#club de gym
retrofutbolmgc · 2 months
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Carla Camacho
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leah-lover · 5 months
Two hearts, one timeline. Alexia putellas x reader
An age gap romance. Part 2
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“ We are delighted to introduce you to this young star. She is a 2 time world cup champion, the youngest ever to achieve that. A 2 time NWSL winner. A final’s MVP and just overall an inspiration. Welcome to the show.” said the reporter next to you. The studio was quiet and all you could hear was your heart beating in your ears. This wasn't the first time you were on TV but you were uncertain about the way the news you were about to deliver is gonna be perceived.
“ Thank you for having me.” you respond with a smile on your face.
“ After your recent NWSL win you were the talk of the sports world. Everybody is interested in whether you are gonna resign with your club or not. What do you say to those questions?”
“ Well I am sad to say that I will not resign with Seattle but very excited to say that a team I have been dreaming of joining has reached out to sign me. I have signed a 4 year contract with FC barcelona.”
“ Oh my god, that's exciting. Tell us how you feel at the moment.”
“ Well, I am very excited,but sad to say goodbye to my family in the states and at seattle. I think this challenge is gonna help me develop as a footballer and learn new styles.”
“ Well, we wish you good luck.”
“ Thank you.”
You exit the studio and the weight of the secret drops from your shoulder. You were gonna leave your home for a more competitive team and a shot at the chapion’s league.
Your move to Barcelona was smooth. You celebrated your run at your old club with the girls, took your flight the next day and landed in sunny Barcelona, the weather was as great as they all said. You then went directly to your new apartment. The time zone change weighed heavily on your body so you took a shower immediately, put your sheets in your new bed and laid down as soon as you could. You then opened your phone only for it to freeze due tha new messages and followers you received. You could see all the comments and messages your new teammates wrote on your post congratulating you on the signing and wishing well for you. This made you excited for your first day tomorrow.
When you woke up the next day you were nervous to say the least. You got ready, called a taxi and headed to the facility. You first got a tour of the facility which was empty because it was early. You met as much staff as you could, did your fitness and health test, a photoshoot, and shot some content. By the time you were done your teammates were done training too. You were ushered by the assistant coach to go to the field and meet everybody.
Your heart was beating like a drum. You were standing next to alexia putellas, aitana bonmati, lucy bronze, and mapi leon. Those people are more experienced and have more accolades than you.
“ Everybody please welcome our new signing from the US.” said your coach which caused all of them to start cheering.
“Hola a todos. Estoy emocionado de ser parte de este equipo, compartir el campo con todos ustedes y ganar algunos trofeos con ustedes.”
“Joder, hablas español y tus estadísticas son buenas, nos llevaremos muy bien.“ said patri putting her arm on your shoulder and guiding you inside.
“Si ella hablara catalán habríamos sido mejores amigas.” said aitana sarcastically.
The rest of the day went on great, you had lunch with the girls, you laughed with them, and exchanged stories. They welcomed you very well.
“ for a young girl you really carry yourself well.” said lucy
“ I had to grow up quickly.” you respond to her.
Your first month at Barcelona was amazing. You got on with the girls really well, training was going well, you had your first start within 2 weeks of your arrival and the fans were really happy with you after your first hattrick in the last match.
“Necesitamos celebrar tu primer mes exitoso con nosotros estrella.” said mapi while you were recovering in the gym. Estrella was the Spanish translation of the nickname the fans gave you when you were getting famous, which was stargirl. That nickname was used by everybody you knew, even the press. But from them it sounded different.
“ Yeah sure, just text me the details.” You responded.
You then went home, showered, and rested. You then got a message from the group chat.“ La terrazza. 8:00.”
Since they went there to celebrate you, you decided to show up and show out. You decided on a black maxi dress, heels, gold accessories, and a red lip.
You drove to the club and got there at 8 sharp. You went inside, and headed straight to the bar to order a drink. The girls started coming little by little, and by a few hours you were all jammed up dancing in the middle of the dance floor. However, your captain didn't join you; she instead opted to watch from the bar.
Alexia has been quiet and reserved around you. Maybe she didn't like you or maybe she was just a quiet person, you never really thought about it before.
“chicas voy a ir al baño.” You yell so that you can be heard over the loud music and exit the dance floor.
Surprisingly the bathroom was empty. You got your business done and went over to the mirror to fix your makeup.
“Parece que te lo estás pasando bien aquí en Barcelona..” said a voice from behind you which took you a minute to realize it was Alexia 's.
“ Capitana I am too drunk for Spanish right now.” You respond still facing the mirror
“ You look good. I mean happy in Barcelona.” She said nervously.
