#chuuya centric
sulliedsorrow · 5 months
going insane thinking about skk breakup dazai leaving the port mafia again because. he really just up and left without saying anything. not a word, not a goodbye, not a “chuuya would you like to come with me.” and he never said anything after. didn’t try to get in contact at all. no texts, no calls, no letters, no cryptic messages decipherable only to the both of them.
imagine being partners with someone. imagine forging a bond so strong that it’s been likened to a diamond sharpening another diamond. imagine spending three years with someone, forging a relationship, learning about each other and what makes them click and how to work together and how exist together.
imagine they throw it all in your face. they leave and not only do they leave, but they do so in a manner which shows that they never even considered you. they left as if your lives aren’t connected, they left as if it was the easiest thing in the world.
imagine everyone else finding out before you.
what was the past three years for then. what was them telling you that you gave them a reason to live for then. has it expired? has it run out? was it not enough? did they find something better?
and the lack of respect of it all. you never would have stopped them from leaving if they just explained why they had to. you would have been angry, you would have been pissed off because it’s the same story over and over again, you hurt everything you touch, you hurt everything you get close to, you’re never enough of a reason for someone to stay; but you would have understood. eventually. but they didn’t do that.
they wrote you so neatly out of their life that you wonder if you were ever a part of it in the first place.
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starlemonbunki · 3 months
Some added changes to my Purpose! AU which featured brief DOA! Chuuya then moves on to ADA! Chuuya (bro is moving around organizations like PARKOUR!!)
So how Chuuya gets affiliated with the DOA-
I don't have all the details yet and I prefer to keep them more vague in the au since I genuinely have no idea which direction this story will go and I'd like to keep my options open-
But in some way either:
Fyodor kills Dazai
the Port Mafia has some part in dazai's death (chuuya is not involved) like they refuse to aid the ada or just outright have the chance to save him but don't
(Likely due to something said in the earlier seasons where mori was scared dazai would kill him to assume his position as Port mafia boss)
If fyodor were to kill Dazai, it would take place a little after he takes over Bram's body, and to keep it EXTRA juicy Dazai is killed by falling off a roof, and somehow Chuuya isn't able to use his ability to save him. The one time this godforsaken ability would have helped him, it only aided in the loss of someone important yet again.
Fyodor gets Chuuya to join by saying that a world without his ability would free him from the burden of it, as well as proving that he and arahabaki are separate entities, meaning he is in fact human.
He also ties in how having this ability only brought him to the loss of all the important people in his life, and the loss of Dazai is kind of like the last straw
If the Port Mafia were to have a part in Dazai's death, chuuya would realize that his loyalty to Dazai is greater than his loyalty to the Port Mafia and leave of his own volition, no emotional Manipulation necessary. Joining the Decay of Angels would mean that his ability, as well as the abilities that in his eyes only bring more problems into this world, will one day disappear, and maybe he can finally live the normal, human life he earned.
Either way, it ends with a not-fully-healed-but-on-his-way-there chuuya joining the ADA in Dazai's place. He starts to resemble Dazai more, like with a slightly calmer, looser, free-er demeanor and even donning his tan trench coat. In this au, dazai and the others chuuya lost are to chuuya the way odasaku and ango are to canon dazai--they are the stepping stones that lead him to the light, the reason he joins the side that saves people.
I'm planning on drawing some of this au but on my art account, @god-shit-girl-art , so if you wanna see these ideas in picture form, you can follow me there!! I also wanna get some feedback on this au especially how you guys would prefer the way dazai dies, either by fyodor or by the PM. I haven't really decided yet and I'm not exactly sure what would be more in character for chuuya's writing. I may start a poll too
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rosealiceroyal · 1 year
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tachiharastanacc · 5 months
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I’m convinced Higuchi is the only one in the PM with a semi normal childhood.
And on a related note, I think she should find out most of the others haven’t and force Hirtosu to help plan a trip for them so they can go do fun things they never got to do as kids.
(It’s partially her taking them to places she went as a child and is super excited to share with them.)
Akutagawa complains until Chuuya and Gin chew him out and he maliciously complies (he still thinks it’s a waste of time, but is secretly grateful to spend the time with all of them).
Higuchi basically storms into Mori’s office ready to demand pto for all of them and he’s already buttoning up his Hawaiian shirt and pulling on his fanny pack (he has invited himself and Elise, who has invited Q, who refused to leave Verlaine alone in the basement, who spends most of the trip sitting on a bench with Kouyou and holding the prizes everyone won. Chuuya eventually convinces them to join in and watch the fireworks at night over the boardwalk.
