#chrism master
kundalinifire111 · 1 year
Flower Moon: Full Moon in May 2023
May's full Flower Moon reaches peak illumination at 1:36 P.M. Shaktipat will be at 9:00 p.m. PST(EDT) on Friday, May 5.
-chrism kundalini
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Full Flower Moon Shaktipat
May 5th 9:00 pm PST. Registration is now open. -c h r i s m
Please join this Kundalini group:
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kessence · 1 year
Full Flower Moon Shaktipat
May 5th 9:00 pm PST. Registration is now open. - chrism
Please join this Facebook group:
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𝗞𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗶 𝗦𝗮𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗠𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗰
Music and spirituality are deeply interconnected. Spirituality often initiates the inspiration for the creation of music.
Music has a very strong transcendent property, throughout history, music has been used in various spiritual ceremonies and rituals in the form of singing, chants, drums, and prayers.
Listening to devotional music such as mantras and prayers music regularly can bring about more positivity, balance, and healing when the soul and karma are ready to receive it.
It can elevate mood, foster relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase self-esteem. In some cases can even speed up the recovery time from illness or injury.
When you start paying closer attention to how music conditions our daily lives, and feelings, you can use music as a tool to help your spiritual process in this chaotic, frantic, modern living.
The important components and power of this album are the meaning of the lyrics and the Kundalini frequencies of the voice. This is one of the reasons why this album can be so powerful in your life. Master Chrisms Kundalini put the songs together from start to finish.
It is capable to connect us to something greater than ourselves to our inner divinity and consequently, positively, affecting our spiritual development and quality of life.
𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖:
•want more positive programming toward grace in your life
•want protection against negative entities and negativity
•want to receive shaktipat energy transmission via master Chrisms voice
•want to introduce more conditioning towards Kundalini into your life
•want to receive healing via the music put together by master Chrisms Kundalini
•want to receive many benefits of master Chrisms Kundalini sounds
•want to work towards a Kundalini activation if you don’t have it yet
•want a more Kundalini oriented lifestyle and routine
•want to learn about Kundalini safeties
𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕:
•➤improved Kundalini lifestyle
•➤information on the Kundalini safeties
•➤ increased presence of grace in ones space
•➤a greater level of protection
•➤increased levels of Kundalini in one’s life and environment
•➤ Shaktipat energy reception via master Chrisms voice
•➤ greater peace and balance in one equation especially if the music is played frequently particularly overnight
Price: $15
𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒊𝒕 𝒈𝒐𝒆𝒔:
► You place your order by private messaging here or on the given email on the flyer
► You will make your payment via Pay Pal
► We will give you a Google Drive link where you can download the mp3 tracks plus the album cover with the song list and cd label
► You are free to upload the music on your smartphone device or burn a cd then print off the cover and label
► We suggest leaving the music on slightly playing in the background throughout the day and night if possible due to its many benefits within one’s Kundalini equation
𝗣𝗮𝘆 𝗽𝗮𝗹: 𝗰𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗺𝗶𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗹𝟯𝟲𝟵@𝘆𝗮𝗵𝗼𝗼.𝗰𝗼𝗺
➤ Please note that in some cases the ego might resist certain information reception and application and this has nothing to do with the quality of the given service and guidance by master Chrism.
➤ The payment is non refundable. Part payment is available.
➤ This service is not for personal profit gain but for the support of this Kundalini community
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for further information.
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shintorikhazumi · 2 years
My name is not Destiny.
My name is not Destiny.
~Shintori Khazumi <3
She huffs, gripping the master sword by the hilt tighter, a desperate attempt to keep her grounded as she flees far and away from her anxieties and the shadows that have quite literally given chase.
“Damned Ganon…” She curses under shaky breaths, running after the barely visible peeks of light at the end of the forest. “I’m almost- Almost… Agh! There!”
Taking a leap of faith, she finally stumbles onto the clearing, barely keeping herself upright as she spots the tower she’d been hoping for and none of the beasts that had chased her for the better half of an hour.
“Finally. For the love of all Hyrule…” She gasps, taking gulps of air and straightening up, brushing debris and leaves from her tunic before taking the short walk up the path to the tower standing intimidatingly tall- all walls and no doors. She looks around in confusion, circling the ground. “Now where in the world is the entra-?”
