at around 2 or 3. It really depends wether we have a lot of costumers or not." Larissa nodded and turned back to her coffee. "How long do you work per day? Being a principal must be hard work." You leaned over the counter, looking very confident. Larissa looked at you for a few seconds, then she smiled while she answered. "I don´t really have regular shifts or anything like that. I work all the time. Sometimes a bit more, sometimes a bit less. But taking care of students is my dream job. It doesn´t feel like working most of the time you know? How about you? Do you enjoy being a barista?" She asked with genuine interest. "It is fine most of the time but it´s great when you´re the costumer." You smiled at her with confidence but in your head you were screaming at yourself. You are at work, no flirting! But sometimes you couldn´t handle yourself. Larissa laughed and nodded, then took a last sip from her coffee. She sighed. "Alright. I think I have to leave now. Nevermore needs it´s principal and I sadly finished my coffee already. But it was wonderful. Thank you for the quick chat!" The tall blonde got up from her seat very elegant, stroked over her greenish dress and got to the door. "It was my pleasure. See you tomorrow!" Larissa turned around and blew you an air-kiss before she headed out the door with long graceful steps. You looked after her a bit too long before you got back to work and cleaned the used coffee mug with red lipstick stains on it.
"And, was the blonde goddess in today as well?" Your friend Isaac asked when he picked you up after your shift. He brought you a veggie sandwich and a coke and you were heading to a park bench near the Weatherwane. "Yes, yes she was. And my god. This woman never disappoints me. She always looks... flawless. Like, how does she do it? It´s crazy!" You both chuckled as you sat down. "Man, I wish I could see her one day. The way you talk about her makes me feel like I would faint or something if I would see her." "Well, we can find out right now. There she is." You pointed to the other side of the road. Larissa was leaning against a car, looking at her phone. She looked even prettier than this morning. Seriously, how does she do it? "Oh my god. That´s her?" "Shhh! Isaac, would you shut up? She might hear you!" You blushed and looked away, trying not to raise her attention. At work you had always something to do while talking to her. But outside of work you got really nervous when she was around and tried not to talk to her. You didn´t want to do or say something embarrassing. Isaac on the other hand didn´t seem to care. "Wow, she really is pretty! No wonder you´ve got a huge crush on her!" "I don´t!" You and Isaac looked at each other. He raised his left eyebrow. You chuckled. "Ok, maybe I do. But SHE doesn´t have to know. So. Shut. Up." Isaac laughed and turned away from you to look back at Larissa. Her dress fitted her perfectly and revealed her beautiful curves. Her long and elegant legs were crossed while she leaned her back against the car. Her blonde tide-up hair moved a little while a slight breeze touched it. Her long fingers were typing on her phone. She was beautiful. So, so beautiful. You would give everything just to be with her, you thought to yourself. Just then she turned her head to the left and looked at you. Your heart sank and you felt yourself blush. She smiled a big and bright smile and waved at you. You waved back. You felt so... special. A woman like that recognizing you and even greeting you? It was like winning the lottery. Isaac looked from her to you, back to her. "Aaaand apperantly she has a crush on you as well." You looked at him, shocked. "What? No she does not." "Uhm, yes. She absolutley does. Didn´t you see her face light up when she saw you? And I saw her blush a little, when she saw you looking at her. She definetly has a thing for you." You looked at Larissa who was texting on her phone again, this time with a little smile on her lips. "I... I don´t know. She´s very nice to me, yes. And we chat every morning. But that´s it. She´s just polite." "Oh, yeah? Well, how many people do you know who come into a coffee shop everyday very early, while no other costumer or barista is there? And if anyone would do that, would you think they would do it just because they´re 'polite'? I wouldn’t." You looked away from Larissa and watched a few white puffy clouds on the blue sky. Maybe Isaac was right. You wouldn´t think so either.
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imsososolesbian · 2 months
The best trio in the world
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Transmasc!VanNat and fem!reader
Part two of: The Break
No warnings
Summary: The three of you go to a party
Word Count: 1870
Nat was at your stove, as Van was at your kitchen island. There was chatter from both as they bantered back and forth and you sat at the island reading a book, you three did this a lot now that you guys had made up. 
Nat was making tamales as Van was putting the finishing touches on your costumes. The three of you were going to a party that night, and had decided to meet up at your place for some food before going to the party together. It also worked out that one of you had finally managed to scrape together enough money to buy a car, or in Van’s case a truck; which was now sitting outside in your driveway. 
Van put down his paintbrush and looked over to you, “You still have that shitty cheap hair dryer right? The one with paint all over it?” Van had gotten out of his seat and walked around the island to stand behind you and rest his chin on your shoulder, taking a peak at what was written in the book. 
You nod your head slightly, too engrossed in your book to even put it down or look away for a second. “In my room, where it always is,” you mumbled out, and flipped your page. You feel Van’s lips on your cheek before he is running off in the direction of your room to get the dryer. 
Nat was mixing masa up on the counter next to the stove as he soaked corn husks. You finally put your bookmark in and set your book down before leaning back in your chair stretching. “How much longer Nat? I’m hungry,” you complain.
“They’ll be done when they are done,” Nat said, turning his head to look at you. “Patience is a virtue, you know right?”
You roll your eyes at Nat, and are about to stand up to go help Van find the hair dryer as he runs back into the kitchen holding it in his hand. He quickly plugs it in and trunks it on pointing it at the not yet dry paint. 
Two hours later, the three of you had eaten and now were splitting up in your house to get changed into your costumes. You knew the three of you were going as Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman. You were under the impression that Nat would be Batman and Van would be Superman but you were wrong.
From your bag you pulled out a blue suit and red cape. You unfolded the suit, a big red and yellow triangle with an S in the middle was what you were met with. You were surprised that you would be dressing as Superman. Yet you still got into the outfit, and put your wig on, before checking your bag because you knew there was still stuff in there and pulling out jeans, a button up and a pair of glasses with no lenses. You had a good feeling on where this night was going. 
You were sitting on your couch, dressed as Clark Kent when Nat came out in a black suit, a little bat emblem on his lapel, and a batman helmet under his arm, he also had a wig on, a little grey was mixed into the black of the wig unlike yours. “Van’s being Diana?” 
“Yeah. Said he thought it would be hilarious. He said he’s going all out. Wig, makeup the whole nine yards,” Nat says, putting his helmet on the coffee table and sitting down next to you.
Nat leans his head back on your shoulder and lets out a sigh, “He’s going to take foreverrrrr,” Nat drags out. You laugh and wrap your arm around his shoulder, and pats his shoulder.
The two of you sit on the couch side by side for an hour before Van struts out of the bathroom. He was wearing a floor length dress, the top was red and the bottom was blue with stars, he had drag like makeup on his face and a black long wig on. On his left hip was held a gold rope, and in his left hand he had a sword, “Nat, your batarangs should be in the left pocket in your pants,” he said, putting his sword away in a sheath that was attached to his back. 
The three of you put your shoes on a few minutes later and were out of the door in no time. Van was driving the three of you tonight, and you had been chosen to sit in the middle of the truck because there were no back seats. 
As Van drove you noticed that he even had replicas of the Bracelets of Submission on his wrists. You found it amazing how in depth Van had gone with these costumes. You knew he loved films and comics but you didn’t know he would take such care. You knew you should have seen it coming but you didn’t thinking making costumes was really Van’s thing but he proved you totally wrong with what he had made. 
Usually parties would be held out in the forest but tonight it was Jackie’s place. It was also just the soccer team, plus you, Misty and Taissa’s girlfriend Simone. The three of you were only allowed to come because you were dating people on the team and no other reason other than that. So you knew it was going to be a fun night. 
Van pulled up in front of Jackie’s house and parked the truck. “Alright, out let’s go,” he pulled his key out and opened his door, making sure to grab his sword from you when you shuffled out the driver side because Nat was taking too long to get out. 
You walked up with the two to Jackie’s door and waited for it to open. There wasn’t loud music coming from the house. Even when the door opened you couldn’t hear anything. That was till Jackie led you through her house and out into her backyard, where the rest of the YellowJackets were. They were sat around her fire pit and surprisingly no one was drinking. 
You spotted Misty sitting beside Crystal, Misty painted green with a black pointy hat on, and a pin straight black wig on, while Crystal had a blonde wig on and was wearing a pink dress. You could tell the two were dressed like the main characters from Wicked (after you had become friends with Van and Nat again, you started going to practice and games where you started talking to Misty, when she wasn’t busy, waiting for them to be over, and now knew more about musicals then you ever had before). Shauna was sitting on a camping chair with a can of ginger ale in her hands as she waited for Jackie to come back. Shauna was decked out in a blue blazer, a white button down and some blue jeans, you couldn’t place your finger on who she was until you looked at Jackie who was in a red blazer and a white button up, and instead of jeans she wore a red skirt, they were dressed as Veronica Sawyer and Heather Chandler. 
Van and Nat sat down and you joined them, Van waved to Taissa a huge smile on his face, and Taissa laughed before waving back. You had learned that Van and Taissa made up and Van explained more into what his gender was and you could tell that Taissa still had the hots for him and it was possible that Simone also did because she had a smirk on her face as she waved at him. The two girls were dressed as Tiana and Prince Naveen or should you say Princess Naveen because they both were wearing stunning dresses.
You once again look around, seeing Mari and Akilah sitting in the grass dressed as Edward and Bella from Twilight, and Gen and Melissa sitting next to them as Spider Man and Gwen. You kept over hearing the words “hold on tight spider monkey” every so often from the four of them. The four of them would join the main conversation after a race was conducted to see who could run the fastest with their date on their back.
Laura Lee and Lottie came late with pizza, ten boxes of it at that. The two were dressed up as Princess Bubblegum and Marceline. Lottie brought boxes from her car, while Laura Lee came in with a few cases of pop, and even some juice boxes. 
When the food and drinks were finally on the table you got up and got the three of you food. Nat got a meat lover's slice and a vegetarian one, Van got three slices of hawaiian pizza, you made sure to get ones with loads of pineapples. You grabbed a few slices of your favourtie type, along with a pop of your choosing, and Nat got a 7up and Van a root beer. 
