#cloud tutorial
solardrink · 1 year
hi solar cloud tutorial please 👉👈
Oh ho !! Cloud tutorial ! 1( draw outline 2( general values 3( shadows 4( highlights and reflection
Here’s my oil painting progress
Just really remember that clouds are 3-d shapes and they look extra pretty when light is like coming from within
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There are times when lines should be fuzzy and lines should be v sharp
Umm just remember go more more more with white highlight at the end
Make many popcorn shapes and shade them how you would a sphere
Nothing is one solid color, color it with many gradients cause that looks cool
It looks cool when you ^look top right corner of last photo - you shade the sphere shapes with a darker color in the middle
Make it so your darker colors are more vivid than your lighter colors
Ask me any specific questions u have trouble with
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filopay · 10 months
Drawing Clouds - Tutorial
By Ann Maulina
Great environment tutorials, worth checking out!
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magicpinkbunny · 1 year
Cloud Tutorial
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prokopetz · 6 months
One of the better examples of integrating video game conventions of play into the narrative is how the game mechanics tutorials in the opening stages of Final Fantasy VII (the original) flip the customary script and have Cloud, the player character, be the one explaining things to other characters, thereby establishing the unspoken expectation that his narrative function is to be the guy who knows what the fuck is going on and lending greater weight to the eventual revelation that he has no idea what the fuck is going on.
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proteidaes · 1 year
Do you have any tutorials ???
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Lots of people have asked me for painting tutorials, so I finally made a little walkthrough! I hope you find the method informative!!
(I use photoshop as my painting program, along with a selection of the already installed kyle webster dry brushes.)
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yingxtkm · 25 days
Hiya! I absolutely adore the way you draw Seph, esp his hair <33 I’ve really been struggling to figure out how to do that, haha, and was wondering if you have any tips? His bangs are a nightmare lmao
AAAAA TYSM ❤️❤️❤️ also oh lordie, you have no idea how much hell his bangs have given me when I first started drawing him not that it’s gotten much better hahaha (flashback to me drawing it incorrectly for a good few months), but uhhh here’s a sketch page and how I sort of?¿ analyzed and broke down the structure of his bangs (who am I kidding I just one winged it until I sort of got comfortable with drawing it)
There’s definitely different ways to draw it depending on what specific style within the compilation you’re looking at ie. The more exaggerated but simplified version from OG, the one layered version from older games like CC or the three layered one from remake.
Zoom in for more detail :)
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foxaoxarts · 1 year
BEE KISS TOMORR- *dead* /j
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If anyone wants to watch me drawing this like a little victorian child then the timelapse is below the cut 🤣
(FLICKER WARNING. It's all through out so be careful!👍 )
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sare11aa11eras · 1 year
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Elissa and Rhaena on a nighttime ride
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mvdsart · 2 months
one of my friends was asking for help so I made a tutorial! hopefully this helps someone else too
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this is obviously not the only or even the best way to do it! this is just what I need to do when I need a quick and easy background
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marushkan · 3 months
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practicing clouds!!!
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jsrblue · 4 months
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2/40 cloud study | a quick tutorial
Programs: ibispaintx & photoshop
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thelooniemoonie · 3 months
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been really getting into painting pansexual clouds for some reason
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sea-jello · 8 months
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Morrotober Day 5/October 5: Fly || Sunset || "Time to go home."
slight variations under the cut lol
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i tried doing the yellow filter thing they had in the show but i dont know how to do that so i just put like brown over top and hoped for the best and idrk how i feel about it tbh tell me which one yall like better
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magebird · 9 months
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There’s no use in running unless you run like heck
The best things in life we learned from the wreck
[ID: Trigun fanart depicting Vash against a rippled background like sand dunes. Only Vash’s head and hands are defined as he leans forward in a run, his gun held low. The rest of his shape is vaguely defined in smudges of color with streaks trailing off as if in a motion blur. End ID.]
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eloisephillip · 4 months
Would you ever share your blending process? It looks amazing!
Of course!!! I'm always happy to help!!! (Also, thank you for saying so 💖💖💖💖)
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The tutorial below will show you how to make this gif!
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So first you have to open your gifs in photopea and make sure they're the same number of frames.
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Once both of your gifs are made and have the same number of frames, you'll go into the second gif and right click on it and pick the 'duplicate into' option, where you'll choose to duplicate it into your first gif.
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Once you have them together in the same place, you'll change the blending style (which is the dropdown menu next to opacity) from 'pass through' to 'lighten' for both gifs. This step isn't technically required, but it helps you visualize how you want to place your gifs easier.
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In order to move your gifs to where you want them to be, you have to select all the frames of your gif (otherwise you'll only end up moving one frame). You can do this by clicking on the first frame, then hold down the shift key while you select the last frame. Then you're free to move both gifs to where you want them!
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Once you have your gifs where you want them, now comes the blending! Click on the raster mask option, which I've circled.
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Next, you're going to get a brush. It's best to turn the hardness down, because then you're won't be as, well, hard lol. With a soft brush, it's easier to blend more naturally. And use whatever size you want.
With the raster mask, to erase what you don't want in your gif, like the harsh lines and things blocking parts of your other gif or whatever, you want to turn the color to black. Then, if you erase too much, you can change the color to white in order to add it back in!
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One more thing about the raster mask, since you'll be adding it both gifs. Whatever part of the gif you want to erase make sure you're erasing the part from the gif that mask is applied to.
If that's confusing, what I mean is: I have my gifs labelled 'joey 1' & 'joey 2'. Joey 1 is the gif on the right and Joey 2 is the gif on the left. So, if I want to have more of the Joey 2 gif in my blended gif, I have to erase the parts of Joey 1 from the mask applied to Joey 1. (Hopefully that makes sense!)
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Once you're satisfied with your blending, you're going to select both folders the same way you selected frames when moving your gifs. Then, you're going to click the layer dropdown menu up on the top and scroll until you get to the animation tab which has 'make frames' 'unmake frames' & 'merge' in it. You're going to select merge and you're done!
Just save it as a gif with whatever dimensions you want! And congratulations, you've made your blended gif !!!!!!
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roadstostray · 5 months
easy rain tutorial (ft a wip scene redraw)
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detailed description beneath cut
fill the canvas white and use the glitch effect on it.
after this, select the white space between and either drag it off your screen or just flat out delete it. This should leave the little glitchy bits.
alpha lock your layer, and fill the layer white.
then all you gotta do is motion blur it to what you like and erase rain drops you don't like and add some bouncing droplets.
I'm still working on this wip. happy birthday or something
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