#chow dog patronus
usagirln120 · 10 months
Shoto Todoroki: Hogwarts AU
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Shoto Todoroki is a pureblood wizard born on the 11th of January 1980 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1991, being sorted into Ravenclaw house.
He was the youngest son of Enji Todoroki, an auror who eventually became head of the Auror Office after Toshinori Yagi's retirement.
He grew up in an abusive household which eventually caused his mother to snap and pour boiling water down his face, scarring him for life.
Despite this, he was never angry with her and after befriending Izuku he started to visit her often at St. Mungos with his siblings.
Due to his abusive upbringing, he intended to only hang out with his siblings and not befriend anyone but that ended up failing as he became one of the best friends of Izuku Midoriya, one of the 15th chosen ones.
During his fifth year, he became a member of Makarov's Army (with him being one of the few members that knew about the existence of the Order of the Phoenix).
He, Katsuki and Izuku were the only members who were aware of it's existence due to their parents being members.
He went on the run in his 7th year with the rest of the Deku squad to hunt down All For One's horcruxes and later participated in the Battle of Hogwarts, which he was later given an Order of Merlin for after he helped with the defeat of his werewolf brother.
After graduating, he became an auror and later married Momo Yaoyorozu with the two of them having a daughter and twin sons together.
He has a beech wand with a unicorn hair core.
His Patronus is a Chow Dog.
His favorite subjects are Defense Against the Dark Arts and Charms.
His least favorite are Potions and Herbology.
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ohmygodshesinsane · 1 year
What would you say are the Patroni of each of Lily’s friends and Mr & Mrs Potter
Ooh, that's a hard one! This is sending me down a research rabbit hole. This is also based on my interpretations of the characters (mainly as portrayed in 'creature comfort') so it may be a little different to dominant fanon interpretations :) To start with I took the Extended Patronus Quiz (here), taking it as each character, and then decided if I agreed/disagreed with that, but used it as a base.
Marlene - so Marlene's top answers came out as 'weasel', 'salmon', and 'dragonfly'. Of these, I thought the dragonfly suited her. She's definitely something with wings - free-spirited, light, and high energy. She's definitely unique and, when she comes to her Order days, quick on her feet. She's also a risk-taker. Dragonflies also don't live very long - :(
Mary - Mary came out with four answers at 100% - 'dolphin', 'white mare', 'black and white cat', and 'chow dog'. My Mary is definitely a cat person and I thought that the black and white cat suited her best of all of them. One website wrote that black and white cat patronii are 'aloof, yet affectionate', and I think that describes Mary to a degree. She tends to isolate herself but cares deeply, and has a gentle nurturing side. She's also fairly clever - it's her insecurity holding her back.
Dorcas - At 100% Dorcas got a 'thestral' and a 'buzzard'. She definitely has a thestral patronus. She is misunderstood, shadowy, and avoided, but is kind and accepting. She has a divinatory gift and has a deep interest in matters of life and death, fortune and free will. She is also introverted and tends to melancholy.
Euphemia Potter - Euphemia's top results were 'Dolphin' and 'Nebelung Cat'. One of my cats is actually a Nebelung, so I have a very soft spot for the breed, and I thought Euphemia suited that personality perfectly. She is loving, curious, loyal, strong, and cares deeply for her family and draws her strength from them.
Fleamont Potter - Fleamont got 'stoat' and 'nightjar'. I went back and forth on this for him, but decided on a stoat. He's a creative thinker, resilient, a little mischevious, and driven by passion and interest. Also, the stoat sort of resembles how I imagine him looking physically - tall and thin - and reminded me of Albus Potter's ferret, which I thought was cute.
Thanks for the question, anon!
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shitthehousessay · 7 years
idk if ur doing the patronus thing but i'm a Hufflepuff with a Chow Dog, which are supposed to be vicious but they're so fluffy and cute
Awww. Fluffy dogs are the best.- Mel (the Slytherin)
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strawbunnysposts · 3 years
@whaleofatjme1920 I just wanted to say how much I love and appreciate your art and how thankful I am for this doodle. Its been a rainy day for me and this brightened it up so much. 🥰 An amazing author, artist, and just person in general? What a triple threat!
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Me with my patronus, a Chow Dog (what a fluffy boi)
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the-lions-mouth · 7 years
btw my patronus:  Chow Dog – One of the few ancient dog breeds, the Chow Chow is proud, independent, and highly suspicious of strangers but fiercely loyal to family. If your Patronus is the Chow Chow, the people closest to your heart know the lovable, playful you. However, everyone else may see you as introverted, proud, or even haughty. You hold those closest to you extremely close, but everyone else better steer clear. And woe the person who tries to hurt someone you love!
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
All in the Family
Chapter 48: The Patronus
The place was not even lit, which hadn't boded well the past few times for them, so Remus was quick to wave his wand and light the candles along the wall. It revealed nothing more than a desk with a suitcase on top, the rest of the room was cleared.
At first they all relaxed, recognizing an unused Hogwarts classroom, the view outside a crystal clear night, the moon newly waning. Then they heard the suitcase rattle.
"I swear to Merlin's sack if it's another three headed dog, I am out!" Frank hissed to no one.
"Thankfully we didn't have to deal with that one," Peter tried to offer, his voice too high pitched to convey any real comfort. "Plus, I've got a nice falsetto-"
"Someone summon the damn book and get us out of here before we have to find out!" Lily snarled, their wands all pointed either at the suitcase or at the door for the threat, but none seemed willing to activate anything. Finally Lily took a breath and followed her own advice, the suitcase went sailing into her hand.
She dropped it as if it had burned her.
"Evans?" James at once asked in concern, but too late, it fell open right in front of her.
A new girl now stood before them all, carefully set blond hair and pale fishy eyes in a neat pink dress, her face scrunched up in pure disgust. Eyes locked on Lily and storming even closer with a ranky, perfumed air she sneered, "I can't believe you did that freaky magic again Lily, mum and dad will kick you out for sure this time-"
James froze with no idea of what to make of this, even as the red heads eyes filled with tears and her wand began to lower, but Remus leaped forward and shouted, "Riddikulus!"