The rest of the night was the group sitting around eating and drinking, playing games and goofing off like you were all young again. At one point you had all moved downstairs in the house, which had a huge tv and Jackie had thought beforehand to sit out things for a makeshift bed, for all of you to crash on, along with some clothes too, which would be more comfortable for sleeping in. 
Yet that didn’t stop you, Van and Nat, along with Melissa all leaning into your costumes and acting out little battles rather than turning on the tv and watching a movie. You ended up in just the superman suit, Nat was down to just his suit pants and his Batman suit, and Van had rolled up his skirt and taken out his sword and kept a hand on his lasso. Melissa had put her Spiderman hood up. 
The four of you went back and forth ‘landing’ hits on each other to the point of one winner. Yet when there was one winner you four would start back up again. It took hours for you four to stop but the others kept cheering you on as well as the others. 
You thankfully were able to remember to change before going to sleep, your costume wasn’t really the most comfortable to sleep in. The next morning was even more intense and insane. You woke up laying in a corner curled up, and when you sat up you saw Nat in the middle of Lottie and Laura Lee. Laura Lee was pretty much laying fully on top of him, Lottie had an arm around the two as they slept. 
On the other side of the room, Van was sleeping behind Simone, an arm around her waist and his hand intertwined with Taissas, like the three didn’t have a care in the world for anything other than the three of them. 
Pancakes, french toast, eggs and waffles are what you guys all ate for breakfast that morning when you all officially woke up. After that you, Simone and Misty watched all the others play soccer in Jackie’s backyard, after you all had helped clean up from the party the night before. 
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bluejaysandblackbats · 7 months
The Juice Box Jubilee
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, YJ98, Titans
Summary: A mysterious girl walks through heroes' nightmares, and they band together to figure out why.
Chapters: 2/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon, Cassandra Sandsmark, Bart Allen, Tim Drake, Conner Kent, Cissie King-Jones, Grant Emerson, Roy Harper
Relationships: TBA
Additional Tags: Dreams and Nightmares, Hurt/Comfort, Canon Divergent AU, First Person POV, Mystery Character(s), Confession(s), Found Family, Healing
Chapter Two: playing dress-up (Cassandra Sandsmark's POV)
Sometimes I feel like an imposter. Nothing makes me feel worse than the nightmare I’ve had for the past two or so years. In my dream, I’m eight years old again. I’m in the art and history museum by my house while my mom works in her office examining new items before displaying them to the public. I walked through the empty impressionist exhibit, mimicking the poses of the women in the paintings. I stretched like the elegantly poised dancers and leaned forward, weary and worn like the exhausted women in their pretty dresses in other paintings. I hear a giggle in the empty exhibits. It was out of a strange curiosity that I did it. They were women. I thought I should be like them.
I heard a giggle in the empty exhibit. It filled me with an indescribable feeling of shame. I froze, trying to ignore it at first. But it echoed. “Who’s there?” I asked before turning around. Without warning, mirrors surrounded me, but instead of seeing my reflection, I saw nothing but myself in my different costumes and outfits over the years. I thought it was a prank. I always thought it was a prank at first. “Okay, cut it out!”
I turned to leave the room, but there weren’t any exits. Then, one of my reflections spoke. “What are you trying to prove?” fourteen-year-old me asked.
“Who are you trying to be?” sixteen-year-old me asked. I opened my mouth to answer the questions before my seventeen-year-old self snickered.
“What are you really wondering, girl?” my seventeen-year-old self asked.
Then, they all started teasing and jeering at me, bringing up my worst insecurities. They told me I wasn’t a real Amazon. They told me I’d never stop trying to imitate the ones that came before me. I was a cheap copy of every woman I admired. For all my strength and power, I was a pathetic excuse for a hero. I was nothing but a fraud. At this point, I would’ve started shattering the mirrors until my knuckles bled, but a small hand caught my fist. “Why are you hurting yourself?” the voice asked. I looked at her with tears in my eyes. She was a little girl with brown hair and serious eyes.
“I-.” I tried to speak but couldn’t give her a sensible answer. “They’re right… I don’t even know who I’m supposed to be. I’ve been playing dress-up my whole life.”
“Everybody plays dress-up sometimes,” she replied. She hooked her fingers into the mirror and opened it like a door. “Do you wanna play one last time?”
I wanted to say no, but she had the sweetest smile. We entered the room filled with costumes, clothes, and wigs. I hesitated before picking something, but she spun through the room and changed into items like a magical princess. I smiled, and it felt like we played for hours. She didn’t judge me or expect me to change, so I felt free to try things I hadn’t before. Different outfits and wigs that I thought were cool. And I told her stuff I wouldn’t tell anyone. “I never felt more at home than when it was just me and the guys… I didn’t have to be anything with them,” I smiled, “And if we’re being honest, I thought I had a crush on Conner, but I-.” I trailed off.
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“It sounds dumb, but I thought the only way people would see me as an Amazon is if I looked like the ones I idolized,” I confessed, “And then I kept trying harder and harder to be feminine-. That’s not what I wanted to be.”
“What do you want to be?” she questioned. I looked in the mirror while I fidgeted with my wig and straightened the waist of my side button track pants.
I slipped on a pair of goggles and smiled. “I don’t think I want to be Wonder Girl anymore. I think it’s time I stop pretending,” I smiled.
I called Bart, Cissie, and Conner to the park to hang out while I tried to find the words to explain my feelings. Bart arrived first with Cissie and swept me off my feet in an embrace. “It’s been a million years! How’s it going? Wait-. What’s wrong? There’s something wrong,” Bart greeted me. He held my shoulders as he looked me over.
I chuckled and hugged him. “Not like you to notice stuff like that. How are you?” I asked. Bart’s face changed for a split second, almost frowning.
“I’m great. I can’t complain. Max is back,” Bart replied. Cissie hugged me and laughed.
“My turn, okay?” Cissie smiled at Bart. “How’s it going, Cassie?”
“Um… I don’t know yet,” I answered.
Conner and Tim came through together. “Hey! Conner brought food!” Tim shouted.
I hugged them, and we walked toward the picnic tables. We sat at the table, and I stuck my fingers in the patterned holes in the metal. “I’m not-. I don’t have-. I’m not going to be Wonder Girl anymore,” I announced.
Bart stood up to protest. “Why?” Bart asked.
“Because I don’t-. I’m not-. I don’t-. I’m nonbinary,” I stammered. I raked a hand through my hair and started rambling about how I never felt like a girl and how hard I tried to be a girl. “So, um-. So when I change my look and my costume and name-. I wanted you guys to be the first to know.”
We sat silently for a few seconds, and Conner poked his lips out and cleared his throat. “At the risk of sounding insensitive, these tacos will taste terrible cold,” Conner mumbled. I chuckled, and everyone else laughed, too.
We ripped the bag open and started eating before Conner stopped to look at me. “Hey, Cassie, we love you. You know that, right? That’s never going to change,” Conner reassured me.
“Cassie, we’re a family,” Tim added.
“Yeah, Cassie, we’re happy you told us,” Cissie smiled. Bart didn’t say anything.
Instead, he waited until everyone left and sat with me. “Bart? Are you okay?” I asked.
“I-. I’m glad you called. I’ve been-. I’ve felt down in the dumps for a while now, and it felt good to see you guys. I know you’re-. I’m nonbinary like you. It’s more common in the future, but I get how-. You don’t-. You and me. We don’t talk about our feelings,” Bart explained. I never expected Bart to say he was depressed.
“Bart, are you okay?” I asked. “I’m pretty sure my mom-.”
He burst into tears. “I feel like everyone’s fading away,” Bart cried, “And I don’t want that. I want you to stay. I want Cissie, Conner, and Tim to stay. I wake up every day wondering if the people I see will disappear or if I’ll-.”
I hugged him. “Bart, I love you so much,” I replied, “You jerks are my best friends… And in true best friends fashion, I’ll tell you a secret, and if you ever tell Conner I will kill you with my bare hands.”
Bart stopped crying and nodded. “I won’t,” Bart promised.
“I used to think I had a crush on him, but I realized something… I wanted to be more like him,” I confessed.
“I thought everyone felt that way about him… Well-. Not Cissie, but almost everybody. I’m behind everybody maturity-wise, but I’m catching up quickly. He’s the oldest and the coolest in the group, so it’s only natural,” Bart replied. I grinned.
“You’re right… And-. Bart, let me text my mom. It can’t hurt for you to spend the night at my house-.”
“I can’t sleep,” Bart confessed. It seemed like a big deal. So, I grabbed his big head and kissed the top of it.
“If you still can’t sleep, we’ll stay up all night talking. We definitely have to talk about your gender,” I smiled. Bart nodded.
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thedepthsoffandomminds · 11 months
request- so hear me out...........Moulin Rouge but Obi-Wan.
Done my best with this one. I hope.you all like it. Comments welcome.
Word count - 11,741 its a long one. One part only full story
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Obi-Wan Kenobi is a broken man. He sits alone against the wall of a boarding house, furniture and clothing strewn around him. A bottle of half drunk Tatooine wine in his hand. Looking across the room he stands slowly, walking, though hardly lifting his feet to the data pad. He sits at the table and lifts it.
As he slowly types the words, and tries to fight back the inevitable tears.
The Red Mill.
A nightclub, a dance hall, and a bordello. Ruled over by Zidler the Hutt, a kingdom of nighttime pleasures. Where the rich and powerful came to play with the young and beautiful creatures of the underworld. The most beautiful of all these was the woman I loved.
A courtesan, she sold her love to men.
They called her the sparkling diamond and she was the star of the Moulin Rouge.
The woman I loved is…
The Jedi looks out his window at the Red Mill across the street, the lights that once shone brightly in reds, blues and yellows stood dull and broken.
A tear falls from his eye, dropping onto the datapad.