“ Well that's because of you and your friends out there. Actually it was more your friends than you since you hate me.” You respond l, alcohol making you braver than you usually are.
“ I could never hate you. I just can't control myself around you.” She says half whispering. “tengo que ir.” She added before she exited the bathroom.
“ This is definitely something I need to visit tomorrow when I am sober.” You say to yourself before joining the girls again. You were told that Alexia left which caused you to have more questions but you didn't give it much thought. You partied more with the girls before leaving.
Your head was pounding the next morning but you couldn't remember anything, only that you had a great time.
The following weeks were nothing short of spectacular. You were training well, winning every game, scoring every game, and you really built a community with the girls. But Alexia was giving you more space than usual which you couldn't understand why.
Jonathan could see that Alexia was cornering herself away from you so he decided to pair you with each other on everything under the excuse of her giving you more experience since she was older than you. She didn't talk when she was near you, she barely even touched you. This caused commotion in your brain. You lost sleep over why she despised you so much.
One day you had enough of the questions in your brain so you waited in the locker room knowing that she wouldn't come to it to avoid you. You stayed there af-ter all the girls left. After a while alexia entered the locker room
“ Have I ever done anything to offend you?” you ask as soon as you see her figure.
“ Mierda, me asustaste, pensé que no había nadie aquí.” she said taking a few steps back
“ capitana please just give a straight answer. What have I ever done to you?.”
“ We talked about this and my answer was nothing, the problem is in me.”
“ when did we talk about this i don't remember anything.”
“ that night at the party now will you please leave so that i can change and go home i am really tired.”
“ Alexia, this is eating away at me. All I want is for us to be friends or just teammates. Tell me what I did so that we can get past it.”
“ You did nothing, just get over it. You have plenty of friends.”
“No puc fer això ara mateix, és massa jove i hauria de proteger-la de mi” she whispers in catalan and leave without looking at you.
You didn't understand catalan but it was close to Spanish which you were fluent in so when you heard her words you could remember them easily. After she left you reached for your phone and translated her words. “ I can't do this right now. He is too young and should protect her from me.”
Alexia’s words shocked you. You felt dizzy and couldn't focus. You never realized that alexia could have anything for you except hate. You loved her and admired her for the player and person she is. You looked up to her kind heart and intelligent brain. But no matter what you thought about it you needed her approval, her attention, and her focus to be on you as much as you were on her. That's why her distance from you left you puzzled.
You knew that you couldn't stay like that, not when your brain was filled with questions that needed answering.
You left the training facility, and headed straight to Alexia's house.
Before knocking on her door your knees were weak and your brain was quiet. She opened the door mere moments later.
“ What did you mean by protecting me from you?” you asked as soon as she opened the door.
“ What are you doing here?” she asked.
“ What did you mean, alexia?”
“ i don't want to talk about this.”
“ well i do it's the only thing i have been thinking about.”
You force your way inside and she closes the door after you
“ You are not this passive aggressive. I know you. I heard alot about you. This thing you are hiding from me is killing me.” you say to her once she is in front of you.
“ Believe me when I say that I am protecting you.”
“ it's not your choice capitana. What are you protecting me from?”
“ I am protecting you from my feelings for you god damn it. We can't be together and that is all I have been thinking about. I have been thinking about you, your body, your laughter, your eyes. It’s driving me insane.” she yells as she slams the wall behind you.
You weren't shocked, you managed to keep your calm. You held onto her hand which was still on the wall. You backed up a little bit and didn't say a word.
“ this can't happen, you are 23, i am 30. I am older than you. I outrank you in the team. I just…”
“ i dont care.” you interrupt her still holding on to her arm. “ capitana i dont give a fuck. I want you. I need you. Do you want me?” you add.
“More than you'll ever know.” she whispers.
The air was still. The tension was high. You feel your body unintentionally move towards alexia. Your face was millimeters away from her you could feel her breath on your lips. You somehow got brave enough to kiss her. The kiss cut short because she pulled away.
“ please capitana i want this. I want you.”
She then kisses you deeply. Her need for you was apparent. She took control of all of you, not just your lips. She picked you up and walked towards her bedroom all while kissing you. She then threw you on her bed.
“ Are you sure estrella.” whispers
“ I never wanted anything more in this world.”
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Breakfast VI
Ellie Carpenter x Daniëlle van de Donk x Child!Reader
Summary: You and Ellie fight
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Mamma is standing at your door, arms crossed and you know you're in trouble.
She's giving you a look that she usually doesn't give.
Mamma is not a very angry person. She's not mean and she doesn't yell or lecture like the parents of some of your school friends. Mamma doesn't cross her arms over her chest or ordinarily look at you like she's looking at you now.
But right now she is and that's a bit scary.
