#check captions for commentary
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Misc daily life images
#image commentary in tags once again since they don't allow captions anymore and I feel weird using the alt text for that --#1. COLUMBINEEEE... (I think..???) one of my favorite flowers... I managed to grow a small one in a pot last year. huzzah#2. spicy soup for lunch (another very rare lunch since I usually eat literally the same exact thing every day for my stomach#issues and stuff lol).. also made a fruit smoothie but put tapioca boba in it out of curiosity.. which was weird#3. woven cucumber shavings.. one of the many little meticulous tasks that I find oddly fun and could probably do for hours#4. A RED FOUR LEAF CLOVER!!!! There are some patches of clover in the yard that have weird red coloring and red spots on them#almost like it's some sort of damage or something but it seems natural (and I wonder if it has to do with plants that grow around them at#all since these 'green clovers but where some of them are variously spotted in red' patches happen to be next to patches of weeds/#grouncover that also have red stems and stuff.) but so in the yard it is rare to find a red clover#and also rare to find a four leaf clover. so a RED four leaf clover is the most rare... special child..#5. bapy son on the heating pad (featuring my stinky little toast shaped 2ds lol... i wonder if theyve been obsolete so long that maybe#3ds are actually affordable now (under $100).. hrmm...)#6. Another wii fit mingame score. I'm not sure if this is even lower than the other ones or anything. I never go back to compare them lol#if a score seems good enough to possibly be my best I just take apicture of it anyway. I should probably at some point check what#the 'best' even actually is. I wish the wii always told you ur Best score instead of just your Last score on those games. It does on every#other game but seemingly not the daily fitness check in minigame ones. hrmm..#7. little clovery things covered in beautiful water droplets#8. sky again. of course#photo diary
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samijen · 2 months
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Sigewinne and her dads🥹
Made a timelapse video with commentary in the closed captions, please check it out! 💙
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carriesthewind · 1 year
Good evening everyone! As I said in an answer to a previous ask, there wasn't a public call-in line to listen to the Show Cause Hearing in Mata v Avianca (the ChatGBT lawyer case) today.
However, while we are waiting for a transcript of the hearing (because there was a court reporter! yay!) and a written decision by the judge, we did get this absolutely anxiety-inducing live tweet of the hearing:
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(Caveat: this thread was not an official transcript of the hearing and should not be taken as such. It is possible the actual events and statements made in the hearing differ significantly from this report - i.e., take this with a grain of salt and reserve final judgement for the actual transcript.)
I'll put the full thread with some (light) commentary below the cut.* But the overall impression I am left with is that the judge seems to feel this pair of attorneys are treating their duty of candor toward the tribunal with the same seriousness with which they are treating their duty of competence to their clients. (And in this case, that's a very bad thing.)
*The full thread except for a soon-to-follow part 2 because I ran out of space for images again.
(All of the following screenshots are from the above tweet thread by Inner City Press @ innercitypress on twitter, made on June 8, 2023.)
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Normally I would overlook that "you, personally," but in this case, you really get the feeling that the judge is concerned that LoDuca might just start talking about what Schwartz did again.
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Establishing LoDuca's base of knowledge - he should know how to look up cases and check if they are real; he should know what a real case looks like.
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The March 1 submission was the plaintiff's opposition to the motion to dismiss, where they first cited the fake cases.
How bad this answer is depends, I think, on LoDuca's wording here. Best case scenario, his statement about Schwartz was a specific statement about what inquiry was reasonable for him to do under the circumstances (which - for that first filing - I think is actually a reasonable argument. You don't expect your colleague to just make up cases). Worst case, this reads like him trying to wiggle out of his obligations. I will withhold judgement until I see the official transcript.
Rule 11, by the way, refers to Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Rule 11(b) states:
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(If you remember the Order to Show Cause, we are dealing with a Rule 11(b)(2) issue here. Rule 11(c) allows the court to impose sanctions for violations of Rule 11(b))
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Oh no, bad answer. (If anyone reading this is good at photoshop, I cannot express how badly I want a version of the "this sign can't stop me because I can't read" meme with the sign being the quote from defendant's reply where they say, "The undersigned has not been able to locate this case by caption or citation, nor any case bearing any resemblance to it.")
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Oh that is not a good way of characterizing those orders. (Those were the orders, remember, where the Court said, "By April 18, 2022, Peter LoDuca, counsel of record for plaintiff, shall file an affidavit annexing copies of the following cases cited in his submission to this Court: as set forth herein. Failure to comply will result in dismissal of the action pursuant to Rule 41 (b), Fed. R. Civ. P.")
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I would simply perish on the spot.
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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention in my original attempted summary of "Varghese" - the first paragraph states that it is a wrongful death suit by the widow of the passenger. Then the second paragraph states that the passenger was denied boarding on a flight due to overbooking and thus missed his connecting flight and therefore incurred additional expenses. The case was such nonsense that I legitimately forgot about that inconsistency by the time I got to the end.
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Your honor I plead "2 stupid 2 sanction."
(I believe the "different fonts" is in reference to the April 25 affidavit, in which the case names - and some of the surrounding text - are in a different font from most of the text in the affidavit. It seems like this is because they may have been copied straight from ChatGPT. See e.g., #3 below. It's hard to tell just based on this twitter thread, though.)
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A short and simple answer! You did it!
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"I have all the answers I need" is not a good sentence in this context.
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Very genuinely: shorter is better here. At least I don't think he hurt himself with that statement.
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Judge Castel: How do you conduct legal research?
Schwartz: I research cases.
Judge Castel: Do you read them?
Schwartz: Well, I may have once upon a time, but after hearing you ask that question in this context, I have decided to retire from the practice of law forever and also possibly sink into the ground and die. Also, by answering "yes," here, I just realized that I'm either admitting that I read the cases I submitted and therefore must have known they were fake, or else I just possibly committed perjury. Oh shit oh fuck.
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Oh god I'm cringing myself into a pretzel just reading this.
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Hey, by the way? You can actually use google (esp. google scholar) to do legal research. (It's not a good tool and you will miss things, but it will do in a pinch.) But. Um. If you know that...why didn't you double check your cases at very least on google when you were told they seemed to be made up?
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So, once again, I am going to withhold judgement until I see the actual transcript. That said, if Schwartz did say this, I would like to compare it briefly to a part of the chat transcript he provided to the court. Here is the first question asked about the Montreal Convention in the provided transcript:
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Oh god. I can't even provide commentary on this one. I hope this is worse than the actual transcript will prove to be. I'm reading through my fingers like I'm watching a horror movie.
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"Misperception" (or "misconception") doesn't work once you have evidence that should cause you to doubt - like not being able to find a case that was supposedly published in the Federal fucking Reporter.
This is overshooting "2 stupid 2 sanction" into "too stupid to function."* You either looked for "Varghese" or you didn't. If you looked for "Varghese," it is not credible that you continued to have a good faith assumption that ChatGPT couldn't lie. If you didn't look up "Varghese," you just lied to the Court under oath.
*Just to be clear: for an ordinary person, this would be a very understandable lack of knowledge issue. A lawyer has no excuse not to know this.
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Judge Castel: Mr. Schwartz, I think you have the fucking audacity to try to lie to me to my face in my fucking courtroom.
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Honestly at this point I'm surprised he could still talk. I think screaming, "I'm melting, I'm melting!" as he vanished into steam, leaving his crumpled suit behind, would be an appropriate response.
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Oh no, oh honey.
Ok. Two options here (again, assuming he actually fucking said "They said they couldn't find them," in response to the Court asking, "When Avianca said you cited non existent cases?"):
Schwartz is once again trying to purposefully downplay what the defendant's reply brief actually said and dodge responsibility.
Schwartz honestly, truly believes that when the defendant filed a reply containing the line, "The undersigned has not been able to locate this case by caption or citation, nor any case bearing any resemblance to it," they were just asking for assistance with their legal research?!??!
I honestly don't know which is worse.
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Oh no....
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Oh man, I haven't gone over it here yet, but I think that "I looked up the judge" is a panicked attempt at bringing up a talking point the Professional Responsibility Lawyers raised in their memorandum of law. (Again, I'm giving this reading of his response with the caveat that it is based only on this thread, not the official transcript, which might read very differently and contain different/more info.) The Professional Responsibility attorneys noted in a footnote that two of the judges listed in the "opinion," including the "author," were actual 11th circuit judges, and the other is an actual 5th circuit judge. My read of this footnote was as an extra little detail tossed in by the Professional Responsibility attorneys to try to dress up their argument that the "opinions" had various "indicia of authenticity."
But here's the problem. If Schwartz is telling the truth - if he was reading carefully and critically enough that he bothered to look up the judge (why would you do that if you didn't think the case might be fake?!) there is no way he could have missed that the case was gibberish. Again, if this is really what he said at the hearing, he either lied in the hearing, or he must have know the "opinions" were bogus when he gave them to LoDuca to file.
