#clarke gives a lot of solid questions
jizzlords · 6 months
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──── Given the fact that Asmodeus is the embodiment of lust, he knows so many ins and outs, tips and tricks, and one of his best tricks is smelling good. * Almost (Ozzie's interpretation) constantly. When he thinks he needs to shower, his partner is often telling him no he doesn't and their desire to be on/around him is increased by ten fold. Ozzie values cleanliness and deeply appreciates it when it's reciprocated. Being nasty is fun, it's hot! But there's nasty and then there's nasty. Don't be nasty, now. Ok?
Asmodeus loves colognes, fragrances, especially oil-based types as they wear much longer. Best part is with oils: the harder you play, the better and stronger the fragrance. Even with sprays, he has the knowledge to ensure they last significantly longer than how others can get them to last.
With love potions out, Ozzie brought in the hobby of experimenting and making his own personal collections of fragrances. Some heavenly feminine, others deviously masculine, finely tuned all the way down to even a fine medium of gender neutral scents. Some of these fragrances are crafted for the market, maybe some of the best stuff are exclusively for him or he'll keep it to himself to "test run" and release it for a limited time.
As mentioned for his clubs, pheromones are pumped in them. Especially in the VIP rooms for reasons mentioned in a previous post. And these same pheromones are part of his aromatic makeup. He doesn't use these pheromones in his clubs for malicious intent (be for real), it's purely designed to set the mood and to help guests relax. And ... to serve as a reminder where they are: one of — if not the most — prestigious club(s) to be at. Enjoy yourself while you're there.
Ozzie takes showers religiously. Even after the showers and putting on a cologne of choice, there's still the underlying scent of his natural pheromones. if he foregoes any fragrance, it's only the soap (*which he also usually creates or has his own exclusive line from a friend of a friend) and that same lingering musk pheromone. Nothing too overbearing, light enough to not notice until he's in close proximity. Some have described Ozzie as naturally smelling more of amber with a touch of jasmine or powdery vanilla. Others have described a nice thin layer of amber, woody, pepper, musk.
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javaelemental · 7 months
True Detective: Night Country, Ep. 6
Spoilers, y'all.
Okay, first thing's first. The single most important question about this entire season: How fuckin' many dead bodies has Rose gotten rid of? Because that was obviously not the first time she'd done that. It wasn't even the tenth time she'd done that. That stoned-ass old lady has put a lot of bodies in the ice, kids.
Somebody on reddit called that it was the cleaning ladies, LOL. Nicely done.
Also, loved that the cleaning ladies came and cleaned shit up. Loved the hell out of that. That whole thing, the vigilante justice by angry women with guns and an utter lack of fucks left to give? Delightful. 10/10, no notes.
So, this was one of those things that was written to be ambiguous on purpose. You can decide for yourself if Navarro was having visions or if she had the same mental illness that claimed her sister and mother, if she lived or died and came back as a ghost, if any of that fever dream that took up half the episode even happened like all that or if two gals were half frozen in a garage and hallucinating/dreaming or what.
The scientists doing the murder, and the way it went down... eh. Felt a bit much. All of 'em stabbing her to death? Clarke smothering her (and lying and/or delusional about it, the shithead). A bit much. Better if one of them had stabbed her in a fit of rage and the rest were complicit by keeping their mouths shut and going along with the cover up.
They were encouraging the mine to pollute more? Really? I think that's my main quibble about the actual murder mystery. I'll forgive the rest, but that feels a bit clumsy and contrived so that the mine could be involved.
Okay, I didn't hate the ending, I'm not mad about it, but it was a little weak. I really feel like this whole season could have used another pass by an editor, maybe another episode or two to flesh things out a bit and give it some room to breathe. Or, failing the extra episodes, maybe just a lighter touch on the supernatural vibes and a little more heft to the murder mystery.
I did like the vibe of the season, though. The incessant darkness was oppressive, and really screwed with your sense of time over the course of an episode.
Overall, I'd say it wasn't quite as solid as the first season, but it was easily as good as the third season, maybe better. It's been awhile since I saw season three.
Of course, it goes without saying that the cast was fantastic. They get the best people for this show, really.
But for real. How many bodies has Rose put in the ice? Is anyone keeping an eye on her? She was way too good at that.
(FYI, you're gonna want to stay out of the True Detective subreddit. They are having a whole entire temper tantrum meltdown over there.)
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luthwhore · 9 months
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a while back i made a recommended reading list for lex luthor, and originally didn't plan to make a superman one, since it's a lot easier to find reading lists for him, but a lot of the reading lists i see either tend to be very short and have the same 5-10 books on them, or feel way too expansive and overwhelming, so i wanted to make a list of some of my personal picks!
this list is designed to help relatively new readers get to know the character, so i've tried to focus mostly on things that are accessible to people with only minimal knowledge of the character/world (with one single exception).
i also have not included any pre-crisis stories because i don't feel like i've read enough pre-crisis content to confidently recommend any specific comics, but i might one day come back and add a section for pre-crisis comics later!
❤️ = Personal favorite
Origin Story
Superman: Birthright, by Mark Waid ❤️
Superman: Birthright is what I would consider to be the definitive modern Superman origin story, featuring modernized versions of many Silver and Bronze age concepts. Mark Waid is, imo, one of the best modern day Superman writers in the sense of really understanding the core of his character, so I would highly suggest starting here for an understanding of who Clark is and what makes him tick. Optional: If you like "Birthright", the presently incomplete "Last Days of Lex Luthor" is a direct follow up to it, also written by Mark Waid, and delves deeper into the complicated relationship between Superman and Lex Luthor.
Superman: Secret Origin, by Geoff Johns
Written a few years after Birthrigh, "Secret Origin" technically supplanted Birthright as the official canon. Like "Birthright", it attempts to modernize many Silver/Bronze Age concepts, though it takes a different route than the aforementioned "Birthright."
Superman: Up, Up, and Away, by Geoff Johns & Kurt Busiek
Set after the events of the DC events Infinite Crisis and One Year Later, though it's not necessary to read either to follow this arc. After a year long break from being Superman, Clark returns to the cape. Since Infinite Crisis served as one of many soft-resets for the pre-Flashpoint DCU, it's a solid arc to start with.
Superman: Last Son, by Geoff Johns
Clark learns of another Kryptonian child on Earth and decides to take him in and introduces the character of "Chris Kent." Follows "Up, Up, and Away". This arc technically ran concurrently with the "Camelot Falls" arc, with "Last Son" being the Action Comics storyline and "Camelot Falls" being the "Superman" storyline. (I would recommend reading "Last Son" first, since otherwise you might be confused by Chris's presence in "Camelot Falls".)
Superman: Camelot Falls, by Kurt Busiek ❤️
One of my personal favorite post-Crisis Superman stories. Clark is told that the only way to avert an apocalyptic future is to give up being Superman. One of many, many stories that asks the philosophical question "Do heroes actually make things worse?" but has a very fresh and uplifting take on the premise.
New 52
Action Comics (2011), by Grant Morrison
Grant Morrison's Action Comics is a very sharp departure from the pre-Flashpoint version of Superman, instead choosing to do with the Golden Age what Mark Waid's "Birthright" did with the Silver Age. Morrison's Superman here is significantly more hotheaded and aggressive than the previous decade's version of him, but he's by far the closest to Siegel and Shuster's original vision for the character, so it's worth a read.
Superman: Unchained, by Scott Snyder
A Superman vs the US military story, with art by the legendary Jim Lee. It's a little dark in tone (and in color scheme) for Superman, but pretty in-line with the tone of most n52 books.
Rebirth and Beyond
Superman: Up in the Sky, by Tom King
A story that shows the lengths Superman is willing to go to in order to save one person. Has some very cute interactions between Clark children, and in general really gets the heart of Superman as a character.
The Warworld Saga, by Phillip Kennedy Johnson ❤️
A massive story following Superman to Warworld, where he works to free a group of Kryptonians being kept as gladiatorial slaves. Leans heavily into the idea of Superman as a Moses allegory, with the Authority as supporting cast. Over all a really beautiful story, both in terms of the plot and the art. Imo, the best Superman story from the last decade. Optional: If you like "Warworld" make sure to read the rest of PKJ's Action Comics run. His last issue of Action Comics just dropped recently, so you could absolutely sit down and binge the whole three-year run straight through.
Batman/Superman: World's Finest (2021 - ongoing), by Mark Waid
Set during the early years, featuring Superman, Batman, Robin (Dick Grayson), and occasionally Supergirl. In true Mark Waid fashion, it pulls heavily from the Silver Age, and manages to balance Silver Age campiness with more modern storytelling. (If you're a Superbat fan and you're somehow not reading this already, you should be.)
Superman (2023 - ongoing), by Joshua Williamson ❤️
The current running Superman arc. Another soft-reset for the Superman canon, meant to serve as an easy starting place for new readers. Beautiful art, hopeful and uplifting, and features my personal favorite take on the Lex in the comics, which should really tell you something. Optional: Action Comics issue #1050 sets up some things for this comic, but you won't lose much by skipping it.