"You know," She says, stepping inside and shutting your bedroom door behind her," I thought that you two would be okay with each other while I was out."
You remain silent.
"Imagine my surprise when I get a call from Ellie in tears over your behaviour."
"Ellie's pathetic," You mutter.
"What was that?"
"Nothing, Mamma."
Daan sits on the edge of your bed. "Talk to me. What happened?"
You stubbornly huff. "Ellie tried to kill me!"
Daan sighs. "She didn't try to kill-"
"She fed me pear!" You insist," Mumma, I'm not lying! It's true!"
"It was an accide-"
"It was pear! I could have died!"
It had happened a few days ago when you and Ellie had already been butting heads over everything.
You wanted a new toy at the store. Ellie didn't let you.
You didn't want to go to the kid's club at the gym. Ellie made you.
You didn't want to wash your hair after coming home. Ellie didn't take no for an answer.
Then she made lunch, some weird fruit salad thing and you had nearly eaten a chunk of pear.
You'd blown up at her, all of your built up annoyance at her bubbling up into pure rage as you screamed and cried and sobbed over the piece of pear still stuck on your fork.
You'd said some pretty hurtful things. Like how Ellie didn't deserve Mumma and how you didn't want her as your Mum and you wished Ellie would just go back to Australia and never come back.
You knew they were hurtful and mean but she hadn't been listening to you and your feelings all day and you wanted her to feel like how she'd been making you feel.
You hadn't known you'd made Ellie cry though.
Grown ups like Ellie weren't meant to cry.
"But it was still an accident," Daan tells you, cutting off anything else you were going to say," Ellie told me she mixed up your pear-free bowl with hers. She's sorry."
You look away even as Daan softly cards a hand through your hair. You purse your lips. "Ellie didn't listen to me all day. Even before the pears."
"And I'll talk to Ellie about her behaviour like how I'm talking to you about yours. Now, I want you to think about your actions and how you could have reacted differently. You're free to stay in your room until dinner but if you come out before then, you need to apologise to Ellie, okay?"
"Okay, Mumma."
"Good girl." She presses a kiss to the side of your head. "I don't like coming home to find out my girls are arguing."
"I'm sorry, Mumma."
"Don't apologise to me. Apologise to Ellie."
You stubbornly stay in your room for as long as you think Mumma will need to talk to Ellie before venturing out.
You can hear Mumma in her room unpacking her suitcase from her trip and you can also hear the tv going in English so you know that Ellie's watching it.
Mumma likes watching tv in Dutch and then French when she thinks she needs to practice but Ellie hates it so if it's in English then you know Ellie's in control of it.
"Ellie," You say and she jumps out of her skin, her head whipping around to face you.
"Hey, Pipsqueak." She gives you an awkward little smile and you shuffle a bit closer. "What's up?"
"I..." You look away, unwilling to look her in the eye. "I'm sorry for what I said. You do deserve Mumma, I do want you as my mum and I don't want you to leave to Australia." You nod once you've recited everything. "Sorry."
"I'm sorry to," She says," For not listening to your feelings all day and for giving you pear."
You both stand awkwardly in front of each other and you finally raise your gaze to meet hers.
There's something twinkling in her eyes and you stick your tongue out.
"I'm not hugging you if that's what you're waiting for!"
She laughs, ruffling your hair as you try to duck away. "It's great that you're back to normal!"
Her fingers dig into your armpits and you shriek as you try to squirm away.
Daan walks in to see Ellie trying to tie you up in a blanket while you try to smother her with a pillow.
Right back to the normal.
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bro-atz · 3 months
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choi san masterlist:
note: this should be a given, but with any of my smuts, minors dni
safe for work:
♤ chest = pillow — fluff; headcanon ♤ dahlia — suggestive, angst (flower garden series) san is your perfect man, but he's also the perfect man for others. ♤ "hi, cutie" — suggestive; drabble ♤ "you'll never be alone" — angst you live in fear of dying alone, especially now that you're in the hospital with barely any time left.
not safe for work:
♤tattoo!san: ♤ all tatted up — smut (pt. 1) you meet san at a bar, and he's way different from what you were expecting. ♤ all tatted up— back tattoo — smut (pt. 2) there's a really good reason why san never called you after you hooked up. ♤ all tatted up— new tattoos — smut (pt. 3) you decide to surprise san and get your own tattoo.
♤ roomates!yunsangi: ♤ that's what roommates are for — smut (ft. yunho, mingi; pt. 1) you're extremely frustrated, and your roommates can't help but overhear. ♤ the time of my life — smut (ft. yunho, mingi; pt. 2) your roommates just want to cheer you up after you get stood up on your date.
