#chosen few
arcadebroke · 1 year
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wanderer-chronicles · 2 months
Chosen Few
God loves the good old USA, congrats to one and all
We've traveled to the top, now they're ready for our fall
We've reached new heights and seen the sights
Smell the roses while we can
For another star has fallen in America
For a democracy to work we gotta see it from both sides
Stop pointing fingers, shut your mouth and compromise
These last ten long months our division really grew
When the guy in charge said, "It's just another flu"
Let's get our shit together, not make things such a fuss
We can't behave like nitwits, the world is watching us
No more silly temper tantrums, let's all just behave
Remember who we are, we're the home of the brave
God loves the good old USA, congrats to one and all
We've traveled to the top, now they're ready for our fall
We've reached new heights and seen the sights
Smell the roses while we can
For another star has fallen in America
We used to be the heroes, today we are the trash
They took all our goodwill and they shoved it up our ass
The welcome has worn out for the red, white and blue
If we don't smarten up they're gonna tell us all to screw
But can you really blame 'em all for thinking that we suck?
With our antics and behavior, the people are fed up
So let's find a common ground on which we can agree
Congress, Senate, White House and Mike The Legend Lee
God loves the good old USA, congrats to one and all
We've traveled to the top, now they're ready for our fall
We've reached new heights and seen the sights
Smell the roses while we can
For another star has fallen in America
Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na
Hey, hey, hey, goodbye
Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na
Hey, hey, hey, goodbye
Everyone's talking louder to make sure that they are heard
It's just like when mom yelled at us, we didn't catch a word
Restraint of pen and tongue, a lost thought of times gone by
Today you think it then you tweet it
In an outburst on the fly
God loves the good old USA, congrats to one and all
We've traveled to the top, now they're ready for our fall
We've reached new heights and seen the sights
Smell the roses while we can
For another star has fallen in America
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digitalmarketingspace7 · 10 months
– FREE shipping and handling –
click blow link quick:
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bulldagger-bait · 1 year
I've always been curious to know this about the people around me. Most people have been in severe pain, but in my experience few have had what they would say is their 10/10 experience. I guess it's just something I find fascinating, as I had my 10/10 experience quite young and I sometimes forget that not everyone has. In my opinion it changes your relationship with pain and how you engage with it afterwards. If you answered yes, feel free to elaborate on your circumstances in the tags!
(reblog for a bigger sample size etc)
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jkvjimin · 5 months
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(82/∞) the perfect nose for butterflies to land on it ♡
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ominouspuff · 9 months
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Downtime with the disaster lineage
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brainrotcharacters · 8 days
The silly thing about associating Deadpool and Wolverine with Patroclus and Achilles is that if the Greek gays had regeneration and nigh-immortality, they wouldn't have reached peak tragedy
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frozen-seagrass · 1 month
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The WALL-E au no one asked for
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kacievvbbbb · 1 month
You do get the sense that the fallout of Roger's death and the Roger pirates disbanding not so much traumatized Buggy and Shanks indifferent ways but instead generated such drastically different reactions to the trauma.
While the trauma of everything seemed to push Shanks into the future, always constantly waiting for something, putting plans on hold and then later in place, for this great moment, this great coming that he sees on the Horizon. For Buggy it rooted him firmly in the past keeping him trapped in this grief masquerading as anger.
While Roger's death forced Shanks to grow up fast, it kind of arrested Buggy's development keeping him stuck in those same feelings, rooted int that same place.
You get the sense that Buggy's whole east blue schtick is just one long overdue rebellious phase one big fuck you to Roger and his ideals. He's rebelling against Roger's principles. One of their rules was don't steal from innocent people and Buggy was keeping a whole town in poverty. If Roger and Luffy's pirating styles are diametrically opposed to someone like Blackbeard, who might be the most literal pirate in the entire series, then buggy is the parody of that Blackbeard piratism. He is playing up cruelty, being the most piratey pirate possible, hell he's literally a clown on a stage. It's all a show! It's his own special way of trying to "get back at Roger" of trying to discard everything Roger taught him for this overacted, over exaggerated clownish cruelty. Mentally he never left that execution square. He is still 15, alone and scared.
