#click the link if you don’t know about them yet you’re welcome
angelnumber27 · 1 year
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my idols
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lucysarah-c · 1 month
Levi's horrible flirtling skills part 9.
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Masterlist link to all the previous parts.
Indecipherable groans echoed through the room, merging with the sound of the alarm. Reluctantly sitting up, still in uniform, the bed covers crumpled under the weight as the person rose.   
Perhaps it was easier to abandon it after only an hour or two of sleep before having to get up again. A long night and a long day ahead. From the window, the light was already sneaking in subtly as the sun began to rise earlier. Pushing the door open, the bustling place was a harsh welcome so early.   
“Morning...” The greeting was said without much emotion.   
“Morning, Y/N!” one of the girls replied as she prepared breakfast in the small kitchen while another girl, a redhead, sat at the round dining table, which also served as a living room.   
Each of them was getting ready for the day ahead. Y/N easily began to prepare herself something to eat, trying not to disturb the girl who was already using the kitchen, while the redhead curled her eyelashes while sipping tea. With a loud sigh, Y/N took a seat and had a simple toast.   
“How was yesterday?” the redhead asked.   
“Good... all the babies were healthy.”   
“I was talking about the date.”   
“Yeah, how did that go?” The other girl, with light brown hair and golden eyes, sat down too.   
Y/N simply shrugged, putting on face cream as she passed down the tea. “Good, I guess...” she replied, almost disinterested, but as she slowly woke up, she got a cheeky grin. “He’s taking me to the official party.”   
The other two girls gasped excitedly as if they were the ones invited. “But that’s Saturday, right?”   
“Better! You promised me we’d go to Edward’s party on Friday,” the brunette added.   
“Don’t forget girls’ night on Wednesday,” the redhead chimed in. “And we promised Charlie to help her choose something for the hospital event next week on Tuesday.”   
“Ugh, but I thought we were all going to the downtown party together. There will be happy hour for all the drinks!” The brunette pouted slightly. “But I guess you and your all-mighty new guy have better plans than us.”   
“I know, I know,” Y/N replied calmly. “I’m aware.” 
Y/N chuckled, biting her lower lip as the other two girls joked with each other. “So? That’s all?”      
Y/N grimaced uneasily, softly humming, almost disinterested. “He was very... nice and cute, well-behaved.”   
“Are you describing humanity’s strongest or a dog?”   
It made her snort with laughter. “Minnie!” she exclaimed, covering her mouth as she laughed.   
“He’s not that talkative,” she tried to justify. “Or... perhaps he’s shy, stoic...” she clicked her tongue. “I don’t know.”   
There was a soft hum of uncertainty filling the silence, but it was overpowered by one of the cats demanding food. “Going, going,” one of the girls said as she got up and rushed to the cat's demands.  
 “I just... hope that maybe around his friends, he’ll get a bit more confident,” Y/N said, raising her hands in the air as if pushing her last hope onto the idea.   
  “Maybe,” the brunette tried to support the idea, resting her head on her hand. “You said he’s nice...”   
  “He is! He’s very nice...” she said, as if it were a consolation prize, letting the words drag out as if the idea didn’t fully satisfy her. “It’s just that I like my man with a bit more spice... a bit less vanilla.” 
“Ugh...” A loud groan followed as the suit, still on its hanger, was brought closer to the position it would have once worn, allowing him to admire his reflection in the mirror. “I don’t even know why I agreed to this.” 
“’Cause you’re desperate?” Hange spun around in the chair, messily eating a snack, which made Levi frown as crumbs dirtied his pristine floor. “Think about it... you could make it kinda official this way and make sure the MPs won’t be hitting on her.” 
“I don’t think we’re quite there yet,” Levi replied, the idea of publicly declaring his relationship status not exactly appealing. “Don’t you think it’s too soon to make it official?” 
Hange shrugged. “Do you want my honesty?” 
“Yes, and I also want you to stop dropping crumbs on my floor.” 
The brunette took an extra messy bite before speaking. “I don’t think she sees it that way...” 
The little excitement Levi felt was quickly fading, and after Hange’s words, it simply ceased to exist. “Capital girls are taken to official military balls all the time... someone had to say it to you, shorty.” 
The squad leader probably thought of this as ripping off a band-aid. 
“Yeah,” Levi replied curtly, trying to hide his own disappointment. “Did you take a damn shower already? You stink.” 
Scoffing, Hange rose from their position, grabbed a bunch of crackers from the bowl to eat them all at once, and frowned deeply as they left. “I hope you get to empty your balls soon so maybe you’ll stop being so constipated.” 
Levi swore he was ignoring his usual, right, self-preservation instincts when he agreed to bring her there. The suit felt odd on him; he hated the environment, the people, the situation, how he was handling it, and particularly the looks. 
All those old greasy men who had lost touch with reality, their privilege, and their classism, were eyeing her. ‘She’s looking fucking breathtaking, but for fuck’s sake, behave,’ he thought. 
Her tight little red dress, her shiny, innocent eyes, her sweet smile, her shoulders and neck on display as she had her hair up—Levi was sneaking little peeks each time he got a chance. He could hide those, but the types of stares that he could hardly hide—and had no intention of hiding—were the ones he gave when he was just two steps away from her, and she was already being approached by another man. 
‘They’re like fucking flies,’ Levi thought, clicking his tongue, two dishes in hand as he walked back to her side. 
“It’s my first time at one of these events,” he began to pick up their conversation from afar. 
“Oh, there’s always a first time for everything, sweetie,” Levi knew exactly who he was—a high-ranking Garrison member from the west. “Did you come alone? Want me to get you something to eat?” 
“She came with me,” Levi spat out before she could look around and point him out. 
“Captain, I heard you came, but I didn’t believe it. Maybe we should insist on inviting you more often if you’re going to bring such pretty company all the time,” the dark-haired man said slowly, walking away as Levi’s gaze never wavered. Raising his cup in the air, he added, “Miss.” 
She timidly smiled back without saying much. 
‘If I ever catch him outside the walls... I’m pushing him over. His wife will thank me,’ Levi thought. 
Returning to her, he handed her what he had gotten from the buffet. “Thank you. I think he was a bit tipsy,” she said, taking her dish. 
Levi looked down at the dinner, which consisted mostly of little pieces heavily decorated. He grimaced. 
‘Can’t they just give normal fucking food for once? With the money they wasted on this posh shit, we could have gotten food that actually fills you up,’ he thought. 
He took a small bite, but the whole piece could easily fit in his mouth, and the taste didn’t appeal to him. “Do you want to get another drink?” 
Levi tried to swallow the bite he had taken before speaking. ‘I just had three glasses... maybe I don’t want to look like an alcoholic. Isn’t that what everyone thinks of soldiers? That all we do is get pissed drunk on citizens’ money?’ 
“I’m fine,” he said, but seeing her disappointment, he quickly added, “I can go and get you one if you want.” 
“No, it’s fine.” 
‘... that didn’t sound good. Fuck, what did I do wrong? I didn’t want another, but should I have just said yes?’ 
As the night went on, Levi began to regret his decision to attend. First, they were left completely alone as Hange and Erwin went to secure funds, and then she asked his worst nightmare. 
“Do you want to dance?” 
‘Shit... I fucking adore you, but there’s a limit...’ 
“I’m not much of a dancer.” 
Later, they were catching some fresh air on one of the balconies, also taking in the gardens, when they encountered a group of men smoking. “Do you want to go to another balcony?” he asked, catching the scent of cigarettes. 
The resigned look on her face as she forced a smile made him feel uneasy. “It’s fine, I’m not made of glass.” 
‘... maybe I’m the one who needs a cig. What did I say this time? I was just trying to be—’ 
“Sorry, you’re very nice,” she interrupted, running her hand through his arm and giving it a gentle squeeze. But the pleasant smile and condescending tone didn’t match the words. 
“Miss? The gentleman over there sent you this,” another staff member brought over the fifth drink sent her way. 
“Oh, thanks,” she said, accepting the glass. “You sure you don’t mind?” 
Shaking his head softly, Levi responded, “No.” 
‘I’ve killed people in the underground for less... way less,’ he thought. 
Clenching his teeth and trying to take deep breaths, Levi thought, The last thing I need tonight is to get jealous over stupid drinks... I learned my lesson last time. 
He noticed her rejecting those who asked her to dance, but Levi could see it all over her face. 
She’s bored... she’s so damn bored that she can’t even hide it anymore. 
It’s like knowing you’re running out of gas and not being able to reach anywhere safe with the 3DMG... Damn it! It's not my fault, I didn’t plan the party. 
Maybe I should have taken her for a dance... 
No, let’s be honest, I can’t do that. 
Levi’s mind was racing, seeing all his efforts crumble before his eyes without him being able to do anything. It didn’t help that the one time Erwin dragged him over to talk to some donors, he saw her from afar, chatting with a friend from the MPs and having a blast. Laughing, drinking, whispering in each other’s ears. 
This is a damn test... and I’m failing like the biggest idiot who hasn’t touched a single book all semester. 
The nobleman Erwin was trying to force Levi to listen to kept talking while Levi dissociated, trying not to pay attention. What the hell am I doing wrong? He tried to keep up the pretense until he saw it. 
Her being approached by another person, who stopped by and began talking and talking. 
No... no, over my dead body. 
Nile was rambling to her about something that had caught her attention enough that she was listening intently. 
No way I’m letting that asshole with a pitiful excuse for a beard talk behind my back, because I know that’s what he’s doing. 
“Yeah, very interesting, but if you’ll excuse me,” Levi interrupted the older man under the scrutiny of an extremely disappointed Erwin. 
He took quick steps, trying to reach them as fast as possible. 
“Nile,” Levi spat out the name as he got by her side, frowning at the man. 
“Oh, the Commander was just telling me that he met you when you were still living in the underground,” she commented as if there was a need for an introduction. 
“Ah, is that so?” Levi feigned interest. “Doesn’t your wife need a hand, Nile? Three kids are a lot to handle.” 
“Levi,” the MP acknowledged the Captain’s presence, “Marie is doing just fine, thank you. I was surprised you brought someone with you, so I decided to share some knowledge.” 
“He was just telling me that you beat his team up and stole their 3DMG gear when you were a thug.” 
Nile might be Erwin’s old friend, but he definitely wasn’t Levi’s, and they hadn’t been on the best of terms since... well, ever. “Maybe, I don’t really remember. If I had to remember each MP I put in their place...” 
“It was illegal, Levi,” Nile insisted. “You know... Levi was known for getting very close to a few female MP soldiers who went down there to meet him.” 
What the hell? You’re already married, why do you care? Levi felt the color drain from his face. It wasn’t that he was ashamed of what he did as a thug, but the underground was different, and he wasn’t ready to introduce her to that part of him. 
“Oh,” she hummed in understanding, turning to her left to look at the Captain. “Is that so?” 
“That was many years ago,” Levi added. 
“No, it wasn’t that many.” 
“Tch,” Levi went to grab her hand and suggested, “Don’t you want to go for a stroll around the gardens?” 
“No, I want to keep listening to how you put MP girls in their place in the hallways of the underground,” she replied, catching him completely off guard. 
What the hell? What else did you tell her, moron? She’s going to think I’m some asshole who goes around pretending to be a fuckboy. 
“Tell me, sir.” Her shining eyes and bright smile confused him deeply. “Why are you recalling or telling me any of this?” 
Suddenly, both men fell silent, and her change in attitude was unexpected. Levi noticed how her fake smile turned into a cheeky grin. 
“Are you jealous that those girls got railed up in a hallway and you didn’t? I’m confused.” 
Levi was speechless as he admired her. 
“Don’t worry, I’m not the jealous type. I’m sure we can all come to an agreement! I mean, as long as your wife is in favor,” Y/N replied, taking another sip of her drink but never breaking eye contact. 
Nile scoffed and left without saying much. “Cheers!” she said, raising her glass in the air. 
“I didn’t know you had that in you,” Levi whispered, trying to form a coherent thought. 
“Hmm?” She took another sip and chuckled. “Me? I didn’t know you were like that, Captain.” 
I claimed victory too fast. 
“No. Well, I was a brat back then.” 
“Is that so?” She questioned, but Levi was slowly noticing the changes in her body language. “Tell me,” she whispered, getting so close to his face that Levi could taste the liquor on her breath as she spoke. 
Frowning, he listened. “If I had been allowed to go down there...” her voice dropped lower with each word, “Would you have railed me up against a damp wall too?” 
Holy... shit— 
“That depends,” Levi’s voice dropped too, as neither of them broke eye contact, the tension between them rising. “I only punished them if they misbehaved in my territory.” 
She softly bit her bottom lip and looked at him through her lashes. “I can misbehave too, Captain.” 
The roll of her tone as she pronounced his title... I could get hard just from that... what the hell is happening? I don’t care, but I’m enjoying it. 
Levi chuckled; it came naturally at seeing her batting eyes at him and taking innocent little sips. “I thought you were a good girl.” 
“Oh, I’m a good girl,” she pouted, “...but I may like to do bad things with you.” 
I want to grip that stupidly pretty face of yours and... damn, where have you been my whole life? 
“Like what?” he asked huskily. 
She slowly rolled her eyes, swaying a little side to side and checking that they weren’t being observed. “I’m so bored.” 
“Are you? Tch, what a spoiled little thing you are,” Levi couldn’t resist running a finger down the side of her face, pushing a non-existent hair out of the way. 
“I don’t want to make Erwin mad at us...” she muttered, looking to the side, pretending. “What do you say you use those thug skills of yours to sneak us out of here, and we go to my place where my friends are out?” 
Forget whatever I said—God bless you, Nile! 
“I would say, give me fifteen minutes and meet me by the bathroom.” 
Play it cool, try to ignore the fact that all your blood is rushing down to your dick. 
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @flxrartsstuff @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @katharinasdiaryy @ackermanswifee @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @searriously @blackdxggr @storiesofsung @abiatackerman @braunsbabe @moonchild-angel @galactict3a @lemonsupernova @hyuckwon-my-husbands @heyitsd1yaa @sydneyyuu @love-for-faeries-go-burrrr @mandaax @sugacor3 @r0ckst4rjk @vegetasgirl2799 @catiwinky @pinksaiyans @sparklykeylime Wanna join my tag list? Here!
Her hands moved to pretend she was arranging the folds of his suit. “I would say, make it ten.” 
Chapters left: 2
I wrote this high on painkillers and antibiotics, be nice lol
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quillofspirit · 9 months
2023 fic recs
If there's one thing to know about me, is that I love to read! and I love to share the good fics, so I figured I would put them all on one list💚
pssst! it's my first time doing anything like this, so if you have recommendations for the format, please do leave them in the comments or drop me a message! thanks xx
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Key 🍬 fluff 🧯 spicy 🌡️ smut ⛈️ angst 🌪️ all
For people I have tagged, please let me know if there is anything you’d like me to add or remove — like a link to another account. It’ll be my pleasure☺️
Lord of the Rings (and related)
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⛈️🧯Fuck the Forbidden pt. 1 by @entishramblings
Boromir x mermaidfem!oc Teens and Up but read the warnings carefully 9,500 words
Now I want mermaids in everything. why aren’t there mermaids in everything? The descriptions are so well done, everything is so vividly easy to visualize, oh I just loved it.
