#check out my other blog
joe-mama-lmao · 10 months
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a freaky weirdo who i dont think is up to any good
will repsot this onto my acc focused on my ocs soon enough if anyone is interested!!!
speedpaint and more under the cut
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aislinceivun · 6 months
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*dusts off account* *coughs*
My tumblr is pretty much defunct but I'm crossposting this one per request~
Art for part #6 of my absolute favorite StaticRadio fic series, 666: Live On Air! written by the amazing @prince-liest
Every new installment keeps destroying AND energizing me, but the hurt/comfort of this latest update fed me ESPECIALLY well😩💞
If you aren't doing it yet and you love the ship, GO READ 666!! It's droolworthy! It's emotional! It's kinky! It'll make you laugh one sec, rip your heart out the next! No excuses, you must give it a try at least!!
PS: If you're interested in more StaticRadio (or StaticDust) (or StaticRadioDust, perchance? >:3) art & threads from me, find me on twitter here!♥ (adults only) PPS: This one is not a 666 fanart but I might as well plug it: I actually had the same galaxy brain idea as Prince and drew Vox manually keeping Al's heart beating post-Adam😈 (The way I gasped when this happened in 666 too!😩👏) Mild gore cw, but if you're curious, it's here.
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lycoris707 · 29 days
found myself unable to draw anything with interesting storytelling or poses, so here's a Pearlo made for the sake of getting to render something
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
I have greatly enjoyed your comics ever since i saw them and have been quietly Iurking as ya do- thought youd want to know that i played hollow knight based on how enthusiastic u were and how fuckin cool youre art of hk/mdzs is. OH and watched dungeon meshi. Your influence is vast and i have been enriched. Keep on keepin on 🫡
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You have bestowed the highest honour upon me.
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ask-lu-wild · 3 months
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saywhatyouwillbut · 1 month
i love all of you wonderful aftg creators making social media aus and in-universe memes, choosing to completely ignore the fact that exy rpf would 100% exist
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the-kipsabian · 10 months
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queeringclassiclit · 1 month
not a submission would just love it if u posted the guinevere and morgan photoshop edit you did bc as you said theres no classic art with them together 🙏
sure, it's nothing fancy, I basically just cut and pasted them together
however, I actually have a bit of a hobby of photoshopping these two together, and combining pre-raphaelite paintings to make them lesbians. so, enjoy this bbc merlin edit and two other painting edits thrown in
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clown-sip · 2 months
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"How lucky am I to have a friend visit me!! Come in, I'll get you something to eat, and a tea, and you- here have a ribbon! They make me feel happy so i bet theyd make you happy too!" -Cadaver
[Thunder belongs to @burnt-cheese-toastie / @ask-asystole ]
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mujori · 1 year
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mushroomjar · 3 months
I don't like the way you guys talk about Palestinians asking for donations. I don't like it.
I had to see someone make MULTIPLE posts bitching and moaning about how people need to stop sending them asks asking for them to reblog their donation posts, that they'd just be blocking them from now on, and that they didn't care if they were vetted because they still found the act of sending asks to get reblogs on their donation links suspicious, even if they were in a dire situation. They even went as far as to say that they got an ask, deleted it, and then they got another ask from the same person, and accused the person of sending another ask to purposefully "get under their skin"
I don't know man, have you considered that being a victim of ongoing genocide will make you ask for help in whatever way you can? And sometimes that involves sending random blogs asks to see if they can donate or at the very least share your donation links? A Palestinian reaches out to you multiple times because they need help and your response is to whine about getting donation links in your inbox? I wish I had your problems
Also the thing about "getting the exact same ask from the exact same blog multiple times"... uh, duh? First of all, they're probably reaching out to dozens of blogs daily, do you think they're gonna type up a new paragraph for each blog they reach out to? Second of all, maybe they reached out to you multiple times because a. They really really really need the help and b. What, do you think they're gonna see your URL/blog and be like "oh! I already reached out to this blog, I'm not gonna send them another ask"? Or do you think they'll be like "this person has been reblogging other people's donation posts, maybe they'll reblog mine too"?
Like I understand being suspicious about getting sent donation links to your inbox, but literally all you have to do is check if the blog's been vetted by other bloggers? It's as easy as searching for their URL on tumblr sometimes, it literally takes less than a minute or two. And that's what bothers you? That's what you're complaining about? Find a real problem!!!
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essenceofarda · 3 days
It's crazy to me that my doctors often criticize me for having "medical anxiety" but i never really had medical anxiety (to this extent at least) before I moved here and started seeing the doctors at this practice, where upon learning that I have a mental illness that has psychosis elements, would literally NEVER miss a chance to try to convince me that ALL my physical health issues are just a figment of my imagination, psychosis, or my apparent desire for attention ... (and like, not to mention they would oftentimes refuse to test or treat me unless i first "lost a bunch of weight"). My PCP once tried to convince me i must not be taking my mental health meds and that's why i "thought" i was having these health concerns... and like, belittling me to the point where I was told, point blank, to my face: "I'm not testing you for lyme Disease because it would be a waste of resources and you cannot possibly have it" (his exact words), despite my growing up and living in NEW ENGLAND, as well as one of the lyme disease capitols of the world, my dad being a deer hunter and having lyme disease himself, also having a bunch of symptoms that maybe could be other things too but were definitely in-line with lyme disease, but yeah, because I have a mental health disorder I must be just looking for attention 🙄 Now I avoid going to the doctor and when I do, I just downplay all my health concerns, even tho some are pretty serious and have a very negative impact on my day to day life.
Oh, the irony of being belittled by doctors for having "medical anxiety" when they were the ones who gave me medical anxiety in the first place lol
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queerwhohatesithere · 3 months
it’s pride month help me get a penis
and if ur comfy using cashapp or venmo instead, that way go fund me doesn’t take a portion of it
cashapp: $chamomileflowers
venmo: wisteria_flowers
love y’all! happy pride!!🏳️‍🌈
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willczek-art · 2 years
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My piece for the @souyozine !! :D
Leftover sales are now open, so grab a copy while you still can! :P
Being a part of this zine is my personal highlight of the year, it's been SO MUCH FUN and everyone did a FANTASTIC job and aklsdfghjk-
It's been an honour Souyo Fam <3
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fixing-bad-comic-art · 9 months
just like a quick heads up and bit of housekeeping, for "I was raised Catholic and by fucking God does that mess you up" and "over the years people have made exceptionay kind offers" reasons, going forward I'm going to try to be more active on this blog and with every edit I'm going to be including"like my stuff? support me here" links. Those links will always lead back to various charities helping folk in places like Sudan, the Congo, and Palestine. I'd Uber appreciate it if y'all lent them your kindness instead of directing it at me and preferably played along with the bit however best suits you.
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diana-stone · 1 month
My Human Bill Cypher Version!!!
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I used symmetry rulers to ensure his face is completely Symetrical-! Since I think perfect facial symmetry would be a trait of him-! I used a mixture of a realistic and stylised approach to try and create an added eerieness because they contrast. I also 4 fingers instead of 5 on each hand- half cause Bill normally has 4 and half cause with Stanford they come together to have a normal set of fingers for 4 hands- 8+12 =20 afterall-! (Yes I'm on that Billford Train- sue me-!) Also another mini bill-! Have fun trying to find the bugger- it's much easier than my other art work on my other account- (no one has found him on that yet either lol-)
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