#chio the korok
mushroom-madness · 1 year
🍄 ROUND 2: MATCH 9 🍄
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🍄 Vote for your Favorite Fungi! 🍄
Descriptions Below ⬇️
“!!!! for what i can tell u about him he is a korok who has mushrooms growing off of him as if he's a sweet little rotting log" - Askbox Submission
"Chio is a Korok that can be found underneath the The Great Deku Tree in the Korok Forest. When Link first speaks to him, Chio recognizes him as the hero. He explains to Link that the mushroom on his head suddenly sprouted that day, so he had expected something to happen." - Zelda Wiki
"Toad if he was pink + a girlboss" - Submission 34
"'I am submitting Toadette because she's adorable and my little sister really likes her and mains her in MarioKart 🍄 :)”. - Submission 137
"Extra eepy! Might put the other contestants to sleep too, but that's okay. Arguably the most aesthetically cute." - Submission 203
"It sprays sleep-inducing spores into the air which are said to give folks sweet dreams." - Ni No Kuni Wiki
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ezlo-x · 3 months
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Elders of the Korok forest! In two more days, the first pages of Chapter 2 will be posted! Thought I'd share and introduce both the Korok and Minish elders, Chio and Kafari! I haven't really drawn them outside the comic like Navi :]
You can access Chapter 2 by - ✶ Purchasing the whole entire chapter here! ✶ ✶ Join my KoFi membership! ✶
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lost-family · 2 months
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Prologue ✦ Chapter 1
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imorphemi · 2 years
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Kokiri Koroks :D some really rough sketches for their designs :3
my favorite is natie i think shes really cute
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bonus-links · 1 year
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I love Loft’s little sparkly eyes over the korok
chio: please, come quickly! the forest is in danger!!!
loft: oh this is soooo not the point but,,,,look at u,,,,,you’re adorable,,,,with your little mushrooms,,,,oh my god
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link-is-a-dork · 2 months
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Peeks the Korok: "Chio told me that a monster was in the Great Deku Tree's tummy, making trouble."
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korokposting · 9 months
Zelink doodle? Or your favourite korok?
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i love the idea of being the elder korok meaning that chio has the same vibes as an exhausted dad
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queersrus · 2 years
Breath Of The Wild Theme
names for characters from the legend of zelda; breath of the wild!
ak, akk, akka, akkal, akkala, aya, au, aug, al, ali, aliz, aliza, ash, ashe, ax, axy, axyl, aj, aji, akra, akrah, achne, ardin, ashai, aurie, ariane, amali, ami, agus, amira, aster azu, armes, anly,
bad, badd, baddek, bam, bamb, bambo, bamboo, ban, banji, bau, baum, bauma, baumar, bay, bayg, bayge, bee, beed, beedle, bol, bols, bolson, bri, brig, brigo, bai, baij, ben, benn, benny, bo, bosh, bot, botr, bore, botri, botric, botrick, bran, branli, blad, bladon boh, bohr, bohri, bohrin, bold, boldon, bree, breen, bar, barg, bargo, bargoh, blu, blud, bludo, blynne, barta, benja, babi bertri, bozai, bulia, buliara, bedoli, bazz, brokka, bugut,
cam, camb, cambo, chab, chabi, cho, chor, chork, chu, chum, chumi, chumin, chi, chiga, cal, cala, calam, calami, calamity, can, cann, canni, chuk, chuki, chio, calisa, caly, calyban, cara, canolo, cree, cecili, cleff, celessa, calip, clavia, chessica, cloyne, cima, cotera, cado, claree, cottla,
