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legal-tax · 11 months
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dreamdolldeveloper · 8 months
back to basics
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mostly free resources to help you learn the basics that i've gathered for myself so far that i think are cool
gcfglobal - about the internet, online safety and for kids, life skills like applying for jobs, career planning, resume writing, online learning, today's skills like 3d printing, photoshop, smartphone basics, microsoft office apps, and mac friendly. they have core skills like reading, math, science, language learning - some topics are sparse so hopefully they keep adding things on. great site to start off on learning.
handsonbanking - learn about finances. after highschool, credit, banking, investing, money management, debt, goal setting, loans, cars, small businesses, military, insurance, retirement, etc.
bbc - learning for all ages. primary to adult. arts, history, science, math, reading, english, french, all the way to functional and vocational skills for adults as well, great site!
education.ket - workplace essential skills
general education
mathsgenie - GCSE revision, grade 1-9, math stages 1-14, provides more resources! completely free.
khan academy - pre-k to college, life skills, test prep (sats, mcat, etc), get ready courses, AP, partner courses like NASA, etc. so much more!
aleks - k-12 + higher ed learning program. adapts to each student.
biology4kids - learn biology
cosmos4kids - learn astronomy basics
chem4kids - learn chemistry
physics4kids - learn physics
numbernut - math basics (arithmetic, fractions and decimals, roots and exponents, prealgebra)
education.ket - primary to adult. includes highschool equivalent test prep, the core skills. they have a free resource library and they sell workbooks. they have one on work-life essentials (high demand career sectors + soft skills)
youtube channels
the organic chemistry tutor
professor leonard
readworks - reading comprehension, build background knowledge, grow your vocabulary, strengthen strategic reading
chompchomp - grammar knowledge
not the "free resource" part of this post but sometimes we forget we can be tutored especially as an adult. just because we don't have formal education does not mean we can't get 1:1 teaching! please do you research and don't be afraid to try out different tutors. and remember you're not dumb just because someone's teaching style doesn't match up with your learning style.
cambridge coaching - medical school, mba and business, law school, graduate, college academics, high school and college process, middle school and high school admissions
preply - language tutoring. affordable!
revolutionprep - math, science, english, history, computer science (ap, html/css, java, python c++), foreign languages (german, korean, french, italian, spanish, japanese, chinese, esl)
varsity tutors - k-5 subjects, ap, test prep, languages, math, science & engineering, coding, homeschool, college essays, essay editing, etc
chegg - biology, business, engineering/computer science, math, homework help, textbook support, rent and buying books
learn to be - k-12 subjects
for languages
lingq - app. created by steve kaufmann, a polygot (fluent in 20+ languages) an amazing language learning platform that compiles content in 20+ languages like podcasts, graded readers, story times, vlogs, radio, books, the feature to put in your own books! immersion, comprehensible input.
flexiclasses - option to study abroad, resources to learn, mandarin, cantonese, japanese, vietnamese, korean, italian, russian, taiwanese hokkien, shanghainese.
fluentin3months - bootcamp, consultation available, languages: spanish, french, korean, german, chinese, japanese, russian, italian.
fluenz - spanish immersion both online and in person - intensive.
pimsleur - not tutoring** online learning using apps and their method. up to 50 languages, free trial available.
incase time has passed since i last posted this, check on the original post (not the reblogs) to see if i updated link or added new resources. i think i want to add laguage resources at some point too but until then, happy learning!!
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thesiltverses · 4 months
Hello! Have you heard black sheep by poor man’s poison? It’s so carpenter and Faulkner coded I could swear you had that song in mind when you wrote it. It was the first song I added to my silt verses playlist when I made it
I have not heard either of the songs you recommended (or the bands!) but I just checked them both out this morning after spending a month glued to sound design, and I enjoyed them a lot, so thank you!
Poor Man's Poison reminded me a lot of The Devil Makes Three, this sort of straight-faced Weird West music, but I really liked Rabbitology's Bog Bodies, which took me back to Seamus Heaney's bog poems, which were very much an influence on the show as a whole.
Quick, let's have a bog poem:
BOG QUEEN I lay waiting between turf-face and demesne wall, between heathery levels and glass-toothed stone.
My body was braille for the creeping influences: dawn suns groped over my head and cooled at my feet,
through my fabrics and skins the seeps of winter digested me, the illiterate roots
pondered and died in the cavings of stomach and socket. I lay waiting
on the gravel bottom, my brain darkening, a jar of spawn fermenting underground
dreams of Baltic amber. Bruised berries under my nails, the vital hoard reducing in the crock of the pelvis.
My diadem grew carious, gemstones dropped in the peat floe like the bearings of history.
My sash was a black glacier wrinkling, dyed weaves and phoenician stitchwork retted on my breasts’
soft moraines. I knew winter cold like the nuzzle of fjords at my thighs—
the soaked fledge, the heavy swaddle of hides. My skull hibernated in the wet nest of my hair.
Which they robbed. I was barbered and stripped by a turfcutter’s spade
who veiled me again and packed coomb softly between the stone jambs at my head and my feet.
Till a peer’s wife bribed him. The plait of my hair, a slimy birth-cord of bog, had been cut
and I rose from the dark, hacked bone, skull-ware, frayed stitches, tufts, small gleams on the bank.
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homiesondaweb · 1 year
Anybody order some Jefferson and Aaron angst😁😁😁 CUS I AM DELIVERING IT HOT AND FRESH 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
Also give me Aaron and Jefferson background or give me death!
Aaron sat on his motorcycle in the private alley behind his and Jefferson’s new studio apartment since they've moved operations from Harlem to Brooklyn. Snowflakes whisk around in the swift chilly breeze, its just start to stick to the ground as sleet. Aaron's Prowler gear is hidden under his bomber jacket as he checked his messages, refreshing over and over again but the top one still remained that same.
JD: 210, grabbin beer rn. Game should be on channel 12.
Code for: Urgent, meet me at 9pm at the base.
Aaron glances at the glaring 8:57 at the top of his blackberry. Sighing as he fully parks and cloaks his bike before using the fire escape to make his way up. There he finds his older brother pacing nervously, four black and milds burned to the plastic nub, he anxiously shakes a blue can of spary-paint and some jagged design that Aaron can only describe as panic personified is on the far wall that conceals some gear.
"JD! What the hell man? Had me buggin', Cottonmouth give you some BS or something?" Aaron asks, coming over and clapping a hand on his brother's shoulder. Jefferson blows his current cloud of tobacco high out of Aaron's face before squashing the tip out and adding some flawless circles to the piece.
"I…Ri…we gotta get outta this shit bro." Jefferson bumbles for a moment and Aaron frowns a look of confusion.
"What? Fuck is you talking bout ? What about Rio?" Aaron asks and Jefferson groans and flops to the floor, letting the can roll away. He gives no care to his white hoodie as he sags against the wall of wet paint. Aaron feels creeped out by how young and dumb his brother looks at the moment. Like he's 15 and not 25. He doesn't like it at all.
Aaron squats down next to him and tries to pat out the glassy look in Jeff's eyes. His brother starts to breathe heavily, panic bubbling.
"Rio is pregnant! Like with my baby and I…."
"Damn." Aaron slides to fully sit and Jeff slumps forward and rests his head in his hands, forcing his own head between his knees and thring to steady his breathing. One of those recenter-ing tactics that Rio showed him probably.
"Jeff, if y'all need money fo-"
"She's pregnant wit my kid and Cottonmouth just had us stalk out and scare that one lady who was pregnant and what if that was Rio and-and that fucked her up. We've busted houses and collected in places with kids before what-wh- STOP!" Aaron shakes Jefferson's shoulder hard and the broader of the two of them sits up ramroad straight.
"Calm down nigga, you doin' that spiraling shit that Rio was talking about JD!" Aaron tells him loudly. He gets up and digs around in one of the drawers at the kitchen counter before pulling out a blunt then grabbing a forty of Olde English. He dumps the self medication in his brother's lap and Jeff just huffs and looks at it.
"So, Rio is pregnant. Is she too far out or something for the clinic? You know all we gotta do is call Bunky and she'd find a hanger lady for her."
"Fuck no! I'd never endanger Rio like that, fuck you nigga!" Jefferson curses as he pops the bottle and swings back the first quarter of it. Aaron holds his hands up to disengage him.
"Don't shoot the messenger for the truth bru. With the way you've been sloppy with Cottonmouth's and that new dude King's menace missions lately. I'd hate to have a vulnerability like that. We're getting to a new level in the game bro, that ain't just jacking bank trucks and doing snow drops anymore. A baby will fuck it up. And Rio will not be for this shit. Hell, she might even snitch you out when she finds out that your money from "Security" work ain't so clean."
"Rio would never snitch on me." Jeff glares and Aaron laugh around a puff of the blunt then passes it over.
"Yo girl not mine. All my pussy know what kinda life we live. Live the life we live. Work how we work. You the one who went over to the Heights and got a PR princess that's smarter than you in two languages. Rio's gonna learn the truth if y'all go through with a baby." Aaron tells him and Jeff continues a hard stare to the floor.
"... and just what should I tell her, Master Splinter, since you're so damn wise." Jefferson chuckles darkly with another deep drink. Aaron rolls his eyes.
"She's 23 and just graduated nursing school. She shouldn't fuck her life up with a baby and a bum nigga."
"I'm notta fucking bum!"
"Pretend Jefferson! Either give her the cash to get rid of it and y'all continue on. Or drive her off. She doesn't know the shit we do and we both know what it's like to be raised in the game. Hell, Cottonmouth knowing we brothers is already a slippery slope. You havin' too many folks you care about, known about? Will end up with them dead, we know this. It's why sissy stays down in Jacksonville and mind her own business. Prowler and Lurk have nothing to do with Lady Blue. Shit like that, keeps all of us alive." Aaron reminds him. Jeff growls out in frustration and drives a fist into the plaster of the wall. The blue target he painted earlier crushed within it.
