dgiacomo · 15 days
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the-heart-of-a-monster · 10 months
What I find interesting is the back text DOESNT say “I’m a heartless monster”. It’s “ITS a heartless monster”
Which means… it’s referring to shadow. Which fits exactly what Sonic said. And with Dark Gaia’s eyes right before that, I wonder if this isn’t DARK GAIA’s thoughts, more so than Sonic’s.
I don’t doubt he’s tired, and frustrated, and definitely taking it out on Shadow without fully realizing so, but I do think that… it might not just be Sonic’s words in there.
Only dark Gaia would call shadow an ‘it’. And if it is in Sonics head, it could reasonably whisper things like Project Shadow being a mistake, and make it fit in with Sonic’s current breakdown.
oh there's plenty of people who'd refer to shadow as "it"
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alexanderwesker · 10 months
I still need to catch up with the fic, but heard you finished AToL and just wanted to say congratulations! As someone who started reading when just one or two chapters were out, I’m really proud of you! It’s an amazing story, and I’m glad you enjoyed writing it and got through to the end ^_^
It's okay take your time, Order ^^
Thank you, I hope you'll like the ending of the fic when you get to read it.
Also Thank you so much for all the comments you left on the fic they mean the most to me still ^^
Hope you have a good day ^^
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iammissingautumn · 3 years
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Preface: I only read about three paragraphs into what you have down for the au so that I had room to make my own stuff without feeling like I was stepping on what you made (since a lot of Ghostbur is his past). If we have similar things it’s bc we both big brained and I think that’s iconic.
Au is from this post, you can prompt others at here or my inbox.
So, Ghostbur.
Basically folks instead of happy memories he just keeps bad ones.
What really confused people was his kind of.... confusion at mentions of L’Manberg.
T!Ghostbur isn’t very talkative, he’s more keep to himself type. His guilt sits on him like a weight, he’s bitter and sad and doesn’t know how to stop it.
Despite that, just like Ghostbur. He wants to help others.
It takes awhile for him to voice that, to voice anything really.
He spoke but he never said “I want to help you.” Nor did he ever really make any firm beliefs. He scoffed at mentions of Shlatt and disappeared and came back with stacks of wood to give Tubbo. And when everyone was asleep he spent the night building.
He showed his intentions in very small ways, he saw the world he hated, the one he exploded and discarded and he saw the new President be so insistent to pick the nation he found so hard to remember up from the dust. And he wanted to help.
He was still upset. He was upset that Tubbo cared so much. He didn’t understand, told him himself that.
They got in a small argument, it was the most Tubbo had heard him say at once in awhile. There was a flash of fear in his eye when t!Ghostbur got animated and started yelling. “L’Manberg is nothing but a mark on the world that shows how bad I was, how bad I can be! I had one thing Tubbo, one thing! Couldnt even take care of it! Made it with my own two hands and yet the world said I couldn’t take care of it with those same hands and I blew it up for that! That nation. THIS nation is but a reflections of my mistakes! A constant reminder of what I failed to be— of someone I hate that I was!”
“Well... I’m sorry Wilbur but that’s exactly why I like it.” And that’s more awkward then how Tubbo wanted it to come out and the look from t!Ghostbur encouraged him to speak again. “It’s.... you.... did you really forget? Wilbur, we made... I joined your side. L’Manberg’s side after I had stood and watched you sit in the hto dog van. After I reimbursed you for the hassle and saw you killed for singing clown music at Sapnap and the others. I joined after you.... you showed me that the Americans weren’t running things right. I joined after you guys had came into my house and stolen anything to make drugs, and then the next day or so I gave you guys everything I had so we could make more. I didn’t leave when Eret did, nor did I sell out like Manifold had. I knew I could never leave the moment you wrote ‘suck it green boy’ to the sky because I didn’t know if I had ever laughed that hard or felt that happy. And I haven’t left.”
Things are softer between them after that. Wilbur doesn’t remember a lot of what he’s saying, though he remembers reading that book and declining having it in his possession. But he believes Tubbo, and he helps him more afterwards in his small ways that are attempting to be big.
When Tommy got exiled he didn’t have much to say, he just tagged along and helped make him a home. Set him up. He knew Tubbo would rather that he was helping Tommy but knew the other boy couldnt.
After that he kept eyes on both of them, though mostly Tubbo since it was quite easier. Helping him out with what he could, hanging out with his dad in silence. Helping Eret with the museum.
There’s a lot of hatred in his heart, especially towards Eret. But he pushes past it often. Not to find light but to just find some ease. Almost of his energy goes into keeping his feelings in check, though he has dark grey dye he carries around that helps.
One time he ran out of translucent dye to help manage his bitterness and it caused.... quite the scene.
Nothing exploded this time but there was a fight with a handful of people.