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"Did it cross your mind" - if the court actually said this, oh my god.
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Hey, that's the point that I made in my original post(s)!
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This whole thing about the "+h" to "th" with the notary date is from the recent affidavits filed on 6/6/23, you can read them about them if you want, I'll be honest, I don't really care as much about the notary stuff so I'm going to skip it for the moment.
....and I've run out of space for images again. Part II to follow shortly!
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niningtori · 7 months
to know him is to love him, and i do | chapter two: he can't keep living like this
pairing(s): choi beomgyu x you, kang taehyun x you
summary: you love beomgyu more than anything. you just wish he loved you, too. or you finally break up with beomgyu and move on, but as for him? maybe he's starting to realize too little too late.
genre: romance, angst, angst with a happy ending (?)
word count: 2.3k
notes: hello again :) here is chapter two! i'm actually really nervous to post this, so i hope you all like it! check the ending for more notes <3 also, shout out to user woncheecks for being my test audience! anyway, enjoy!
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the first time beomgyu realizes just how impactful your absence is, nothing in particular happens. it's a regular tuesday night a week or so after your "breakup" and he's bored out of his mind. he showers, listens to music, texts his friends and makes himself dinner, but something is missing.
as he sits on his couch, he realizes what it is: you. right about now, you should be pestering him to hang out and showing up on his doorstep to watch a movie. he'd roll his eyes at first but eventually relent, as long as he got to pick the movie, of course. he wouldn't say it, but he'd actually enjoy glancing over and seeing your reactions. you were comically expressive and every twist and turn of the plot had your eyes bulging and mouth agape, turning to him for confirmation that he was seeing the same things you were. when you watched inception for the first time it absolutely rocked your world.
he's alone, but he puts on a movie, anyway. every so often, his head turns to the side with the corner of his mouth raised, but you're not there to give a reaction. he should be used to your absence by the third twist, but he still finds himself subconsciously turning to you throughout the rest of the movie. when the credits roll, he's half expecting to hear you chatter on about how crazy it was, but it's silent. the only time that would happen would be when you'd accidentally drift off in spite of how engrossed you were. you'd try to fight it off like a stubborn kid, but would succumb by the final act. he smiles at the memory before shaking his head in disbelief. what's wrong with him?
moments like these plague him more and more frequently, but the most notable one is the night before his first day at a new job. he briefly talks to his friends about his excitement, but he's too embarrassed to divulge just how anxious he is. times like this, he'd come over and complain for however long he needed. you'd sit and nod, asking questions during his pauses to encourage him to continue, always adding appropriate and thoughtful commentary.
his thoughts wander to how you're doing alone. you really love him, it seems, so he can only imagine how you're faring without him. he wishes you hadn't blocked his number so he could at least ask how you are. maybe you'd even tell him you miss him. not for the first time, he begins to wonder if he pushed you too far this time around. you've gotten angry and given him the silent treatment before, sure, but you've never blocked him and you've certainly never done it for so long.
he looks you up on instagram for the first time since your breakup. he's not terribly surprised when he sees he's blocked on there too, but all it takes is a switch to his photography account, which you had forgotten to block, to see what you're up to now.
the first thing he notices is a picture of you sitting outside with an ice cream cone in hand, face flushed and sun encircling you like an angel. your smile is beaming and your eyes are crinkled and he can almost hear your giggle through the screen. the caption reads "ice cream date with my best friend! <3"
he scrambles through his memories to try to remember a time in recent history when you two did something similar, but he comes up blank. what he does recall, though, is you mentioning a new frozen yogurt place you wanted to visit with him for your birthday. he nodded in response but he knew he wouldn't go with you, opting instead to get shitfaced with his friends. in retrospect, maybe you knew it too. he had checked his phone the next morning and saw he had at least half a dozen missed calls and well over a dozen texts from you. when he finally texted you back, you took almost a full 5 hours to respond, which was uncommon. usually, you'd text back within minutes. it occurred to him later on that that was your version of the silent treatment and it amused him that you could only hold out for a few hours. he honestly found it kind of cute.
he remembers what you did for his birthday. how you had secretly invited his friends over to his apartment to surprise him after an especially shitty day at work. he came home to an elaborately decorated apartment and all of his favorite people greeting him. he remembers how happy you looked when he opened up your present to him, which was the guitar he had always secretly wanted but could never quite justify buying for himself. you were so excited, any spectator would think he had gotten you the gift of your dreams and not the other way around. you were practically buzzing with excitement when he pulled you in for a kiss. his friends had whooped at the display of affection and you had felt your cheeks heat up. what did he get you for your birthday again? anything?
he spends days pondering over this and similar circumstances, which eventually turn into weeks upon weeks. what starts as a nagging feeling that he may have gone too far in his neglect for you becomes pure, unadulterated guilt and anxiety. he recalls just how torn up you seemed the last time he saw you. to be honest, at the time, he was mostly just irritated. but he never thought you'd actually leave. all he can see is that awful look on your face when you finally ended everything and all he can remember is the fact that he put it there. he knows in his heart that he has no right to feel this way, but he feels it all the same.
you would have never imagined you'd actually like somebody other than beomgyu, but taehyun makes it as easy as possible given the sticky circumstances. you met at a club your best friend dragged you to, both you and taehyun had to remain sober (hello designated drivers) and ended up having a surprisingly engaging conversation amidst the smell of beer, sweat, and sex. after that, the rest is history.
he can tell you've been hurt before, but he gently coaxes you into opening up as you spend more and more time with him. you're afraid of being overbearing and coming across as a lovesick puppy again, but taehyun is gentle and seems to enjoy your attention and affection, even if he's a surface level tsundere. more than that, he actually reciprocates it.
do you still think about beomgyu? of course. do you miss him? well, you'd never admit it to a single soul, but the way you see him in everything has to be an indicator that you do. it's getting better, though. more bearable.
a month or so into your relationship, you post about taehyun for the first time. you don't know why you're so nervous about announcing to the world that you have a boyfriend again, but happiness overwhelms your fear when you're met with nothing but positivity.
beomgyu is shellshocked, to put it mildly. the picture of you and your so-called boyfriend is sickly sweet. it's not over the top or anything—just a candid of you in a café holding hands with him while looking over the same menu. the caption is nothing other than a heart and squirrel emoji (why?) and both he and your best friend are tagged. his finger jumps to the boy's profile and he sees the same photo. he scoffs at the cheesiness of it all, but his heart aches at the way all of your friends have commented on the post expressing their happiness for you. they had never approved of him for reasons he's only now beginning to understand.
you always defended him in front of your friends no matter what he did or didn't do. you'd "comfort" him after your friends said something snarky and explain that they just didn't understand him. you'd say that if they knew the real him, they'd see him differently. at the time, he'd scoff and say something along the lines of "i don't need for them to see me differently because i couldn't give less of a fuck about what they think." you'd be hurt, of course you would be, but you'd never say so.
more and more, like an outsider looking in, he can see just how awful he was to you. it's to his horror that he realizes this must be the case for you, too. the chances of you getting back together with him seem slimmer and slimmer, especially now that you've got that pretty boy on your arm. your words echo in his mind as if to haunt him: "what can i do to make you give a fuck about me?" leave, apparently, and don't look back.
he can't keep living like this.
a knock on your door is all it takes to ruin your night — you had actually had a really good day up until now. you and taehyun had gone on a breakfast date and napped together until he had to leave in the afternoon, so you're humming now in contentment while applying your nightly skincare, thinking relentlessly about the boy you think you might be starting to love. it feels different from the love you felt for beomgyu, but in a good way. you still think about him and wonder how he's doing, but you always derail that train of thought with a god-given force previously unknown to you. he doesn't care about you, you chant to yourself. it's almost like your daily mantra. in the midst of your thoughts, you hear a knock on the door. you smile widely when you surmise that it's probably taehyun again. you don't realize just how big your grin is until it drops.
standing before you is not your lovely boyfriend, but the man who made you question whether or not you were even lovable in the first place. he has a small smile on his face, and if you were to look a little more carefully, you'd notice that he actually seems a little nervous.
"hi," he says, breaking the silence. his heart was racing a mile a minute. potential scenarios battered his mind the entire way here. what would you do when you saw him? smile? he could handle that. cry? he could also handle that, even if he didn't want to see your tears. what he is not prepared for is the blankness of your features when you ask: "what are you doing here?"
his smile falters almost imperceptibly.
"i, uh. i just wanted to see you." you're merciful enough to give him a nod of encouragement to continue. "a-and i wanted to tell you that i haven't stopped thinking about you for the past few months. and that i think i'm finally ready to be with you," he finishes with a shaky breath.
you're quiet for a moment and squint your eyes as if you're deep in thought.