The image flickered for a moment, eyes still locked in on Lily. For just a moment, a boy now stood before them with long greasy hair and a hooked nose, but then it changed to a cartoonish looking dog trying to balance a bone on its nose.
Sirius could only muster up a very small laugh in surprise, but that only drew the boggarts attention onto him next, blank eyes focusing in and already beginning to change into a woman, except this time with haughty dark features and claw like hands as she shrieked at her eldest son what a disgrace he was, in a voice they all recognized from frequent Howlers in the Great Hall.
Padfoot blanched in disgust and tried his own form of the banishment, but then it only grew worse again at the weak attempt, flickering to Prongs, then Moony, and then Wormtail all with looks of horror and disgust upon their faces and spewing even worse things of betrayal and a friend they couldn't trust, all words they'd already said to him.
James pushed him out of the way and, ignoring the change to a skeletal snake-like face appearing from nothing, this time said with purpose, "Riddikulus!"
It changed to a yellow balloon and made a farting noise drifting lazily around the room. Peter made a forced attempt at laughter and they all tried to join in this time with understanding. It landed, flickered feebly between a rat, a pool of blood, a griffin, then settled on an erumpent, rearing onto its hind legs and horn pointed at Alice.
She shrieked and backed away in surprise, but gathered her wits back just as quick, all of them on guard now. She repeated the incantation and watched it shrink down to a fuzzy kitten chasing its tail. They all laughed this time with feeling.
It tried one last feeble attempt, rolling onto its back and nearly locking eyes with Regulus who backed quickly away with a truly horrified expression. Lily stormed forward with a vengeance. The image blurred, taking the shape of a person once more before she shouted at the top of her lungs, and then there was a fish flopping on the floor and singing some tune none of them recognized, but they all laughed anyways in surprise.
Finally, it vanished, the silence left behind though labored with still startled breaths was almost calm thanks to the way it had ended.
Lily very cautiously peeked back inside the suitcase, to find the book sitting innocently inside. "Well," she whispered, still breathing the heaviest. "I guess Harry gets those lessons from Professor Lupin."
They all shuffled for a moment back into more casual stances, everyone looking at someone with worry for this experience.
"Err, Evans, you sure you're okay?" Potter still asked her even as he was looking at his best mate, expression sallow to the extreme and twisted up, still glaring where the boggart had vanished.
She flipped her hair over her shoulder and scooped the book up without comment to get to her place.
"An erumpent?" Frank put his arm around Alice and politely asked her. "I feel like there's a story there."
She made an awkward attempt at a giggle to fight off the full memory. "My dad took me to a sanctuary once, it did not end well. What's with you and griffins?"
"A wild one went onto our property once," he grimaced. "I'd be cat chow if my mum hadn't stepped in. Needless to say, I'm quite proud I didn't wind up in Gryffindor for that alone."
She did laugh that time, but both were now done soothing each other and watching Lily with still more worry. They wanted to say something to her, find some way to really make her laugh this off like they had, but she'd just found her place and read out the chapter title, causing an inadvertent but welcomed distraction. "That's not really the way Harry's going to stop this dementor problem." She turned accusing eyes on Lupin, who looked politely puzzled himself. "That's a seventh year charm, I only know of it because I accidentally did a practice quiz for a N. E. W. T. instead of an O. W. L last week. You can't expect a third year-"
Three Marauders decided to keep to themselves they did in fact know that charm, even if they weren't dementor tested, because there had been a study done on correlations between the form they took and similar animagus'. One, did not think that through.
"Do you know any other way to make a dementor piss off?" Black snapped at her, visibly swallowing but puffing up and nearly shouting. "You want Harry to be hearing you scream in his head for the rest of his life? At least Moony's trying something, I don't see any other Professor-"
"Padfoot," Potter placed a restraining hand on his shoulder. "Breathe mate, she didn't sick that boggart on you, or what came out of it, which was complete bollix."
He took a deep breath and blinked a few times, whatever he'd been yelling at in his mind finally being replaced with her vivid red hair. "Right, sorry Evans."
She just nodded without comment and tried to read on, putting the tid-bit away for later on how, interesting, it was Potter always seemed able to calm all his mates down. What would they be like when he wasn't around to do that?
Sirius had even less interest hearing Harry arguing with his friends, as if he hadn't lived through that enough. So he grabbed Regulus by his shoulder and began towing him to the farthest corner away.
He went stumbling along, but willingly, and straightened his robes and drew himself up imperiously when released. "The hell Sirius? You know you can just ask to have a word with me like normal?"
Sirius huffed and muttered for a moment about the kid before he asked in an almost gentle voice, "your class done boggarts yet?"
Regulus sucked on the inside of his cheek for a moment before answering, "no, at least, not like that. None of my Professors have ever mentioned them, certainly not Liz if it was supposed to come up this year, but Dad actually found one in his desk the day before Christmas Holiday ended. Told me I was going to practice on it this summer," he finished in a small voice. "Guess, now I'll be better prepared for it?"
Sirius had only wanted to somehow brush off the horrible things that boggartWalburga had said if his little brother had questions, but now he felt like he should ask more, for once. He'd flat refused anymore lessons like that with his parents after fourth year when they'd given him several dozen different lectures on not just how to do certain spells, but who they should be targeted towards, and that wasn't even getting into how they talked about beasts like trolls, goblins, and werewolves.
He'd tried to convince his little brother to join him and stop going to these as well, but the little brat had refused and told Sirius he wasn't going to disappoint his parents like that, then asked him to go outside and play a game. It was pure insanity! How long did Regulus think he could keep walking the line between appeasing their disturbed parents and keeping whatever moral compass he still claimed he had?
There was a small distraction from the discourse James was serving by Wood trying to work Harry off the team because of this dementor problem, his best friend shouting loud enough for the whole castle to hear, "Moony, if you don't get Harry a solution to those dementors, I'll banish them all from Earth myself!"
