#chuya comfort x reader
xo-cuteplosion-xo · 1 year
Elemental Hair Abilty Reader
My works on Tumblr are here
Synopsis: Reader’s hair is their ability, like an elemental spirit almost: HC’s Link to ask
Character(s): Chuuya, Fyodor (separately?)
Warnings: Past abuse mentioned (Idk I count cutting a child's hair that they cherished over them, not picking up some toys at 6 as abusive-)
Words: Chuuya=322 Fyodor=453 total 775
Absolutely loves your hair
Like will not stop staring when you use it to threaten somebody
Can’t tell if he likes the danger of lava or the look of the wines more
Thinks you're absolutely stunning, absolutely the star of his eyes
The first time he saw you use it he was confused
He didn’t understand the use until he saw the absolute control you have of the movements.
Stealthy and strong
As his s/o he makes sure that nobody steps on your hair when you're sitting
And if you're on a mission, he covers blind spots and things you miss to keep you from harm.
He notices the pain you get from your hair being cut and of course how you grimace when on a mission and somebody cuts your vines
He’ll get really defensive and squash… I mean that literally… the soul that cut your hair.
He’s amazed at the strength you have and often apologizes for underestimating you when he first met you.
He’s always watching those around you, he won’t ever understand why you jolt when a stranger goes to touch your hair. He’ll never understand why you only let him touch it slowly… just the ends at first until he could finally rest his hand on your head or braid it.
He’s noticed a defense of yours when it looks like damage will be done to your hair, you make it into something that can’t be cut, like flowing tendrils of water or dripping blobs of lava.
He does try to understand your fears and when you are hurting he takes care of you. He tries to lessen the pain as much as he can. He holds you close.
And oh when he finds out what scarred you like this…
His hands will be all over making sure you're safe from them and perhaps beating it into them.
He doesn’t like when people hurt his love.
Very interested
The second he found you, and saw that ability, he was intrigued.
He needed to understand it
Ofc he doesn’t get close right away but he works up to getting to know you
He watches you carefully
He notes how the ability works
He writes you like a book in his memory
Every flinch, each reaction to an event he memorizes as if they were simple words on paper
He doesn’t quite understand you, can’t seem to find the reason, only hypothetical equations to the events that have led to your current self.
He loves the “purity” of your ability
There’s so many uses for it.
From murder in all sorts of fun ways to punish the “sinners” of this world to saving through cauterizing wounds with the flow of lava to moving things.
You're a destructive force worthy of him
He may see you as somebody to move about in his game but oh are you his favorite piece.
A piece that can fit anywhere and everywhere.
Beautiful like an angel … his angel
He loves watching you switch from element to element. 
It’s beautiful to see the transition start from the top of your head to the base unless you go from the ability to your natural state, slowly from the bottom it recoils to your natural length and splits into tiny pieces of hair.
He’s patient with you
Waits until you trust him
Then he makes a move, coiling hair around his fingers gentle and affirming as he plays with it. 
He keeps his hands where your eyes can see, be that through a mirror or by keeping his hands full of your hair in front of you.
He waits until you are no longer stiff to ask for details, to confirm his theories. 
Of course, he was right.
And that person, if they still exist, is gone. 
Those who dare to “dirty” his angel should be punished, yes?
He adores you, his favorite piece in the game… a possible weakness.
Though outside the field in the comfort of each other, he doesn’t mind playing with your hair.
He’ll style it using tips he learned from Nikolai and boy… he’s horrible at it.
He can’t make an actual braid the first four times.
You have to guide him but he’ll never admit to that.
He tries to keep you from harm but when you are in pain because your hair has been cut he pulls a nice bath for you and lets you soak hoping to distract you from the hair.
He finds it interesting that your hair is like a limb… feeling pain as you do.
Each individual strand has its own life… 
Truly angelic and spectacular.
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munnaitorei · 1 year
Am I not suitable for having a friend?
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pairing: Chuuya x Reader
genre: angst, fluff
cw: mention of bullying
summary: you went on a trip with your so-called best friends (group) only to have a nastier situation when you return.
BSD Masterlist
"Oh God! Chuuya! Please, I'm gonna be bullied by everyone at college."
"Hey! Hey!" Chuuya protectively grasped your body." What's goin' on?!"
Chuuya saw you hyperventilating as you mentioned him to quickly go to the car. You keep pulling his hand as he was 100% confused with your reaction right now. He was about to ask what happened until you cut him.
"Please, let's just go to the car!"
Chuuya was so happy when he send you on the trip even though he wished that he could go with you. On the road, he tried to ask you about what happened during the trip only to get a silent answer from you. He observed from the time to time, you've been hugging your knees as you stare at the window with a blank stare.
"Hey, Y/N..."
"Not now, please! Not now!"
You were so happy when your group invited you to go on a trip with them however everything went into chaos there. Your friend never listened to you just like a wind passed by every time you tried to talk. Nobody asked how you feel on the trip and the worst of all they put a bad impression in front of one of their friend's parents.
Time went by as both of you arrived at Chuuya's penthouse. As soon as you entered his place, you quickly hide in the bathroom. Chuuya tried to catch you but you already went into the place and locked the door.
"Y/N, baby. Please, open the door."
"Please, baby? I wanna know why ya got that kind of face?"
"Chuuya, I'm going to take a bath now."
It looked like you tried to avoid telling Chuuya what happened during your trip. You turn on the shower to make sure to him that you were taking a bath. Tears start to fall from your tears as you sob silently in the bathroom while the water is running.
"I-I'm always been a burden to people," you whispered to yourself. "I don't deserve to have a friend. In the end, I always hurt them."
After a few minutes, you were done taking a bath so you went outside and smelled something good. You remember that you did not eat well on your trip because along the journey until now you suffered gastric pains. As you wandered around the area, you noticed Chuuya was organizing dinner for both of you.
"I'm preparing dinner," he said as he noticed how you grasped your stomach tightly. "Let's eat before we cuddle on the bed, yeah?"
During dinner, you didn't talk to Chuuya at all and he missed your joyful face. Also, you merely ate a few spoons of the food that he made for you. He tried to push you to take a few more bites but you kept saying 'no' to him.
"Y/N, you only take a few bites, "he rubbed your knuckled. "Come on, eat more, love."
"I'm done, Chuuya," you yell, bringing your hand back "I wanna go to bed."
You raised your body from the table as you proceed to brush your teeth. Chuuya noticed that you tried to avoid looking at the mirror which was also strange. He knew before, you always glanced at the mirror to notify him how you progressed in taking care of your skin.
Chuuya then left the rest of the dirty plate on the sink and didn't clean it at that time. He couldn't care about it because of what matters right now. He wanted to return you to your usual self.
So you stepped tiredly into the bedroom that both of you share. You climbed on the bed which he joined you too. It's weird, you also didn't ask him to cuddle you like always. Instead you keep your distance from him as you look through the big window to sew the city of Yokohama.
"Baby, what's goin' on the trip?" Chuuya said, rubbingd your back. "Are ya' sure you're fine?"
And that moment, you cried so hard that you started laughing like a psychopath. This made Chuuya go into purely shocked.
"Hey! Hey! Baby, I'm here, alright?" he quickly caught your body as he rocked your body back and forth. "Shh, it's alright you're safe. You're safe. Tell me what's going on?"
"What did they do to you?"
"A lot! I don't wanna speak of it!" you started panicking. "Chuuya, you are probably disappointed by me! You don't want me!"
Chuuya learned you well because when you panicked, you start talking from A to Z. For now, he only can listen to your story. Hearing the story made his anger boil through his body. How could someone hurt his baby not to mention made a bad impression on you? Also, you two are mocked by your hem saying that 'two lovers that cannot be separated'. You always chatted with Chuuya because you never felt like you were considered by them. What? They just treated you like the wind.
"Chuu, I'm always a burden to people," you said with a cryingvoice. "I don't deserve to have a friend because in the end, I always-"
"No no no!" he stopped you before you can finish your line. "Don't start with that shit!"
"But I am!"