Hell he literally never left either, while I'm pretty sure Shanks' booked it out of the east blue as fast as he could, Buggy never lef, might have never left, if not for Luffy. It's part of why Luffy bothers him so much, he's just like Roger everything that Buggy is trying hard to forget and here comes this kid, whose never even met the Captain but is wearing his hat, shoving it right back in his face.
It makes sense that he never leaves the east blue till Luffy literally forces him out of it (fucking with Luffy gets him captured and imprisoned) and it makes sense that it's Luffy that literally breaks him out of prison, literally sets him free, and on the path to greatness that maybe he was always meant to achieve (even if he trips his way into it). This boy that is tragically so much like his old captain but so beautifully unabashedly himself, is what Buggy needs to start letting go off the past, to start trying to move forward.
Maybe that's why Buggy, at what could arguably be described as his lowest moment, gets the strength to free himself from his own self imprisonment, realizing that even back then he was locking himself away and pinning his own dreams on Shanks. And, maybe for the first time ever, Buggy really own his dream. He declares to his tormentors and his crew and the entire world that; actually He wants to find the one piece, him, as captain of his own crew, this crew, not just a part of someone else's. That's his dream and he's willing to turn the world upside down to do it.
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ninjagirlstar5 · 1 month
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Me @ my followers: "STICKS. STICKS EVERYWHERE-"
Yeah, I've been wanting to work on my designs for these sticks for months and now I've finally gotten around to it!
...To the point that I've spent the last...*checks calendar*...about two and half weeks now on this, wow. That's almost a month. Wild.
Anyways, here's the designs and headcanons I have for the hollowheads ft. Freedom Guy!
victim: Early 30s, She/Her The Chosen One: Early 30s, He/They The Dark Lord: Late 20s-Early 30s, He/She The Second Coming: Early 20s, He/Him Freedom Guy: 40s, He/They/She
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i3utterflyeffect · 8 months
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i just woke up and i'm so glad y'all enjoy my au. anyway here's some shitposts i drew last night <3
i imagine that it wouldn't be too difficult for the Rocket Company to actually manage to get their hands on another command block staff, and they would have seen some of the stuff King did (since they have access to Alan's videos) so they'd know it's King's strong suit, but King is really not thrilled about any of this, especially since him nearly killing Purple is still fresh in his mind.
his relationship with the mercs also isn't the WORST but the mercs aren't really prone to getting along--
Primal likes to fuck with King just for the fun of it, Agent isn't prone to fighting with the others but definitely dislikes King, Ballista and King would probably blow each other up if left in the same room for too long, and Hazard respects him purely because he's the only guy who's relatively sane in this group. I wouldn't say Hazard and King are exactly friends, but they're not not friends either.
as far as King knew, his only job was going to be taking care of Chosen, but then SC entered the equation and it made things way more complicated much to his dismay :)
reblogs > likes
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baflegacy · 7 months
i love the fact that angela’s chosen/weird girl chosen knowis who lucy dacus/boygenius is and it already gives us an entirely different version of the chosen. give me weird girlfailure chosen who plays night shift or salt in the wound on repeat and trying not to cry as her ‘training’. her weapon of choice is the master sword but she doesnt know what the fuck the legend of zelda is. instead of anime/fromsoftware games/etc. their bible is probably my lesbian experience with loneliness
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mitamicah · 3 days
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✨Them 😭🥹✨
(inspired by a shirt I saw in a danish grocery store around pride)
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brianskangs · 10 months
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(231209) YOUNG K x SAY YES
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cryptix23 · 1 year
Consider: Unable to feel secure enough to sleep soundly in his own room but still not sociable enough to join the cuddle piles, Izzy takes to catnapping around the ship, usually around (and occasionally on) working crew. A few grumble about it ("How come he gets to nap while we're doing all the work?") but get shot down hard by BB's crew.
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feelingthedisaster · 4 months
sometimes i wonder what they [charles & edwin] wanted to be when they grow up. before their deaths, before they lost their future, when they thought they had one, what did they wanted it to be like? what were their dreams? their hopes? their goals? did they want to go to college? what career path would they had chosen? would they had like to have kids? what was taken away from them?
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