Fundy is. Hurt by t!Ghostbur. The last thing Ghostbur fully remembers of Fundy is him taking down the walls.
Tommy gets pissed at t!Ghostbur in exile because he’s such a fucking downer. Eventually tells him to never come back despite Ghostbur having made a home there.
Niki avoids him at all costs.
Eret.... kinda just watches him around. Doesnt really know how to interact. Him and Tubbo are the ones who put the pieces together that Ghostbur only remembers bad things so he’s hesitant to interact and makes their interactions sparse just in case.
Eret has spent most of his time since his betrayal trying to get forgiveness and redeem himself so its hard knowing t!Ghostbur will only ever know him for the worst thing he ever did.
Ghostbur’s sewer still has drugs in it, instead of a library it has blocks of old buildings and he labels them accordingly. He helps Eret with blocks that would be replica’s vs. authentics but sometimes they have to call Tubbo in since he had a clearer mind about it.
Those moments are hard because it’s three of the original four people who founded L’Manberg all attempting to remember it’s history. To t!Ghostbur its like hitting his head against a wall over and over in attempts to remember anything. He’s on the brink of good memories, it always feels strange when he does but he can’t quite reach him and that gives him a special kind of pain.
I hope I did. Literally any of this justice,,, it’s such a heavy au tbh and there’s so much you can explore with it. I genuinely do like the idea of him having generally translucent dye that takes up his feelings, I didn’t come in meaning to put in grey dye but it just worked. Because for canon Ghostbur it’s an act of avoidance, but for t!Ghostbur it’s an act of care and self control. I’ve really enjoyed this like. God. This is sm personally, thank u for sending it in dhdhhdhdb
8/9 translucent emotion controlling dye.
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perfectstevenau · 4 years
Hey Steven, maybe a quick power nap could do you some good! I know you said you gotta finish that paperwork asap but a little break could do you some good overall. And why not grab a snack while you're at it, gotta refuel now and then anyway, right?
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galaxymaster360 · 2 years
Haha spghetti I like mine with noodles
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and that SPECIFICALLY includes @cinnamonrollorder​ and @mamahersh​
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raevenswritingdesk · 4 years
Hear me out; Janus snapping at Roman for his mocking of his name was completely justified and he had every right to do so.
Yes, what Janus said was rude aswell and clearly hurt Roman a lot, but it was in response to what Roman said to him first; Janus’s anger towards Romans comment was just as justified as Romans distress at Janus’s.
The two of them were both in the wrong here in their own ways; after all it does take two to argue, but you can’t just blame one or the other in the scenario. Roman hurt Janus when he put a lot of trust into telling him his name and yes it can be argued that Janus may have went a bit too far with his Remus comment towards Roman when he knows it’s a touchy subject but it was a knee jerk reaction out of anger for being mocked for his name just like what happened when Virgil revealed his name and Roman mocked him for that too.
Romans problem is that he sees things simply as good and bad, black and white; literally so with “the prince and the duke wearing the black and the white”
He sees the “dark sides” as bad and himself and the “light sides” as good. Simple as that. He refuses to see the so called dark sides as good in any way and point blank doesn’t trust them. He’s accepted Virgil sure, but that took a long time and even so it is stil depicted as being hard for him at times.
He’s so set on this image of himself as the Disney prince and them as the Disney villains that the minute someone points out for example that “the prince killed the dragon when all she was trying to do was protect her home” or how “maybe the only difference between heroes and villains is who’s side of the story you are seeing” he shuts them down immediately. How he believes “no. The heroes are good, the villains are bad. That’s it”
He sees Remus as his evil twin and has openly referred to both Janus and Virgil as the “bad guy” before. Not to mention he was the one to initially come up with the name “the dark sides” for the others. He was literally the one to label them as bad and himself Logan and Patton as good, because that’s what he believed.
In the last couple of videos the main focus has literally been showing how they, “the dark sides” aren’t as bad as you think they are, and how the “light sides” aren’t as good as they think they are either.
Anxiety isn’t bad; he was just trying to keep Thomas safe. He himself feels anxious and scared more easily than the others as he is literally anxiety and can go a bit overboard appearing rude or paranoid. He can be overpowering and distressing at times for everyone, but he doesn’t mean to be and has even been show to try and hide when he is feeling stressed from the others to not worry them aswell. He tries his best to not bring the group down too much even though it’s hard for him and really cares for the others even if he doesn’t always show it.
Intrusive thoughts aren’t bad; they don’t make you a bad person for experiencing them, and they are nothing more than mere thoughts your brain has and are completely healthy. Intrussiveness doesn’t mean any harm, he is just as impulsive as Roman is with ideas and behaviour, even if his are a lot more “dark” than that of his brothers. He can’t control what he says at times and just speaks his mind without thinking. He never says any of it with bad intention though, and appears to just want to have fun rather than actually hurting the others like he sometimes does unintentionally.