"Jeff, what th-"
"What if I don't wanna do this no more."
Both brothers go quiet at the slurred confession. Jefferson gets up and finishes the bottle, Aaron sighs as Jeff rolls the wide bottle between his hands.
"JD le-"
"I don't wanna do this no more. It isn't helping anyone. It's not good for us. I-I keep seeing… keep seeing the eyes of those kids scared outta they minds because I have they daddy or mama's head bashed into the kitchen title. I'd never hurt a kid but… do they know that? What if, they saw me just on the street taking Rio out somewhere or just in the Bodega.."
"That's why we wear a mask, Jeff. Calm the fuck down."
Jeff let's the bottle roll to the floor. He goes to his closet and throws his black and red costume to the floor. The mask isn't much really. A dark red base with three horizontal black lines over his brows, nose, and mouth. Red circle lens adjusted to his prescription over the eyes.
This mask is the face of Lurk. Where Prowler dragged claws behind him to make up for his lean from. Lurk's knuckles were studded, they would beat and beat and beat fear into whoever was his assignment.
He hasn't killed anyone yet. Just destroyed lives. Scarred people. All for money.
Jeff didn't want Lurk's face over his anymore. Not when he saw the most beautiful thing in the world in the form of a gray blob on a sonogram.
"I feel like the baby is a boy, mi vida! I know we have to wait a few more months to know but…I just know!" Rio teases as Jeff snuggles her belly while they rest in her bedroom. Her belly barely has a pudge past her usual shape. She's only a month and half along in the pregnancy at this point.
A person that is half of him and half of the angel who landed in his life three years ago. Who already had a big head for 9 weeks and Jeff's heart in their hand.
"He's going to be a smart baby! I used to like reading, you know, if I had the time, then maybe. But lately, I can't seem to keep a book out of my hands, I crave them like Maduros! Isn't that funny Jeff?"
His son. Does Jeff really want to be part of a world that is already so cruel? A world made scary because of guys like him and Aaron? Is Jeff even a real man to have Rio bring his son into a life like that, just like his father had done for Jeff and his siblings.
"You're too pussy to wear this mask JD. Too weak to be Prowler. Look at your baby brother, Aaron does what needs to be done for real success. He's a real man, he can pick up the claws but you? A waste of muscle, you're gonna be a goonie all your life. At least your sister is a business woman. What the fuck are you?"
"She's 4 months along." Jeff whispers and Aaron shoots up at that.
"What! Why did you wait so long to tell me?"
"You were on a long mission. I didn't want to mess you up when you were on such a touchy mission."
"Jefferson! Be fucking forreal bro!"
"I am! Gotdamit, I am! I'm….I'm done Aaron. Rio had an appointment today and I was staring at that grainy ass black and white picture and… my son, he's beautiful already. Not even here yet I… I can't have him in this life… Miles deserve better. I deserve better… even you and Brynn. Dad was so fucking wrong for putting us into this shit. We deserve better! We need to j-"
Jeff is cut off from his ramble by Aaron punching him in the face. Jeff quickly takes him down right back, the two physically fight. Knocking into the walls, into the coffee table then to the floor. Jefferson pins Aaron under him, one of his knees painfully drives one of Aaron's shoulders to the floor while Jeff struggles to peel Aaron hand from around his throat.
"Why you always gotta prove dad right! You're fuckin weak, you ain't no damn man. You ain't logical!"
"At least I ain't playing dress up in my daddy's damn clothes! I'm tired of this goon shit!" Jeff yells before wrenching Aaron's hand off and twisting it away. He jolts when Aaron cries out as a sickening pop echoes through the room. He scrambles back at that, hands shaking, whatever highs they had somehow chased crashed in an instant.
He just hurt his brother. His damn baby brother.
"Aaron… Ronnie baby… I-"
Aaron lets it go with a strong exhale. He breathes in again and holds his wince as Jefferson carefully brings him to a sit, then leans him against the wall. Its plaster crumbles even further around them, probably asbestos.
"Just shut up Jeff. Just shut the fuck up!" Aaron yells out as he tries to breath through the pain of a shoulder twisted out of socket. He breathed deep, real deep, pulling at the sense of numbness their father had taught him how to do on his first kill missin. To stop him from shaking with pity for a human being (sympathy, empathy, he didn't want to fucking do it but his dad had never shown so much pride). Pity halts a clean kill and a big payday.
Jeff takes Aaron's swift punch to the chest, right above his heart. It winds him up a little. He lets Aaron do it again.
And again.
"Dad gave us this. We're legends to the crime world."
"We are their favorite goons and that's it."
"Fuck you, Jefferson. Put my shit back in place and get out then."
Jefferson does as such. With a swift and practiced tenderness he puts Aaron's shoulder back into place. Slips it into a brace and hands his baby brother painkillers and anti-inflammatories custom from Doc Ock. Aaron drinks it down with half of the last forty in the fridge.
As Aaron simmers on the couch, Jefferson rolls up Lurk's costume and studded knuckle dusters in a bulky bundle. He sets the keys to his motorcycle on the kitchen counter along with his business only burner phone. He gets to the door and looks back at Aaron who stares coldly ahead at the 10 o'clock Breaking News broadcast. Some big name witness that would have broken a cartel case has been found dead. Thoats gouged out, nearly decapitated with clawed slashes.
"Your cut is in the trunk." Aaron says, his voice all soft, deep, and robotic. Jeff closes the door, he numbly makes it down stairs. He floats as he gets into his Cadillac and drives across Brooklyn to Jamaica Bay.
He burns Lurk to ash, the mask and embers impression in the fire before he buries it in the sand. Jeff lumbers back to the car and opens the trunk. Sure enough, there in a black duffle bag is Jeff's cut of, 75,000$. A one-third of the mission price him and Aaron did a joint job on. That was always the deal with the Davis siblings. Everyone gets one-third. Even Brynn taps a PO box twice a month with profit from her blow and information business. They send her their one-third back to her laundered through jewelry.
Jefferson throws up behind the car. Flashes of blood, crushed in faces, broken limbs, slurred pleas through broken teeth, a screaming child crying for the parent Jeff was crushing in his hands, dance through his mind at each retch.
He leans against it after a few minutes of that then rests his forehead to the cold metal of his car. Praying it cures his fever of alcohol and emotions. He can't believe how warm and flushed he feels. The snowflakes melted instantly and join the sweat on his forehead and neck.
"¡Ay bendito! Jeff! You've got to learn how to regulate yourself better, papá!" Rio would chide him for being so worked up this late at night. Or this early in the morning. It was nearly 1 am.
He closes the trunk on the money. He knows he'll need it. He got an apartment to buy, a home to stock and a nursery to make now.
Aaron wakes up sore, and aching. The TV watching him and the world is white and bright through the window. The weather lady drones about last night's blizzard. He goes through the motions of resting up, thanking God Jeff pulled all that foolishness during his down period after the mission of the night before last. He pads into the bathroom and takes the hottest shower possible, careful to clean his face and hands of dried blood.
He cringes in the mirror but applies a bandage to the cut over his cheek and rubs cooling salave over the bruises. He pauses at the grainy black and white photo of something with a big ass head tucked in the corner of the bathroom mirror.
In Rio's loopy handwriting with a white maker she's made a text bubble in the empty space next to the baby's head.
"Hey Tio' Aaron :D! I'm Miles!"
Aaron huffs, lips twitching up before he washes his face and head back to the couch to have the rest of his beer for breakfast. As he dips his head back he ponders that grainy photo, ponders a childhood of being raised to follow their fathers footstep into the legacy of mercenary work. Jeff is too fucking soft, their father handed them the skills of success on a freaking platter and he's letting a Spanish Mamí and a baby stop that?
When nephew' gets here, I'm just gonna drop some stuff off to Jeff for congratulations and then I'm bouncing to Philly for a bit. Yeah, forget New York for a while. Forget Jefferson and what he swears I deserve.
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breachverse · 2 years
Breach: Chicago War Zone - WIP Update 14 - 10th of February 2023
I didn't think I'd be able to finish it this month considering my hard drive decided to corrupt itself, but, goddamn, I did it.
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WIP Update 14 has been released! Chapter 2 Part 2 for both routes have started all the way up to the first chance of a downtime. Though you can't hangout with anyone, except for Hayne, you can now enjoy the limited shop for both the Archangel AND the FBI route, as well as the completed skill training feature.
Breach: Chicago War Zone (Updated)
DEVELOPMENT LOG#14 (10-February-2023)
Alpha - 14
Tons of bug fixes typos and grammar fixes
Added the ability to buy plasma cutter pre-hangout
Added ARC skills training and store (limited)
Added FBI skills training and store (very limited)
Fixed FBI armory not being free. (Everything should now be free)
Tweaked a few of the weapon's descriptions to be available for both routes
Tweaked several weapon accessories token modifiers
Tweaked available accessories for the UTS-15
Added Flash Grenades
Added AR-10 Battle rifle (I know, I'm calling it one)
Added KSG-12 Shotgun
Added RPD Machine gun
Added AK-12 Assault rifle
Alpha - 14
Added Chapter Part restart feature to Show Stats screen (Testing)
Added Settings tab to the Show Stats screen (Testing)
Added Cheats tab to the Show Stats screen (Testing)
Added Hayne's 1st hangout
W.I.P.: Chapter 2 Part 2 of The AA branch (23%) W.I.P.: Chapter 2 Part 2 of The FBI branch (23%) W.I.P.: AA Hangout (9%) W.I.P.: AA Store system (60%) W.I.P.: FBI Hangout (9%) W.I.P.: FBI Store system (50%) W.I.P.: Stat screen upgrade (30%) COMPLETED: Chapter 2 Part 1 of The AA branch (100%) COMPLETED: Chapter 2 Part 1 of The FBI branch (100%)
Word Count: 656,856 words including codes (Last update was 637,822)
The private testing for this was uploaded last month so technically I managed to get an update out once month but still… it was quite a delay and I'm terribly sorry.