Self-Contained Stories
Superman Smashes the Klan, by Gene Luen Yang ❤️
A YA graphic novel based on an old radio show. Set during the 1940s during Superman's early years, and really takes Superman back to his roots as a champion of the oppressed. If you read no other book on this list, please read this one. It's a quick and easy read and gets right to the heart of who and what Superman is.
Superman: For All Seasons, by Jeph Loeb
A story spanning four stages of Clark's life, with gorgeous artwork by the incomparable Tim Sale. Delves into Clark's relationships with most of the important people in his life, including his parents, Lois, and Lex.
Superman: Secret Identity, by Kurt Busiek
A meta twist on the Superman story with a boy in the real world develops Superman-like powers and has to grapple with what that means for him and what to do with those powers. A really excellent deconstruction of Superman.
All-Star Superman, by Grant Morrison
Superman, upon being told he has only a few days to live, chooses how to spend the rest of days. Widely regarded as one of the greatest Superman stories of all time, but features a lot of deep cut lore and will resonate more if you're more familiar with the characters. This is the one book I would not recommend starting with. Also leans heavily on the Silver Age canon.
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Now on Netflix:
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Ultraman: Rising--The very name Ultraman is a madeleine for me, evoking powerful childhood memories, often thrilling, just as often frustrating. As a kid in rural northwestern Pennsylvania in the early '70s, I used to try to tune in UHF Channel 29 from Buffalo, New York, on weekday afternoons to see reruns of the late '60s Japanese TV series about the solar-powered superhero who battled all manner of bizarre kaiju threatening humanity.
When the weather was clear, especially in the summer, I would often have a good signal, and I'd get a clear picture of the weird psychedelic paint swirls out of which the show's opening title would take shape. When the weather was lousy or wintry, I'd usually get nothing but snow, and great would be my indignant disappointment.
In the early iteration of the show that I loved (1966-67), created by Godzilla special effects master Eiji Tsuburaya, Ultraman was the alter-ego of Clark Kent-esque Hayata, an intrepid member of the "Science Patrol." This agency was tasked with animal control duties on the myriad massive monsters that regularly inconvenience Japanese society and threaten its infrastructure. When the situation became sufficiently desperate, Hayata would excuse himself and press a button on the "Beta Capsule" he carried, thus transforming himself into the sleek android giant, who would then fight the creature in question with a combination of martial arts and a variety of rays he could shoot from different parts of his body.
Ultraman's might was short-lived, however. Very early in the fight, a small warning light in the center of his chest would begin to flash, and the narrator, in the English-dubbed versions I saw, would gravely intone (if memory serves): "The energy which Ultraman draws from the sun diminishes rapidly in Earth's atmosphere. The warning light begins to blink. If it stops blinking before he returns to the sun, Ultraman will never rise again!" Or something like that. It seemed pretty urgent, every episode.
The franchise has continued in Japan throughout the decades, over dozens of series with differing characters, as well as movies, comics, video games etc. I never followed any of them. This animated feature from Netflix, however, is of American origin, though it's set in Japan and is an unmistakably loving homage. Directed by Shannon Tindle from a script he wrote with Marc Haimes, this one gives The Big U a new alter-ego, a handsome baseball star named Sato, who is estranged from his father, a scientist who once had the Ultraman secret identity gig.
Early on, a winged monster's baby imprints on Sato/Ultraman (voiced by Christopher Sean) and regards him as his parent. The story involves our hero's efforts, aided by a flying robotic sphere (Tamlyn Tomita) to protect the baby from the schemes of the kaiju-hating Dr. Onda (Keone Young), and also to mend his relationship with his Dad (Gedde Watanabe).
The old show was deeply silly but visually elegant; this new feature is visually elegant but balances the silliness with a sincere attempt at solid characterizations and relationships. It's an entertaining movie, but it does have a large downside, at least for me: I found the baby kaiju grotesquely cutesy; it looks like a mutant human baby in a tacky Halloween costume. It's like an Anne Geddes photo gone nightmarish.
In general, I could have done with more full-grown kaiju action. But the finale of Ultraman: Rising is fairly spectacular, and there's a lot to like in this movie. I would welcome future installments in this series. I particularly like the idea of an Ultraman who treats kaiju as humanely as possible. Or, rather, ultra-humanely.
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roses-r-rosie3 · 2 years
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|Masterlist|Update Log|Update Log 2|Progress Page|
Requests status: Closed
1. I write for male/gender neutral readers only!!!!!
2. Please Do Not Spam Request
3. Please Do Not Request For Something When My Requests Are Closed
4. if Your Request Has Not Been Made Yet, Please Do Not Spam Me When It Will Be Done
5. When Requesting, Please give a plot
6. Enjoy Yourself And Relax
How to request
You can either message me your request or submit your request in my request box
Who I write for:
• Dc Universe 🔵
- Barry Allen (The Flash)
- Bart Allen (Impulse)
- Batfamily
- Bruce Wayne (Batman)
- Clark Kent (Superman)
- Conner Kent (Superboy)
- Damian Wayne (Robin)
- Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
- Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
- Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle)
- Jason Todd (Red Hood)
- John Constantine
- Oliver Queen (Green Arrow)
- Roy Harper (Speedy/Arsenal/Red Arrow)
- Tim Drake (Red Robin)
- Wally West (Kid-Flash)
• Descendants 🍎
- Ben Florian
- Chad Charming
- Jay
• Fear Street 🧙‍♀️
- Kurt
- Nick Goode
- Tommy Slater
• Marvel Universe 🔴
- Adam Warlock
- Billy Maximoff (Wiccan)
- Bucky Barnes (Winter Solider)
- Chase Stein
- Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
- Druig
- Hobie Brown (Spider-Punk)
- Ikaris
- Johnny Storm (Human Torch)
- Kingo
- Matt Murdock (Daredevil)
- Miguel O’Hara (Spider-Man 2099)
- Peter Parker (Andrew’s Spider-Man)
- Peter Parker (Tom’s Spider-Man)
- Pietro Maximoff (QuickSilver)
- Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic)
- Stephan Strange (Dr. Strange)
- Steve Rogers (Captain America)
- T’Challa (Black Panther)
- Thor Oddinson
- Tony Stark (Ironman)
• Mortal Kombat 🐉
- Bi-Han (Noob Saibot/Sub-Zero)
- Erron Black
- Fujin
- Geras
- Hanzo Hasashi (Scorpion)
- Havik
- Jax Briggs
- Johnny Cage
- Kabal
- Kano
- Kenshi Takahashi
- Kuai Liang (Sub-Zero/Scorpion)
- Kung Jin
- Kung Lao
- Liu Kang
- Radien
- Reiko
- Syzoth (Reptile)
- Takeda
- Tomas Vrbada (Smoke)
• Percy Jackson 🔱
- Grover Underwood
- Leo Valdez
- Luke Castellen
- Percy Jackson
• Scream 🔪😱
- Billy Loomis
- Chad Meeks Martian
- Danny Brackett
- Wes Hicks
- Mickey Alteri
• Wolf Pack 🐺
- Everett Ross
- Harlan Briggs
What I feel comfortable writing for:
• Bondage
• Overstim/Edging
Stuff I feel if-y to write for:
• Age Gap
• Cheating
• Daddy Kinks
• Poly relationships
• Spit Kinks
• Threesome
What I will not write for:
• Any female characters
• Any Irl celebrities
• Piss/shit kinks etc
• Rape/Non-consensual
• Sex slave type of stuff
Common Questions
Are F!Readers allowed to read my stories?
- Absolutely! Just don’t fetishize it!
Can ppl reblog my stories
- Yes!
Can I request more than once?
- of course!
Why Don’t you write for FTM/MTF?
- I personally do not know how that feels like so I don't think I can really do your request justice and I don’t really feel comfortable writing for that
(If you have any more questions you want to ask me, feel free to message me!)
Get to know me!
• I am Asian
• I am a kpop Stan, and most of my stories are named after a kpop song or a line in a kpop song (don’t judge me)
• I usually take a really long time to make fics so don’t be concerned if I haven’t made you’re request
• Artists I listen to: Aespa, AleXa, Ariana Grande, Baby Monster, Beabadoobee, Bibi, Blackpink, Conan Gray, Dream Catcher, (G) I-dle, GOT The Beat, Itzy, Ive, Jini, K/DA, Kiss Of Life, Lana Del Rey, Laufey, Lee Chaeyeon, Le Sserafim, Little Mix, Lyn Lapid, Madison Beer, Mad Tsai, Mamamoo, Mave, Melanie Martinez, New Jeans, Nmixx, Olivia Rodrigo, Poppy, Red Velvet, Sarah Cothran, Soojin, Stayc, Taeyon, Taylor Swift, Twice, and XG
• I change my pfp every 5 seconds💀
• I watched scream, Fear street, wolf pack, lab rats, literally any marvel movies/shows, some dc movies/shows, and a lot more!
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thefanciestborrower · 9 months
Hoi hoi! I was wondering if you could share more on your pred Super.Man? I'm really into DC rn and your one of the few people that has some vore for it, thx u for any you give!