"but i thought you were dating someone now? your ex?"
"i'm not!" he says almost a little too quickly.
"i heard you were," you counter, not quite believing him. you heard he had been seeing his ex from one of your friends who happened to live in her apartment complex. she had seen his car in the parking lot a few times in the last couple of weeks and had no reason to lie to you.
"w-well, i've seen her a few times, but not seriously. i — to be honest, i was just trying to get over you. but i've finally realized that i can't becau—"
"so, just to make sure i understand, you're not over me so you're seeing her?" his eyes widen in shock before his head hangs in shame as he realizes exactly what he's done and how he must look to you right about now, but you're not finished. "isn't that what you were doing with me?" your voice is low and indifferent, but each word feels tailor-made to slash at his heart. "wow, i guess some things really never change, but don't worry, i'm sure once she moves on you'll finally see the good in her instead of me," you spit out.
"can you listen to me? please?" beomgyu is so ashamed he wants to die. he fumbles for the right words, but when he accidentally makes eye contact with you, they die on his lips. he wishes you would give him time to process what you were saying and mull over what to respond with because you always knew he was bad with words, but he supposes he lost the right to your patience a long time ago.
"you want me to listen to you so you can fuck with my head until the next person rolls around?" the latter words are strangled by the tightness in your throat and he can't help but wince. when he thinks it's over, you continue.
"nobody has ever made me feel as small as you have. i hated myself because of you," your lip trembles and before he can say a word, you're raising your hand to shut the door.
"wait, wait, wait! just let me say this," he pleads as he gently grasps the doorframe. "i... i love you." he almost thinks he hears you gasp, but he's too busy looking into your unreadable eyes to know for sure. he had never said anything like this to you before. you're completely silent for a few moments before breaking the tense atmosphere.
"j-jesus, i mean, i guess i just don't know what to say," you sputter and his eyes alight with what looks suspiciously like hope. "except maybe that... i'm sorry you feel that way?" you finish with a sardonic smile and a roll of your eyes. before he can respond, which he actually intends to do this time around, you slam the door in his face.
notes pt. 2: yeah... sorry ;-; i know this was a lot of background, but i felt it was necessary. also, if you didn't get the memo, there will be a part 3. stay tuned <3
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anistarrose · 3 months
You added an "image description" to my post - now what? (FAQ)
[Plain text: "You added an 'image description' to my post - now what? (FAQ)". End PT.]
While I'm literally always willing to answer (good faith) questions about image descriptions, alt text, and online accessibility writ large, I also know lots of people have social anxiety about sending DMs, doing IDs "wrong," or just not knowing what IDs are for in the first place. Hence, this FAQ.
If I added an ID to your post and/or asked you to do so, and you're confused about any aspect of that, this is where to start. You can absolutely still reach out to me, I just thought I should consolidate as many answers as possible.
"What is an ID and why does it matter?"
IDs are a description of the content of an image, and can range from a transcript of a screenshot of text, to a description of a detailed piece of art. They should be in plain text, and placed on the line immediately following the image (unless it's alt text, more on those pros and cons later).
IDs are primarily for blind and low vision people who use screen readers to navigate the internet — but help others too, including lots of neurodivergent people. Check out this post (link) and the notes for more examples (dyslexics, migraine sufferers, people who can't interpret expressions, people with slow internet...)
IDs are important because without them, the Internet really sucks for people who need them. You probably don't realize how many undescribed images circulate on tumblr every day, with no way for a lot of disabled people to engage with those posts.
A blind person talks in more detail about all of this here (link).
"I reblogged your ID, is that enough?"
It's not that I don't appreciate it, but editing it into the root post and then reblogging that is much more impactful, for a variety of reasons. It means people who need IDs don't have to dig through the notes for them, it means that Tumblr can't glitch by failing to load the notes and make the ID functionally disappear, and it means all people who find the post in the tags or on your blog will be sharing the accessible version.
To explain visually, the best thing to do is something like this:
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[ID: two mock-up Tumblr posts to illustrate adding an ID from the notes to the root post. A blog named "your-blog" posts an image of text reading "something cool you posted" with the caption "check out this cool image I made!" In the notes, the blog "image-describer" reblogs with an ID, which is highlighted. This version of the post is labeled: "original post, reblogged via ID writer."
The second version of the post is from "your-blog" again, where they've added the ID directly under the image, with the same caption below the ID. This version is labeled "updated root post, with ID copy-pasted. End ID.]
"My caption/commentary first, or ID first?"
Include the ID right under the image, followed by your caption or commentary. Unless you're putting your commentary before the image itself, a sighted person will see "image, commentary" in that order, so to ensure the post flows the same way, use the order "image, ID, commentary."
Commentary frequently assumes that the reader has seen the image, after all! A person might not even realize the image is described if the ID is buried too deep, because they might lose patience and skip the post. Or, to explain visually:
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[ID: two mock-up example posts with an ID, one formatted well and one poorly. They both start with an image, which is just the text "screenshot of a tweet or something." The first post includes the ID immediately under the image. Below, it continues: "commentary blah blah blah get a load of this guy can you believe it." The post is labeled "Like this!" in green with a check mark.
The second post includes the commentary first, then the ID after the commentary. It's labeled: "Reads awkwardly, deprives screen reader users of immediate context" in red with an X. End ID.]
"I want to make a change to the ID, is that okay?"
Yep! If you want me to change it on my blog too (whether it's characters' pronouns, some typo, etc), just message me.
"What if someone else adds an ID to my post? Would they also be okay with me editing it into the original post like you are?"
Almost certainly! I can't speak for everyone, but I've literally never met an ID writer who wouldn't be okay with it — because we all have the shared goal of maximizing accessibility. If you're unsure or nervous, you can always include credit, but most people are even fine with going uncredited.
"I put your ID in the alt text, is that enough?"
I will never tell you not to use alt text when the alternative is an undescribed post, but I really strongly suggest putting it in both the alt text and the post. Some people who use screen readers prefer the flow of alt text, for good reason — but it's also poorly implemented on Tumblr, and it can glitch and disappear on reblogs, in drafts, or just apropos of nothing.
Moreover, when a low-vision person or anyone else wants to read the alt text directly, Tumblr's display options aren't great. (Unless you use XKit Rewritten's AccessKit, which I will always plug, but that's not an option for mobile users.) Long alt text often extends off the page and gets cut off. Tumblr used to use a terrible eye-straining purple background for it, and could always do that again with no warning. It's just not ideal.
Here's a visually impaired person talking more about the pros and cons (link).
It seems we're in need of a compromise, so what can you do? One option is to include the same alt text as image description (placing the ID directly under the image as always, because remember, flow for screen readers is important). I like to lead with "ID from alt," in order to clarify to screen reader users that they can skip the ID, and help differentiate it from the other option I'm about to describe. This should be self-explanatory, but here's an example of a post I did in this style (link).
Option two is to include a short description in the alt text, and a more detailed explanation in-post. This can let screen reader users instantly know that the post is described, and decide whether they're interested enough in it to stick with it, but it maintains an in-post description for others to benefit from too.
Example of me doing this in a post about IDs (link)
Example of my mutual describing art like this (link)
Also, it's the style I follow throughout this exact post! Take a look!
As usual, the ID is directly below the image in all these cases. This means screen readers move immediately from the alt text to the full description, and the post flows the same way it would for a sighted person.
If you're here because I wrote an ID for you, it might be easier for you to put it in the alt text and the post body identically, and that's perfectly fine! But if you're confident writing one short sentence for the alt text and including my ID in the body, you can always go for that too!
"Do I need to keep the brackets or the words 'image description/ID' in the alt text?"
Nope, no need. Brackets are purely for the visual distinction, and most screen readers preface alt text with something like "Image" that fulfills the same purpose as the "ID" label. It's not the end of the world if they're there, but it's redundant, so feel free to remove them.
"Can I put the ID under a read more? Or in small text?"
Please don't. Read mores are glitchy, and oftentimes have to be opened in a new tab. Accessibility that requires jumping through extra hoops isn't accessibility. And worse, if you change your URL or get deactivated, that read more link is usually just gone for good, and the post is undescribed again.
Meanwhile, small text, italics, colored text, and so on aren't good for low vision people or others who read the IDs directly — such as with increased font size — for whatever reason. If you want the ID to stand out visually even more than with brackets, an indent is fine as far as I know. And remember, IDs always go immediately below the image!
"Why do you sometimes copy italics and stuff as plain text? Is that a screen reader thing too?"
Same reason IDs shouldn't be in small text, italics, etc — because of sight readers with low vision. Font in weird styles, or in a fixed size regardless of device settings (to my knowledge, this includes headings) isn't very accessible, so I try to provide an accessible transcript.
