#children of syria
miqdadsworld · 25 days
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On December 7_1987, the Palestinian children with stones defeated the Israeli army in the Stone Intifada. Do you expect Hamas and Islamic Jihad to surrender?
Free Palestine 🇵🇸✌🏻
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kaapstadgirly · 5 months
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sending love from South Africa 🫶🏻 what about you?
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not-so-rosyyy · 1 year
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oh god... there was another one.... and possibly (I pray to god it's wrong) more to come.... this is horrible.
source: twitter.com
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cooki3face · 2 months
My sister said something to me earlier today that further solidified the idea that generations before mine have been constantly made to feel intimidated or afraid of this government and the horrible people who work for it and push its agendas. “They’re watching your social media if you’re not careful about what you say they won’t allow you to get a job or be successful.” Is one of the main things they’ve taught my sisters generation. I told her that you couldn’t intimidate a generation of people who’ve never had this countries protection, care, or protection. I couldn’t give a fuck less if I’m being completely honest with you right now. There’s absolutely nothing this country or the people in it could threaten me with in order to make me shut the fuck up about what they’re doing and the shitty choices they’ve made as a collective. You’ve told generations of Americans that if they don’t shut up and submit to what you’re doing and pushing that their family members would need to move into a state of fear and be afraid for them and that they should be afraid for their livelihoods, their success and their ability to create and build foundations for themselves and it’s about time people get to hear that loud and clear. The fear mongering and the oppression and the silencing of people in this world has got to stop and you only stop cycles of behavior by no longer participating them and changing the way that you behave and react.
They’re trying to make your children uneducated and ignorant by stopping the creation of educational television programs and creating shows and media meant for them that start fucking with their minds from an early age, our teachers are severely underpaid, the curriculum in schools is lacking, they pass laws to take race theory out of the curriculum and stop teaching about the history and oppression of people of color. They ban and attempt to sell apps to American companies so that they can better censor the content that over 1 billion people are consuming every single day that has allowed the truth to spread faster than lies for the first time since this country was founded.
You fucked up letting our generations students with progressive and out of the box ideas into Ivy Leagues to climb your elitist ladder and subjecting generations of individuals to generational trauma and oppression. People have been waiting over forty years for this generation to come into existence. We’re here now. It’s too late.
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without-ado · 1 year
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Rescuers struggle to find survivors in Turkiye and Syria
If you feel pain, you're alive. If you feel other people's pain, you are a human being. —Tolstoy
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good-old-gossip · 2 months
Israeli Attack on Iranian Consulate in Syria VIOLATED International Law
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UN legal experts said in a report that Israeli military personnel and civilian officials responsible for the country’s deadly strike on Iran’s consulate in Syria may have “committed crimes under an international counter-terrorism treaty of 1971, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons.”
“All countries are prohibited from arbitrarily depriving individuals of their right to life in military operations abroad, including when countering terrorism,” they said. “Killings in foreign territory are arbitrary when they are not authorised under international law.”
“Israel’s attack consequently violated the prohibition on the use of armed force against another state under Article 2(4) of the Charter,” they added. “Illegal force was used not only against Iran’s armed forces but also against Syrian territory. Israel’s attack was partly launched from the Golan Heights, which is illegally annexed Syrian territory.”
The experts also said that Iran’s retaliatory attack was “a prohibited use of force under international law.” They argue that since Israel’s attack ended on 1 April, Iran did not have the right to self-defence as the latter is “only lawful where is it necessary to stop a continuing armed attack.”
“For the same reason, Israel’s initial right of self-defence against the unlawful Iranian armed attack on 13 April no longer persists since the attack has been successfully repelled,” they added.Show less
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circeow · 3 months
I am Lebanese. I used to be really white washed when I was a kid. I used to wish I was completely Australian and not have any Lebanese in me at all.
Just recently have I started embracing my culture and heritage as a Lebanese woman and I dreamed of visiting Lebanon again so I could absorb what I missed out on appreciating as a child. The language, the history, the food, the people.
Israel is currently bombing Lebanon as well as Palestine and Syria. This isn’t the beginning, but it’s scary. People have died/been injured, including children. I fear that the country that I used to not acknowledge as my native land, the country that I now hold so much respect and love for, the country that I wanted to come back to after I graduated so that I could finally embrace my rich culture, will be reduced to rubble.
To my Arab friends, Israel is already counting on people to forget and be apathetic about their actions. They spread lies and hatred about the Middle East and its people. They terrorise the inhabitants, steal their land, destroy their homes and try to cleanse them of their ethnicity. If Israel is already doing all this to try and eradicate our history and culture, we cannot assist them in this process.
Be proud about who you are, now more than ever. Be loud. Be irritating. Be the flies in their ear, they already see us as insects. Don’t ever be ashamed of where you come from, who you are. Your culture, values and beliefs are instilled in you from the moment you are born and are attacked the moment you are born. Keep them close to your heart because you have a heart, a functional one. One that feels empathy, compassion, kindness, love, joy, appreciation. In a world where these things are in such short supply, they are more valuable than ever.