With a flinch, pointed ears struggle to find the source of the momentary sou-
“Psst! Up here, silly~.”
Whipping her head up, she sees her: All brown hair and dignified dress, legs casually hanging out of a window she infers is no less than five stories up.
“Only took you forever and a day to get here, and even longer to spot me.” She rolls her eyes, faux annoyance on her face, quickly betrayed by giggles and kicking feet. “How was the trip?” She asks it so casually, the hero almost- no, scratch that- definitely feels insulted.
“Maybe if you’d be kind enough to tell me where the door is, I’d be more inclined to make small talk after just escaping my demise… Princess Zelda.”
‘Zelda’ audibly gags at the comment, making a show of her disgust to the petrified blonde down below.
“Did you know, I hate that name. Princess this, Zelda that. Descendant and ruler and responsibilities blablablabla-“
“And did you know you could potentially be just a blot of red on the ground if you keep on hanging out over the- BY THE GODDESSES WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOI-“
Without much time to think, the hero braces herself to catch the suddenly and very quickly falling princess from the tower-
She hadn’t realized it then, but she discovers her eyes had actually foolishly closed in her pathetic attempt to catch a Princess Zelda floating in air- all happily suspended above the ground amongst the sound of giggles.
“I gotta say…” ‘Zelda’ clicks her tongue, giving the hero a once-over. “Had to catch myself in case I broke you.”
“I mean… You are a rather scrawny looking Link.” She whistles appreciatively however as ‘Link’ instinctively retaliates with a subconscious flexing of her forearms. “Though I could be wrong.” She shrugs, eyelashes batting slowly at Link in blatant flirtation.
“And you are the least dignified Zelda that has ever come into existence…” ‘Link’ retorts, gathering her composure and fixing the sling of her bag that had fallen off her shoulder. Brushing the dust from her clothes, she quips inaudibly, “-and certainly not the wisest tool in the shed, if I have to say anything about it.”
“Hey! I heard that!”
Well, Link thought it was quiet enough. She deftly dodges a stone chucked her way.
“Well, y’know,” ‘Zelda’ runs a hand through her hair as ‘Link’ contemplates that she, does not, in fact, know. “If you have to live out some predetermined fate over and over, wouldn’t you want to add some spice from time to time?”
“Catching a falling Princess from fifty feet is not the kind of spice I’d like to have at the moment, Zelda.”
The princess groans, swatting at the hero’s arm, but missing by a few inches. “I seriously hate that name. Like, can’t you call me something else?”
“But that is your name, Princess Zelda. Though if you’d prefer I refer to you as ‘your highness’, I would not be opposed-“
“Blegh- Zelda this, Zelda that. What the hell, call me anything but that. I don’t wanna be named after some lady who’s died like, a hundred times. Heck, I bet you don’t even like the name, ‘Link’.” She settles onto her feet, no longer hovering around ‘Link’ like the annoying bug the hero is quickly associating her to be.
“First of all, that ‘lady’ who constantly dies and is reborn again is none other than you. Also, I…” She pauses, actually thinking about her following statement, deep down unsure of its actual honesty. “I don’t mind the name, Link. I think I like it.”
“You think.” She receives a pointed stare.
“Fine, I do!” She huffs with finality.
“Aww, so quick with the wedding vows, we haven’t even gotten to know each other yet!”
‘Link’ goes in for a tackle that has her stumbling forward as ‘Zelda’ smoothly floats out of the way.
“Ooh, is the pretty hero getting a little shy?” She grins teasingly, poking at ‘Link’s’ cheeks, to which her response is to try to bite those offending fingers off. “Feisty.”
“Enough.” ‘Link’ huffs, already physically, and now even mentally exhausted. “Just spit it out.”
“Spit what out?”
Was this coy princess playing games or genuinely clueless?
“Your name. What your actual name is, or preferred name… or whatever it is you want to be called. Just. Get it over with so we can leave this place and return you to the kingdom.”
“Eehh, I thought I had successfully distracted you from that. Then we could fall in love and elop-“
“Name.” ‘Link’ was no royalty, but the authority in that voice compels the princess herself to obey.
“It’s Akko.” She gives in. “Well, Atsuko. But Akko sounds cuter and more up-close and personal, you get me?”