For those who don't know, I had a horrible setback in which my computer's hard drive decided to bork itself and I had to reinstall windows. I lost a small number of data but it took me some time to rebuild my database and retrieve data from my corrupted hard drive. Thankfully, Breach itself is saved due to the number of backups I've made and the precaution of having multiple copies on different hard drives.
More detail on the situation on this post if you want to see the exact problem I was having.
But, all of that is past now and though I am still building up everything again, I was able to get my workspace back in order and thankfully, I've managed to finish this damn update before the end of the month for private testing, and added a few things for the public update.
The update also consists some scenes for the ARC route where if you choose to do the prep work for the grate work or wall work in the tunnels under the bank, as well as some new scenes for the FBI route where [spoiler]if you let Greg escape during the raid, he'll want to meet with you and he'll give you some secrets about the trio.[/spoiler]
I'm sorry it's taken so long, and thank you for being so patient. It's not a huge update, but it features the shop and the skill training system in-game where you can buy and change your gear however you wish, though the FBI armoury is quite limited for now.
Thank you all for your patience.
Much love! ❤️
Link to the CoG Forums post
I also have a Discord server!
As always feel free to drop however many screenshot feedbacks you'd like, either in the forums or in our Discord channel!
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starfirexuchiha · 1 year
Do you by chance know how to receive P5R themes and avatars on playstation? I heard that you're supposed to get them after beating certain palaces.
Oh you mean themes like this?
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There are actually 2 ways to get these themes, and I did both of these methods.
1st method: PSN Email notifs
You must do this BEFORE you start a new game in P5R.
Step 1: Login to your Playstation Network Account (PSN).
Step 2: Go to your Account Settings and go to the "Notifications" tab
Step 3: Check the checkbox for "Receive via Email" and click "Save"
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Now you'll be able to receive emails that will let you redeem P5R themes for free! These emails will give you redeem codes for the themes that you'll use in the Playstation store.
Here is how you'll obtain these emails:
Morgana, Ryuji and Ann themes -> After you finish Kamoshida's palace
(I actually didn't get this email because I signed up for the Email notifs AFTER I finished Kamoshida's palace 💀)
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Yusuke, Makoto, and Futaba themes -> After you finish Futaba's palace
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Haru, Akechi, and Kasumi themes -> After you finish Maruki's palace
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Unfortunately, I'm not sure how you can obtain the Joker and Maruki themes so that's where the 2nd method comes in!
2nd Method: Japanese PlayStation store
This method is more complicated. This involves paying for these themes in the Japanese Playstation store. This is the method I used to purchase the Joker, Akechi, Maruki, and Kasumi themes.
Notice how their themes are in Japanese. It's proof that I bought them there.
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So here are the steps:
Step 1: Create a new Japanese account on your PS4. Here's a video tutorial on how to do that:
Step 2: After you create a Japanese PS4 account, you're probably wondering, "How can I buy things in the Japanese Playstation store if I don't have Yen or a Japanese bank account?" 😥
Simple, just purchase a Japanese PSN Gift card! The themes are really cheap, so you can just buy the cheapest Japanese PSN gift card. I usually buy these gift cards in Play-Asia! Just go to play-asia.com and search for this!
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Step 3: After you purchase the gift card and got the redeem code, enter the redeem code in the Japanese PSN store. Make sure you're in the Japanese store when you do this!
If you don't know how to read Japanese, you'll need some translation tools. If I recall correctly, the word "Redeem" was in katakana (レディーム)
Step 4: After you redeemed the gift card and got your Yen, this is the tricky part. You'll need to search for the P5R themes. Try going to the search bar in the store and type "P5".
If you know how to type in Japanese, trying adding a Japanese keyboard for your PS4 and type in "ペルソナ5" (perusona 5) or "テーマ" (teema) in the search bar.
And that's how you get the P5R themes! Hope this helps!
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Cheater, Cheater
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Keys x reader! Based off an idea by @loliakeoghan23​
Before the story of Free Guy begins, reports of a hacker stealing user codes pile up to the extent that Antwan enlists Keys to track the culprit down or risk losing his job
TW: Cursing, sexual themes, actual crime
The furious clacking of the keyboard’s tiles echoed around the room as Y/n’s eyes fixated on the screen, finger whirring as she fired repeatedly at the digital avatars.
The Harlequin-style character shot in accordance with each click, sending the surrounding players to the ground.
“You’re pretty good at this,” the chat crackled to life through her headphones as the player count dropped. Y/n rolled her eyes at the condescending tone and flicked down her mic. “I’m no expert,” she replied coquettishly in a sugary voice. “Just playing for fun.”
Clearly it was the right move, as the guy seemed to gain more confidence from her answer. “Your boyfriend help you rack up all those levels, babe? Pretty high score for someone who’s using it for rec.”
Jeez, that was predictable, Y/n smirked, used to the ‘smooth’ lines of Free City’s most frequent players. Judging by his skin and gamer tag, this dude was either some geeky teenager or a thirty-year old who was still dependant on his mother.
Pulling up a sidebar, she started implementing lines of code into the program, mining through the available data as her opponent kept obliviously blabbering on. “I’m just saying, there are hardly any gamer girls that get this far. And the ones who do are like, threes at best.”
Y/n grimaced, stalling long enough for the information to transfer before discreetly moving her character into the enemy’s line of fire, yet not enough so it looked purposeful. 
The gun sound effect mixed with the guy’s triumphant exclamation brought her back to the game, where a heavily decorated YOU LOSE floated over the image of her opponent’s avatar dancing idiotically.  
“Sorry, baby, tough luck,” he crowed, more focused on collecting the onscreen rewards to realise his entire financial information log had been compromised. “We could do this again sometime, I could give you some pointers?” he added hopefully.
“Thanks, but no,” Y/n sighed, double checking the info transfer before exiting the match. The game disappeared into it’s small window, revealing the clear numbers of every purchase ever made with his account. 
Sliding her headphones down around her neck, she started scrolling down each date and timestamp until she got to the core signup information. Free City’s account creator was sketchy from the beginning, with little to no credit security, yet every player needed bank information to join. It was like they were ASKING to get hacked.
“You spend a surprising amount of money on video games for someone with no income, Mr...Brandon,” Y/n mused aloud as she copied each code down and encrypted them. “What would your mother say if she knew you linked her debit card onto your account as well?”
“I really hope you learn your lesson from this, honey” she tsked, 
“Keys, Keylime, K with a capital E, what is up, man?” Antwan called from behind his desk. 
Keys hesitated awkwardly as the doors slid closed. “Um. Hi. I heard you wanted to talk about something?”
Antwan hopped up, his jacket swishing as he made his way around the table. “Well, I was just thinking about you, bro! I wanted to see how you were doing, ask how’s the wife, you know,” he shrugged. 
“I’m not married?” Keys protested weakly as Antwan wrapped his arm around his shoulder. His boss nodded, clearly not interested. 
“Right, right, that’s cool. So I had a little question I wanted to run by you, being the smart little nerd you are.” 
He opened his mouth to respond, before Antwan kept on talking. 
“I was talking to my dudes in Account Security, that boring stuff, yeah? And usually those meetings are a total snooze. But this week, they had some new stuff to blab about. You got any complaints about bank info being whisked away?”
Keys frowned. “Yeah, uh, we got like four this week. But I checked through the player data base and there’s no record of any breakthroughs.”
“Hmm. See, that’s the fun thing. I know that there’s a hacker, with a cute setup in a dingy basement somewhere, and they’re smart.”
Antwan tapped the side of his head. “But I, my geeky little man, am smarter. Which is why I’m assigning you to finding our fun little thief.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Keys closed his eyes, trying to process what he was saying. “You want me to find a hacker, who could be literally anywhere in the world? Don’t you have a security team for this kinda thing?”
“Aw, bro, those guys are pathetic. Besides, you’re more than capable. Think of it like a mystery, Detective Hair Gel, assigned to you from the King himself.”
“You’re kidding.” Keys deadpanned.
Antwan smiled, pulling Keys along with him to the large windows at the back of the room. “Look out there, bro,” he said seriously, gesturing to the city beneath them. “There are people out there in danger, losing their hard earned money to this secret villain. Don’t you feel the urge to defend your fellow dudes?” he asked seriously. 
He turned to stare at Keys, a momentous look on his face. “This mission, if you so choose to accept it, will make you a hero.” Suddenly his whole expression changed. “Besides, if you don’t, I’ll have you fired.”
“Antwan, what-” 
“Nice talk, man,” Antwan said nonchalantly, shooing him out. “Good luck on catching the hacker!”
“-but I’m not-” Keys started, before the door slammed in his face. “-going to catch the-damn it.”
Keys collapsed into his chair, sending it spinning in lazy circles around his cubicle. 
Mouser looked up from his own desk, a scrutinising look on his face. “What happened in there, man? You left and came back looking like you haven’t slept in weeks.”
Keys groaned in response. Tilting his head back to the ceiling to avoid Mouser’s inquisitive gaze. “Antwan’s making me track down this prick who’s stealing user codes.”
 “Oh, man, that’s awful.” Mouser chuckled. 
“Tell me about it,” Keys griped. “My job is riding on tracking down some deadbeat loser.”
Mouser shook his head. “A genius deadbeat loser. I’ve gone through some of the user complaints, and there’s like, nothing there.”
Keys sat up. “So what, I can’t track this guy,” he put down a finger for each point. “We have no idea how he’s managing to get in the accounts,” Another finger. “And finally, my career is on the line if I can’t figure this out.”
He shrugged, exasperated. “I’m screwed.”
“Man, you can do this,” Mouser argued, leaning on the divider between the desks. “Use the MIT smarts.” 