Wormtail gave a wild laugh for his usual antics, the both of them discussing loudly how they'd go about doing that when classes swung around to mentioning said professor again. Sirius looked up and around properly in concern when Hermione displayed, well, not a response they appreciated.
Regulus watched his brother eye Lupin with concern when the little Muggleborn girl seemed to know what was wrong with their newest teacher. Regulus felt affronted for a moment, he hadn't a clue if it was some disease he had or he was just consistently under the whether, but he also hadn't spent much time looking into it. Seemed the nosy little girl had done so and was now lording it, typical behavior of those less fortunate. He shifted his weight uncomfortably to the Muggleborn reading all this, the image of her fiery hair jumping to his defense and tackling the creature, and without permission guilt flooded him for the vicious thoughts. He slumped away from Sirius in confusion and sat by the desk as he tried to sort out all these conflictions in him. The boggart's shape for him, everything he'd thought he'd known being a lie, and still who to believe.
Sirius let him, as he didn't have a satisfactory answer for his own problem yet, and turned to enthusiastically egg Evans on with 'interest' of this new spell they clearly hadn't heard of!
Lily ignored their idiocies, but did stop curiously when the name of the incantation was given and how to invoke it. She hesitated, searching through her mind for something that might work.
Frank didn't have to think twice, summoning forth when Alice had agreed to go out with him and shouted, "Expecto Patronum!" A white burst of light did indeed spew forth, but to his disappointment it merely faded away just as fast.
Alice waffled on anything to use. Her life had been quite mellow, nothing would really stand out in her mind that would give her much of anything to work with. She got more frustrated the longer she tried, thinking there must be some high point in her life as she flickered through memories with her parents, friends, and even Frank, but there was no peak producing silver to be found.
The Marauders all, 'gave it a go.' They all had great bruises on their prides to only produce very thick and consistent vapors of smoke without letting their true patronuses take shape, but they'd resisted the urge to brag to the world about their years too early practice in becoming animagus', they could hold off bragging on this too. Sirius turned to Regulus and called, to try and push some attention away, "come on then, give it a go! See if you and Harry are on the same level?"
'I'm nothing like that half-blood' he wanted to snap back, instinctively insulted, but took a deep breath and instead tried to respond to his brothers enthusiasm. He recalled the time he and Sirius had built a fort out of blankets in the study and Kreacher brought them snacks all night, the two whispering about all the adventures of the future, home alone as their parents went to a dinner party all night. A very substantial silver something began to materialize before him, but he was so surprised it faded away just as fast. He looked wildly over to see his brother beaming with pride.
James was watching Evans sadly, advice or something to help on the tip of his tongue. She was red in the face and muttering the enchantment with purpose, but barely a whisp was visible. Usually the ruler of the Charms room, he'd half expected her to be able to flawlessly enact this one, but she was clearly struggling with some aspect. When she opened her eyes and saw him staring, she looked even more angry and frustrated, turning back to the book with a despicable look, muttering about practice later.
She didn't exactly feel better that she was doing worse than Harry, or the fact that the boy had to create a fake memory just to produce results! She flushed with shame as she suddenly realized she may do better trying the same, nothing she'd come up with seemed to be working. Not the earliest ones of the first time she'd done magic, nor the more recent of her and Sev trying to create spells and jotting them down in his mums old potion book. She stamped her foot in frustration of what she was doing wrong.
The lesson was going brutally, and Evans' clear displeasure at her inability to do the spell wasn't helping things along. Constantly having to hear of your last dying words on top of lacking in magic her son was getting only half decent results in this same spell, more than her. At least Harry had an excuse for his lackluster work, his secret desire to hear his mother's voice, the only time in his life he would.
Then Peter fell back against the wall, clutching his ears in pain rather than keep hearing her stutter in surprise over James' last words. You-Know-Who closing in, and his brave, loyal, stupid friend standing his ground against everything. He should have ran, why didn't he run? This wasn't some animal that could so easily be tricked and fooled, this was a tyrant even Prongs couldn't face!
He watched his friend for several long moments, looking as if he were seeing a ghost in Evan's hands, but then his chest puffed up and he drew himself to his full height as if fixing to go ten more rounds with everyone in the castle. "Damned right!" He declared with actual pride.
Sirius and Remus looked on the verge of tears hearing of this, but then they too threw their shoulders back in pride for such a response. Peter wished the castle would swallow him hole in shame as he couldn't bring himself to do the same. His eyes flickered to where the Boggart had vanished, the tiny little rat that had appeared mocking him. He'd always been weak and small compared to them, even his fears, and the self-loathing only grew stronger for what he was, what his first reaction would always be.
Lily had just been given a whole new perspective of this future smacked into her face. There was still the loathsome image of being married to Potter for all of this to even be occurring, but for once that was the most insignificant bit. She held, in her hands, proof that James Potter, cared for her. Like she'd watched him do for his friends in the past few days alone, like she'd seen him even trying to do for her, now magnified in an action he clearly had no regrets for. For this one second, his last breath, he was not some arrogant prick trying to win her affections.
"Lily?" It was the quietest, most gentle way he'd ever called to get her attention. The reason he called her Evans was too rile her up and see her face him with that challenging look ready to go, but that's not what she needed now. "I don't regret it." The calm he infused into that, spluttered something out of her.
"How do you manage to- I don't even like-"
"That's alright," he actually shrugged, still looking like this of all things was a casual conversation. Not the birk that was blindly defending his friend, the arrogant idiot who couldn't see any opinion but his own, just his declaration this was a satisfying enough end. She didn't understand it one little bit. She turned slowly back to the book, because for once she didn't know what to say to him. Thank you didn't seem proper enough, when she couldn't return she'd do the same.
She almost, sympathized with Harry coming to tears over hearing of this. She'd tried, and failed, to put distance between the idea of this child being hers, and for the first time was again struck by just what the boy would think watching this. The first thing he'd ever heard in his parents voice was their life ending for his, and here the two of them couldn't even hold a civil conversation! The lad would probably cry ten fold if he was forced to hear this instead.