“No, I do not get you, Princess Atsuk-“
“Akko.” Link rolls her eyes at the insistence. Well, two can play the hard-headed game.
“Princess Atsuko.”
“Let’s compromise and I call you Miss Atsuko?”
‘Akko’ or Atsuko, or whatever the Princess Zelda’s name is looks as though she is pondering over the offer-
Link clicks her tongue, turning around on her heel and prepares to march forward, a difficult princess in tow. She is annoyed; she is exhausted, and bruised and battered, and fed up.
“You know what? Let us just… go. I am frankly tired of your shenanigans. I’d like to get this quest over and done with and return home to-“
“To what?”
Link turns wide-eyed at the princess’s interruption. “Pardon?”
“What will you be doing after this, my dear Link?” Akko looks solemn; sounds the part too. Link might almost buy that she is. “After you fulfill this damned, repetitive legend- A curse of a cycle, I would call it- what is it that you can return to?”
There’s a bitterness in her tone, sprinkles of hopelessness and the knowledge of something Link has never tried questioning before in all her years of knowing and realizing that she’s been living- and dying- a never-ending tale of a hero who foolishly charges on, into the constant pull of their destiny just because.
And yet, she does not want to admit to that. She does not want to say she is aware; that she agrees with the one person who probably understands this situation the most.
So she bristles, fixes a hard look. She dons a mask of indifference, cold and resolute.
“What are you implying, ‘Zelda’?”
Said lady scowls, hands noticeably balled up into fists, clenching tighter and tighter, desperately holding her anger at bay. “All I’m saying, LINK, is that you’ve trained your whole life, dedicated, DEVOTED every bit of it to one day maybe going on some wack-ass journey to fight the big bad man with your oh-so-special sword, find the princess, save her, restore balance to the world, and then…? What. Happily ever after? Fight more villainy? What more is there for you to do beyond this, Link? What life awaits you? Have you ever thought of that? Do you even have one?”
Link hasn’t. Link doesn’t.
Link cannot speak.
“I sure as hell don’t. Raised as a princess, taught to learn this, learn that, do magic, be wise, be proper and prim, then get locked up in a tower I could so easily get out of and wait like the damsel in distress I’m meant to be while the hero saves me from a villain I’d rather shoot with a beam of magic and call it a day.”
“But then what? What do I have, Link? What do I have after that? I go back home, back to the kingdom, be the queen and eventually rot and die without having seen the world, without having known it, but having the audacity to call myself the bearer of wisdom for the triforce.” Her voice is raw with emotion, with desperation. “Wisdom for fools, is what it is. How can it be wisdom I understand when all I’ve known is what they’ve fed into my mind: A fate inescapable with nothing beyond it.”
Link can only stare. Stare for moments and moments more.
Only sudden terror-inducing howls in the distance, accompanied by reddening skies can pull her out of this stupor. Duty over the heart. Mind over matter, she believes.
“Let’s go. We will talk about this later.” She announces, hand already wrapped around a thin wrist, tugging as gently, but as decisively as she can.
“Will we?”
She pauses.
“Let us leave, Zelda.”
With much more force than what she’d normally deem okay to use on any royal, all-the-more on a princess, Link pulls the lady along, steps growing more and more rushed the longer time ticks.
An abundance of time that she now no longer knows what to do with.
The next few days are spent in battle; both against the darkened forces of ‘power’, and Link’s internal conscience. They never get to talk about ‘it’, but Link is certain that she’s gotten on Akko’s nerves to be given such hostile silent treatment.
Or that is, until the bored princess begins chatting away.
And not in the most preferable of situations.
“Have you ever thought of what it would be like to go beyond this land we’ve always been in? Cross a sea so vast you’d think it endless, but SUDDENLY. Suddenly there’s land and a whole new people you’ve never met.” The princess sketches a picture out in Link’s mind’s eye.
She chuckles joylessly, grunting. “M-Maybe I will. Think of it. Later when I’m not fighting a damned minotaur of all things!” She hisses as she pushes her sword back at the heavy axe bearing its full weight upon her, calling upon the power of courage to assist her to no avail.
“Fine, fine.” Akko sniffs, assisting lazily with a flick of a hand. And just like that, the beast is collapsed on the floor, none of the mounting intimidation it had pressed on Link left.