Deceit isn’t bad; he just does what he believes is best for Thomas. He may be seen as the villain as he is the patron of lies in the group but as it was covered, lying can be good and it’s alright to be a little selfish sometimes. He cares for Thomas’s mental health and wellbeing and doesn’t want him getting harmed if it means helping others. He believes that it’s okay to put yourself first before others at times and that is completely valid. Some small white lies at times are good, and in the recent video he has even shown that he himself knows when not to lie and be open with others, speaking genuinely to Patton and taking off his glove to prove he was telling the truth when he then told them his real name.
The same goes for the others.
Morality can be bad; it’s his literal job to be the distinguishing factor of right and wrong decisions meaning sometimes the decisions he makes aren’t inherently “good” or “bad” they are just the ones he sees as the best choice in the situation, and it has been clearly shown in the most recent video that it doesn’t always work out for the best and he can often hurt himself and Thomas whilst trying to avoid hurting others. He can be so obsessed with doing the right thing that he often neglects Thomas’s mental state in order to care for that of another’s and continuously suggests unhealthy repression in the name of helping others, even if unintentionally.
Logic can be bad; he can often cloud the judgement and freedom one needs and make one focus more on “logic” than passion. Being the embodiment of logic he can often be overbearing and demanding that others agree with him, when he isn’t the only voice at the table and should allow others to have input on the decision making aswell. He can be aggressive and demanding and doesn’t understand emotions so he can be extremely cold and uncaring at times without thinking about what damage his words can have on others, literally being the brain to morality’s heart and the restraint to creativities freedom causing the so called “light sides” to constantly fight.
Creativity can be bad; he can be loud and obsessive and controlling over scenarios at hand and focuses too hard on the stereotypes of what’s good or evil to the point that he puts others down without giving them a chance. He often forces others to do what he wants to do rather than giving them a choice and is incredibly impulsive and gets upset when things don’t go his way, obsessed with the idea of being the hero and the star of the show that the minute anyone else is in the spot light he shuts them down. He is extremely egotistical and full of pride and sees himself as never doing anything wrong ever.
Both Logan and Patton have been shown to accept the “dark sides” even if they do disagree with them at times. Patton and Logan in the recent video accepted Janus and agreed with what he had to say, and whilst we didn’t see Logan’s reaction to his name reveal we saw that Patton did by no means react like Roman did and was quite shocked at Janus’s openness and trust with them. Whilst Patton was scared of Remus at first come the end of the video they were all on neutral terms per say, with Logan stepping in and explaining to everyone how Remus’s ideas were just that; ideas, and how it was okay for Thomas and him to think those things at times. And it’s self explanatory how Patton and Logan were easily accepting of Virgil, taking his opinion into count and treating him fairly. Yes Patton can be the overbearing parent sort at times but it’s easy to see that he does mean well, he can just be a bit “much”.
Roman on the other hand was literally stated and called out by the others to have been the last to accept Virgil, and this doesn’t change when it comes to Remus and Janus. To him, he is the good guy and they are the bad. Patton and Logan have both admitted they have been in the wrong before and have addressed their behaviour to help work with the others; Roman has not.He sees Janus as the deceiving plotting snake and Remus as the Intrusive evil twin and that’s it.
In order for Roman to accept that the others are “good” he has to first accept that he himself is somewhat “bad” and I am fully on board with the angst that may follow with this idea.
After all, as pointed out by @cinnamonrollorder the remaining “dark side” character slot on the new videos thumbnail looks a lot like a certain prince of ours...
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tl;dr - what Janus said to Roman was a valid response. Roman was and is still rude to the “dark sides”. The dark sides aren’t as “bad” as you would think they are, and the light sides are not as “good” as you would think they are. Roman has a problem with continuously insisting they are evil when they are all equal parts of Thomas and deserve to be treated as such. Logan and Patton have even had their moments of agreeing and understanding them, but Roman is still distant. Only way he can accept they are somewhat good is if he accepts that he is somewhat bad. Also his silhouette fits perfectly in the extra character slot in the new thumbnail...
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saltwatersweets · 4 years
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so things got a little scary in the sonic spoilers chat.
(tagging @blueblrr and @cinnamonrollorder because i’ve seen both of them throw around similar ideas that i did and i want to give credit where it’s due)
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dgiacomo · 8 months
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I love this comic with a passion. Are you OK with fan art as long as we credit you and your work? It would be posted on here, and possibly deviantart but only DA if you were ok with it.
and you cn post it wherever you want!!! if you want me to see it tag me!! or dm me abt it (sometimes notifications get eaten up)
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@cinnamonrollorder I found the clip 
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