Also, Tachihara cheats at like all of the games that are supposed to be unwinable (he lost once, realized they were rigged, and his pride refused to let him leave without the biggest prize he could get). He and Chuuya brought home like half of the prizes (most were given to Elise and Q, though they both secretly kept a couple one or two. For by accident, of course).
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anexplosionofchaos · 1 month
every single dazai/soukoku/chuuya fan deserves to reside in hell for flooding every other bsd ship or character tag with unrelated fics
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starswritewhispers · 2 months
pick your poison
Chuuya had always found that chasing the sting of betrayal with the burn of anger was far smoother than the jagged edges of heartbreak.  With anger, its aftertaste had the spice of a lie that would weigh down his tongue and dull his senses, but after enough shots, he could forget the bitter taste of betrayal that lingered behind the burn. Heartbreak would refuse to leave his mouth for days, he’d cough and watch his own blood splatter on his fist from the shards still lodged stubbornly within his throat.   The aftertaste of rust would linger on his tongue for months to follow, forcing him to swallow every new sentence with the hint of neveragainneveragain souring every word.  
Anger was better. Anger was easier. When his family the Sheep betrayed him, he downed the anger quicker than the heartbreak could register. It turned on him, the way it almost always did.  He wouldn’t have had a knife lodged in his gut, rat poison sinking into his bloodstream, if he had been better. The Flags always argued with him on that. He still whispers ‘i told you so’ when he drops flowers off at Albatross’s grave. He can’t look at any of their headstones, but he requested Mori to bury him next to his fallen friends when he inevitably goes. Dazai had complained, whining and throwing a tantrum.  The same shit it always was with him, loud cries of but you’re my dog, as if his friends hadn’t just died because of Chuuya’s lack of fucking humanity. It’d be easier to deal with if Dazai really was throwing a tantrum just to be immature.  He clocked it for what it was, the second Dazai’s jaw clenched when he overheard Chuuya’s request, he was trying to goad Chuuya, to annoy him, but it wasn’t out of spite–for once. No, Dazai was trying to hand Chuuya a bottle of his favorite prescription and be the punching bag for the anger that would follow. Chuuya would often find himself sipping a glass of wine and wishing he could find it within himself to hate Dazai.
Dazai, who orchestrated the first betrayal, who had figured out the core of who Chuuya was so perfectly that he knew he’d rather sacrifice his soul than betray the group that had just betrayed him. Dazai, who was the reason Chuuya was in the Port Mafia in the first place, Dazai, the only person in Chuuya’s life that he couldn’t get rid of, whether he wanted him around or not. 
It only started to scare him when he realized the idea of a life with Dazai constantly around the corner wasn’t so terrifying anymore. 
He noticed when the little light in Dazai’s eyes would flicker out completely and they’d go to the arcade, or the grunts he hung around would take him drinking.  When one of them was revealed to be a traitor, Chuuya couldn’t bring himself to talk to Dazai. He knew he should’ve, but the old taste of heartbreak had morphed into a bitter form of cruel satisfaction, rising up into his throat as though it was bile from a hellish hangover. 
How’d it feel to be the one manipulated into losing something you loved?
When the other one had passed, Chuuya did reach out. He ignored the bloody taste of heartbreak and the easy offer of anger in his hands and instead tried to contact Dazai. Grief had held hands with him his whole life and as much as his partner annoyed him, he knew first hand how guilt would follow. Dazai didn’t respond to any of them. After five hours, his calls and messages stopped going through. His worry tasted like soured wine, left in the barrel for eons too long. His mind conjured up countless scenarios of Dazai finally finding a successful suicide route, and whatever rest he had planned to achieve that night was quickly lost in his own mind.
When the news finally broke that Dazai had turned traitor, the chaser of anger hit his throat before the sting of betrayal could even touch it.  His anger stayed outwards, a rare occurrence, but one that he appreciated nonetheless. It tasted like fire on his tongue, sent a warmth running through his veins, and a constant awareness humming in his bones. Anger was always easier.  
By the time Tachihara had messaged him that Dazai was captured with a following ‘don’t do anything stupid’ plea attached, he couldn’t remember what the rust of heartbreak tasted like or how the tang of sourness from worry would crease the lines of his face.  
The only taste that remained was the steady spark of anger on his tongue. He supposed it made sense, in a cruel, twisted way.
It was, after all, the only thing that stayed.