Link curses the ease at which the princess defeats all monsters they had encountered, putting her years of practice to train.
Alas, they tarry on. Onward to the city.
To their home.
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“Hey, dude?”
“Link.” Link insists through gritted teeth, slicing through the thick overgrowth to pave a way for her ‘princess’. “What.”
“So prickly.” Zelda- no, Akko, comments, swatting away at a fly that happened to cross her line of sight. “Anyway, how much longer are you willing to keep up with this boring schtick?”
“What schtick? And what is so boring about it?” Is the response, ‘boring’ being punctuated with two slashes of the master sword cutting off a particularly large vine that falls to their feet with a dull, wet thud into a shallow puddle.
Akko rolls her eyes, full of ire. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
“No, I don’t.”
“You do.” The princess pushes.
“I do not.” Link halts, aggressively turning to Akko, brows furrowed. “So would you drop it and come quietly?”
She is not graced with a response- only an exaggerated huff and an angry princess marching off ahead of her into what Link has not yet realized to be her last fit.
“Wh-what’s this?” Akko barely manages the question through her chattering teeth, form shivering all the more as a particularly strong gust of wind reaches them via the wide cave entrance. The fire does little to stave off the biting cold, and they are ill-prepared in clothing for this trip, Link has come to know.
“It will help. If you eat something warm, you’ll feel better.” She says, taking Akko’s frozen hands and delicately inserting the skewer stick. “The soup is almost done. Just give me a moment more.”
“What? Why are you staring at me?” Link doesn’t have to look up to know, with how that gaze bores deep into her, its weight heavy.
“Do you like me now?” Akko spits out, blunt, tactless. “Just saying since you’re much, much nicer than when we first met.” She lays out her observation.
Link sighs, spooning some soup into a cup she’d brought with her.
“I tolerate you now, if that’s what you’d like to know. We’ve been together over a month now, travelling, searching, lost.” Link has no idea where they went wrong on their journeyed path back, but they’ve long since been wanderers, unable to find their promised home. All they’ve uncovered were trials and tribulations, and battles hardly won- No solace in sight.
Princess Akko’s gaze flickered to the cave’s opening with a dash of melancholy, quickly masked into her usual dumb demeanor as she bit on the juicy piece of meat offered.
Link pretended not to have seen a thing, continuing on with her words. “And while I do not particularly hold any dear feelings towards you, time has taught me that we can get along; and I don’t have to like you to be civil, nor to be kind. I am still your ‘fated hero’, regardless of you hating that notion.” Link hands over warm gold that seeps through Akko’s skin, pleasantly thawing the ice over everything, even her heart.
“I don’t.” She murmurs.
“Pardon?” Hands spooning more soup into a wooden mug pauses mid-action.
“I don’t hate it.”
“Hate what?” Link tries to clarify, lost.
Akko clicks her tongue, growling and glaring and… pink?
Link has to strain her ears to pick up her next words, heart doing strange things in its cage.
“I don’t hate you being my hero.”
There’s something in Akko’s eyes that Link doesn’t really get. She doesn’t understand. She still nods as though she does however, something telling her that she must not respond negatively in this one moment.
“I see.”
The princess seems to want to say something still, mouth opening and closing, lips pursing together, eyes darting about.
“Yes?” Link encourages, curious.
“I-if I had to say…” Akko looks away, that initial light pink dusting her cheeks deepening, crawling to her ears.
Link thinks she looks much warmer now.
“…I like the thought. Of you as my hero.”
Link thinks she feels much warmer now.
Time does strange things to one’s perception of another. It twists and confuses and plays silly games with one’s heart.
It taunts the poor Hero’s heart with each passing day.
Zel- Akko, Link must remind herself, is not all she’d thought she’d be at the beginning. Which is to say, she hadn’t thought much of her, to be fair.
Akko is actually wisdom- and even courage- personified, enough to put Link’s title and bearing of ‘Hero’ to shame. She’s faced each of their enemy encounters with grace, tactic, power, experience, and bravery.
Link finds that Akko is what she has always believed the Tri-force should be.
It astounds her.
It pulls her in, entrancing.
And one day, she simply discovers herself in a spell, cursed? Blessed? By a face she’d once found irritating, now only mocking her with how beautiful she’d catch herself finding it.