"Y/N, baby. Listen to me, yeah?" he grabbed both of your cheeks as he wiped your tears away." You're the kindest human I ever met. Want to know how you hurt people?"
You just listened to him.
"Is how you hurt my heartbeat because it goes ten times faster than before which means I love you so much."
You can swear in your life that it was the most beautiful thing you ever heard from people especially Chuuya. He left you speechless while he never stopped rocking your body back and forth. His other hand caressing your hair so you can sleep faster.
As you felt the movement of his hand, your eyelids grow to get sleepy. You didn't catch sleep for 2 days there because you also overthinking. After a few minutes, your mind started to go to your dreamland. Before he got up from the bed, he didn't forget to kiss your cheeks as always.
"I'll deal with those fucker," Chuuya clenched his fist. "No one messed with The Port Mafia, especially my Y/N."
NOTE: It was my first time writing and I also edited again. I'm sorry if it's bad! (Also, the story is based on my life experience)
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getonite · 6 months
i have the visceral need to write a 3k to 5k one-shot about dazai disconnection from the people around him. just- the 'no longer human' concept, and the alienation. fuck, i wanna make him cry.
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xoxostarzzz · 11 months
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Chuuya x Reader
- sfw
- angst/fluff
The way things go.
Hours, days, weeks. You couldn’t remember the last time you and him, Chuuya, spoke. Even though before all this, you two were inseparable, no one would be able to match up to his and your dynamic. It was as if you two were made for each other, this was something he also had realized.
This was found out by him when you two were spending your usual late nights, early morning, on the roof. A flat rooftop of Yokohama at around midnight. You were laying, he was sitting up, legs hanging off the rooftop. Lit, partially used cigarette in hand, repeated movement back and forth to his lips, the order of his cigarette filling the air as he let the smoke out from his mouth.
As stated, you were laying on the same flat rooftop, diagonal from him and behind. Wireless earbuds in your ears, the playlist you sent him at this same spot years ago playing from them. Hums can be heard from you, eyes closed as you relax to music filling up, clouding every possible thought in your mind.
You were extremely relaxed, no words, no conversation between you and Chuuya, yet it wasn’t uncomfortable in the slightest.
This had also gone on for hours, after a while, the man in front of you, your best friend, had finally attempted to speak up. Turning his head slightly so he can side glance at you.
Whatever he just said, or asked, you didn’t hear at all, so the ginger spoke again to you.
Yet, still no response from you. Too focused on the damned music playing in your stupid ears. He sighed, and went back to facing the night sky, taking more puffs of his smoke. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Repeated routine, he looked up at the sky, two stars right next to each other, and your hums heard throughout the silent night in the city.
The orange haired man had leaned back, hands resting on the rooftop as his arms supported his body to make him still partially sitting up, legs still hanging off the rooftop. Listening carefully to your hums and looking at the stars, he couldn’t help but think about the two of you.
You’ve known each other for seventeen years, yet have never discussed your feelings for eachother. Not only that, but neither of you ever had thought about how you feel romantically to the other. Yet, you both still had dated people, and shared everything about it without any boundaries.
Many people that you two had dated stopped, all because of how you act with eachother. You both act like a couple, but never put the label on it, you’ve even been “married” since the two of you were five (with multiple “divorces” over the year, which costed multiple ring pops).
He had tried to ignore all the thoughts that popped up in his mind, he tried to just focus on the stars and his cigarette instead. He repeated this for a while, as he finally gets to the couple-like dynamic you too have. Which, makes it worse. He starts to wonder what dating you would be like, and if you’d actually put a label on it. Why does he like acting like a couple with you?
Every thought, every question, anything that involved you was ignored by him. He didn’t want to be apart of it, he just wanted to go back to a couple minutes ago, when he was able to sit on this rooftop with you without thinking about you, like he always used to.
But, brains like to wander. And the more he thought about you, and your relationship with him, he had realized he really did like you. Which, he didn’t want to ruin anything, upset you, and most importantly: be weak. He ultimately refuses to get any closer to you than he is now.
He was about to tell you he was gonna go, not that he would say why. He just needs to stay away from you for now, maybe even longer. When he turned to see you, he was now slightly closer than before.
You still had no idea what was going on, relaxed for about fifteen minutes, close to falling asleep. Curled up slightly, facing the left, as you were holding your arms like how you would hold Chuuya. Since you were closer to him now, he was able to see your face easier. He pushed your hair out of your face gently, confirming that you’re asleep. His eyes trailed down to your lips. He wished he could kiss you right then, no. What’s he thinking? Why does he want to get close to you?
“..God dammit.”
He left, climbing down the rooftop with ease, he just couldn’t bare seeing you, and knowing that you won’t feel the same. That even if you do, he knows it wouldn’t last. Thoughts like this filled his head, he finally jumped down onto the sidewalk, landing on his feet, like a cat. Like your pet cat. He passed by a gas station, the one you two went to when you were kids.
He kept wondering what was wrong with him. Every single thought, he was somehow able to bring you into everything. He hated it. He didn’t want to think this, he was seriously telling himself that he’d do anything just to stop having thse thoughts, these feelings, about you.
More and more thoughts of you, it never ended. But he then finally got to his mansion-like home.
2:00 AM.
You woke up, kinda uncomfortable as you had fallen asleep on a rooftop. After waking up completely, you turned around like a pet looking for it’s owner. Where’s Chuuya? You looked everywhere, yet he wasn’t there. It was completely abnormal. You two would always wait for the other to wake up, stay with them, or just wake them up yourselves. He never did this, does this, he never would.
You went into your memory, trying to find out what you could’ve done to make him leave. Was it cause you pushed him a bit more than normal yesterday? No, he pushed you back, and harder than you did to him. Was it because of his ex again? No, you can’t remember anything, nothing makes sense. You kept wondering as you too, went home. Same path Chuuya took, but you went to the right instead of the left, and went to your apartment.
Continued inner-conflict. Chuuya may not just leave you here like this all the time, but this is something he’d do. He’s like a puzzle, and you’re so blind to whatever he does, whatever he tries to make you understand. You just never are able to find the right pieces to finish that stupid puzzle.
Finish that stupid puzzle.
He was currently in his room, laying on the bed, Chuuya didn’t change yet. He was staring at the ceiling. Chuuya would do anything to stop any kind of romantic feelings..
Even if it meant cutting ties with you.
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
Take You Back
Chuya Nakahara X Reader
Word Count: 672
Requested: @nunezs-stuff
Request: I have an idea can I please ask for a protective and jealous Chuuya with a Yurelia darling
Where he's pissed off that dazai
Likes to steal Yurelia's attention away from him
And wonder he gets fed up with it and takes her away from dazai
And Yurelia notices that he's jealous and gives him comfort and reassurance
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Chuya had been working hard for the Mafia these past couple of days so he hadn’t had as much time as he would have wanted for you, in his absence however a parasite had wormed his way in. Dazai had been taking up your new found free time with whatever he could find and now that Chuya had some time to spend with you he was getting annoyed. He could see you, your bright smile and beautiful hair on the other side of the room, the only problem was that you hadn’t even realised that he was there. Chuya figured that you were indulging him so he gave you today.
The next day however he got to you first “hey there.” He smiled as he walked over, your eyes lit up and for a second he forgot all of the anger and jealousy that had risen in him. “Chuya when did you get back?” You asked. “I got back yesterday.” He answered. “I was wondering if you had some time to get lunch.” “Well I would love to.” He smiled at that. “But I have plans with Dazai already. What about dinner?” Chuya grit his teeth. It wasn't what he planned but it was something so he nodded and let you go.