Colored text is sometimes even inaccessible to sighted people using certain Tumblr themes! If Tumblr gave individual users the option to disable small text and colors on their dash, then I'd tell you to use them to your heart's content, but as it stands, they're not very accessible.
"Okay, I want to make my blog more accessible, but I don't feel capable of writing IDs on my own. How can I get help?"
Good news, this is my absolute favorite question! I strongly recommend the People's Accessibility Discord (invite link here, please let me know if it breaks).
It was created for this exact purpose of crowdsourcing IDs (and answering questions about them). I talk about it more in this post (link), where I also describe an alternative if you're like me and have massive social anxieties about Discord servers.
TL;DR: ask in the post if someone can add an image description, and edit it in once someone does! If you've read this far in the post, you're clearly an expert on how to do that.
In that post, I also recommend OnlineOCR (link) and Google Lens to extract text from images and save you typing if it's just a twitter thread or something. I would always spot check the text, adjust formatting, and remove superfluous characters, but it usually saves you lots of time when you might not normally have the energy to describe something.
Lastly, a lot of description blogs take requests! I don't unless I specify otherwise, because I easily run out of spoons, but @accessible-art is a great example of a blog that does this for non-fandom art, and there are lots of fandom blogs out there that do similar.
"I want to learn how to write image descriptions for my posts! Do you have any resources?"
This is my image description masterpost (link). I get a little scared about linking it because it's long, and a lot of the linked posts are long, and I don't want to overwhelm people — so please, start with the first few links to get the broad strokes, and then feel free to treat the rest like a index. That is, peruse it if you're looking for answers or advice on a specific topic!
While learning, keep in mind that different ID users want different things out of IDs, and that's okay. Some people, including many blind people, care quite a bit about color, but others don't, and that doesn't mean either is wrong about the types of IDs they prefer versus ones they find unnecessary.
Blind people have a massive range of lived experiences, and all the other people who benefit from IDs broaden that range even more. Generally, no one involved wants huge walls of text, but some people prefer super-minimal IDs, while others prefer a nice handful of (relevant) details. It's stuff like the difference between "Two characters hugging in a cozy-looking house," versus "Two characters hugging with their eyes closed, both smiling. Their house looks cozy and cluttered, with warm lighting."
Neither of those is objectively wrong, and there will be people who prefer either. Nor is it wrong for you, the ID writer, to make a subjective judgement, such as on the "cozy" mood. You don't want to misrepresent things, but subjectivity is usually unavoidable on some level, and therefore fine. Likewise, you don't want to let the ID get so long it's a slog to get through (here's an example of what NOT to do), but if you're describing a complicated image like some art might be, it's okay to add some details. Just start with the important stuff and general idea first.
The purpose of an image also matters. With memes, shorter is almost always better, and excessive detail is annoying (post with examples). You don't need in-depth detail to appreciate most quick jokes. But on the other hand, art is often shared for the purpose of appreciating the details. This post goes into detail about how context matters, and how longer IDs make sense for art sometimes. It puts it better than I could, so I really suggest reading it if this is something you're wondering about! Key word: not length, not brevity, but "relevancy."
In my opinion, IDs are easiest to learn by doing, but also by starting small. If you want to build up your "description muscles" and confidence by just transcribing tweets, that's perfectly fine — and also, the path that myself and a lot of people I know have followed.
Lastly: follow some described blogs! Check out how other people do it! Writing IDs is an art, and though it has a few hard do's and don't's we've gone over, we've also gone over how it's subjective. Everyone brings a slightly different style, with a different level of lengthiness, and it's great to learn from multiple sources. Here's one list of blogs like those (link)!
"Why would this matter if I know I don't have any blind people following me?"
Consider the cycle of inaccessibility (link). If no one ever accommodates blind people, then of course you're not going to see them on Tumblr, in fandom, or in whatever internet circles! And blind people aren't the only people who need image descriptions — again, consider this post, especially this addition (link).
Worst case scenario, even if you have no one who can benefit from IDs either following you, and no people who need IDs would follow you even if you included them, you're still helping people who do maintain accessible blogs to do so — and moreover, normalizing image descriptions in general.
"I don't think blind people would be in this fandom. I mean, there's a huge visual component!"
Described comics and webcomics exist. Audio descriptions for TV shows and movies exist. Disabled people who find creative ways to play video games exist. People who watched a playthrough of a video game by a person who happened to read out the dialogue, and give descriptive commentary on the action, also exist. People who lose their vision over time, or gain other reasons to rely on IDs over time, also exist.
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southofeerie · 2 years
modern west wing social media hcs
i feel like charlie would have the most normal social media acct and following, like maybe an instagram where he posts pictures of himself (mostly for family), and like a twitter where he occasionally retweets his friends or bartlet. he likes making fun of other people (especially senior staff) for being too stuck to their devices, and a large online presence would take away that ability
CJ’s twitter is less incendiary than she’d like, since she’s the face of the bartlet administration, and so a lot of it is discussing policy or clarifying briefings. she does retweet a lot of good edu sites or interesting articles she finds. she herself trends a lot, she’s pretty famous online as a political icon ala AOC or bernie sanders, and she gets a lot of edits made online from press conferences (which she enjoys bragging abt to the other staff, while making fun of them for being out-of-touch). CJ also has a private instagram that hogan had her make, but she only posts extremely blurry pictures of coffee and her goldfish with captions like “hogan said to post to remind people that im alive”. toby always replies with “sending the pictures to MOMA. breathtaking” and danny replies with “breaking news. press secretary reveals she is still alive. more at 7”.
leo does not have social media because he still has a flip phone and a brick laptop. he says he prefers hearing bad news out loud or reading it on physical paper, but really, he just can’t figure out how to work it. im talking types “google” into google, then types “hello find me a map of the united states of america” in the search bar. margaret tried to help but seeing him type google into google physically pained her
josh is banned from twitter (after he pissed off three midwestern states, basket weavers, and most hollywood producers in the first week in office). cj regularly checks to make sure he hasn’t made a new account. he has a public instagram, but cj looks over captions before he posts (he once tried to ask the president for permission to get a new account but the president sided with cj). most of his posts are about encouraging people to vote or be more politically active. he is also not allowed to reply to comments on the instagram, so he reads them out loud in a mocking voice to donna. unbeknownst to him, there is a white house deputy chief of staff twitter page run by donna (with cj’s permission) that discusses white house initiatives and shares fun anecdotes abt day to day work. anytime someone tells josh they love his twitter account he assumes they mean instagram, and nobody tells him until bartlet is two years out of office
donna, like charlie, has an instagram mostly for her family back home, but also has a twitter where she talks about tv shows she likes and her hobbies, that has a decent following. she might have a tumblr but again it would be abt tv shows and hobbies she has
toby is on goodreads and instagram (but only to leave sarcastic comments on his friends’ posts). he hates twitter’s word count limit and how it’s owned by elon musk, and rants abt it often. he leaves lengthy reviews on any political commentary article in the comments section. this has been brought up in the briefing room, to the point where cj has a recording of herself saying “toby ziegler’s online rants are not indicative of president bartlet’s views. if you have any questions please direct them to ziegler himself”
president bartlet has facebook </3. there’s a white house twitter page run by an intern, but he’s not involved with that. he posts fun facts about national parks or ancient latin novels, but each fact starts with something like “joshua lyman, 🧍‍♂️deputy chief of staff, 🇺🇸doesn’t understand the true beauty of yellowstone national park 🙄🏞🏜🤦‍♂️”. most people think it’s a parody account and cj doesn’t want to correct them
abbey does not have facebook, despite her husbands insistence that it’s better than twitter. on the rare occasions she uses her account it’s mostly to discuss important medical breakthroughs and her daughter’s work
sam has a really popular instagram, where he posts selfies and pretty pictures of the white house and captions like “having a great day at work today!” or “white house at sunset.. gorgeous”. he posts on his story a lot, and comes off as very relatable to the public. he’s cj’s dream social media user
will bailey runs campaign social medias pretty well but his own twitter account is mostly for promoting the campaigns. occasionally he retweets stuff his friends post, or tweets out funny jokes he hears.
margaret is tumblr famous, but never posts abt her job. her posts regularly wind up on other sites. she hasn’t told anybody and doesn’t plan to
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ikroah · 1 year
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I've given everything I have, didn't know I'd run up such a tab, Oh, Lord, ain't the reapin' ever done? —“Ain’t the Reapin’ Ever Done,” Eddie Noack (1972)
It Keeps Right On a-Hurtin’ #25 - Ring-a-Ding-Ding IV
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Read IKROAH on Archive of Our Own
Notes / Original Pencils / Transcript:
At long last! As I've mentioned a few times, this issue got...delayed because I spent 2023 getting divorced, falling in love again, going outside, touching grass, laughing, playing, et cetera. But even if you toss all that aside this issue would still have been a doozy because I've been wanting to try an issue in this artstyle, and with a much large page size, for...well, for over a year now, ha. The thumbnails for this issue are nearly a whole year old!
