#cherish the flame
marypickfords · 8 months
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Penda’s Fen (Alan Clarke, 1974)
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reflectismo · 1 year
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“I heard a lot of that stuff [‘I’ll Build a Stairway to Paradise’, Paul Whiteman Orchestra, ‘Chicago’] and I think that filled my computer with data. So that when I came to print out later, it was all in there. One of the great things about me and John was we both had that. We talked about some of the songs we liked, and he liked ‘Little White Lies’ … The night that you told me! Those little white lies! I knew that, so it gave us little bonds. That was his print-out. So when we came to write together we had similar print-outs, similar data from our upbringing. People tended to think of John as just a rebel or something; there was this whole other side to him that I liked, and that allowed me to get on better with him than if he’d just been a rebel.”
— Paul McCartney, interviewed in 2019.
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fisheito · 4 months
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wait. puss in boots rei? unfulfilled dream? as.. as in. kinda like. a last wish.? like. the last puss in boots movie.? perrito garu?????
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reksink · 8 days
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A Bloody Conflict, is it Not? At Least Less Will Die From This Cursed Blade
Art Trade with the delightful @flame-shadow 💚
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velidewrites · 1 year
Genuinely tired of ACOTAR's worldbuilding not being explored to its full potential so please enjoy my take on the geopolitical environment of Prythian and its Courts (extremely chaotic but I tried)
Long post ahead
The Spring Court
So much more than "a rolling green land." The Spring Court has been ruled by Tamlin's family for generations.
Millenia ago, a powerful beast born by the Cauldron roamed the South of the island. With the Mother's touch, legend says, the beast had become man—and the very first High Lord of Spring. Yes, it was nothing but a landscape of rolling green hills and forests on the horizon—at first. But that changed until the Beast's three sons grew into their power—and challenged their father for his land.
To appease his sons, the High Lord had split his land into three Territories, each to be governed by one of his children.
The First Territory spanned over the wilderness at the very south, from the lush forests of vibrant green, inhabited by Fae and humans alike, to the great wide sea at the island's border. Centuries later, after the War, the First Territory shrunk, limited by the power of the magical Wall. Now, it acts as the primary defence of the Spring Court from the Mortal Lands, and home to the less civilised, murderous Lesser Fae like the bogge. When they don't serve the High Lord at his Manor, the Spring Court's military resides in the First Territory.
The Second Territory initially was the small scrap of land at the West, as the High Lord's second son was the most greedy and as such, the least favourite of the Beast's children. Unfortunately for him, his greed was equal to his power, and it was the second son that had eventually defeated his father and brothers, ultimately taking his place as the Spring Court's rightful ruler. Over his rule, the Second Territory expanded from the West to the land's very centre. Today, it is home to most of Spring Court's residence, High and Lesser Fae alike. Due to its proximity to the prosperous Summer Court above, and the Kingdom of Hybern across the sea, the Second Territory thrives on marine trade. Most of its residence have found their occupation in the fishing industry.
The Third Territory was home to the High Lord and his youngest, favourite son. Spanning over the East side of the Court, it has the most beautiful sights to offer. The Third Territory is home to the wealthy to this day—the nobility of the Spring Court, and the High Lord Himself.
The Spring Court enjoys one of the largest lands in Pythian, and up until Amarantha's reign, it had been one of the most prosperous. Is there any hope for the Court's future left?
The Summer Court
Unlike the Spring Court, the Summer Court's governing body had changed multiple times over the centuries—and with it, so did the Court's landscape.
The very first Court (or so general history says) to host a real city, the Summer Court's pride and jewel is Adriata. The sandstone-made cliffside location enjoys beautiful beaches and castle-like homes for the wealthy to enjoy. A popular vacationing destination, Adriata is mostly inhabited by High Fae Lords of the Summer Court—though with the new High Lord, the young and ambitious, this regime is thought to change very soon.