I am so hyped for pt 2!!
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🍬⛈️ Healing Touch by @ass-deep-in-demons
Boromir x fem!oc Teens and Up 4,350 words
My film studies degree was very happy about the descriptions of movement in this one - it’s a little specific but hear me out. It’s much easier to see the actors playing the scene when it’s described this well! THAT ENDING, I have to say I joined Legolas, and I don’t have excuses.
I cannot wait to read the rest of the adventures of Joanna!
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🍬 I Might Need to Kiss You by @fizzyxcustard
Thorin Oakenshield x fem!reader 400 words
I was squealing, this is so sweet. like the perfect little pick me up when you need a reminder, and Thorin is nothing if not a good king to his subjects 😇
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🍬 Sweet Conversations by @glassgulls
Haldir x fem!reader Teens and Up 5,360 words
did I almost break my mouse when I clicked on this? noooo
Would I do it again? approximately 5 times since ☺️
Who doesn’t love sneaking around and kissing pretty elves, especially when they propose the idea so nicely… Just read it, you’re welcome
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⛈️🧯Transformed by @sotwk
Thranduil’s son OC x fem!reader Teens and Up 2,400 words
There are at least two werewolves! When I tell you I read it three nights in a row, just to truly catch all the little things that made me go absolutely feral this so lovely to read. Yes, there’s gore (only a little bit) and there’s angst, but there’s also dialogue that would be made into gifs were it a movie.
Pirates of the Caribbeans
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🌪️Catch the Wind by eriathiel (@esta-elavaris)
James Norrington x fem!oc Explicit 418,000 words
101 chapters of epic, pirates, and sweetness. The definition of you will suffer and you will like it. I finished this in like two days, because I couldn’t put it down, like a child on Halloween night going through their whole bag of candy.
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⛈️🍬 Fallen Through Time by eriathiel (@esta-elavaris)
Catch the Wind AU Mature Ongoing; 34,000 words
12 Chapters so far, but it’s probably going to make me want to read everything about Theodora again. I am very normal about this character. 😌
Other fandoms
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🌡️One of Those days by @capricornafterdark
Jason Todd x fem!reader Explicit 750 words
Sometimes you need to be taken care of, and sometimes its easier to take care of others.
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🍬Patience by @velvetcloxds
Charlie Swan x fem!reader Just straight cuteness 600 words
A cute yet serious conversation with Charlie
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🌡️That Takes Trust Darlin by @capricornafterdark
Jason Todd x transmasc!reader Explicit 1,950 words
It takes a lot of trust to tell a person about your desires, and even more when you spend your time catching villains.
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🌪️ What Happens After You? by StrengthBeforeWeakness
Ominis Gaunt x fem!oc Mature 219,000 words
A badass Ravenclaw, sweet sweet Garreth, and dark!Sebastian. I am tempted to say it’s almost a Hogwarts Legacy AU because the lore in this fic is so incredible, it feels new again.
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These are my headers and dividers, please do not use them.
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traitorca · 8 months
My Iron Lung - The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon x Grimes!Reader - 3
Men fucking suck.
Saved your ass? You had it handled perfectly. Of course you struggled- a little bit, but you were close to shooting it yourself. However, you kept your thoughts personal as you lifted yourself to your feet, backing away from the two men before lightly raising your gun.
“If you can’t even shoot somethin’ dead, I can’t imagine you shootin’ one of us, aye, sugar tits?” The older one drawled, his southern accent rivaling the English ones you were used to. “Put the gun down, or maybe I’ll just have lil’ Darlina make you.” He gestured to the man beside him. With the threat, you cautiously lowered your arm to your side, finger still placed on the trigger.
‘Darlina’, the man in question, was quiet, eyes narrowing at the sudden volun-told request. He had an air about him, a man who didn’t miss much, or say much about it.
“You’d finally get some hands-on action with a female, Daryl…” The other man nudged him knowingly, his voice pulled into a mocked snarl. It was clear you weren’t seen as an equal in this conversation.
He did nothing but scoff in response, his rough, calloused hands taking hold of the arrow lodged in the walker's head. He grunted, flinging it slightly as blood flew, splattering the already discolored leaves.
“…Well aren’t you both just.. so….” You struggled for the words to say, finding that no possible word the dictionary might provide would prove suitable for the men in front of you. “….lovely.” You settled, brow raising as you took a mental note of their person, scanning for weapons. “A word of advice, don’t do anything stupid. I’ve got people nearby, a whole bunch of them.”
“Ah, yeah… we know already. Been watchin’ ya, campin’ out even. How funny is that, it’s like a big ol’ sleepover!”
“Merle.” The younger one spoke out, forbidding him to say too much. His voice mirrored the state of his hands, deep, warm…and rough. It suited him.
Daryl and Merle, what a pair of brothers. Almost made you think about yours.
“So,” The older one, Merle, clicked his tongue, hands stroking the end of his gun, the action almost overbearingly possessive. That visual was unsettling. “I dare say you owe us a lil’ welcome gift for savin’ yer’ ass…” His eyes ran over your form. “Darlin’.”
“Again, I didn’t need saving. I had it covered.” You scoffed, hand grasping your gun that laid dormant in your hands, obviously as a warning. “And don’t call me ‘darlin’, I don’t owe you shit.” You knew better than to turn your back to strangers, much less in a world full of men. Pricks like this, pricks like MERLE, were not to be trusted.
As for the brother, that was yet to be decided.
You took the time of silence to look over them again. The younger brother, Daryl, had a cross bow, the same one that had saved you from that freak minutes prior. Across his shoulders, a rabbit and a few other animals were linked together with string, his catches of the day.
You would be lying if you said you didn’t need a hunter on your side. With the people you had back at camp, no one checked the boxes like he did.
He was tall, rough looking- and his arms- GOD his arms. He could use a hair cut, sure, but he was pretty enough to look at.
“…But, about that gift-“ you started, but shrinked back slightly when Merle smirked in your direction. “No. I’m not fucking you if that’s what you think you’re getting into.”
“Ah, shame.”
“I was going to offer a place back at camp. You’d have to start pulling your weight- but my people could use your experience.” You looked to Daryl, truthfully because this offer was because of him. “And you’d have a comfortable place to stay in return. Strength in numbers. Clean clothes.” You gently put your gun back in its holster. “Of course, if you’re not interested, pretend we never met. If you come to my camp- mess with my people, I promise you,” You paused, eyes tracing over to Merle. “I’ll make you see how capable I am with a gun.”
This time, Merle seemed to understand your message. He didn’t laugh, instead, he passed a glance to his brother and cleared his throat.
“Darlina, as the bitch of our little duo, you got any complaints?”
The younger brother didn’t seem amused, nor elated about the offer. He just grunted, a small “whatever”, leaving his lips before looking at the ground.
You smiled at that. The thought of not only bringing food back to camp, but also capable- strong hunters? This could really boost people’s spirits. Of course, Shane might give you hell for it, but besides the.. obvious sexual harassment from the Merle, you didn’t have any outweighing reasons to not trust them, (Besides the age old rule: don’t trust anyone).
Your journey back to the quarry seemed longer than it should’ve been, spent in awkward silence as the heat of the setting sun stilled around you. You could only hear the footsteps of the two brothers who followed you, one of them proceeding to prod you with questions you didn’t waste time by answering. Your silence seemed to amuse him enough, thankfully, as you began to see the break in the trees.
As soon as you stepped into the clearing, you were bombarded with your name, a pair of footsteps running towards you.
“Oh, thank god!” Lori’s body collided with yours, arms wrapping around your neck. “Where the hell did you go?! How far did you get?! You scared the shit out of me, do you understand?!” She was panicked, voice raising an octave as she chastised you like a child.
She wasn’t alone, as a new voice interrupted hers. Shane. “That settles it, you’re no longer going out by yoursel-“
“Oh, don’t you worry, she was plenty safe.” Merle walked out from the treeline behind you, quickly followed by his brother, Daryl, who had a harsh grip on his crossbow. “Afterall, we were with the little lady, ain’t that right?”
“Who the fuck are you?” Shane pressed, shoving you and your sister-in-law behind him. “You need to back up-“
“Watch it.” Daryl warned, lip pulled into a snarl, almost like a dog who had his tail between his legs. “We didn’t do anythin’. She offered ta’ bring us back to yer’ camp.” He raised the net of animals he had caught before, strung along lifelessly as they hung.
“She what?” Lori repeated, to no one in particular. “You what?!” She turned to you this time, eyes wide in anger. “You lead two strange men here, knowing we have children- MY child here?!”
“Lori, calm down-“ you started, hands raising in your defense. “They’re hunters. They saved me from a freak. I got lost. I thought-“
“No.” Shane answered the question you never got to ask. “They’re not welcome here. We are perfectly capable-“
“Oh that’s BULLSHIT Shane, and you know it.” This time you were the one to get in his face, eyes narrowing as your finger poked at his chest. “You’re not making decisions for everyone. You’re not in charge. We agreed this was a team effort. You act like you’re some fuckin’ dictator.”
“Excuse me? At least I’m the one trying to keep this camp safe-“
“Says the one who couldn’t even do that for my brother.”
The words flew out before you could even register them, and to your dismay, you regretted it quickly. Lori’s face fell, jaw slacking as her eyes watered. She left quickly, hand covering her mouth like she was going to be sick.
Shane, on the other hand, looked at you like he didn’t recognize you. Or, more so that he didn’t want to.
“I bet you feel fuckin great, don’t you?”
“Who gives a shit anymore, let em’ stay then. They aren’t staying in camp. They can camp outside, near Ed and Carol.” He pointed the way, eyes still concentrated on you. “Hope it was worth it.”
He left you with that, probably to chase after Lori, something you knew you should’ve done to begin with.
“Well I’ll be damned..” Merle snorted. “Got ourselves a spitfire, don’t we? I knew I liked you.”
The compliment didn’t feel deserved, nor appreciated.
“I’ll take you to a nice spot to set up.” You spoke lowley, eyes narrowing as Shane disappeared into Lori’s tent.
Hopefully Carl would never hear about what you said, you don’t think you could live with that.
taglist:🏷️: @poubxlle @kovieky @fallenkitten @dixonsboy19
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Tentative List of Submissions
Until the list of submissions is finalized, I will be accepting appeals for/against any of the shows on this list. SEND YOUR APPEALS THROUGH THIS BLOG’S SUBMIT PAGE. Appeals left in the replies or sent to my asks/DM’s will now be ignored.
By the way, I don’t follow a set standard in determining whether a show is underrated or not. I may keep in mind MyAnimeList ratings, but ratings are not absolute.
Some shows may have low stats on MAL, yet have strong voting power on Tumblr. Some may be popular in their home country but are not so well-known in English fandoms. (Tumblr is a site where most users are USAmericans, so the voting power is mainly with them. I have to consider this.)
Red - at risk of being removed
Blue - formerly accepted, but changed to pending/rejected upon an appeal/further review
Violet - formerly under rejected/pending, but now accepted
Green - newly-added
Orange - Triggers not stated. If you’re the submitter, please edit your submission in the form. Alternatively, you can add them to the Triggers Sheet (non-submitters can also help). If the show has no triggers, please still edit the form/sheet and check the “None” option so that I’ll know that you didn’t just forget. Thank you!
Updated: Oct. 20, 2023 08:00pm EST
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86 (Eighty-Six)
91 Days
Acca-13 Territory Inspection Department
After the Rain
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime
Akiba Maid War
Akudama Drive
A Place Further than the Universe
Are You Ok (You Yao)
Asobi Asobase
Beryl and Sapphire
Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story
BNA: Brand New Animal
Do It Yourself!!
Flip Flappers
Flowering Heart
Fukigen na Mononokean
Gakuen Babysitters
Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet
Gatchaman Crowds
Girl's Last Tour (Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou)
God Troubles Me
Hakumei and Mikochi
Hanasaku Iroha: Blossoms for Tomorrow
Happy Sugar Life
Heike Monogatari
HitoriBocchi no MaruMaru Seikatsu
Hoshiai no Sora (Stars Align)
Iroduku: The World in Colors
Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
Kageki Shoujo!!
Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko
Katana Maidens: Toji no Miko
Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!
Kemurikusa - Propaganda may contain spoilers (To submitter: the last part about Earth seems spoilery). Propaganda will be edited by admin.
Kyoukai no Rinne
Laughing under the clouds
Legend of Luo Xiaohei (series)
Link Click
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Mawaru Penguindrum
Megalo Box
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!
No Doubt in Us
Non Non Biyori
Ping Pong the Animation
Plastic Memories - I won’t mark this as red because there is enough propaganda for it to be included. But I’m still waiting for someone to submit something more substantial about it. Also lacks triggers.
Please tell me! Galko-chan
Pretty Rhythm: Rainbow Live - Submitter might’ve shared too much about the drama in the show, spoiling it for others. Propaganda will be edited by admin.
Requiem of the Rose King
Rokuhoudou Yostuiro Boyori
Run with the Wind
Sangatsu no Lion
Senki Zesshou Symphogear
Shadows House
Shinsekai Yori
Silver Spoon
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle
Sonny Boy
Space Brothers (Uchuu Kyoudai)
Talentless Nana
Tamayura: Hitotose
The Executioner and Her Way of Life
The Royal Tutor
Tonari no Seki-kun
To Your Eternity
Urusei Yatsura
Usagi Drop
Vampire in the Garden
Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song
Wasteful Days of High School Girls
Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun
White Cat Legend 2020 (Dali si Rizhi/The Journal of Dali Court)
Wo Jia Dashixiong Naozi You Keng
Yurei Deco
Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero
Yuukoku no Moriarty
Zankyou no Terror
Zombieland Saga
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If no reason is stated, then that submission simply had insufficient/unconvincing propaganda. Those with a (???) next to the title are shows I’m not sure are considered underrated. Anybody may submit an appeal on whether or not I should keep it.
Propaganda that needs revision can be edited by the submitter on the GForm. Others may also make a new submission with their own propaganda for it to be accepted.
If, for some reason, the original submitter cannot edit the GForm, then the updated propaganda may be sent to me here via ask or DM.
All shows that didn’t remove their pending status before Oct. 20, 8pm EST have been moved to Rejected.
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If no reason is stated, then that show has been rejected simply because it’s not considered underrated.
Angel Beats
Assassination Classroom
Astra: Lost in Space - insufficient/unconvincing propaganda
Buddy Daddies - one of the popular recent anime. Also has 390k tag followers on Tumblr
Cap Kakumei Bottleman DX - Propaganda contains too many spoilers. Also lacks triggers
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card - Cardcaptor Sakura is one of the most popular shoujo. And since anime with multiple seasons are counted as one, the year the first season was released is what will be checked. Season 1 of CCS was released in 1998, so it’s disqualified from this tournament.