Usually I have a lot of fun commentary about how a script changes over the course of working on an issue, or how the production panned out, but the making of this issue has been stretched over such a long time that I can't even begin to really describe it. Lemme just show you the original pencils so we can get out of here and move onto the next one, which will hopefully take far less than the time it takes to carry a pregnancy to term.
Oh, actually, there is one thing! If you spotted this happy couple on the first page, then check out @memepipboy's comics too.
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Also, here's Vulpes in the dead Yamcha pose.
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Which is also about how I feel after going on a bender of productivity last week to get the whole issue colored before it slipped away again.
Original Pencils:
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EXT. NEW VEGAS STRIP. A small plaza outside the casinos is flushed with lights and people, all coming and going, even at such a late hour. The crowd is monitored by the Strip's POLICE SECURITRONS. Two people are exiting a casino: ROSE OF SHARON CASSIDY, and
AGNES: Oh God, I'm--
AGNES: --wait, are you NCR?
The MESSENGER that has called out AGNES' name is a surly and middle-aged man in uniform.
MESSENGER: Correct, ma'am. I'm a messenger.
AGNES: Courier, huh.
CASS: Hell do you want, boot boy? We're busy.
MESSENGER: Your presence is requested at the embassy on the south side of the Strip.
The exchange has caught the eye of a BYSTANDER READING A NEWSPAPER.
AGNES: You said requested, as opposed to, um, required?
MESSENGER: Yes. I'll be blunt with you, Sands: the incident near Gecko and your subsequent desertion have made you a fugitive of military police since 2269. I'm sure you know that--but this is not an arrest.
MESSENGER: This isn't even about your personal case, necessarily. It's only from chance reports at the Mojave Outpost and Boulder City that intelligence was made aware of your presence here at all. The NCR merely wants to let you know that you--as well as your companion--are persons of interest to us in two of our other open investigations: the Legion raid on Nipton, and recent terrorist attacks on merchants in the area such as Crimson Caravan.*
CAPTION: *Various events of IKROAH #7-16. -Lou.
MESSENGER: There's also some other matters, which are classified.
CASS, at AGNES' side, listens intently. Then she glares at AGNES, who is grimacing but avoiding her eye contact.
MESSENGER: Now, our intelligence officers only want to speak to you, not arrest you. So there should be no cause for alarm or any worry on your part. It's your choice to come to us willingly--and on your own time. But--
AGNES sweats nervously.
MESSENGER: My orders are to make this next part very clear. This is merely the current state of our interest in you and your companion. If your presence does become required, as opposed to merely requested, by the NCR--and it very well may--
MESSENGER: --consider this a nice, friendly notice. I'm here because the NCR knows where you are. And the NCR wanted you to know that, because it wants you to keep it in mind as you mull over whether--and when--you might be feeling co-operative. That is all. We'll be in touch, Miss Sands.
The MESSENGER departs. The BYSTANDER READING A NEWSPAPER observed the entire exchange. The moment that the MESSENGER is gone, he speaks:
BYSTANDER: Ahh...I must admit, it does make me glad when people discuss my work.
AGNES: W-what?
CASS: Pardon?
BYSTANDER: And it was fortunate, as it turns out, that you were spared that night in Nipton.
AGNES: Oh...oh no--
BYSTANDER: Very fortunate indeed--
The BYSTANDER grins.
BYSTANDER: --that you were spared from the burning tires, spared from the teeth of the dogs, spared even from the cross and stake--all of this, there, was the finest work yet of VULPES INCULTA--against the profligates of the west, and for the glory and the might of CAESAR'S LEGION.*
AGNES and CASS are transfixed where they stand, taken aback by the reveal. CASS scowls while AGNES squirms with terror. She remembers:
The raging fires and the horror show of NIPTON. Crucified bodies and dogs to eat the corpses.
VULPES: During our talk in Nipton, I admittedly became quite curious about you, Agnes. You had intrigued me for some reason, and I wanted to know what it was. Only later did I finally place it.
Her hands up in front of her face, a futile barrier between herself and three men. Benny. His gun, pointed at her, shining in the light from the moon and the lantern.
VULPES: A tabloid story from the news on the radio. A courier shot in the head near Goodsprings Cemetery.
The SECURITRON with the cowboy face, VICTOR, carried her out of her grave. Or so she was told.
VULPES: --who miraculously returned from the grave. It was you.
There were three men. Two besides Benny. She found them later, one was dead and the other had two more with him.
VULPES: It was also you, as I would later discover...who slaughtered that pack of Great Khans in Boulder City. Clearly no ordinary courier.
VULPES: Why, even now, you assassinate the leader of the Chairmen in his own casino--in his own bedroom, no less. Very impressive.
AGNES: But how did you--
VULPES: Know? From one saboteur to another, I do have to commend you, Agnes. You're quite covert...for someone who had no reason to realize that she was already being watched, that is. Just as we have been watching Benny, the dearly departed.
VULPES grins wider.
VULPES: My network of frumentarii have detected something of a conspiracy in Vegas...something about a certain piece of platinum, I hear. Which reminds me--the mail has gotten so unreliable lately, don't you think?
AGNES is visibly panicked as VULPES continues.
VULPES: The NCR'S interest in you is not misplaced, Agnes Sands, given your recent exploits.
CASS is suddenly going down the casino steps--
VULPES: But I doubt that they are as quite aware of the bigger picture as--
--and raising her fist, and--
VULPES: the--
--punching VULPES in the face.
VULPES is flung to the ground, his nose bloodied. One of his teeth have been knocked clean from his mouth. He stares upward, in disbelief, up at the furious woman who's laid him out.
VULPES: Ah...yes. Rose of Sharon Cassidy. I've--
PTOOEY. A wad of spit splats against VULPES' cheek. CASS points a finger at him as he shuffles back onto his feet.
CASS: Get my name out of your mouth right now. I'm not afraid of you. You just piss me off. And unless you get lost I'll deck you so hard that you forget my name. Hopefully how to form complete sentences, too.
CASS: I think we've heard enough, you goddamn dogfucker, and whatever you're selling, we don't fucking want any.
VULPES: Ah...so no less impudent than last time, despite...well.
VULPES wipes the blood from his face with the back of his hand, muttering from behind his palm in LATIN.
VULPES: Sī cognōscere nōn vīs canis senex tum nēquam praeter futuendum eris.
VULPES reaches his bloody hand toward his dislodged hat.
VULPES: Agnes--the Legion has a particular use for you, a use which comes with certain courtesies that are not extended to your companion.
VULPES: ...she would do well to keep this in mind.
VULPES returns his hat to his head. AGNES has rejoined CASS at the base of the steps.
AGNES: "Use?" What use? I don't have anything--I mean, I'm not--whatever you--whatever the Legion wants with me, I don't know anything. About this, or about Benny. If you want the chip, I--
VULPES: Agnes, Agnes--you're a terrible liar. Or else just terribly naive.
VULPES turns to leave.
VULPES: If the NCR is interested in you, and they are, then seizing you for ourselves is certainly useful enough on its own. But truthfully, this isn't about the NCR. The Legion is interested in you--I am interested in you--because Mr. House is interested in you. You and that chip.
AGNES: Mr. House!? But I...no, no, I just thought the chip--
VULPES: Vale, courier. And vale, Rose of Sharon Cassidy. And be safe in your travels, if you can help it--you never know when somebody might be watching.
As VULPES departs, a SECURITRON approaches behind AGNES and CASS, casting a shadow over the both of them.
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cookstorys · 1 year
I saw
Vinnie hacker sooo I would like to request something idk if you do smut or only fluff so just do whatever you’re comfortable with! Anyway can the reader be shy and doesn’t have social media of any kind and ppl see him in a video and try to find out who he is? You can keep going from there
𝙾𝚗𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚢
Person - Vinnie Hacker
Warning- None 😋
Author Note - I rushed at the end so ☺️
Females Dni
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One hug. That’s all it took for rumors to start to circulate. You weren’t even supposed to be at the party, you just stopped by to see Vinnie. You walked thru that crowd of people to find Vinnie. Once you did a smile appeared on his face when he saw you. “I didn’t know you were coming.” He admitted. Then proceeded to hug you and plant a soft kiss on your forehead. Unknowingly to the both of you, Larray was filming a TikTok and with a simple zoom in you could see you and Vinnie hugging but more importantly, him planting a kiss on your forehead.
