#god message tarot
gods-message-today · 2 years
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kaetsu-daniel · 2 days
Dring Dring! what's that i hear? a message from Ra himself! let's see what he has to say!
Ten of swords reversed:
It seems Ra is saying that you are recovering from a very painful ending or moment, do not fear my dear, things are ok now!
Eight of cups reversed:
You are walking away from something that no longer served you and that was causing massive issue to you in your life, keep going like this dear! Ra is with you all steps of the way.
Wheel of Fortune reversed:
The cycle is broken and has come to an end, you are ok now and do not worry, Ra is with you and supporting you and will help you heal!
Message from Ra
"My dear child, i am very proud of you for making it out of there, you are ok now and i'll be supporting you, things were difficult and i felt really bad at seeing you suffer like this, but now the cycle is broken so come with me and i'll help you heal."
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pastaxandria · 8 months
The Red Thread: Chapter 156
The Library of Pastaxandria has recorded for its shelves: Chapter 156 of The Red Thread.
Ship: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Chapter Summary:
Your heart skipped in your chest, picking up speed. Here, here was the information you needed, the road that would guide you to both the orchid and, potentially, some additional clues about where Derek might be hiding. Hell, maybe you wouldn’t even need the orchid. Even if Margaret was headed out, there might be other people in the building who'd formed enough of an attachment to him. The orchid would be the easier option if you could get your hands on it—a single thread you knew reliably led to Derek, one that wouldn’t require you to dig through threads in alleys or during risky conversations. But you’d still take that backup if you could get it, just in case. You’d do whatever it took to find Derek. And once you found him… you'd find Anthony. Could Anthony feel it? That cool shiver down his spine as you closed in? Did he feel hunted, like you did? Afraid?
Wordcount: 5.6k
Warnings for this chapter: brief references to being abused and being robbed, but no other warnings!
Read me on AO3 because that’s where penguins hang out
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chaoticwitchgrimoire · 5 months
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Messages from Hermes
Wondering what messages could be waiting for you from the divine? With this reading, I commune with Hermes Diaktoros (Messenger) to deliver the messages you need to hear. Need insight on a situation? Need guidance in your life? This detailed reading does not deliver what you want, but the most necessary message you need to hear in this moment.
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PAC 2023 Scorpio New Moon Messages from Hermes The Fool - Hermes Message to his Devotees PAC Energies of the 2024 New Year from Hermes
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mothicbeauty · 3 months
Your art is your purpose. 🌞
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miracleblessingtarot · 6 months
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daviddaniyikaye · 8 months
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Allow your beauty to raise your social standing, not to influence its devaluation. Focus on building solid foundations through hardwork & discipline, while staying flexible in how you discharge your duties. Get rid of excesses through structuring, let your rebirth begin. Allow this period of transition to bring about your inner transformation. It's time to take powerful strides in fulfilling your dreams through travel, entertainment, social relations, while maintaining your core values. Dissociate from someone who try to diminish your value in that relationship or friendship; protect your mental health & overall well-being. I see changes in areas of joint funds, finances & how you handle other people's resources. Highly unpredictable day, therefore abide by the rules for success. Presence of law enforcement agents on highways is prominent.
Need spiritual guidance? Send me message now to Book personal Readings: +2349064387110 (WhatsApp only) 🇳🇬Instagram: @daviddaniyikaye Email: [email protected]
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daimonpriestess · 11 months
First Oracle reading up on my channel!
I will be doing short messages for awhile to start.
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gods-message-today · 2 years
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tarotbyopal · 4 months
When will you find love?
Happy Thursday 22/02! Look at all of those 2s today! Is it a sign? It might be...let's find out?!
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🫧Piles: 1-2-3
🫧Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Calm your breath and remove all of the thoughts from your mind. When you try to focus on the reading at hand which number or image comes to mind? That is your pile
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Pile 1 Your energy towards love
The Chariot, 3 of Pentacles, Death, The Hierophant
Pile 1 you guys are ready to go in hard and put the work into a connection. You want something that you can put work into and build from the ground. You are ready to go out and find the way and you want this. You may read a lot of love stories as well and daydream about your person or finding ‘the one’. You may already even have someone in mind or you may find yourself developing crushes extremely easily. I also feel like your views towards what a relationship is has changed - if you wanted to get married, you may realise that you don’t want anymore. If you didn’t want to get married you may suddenly be interested in doing so. Pile 1 you may find exs suddenly coming back to your life but juts know that your soulmate is not one of your exs…this is someone completely new.
When will you find love?
Page of cups, 9 of pentacles, knight of swords
 I do feel like Pile 1 you are likely to find love between June-October 2024. It will happen whilst you are at a business/career/study event, you may even receive an award or you will be celebrated by your peers and superiors. This connection is likely to develop very very quickly - one moment your strangers, the next your engaged.
Pile 2 Your energy towards love
Judgement, The tower, The sun, 10 of pentacles in reversed
Pile 2 you may have feel conflicted about where you stand in relationship to love. This may be something that you really really want but you may not feel like you deserve it or that you are currently in the place in which you can dedicate time to making a connection work. Your ambitions towards relationships may be based on false premises. It is likely that you feel like you need to have stability - a house, a career, money to have a steady relationship. In reality you may know that this is not the case but subconsciously this is something that you may need to become aware of and fix as it could be stopping you from finding the love of your life. Your energy towards love currently is: yes, but not yet
When will you find love?