That evening when you showed up for dinner, your new found shadow was right behind you. “You don’t mind if I join you for dinner right Chuya?” Dazai asked, drawing his name out he assumed to aggravate him. “Actually-” “Great.” Dazai cheered and sat on the opposite side to you “so as I was saying…” Chuya looked at the two of you and rolled his eyes, he waited for a break in the conversation but the only time that he stopped talking was to order, Chuya was becoming increasingly more aggravated until he stood. “We’re going home.” Chuya finally said and you looked at him and frowned before realising his mood and nodding. “Yeah sure let’s go, you got the bill right Dazai?” You asked pulling Chuya with you before he could say anything, that gave him a little joy as he let you drag him out of the restaurant as you started walking towards his apartment. He was quiet. “Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” “Nothing.” He answered as you laced your hands together and gave it a soft squeeze. “Really? Nothing?” You asked. “He’s so goddamn annoying.” Chuya finally said. “Dazai?” You asked. “He only did that because he knew that I wanted to spend time with you.” Chuya said and you looked at him and smiled. “You wanted to spend time with me?” You asked. “If you're going to tease me too then you can just go back.” He grumbled but you stopped him, he noticed the soft smile on your face as you leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek, he blushed as he tugged you with him. “Just tell me if you get jealous, you know I’m more than happy to spend time with you.” You said. “We should get back to the apartment.”
When you finally got back to the apartment Chuya poured himself a glass of wine and you both curled up on the sofa “the mission went well?” You asked. “Mm, fine, nothing to worry about wasn’t even worth me going.” He answered. “You're just saying that, you love your missions.” You smiled as you nestled closer to him. “Next time your coming with me.” He mumbled as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head, now that he was a little tipsy his words and actions were looser. “Yeah? I’d love to go on a mission with you.” You nodded affirmation. “All my missions.” He corrected. “All your missions.” You nodded and he smiled, placing his glass on the table wrapping his arms around you. You spent the rest of the night talking about anything and everything until you fell asleep, not another word or thought of Dazai for the rest of the night.
Request Here!!
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sleepygamerotaku · 2 years
Chuuya Nakahara Comfort Headcanons
Chuuya Nakahara x reader
Content Warnings:
Lmk if there's anything triggering pls!
Reader pronouns:
Not mentioned
Authors note:
I think this is the quickest I've ever written anything. Usually it takes at least a few weeks for me to finish something and i finished this in one day. Anyway @chuuyas--boo this is dedicated to you!
♡ Chuuya absolutely hates seeing you sad. He wants you to be happy. You're like a ray of sunshine for him, and it really upsets him to see you so down.
♡ If it was someone who said or did something that made you feel like this, they'd better pray that Chuuya takes pity on them. Someone had the audacity to hurt his love? Chuuya will make them go through hell for that.
♡ But if you're just feeling sad then Chuuya will pull you into his lap(doesn't matter if you're taller than him or not, the mans got thighs of steel/hj) and hold onto you while telling you everything he loves about you.
♡ Will literally cuddle you until you either feel better or tell him to stop. Of course if you tell him to stop he'll get all pouty and disappointed.♡ Chuuya loves you're smile so much it isn't even funny. He would give almost anything to see you smile and hear you laugh.
♡ Will try distracting you with cuddles and affection. If that doesn't work well just have to tickle the sadness away.
♡ He is a low-key softie and nobody will tell me different. At first he seems really blunt and acts as though he doesn't give a damn about anyone or their feelings.
♡ But in private? That's a completely different story. He can and he will give you affection for hours on end. He doesn't have off button either.
♡ He will do absolutely anything for you. Wether it be doing something for you or simply being they're. He's all hands on deck if means you're happy.
♡ Also i know that i already mentioned this but he will not hesitate to throw hands with whoever tries to hurt you in any way. He is very protective of you.
♡ If you need anything don't even bother getting up. Chuuya will immediately make you sit back down, and then he'll wander off. He'll end up coming-out lol t back with whatever it was you needed as well as a warm blanket and cup of hot chocolate, with a bonus gravity hug.
♡ Words of affirmation go brrr
♡ "I'm so proud of you babe" "you have no idea how lucky i am to be with you" "I love you so much. I hope you know that" "Your so strong" "you deserve all the hugs and kisses in the world plus more!"
♡ He love's kissing you in certain areas and telling you why Loves them. Hell kiss you're nose and say that it's so cute and fun to boop. He'll kiss you're knuckles and tell you that he loves holding you're hand and how he wishes he could never let go. The list goes on and on.
♡ If you ever say that there's something you don't like about yourself he will tell you at least 68 reasons why he loves that about you.
♡ He wants you be happy so whenever you're sad you can count on him to make you feel better.
♡ He love's you too much to see you hurting. All he wants is for there to be a sincere smile on your face and happiness to loom in your eyes. Because to Chuuya, everything about you is perfect in every way.
thank you for reading! reblogs are greatly appreciated<3 please don't copy/translate my works to different platforms.
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tacticaldiary · 3 years
Chuuya + a newly washed dress
Chuuya Nakahara x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Character + Item: Chuuya + Street Sign
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He forgets how to speak. Words? What were words? He sure as hell didn't know.
Chuuya blinks, standing in the doorway to their bedroom, jaw dropped open.
"You look..." he trails off, eyes drinking her in, making her smile and hide a chuckle behind her hand. Y/N's face turns a light pink as she shuffles under the gaze. "You..." He's fascinated by the way the piece of clothing hugs her, the colours complementing her perfecting, drawing out everything he loves about her.
She stands out, even in the confines of their bedroom. He never wants to leave the room.
"I thought I would try it on for tonight." She fidgets with the collar of her dress and Chuuya's eyes follow the movement, completely starstruck. He didn't think it was possible to look this good. "It just came out of the wash so it's a little wrinkled but-"
She doesn't even have time to finish the sentence, before he's across the room, hands on her waist and leaning down to kiss her. He smiles into it, relieved.
"I assume that means you like it?" She breaths out and she has to be the one to pull away, placing a hand on his chest to stop him from diving right back in.
"Like it? Fuck, of course I like it." He tries to lean back in, voice slightly strained and out-of-breath, but she doesn't relent, keeping her hand firmly planted on his chest with a grin.
He groans, dropping his forehead onto her shoulder. "You're killing me, baby." His breath tickles her skin, her other hand coming up to run itself through his hair.
The dress is a beautiful shade of red, and either she was doing this on purpose or it was just a horrible, wonderful coincidence. It goes with his hair perfectly.
"You're gonna be the death of me." He complains, hand tightening around her waist. She laughs gently.
"We're gonna be late if you keep standing there, you know." The reminder prompts him to straighten up, looking her in the eyes.
"We're not going anywhere today." He declares with a small smirk and Y/N can feel her heart beat faster.
"Nope." He presses their foreheads together. "Don't give a shit, they can survive without us."
She smiles, face a pleasant red and when he leans down this time, she reciprocates just as eagerly.