I knew nothing of Zidler the Hutt, Red Mill or y/n. The galaxy had been swept up in the destruction of the Jedi and the rise of the Emperor. I had travelled to Tatooine to hide from it all. After the loss of my Padawan Anakin Skywalker I wanted to disappear. On a hill near Moss Eisley was a small town called Montmartre. There I found cheap lodgings in a building built of the same sand and mud as all the other buildings. Montmartre was not as I had thought it, not a place of debauchery and sin but a town of truth, beauty, freedom and love. The only problem was, I knew nothing of love. There was once a woman, Satine but she is gone now.
Luckily, right at that moment, an unconscious Twileak fell through my roof. He was quickly joined by a dwarf dressed in a strange costume.
"How do you do? My name is Henri-Marie-Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa." The unhooded Jawa spoke.
"What?" Obi-Wan stumbles back from the pair.
Henri attempts to pull the Twileak from the rope holding him between the two rooms.
"I’m terribly sorry about all this. We were just upstairs rehearsing a play."
"What?" Obi-Wan isn't sure if he should be listening to any of this.
"A play! Something very modern called Spectacular Spectacular and it’s set in Naboo." Henri explained, "Unfortunately, the unconscious Twileak suffered from a sickness called Narcolepsy." He sat down at the small table, while Obi-Wan examines the Twileak now lying on his bed.
"Perfectly fine one moment, then suddenly unconscious the next." Henri laughs. The faces of THE DOCTOR, AUDREY, and SATIE appear through the hole from which the Argentinean came. Henri and Obi-Wan look up at them.
"How is he?" The bald man asked.
"How wonderful, now the Narcoleptic Twileak is unconscious, and therefore the scenario will not be finished in time to present to the financier tomorrow." Audrey grumbled, her sharply cut dark hair dangling down.
"Right, Henri, I still have to finish the music." Satie nervously shuffled.
"We’ll just find someone to read the part." Henri grinned, turning his head toward Obi-Wan.
Before I knew it, I was upstairs standing in for the unconscious Twileak. There was so much noise, the frankly atrocious lyrics that had been written for nonsensical music. My brain was still too tired to function and so I sat down on their makeshift set and waited for someone to do something. That was when I recalled the poetry of Master Ruhan. I read it all in the archives and so to halt their squabbling I sang out.
"The hills are alive with the sound of music!"
That was it! They wanted me. Audrey was so enthusiastic and left.
The Twileak woke and announced it was time to drink and so I had my first taste of Absentlie, a green drink that forced out your worries and let's in the green fairy.
As they drank, the companions dragged Obi-Wan across the street to the Red Mill, where they watched the women dancing. Like confetti falling from a great height they moved around the dance floor in brightly coloured dresses. Music, played by a band in the small stage; blared through speakers all around the room.
Zidler threw up his arms and called out to the room. Everyone fell quiet as the lights dimmed and silver paper floated down from the ceiling. Upon a wooden swing you descend, a glittering outfit, your voice echoes through the hall. Obi-Wan looks around, every set of eyes in the building were zeroed in on you, all men and women and droids listened intently to your words.
"I have arranged a private reading with Y/n after her number." It would be his job to convince you that his writing would put the Red Mill amongst the greatest theatres in the galaxy.
Your body moves as if it is controlled by the music and the words you sing. Henri speaks to Obi-Wan, though he does not hear what is said. You slipped behind a circle of dancers.
When you reappeared you had the dancing men spin you on a chair across the room until they deposited you in front of Obi-Wan.
"I believe you were expecting me." You breathe out so only the Jedi could hear you. He gulps, but does not move.
"I'm afraid it's ladies choice!" You call out to the crowd. The group Obi-Wan had entered with, push him toward you and you lead him down to the dance floor. All around the dancers and the patrons danced in what felt to Obi-Wan to be a practised dance. You help him to follow the movements. There is something about the way your skin feels running over his own that sends shivers of warmth through the Jedi. A sensation he had not felt for some time.
Unknown to Obi-Wan, another man watched your every move. Duke Valru, a Senator in the new Empire, waited for his moment. Promise from the Hutts that he would have your full attention that evening. He watched as you danced, imagining your hands running over his body. A twinge of jealousy, already turning his gut. You were his, he would pay for you, your attention would be all his.
As you raise once more on the swing you sing out. The words get caught in your throat and your chest tightens. Gasping for breath you feel your mind go blank and you fall unconscious from the swing. Before you hit the ground a large man catches you in his arms and swiftly carries you out of the dancehall. Obi-Wan watches with a lump in his throat. The pull of his training knowing he could have reached you first, but he could not risk being seen.
Zidler doesn't allow it to fester, quickly making it part of the show and switching the dance to distract the patrons.
Dressed in a long red dress you looked into a mirror, silently telling yourself that this was for your career. If you could convince the Duke to invest in Henri's new play you could showcase your talents. Perhaps even catch the eye of directors from around the galaxy and finally leave the Red Mill. Zidler had bought you from your father when you were a child. You were trained everyday in the art of deceiving men into thinking you loved them, bending them to your will. You were a master at it, the best amongst the workers at the Red Mill. However, you had dreams, dreams of leaving this place and flying far away one day.
Zidler had given you the best room in the building, an old decommissioned AT-AT that had been decorated with heavy red curtains, blankets, plush curtains and carpets. The cockpit had been removed with a bed in its place, a staircase leading up to a pagoda on the top had little, yellow lights adorning the bannisters.
Standing outside the door you take a moment to look into a mirror. Your mind changing. No this outfit was not good enough, it would not entice the Duke. Luckily you had placed a small wardrobe of clothes in the corridor. Stripping down to your ornate corset and underwear you slip a lace robe over your arms and let down your hair.
Inside the man you believe to be the Duke stands, his back to you, looking out of the cut out section that looks over the courtyard.
"This is a wonderful place for a poetry reading. Don’t you think? Hm?
Poetic…enough…for you?" You ask in the most sultry voice you can muster. Obi-Wan turns, his blue eyes meeting yours and for a moment you both forget why had come to the room.
"Yes." He finds his voice first. You move across the room to the table and start to pull out a bottle of alcohol.
"A little supper?" You suggest.
Obi-Wan shifts awkwardly "I’d rather just, um…get it over and done with."
Those words stung you, no one had ever been in such a bored rush.
"Oh…" you fake a smile, "Very well. Then why don’t you…come down here." You say laying back on the bed, exposing your leg, "And let’s get it over and done with."
Obi-Wan looks around the room, trying to look at anything but you.
"I…prefer to do it standing." He says still talking about the poetry Henri had told.him to perform. Surprised you move to stand as well, but he puts his hands out toward you.
"You don’t have to stand, I mean. It’s sometimes that…It’s quite long and I’d like you to be comfortable. It’s quite modern, what I do, and it may feel a little strange at first, but I think, if you’re open, then, then you might enjoy it." He fumbles out the words as he paces around the room. You raise your eyebrows whilst he talks, convinced you would be the one learning something new.
"I’m sure I will." You reply.
"Excuse me." Obi-Wan turns around, "The… The sky…is…The sky…the blue...birds…Come on…come on…" Obi-Wan tried to remember the words to Master Ruhan's poems. Gentle words about the beauty of the galaxy and the love between men and women that just would not stay in his mind. Each time he looked back at you, he lost all focus. Your body lying there before him, making his mouth run dry.
:Why am I so shaky?' He thinks to himself. Of course he knew what this woman was, he was a Jedi but he was not so innocent to not understand your allure.
You slide to the edge of the bed, "Is everything all right?"
"Uh…I-I…I’m a little nervous. It’s just, sometimes, it takes a while for…um you know, inspiration to come…" he lies to you through a drying throat.
You stand and walk over to him.
"Oh, yes, yes, yes… Let mummy help, hm?" You say grabbing his crotch. Obi-Wan gasps at the touch.
"Does that inspire you?" You whisper and push him back onto the bed, "Let’s make love."
"Make love!?" Obi-Wan asks in confusion.
You straddle his hips, running your hands over his chest and pushing his clothing back.
"You want to, don’t you?"
"Well, I…I came to—" he tries to hold on to your arms and stop you.
Your fingers cover his mouth as you begin unbuttoning his shirt.
"No, tell the truth. You feel the poetry!" You grind down on him.
"What?" Obi-Wan pushes the word out, trying to keep his mind focused. Though it becomes increasingly difficult. You make light work of unbuttoning his breaches. Obi-Wan's mind slips and allows himself to feel everything that is happening. Sure he had a mandate to protect the boy, but that could wait…. couldn't it? The Jedi order is gone, he could allow himself this couldn't he?
"Oh, yes, I need your poetry now!" You cry out, still above him.
"All right!!" Obi-Wan pushes you back as gently as he can and runs to the other end of the room. He forces himself to remember Ruhan's poem.
"It’s a little bit funny this...feeling inside
I’m not one of those…who can…who can easily hide." He looks to you, eyes full.of a fear you couldn't understand.
"Is this…is this okay? Is this what you want?" He asks.
"Ohhh, poetry. Yes, yes, yes, this is what I want, naughty words!" You say pushing yourself down on the bed.
"I-I don’t…" Obi-Wan continues as you roll around amongst the sheets. "I don’t have much money but…but boy if I did I’d buy a big house where we, where we both could live. So…if I were a sculptor"
You roll onto the floor and crawl a bit closer to him, listening to every word.
"But, then again, no. Or a man who makes potions in a travelling show. I…I know it’s not much…But it’s the best I can do." He isn't sure where this comes from, a memory of a recording he had once found, the poems of Ruhan sung into the sweetest melodies in the Opera houses of the Old Republic. He let the music burst through him and sang.
You stop and gaze at him, stunned. You are frozen in place unable to do anything but listen to his sweet voice.
He turns back to the cut out and you find yourself falling to a place you couldn't climb out of. A place you were not allowed to go.
You stand and take a hesitant step closer to him.
He turns to you as you step up to each other.
He takes your hand in his.
You dance together as if the world outside does not exist. All there is is you, him and the love that was building between you.
He spins you both round, lowering you in his arms. Obi-Wan would never understand how or why he had so easily given in to you, into the feeling that warmed his chest, but he did, wholey giving in to you and pressed his lips.to yours.
"Oh…I can’t believe it. I’m in love. I’m in love with a young, handsome, talented Duke.
