#climactic battle
i'm sorry is this not homoerotic
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shadebloopnik · 2 months
Actual footage of me going batshit insane from reading chapter 16 of "My Fawn" by NattTheCat:
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Im not fucking kidding, im currently working rn and i had to jump up and down fucking punching the goddamn air holy shitttttttttt and the ending oh my staaarrrsssss i can't fucking wait for the next update
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bonefall · 9 months
some ideas: nico’s rise (like sunrise), nico’s dawn, nico’s spark (like the fire)
I want it to be more about chronology. Like, the passage of time, the "natural" change of things. There's a sense in this book that the change is welcome, but a bit... dreaded. Because in the end, it's like she had no agency over the way her Clan's tune changed.
As inevitably as the sun rises, as the ice thaws in spring, things got better. She was able to finally see the changes she could make, but was still frustrated by all the things still out of her reach.
She's the same as she always was, but it's like the world turned around her. She's entered into a new season in her life, and only now will she decide what that means, going foward. She could not choose when the winter melted into spring, but maybe now, she will be able to select which flowers she will allow to grow.
So... maybe Nightcloud's Dawn, but something doesn't capture it quite perfectly yet.
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sigmas-split-hair · 20 days
Spoilers for the recent bsd chapters
I am a big fan of bsd. However, I am NOT a big fan of the direction the manga has taken after the Meursalt arc
Personally, I loved the reveal about Fyodor in 114/115. It was intimidating and made a mysterious character have even more intrigue. A crumble of Fyodor's character was revealed, and he could now quietly slide into the shadows of the plot again, manipulating the story's advancement backstage
This did not happen
The thing that made Fyodor a great antagonist was never his raw power or strength. It was his intelligence, his manipulation skills. I mean, he literally tricked a man into hanging himself. That established him as a terrifying enemy
Whatever "helicopter fukuchi" thing which is going on does NOT feel in character for Fyodor. It's not the intimidation to the audience we have grown to expect from Fyodor, and it does not make him feel like more of a threath
The climax of the current arc has its stakes WAY too high. The other ones were focused on Yokahoma or even just the ADA, this one's literally just "win or history ends". Details like the PM transfer have made it clear that this isn't the end of bsd. Will the fate of the entire universe or something be on Atsushi's shoulders next time??
Do not get me started on all these "deaths". First off, Asagiri has used this card too much. Second, there are two things which can happen with the dead characters now:
The first alternative is that these are in fact just a cheap way of advancing the plot, by suddenly killing off characters in order to force the story onwards
The second alternative is that these are in fact just a cheap way of heightening the stakes, only for Asagiri to bring them back later
I mean, there's always the "secret third option". But with the way things are looking, is there any actual satisfactory method of ending this?
It's not like I dislike the idea of killing off half the cast. I mean I dislike it on a surface level, but it could be interesting for the story. For an instance, killing of one and one character throughout the arc would have been a terrifying way to set up a dangerous conflict. Instead, the entire arc was filled with convoluted fake deaths and plot twist after plot twist. That could have been alright on its own, but how are we genuinely supposed to be afraid of the characters staying dead at this point?
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audreyii-fic · 9 months
holy shit
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i just had a realization
what if
(and bear with me here)
i just have one ship
just one
and all of these different books/movies/shows that i love wherein i wind up shipping a new pairing
are just
AUs of that first ship
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folks what i'm saying here is that i'm pretty sure i've been shipping Christy and Dark Heart since i was three years old and literally every OTP since then has been their AU
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bikananjarrus · 3 months
i have one ask of the final high republic adult book: please pleasepleaseplease pleaseeeeee give me a stellan force vision. preferably elzar having a force vision of stellan (but i would accept vernestra or avar having one too). like would i succumb to an immediate breakdown? sure would! but i would like to see it.
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having shrimp emotions abt the end of shb again
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not-poignant · 7 months
Hi Pila! Behind the scenes 17 for The Ice Plague Book 3 please? (or 26 if you prefer!)
17. What was the hardest scene to write?
Oh absolutely the final battle.
I started planning that years before, I have a map of where all the characters are and how they converge upon Olphix, it was a massive action scene that spanned across more than one chapter and more than one perspective, and it involved two (temporary) major character deaths, so I also had to give gravitas to the deaths even though everyone knew those character deaths were temporary. Which is a big ask!