Death Parade
Delicious Party Precure - This show is apparently part of an extremely popular franchise. The propaganda for it was also not enough.
Dr. Stone - One of the recent mainstream anime. Ranked #54 on MAL for popularity with over 1 million members.
Inazuma Eleven GO
Kyoukai no Kanata - Has over a million members on MAL, rated by over 500k people, and is ranked #122 in terms of popularity. Also has 9.7k tag followers on Tumblr, which is very high compared to the other accepted shows
Kyousou Giga - insufficient/unconvincing propaganda and lacks triggers
Mekakucity Actors - the anime itself isn’t popular, but Kagerou Project, the Vocaloid music video series which it is based on, is extremely popular. #kagerou project has 14k tag followers.
Meganebu - insufficient/unconvincing propaganda and lacks triggers
Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun
Noragami - Ranked #47 in Tumblr’s Top AniManga Fandoms in 2021
Odd Taxi - won several awards during the 6th Crunchyroll Anime Awards as well as won against the iconic The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya in this poll with over 3k votes.
Planetarian - insufficient/unconvincing propaganda. Also lacks triggers.
Kekkai Sensen
Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai - Doesn’t have that many fics on AO3, but it ranks #52 on MAL in terms of popularity and has over 1M in both MAL users and members. Also has 1.4k tag followers on Tumblr—not a big number but still indicates an active fandom.
Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight - Although it’s rated low on MAL, it’s apparently quite popular on Tumblr. It won against the very popular Sailor Moon in another poll tournament with over 9k votes.
Tai Chi Chasers - Submitter either made a mistake or outright lied about the year this show was released. They stated 2011, but the actual year is 2007. That’s before 2010, which disqualifies it from this tournament.
Tian Guan Ci Fu/Heaven Official’s Blessing - made it to Tumblr’s top AniManga fandoms. It was ranked #14 in 2021 and #16 in 2022.
Vatican Miracle Examiner - insufficient/unconvincing propaganda
Violet Evergarden
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
The Haunting Past (LU in Healthcare)
PLOT CHAPTER! :D You ready for emotional whiplash because I threw a snippet in there too?! Woot woot for wretched pacing but I don't care because I do what I want with this insanity LOL
(Click here to read on AO3)
Time stared at his phone.
Time Time Sky’s back He’s back and he’s ok
“Honey? What’s wrong?”
Taking a shaky breath, Time slowly sat on the sofa. He… didn’t really have words to say. The messages were from last night – he’d silenced his phone for dinner with Twilight and hadn’t bothered checking it until this morning.
Sky was alive?
“Link?” Malon prompted, sitting beside him.
He looked so worn thin, yet his smile shone just as brightly as always.
“Thank you,” Sky said, leaning in for a hug.
Time held him gently so as not to jostle his healing injury. “You’re welcome. Go to the barracks and get some sleep, Sky, some real sleep, okay? They shouldn’t be letting you on a helicopter anytime soon anyway. Enjoy the rest.
“I’ll see you in the morning.”
Except he hadn’t. He never saw Sky again. No letter, no text, no explanation whatsoever. Sky had been released from the hospital after his wound and then he’d just vanished.
Time reread the texts and felt his breath catch in his throat.
“Sky?” Malon whispered as she looked at his phone. “I’ve heard that used as a nickname… you talked about him, a pilot from the war – one of your Lost Boys, right? You said he’d died.”
“I thought he must have,” Time muttered.
The couple sat in silence, and then Malon gently laid a hand on his shoulder. “Honey, this is amazing. You should reach out to them and see if you can find him.”
He thought he’d come to grips with everything. Sky had disappeared two years ago, after all.
Shakily pressing on the phone, he dialed Warriors’ number, but when he didn’t get a response, he remembered that Warriors was working today. Wind was in class, he knew that much.
That meant the kid would absolutely be goofing around on his phone.
Nugget, I need to know what happened. How did you find Sky? Where is he?
It took less than five seconds to see the little speech bubble appear, and he waited.
he said he’s staying somewhere close and works in the area
isn’t that crazy??? So cool
like I can’t believe he’s here!!!!!!
u want his #? I made him give it to us
“Yes,” Malon immediately said when Time hesitated. “Honey, come on, you should reach out to him!”
When Time still didn’t speak or type, Malon brought her energy down a little and hugged him instead.
This was just… overwhelming.
“I’ll make some breakfast. Take your time.” Malon finally said softly, kissing him on the cheek and heading for the kitchen.
Time sat still, alone and silent. And then, finally, he typed, Yes.
The doorbell rang, distracting him before Wind could reply, and he plopped the phone on the couch, filled with both anxiety and anticipation. Taking a steadying breath, he went to answer the door so Malon could keep cooking. He imagined… he imagined Sky’s number would be available once he got back to the sofa.
So what would he do? Call him? Text him? Do anything at all?
Why had Sky disappeared without a word if he was still alive? Did he not want to talk to them? None of it made sense. Sky was gentle and sweet, though far more mischievous than people realized, but he wasn’t cruel.
Shaking his head to focus on the moment, Time opened the door.
And saw Sky standing on his porch.
The pair stared at each other for an eternity. Time couldn’t even quite process who he was looking at. The always sleepy teenager had grown into a young man, more muscular yet more worn, smooth young face carrying traces of worry and stress, held heavy in the dark circles under his eyes. His jaw was set tightly, muscles pulled and stiff. His posture was rigid and tall, like a soldier, but holding a tension of anticipation, a defensiveness for a blow that hadn’t yet been struck. His brow was crinkled together, so obviously conveying anxiety.
The morning doves cooed gently as a breeze blew. The surrounding nature brought Time back to reality. He started to take a small step forward when Sky’s breath caught a little too sharply. His entire being screamed an apology, and Time could only fathom what it was for.
Sky’s eyes began to water, and he swallowed hard.
Time reached forward and dragged him into a hug.
Hyrule entered the bar, breathless and excited. He had just gotten off another 48 hour shift and he was ready to unwind with his friends. Four had mentioned that Legend brought a new friend along. Hyrule had heard about him the last time he’d been in the emergency department, but he hadn’t had the chance to meet him yet.
Catching sight of Four, he smiled and made his way to the table where his friend was sitting. Everyone was still in their scrubs, making Hyrule feel a little better about only changing his duty shirt so he wouldn’t be seen in a bar in his uniform. Four had his colorful hoodie on that he always wore outside of work when weather permitted (and the cold rain outside certainly permitted it), while Legend had a light blue beanie covering his blonde hair and then was in his usual crimson scrubs. There was a third person at the table, a blonde man in forest green scrubs with perfectly quaffed hair and a chiseled jawline. His eyes quickly snapped to Hyrule before the paramedic had even gotten within a few paces of the table, and their intensity made him a little nervous all of a sudden.
Four noticed the new guy’s scrutiny and followed his gaze, smiling in recognition. “Hey, Hyrule, you’re—”
Four’s smile turned upside down as he scrutinized Hyrule. “You’re soaking wet.”
Hyrule shrugged sheepishly. “I didn’t expect the rain.”
“Where did you park?” Four asked skeptically. “Is it raining that hard?”
Hyrule fumbled for an answer hastily. “O-oh, I—not far, I—I decided to bike today.”
“You bike?” Legend questioned.
Hyrule smiled, elated and proud. “Yeah! I just got the bike last week!”
“Well look at you, being all healthy,” Legend snarked with a smile. “Come over here and sit down already, you’re being weird just standing there.”
Hyrule chuckled bashfully and made his way to the table. The new guy smiled in welcome, and his face and eyes warmed. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Warriors. You must be Hyrule?”
Hyrule nodded, smiling politely. “Yes, that’s right. Are you on in the STICU with Four?”
“ED,” he answered, sipping his drink.
“So how was your day?” Four asked the pair of emergency nurses.
“I got pissed on by a patient,” Warriors said dryly. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I miss getting blood all over me from my trauma soldiers.”
Legend snorted, crossing his arms and smirking. “Welcome to civilian ER life.”
Hyrule gasped in realization. “You served in the military?”
Warriors nodded. “I was an army nurse and a soldier before that.”
“Were—did you serve during the civil war?”
Warriors’ smile grew a little strained, and he nodded.
Hyrule dropped it after that, sensing the change in atmosphere. “Well, I’m a paramedic! It’s nice to meet you.”
“Yeah, yeah, nice to meet the pretty boy,” Legend said dismissively, rolling his eyes. “Anyway, my day was great, had a DKA patient whose sugar was like nine hundred and then we got priapism guy again.”
Hyrule groaned. “Again? You’d think he’d learn after the first time.”
“Nope!” Legend quipped, cackling. “He’s gonna lose it if he isn’t careful.”
Everyone at the table shuddered. Hyrule looked at Four. “What about your day?”
Four shrugged good naturedly. “Not bad. My patient actually walked today and pain management was great, nobody called the behavioral response team and nobody got punched.”
Warriors propped his chin on his fist, bottle already empty. “Head injury patients are a beast.”
Four nodded sagely. “No kidding. So what brought you to Hyrule Hospital?”
Warriors shrugged. “Looking for a change of scenery. Friend recommended I come here after I left the army.”
“Yeah, get this,” Legend interjected, pointing to Warriors. “He and Time are old war buddies.”
“Time? Really?” Hyrule asked. He’d met the trauma surgeon a handful of times by now since Four and Legend were more familiar with him. He seemed very wise and kind, but also mysterious. Time didn’t talk about himself or his past; he asked others about themselves and talked about work, and by the end of the conversation Hyrule would leave and realize he hadn’t really learned a thing about the man. He never knew Time had been in the army.
Warriors nodded, his eyes warming at the mention of the surgeon. “Yes, he’s the one who recommended I come here.”
“What part of town are you settled in?” Legend asked. “I’ve got the whole city mapped out, so I know all the good spots in town for food and shopping and the like.”
“Northern side of town, Seer District.”
“Of course you’re in the swanky side of town,” Legend commented with another roll of his eyes.
“Well what about you?”
“Lorule District.”
Hyrule headed for the bar as the group chatted about different places in the city, smiling cheerfully at the lady behind the bar. “Hey Telma!”
“Hey, honey,” Telma greeted warmly before frowning. “You’re soaked to the bone.”
Hyrule chuckled, his shoulders rising in embarrassment. “Yeah. It’s okay, really.”
Thankfully, the barmaid didn’t push. Sighing and shaking her head, her smile returned as she asked, “The usual?”
Hyrule nodded eagerly, and happily accepted the glass of milk that Telma offered before skipping back to the table to rejoin his friends.
Twilight sighed in contentment as the fire crackled. Both he and Wild were off work for the next couple of days, and they’d decided the outdoors was far preferable to the ratty motel they’d been staying in.
Being new to the area, Twilight didn’t know the surrounding vicinity as well, but Wild had explored both the entire city and the wilderness around it.
“Camping was such a good idea,” Twilight remarked, leaning against a tree.
Wild hummed cheerily, belly full of some soup they’d packed along. “Maybe we could just live out here? Beats the motel.”
“It took us an hour and a half to drive out here. You want that commute?”
“I’ve heard of people driving that much from their homes!”
“Where are we going to shower?”
Wild squinted at the fire. “Pretty sure there’s a stream somewhere…”
Twilight laughed. “I’ll pass on that, heaven knows what’s in the water. I’m down for camping on our days off, though.”
There was a comfortable pause, and then Twilight’s curiosity got the best of him. “How did you find all these places, anyway? Have you just… been homeless for most of your life?”
Wild sighed and shrugged. “I got here with little recollection of how. Didn’t have much to go off of, either, so I made do.”
Twilight sat up a little more, growing confused and concerned. “What do you mean you don’t remember how you got here?”
“No here,” Wild said, motioning at the campsite they’d made. “I mean, like, bigger here. Castle Town. All that.”
“You just… woke up in Castle Town one day and didn’t know how you got there?”
“No,” Wild answered. “I woke up in a… I woke up somewhere else and didn’t know how I got there. All I knew was I needed to get out. And I kept going and going, and most transportation leads here, so I got off the bus here and started turning it into my stomping grounds.”
Before Twilight could ask anything else, Wild turned the conversation to him. “How about you? What brought you to Castle Town?”
Twilight shrugged. “Needed a change.”
The pair was silent, neither willing to make eye contact or elaborate on what they had said. Then Twilight chuckled. “Look at us. Let’s talk about something else, the important stuff: do you like dogs, cats, or both?”
Wild shrugged. “I’m kind of meh to all of them.”
Twilight gaped. “What what?!”
“I don’t know, I mean I’ve run into the city’s stray cats a million times over and they’re feral as hell,” Wild shrugged. “The dogs too, honestly. Best to just avoid them.”
“Unbelievable,” Twilight muttered. “We need to work on this.”
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feedthepheasants · 3 months
BEGGED & BORROWED TIME - new chapters out now !
I totally wasn't going to post these yet but you know, fuck it! not only is Gale's mini pov posted, but a follow-up chapter returning to Wynn's perspective has been included in this update as well.
BEGGED & BORROWED TIME | GALE DEKARIOS is a Baldur's Gate 3 fanfic between an oc named Wynn and our wonderful wizard companion, available on AO3 by clicking the link above! Feedback is always welcome, I would love to know what readers think/what I could change or do better!
Status as of July 6 2024-
Chapters: 13/?
WC: 37,863
Mature content warning! Somewhat graphic depictions of violence/gore and sexual intimacy between consenting adults. Ch.13, "A Little Distraction" preview below!
“What are you reading?” I ask suddenly, gesturing towards the book in his hands and swatting away my wandering thoughts. Gale’s presence outside my tent is out of the ordinary, and from the way he holds the book, I wonder if he means to give it to me. “Did you need something?” 
“Oh, nothing important” Gale says, pulling the book back towards him with both hands and looking down at the leather binding. “This is, well, it’s– er, it’s just a collection of writings I’ve penned, particularly summarizing the findings from your excellent scouting missions at Moonrise, and everything else that we know lurks beyond Selune’s blessing,” he explains, moving to hold the book behind him. The gentle flickering of muscles across his chest as his arms move is not lost on me. “I had wanted to confirm some things with you before documenting them, but wasn’t sure if you were asleep.” 
“How very thorough of you,” I tease, earning a coy smile from Gale. “However, I was just about to head up to the inn for a bath.” 
“Oh,” Gale says, eyebrows raising in intrigue before quickly adding, “well, don’t let me keep you – I’m sure you need it.” He realizes what he’s said as soon as it leaves his lips. “Gods, I’m so sorry, Wynn – that is not what I meant,” he corrects. “What I meant to say was—” 
“You know, Gale, between likening me to a…what was it, a ‘wild beast’? And telling me I need a bath, I’m starting to get the impression that you’re the only one trying to be honest with me,” I tease, narrowing my eyes at him but unable to hide my smile. “Either that, or you must not like me very much.” 
Gale’s face blushes as he laughs, glancing away to compose himself before turning back to me. “I have a tendency to make quite a fool out of myself with my babbling.” 
“You do,” I say, nodding my head and letting out a giggle. “But hey, at least you don’t remind others of a wild animal.” 