Absolutely here you go!
Okay so Clark! My beloved! For my current vore headcannons I’ve decided the whole shrinking people and keeping them safe inside thing is just a natural extension of his abilities. After all, if he can shoot lasers out of his eyes and fly in space then I think vore powers really aren’t that out of the question lol. He’s pretty much always known about them and has likely even used them on Ma and Pa Kent a few times, but he really and I mean REALLY doesn’t want anyone else to know he can eat people. Even once he’s working as Superman he keeps that side of himself under wraps because he’s honestly still figuring out how to use those powers and they’re….scary to say the least. 
Jimmy and Lois absolutely end up finding out after they learn about the whole Superman thing though. He still didn’t really want to show them but Lois was in danger, he panicked, and Jimmy saw the whole thing. 
Clark was genuinely certain Lois would hate him for it but honestly, she was more surprised than properly scared and once she’d processed what happened she instantly became SO curious. Just absolutely bombarded him with question after question while poking at the walls and oh he got SO red. Things only got ‘worse’ once Jimmy caught up and practically tackled Clark to try and talk to Lois inside, figure out what happened, and maybe get himself eaten too. 
Side tangent about Jimmy. I absolutely think he’d not only know what vore is, but low key be kind of fascinated by it too. It goes hand in hand with some of his conspiracy theories and I feel like he’d give anything to be eaten by like. Mothman or something. 
Anyways once his eating people abilities become something his friends know about Clark starts to loosen up about the whole thing. He’s still embarrassed about eating people of course, but he’s gradually begun to enjoy it as well. Lois and Jimmy have made so many little games out of it and slowly but surely have gotten Clark far more comfortable and even a bit silly when the situation calls for it. He always has a bowl of warm water and a toasty fluffy towel ready whenever he spits someone back up and there’s no way to stop him from doting on them for a solid half hour at least once they’re out lol. 
Clark also has a massive appetite and insane metabolism because I mean look at him, he has to. It’s not really something he’s thought a ton about I wager, but it means he’s got a pretty bit capacity and could genuinely fit quite a few people down if he had to. Not that he wants to test that theory of course. What it does mean though is, since the default size he’ll shrink his friends down to is maybe six inches at the most, he’s usually still a bit hungry after downing them. Lois picked up on that FAST and was the one who finally managed to persuade him to eat a little food with her every now and then. He’ll say he only does it for her, but he likes it too. 
More often than not now the group’s little movie nights or camping trips will end with Lois and Jimmy tucked away in Clark’s stomach, and as much as that embarrasses him, he also LOVES feeling so trusted and accepted. It means a lot to him that they still like him despite all the weirdness.
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skylarmoon71 · 10 months
Clark Kent (Smallville) Short Story - Chapter 3
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“Open your eyes.” 
“No, I'm going to die!!” 
“Quit being dramatic.” 
“I’m not, you’re actually trying to kill me!! I see right through you Kent!!” 
Jonathan laughs from below. He seems used to the antics. 
When you told Clark about your fear of heights, he said he would be happy to help you get over it. Being the gullible person you were, you accepted it because you assumed you would be starting off somewhere manageable. 
Like one story inside a building. 
But no. 
Clark had told you that it was a surprise. It’s only when he sped out to the freaking windmill that you realize how screwed you were. 
“I’ll be in the barn working on the tractor if you need me.” Jonathan calls. 
“No Mr. Kent, don't leave me!!” 
Your eyes were still tightly shut, so you didn’t see the older man wave as he walked away. 
“I swear when we’re on solid ground again I’m going to murder you Clark.” 
“Indestructible, remember.” 
“Curse you!!” 
Through all your complaints, you were still clutching onto his jacket for dear life. 
“Open your eyes, I promise you it’s not as scary as you think.” 
“That’s easy to say when your body is unbreakable. Us humans have to worry about things like going splat!” 
You wave a hand around angrily, and Clark takes your hand softly. 
Lowering it. 
“I promise I won’t let anything happen to you. I’ve got you.” 
Maybe it was the tenderness of his voice that had you convinced. You know Clark would never do anything to hurt you. But fear was rarely ever rational. 
Clark gave your hand a little squeeze, and you very cautiously began to open your eyes. Just looking down, you could feel yourself become dizzy. Clark placed his hands on your shoulders, and it felt a little easier. You swallowed, taking in the view from above. The calming feel of the wind on your cheeks was actually not that horrible. The sun seemed just about ready to set, and the glow that shone was beautiful. Slowly but surely, your grip loosened. Clark smiled when that look of fear began to change to awe. 
“It’s incredible…” 
“I told you.” 
“Don’t get cocky. I’m still mad at you. This is extreme. Now I’m ten times more terrified of heights.” 
“What! But you just said it was incredible.” 
“The view is, not my crippling fear. I was this close to peeing my pants. Now that we’ve established that you’re terrible at helping with fears and phobias, I’d like to get down before I puke out my organs.”
“You’re exaggerating.” 
“Okay okay.”
Yes, your adventures with Clark Kent were anything if not invigorating. 
It’s strangely nice. Your friendship with Clark is different from others that you’ve had. Then again, you can’t really say you have a lot of alien friends. But it isn’t just that. You feel as though you can tell him anything. Maybe it’s because he’s told you just about everything. 
Most of your after school meetings are you asking him questions as you both do homework. 
“Can you sneeze tornadoes?” 
He makes a face. 
‘Really, tornadoes.” 
“It’s not a dumb question.” 
“I beg to differ.” 
“I beg to differ.” You mock. 
Clark gives your shoulder a playful shove and you roll onto the floor dramatically.
“I’ve been attacked by a superhuman. Someone help.” 
You make playful gurgling noises as you stick your tongue out and turn your head, pretending to be unconscious. Clark just rolls his eyes. 
“It’s a good thing you’re into teaching because your acting is terrible.” 
“Hey! I will have you know I played a very convincing willow tree when I was a toddler.” 
“I bet.” 
You giggle, moving back to take a seat next to Clark as you continue your studies. 
When you begin working quietly, Clark can’t help but glance at you. He always thought that nothing good would come of other people finding out about him. It’s true that you were scared at the beginning, and he understood. Yet here you are, sitting together like you’ve known each other for decades. 
“Hey, do you know how to solve this one? It doesn't make sen..” 
You’d turn to ask him that question, but he’s already looking your way. 
Clark swallows, and his gaze makes you a bit nervous. 
“Is everything..okay?” You question.
He nods. 
“Yeah. Everything is fine. Which question is it?” 
You point to it, and Clark goes through the equation. You’d like to say you were listening, but that moment had you a bit distracted. 
The week carries on as usual and you decide to shake off the awkward moment. Clark seems normal, so you don’t think much of it. 
Walking into the Talon, you aren’t even surprised to see Chloe and Clark bickering. Lana brings them their drink and it seems she’s gotten caught in the crossfire. You smile.
“What’s the big argument about?” 
“Clark here thinks serenading someone is overrated.” 
You gasp. 
“Chivalry really is dead.” 
“That’s what I said!” Chloe defends. You take a seat and Lana smiles. 
“I’d be a little embarrassed if someone did that for me in public. But in private, I think I’d like it.” Lana confesses. 
You nod. 
“I guess I’d feel the same. I always loved watching those cheesy movies where the lead tries to win the girl over with a song. It’s kind of cute.” 
Clark looks a bit more attentive. He looks about ready to question further, but you’re interrupted. 
“Room for one more?” 
It’s Lex. 
“Of course, Lex.” Clark replies. 
“Can I get you something?”Lana asks. He nods, and Lana moves over to take his order. You don’t miss the way Chloe’s eyes seemed trained on him. Even as he leaves. 
“He’s handsome right?” You whisper to her.
She nods. 
“So handsome.” She gushes.
“I’m right here.” Clark grumbles. She brushes it off, and you send him a smile. 
The atmosphere, these people, it’s nice. There hasn’t been a dull day since you met Clark. 
Although your first meeting wasn’t under the best circumstances, you're weirdly grateful.
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NBD just crying over Action Comics 1060 (in a good way but also a sad way because DC is being VERY DUMB and ending PKJ’s run in favor of a Jason Aaron Bizarro filler arc ohhhhhh how I weep bitter tears of frustration)
…Anyways, spoilers!
So 1060 is the penultimate installment of PKJ’s (stellar, spectacular, phenomenal, brilliant, top-tier) run on Action Comics and I just want to applaud him—for a lot of things, really, but in *this* specific case, I wanna stand and cheer because he’s making it EXTREMELY CLEAR that the twins (who are not actually twins) are in fact, Clark’s kids. No question, no ambiguity; Otho calls him papa, Clark refers to her as his daughter, and he’s willing to travel through LITERAL HELL to get her back.
It’s entirely possible that future writers will try to get rid of these kids, but I appreciate that PKJ has made it *very* difficult for them. XD Any retcon they’d come up with would be so messy. (Of course, saying this, I realize that the more depressingly realistic outcome here isn’t that writers actively try to erase them, but rather, will probably sideline/ignore them, trot them out for generic precocious kids stuff every now and then, and wait for the next line-wide reboot to ‘streamline’ Clark aka toss out anything mildly interesting and/or additive to Clark’s corner of the DCU.)