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xxxsoukokuxxx · 4 years
Scenario or hc with s/o in her period ? With Dazai and Chuuya ( if you don't do more than one, please take Dazai ) separate. Have a good day ~
Characters: Dazai x reader; Chuya x reader
Warnings: none
Notes: Thanks for requesting anon, i apologize for the long wait, yes this might be somewhat self-indulgent as well because y’know. Cramps hurt like a b*tch, hope these are what you had in mind and if not feel free to request again. Have a good day/night
Headcanons of Dazai with s/o on her period
There’s two possible scenarios where he’s indicated that it’s ‘that time of the month again’
He comes home from work and doesn’t get greeted with a hug and a kiss at the door like he usually does from you
The other being ,he’ll notice that you tend to be a lot more short-tempered and snap at anything that pisses you off, he’ll also notice that you’re in discomfort and pain
Dazai doesn’t know exactly the kind of pain it is but he knows that it must be really painful, some days it can be manageable and others, it leaves you bedridden
He doesn’t like seeing you in pain at all, so he does whatever possible to make you comfortable
He’ll wrap you up in blankets as you lay on the couch watching a movie, and he’ll cuddle with you
On the first few days he might even call Kunikida or Atsushi saying that he can’t make it to work today because you’re ‘unwell’
He’ll try to lay off on the overbearing teasing because, you’ll end up ripping his head off
Cuddles you like there’s no tomorrow, gives you feather light kisses everywhere, eventually making you giggle out of the ticklishness
He’ll massage you as well, but he’s kinda afraid he might press your stomach too hard and hurt you
When it comes to comfort food, it’s take out otherwise the whole house will be burnt down
He’ll try his best to make those brownie/cake ready mix things but doesn’t work out as well as he thought, but you appreciated it either way
Let’s just say that the cramps get overbearing, the first thing he does is try to distract you, perhaps kissing your forehead and telling you a story and the likes as he rubs your stomach or as he calls it ‘tummy’
Headcanons of Chuya with s/o on her period
Drops everything if you’re in pain
But of course, first things first, he knows when it’s that time of the month
He does everything possible to make you feel comfortable
Puts fluffy blankets on the bed so you may lay on them and feel all comfy plus another to cover you
For some reason Chuya just seems like a masterchef to me. he’ll cook up anything you’d like
Makes the most delicious brownies ever (damn i want brownies now)
Cuddles you like a giant teddybear, kisses every inch of you until you forget about the pain
Will probably sing a soft melody for you if the cramps are keeping you from sleeping whilst massaging your abdomen
His hands are heavenly, the massages make you feel so relaxed and at peace, he just smiles at you
The Port Mafia is something he can’t take days off from that easily but if you’re in pain, he isn’t going to leave you alone
Also a tease but not as bad as Dazai, so you won’t end up ripping his head off
He’s a gentleman in every aspect
You both will binge watch movies and eat a whole lot of snacks as you guys cuddle, you both might even fall asleep with the tv left on
He doesn’t want you straining yourself trying to do anything, so he’ll tell you to just relax and kisses your head
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sockcanvas · 5 years
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୧ ‧₊˚ 🎐 ⋅ ❝Let’s meet at the river and follow it to the ocean.❞‧₊˚.
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𖤐 I do a little aestheticing, kinda just chilling and making my own black and white banner for Goo LOL. I like writing angst 𖠋 because silly funny. I love putting these silly emoji combos and pretend im a very aesthetic and professional blog that’s totally active…
𖤐 I’m Socks :^) i go by they/she, my babygirls are Kim Joon Goo, Geto Suguru, Shinazugawa Sanemi, Vox and my divorce attorney
⋆。°•☁️✉ Requests are open for these current fandoms⁀➴ Lookism, Rainbow Six, Bungou Stray Dogs
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ Must give prompt or genre when requesting 𖡼𖤣𖥧
✉. Will not do NSFW requests but i will allow suggestive ones or implied intercourse. Lowkey im not good at making headcannons, but you can still request them.
✉. Will do part 2 requests!! would prefer if there’s a prompt provided for the part two to give me like a sense of idea :3
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𓆩⚝𓆪 ᴡᴏʀᴋɪɴɢ ᴏɴ⁀➴
▬▬ι═══════ﺤ Lookism
𓍯𓂃𝘧𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳 Samuel Seo x Reader 𖧧.
𓍯𓂃𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘥 Gun park x reader ⚘. final drafting
𓍯𓂃“𝘪’𝘭𝘭 𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶” Johan Seong x reader ⚘. Rough drafting
𓍯𓂃𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘥 Gun park x reader 𖤣.𖡼
𓍯𓂃𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘩 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 Goo Kim x reader ⚘.
𓍯𓂃𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯 𝘚/𝘖 multiple x reader𖤣.𖥧
𓍯𓂃𝘙𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳 Goo x reader ⚘. Rough drafting
▬▬ι═══════ﺤ Bungou Stray Dogs
𓍯𓂃𝘔𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘤 𝘛𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘬 Nikolai x reader⚘.
𓆩⚝𓆪 2020 𝙙𝙧𝙖𝙛𝙩𝙨
𓍯𓂃𝘚𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘋𝘶𝘰 Nikolai+Fyodor+Reader platonic⚘.
𓍯𓂃𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘤𝘵 chuya x reader⚘.
▬▬ι═══════ﺤ Rainbow Six Siege
𓆩⚝𓆪 2020 𝙙𝙧𝙖𝙛𝙩 [requested]
𓍯𓂃𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺 Maverik x Reader ⚘.𖡼
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ Last Update : 12/24/23
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▬▬ι═══════ﺤ may occasionally write for these fandoms : slashers, creepypasta, marble hornets, dead by daylight, demon slayer, overwatch, jujustu kaisen .
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𓆩⚝𓆪 ᴍᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ⁀➴
⚘. Oneshots
𖤣. Imagines/Scenarios
𖥧. Headcannons/Dynamics
☘︎. Crackpost
𖡼. Requested
𖧧. Alternate Universes/Tropes
▬▬ι═══════ﺤ Lookism
𓍯𓂃𝘈𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘺 | Goo x Reader [hurt comfort]⚘.
𓍯𓂃𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 | jake kim x reader [suggestive-fluff]⚘.
𓍯𓂃𝘴𝘮𝘰𝘬𝘦 | gun park x reader [angst+fluff]⚘.𖡼
𓍯𓂃𝘗𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘗𝘭𝘢𝘺 | Gun x Goo [angst]⚘.
▬▬ι═══════ﺤ Bungou Stray Dogs
𓍯𓂃𝘧𝘰𝘰𝘭 | fyodor x reader [angst]⚘.
𓍯𓂃𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘣𝘪𝘳𝘥 | nikolai x reader [angst]⚘.
▬▬ι═══════ﺤ Rainbow Six Siege
𓍯𓂃𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘰𝘧.. | bandit x reader [angst]⚘.
𓍯𓂃𝘵𝘸𝘢𝘵 | maverik x reader [fluff]⚘.𖡼
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ Last Update : 12/24/23
▬▬ι═══════ﺤ Funny Life Updates
𓍯𓂃deviously scheming
𓍯𓂃Kim Joon Goo(not clickbait)
𓍯𓂃Gun makes me wanna put a gun to my head
𓍯𓂃i swear i’ll finish writing
𓍯𓂃 me when me when me when breakup
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
Rest Time
Chuya Nakahara X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 573
Requested: Anon
Request: Original Request
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It had been a long fight with the Guild but now that they were gone you had to fix everything that they had done to the reputation of the Port Mafia, you hadn’t left your office unless you needed to shower and grab something to eat never anything big usually just a snack before you were back at the office, that was why Mori was standing outside your office, he knocked softly before opening the door “you’re here again?” He asked. “I’m just finishing some work.” You answered. “You should go home and get some rest.” He said. “I can’t there’s too much work to be done.” You answered. “Well how about you take some work home with you then, you have to get out of the office for a little while, you’ve been here for 3 days.” Mori said as he walked over to the desk picking up a couple of folders and handing them to you “now go home.” “Fine.” You mumbled.
You head back to your apartment but you were only there for an hour before the power went out, you head down to the nearest cafe to see that the police were there for some reason so instead you call Kajii “Hello?” He asked. “I need somewhere to do my work, the power is out in my building.” You explained. “I can’t have you here, I’m working on a new bomb, it’s gonna be a little dangerous at my place.” He explained. “A new bomb, let me know when you finish it.” You said. “Sure thing.” He nodded as you said goodbye and hung up the phone. You quickly headed back to your apartment to see if the power was back on but it was still out so there was only one other place that you could go. Chuya’s apartment, you knew that he had work to do which was why you hadn’t gone there in the first place but you figured that you could help each other get your work done.
You knocked on Chuya’s door and smiled when he opened it “I’m really sorry but the power is out in my building. Can I work here?” You asked. “The powers out? Do you know why?” He asked. “No, I didn't bother to ask…” You answered. “So you don’t know when it’s going to be back on?” He asked standing to the side and allowing you into his apartment. You both settled in the living room and got to work after a couple of hours before Chuya was finished, you weren’t though, you glanced over at him as he stretched and sighed. “I’ll leave at like 11:00pm so I don’t bother you.” You mumbled, you were struggling to keep your eyes open, you were so tired, finally being out of the office for more than 30 minutes allowed your brain to realise just how tired you actually were. Chuya thought about what you said and decided that he didn’t want you going back to her apartment at that time, it was too dangerous but before he could voice it, he felt something heavy on his head, he could see that you were leant over and knew that it was your head on his, he was about to push you off when he heard the soft snores, he grumbled to himself as he moved you both to a more comfortable position before settling to go to sleep himself.