“You’re never going to let that one go, are you?” He asks, jutting his jaw forward in an attempt to subdue his laughter. 
“Absolutely not,” I shake my head. 
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typewrite-dragon · 9 months
Seeing Eye to Eye - TMA Lonely Ghosts AU
[AO3 Link]
This is set in the same universe as Ghosts Get Lonely Too. This particular story is set before that one. There are ripples now with him not encountering the Hunters nor Gerry's book. There are reasons for that. : ) Jonathan "Jon" Sims, frustrated with the lack of information to combat the Lonely, finds himself on a bus on the way home. He crosses paths with a young woman named Champagne Pailyu, an Avatar of the Eye.
Statement Begins
The soft sounds of people speaking and the thumping sounds of what is likely the shift of clothes and backpacks fill the silence before the clearing of a throat. A soft voice voice is heard.
“Hello, is the-” The words are interrupted by a sudden surprised yelp by Jon while the owner of the other voice sighs and continues, “The seat beside you, is it taken?”
Soft panted breaths in and out and a breathless nervous chuckle, “I, yes. I mean- n-no. No it is not taken. I’m sorry I didn-”
“Didn’t See me there, I know. It happens a lot.” There is a tired acceptance in her tone, perhaps some amusement, “Do you mind if I sit with you?” “No, no I do not mind at all. Please.” Jon says it quickly, still trying to even his voice out.
“Thank you. My name is Champagne.” “Champagne? Really? I mean-” A stumbling of his words as he tries to course correct, “Jon. You may call me Jon. You ah… your parents must have been… the celebratory sort.”
There is a loud snort from Champagne, “A pleasure to meet you, Jon, and perhaps you are only half right. I never did get to ask them about it.”
An awkward silence as the voices in the background continue to fill the silence before the sound of a mechanical squeak and hiss of breaks before the engine grows louder and there is the distinct sound of a vehicle moving.
Finally, there is the rustle of fabric and then paper as the pages of something are being flipped through. The sound of a zipper follows in what is likely someone getting out a writing instrument. “Oh! You draw?” Jon suddenly asks, sounding desperate to chase away the awkward silence.
“Hm?” A moment and then Champagne adds, “Oh. Yes, I do.”
“Would you… may I see some of your work?” Jon asks tentatively, seeming to find relief in something normal for once. Yet there is a soft distortion around his words, a distant static.
There is a thoughtful sound and the tap of the pencil on the page, “I do not think you want to see my work, Jon.”
“Why not?” The sounds of static become stronger.
Silence and the static seems to fall away with an eerie sort of laugh coming from Champagne, “You are awfully new at this, aren’t you?”
Jon is clearly surprised with his own sound of confusion followed by, “New? What- What do you mean by new?”
“Oh gods, you are very new at this. I suppose I am too if we really think about it.”
“I don’t understand-”
“I suppose you wouldn’t. You should really eat soon, you are looking a bit peakish.”
“I am fairly certain food and drink are prohibited on the bus.” Jon says defensively, snapping at her without thinking. Then a soft gasp and he says in a hushed whisper, “Oh. Oh. Oh no, you’re one of-”
“Relax.” A tone that is both gentle and yet it was firm in the way it was a command. There starts being a scratch of pencil over paper, “I am an Avatar, yes. However, I have no intention to harm you. I cannot promise the same of your Strange Officer.”
Jon scoffs and there is a shift of fabric as he changes how he is sitting, “Forgive me for not believing you.”
“I suppose you wouldn’t.” Champagne tells him, “But I feel that,as new you are, you shouldn’t be looking at some of my art. You are welcome to watch me draw if you would like. This one shouldn’t be too horrible.”
“What? Do you scare people with terrible art skills?” Jon asks snaps, tone practically scathing.
“Something like that, but let’s just say I am a picky eater.” Continued scratch of pencil over paper while Champagne’s voice is calm and even, “You are not in danger of being consumed, Jon. I would like to think we are on the same side.”
“Same side? What side would that be?” The static again, but it does not sound as strong. Whatever compelling he is trying to do, it does not seem to be working on Champagne.
A loud sigh and a soft whistling and muttered sound that doesn’t sound like any spoken tongue is made by Champagne and the pencil continues to move, “New and Ignorant. Of all people to collect for the Eye. I suppose it is easier to fill an empty cup… or a bucket.”
“The Eye- Did Elias send you?” Jon demands with a hissing, growing increasingly frustrated that he cannot seem to get a clear answer. Perhaps, he is wondering everyone is under the Eye is this difficult.
“Stop trying to compel me, Jon. You have enough problems.” Champagne signs again, “I don’t Know who that is, but no one sent me. Judging by the feel of you, I imagine our… threads were always meant to cross. I just so happened to be on the same bus as you.”
A long silence and Jon finally speaks again, “You mentioned the Officer. So they are…?” He trails off, hoping for her to fill in the blank without actually compelling her on accident. He seems to be stumbling over that ability too without meaning to.
“Part of the Stranger I think. I suppose they could be of the Hunt.” Disgust in her voice as Champagne adds, “A disgustingly large number of law enforcement are. Usually they hunt in pair,s however, so I think this one is Stranger. It has that feeling of being off.”
“Yes they- they do that.” Jon admits, mollified, “Well do you happen to know a Gerard Keay or maybe even Gertrude Robinson?”
His voice was so hopeful, trying hard to find any answers at all. Champagne feels sorry for him, “No, I am afraid not, sorry. I do not know either of those people... Or Know them. I am sorry, Jon.”
A groan and a thump from Jon flopping back into his seat, “I have been trying to- you know what? Nevermind. It… no. No I am going to try to ask. You wouldn’t happen to know about the Unknowing would you?”
“Maybe you aren’t as new as I thought…” Champagne says, sounding absently curious as the sound of the pencil still working, “Unfortunately, I do not know much. I think it is a Ritual?”
“Oh.” Silence follows and then Jon continues, “Yes, it is a world ending ritual by the Stranger.” “Ew. Why did I have to be right?” The pencil on paper stops long enough to be noticed and then a soft sound of the the clicks on a mechanical pencil and the drawing resumes.
“I very much wish you were wrong. You know, I am beginning to think no one knows anything at all. I just… I need to stop this ritual.” Jon mutters and he sighs. Why was he even out here?
Champagne hums as she draws, “I know a little about how the Fears work. Not a terribly large amount, but maybe I Know something that can help give you ideas. The Stranger is rooted in nonsense and feeling off from reality. So perhaps you need cold undeniable logic.”
A thoughtful sound, “Perhaps… but if a ritual is so large… what would be big enough to stop it?”
“That is… a good question. I don’t know. It may need to be something just as large and disruptive.” Champagne shifts, the sound of fabric and paper before she continues, “Maybe some good old fashioned arson.”
A tired laugh that sounds like it is bordering on hysteria, “Maybe. Are you sure you don’t work with the Desolation?”
The recorder turns on again, this time the sounds of people in the background are softer. There are more distant sounds of the beeps and hisses of a kitchen. There is more scratching of pencil over paper.
Jon’s voice comes through, “Oh, it feels good to stretch my legs again.”
Champagne laughing softly, “Not used to long rides like this, are you?”
Jon yelps in surprise and pants, his tone is sharp, “How do you keep doing that?”
More laughter and Champagne’s smile is in her voice, “Inherent ability. Before the Eye grabbed me. Anyway, the previous question about long trips still stands.”
A sigh, but it is followed by a good natured chuckle. He sounds at ease for once, it surprises even him, “No, no I really am not. The fact that you can travel for hours and still be in the same state is a bit mind boggling.”
“Ah right, you all can just take a wrong exit and end up in another country and stop there for lunch before heading back in time for a spot of tea.”
Jon laughs, it is a quiet sound, “I suppose we can. The… the fear that has a problem with vertigo… falling… ah-” “The Vast.” “Yes, that. They would have a field day here. I think.” Champagne hums quietly, “I think there might be an Avatar around the Grand Canyon. I haven’t had many issues with that one though so I couldn’t tell you.”
A low hum, “You really do not strike me as- you feel so… well adjusted for someone who is… well.” “A monster?” “No! No not- you don’t feel like a monster! You are actually, well, quite nice.”
“Well thank you.” Champagne responds softly, “I highly doubt anyone I have fed on would agree with you. I tend to target unpleasant people. I think this is the longest I have held a conversation with anyone that didn’t become a snack later.”
“How did you, ah-”
The pencil scratching paper stops suddenly, “Wait.”
A tense silence and she sighs, “They are trying very hard to find you, Jon.”
“I- what- they are here?!”
“Close.” Champagne makes a sound, it seems almost musical in quality, like a whistling wind, “Should be distracted for now.”
“What did you do?” Fear is filling his voice, unease and borderline hysteria filled with a very soft static.
“Jon relax, and please get your compelling under control. It is uncomfortable.” Champagne sighs, “Look, if you really want my story, we can do that. I have a feeling this food isn’t going to be enough and if you are taking down an entire ritual-”
“Then I will need all of the he- wait a minute. Hang on. What do you mean the food isn’t enough? Are you saying I am becoming like- that I am like you? But I am no-”
A low hum and Champagne speaks firmly, “Jon, relax. Breathe for me. You aren’t entirely lost yet. You are still human enough, maybe, I know the idea of lost control is unpleasant. I am sorry, but survival is… You are going to need to decide how far you are willing to go for the sake of saving others, alright? Sometimes… it means shaving off parts of yourself to make room for new parts.”
“Okay…” Shaking breaths and he swallows audibly, “Okay, I… thank you. I think.”
“Good. Now then, let’s feed you. Outside. A small walk should do us some good.”
“I-wh- are you sure? All of the other-”
“I am sure, Jon. At least one person deserves my story, and if it helps you save the world… well that is rather compelling all on its own.
People do not tend to like their secrets ripped out of them, I know. It is uncomfortable. However… I suppose I have done it enough to people that I can, should share mine. Whatever consequences follow… I suppose I deserve it.” Her tone is sad and soft.
“Oh, yes I… yes of course. Let’s… let’s walk.”
It is a little quieter, save for the sounds of vehicles, albeit they sound almost distant. Muffled. The sound of footsteps is softened by the ground.
“So, Jon, how do you usually collect your… stories? Your tape recorder?”
“Oh I ah…” Jon makes a thoughtful sound, trying to find an answer. He wants to be respectful. He feels like he should be respectful, “I… well usually at the Institute I am… the Archivist… head Archivist. I… usually there is a little more formality, but yes I use this. The Statements, the real ones, do not seem to want to be digitized.”
He clears his throat, it feels awkward being outside and exposed. Yet, she seems absolutely at home in it. Whatever comfortable confidence she has out here, he wishes he could have some of it. Though he feels if he stays close he is somehow sheltered.
“Well, the world is your Archive, Mister Archivist.” She says dryly, “There are plenty of stories to be told out here. Plenty to collect.”
“Right… right you are I suppose.” A tired sigh and he huffs a small laugh, “Statement of Champagne….” “Pailyu.” “Pailyu? Your name is- I… oh god I am so sorry.” “It’s alright, Jon. I blame my mother. You don’t need to apologize for her choices.” “Yes, well um… right. Statement of Champagne Pailyu regarding…” “My background and how I became an Avatar of the Eye.” “Statement taken from source June 29th, 2017 by Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London. Statement begins. When you are ready.”
A slow deep breath and a long exhale, “Thank you, Jon. I suppose finding a good place to start is a bit difficult isn’t it? Trying to find the things that are important and are the defining points of your life that would make seasoned psychologists nod and scribble down notes as to why you are the way you are.
My mother perhaps is a point. It always seems to start with a parent, doesn’t it? Her name was Ciara Pailyu. She was… well I actually don’t know if she was ever a good woman. If you knew what she did, I suppose you would find that she really was an awful monster. 
The Fears had nothing to do with it. She was the one who chose my name. I suppose alone, Champagne is a pretty enough name, but combined with Pailyu and suddenly I was reduced to something empty and only useful for other people’s enjoyment. To hold onto things that would only be discarded later. Temporary. Fleeting. Forgettable.
It is fitting really, and I guess that was always her intention. You see, if you have a chance to study the history of folklore and mythology, there are a great many gods and goddesses and beings out there. One of them was Carmun. She was a powerful witch, powerful enough to be called a goddess, who caused famine and rot. Perhaps… she would have gotten along well with the Corruption. My mother, apparently, was a descendant. By extension, so was I. Carmun wished to roam the Earth once more and reached out to my mother to make a deal. Wished to inhabit a body and wouldn’t you know it, my mother had a first born available. Not an ounce of hesitation in selling off her own child and in sealing away my voice so that I could not make any deals myself.
Of course I had not known that was the reason I could not speak at the time. I was an infant then, barely a personality and completely defenseless. My father, Niyol, did not know what she had done and had just assumed I was born mute. He did not love me any less and I think perhaps that was the only reason I ever survived being around my mother. Being sold to one day be Carmun’s vessel was not the only thing ‘strange’ about me. Oh no, I had to be able to see ghosts. Ghosts and spirits and gods. To be able to see the unseen and communicate with them. I could even interact with them just as easily I do you.
Most would just assume that they were the imaginary friends of a little child, but they were all so very real and so very kind. While I could not speak any living languages, the ghosts taught me how to speak the language of the dead. It is more of a breathy whistling sound, perhaps a little static sounding. When you are little and children are prone to making such unusual vocalizations, it worked out well for me. Still hurt, but I managed. I could communicate.
So I grew with my first language being that of the dead, with none the wiser. No one else understood of course, which my mother used as a reason to dismiss me easily. I think… my ability to see ghosts and to communicate with them was why I could also sneak about as though I were one myself. Out of sight and out of mind. Seen but not heard. I scared her often enough as a child when I tried to get her attention. Startled my father too, but I think he started to recognize what I was able to do. I think he could see them, but instead of the clarity I had, his was more like shadows from the corners of his eyes. That turned out to be a hereditary trait, perhaps amplified by the ritual used on me to steal my voice away.
It wasn’t until I was six that I could talk. The neighbor’s dog had passed and was now a ghost. She was a large chocolate lab named Cocoa. She was a protective sort and I loved her. Even had a little brown dog toy that my father got for me.
One day, she chose to appear in the form of an old woman to talk to me. So I did not realize at the time that she was, in fact, the dog. I was upset that I could not speak in a way that my mother understood. She acted angry and lashed out at me for being incapable of speech as though she wasn’t the one to take it away from me.
There is something powerful about unconditional love. Especially from a loyal dog. She had helped me simply to help, having been kind and patient when I was small and trying to navigate the world around myself. She took it upon herself to remove the seal, though there is still a scar left behind. A reminder.
Suddenly, I could use my voice, though I hurt, and everything was intense enough that even my father could see Cocoa. Found me outside with her. Was warned that I was not safe. So that night we left so that I could live with my grandfather on the reservation and my father promised to return soon. That he would join us. Soon became a word I no longer trusted. A promise at the end of our regular phone calls. My father died when I was eleven.