I didn't push myself to write those chapters fast. I'd write a section, walk away for a day or two, write a section, walk away, write a section, walk away. I wrote some parts out of order and then 'connected' them. I gave myself about a solid 4 weeks just to write those chapters. And I needed them.
There were a lot of hard things in The Ice Plague III, but that one started being fucky and frustrating like 5 years beforehand, so a scene that I'm noodling on for 5 years is absolutely the hardest thing to write.
From this meme!
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mars-ipan · 5 months
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had an absurd amt of fun doodling cal last night so take the other dnd character i've been playing this semester (her campaign just ended </3). her name is pellet (full title sir pellet the rambunctious) she is a spores druid and she is Stinky (i love her dearly)
#martzipan#she's actually. very difficult for me to draw lmao#she keeps rats in her cloak!! they're her buddies#she's actually very very powerful. fun fact she got the last hit on the bbeg. it was climactic as hell. i had a good ass time with it#would have drawn it but that would have required the effort to put her in the right pose lmao#oh yeah pellet's main deal is necromancy. she's a fan. it's fun for her#that last little doodle with the nine circles is in reference to how that campaign ended#that being. the artificer who was given a very powerful magic item that let her cast wish 3 times before Something Bad Happened uh.#well she used her third wish. at the ceremony in which the party was knighted#because she lost her homunculus servant in the final battle#so she. wanted to kill a party member (the sorcerer) and use his life to revive said homunculus#it. did not work (he counterspelled). the Bad Thing still happened though#a rift opened at that point across all of the planes#the sheer force of the rift instakilled both the artificer and the rogue#pellet and the sorcerer survived. barely (downed pretty hard). they were each transported to random planes#the sorcerer was transported to the infernal plane. where. the flames got him#pellet was transported to the nine circles of hell. she survived her death saves and woke up next to the river styx#and that was how the campaign ended. we won. and then a player nearly tpk'd us lmao#pellet as the sole survivor is great. fits her cockroach unkillable vibe perfectly#perfect setup for a spinoff too. if the dm ever has a campaign set in the nine circles she is for SURE showing up#i love my little goblin druid so much. playing a druid was really really fun actually#my darling. she is hard for me to draw for some reason
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takekawa · 8 months
finished leos route in divine speaker and almost bawled my eyes out. sappy fantasy settings with ELF MUSIC and a 'save the world through love' ending get me square in chest. illren & veras side romance also got me so so badly auauugourhgohgfdhjfhhh
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morninkim · 1 year
BROOO the scarf disappeared bc it was Part of Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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stellarspecter · 8 months
i can't believe i haven't seen anything in this fandom related to the fact that the day after the last episode of s4, march 30th 1986, was easter sunday. i realized this bc i'm writing a fic where chrissy wakes up in the upside down as a vampire after dying and comes back to hawkins on march 31st, making the date of her reveal to the public theoretically april fool's day, which is so funny i can't believe there are no other fic writers taking advantage of this comedic timing of events. so have this snippet which sparked this line of research
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chrissy's got jokes! and also if anyone wants to beta this please please please please
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Really going for the cinematic thing for this Goemon-centric episode. Less “Goemon does something cool and then it cuts to Lupin being silly,” more “pools of blood.”
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warlordfelwinter · 1 year
"you thought you could atone, child of bhaal" is so. :(
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moodr1ng · 2 years
HATRED for the trend of fast paced everything everything everything in media hatred for "you HAVE to cut 20% of your novel when editing!" hatred for "if its not Necessary To The Plot it has to go" hatred for the 'all stories have to grab you by the stomach in the first paragraph and never be quiet or mindful or peaceful or god forbid challenging' hatred for the trend of reading more more more more books just so you can say you read x number of books regardless of the actual artistic merit or of the fact that some books deserve to be given more time than just being part of your '20 books i read this month' youtube vlog hatred for this hungry capitalistic mindset that judges everything by efficiency speed and rate of consumption and not by enjoyment emotion learning or quality. i want balzac back
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crispyjenkins · 1 year
i still have to edit but i might have just actually finished a chapter for talk some sense to me which is
very weird to think about considering it’s been
two years since i updated
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