dab, dabi, da, dah, dmi, dmit, dmitr, dmitre, dmitri, dai, daim, drak, dug, dugby, damia, daz, dillie, dalia, danda, deltan, dina, dorrah, danton, dento, dunma, dorephan, dantz, darton, domidak, dorian,
en, end, enda, endai, ep, epo, epon, epona, et, ets, etsu, el, eld, eldi, eldin, essa, estan, emry, eryck,
far, faro, faroh, farosh, fy, fys, fyso, fyson, fi, fin, finn, fu, fugo, faron, fegran, frelly, frita, furosa, flaxel, falmark, finley, fronk, flavi,
gof, gofla, goflam, grey, greyson, gray, grayson glee, gleem, gleema, gran, grant, grante, glen, glend, glendo, gan, gano, ganon, got, gott, gottr, gottre, gotter, gom, goma, gomar, gai, gail, gaile, gale, gon, gong, gongur, gonguro, gonguron, gor, gora, gorae, grap, grapp, goro, goron, gar, gars, garsh, garshon, gartan, greta, guy, galli, geggle, genli, gesane, gruve, gaddison, garill, garini, giro,
hy, hyr, hyre, hyru, hyrule, hyl, hyle, hyli, hylia, hylian, hee, heehl, hes, hest, hestu, hud, huds, hudso, hudson, hesh, hesho, hag, hagi, hagie, hun, hunn, hunni, hunnie, hoz, hai, hait, haite, hal, halan, harlow, harry, harth, huck, hino,
ita, isha, izra, ivee, impa,
jan, jana, janna, jer, jeri, jerr, jerri, jerrin, ja, jen, jengo, jini, jora, jules, juan, juanne, juanne, juannelle, jogo, juney, jiahto, joute,
kab, kabe, kabet, kabett, kabette, kabetta, kan, kann, kanny, kap, kaps, kapso, kapson, kar, karso, karson, kas, kass, ken, keny, kenyo, ki, kil, kilt, kilto, kilton, ka, kah, kai, kaif, kaifa, ke, ke'nai, kash, kasho, kat, kato, katos, katosa, khi, khin, khini, kin, king, ko, kor, kori, korima, keh, korb, korba, korbah, kal, kala, kaso, kaa, kaam, kata, katah, katt, katta, kon, konba, kair, kairo, karsh, kay, kayr, kayre, kayra, kim, kima, kish, krane, ketoh, korok, kula, konora, kyra, kalani, kohm, kotta, kachoo, kaysa, kheel, kotts, kaneli, kayden, keye, kodah, karin, koyin, kiana, kinov, kampo, koko,
li, lin, link, lee, leek, leeka, leekah, lar, laro, larob, laroba, lon, lonn, lonni, lonnie, lat, lata, latan, loone, lukan, laine, lashley leena, liana, lorn lyn, lynd, lyndae, lester, laissa, ledo, laflat, laruta, lawdon, letty, leop, lasli,
me, mee, meesh, meeshy, meg, megh, meghen, meghan, meghyn, mei, mil, mils, mi, min, mina, miph, mipha, mis, misk, misko, mae, mael, mog, mogg, moggs, mo, mon, mona, monar, monari, mony, monya, my, myt, myti, mij, mija, mijah, may, mayr, mayro, mir, mirr, mirro, molo, maca, mala, malanya, makure malena, marta, merina, muava, maike, maypin, moza, mary, monkton, modar, molli, mazli, misa, marot, muzu, mimos, manny medda, mubs, mimo, magda, mellie,
nat, nay, nayd, naydr, nadre, naydre, nadra, naydra, naz, nazbi, nad, nadd, naddo, naddon, neil, ni, nim, nima, nobo, nam, namu, namut, nami, namik, namika, noy, noya, neha, natie, nali, nellie, nobiro, nott, notts, nekk, nack, narah, nebb, nikki, numar, nanna,
om, oma, oman, owa, oz, ozz, ooh, offra, offrak, ozu, ozun, ozund, ozunda, oak, oaky, oaki, onya, olu, oliff, olkin, ollie,
pel, peli, pelis, peliso, pelison, pi, pika, pikan, pikang, pikango, pit, pita, pitar, plat, plate, platea, plateau, par, parc, parce, parcy, percy, py, pyle, peeks, pepp, padok, perosa, phanna, pokki, padda, pasha, pearle, ploka, pritana, pyra, palme, piaffe, pirou, pondo, ponthos, pedra, prima, pruce, purah, prissen, paya,
qua, quince,
reg, rega, regan, rev, reva, reval, revali, rho, rhon, rhond, rhonds, rhondso, rhondson, ri, rik, ron, ronn, rex, ru, rul, ruli, rob, robb, robbi, robbie, rudi, rhoa, rhoam, roh, roht, rohta, ruv, ruvo, rot, rota, rok, roke, rokee, ray, raym, russ, ram, rame, ramel, ramell, ramella, ro, rog, roga, rogar, rogaro, roha, rohan, roscoe, riju, reez, reeza, rima, risa, roma, romah, rotana, ripp, ropsten, raegah, rivan, ralera, reede, rhodes, rozel, rensa, rola,