My grandfather raised me as best he could. Raised me with the traditions of our people. The stories. The practices. Encouraged me to use my voice. He was a severe man, but the gentlest one I knew. He taught me how to navigate the world that was largely unseen by most.
He was a wonderful anchor, and it was good to have someone, as the other children tended to avoid me once my novelty wore off. I was the ‘weird girl’ that talked to nothing. The one who struggled to speak and made ‘odd’ sounds. I didn’t mind too much. I had my friends, even if they were dead. The ones who had given me a voice even when I had none to begin with.
I took to art as another form of expression, perhaps inspired by the fact my grandfather ran a tattoo shop. I was always happy to watch him work. It was amazing to see how he could fill empty space with lines and colors and it could all become so coherent. He encouraged that in me as well.
I did well enough in school for him not to worry, and the additional lessons about the world outside of what I knew was to keep me safe. To keep me aware that not all things were my friends. I grew into adulthood and he… he grew ill and passed.
I mourned, though I had mourned for a while leading up to it as his memory became fragmented and his health declined. He had long given me the shop and changed the name too. The Heron’s Flower.
It was in that shop that through the door walked, well, a god. A volatile one who claimed to be looking for my grandfather. When he realized he was not there, I apparently was just going to have to do.
He did not want to give me a name to call him by and insisted I could call him whatever I wish, so I had given him one myself. I gave him the name Réalta. He was… unpleasant. Crass. Tried to get a rise out of me. I was fairly despondent by then. No anchors to really speak of.
I drew something that upset him. That hit too close to home. First Impressions can be quite upsetting. Then he decided I was attractive. I figured it was just the fleeting interest of an immortal. I would be soon forgotten or I would age and he would lose interest. Perhaps I went along with it because was just lonely. In retrospect, I really should have just adopted a dog. Animals are better than people.
I will save you from needing to listen to the details of my love life, but I did grow to love him. He actually remained with me. I couldn’t tell you if it was a good relationship or not. I didn’t have much to compare it to.
The problem was… he caused a lot of harm to others over the course of his lifetime. Comparable to the Desolation. To try and claim revenge against a literal deity is a fool’s errand, but when you are desperate and in enough pain, I suppose you will be willing to do anything. Of course, many people try for, well, an eye for an eye. I was attacked, because I mattered to him. Last year, I was attacked in a place I should have been safe, my shop. I fought back. I managed to talk him down. Learned his name and why he hurt. I found out why I became the unfortunate target for blood lust and rage. Réalta did not accept my attempts to keep things from turning to bloodshed. I tried to keep things from getting out of hand, but the one who hurt me… who attacked me because he hurt so much. Davin still held anger and Réalta did too, but only one of them had power and in the end… Davin burned.
Even when I asked… begged for him to not be. I risked being burnt myself. I still have the scar, shaped like his hand on my arm like some sort of brand. It made drawing for  myself the first few weeks near impossible. I was stubborn however and worked through it.
I had considered just… walking away from him. From everyone else. Everything inside of me told me to leave. Screamed at me to run, but I loved him. I felt that he deserved for me to tell him in person that I needed space away from him. To breathe. To think. Though if I am being honest, that house was still home to me. One of the few things, aside from the shop, that was mine. A shared space at the time, but the house was still mine. Never have I done well in a cage, Jon, and being told I belonged to him like some sort of property did not sit well with me. So I went back to the place I called home. I really wish I hadn’t. Maybe things would have ended differently.
Maybe waiting would have just been delaying the inevitable. I had thought that perhaps all of the trepidation was simply because I did not enjoy confrontation. I was someone who had to work not to vanish from perception. I often wonder if the Lonely had also wanted a piece of me… perhaps it still does. The Fears have always been so… isolating. Probably explains why there are so many cults tied to the Fears. People desperate for connection.
Ah sorry… I am rambling. Running and hiding from the point. I guess this is the part that I…
Gods… I always forget how much it still weighs on me. The clarity that remains in my mind. In my nightmares… I walked through the door of my home and heard Réalta arguing with the shade of a woman. One who was old and powerful. I did not know who she was yet, but I could feel that some part of me had a tie to her. It felt unpleasant like the vitality of every nearby thing would slough away and leave only rot as evidence of her existence.
I was not present for the entire argument, but when I came across them in the kitchen there were scorch marks on the floor as Réalta was arguing, again about how I belonged to him. I didn’t want him to destroy the only home I really cared for, and I remember yelling at him and I demanded to know what he was doing. I forgot to be afraid of the woman beside him.
Everything else happened so fast once their eyes were on me. You see, the inherent ability I have to just… fade into obscurity, it doesn’t work if someone is constantly trying to track me. Someone has to make a conscious effort to remember I exist. Had to make a conscious effort to follow me and keep their eyes on me. If they became distracted then maybe I would have a chance to escape. Except the woman was Carmun. The very goddess I was bound to. The one I was to become a vessel for. Apparently I was ripe for the picking and she wanted her body now.
All eyes were on me and even without a pencil in hand, the clear Impression I had gotten from them was burned into my mind. She was going to oust me from my own body. She was going to take all I created and make only rot come from my fingertips. Festering blight and famine and no one prepared to stop her. The other… fire and destruction and somehow he too was linked to Carmun, although in that moment I did not know how.”
Champagne has to pause then, her breathing shaky despite herself. Reliving this moment in sharp detail as she often did hurt her. “Champagne, are you-” “I’m fine, Jon… just… let me finish this. It needs to be said. Someone else needs to Know what I did.” Her voice is sharp but quiet and she takes a few more breaths before she continues.
“Statement resumes I guess. Heh. So… Carmun turned on me and in that moment Réalta turned on her. Flames again trying to lash out, except it also was going to consume and destroy my home. Destroy one of the few links I had to the one anchor I had grown to rely on.
For a long terrifying moment, I stood frozen in fear. I did not want to be seen. I did not want their eyes on me, wild with wanting control over me or my body. I did not want rot to spread from my fingertips. I did not want to burn in the ashes of the emotions of a man I foolishly thought loved me.
I had tried to run, thought that perhaps maybe if I got outside that they would follow. It was such a stupid idea: To run. To try to save the house, my grandfather’s house, before my own life. It is possible that I had been worried that house would be the place I would die in. That the last memories in a home that was full of love would become one full of terror and loss and destruction.
No matter my reasons, I ran. I ran and made it as far as the living room before I felt that wretched witch grab my hair and try to wrench me back. I had long learned to deal with ghosts and spirits by then and I went down onto the floor kicking and screaming to get her to let go. At the same time, flames erupted and Réalta had started to try and burn her. She let go, though my hair suffered in the process. I was scrambling to find anything to defend myself, scrambling across the floor towards one of the end tables I kept some tools in. The two were fighting behind me while I practically ripped the drawer out and the contents scattered. In the process, I knocked loose a false bottom on the drawer. I do not know how I spent so many years not knowing this thing was in my house. It was old and dusty. Older than any pen like that should have been. It was a long thing and a pale lavender in color and it… It called to me. It scared me. Part of me Knew I had a choice to make. I could be killed and my body taken over to rot the world with impunity. I could be trapped by destructive flames that simply wanted me to be a possession. Branded and eventually burned to ash if I tried to stray too far or if something else coveted what he owned or… I could take this tool before me. I swear the world went still as my hand hovered over it. The fighting seemed so distant. I had a choice and I had been so certain that I had known enough to maintain control over my life even with whatever… force that was tied to that pen. A force that felt like an endless pit that wanted to simply consume. That would never be full.
Yet… at least it would be on my terms.
I could make that choice.
I grabbed the pen.
Everything was suddenly intense. The world was now a terrible awful brilliant clarity that would make any artist weep. The flames were hot twisting ambers and yellows and reds and the soot left behind was ashen black threatening to turn into the brilliant colors of flames. The same carpet was rotting and the wood and paint of the space around them had begun to peel and warp between the heat and the corruption fighting one another. Discolored greys and sickly yellows fighting with intense flames.
Not only that, I could hear yelling about a deal that was made. The Eye wanted to Know. I wanted to Know. I wanted to know what this deal was.
I grabbed the nearest book, an address book I think, and flipped it open and started to draw. I had no control over my hand and while part of me desperately wanted to stop because I felt I was about to do something awful, I also needed to know what they wanted with me.
The world warped as ink became a scribbling swirling chaos that formed distinct shapes on paper. The area around is twisting and warping around us as the scene became something familiar and yet not. My childhood home from before I could speak. As the paper was filled with ink and inexplicably was changing color as I went, there were two bodies on the floor of what was once my bedroom.  Mutilated and rotting as though they had been forgotten and abandoned for a long time.
By then, Réalta and Carmun realized something was wrong. That they were suddenly on a stage and the memory versions of them both stood beside the bodies. They both realized what it was, but the one who reacted first was the man I thought loved me.
They had made a deal. They had made a terrible and awful deal. Carmun wanted him to hand me over. My father’s death in an effort to protect me from my mother’s choices and my grandfather had done his best to shelter me from a storm that was still threatening to take me. Réalta had not come to my shop by accident. Had not come to simply find someone willing to place ink on his skin. He came to kill a man who was no longer there and had decided instead of honoring his deal, he would keep me all to himself.
I was angry. Angrier still as I watched the scene play out, as I watched Carmun consume my mother’s soul. I Watched her consume my father, claiming their existence to fuel her own with no chance for me to ever call upon them. Ended. Gone forevermore.
I watched as the bodies lay rotting and then were burned away by the fiery god who only knew how to destroy what people loved most. I watched and watched and watched as though I was there in that moment in time. The scent of burning rotting bodies filled my senses, the heat kissed my flesh and threatened to take me with it. Even though I cried, I could still see it all so clearly.
Réalta begged me to stop, pleaded with me and tried to tell me it was all a lie. That he loved me. That he was never intending to follow through. That he was so so sorry. I was too angry with him to believe him. Not until it was too late as I turned the page and filled it with more detailed scribbling art. His most painful secrets and vulnerabilities torn from him and put on display for me to see and for him to relive.
It was too late and the irony is that he did love me. It was not enough to save him, and with that burned out and his very existence devoured by the ever hungry Eye. A delicious main course, but of course it wanted dessert.
Centuries upon centuries of vulnerabilities and all Carmun could do was watch in horror and wait for her turn. I filled that book with their secrets. With their screams. With their deepest most agonizing pains.
I filled every single page with fire and rot. With countless deaths and loneliness by their hands or the cost of their own actions. I watched every single moment of that terrible montage as the Watcher gorged itself upon the Fear of gods. I watched with sick delight as I made Carmun suffer for what she had done to me. To countless others before me.
I was delighted, I was terrified, I was sobbing and angry and tangled in memories and emotions not mine. I was lost.
Then it was done. I do not know how long I stayed in that space, but when I came back to reality I was suddenly dizzy and trembling. My hair was burnt and destroyed. There were scorched patches on the rug twisted with the warped rotten wood. As though I had drawn the rest of the home back to what it should have been, but that single mark of both remained. A coffee stain on the canvas of my life.
I wanted to collapse there, but some stubborn part of me pushed through. I was weak and yet energized by what I had done. As though the Eye was rewarding me for a job well done. I cleaned the house as best I could. All save the mark on the floor and the book remained as physical evidence.
I burned the book, but the memories still live in my head. Flooding me with terrible knowledge of centuries. For a long moment, I was lost in that as I wandered the house. I would find myself sitting in places Réalta once did. Displaying his mannerisms with the terrible truth of killing someone who did truly believe he loved me.
I would speak ancient and old tongues that were lost to colonization and time. I would look for sons I did not have. I would look for lovers that no longer were there. It was not until I found one of my sketchbooks that I came to myself. A solid anchor wrapped in leather and one of my first pieces I had drawn in it. An Impression.
Another ability that perhaps was why the Eye won out in its claim of me. The first Impression I get when I meet anyone. An urge to draw things I did not recognize nor had any importance to me, but had great importance to those that they were drawn for. Sometimes great changes would cause a new Impression to be made. Always more detailed and I would better recognize who they belonged to if I knew the person better.
It was my grandfather’s Impression. Drawn after we had gotten the call that my parents had died. A terrible accident, they claimed. We had both known better, but knew better than to investigate then.
The drawing was of a nest of twigs, bones and branches in a tree and within was a worn and dented bucket whose handle was held by a large blue heron. Inside the bucket was a brittle brilliant orange orchid that seemed half-way towards death. Bones of the dead that made the nest. Rot threatening the trunk as much as fire was trying to. A shadow of a predator circling. Red splotches that must have been blood. A protector determined to shelter his flower from the world that was too much. Colors splashed all over in a way that was nonsense and yet… I realized it was me that he was protecting. That my grandfather had put so much of himself into protecting me from the world beyond. Tried to teach me as best he could.
I suppose it was not enough in the end, he could only protect me for so long and the bucket was no doubt upended by now, but… I found myself. I fed the Eye enough to make it… amenable to my terms. I would choose who to feed it. I would feed only the worst and most terrible at the cost of myself, filling that empty bucket with terrible things and memories in an effort to keep any more of it from spilling out into the world.
There are a lot of terrible people and I suppose, in reality, I am one of them.”
There is a shuddering breath and at some point Champagne must have started crying. Soft sniffles as she tries to calm herself. There is a rustle of fabric as Jon starts making sounds of concern and panic. “Oh my god, I am- hold-hold on here I… I have a napkin in my pocket somewhere- I uh… st-statement ends.” A soft ah-hah and Jon holds his hand out to her. He sounds worn out as well, but also sounds far more steady than before, “Here. I… I think the bus is going to leave soon. We should go.”
“Thank you… and yeah. We should,”
[Click] The sound of a busy airport in the background. Though with the clinking of glasses, it sounds a lot like they are sitting in a busy restaurant.
“Are you absolutely sure you do not want to come with me?” Jon asks earnestly, worry in his voice.
Champagne laughs tiredly and there is the sound of a glass being lifted and glass clinking inside as she knocks back her drink and sets the glass down, “Not really, but I think I am more a danger to your mission than not. Besides, someone needs to distract the Stranger so you can get home with your skin still attached to you.”
Jon groans and sighs before taking a sip of something, “Hopefully I can find answers when I get home. Cold Hard Logic sounds like a tall order when it comes to these Fears.”
“It does, but I am sure you will figure it out.” Champagne and the sound of a shift of clothes and the sound of bumping her bumping shoulders with him, “And don’t become a Stranger yourself. You have my number now. Reach out once in a while. Provided you don’t forget about me.”
“How could I possibly forget the person who fed Gods to the Eye? Or snuck past the TSA?” Jon muses at her.
A soft snort from Champagne and silence before an announcement is made over the loudspeakers and she hums, “Sounds like you should get to your gate, Jon. Thanks for the drink. I genuinely wish you the best of luck. Please try to take care of yourself and trust your anchors.”
“Oh! Yes, well I make no promises…” A sound of confusion as he trails off, “I… what was I saying?”
The shuffle of paper being slid over to himself and picked up and another sound of confusion, “What is this?” Another muffled announcement over the loudspeakers and realization seems to seep in when Jon gasps.