♤ absence makes the heart break — angst, smut san broke your heart when he suddenly left you, and just when you've finally moved on, he reappears in your life in a way you couldn't even fathom in your wildest dreams. ♤ do you remember? — smut you are completely and utterly drunk and san just happens to be there to rescue you. ♤ défilé de lingerie — smut (ft. mingi) you're modeling the latest lingerie designs for your two bosses, and let's just say their designs are very effective. ♤ fifteen inch club — smut (ft. yeosang, san) you're doing such an amazing job as maid of honor that you definitely need to be rewarded... ♤ first thing in the goddamn morning — smut (ft. seonghwa) somehow, you, seonghwa, and san all woke up in the same bed (not that you're complaining). ♤ forbidden love — angst, smut (trope series) you have no business falling in love with your father's best friend. ♤ good knight — smut (500 event) you don't like the prince— you love the knight. ♤ head to head — smut san's lap isn't just for napping... ♤ hoodie season — smut san is playing video games and is getting a little cold, so he asks you for his hoodie— the hoodie that you just so happen to be wearing. ♤ jealousy isn't such a horrible sin — smut (ft. seonghwa) you're tired of san not being a good boyfriend, so seonghwa decides to help you two work through your problems in an unconventional way. ♤ knots — smut your coworker recommends that you see a massage therapist for your many, many muscle aches, and you do just that with massage therapist choi san. ♤ let's get physical, physical — smut (alt. yunho) all you wanted to do was focus on strength training, but two of the gym regulars decided to add some cardio into your life. ♤ prelude in e minor — smut (prof. series) your brain tells you to focus on your education, but your heart tells you to focus on professor choi. ♤ ripple effect — smut (summer boys series) you and san silently try to get the other to break first. ♤ rollin' — smut you go to punish san for wearing a revealing outfit, only for him to turn the tables on you. ♤ shit, this is red too — smut idol san goes to your home after months to see you, only to realize that you're not home; so, he needs to find a way to pass the time. ♤ superstar — smut (ssatz series) you punish idol san in real life because out of everyone in the limited theme cards you missed, it was only him. ♤ the better man — smut (ft. seventeen mingyu) your roommate and your college friend both have feelings for you. ♤ the three black tank tops of the apocalypse — smut (ft. seonghwa, mingi) these three wear black tank tops and you just bend over for them because... yeah... ♤ what we do to boys who don't listen — smut (brat series) san's jealousy lands him in hot water with you. ♤ work trips don't have to be boring — smut you are on a business trip and get to know san really well. ♤ you've got me speechless — smut (alt. seonghwa) the way they fuck you has got you speechless.
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titleleaf · 2 months
Holbein’s famous painting The Ambassadors probably portrays Jean de Dinteville, who in 1533 was the 29-year-old ambassador of France, and his friend Georges de Selve, the 25-year-old Bishop of Lavaur who visited London in the same year.
Holy fuck, you're telling me the dudes in The Ambassadors are twenty-nine and TWENTY-FIVE? Please... they should have been in the club...
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Also dramatically recontextualizing their appearances for me. I feel like I've seen both of these guys at the gym.
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harpersessentials · 1 year
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my next generation will spend a lot of time in komorebi - a world which, despite its amazing landscape, tends to bore me to death - so, to change that, i decided to look for a few fanmade lots to brighten things up a bit. this was the result, a list of favourite lots for mt. komorebi that i now share with you.