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zukkaoru · 5 months
blow out the candles on your birthday cake
“You’re not him. You’re better than he was.” “You flatter me,” Ranpo deadpans, “but I can’t compete with whatever game he was playing—whatever he’s still playing from beyond the grave. I don’t understand, and I can’t see through it to unravel any nefarious schemes, and I…” he grimaces, hands curling into fists in his lap. “You are better than he was,” Chuuya promises. They take one of Ranpo’s hands in their own before they can think better of it. “After all, only one of you two bothered to celebrate my birthday with me.” Ranpo laughs. “That’s a little insensitive, don’t you think?”
six months after the events of BEAST, ranpo finds chuuya spending their birthday alone
🎂 3.5k words || post-canon BEAST chuuran 🎂 for day 7 of @chuuyaweek2024: birthday
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kaurwreck · 1 year
I just reread Chuuya & Mori's interactions in Fifteen and Stormbringer, and I'm so, so, so struck by the expansive implications in each detail:
Mori expresses unprecedented sincerity around Chuuya
Mori and Kouyou are both reminescent in aesthetic and background to Chuuya's birth parents (his birth parents are also clearly drawn from IRL Chuuya Nakahara's parents; his father admired and respected Mori Ogai)
Chuuya chooses the Port Mafia over and over again
Chuuya has a graphite scar from tackling a kiddo who insulted his parents; he's never changed
Mori calls Chuuya a diamond, and Chuuya responds by asking, his voice cracking and young, how to be a leader
Mori smiles happily at Chuuya, an expression reserved only for Chuuya
Chuuya knows when Mori is smiling at him, even over the phone
Anyway, Chuuya loves and nurtures the Port Mafia, the Port Mafia loves and nurtures him, and I will never get tired of reading/watching/seeing expressions of that.
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thepartyishere · 6 months
Bsd music venue (band) au inspired by the rock concert I just went to
The Port Mafia all work at a venue that mainly hosts rock and similar concerts
The ada is a band that frequently plays there
Tachihara is the sound/tech guy totally jamming out to the music with the crowd, he wanted the job as a way to go to concerts for free (but he still does his job well)
Gin does sound and tech too, they get along well. Gin is especially good bc they know sign language and teach others so they dont have to try to shout
Akutagawa is the weird kid working the merch table, no one really gets along with him but he gets the job done well. He has a bizzare way of organizing and doing things that irritates anyone else but he claims its faster
Mori technically owns the place but is never actually there, Kouyou runs it with help from Chuuya and Verlaine (all three are step siblings via Mori so it's kinda family run)
Chuuya runs the bar as well
Verlaine is never seen, he remotely does finances and boring stuff
Kouyou is the main manager/ highest besides Mori. She does booking and other stuff
Dazai used to work there but quit to join the ada band, now he comes to concerts just to bother chuuya at the bar
Hirotsu does hiring and training, hes been working there the longest, since before it was sold to Mori. Everyone knows him and likes him
Higuchi is head of security and manages security people as well as supervises and creates the id checking and security process to enter the venue
Whenever the ada plays there Atsushi sneaks off to make out with Akutagawa at the merch table
DazaI also sneaks away to be a bother, usually to Chuuya
Kunikida is the manager that travels with the ada, Fukuzawa doesn't travel
Kunikida and Kouyou in particular get along very well with how often they work together and their similar way of doing things
The band is made up of Dazai, Atsushi, Junichiro, Kyoka, Kenji, Ranpo, and Yosano
Fukuzawa, Kunikida, Naomi, and Haruno are all behind the scenes staff
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saaraofthesand · 1 year
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You guys should never have been using descriptors in place of names in your writing, but this really crosses a line. I’ve officially had enough. Dear lord.
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wow-an-unfunny-joke · 11 days
So like why is everyone talking about Chuuya? I’ve seen multiple people talking about his reaction to Dazai’s death or smth but I haven’t seen him since that one homoerotic interaction at the very beginning
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littencloud9 · 6 months
collapses to the floor. does anyone have kunichuu fic recs
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rosealiceroyal · 1 year
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neonganymede · 1 year
WIP Wednesday #19
A glimpse at Chuuya's birthday fic~
Chuuya paused in the doorway to the kitchen, all of his aggressive plans forgotten the moment he took in the scene before him.
The kitchen looked like a fucking nightmare. Dirty bowls covered most of the counter, their contents sticky and unrecognizable. Utensils dripping with pale white batter cluttered his sink, and beside the sink sat his stand mixer, which appeared to have fought a brutal battle and now wore the rich burgundy colors of its defeated enemy.