"Duke?" He asks,
You grin against his lips and speak again, "Mm, not that the title’s important, of course."
"I’m not a Duke, I'm a je-, a writer."
"A writer?" You push at his chest, forcing him to stand up. "No." You hold your hand to your head.
"Henri said-"
"Henri? Oh no. No, you're not another of oh-so-talented, charmingly bohemian, tragically impoverished prodigies?" You can feel your world beginning to crumble.
"Well, you might say that." Obi-Wan shrugs.
You're about to ask about the Duke when you hear Zidler outside your door. His dull tone spitting out Huttese unmistakable.
"The Duke!" You pant, "hide!" Obi-Wan dashes behind a pillar, pulling a curtain around himself just as the door opens. Zidler slithers into the room, the Duke beside him.
"My Dear! Are you decent for the Duke? Where were you?" He asks in the common tongue.
"I, uh…I…was…waiting!" You say, through heavy breaths.
"My dearest Duke, allow me to introduce Mademoiselle y/n." it was not often your employer acted so slimy. Cosying up to his patrons.
Mustering all the training you had received you locked your eyes with the Duke.
"My Lord, how wonderful of you to take time out of your busy schedule to visit." You step up to him, running your hand up his arm.
"The pleasure, I fear, will be entirely mine, my dear." The Duke replies, eyes on your hand.
Obi-Wan peeks out from the curtain and catches your eyes.
"I’ll leave you two squirrels to get better acquainted" Zidler gives you a pointed glare before leaving the AT-AT.
The Duke kisses your hand. "After tonight’s petty exertions on the stage, you must surely be in need of refreshment, my dear."
He pours you both a drink from the table, narrowly missing Obi-Wan slipping back behind the curtain. A lump begins to form in your throat as you watch them. Searching your mind you recall the reason for Duke's visit, to invest.
"It’s…it’s a little bit funny." You whisper, catching the Duke's full attention he turns completely round to you. Over his shoulder you see Obi-Wan look out at you.
"This feeling inside." Working out what you're doing he begins to mouth the words to you.
"I’m not one of those who can easily hide!" You repeat. "I don’t have much money but if I did Oh, I’d buy a big house where we both could live I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind" you wrap your hands around the Duke's shoulders, dipping your fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck.
I hope you don't mind, that I put down in words, how wonderful life is now you're in the world." Your eyes flicker over his shoulder to meet Obi-Wan's as you speak the last few words.
The Duke takes in a staggered breath.
"That’s very beautiful." He whispers.
"It’s from Spectacular Spectacular. Suddenly, with you here, I finally understood the true meaning of those words. How wonderful life is now you’re in the world." You are using everything in your arsenal to keep his attention on you as Obi-Wan creeps to the door.
"What meaning is that, my dear?" Your face is close enough that he could kiss you if only your arms were not so stiff.
Obi-Wan sees the Duke's body guard standing outside the door and quickly slams the door shut. It’s loud, too loud and the Duke begins to turn back. You throw yourself on the bed and pretend to sob.
"Duke! Don’t you toy with my emotions! You…you must know the effect you have on women?" You grab the Duke and pull him down on top of you. "Let’s make love! You want to make love, don’t you!?"
The kiss you give him barely touches his lips as you wave to Obi-Wan to go the other way.
He runs there, but stops before he can hide
The Duke begins to unbutton his white shirt above you, unaware of the other man in the room. Obi-Wan stops in his tracks, unsure of what it is he is feeling. A sadness, a pull, an anger. You see him and feel the same way.
"Yes, you’re right, we should wait until opening night." You push the Duke off and Obi-Wan slips into the stairs outside.
"Wait? What?" The Duke stumbles back from the bed. You blink at him, pressing a hand to his chest.
"There’s a power in you that scares me. If I give myself to you now, I could not focus on the play. We should wait until opening night."
You hoped it was enough. The Duke narrowed his eyes on you, a smile slowly forming on his mouth.
"Perhaps you are right. We should have no distractions."
Thankful you pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips.
"I shall dream of you." You whisper into his ear before he leaves.
Obi-Wan steps out from his hiding place and you storm toward him, a dizziness forming in your mind.
"Do you have any idea, what would have happened if you were found-" you couldn't finish your sentence as the world.goes black and you fall into Obi-Wan's arms.
"Y/n?" Obi-Wan wasn't sure what to do, your body was limp.in his arms. He could feel your life force still beating inside you. Looking around himself he saw the bed close to him. Hiking you higher he drags you onto the bed, tripping on one of the blankets and falling on top of you. A himph leaves his throat as he holds his weight off of you. It doesn't occur to him that his body is just too close to yours. Little did he know this whole time He ri, Satie and the others had been watching from top of the AT-AT. Across the courtyard Zidler the Hutt looked through his telescope. Behind him the door reopens and the Duke steps in.
"I forgot my ha- Foul play?" The Duke narrows his eyes on Obi-Wan. The Jedi leaps backward off the bed.
"She…I…" he gestures between himself and you. Your eyes flicker open and you draw in a deep breath quickly assessing the room.
"Oh, Duke! I'm glad you could make it back. Yes, let me introduce you. The writer." You push yourself up off the bed, stumbling slightly in your heels.
"The writer?" The Duke sceptically asks.
"Yes. Oh yes, we were, we were rehearsing." You push Obi-Wan aside as you step closer to the Duke.
"You expect me to believe that, scantily clad, in the arms of another man, in the middle of the night, inside an Elephant, you were rehearsing?" He spat out the words, gripping your wrist. At that exact moment Henri burst into the room.
"How’s the rehearsal going!? Shall we take it from the top, then, eh y/n?" He is followed by the others. Satie Heads straight to the piano.
"I hope the piano’s in tune" he called out.
"Sorry that we are late." The Twileak fluttered his arms around.
"Can I offer you a drink?" The hairiest of the group holds a bottle out to the Duke as he sneered at the men. With a hand on his chest you guide the Duke's attention back to you. A sweet smile on your lips.
"When I spoke those words to you before, you, you filled me with such inspiration. Yes, I realised how much work we had to do before tomorrow. So I called everyone together for an emergency rehearsal."
The Duke opens his mouth to speak.
"My dear Duke, I’m most terribly sorry!" Zidler wiggled.his large body into the room.
"Zidler! You made it! It’s all right, the Duke knows all about the emergency rehearsal." You give him a pointed look that your employer understands immediately.
"Yes, well, I’m sure Audrey will be only too delighted—"
" The cat’s out of the bag." You slid into the Duke's side pulling him closer to you. "Yes, the Duke’s already a big fan of our new writer’s work. That’s why he’s so keen to invest." You clench your teeth as you look into his eyes.
"Invest?" He speaks to you in Huttese the looks to the Duke "Invest! Oh, yes, well, invest! You can hardly blame me for trying to hide our-"
"Ben." Obi-Wan lied.
"…Ben away!" Zidler waved his hands once again. The Duke curls his top lip back.
"I’m way ahead of you, Zidler." He pushes you away slightly taking a step toward the Hutt.
"My dear Duke…why don’t you and I go to my office to produce the paperwork?" Zidler tried to distract him. You turn nervously back to the other men, your eyes meeting Obi-Wan's. Something about him calms you; like he was reaching out through the space between you. There were stories of the Jedi who could do that, though you had never met one.
"What’s the story?" The Duke's voice catches your attention, "if I’m to invest, I’ll need to know the story."
Zidler turns his attention to Henri, silently begging him to answer.
"Well, well, the stories, the stories about, Well, it’s, it’s about, um" the Jawa looks to Obi-Wan
"It’s about love" he says the words as if it was obvious.
"Love?" The idea seemed disgusting to the Duke.
Obi-Wan takes a breath, "It’s about love overcoming all obstacles. It's set on Naboo and there’s a Courtesan…the most beautiful courtesan in all the world but her kingdom’s invaded by an evil Senator. Now, in order to save her kingdom, She has to seduce the Evil Senator but, on the night of the seduction, she mistakes a Penniless P--…Penn…Penniless…Penniless Kloo Horn
Player for the Evil Senator, and she falls in love with him!" Obi-Wan recalled the story from a fairytale of his childhood. He turned to you, and as if to clarify he says, "He wasn’t trying to trick her or anything but he was dressed as a richer man because he’s appearing in a play."
Everyone is quiet listening to him tell the story.
"Well, the Penniless Kloo Player and the Courtesan, they have to hide their love from the Senator."
Satie interrupts. "The Penniless Kloo Player’s Kloo Horn is magical! It can only speak the truth!" They all cheer at the idea.
"Yes, and he gives the game away!" The Duke chuckles, feeling himself being swept up in the joy of his companions. They all cheer along with him.
Zidler turns the Duke toward him, "The show will be a magnificent, opulent, tremendous, stupendous, gargantuan bedazzlement! A sensual ravishment! It will be Spectacular Spectacular No words in the vernacular Can describe this great event, You’ll be dumb with wonderment. Returns are fixed at ten percent
You must agree that’s excellent." He has turned the Duke toward the doors but cannot keep him. Spinning away from the Hurt the Duke turns back to Obi-Wan.
"What happens in the end?"
"The lovers are pulled apart by an evil plan." Obi-Wan gulps out. You grab the Duke's arm once more pulling him toward you.
"But in the end she hears his call and their love is just too strong." She almost whispers the words to him.
"Will someone die?" The Duke asks almost amused at the thought. You glance back at the others.
"We shall see, your input is of course always welcomed."
"Generally I like it." The Duke laughed following zidler from the room as the others celebrated.
Zidler had an investor, and the Bohemians had a show. While the celebration party raged upstairs, I tried to write. But all I could think about was her.
Was she thinking about me?
You and Obi-Wan can just see each other across the Red Mill, through your respective windows. Obi-Wan watches as you, now redressed in the red gown, walk up the metal steps to the pagoda on top of the AT-AT.
The last of his resolve dissipates into the music bove him and Obi-Wan leaves his room. He climbs up the walker using the decorative ropes until he is standing behind you. His footsteps alert you and you jump.