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1 - 241 Wakabamori 20x15
Wakabamori Hostel (Rental/Residential) by @rebouks
241 Wakabamori (Residential) by @mysimsloveaffair
241 Wakabamori (Residential) by @pixelco
Wakabamori 241 (Residential) by @pilcrow00b6
Traditional Japanese Home (Residential) by @simkatbuilds
2 - 242 Wakabamori 30x20
The Maeda Residence (Residential) by @ladychaos
Akiya (Haunted House) by @whyeverr
Newlyweds Japanese Home (Residential) by @ludicsim
242 Hasegawa (Residential) by @cerubean
3 - 243 Wakabamori 20x15
Japanese Cottage (Residential) by cross-design
Wakabamori's Cat Café (Café) by @incandescentsims
Natsukashii (Rental/Residential) by @grimsae
4 - Hazakura Lounge 30x20
Hādowāku Dojo (Gym) by @thepixelarchitect
Karaoke Bar Hazakura (Karaoke Bar) by @mikkimur-sims
Mt Komorebi Home (Residential) by @lilaicks
5 - 251 Wakabamori 50x50
Japanese Countryside House by @plantsimgirl
The Uchida Residence (Residential) by @ladychaos
Ryokan “Yukimatsu” (Rental) by @alerionjkeee
6 - 641 Haniamigawa 20x15
The Laurel House (Residential) by @moonlightowl-es
Maid Cafe and Some Manga (Restaurant) by @alerionjkeee
641 Haniamigawa (Residential) by @thepixelarchitect
7 - Hanamigawa Koen 30x20
Sushi Restaurant (Restaurant) by @mikkimur-sims
'umamichi’ & machiya (Restaurant) by @caelhinn
Senbamachi Street Food (Community Space) by @alerionjkeee
8 - Izakaya Ippai 30x20
Japanese Tavern (Bar) by @secretscones
honeyasume sento (Onsen Bathhouse) by @beetlemp3
Kawara no Yu (Onsen Bathhouse) by @whyeverr
Refuge de l’Aube (Residential) by @simsontherope
Old Townhouse (Residential) by @alerionjkeee
9 - 561 Shinrinyoku 20x15
Red Dragon (Night Club) by @mikkimur-sims
561 Shinrinyoku (Residential) by @alerionjkeee
561 Shinrinyoku (Residential) by @kazroze
561 Shinrinyoku (Residential) by @scarletts4
564 Shinrinyoku Apartments (Residential) by @alerionjkeee
10 - 531 Shinrinyoku 30x20
Downtown Senbamachi (Bar) by @ladychaos
leblanc bar, laundromat, café  (Bar) by @lizardtrait
Senbamachiya Market (Retail) by @whyeverr
531 Shinrinyoku (Residential) by @mikkimur-sims
11 - 5-1-1 Kiyomatsu 30x20
Winterland Shopping Street (Retail) by @mikkimur-sims
Snow Equipment Shop (Retail) by @thepixelarchitect
511 Kiyomatsu (Rental) by @mikkimur-sims
12 - 5-1-2 Kiyomatsu 30x20
512 Kiyomatsu (Rental) by @mikkimur-sims
Komorebi Motel & Bar (Bar) by @scarletts4
13 - Sutefani Onsen Bathhouse 30x20
La Source Émeraude (Onsen Bathouse) by @simsontherope
Nordic Spa (Spa) by @darthmol
14 - Kiyomatsu Point 50x50
The Sactuary of Komorebi (Park) by @alerionjkeee
Tinamatsu Snow Café (Café) by @simgurl
Kiyomatsu Lodge (Rental) by @darthmol
Onsen Bathhouse Sakura (Onsen Bathhouse) by @mikkimur-sims
15 - Top Mt Komorebi 20x20
Mt. Komorebi Peak (Special Lot) by @simgurl
Mt. Komorebi Castle (Special Lot) by @ariafaeyt
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ass-deep-in-demons · 1 year
The Fellowship at your local Fitness Club
(I'm at the bench press with Gimli, ogling Boromir probably)
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kithtaehyung · 9 months
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Ring in the new year with these new drops, starting today, January 6th until Friday, January 20th, midnight EST🥳🍊
Jazz de V Sweatshirt
Jazz de V Tee
Jazz de V Embroidered Sweatshirt
DDAENG Worldwide Sweatshirt (Black & Cornflower)
RKIVE Cycling Club Sweatshirt
Jeon’s Boxing Gym Sweatshirt
Jeon’s Boxing Gym Tee
Tangerine Love Club Tee (White & Ivory)
KNJ Lovers Club
KNJ Lover Boy
PJM Lover Boy
JJK Lover Boy
💌 All prints are available in either matte or glossy finish, and have the option to be framed.
☁️Please read all information on site and only buy the pre-order items if you are fine with everything stated!
🌐Shipping WW and domestic, and my loves in Brazil.. We have just added Brazil as a shipping destination!
🗯️Note: Seokjin’s vintage collection design is taking a bit longer than anticipated, but his should be ready for the next round along with something else veryyyyyyy soop-y🫣 Be ready!
Designs by @/studioagust. Do not repost, trace, or resell.
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betterthana-six · 3 months
| that was very punk rock of you! | an abby anderson gym playlist (ranked in order of how much I think she identifies with the vibe)
..••°°°°••..I take playlists very seriously if it isn't obvious ..••°°°°••..