Is it their because they are fated to be together? The hero and the damsel, the Knight and the princess? Are these feelings, too, dictated by Link’s pre-prepared destiny? One that Akko so ardently tries to break free from?
She does not know.
Nor does she know when or why Akko has begun to look at her the way she does now, and smile at her like the sun so warm and comforting in the spring.
She cannot fathom the butterflies she feels when Akko patches up her wounds after another battle, holds her hand as they walk in the dark on their way to set up another camp far and away from home, while they speak of what they will do next from that point onward.
Link cannot even hope to begin understanding how Akko’s screechy laughter had converted itself into the most soothing melodies in her ears the more she hears it.
Link does not remember when they started to share one another’s warmth at night to stave off the darkness and the chill when the moon was naught to be found- but though she refuses to admit it aloud… she likes it. She hopes it continues on, even when they’ve fulfilled the rolls they have to play as pieces of this game they’d come to awaken to.
And as she brushes her fingers through brown bangs, another quiet night flowing into the dawn, she hopes that at least this newfound scene in the play they act out does not get erased by destiny.
The smoke in her lungs does little to hinder the scream wrenched from the depths of her heart, twisting and churning her insides inconsolably as she crawls forward with her one remaining arm.
No. No. NO.
This can’t be how this story ends.
They were supposed to return to the city. Akko was to be crowned queen, and Link was to be dubbed a triumphant hero for all the land to see!
And yet.
“ganoONNDOORRRFFFFF!” Link rages, pushing herself upright on that sole upper limb, blood trickling from her lips as she charges with blurry eyes to the grotesque figure waving the princess’s limp body as a victory flag before tossing it to the disarmed hero who catches her barely, falling onto her own back onto the flame-filled ground.
“Goodbye, bearers of wisdom and courage.
… May we never meet again. In this life, or the next.”
The voice booms in Link’s head, it adds on to the nauseating feeling. She barely registers the blinding light from the magic text that encircles them, bright red and glaring. All she can think of is the body atop hers, still warm, still breathing, still alive.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She says while she knows Akko can still hear. Barely, but she feels a hand squeeze her own, a kiss pressed to her collarbone as she tries to roll them over, to shield the princess from the blazes falling upon them.
She feels that hand come up to her face, brushing away the tears she hadn’t noticed had already fallen.
“I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” Link repeatedly apologizes through a cracking, wobbly tone of voice, drops clear and red falling onto Zelda’s stunning face.
The hand cups her cheek, a scratched up voice consoling her very soul, muted, but still heard even above the rumbling of the heavens. “Shh, it’s okay. It’s okay.”
Link shakes her head, crumbles onto Akko’s frame, embracing tight. “N-no! No, it’s not- you’re not-!”
Link heaves a deep breath, sobs wracking her frame as she tries not to scream, especially not when the lights in the princess’s eyes begin to dim, growing less and less focused on her.
It’s a tiny whisp, it’s a barely present kiss.
Link is choked up as the next words are her Princess’s last breath.
“May we meet sooner in another life. May this life never be this way again-…“
‘Huh?’- goes unspoken, and yet Link knows, wants Akko to know to.
“My name…” She murmurs, pressing closer, lips sealing their goodbyes.
The lights around them flash brighter, consciousness waning and giving into white as they release their souls from this world’s confining shackles.
“My name is Diana.”
She fixes her tie. It’s important to make a great first impression at any time. Moreso at an interview.
Being a bodyguard may not require her to be all that smart, but over the years, she’s learned that some amount of wisdom and knowledge does not hurt one’s chances. And so she walks into that hall to meet her hopefully soon-to-be-boss.
“Come in.”
Something about that voice tickles her ears in an odd way. Why has it always sounded so familiar?
She’s sure it has nothing to do with constantly seeing this prominent figure on television, watching all her shows faithfully. It definitely has nothing to do with that.
It’s just, ever since the first time she’d listened to her on the radio… something just-
“Hurry up, next applicant!” The angered manager calls, and she squabbles about, near-running into the room.
The door swings open, the bodyguard steps in, eyes meet…
And all memories come rushing in as fast as her feet had carried her into the conference.
Wide eyes melt into a familiarly smug smile, one that should irritate her, but it doesn’t. It’s so warm. It’s so beautiful.