Keys glared at him.
“I’m serious! This dude is pretty good at taking advantage of idiots, right? So act like an idiot and pull a full whamo on him”
“So what, you want me to just parade around in hopes that this one specific hacker decides to hack me?”
Mouser shrugged. “Sure. Catch a fly with your web of smarts, I guess.”
“Thanks, man,” Keys sighed. 
Y/n hummed along to the music playing on her speakers, nodding her head to the beat as she swiped through the Free City menus.
“-and the haters’ gonna hate hate hate,” she sang along quietly, clicking on her avatar. The pixelated figure appeared on screen, along with the customisation menu. Scrolling down, she settled on a lower grade cutesy costume, and selected the Online Play option. 
Y/n leaned forward in anticipation, fingers resting lightly on the keyboard. As the dial up appeared on the screen, she paused her music and lowered her headphones over her ears. 
When the game finally kicked in, she immediately noticed the classic “I’m-an-angsty-teenage-boy” combo, and sighed in disappointment. Easy marks, with next to no security whatsoever. Sad.
She barely had to do anything, letting the appearance of her character do most of the work as the players shot and fired in accordance. 
As she entered in the code, her phone rang, loudly blaring from beside her. “Shit!” she muttered, scrambling to shut it down, quickly entering the last line of numbers before quickly exiting the lobby. 
Pressing the button on the screen, she exhaled, letting some of the tension roll off her. Putting the phone on silent, Y/n pulled her headphones back on and reentered the game.
From across the city, Keys sat forward, startled by a security error in the mainframe. A small mistake, only a couple letters misspelled, gave him a pinpoint of someone entering through a backdoor. 
“Bingo,” he grinned, typing in the error location. 
His avatar appeared onscreen, in his default customisation, as he entered the lobby address into the game bar. 
He inhaled deeply as the screen displayed the loading symbol, plugging in his earphones and focusing on the screen.
mister-mk86 has joined the lobby
The words popped up at the top of the screen, momentarily distracting Y/n from the current menus in her inventory.
She scanned over the player bio, looking for any irregularities that could equal a bot or scammer. Coming up with nothing, she exited the profile and focused on the game.
new message from mistermk86
Y/n groaned. Predictable, really. The lobby had gone down to significantly less players, all newbies or bots at this point. She clicked on the message.
“Wow. How eloquent.” Y/n scoffed, pulling up her keyboard. 
Keys stared at his screen, watching the typing indicators in the message board.
rebelfan is typing...
Hi there 
He smirked, quickly typing a response.
mistermk86 private match?
She rolled her eyes, but clicked on the invitation.
The icon over her character appeared, showing the game type and weapons menu. Navigating it easily, she selected her defaults and began playing.
Part 2----> Coming soon
137 notes · View notes
it-begins-with-rain · 2 months
A Warning to Share::
I got a call from my bank's fraud detection service saying there was a suspicious charge and I need to call them back immediately and use a reference number.
It has happened before, banks are really great these days about handling it so quickly that you don't lose your money (at least, mine is. I love my bank).
But just to see, I open my banking app. PURELY because the app was slow to open, I started wondering if their services were down. If their services are down, why are they calling me about a fraud alert?
So I checked the phone number against their member service line, only half the numbers matched.
I decided just to be safe, I will go in in person. If my card has been used suspiciously, they'll have me go in to get a new card and pin anyways, so it's efficient.
By going in in person, I was able to verify that the call was a fraud. My account had no flags, and that is a common scam. They get you to call and "verify" your account information, have you give them a code the bank will send you, and the scammers use that to login to your account, change all verification information, and drain the account.
My bank helped me add layers of protection to my account, and added a feature that will fully lock my account any time there is so much as an incorrect password attempt.
So it is always good to be paranoid about security. Especially when it is your bank account.
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dovesndecay · 2 years
I don't want to make this post. I don't, I don't, I don't. I never do.
I'm eternally exhausted with making begging posts every week, with my own situation and lack of options, of what feels like inviting a cocktail of pity and disdain from every which way, and having to be gratingly transparent about my finances and my personal health to complete strangers to essentially make a bid for "why I deserve to be helped" is...a lot to deal with when you're already disabled and chronically mentally ill.
But I have little room left for pride, and, well, *gestures at capitalism*.
If you follow me, you probably know my situation. But for those who don't, here's the cliff notes.
I'm disabled and unable to work and support myself beyond what I do for my patreon (which is never as on-schedule as I keep trying to make it) and when my roommate and I feel up to it, we do doordash a couple times a week to supplement. Those funds generally go towards meds and food when things get tight.
For the month of October, thanks to incredibly generous folks, I was able to just make the car insurance payment and parts of the smaller bills that had begun piling on top of each other.
But out of my regular $1200 worth of bills, I still have $935 left that I need to pay to just make it to being able to start trying to pay November's bills.
$400 of that $935 is just to make the car payment. Which is kinda important.
(For folks that saw we had to send the car in to the mechanic a week or two ago; Johnny's all fixed up, running good, and I can't thank y'all enough for the help!! I've been out of town, and I was so worried about him!!)
My car is how @natalieironside makes it to her dirt wizard job each night, which is what pays for the roof over our collectively queer disabled heads, so keeping Johnny in our possession, instead of the bank's, is, admittedly, pretty high priority. And it's already getting near a month overdue.
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[img desc: Screenshot of my bank balance, which reads, "$86.00" on top and "available balance" below.]
My current bank balance is $86.00, and every single bit of help -- whether by donating or boosting -- genuinely means everything to me.
Ways You Can Help:
You can donate directly via any of the options below. And if you're able to, willing to, do this, it does not matter to me if it's $1 or $100, my gratitude to you is endless. Please never apologize to me for how little you might be able to do to help me. Every bit means the world to me.
PayPal: link
Venmo: borinquenaqueer
Cashapp: $borinquenaqueer
You can check out my patreon! I’m writing a queer vampire serial, sharing short stories, and behind-the-scenes content. There's a fair bit of stuff on there that might catch your eye. I'm working on adding upcoming cosplay stuff as well! (Current top project is Guillermo De La Cruz from What We Do In The Shadows!)
You can purchase a print through my shop! Accomplices from my patreon get a 15% discount code!
Disclaimer: For transparency's sake, I'll tell you now that print purchases do not pay out until something like 2 months after the initial purchase. (But I like it when people like my photography, so y'know.)
Send me something from my wishlists! All of the funds I'm sent, whether it's donations or pledges, go towards bills + food. So, I keep necessities and wants that I simply can’t afford to get on my Amazon wishlists.
[General | Cosplay | Pets | Clothes]
Lastly, You Can Reblog This Post.
And if that's all you can do, I want you to know that doing this means just as much to me as if you were able to do every single one of these other things all at once. Without your boost, my post dies within a few hours and I get nowhere.
Thank you. 💛
194 notes · View notes
angelhwajoong · 8 months
Title: Rule No. 1
Chapter 2
It was about two days later when Hongjoong managed to escape his duties for a sleepover at Seonghwa's place. The vampire couldn't hide his excitement when the archangel tapped in the code to his apartment and came through the door. Even after 2 years of dating they still had the butterflies for each other. So the vampire immediately ran into the other's arms and kissed him eagerly. Hongjoong grinned into the kiss and let his bag fall to the ground to wrap his arms around his boyfriend.
"Now, we saw each other 2 days ago." He teased and earned a small whine. They stood like that for a good 3 minutes or so - who counted any way - before they let go of each other. "How are you feeling today? You look much better."
"You know it's not very often, that you can sleep over ... hmm, yes, but I've been feeling weird on my stomach again since yesterday. No idea, where this is coming from." Seonghwa sighed and dragged Hongjoong over to the living room to push him down on the sofa and sit on his lap - because apparently the sofa wasn't big enough, yes. "Sorry again for that day."
Hongjoong added to his pout and kissed his lips gently, rubbing his belly. He had a worried look on his face and pursed his lips as he tried to think about possible reasons. "No need to apologise, Hwa. I'm just glad you're a little better. But it worries me a lot, that you're feeling unwell. You said the blood packs are all okay?"
"Yes, I checked with Heechul sunbaenim. He even came by yesterday together with Geng sunbaenim to check on them. I told you about them? They work at the blood bank where I get my supplies and Geng sunbaenim is specialised in impurities. But they didn't find anything unusual." Seonghwa leaned his head on Hongjoong's shoulders and closed his eyes, enjoying the belly rubs. "Don't stop, it makes me feel better actually."
"I'll keep doing that the whole day, if it helps you." Hongjoong smiled and slipped his hand below Seonghwa's plain black sweatshirt, so he could feel the warmth of his hand better as he rubbed his belly. Seonghwa sighed in content and took a deep breath. He could sense Hongjoong's pulse and heart his artery that was flowing through his neck. Strangely, it made his mouth water and his fangs grow rapidly to it's full size. The vampire let out a small whine and readjusted his position, now straddling Hongjoong's lap much to the other's confusion.
"Babe? Your eyes-?" Seonghwa's eyes were of a dark shade of red and he seemed a little distant. Yet, it felt like he was staring into his soul. Seonghwa leaned down to his neck and licked over the lightly tanned skin before grazing his teeth over the spot. He felt Hongjoong's pulse quickening, arms wrapping around him as he presented his neck to him for free use. The vampire placed a kiss on the desired spot and then slowly sank his teeth inside, breaking the skin. Hongjoong gasped and tightened his grip. It still took him by surprise although he had got used to the short pain.
"Hwa ... I didnt think you'd be hungry." Hongjoong closed his eyes as he let his boyfriend feed from him and caressed his back. The feeling was ecstatic, he could feel how the blood left his system, sending electric waves through his body. This act was so intimate and felt very arousing, yet, Hongjoong didn't dare to ask if humans felt the same and what Seonghwa did with them before they got together. That was a question to stay secret, he didn't want to know if he thought about it more clearly.
