#christian prophetic word
gods-message-today · 2 years
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The witness is very true!
A Revelation from the Revealer of secrets
Repent the kingdom of the heavens have drawn near.
Prophecy = 42 months, 1,260 days, that is 3 in a half times
Deuteronomy 13: 1-4
In case a prophet or one who foretells by dreams arises in your midst and gives you a sign or a portent, and the sign or the portent about which he spoke to you comes true while he is saying, ‘Let us walk after other gods,’ gods that you have not known, ‘and let us serve them,’ you must not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer, for Jehovah your God is testing you to know whether you love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul. After Jehovah your God you should walk, him you should fear, his commandments you should keep, to his voice you should listen; he is the one you should serve, and to him you should hold fast.
Daniel 8: 23-25
And in the final part of their kingdom, as the transgressors act to a completion, a fierce-looking king who understands ambiguous sayings will stand up. His power will become great, but not through his own power. He will bring ruin in an extraordinary way, and he will be successful and act effectively. He will bring mighty ones to ruin, also the people made up of the holy ones.  And by his cunning he will use deception to succeed; and in his heart he will exalt himself; and during a time of security he will bring many to ruin. He will even stand up against the Prince of princes, but he will be broken without human hand
Daniel 11:45
And he will plant his royal tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; and he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him.
Revelation 17:17
For God put it into their hearts to carry out his thought, yes, to carry out their one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast, until the words of God will have been accomplished
1 Peter 1:10
Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the undeserved kindness meant for you made a diligent inquiry and a careful search.
Matthew 15: 10,11
With that he called the crowd near and said to them: “Listen and get the sense of it: It is not what enters into a man’s mouth that defiles him, but it is what comes out of his mouth that defiles him.”
Revelation 13:5-7
It was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and it was given authority to act for 42 months. And it opened its mouth in blasphemies against God to blaspheme his name and his dwelling place, even those residing in heaven. It was permitted to wage war with the holy ones and conquer them, and it was given authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation.
The wild beast has opened its mouth and spoken. How do we know because God Word shines light on it.
James 1:19
Know this, my beloved brothers: Everyone must be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger
2 Peter 1:21
For prophecy was at no time brought by man’s will, but men spoke from God as they were moved by holy spirit.
Isaiah 14: 13,14
You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to the heavens. Above the stars of God I will lift up my throne, And I will sit down on the mountain of meeting, In the remotest parts of the north. I will go up above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself resemble the Most High.’
God said, "Let it be luminaries in the expanse of the heavens." These luminaries will serve as signs for days and years. (Genesis 1:14)
Biblically, they used a lunar calendar, which is based on the cycles of the moon. 🌙 According to the biblical calendar, a year consists of 360 days. 📅
Going off the lunar calendar, 1,260 days is equivalent to 42 months. That's exactly 3 in a half times
Why is this number of months/days important because this is how long the holy city is being trampled on underfoot, 42 months. (Revelation 11:2)
Which is also the same amount of months the wild beast opened his mouth and spoke for. (Revelation 13:5,6). Giving breath/life to the image (Revelation 13:15)
The moon is being mentioned as being beneath the feet of the woman in Rev 12:1.
Therefore, since the nations trampled the holycity underfoot for 42 months. (Revelation 11:2) This refers to the moon. Since the moon is beneath her feet. (Revelation 12:1)
Ironically, walking on the moon was a big milestone, and all the earth followed with admiration (Revelation 13:3). The moon is "underfoot."
Neil Armstrong, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."
When did this image of the moon start to speak?
Opening of the mouth = the launch of the Apollo 11 mission, which aimed to be the first humans on the moon.
Closing of the mouth = the last moon mission Apollo 17. It was the final mission of the Apollo program, and it marked the last time humans been to the moon to this day
July 16, 1969 December 19, 1972
Keep in mind the Lunar Calendar 📅 360 days a year.