Some of James' confidence wavered when Remus, or Professor Lupin whatever, refused to elaborate on their friendship. He had no idea why his friend had been going out of his way these past thirteen years to not care for Harry, and dancing around the answer now was making him feel sick. Just what had happened?
Sirius and Remus exchanged terrified looks for the same, now watching Prongs as he finally looked worried about this future like hearing his own last words hadn't managed. Sirius roused himself, and in a fit of solidarity to chase that away shouted, "oi, who's up for round two with that Boggart! Professor Lupin's slacking, only letting Harry have three goes!"
Remus swallowed uncomfortably rather than admitting he wanted to quit again from this bloody story, but the other two looked relieved and laughed just like Padfoot had been hoping, even if both sounded extremely forced.
There was rising hope in everyone now as Harry finally got a good attempt off! Professor Lupin still had to step in, and it didn't seem encouraging the man who was teaching this couldn't even produce his own patronus to do it, but they'd take whatever they could get at this point.
Professor Lupin's even more cryptic comments about Sirius had the two shuffling closer to each other with unease, wishing more than ever there was some way to just get an answer already rather than all of this foul run around nonsense. Harry pausing to reflect on all of this was making them sicker by the moment, it took everything they had not to grab each others hands in front of everyone just for some comfort in this dreadful situation.
Thankfully the book lightened up from there and the moment passed without either having to acknowledge it. More chats of Quidditch and fond laughter at the little third year whining about homework between all the OWL students was really what everyone needed.
Time dragged on for Harry, Frank and Alice looked out the window curiously as if they were going to see the sun zipping by along with Lily's words, though thankfully they were saved from that experience. When the book did go back to talking about Harry in those lessons, Lily couldn't help her voice shaking again, not needing a repeat to know how much Harry needed this, and yet finally understanding why he'd never want them to stop. Her dismay at this was nothing to the Blacks reaction of finding out the oldest one was to be Kissed.
Sirius would have fallen if his friends hadn't caught him, his face a silent scream of fright, which set Regulus' blood boiling. No one and nothing made his brother look like that! "They can't do that! It's been outlawed- it's never even been allowed it's so beyond words! Just who the bloody hell is trying to hide what doing this to him!"
Hearing his little brother throwing a fit, over him, snapped Sirius out of it like nothing else could have. He'd stood there and watched in wonderment for a moment like everyone else before finally going over to him and wrapping a reassuring arm around his shoulders. Regulus immediately tried to shake him off, still muttering profane things Sirius was a bit proud to hear coming from his young mouth, but held tight. "I want you to remember this moment Reg," Sirius said with conviction. "Purebloods are not any more safe than anyone else from the bad things they do, or are framed for doing." He'd only been trying to distract the both of them from this future horror, but now his kid brother looked even more aghast.
"-But, Sirius, don't you see! This is why the Dark Lord's plans should be followed! He wouldn't let this happen to you!"
Sirius flushed in anger, his arm tightened painfully around the kid, but he remembered how shocked and afraid he'd been when hearing the news of You-Know-Who's real name and birth and forced himself to keep going reasonably. "No, Regulus, it wouldn't. I'll never follow him or what he wants, and he'd do much worse to me because of it. You've got to stop letting others tell you what to do-"
"Like you're doing!" He snapped, finally pulling away. "Both you and our parents just keep saying things, how about giving me a chance to see it for myself? All I've seen so far is someone deciding you're going to get your soul sucked out because you killed a bunch of Muggles! Who cares about them, but under the-"
"Shut up!" Sirius snapped back before he could say it again. "Do you even hear yourself? Murder's okay now, so long as it's not someone who can do magic? What next then, killing Muggleborn's will be okay because it's not you?" To his surprise, Regulus' eyes flinched to Evans and away, it was the first time Sirius had seen him even acknowledge her. "Then who, hum? Wizards without pure blood lines can go to? Then there will just be You-Know-Who's minions, and even those might some day choose to not agree with who goes next, and there won't be anyone left to stop him!"
He took a deep breath and tried to keep himself calm when Regulus just stood there, pale faced but with that insufferably stubborn look still set. He didn't seem to have a rebuttal for that though, for once. "Fine, think whatever you like," he muttered, stamping back to his friends.
Lily felt like backing slowly out of the room so as not to draw attention towards her and invoke another fight like that, even as she'd been unable to look away from the whole thing, completely riveted. The brothers were much more of a spectacle than her and her sister were, she was sure, but still she couldn't help but find herself sympathizing with Sirius Black of all people. She was full of that today apparently, as she wanted to consul the sibling who couldn't get through to the other. It made going back to reading feel ten times more awkward as she kept shooting him anxious looks, an apology or words of understanding on the tip of her tongue for him that he was clearly ignoring even from his own friends.
They were all so distracted it took a few moments for McGonagall's words to sink about Harry's Firebolt being returned to him, than Lily's good mood vanish as fast as it was back for those Marauders. They were a ball of pure energy and excitement Harry got the broom back while she just wanted to chuck it in the trash, considering Harry and Ron even went so far as to rub it in their friends face they'd been right all along. She still remembered Harry nearly being thrown from a broom once, was it beyond her son to admit it could have happened again and better safe than sorry?
She'd thought they were going to end on that high note for Harry, for once, but then another bomb was thrown into the mix for all parties. Hermione's cat had finally eaten Ron's rat. More than one relationship might be irreparable now.
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irisandlily · 4 years
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Part 5 of MDZS Characters and their Patronus for my Hogwarts AU!
Lan Sizhui, Shrew Patronus: okay first off i want to say i have never seen a shrew in my entire life and honestly thought they were another kind of weasel or something. I was wrong. shrews are fucking tiny!! apparently some of them can shrink their heads??? Anyway read this bit of the description it fits Sizhui so perfectly: “If the shrew is your patronus it is likely you have a strong heart and respectful manner.Kind and courteous, you rarely offend others, often staying on the good side of people around you due to your naturally polite and likeable character.“ Sizhui is a polite boy he’s so kind and sweet he’s baby!!!