*Part 2*
Request Here!!
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imagineanime2022 · 2 years
Oh one more, since in bsd rival have forced to work together, so i like to request Kunikida and Dazai (Platonic) X Mori's simp reader have to forced to work together to recues the rest of armed detective agency
So Dazai ask reader to recues the armed detective agency, reader come to help them with her 3-4 subordinates, when she beat up enemies army by herself so her suboradinates can be safe when they recues ADA member, she rescues Kunikida, Kunikida and reader (forced) to work together, Kunikida still wary about mafias so reader promise that she will protect Kunikida, both of them fight with enemies army, reader's suboradinates tell reader that she find other ADA members now, but when she close to them enemy was behide her and kill her, reader was shock and she really upset (reader take death from people she care hard) but she decide recues the other ADA members and she tell Kunikida to calm down a little bit (i feel like Kunikida flaw is he can't make fast decision, and port mafia executives like reader can make fast decision so it can balance Kunikida's flaw) the rest of reader's suboradinates scared from what happen so reader tell them to go back to port mafia base and she will do the rest, she also comfort her suboradinates too, which really suprise Kunikida, because he view port mafia executive as a cold heart monster that don't care about other beside they goal (which kinda true) when reader help ADA come back, Kunikida ask reader why she care about her suboradinate, reader feel annoyed again but she still sad so answer Kunikida that she see them as a friend that why she like to mission alone so her suboradinates not going to hurt, Kunikida really shock and he start to open up to reader a little bit (1%) so he said sorry to reader too, it shock reader but she thank Kunikida, when Dazai see Kunikida he tease Kunikida that he shouldn't flirt with reader because she taken by Chuya already, which make Kunikida angry, but reader don't joke back like alway, so Dazai reader if she okay, she said her suboradinate just die (can you Dazai react here), and reader said goodbye to Dazai, Dazai warn reader not to thing impulsive, reader come back to enemy base, enemy tell reader that she is stupid but she kill him with knief she in berserker mode now so she beat up and kill enemies even she hurt her body (she can't active her ability when she angry) she come pick up her suboradinate dead body back to port mafia base, thank you so much from write my request
- Bossy anon
Hope you like it!
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imagineanime2022 · 2 years
Amusement Park Outing
Chuya Nakahara X Tall!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1802
Requested: Anon
Request: Oh no, i really really sorry, i forget to tell you some details in amusement park scenario agian, when reader walk behide everyone, she see this ability user since them all go to gift shop when she try to follow him, Mori tell her to help Chuya carry bag (Mori see this ability user too, so he try to act normal to observe him and if reader come after him the other enemy can attack them too) Chuya see him but he not suspect yet, when reader walk behide them all agian, this guy try to separate her with group agian(if she was separate with her group, Chuya was only one can protect Mori and it will be easy now) this time reader decide to tell Chuya about guy who follow them, but Mori don't want this ability user to suspect them now, so he tell Chuya and reader to act like normal couple now, Chuya and reader was dating from years now, but she still shy when do romantic thing in public, Chuya know it so he try his best to make her comfortable, when Elise tease reader, and reader trip her feet in front of her was house of mirrors, that why when Chuya catch her he see this guy use his ability to walk into the mirror, after Chuya see him, he hold reader's hand and keep her close to him, while watching every mirror they pass, he see this ability user still follow them he also see this guy pull paper or thing in mirror too untill Mori and Elise go back to port mafia headquarters, reader was sad a little bit that she make Mori disappointed (can you make reader worship Mori like he are her god too?) Chuya didn't see this guy now, but he still careful, so he tell reader to go grab some lunch(or maybe dinner) together, and they eat at the park, when Chuya didn't see mirror or anyone, he tell reader about this ability user, she tell he that she saw this guy too, they plan with to do next, they both agree to tell the other port mafia executives, Chuya tell Kouyou about this ability user in his phone, Kouyou said she think this guy not just normal ability user she hear rumor about ability user for other mafia gang who can travel to mirror to other mirror he also cunning too, Kouyou tell them she going to send her subordinates to pick them up and she tell them to be careful, but what they both didn't know is they are mirror under the bin, mirror was stab reader on her chest, reader use her ability just in time, but still too slow when she look up she see mirror around them, everytime she punch mirror or Chuya break it with his ability, new mirror going to apper, this guy tell them to come with him, but they both refuse, so they fight this ability user, this guy can touch reader but Chuya and reader can't touch him when Chuya try to touch him to use his ability, he run into mirror every time, he also make smoke so they both can't see him and reader shield Chuya, she didn't active her ability in time, this ability user shoot her in her leg, good thing she can still fight, when Chuya almost going to catch this ability user, he was escape, Chuya was take care reader injury, after that Kouyou and her subordinates pick them up and take care both of them, Kouyou and Chuya report this ability user to Mori, he agree to have meeting in five months, Chuya tell reader about meeting, he said he going to talk to Kouyou about rumor this ability user, reader said she going to send her subordinates to find information about him too, and Chuya said he going to beat his ass when he meet him next time, that make reader laugh, Chuya also worried about reader so he tell reader he going to take her home(they didn't live together), because she can't ride her motorbike since her her leg are hurt, reader agree, and can you make Chuya and reader talk to each other when in car too? (can you make reader was quiet and sweet agian?) Sorry agian to be too bossy thank you agian for edit it.
Warning: Reader gets shot (not fatal), Reader has a gun held to her head
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Elise had demanded to go to the  amusement park and despite the fact that there was a rival gang looking for your boss he decided that the only thing he cared about was making her happy. You and Chuuya had been assigned to keep him and Elise safe. You had spent the day watching Elise drag your boss around the park “You know you two are going to look a lot more suspicious if you don’t start asking like a couple.” Mori suddenly said, your eyes widened in response and your cheeks went bright red. Chuya stepped forward.
“Boss we’re here to protect you, not go on a date.” He said as he tried to justify the way that you behaved.
“And I’m here to make Elise happy and she wants you both to act more like a couple right Elise?” He asked his hand falling on the top of the little girl's head.
“Whatever.” She answered, slapping his hand away from her head before grabbing it and dragging him towards another attraction, Chuya followed after them both pretty quickly and you were about to follow them but something caught your eye, you turned but there was nothing there, you frowned.
“(Y/N)! Let go!” You turned back to Chuya and nodded following them. You were almost caught up when someone grabbed your arm.
“Hey can I ask you something?” The guy asked and you glanced at the group getting away from you.
“Sorry I really don’t have time for this.” You answered as you attempted to move around him.
“It’ll only take a second.” He persisted and you shook your head.
“Sorry you’ll have to find someone else.” You pushed past him and caught up with the group.
“What the hell took you so long?” Chuya asked.
“I saw something, then some guy stopped me, I think he was trying to separate me from you guys.” You explained as he glanced behind you.
“Well then you both need to really act like a couple, we don’t want them to know that we know they’re here. This could be the perfect time to capture the enemy.” Mori said having heard the conversation though he didn’t actually turn to talk to you. Chuya made a noise in the back of his throat before grabbing your hand.
“Is this okay?” He asked moving his face closer to hers so that no one could hear him.
“Mhm.” You nodded face red yet again and he smiled before turning to keep walking.
You had just walked into a house of mirrors “Hey (Y/N) why is your face red?” Elise asked, appearing in front of you and making you trip over your own feet, Chuya weaved around to catch you, as he did he saw the guy that you had spoken about before moving through a mirror, he was definitely from the rival gang he was sure.
“You okay?” He asked, helping you balance yourself as you nodded. Once he was sure that you were okay, grabbed your hand keeping you close to his body and kept his eyes on the boss and Elise who were a few steps in front of you.