The sun beamed into your newly renovated room. You were starting to be more thankful for your decision to move and stay in L.A. The feeling of tight arms being wrapped around you was another reason you moved. You loved to be loved, The simple feeling of another person that loves you for you was unmatched and Vinnie was just that. He was the hot satisfying candle on oh-so-cold nights.
Before your surroundings could properly focus, your phone buzzed. You let out a lazy sigh and pick the object up.
[Best Friend’s Contact Name]
[Best friend] - OMFG
[Best Friend] - Twitter.com
You froze at the message. Your best friend had a weird sense of humor, to say the least. So, you were rightfully scared of the possibility that this link would either send you to a video of someone getting their ass beat or a very loud porno. To your dismay it was neither of the assumptions, instead, it was a picture of Vinnie planting a kiss on your forehead captioned, “Vinnie hacker spotted romantically kissing a mysterious boy on the forehead last night”
To say you were not happy was an understatement. You quickly sprinted out of bed and ran into your bathroom. This was not good, imagine how your family would react, your siblings. You weren’t in the closet but you also didn’t want to be public with Vinnie just yet. You loved the man to death - you did but you saw yourself as a shy boy from the south, thrown into this bold new world (aka L.A).
You opened your phone to more messages from your best friend to check the comments. ‘Hell no.’ You texted quickly. One thing you hated more than being in the public eye is people’s commentary about you. However, now that the secret’s out it wouldn’t hurt to take a small peak.
You rushed to open the once-closed tab of your messages. You hesitated for a while, finger levitating above the link. After a few more deep breaths your finger fell on the message, after clicking, your phone flashed blue and there appeared the post you had just recently witnessed. You scrolled down to see the comments.
@user233/ - Omg who is this
@rishardtim - I love this sm
@medontlikeyou - WE MUST FIND THIS MAN
@singleazzbitch - Not them both being fine…
A knock on the door stopped you from scrolling on. “[Name] are you ok? I saw the post and I’m so sorry. Just open the door let’s talk about this.” Vinnie tried to reason. Your long sigh could be heard thru the door as Vinnie impatiently waited for a response, action, anything. The door slowly opened revealing you and your phone visibly showing the Twitter post. “No, baby don’t listen to them, we can get this covered up or-“ Vinnie’s sentence was cut short by you rushing into his arms. “I’m ok.” You mumbled. With those two words coming out of your mouth Vinnie let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
After a while of silence. Just the two of your hugging and listening to each other's heartbeats. Vinnie spoke.“Have you thought about how you wanna handle this?” You sat in silence for a little while longer until you finally thought of an idea
“Let’s see how much they can learn.” You smirked
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good-beans · 7 months
Concept that just popped into my head: Milgram characters doing "get ready with me" videos
Aw, this was so fun!! I always love your hc style of normal au/everyone's chilling, and tried to go the same route -- it was so cute to think about :D
Haruka: Puts on his outfit for the day and explains everything in great detail. He has lots of comfortable items and fun colors. At the very end he speaks off-camera and you realize Muu was standing there cheering him on the whole time. He gets a lot of encouraging comments, and Muu and Fuuta keep an eye on the account to delete any nasty ones that may come in.
Yuno: Shows her outfit, makeup, nails, and bag she’s taking with her. She tries out a variety of styles (not just sticking to the more feminine looks we see in canon). She gives a bit of a tutorial and tips as well as showing things off. Has a main account for her daytime outfits, and a more private one for her nighttime looks. Mahiru is the only one aware of the latter account.
Fuuta: Layers. Lots of layers. There will be three sweatshirts laid out in front of him and you wonder which he’s going to choose before realizing he’s putting them all on. He focuses most on his sneakers and sportswear. He plays loud music over the videos, not knowing what to say. Has gotten into comment-section arguments over those yellow socks.
Muu: Also does a full look at her appearance: nails, accessories, etc. She mentions where you can buy everything, and it’s unclear whether she was sponsored by these brands or is just excited to talk about them. (Whether they’re actually together or not,) she’ll have Haruka on as a guest a lot to show off couple’s outfit ideas. She definitely has the biggest following, and loves recommending Haruka and the others’ accounts.  
Shidou: He doesn’t really know what he’s doing, but his account is getting tons of views so the others keep encouraging him to make videos. He’s just glad to be connecting with the other prisoners as they show him how to do it. He dresses in a mix of the sleek patterned shirts and dad fits, and both types of videos are equally popular. 
Mahiru: None of the serious-faced flirts or little pouty faces – it’s all smiles for her. Every video is basically a full tutorial – she has captions and a voiceover giving commentary on everything. She has the next biggest following, and interacts constantly. She loves getting questions “what should I wear on an x type date?” “How do I dress to impress x type of person?” because she always comes up with the perfect outfit to help. 
Kazui: A bit confused as well, though he does know a lot about style. His interro question makes it seem like he wanted kids – I think he’d really get into the account as one of those “Dad How Do I” types. He talks about matching things, clothes upkeep, shaving/hairstyling. 
Amane: Also wouldn’t have made the videos without prompting from the others, but enjoys it a lot. She usually talks about practical things instead of “vain” fashion: she’s excited to show off a new raincoat, sturdy shoes, useful pockets, etc. Over time, she leans into outfits that are more cute and colorful, gaining confidence in them. 
Mikoto: He started the account as something for one of his design classes, and got really into it. He likes to challenge himself with unique styles and clothing articles, making pretty much anything work. He keeps everything professional in case an employer/coworker sees, but isn’t afraid to add some flirting and flaunting in there. If he’s open about his plurality, he’ll have some special videos, “choosing an outfit for John today!”
Kotoko: Like Amane, she’s more excited about practical outfits. She’ll show off clothes that have good flexibility, places to store and conceal objects, and heavy duty materials. She’ll rate jackets, boots, and other “military-grade” things for what has worked best for her. She’s very attentive to the accounts that follow her – she does full background checks to make sure her info is being used for justice, not more crime. Mahiru convinces her to do a special where she puts all her piercings in and talks about why she chose them/what they mean.
Es: Experiments with a lot of new styles, trying to figure out what they like. They also just play music in the back, not having much to say about each outfit. They'd rather focus on their series of dressing-up-Jackalope videos, much to his dismay...
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cypionate60mg · 7 months
Hey dude, I'm writing an anthropological article (kind of for Uni, but TBC) about forcemascing and the rejection of the narrative around transsexual bodies and I was wondering if you had any steaming hot takes about what defines the forcemasc genre.
You can find some of my hot takes under the 'behind the scenes' and 'director's commentary' tags on my blog.
I didn't invent forcemasc, so I encourage you to check out what came before me. I'm also kind of an outlier in the genre, so I don't know how much my rambling will be useful to you. But I will do my best to answer your question.
A quick bit of background, for clarity's sake. This current wave of forcemasc is defined by the use of captions that directly address the viewer. Their ostensible goal is enticing or forcing the viewer to undergo masculinization.
There's a lot of variety here. Some captions are instinctive and messy, some are painstakingly designed. Others laud masculinity as divine and magical, while others enjoy painting it in a more monstrous and horrific light. Some tell you that you'll keep your beauty, and others try to take it away from you. Etc., etc. I'm sure anybody who's in the scene can see what I'm referencing. A forcemasc blog may post any of these types of captions. They're not obligated to stick to a consistent theming and messaging.
Here's where my hot take comes in. Speaking broadly, most forcemasc caption blogs are still trying to appeal to some pre-existing convention that the viewer may want to hold onto. 'Natural' beauty, the masculinity they already acquired, aggression, purposeful ugliness, style, etc. And in doing so, their images are imbued with some degree of aspiration. (Which isn't necessarily bad.)
But not all images ought to be aspirational, some are better off as antagonistic. Does the mere existence of an image of a person mean that we ought to look like them? Can we assume that the person in the caption is saying the caption itself? Or is it some unknown speaker?
This is why my personal definition of forcemasc varies from the mainstream one that's emerged, I think. It doesn't make me better, it just makes me different.
In what I do, the image isn't a representation of the viewer or the speaker. And the text obscures or guides the way you look at the picture. It's not an endorsement, it's an interruption. I'm asking you to think about your relationship with the image. The relationship between looking and wanting to look like.
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thatyoutubereviewer · 5 months
Daniel Howell: WE'RE ALL DOOMED! (Full Comedy Special)
Genre: live comedy special
Date posted: Apr 28, 2024
Closed captioning: actually so good
Runtime: 2:08:16
Youtube description: brief summary, links to other socials, and credits for music
Trigger warnings: nihilism, internalized homophobia
My rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🌟🌟🌟🌟🌈
Full spoiler free review below vv
As a damn near life-long fan of Dan Howell, I will admit I am a tad bit biased. This comedy special made me laugh (as you would hope), cry, and feel the full spectrum of emotions in little over two hours. If you like Bo Burnham's Inside, Barbie, or anything slightly gay and edgy, you will love this.