Lan Jingyi, Weasel Patronus: “Those who cast a weasel are as playful and mischievous as anyone would expect. Many of these witches and wizards are spontaneous and quick to make decisions without taking much thought on the consequences.” this!!!!! fits him so well!!! i mean i dont have the best memory but im pretty sure this is in character for Jingyi? Considering how un-lan like he is
Jin Ling, Chow Dog Patronus: i had no idea what a chow dog looked like, i just knew i wanted jin ling to have a dog patronus. after looking through three different blogs and two websites i found one talking about a Chow dogs as patronuses and LET ME TELL YOU I CRIED BECAUSE THEY’RE SO BIG AND FLOOFY AND THE DESCRIPTION FIT JIN LING SO WELL “Their loyalty tends to only extend to those they have chosen to bond with, and they are fiercely protective of these individuals. They don’t usually bond too well with just anyone and tend to be aloof around those they do not yet know well.” and “They can be very stubborn and strong-willed in the face of anything from a small argument to some great danger.” it took me so long to find one that fit Jin Ling (especially a dog one) and this fit him so well and it’s so fucking cute and these dogs are called Chow Chow and im gonna cry!!!
Ouyang Zizhen, St Bernard Patronus: okay so mdzs and cql dont give zizhen a lot for me to work with (at least from his wiki page and my memory of cql which was 5 months ago and wow i have shit memory) but he overall seems like a soft boy and a St Bernard Patronus fits him. “People with this Patronus are typically thoughtful and committed. Once they pledge allegiance to someone, those who cast the st Bernard show true commitment to friends, family and lovers.” Ouyang Zizhen is a soft and sweet boy and I love him thank you
A-Qing, Mink Patronus: My girl, my daughter, my sweet summer child A-Qing!!! “Those with the Mink patronus are very clever. Often humorous, those with this patronus can be very witty and a pleasure to be around. Conversely, those who have the Mink patronus can be a trickster, not to be trusted.” A-Qing is amazing. She’s cute and funny and brave for walking up to Xue Yang when he had a sword pointed at her and didn’t even break character and I just think she’s neat and the Mink Patronus suits her!!! Anyway A-Qing is alive and so is SongXiao and they’re happy together no I don’t accept criticism.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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wilfcrd · 4 years
Hello fellow Ravenclaw ✌️😔 what’s your patronus (mine’s a badger dhjsjsk)
Chow dog idk what that means
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wahbegan · 3 years
Most commonly kept as pets, Chow Chows tend to display discernment of strangers and can become fiercely protective of their owners and property...some owners have attributed a cat-like personality to the Chow Chow.
Chow Chow are not excessively active, meaning that they can be housed in an apartment. However, a Chow Chow living in an apartment will need daily exercise to prevent restlessness and boredom...
This breed of dog has many strong loyal bonds with friends and family, but the Chow Chow dog is usually overly protective of one or two main family members. It is in the breed's nature to be quiet and well-behaved, but it is also resistant to training. Chow Chows become very stubborn and attach to certain individuals as they age...they gain respect for those who care for them...
When a Chow Chow reaches adolescence it rejects authority from any owner who failed to earn its admiration. Aggression can be one distinctive behavioural characteristic in this breed, though while some are of an aggressive nature, many are known to be easy-going in nature – sometimes adopting an aloof disposition to individuals other than their owners...
At first, Chow Chows are very hesitant in interacting with strangers....
Ohh damn maybe my Patronus being a Chow Chow is more valid than i thought
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bloomeng · 4 years
MDZS/Hogwarts au Headcanons
This au is a classic, but per usual I have opinions so here we go. (Also let’s pretend we do not see you know who)
All the patronuses are based on the official list and descriptions (I’ll leave the link below).
Wei Wuxian:
Do I even need to make an arguement for this??
Patronus: Crow or Dolphin (I genuinely can’t decide)
Has friends in all houses and floats around among the tables in the great hall
Has been in all the houses common rooms tho
Probably good at most subjects, but he is amazing at defense against the dark arts
Definitely plays Quidditch, and is definitely the seeker too
Y’know typical over-achiver, star of the show, but without really trying
Steals books from the resticted section, not because he wants to read them, just because he was told they were off limits
He also steals food from the kitchen on his way back from the Hufflepuff common room (visiting Yanli ofc)
Is the kid that looses all of the points for his house, which means he also has most of the names in trophy room memorized (just from the sheer amount of time he’s had to clean them in detention)
Curfew is more of a suggestion, in his opinion nightime is the best time to roam the castle
He’s ended up in the hospital wing so many times that he basically has a bed reserved
Jiang Cheng:
Between the loyalty, courage, ambition to “attempt the impossible,” and secret heart of gold, he could rival wwx’s Gryffindor spirit
Patronus: Chow Dog
Grumpily follows around during his misadeventures to make sure he doesn’t hurt himself
Or rather he’s the one who drags wwx’s ass to the hospital wing when he does hurt himself
Only one out of the trio (wwx, nhs, jc) who actaully studies
Hates divination, thinks it’s all a hoax, and it bugs the crap out of him that nhs actually belives in it
Is the captain of the Quidditch team, started as a chaser but now he’s the keeper
Was chosen to be a prefect
His favorite perk is the fancy bathtub, which nhs has definitely bribed him to gain access to
Shares his dorm with wwx, and he’s always complaining how he has to drag him out of bed
Lan Wangji:
He do be out here being super creative with that Guqin, and also owning our asses with his intelligence
Patronus: Wild Rabbit
I’d estimate that he spent 90% of the first 3 years of school in the library
Insert intense glaring at wwx as he tries to sneak into the restricted section
Somehow missed that wwx played Quidditch until his brother dragged him to a game
Needless to say he never missed a Gryffindor game after that
Somehow he managed to score one point off of a perfect grade on his OWL
Y’all already know he’d be a prefect, do I even need to say it
His favorite place in the castle is the window seat in Ravenclaw tower
Pretends to protest wwx sneaking into his common room
Imagine: Wangxian Hogsmeade dates and wwx trying to get him to wear his Quidditch jersey
Lan Xichen:
Although I feel like you could make a strong case for Ravenclaw, but the compassion and open-mindedness wins out
Patronous: White Swan
Professors love him, even Snape manages to tolerate him, probably by his 5th year he’s friends with half his professors
His favorite class is herbology but he’s also really good at charms and transfiguration
Owns an owl that he shares with his brother that he named something dumb like “Harold”
Has the Daily Prophet delievered every morning, and always thanks “Harold”
He grew up in a pure blood family so he is fascinated by muggle culture, and he is constantly asking jgy questions
Once jgy shared music from his ipod (yknow like one of the og ipods) and it blew his mind
Probably tried to help the house elves in the kitchen at some point, but was kicked out because he caused more damage then actual help
Somehow he was made a prefect in his fourth year???