Be MENA and proud in a world that tries to tear you down from the moment you rise.
Free Palestine.
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rayatii · 4 days
OKAY so I just heard that my grandfather's village (in south Lebanon, near Tyre, therefore within the warzone) has been bombed by Israel, and 5 people are dead, including one child 😢
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claraameliapond · 3 months
Syrian refugees welcome the first day of Ramadan in Lebanon refugee camp
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di-le-mma · 5 months
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miqdadsworld · 1 month
A miracle occurred in Rafah tonight, as this baby survived Israel's bombing.
Israel has killed thousands of babies since October 7.
This is a Genocide of children.
Please keep sharing.
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heavensickness · 1 year
Death toll is +8900 as of the third day.
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lightdancer1 · 4 months
It's shit like this that's why I write so many posts about these Palestine cosplayers faking concern for some people because they hate others:
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Syrians only count as human to these people when they lie about events that did happen to Syria and count on nobody noticing when they're lifting the atrocities they denied or relished a few years ago and relabeling them as Palestinians to suddenly admit their favorite failson actually was killing people all along. This is not human rights, this is selective empathy and humanity for the few.
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asgh-youtube · 8 months
we stopped being at war (american) for 5 fucking seconds before we went "haha why dont we profit off of the destruction of more countries" again. i so genuinely want to strangle certain people
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I read on the recent news. Americans are majorally living from paycheck to paycheck. We have money for wars but not to feed the poor let alone their own citizens which they demand taxes. Imagine third world countries.
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good-old-gossip · 2 months
Netanyahu wants to escalate this genocide into a regional war to bring big bad brother U.S. to fight Israel's battles
Benjamin Netanyahu continues to raise the risk of a Mideast regional war which could draw in the U.S. — and the mainstream media is hiding the danger from its audience. Israel’s provocative aerial assassination of a senior Iranian military leader in Damascus on April 1 is only Netanyahu’s latest effort to expand the fighting across the region, partly to put off his own painful day of reckoning. He knows that America has troops stationed all over the Mideast, and he hopes that Iran will retaliate against them, escalating conflict.
It is clear Netanyahu does not want an immediate end to the current conflict spreading throughout the Middle East. A permanent ceasefire in Gaza means Israeli voters would soon turn him out of office, end his shattered political career in disgrace — and re-start his corruption trial, which could send him to prison. 
Netanyahu’s real motivation is widely understood among those who follow the Mideast. But the U.S. media totally ignored that angle. The New York Times report at least smuggled in a comment from a former CIA official, who called Israel’s airstrike “incredibly reckless.” But the Times did not examine Netanyahu’s selfish personal motivation. The Washington Post report said nothing about recklessness. National Public Radio also played dumb, as did the PBS NewsHour. A CNN on-air report did say Israel ordered the killing, but no Netanyahu angle there either.
Meanwhile, the Iranian-American Mideast expert Sina Toossi told the truth, at the Center for International Policy website. His headline was: “Israel’s Damascus airstrike was a deliberate provocation.” 
He went on: “Netanyahu’s decision to green-light the airstrike on Damascus seems to be a calculated act to amplify the hostilities. Such a move sharply contrasts with international appeals for restraint and indicates a deliberate escalation strategy.”
Toossi didn’t hesitate to speculate about Netanyahu’s real motivation:
“Netanyahu seems to be aiming to provoke Iran and intensify the conflict to galvanize domestic and international political support and justify wider military actions, potentially in Rafah and against Hezbollah and Iran. This strategy risks drawing the United States deeper into the conflict. . .” 
Sina Toossi surely has a telephone and a computer and would talk to the New York Times and CNN. They don’t have to agree with his analysis — just recognize that their audience deserves to hear it. And if Toossi seems too risqué for the mainstream, they could instead turn to Amos Harel, the hard-headed military affairs reporter at the Israeli daily Haaretz, who just warned that Netanyahu “is actually seeking a forever war that will postpone the national settling of accounts for responsibility for the terrible failure of October 7, and possibly delay his criminal trial.” 
Netanyahu’s strategy is not new. This site has long reported on how he has instigated conflict between the U.S. and Iran, even before his own political survival was at stake. He tried to sabotage the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, and during the Trump administration Israel launched regular clandestine attacks inside Iran, including assassinations of scientists. Back then, Netanyahu wanted the U.S. to destroy what he argued was Iran’s march toward a nuclear weapon. 
Today, his selfish motivation must be part of any legitimate analysis. His foot-dragging over even agreeing to a temporary ceasefire in Gaza makes sense in that light. This does not mean that he’s conning an Israeli public that is actually peace-loving. It does mean that he could be making a terrible situation even worse — and the U.S. media are not telling the truth to the American public. 
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