“(Y/N) no one is going to believe that you are dating Chuya if you keep acting like that.” Mori waved his hand dismissively and you sighed as you looked at the floor, Chuya squeezed your hand slightly trying to get you to look up from the floor, he knew how much you looked up to Mori and honestly he wished that the boss took more notice but he knew that it was unlikely so it was his job to pick up your mood. His attention was caught by the figure in the mirror who seemed to be pulling something out of his pocket. 
After taking a quick trip to the gift shop and Elise buying whatever she wants, she headed back to headquarters with Mori, you and Chuya showed them back to the car where they handed off to someone else “alright I’m gonna go-” 
“Come on, we're going to have dinner.” Chuya pulled you to a small cafe that he saw on the way there earlier in the day. You both bought something to eat and headed to a park nearby, to eat.
Chuuya glanced around before he started talking, “he can walk through mirrors.” He said.
“You saw him?” You asked.
“Mm, in the house of mirrors, when you fell, he had something with him, I couldn’t see what it was.” Chuya explained.
“You think we should tell the others?” You asked.
“I think so, maybe we can eliminate the problem before the boss needs to know about it.” Chuya suggested. “The others could know more.” 
“True.” You nodded. You both took turns calling all the other executives and explaining the situation, but the only one who had any useful information was Koyo.
“You know him?” You asked.
“He’s the user that I’ve had my subordinates follow, he’s careful, we’ve never been able to follow him back to his group, they’re dangerous, it seems like they're aiming to get rid of us and take what we have.” She explained.
“Ambitious.” You mumbled.
“Not if they get rid of us first.” She answered.
“Well I’m sure Akutagawa would wipe the floor with them.” You shrugged. “And the boss wouldn’t go down without a fight.” 
“Mmm even still I’ll send out some of my subordinates to help you.” She informed you “I’m further away but I’ll try to get to you as well.” 
“Alright.” Chuya muttered, he had said something else but you didn’t hear it instead you saw the light reflect off of something and it only took a second for you to realise something was wrong, you used your ability to harden you skin putting yourself between Chuya and the mirror piece on the floor, the glass went straight for your chest but you ability meant that you were mostly unscathed.
“(Y/N)!?” Chuya asked.
“I’m okay.” You promised as mirrors seemed to materialise around you “damn it!” You shot forward punching one of the mirrors but another one appeared in his place.
“That’s not going to work little girl.” The guy smirked as he appeared out of the mirror.
“Don’t call me that.” You glared at him as you moved forward punching the mirror that he retreated into but again a mirror replaced it.
“If you agree to come with me then this will all be over.” His voice came from behind you but just as quickly you heard another mirror shatter, you turned to see Chuya holding a couple of rocks that he must have been applying his ability to.
“Like hell we’re going with you.” Chuya smirked as he threw another rock.
“Well then I’m going to have to get rid of you.” He shrugged as he disappeared again. The fight that ensued was a game of cat and mouse, you protected Chuya as he tried to grab the guy who only appeared when he saw an opening.
“This is ridiculous, we have to bait him.” You mumbled, taking a deep breath and trying to regulate your breathing a little bit.
“How do you suggest we do that?” Chuya asked.
“Well the next hit he directs at you, pretend to take it and fall to the floor.” You suggested.
“And leave you to fight this creep?” He asked.
“Well I think he’ll come out of the mirror if the odds even out.” You answered.
“What you want me to touch him when he is focused on you?” Chuya asked and you nodded.
“Exactly.” You nodded.
“You two really aren’t paying attention.” The guy sneered you watched as he moved towards Chuya made it look real convincing that he was hit, the ability user smiled as he looked at you and pulled out the gun, he shot you in the leg and given how long you had been holding your ability it was weaker than you would have liked, the bullet nestled in your leg, you fell to your knees, you saw Chuya move.
“Not yet.” You muttered through clenched teeth hoping he’d hear you.
“What was that?” He asked as he walked over pressing the gun to your head.
“She said behind you.” Chuya lied as he pressed his hand to the guys back applying so much gravitational force that he passed out, the mirrors around you seemed to disappear and you took a breath, Chuya turned his attention to you looking at your leg.
“The boss needs to look at this.” He muttered as Koyo appeared next to you both “I’m taking her back, you can handle him right?”
“Course.” Koyo answered as he lifted you from the floor and walked towards his car. 
“You can’t ride back on your bike, we’ll pick it up later.” Chuya muttered as you looked at him and nodded.
It was silent for a little while as he wrapped your leg and settled you on the car, he started driving “you're never doing that again.” He muttered.
“You know there are going to be times when I have to do that again.” You sighed.
“Not on my watch.” He mumbled as he took your hand. “The whole point of having a partner is so that they watch your back.” 
“Mmhm tell that to Dazai.” You muttered.
“Don’t talk about him.” Chuya warned.
“Alright sorry.” You smiled, shyly pressing a kiss to his hand “I know you’ll always look after me.”
Later that evening after you had been treated and Chuya had spoken to Mori about the ability user, you found out that the ability user managed to get away, you were sitting in the medical room waiting for him to come back “Mori said that there will be a meeting in 5 months.” Chuya said as he opened the door.
“That should be enough to be mostly healed.” You mumbled.
“Mm, don’t you worry the next time I see that ability user I’m going to kill him.” Chuya informed you as he helped you stand. “Come on, I'll take you home.” 
“Thanks.” You mumbled softly as he wrapped an arm around your waist. “You know I could just lean on your head.” 
“Careful, I’ll let you fall.” He warned and you giggled, it was soft sweet, he almost didn’t believe that you belonged in the life he found you in, not that he’d give you up for anything.
“Come on, let's get you home.” He said “and I’m staying over tonight, he might come looking for you, and you can’t really fight right now.”
“Oh okay sure.” You mumbled as he rolled his eyes at the shyness that seeped back into your face before leading you towards the front doors and then his car to take you home and rest.
*Part 2*
Request Here!!
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imagineanime2022 · 7 months
Hello, so i'm back.....(sorry) today i have new request for you i really hesitate to request this one it quite....NSFW in my point of view
(Warning : makeout season at the end)
So.....like alway i want to request Mori's simp reader x Chuya (romance again sorry) request when Chuya want to spend time with reader but she have more works to do than Chuya (They both are workaholic but reader was workaholic more than Chuya) and can you make Mori's simp reader very taller than Chuya? (Chuya was tall on reader shoulder)
Chuya and reader dating from a long time since they both still didn't become executives and they both are really loyal and hard work executives to port mafia. That make they didn't spend time with each other much like when they still being only members, it didn't bother reader because she understand Chuya's loyalty to port mafia was like loyalty she have to port mafia and Mori too. So when Chuya have new missions or didn't spend time with her, she don't mind and she don't see issue with it because reader not just executive but she also Mori's personal bodyguard that make reader have more work than Chuya. Chuya was like this to reader too but....unlike reader he still want to spend time with her so much.
So when Chuya go smoke cigarette on port mafia rooftop and he find reader smoking her cigarette too he go spend time with her. When reader see Chuya like alway she try to lean on his head that make Chuya grumpy at her and push her away, reader was giggle before she share her lighter with Chuya to light his cigarette after they both smoke cigarette from awhile reader ask Chuya how his work going now, Chuya was complain to reader about his work reader listen to him before she play joke to cheer him up earn his yell and his smack on her head but she think it still worth it because Chuya was little bit good mood. Untill they both hear bombs blow up sound reader active her ability to protect Chuya. Higuchi and Tachihara run to reader they tell reader Kajii try new bombs again and it out of control. Reader was sigh before she run to stop her subordinate from his own madness again (can you add Chuya react here?) And than Chuya go back to do his work too.
After executives meeting Koyo and Chuya go to have lunch together and Chuya want to bring reader too because he know reader didn't eat breakfast and lunch yet, Koyo agree and she worried about reader's health too. Chuya go to reader's office reader was doing her paperworks when she see Chuya she happily greet him, Chuya ask reader if she want to have lunch with Koyo and him, yeah reader was scared of Koyo so she dramatic agree with it. Chuya roll his eyes at her but before she going to go with him, her phone was ringing. When she take her phone, it was Alexis (He was Alexander Rose who is reader's mentee and her subordinate) he tell her someone from other gang try to steal weapons from armory. Reader tell Alexis she going there in second, reader said sorry to Chuya before she ask Chuya if she can have dinner with him in his apartment instead Chuya was agree, reader get out from her office (can you add Chuya and Koyo react here?)