He just roots for the under dog in Quidditch games, which often leads to a friendly competition between he and his brother (Gryffindor is never the underdog, not with wwx and jc on the team)
Nie Huaisang:
Again do I even need to make a case for this???
Patronus: Sparrow
Doesn’t even try and hide the fact that he let’s wwx and jc into the Slytherin common room
Often sits at the Gryffindor table because he wants to sit with wwx and jc
Instead of studying, he is constantly trying to find ways to cheat by designing bewitched items
By his 7th year he has his own business selling his cheats
His favorite class is divination, everyone assumes it’s because he’s a believer, but in reality he finds the subject hilarious and he’s amazed how a scam can go so far as to have a full educational class dedicated to it
Forged his brother’s signature on the Hogsmeade form, because Mingjue told him he wasn’t allowed to go if he was failing a class
Can’t fly a broom for the life of him
Barely passed his OWLS
In general he’s far more concerned with gossip and playing match-maker then doing any of this school work (who do you think told lxc to bring lwj to a Gryffinsor Quidditch game??)
(My monkey Xiyao controled brain likes to think that he’s been trying to set the two of them up for years, but that might just be me)
Jin Guangyao:
AGAIN do I really need to explain my thought process on this??? He’s cunning and manipulative, case closed, I do not take critism
Patronus: Grass Snake
Struggles in conjouring magic, but makes up for it in written work and testing
In general he works very hard and is most likely top of his class, despite the lack of natural ability
His favorite class is potions, because it’s simply a matter of following directions
The first friend he made was lxc after realizing as first years that they had really similar class schedules and decided to study together
His mother was a muggle, and thus he was raised in the muggle world, so there’s a lot of prejudice from his housemates
Every once in awhile he’ll quietly ask lxc to explain something about the wizarding world
To the annoyance of his house, he was made a prefect
Somewhere along the way he befriended nhs
The relationship dynamic is as follows: jgy forces nhs to study, while nhs forces him to come with him to Hogsmeade (mainly so that he doesn’t have to pay for his own food)
Jiang Yanli:
She’s just so sweet, compassionate, and kind not to be a Hufflepuff
Patronus: Doe
Her favorite classes are Herbology and Care for Magical Creatures
She’s really good with animals
She read that you were allowed to bring an animal and immediately went out to buy a cat
Buys wwx snacks on the Hogwarts Express, even though she made him lunch
She brought a phonograph and a collection of records from home, and set it up in the common room
No one knows where it came from, but people started to slowly add to the collection of records
Now the common room is just constantly filled with music
Lxc knows it was her, but he didn’t see the harm in letting it stay, so he let it be (plus he also enjoys music)
She goes to Quidditch games and roots for Gryffindor despite... not being in Gryffindor (she’s a supportive sister)
Spent most of her 4th year stopping wwx from fighting Jin Zixuan (the year before she started dating him)
She really do be living the cliche dream of the Hufflepuff/Slytherin relationship
Jin Zixuan:
He’s the typical pompous, preppy, asshole, that people assiociate with Slytherins
Patronus: Peacock
The first thing he did when he got to Hogwarts was set up his side of the dorm room to make it more up to his “standards”
His dad tried to convince him to play Quidditch, but he refused
Basically ignores jgy’s existence.... even though they’re in the same house
Loathes herbology because it requires getting his hands dirty
Is racist(?) towards muggleborns
He always has a mob of girls surrounding him at all times, yet doesn’t know how to properly process his own feelings for Yanli
I’d say he’s trying his best but that would be a lie, he thinks he’s doing the most though
He takes school very seriously, and he scored pretty well on his OWLS
One time in potions something went wrong and his potion blew up in his face quite literally, and wwx hasn’t let him live that down
Xue Yang:
He is bad man grrrrrr and a sly bastard, so ofc he’s the house of snek
Patronus: Weasel
Everyone hates him, his professors, his housemates, even the ghosts avoid him
Except Peeves, in fact Peeves love him
Probably because he’s constantly messing with people
He’s the only person to rival wwx’s detention record
He is fantastic at defense against the dark arts
He likes to mess with Trelawney by purposely making death omens in his readings
He just doesn’t do assignments, yet does really well on exams and passes???
Snape would vouch for him, that’s the vibe I get
He plays as a beater on his Quidditch team, and he’s known for knocking people out
Xiao Xingchen:
He’s kind, selfless, and is always trying to see the good in people, which screams Hufflepuff
Patronus: Dragonfly
Is really good with charms
Even though he’s of age, he hates appariting and will do a lot to avoid it
Runs group study sessions, with the help of sl
A big activist in freeing house elves working for old families
Stops to have full conversations with the paintings
Is the only person in the school that tries to be friendly to Xue Yang
Song Lan:
He seems to have that very principled and intelligent nature of a Ravenclaw
Patronus: Dun Stallion
He doesn’t really have a lot of friends outside of xxc, but he doesn’t seem to mind
He’s that one person who actually enjoys professor Binns’ History of Magic class
He lets xxc drag him to Hogsmeade, even though the crowded shops make him uncomfortable
Shh it’s a secret but he also has a major sweet tooth and he will buy a shit ton of candy
Because of his scary amount of knowledge of Hogwarts and its history, he managed to find the room of requirement
So he and xxc end up moving their study sessions there when their group size outgrows the library
Anyway that’s all for now, but if you have a request be sure to ask!