sav, save, savel, savell, savelle, sher, sherf, sherfi, sherif, sherfin, sho, sor, sorel, sorrel, soreli, sorelia, spoon, spoone, si, sido, sidon, shaka, shakah, stam, stamm, sea, saas, shi, shir, shira, sham, shama, shamae, shor, shore, shora, shae, spri, sprinn, straia, suzum suzuna, shabonne, strade, sud, sudrey, saula, smaude, spera sumati, shaillu, sesami, selmie, saki, seggin, satty, spinch, sayge, sefaro, seldon, sophie, senna, symin, sebasto, sagessa, shay, shibo, steen,
tor, torr, tore, toren, tot, tots, totsu, totsun, totsune, totsuna, ty, tye, ten, tenn, tenne, tu, tut, tuts, tutsu, tutsuwa, tar, tarr, tarry, tarre, tarrey, tom, toma, tof, toff, toffa, tro, trot, trott, toh, tan, tank, tanko, tray, tash, tasho, tali, tera, tauma, teake, traysi, teba, tulin, tona, tottika, tula, torfeau, trello, tumbo, teli, tamana, teebo, thad, tokk, tasseren, trissa,
urb, urbo, urbos, urbosa, uma,
vol, volc, volco, volcon, villa, varke, verla,
walton, wabbin, worten,
yam, yamm, yammo, yo, yow, yowa, yowak, yowaka, yahsa, yu, yun, yuno, yunobo, yaido, yolero,
ze, zel, zeld, zelda, zy, zyl, zyle, zu, zum, zumo, zuna, zal, zalt, zalta, zo, zor, zoro, zoron, zorona, zooki, zumi, zuta.
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buchinyansolos · 2 years
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mushroom-madness · 1 year
🍄 Round 1: Match 17 🍄
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🍄 Vote for your Favorite Fungi! 🍄
Descriptions Below ⬇️
“Twirly Whirly was Layla's partner during the Pokemon-esque fungus event a few months ago and I have not been able to get the sound of Layla saying "Twirly Whirly" out of my head since then, it's so cute” - Submisison 45
“Twirly whirly is cute and floats and was going to be a character's service fungi for her disability and buddy and it cares a lot about Layla and is really gentle and cute” - Submission 110
Genshin Impact Wiki
“!!!! for what i can tell u about him he is a korok who has mushrooms growing off of him as if he’s a sweet little rotting log” - Askbox Submission
“Chio is a Korok that can be found underneath the The Great Deku Tree in the Korok Forest. When Link first speaks to him, Chio recognizes him as the hero. He explains to Link that the mushroom on his head suddenly sprouted that day, so he had expected something to happen.” - Zelda Wiki
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winkle-pickers · 2 years
12, 27 and 29 for the wrapped writer ask!
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
Um. Oh god. About a million. Including a Spider-Man/YGO crossover that's closing in on 100k words. (I'd vowed to never publish it, but if Ten Thousand Year Elegy is any indication, apparently my weird niche YGO crossovers actually DO have an audience, so...v( ‘.’ )v)
27. What do you listen to while writing?
I have a playlist for Ten Thousand Year Elegy that nonsensically contains everything from typical fantasy adventure music, to Bach, to Canadian folk music. For everything else I write I usually get utterly hyperfixated on a random song per chapter. In Occam's Razor these ended up being the chapter titles (◌˘◡˘◌)
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
From 'on fulcrums and floral blends:'
Mokuba looked at Hiroto expectantly, and Hiroto realized that Kaiba was going to be utterly useless in this situation. He cleared his throat. “Ahem. Do you wanna…do something together on Sunday, Kaiba? “I bet he does,” Mokuba said under his breath, so quietly that Hiroto almost didn’t catch it. Hiroto pretended he hadn’t, because he wasn’t prepared for the possibility of the world’s cutest sixth-grader roasting him with a disturbingly snappy innuendo. Kaiba finally managed a grunt that didn’t sound like one of his “fuck off and die” grunts. “You two should exchange numbers,” Mokuba said slowly, over-enunciating like he was trying to teach two gorillas how to speak Japanese, “so that you can figure out the details.”