"Sorry. Sorry, I didn’t mean…I saw your light on, and I…I climbed up the-"
"What?" You eye him with confused thoughts.
"I couldn’t sleep, and I want-I wanted to thank you for helping me get the job." He fumbles out the words. You smile, though it doesn't reach your eyes.
"Of course. Yes, Henri was right. You’re…you’re very talented." His eyes drop, an emotion you didn't quite catch. "It’s going to be a wonderful show." There is a beat of silence between you.
"Anyway, I’d better go, because we…uh, we both have a big day tomorrow." You sigh and turn away.
"Wait! No, please, wait." Obi-Wan reaches out for you but doesn't touch you. You turn your head just enough to see him.
"Before, when we were…when we were…when you thought I was the Duke, you said that you loved me. An-and I wondered if…if—"
"If it was just…an act?" You say now turning all the way round to face him.
"Yes!" His eyes were bright like a child.
"Of course." You know there is a lie in there.
His smile falls. "Oh, it just felt…real."
You approach him, desperate to ease his mind. "Ben, I’m a courtesan. I’m paid to make men believe what they want to believe."
"Yes…Silly of me to think that you could…fall in love with someone like me." His words are simple yet filled with too many emotions.
"I can’t fall in love with anyone." You sigh.
A strange smile graces his face, "Can’t fall in love? I understand that."
Curious, you take one more step toward him.
"Where are you from?" You ask and Obi-Wan knows you are more intuitive than you first seemed.
"I am from an order, they're all gone now. We weren't allowed to…" his eyes threatened tears and you felt the same pull to him you felt earlier. It occurred to him then standing in front of you that he had been a fool. The opportunity for love had been handed to him on Mandalore yet he chose to turn away from it. His heart had been broken not one week ago by Anakin turning to the darkside. Proof that he had grown too attached to the man. Obi-Wan knew he had the capacity to love, perhaps this time he would let himself. Searching back through his mind he thought of Master Ruhan and the poems he had written.
"Love is a many-splendored thing, love lifts us up where we belong, all you need is love." It was like he finally understood the words.
"Please, don’t start that again." You shake your head.
" all you need is love." He steps toward you.
"Love is just a game." You whisper, knowing you were already under his spell, "the only way to love me is to pay." You hope the words will break you out of it.
Obi-Wan stops, his hand floating in the space between you, his eyes looking into your own.
"Y/n, I have been starved and I think you have as well. Just one night and then I promise I'll leave you alone."
Your heart breaks a little. You know you should be standing your ground. Say no to him, turn away but you can't. Your body is drawn to him. Grabbing his hand you pull Obi-Wan down the stairs back into the AT-AT. The electricity that sparks through your skin is enough to have you pull him into you and press your lips to his. That was it, the moment it all broke for both of you. Two people, raised to never love, connect by your hearts.
"You're going to be bad for business, I can tell." You giggle between kisses.
How wonderful life was, now Satine was in the world. But, in the Duke, Zidler had gotten much more than he had bargained for.
Duke Valru sits across from Zidler in his office. The large green slug-like Alien fiddles with contracts on his desk.
"Conversion of the Moulin Rouge into a theatre will cost a fantastic sum of money, Zidler." Valru spoke with narrowed eyes, "So, in return, I would require a contract that, um, binds y/n to me, exclusively. Naturally, I shall require some security. I shall require the deeds to the Red Mill."
Zidler baulks at the idea
"My dear Duke I-"
"Please! Don’t think that I’m naïve, Zidler. I shall hold the deeds to the Red Mill and if there are any shenanigans my man-servant, Warner," A Besker clad man stepped into the room, folding his hands in front of him, "will deal with it in the only language that you underworld show-folk understand. Y/n will be mine. It’s not that I’m a jealous man. I just don’t like other people touching my things!" The last few words came out as a yell, Valru calmed himself with several shallow breaths.
"I understand completely, Duke." Zidler gulps.
"Good. Now that we have an understanding, it would appear that, uh…you have the means to transform your beloved Red Mill into a theatre." His smile makes even the Hutt squirm. One thing about this new virgining Empire gave them was a freedom for the slime of the galaxy to rise into power.
"I shall woo y/n over supper, tonight." Valru growled before marching out of the office. Zidler watches, an uneasy feeling wiggling inside him.
"The show must go on." He says to the blue Twi'lek woman beside him.
Yes, the show would go on. But Satine would not attend the supper that night, or the following night.
You, Obi-Wan, and Henri are all in Obi-Wan's room. You are sitting in your robe on the bed, your eyes watching Obi-Wan's every move. Henri is preparing food, and Obi-Wan is explaining the stuff he’s written.
"Fantastic!" Henri exclaims at the delightful scene. Obi-Wan continues, throwing his arms around in animated joy.
"Mad with jealousy, the Evil Maharajah forces the Courtesan to make the Penniless Sitar Player believe she doesn’t love him!"
"That’s…oh, yes!" Henri laughs.
“Thank you for curing me of my ridiculous obsession with love!” says the Penniless Sitar Player, throwing money at her feet, and leaving the kingdom forever!" Obi-Wan jumps onto the bed, you reach up and pull him down to you.
"Oh, but a life without love! That’s terrible!" You smile. He nuzzles into your shoulder.
"Yes…but, the Kloo Player’s…
"Wait!" Henri runs to the bedside.
"-Magical Kloo-"
"That’s my part, Ben! That’s my part! That’s my part Ben." Henri laughs, "Don’t you dare! The Magical Kloo who can only speak the truth says he says-"
The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.
Days past them all by, y/n would insist on my attendance to all her meetings with the Duke.
Try as the Duke may, it was almost too easy for the young writer and the lead actress to invent perfectly legitimate reasons to avoid him.
Love grew where I had thought it never could, until darkness fell over the Red Mill.
The rehearsal day was over, you stole away behind a curtain, Obi-Wan pushed against the wall as you kissed him.
"You'll come tonight?" He asks and you nod, "what time?"
"Eight o'clock." You giggle.
Zidler's voice speaking in Huttese echoed across the dancehall.
"Nice work, family! Bright and early tomorrow morning we begin on Act II: The Lovers Are Discovered!"
"Zidler!" The Duke marches over to him.
The Hutt turns, his eyes glancing over to where you stood, your hands around Obi-Wan.
"My dear Duke! Everything is arranged for that special supper in the Temple Tower tonight."
"You might as well eat it yourself, Zidler. " he spat, "Her affections are waning."
"Impossible!" Zidler nervously chuckles.
"I understand how important her work is to her, but she’s always at it with that damn writer! If I don’t see her tonight, I’m very well leaving!"
"No!! My dear Duke…I’ll insist y/n take the night off." He turns him away.
"All right…all right. Eight o’clock, then." He leaves satisfied.
Zidler slides himself around grumbling under his breath as he moves to you. Obi-Wan had already darted away to another room before he approached you. Zidler grabbed your arms, lifting you onto your tiptoes and hissed in Huttese.
"Are you mad? The Duke holds the deeds to the Moulin Rouge! He’s spending a fortune on you. He’s given you a beautiful new dressing room, he wants to make you a star. And you’re dallying with the writer!"
"Oh, no, don’t be ridicul-"
"I saw you together" he cuts you off.
"It’s nothing. It’s just an infatuation, it’s…it’s nothing." You lie.
Zidler pushes you against the wall using his large body to trap you there, his hot breath fanned out over your face.
"The infatuation will end. Go to the boy. Tell him it’s over. The Duke is expecting you in the Tower at Eight."
Your heart sinks as he slithers away. Marie the Blue Twi'lek, and the oldest woman in the Red Mill, helps you to dress. As she pulls the strings of the corset you feel your chest tighten, your throat running dry. A fit of coughing takes over your body, sweat dripping from your face. Marie holds you as you try to walk.
How could I know, in those last fatal days, that a force darker than jealousy and stronger than love had begun to take hold of Satine?
Chocolat the resident Wookie watches in fear as you cough and eventually pass out.
Obi-wan waits expectantly for you in his room, standing by the window. He had no idea what was happening to you, but his mind began to wander. Obi-Wan dejectedly walks back into his table. He slumps down and looks at the datapad he had been writing the play on. The words all melted into one so he tosses it aside.
'Obi-Wan what are you doing?' He scolds himself. Why had he allowed this? Allowed himself.to fall so quickly into a world he had always kept away from. So many years denying the part of himself that this woman had freed within moments of meeting her. Was it the grief of losing the world he had known? The memories that plagued his dreams of destroying the boy he had promised to care for? The fear of becoming just like him? Or did he want to feel something, anything that was not death and destruction? The once great General Kenobi, now just Ben, a penniless, broken man with nothing but his love for a woman. A woman who did not come at eight, nine, ten or eleven. No.
All night he waited, and now, for the first time, he felt the cold stab of jealousy
You did not arrive at his door until six in the morning, before the suns had risen above the deserts. Your face was sullen, dark circles under your eyes, clad only in your underclothes and a robe, the usual corset forgotten in your bedroom.
Obi-Wan stops writing and looks up at you from the table, pained eyes blinking. You cough softly, the back of your hand pressing to your lips.
"Where were you last night?" He asks, trying to ignore the break in his voice.
"I told you, I was sick." You breathe out.
Obi-Wan gets up and sits beside you on the bed.
"You don’t have to lie to me." He could feel the conflict inside you. Frustrated, you turn away from him, holding back your emotions.
"We have to end it." You whisper, "Everyone knows. Zidler knows. Sooner or later, the Duke will find out, too."
Obi-Wan turns his back on you not believing your words; heartbreak forming in his chest.
"On opening night, I have to sleep with the Duke." You stand and walk to the window, "And the jealousy will drive you mad."
Knowing he should be better than this he stands and heads quickly to you.
"Ben-" you hold him back, tears dropping from both your eyes. Ben cups your face with his hand. He has no experience in this, nothing to tell him what to do but instinct and poems by a dead man.
"Then, we’ll write a song and we’ll put it in the show and no matter how bad things get, or whatever happens, whenever you hear it, or when you sing it, or whistle it, or hum it"
Kisses your forehead, "then you’ll know, it’ll mean…it’ll mean that we love one another! I won’t get jealous." He knows his words are like, of course he'll get jealous, he already is.