Right. Sorry. Salty tangent. XD
So anyways here’s some panels that tugged on my ‘Aunt Kara’ heartstrings.
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‘I know sweetie. I know. It’s so hard, not knowing.’ HOW VERY DARE.
There’s also a really great page wherein Kara gets Osul to calm down by reminding him of a…I think Phaelosian legend? Or possibly Kryptonian, I know she was trying to find stuff for them in a previous issue.
(Went back and it’s actually the House of Ra fable; the House of El’s is ‘Nightwing and Flamebird’, Ra’s is ‘Red Son and Starchild’.)
I love that Lois lets Kara and Osul have that moment, that space; I maintain that while Clark has a better handle on getting what the kids went through on Warworld given that he was there, and Lois obviously has more experience with raising kids that have unique needs thanks to Jon being half alien, but *Kara* is more readily equipped to sympathize with Otho and Osul’s struggles with transitioning to Earth life, based on her current, canon characterization. (Which is, uhhhh…Woman of Tomorrow and alsoooooo…Rebirth? Maybe? WoT is def canon, the recent SG one shot visually referenced Kara’s departure from Argo.) But I digress!
Speaking of the kids’ struggles…Otho is Going Through It. The stuff with Sister Shadow (AKA Norah Stone AKA evil daughter of an alt universe Bruce and Talia) trying to tempt her to the dark side by preying on her trauma/difficulty adapting to her new home and revealing a future, tyrannical version of herself is some wonderfully juicy character work, both from the perspective of fleshing out Otho AND being additive to Superman’s roster of villains; that’s something I love about PKJ’s approach to world building overall. Yes, he’s revamped some of Superman’s established bad guys (Metallo, Mongul) but he’s also added awesome new foes, like Norah Stone, and Pyrrhos.
I really hope DC lets him do like. A mini series on his original Kryptonian/House of El characters. I would honestly love to read about all these cool new, additive elements, than deal with the Luthor cameo fest over in Superman rn. XD
In conclusion: DC once again shying away from anything interesting and new with Superman in favor of the safe status quo. -_- I mean, I hope I’m wrong. I hope the new ‘Superman Superstars’ opt to build on the solid foundation PKJ has set up. But given what happened with Bendis? Creators’ absolute refusal to incorporate any of the canon he built, because they knew DC would walk it back ASAP? (And the Superman group editor openly admitting that was his number one priority as soon as he GOT THE JOB???) Just shows a complete lack of faith in your creators, and doesn’t really give me too much hope for one of the few remaining titles I look forward to each month.
…but hey, hopefully Marilyn Moonlight will be neat??? XD
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latibvles · 2 years
beautiful, tragic // keep pushin’ forward.
in which the dust settles in carentan — but a medic's work is never finished.
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WARNINGS: typical discussions of war & death, brief mentions of period-typical sexism
SUMMARY: the first day of fighting draws to a tentative close, and as the men prepare for an inevitable counterattack — daisy learns some new names.
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For a moment, all Daisy does is rapidly blink, not expecting the solid form she bumps into before her eyes finally move upward to get a look at the person’s face. Brown eyes, brown hair, upturned nose and now that she has a better look at him — his face is clear of any abrasions or cuts, which is a bit surprising all things considered. But his arms are crossed over his chest in a way that exudes the type of fresh-faced cockiness that a lot of the soldiers hadn’t quite shed yet.
“Long time no see.” Whatever anger he’d been struggling to contain earlier seems to have dissipated slightly — or maybe he was filtering it and turning it into this confidence he radiates now.
“Ah… Liebgott, right?” She asks, choosing to ignore the line he’s thrown her way. He nods, looking her up and down in a examining way.
“That’s right, Nurse…”
“Daisy’s fine enough. For now. Nurse Clarke when I’m stitchin’ your guts back in though.” And although she doesn’t necessarily mean to be funny, he laughs irregardless and she doesn’t have it in her to defend herself. Laughter is good. Morale boosts are good. They’ve got a long fight ahead of them and she isn’t going to be the one to spoil the few happy moments they get in between.
“Right okay, Daisy,” she’s not used to hearing the name leave the lips of anyone beyond those in her unit, which was still a rarity. In the past six days she’s gotten used to responding to the wails of Nurse! Liebgott’s face grows serious for a moment after that. “What’d you think Tipper’s chances are then, Daisy?”
She furrows her brows. She’s never been one for lying and she doesn’t think it wise to start now, so she hums as she tries to compose a response for him.
“A bit slim. There’s just no way we’re saving that eye. He’s gonna need one hell of a surgeon to save his legs,” and then she looks up at him, reaches out and gives his forearm a gentle squeeze. “Luckily we have one hell of a surgeon up at the field hospital. Once you boys cleared out the area he was the first one up there. They’re slim, but they’re there. Promise.”
Liebgott nods along in understanding, before his eyes fall to where her hand rests on his arm, and his eyebrow raises, a bit of a smirk growing on his face as his gaze shifts back to her. Realizing what she had done, Daisy’s hand quickly retracts and she feels the tips of her ears heating up in embarrassment — she can hear Liebgott let out a self-serving laugh as she folds her hands in front of herself and stares up at him for a moment longer.
“So, you gonna be sticking around for a bit or what?” She reaches up, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear which had fallen from it’s low bun, and gives him a bit of a shrug.
“Depends on what the medical situation is gonna look like. Your numbers took a pretty heavy hit on D-Day, they might mobilize us or keep us at the field hospitals depending on what the situation calls for,” It sounds way more strategic this way than bluntly going ‘I've got no idea.’ She takes her lip between her teeth for a moment before releasing it. They taste irony. “Right now I’m not sure since I’ve been here all day.” Then his expression changes — she isn’t sure if it’s mischief or excitability or what — but she watches as Liebgott reaches out to grab her wrist. Daisy bites her cheek at the familiarity of the gesture, stares into his eyes, and gives him a questioning look.
“Well, just in case, you’d better meet the boys then, huh?” Her mouth runs dry for a moment, unsure where this burst of energy came from, but at the same time but at the same time Liebgott seems more than eager and if this is a way to distract him from his own worry about Tipper, she won’t be the one to shut him down. She lets out a sigh, and nods.
“Guess you’re right. Don’t need any more men half-glarin’ at me 'cause I asked for his name,” Now it’s Liebgott’s turn to snort, and she doesn’t miss the way his ears turn a little pink before he’s dragging her through the now repossessed Carentan.
As it turns out, Joseph Liebgott is a proud member of Easy Company’s 2nd Battalion. And “meeting the boys” means pointing them out to her with a teasing grin on his face and giving each of them his own form of increasingly crude commentary. There’s Bill Guarnere, or rather Gonorrhea as they liked to call him — thickly accented with a clean, fresh face. There’s also Lipton, who she remembers as the poor man with the shrapnel in his thigh and face. In the aftermath, she’s a little more embarrassed to have seen his… delicates, but she chooses to keep that information to herself.
There’s Malarkey, who approaches with big, curious eyes and a wound on his hand that Daisy is insistent on wrapping up at the very least, and Malarkey simply stares at her with parted lips as she goes about wrapping it with a piece of cloth. Daisy gives him a quirked brow.
“Is there something wrong, sir?” she asks, to which he promptly shakes his head.
“No! No I just…”
“Have never felt the touch of a woman?” Liebgott remarks and Malarkey shoots him a half-glare. Daisy’s eyebrows shoot up, Malarkey’s mouth opens and closes like a fish, and she lets his hand fall unceremoniously.
“I’m sure you’ll find a lovely French wife soon enough, Donald,” she teases, and once Malarkey realizes she isn’t actually upset with him, he lets out a stiff and breathy laugh of his own. They exchange brief words, more pleasantries and a ‘It was nice to meet you miss…’ and before she can answer, Liebgott is immediately parroting her own words.
“Daisy. Nurse Clarke when she’s stitchin’ your guts in.” Malarkey tests out the name on his own lips, before finishing with a ‘It was nice to meet you… Daisy.’ before he’s moving off in a direction unknown to her.
Guarnere, Lipton, Malarkey, and then later she can add Talbert, Webster, and “Buck Compton” to the list as well. She squeezes Eugene Roe and Winters in there as well at some point, and all the while as she and Liebgott move around she can feel the lingering stares of other soldiers. It’s not an uncommon thing, but she’s always been a bit too perceptive for her own liking, so she can still feel it, the occasional mutter of ‘Liebgott’s already makin’ his move, eh?’ She just rolls her eyes at the notion. Beyond the initial grab of her wrist to move her along, he’s kept his hands to himself and hasn’t thrown any more lines her way. But he keeps her laughing and laughs at her own attempts at a joke or two — for a moment she wonders if they, too, could be friends.
There’s no guarantee she’ll be back here soon, however, so she doesn’t pose that question to him.