From 'Ten Thousand Year Elegy' as the Yuugi-tachi follows a Korok through the Lost Woods. Honda has just asked the Korok how they navigate through the woods:
“So anyways,” Chio continued, “I listened real hard to that music. And I realized that the music is friendly! It wants us to find our way home.” “Huh?” Jounouchi said. “Who’s playing the music and how do you know they’re friendly?” “Keep up,” Chio chided. “No one is playing the music. The music is friendly.” “Okayyyy,” Honda said. “Got it. So to find your way around, you just...” “That’s right! Follow the nice music! It always takes me home.” “We’re going to die out here,” Kaiba deadpanned. “Probably eventually,” Chio agreed cheerfully. “Death is not so bad. You just fall down on the forest floor and sleep for a while, then all the little bugs come and make you into dirt, and then you get to be a home for plants. Maybe even a tree if you’re real lucky.”
Idk I just really liked writing the Koroks, they're so ridiculous and cute!!
Always a delight to see you in my askbox michelle!!! <3
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lost-family · 3 months
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Prologue ✦ Chapter 1
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phoenixmaiden-gaming · 8 months
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I talked to Chio, the head Korok next and he recognized me and remembered what had happened. The Deku Tree had fog coming out of its mouth and all the Koroks started acting funny, Monsters showed up and he couldn’t move. But now everyone was back to normal thanks to him, Mr. Hero. He said to go talk to the Deku Tree and also when I have time, some of the Koroks could use my help. I just had to follow the lights.
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Lost Woods NPCs
Great Deku Tree - ancient deku that watches over the Lost Woods
Hestu - big Korok who loves his maracas and is often pranked by the other koroks
Chio - chief korok, has mushrooms growing on his head
Peeks - blue, best baby, traveler
Tasho - tan, traveler, friends with Oaki
Daz - tall leaf, runs the General Shoppe
Natie - butterfly leaf, runs the Spore Store
Pepp - runs the inn, Great Deku Tree’s Navell
Oaki - accidentally trapped himself in the Deku Tree’s mouth while trying to make a secret room
Walton - made a treasure hunt at the top of the Great Deke Tree
Kula - likes photos
Damia - collects golden apples
Zooki - pretends to be a guard
Maca - pretends to be a guard
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Chapter Twenty-Four: “Wood-Spirits”
Ten Thousand Year Elegy | Zelda BOTW/Yu-Gi-Oh DM crossover
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“Huh?” Jounouchi said. “Who’s playing the music and how do you know they’re friendly?” “Keep up,” Chio chided. “No one is playing the music. The music is friendly.” “Okayyyy,” Honda said. “Got it. So to find your way around, you just...” “That’s right! Follow the nice music! It always takes me home.” “We’re going to die out here,” Kaiba deadpanned. “Probably eventually,” the little Korok agreed cheerfully. “Death is not so bad. You just fall down on the forest floor and sleep for a while, then all the little bugs come and make you into dirt, and then you get to be a home for plants. Maybe even a tree if you’re real lucky.”
In which the gang gets catfished by a forest, Yuugi faces Midna for the first time since Tutsuwa Nima, and everyone prepares for the horror that awaits them in the Forgotten Temple.
READ ON AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32978329/chapters/102000324#workskin
Ten Thousand Year Elegy Masterlist
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tallgrassstore · 3 years
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I'd like to take 1 or 2 orders for Korok Amigurumi, so if you've been patiently waiting for this moment, message me on Etsy to claim your spot. This is basically a first-come-first-served deal, so I do apologize in advance if you miss this post, but I'm keeping this casual for my sake heh.
You can basically request any Korok I've made in the past (including Chio and Hestu), or mix-match Mask/Color/Held Item for your own special forest bby. Some colors may be restricted due to availability.
You can see most options via my DA: https://www.deviantart.com/tallgrassart/gallery/61884949/zelda-amigurumi
Also turn-around for completing Amigurumi at this time is 1-2 months.
Shop: TheTallGrass.etsy.com
IG: Instagram.com/TheTallGrass
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