A common year has 365 days. So, for most years, if your birthday was on a Friday, the following year, it will walk forward to be on a Saturday. Because of this walk back a day each year
1972 - 1969 = 3 years
December 19 walk back a day each yr = December 16
(Do not count the leap year 02/29/1972)
July 16, 1969 to December 16, 1972
If counted by the days = 1,260 days
If counted by the month = 42 months
If counted by the year = 3 in a half
Green dot = Apollo 11 (first humans on the moon)
Blue dot = Apollo 17 (last time humans been to the moon)
Red dot = leap year (do not count this day since it adds an extra day)
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ivaspinoza · 5 months
From the grave, I sing
The grave used to call me every night Sweet whispers and promises of relief When the world was a silly horizontal line Monochrome, a floating corpse in the sea
Inside my soul's own marble coffin So small, tight and claustrophobic There I was, not even blushing a hopeless zombie, I think I need a coffee
One day, light broke into my rotten heart Set me apart as the waters flew Washing it all like a flood in a film CGI, special effects, reality renewed
Life! Oh, life — what are you? You burning scars of deadly love, fast as an arrow Sharp like a sword! I guess love has to cost everything to be worth something
To be worthy of giving away my fear On a silver plate, like it was absolutely nothing To handle my illusions, identities, plans, hate My lies, you came down and just crushed it
Now I lay down in the grave of my bed a little sleep is a little death, time to rest Time to rise again with the sun, the wheel spun All is the same, all is waiting under the firmament
But before my eyes are fully closed, I see The throne shines brighter than ever The voice of many waters calls me Home! I remember why I was born
I remember the blood and the thorns And I sing in tears for I have become salt Lost drops of holy rivers swallow me I'm dissolving in the vaults of heaven
There ain't no grave that will keep me quiet As the trumpet breaks the dimensions of time While some rise, the grave swallows every too-proud soul that refused the manifested in flesh Love
And the eternal chord sings...
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Its Not Too Late For America - Bible Study - Shining The Light Ministrie...
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reallove-truelove · 7 months
Dream- Boat Analogue
"Last night I had this dream, in my dream Jesus was explaining to me this boat analogue.
God woke me up out of my sleep to give this prophetic word.
When a boat is without its captain and steering off course, someone has to come and take control of the ship.
Now taking control of an out-of-control ship is not pretty from the inside view.
This person not only has the weight of the ship when turning the wheel but the massive ropes to pull to keep the sails up and everything running smoothly.
In this analogue, this was being done by one man.
In life we can get in a bad situation, where we let people lead us off course or we get us distracted, and our ship goes off course.
We may even lose sight of the horizon but when we start walking back in the direction of the course Jesus Christ has given us and instructed us with, the weight of our mistake may feel heavy and hard, the storm around us may feel too big, it can even leave us feeling burdened and weary. But when all of this is going on; this is when we need Jesus Christ the most, because when we rely on Jesus Christ, his strength, and not our own, no matter how far we have staid or gone off course,
Jesus Christ comes in like that man and he takes control of our,
out of control ship.
The weight and the mess we have made may take him a while to sort out and it isn't always pretty the process of getting back on track but when it is back on track to were God needs it to be, what a beautiful sight a ship that is sailing with ease and softness in the water.
While the storms are raging, and God is holding the ship together and stable it may not look pretty to an outsider's view or even stable to the person who is watching cynically but God is looking after his ship.
Even sometimes when the ship looks perfectly held together; you don't always see the hard process of what Jesus Christ is doing.
And it may seem like the ship is not being tended to, but God is always working, and he never sleeps.
No matter what it looks like Jesus Christ is good and when we give him our lives and surrender our ship to him, he helps us in ways we couldn't, he leads us, heals us and guilds us even fixing our mistakes.
Jesus Christ is the best captain! Jesus Christ is our Saviour! No matter the storm; God has it. All we need to do is listen to Jesus Christ and find rest in him."
Faith Ferguson
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lightman2120 · 4 months
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thedeafprophet · 2 years
i saw the pinnacle of dni tonight. someone put a. word document in their pinned post for a dni
it wasnt even a long one it was one of the most basic (with notable inclusions of christians and minecraft youtuber likers in it alongside the other dumb fandom stuff ahshdfjfgkhkhllj)
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tonysolomon4jc · 1 year
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makaron · 1 year
Watch the film „GOD IS REBUILDING THE RUINS IN YOUR LIFE | Alwyn Uys” on YouTube
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gods-message-today · 2 years
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The witness is true
Matthew 15: 10,11
With that he called the crowd near and said to them: “Listen and get the sense of it: It is not what enters into a man’s mouth that defiles him, but it is what comes out of his mouth that defiles him.”