In this special, Dan breaks down (literally) why we are all doomed. From the climate crisis to conspiracy theories, Dan has thoughts about it. This set has it all: musical numbers, bubbles, court scenarios, you name it. Never skipping a beat, Dan's witty commentary never feels boring, the script is brilliantly written, and the improvised crowdwork was a marvel.
Even if you have no clue who Daniel Howell is, please check out this masterpiece.
And to Dan, you deserve those flowers 💐
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Random thoughts about Hawaii Five-0 rewatch: part 1/?
So, as someone of my mutuals already knows, I'm currently undergoing the exhausting task of checking all the fucking 61 DVDs from the H50 box set before the 30-days guarantee expires, because it's physically impossible to watch them all completely in that time, even if I took 1 month leave. So I'm simply skipping back and forth and leaving the regular rewatch for when my life will be less of a living hell...so, supposedly around 2038...
I have one complaint, which is the subtitles are not completely matching all dialogues, but since my brain only needs them until it's switched to English-mode and I can start understanding it again, I guess it's alright. Second complaint: they're fucking HUGE and OVERLAPPING THE SCENES SO RANDOMLY IT HURTS.
Anyway, I've by now processed only s1-s5, and dude....some things I caught in the deleted scenes (which I've watched entirely) AND in some parts of the commentaries I specifically sought because curiosity won, and which I've never seen giffed or captioned....man, I was so angry and disappointed at times. So I thought I'd be randomly processing them here, no pics sorry, only thoughts.
~~~~~~more under the cut~~~~~~
Thought #1: Alex and Scott goofing around.
Trust me. The gag reels are so much better than you'd expect. At times I was genuinely laughing to tears and god knows how rare it is.
What I loved most was to watch that scene where Alex and Scott start cussing in Italian, and I bet no one who's not Italian could understand a fuck about what they're yelling. Best part, though, were the subtitles, captioning ALEX AND SCOTT: SWEARING IN ITALIAN 😂 Just to make sure what language exactly they were using.
Thought #2: missed chance to make Amber's character less of a plastic doll, or: Why did you fucking cut those 57 seconds?!?!
While watching s5 deleted scenes, I stumbled upon two real jewels from the 24th episode. I'm still trying to understand why they couldn't include them in the canon episode, since both of them combined are less than a minute and surely there were other moments that could've been cut. My only explanation, sadly, is that it would've painted Amber in quite a different light, making her a stronger, rounder character, and giving her an agency we rarely saw in her, except when confronting her ex husband. They could've followed that route, but we cannot have a beautiful woman who's also her own person, a self-confident person, and not just a plastic Barbie doll, right?! God forbid a woman can have agency and call out men on their bullshit, it would threat masculine privilege too much....
So, what exactly happened that bothered me so deeply? (Be aware I'm quoting by heart and not literally, as I didn't take screenshots and anyway I can't make gifs. Also, the following meta is just my interpretation of the implications running through subtext).
The first scene is very short, just six or seven seconds long, but it's a jewel in subtext and non-verbal communication. It takes place presumably after or around the moment Rachel tells Danny about Charlie: we see them from afar, clearly in a street-taken point of view, from an external observer. They are agitated and distressed, Rachel more than Danny, who's tensely spread on the bench with his arms looped behind the backrest, angling far from Rachel's compact and almost self-hugging frame.
They're distressed, not happy, not even remotely connecting to each other, so it's clear it's not a scene which could be envisioned as romantic. It's only a couple of seconds long, and then we see whose this external point of view belongs to: Amber. Amber who's not an idiotic, mellow, shallow doll. Amber who's been so clearly upset by Danny's lie about the texts, that she decided to follow him to the place Rachel had indicated. Amber who's been manipulated and controlled and abused long enough to become suspicious and self-preserving when someone she loves, and who knows her vulnerability, tries to play her around. Amber who looks at them, and clearly isn't angry nor jealous, because those few moments the actress uses to convey all of Amber's inner distress, are some of her best ones (giving that the actress, alas, is not very expressive to begin with), and we understand that she doesn't see any romance in the air. She's disappointed. She's hurt. Betrayed. Again.
Amber's face, in a handful of seconds, perfectly displays the devastating feeling of someone who finally felt safe and respected and secure, only to discover that it's yet another kind of control and manipulation, less cruel, less brutal, but not less humiliating and even worrying.
This is something she's learnt at her expense, and now that she knows the red flags, she cannot trust a man who can't be honest with her, not with this kind of problems, not with something which is clearly affecting his life to a deep level. He wants Amber to be a part of his life, but only if he can control the terms, limits, boundaries and times of their relationship. And Amber has been through it all before, and can't trust that history won’t repeat itself.
She then drives away, hurt and disappointment written all over her face.
The second deleted scene is even more important plotwise, because it explains Amber's absence as Danny’s plus one at Kono's wedding, after all the talk he did in the car about bringing some Amber's friend as Steve's date, and it casts a new light over Danny's reaction to Steve's resolve to ask Cath to marry him, or his tension about Lynn, or Amber's condistent absence for the whole first part of s6, or even Danny's and Amber's fight during their Valentine's dinner.
The scene is longer, about fifty seconds, and it supposedly takes place right at the end of the episode, after Danny pulls up at the hospital's parking lot, after Steve's affectionate text. He takes his phone out of his pocket again because he's received a voice-mail message.
A message from Amber (sorry, I noticed just now I'm still going with Amber instead of Melissa).
She says she's sorry to be doing this by voice-mail because she'd prefer to do it in person, but given their situation it's probably for the best if she spares them both the trouble to be forced to find shallow excuses. She says he's an amazing man, and that she likes what they have and that she thinks it might be real, and that she hopes he feels the same. She's understanding that his job comes first and it's terribly demanding, as she's also aware of how hard his life and his backstory is, with Grace and Rachel. This all considered, she thinks it's best if they stop and take a pause, so that he can reflect and decide if he wants to keep this thing going, but as for now, she can't keep seeing him on these terms.
Amber decided to stop seeing Danny until he decided what to do with their relationship and be honest with her, and started thinking seriously if he was just using her, as she probably felt.
Why?? Why did they cut this whole plotline? It's pivotal for Danny's arc, for his strained and angry attitude towards everyone, for his constant distress, for his even worsening negativity, for the way he's overcompensating with excessive euphoria to Steve's announcement about Cath, for how he meddles with them and confronts Cath about being honest, for how he's not thrilled about Lynn's insertion inside Steve's life.
Because he's alone, at that time. Call it temporary breakup or period of reflection or a break, but he was single and thinking, again, about everything he was doing wrong with his life and his relationships, and falling again into his old black hole of depression and self-sabotage, and seeing Steve going on with his life even at the cost of pretending he was happy with this woman he had supposedly no trouble cheating on, during their "couple retreat", making him wonder if either what he had with Lynn wasn't serious, or if his obvious charade about his threesome with Alyssa and her friend had a second meaning.
Also, they were probably both single again, or at least testing the waters, when they were at the retreat. And Danny definitely was when Cath left Steve once again abandoned, betrayed, and never-chosen in face of anything else.
Quite a lot of subtext to think about, for just 57 seconds which were, prudently, cut.
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eschergirls · 1 year
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Hi everybody!
It's June so it's time to give a site update and to thank all our May Patreon subscribers!
So, first, the biggest update is that I've discovered a lot of the Escher Girls Tumblr has been flagged by Tumblr as adult content.  I've appealed dozens and there's still more to do (the weird Tumblr interface means that I can't know how many I have left until I clear out the stack they give me).  It's frustrating because the flagging is clearly done by an algorithm that's just scanning the images for vaguely nudity matching things because this cover got flagged and I'm pretty sure that it's not because of Sue but because of Johnny.  There's a bunch of other images with fire people that are flagged for nudity too because the algorithm can't tell that monocoloured characters are not naked.  Sometimes it's even more baffling how the post could be flagged (such as the She-Hulk one I put with this post.) And the appeals are processed within seconds and seemingly rejected or accepted arbitrarily.  Given the speed that they're processed, I'm 1000% sure no human is actually looking at them.  It's annoying and I don't know how it affects the visibility of the posts, or if some posts are removed entirely without me knowing.
Stuff like this is why I decided to self-host and made a dedicated site for Escher Girls.  I know it's not Tumblr, but I encourage people to check out the main site (EscherGirls.com) because it's an archive that I control and can't be deleted or hidden by Tumblr.  It's also why I mention that Escher Girls has an RSS feed, so people know there's a way to keep up to date with posts outside of Tumblr (and previously Twitter, which no longer functions because they turned off API access). For newbies, simply copy and paste https://eschergirls.com/rss.xml into an RSS reader and it will keep you up to date on EG.