Seonghwa just hummed against his skin, a soft moan escaping his lips as he stilled his sudden appetite. He could sense and feel Hongjoong's arousal and caressed the other's chest gently. He'd reward him afterwards. Hongjoong would be spent for a good hour or two after this. When he was full, he carefully pulled his fangs out and licked over the bite marks, lastly pressing a gentle kiss on top. He suddenly felt so much better again and a happy smile grew on his lips as he kissed Hongjoong sweetly. His eyes had its usual Hazel brown colour.
"I don't know what came over me, but thank you, my little squirrel." Seonghwa grinned energetically and slid off Hongjoong's lap, giving his visible bulge a gentle pat. "Let me take care of that."
"You know that you don't need to? It will go away on its own." Hongjoong tried to stop Seonghwa by grabbing his wrist but the vampire was stubborn and shook his hand off. He watched him go down on his knees and unzip his pants. Hongjoong bit his lips as his cock was freed and Seonghwa wrapped his hand around the base while looking up at him with this sinful looking gaze. "Alright, I didn't say anything."
Seonghwa grinned victoriously and darted his tongue out, not breaking eye contact. He had a pretty long tongue and knew very well how to use it. He licked over the tip and poked at the slit, tasting the droplets of pre-cum sitting there. Only then, he did break the eye contact as he engulfed part of Hongjoong's length carefully to not hurt him with his fangs. He could have made them grow smaller but the archangel liked the extra kick they added. He stroked the base slowly, his head bobbing with the same rhythm and pace, receiving audible breaths and a small moan from his boyfriend.
Hongjoong watched Seonghwa work his magic on his cock, caressing his hair gently. He meant it when he said the other didn't have to, but he was also not going to argue with him or complain at all. He slowly rolled his hips in sync, his breath hitching as he felt Seonghwa's fangs graze along the flesh. "Oh fuck, babe. Working magic as usual."
The vampire chuckled with the cock in his mouth and released it for a second to look up at his boyfriend, licking his lips. "Warn me before you cum~" He said with a low tone and attached his lips back to the tip, nibbling it gently and trapping it between his fangs, tasting the pre cum with his tongue. He hummed at the taste and went back to bobbing his head at a medium pace. He knew what face Hongjoong was making right now and how much it took him to not moan like crazy due to the previous treatment.
Seonghwa tapped his waist to tell him to relax again and he heard a deep exhale next. He felt Hongjoong's grip on his hair tighten as he picked up his pace and took his boyfriend's length as deep as he could. Now, Hongjoong finally let out a set of moans, why did he even hold back? But at the same time, he felt an urgent tap on his shoulders, his sign that the archangel was close. Seonghwa released the length, a string of saliva connecting the tip and his lips as he looked up with a grin. Hongjoong was a mess, face red and tired. The older male wrapped his hand around the throbbing erection and gave him the last few pumps he needed for his release. He watched Hongjoong's face closely, his expression stilling as he visibly held his breath and then Seonghwa felt the desired release hitting his face. He closed his eyes instinctively and opened his mouth to catch some of the ropes. He stroked Hongjoong through his orgasm and smiled up at him. After licking him clean and stuffing him back into his pants, Seonghwa reached for a tissue on the table and sat down next to his boyfriend, cleaning his face as he leaned against him.
"You can sleep a little if you want." Seonghwa pressed a kiss to Hongjoong's temple and cleaned his face with a clean tissue as he was sweating a bit. Hongjoong just nodded and hummed, hugging Seonghwa's waist and closing his eyes as he hugged him. The vampire didn't need any words to know he had just done a great job. He patted Hongjoong's back gently as his phone rang. "Just a second, babe."
Seonghwa reached for his phone - Minho. With a smile he picked up but spoke quietly. "Minho-yah~ how are you doing? How's Felix? ... oh yeah, Joong is about to fall asleep, I just had a feast. ... sounds good, evening? ... Great, we will be there. See ya."
"What did he say?" Hongjoong mumbled sleepily and adjusted his position, pulling his legs up to settle them on the sofa and laid down with his head in Seonghwa's lap. They didn't have clear roles in their relationship unlike most other but that was what they both needed. They could be dom and sub, they could take care of one another of be taken care of. It was a comfortable give and take.
"Him and Felix are inviting us over for dinner. Been a while since they saw us. I hope its fine that I said yes?" Seonghwa received a nod and a hum in response. He chuckled as Hongjoong fell asleep seconds after and took his phone to scroll through a few videos.
Hongjoong woke up by the smell of pizza hitting his nostrils. Seonghwa must have ordered a snack for him. He sat up and rubbed his face, groaning softly as he stretched his body.
"Slept well? Got you a small pizza, the one you were craving last time. I'm sure you didn't eat before coming here." Seonghwa placed the plate and a fork and knife down in front of him and sat next to him with a blood pack in his hand. "Still hungry, didn't eat the last three days." He mumbled embarrassed.
"I didnt say anything, love. Eat well." Hongjoong chuckled and started eating his pizza happily, savouring the taste of each bite. Seonghwa grabbed his chin and pressed a kiss on his cheek, then ripped his blood pack open and took a few gulps. Though, his happiness didn't last long as he handed Hongjoong the blood pack and dashed off to the bathroom. Hongjoong brought the open blood pack to the kitchen sink and then walked over to the bathroom to kneel next to his boyfriend.
"There must be something with the blood packs ... you were fine when you drank from me." Hongjoong held his hair and patted his back. He waited patiently for the other to finish and repeated the same routine as last time. Though, this time Seonghwa was able to stand up on his own and they went back to the living room. The vampire was pale but less pale than last time. He sniffed the air, his eyes landing on Hongjoong's pizza. Normally he couldn't smell human food and had no desire tasting it but suddenly he was able to and his mouth was actually watering at the scent. Hongjoong followed his gaze with a frown and picked up a slice to hold it under Seonghwa's nose. He watched him open his mouth, the fangs actually making him look cute just now. And then he took a quick bite, faster than Hongjoong could watch and chewed happily on a piece of pizza. The archangel blinked confused.
"Hwa ... I thought vampires get a stomach ache when eating human food?" Seonghwa shrugged, having no clue either and snatched the rest of the slice from his boyfriend to munch on it happily. Hongjoong scrunched his face and took his phone to call a doctor friend. He wantes to be prepared when his boyfriend was writhing in his blankets due to pain later.
"San-ah~ I'm asking for a friend. He has a boyfriend who is a vampire and has been acting strange for a few days. Throwing up after drinking blood pack, nauseous, suddenly eating normal food which I don't think will go well on his stomach. But drinking blood from my friend is totally fine." Hongjoong explained. Not many people knew about their relationship and it was better that way. They knew their love was forbidden and only let their closest friends know about them. "O-oh okay. Are you sure? I-I will tell my friend, yes. Thanks, bye."
Hongjoong looked at Seonghwa with wide eyes and tapped his shoulder as the vampire was busy eating the rest of his pizza. Now he was the pale one and Seonghwa stopped eating, looking at him worriedly. "What's wrong, Joong?"
"I spoke with San just now, you know my doctor friend ... " He paused and gulped, biting his lips. "Do you have a pregnancy test?"
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fazilakhatun · 1 month
B-u-yVerified Cash App Accounts
B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts
Purchasing a verified Cash App Cash App account ensures secure transactions and reliable service. B-u-yers must navigate a trusted platform offering such a service.
If you want to more information just knock us – Contact US
24 Hours Reply/Contact
Telegram: @Seo2Smm
Skype: Seo2Smm
WhatsApp: +1 (413) 685-6010
 In today's digital age, the ability to transfer money quickly and safely is paramount for both personal and business transactions. A verified Cash App Cash App account provides this convenience with an added layer of security, making it an attractive option for users who prioritize their financial safety online.
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 Why Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts Matter
The moment you decide to use Cash App Cash App for transactions, you must consider verification. A verified Cash App Cash App account stands as a shield. It secures your money and personal data.
The Need For Verification
Verification is the first step to a safe experience. With a verified account, you unlock higher limits. You get access to additional features, too. Verification proves your identity, building trust with others.
Increased sending and receiving limits
Access to Bitcoin trading
Direct deposit eligibility
Risks Of Unverified Accounts
Using an unverified account is risky.
Risk Factor
Low Transaction Limits
Limited Money Flow
No Direct Deposits
Lack of Essential Services
Risk of Closure
Loss of Funds
Susceptibility to Fraud
Financial Threat
Unverified accounts tempt thieves. They invite scams and frauds. Lower limits can also disrupt your spending. Lack of verification may lead to account closure, trapping your funds.
Getting Started With Cash App
Embracing the ease of online transactions gets even easier with Cash App. If you're trying to step up your financial game with convenience and security, getting started with a verified Cash App Cash App account is a smart move. We'll walk you through all you need to know, from initial setup to exploring those nifty features that make Cash App Cash App a go-to financial tool for many.
Initial Setup
Setting up your Cash App Cash App account is as simple as pie. Download the app, enter your basic information, and you're halfway there. Follow these steps for a smooth start:
Download Cash App Cash App from your app store.
Open the app and enter your mobile number or email.
Enter the code sent to your phone or email.
Add your bank account for funding your Cash App Cash App balance.
Choose a unique $Cashtag, your identifier for transactions.
Account Features
Your verified Cash App Cash App account comes with features that make money management a breeze. Let's check out the key benefits:
Direct Deposit
Get paychecks delivered right into your account.
Instant Transfers
Send and receive money at lightning speed.
Cash Card
A personalized debit card for your spending needs.
Investment Options
B-u-y, sell, and hold Bitcoin or stocks, all from the app.
Free ATM withdrawals with direct deposits.
Customize your card's look for extra flair.
Robust security to keep your transactions safe.