Just like it was destinies ago.
Her heart stutters then leaps to full throttle, making her chest ache as she drinks in the next few words.
“So, Link. What shall we do in this lifetime?”
She swallows the lump in her throat, nerves or tears, she didn’t know what caused it. It was irrelevant anyway.
She couldn’t help the grin forming on her face, tears stinging, but not falling. Squeezing her fists, then walking forward and holding a very present hand out, she gives her introduction.
“Well, Miss Zelda. To start,”
Akko, Zelda, the princess, her boss- laughs so hard, tears come out. She grasps Link’s hand, holding it tenderly tight.
“Why don’t you call me ‘Diana’?”
Sorry I could only do a little sketchy thing because I'm out of practice and time ;-; <3 HOPE YOU LIKED IT
~Shintori Khazumi
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divinefeetlover · 2 years
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kundaliniwritings · 3 years
Let us grace this life with our rapturous offerings of our complete being. Let us fall in love to the ground soaked in sunlight with a love swollen by our virtues. By our worship of our inner divine! Take me dear grace! I give myself and all of my selves to you my divine love! My bright star! I lay myself on the ground at your feet, a living altar of flesh, awaiting your journey.
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jedikundalini · 3 years
Kundalini and Blockages
Facebook: facebook.com/groups Visit: kundalinisafeties.com kundaliniawakeningsystems1.com
Teachings by #chrismkundalini
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kundaliniart · 4 years
2021 Vernal Shaktipat now open for registration
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Shaktipat will be initiated on 03/12/2021 lasting for the next 24 days.
Scatterfields are set 03/11/2021
Please sign up before 03/11/2021. These are open to anyone who wishes to have it and agrees to the terms.
What is a Shaktipat?
Shaktipat is a Sanskrit term for the transference of Kundalini from one person to another.
The Shaktipat is not like an attunement. It does not provide an instant gratification as I understand some reiki attunements can do.
Shaktipat, as it is given here at KAS-1 by chrism, is delivered through the means of a projected field of energy that is connected to the Kundalini expression in him. With a stated or declared Public Permission.
This field is referred to as a "scatterfield" as it is "scattered" or exploded away and towards the individual. "Away" isn't correct as it is a very short distance, regardless of the geographic locale, but this will suffice for linear thinkers.
This field is attached to the energetic envelope or "Aura" of the recipient. It is a bi-located externalized, intelligent Kundalini flow. This is how the Shaktipat is dispensed with the conditions of the person engaging or not engaging the "Practice."
Like an intelligent program. But one that is focused specifically on whether or not the requirements for greater flow are being followed, i.e. "The Safeties."
The Kundalini energy is limitless and inside/outside physical constraints. The bodies can become this way but typically do not start out this way and need to be conditioned. Therefore the "Practice."
This Shaktipat will stay with a person as long as "I" and or "you" are in agreement that it does so.
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myspiritualkjourney · 6 years
Love is the source of the force within us. We are particles of love and our entire human dimension is held together with love. Demonstrate your love of self by giving love to another. A stranger to you that your love may create a replication of itself through your giving of it.
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kundalinifire111 · 3 years
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kessence · 2 years
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Join us!
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kfirerising · 2 years
Kundalini Surrender
When we have the Kundalini we will be in consistent and seemingly endless levels of surrender. We will surrender our lives our thoughts our dreams our bodies and our understandings of life. Some times with no logic or reason attached to these surrenders. We may not feel the payoff or the goodness this is Kundalini is bringing and we may try to resist these levels of enforced grace.
So I give this to you as a way of clearing your heart and mind. The ego will worry that it is giving itself to a soulless force or to the Kundalini as a victim of its internal and external applications of itself upon the psychology and the known desires of ego as it struggles to maintain a form of linear understanding. I am offering a clarity for those of you within this aspect of the Kundalini process.
Your past is no longer available to you except as a bygone wish that will never be fulfilled. Your expectations of how your life was supposed to be are changed in many ways as you encounter a force with the knowledge of your spiritual history or karma.
We often will struggle to our own detriment instead of giving ourselves into this divine consciousness within. So please be aware of how you are going into and through this grace of divinity. Change isnt always easy and we can be helped greatly by adopting a level of flexibility within these changes as they will come to us no matter how we feel about it.