He’s in the middle of recounting the story of his friend Popeye and the misfortune that resulted in him taking a bullet to the rear when, from across the courtyard, she hears a voice call out.
“Hey Liebgott, hurry it up, huh? Speirs says we’re moving out soon, apparently.”
Without meaning to, her gaze snaps to the person calling to him. She doesn’t recognize the man, but presumes his name is ‘Skip’ from Liebgott’s mildly irritated muttering. Her blood runs cold, and she wants to ask if she heard correctly, but decides to give herself some plausible deniability by keeping her mouth shut, biting the inside of her cheek. Liebgott turns to look at her — and she feels almost guilty for being a million miles away, not even thinking about goodbyes.
“We’re getting ready to move out. Hopefully I see you around, Nurse,” he runs his fingers through his hair, and Daisy musters up a smile for him.
“I wouldn’t say hopefully, but maybe you will. I’ve gotta get back to the field hospital anyway. My captain’ll likely bite my head off if I delay any further,” they exchange one last smile and a wave as Liebgott makes his way back towards Skip, and she’s left alone with her thoughts as she makes her own way back to the awaiting jeep that’s going to take her back to her side of the war.
Speirs says we’re moving out soon.
She weighs her options and outcomes as she climbs into the passenger’s seat.
If it is him — then it means he’s alive. That his mother won’t be burying a son. It also means that there’s a chance she’ll have to see him, and she isn’t sure what she’d even say without it coming across as cruel and cold. She’s never seen herself as cruel or cold, but who knows what he thinks now. If it isn’t him, then as far as she’s concerned — Ronald Speirs is still somewhere out there in the world, lost to her. If anything happens, she’ll be completely ignorant to it.
Cruel as it may be, she prefers the latter of the two options.
This changes nothing, she’s half-heartedly scolding herself as they pull into the field hospital. He changes nothing. And she mildly curses herself for having such a visceral reaction, but when she gets off the jeep and Rita’s immediately rushing towards her and pulling her into a hug — she immediately pushes aside that chill for the warmth of her friend’s embrace.
“Pats is hangin’ in there. No clue on death count yet but we’ve got a breather now that they’ve left Carentan. Ginny says we’re stayin’ put for a while though, they’re expectin’ a counterattack — all hand’s on deck situation.” Rita slings her arm over Daisy’s shoulders as they make their way towards one of the larger tents holding recovering soldiers. If there was one person who could deliver such intense news so casually — it was Rita McCarney.
They enter the main tent, and the other women greet them as they pass, and Rita delivers Daisy straight to Captain Brant — her hair frizzy, face flushed, but still smiling with all the radiance of the sun that was breaking past the clouds after all the fighting.
“They took good care of you down there?” she asks playfully, and Daisy laughs lightly.
“Yes ma’am, think they were just happy to have a woman around,” Ginny laughs at the remark, pulling Daisy in for a brief squeeze.
“Good to hear. Bet Rita already told you but they’re expecting a counterattack. We stay put here for now, till we’re ordered to move out. We’ve already started moving boys up into a proper hospital back in England.” She takes a scan of the area, doesn’t see Liebgott’s mangled friend, and only hopes he’d been moved up to the aforementioned hospital. The itch satiated — she no longer feels that dire sense of usefulness. They recuperate, reorganize, tend to the wounded as best they can despite the beds filling up at a rapid rate.
They’ll make do with what they have, worry about the rest later.
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Daisy isn’t sure exactly how many they lose in the following days, but the field hospital was easily overcrowded with wounded and dying men. There’s not enough beds, not enough supplies, and to get a little over three hours of sleep is a blessing. Her body cries out in protest, but Daisy has never been one to complain.
Apparently, Rita sarcastically remarks one night, as they’re scrounging for whatever supplies they could spare in one of the tents intended for storage, they ain’t account for the Germans havin’ freakin’ tanks. Lucky our boys in the armored unit made it when they did.
Lucky is certainly a word to describe it, but it’s hard to feel lucky when the amount of bodies outweighs the amount of beds they have onhand. At the very least, they’d strengthened the beachheads and were now anticipating more supplies coming in and, hopefully enough, more hands on deck.
“I’m tellin’ you, Pats. I’ve got the most stubborn freakin’ guy in the whole damn company.” Rita moans. Back on bandage cleaning duty, trying to find what the four of them can salvage. Daisy hears Patty giggle quietly at Rita’s complaints. “Had to practically wrestle the guy into bed. I mean seriously, you just took a piece of a freakin’ grenade to the head and your guys ain’t goin’ nowhere till we get the order to move out. Relax!”
“Bet you're really missing North Africa now,” Daisy teases, to which Rita once again groans. “This guy got a name?”
Rita shrugs as she dumps more bloodied bandages into the pot, pushing them further down.
“No clue, but he’s a damn broody type to top it off — feathers all ruffled cause he can’t do nothin till he’s healed.” A lot of soldiers were like that. She’d already see a fair few make a break for it and go AWOL from the 42nd — she didn’t think it’d be much different here. Daisy still isn’t sure if it’s noble or stupid.
“At least he isn’t going AWOL.” Daisy reminds her, and she can hear Patty’s giggling only grow in volume, as well as the unceremonious thwap of wet cloth against a wood table in the center of the room.
“Oh I’d drag ‘em back by his freakin’ ears if he went AWOL. Mark my words.”
She doesn’t doubt it for a second. Rita had been in it longer than the three of them — being transferred from North Africa to Europe as Invasion day edged ever closer. Daisy was almost certain she’d dealt with every type of “frustrating soldier boy” there was to deal with. So she just laughs at Rita’s grumbling, reaching over to give her a reassuring shoulder squeeze and a half-amused smile, to which she rolls her eyes but smiles back at her regardless, leaning over to put her head on Daisy’s shoulder for a moment.
“Do me a favor, Dais?” she asks, her voice a little softer now. Daisy hums in response. “There’s a whole crate of plasma n’ other supplies I’ve still gotta run by supply office, think you can do it for me?” She nods in agreement, and Rita mutters out more specific directions on where exactly the crate is, before Daisy is making her way out the door and towards that side of the field hospital.
The clamor of medics and men floods her ears as she walks. Her body is undeniably sore and achy, her head pounds and any sunlight almost seems like too much for her sleep-deprived eyes to handle, but she continues to walk. The tent in question isn’t too far removed from the central part of the village they’d holed up in, so it’s not exactly too difficult to find. She walks in, each crate arranged in neat-enough stacks, marked off with varying tags to indicate delivery date, whether the supplies inside had been accounted for.
She skims the labels before finding the designated crate, and moves to take it into her arms.
“Nurse McCarney? Are you in there?”
She lugs the wooden box into her arms with a heave, hears the rustling of tent fabric behind her as someone walks into the tent. As she begins to turn slowly, she calls out her own reply.
“No, no, McCarney’s busy, it’s—”
The sound of the wood crate clattering to the floor is deafening.
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marshmellowtea · 2 years
okok willy clarke all prompts? (numbers, questions? idk)
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[email protected] love you both so much (/platonic) ;_; 💞
1: sexuality headcanon
okay i actually do have a solid headcanon for this character for once--he's asexual and you CANNOT change my mind!!--it's, uh. his romantic orientation i keep flipflopping on KLFJDKF. specifically i keep going between aro will and bi/pan will......also ace lesbian william lives in my head rent free because my toxic trait is looking at male characters and going "that could be a lesbian!" ahglkjdsf but yeah he's ace for SURE you can't tell me otherwise lmao
2: otp
not even gonna lie to y'all i really do think it's will/tanya HGLKDSJF something about them has carved out a space in my brain permanently. also will/tanya/mike is REALLY good and i care them so much :') .....i also wanna give a shoutout here to will/regina which was a rarepair that got out of hand and is now genuinely a ship i'm lowkey passionate about ghkljKDF. i wouldn't call them an otp necessarily but.....cradles themin my hands. i care them
3: brotp
can i say basically everyone in this damn game.....? give this boy some FRIENDS oh my go d if i had to choose though i want him and lila to be friends i want her to genuinely care about him and i will Force Her To no matter the cost HGLDJSF. also me being my aro self who enjoys platonic versions of my otps, i'll say i also adore him in brotps with tanya and mike, especially in fix it aus ;v; also, him regina and jimmy as a goofy friends trio who spend more time together than expected has been in my head rent FREE lately lmao
4: notp
there aren't a lot of super popular ships in this fandom, so keeping in my rules about notps being relatively well known ships and not just a crack ship i pulled out of my ass for the sake of hating it....tbh, i'm not a huge fan of him and martha together as a ship? idk why, it seems cute, and it's definitely not a dealbreaker for me when it comes to fics, but it just doesn't click for me for some reason. i kinda wish it did, i know it's a fan favorite :') tbh now that i think about it it's kinda one of those ships i really only feel things for in the context of polyamorous ships with other characters involved HGKFDJSFLK
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
not to be on my bullshit again but age regressor will is so real in my head he's. he's little guy ;_; that feels like cheating because i headcanon every character i love as a regressor but LISTEN ahgkdsj.....he needs to be taken care of he really does he deserves it--
6: favorite line from this character
i have a couple nominees: him saying in his diary that he still loves lila despite her scaring him because holy shit it breaks my heart that little speech he gives to tanya about how she's not the center of the world and how he and her friends do want to be there for her (we stan a king who can read her to filth LMAO) him confessing to lila's murder in the strength ending because it breaks my HEART he deserves the WORLD him asking martha if she needs anything while she's drunk out of her mind.....him just generally trying to help her in that scene tbh. he's such a sweet boy bwahhh
7: one way in which I relate to this character
me 🤝 william being neurodivergents with bad moms :') i'm sure there's more i could think of tbh based solely on the neurodivergent thing but those are the biggest ones HFLKDSJF
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
this is less about him specifically but i watched manlybadasshero's playthrough of this game and some of the expressions he gave him are hard for me to look at idk why adkfjKLDJF 😭 for a more real answer though, it's also a little hard to watch him at the party at points but, like.....tbh i found that whole scene more charming than anything. he's a sweet boy and he's TRYING okay :')
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
i already answered this one but for the sake of completionism he's my littlest cinnamon roll. my little guy. he's certified baby <3
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oftomorrow · 2 years
// Time to talk about my headcanon for the Daily Planet elevator kiss in S&L 1x11 -- this scene. (All gifs in this post are from something-new-darling.)