Attachment, the one thing he had never been allowed, the thing that had taken away his brother. This was a bad idea.
"Things don’t work that way, Ben. We have to end it." You sigh and walk away.
That afternoon in rehearsals Obi-Wan sits beside Satie by the piano.
"Now, this new scene is the scene where the Sitar Player writes a secret song for the Courtesan, so that whatever is happening, however bad things are…they remember their love." His eyes catch yours and you smile at him.
"And, um…we could take it from your line, y/n. So, let’s take it. Let’s take it, if we may-" you note the way his voice cracks and he turns his eyes away from you. The soft piano music begins and you look at the data pad with your script.
The song is perfect in every way; each word pours his love into your heart. A warmth filling you that try to send back. Your eyes flick between your Twi'lek costar and Obi-Wan.
On of the dancers slinks across the room, her body clad in half costume half underwear. She leans down to the Duke, sitting alone on a wooden chair.
"This ending’s silly. Why would the Courtesan go for the Penniless Writer? Oops! I mean Kloo Player."
She gives him a look like he’s an idiot for not seeing it yet, then bounces her eyes between you and Obi-Wan. The Duke seems to make the connection, following her eyeline. Nini goes back to the other Dancers and they share a laugh. Valru takes in a long pointed breath and stands, his neck twisting as he stretches it.
"I don’t like this ending."
Everyone droops in confusion turning to him.
"Don’t like the ending, my dear Duke?" Zidler asks sliding in front of the stage.
"Why would the Courtesan choose a Penniless Kloo Player over the Senator, who is offering a lifetime of security? That’s real love. Once the Kloo Player has satisfied his lust, he will leave the Courtesan with nothing. I suggest that, in the end, the Courtesan choose the Senator." He knew every word would cause a reaction in all of them and he hoped for it. Henri charged forward, his small stature made up for by his anger.
"But…but, but sorry! Sorry, but that ending does not uphold the bohemian ideals of truth, beauty, freedom and lov-"
"I don’t care about your ridiculous dogma!" The Duke shouts, "there is a new Empire now why shouldn’t the Courtesan choose the Senator!?"
Obi-Wan's anger tumbles over the threshold; he stands and shouts.
"Because she doesn’t love you!"
There is a Lllong, horrified pause, as everyone stares at Obi-Wan, who slowly realises what he’s just done.
"Him…him, she doesn’t love…she doesn’t love him." He stumbles backward.
Valru looks back at you, his jaw clenching, "Now I see. Zidler, this ending will be rewritten with the Courtesan choosing the Senator and without the lovers’ secret song. It will be rehearsed in the morning, ready for the opening tomorrow night."
"But, my dear Duke! That will be quite impossible"
You place a hand on Zidler, stepping past him, putting on a brilliant façade that you had been taught early on.
"Zidler the poor Duke is being treated appallingly! These silly writers let their imaginations run away with them." You laugh and approach the Duke, "Now why don’t you and I have a little supper and then, afterwards, we can let Zidler know how we would prefer the story to end, Hm?"
You can feel Obi-Wan is watching them, agony radiating from him.
The Duke agrees with you, leaning in to whisper in your ear. His words freeze your body. You nod and wait for him to leave the dancehall before letting out your breath.
Backstage, you are heading to her dressing room when Obi-Wan stops you. His hand snakes around your arm, holding you gently.
"I don’t want you to sleep with him." He whispers. You lay your forehead on his.
"He could destroy everything." You kiss his cheek, "It’s for us."
He shakes his head, holding back the tears in his eyes.
"You promised. You promised me you wouldn’t be jealous, you- It will be alright." Unsure if you were trying to convince him or yourself. He shakes his head again, unable to look you in the eyes. "Yes, it will…He’s waiting." You try to turn away but he reaches out to stop you, begging
"Ben, come what may, remember." You whisper.
"Come what may." He whispers back finally allowing you to leave.
She had gone to the tower to save us all. And for our part, we could do nothing but wait.
In the Red Mill everyone seems concerned, sitting around the dancehall. Obi-Wan takes a swig of Tatooine wine. Nini saunters over, a mocking grin on her face as she Plops herself on Obi-wan’s lap.
"Don’t worry, you’ll get your ending. Once the Duke gets his…end…in." She laughs. Obi-Wan pushes her off his lap, almost lunging at her. Several male and female dancers jump between them.
"You get your hands off me!" She shouts.
The Narcoleptic Twi'lek holds a hand to Obi-Wan's chest after comforting Nini.
"Never fall in love with a woman who sells herself. It always ends bad!" The last word reverberates through the room. Everyone jumps a little. Henri watches, totally drunk. Obi-Wan looks ready to cry.
"We have a dance! In the brothels of Ryloth.
Tells the story of a prostitute and a man who falls in love with her."
He pulls Nini to him and they start to dance, mimicking what the Twi'lek is saying.
"First, there is desire. Then, passion. Then, suspicion, jealousy, anger, betrayal! When love is for the highest bidder, there can be no trust. Without trust, there is no love! Jealousy…yes, jealousy will drive you mad!"
Obi-Wan watches as the dancers converge on Nini, passing her between them in a tango. As anger bubbles inside his chest Obi-Wan pulls a thick coat around himself and walks, eyes glued on the door. The dancers move around him.
Inside his mind he is reminded of Ruhan's last poem
The words finally echoed his own heart as it shattered apart. The cool of the night air hits him and he walks mind clouded through the courtyard.
There is a force that stops him, halting his feet. A small voice calling out through the Force. He looks up to the balcony of the tower, seeing you standing there. Your eyes meet as the Duke steps up behind you, his hand snaking around your body. His lips whisper into your ear.
The sight makes Obi-Wan feel sick, dropping his eyes to the sand below his feet and walks back to his room in the building across the roadway.
In his room Obi-Wan crumbles, dropping to his knees as objects fly about the room, folding in on themselves. He sees no way of fighting his own emotions, they are too strong and hold too much power.
"No" he Huff's out the word, pushing himself back to his feet. He will not let this defeat him. Reminding himself that he must hide his Jedi heritage he cleans the room by hand. Throwing away every broken object away or hiding it in the closet.
Tired and broken Obi-Wan presses his head to the window allowing the glass to cool him.
The door swings open behind him and Chocolat this Wookie stands behind you. Tears stain your face.
"Y/n?" Obi-Wan runs to you, noting that you were no longer in your black dress, but your underwear.
"I couldn’t! I couldn’t go through with it! I saw you there and I felt terribly and I couldn’t pretend." You sob, "And the Duke, he saw! He saw and he…and he… Christian, I love you."
Obi-Wan pulls you into him, holding you tightly to his chest.
"It’s okay" he whispers.
You shake your head, "And I couldn’t do it; I didn’t want to pretend anymore. I didn’t want to lie, I don’t want," you pull back a bit. "And he knows. He knows, he saw" you're panicking chest rising and falling rapidly.
"It’s all right; you don’t have to pretend anymore. We’ll leave. We’ll leave tonight." He isn't sure what he is saying.
"Leave? But…the show…"
"I don’t care.I don’t care about the show. We have each other, and that’s all that matters."
A sad smile creeps onto your face and you feel all of him.
"Yes. As long as we have each other" you kiss him.
Obi-Wan Grabs the coat he had worn earlier and wraps.it around your shoulder.
"Chocolat, take Miss y/n to her dressing room and get the things she needs. No one must see you, do you understand?" The Wookie nods.
"Darling, you go and pack. And I’ll be waiting." You laugh tearfully kissing him.
Chocolat rushes you back info the Red Mill to your dressing room. You dart about packing up her things into a small bag, when you sees Zidler in the mirror and whirl to face him in surprise. Marie is there, too.
"Forgive the intrusion, Cherub." He sighs.
You turn and put her own coat on, having taken off Obi-Wan's
"You’re wasting your time, Zidler." You say turning away from him.
"Albeit. You don’t understand. The Duke is going to kill Ben."
You gasp a little at his words, looking at yourself self in the mirror.
"No…" Tears are already building up in your eyes.
"The Duke is insanely jealous. Unless you do his ending and sleep with him tomorrow night, the Duke will have Ben killed."
Composing yourself you turn back to Zidler.
"He can’t scare us." You know it's a lie.
"He’s a powerful man. You know he can do it." Zidler is almost begging you.
You stare at him for a moment and then throw your coat off, picking up your things. Zidler slithers closer to you.
"What are you doing?" He asks.
You cannot stop the tears falling as you replace Obi-Wan's coat on your shoulders.
"I don’t need you anymore! All my life, you me believe I was only worth what someone would pay for me! But Ben loves me. He loves me, Zidler. He loves me, and that is worth everything! We’re going away from you, away from the Duke, away from the Red Mill! Goodbye, Zidler." You Turn to the door, toward the Wookie.
"You’re dying, y/n.You’re dying." Zidler finally admits.
Your breath halts for a moment, a light cough reminding you of the days you'd lied in bed.
"Another trick?" You're hopeful.
"No, My Love. The doctor told us." The way his eyes look at you shows you how sorrowful the Hutt is.
"Marie?" You ask one last spark of hope. Marie just looks at you, tears shining in her own eyes. You take a few moments to digest it all
"I’m dying" you whisper, accepting the news.
"Send Christian away. Only you can save him." Zidler implores you.
"He’ll fight for me." You speak through your tears.
"Yes. Unless he believes you don’t love him."
"What?" You look at him.
"You’re a great actress, Satine. Make him believe you don’t love him. Use your talent to save him. Hurt him. Hurt him to save him. There is no other way. The show must go on, y/n. We are creatures of the underworld of Tatooine. We can’t afford to love."
You fall into the chair at the dressing table.
Zidler leaves your dressing room, slithering through the backstage area if the dance hall and he speaks,
"Another hero, another mindless crime
Behind the curtain, in the pantomime on and on, does anybody know what we are living for? Whatever happens, we leave it all chance, another heartache, another failed romance." He reaches the stage, where people are working and things are still being built. Moving down the aisle to the other side of the theatre he continues
"The show must go on outside the dawn is breaking, on the stage that holds our final destiny."