Let yourself instead embrace this divine transformation whether you believe in divinity or not. It is not going to go away regardless of your belief systems based in a limited awareness. Looking at it from an internal stand point your DNA is not resisting this. It knows and is quite capable of opening its dormant telomeres into the embrace of the transformation being called upon it by Kundalini. It doesn't resist. Your major organs also do not resist these gifts as the heart and the brain and the kidneys and all others will all begin their own special adjustments to the flow of Kundalini divine consciousness as it infuses itself into them.
Your mental body will speed up or slow down as is merited by the Kundalini and without the ego permission. The immune response will increase or decrease as is commanded by the Kundalini to do so. The enzymes and the hormones will all be given into these changes and will not resist. Take the teaching these other parts of your body are demonstrating for you.
There is no need to struggle in fear. There is no need to resist. Kundalini is a natural force upon the body very similar to puberty one could even describe it as the puberty of the soul.
Very important to understand this as without these understandings one can go back and forth on the hamster wheel of acceptance and resistance without making any progress with an eventual degeneration into fear which will corrupt what grace is bringing.
If your Kundalini is asking for devotion from you then give it. In whatever way it is asking this of you. Stop getting in the way of yourself by allowing the ego to block your passage. Have enough self discipline and courage to keep the ego and its fear based questions and terrifying realities out of your inner and external conversations.
Trust your Kundalini process.
If it has given you a teacher then trust that teacher. If it is giving you kriyas then trust that it knows what is best for you as it gives itself into you in these ways. If you are seeing entities then trust that the Kundalini knows this can be a very frightening experience and trust her guidance within these fields of evolution.
Do your best to not constantly reach into the past as a way of wishing or hoping for the more familiar comforts that you have had until the Kundalini came along and disrupted your ego led life. This will not come back to you as it was being used as a way to bring you safely and securely into this time in your life when you can indeed be given into the greater levels of learning that the Kundalini brings.
Yes it can be a certain challenge for our ego. Which can make a very strong challenge for your emotional body. Your emotions can run the gamut of insanely joyful and happy to strongly paranoid and fearful. Most of the fearful qualities will come from a lack of understanding of the process and a very definite resistance to it by the ego as it spreads its influence into the emotional body.
Don't buy into these fears.
Know what is occurring. Accept and embrace the many changes that are happening to you and do not fear them. Follow the instructions the Kundalini will give and do not expect them to be verbal. Those that are will typically have an entity origin. Stay away from those by ignoring them totally. The Kundalini will often communicate in the dream state and in the waking vision state. Through the intuitive state as well but be careful here as the ego can insert itself into what one may discern as the intuitive state when in fact it is of the ego.
Follow the instructions that you are given in the diverse ways that they may come. Phenomena can also be a way of communication but do not attach to just those as they can come and go without the reasons or logic that the mental mind may wish to believe. Give the true guidance that the Kundalini gives to you a chance to work for you and you may find a much greater level of internal serenity than ever before. Give your devotion and give up your will to the Kundalini.
Forget what you think you know or understand of spiritual matters. You have been borne behind a very strong and relentless veil of forgetfulness. This has been arranged on purpose that your honesty and truth in response to life and karma will be intact. You do not know your karma or what the workings of the multiverse are but you may get some very specific information if you pay attention to the Kundalini.
The Kundalini knows and is very willing to give but you must also give and in many ways that giving from you is of the old ego controlled life. So know this and respond in a way that opens your heart and mind to what is actually being given to you by the Kundalini.
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As Kundalini activated and spiritually aware individual often times can feel alienated to exist within today’s society where so much is designed to go against all the principles and morals that the inner divine and Kundalini are stands for, to have a community -even if it is just an online one, at the moment- to share experiences and thoughts within a safe space can be greatly validating, elevating and a healing experience. Especially in the radiance of a Kundalini awakened teacher of over 63 years. Master Chrism can assist with concerns, blockages, healings and group healing sessions and so much more.