Verification Process For Cash App
Cash App Cash App requires users to complete a verification process. This process keeps accounts secure. Verified accounts unlock additional features. Users can send and receive more money with a verified account. Get ready to enjoy the full Cash App Cash App experience!
Step-by-step Guide
Follow these simple steps to verify your Cash App Cash App Account:
Open your Cash App.
Tap the profile icon on your home screen.
Select Personal.
Enter your details: full name, date of birth, and the last 4 digits of your SSN.
Provide any additional information if asked.
Wait for the confirmation. This can take 24-48 hours.
Required Documentation
To complete verification, you need:
A government-issued ID.
Your Social Security Number (SSN).
Keep these documents handy for a smooth verification process.
Benefits Of A Verified Account
Many choose to B-u-y a verified Cash App Cash App account for good reasons. A verified status can transform how you use the platform.
Increased Limits
Verification bumps up your transaction limits. Unverified users hit limits quickly. Verified members enjoy more freedom.
Send more money weekly.
Withdraw higher amounts from ATMs.
No cap on receiving funds.
Unverified Account
Verified Account
Sending Limit
ATM Withdrawal
Wider Access To Features
Verification unlocks exclusive features. Your Cash App Cash App experience gets better.
Direct deposit payroll straight to Cash App.
Get a free custom Cash Card for spending.
Borrow money with Cash App Cash App Loan if eligible.
Verified users can also trade Bitcoin and stocks. This makes investing simple and accessible.
B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts
Purchasing A Verified Cash App Cash App Account
Purchasing a verified Cash App Cash App account offers convenience for anyone wanting hassle-free transactions. It's crucial to follow the correct steps and know where to B-u-y. Awareness about potential scams is equally important to ensure a secure purchase.
Where To B-u-y
Finding a reputable source is the first step in acquiring a verified Cash App Cash App account. Look for platforms with positive feedback and a strong customer service record. Popular online marketplaces or fintech forums can be good starting points.
Check the marketplace's authenticity before any transaction.
Look for vendors who provide proof of verification.
Ensure they offer after-sale support.
Avoiding Scams
Stay vigilant to avoid falling victim to scams. Always perform due diligence before committing to a purchase. Remember these key tips:
Do not share personal information unless you trust the source.
Never make payments outside the official marketplace platform.
Ensure communication is documented for future reference.
Search for vendor reviews and feedback online.
Safety Measures For Transactions
When dealing with financial transactions, safety is key. Users often seek out verified Cash App Cash App accounts for increased security. Let's explore essential transaction safety measures.
Secure Payment Methods
Choosing the right payment method is crucial for safe transactions. Cash App Cash App offers several secure options:
Bank transfers – Link your account for easy transactions.
Debit cards – Use your card for swift payments.
Bitcoin – Benefit from the cryptocurrency option.
Enable two-factor authentication on your account. This step adds an extra layer of security.
Protecting Personal Information
Keep your personal details safe. Here are some methods:
Avoid sharing sensitive information like PINs or SSN.
Regularly update your app for the latest security features.
Monitor account activity. Report any suspicious behavior.
Remember, maintaining the confidentiality of your data helps prevent unauthorized access.
Prices For Verified Accounts
When shopping for a verified Cash App Cash App account, you'll notice diverse pricing options. These prices reflect the level of verification, the age of the account, and any additional features. Let's delve into what you might expect to pay and how to make an informed choice.
Understanding Market Rates
Understanding Market Rates
Market variations affect account prices. Seasoned accounts command higher prices. Embarking on a purchase starts with market rate awareness.
The table below provides a snapshot of current verified Cash App Cash App account rates:
Account Type
Price Range
Basic Verified
Premium Verified
Prices scale with features like transaction limits and support services. Keep this perspective to gauge offerings.
Comparing Sellers
Comparing Sellers
Compare sellers for the best deal. Evaluate their reputation, account quality, and customer feedback.
Reputation speaks volumes. Opt for sellers with proven track records.
Account Quality means fewer hurdles down the line. Seek high-quality accounts.
Customer Feedback reflects seller reliability. Positive reviews indicate trustworthy sellers.
Engage with sellers transparent about their prices and services. This approach prevents unforeseen expenses.
B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts
Setting Up Your Purchased Account
Welcome to the ultimate guide on setting up your newly purchased verified Cash App Cash App account. Purchasing a verified account can fast-track your access to the robust features of Cash App, but it's crucial to get the setup right. In this segment, we'll guide you through essential steps to transfer ownership and customize account settings seamlessly.
Transferring Ownership
Ownership transfer is the first step after B-u-ying a Cash App Cash App account.
Receive account credentials from the seller securely.
Log in with the provided details.
Change all login information immediately.
Email and phone numbers must be updated to your own. This secures your access and ensures recovery is possible.
Navigate to settings for personal information updates.
Input your information to reflect the new ownership.
Complete these steps to legally own the account.
Customizing Account Settings
Customize settings to enhance security and user experience.
Enable security features like 2-factor authentication.
Link your bank account for seamless transactions.
Adjust privacy settings according to preferences.
Tumblr media
Personalize your profile for a tailored Cash App Cash App experience.
Add a unique $Cashtag that represents you or your business.
Upload a personal or brand image.
Explore the app's features and settings for complete customization.
Maintaining Your Cash App Cash App Account
Keeping your Cash App Cash App account in good shape is essential.
Regular care prevents problems and keeps your account running smoothly.
Regular Updates
Keeping your app up to date is crucial.
Check for updates often.
Updates fix bugs and add features.
Updating is quick and keeps your account safe.
Verifying Continued Eligibility
Always make sure you are eligible to use your account.
Follow these steps:
Check Cash App Cash App rules yearly.
Ensure your information is current.
Provide required documents on time.
Troubleshooting Common Issues
Tackling problems with your verified Cash App Cash App account can sometimes be tricky. But don't worry about getting lost in technicalities. This guide simplifies some of the common hurdles you might face.
Login Problems
Can't access your account? Follow these steps:
Check your internet connection. A solid connection is crucial.
Verify your login details. Ensure your email and password are correct.
Update the app. An outdated app makes logging in harder.
Clear the cache. This fresh start could be the quick fix you need.
Contact support if nothing works. They'll help get you back in.
Transaction Errors
Seeing error messages during transactions?
Confirm your bank balance first. No funds, no transaction.
Check the recipient's details. Mistakes here cause errors.
Refresh the Cash App. Sometimes it just needs a quick reboot.
Look for app updates. Running the latest version prevents issues.
Still stuck? Reach out to Cash App Cash App support for precise solutions.
B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts
Pros And Cons Of B-u-ying Verified Accounts
Many people want Cash App Cash App accounts that are ready to use. Some pick B-u-ying verified accounts. This way can be quick but has good and bad points.
Immediate Access
Get an account fast with B-u-ying a verified Cash App Cash App account. Just pay, and start using it. It saves time making one and waiting for checking your details.
No setup hassle: Skip steps like adding info.
Quick money moves: Send and get cash soon.
Full features: Get all that Cash App Cash App offers, right away.
Potential Risks
Account bans
Rules say no to bought accounts. Cash App Cash App might close them.
Security fears
Accounts might not be safe. Hackers can steal info.
Costs more
You spend money for something normally free.
B-u-ying comes with risks. Know them before you decide.
Legal Considerations
Exploring the realm of digital finance invites one to consider the importance of legality. Specifically, when discussing B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts, you cannot turn a blind eye to the legal boundaries that frame this digital landscape.
Platform Policies
First and foremost, Cash App Cash App a user-agreement that outlines permissible use cases. Users must understand these policies before creating or B-u-ying an account. Disregarding them can lead to account suspensions or legal consequences.
Account set up with real identity.
No fake details for verification.
One user per account stipulation.
Prohibition of resale or transfer of ownership.
Financial Regulations
Stringent laws govern financial platforms to prevent fraud and protect users. When purchasing verified Cash App Cash App accounts, remember:
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Impact on Purchase
KYC Laws
Identity verification
Purchased accounts must have verifiable information
AML Directives
Prevention of money laundering
Accounts should have a clear transaction history
PCI DSS Compliance
Data security standards for payment cards
Ensures transaction data is protected
Remember, owning a Cash App Cash App account requires compliance with all local and international financial laws. It's not just about simple transactions but ensuring your activities are legal and secure.
B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts
Cash App's Role In Digital Economy
The digital economy thrives on simplicity and trust in transactions. Cash App Cash App features heavily in this landscape with its streamlined approach to money management. Verified accounts on the Cash App Cash App platform signify a level of authenticity and security that is critical for users engaging in digital financial activities. These trusted accounts are cornerstones in the ever-evolving digital economy, enabling seamless peer-to-peer payments and reshaping how consumers handle their finances.
Mobile Payment Trends
Mobile payments are transforming how we transact. Services like Cash App Cash App are at the forefront, offering quick and secure ways to send or receive money. With the rise of smartphones, payment apps are becoming essential tools for the digital economy. They cater to a growing preference for digital wallets and tap-to-pay technology.
Increased mobile wallet adoption
Contactless transactions gaining ground
Preference for app-based financial services
Impact On E-commerce
Verified Cash App Cash App accounts influence e-commerce by providing a trusted payment option for online shoppers. Retailers now integrate these payment methods to capture more sales and improve customer experience.
Ease of checkout with one-tap payment
Secure transactions with verified accounts
Faster payments encourage repeat business
In summary, a robust digital economy relies heavily on platforms like Cash App, with verified accounts ensuring confidence in e-commerce and reflecting modern mobile payment trends.
Alternatives To B-u-ying Verified Accounts
Exploring Alternatives to B-u-ying Verified Accounts can be a safer path to managing finances online. Users often seek out verified Cash App Cash App accounts to bypass certain limits. Yet, this approach poses risks. Let's delve into legitimate and secure methods to access similar features without the risks involved in purchasing accounts.