Anyway I’m proud of the patronus choices I made for these, mostly. I know that it’s inevitable that someone will disagree with the house placements, so just note that these are purely my opinons.
Patronus info link:
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realitydragon03 · 5 years
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Chow Dog – One of the few ancient dog breeds, the Chow Chow is proud, independent, and highly suspicious of strangers but fiercely loyal to family. If your Patronus is the Chow Chow, the people closest to your heart know the lovable, playful you. However, everyone else may see you as introverted, proud, or even haughty. You hold those closest to you extremely close, but everyone else better steer clear. And woe the person who tries to hurt someone you love!
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shepherds-of-haven · 5 years
We were being geeks on the discord....which makes me wonder, What kind of patronus' would the RO's have?
*immediately goes to take my own patronus test*
Hmm, this is a very good question (I love geeky, btw)! According to this guide on patronuses, I’d guess…
Blade: Chow Dog – One of the few ancient dog breeds, the Chow Chow is proud, independent, and highly suspicious of strangers but fiercely loyal to family. If your Patronus is the Chow Chow, the people closest to your heart know the lovable, playful you. However, everyone else may see you as introverted, proud, or even haughty. You hold those closest to you extremely close, but everyone else better steer clear. And woe the person who tries to hurt someone you love!
Trouble: Lion – The lion, along with being the mascot of Gryffindor House, is often seen as the “king of beasts.” Lions generally live in close-knit prides, which they are fiercely protective of. They are kind to cubs, sharing their food. These cats are fierce warriors, symbolizing bravery as well as strength and nobility. If your Patronus is the lion, you are likely brave, close to those in your inner circle, and extremely protective. Despite your fierceness when challenged, you have a soft spot for those weaker than yourself for whom you are willing to make sacrifices.
Shery: Hedgehog – Cute and loveable inside and out, those who possess a hedgehog Patronus may thrive on giving and receiving love and may feel they need more of it than others realize. While upfront about their endearment and affectionate personality, hedgehogs are also known to be anxious and overly cautious. They often worry about their own and others of their kind’s safety. Those around must approach the hedgehog with care and precision, though, because when defensive and hurt, hedgehogs are remembered not for their sweetness, but for their sharp spikes.
Tallys: Badger –Badgers represent determination. Badgers mostly keep to themselves but are aggressive when threatened. Connected to the earth, the badger is grounded and celebrates individuality. This creature’s stubbornness and instinct to protect make it a formidable enemy for Dementors!
Riel: Heron – The heron is known for its outstanding determination and intelligence. Herons live in three elements: water, earth, and air, revealing that the animal appreciates diversity. You have a mind like no other and work on whatever you’re working on until you’ve finished it. And of course, this is J.K. Rowling’s own Patronus, so you should be sure of this animal’s respect, beauty, and loyalty.
Chase:   Weasel – Weasels are one of the world’s smallest carnivores! This means they have to compensate for their size by attitude. Weasels seem like a cute little rodent you’d want to keep as a pet, but they are quite mischievous little things. They are quick-minded and slick. They are masters of chaos and are actually quite intelligent. It’s no wonder that a group of weasels is often called a “boogle” or a “confusion.” A weasel is a strong Patronus because it easily outwits any predator that threatens it.
Red: Dolphin – Intelligence and sociability are among the main attributes of the dolphin. Also known for their playfulness and loyalty, dolphins live and work together in groups to aid the sick and injured and to defend each other from predators. Its incredible intelligence is put to good use in the form of solving complex problems and other such challenges. The dolphin does not enjoy dull, routine activities, so keeping busy with interesting tasks is a must!
Ayla:  Chestnut Mare – Owners of chestnut mares are well versed with the saying “Chestnut Mare – Beware”! These horses are full to the brim with attitude. Her feisty go-get-’em stance means no one dares to mess with this lass. A lover of action, she will never shy away from danger, but her headstrong way of life will mean that she will always keep you safe. Your Patronus will give you a burst of energy and is a formidable opponent to any Dementor that dares cross your path! 
Lavinet: Russian Blue Cat – The Russian Blue is known as a royal cat. Regal in form and frame, they love attention and actively seek it out. They love their humans, often doing small acts of kindness to cheer you up such as patting your face or clowning about to entice a laugh. If any Patronus will chase away a Dementor by staring disdainfully at it, this is the Patronus! 
Prihine:  Capuchin Monkey – Those who are capable of casting this bubbly and energetic creature may or may not take pleasure in knowing just how much they enjoy their comfort. Give a capuchin an abundance of fresh fruit, others to interact with, and a stimulating environment, and watch its creativity and sense of adventure soar. Beware, the absence of such creature comforts will quickly lead to quarrels, isolation, and an intolerance for others’ good moods.
Mimir: Blackbird – The blackbird Patronus appears to those who try to help themselves. Blackbirds are mysterious and intuitive, appearing when needed most. Blackbirds keep their secrets and will protect yours fiercely. While they may not be the most ferocious protectors, they are one of the most mysterious and magical. Keep well your own counsel, and you may have a blackbird to help protect you in the darkest of times.
Halek: Greyhound – The Greyhound is an intelligent, gentle creature. Sure, they are fast when need to be and are prey-driven, but for the most part, they are calm, affectionate, and easygoing with a sensitive nature. If your Patronus is a Greyhound, you’ve likely been wrongly accused of laziness or indifference by those who do not understand your calm disposition. You’re not lazy at all. You know exactly what you want and focus your energies on your target, but you don’t chase every opportunity. This focus allows you to live peacefully with others and not let every little thing upset you.
Caine: Fox Terrier – This is a small yet fearless dog that loves being outside and around people. If you have this Patronus, you are spunky and loyal. They work well in teams, so when teaming up with other Patronuses, you can’t be beaten.