At night when Chuya come back to his apartment, he was cooking dinner and he think about reader don't eat meal in time again, Chuya think if he should talk to her about this. Chuya hear someone ring door bell it was reader. Reader was bad at cooking so she help the other thing instead after finish reader eat very little like alway, Chuya talk to reader about she don't eat meal just in time again, reader said she fine she don't eat much food anyway because her work was more important, Chuya understand what reader mean but he also worried about reader so he tell reader she should eat least carry small meal or snacks, reader think from awhile she ask Chuya if she going lose her job if she eating snacks, Chuya comfort reader she not going lose her job as a executive from stupid reason, reader said thank you to Chuya, but before reader going to drink wine her phone was ringing again she take her phone, it was Mori so she go talk on balcony (can you add Chuya react here?) Chuya see reader face harder before she take Mori order and she smoke cigarette (she like to smoke when she was stress) in balcony before she come back she tell Chuya she have to go Italy today to be Mori's personal bodyguard because mafia boss in Italy want to meet Mori in person. Chuya ask reader who this mafia boss is, reader said she was biggest mafia boss who sell and control all poisons in Italy, Chuya remember who she is, she is mafia boss who used to be port mafia biggest enemy before turn to be ally later, he meet her before she was kind, gentle woman but she also cunning and ruthless that make she was dangerous. Chuya tell reader she should be careful, reader said goodbye to Chuya before go back to her apartment (can you add Chuya react here?)
After reader go to Italy, Chuya was worried about reader like alway but he have another feeling too...when he go to work he see couples spend time together he was jealous he want to spend time with reader but he don't want to be selfish because reader never tell him he don't spend time with her much or anything, she just understanding to him, Chuya try to bury his feeling down untill Koyo notice it so she go talk to him (can you add conversation between Koyo and Chuya here?) After Chuya tell Koyo what happen Koyo comfort him and she tell Chuya maybe he should talk to reader about this reader going to understand it (can you add Chuya react here?)
Pass 3 months reader and Mori come back to Italy, Chuya and other members come pick up Mori at airport. Reader have to go pick her motorcycle at airport first before she go back to port mafia base after come back, Chuya was come to check on her, reader joke to Chuya that she was fine boss mafia didn't poison her yet, Chuya grumpy back at her. Mori come to reader office, he ask her if she can be bodyguard in next meeting at night too. Reader going to take order like alway but Chuya ask Mori if send other instead. Mori remember Koyo tell him Chuya want to spend time with reader so Mori let reader go that make reader confuse, Chuya ask reader if she can go date with him at his apartment, reader agree to go
When reader go to Chuya apartment, she notice Chuya didn't cook dinner or have thing to do toghter, reader only see Chuya smoke cigarette on living room (Unlike Mori's simp reader who live on very small and scary apartment, Chuya was live in big and luxury apartment that why he have living room) reader think she do something wrong or worse she think Chuya want to break up with her so she go sit beside him and scared. Chuya quiet from awhile before he offer reader cigarette they smoke cigarette in quiet before reader nuff her cigarette, Chuya look at her before he play with her flower hairpin that make reader blush (Can you add Chuuya tell reader how he feel here?) After reader know how Chuya feel she said sorry to Chuya from not spend time with him but Chuya tell her not to sorry it not her fault, he just want to spend time with reader more at least he want to spend time with her today, reader said she will spend time with him today she also thank you Chuya from tell her how he feel, Chuya said he should be the one who thank to reader from listen and understanding to him.
(Alright.......After this Can you add Chuya and reader makeout on Chuya's bed? Yeah i really bad at this Can you make Chuya pull reader's sunglasses out and Chuya kiss reader first and he on top of her? Reader alway bottom and she turn into tomato after this and just makeout)
Thank you from write my request and if you don't mind can you write this request before my other requests? I want to read something spicy more and Can you make Mori's simp reader much taller than Chuya?
- Bossy anon
I hope that you like it!
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imagineanime2022 · 11 months
Hello, sorry i bother you again but it was close to halloween already so i have some new idea again and it Mori's simp reader again too.
So today i want to request snippet 15 year old Dazai X 15 year old Mori's simp reader (platonic) when halloween Dazai have some plan in his head and he want some help from his suicide buddy (Mori's simp reader)
Dazai know reader and Chuya have crush on each other but reader too dumb to know Chuya have crush on her too so Dazai have something in his mind. Two day before halloween Dazai ask reader how to do makeup and he borrow her makeup and her white dress too (reader and Dazai was same size even reader taller than Dazai a little bit). In that night after Chuya finish work at port mafia and when he walk back to his apartment he see....puppy. Chuya have soft spot for dogs so he go play with her, but when he come near puppy she run away when Chuya follow her. Puppy was disapper in abandoned house Chuya think it weird now so he going to turn away but he see puppy again this time she with girl who wear white dress, girl start to stand up slowly Chuya think this girl is reader so he tell reader to stop prank on him already but than Chuya remember reader have short hair but this girl have long hair. This girl start to turn to Chuya slowly, Chuya finally see her face he scream and run away(yeah, Chuya scared of ghost like Kunikida) this girl follow him too. Chuya run to street he see reader eating candy beside her motorbike (can you add Chuya react here) after reader know what happen she offer to take Chuya to his apartment (again can you add his react here) and here are the same ghost story Chuya tell in 'Hot Spring' scenario
In the morning Dazai bring makeup and white dress back to reader, reader ask Dazai if he dress as a ghost yesterday and go prank on Chuya (can you add Dazai react here) Reader being overprotective to Dazai like alway so she tell Dazai she not going to tell Chuya but before she leave Dazai ask reader to help something reader tell Dazai she going to help him everything. Dazai ask reader to help him steal his video game back from Koyo, even reader love Dazai so much as a friend but she was also scared of Koyo even Koyo was reader's mentor best friend she still scared of her but Dazai tell reader if she help him he going to give her pen Mori use to work. reader being Mori's simp she is, she agree to help Dazai. Dazai tell reader both of them going to disguise as a monster because in port mafia they rumors about monster in halloween, after that 2 days in halloween both of them disguise themself as a monster by Reader carry Dazai on her back (reader stronger than Dazai) and they cover themself with cloths. Reader was very scared and Dazai be normal as he is, Koyo's subordinate was check on Koyo office when she see monster (Dazai and reader) she pointing gun at them but Dazai make bone break sound and he also talk in very creepy sound untill Koyo's subordinate scared and run away. Both of them go in Koyo's office they try find Dazai's video game well Dazai mess around he use Koyo's makeup draw on wall reader try to stop him but it too late reader know it was end of her life. Dazai ask reader what will she do in halloween if they finish steal his video game back, reader said she just going back to her apartment, Dazai tell reader maybe she can meet his new friends (Ango and Oda) reader said she afaid to meet new people and she also don't think she deserve new friends too Dazai comfort her and he tell her he understand her. Finally reader see Dazai's video game so she steal back but....it was bad luck for reader, someone open the door it was Koyo active her ability with her subordinates. Reader run for her life while Dazai laugh on her back, Koyo and her subordinates run after them. Dazai tell reader to hide when Dazai hear footsteps walk away he finally get out of reader back. Reader ask if this video game is rare and why he want it back so much, Dazai quiet for awhile before he tell her he don't have time so much and he didn't hang out with reader like before. He tell reader he want to spend more time with reader so he plan this, reader tell Dazai he don't have to plan anything he just ask her and she going to hang out with him everytime because he is her best friend (can you add Dazai react here?) Dazai said he think it time to go home already but....both of them forget something important they forget Koyo have subordinate who can control gravity. reader see red glow when she look up, she see Chuya flying on her head, Chuya scared the shit out of hef (can you add Dazai and Chuya react here too?) Koyo scold Dazai and reader from hours, she also punish them by make both of them clean her office, Koyo know reader's mentor not going to punish reader too so she bring reader to Mori instead. Dazai being good friend he is he leave all cleaning duty to reader while he run away.