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• are interested to learn more about Kundalini awakening
•are interested to hear other Kundalini activated people stories
•are looking for a way to deepen your relationships with your Kundalini
•are looking for ways to raise your consciousness and vibration
•want greater connection to your Kundalini and God
•want to come out of depression and negativity
•want to accelerate your Kundalini equation
•want greater surrender to your inner divine
𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕:
•➤ Shaktipat -Kundalini energy- reception via master Chrism radiance throughout the whole video session
•➤ being in other kundalini activated individuals radiance
•➤clarity and a better understanding of the Kundalini equation
•➤a better understanding of why are you here as a Kundalini person if you have it
There’s no enrollment fee. This is a FREE service.
𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒊𝒕 𝒈𝒐𝒆𝒔:
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► make sure you have your Zoom app installed
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►Have your questions prepared for master Chrism if you have any
►Taking notes on the meeting is advised
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hieromonkcharbel · 2 years
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The tears most dear to St Andrew of Crete are those of the harlot, in which repentance is intermingled with love: I offer to thee, O merciful Lord, the tears of the harlot (2.5). He identifies them with the ointment that she poured on Christ’s head: As precious ointment, O Savior, I empty on thine head the alabaster box of my tears. Like the harlot, I cry out to thee, seeking mercy (8.26). As Jesus remarks, the ointment alludes to his burial but also to his resurrection. It is why Orthodox spiritual masters always use antinomical expressions when referring to tears. St John Climacus, for example, entitles Step 7 of his book On Mourning which Causes Joy. He speaks of “the blessed and joyful sorrow of holy compunction.” He shows how tears are ultimately permeated by the light of a smile, how they put the heart in a festive mood. (And for a Christian the concept of “feast” always makes one think of Pascha, “the feast of feasts.”) “The man wearing blessed, God-given mourning like a wedding garment gets to know the spiritual laughter of the soul.” What is required of the beggar who is invited to the wedding banquet are tears of gratitude, which alone can constitute his wedding garment.
The water of these tears is the same as that of baptism, they activate its grace: “The tears that come after baptism are greater than baptism itself.” The garment of light that man lost as a consequence of the fall—and that he regains with baptism, though he goes on to sully it again—is made resplendent once more by such tears as these: “The baptism received by us as children we have all defiled, but we cleanse it anew by our tears.” This sacramental dimension of tears is something that the Great Canon stresses: Wash me clean in the waters of my tears and make the garment of my flesh white as snow (5.14). Tears melt the heart, slowly undoing the hardening caused by sin, returning man’s deepest being to the waters of baptism, to the original waters over which the Spirit freely moves. They symbolize a reworking of the Adamic clay in, as it were, an un-creation/re-creation in Christ: May my tears be unto me as Siloam, that I also may wash clean the eyes of my soul, and with my mind behold thee, the pre-eternal Light (5.21). To cure the blind man, Jesus smeared his eyes with a mud that he had prepared by mixing his saliva with earth (Jn 9.7). Then he sent him to wash at the pool of Siloam, and the blind man “came back seeing.” This earth kneaded with saliva makes us think of the original matter that the Creator animated by breathing into it. In the Great Canon, the blindness is spiritual, an insensitivity to the mystery. Tears cause the scales to fall from the eyes of the heart, enabling it to contemplate the divine light, the pre-eternal Light (5.21).
St Andrew also compares tears to the royal anointing with chrism that takes place at baptism and that makes the baptized person a king, a priest, and a prophet: David was chosen to be king and anointed for his royal office with the horn of divine oil. If thou, my soul, desirest the Kingdom on high, anoint thyself with the oil of tears (Beatitudes, Troparion 13). It is a royal condition that is admirably depicted by St John Climacus: “In your heart be like an emperor, seated high in humility, commanding laughter: ‘Go!’ and it goes, and sweet weeping: ‘Come!’ and it comes, and our tyrant and slave, the body: ‘Do this!’ and it does it.”
And so there arises in man an immense feeling of compunction, of spiritual sweetness, a tenderness of the whole being. It is a charism of empathy, which enables us to welcome the other as a revelation and which in this way makes the other, also, feel the vast tenderness of God—a tenderness of which the human image par excellence is the Mother of God, the hope and protection of those who sing [her] praises (1.28), the haven of the storm-tossed (2.44).
O Lady, thou hast brought forth our Joy: grant me the spirit of mourning that in the coming Day of Judgement I may be comforted by God (9.4).
“Song of Tears”
Olivier Clement
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