Maria turns back to you, having dressed you in a grey outfit that covered your body.
"The show must go on." She says, quiet and sad.
With your heart broken inside your chest you walk as if condemned to Obi-Wan's room, knocking on the door.
"What’s wrong?" He asks when he sees your stoic eyes.
"I’m staying with the Duke. After I left you, the Duke came to see me and he offered me everything. Everything that I’ve ever dreamed of, he'll take me away from here to the capitals. He has one condition. I must never see you again. I’m sorry." You announce still in the doorway.
"What are you talking about?" Obi-Wan doesn't understand.
You move away from him as he steps closer, and avoid eye contact with him.
"You knew who I was." You say.
"What are you saying? What about last night, what we said?" He feels himself beginning to beg you.
You slink around him, not allowing him to touch you.
"I don’t expect you to understand. The difference between you and I is that you can leave any time you choose but this is my home. The Red Mill is my home." You turn away from him to hide your pain.
"No," he can feel several emotions warring inside you, "there must be something else, this can’t be real, you-"
You're breathing a little too rapidly, either from your disease, or from holding back tears, though you suspect it is both.
"There’s something the matter, tell me what it is?" Obi-Wan tries to hold your hands but you hurry past him and out the door, coughing a few times. Ben catches you at the door, anger creeping to the surface rapidly.
"Tell me what’s wrong! Tell me the truth! Tell me the truth!"
Yanking your arm away from him you look him in the eye.
"The truth? The truth is I am the Naboo Courtesan, and I choose the Senator. That’s how the story really ends." You try to hold onto your sibs. Your eyes hold onto each other for a moment, before he lets you go.
A sand storm gathers on the horizon, Ben's heart has almost visibly been ripped in half. He trembles and staggers back to the bed.
Obi-Wan stands outside the doors to the Red Mill as sand bellows around him.
"Y/n, y/n!" He calls out.
You sit at your window, tears streaming down your cheeks as you watch two guards grab Ben’s arms and haul him across the street. Your name breaking through the thunderous noise of the sand. One guard hits him hard across the face and they walk away as he falls to the wet concrete. He had been through many wars but this was a different pain. Obi-Wan is carried inside by Satie and the others, lying him on his bed with a bruise forming on his cheekbone above his beard.
The day wears on. The storm passes and the rich of Tatooine file into the dancehall.
Ben sits on his bed with a blanket wrapped around him, and stares off numbly toward the window. Henri stands by the bed, smiling comfortingly.
"Things aren’t always as they seem." He tries to reassure the old Jedi.
"Things are exactly the way they seem." Obi-Wan rebutes.
"Ben, you may see me only as a drunken, vice-ridden Jawa whose friends are just pimps and girls from the brothels. But I know about art and love, if only because I long for it with every fibre of my being. She loves you. I know it, I know she loves you." His tiny body seems too out of place in this broken room.
"Go away, Henri. Leave me alone. Go. Away. Go away!" Obi-Wan shouts, behind Henri a plate shoots from the table and snacks against the wall. Henri, glances at it, takes his coat and leaves, with a last sad look at his tormented friend.
I wanted to shut out what Toulouse had said. But he had filled me with doubt, and there was only one way to be sure.
I had to know.
So I returned to the Red Mill. One last time.
Inside the Red Mill, the show is just starting.
The play goes on, the crows cheer and laugh, they sing and cry along with the characters. The Duke sits amongst his personal guests, his eyes fixed on you as you dance around the stage. Unaware that Obi-Wan was sneaking into the building, his Jedi training finally came into action. He moves through the dressing rooms staying behind costumes rails and curtains. Slipping behind actors one sees the tail of his tunic and the whispering begins.
With their parts ended Henri and Twi'lek are walking up a set of steps backstage. Henri taps his chin.
"There has to be a reason, I know she still loves him." He thinks out loud.
"How about one of them is a Duke and the other-" the Twi'lek's sentence is cut off by his narcolepsie taking control of him and he falls down the stairs right in front of Obi-Wan. Thinking quickly the Jedi removes his simple tunic and slips on the Twi'lek's elaborate costume.
Whilst this was happening you had run back to your dressing room to change into your last costume, the wedding dress. Your chest tightens and you feel a hot, thick liquid fill your throat. You spit it out onto a cloth, seeing the redness stain the material. Finally you understood your employer had not been lying. A shuffle and knocking of your things behind you catches your attention and you spin round to see Obi-Wan in the doorway.
At the edge of the stage Werner, grabs Zidler, who is now backstage, where Henri can see and hear them.
"The boy is here." The helmeted man states, angrily.
"We told y/n that if Ben were to come here, he’d be killed!" The Hutt gawks.
"He very soon will be." Werner pulls his blaster from It's holster.
Obi-Wan walks into your dressing room. You stare at each other for a moment.
Henri runs around behind the stage hoping to find Obi-Wan.
"He’ll be killed? That’s it…that’s why she’s pushing him away, to save him. That’s it, that’s it. Ben!" He cries out as the platform he’s on is raised up higher. Sees Warner moving quickly down the corridor.
"No! Don’t—Oh, God, this is high up!" He says to himself as he rises higher and higher.
"I’ve come to pay my bill." Obi-Wan chicks on the words. You hurry past him.
"You shouldn’t be here, Ben. Just leave.' You hope he'll listen. Obi-Wan stares off for a moment and then turns and follows you. As you rush away to get to your mark your breath becomes shallow, straining with each intake. Obi-Wan follows, hot on your heels.
"You did your job so very, very well!" He spits out at you, attempting to grab for you wrist.
"She’s got to get on stage" Marie hisses at the stage manager.
Obi-Wan follows you up a set of wooden steps.
"Why can’t I pay you like everyone else does!?" Tears are freely falling from his eyes. You turn to him, pleading with every part of your body.
"Don’t. Enn, there’s no point. Just leave."
You spin and run again, still Ben chasing after her again.
One of the stage hands grabs at Obi-Wan's shoulders pulling him back but he uses his training to slip out of his grasp and punch him. Ensuring the man falls safely to the ground Obi-Wan looks around trying to find you once more. You're stood atop a stage platform, eyes wide. A gun is pointing past you toward Obi-Wan and you gasp.
Feeling Obi-Wan ascend the steps you spin once more to face Obi-Wan, sobbing, begging and trying to block the blasters path.
"Go…go…" your tears match his.
Obi-Wan holds out wupiupi cash out for you.
"If it wasn’t real, why can’t I pay you?" His words cut through you.
Behind the door next to you, you can hear Zidler's voice as recites the lines of the play.
"Let me pay! Let me pay!" Obi-Wan pants.
You turn your head just enough to see Werner getting closer. Your hands grab at Obi-Wan's jacket, as your chest tightens further.
"Tell me it wasn’t real! Tell me" his words had turned to begging.
The door to the stage opens, revealing you and Obi-Wan. His hands on your wrists and you kneeling on the floor.
"Tell me you don’t love me!" He whispers as you sob but say nothing.
"Tell me you don’t love me!" He shouts. There is a murmur among the crowd, enlighten you both to their presence. The Duke pulls back his top lip, showing his teeth as anger ignites under his skin.
Panicking Zidler slithers across the stage.
"Hahaha! I am not fooled! Though he has shaved off his beard, and dons a disguise, my eyes do not lie! For it is he, the same Penniless Kloo Player! Driven mad by jealousy" He calls out, the audience murder again in a unified realisation.
Obi-Wan drags you by the wrist down the stage a bit, and lets you fall back to the floor. You cough trying to catch your breath between sobs. He moves away from you speaking apparently to Zidler's character, but actually to the Duke.
"This woman is yours now." He throws the bag of money to the floor next to you and it spills out across the stage. "I’ve paid my whore." His eyes turn to you as you gaze up at him, with tears flowing from your eyes. "I owe you nothing and you’re nothing to me." Obi-Wan chicks on his own sobs, "Thank you for curing me of my ridiculous obsession with love." He walks off the stage, everyone behind him knows how real this is, and Obi-Wan stops to stare at the Duke for a moment before walking down the aisle.
Henri claps a hand to his forehead, "I can’t remember my line" below him Zidler attempts to stay in character and get you to stand. Henri tries to remember, his eyes darting around himself. Seeing that Obi-Wan is leaving, Werner replaces his blaster and begins to move away from the stage.
You try to compose yourself, pushing up to stand, your tear filled eyes looking at Zidler.
"I’ve got it! I’ve got it! Ben!" Henri shouts at the top of his voice interrupting Zidler. His silly costume tripping him and he starts to fall to the stage, catching himself, dangling from the platforms.
"The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return!" As his voice echoes, something inside you seems to click, the actors on stage and the audience glance between each other. The Duke scowls up at you as you slowly turn around. You sing,
He stops briefly, Obi-Wan's face nearly crumbles, and he slowly starts to walk again. He is sure this is just a cruel game you're hell bent on playing.
WANT TO VANISH INSIDE YOUR KISS" you continue. Obi-Wan stops again. It sounds so real, the pull of your force signature screaming at him.
He turns slowly, and sees that it is real you're calling to him with your eyes and your voice. Life seems to float back into his eyes and a smile tugs at his lips.
The high note makes you take a gasp for air, nearly coughing. The Duke smiles, having no idea that you are singing to Obi-Wan. The Jedi is watching you, tearful with happiness. Satie conducts the orchestra in gentle music to accompany your words.
I love you.
Finally Obi-Wan breaks,
"COME WHAT MAY" he begins the male part of the song, "COME WHAT MAY
COME WHAT MAY," he heads up to the stage, as you walking downstage to meet him, "COME WHAT MAY
The song continues around you both, the actors and dancers joining in. The Duke growls.under his breath and speaks into a communicator on his wrist. The Mandalorian man servant draws his balster and aims at Obi-Wan as he holds you. Henri spies him and leaps from the platform he had been holding onto.
"Christian! He’s got a gun!" His fall knocks the blaster from Werner's hands and topples them both to the ground. The blaster slides along the stage.