And this is how halloween night both Dazai and reader end when they both still 15 year old (Chuya also 15 year old in that time too)
Thank you for write my request!
- Bossy anon
Hope you like it!
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
Hello again, i am sorry that i bother you.
So today i want to request Mori's simp reader X Mori (Platonic) scenario was after "Secret Mission" Mori teach reader how to become good leader (if you don't mind i think i going to use name for Mori's simp reader so i not going to confused i think i going to name her 'Fuyuko' but you don't have to add it if it make you uncomfortable)
After Mori replace Fuyuko's mentor position to Fuyuko, She was still sad after anything that happen, It make her don't belive she can be good Port mafia's executive but it can still more worse her member who loyal to her mentor who used to be her friends hate her so much to the point they try to kill her everyday, but Fuyuko have was strong ability user, she also good at combat skill (she just below than Chuya) and unlike other mafia executive who have so many like, Fuyuko also kill ex-mafia exeutive(her mentor) that make people outside her group scared of her don't want to talk to her.
It was Chuya who is Fuyuko's boyfriend, he still care and support to her. unlike Chuya who have Koyo to guide him. Fuyuko don't have mentor to teach her how to manager she have to learn on her own it make her group become mess. One day her member set fire on port mafia's weapons just to kill Fuyuko good thing she ability just in time. Member said she hate Fuyuko and Fuyuko can not become like her mentor who kind and alway listen to his members, she insult Dazai and Fuyuko friendship too. Fuyuko very angry for first time but she try to control her emotion Chuya have to drag Fuyuko away to cool down
Chuya was worried about Fuyuko, he ask Koyo for help him many time but Chuya know it not enough after Oda dead, Anko betray, Dazai leave and she kill her own mentor. Chuya know it hard to make Fuyuko become normal again but he still try, that why Chuya go to Mori who he know Fuyuko going to listen. Chuya tell Mori about members that hate her and try to kill her everyday he also tell Mori he worried about Fuyuko's mental health. Mori agree to help, but before Chuya leave Mori ask Chuya why he don't break up with Fuyuko even she was creepy woman who simp to Mori. Chuya said at first he think Fuyuko was creepy and he don't want to care about her untill she protect Chuya when the sheep betray him, she was a few person who alway be there for him (Chuya still keep book in "Feeling" snippet) that why he can't leave her.
After Chuya leave Mori think Fuyuko, he know Fuyuko is cold-blood and ruthless like other Port Mafia members but at the same time he know something was different in her too. Mori think the day he bring Fuyuko to join Port Mafia when she was 11 year old after he help her find her father dead body, she was vow to Mori to be loyal to him. And when Fuyuko come to ask Mori protect Dazai and other members if she become Port Mafia executive. Mori know Fuyuko her own emotion was her weakness but at the same time it was her strength too.
Fuyuko was smoke cigarette at rooftop, she think she going to jump out off the rooftop but someone stop her it was Koyo. Koyo scold her from smoke too much cigarette again. Fuyuko was afaid of her so she keep her cigarette, Koyo ask her what happen. Fuyuko tell Koyo she don't think she can be good leader and she want to be like her mentor but she can not do that because everyday her members try to kill her she have to be strong leader. Koyo comfort her, she tell Fuyuko before her mentor die. He tell Koyo that he belive Fuyuko can be good leader.
After Koyo comfort Fuyuko she feeling better but she still confused about path she have to choose, Mori ask her to meet him in his office. Mori ask her about member who try to kill her, he ask Fuyuko what she want to do next. Fuyuko tell him she want to punish her, but Mori know she don't want to. Mori ask her again what she 'really' want to do next, this make Fuyuko more overwhelmed she don't dare to think next. Mori tell Fuyuko that her emotion is her weakness but it was her strength too, he tell her she should keep this strength to herself not to leave them, Mori ask her again what she want to this member. Fuyuko tell Mori she want to ask this member reason, Mori tell to go do it.
Fuyuko ask member why she want to her so much, member said she hate her and she hope her mentor still alive not her. Fuyuko really hurt but be strong and ask member what she want to do next. Member was confused about Fuyuko question but she said she want to join to Chuya group at least he being reasonable than Fuyuko, Fuyuko tell her she going to ask Chuya about it (can you add Chuya react here?)
After that Fuyuko talk to her members more she ask them how they doing now and what they want now. Some members still hate and scared her, but some are more soft to her at least her group be better than before. Fuyuko going to simp over Mori from helping her but Mori tell her, she should thank you to Chuya. Mori also tell her to use her emotion sometime because leader cannot be too hard or soft all the time, they have to be both hard and soft, he also tell her to keep her emotion side more don't let her logical side go too. Mori warn abot danger going to happen next, he know ex-members Fuyuko ask him to let them go, they going come back and kill her some day, Mori want to know what Fuyuko going to do next.
Here it is, thank you for write my request!
- Bossy anon
Hope that you like it!
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
Sorry i just have some new idea again, if you don't mind can i fluffy (maybe) request drabble Akutagawa X Mori's simp reader (Platonic) when Mori order Chuya to bring them to take vacation (Chuya have to babysitting both of them LOL) it was beginning friendship between Akutagawa and Mori's simp reader
Part 1
After port mafia executives meeting (reader was port mafia executive too), Chuya ask reader to go check on Akutagawa because Akutagawa don't take a rest again. Mori call Chuya to his office Mori ask Chuya to bring reader and Akutagawa to go somewhere that have so many people Mori want to both of them to improve social skill (reader was very shy when outside her work and while Akutagawa was social awkward) Chuya was grumpy about it, Mori said Akutagawa only listen to Chuya and reader was Chuya's girlfriend (they are dating) so Chuya can handle both of them. After Chuya get mission he tell reader and Akutagawa about it, and like Chuya think reader was happy that it was Mori's order to her but she still unhappy that she have to be in the people crowds. Akutagawa was grumpy more than Chuya but he don't want to disobey Chuya so he just accept it. At that night Chuya bring Akutagawa and reader to shopping street near harbor reader offer to drive Chuya's car so Chuya can relax, when in the car Chuya see Akutagawa was on his stoic than usual so Chuya offer gum to Akutagawa (Akutagawa is sweet tooth) to help Akutagawa relax (Can you add Akutagawa react here?) When in shopping street reader ask Akutagawa if reader and Akutagawa should steal Chuya's car and drive away from here and go home, Akutagawa nod agree, Chuya have to threaten reader to stop, reader give Chuya dramatic whined before she walk down with Akutagawa. Akutagawa and reader was walk behide Chuya it was funny that tall people hide behide Chuya who is small person, Akutagawa was near to Chuya than reader so Chuya ask Akutagawa how he feel now, Akuatagawa said he want to go home, Chuya comfort Akutagawa and Chuya ask him if he want to go somewhere first, Akuatagawa said it up to Chuya. Chuya was grumpy but he decide to bring Akutagawa and reader to Dango shop reader was happy because she was sweet tooth too, Akutagawa was more relax after he drink tea, untill it have last dango, Akutagawa want to eat it but he offer to reader and Chuya because they're both are port mafia executives, Chuya know Akutagawa want to eat it so he refues, reader also don't mind so she just eat her tea, Akutagawa don't dare to eat it, so Chuya order Akutagawa instead. When three of them walk outside, reader was walk far away from Chuya and Akutagawa (when reader do mission in port mafia she like to walk behide Mori and other port mafia executives to protect them) Chuya want reader to relax so he tell reader to holding his hand reader was shy about but she do what Chuya said, Three of them go shopping Chuya buy new hat and reader buy makeup and new book, Akutagawa offer to carry Chuya and reader's bag but Chuya and said it was Akutagawa relax day and he should relax too (Can you add Akutagawa react here?)
- Bossy anon
Hope you like it!
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