This is during the flashback episode, specifically the section where Clark decides to tell Lois his secret. This is all in montage, so there’s no dialogue. You’re expected to fill in the blanks for a lot of this episode. We cut directly from Clark telling her his secret, and Lois’s stunned reaction...
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Straight to the elevator scene. Look at Clark’s expression, his body language -- he almost seems nervous to see her coming. He even shuffles out of the way a bit when she enters, not looking at her, like he’s giving her space.
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Considering this is the first thing we see after the big reveal, it makes me think that maybe Lois didn’t take it well right off the bat, or she requested some time to think things over. Maybe their relationship isn’t entirely on solid ground at the moment. So Clark is being respectful, giving her space, giving her the time she needs to make a decision.
And then Lois just kinda
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I think this is Lois deciding to go for it. She doesn’t entirely know what being in a relationship with Superman actually means, and there are a thousand other questions. But whatever those answers are, Clark is the person she wants to find them with, because she loves him.
And she decided to tell Clark that by jumping him in the Daily Planet elevator. Cause she’s Lois.
(I also imagine Clark was very dazed after this and needed a minute to remember how to speak.)
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dduane · 2 years
Hi Ms. Duane. It’s really crazy for me to find out you have a tumblr. I just want to say that I loved your books growing up. They pulled me through middle school and high school. The combination of magic and science fiction was super inspiring, and they’re still some of my favorite books. It was also so cool to have two main characters who were Hispanic, I really appreciated it. I’m an adult and also a writer now (though unpublished.) I just wanted to say thank you :) and ask, do you have any favorite books that inspired you? Or advice for people just starting out?
First of all: thanks for the nice words! I'm very glad you've enjoyed the books. (As for characters, have to agree that the Rodriguez family are something special. In Kit's case I think I knew from the start that he was star material; but there's no question that Carmela has been giving him a run for his money. That girl needs watching.) :)
If we were to start getting into a really substantive list of my favorite books, we'd be here for the rest of the month. :) ...It's safer to come at it more generally. In my teens I was reading a lot of what we'd think of as the "old classic" SF writers such as Robert Heinlein, Andre Norton, Alan Nourse, Arthur Clarke, Isaac Asimov, and Ray Bradbury: and on the fantasy(ish) side, E. R. Eddison, Lord Dunsany, J. R. R. Tolkien, William Morris, Clark Ashton Smith, Andre Norton (again), T. H. White, Gene Wolfe, James Branch Cabell, Peter Beagle, Joy Chant, Susan Cooper, C. S. Lewis, Ursula Le Guin, Edward Eager, Edith Nesbit, and many others. (The works included in the Ballantine Adult Fantasy series—pretty much all of them—could probably be considered the foundation on which my own work rests, especially the fantasy.)
There are numerous books I come back to repeatedly—not so much for inspiration as for (periodically necessary) reminders of what good writing looks like to me: particularly that kind of writing in which a rock-solid "certainty of voice" means I can practically hear the author speaking. The ones I'm rereading at the moment are Lewis's Till We Have Faces, Elizabeth Goudge's The Rosemary Tree and The Dean's Watch, and Neil Gaiman's American Gods.
As for advice to people just getting into writing (whether or not with an eye to possible future publication): I think the smartest move is to write with an eye to finding, and learning to trust, your own voice. It's paradoxical, but I think this happens most quickly when you read very widely—meaning both out of our own time period, and outside of your chosen genre. This isn't something that happens overnight, or that (once you've found a writing voice that feels right to you) is going to stay the same. Everything about the work of writing grows and changes with the writer: your voice will be no exception.
Also: in your writing, keep trying new things, new approaches. Some of them won't work, but some of them will... and if you don't go looking for them, you'll never find out what difference they can make in your work. Always be challenging yourself: always be saying, "That worked (or didn't): how can I do better next time?" ...That's what I've been doing for a good while now, and it's worked fairly well for me. :)
...Hope this helps!
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How does Lucy get along with the adults? Like Joyce and Hopper even Mr Clarke or Mrs Wheeler? What do they think of each other? Who does she trust? Also what is her first impression of Murray? Hes such a weird guy
General impression Lucy leaves on adults: “That Lucy is such a nice girl.”
She is the perfect guest whenever she comes over; says her pleases and thanks yous, always offers to help clean up, and isn’t one to cause trouble.
With that ground work out of the way, let’s knock them out.
Mrs. Wheeler
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Known her the longest since Lucy has been friends with Nancy since they were kids
Always happy to have Lucy over
Did ask about her when she stopped coming over as often when they started sophomore year
Lucy has nothing against Mrs. Wheeler, she’s always been nice and welcoming
However, she has lied for Nancy multiple times and would never spill the beans on anything
Mrs. Wheeler is great, but Nancy’s trust is the one she cares about
Joyce Byers
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Joyce trusts her enough to look after Will if Jonathan can’t which is not nothing
Thinks she’s a sweet, reliable girl
Preface this by saying that Joyce loves Nancy, adores the girl, but she’d be lying if she said she didn’t wish Jonathan had asked Lucy out on at least one date
She can get Jonathan to smile, and she’s so sweet with Will, plus Joyce did pick up on her little crush for the brief time she had it; why not Lucy?
Didn’t work out that way though, but doesn’t stop Joyce from welcoming her over
Lucy meanwhile can be overwhelmed by Joyce at times, but knows she can trust her with just about anything
After season 1 is convinced that Mrs. Byers is right about everything
Jim Hopper
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Honestly hasn’t had that much interaction with Lucy
She keeps her nose clean, not even a parking ticket
Only time she was brought in was when she got between Jonathan and Steve after the graffiti incident
Sweet kid, got more fight in her then people give her credit for
Low key makes his brain melt when he gets back from Russia and Lucy is apparently dating Eddie Munson of all people. Why? What happened? Is it drugs? Is she on drugs now?
Lucy meanwhile absolutely trust Hopper
He's the chief of police, he knows about the upside down, he helped her brother and his friends when they needed help, solid guy to have in your corner
I don't think they're buddy buddy though
Nothing against the other, just lack of time spent together and general clash of personalities
Mr. Clarke
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Remembers Lucy as a shy girl, who didn't get the best grades, but always put in the effort; she was more of an art kid
Honestly was surprised how different Dustin was when he got him in his class
Sees her now and again helping Dustin with a science project; appreciates that Dustin has family back home that supports his interests
Lucy remembers Mr. Clarke fondly, being one of the few science teaches that didn't automatically deem her a lost cause; got the best grade she ever got in science thanks to him
Pre-series, she'd sometimes call him if she was having trouble finding Dustin to see if he was in his class or in the AV room; he was always helpful
Trusts him with Dustin, which is no small thing, but isn't her first call for her own problems
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I'm thinking over the seasons and I don't think they share a single scene together
I need to re-watch seasons 2 and 3, but considering where I want her to be, I don't think they have any interaction
If they were to meet though, it would be under some very strange circumstances, so Murray might be the only adult who sees her as a fighter first and a sweet girl second
Lucy meanwhile would think he is a very strange man, but apparently he's been right about a lot of things so she can't outright dismiss him; besides, her general policy is to give everyone the benefit of the doubt
And as a random aside; one of the few adults who looks and Lucy and Eddie and actually gets it
If I missed anybody or if you guys have more questions like this, let me know! These are fun. :D
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Hi Charity! Do you think that you can get a sense of what a writer's MBTI is based on their works? I would assume that high Fi author's works might lean into exploration of one's morality, and that high Se users are probably good at creating tense, dynamic scenes that feel extremely realistic...