Becoming verified on Cash App Cash App is straightforward. Input your SSN and personal info. Cash App Cash App then verifies your identity. Once verified, your account unlocks higher limits and additional features.
Other Payment Platforms
Many payment platforms exist. Each offers unique benefits and verification processes. Consider these popular alternatives:
PayPal: A well-known platform requiring user and bank account verification.
Venmo: Popular among friends for quick transfers after a user identity check.
Zelle: Integrates with bank accounts for instant, verified transactions.
Each platform secures your data and transactions reliably, negating the need to B-u-y accounts.
Verification Requirement
Linked bank, credit card
Global payments, B-u-yer protection
Identity documents
Social sharing, fast transfers
Direct bank linkage
Bank-level security, no extra app needed
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User Reviews And Testimonials
Welcome to the realm of honest user feedback on Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts. Real people share their experiences. Their stories highlight the perks and downsides of these accounts. Dive in for some unfiltered opinions!
Success Stories
Real users share their joy:
Immediate setup: "I got my account in minutes!"
Smooth transactions: "B-u-ying and selling is now a breeze."
Top-notch security: "My money's safe and secure!"
These tales show happy users who enjoy their Verified Cash App Cash App experiences. They feel confident and satisfied.
Customer Complaints
Feedback isn't always sunny. Here are a few common gripes:
Support lag: "Help takes time to respond."
Verification hiccups: "The process was fussy for me."
Fees confusion: "I was unclear about some charges."
These reviews help paint a full picture. Knowing the issues others faced is helpful. You get to prep for potential hiccups ahead of time.
B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts
Services Offered By Verified Accounts
Verified Cash App Cash App accounts unlock a world of financial possibilities. From seamless money transfers to investment options, these accounts offer a variety of services. Let’s dive into some of the key features that make verified accounts a must-have.
Direct Deposits
Enjoy the ease of getting payments straight into your account. With verified Cash App Cash App accounts, you can set up direct deposits for your paycheck or any other income.
Quick access to funds on payday
No waiting for check deposits
Direct deposit earnings early
Bitcoin Trading
Skip the complexity of traditional crypto exchanges. Verified accounts allow you to B-u-y and sell Bitcoin with just a few taps.
Bitcoin Trading Features
Simple B-u-y/sell interface
Safe storage of Bitcoins
Immediate trading option
Managing Finances With Cash App
Cash App Cash App revolutionizes money management. This digital wallet simplifies tracking expenses. It offers features like direct deposits and stocks. Users enjoy a seamless financial experience. B-u-y a verified Cash App Cash App account for this solution.
Budgeting Tools
Stay on top of spending with Cash App's budgeting tools. See where money goes at a glance. Create categories for rent, groceries, and more.
Visualize your finances through simple charts.
Set spending limits to prevent overspending.
Receive alerts for unusual activities.
Instant Payments
Send and receive money without delay using a Cash App Cash App account. Deal with emergencies or pay friends back instantly.
Paycheck Deposit
Get salary straight into your Cash App.
Money Transfer
Move funds to others in seconds.
Cash Out
Withdraw to bank quickly.
The Future Of Verified Accounts
B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts marks the beginning of safer, easier online transactions. Verified accounts mean trust and reliability. They represent a secure future for digital payments.
Technological Advancements
Verified accounts use the latest security features. These include fingerprint scanning and facial recognition.
New tech means fewer frauds. Users can trust accounts more.
AI monitors for unusual activity.
Encryption keeps information safe.
Verification is now quicker and smoother.
Predictions For Cash App
Experts predict big changes for Cash App. It's not just for sending money anymore.
More users will have verified accounts.
Cash App Cash App may introduce new cryptocurrency features.
Payment verification might happen in seconds.
B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts
User Security And Fraud Prevention
Keeping your finances secure online is vital. B-u-ying a verified Cash App Cash App account comes with robust security features for safe transactions. Let's delve into how Cash App Cash App ensures user security and fraud prevention:
Encrypted Transactions
Cash App Cash App uses advanced encryption to protect your data. Every purchase, transfer, or payment you make is secured. This means no prying eyes on your financial moves. Here are the essentials:
PCI-DSS level 1 certification keeps your information under wraps.
Automatic account logout after inactivity to prevent unauthorized access.
Data is sent over secure servers to block cyber threats.
Reporting Suspicious Activity
If you notice odd behavior on your account, you should act fast. Cash App Cash App has easy steps for reporting. This helps to clamp down on fraud swiftly. Follow these points:
Identify any unauthorized transactions.
Use the app to flag these for review.
Contact support immediately for help.
Remember, keeping your account safe also depends on your vigilance. Always check your transactions and keep your account information private.
Faqs For New Verified Account Owners
Welcoming new owners of verified Cash App Cash App accounts! This section aims to ease your journey. Curious about what comes next? We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions just for you. Quick, clear answers are right at your fingertips, guaranteeing a smooth start.
Common Questions Answered
Discover answers to top questions that new users often have:
What limits apply to my verified account? Verified accounts enjoy higher transaction limits.
Can I receive international payments? Yes, if Cash App Cash App supports payments in both countries.
Is customer support available 24/7? Cash App Cash App offers round-the-clock support for users.
How do I keep my account secure? Always enable two-factor authentication and never share your PIN.
What are Cash App's fees? Some services, like instant transfers, have small fees.
Tips For First-time Users
Get off to a flying start with these handy tips:
Explore the app to familiarize yourself with its features.
Connect a bank account for easy money transfers.
Verify your identity to unlock full benefits.
Test with small transactions to gain confidence.
Check out Cash Card to spend your Cash App Cash App balance.
Frequently Asked Questions For B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Account
 What Is A Verified Cash App Cash App Account? 
A verified Cash App Cash App account means it has passed additional identity checks. This ensures higher security and increased transaction limits. Verified users must provide full legal name, date of birth, and SSN.
 Benefits Of B-u-ying A Verified Cash App Cash App Account? 
B-u-ying a verified Cash App Cash App account gives instant access to higher transaction limits and other premium features without the normal waiting or verification hassles. It’s a quick solution for immediate financial activities.
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 How To B-u-y A Verified Cash App Cash App Account Safely? 
To B-u-y safe, opt for credible platforms with positive user reviews and secure payment options. Always protect personal details and ensure a clear transfer of account credentials upon purchase.
 Can You Legally B-u-y And Sell Cash App Cash App Accounts? 
B-u-ying or selling Cash App Cash App accounts can violate Cash App’s terms of service. It’s important to review legal implications and Cash App’s policies before engaging in any transactions involving account sales or purchases.
Ensuring seamless transactions is pivotal in the digital age. Opting for a verified Cash App Cash App account can offer that tranquility. It streamlines your payments and secures your financial dealings. Remember, a verified account is more than convenience; it's your gateway to hassle-free digital finance. 
Make the smart choice today. Embrace verified, embrace simplicity.
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frozenoj · 11 months
Disability Approved Side Hustles
I've been planning on making a video/tiktok series about this for like two months—but, you know, disabled—so maybe I'll update it to be fancier later. Who knows?
Note: None of these are going to make you enough to live on, either together or separately, but sometimes every little bit counts!
Bridge Money - referral code TWSCBQ
This is the simplest/easiest of my suggestions. Watch up to 25 ads a day for 1 cent each. Yeah, I know that's only like $7 a month if you remember most days. But it's so easy to do while doing almost anything else (that let's you use a hand for a sec every 30 secs or so) that it's just $7 you're leaving on the table if you don't do it.
You also get 2 cents cash back for purchases if you link a card. They have random offers for $4 if you do x thing, games you earn 1 cent a minute for playing, etc. But I mainly just get my 25 cents each day.
Please use a referral code, either mine or someone else's, because both people get $1!
Mistplay - referral in link (android only)
This is the main one I use. You play games on an android device and earn units you can then buy giftcards with. This is good if on SSI because it doesn't go to your bank account! But it does have paypal as an option if that's not a concern. I've earned over $400 so far, and someone more dedicated could have earned more in the same time frame. (I don't want to burn out.)
The best strategy is to play games that have the most "speed" bubbles first, and up to checkpoint 5, then switch games. Find one "loyalty game" that gives 4 gems per $1 and spend $2 to get to silver status (should last two months). DO NOT UNINSTAL THAT GAME! As long as you're actively using the app, you'll make the $2 back from the bonuses. Sometimes you'll get a "Daily Task" to get to checkpoint 6+ and depending on the reward it might be worth it then. If a game is boosted to like 8 speed bubbles, it can also be worth it go past checkpoint 5. Use your judgement.
Playwell - don't think it does referrals?
Very similar to Mistplay. If you like playing games on your phone and want to play one Mistplay doesn't have, it might be here. (I refuse to play games for free anymore lol.) I mostly just have it because sometimes I'm able to double dip. Right now I am playing Merge Inn which is a 4 speed bubble game on Mistplay and earns 5k points per 15 minutes on Playwell. I'm going past checkpoint 5 for this one because I'll earn $2 if I get to level 31 in the game through Playwell plus the time based rewards. And I just like merging games.
Swagbucks - referral in link
Swagbucks has a ton of stuff. I would suggest you actually look up a post specific to that to see all the options because it's like surveys, receipts, offer walls, coupons, just... a lot.
But like Mistplay and Playwell it also does games. And like Playwell you can also sometimes double dip! So I'll check there and see if they have an offer for games that have higher speed bubbles on Mistplay. Some of the offers are really hard and time consuming so def look into it first, though. You can often find guides on reddit for getting them done on time.
Atlas Earth - referral code BAMSSE
This is going to seem like a scam at first. I actually had it downloaded for a few weeks, thought it was too much effort for too little return, stopped using it, and then changed my mind. It has a sort of snowball effect so at the beginning you'll make basically nothing—fractions of a cent kinda nothing—but over time have the potential to make a few hundred bucks a year.