Due to the mountainous North within its borders, most of the Summer Court's citizens reside in the South. Those in close proximity to the Eastern sea are experts in marine trade, and, similarly to the Second Territory in Spring, mostly engage in fishing and marine craftsmanship. Up until Amarantha's rule, in fact, Hybern was the Summer Court's primary importer of ships and other aquatic modes of transport. As such, the Southeastern part of the Court has seen many developments in infrastructure, with small towns modelled after the great Adriata gradually appearing on the coastline.
Due to strategic convenience, the High Lord of Summer resides below the forests of the West. The close proximity to the Spring and Autumn courts allows for easy communication, guaranteeing quick access should a need for a diplomatic visit arise—something that proved particularly useful during the Great War with Hybern.
The Autumn Court
The Vanserra family established its rule over the Autumn Court after the very first High Lord mysteriously passed with no heirs. Since then, the fire-wielding High Lords have held the land in their tight grasp without the intention of ever letting go.
Due to the majority of the area being veiled in forests, the majority of the population specialises in one of two crafts: hunting or lumber. With the latter being the Court's sole export, a great emphasis is placed on educating the youth on the importance of the industry. In fact, young Autumn Fae are sent into the forest with nothing but an axe for an entire week as a sort of initiation process. If they make use of the tool by hunting and building adequate shelter and survive the seven days, they are deemed as worthy citizens of the Court.
Aside from the High Lord and his family, residing in the Forest House, the Court is governed by four High Fae lords, each presiding over lumber extraction in one of the four areas of the Forest—the North, the South, the East, and the West. The Lords report monthly on their area's performance, and are rewarded with generous compensation if the High Lord deems it satisfactory.
Mysteriously, the High Lord himself opts to reside on the East of the Court, about as far away from Autumn's shared borders as possible.
The mountainous North remains another mystery. Rumour has it that Autumn's highly skilled military resides and trains there from birth until their services are finally required. The harsh conditions provide a strict training regime, and as such, Autumn's warriors are notorious for their survival skills.
The Winter Court
With most of its land frozen and barren, the Winter Court is very strategic in its locations. The Great Tundra at the Court's centre remains largely unoccupied to this day—with sightings of strange, fur-clad creatures roaming the land being reported every now and then. Their murderous instincts led the Court's citizens to take up residence in the West—where the proximity to the sea provides more habitable conditions. The North, unfortunately, remains a dangerous territory due to its shared border with The Middle and its deathly, mysterious creatures.
As such, the East is where most of the Court resides, including the High Lord himself. The Winter Palace is closest to the North, build upon a mountain overlooking the East's Settlements. Each Settlement is a relatively small territory, overlooked by the Court's nobility. The Winter Court is reported to have approximately six Settlements.
After restoring relations with the Solar Courts, the Winter Court is eager to open up settlements in the mountains, with reports of the Middle's threats having significantly decreased after the War with Hybern.
The Dawn Court
Unrivalled in its beauty, the Dawn Court is a land of quiet peace.
Eager to admire the sun rise every morning, the Court's residents mostly live in the mountains in the South, unbothered by their shared border with the Middle. Their firm belief is that no evil creatures could ever do harm in a place of such beauty.
Most of the West side of the mountains is inhabited by regular citizens who, over the centuries, have built cities of immense elegance and architectural genius. The buildings seemingly grow out of the stone and connect the mountains together, creating one, large community.
The East is home to the Peregryns, winged Fae of the utmost grace who mostly act as the Court's aerial legion. They watch over the cities of the West, patrolling the mountains daily and reporting on any dangers that may arise.
The High Lord of the Dawn Court has always resided at the Palace, a stunning structure in the Northwestern Mountains, so high they rise above the clouds themselves. Beneath those mountains there is a beautiful, fragrant land that is home to monthly Festival of the Moon and Sun, where all of the Court's citizens gather to celebrate the sky above.