Could you say what you think about how writer's dominant function might "bleed" into their works? Thank you! Have a good day :) 
I think the answer is -- maybe, but not always. I don't know that reading any of my books, you could nail me as an ENFP except that I like happy endings and think the best even of my villains. I find myself liking them despite themselves and wanting to give everyone a "fair portrayal" (ahh, NeFi... and endless benefit of the doubt). In general, though, you can get a sense of someone (way more so their Enneagram type, if I'm being honest).
It's pretty obvious to me when I am dealing with a high Ne writer, because there is way too much plot, way too many characters to keep track of, and too much happening all at once (Dickens, Hugo, Suzanna Clarke, and various other convoluted, long-winded 900 page books). They struggle the most (unless they are driven) to trim down their plot and be focused.
Se writers seem to be better at nailing gripping action scenes and descriptions, and keeping the plot tighter (but not always -- they can get too many characters as well sometimes). INJ writers are super sparse and focused and highly abstract. TJs can, unless they are careful, sacrifice emotionalism for a drier tone and a lack of emotional depths in their characters.
High Fi writers are indeed obsessed with moral questions and ambiguities or lack thereof. Fe's are often making statements about the ethics of their time and the treatment of their characters (like Tolstoy). Thinkers ensure their world feels real (especially SJs -- and SFJs also do this by rooting their fantasy world by modeling it after a real one) and that the logic involved is solid. You find a lot of NT's writing sci-fi, a lot of SJs writing 30 books in a series (Cozy Mysteries, etc), etc. TJs are pretty straightforward, STJs more than NTJs. The more the Ne, the less control the author seems to have over all the plot threads. Etc. Etc.
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
Ok, but how would the Shadow get along with Superman?
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I'm gonna try something a little different with this ask, because I couldn't really find the right words to answer it the way I usually do. So instead I took the more complicated route and ended up writing a fanfic of sorts, about potential interactions between these two I could think of.
I don't think I'll make a habit out of answering replies through fanfic but, I don't know, something about this question kinda demanded from me a different type of answer. I never wrote Superman before but I do need to get back to writing.
So here you go, the Shadow - Superman fanfic I wrote to answer this. Hope you enjoy.
They were not friends. They were not enemies. They had their separate worlds to watch over, and rarely did they cross each other. Rarely did they meet under desirable circumstances. 
 The Shadow, as Superman knew him, was not a part of Superman's world. In more ways than one.
Clark knew that he was a man who was mainly active during the 1930s and 40s, that he had been a crimefighter active in the United States during that time, that he has some connection to Bruce and other heroes he knew, and that he has an associate related to Lois named Margo, but somehow, Clark could never find him on his own accord.
Even when he time traveled to said period, he could never find him. Lois and Margo share a bloodline, but Lois does not recall what exactly of what sort, not even under Clark's machines. When he asked some of The Shadow's associates, they could not recall him, and Clark knew for a fact they could not have been lying. Some of them existed in this world but with "ordinary" lives, and others didn't.
Although he seemed to come from an alternate world,there were times when The Shadow appeared to have history in this world as well. Real, tangible history, that seems to be willed out of thin air and to dissappear when Clark goes looking for it. Even Bruce seems to not remember him, and Bruce's the one who seemed to have spent the most time in his presence.
He couldn't quite say he looked fondly on his meetings with The Shadow, if he could be honest with himself. He was cold, remote, harsh and manipulative. He murdered criminals without remorse, something that even he admitted had soured his relationship with Bruce, and terrorized those he fought to a much greater extent than even Batman, who Clark already thought was going too far at times.
Clark knew he was not an evil man, he was certain of the compassion within him that thundered to protect the innocent, but Clark could hardly be certain of how much he knew about him in the first place. Clark, who could see through crowds and make a shopping list out of what each person had eaten for breakfest that morning, could not identify The Shadow's face through his mask, could not see what was behind his eyes.
Clark is extremely aware of the standards he must adhere to in order to operate as Superman, the ways in which he must be held accountable as someone operating above and within society. He understands the importance of his friends and allies that can stop and defeat him, the family he must look after, the reputation he must uphold, the control over his powers and a lifetime of experience in holding himself back. At times he was even grateful for the existence of Kryptonite as a desperate measure. He knows that Bruce goes through a lot of measures to keep himself in check as well.
But he knows little about The Shadow, who works for him, why they do so, who can hold him accountable, who is going to help him when he can't help himself. He worries about what his world must look like, to create a man like him, brainwashing people and gunning down criminals in the streets while laughing. How much good can such a man do if this is what his approach to justice looks like? What is the toil that such a grim approach to life has taken on this man's life?
He knows that overthinking is one of his worse flaws, but Superman can't help but dwell sometimes on the worlds he cannot save, on those that must take on such realities. He only wishes he knew how to find The Shadow of his own accord and try to bring peace to the man, even if he knows better than to assume peace is what he's looking for.
It is the nature of Superman to never stop trying to bring everyone to a world beyond death, darkness and sorrow, and to blame himself for those he cannot save even from themselves.
It was a well-known fact that The Shadow always worked alone. And like most known facts about him, it was not entirely accurate.
The Shadow strives to cultivate the image that he's alone, untouchable, that all who work for him do so because he forces them to. That he always tells those he saves that their lives belong to him, that they are trembling slaves to a monster sniffing blood in gutters.
Distractions, lies, smokescreens he must create, to allow his agents to operate as spies, and spare them from the wrath of the police and the criminal underworld alike, too busy hunting a legend to notice the flesh and blood people working under their noses, people they would otherwise be all too happy to neglect or stomp on.
Misdirection, the secret of any magic trick. The true secret of The Shadow's invisibility.
There are days where the only positive thought in his mind is that his agents cannot join him wherever he goes.
The success of The Shadow depended heavily on the vast networks of agents and allies he'd gathered over the years, people from all walks of life who trusted him and had chosen to join him. Every courageous move, sacrifice and pivotal role they played was carefully recorded in his files, and never forgotten. They had skills and capabilities The Shadow did not, and The Shadow was proud to see the ways in which they would cultivate those into the betterment of the world around him.
And though the bridge between them was unassailable, though his ways and actions were secret and mysterious to them and they could never know more than he allowed, they received constant signs of The Shadow’s appreciation of their reliable cooperation, and at many points The Shadow had made said bridge less unassailable for their sake.
But they were not his friends. His allies were distant and occupied with fights The Shadow could assist, but not fight for them. His agents were subordinates rather than equals, expected to play the necessary parts and leave the scene for their own safety just as quickly. His friends were few, and often dead. And when it was the moment of danger, The Shadow fought alone. The protection of others came above all else, and on field, although they were expected to think and strategize for themselves and work together, The Shadow's word was final.
There could be no distractions, no hesitations. Those had cost him more than enough on the battlefields of the Great War, mistakes he would never repeat again. The sacrifice of companionship, his own personhood and self-preservation is an acceptable loss for the sake of those he must protect.
There are occasions when The Shadow is forced into circumstances beyond what logic and physics should allow, and in some of those occasions, Superman had been involved in them. There are occasions also where he has to work side by side with other vigilantes, and sometimes, they also include Superman.
He couldn't quite say he looked forward to working with Superman. His arrival almost inevitably carried chaos into the inner workings of reality. The existence of an omnipotent being able to crack planets with a footstep and liquefy crowds with a gaze, held back only by his human personality, was a danger that thankfully did not exist in The Shadow's own world, but was a worrying prospect regardless.
Few of his experiences with aliens and superpowered warriors could be said to be positive ones, and a lifetime of knowing the evil in the hearts of men had taught The Shadow how easily even the best of intentions and the most solid of morals could be corroded and destroyed. It didn't help matters that this being was also a public crusader and celebrity passing judgement on criminals, even while secretly holding a private dimensional prison to throw them into should they be sufficiently dangerous. Someone completely unstoppable and unaccountable, even to death itself.
The Shadow understood Superman to be a good man, a moral man who had been raised well to be the best he could. The Shadow respected and treasured the existence of those like him, men and women and everything in between that could breathe in the sun and uphold mankind, while he dwelled in the underworld to make sure those more like him would not rise to attack them.
But whatever the rewards of these partnerships, he was glad when they were over. His work requires full control. He cannot tolerate the loss of it.
Others can dream of better tomorrows and work to make them happen, his is the task of clearing the darkest paths so others need not tread them.
Hope, light and comfort are noble gifts, but they are not his to give.
The first time they met had been the result of Vandal Savage's Hypertime Collider, a trap designed to keep Superman running circles through the timestreams, cycling through alternate versions of himself. He had landed in the 1930s, somewhat depowered, in a world where some allies of his existed, but superheroes were nowhere to be found (although some people reacted in terror at him, shouting "IT'S DANNER! HE'S COME BACK TO KILL US!", the significance of which was lost on Clark).
He had met a woman named Margo Lane when looking for this world's Lois, telling her he was a farmboy from Kansas lost in the big city looking for a friend with the same last name. Margo didn't recognize anyone named Lois, and Clark could tell she was only pretending to believe his story (even though it was true, in a sense), but through her, he met a tall, gaunt and hawk-like millionaire by the name of Lamont Cranston, a name Clark recognized from an old radio show Jonathan used to listen.