James 1:19
Know this, my beloved brothers: Everyone must be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger,
God said, "Let it be luminaries in the expanse of the heavens." These luminaries will serve as signs for days and years. (Genesis 1:14)
Biblically, they used a lunar calendar, which is based on the cycles of the moon. 🌙 According to the biblical calendar, a year consists of 360 days. 📅
Going off the lunar calendar, 1,260 days is equivalent to 42 months. That's exactly 3 in a half times
Why is this number of months/days important because this is how long the holy city is being trampled on underfoot, 42 months. (Revelation 11:2)
Which is also the same amount of months the wild beast opened his mouth and spoke for. (Revelation 13:5,6). Giving breath/life to the image (Revelation 13:15)
The moon is being mentioned as being beneath the feet of the woman in Rev 12:1.
Therefore, since the nations trampled the holycity underfoot for 42 months. (Revelation 11:2) This refers to the moon. Since the moon is beneath her feet. (Revelation 12:1)
Ironically, walking on the moon was a big milestone. The moon is "underfoot."
Neil Armstrong, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." 
When did this image of the moon start to speak?
Opening of the mouth = the launch of the Apollo 11 mission, which aimed to be the first humans on the moon.
Closing of the mouth = the last moon mission Apollo 17. It was the final mission of the Apollo program, and it marked the last time humans been to the moon to this day
July 16, 1969 December 19, 1972
Keep in mind the Lunar Calendar 📅 360 days a year.
A common year has 365 days. So, for most years, if your birthday was on a Friday, the following year, it will walk forward to be on a Saturday. Because of this walk back a day each year
1972 - 1969 = 3 years
December 19 walk back a day each yr = December 16
July 16, 1969 to December 16, 1972
Count the days
Green dot = Apollo 11 (first humans on the moon)
Blue dot = Apollo 17 (last time humans been to the moon)
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ivaspinoza · 4 months
One of those days, when my mind is somewhere else; a few dimensions up, so far from this dry ground. I went through a portal, now my heart beats with the clouds. Losing her mind, they say. She is gone! I am, yes, for I am tired of this world; not tired of living, but tired of the same old song playing, yes, and also ready to keep fighting it, not dancing, not learning the lyrics. I fight with silence, in the upstairs of my soul's most secret department, in the back of my head, as I float, disconnected. Inside my throat a whole garden, on my face, just apathy. I'm an abandoned fortress in the woods, an electromagnetic fence: invisible, deadly, protective. You can shoot me, it won't kill me. So I shut down the other voices, badges and human demands: nothing here matters more than what really matters, and what really matters can not be seen. Sometimes we hear it in the lack of sound and word — where there is no language, no symbol, and we still know. He is there. I feel his eyes. His hands are open. I step on his palm, I see the side of his smile, and he raises me miles above as I try not to lose balance, as shivers run down my spine, I still try through the simulacrum of death every night, so the next morning I have my wings back to finally fly home. I watch the existence and cry: tears of my brokenhearted, crushed spirit, wishing, dreaming of my own bed — where none of this nonsense matters. I wait, I smile. I sit in his presence. I eat the whole lamb with herbs, the scroll; bitter in the stomach, sweet on my tongue like honey, and I look inwards, for what I can see outwards is pure nonsense. Blood on my forehead: take me home, little wings, take me home!
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Red Heifer Sacrifice Warning - Bible Study - Shining The Light Ministrie...
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quotesfromscripture · 2 years
God offers David a choice
When David got up in the morning, the word of the LORD had come to the prophet Gad, David’s seer: “Go and say to David, ‘This is what the LORD says: I am offering you three choices. Choose one of them, and I will do it to you.’ ” 
So Gad went to David, told him the choices, and asked him, “Do you want three years of famine to come on your land, to flee from your foes three months while they pursue you, or to have a plague in your land three days? Now, consider carefully what answer I should take back to the one who sent me.” 
David answered Gad, “I have great anxiety. Please, let us fall into the LORD’s hands because his mercies are great, but don’t let me fall into human hands.” 
- 2 Samuel 24:11-14 CSB (2017)
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eli-kittim · 4 days
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Modern Christianity is a Joke
Eli Kittim
On their podcasts and platforms, Christians are constantly talking about God, Christ, and the Bible, explaining the gospel, debating about theology and prophecy, while assuming to know what scripture teaches, right down to the last detail. And yet none of them know what they’re talking about or what’s really going on. Yet they all have millions of followers flocking to their social media platforms to hear them speak, and they’re deceiving all of them (intentionally or unintentionally) with lies and misinformation. But this has already been prophesied. In fact, Matthew 24 and 1 Timothy 4:1 clearly state that the end-times will be characterized by global deception, as many false prophets and teachers will arise and mislead many. Paul himself knew that after his departure Christianity would eventually decline and become a church of heretics (Acts 20:29).