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Control by Mannequin Pussy
Transformation by Nina Hendryx
All I Really Want by Alanis Morisette
Boys Wanna Be Her by Peaches
Run Like Hell by Pink Floyd
Glorified G by Pearl Jam
You First by Paramore
I Threw Glass at My Friend’s Eyes and Now I’m on Probation by Destroy Boys
Tom Sawyer by Rush
The Distance by CAKE
Sweet Emotion by Aerosmith
Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want by Deftones
Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit
You Oughta Know by Alanis Morissette
You Can Be Mean by Indigo De Souza
Decode by Paramore
Sex on Fire by Kings of Leon
Tamale by Tyler, The Creator
I Got Heaven by Mannequin Pussy
Wasting Your Time by Indigo de Souza
Supply/Demand by Sugar Pit
It’s Only Sex by Car Seat Headrest
Pedestrian at Best by Courtney Barnett
Desperado by Rihanna
Spiderhead by Cage The Elephant
Hell Above by Pierce The Veil
Supermassive Black Hole by Muse
On the Back Burner by The Reytons
Shout at the Devil by Mötley Crüe
I’m Yer Dad by GRLwood
Mount Everest by Labrinth
Harness Your Hopes by Pavement
Nice Mover by Gina X Performance
All or None by Pearl Jam
I’ll Be Around (feat. Timbaland) - Club Mix by CeeLo Green, Timbaland
Enter Sandman by Metallica
Gloom by Djo
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thegrandefinalestory · 10 months
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Der Ofen piepste. Das Rohrgemüse war fertig und musste bald raus. Du hast dir angewöhnt, immer auch mehr Gemüse zu machen, genauso wie es deine neue Freundin mag. Anni ist mit ihren 24 zwar um ein großes Eck jünger als du, dafür sorgt sie sich aber sehr um ihre -und damit deine- Gesundheit. Sie achtet auf Ernährung, bringt mehrmals wöchentlich ihren kurvigen Körper im Gym in Form, macht nebenbei noch ihren Master. Beruflich ist sie seit einem halben Jahr in einer Eventagentur zu finden, wo sie „digital content“ produziert. Ein paar Instagramvideos für Veranstaltungen, denkst du dir, und blickst auf die Uhr. Sie ganz so aus, als hätte sie wieder länger zu tun heute. Was für eine Arbeitsbiene, denkst du.
Und zu tun hat sie auch, deine Anni. Doch nicht so, wie du vermutest. Denn während du zuhause das von ihr genauestens aufgetragene Abendessen zubereitest, bekam deine Freundin am Rücksitz des Mercedes ihres Chefs gerade einen Proteinshake verabreicht. Indem der mehr als doppelt so alte Ex-DJ deine Anni tief auf seinen pulsierenden Schwanz drückte, den sie die letzten 15 Minuten hingebungsvoll gelutscht hatte – und er sich nun tief in dem bezaubernden Hals deiner Freundin ergoss.
Während dicke Spermaschübe von deiner Freundin artig geschluckt werden, hast du zuhause keine Ahnung, dass das ein fixer, wenn auch von dir verborgener Bestandteil ihres Jobs war. Und da gab es noch so manche mehr. Denn schon der Abend, an dem sie ihren zukünftigen Chef kennen lernte, endete nach dem Club damit, dass sie mit einer Kommilitonin bei ihm die Afterhour ausklingen ließen, gemeinsam im Whirlpool. Seine Eloquenz, Anziehung und sein Legendenstatus in der Szene führten dazu, dass recht bald beide bis dahin emanzipierten jungen Frauen ihn verführerisch von unten anblickten, als sie gemeinsam Zunge an Zunge seine Eier lutschten, während er ihnen Jobs anbot in seiner Eventfirma.
Er bräuchte affine Expertinnen für Social Media, die seine Events promoten. Und auch für sein Zweitbusiness in Frage kämen. Was das Zweitbusiness war, wussten die beiden Mädchen dann 2 Stunden später, als sie beide ineinander verschlungen seine Sahne aus dem Poloch der anderen herausschlürfte, während ihr Chef mit der Kamera groß draufhielt.
Und so kam deine Anni zu diesem Job, war viel unterwegs auf Events, produzierte viele Ankündigungvideos und Live-Stories, ganz offiziell. Und irgendwann am Abend kam dann immer der Moment, wo ihr Chef auftauchte, ihr die Kamera aus der Hand nahm, sie backstage oder in irgendeine Ecke zog, und sich von ihr seinen großen Schwanz verwöhnen ließ. Und deine Freundin fand Geschmack daran, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Sie fühlte sich begehrt, es hatte den Reiz des Verbotenen, wurde fürstlich entlohnt, sie erlebte Abenteuer und vor allem auch Unmengen an guten, hartem Sex. Wie an dem Abend, als der Chef deine Anni gemeinsam mit zwei Clubbesitzer in deren Büro über der Stage mit Blick auf das Publikum richtig durchnahmen, während der Headliner auf der Bühne stand. Wie er ihr danach nur einen knappen Bikini ließ, der ihre runden Brüste kaum, und die abgefüllte Pussy schon gar nicht bändigen konnte. Und sie nach dem Vierer jede Stunde einem anderen Geschäftspartner vorführte, der die junge Master-Studentin nach Belieben benutzen durfte. Kein Wunder, dass sie immer direkt unter die Dusche hüpfte, wenn sie zu dir heim kam.