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How to Send a Confession, reply + Rules (redone)
Russian - Как отправлять признания/конфессии, ответы + Прави��а (изменённые)
French - Comment envoyer une confession, réponse + règles
Spanish - Como mandar una confesión, responder + reglas
I still get asked how to send a confession. Don’t feel embarrassed. I never really explained it in the front of the blog or where it’s obvious to see. Like a pinned post.
It’s very simple.
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You can use the inbox (Ask me Anything)
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There’s a Submit a Post option as well. No one has used it yet, but if you want to, it’s there. To be honest, I’ve never handled a Submit post. But I do know the Admin can choose to post it. Can you be anon, I don’t know?
As for how you write your confession. Just type what you’re feeling. You send your confession as if you were talking directly to me. Only instead of me replying to you, I post it in a public blog for everyone else to see and judge.
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All confession are anonymous, even if you chose/forget to hide your user.
Now for replying to a post.
First, some quick rules.
Please provide a link to the confession your are replying to. (or at least tell me what confession it is)
The reply function is for you to give an opinion (agree/disagree) without being harassed on your personal blog.
It is not for you to hide away and harass someone.
You can be rude. Just can’t use slurs and other problematic behaviour.
If you have simple comments with nothing to add, please use the notes directly on the confession. The reply message option is for thought out posts. Simply saying “I agree/disagree”, “you’re wrong anon”, etc will not be posted.
Stay on topic to the confession. Off topic replies and replies accusing OP of only being anti because of their otp, when they never mentioned it. (Like an anti NH confession op must be pro NS or anti SS anti must be pro SK). Maybe they are pro, but if it has nothing to do with their confession, keep it out of your reply.
That includes hypocrisy. If a confession, for example, is talking about anti NS with Sakura hitting Naruto, you don’t reply with “what about SS or SuiKa?” (you can write that in the notes, though).
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The notes you can reply as many times as you want.
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How to do a reply for the post/confession itself
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Click either “notes” or the “speech bubble”. Type your message where it says “add something wonderful”.
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Replies in Inbox/Message = Must have a thought-out reply. You disagree. You elaborate why. (The confession, not the rule I just said)
Onto the Rules/Notes
Problematic confessions are no longer under “read more”. Instead they are tw tagged.
Problematic confessions are now also tagged in their respective ship and character name.
I’ll be reading the notes. And your tags. If you question someone’s morals because of ship preference you get a warning. If you use slurs, tell them to kill themselves, tell them they deserve something terrible to happen to them you get blocked.
Is this all? I’ve probably forgotten something.
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baijingshen · 11 months
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Welcome to my WUXIA/XIANXIA MULTIMUSE roleplaying blog currently featuring muses from THE UNTAMED (CQL) / WORD OF HONOR (SHL) / ASHES OF LOVE and YIN YANG MASTER: DREAM OF ETERNITY.
multiverse | multiship | 30+ | low activity/slow replies | written by Doe
CLICK BELOW for blog rules :)
This is a roleplaying multimuse blog for the series The Untamed, Word of Honor, Ashes of Love and Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity currently featuring Jiang Cheng, Nie Mingjue, Wen Ning, Wen Kexing, Ye Baiyi as main muses as well as several secondary muses (Nie Huaisang, Lan Xichen, Wen Ruohan [canon divergent], Wei Wuxian, He Shouyue, Yanyou). You can find all my muses on the muse page :) My portrayal is mainly based on the live-action dramas, I have not read the translated novels, nor have I watched the animated series (yet). I am open to interactions with MDZS based blogs, but since I only know the live-action series I’ll need your help in understanding the divergences! :)
I’m over 30 years of age and will only roleplay with those over the age of 18, preferably over 21.
I don’t speak Mandarin/Cantonese beyond a few words and expressions (I am learning, but slowly. Very very slowly). My portrayal is primarily based on the Netflix translations.
I am slow with replies and generally low activity sometimes.
If you recognize me from another fandom under a different nickname, don’t be alarmed :D I go by different names, but I’m never claiming to be someone else. You might know me as Doe, or Min(a). You may use whichever one you prefer :)
I am AGAINST CALLOUT CULTURE and against fandom/ship policing. If you support this kind of behavior you will probably sooner or later take offense in something I write or say, so maybe refrain from following me. Insulting and threatening people online (or elsewhere) regardless of the reason is bullying and nothing else.
This blog is multiverse, every thread exists in its own verse unless linked specifically. I am happy to plot and write multiple threads or verses with the same writing partners. I prefer plotted threads over spontaneous conversations and I mostly write multi-para threads.
Memes can be good thread starters so feel free to continue a meme reply if you think it works as a starter. If you’re unsure about it, just ask me :)
I prefer to roleplay with mutuals. If I don’t follow you, please don’t respond to my threads or ask me for roleplays. I am open to exclusivity, but only if we’ve been writing for a while and have good rapport out of character. However, I probably won’t go exclusive with any frequent/important canon characters/relations to my muses, e.g. Wei Wuxian & Lan Wangji.
I adore writing romantic plots and this story in particular is a wonderful setting for beautiful love stories. I enjoy the canon ships very much and use them as default for my muses. I am not opposed to exploring non-canon ships as well! Notable restrictions here are that I will ship Lán Zhàn and Wen Kèxíng only with men, as I portray them as homosexual. NSFW threads are no priority for me, but I’m not closed off to the option. NSFW threads can also be written on discord!
Any themes that are present on the series will be present here as well (e.g. war, death, demons, injuries, politics, torture). I tag potentially triggering things as #tw trigger or #cw content warning.
Thank you for reading!
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lacomandante · 2 years
@dorsetgirl1 said:
Um, where are you getting this stuff from? Because afaik I've read all the books and I don't recognise any of this? (If you're just imagining how they might be together that's great, and I like it, but I'm reading it that you're presenting it as canon, which might be confusing for people who haven't yet read all the books.) I'd be very interested to read your fics - where can I find them? And I'd like to read the "Intro to Spanish Society" if you've got a link to that?
I’ve had this blog for about six years now, and up until a few days ago I had it very clearly labeled on my mobile profile that this account is a roleplaying account, meaning I write out stories and threads with other people that may or may not follow canon. @properbastard and I have been pretty much writing that long together, though we moved over to private chats, sometimes I decide to post some of our chats publicly and add onto it to further develop things. You can still click through to my desktop profile and see that it still pretty clearly labels my account as an rp blog.
I can see how you might feel I’m presenting this as canon, but considering the majority of people who follow me are A. other rp blogs and B. know Teresa’s fate in canon already, most of the time I don’t have to clarify- though yeah next time I can put a headcanon tag if it really bothers people. I would give a page number or a quote if I wanted to use canon (which I’ve done in the past). So yes, not everything I post is canon- it’s why I don’t tag my posts to show up in the sharpe tag, nor do I specifically say any of this is canon. Almost everything I’ve written has always been with properbastard that it’s always implied that it’s her Sharpe. We extrapolate things from the books and build on it, but follow the film canon more specifically because it just works a lot better and honestly? In a lot of ways is better than the books in regards to certain things. If people are confused they’re more than welcome to ask, but most people who even interact with me already has read or seen the series and are well aware I’ve pretty much only written in au’s separate from canon, and that this whole blog is for my interpretation of characters and canon and not for others.
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lazysublimeengineer · 2 years
mon chéri - chapter 5
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Here is the link for the fourth chapter for your reference:
Summary: Love courts despondency.
(A/N: Welcome to the last and final chapter of this fic. Since today is my birthday, wrapping this story up and gifting you the end of this story. Hoping that you’ll enjoy this chapter as much as I did.
Lastly, be mindful that the rating of this chapter has changed. Explicit sexual content ahead. If this makes you uncomfortable, click the back button to stop reading. But if y'all fine sinning with me on this server then continue on reading).
Draken placed the bottles of beers in the middle of the table.
The cold steam circulated around the room as it was freshly picked from the fridge.
“Just sit over there Mitsuya. Sorry my room is a bit of a mess.” Draken shot him an apologetic grin as he scooped up the clothes lying unceremoniously on the ground and put it into the laundry basket.
Mitsuya scanned his room around. It’s compact yet clean with minimum furniture inside.
“It’s fine. I don’t see it being a mess anyway.” Mitsuya replied lightly as he sat down on the ground and took one of the bottles and opened it.
Draken sat on the opposite side of him and placed some chips, grilled garlic lamb chops and grilled bacon skewers with pineapple glaze in the middle of the table which made Mitsuya whistled lowly under his breath.
“You prepared certain amount of finger foods and appetizers for this event.” Mitsuya noted idly.
“Well, I did invite you to come over to celebrate, haven’t I? Can’t have my guest be starving.” Draken replied with a slight chuckle leaving his lips.
“Y’know you’re much more of an accommodating host than me. You certainly know how to pamper your guests.” Mitsuya replied jokingly.
“Nah. You’re still the better host between the two of us. Also, you’re my special guest here and I don’t do this to everyone who visits.” Draken replied easily.
Mitsuya tried to ignore the way his heart jumped inside his ribcage upon hearing his words.
Damn this man and his smoothness.
He wasn’t good for his heart sometimes.
Mitsuya drank heartily at can of beer that he lost count that night. He was laughing unabashedly at what Draken told him.
Just some sort of humorous anecdote about his teenage life.
They were drinking the can of beers and munching on the finger foods for more than an hour now.
But this was one of the few moments that he gotten himself drunk in front of him.
He didn’t know why but with Draken around, he felt light as a feather, and he can be himself around him.
“Oi. Getting yourself drunk again. Stop that. You’re a fucking lightweight.” Draken rolled his eyes playfully at him.
“I-I ‘m not drunk!” Mitsuya gave him a dopey grin, his cheeks were flushed, and his lavender eyes were much darker and hazy.
Draken could also feel the effects of the liquor on his body, but he wasn’t lightweight like Mitsuya, and he still have some semblance of common sense around him.
“Says you.” Draken drawled out idly as he couldn’t tear away his gaze from him.
Mitsuya was also staring at him. Despite the haziness surrounding his gaze, there was the lurking intensity beneath there, swirling amid his indigo irises.
And Draken felt like a moth being drawn to a flame.
There was a sudden tension around the air, seemingly like the room was too cramped and hot for them despite the spacious surroundings inside.
Mitsuya finally tore his gaze away from him, swallowing thickly as he tried to loosen the collar around his shirt as he felt hot and bothered for some odd reason.
Draken was quiet and Mitsuya couldn’t help but to look up at him and a light gasp escaped from his lips upon seeing his obsidian irises staring intently at him. His stare was boring right through his soul and a shiver ran down his spine. His throat felt parched suddenly and his mouth went dry. He was almost deafened by the thunderous beating of his heart as Draken inched closer towards his spot until he removed the remaining gap between the two of them.
Mitsuya couldn’t back away as he felt the magnetic pull towards Draken as if he was completely mesmerized by his stare alone. One of Draken’s fingertips tilted his chin towards his face and leaned closer before he stopped an inch from his face, feeling the warm breath and the aroma of alcohol tickling his senses which made him more intoxicated.
“May I?” He asked in a languorous voice.
Mitsuya couldn’t find his own voice and let his body moved on its own, pressing his lips against him to provide his consent to kiss him.
Draken was fighting for some semblance of control but the way the other’s soft and warm lips brushing along his made it difficult for him to do so. The electrifying sensation of their kiss made the tight cord of his control slowly ebbed away as his mouth moved on its own and embraced him in a slow yet deep kiss.
Mitsuya couldn’t help but to reciprocate the kiss fervently, letting his mouth mold sensually against the other as he took the lapels of his shirt and gripped it tightly for support as he could feel the hot yet delicious sensation travelling across his body.
Draken could taste the spicy tang of alcohol and the sweet nectar of the interior of Mitsuya’s mouth, making his senses more drunk and inebriated with want and pleasure rather than what it used to be. Upon hearing the sweet moans that the other was producing, it made something primal and dark hit within him. The instinctive urge to claim and take him all by himself throughout the night was strong and Draken could sense that the rational part of his mind was slowly shutting down. Before he could even lose control over himself, he tried to ask Mitsuya albeit in a weak and strangled tone.
“Mitsuya… Do you want me to stop…? Just say the word and I’ll stop.” He mumbled hotly against his lips as his hands were busy kneading over his waist sensually which made the other whimper and shiver against him.
It made Draken paused and pulled away, slowly blinking up at him in haze and confusion.
“Takashi. Just called me Takashi or Taka from now on. And I don’t want you to stop… Please keep going…” Mitsuya replied in a beseeching voice, looking at him imploringly through the dark lust and want that was swirling beneath his indigo irises.
Something must’ve snapped within Draken upon hearing his words because not more than in a second later, he hauled Mitsuya from the ground and placed him on the mattress, removing his shirt altogether and crawled on his spot where he stopped in front of him and looked down at him.
“If you say it like that then who am I to refuse a kind request from you Takashi?” Draken replied lowly.
A shiver ran down through his spine upon hearing Draken the way he said his first name, his body and mind aching for his touch and attention.
“Then what’re you waiting for…? Come and claim me like you really mean it.” Mitsuya responded back huskily, licking his lips slowly as Draken proceeded to discard the remaining set of clothes recklessly down the ground and let his eyes roamed over his well-chiseled abs and toned body as if it was a complete feast in his line of sight.
His mouth ran dry, and his heart thundered inside his chest when Draken finally leaned down and captured his lips in a searing kiss, his tongue battling fiercely against his own for dominion. Mitsuya didn’t hesitate to reciprocate his kisses in an equal fervency and danced his tongue along with his wildly.
Draken grinded teasingly against him which made the other moan inside his mouth and Draken took the opportunity to plunder his tongue inside the crevices of his mouth. Mitsuya eventually gave up and let him take full control of the kiss, letting his tongue explored the insides of his mouth expertly.
Drool started to trickle down their lips as Draken tried to take off the remaining set of clothes that was still clinging towards Mitsuya’s body. The other suddenly pulled away and broke their passionate embrace to help Draken in shedding off his clothes away from him, letting him discard it carelessly somewhere along the ground. Afterward, Draken didn’t waste his time as he let his mouth latched hungrily on the pale column of his throat where he kissed, nibbled, and licked at the sensitive flesh of his skin which made Mitsuya whimper at the onslaught of ecstasy hitting right through his body. Draken’s hands eagerly wandered around his form, caressing, and kneading at every fiber of his being which left a trail of fire in its wake.
“F-fuck… T-that f-feels good…” Mitsuya gasped lightly as Draken’s mouth go lower until it landed on his chest and proceeded to have his tongue give kitten licks on his sensitive nubs and sucked on it sensually.
Hearing pleasure coming out from Mitsuya’s mouth spurred Draken’s action on and continued his relentless ministrations on his body. His mouth continued to focus and paid full attention on sucking and licking on his nipples until they turned into a shade of freshly ripe cherries which gently throbbed from overstimulation. Mitsuya could only moaned out loudly in response and buried his hands into his head and gripped his locks softly, his body twitching out in delight and anticipation.