All the biblical doctrines that are being taught today——whether at the university, the seminary, or in social media platforms——are false. Why? Because they have nothing to do with the Holy Spirit. None of these so-called pundits have received any revelations from God in the manner that Paul describes (see Gal. 1:11-12). To preach things based on personal guesswork or mere speculation is not the same as teaching according to the Holy Spirit. John 14:26 says that “the Holy Spirit … will teach you all things.”
It’s gotten so bad that even the Pope is now teaching that it’s a dangerous heresy to have a personal relationship with Jesus outside the church. A Facebook friend of mine——a Christian apologist by the name of Marcia Montenegro——has gone so far as to condemn any attempt to open your mind and spirit to God through the prayer of stillness (which btw is still used in both the Catholic and Orthodox Churches), denouncing it as a so-called satanic practice that opens your spirit to demonic influences, even though that is precisely what the Bible requires in order for rebirth and salvation to take place. How else can God transform your carnal nature unless he recreates your identity? (Eph. 4:22-24). How can God live within you and create a new operating system unless the old one is deleted? How else can you receive the Holy Spirit, who changes your personality, turning a sinner to a saint, as it did with Paul? Romans 8:9 says categorically and unequivocally:
“if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ,
they do not belong to Christ.”
Then there are the nominal Christians. These are Christians in name only. They pretend to be Christ-like but act like demons. I know a few well-known Christian writers and bible prophecy teachers who have privately sent me viruses because I criticized their views. People would be surprised to know that Richard H. Perry did such a thing when i criticized his view that George Bush represents the white horseman of Revelation. I obviously had to block him. Another famous lawyer turned author by the name of Mark L. Hitchcock took me by surprise when he reported me to YouTube, which resulted in google permanently shutting down my platform. And he did this just because I complained that his YouTube channel was deleting all my comments and articles. As a result, I ended up losing all my videos and all my content that had been running on the web for the past 12 years. I was aghast that someone of his stature would resort to this. That was so mean. It completely took me by surprise. I didn’t see that one coming. This type of spitefulness is uncharacteristic of Christian believers. Their fruits bear no love. I seriously doubt whether such a person is in-dwelt by the Holy Spirit. Needless to say, I have lost all respect for him. I obviously blocked him, too. Good riddance!
Christianity has gotten so bad that Christian pastors are preying on crippled children, promising to heal them if they sow a financial seed to the ministry. People like Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, and more recently, Kathryn Krick, all falsely claim to heal people suffering of serious disorders. Then you have YouTubers who are openly deceiving people, claiming that God speaks to them. Troy Black is a case in point. He has half a million victims, I mean subscribers, who are being lied to on a daily basis.
Not to mention the fake pastors and hypocrites who are texting pornographic materials to their congregants and have inappropriate relations with them. Some pastors are even teaching that you don’t even need to believe in Jesus in order to be saved, while others, like Steven Anderson, are claiming that you don’t need to stop sinning, but only to believe in Jesus. Some Christian writers are teaching that you don’t even need God or Jesus, and you certainly don’t need to hear from them or even experience them personally. All you need is to read the Bible. There are some well-known pastors, like Justin Peters, who teach this doctrine. Not to mention those scholars, like David Bentley Hart, who claim that all people will eventually be saved, whether they believe in Jesus or not. But how exactly are we saved? Does anyone know? A well-known pastor, named Ken Raggio, recently posted on Instagram that “God changes us from sinner to saint … by … divine discipline. As we OBEY the Word.” This is totally and completely wrong! We cannot save our selves by ourselves. That’s why we need a savior. Jesus criticized the Pharisees for washing their hands but not cleansing their heart, showing that their legalism and discipline was totally ineffective in changing them from within. That’s why he said to Nicodemus the Pharisee: you must be “born again” (Jn 3:3). Only God can recreate us (2 Cor. 5:17). We are not saved by works or through personal efforts and behaviors.