The Day Court
A land of the sun, embraced by its warmth. The Day Court truly has it all—the Eastern beaches that rival Adriata in their beauty, the Western cities carved from marble and stone, and the spectacular mountains up North.
The East is a popular holiday destination, and the High Lord is known to host lavish events of such magnitude that some have deemed the tradition scandalous. Credit must be given where it's due, though—prior to Helion Spellcleaver's reign, the land was largely unused, its beautiful sights overlooked for the past few centuries. The High Lord's involvement in rebuilding the Eastern infrastructure has significantly boosted the Court's economy, with many citizens opting to move across the land and live a prosperous, relaxed lifestyle.
Although much of the West had been ruined over Amarantha's rule, the Day Court's great cities have been quickly rebuilt given the resolve of the High Lord and his subjects. The cities of Day are now the greatest in Prythian, and are leaders in research and innovation. The most renowned scholars, historians and magic users alike, have stemmed from the Day Court's institutions.
The High Lord himself resides in the Southwest, his cliffside Palace providing some of the most spectacular views in Prythian. The residence overlooks the capital city, the very first one of its kind in any of the courts, which is a treasury of knowledge. Hosting the High Lord's libraries, the city draws in people of all Courts, and, after the shattering of the Wall—even some brave humans.
The Night Court
Perhaps the most secretive Court of all, life in the Night Court happens beyond the mountains, which act as the primary line of defence. The Court of Nightmares presides over this area, though only its military is ever granted access above the mountains—most of the citizens live underground.
The Court of Nightmares is governed by Hewn City, which directly reports to the elusive High Lord. The entire nobility gathers there, plotting in the shadows. Due to its sheer scale, the Court of Nightmares splits into small areas called Cities. Each City lies under one mountain, all governed by the primary Hewn City and kept in line by selected Emissaries.
Beyond the Court of Nightmares lie the Illyrian lands—the Illyrian Mountains and the Illyrian Steppes. The large area is home to the Illyrians, winged Fae of great strength and power who, similarly to the Peregryns, compose most of the Court's military. Still, because of historically prevalent animosity between Illyrians and the High Fae, the Illyrian legions mostly steer clear of the Court of Nightmares, letting their own military patrol the area.
On the West lies the most heavily guarded secret of Prythian, if not the entire world. Velaris, the City of Starlight, is home to tens of thousands of Fae. The Night Court citizens residing in Velaris enjoy a life of serenity, with the city's infrastructure providing them with their every need. Velaris is also home to the High Lord and High Lady of the Night Court.
Between the Northeast and West lies a small island which belongs to the Night Court. The Prison is a place avoided by all Fae and visited only by those desperate enough to risk their lives at most, and sanity at the very least.
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fortheillithidbaddies · 5 months
his eyes were the most gorgeous & hypnotizing shade of brown 🥰
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lostinw0nderlandd · 7 months
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22 - Sundering
I don't remember how long it's been. Days, weeks, months... as time stretches on, it gets harder to remember exactly when it was I saw you last. And with each passing moment, the string that binds us grows ever more taut, so thin that any sudden movement could sunder it at once.
Like the popping of an overinflated balloon, I dread that moment. Not because I know it will hurt - and oh God how it will hurt, I'll never forget the pain - but because by then, I may already have fully accepted what it means.
You're... you're not coming back.
The game we played is over, our props and playthings scattered about exactly as we left them. You didn't even tidy them away, and now here I am looking over the detritus, all that remains of our short and tumultuous time together. Here I am, left to clear everything away after you, keep it all safe for when...
If. Not when. If...
Your things are so heavy in my arms. Sentiment has settled upon them like fine white dust, the smell of you a phantom's call that bids me run to you but I can't, don't you see that I can't. You took the light with you and now all I see is darkness without end, where I and all the rest of the toys you once cherished will languish, forgotten for all time. No more purpose, no more meaning. Nothing but obscurity.