He had an idea of who The Shadow was. An old detective from a radio show or pulp magazines, sure, Superman's been to worlds he used to think were fictional before, some people still think he's as real as Santa Claus (who was going to join him and the Easter Bunny for checkers next Sunday).
Their conversation of platitudes was cut short, as it wasn't long before the Hypertime Collider was soon transporting him to a different time period, but before he was ejected, he remembered the moment their conversation ended.
Shortly before he could feel the Collider breaking and warping time and space in a chokehold around him, he remembered an eerie silence fall on the room. Though his hearing senses in this world were diminished, he could still pick up minute sounds from miles away, and it was a strange sensation to hear the sound of nothing. A sound that did not exist but silenced everything around it with deafening precision, a sound that Clark had not heard even in the deepest recesses of space, when he could still hear his body's metabolism at work. For a moment, though he did not need it to survive, Clark worried his heart had stopped working, for he could not hear it.
It surely was the Collider's effect at work, he reasoned.
But in that brief moment, whatever surprise he expected to find on Cranston's expression was nowhere to be found. Instead, scattered shadows slashed across his face as the air around him changed and he closed his eyes. He was still wearing Cranston's face when he opened them, and once again, they did not match his face.
The last thing he remembered before his ejection was a voice that cut through the air and the meters separating them, that sounded like a python hissing in Clark's ear, from everywhere and nowhere at once.
"This is not your world."
The second time was in another dimensional sojourn, this time of his volition.
Having borrowed a portal from Cyberwear Enterprises, Clark was rehearsing a speech intended for the Reginellian people of the Bohren System, one he was expected to give through blinking in reverse morse code, and in order to ensure the atmosphere of their planet would allow them to hear him, Clark intended to pay them a visit. But instead, he was transported somewhere else.
Before he could properly register the time period and location he had landed, he had encountered The Shadow in the middle of rescuing a steamship on fire from sinking.
He was clinging to the side of it unseen from the panicking passangers, drilling bullet holes to the bottom of the ship so it would fall to the side and steer clear from a passing fireworks yacht. He was holding a rope attached to a nearby tugboat with one hand, and with the other he was clinging to the boat's window. The tugboat was moving outside of the steamship's range, and as it moved, it would drag The Shadow and tilt the steamship as he gripped it, just enough to prevent the steamship from colliding head-on with the coming barge.
The tugboat had three men within it, one piloting it and two holding on to the rope that The Shadow had attached, working along with The Shadow to try and pull the steamship. One of these men had a missing eye and was dressed in aviator gear, presumably the pilot of the autogyro atop the tugboat. The other was a tall, muscular black man in suspenders, who dwarfed the pilot in both size and strength.
The strain of their pull could dislocate The Shadow's arms at the very minimum, if not outright kill him, his plunge would carry him 20 feet into the water and potentially under the sinking steamship. Still, they pulled with grim determination, although the boat driver had his eyes closed, and Clark recognized the Yiddish mutterings coming from his mouth as a desperate prayer.
Though they did not see him, these men were extremely thankful when Superman had blown out the inferno with a single breath, and pushed the boat all the way necessary for it's passangers to land on the barge safely, and rescued The Shadow.
Of course they knew the Chief was gonna pull through, he always does.
If The Shadow was thankful for Superman's interference, he didn't show it. In the second he had regained enough strength to talk, he rattled off dozens of names, of passangers in the steamship that had been bruised, by either the flames, the panicking crowd, or the criminals that The Shadow had stopped. People that needed to be taken to medical assistance faster than the ambulances could carry them, of family members that had to be contacted.
He did so without looking at his rescuer, for he remembered Superman, who expected his presence in this timeline to have been erased after he'd destroyed the Hypertime Collider.
Nothing indicated it hadn't been.
Their most recent encounter was the outcome of an accident where Vandal Savage had trapped Superman in the Arctic and rebuilt his Hypertime Collider, in the hopes of contacting alternate versions of himself so they could all gain Superman's powers and conquer their worlds.
One of said versions was hunted by The Shadow through the portals. The adventure ended rather quickly as the Savages all turned on each other in their tried-and-true method of solving problems with large rocks, but amidst the chaos, a final burst of energy had granted The Shadow a temporary access to Superman's powers.
Thoughts passed through Clark's head of the last time Bruce had accidentally gained access to Superman's abilities, and how despite his best intentions, Bruce couldn't help but overestimate his own ability to wield said powers responsibly. Of how many times he's come across iterations of Bruce who've gained superpowers and used them poorly or tyranically.
He thought of how often he needed to reign himself back, and of the man in black who stood before him, with eyes like thunderstorms ready to break.
The ways in which he is like Bruce, and the ways in which he is decidedly not.
But before Superman could take any sort of action or even ask how he was feeling, The Shadow turned around silently and started walking, straight in the direction of the Fortress of Solitude.
Upon reaching it, he took the million-ton key from beneath the rug that spelled Welcome in a million languages, opened the door, and walked straight into a high security anti-Superman cell within it, designed specifically as a desperate measure against rogue Kryptonians, only stating Superman was going to have to watch him so he couldn't escape.
Clark had never even told him about the Fortress.
He stayed there for the next 12 hours, as Superman ran tests on him to ensure his body wouldn't be negatively affected by the transformation. Clark chose not to remark that some of the bone-deep injuries he had spotted on The Shadow's body previously had healed, as he knew it wouldn't take long for him to acquire new ones after this was over.
They talked briefly at points, and for much of it, The Shadow assumed the façade of Cranston. Sometimes he remembered to breathe and blink, things he forgot to do with startling ease once he no longer needed them.
Clark understood it to be a diplomatic gesture, a façade over the untameable and fearsome Shadow who was frankly unnerving to be around. Even a kind gesture, an effort to address Superman as a man asking for help. Not different than how Superman would prefer to be Clark Kent in order to approach people and ask questions and say things that Superman could never say.
There was a discomfort, of course. There would always be one between the two.
Still, Superman took it as a victory when, after the 12 hours were over, he heard that familiar hiss, with equal intensity but no aggression or even contempt, spell out a "Thank you", as he turned around and was unsurprised to find The Shadow no longer there.
They were not friends, they were not enemies, they belonged to different worlds. They were opposites in their battles for truth and justice.
But truths are often opposite. It is a truth that not all opposites are opposed.
Truth is often as chilling as it can be comforting.
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skylarmoon71 · 2 months
Lance Sweets (Bones) - Crossover AU - Chapter 12
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After you got off the train, Sweets insisted that he needed fuel to continue the journey.
When you’ve gotten a meal you both set up in the hotel.
“So our first stop tomorrow would be at the Kent Farm. It’s where the first symbol appeared. It’ll give us some insight.”
Sweets has a plan laid out on his bed.
“Then we can probably just visit local stops in the town, see what we come up with.”
It sounds like a solid plan.
“You better get some sleep. Then again, you got a lot on the train.”
“Not all of us have superhuman awake skills.”
“That’s not a thing.”
“We don’t know that!” He argues.
He just refuses to admit that he has the attention span of a child.
“Either way, it’s clear you need the rest. I’ll be next door.”
He’s once again focused on his little set up and you grin to yourself. As you exit his room, you go through all the questions you would ask if you were to meet someone.
Another kryptonian.
Just the idea seems a bit ridiculous. The last thing you should be doing is letting your thoughts get the better of you.
But that hope, it’s impossible to extinguish, especially since there seems to be actual evidence.
The call of a woman startles, and down the hall you see a man running from her.
“Stop him, he stole my purse!”
The guy coming full speed lifts his hand to shove you out the way. You just stay put and he crashes into you, falling back against the ground. He’s groaning on the ground, and the woman as well as her partner jog over.
“Thanks, saved me a lot of paperwork. Caught the guy sneaking out of my room. These hotels are supposed to be secured, right Smallville?”
She turns to the man and you offer a smile as you pick up the small purse, handing it to her.
“Here you go.”
She takes it graciously and the man is picked up off the floor by her partner.
“Let’s go.”
The thief is grumbling and Sweets opens the door.
“Hey, I heard noise, is everything okay?”
You nod at Sweets.
“Everything is fine. “ You assure.
“This man tried to steal, we should probably double our locks when we go to sleep tonight.” You advise.
Sweets steps fully out.
“Your girlfriend is one hell of a woman. Knocked him right onto his back. She kind of reminds me of you, Smallville.”
You raise a brow.
“Is your name Smallville?”
He shakes his head.
“I’m Clark Kent. That’s just a nickname my wife refuses to stop using. It’s nice to meet you both.”
That last name, it can’t be a coincidence.
“You own the farm, the one that had the symbols engraved into the barn door.”
The mention causes a shift in both of them. There’s a brief exchange of looks between them.
“We should probably get this guy to the police, right Smallville. It was nice meeting you two but we have to get going. Let’s go.” She basically paces out of there with Clark and your eyes stay fixated on them.
“They're hiding something.” Sweets informs.
You don’t need to be a psychologist to see that. 
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