And the core doctrines of modern Christianity are all wrong. The modern Christian faith centers on certain core beliefs regarding the historical birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But these events haven’t happened yet. According to the Bible, they will take place in the endtimes (see Isa. 2:19; Dan. 12:1-2; Zeph. 1:7; Lk 17:30; Acts 3:19:21; 1 Cor. 15:22-24; Gal. 4:4; Eph. 1:9-10; Heb. 1:1-2; 9:26b; 1 Pet. 1:10-11; 1:20; Rev 12:5; 19:10d). My chief objection is that the TIMING of these events is totally wrong. This is all based on a misunderstanding of Greek and a misreading of genre.
The internal evidence supports my view. It’s in both the Old and New Testaments! Zephaniah 1:7 declares that the Lord’s sacrifice will occur during “the day of the Lord” (not in antiquity). Isaiah 2:19 says that people will hide in caves when “the Lord … arises to terrify the earth.” Similarly, Daniel 12:1 puts the resurrection of the anointed prince just prior to the great tribulation. I can prove it with detailed exegesis from the Greek text. The LXX (Dan 12:1) says παρελεύσεται, which means to “pass away,” & the Theodotion has ἀναστήσεται, meaning a bodily resurrection in the end-times. In the following verse (12:2), the plural form of the exact same word (ἀναστήσονται) is used to describe the general resurrection of the dead! In other words, if the exact same word means resurrection in Daniel 12:2, then it must also necessarily mean resurrection in Daniel 12:1! Acts 3:20-21 similarly says that Christ will not be sent to earth until the consummation of the ages. First Corinthians 15:22-24 also tells us that Christ will be the first to be resurrected in the end-times! Revelation 12:5 tells us that the messiah is born in the end times, and the next verse talks about the great tribulation. Galatians 4:4 says that Jesus will be born during the consummation of the ages, expressed by the apocalyptic phrase τὸ πλήρωμα τοῦ χρόνου, which is defined in Ephesians 1:10 as the end of the world! First Peter 1:20 says that although Christ was foreknown before the creation of the world, he was initially revealed “at the final point of time.” It’s supported by Hebrews 1:2 which says that Jesus speaks to mankind in the “last days,” not in antiquity. And Hebrews 9:26 says EXPLICITLY that Jesus will die for the sins of mankind “once in the end of the world” (ἐπὶ συντελείᾳ τῶν αἰώνων)! Revelation 19:10 also informs us that the TESTIMONY to Jesus is prophetic (not historical). Read Acts 10:40-41 where we are told that Jesus’ resurrection was based on visions because it was only visible “to witnesses who were chosen beforehand by God.” Similarly, 1 Peter 1:10-11 says that the New Testament prophets “predicted the sufferings of the Messiah” in advance (cf. Isa 46:10).
This short video will clarify everything I’ve said so far:
A Biblical Greek translation of the New Testament that changes everything we thought we knew about Jesus
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fuzzyunicorn · 16 days
Since there’s a huge debate over religion vs spirituality let me, an Arch Angel who guards god and sits in on his every Judgement (meaning I know him very well), weigh in: all of you fuckers touting religion are in the wrong. Full stop & period because god never wanted religions to exist and they are a) incorrect and b) weaponized to harm all. Make no mistake this includes Christianity. To make this as short as possible (a longer explanation to come on my future podcast) let me tell you what was actually going on when god incarnated as Jesus Christ; he promoted SPIRITUALITY & PRACTICING (WHITE) MAGICK NOT RELIGION during his lifetime as I’ll say it again Jesus Christ! What makes me laugh is god does not approve of the Bible or what many Christians promote & do in his name. Did you know the Iron Pentacle (the five pointed star you all are so afraid of) was something he, god, heavily promoted in his lifetime of being Jesus Christ? So what does that mean? It means god, when he was Jesus Christ, actually was encouraging people to practice magick (specifically White Magick)— why do you think Satanists put in every religious book that magick & divinination (card reading being one method of divination) is illegal? So no one would or COULD use White Magick to heal people, animals, plants & this earth. Your Bible is a crock of shit & your religion is harmful & god does not approve. My last point I will be sharing today is Christians realize this fast as fuck— every single Christian Church (for this example I am EXCLUDING Satanists masquerading as clergymen) clergymen and parishioner PRACTICES WITCHCRAFT EACH AND EVERY SINGLE SUNDAY! Let me prove my point: what is an alter? A place to cast magick spells so witchcraft. What is the act of lighting a candle on an alter & praying? Candle magick (so witchcraft). What does burning sage or resin (tree sap like frankincense and myrrh which was gifted to baby Jesus) do (the gold thing they swing around & smoke comes out during church services)? Brings in Angels and Saints. That is witchcraft (working with spirits). Praying to deities for supernatural help is witchcraft so praying to god is witchcraft. What is a synonym for Jesus Christ practicing miracles (like to heal people)? Witchcraft (White magick). So Christians who say magick and especially witchcraft (witchcraft is defined by using your own energy to create magick like spells) are the devil & for Satan, why are you all actively practicing witchcraft? Why are you using witchcraft during every Church service while putting in your Holy Book any and all magick is outlawed? If you’re actively practicing witchcraft then why are you hypocritically attacking spiritualist for using witchcraft to help themselves and others ascend & become better people & souls? What are you doing to make this world a better place by attacking those who follow in god’s actual footsteps? Make it make sense, hypocrites. Magick is NOT good (white) or bad (black) BUT what is good or evil is the magick practitioner themselves & their intention(s). If you heal someone of cancer through the means of magick, does that make you evil? Fuck no. If you use magick to give someone cancer that does in fact make you evil.