“Draken… p-please… I-I want you n-now…” Mitsuya pleaded in between his moans and grunts of pleasure.
“Then call me Ken from now on. If I can you call you Takashi then I want to return the favor by having you call me by that.” Draken replied huskily as he briefly pulled out his mouth away from his body and looked up at him with an intensity that made Mitsuya catch his breath. His sable orbs were a pair of mirrors which were swimming with dark desire and want for the other.
“Then please Ken t-take me n-now… I c-can’t take it a-any longer…” Mitsuya whined softly, and Draken couldn’t hear any more perfect beseeching sound than this with the other’s voice calling out to him like a siren luring the sailor out for a tempting downfall within.
And Draken would gladly fall into that sweet trap that’s Mitsuya Takashi’s arms.
“If you pleaded nicely like that then who am I to refuse a request?” Draken whispered seductively as he licked at the shell of his ear teasingly which earned a low whimper from the other’s sinful mouth.
Mitsuya’s entire being burned in anticipation as he watched Draken’s next movements, completely mesmerized. Draken situated himself in between his legs and gently took ahold of his legs and brought it on his shoulders. His cock was already throbbing in want and need as he slowly eased himself into his awaiting entrance which earned both light gasps and moans of pleasure from them. His velvety walls were already slick and warm inside that the wide girth of his cock easily slipped inside, hugging his aching cock in fiery yet addicting sensation that made Draken’s senses drunk out in ecstasy and lust.
“F-fuck…” Draken breathed out shakily as he gripped the other’s waist a bit too tightly while he waited for the other to adjust. Despite the instinctive urge to plow him recklessly on the mattress, the thin thread of control was still there, and he wanted to make sure that Mitsuya was comfortable in their new position.
On the other hand, Mitsuya swallowed thickly as his arms entwined around Draken’s neck for support and leverage as the overwhelming sensation bombarded his body upon feeling the wide girth of his throbbing cock spearing right through his quivering walls. He felt his body was on fire that instant as the sheer sensation of pain and ecstasy melded into one and his body was screaming for him to move or else, he will lose it altogether.
“M-move Ken… P-please…” He whined needily as he grinded teasingly beneath which earned a low growl from the other and made the thin thread of control and patience finally snapped.
“Of course. With you teasing me like this Takashi, I can’t simply ignore it.” Draken’s eyes held a predatory glint in them which made Mitsuya felt like a prey trapped deliciously beneath him.
Draken didn’t waste his time as he pulled away and slammed back into him with raw ferocity that made Mitsuya mewled out like a helpless kitten under him.
“Fuck! There! Harder Ken! K-keep going…!” Mitsuya moaned out lecherously as he felt the blunt tip of his cock going deeper and harder against him with each thrust that the other made on top of him.
It made something unleashed within Draken’s mind and body. The primal instinct to take him and claim all of him ravenously enveloped his entire being and the rational side of his mind shutting down completely. He operated on want and instincts now: and that was to claim the beautiful man beneath him in the form of Mitsuya Takashi.
A low growl escaped from his lips as Draken’s thrusts grew hungrier and voracious that soon turned into merciless pounding into him repeatedly. Mitsuya moaned out his name in throes of pleasure, the noises that he made melded with the swaying sounds of bed against their wild movements.
“Fuck… Just look at you Taka… So, fucking beautiful like this…!  A complete fucking mess under me…!” Draken groaned out in pleasure as he plowed him recklessly on the mattress, his mouth latching down on the crook of his neck and started to suck and lick it hungrily which earned a soft mewl from the other male.
“Ken… Ken… Ken… There…! Keep going please…! Fuck why’re so big…!” Tears of pleasure started to stream out of his eyes as his tongue lolled out when Draken hit and abused his sweet spot several times which made him see stars in an instant.
“Maybe you’re the one to blame on this… You got me fucking excited and with a face like that begging to be fuck like there’s no tomorrow, I can’t fucking hold it in…!” Draken chuckled darkly before it was interrupted by a series of moans as Mitsuya’s nails raked down his back which brought pain and pleasure simultaneously across his veins.
“K-ken kiss me p-please—.”
His words were cut off as Draken’s mouth were on his in that instant, giving him an open-mouthed kiss that had him shivering and moaning out in delight. His tongue plundered the insides of his mouth wildly and explored the crevices beneath it a bit more roughly. Mitsuya could hold into him weakly as he easily melted into the kiss and let the other dominate his mouth just like he was dominating every inch of his body like he owned it in the first place. Drool started to trickle down their lips when one of Draken’s hands went into his neglected cock and started to stroke it furiously. A startled gasp slipped from Mitsuya’s lips, and he pulled away instantaneously to let out a wanton moan because of the pleasure and ecstasy being doubled against him as Draken fucked him vigorously on the bed while also stroking his cock eagerly.
“F-fuck…! K-ken if you keep d-doing t-that… I-I w-won’t last l-long…!” Mitsuya mewled out helplessly beneath him which earned a devious smirk from the other male.
“Then let go Taka and come for me… I know you want to…” He whispered huskily.
Hearing his words made Mitsuya keened and fell apart against him, screaming out in pleasure as he reached his climax and painted his hand and their chests with the splashes of his cum. Draken let go of his weeping cock and continued to rail him wildly on the bed, chasing his own release which had Mitsuya moaning out weakly against him.
With a few more deep thrusts, Draken reached his peak with a loud groan slipping from his lips and came inside of him which made Mitsuya mewling and moaning beneath him like a bitch in heat as he felt the hot load of his cum painting his fluttering walls in sheer white. He continued to milk his cock until he was filled up into his brim instantaneously.
Draken suddenly fell on top of him, breathing raggedly against his chest as he listened to Mitsuya’s heartbeat pounding heavily inside his ribcage. Mitsuya could only close his eyes slowly as he carded his fingers weakly into his scalp.
A few more minutes of silence would pass before he felt the other pulling away and he was being carried away from the bed.
“What’re you doing…?” Mitsuya slurred out as he peeked one of his eyes tiredly and looked up at him.
“Getting you a bath of course. Can’t let my precious guest sleep feeling sticky like that.” Draken chuckled throatily and Mitsuya could only smile sleepily at his words, letting the other placed him in a tub full of warm water.
His mind and body were slowly shutting down in exhaustion and intoxication when he felt his body being pulled gently and his back landed on the other’s chest.
“Hey, no sleeping in the tub Taka. It’s dangerous.” He whispered huskily as his hands gently rubbed his scalp with shampoo.
Mitsuya sighed out in delight and satisfaction. “Mmm… Can’t help it… You’ve worn me out Ken…” He rasped out and for a moment the only sound that he can hear was the gentle thrum of the water and the other’s soft humming which contributed to the sleepiness that he felt until his eyes shot up wide open when the other’s hand brushed teasingly along his dormant cock which was slowly rising back into life.
“W-what’re y-you d-doing…?” He stammered out.
“Well, I can’t let have my precious guest sleeping here in a tub full of water, can I? Your safety is my top priority, so I need you to be fully awake as I clean you.” Draken smiled innocently at him but the dark glint on his eyes made Mitsuya shivered deliciously against him.
“And h-how do you p-plan to do that?” Mitsuya asked faintly.
“By doing this.” Draken made turn to face him and situated him on his lap where he didn’t waste time as he made him wrapped his legs against his hips securely before plunging in and made him bounce on his raging erection mindlessly.
“Ngh… Fuck! Ken!” Mitsuya moaned out loudly as Draken sheathed himself inside of him again and felt the wide girth of his cock ramming into his walls which was still oversensitive from being fucked roughly against the bed a few moments ago.
“Now stay awake Taka as I clean you thoroughly, okay?” Draken smiled drunkenly at him as he succumbed to the want and lust of his body once again, letting himself get lost into Mitsuya’s warmth and got himself addicted to the feeling of his soft yet fiery walls sucking and milking out his cock with every hop and bounce that he made on his lap.
“Ah! Ah! Ah! Ken! Please! T-too much! I-I c-can’t!” Mitsuya mewled like a helpless kitten as he felt the other’s tongue do sinful things around his body and let him manipulate his speed as he jumped on his cock like a spinning top.
A grunt of pleasure slipped past Draken’s lips as he briefly pulled away and took him by his nape to bring him closer to his face. “Then I’ll simply help you to take it Taka. You’re not the only one who can be an accommodating host to their guest after all.” He whispered seductively as he crashed his lips him in a wild kiss which swallowed every moan that they made.
They spent several hours getting frisky with one another inside the bathroom, letting themselves get lost in the heat of the moment and enveloped the whole surroundings with the fog of lust and sounds of ecstasy ringing out against the four walls of the room.
“Draken, can you hand me the wrench please?” Inupi asked without looking up from the bike that he was currently fixing.
When a few seconds that passed to which no response can be heard from him, Inupi finally raised his head and look at Draken’s direction which made him rose an eyebrow.
He was staring at the cup of coffee placed in the middle of the table.
Or rather he was staring right through it.
“Oi Draken!” He called again and tried to snap his fingers right in front of him.
It made Draken jolted for a bit before he offered an apologetic smile at Inupi’s direction. “Sorry, what was that?”
“The wrench please? Give it to me.” Inupi furrowed his brows as he observed Draken’s distracted face with narrowed eyes.
“Here. What’s with that look?” Draken asked, raising an eyebrow.
“What’s bothering you? Or rather who’s bothering you?” Inupi asked bluntly.
“What’d you mean?” Draken sighed.
“You’re distracted and shit. It doesn’t happen very often. And you have that weird look on your face. It’s like an expression of a teenager thinking about their crush or something like that.” He pointed out.
The reaction was almost instantaneous. Draken tried not to sputter at his words, but he could feel the tips of his ears were turning into pinkish hues.
It’s been a while since Mitsuya, and Draken last seen each other. Or rather sleep with each other… after their brief rendezvous together when they were drunk.
Draken felt weird after that.
The silver haired male always invaded his thoughts. The way his mouth molded perfectly against his own. The way his body fit into him like missing pieces of a puzzle. And the way he cried out in pleasure every time he seized his quivering walls inside and let his length stretched his body to the limit.
The mere thought of Mitsuya being with someone else and doing these things with another person sent a nasty feeling inside of him.
Yet did he have a right to be feeling this way? What happened between the two of them was a mere one-night stand.
A quick fuck in the sheets under the influence of alcohol.
But he swore that night that he saw a multitude of emotions swirling beneath those lavender irises beneath the haziness of lust and want.
Or was Draken putting another meaning behind it just because he wanted to?
The last time that Mitsuya had talked to him was the morning after where they had a quick breakfast because the latter seemed to be rather busy that day.
Afterward, he hadn’t heard anything from him despite the other saying that he will contact him soon once his tight schedule permits it.
Should he make a move and call him?
What if Mitsuya thought that he was too presumptuous or some shit like that?
And if he called him, what would he say?
Should he say that he wanted to ask him out on a date and he was falling for him?
The revelation itself made Draken’s eyes go wide as saucers for a brief period.
What. The. Fuck.
“You like him, don’t you?” Inupi intoned frankly.
“What?” His words caught Draken’s attention and stared at him unbelievingly.
“Don’t play dumb. You’ve got it bad for that guy.” Inupi scoffed lightly. “You’re in love with Mitsuya. You had that look like he hung the moon or shit every time you look at him. You’re damn obvious sometimes despite your cool bravado that it’s surprising on why he hasn’t notice it yet.” He added pointedly.
“I’m not.” Draken denied despite the protestations of his heart inside his chest.
“Continue denying it and you’ll probably regret it in the end. Just go and tell him for fuck’s sake. You’re always distracted, and you had that dumb look on your face. It’s like I’m dealing with a teen who can’t even ask out his crush.” Inupi deadpanned.
“Oi. Watch it. I’m still your boss y’know.” Draken tried to pull out the rank argument to divert the topic away.
“Yeah. My boss who is head over heels with a guy and couldn’t confess to him.” Inupi shot back before he stood up and started to walk at the door. “Y’know what? I’ll just take my lunch now. If I, were you, I’ll man up and ask him out before somebody else does. He’s a hotshot y’know? I doubt that he is out of his admirers.” He finished before he left the shop before Draken could even retort.
His words made a bile rose something on his throat. Inupi’s right. Even if he denied it vehemently, he’s attracted to him and if he doesn’t do anything about it, someone might ask Mitsuya out on an exclusive date and his chance would be nil.
Draken took a deep breath. He needed to get his shit together and do something about it.
He picked up the phone and started to dial Mitsuya’s number, hoping he would answer his call.
Few seconds already that turned into a few minutes and Draken was about to give up and hung up when it was picked up suddenly on the other end of the line by none other than a breathless Mitsuya himself.
“Hello…?” His voice was low and throaty, and Draken ignored the way his heart jumped erratically inside his ribcage.
“Hey. It’s me.” Draken tried to sound cool even though he was gripping his phone tightly.
“Ken?” Draken couldn’t parse the tone from his voice but a twinge inside his heart wanted to become hopeful that the other was thinking and missing him too just like he does.
“I, uh, I hope that I didn’t call you at an inconvenient time.” Draken began hesitantly. “But if you’re kinda busy we can talk at another—.”
“No! That’s fine!” Mitsuya quickly intervened and cut him off midsentence. “Well, what I mean is I’m not really busy or something and we can talk if you want.” He added swiftly.
“Cool. Can I come over? I wanna talk to you but it would be best if I can say it to you personally rather than a call.” Draken replied.
“Sure. Just come over here if you want. I’ll be waiting. Just shoot me a text if you’re near or at the gate so that I can come and greet you to come inside.” Mitsuya responded casually.
“Got it. Meet you in a few minutes.” Draken bid a quick goodbye and hung up.
Unbeknownst to him, there was a small smile lingering on his face after his call with the other.
“Sorry our house is a mess. My sisters are away on a trip now and I’m the only one who’s currently managing the household.” Mitsuya offered him an apologetic grin as he ushered him inside the living room upon his arrival and quickly took some of the objects lying haphazardly on the ground.
“Nah. That’s fine. I should be the one saying sorry for coming over on a short notice.” Draken answered easily but he couldn’t help to notice how the other was fidgeting around him.
Did something happen?
“So, what would you like? Juice? Coffee? Tea? A cola? Or you would also want a clubhouse sandwich with—.”
“Taka.” Draken cut off his ramblings which made Mitsuya stopped midsentence and looked up at him, swallowing thickly.
“I think—. No. I like you. And I want to get to know more you better. So can I ask you out on a date?” Draken stared at him directly and kept his voice calm and cool even though he felt his hands getting clammy from the onslaught of anxiousness invading his mind and heart.
“W-what…?” Mitsuya stammered as he felt his heart stopped beating for a second upon hearing his confession and tried to absorb them.
“I really, really like you, Taka.  And this is not me and my dick talking because of what happened that night but it’s just that I can’t stop myself from falling for you harder with each day that passed us by. And this may be cheesy but the saying that the absence makes the heart grow fonder maybe true because there wasn’t a day that I didn’t think about you when you’re not by my side. Also, realizing that if I didn’t do this I maybe one of the biggest idiots who let this opportunity pass because I’ve met this wonderful and kind person and couldn’t be brave enough to man up and confess my feelings towards him until he probably dates someone else when that opportunity has now passed.” Draken admitted, his voice growing softer and vulnerable.