And deposited on nearly every conceivable surface were cupcakes. At least two dozen of them, all at various levels of doneness. Some looked soupy in the center, nearly ready to spill out of their midnight blue cupcake sleeves. Others appeared too done, dry and crumbly and dark on the top.
Then there was Dazai.
Dazai Osamu, ex-mafia, former Demon Prodigy, one half of Soukoku. A man of many masks, multiple layers of cunning bullshit, and effortless manipulation—
Who had his hair pushed out of his face with a soft pink makeup headband. One of the ones Chuuya had bought to help with his skincare routine, from the looks of it. It had a thick, poofy bow in the middle that Dazai’s fluffy hair curled around, artful in its dishevelment. He looked both silly and pretty as he bent over the counter in front of a single cupcake, possibly the only one that had come out baked well.
Chuuya watched him for a moment, mesmerized, and couldn’t decide if he should feel blessed to see such a dangerous man caught in this moment of intense, adorable focus or if he should feel unlucky because all of this mayhem had happened in his own goddamn kitchen. But the moment Dazai’s tongue poked out between his lips as he worked diligently to place the prettiest swirl of burgundy icing atop the cupcake, Chuuya decided he felt both.
“The hell are you doing?”
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tsuunara · 6 months
hey guys if you couldn't tell i love chuuya and he is my favorite character
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chuuyanakaahara · 1 year
I was looking for Chuuya fics! Because you see. I am in love with him. And I have Chuuya Brain (the condition where a minuscule Chuuya is inside your head chewing on your brain. He has a tiny hat)
aw, it's true ! chuuya disease infects us all at some point. and omg i'm so honored you'd look for them :]
i don't actually have many chuuya fics because i feel UNDERQUALIFIED to write my boy but i have SOME and i am going to list them because i like lists and you're lookin' for em, so this is all my fics that feature chuuya as a prominent character !
act of faith - soukoku, 94,866 words, incomplete, 9/12 chapters. (if you like this one, i'll totally give u a snippet of ch 10 :o)
Chuuya Nakahara wakes in the infirmary of the Armed Detective Agency with no memories of what landed him there, or why he isn't able to manipulate gravity at will. Dazai's at his side, tight-lipped about the ordeal and hiding behind his veneer of calm, and lets the doctor inform Chuuya that he'll be staying at the Armed Detective Agency until further notice, the deal already negotiated between their organizations. Living with Dazai keeps bringing up the past, though, and there's nothing worse than being forced back into old memories where none new can form.
symptoms of singularity - soukoku (as in, it's there, but it's kind of just a minor thing), from atsushi's pov, 6,922 words, complete.
Atsushi's day starts at five in the morning with an emergency call from Kunikida. The next three weeks proceed as follows: Nakahara Chuuya uses Corruption, Nakahara Chuuya dies, Dazai's status as a married man is known to everyone but Atsushi, and Yosano wants to know why she couldn't heal him fully.
starbound (we'll meet again) - kunichuu, 3,690 words, complete.
When Doppo Kunikida is seventeen, he goes out for a smoke on the pier and finds himself in the midst of a strange conversation with a Port Mafia-affiliated red-head with exhaustion as evident as beauty. Or, Doppo and Chuuya meet far before Doppo's employment at the Armed Detective Agency. Doppo's simply never put the pieces together of the two - the red-head with a flair for the dramatic and existentialism - being the same as the Executive of the Port Mafia.
i find forgiveness in your devotion - chuuatsu, 2,002 words, complete.
Love is foreign to Chuuya, and it's easier to lie to himself when he doesn't meet Atsushi's gaze, late at night with smoke between them.
an easy kind of love - chuuatsu, 7,499 words, complete.
Atsushi is rather confused when he finds himself in a mafioso's bed first thing in the morning, with no recollection of the night prior; and he's rather concerned when Kouyou Ozaki practically forces him into a fake relationship for the sake of... some reputation he doesn't care about. On the bright side, he gets to know more about Chuuya, and finds that falling in love was easier than he expected.
stranger to stranger (i can find your way home) - tanizaki & chuuya, 4,516 words, complete.
Nakahara Chuuya is surprised by little in his line of work, but his night is thrown off-kilter when he finds a twelve-year-old Tanizaki Junichirou wandering around Yokohama's docks at two in the morning. Like a good citizen, Chuuya returns him. He finds they have more in common than expected.
delusion is weighing me down (my sskk fic) is also, of course, very sskk centric, but chuuya does make several appearances as a pivotal character and has an important role within the story :]
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