The hole you left in my heart is closing up now - I feel it get smaller and smaller each day. Soon it will be gone, just like you. And that's why I know I am deluding myself when I imagine your return, because there won't be room for you there anymore. We'd have to start over, and I... I don't know if I can. I just... don't know anymore.
I was... so certain, once. I knew it wouldn't be forever, I knew you'd return soon... when you were ready. I kept the faith for so long, but you can't keep a flame burning with nothing but ash to feed it. How many times can a heart be broken and put back together? How can a soul so shattered by grief, again and again, ever dare to trust, or to love?
...soon our bond will break. I know this, because I will be the one to break it. Our game will forever remain unfinished, and soon even I will have forgotten the rules. But it doesn't matter, does it? All things must eventually end... mustn't they? That's... that's what gives everything its meaning.
The pain is proof that we happened. Proof that once, I dared to put myself on the line for something greater. Proof that I could still love, and love fiercely, with every shred of my soul. That our purpose is what we make of it, and not ordained from any prophecy or authority. You taught me that, and I'll always be thankful to you.
Be well, my shining star. I will always love you... even if we can never again be the same as we once were.
The Dark Menagerie No. 22
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A very happy weekend everyone~! ^^
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dullweapons · 4 months
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Dawn Anacaona Tag Dump ✨
⸻  ANACAONA  :  in character   ✦  i am my mother's savage daughter the one who runs barefoot ; cursing sharp stones  ˎˊ˗
⸻  ANACAONA  :  answered   ✦ hopes & dreams is all i have left   ˎˊ˗
⸻  ANACAONA  :  visage   ✦  become the mother of flames  ˎˊ˗
⸻  ANACAONA  :  about   ✦  i recognize the divinity within me  ˎˊ˗
⸻  ANACAONA  :  dash games  ✦  deal me in   ˎˊ˗
⸻  ANACAONA  :  muse  ✦  in the dancing of fire & the curve of old bones  ˎˊ˗
⸻  ANACAONA  :  dash comm.  ✦  i cherish the small intimacies  ˎˊ˗
⸻  ANACAONA  :  aesthetics  ✦  ill give you the sun & all the stars  ˎˊ˗
⸻  ANACAONA  :  music   ✦  i know this will pass but its heavy  ˎˊ˗
⸻  ANACAONA  :  clothing  ✦ i still carry him wherever i go  ˎˊ˗
⸻  ANACAONA  :  drabble  ✦ i am terrified of change / i am terrified of staying this way forever  ˎˊ˗
⸻  ANACAONA  :  desires  ✦  i will give you the sun   ˎˊ˗
⸻  ANACAONA  :  smut   ✦ me &  your girlfriend playin' dress up at my house   ˎˊ˗
⸻  ANACAONA  :  one liners   ✦  an ancient tribe who came from the heavens  ˎˊ˗
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merrysithmas · 1 year
me and the grudge i plan on holding for the rest of my life against Mando3 and Faux Katan Kryze's disney terrorist princess girlbossification:
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reginrokkr · 5 months
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@avaere asked: " if ," and there's a playful tint to the warden's voice as he calls out to the other , he who is now simply associated with appearing and disappearing as he pleases , a seemingly all-knowing creature whose nose might be a little too deep for his potential good , " you plan on becoming a regular to these parts , surface or underground , give me a heads up ? maybe you will earn a personal cup at my table. "
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Amusement at its finest makes itself manifest for every rare time Dáinsleif opts to return to the Fortress of Meropide and its warden appears to have accepted the fate without questioning further —or rather, finding new ways to snake his way into learning more about him, not dissimilar to that time when he unceremoniously appeared to the dormitory he assigned him to spend a night and took a... bizarre interest in the marks that permeate his body—. Once he has checked that the gates to the Primordial Sea located in the fortress' depths are unperturbed the first time he did, there is no real reason for him to come back.