But it only made Mtisuya backed away from him slowly.
“No. You don’t know what you’re saying Ken.” Mitsuya shook his head profusely.
It made Draken confused and bewildered in an instant.
“What do you mean Taka?”
“No. You’re just probably overwhelmed by what you feel towards me. It will pass Ken. I-I m-mean who could fall for someone like me? How could you fall for someone like me who has no bright future ahead of him and is a complete failure in life?” Mitsuya replied brokenly, he wasn’t crying but his eyes mirrored of a quiet desolation and sadness over him.
Draken frowned over his words and the look of sadness made a pang inside his heart that he can’t seem to ignore. “Taka I may not be the most emotionally adept person that you’ve ever met but even I know myself about what I feel for you. And I’m in love with you. I tried to deny it for so long, but I can’t ignore what my heart wants any longer. And that is only you. To be by your side as always.”
Something clenched painfully inside Mitsuya’s being.
“No. Just stop Ken.” Mitsuya replied weakly as he looked away from him, his eyes stinging from the incoming of tears.
“Why? Don’t you like me Taka? If you’re going to reject me that will be fine and—.”
“No! You don’t get it Ken! Don’t fall for a trash like me because you… you deserved better…!” Mitsuya cried out helplessly and ran past him to get out of the house.
“Taka wait! Stop! It’s raining outside damn it!” Draken tried to chase him outside with the heavy rainfall pouring upon them and quickly soaking their clothes.
The surroundings were blurry, but he could see the running form of Mitsuya outside from a distance and started to chase him determinedly.
“Stop following me around!”
“No, I won’t! Until you calmed down and see some reason! Please Taka just stop!” Draken yelled; his voice laced with desperate beseeching tone.
Mitsuya faltered for a bit but didn’t face him, his running speed had diminished until he came into a screeching halt in the pavement.
Draken had finally caught up to his side and gently grabbed his wrist to spun him around.
He was taken aback to see Mitsuya’s face was crying, silent tears mingled with the onslaught of rainfall down their faces.
“Taka…” He breathed out, his heart aching at the mere sight of seeing him in pain.
“Why? Why do you still bother with me Ken? I’m nothing compared to you… I have no future… I have no career to go back to… My life is a complete mess… I’m a fucking mess!” Mitsuya laughed in misery as broken sobs tore from his lips.
“Broken or not Taka I’d still want you. I don’t want anybody else. Just you is enough. So, what if you have no career to go back nor a future in Paris that you can turn into? You can start all over again and I’ll be there for you in every step of the way. I can’t fucking dictate my heart to who it might fall in love with. But once I’m sure of my feelings, I’m not giving up on that person on easily without a fight. Loving you will not be that easy, but I know that you’re worth it Taka. So please give us a chance?” Draken searched his face imploringly; his sable orbs were swirling with emotions and vulnerability.
Mitsuya couldn’t speak as his words pierced not only in his mind but through his heart as well.
“When you’re saying it like that, it makes me wanna hope. I don’t deserve you and your kindness. But I guess I don’t want to be a hypocrite either because you’re the only person that my heart yearns for Ken. So, I’ll give it to you. I love you and I’ll take a gamble with you. Please take care of my heart as always. I don’t think… I don’t think I can handle another heartbreak if you’re suddenly gone from my life.” Mitsuya shot him a watery smile despite the aching vulnerability shining in his lavender irises.
Draken leaned closer before stopping a few inches from his face as if seeking his permission.
“May I?” He whispered gently.
Mitsuya could only nod in response before he closed his eyes and let Draken cupped his face softly and captured his lips in a searing kiss that meant to pour out their pent-up emotions from being not together in the past few weeks.
They both know that it’s going to be a long way and they may face obstacles in their newfound relationship.
But they’re willing to gamble their hearts away because they knew that the love they found with one another was a lifetime opportunity for them that they shouldn’t miss.
(A/N: Not my best work tbh. But I wanted to write this out and give a conclusion to this short multi chaptered Doramitsu fic. Thanks again for the kind support and sticking out with me through the end. Reviews are much appreciated).
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inquiringquilter · 17 days
Quilt Block Mania - September is Transportation
Welcome to my stop on the Quilt Block Mania Blog Hop. Each of the designers participating in the hop are sharing a block pattern inspired by this month’s theme, which is Transportation.
This is my fifth year participating in QBM, and I hope you’ve enjoyed my free block pattern each month! If you’ve missed any, the patterns for previous months are available in my shop.
To learn how to get my free pattern, see How to Get the Free Block at the end of this post.
When the theme was announced, I knew that I wanted to create an Amish buggy. The Amish are wonderful quilters and I wanted to immortalize that connection with my block. Also, I designed a covered bridge block called Cross at a Walk a while ago and I think they pair nicely, don’t you?
I call my block Amish Buggy. It uses standard piecing and raw-edge fusible applique techniques. I hope you’ll make my block and tag me on social media @inquiringquilter!
To learn how to get my free pattern, see How to Get the Free Block at the end of this post.
There are lots of designers in this hop so be sure to visit all of them for your free pattern. Here are links to all the blocks in the Quilt Block Mania Transportation Series:
Train Quilt Block by Carolina Moore Hot Air Balloon by Patchwork Breeze Bronco by Crafty Staci Amish Buggy by Inquiring Quilter Wagon Wheel by Scrapdash Go Kart by QuiltFabrication Set Sail by Patti's Patchwork I heart racing by Brown Bird Designs Scooter Bear by Colette Belt Designs Flip Flops by Tourmaline & Thyme Quilts Appliques Quilts and More Bicycle FPP Block by Julia Wachs Designs Deep Blue See by Epida Studio Jeep Quilt Block by Oh Kaye Quilting "Hippie"mobile / Magic Bus Gone Camping by Cristy Fincher
Scroll through my past Quilt Block Mania blocks to see what you missed! Past blocks are available in my shop.
Quilt Block Mania returns next month with the theme Sweets, so be sure to come back on the first Tuesday of the month to see what I create!
My Hedwig block pattern is free to my email subscribers. Every Sunday I share quilty tips and tricks, tutorials, and news in my weekly newsletter. I also include the code for downloading the monthly pattern for free.
If you are already a subscriber, you don’t need to do a thing. Just check your newsletter when it arrives on Sunday. If you haven’t yet subscribed, sign up below.
Before you go, let me tell you about everything that’s going on here this week.
Happenings Here at Inquiring Quilter
In my latest My Quilty Neighborhood podcast episode, the focus is on HSTs and my favorite ways to make them. Check it out!
In September, my second Island Batik collection debuts! I’ll be hosting a blog hop with a giveaway and then later, a special giveaway on Instagram. Don’t miss out on your chance to win an entire fat quarter collection! Sign up for my newsletter here.
My weekly show and tell linkup, Wednesday Wait Loss is over seven years old! Over the years, my little weekly group has encouraged many wonderful finishes. Join us by sharing your latest project.
Here’s a link to this week’s show and tell link up.
If you’re looking to make new friends, join me on Facebook this Saturday for my weekly online quilting retreat I call my Saturday Sew-In. The fun starts at 8 AM EST and runs through 5 PM EST. It’s not live but there are get to know you prompts throughout the day to spark discussion and friendship. This is a fun and friendly group and you’ll soon make friends—real friends.
In addition, you’ll be inspired by other quilter’s projects and you’ll gets tons of encouragement as you share your own. If you’ve been missing companionship since COVID started, I guarantee you’ll find it here. Saturday Sew-In takes place in my private Facebook group. Click here to join my Facebook group. Be sure to answer the questions so I know your not a bot.
Thanks for stopping by!
This post may contain affiliate links. By clicking on a link and making a purchase, you help offset the cost of running this blog at no additional cost to you. Thank you!
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Tell me…will you be making my block?
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vgrc-llc · 3 months
Clean Gutters, Happy Spouts in Spokane with VGRC!🥷👷‍♀️ 
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Greetings, Guardians of Gutter Greatness! 🌟
Welcome to another electrifying update from your favorite local heroes at Veracity Gutter And Roof Cleaning, LLC, aka VGRC, LLC! Today, The Roof Ninja 🥷 and our fantastic Kc 👷‍♀️ are here to share some exciting insights on the magic of clean gutters and happy spouts! Let’s dive right in!
Ever wonder why gutters are such a big deal? Think of them as the silent protectors of your home, guiding rainwater safely away from your precious abode. When they get clogged, you’re in for a world of trouble – and that’s where we step in! VGRC, LLC is your trusted local partner in Spokane County, WA, for top-notch gutter cleaning, roof blow-offs, roof washing, and house washing.
Here's a sneak peek into our services:
Gutter Cleaning: Say goodbye to clogged gutters! 🧹 We meticulously remove all debris, ensuring your spouts stay happy and healthy.
Roof Blow-Offs: Keep your roof debris-free with our thorough blow-off services. 🌬️
Roof Washing: Gentle yet effective, our soft washing technique eliminates moss and algae without damaging your roof. 🏡
House Washing: Restore your home’s exterior beauty with our expert washing services. 🏠
🔗 Visit our website to learn more about our services:VGRCLLC.com
📞 For immediate assistance, Don’t Risk Falls, Give Us A Call!: 509-530-1330
✖️ Follow us on social media for updates and insights:
A Joke to Brighten Your Day 🌞
Why did the gutter go to school? To improve its "drainage"! 😂
An Uplifting Quote by VGRC 🌈
"Clear gutters, clear mind. A clean home starts from the top." – VGRC, LLC
Fun Fact About Spokane County 🌲
Did you know that Spokane County is home to over 87 parks, offering endless outdoor activities and stunning natural beauty? 🌳 Perfect for a weekend adventure!
Share the Fun! 🎉
Help us spread the joy of clean gutters! Share this post with your friends and family, and let’s keep our homes pristine together. Click the links, laugh with us, and join the VGRC community! 🥳
Final Notes 📝
Remember, VGRC, LLC is not just a service provider; we are your neighbors, committed to keeping Spokane County, WA, beautiful and safe. With our licensed and insured team (LICENSE #VERACGC770LW), you can trust that your home is in good hands.
Let’s keep those gutters clean and those spouts happy! 🥷👷‍♀️ Until next time, stay shiny and bright with VGRC!
#VGRCByeByeMoss #VGRCHouseWashing #SoftWashingVGRC #CleanGuttersVGRC #PressureWashing #Spokane #SoftWashing #HappyHome #NoRiskAllShine #VeracityGutterAndRoofCleaningLLC
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fahadventure · 2 years
Okay, Hi all pretty people reading this article in Blogger or anywhere else and congratulations on opening your Blogger website/ any other site bravely to take the first step. Now that you have taken all the courage to do something to change your life, let’s take one step at a time with me together! If you now want to be noticed by google, don’t delay on indexing your site easily following the link, so that google can recognize your work, showcase those to audience and you earn the benefit!
But wait! If you have done all the hard work to write, do the SEO carefully, index your pages and now dreaming of a bright glowing future ahead, how would you actually measure your success and get further insights? Because simply, without showing off your result in numbers, and deep analysis, people won’t care what and how you are doing and achieving things!
So, apart from Google Console and its help, you need a tool for keeping all those counts and success and Google Analytics will help and guide you to fulfill all those requirements. To know more about how to use this tool, Google analytics certification, you can find courses for free online or read my article on free courses I did where I wrote about other relevant courses too. You will learn How to add Google analytics with your website in 6 easy steps!
So, let’s start my suggestion on Google analytics account, google analytics login page, the usage and please do follow them one by one as mentioned below:
1. Search for “Google Analytics” and click on the first result you get there. The Google analytics sign up process is quite easy. You’ll be needing to sign in using your Gmail account and try to keep all of your gmail accounts same for Blogger, Search console and here. A page will appear after this saying ‘Welcome to Google Analytics’. Just click on ‘Start Measuring’.
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2. Now that you’ve done that, the next page will ask you to create account, with some details. Keep any name that you want to be knows as (you can change the name later, if you like) and don’t waste much time on this. Make that all the boxes are ticked and move ahead.
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3. Next page will show you the terms and conditions. You just have two tasks here. Change the country name to where you belong from, and then tick on ‘I accept’ and then move on.
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4. Next page will take you to set up date stream, where you just need to put your website URL and you can set your stream name too. Make sure the toggle button of Enhanced Measurement is turned on, to provide maximum information and then move on.
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5. If you have done everything correctly so far, the next page will show you Stream Details (Name, URL, ID and Measurement ID). Measurement ID is the one that we’ll be needing from here. A dialogue might appear above, stating Data collection isn’t active for your website and that’s completely fine, as you haven’t tagged Google Analytics to your Blogger site yet. As written before, copy the Measurement ID from here now and move on.
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6. This is the last step, where you need to get back to your Blogger site, go to Settings and in the Basic Section, just above the Favicon, click on the Google Analytics Measurement ID and paste the ID that you copied before. Wait for 48 hours maximum and Voila! Your Google analytics ID is tagged with your Blogger website! 👏😎
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So, you’re done tagging your Blogger website or any other website with your Google Analytics account. Now if anyone asks you, What is Google analytics used for? You can simply say that it’s a platform that oversees data from your websites and apps to make reports and analysis that provide more information and insights into your business for free! So, start measuring your success and please share your success story with me (with or without numbers) if you have time and found this helpful! Find the detailed version in my Blogger website.
#googleanalyticsloginpage #googleanalyticsaccount #googleanalyticssignup #whatisGoogleanalytics #googleanalytics #googleanalyticstrackingcode
I’ll get back with some more information on other tools, till then KEEP MEASURING!
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unk-tu-amun · 2 years
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Good morning Inhabitants of Geb the Earth 🌎🌍 and Happy Hump 🐪🐪🐪 Day to you as well...May Amen Ra send blessings upon you with his Light and With it Life... For Wednesday I'm going to wish All Funkiness Peace and Universal Love not only on Geb The Earth 🌎🌍 but Throughout The Entire Cosmos as well...There are those on IG who are liking my posts and when I reach to these individuals, some of them do not respond back.. only messaging me links to click on...To me this constitutes Fakery.. which is so prevalent on Social Media and which Pharoah frowns upon...If you want to connect and work with me, Let's Talk...If you're a fan please like and follow even better yet, get your copy of my latest CD project The Last Pharoah...But if you are going to be about the Fakery , I will block you...Facts !!! Come Real to Pharoah or Don't Come at All... Welcome to The New Age of Funk...Be a part of it..So Believe... The True Light and Power of Funk has Arrived... Unk-Tu-Amun The Last Pharoah has Spoken...So let it be written So let it be known...Ankh Uja Seneb...Life Health and Prosperity to All...Once Again...FAKERY IS NOT TOLERATED BY PHAROAH...KNOW THIS AND KNOW IT WELL....!!!! (at Pensacola, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkLUQh4uNqG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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