As a tarot reader I get a lot of Christians who accuse me of being a Satanist (ironic af for multiple reasons— mainly practicing Christianity which was invented and is ran by literal Satanists) and tell me I need to return to god n he doesn’t speak to me but instead to them (he tells me in the moment he does not in fact speak to them (them being who is wrongfully accusing me)) & spaz out when I calmly tell them I’m doing what god wants and commands of me by being a tarot reader. So Christians who attack me— who are you actually defending and promoting? Satan himself & Satanism. Is the irony hitting you in the face yet? Why are you accusing me of practicing witchcraft (Christians DENY the existence of white magick & exclusively act like there is only black magick) by helping people by reading their cards who Angels and Gods help me interpret when you, as a Christian, actively practice witchcraft designed by Satanists and harm innocents especially spiritualist who follow the TRUE path of god? So to everyone who thinks spirituality is evil, I’m gonna laugh so fuckin’ hard at you on your Judgment Day.
#now let all this sink in :)#does it finally make sense why I an Arch Angel dislikes Christians?#oh the irony of telling a literal Arch Angel they (who is obeying god’s commands) need to return to god? 😭😂#how do you think god will react to Christians attacking his Chosen Ones & Prophets?? ooh wee the karma on that!!!! yikes!!!!!!!#last now is obvious why god commands me to punish Crusaders & Missionaries in my Forest…?#the Old Guard wishes u all to be informed if u fuck w me u get cursed by the Gods who created god himself so#that means no one not even god could be able to undo/break the curse or transfer it u really have to wait for it to be completed & the OG#likes cursing bloodlines for many generations to come & 2 every1 trying to paint the pic the OV curses for no reason… wrong! they are quick#2 hand out curses like grandmas’s w candy bc they said I don’t mess w people especially don’t go out of my way but the Christians harassing#me go wayyyy out of their way to fuck w me u all should’ve just said nothin’ & walked on by but you didn’t want 2 so deal w the#consequences of fuckin’ w people who aren’t doing anything to you#so u end up accomplishing nerfin’ expect getting ur entire bloodline mega cursed can’t u hear the mini violin????#oh the only other thing u accomplish by fucking w spiritualist is directly helping Satan in his mission… u Christians who attack#crusify spiritualist just like Jesus Christ was… you’ll get ur ass handed 2 u on Judgement day & I’ll b smirking#here to drop sum more fun facts: Christianity is Satan’s religion (Satan did not exist during the lifetime of Jesus Christ Satan is an#invention of Satanists it’s the concept of if enough people believe a certain thing or entity exists that energy creates the said entity)#so when you address god as Lord you are actually in fact addressing and giving power of your belief to Satan but god stopped that silly shi#by taking on the Mantle of Lord so all that energy in fact gets funneled to god he he he lil Satanists ☺️💅 second fun fact: did you know wh#you gossip you are in fact casting spells so when you gossip you are actually practicing witchcraft as words have energy & energies combine#creates more power so for instance if you are gossiping you want someone you are jealous of to get their nice new expensive house foreclose#you are in reality casting a spell upon them to make them by your spell lose their house you are jealous of but don’t let that encourage#people who want to cast black magick as if you do you forget forfeit your right to scene to Anglehood & Godhood womp womp womp#forever & ascend*
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