And all of the above is why I'm so appreciative of the support we get from Patreon & Ko-Fi because it helps pay for hosting and the domain name and helps us upgrade the site as needed.  Also, just personally, I appreciate that people think what I do is worthwhile enough to support. <3
As usual, I'm working on restoring broken posts when I find them.  Some of them I've found aren't just broken on this site due to the move but also don't exist on Tumblr anymore due the posts being removed due to flagging.  My major restoration project which took a long time this month was fixing up the WarTune tag, which was a lot of work but well worth it I think.  If you haven't seen the WarTune ads before, I encourage you too, they're... something else.
I also fixed up an old post about the original Elder Scrolls that I like because I wrote a short story as the caption (and I've now added a title for it). Check it out if you haven't seen it before.
Anyway, with the updates out of the way, I want to give a very sincere thank you to our May Patreon subscribers.  As I said before, your support means a lot to me personally and keeps this site up as an archive that Tumblr can't alter.
Thank you so much to:
Anne Adler Cat Mara CheerfulOptimistic Chris McKenzie Em Bardon First Time Trek Greg Sepelak Joseph Millman Ken Trosaurus Kevin Carson Kim Wincen Kristoffer Illern Holmén Leak Manuel Dalton Mary Kuhner Max Schwarz Michael Mazur Michael Norton Miriam Pody Morgan McEvoy randomisedmongoose Ringoko Ryan Gerber Sam Mikes Sean Sea SnigePippi SpecialRandomCast Thomas Thomas Key
And also a thank you to all of you who follow, read, and interact with Escher Girls and contribute through commentary, submissions, and participating in the caption contests.
You all rock <3
(If you wish to support Escher Girls, you can subscribe to our Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/ami_angelwings or donate through Ko-Fi at: https://ko-fi.com/amiangelwings.)
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izzyizumi · 5 months
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Digimon Adventure ~ J.P.N Version ~ Episode 39 + Izumi Koushiro{u}'s Parent + Kido Shin (Jou's 2nd eldest Sibling)
"Don't say such {negative} things! I {b e l i e v e} in these children!" - Koushiro's parent, referring to Koushiro and, the "Chosen Children" as a Whole, (including Jou)
"It'll be all right, Nii-san.
We'll make {absolutely} sure the s u n does 'come up'!"
-Kido Jou, after overhearing from afar, Triumphant-like
Gifs by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce My Work Under Any Circumstances Without My Permission Whatsoever!}
Original commentary, Image Usage & Interaction rules under the 'read more'!
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My Commentary: This small but significant sequence takes place not long after Koushiro is revealed to be a canon Adoptee. Mrs. Izumi is fully aware that Koushiro has accepted Mrs. Izumi (+Izumis both) as Koushiro's true parent{s}, however, we are not given indication that the other supporting characters were actually told about 'the secret' of Koushiro's. Shin's surprise, in that regard, can hardly be held too much against Shin - which Mrs. Izumi eventually quickly recognizes, dropping the argument and frustration - Shin was likely completely unaware how strongly Mrs. Izumi felt during these moments, while Mrs. Izumi was likely running on pure adrenaline responding!
Mrs. Izumi, in the original version, is also using a neutrally polite speech pattern that is overall appropriate when speaking to children; Koushiro, in the original, is also known for speaking throughout the entire series with a formal and polite pattern that is "unusual" for Koushiro's age, while it's more "typical" for Mrs. Izumi to use similar in this sequence.
Shin Kido, Jou's 2nd eldest sibling closer in age, the 2nd born of the three Kidos, is the sibling who appears throughout Adventure Episodes 35~39 and later Adventure-specific episodes (such as flashback sequence in Dark Masters arc) specifically. In the 2nd sequel series, "02", Jou's oldest sibling, Shuu, was introduced. The U. S. dub combined "Shin" and "Shuu" into "Jim", a singular character, but they were actually two separate siblings! (Thus, Jou is speaking to Shin as if Shin is the younger of the two siblings, addressing Shin commonly with a 'casual' "Nii-san", though in this scene, Jou sounds surprisingly more 'assured' and perhaps a slight bit 'full of' self, but is quickly grounded by Sora and Mimi not long after.)
{Usage of gifs may be allowed if permission is asked / or if credit is given. However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please do NOT use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” sections.}
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[Note: commenting/tagging positively/respectfully is ok!] (Please AGREE TO BANNERS BEFORE interacting) (Note: click on the banners to enlarge!)
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[Though Koushiro is not in these specific imgs, (Koushiro is in the back-ground of this specific sequence) Izumis are, so please treat it as Koushiro Positive regardless! Please interact on this set Respectfully. Please only tag with 'Familial' and 'Platonic' tags!] {usage may be allowed IF PERMISSION IS ASKED TO USE.}
{Please also LIKE this post if you are wanting to use!} {Once you have “Liked”, feel free to contact me Directly to ask for permission!} {However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please DO NOT use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” section.}
{I MAY POLITELY DECLINE USAGE REGARDLESS. Please do not take it personally!}
{if you are unsure if you can use you can SEND ME AN ASK} {I will check your blog; if you do not match anything on my “DNI”; [CHECK THE FAQ FOR MY DNI SECTION/S] you will likely/may pass the check and can use!} {However please note my ENTIRE FAQ sections on such} {It is possible I may not grant permission for other reasons} [i.e.: You post a lot of something I have blacklisted]
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an introduction to 'intersectional praxis'
Hey folks! My name is Meaghen, and I have a background in Critical Feminist and Gender Studies (I received my Master's degree back in 2017).
I originally created this blog to share some of the social commentary & criticism content I create and react to on my tiktok account (at intersectional.praxis), which despite being banned because of mass reporting by zionists, it was randomly restored (shockingly) -you can also find me posting on my backup account: intersectional_praxis; but it further evolved here -as I am active here daily discussing current events, posting my own critical reflections on a plethora of issues, and sharing content made by fellow feminist/social justice activists and creators from varying platforms. Some of what I talk about here includes (but is not limited to):
*misogyny, heteronormativity, 'manospehere' content, gendered violence, unequal gendered divisions of labour in the home, weaponized incompetency, xenophobia, western imperialism, late stages of capitalism discourse, systemic sexism/racism/classism/ableism and much more*
My feminist praxis is also always reflexive, inclusive, and anti-oppressive. I am always learning & unlearning myself as well, and I am committed to my own lifelong journey of unpacking and challenging problematic discourses that impact us all.
I would also like to state, that after seeing blatant transphobic and transmisogynistic discourse in some radfem spaces here that I do not align with terf's. I am, resoundingly so, someone who will always be in solidarity with and who supports trans and non-binary folks. Their safety and liberation is something we should ALL be advocating for because at the end of the day it's NEVER an 'us.' vs 'them' issue, it's ALWAYS an 'us' vs the patriarchy/capitalism/white supremacy, and any system and/or structure of oppression.
Since some folks have asked me to add a little bit more about me/my background: I initially started my degree in English Literature back in 2011 and then pursued a combined Honours Bachelor Degree with Women's and Gender Studies because one course was all I needed to take to decide on a double major. I also could have minored in History, but I was a credit short away from adding that to my degree, but I took many courses.
I watch documentaries and social commentary channels as often as I can, I enjoy reading and writing [both fiction and creative fiction] (I am sure this is the most obvious fact about me), I like watching many drama series genres (from romantic comedies to horror/thrillers) and I'm starting to get back into anime again (one of my all time loves is Sailor Moon).
I am happily self-partnered and child free by choice.
I also recently self-published my first poetry collection: through labyrinths and into gardens she goes. Until I am (hopefully) published by an independent press in the near future (that's my dream!), I am using KDP. For those who want to check out/support/purchase my collection, here is the link for the US and for Canada.
Thank you again🌻
Once again, it's nice to meet you all, and feel free to ask me any questions 🌼 this is always a safe space🌻
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image caption above reads:
"When we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak." -Audre Lorde
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humming-fly · 1 year
So it seems like tumblr has finally rolled out the new post editor for photosets, which does mean it is finally the end of the image captions
For those of you that are unaware, in photosets you have the option to add a ‘caption’ to the image, that shows up when it’s clicked (see below). I love putting little comments or jokes in many of my photosets, and was a big fan of this feature
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Going forwards it looks like this has been replaced with an alt text option for each photo, which while less sightly is probably about as equivalent as it’s going to get
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All this to say I reached out to tumblr support and it does seem like the caption feature is pretty much done, and will probably be phased out on older posts soon. That means that the next few days I’ll be going through all my old art posts to save those captions for my own records, but I wanted to post this publicly in case other people were a fan of this feature/wanted to archive their own commentary, and to tell everyone that likes my stuff about all the silly little comments currently on all my old art if you’d like to check them out before they’re removed! 
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