At the beginning it is more important to be hard core about it. I had a timer set every 20 minutes for a while lol. Now, I'm a bit more lax. If I kept up the timer I could increase my earnings faster but again, don't want to burn out. I'm at the point now where I'll make about $5 a month as long as I get on every 5-6 hours for a couple minutes.
This is another one where you need to use a referral code, even if not mine! You get 200 "atlas bucks" for free after buying your 10th plot of land as long as you use a referral code before buying I think your second. I really regret not using a code myself!
Upside - referral TASHA43729
This one is more about saving money than making money. They do cash back on gas and some other things. I recently drove from PA to FL and got $28 in cash back for the gas we bought on the trip down. (Didn't really use it on the way back, because Grandma gave us some giftcards. 🥰) You can also get 5-20% at random restaurants and like Bath & Body Works?? The ads say also grocery stores but we don't have any that take part in our area. You can (and we did) use this in conjunction with the 2 cents from Bridge money, whatever cash back you get on the card itself, scanning the receipt, etc.
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cloudbattrolls · 6 months
This drabble is preceded by Chasing Shadows and followed by Apprehended.
TW for mental torture, hallucinations, mentions of emeto but no actual content, and memory wiping.
She is a wretched woman, Ullane Wistim. It’s not that I don’t understand what she did; I understand perfectly. 
Ullane sends her spies a long way, to the former bank teller’s new workplace so they can watch who goes in and out. Bugs are hunted mercilessly there - the cleaning staff take their jobs seriously - but the person she's after is seen coming and going from the building. 
Her biotech constructs follow him to the grocery store, a video rental store, and eventually, his hive.
The yellowblood investigates the man’s security measures before she does anything, checking for any security cameras or sensors.
There are a few, watching the front and back entrances. A typical burglar alarm waits inside, deactivated with a code she obtains from watching him enter it.
Ullane is amused, as someone with an extensive security system herself. She thought there’d be more.
Armed with this information, she slips out of the clinic shielded and soundproofed by tech, making her way to his hive, and waits for him to come home so she can immediately immobilize him - except for his mouth - and interrogate him with her psiionics.
Unfortunately, she knows pain doesn’t get accurate results. She won’t torture him that way.
Before she can even do anything, the man says: "Lady, you really gotta get more hobbies."
She looks at him. She knows he searched Calcit’s hive. Tell her all about why he was there and what he knows about his death.
Why, he fires back. He has everything to lose and nothing to gain.
If he doesn’t, he’ll start to hallucinate very horribly, she says in a blunt and neutral tone.
Oh no, not hallucinations, he deadpans. Why, that'll make the bullets in his spine a week after betrayal of whatever secrets she wants much less painful.
Ullane reaches deeper into his brain with her powers, making him see spiders crawl out of his mouth and nose, making him feel them as well for maximum discomfort. 
He spits, unable to vomit, and snarls that she can do her worst, but 'they' can do double.
He's not playing it cool; the medic can tell he genuinely means he fears 'them' more than her.
Ullane, unbothered, then makes him feel like his flesh is bubbling and melting off his bones as well as like he’s dying of thirst.
He's reverted to a mantra of 'it's not real, it's not real, the vat of acid is real, but that's not real'. She knows he will likely sustain some sort of permanent damage.
Yet the doctor presses harder, adding in horrifying whispers and, in the true spirit of learning from experience, worms in his throat as well.
The man is reduced to a whimpering mess on the floor. 
Ullane very calmly asks him her questions again. Her face is unchanged, her eyes glowing their steady reddish pink.
Between the gibbering and crying, there's maddened mentions of just cleaning up a loose end.
How so, Ullane says. What was that loose end? What did they need to hide?
He repeatedly keeps saying JEANS JEANS JEANS JEANS.
Her ears flick from both the noise and irritation. Oh, not the stupid jeans again.
Ullane is filming this as well, a camera set up with her bugs. This is not only for current use; it will be future testimony. However dubious that testimony may be rightfully viewed as.
So he destroyed some jeans, she prompts.
He responds in a string of words about documents, notes, leads, and evidence. She can sieve little sense from it.
Ullane sighs and heals his mind a little. Enough to soften the memories a bit.
The gibbering lessens. A little bit.
With a doctor’s patience, she asks what that evidence was.
He's still muttering about notes, followed by saying 'not allowed to read, not allowed to read'
Ullane heals him a bit more, as if casually adjusting a dial.
Moderately more healed, the man clarifies that they took notes about the jean operation, but he wasn't allowed to read any of them past being aware of what they were. Everything was destroyed, it's all gone, no proof is left.
She nods, having expected as much. Does he know who did see them?
Nobody did! No one does, no one reads what they aren't supposed to, no weak links, no loose ends, everything. Need. To. Know.
She rolls her eyes, though it’s hard to tell. She takes a moment to think. There was someone else with him. Who were they?
Another partner, another person. There's a name she doesn't recognize, but it won't matter, he babbles, because they'll hide, they'll kill him, then they'll hide. Forever! Until she's buried six feet deep!
Ullane sighs and hits him with a bit of forced emotional calm down. Just give her the name, please.
Fyotri Yuruli, that's their name.
What does he know about them? Not much, she’s sure, but what does he know?
They're another member of the same group, yes, but higher ranking. Their caste? He doesn't know, that's the rule. But they're scary. And large. Like a thermal hull.
She snorts in amusement. What a description. Horn shape? Hair? What kind of large? Tall, wide?
Tall and wide, like a jaw about to snap shut on you! short, cropped hair, horns that are straight and sharp, they bend down from their head like an upper case L.
She thinks. What does their voice sound like? What do they tend to wear?
They wear- They wear suits, they like suits, and bowler hats - it's their style - and their voice is deep and rough. Oh yes. They'll kill her, you know. when she goes after them. Then they'll come back and kill him.
With that, Ullane turns on her cloaking technology again so she’s invisible and silently takes away all memory of her and what she did as she leaves.
Why does my throat hurt? Wonders the grey mob victim.
And where did the last hour go?
She is cold, cruel, and utterly ruthless. 
Remember: she was retaliated against for the death and suffering she brought with her powers and inventions. 
Remember: she felt very little as she did this.
She knows she is no less a monster than the ones she once hated so much. 
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gefdreamsofthesea · 6 months
Idk if this is a common thing for banks to do but when you need to request a verification code recently my bank has added a box for you to check stating that you won't share it with anyone.
I can only assume that this has been added because someone shared theirs and their account was compromised.
Yeah don't do that.
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zu-is-here · 2 years
Gayfish!! <3
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Heheh hii! ☆ Really good, thanks (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) What about you?? *^*
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A code for the local food bank? ( ・∇・) What is it / how does it work?? And do you mean the day you prepared your project for? *0*
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*gasp* Omg!! (〃ω〃) The hype is real— best of luck with it to you two!╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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WOW that's really useful! (*゚∀゚*)
It's gonna be grrreat (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Break a leg! ☆
Hmm gonna check it— What date is it? *^*
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Added ♪ Thank you! <3
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WAIT— is it fully finished?? \(//∇//)\
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Yay!! (๑>◡<๑)☆
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traumatizeddfox · 2 years
how do i leave my abuser?
obviously for everyone its going to be different but here are some tips that worked for me! it might not work for everyone, and everyones situation is completely different, and were all different people.
I also want to point out, if you dont leave your abuser or you go back, you did not fail and that it is okay, its so hard to leave them.
so heres some tips i have from my exp
1) write down everything they do to you ( it doesnt matter if you think its stupid, if it hurts you, write it down, u can add dates if you want) i find writing down helped me when i would assume he was going to be good again, but that would be my rock to remember he was awful.
2) I feel like this ads onto step 1 but try to understand about trauma bonding, and how it affects your brain. Its basically like stockholm syndrome
3) try to learn their schedule, know when they will be gone ( i know this isnt always possible) but this can help you. if you can make a break for it then, do it.
4) i suggest if you can, reach out to a friend, support group system, family, etc and tell them whats happening. using code works can help too, so if you are in danger you can text or call someone and use the word but this doesnt always help or work.
5) another thing is to get all your important papers if you have them: bank cards, ID cards, SIN cards, birth certificate. Anything that has value that cant really be replaced, try to get them all together and have them in safe place.
6) try to leave as quickly, as you can. it really depends on you, and what you think you can handle. if you're able to just leave your house/apartment/etc, do it. But sometimes you need to contact people for an escape plan.
7)stay somewhere where they wont know you are. You dont want them to come find you, and its better to find a place where they cant find you, or wont know where you are but obvs i know this isnt always the case and not everyone has a place to go to. There should be local domestic violence or shelters that you can stay at (although this may be different depending on location)
8) block them, and dont respond. you have to cut contact with them, its like a drug and it will hurt like a fucking bitch, but i promise you, it will be so fucking worth it. there will be a day, where you will realize what truly happened, and its goings to hurt, but it will be so much better than them hurting you.
if they hit you, they will try to kill you one day. <-- i remember a detective saying this, and it stuck with me.
a few more things to add
-everyones story is different, everyones abuse is different, and this is just as general as I can get because I don't know your story.
-if you can, get police involved but just know this can add to a whole lot more stuff, and can be scary.
-dont listen to their sob story. it doesnt matter, your safety matters
-getting a secondary phone or a new phone is a great way to stay safe, and i also suggest changing your social media to all private, and maybe going by an alias.
-change passwords. I remember my ex hacked into my facebook to find where i was.
-try to not disclose any info where you are, if youre afraid for your life/
-making a google drive account and uploading proof is also a good thing to do! or keeping on an usb
-also if you drive, check for gps tracker on your car, i know some abusers do this.
also have grace for urself. you arent a bad person, you arent what they said you are, it wasnt your fault.
if no one believes you, you must believe yourself.
omg okay that was a long ass answer, and i know it was generic! but i hope this helps you, or anyone else!
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