An Tagen ohne Abendveranstaltungen spielte wieder „digital content“ eine Rolle, aber mit deiner Anni vor der Kamera. Ihr anonymer Onlyfans Account „deine clubslut“ erfreute sich großer Beliebtheit und Umsätze. Du bist natürlich nicht auf der Plattform unterwegs, aber würdest du über ihre Profil stolpern, so sähest du Videoclips von Anni unter DJ Pults mit fremden Schwänzen im Mund, lange ungeschnittene Produktionen mit ihrem Chef, der sie stundenlang im angrenzenden Schlafzimmer der Agentur durchnahm, und auch den best performer: Der Tag, an dem Anni ihren Chef als Gastvortragenden in ihren Master-Lehrgang mitgebracht hat, und er dann nach dem Vortrag deine Freundin und ihre Kursleiterin, die nur wenige Jahre älter war als sie und den Chef auch aus der Party-Szene kannte, mitten im Hörsaal abwechselnd in ihre gespreizten knackigen Ärsche fickte. Allein das Video brachte einen sechsstelligen Betrag ein. Warum war sie dann bei so einem Leben immer noch mit dir zusammen? Ganz einfach – ihr Chef will es so.
Genauso wie er jetzt den Snap deiner Freundin aus dem Auto heraus an seine Followerschaft teilt. Und wie er sich überlegt, ob er seine kleine Studentin hier noch durchficken soll, oder ob er sie jetzt aus dem Auto aussteigen lassen und die paar Meter zur Einfahrt eures Wohnhauses und zu dir gehen soll. Nach kurzem Zögern greift er wortlos erneut nach Annis Kopf. Du kannst warten.
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mousysims · 2 years
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mousy save; hold onto your hats
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i started with my go-to simlicy save, so most of the residential lots and many of the community lots are by simlicy. i agonized over lot placement and number of each type of lot; i only ever play one family so it makes sense for me to have fewer residential lots and tons of community lots. i'm missing a lot of packs so this is pretty carefully curated to fit with what i do have (i'm used to replacing wallpaper and some furniture for most gallery builds but if it's missing much more than that I try a different lot). i love community lots that a) have things for sims to do and b) look pretty. all of these fit and i highly recommend every single one!!
willow creek
strip mall by simlicy
blue velvet by simlicy
rosado lounge by bottsbotts (it's turned the wrong way in the screenshot lmfao i've since turned it the right way)
summer lane vinyl by pixelddump (cc required)
umbrage manor by simlicy
sushi bar by therealpraline
acadia springs park by silrosse
honeydew coffee shop by ratboysims
oasis springs
thriftea mirage by ratboysims
rock n roller diner by amy_alston93
calico community pool by silrosse
house of mango by silrosse
desert bloom by wafl
llama lanes by simlicy
magnolia promenade
l'heure de the by e-aplouf
magnolia complex by simlicy
simazon bookstore by irrelephant7
ice cream shop by anadius
newcrest mall by plasma-janes (cc required)
greasy goods by littledica (cc required)
monsun noodles by ratboysims
rollin park by ratboysims
george's brewpub by silrosse
solcaf by silrosse
rise and grind cafe by littledica (cc required)
industrial plant cafe by therealpraline
the forgotten by bottsbotts
les boules du lhama by e-aplouf
kids center by anadius
health and fitness center by jessiejessan
planete popemiel by e-aplouf
bamboo wok by silrosse
plant shop by simlicy
island bluffs by wafl
thriftea by kateemerald
old quad restaurant by simlicy
old town bridal by simlicy
old town center by simlicy
the new old quarter inn by simlicy
bathe de rill by simlicy
ocean crown by ratboysims
discotheque pan europa by moonbearsim
patisserie by stjernesky
san myshuno
planet honey pop! by allisas
culpepper heights by bottsbotts
the naked gnome by bottsbotts
casbah gallery by pictureamoebae (cc required)
stargazer lounge by ratboysims
skye gym by ratboysims (converted to a library in my save)
myshuno meadows by simlicy
brindleton bay
pupperstone park by thaisvolpe
vet clinic by simlicy
yacht club by simlicy
grimalkin kitchen and tap by quiecence90
cat cafe by therealpraline
bedlington boathouse by simlicy
deadgrass discoveries by simlicy
del sol valley
hotel by simlicy
studio pbp by roxxysims
ward park and cafe by pinneaple8904
orchid a go go by whyeverr
newcrest cinema and arcade by silrossse (renovated to fit into del valley in my save)
starbucks and gym by simlicy
pride music festival by kriint (i placed on a bigger lot and expanded on the existing one)
laguna mermaid beach by feliciabrenning
sapphire shores by kwizz66
sulani juice bar by simcubeez
ohan'ali beach by simlicy
hang loose hangout by vulpeculai
evergreen harbor
quarry building by marie-lennie-joe
utopia cafe by silrosse
warehouse nightclub by simlicy
the waterfront by luckyheather
sprucewood pool by ratboysims
mt. komorebi
matsu no yu by tamo-sim
komorebi onsen by tksims__0oy
senbamachi market by diviniityx
hanamigawa koen by kaledz
izakaya ippai x2 by mariakarita
restaurant and karaoke bar by bottsbotts
romantic woodland wedding by riemunen
granite lake by wafl (renovated to fit into henford-on-bagley in my save)
finchwick village hall by thesimline
the gnome's arms by yuliana_fib
high school by aharris00britney
auditorium by luzy_lou_77
thriftea by luzy_lou_77
lakeview park by tinynezumi
mt komorebi cafe by pchrseen
teddy’s pizza and arcade by ratboysims
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spawksstuff · 7 months
A Day at College According to De's Characters
Wake up
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Part time job at a warehouse (early shift)
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Drive to campus
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1st Class
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Walking across campus
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2nd Class - we know the answer!