Page of wands, the high priestess, ace of wands
Pile 2 I feel like you will find love within the next year - it can take until July 2025. You will feel attracted to this person straight away but the actual connection may be a slow burn. With the high priestess coming through for you - it is extremely likely that you will feel a solid connection with your person as soon as you speak to them. There is just something about this person that entices you and draws you in. 
Pile 3 Your energy towards love
9 of swords, strength, knight of pentacles, king of pentacles
Pile 3 I don’t believe that your views of love are the issue - the issue seems to be your trust in people. At times you want love, but then you are likely to talk yourself out of it because “people are not trustworthy” or “people are always rubbish and always cheat on others”. Your views of people in general are clouding your views of love and how it feels to love someone and be loved by someone. This may cause you a lot of stress and anxiety - the fact that you don’t feel like you can trust someone enough to love you. You want a connection that will develop slowly and that will not give you stress - you don’t want arguments and you just want someone who can make you feel safe, secure and loved (this could be something that you have been lacking)
When will you find love?
9 of swords, 2 of pentacles in reverse
Pile 3, as it stands it can take up to 2 years - but it doesn’t have to! There are things that you can do to make this process quicker. Especially when it comes to healing! You may need to heal some traumas from the past - particularly those related to people that you loved hurting you and making you feel unworthy of love. This is a process that can be hard but it does not have to be long.
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kaetsu-daniel · 3 hours
Hellooo! my asks are open!
If you want 2 cards pulled for your question don't hesitate to ask :) depending on the question i'll answer as long as it's not anything too complicated!
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ascendedunicorn · 10 months
What should we name this book??? 📚
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balladofthelamb · 1 year
whats the chance i do a tarot reading with three different decks and get one card twice and another also twice from different decks each time.
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gimme-sum-scratch · 2 years
This is the card you chose face up. For the game, see links below 🍆
Congratulations! You have a message! 🐹
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The Sun in reverse
Sun God Ra. Egypt, Egyptian deity
"Missed opportunities, delays, doubt, fear of missing out, depression" also ".. Egyptian Sun God Ra proves everything is illuminated with optimism and enthusiasm for the path ahead"
Message delivered 🙏❤️. The deciphering and application of this message will be guided by your intuition 🙏🌹
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edenswrld · 5 months
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Welcome to Today’s Reading, Everyone!
Though February is still quite far from us, I still feel the energy of love in the air! And decided to grace you all with something cute and sweet for the new year. 💓Be open to surprises! The person who you want isn’t always the one God sends to sweep you off your feet!😉
Pile A
Oooo, Pile A! Someone views you as sweet and seductive. They feel you are mischievous and that you always know more than what you let on. 😉 And that’s something they like about you. You keep them guessing. They want to go on the wild side with you. “Wild Side” means something different for everyone, so feel free to let your imagination run wild with that one lol.
This person wants to surprise you before you surprise them? They feel that you’re plotting on them. In the sexiest way possible of course. Maybe you have been planning some moonlight-picnic extravaganza! Well stay on the lookout Pile A because this person is onto you! Seems like you both have been seeing one another for a while, and have BOTH been cooking up ideas to confess to one another! Be prepared, Pile A! LMAO😂 This person is ready to get you before you get them!
Pile B
Aww, why so down, sexy?! Someone is coming to sweep you off your feet. If you have been experiencing heavier emotions lately, Spirit says: “keep yo head up, boo! Bright times will be ahead!” Spirit is sending you someone to lift up your spirits.
You could’ve recently experience a breakup, separation from a job you really enjoyed, or just genuinely aren’t feeling your best these days. Spirit isn’t sending this romantic interest in as a distraction, but more so like a re-direction is what I’m getting.
Yea, Spirit is pushing you along a new path and everything isn’t meant to go with you, boo. So that old friend, old boo, stagnant job had to go. So NEW POSITIVE ENERGY and this new boo-thang can come in. So period, Spirit says: “TREAT YO’ SELF!”
For the people who are attracted to d*cks, or even into men with d*cks specifically, your person who is coming in, will have a big one, lol. BE PREPAREDDDDDDD ***in Scar’s voice from the Lion King*** LMAOOO 😂😂
Pile C
Ooo, you are a sexy, NERDY, sisTAR! You could be pursuing a higher education during this time. Like through online courses, or college. You could have even taken up some volunteer work to give back to the planet? PERIODD, we got some environmental baddies up in here TA-DAY😂❤️!
You could even be a CNA is what I’m getting. Welll, ba-baayyy, while you out here tryna save the whole world though your knowledge, this man is out here tryna save YOU.
My spirit team lets me know when to keep it gender-neutral and just focus on the energy, but for THIS PILE specifically. Your person coming in to confess to you is a man. Period. A very masculine, black man.
Your ancestors themselves, and you, could be black. But something about experiencing genuine, honest, GODLY, love from a black man is significant for you during this time. This person is coming in to do some spiritual, generational HEALING work on you. And it’s gonna start with his hands👀This person could be a massage therapist.
It’s quite a lot of mystery here Pile C, ima be honest. I feel Spirit doesn’t want me to say too much😂. They are saying you already know who this person is, and that they are closer than you think. Oop👀.
Final Spirit Message: “stop being in denial.”
💗Thank you to the viewers!
💓If you would like to book a personal reading with me, email me @ [email protected]
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lordboethiahsboytoy · 9 months
Once again reminded I'm no use to Lord Boethiah dead from exhaustion or burn out. I GET IT my Lord, geez.....
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