Croelle: Hippogriff – The hippogriff is a proud and dangerous creature. They are half eagle, half horse, the offspring of a horse and griffin. If your Patronus is a hippogriff, you likely have a demeanor that commands respect or else. You’ve been known to fiercely defend those you’re loyal to and lash out at those who don’t earn your respect. At the same time, you are capable of growing to love former enemies – after a bloody battle.
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mark--mmm · 5 years
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[ Source: F.A.O.’s archive ]
bold - highest italic - close second
Zodiac Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Myers-Briggs: ESFP | ISFP | ESTP | ISTP | ESTJ | ISTJ | ESFJ | ISFJ | ENFJ | INFJ | ENFP | INFP | ENTP | INTP | ENTJ  | INTJ | Four Temperaments: Sanguine | Melancholic | Choleric | Phlegmatic | Soul Type: Hunter | Caregiver | Creator | Thinker | Helper | Educator | Performer 16 | Leader 17| Spiritualist | Hogwarts House (Wizarding World, Sorting Hat): Gryffindor 4,5% | Hufflepuff 0,5% | Ravenclaw 20% | Slytherin 75% | Alignment: Lawful Good 21 | Neutral Good 21| Chaotic Good 24 | Lawful Neutral | True Neutral | Chaotic Neutral | Lawful Evil | Neutral Evil | Chaotic Evil | Dark Triad: Psychopathy 57% | Machiavellianism 63% | Narcissism 97% | The Animal in You: Lion | Tiger | Dolphin | Bear | Wild Cat | Fox | Weasel | Badger | Dog | Otter | Wolf | Sea Lion | Wild Dog | Walrus | Gorilla | Deer | Rhinoceros | Hippo | Sable | Horse | Sheep | Mountain Goat | Warthog | Zebra | Baboon | Elephant | Bison | Giraffe | Cottontail | Mole | Bat | Porcupine | Beaver | Prairie Dog | Shrew | Mouse | Eagle | Rooster | Owl | Swan | Peacock | Vulture | Penguin | Crocodile | Snake | Life Path Number: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 11 | 22 | Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | Brain Lateralization Test: Left | Right
Patronus:  Aardvark |  Abraxan Winged Horse  |  Adder  |  Badger  |  Bat  | Basset Hound  | Bay Mare  |  Bay Stallion  |  Beagle  |  Black Bear  |  Black Mare  |  Black Mamba  |  Black Stallion  |  Black Swan  |  Black and White Cat   |  Blackbird  |  Bloodhound  |  Borzoi  |  Brown Bear  |  Brown Hare  |  Brown Owl  |  Buffalo  |   Calico Cat   |   Capuchin Monkey  |  Cheetah  |  Chestnut Mare  |  Chestnut Stallion  |  Chow Dog  |  Crow  |  Dapple Grey Mare  |  Dapple Grey Stallion  |  Deerhound  |  Doe  |  Dolphin  |   Dragon  |  Dragonfly  |   Dun Mare  |  Dun Stallion  |  Eagle  | Eagle Owl  |  Elephant  |  Erumpent  |  Falcon  |  Field Mouse  |  Fire-dwelling Salamander  |  Fox  |  Fox Terrier  |  Ginger Cat  |  Goshawk  |  Granian Winged Horse  |  Grass Snake  |  Great Grey Owl  |  Grey Squirrel  |  Greyhound  |  Hare  |  Hedgehog  |  Heron  |  Hippogriff  |  Hummingbird  | Huskey  |  Hyena  |  Ibizan Hound  |  Impala  |  Irish Wolfhound  |  King Cobra  |  Kingfisher  |  Leopard  |  Leopardess  |  Little Owl  |  Lion  |  Lioness  |  Lynx  |  Magpie  |  Mastiff Dog  |  Manx Cat  |  Marsh Harrier  |  Mink  |  Mole  |  Mongrel Dog  |  Mountain Hare  |  Nebelung Cat  |  Newfoundland |  Nightjar  |  Occamy  |  Ocicat  |  Orangutan  |   Orca  |  Oryx  |  Osprey  |  Otter  |   Peacock  |  Pheasant  |  Piebald Stallion  |  Piebald Mare  |  Pine Marten  |  Polar Bear  |  Polecat   |  Python  |  Ragdoll Cat  |  Rat  |  Rattlesnake  |  Raven  |  Red Squirrel  |  Rhinoceros  |  Robin  |  Rotweiller  |  Runespoor  |  Russian Blue Cat  |  Saint Bernard  |  Salmon  |  Scops Owl  |  Seal  |  Shark  |  Shrew  |  Siberian Cat  |  Snowy Owl  |  Sparrow  |  Sparrowhawk  |  Sphynx Cat  |  Stag  |  Stoat  |  Swallow  |  Swift  |  Thestral  |  Tiger  | Tigress  |  Tokenise Cat  |  Tortoiseshell Cat  |  Unicorn  |  Vole  |  Vulture  |  Weasel  |  West Highland Terrier  |  White Mare  |  White Stallion  |  White Swan  |  Wild Boar  |  Wild Rabbit  |  Wildcat  |  Wolf  |  Wood Mouse
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https://my.wizardingworld.com/patronus This ridiculous website claims my Patronus is a “chow dog.” I am angry.
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Scarlet Witch, Beast and Star-Lord!
Thank you for the ask, friend!
Scarlet Witch: If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
Wow, the pressure lol If I’m changing the world itself (as in Earth and its environs), then I’d remove the overabundance of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. If I’m changing something about the people who make up the world, I’d make them value compassion over money, because that would pretty well solve the rest of our problems.
Beast: What is your favourite animal?
Dogs, but specifically my dog. According to Pottermore, my Patronus is a Chow Chow, which feels right haha
Star-Lord: What is your Harry Potter house?
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More Marvel asks!
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datesim · 5 years
every so often i'll make a joke about how my patronus is a chow chow by saying i do something "because i'm a dog" and sometimes after i say it i sort of have to go lie down for awhile because i suddenly realize how similar some of my mannerisms are to a dog's
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