"They’re trying to kill you!" Henri shouts, getting to his feet. The audience laughs at Henri.
Chaos breaks out across the dancehall, people running around and screaming as Werner tries to dash for his gun. His movements trigger a bunch of flashes to go off on stage, and everyone runs around crazily. Chocolat kicks Warner in the head a few times, and manages to kick the gun away. It falls from the stage with a think right at the Duke's feet. He had stood to leave, anger piping from his red hot ears. Hearing the blaster clatter to the aisle behind him he turns. The cast continue to sing out their hearts. The Duke picks up the blaster, holding it out in front of him
The chorus lifts up you and Obi-Wan.
"I WILL LOVE YOU" the sing is hitting it's crescendo.
The Duke rushes to the stage, with the gun pointed at Obi-Wan.
"My way! My way! My way!! My way!" He screams out like a feral beast.
Zidler spins and flicks out his tail hitting the Duke across the face, before he gets there. The Duke falls and the blaster spins away.
The entire cast sing the last words of the song.
The Duke sits up dejectedly as the curtain falls. The audience gives a standing ovation, applauding wildly. The entire cast is ecstatic, all laughing and congratulating each other. Obi-Wan presses a kiss to your lips, happiness waving off him. Somewhere behind the stage manager calls out.
"Stand by for curtain call! Dancers, positions please!"
Obi-Wan starts to pull you over for curtain call. Stepping away from you just slightly. You can't move, your chest feels like it's on fire, every breath burning your throat. You begin to fall as Obi-Wan looks back to you and he catches you. The smile fades from his face.
You begin to cough violently. Henri, Zidler, and other cast members notice what’s happening, their smiles replaced with dread.
"Y/n, what’s the matter?" Obi-Wan asks, holding you in his arms, the coughing eases but you know it isn't a good sign. His knees buckle sending you both to the floor, though he tries to slow your fall.
"What? Darling,darling, what’s the matter? Darling Y/n, what’s the matter?"
Your breathing is raspy and violent, worse than it’s been yet. The noise around him all but silences in his ears. You cough again.
"Gods, Oh my God" Obi-Wan breaths out, Seeing blood dripping from your mouth and touched it with his thumb. Finally Obi-Wan understood his Padawan. The way his mouth ran dry and dripped with spit at the same time. Tears fell freely, staining his face.
"Somebody get some help!" He screamed out.
"Hold the curtain! Fetch the doctor!" Zidler hissed to his stage manager.
You reach up to him, your arm feeling to heavy.
"I’m sorry, Christian…I…I’m…I’m…I’m dying." You say as loud as you can muster your voice. Your lover refuses to believe it.
"Shhh…shhh…it’s all right." He holds on to you. The cast is all watch on, silently.
Every breath hurts you
"I’m so sorry." You whisper.
"No, you’ll be alright. You’ll be alright." Obi-Wan's tears drip onto your face. You wish you could believe him.
"Cold…I’m cold…cold. Hold me." You say to him, hoping his heat would change something. Obi-Wan holds you close to him, he searches the faces around him, afraid of their pained expression. He smiles a little for you.
"I love you." He says so only you can hear.
You smiles back, and can only whisper.
"You’ve got to go on, Ben."
His voice breaks as he speaks.
"Can’t go on without you, though." He attempts to laugh but it comes.out as a sob.
"You’ve got so much to give" You reach up and touch his face as he tries to hold back his tears.
"Don't hide away forev, Ben. The world needs you."
He shakes his head and starts to weep harder.
"Yes… Promise me. Promise me. Don't shut yourself off from the force." He gulps realising you knew what he was. "That way, I’ll…I’ll always be with you." He nods to you, pulling you closer to him again.
You take a few soft, gasping breaths, smiling at Obi-Wan as he weeps and kisses you one last time.
As he pulls back, the force tells him as his heart breaks in two. You are dead. He cradles your body as coloured paper still floats around you. There isn't a dry eye amongst the cast. Beyond the curtain the audience continue their applause, unaware of your demise. The Duke boards his ship scowling back at the Bordello.
Days turned into weeks.
Weeks turned into months. And then, one not-so-very special day, I went to my datapad, I sat down, and I wrote our story.
A story about a time, a story about a place, a story about the people but above all things, a story about love.
A love that will live forever in the heart of a once great Jedi.
My story does not end here, there would be adventures yet to have but my heart stayed forever within the walls of the RED MILL.
The end.
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etunpeudevitriol · 21 days
Thank you for the comments on my knj art!! You were right that Damien and the realtor are dressed as Hades and Persephone! I thought it was cute and cheeky because they're a ruler of the land of the dead and a beloved traveler between the worlds. Hehe I do love the names I came up with for the superhero au! I put a lot of thought into their costumes! Jack's bracelets are armored and have the watch theme and yes they do hold the discs!! I gave him those because his power isn't very suited for combat and I felt he needed a little extra oomph. I'm still trying to think of an extra prop/accessory for Jump Cut
Yayy I was right!! :D And that's clever thinking for the choice of costume, you're right that it does fit their characters. My first thought was devil and angel costumes cause that's the easy choice, but the realtor wasn't wearing a halo so that couldn't be it. Maybe for the first Halloween they did go as devil/angel for convenience (and to test the waters to see if people would buy Damien's "costume") but then next Halloween they didn't want to recycle the same cheap idea so they decided to put some real thought into it and came up with Persephone and Hades!
Ooh if Freeze Frame's bracelets are armoured he can use em as shields like Wonder Woman! I'm also curious about the discs as a weapon- are they cutting weapons like shurikens, blunt objects like boomerangs, or, well, they also remind me of the disc grenade weapon in Battleblock Theater :P
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Idk for Jump Cut, I assume he's more of a closehand fighter? Cause teleportation allows you to attack up close and then bail as a defense. So maybe fist weapons? Or maybe something to allow him to grab things easier so he can teleport with them. (Idk if he needs physical contact with things to teleport them, like the tea mugs)
Thank you for the ask!
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opinions-about-tiaras · 7 months
Hoo boy. So the first look trailer for Wicked is out and... well, I'm concerned. Thoughts below the cut.
Let me add my voice to what everyone else is saying first and get that out of the way; it looks awful. Visually, I mean. "CGI sludge" is an apt description. I get that they're trying to evoke the feeling of the Judy Garland Wizard of Oz but yikes, it looks terrible. Just a riot of color that evokes nothing and feels flat. The wonder and majesty of Oz this ain't. Even the costumes look cheap and ill-considered.
And look, I get it. This is a movie adaptation, of a stage adaptation, of a book that's basically Wizard of Oz AU fanfiction. They're going to do their own think. But Wicked (The Musical) already sanded off so many of the rough edges of Wicked (The Book) and it looks like this thing is gonna continue in that vein.
But at a certain point when you pour enough water into your wine, you're just drinking water, and it really feels like we've passed that point.
This is an enormously big-budget musical that seems almost ashamed its a musical; you wouldn't know this is musical theater from the trailer, at any rate. That's not a great sign. Neither is the fact that they appear to be doing some sort of "Elphaba's magical power is driven by her being overly emotional and out of control," which is a questionable choice to make when you've cast a black woman in the role.
Actually, let's talk about casting.
Your leads are WAY TOO FUCKING OLD. I know that doesn't make a difference in a stage production. This is not a stage production. Ariana Grande is 30; Cynthia Erivo is thirty-seven. These people are not college freshmen, and expecting us to believe they are is insulting.
Yes, I'm also aware there's a long tradition of expecting us to believe people in their mid-twenties are high school students. There are limits and this pushes past them. The costuming and makeup departments are working hard, but the amount of makeup they're having to cake on Grande and Erivo in order to make them look like fresh-faced youngsters is extremely off-putting. We're not sitting a hundred feet away in a theater, the camera is doing close-ups a lot. Black Elphaba is an excellent choice, but you could have found a much, much younger actress for it.
They also made some... weird choices for diversification of the cast. Not in a "it is historically inaccurate for these people not to be white" kind of a way, but in a "you're sort of undercutting your own themes" kind of a way.
Wicked (The Book) is very explicitly about white supremacy, imperialism, and class. So is every other book in the Wicked Years, when they aren't also about gender fuckery. The musical cuts a lot of that away, but its still there. The Gillikinese (Glinda the Goods specific ethnic group in the context of Oz) are an explicit expression of this. They're economically, culturally, industrially, and socially dominant, and virulently racist against all of Oz's other ethnic groups (the Munchkins, the Animals, the Quadlings, the "Winkies") for whom they have a charming variety of racial slurs and race legislation towards.
Casting a white British person as Fiyero Tigelaar is absurd in this context. Fiyero's whole deal is that he's from a racially disfavored group and is treated pretty shitty because of it! Yes, I am AWARE the role on-state was originated by a white dude. This ain't the play.
Similarly, casting someone who isn't so white they practically glow in the dark as Madame Morrible is kind of a misstep. Madame Morrible is the enforcer of the Wizard's race policy.
And so I have to question... what the hell are they padding this out with?
The stage play is two hours and 45 minutes long. That would translate to the screen fairly handily, on the long side but about where you'd expect a big epic to be these days.
Only they're doing this as TWO movies, like Dune did. Is doing.
As this is likely to be marketed as a family film (I'm expecting a PG rating) they might just be making two ninety-minute films so that parents aren't off-put by the idea of their kids squirming in chairs for three hours. But given that the director and writers have spoken repeatedly about how this story was just "too big" to be contained in a single film, and that they're planning to add a whole bunch of stuff, that seems unlikely. I have a hard time seeing both movies clock in at a runtime of under four hours.
So what are you going to do here?
I had been hoping at first that they were going to re-add in a bunch of the themes and plot points from the novel. And maybe they are? But I sense that they're being timid here. That they're gonna pull their punches and make this a very straightforward, very paint-by-numbers story about a generically evil tyrant with the race and class stuff shoved way, way, way into the background. For that matter I expect them to dial the queerness back as well, which would be awful because my god is Wicked queer.
I dunno. This just seems like a lot of red flags.
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