Nonetheless, there is something that beckoned him to return whenever his presence was required in Fontaine, like some old echoes asking him to come back home. Not like he would ever consider the fortress in itself anything of the kind, but it is a company he didn't anticipate to seek again that acts as the motive for him to return. So are the woes of spending centuries in unwanted solitude, all in pursuit to protect others from him— and because not everyone would understand that not even he himself is a priority in his life at the present time.
When several years of testing and learning about himself culminate in a broader knowledge of his current nature, however, it is futile to act as if his presence alone would be venom to others.
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Imagine the surprise written in crystalline blues and quirking brows when the prospect of letting His Grace know of his return is vocalized, even though until then their meetings were completely without notice nor anticipation that he would come back. For how bizarre his proposal sounds in Dáinsleif's ears —what is happening with the strange word choice, coming from someone as eloquent as Wriothesley, in combination to the even stranger emphasis on things that don't matter like the table?—, there is warmth that blossoms within his heart and creeps its way to the rest of his body. Joy.
◜Since when you find yourself in the necessity to ask me to give you notice of my presence in Fontaine?◞ Twilight Sword dares to jest back, for that's what this is about, right? Despite his confusion on the matter and hardship to come to terms with the fact that someone desires to see him back when and if such opportunity arises, there is a hint of a smile that reaches icy sapphires in a moment when his lips have completely forgotten how to draw one. ◜I suppose that there is no helping a next time now, is there?◞
Serene and content, Dáinsleif turns on his heels to abandon the warden's office— not permanently, but only temporarily until a next time that will come at an undetermined moment. ◜Until next time, then. I will make sure to not come empty-handed when it happens.◞ Namely by making a small visit to Chenyu Vale to bring him some new tea to add to his collection.
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lavenderknivess · 10 months
if i had a badass flaming sword i simply wouldn’t give it away. rip to aziraphale but im a lesbian
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dcwnrisen-aa · 1 year
sometimes we need emotional connections. | mini drabble.
❝ ━ praeteritum tuum non exibit tecum. ❞
kindria's very existence had always been entrenched in culture, in the history of his people. and it's always an honor to share that with people he cares for. iovita happens to be the first witch that has a special place in his heart. they always seem a little homesick when hearing latin. in his travels, some languages simply didn't survive but latin had always been one of those languages that had stayed when any other did not. it's what he and his people knew.
smiling softly, he reaches out, cupping the back of the witch's head and gently presses their foreheads together. there's the briefest of stings but it fades, ❝ ━ whenever you should need a friend, or you want to explore mare de regium, you're more than welcome. think of my home as your escape, i don't mind. my people are fascinated by you. ❞ which wasn't an exageration considering the baskets of jewels and herbs alike they kept offering the witch when they were there last.
he steps back from them, a mischief lilt to his smile as he goes back to exploring inter mundos as though he hadn't been here a thousand times. there weren't many on another planet where he could call friend but he was most certainly proud to recognize iovita as one.
something small for @venenorum
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reksink · 10 months
Bug delivery~
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Ebony jewelwing damselfly, a tiny fly (maybe complex Condylostylus sipho), and a yellow-and-black flat millipede
Officially tagging this ask series Bug Delivery now, thank you Flame, it's perfect
Oh my goodness these guys are so pretty!! My favorite of the bunch has to be the flat back, I have a big soft spot for millipedes. Not to mention that it's pattern is just oh so pretty
As for our flying companions, they're masters of colors in their own right OMGA. The damselfly is living up to it's name ten-fold 💚
I always loved the 'rainbow-like' qualities of bugs, but the way flies always has a flare to I can't quite describe
Also I meant to mention this before but I'm STILL 'embarrassed' that I mixed out that millipede from last time, hehe. Embarrassed in quotes because it was an honest mistake, I could only make out 1 leg per trunk. Oh the woes of not zoning in hehe
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rhodyrich · 1 month
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