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Lab hour
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Walk to the gym
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Kinesiology (MMA Course - luckily it's 100% attendance based)
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Lunch on the go
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Research in the archives
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Extra curricular - Checker Club
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Group project meeting
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Night roomie. G'night
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k-hippie · 1 year
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And of course, we have some mistakes in the links and in the cc content we are currently correcting ... What is a good Sims 3 World without a little headache ? :D And because we love difficulties, we are currently updating our own website ( which is a mess ) ... What else ? Nothing, everything is fine under the sun of this hot summer :D
The General Hospital is a Maxis one, but from Riverview. @nornities ( thanks A LOT for his/her patience to check Champignac ) pointed to us different things : missing mostly. so, somes of you may not see the Hospital ( Hopital des Bleuets ) in their game.
Bad links are currently corrected and both CC sims3packs folder and CC packages folder updated to include few missing stuff, including the Fresco Market items and the Skylight Studio roof elements we used + the Riverview Hospital :) HERE
The Open Swimming pool ( Champignac Bains Romains ) has lost its border texture ... don't worry : just replace with a one you like :)
The School is not the good one : too many missing stuff there, so we are currently uploading a new Champignac save game which should correct the little mistakes here and there HERE
Our Carpets Rabbit Holes folder had to be updated to get the Bistro RH : it is currently done ! But, you have to re-download the Rabbit Holes HERE
Our apologizes for this ! Really ... Anyway, we'll upload in the next hours a folder with ALL Community Lots and another one with ALL the residential Lots :) Just in case ... And here the 2 listings :
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Small Park : Monticule funéraire oublié - Colline des Celtes Small Park : Petit Fleuriste Small Park : La Vieille Tour no1 Small Park : La Vieille Tour no2 Small Park : Place Olivier Magnolia Horse Training Grounds : Elevage Pégase Junkyard : Neo Casse Stadium : Football Club Fire Station : Pompiers Volants Pool : Piscine Municipale Pool : Bains Romains de Champignac Diner : Brasserie du Cercle Gym : Gymnase Club Visitor Allowed : Boulangerie DeNimes Elixir Shop : Boutique d’élixirs : Elixirs et Reliques Theatre : Théâtre & Opéra Cemetary : Cimetière Civil Hospital : Hôpital des Bleuets Bookstore : Le Kiosque no5 Library : Bibliothèque V. Hugo Café : Café Catane Military Base : Bureau des Armées Police Station : Police Municipale Grocery Store : Epicerie des Halles Market : Marché Bio City Hall : Nouvelle Mairie Art Gallery: Villa Medicis Fishing Spot : Lac des Collines Criminal Hideout : Cyber Crime Beach : La Petite Plage Gypsy Wagon : Oeil d’Irma Science Lab : Bio Sciences Supernatural Hangout : Taverne du Nain Business & Journalism : Centre d’Affaires Consignment Store : Boutique & Brocante Bistro : Bistro Gastronomie Nectary : Le Monastère School : Ecole Municipale Vampire Bar & Cocktail : Midnight Lounge
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Maison Familiale : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Maison Bleu Indigo : 1 double bed Maison des Pensées : 2 double bed + 2 single bed Maison des Prés : 3 double bed + 1 single bed Maison Ensoleillée : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison des Colocs : 2 double bed Maison Élégante : 2 double bed + 2 single bed Maison Tournesol : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison Biscornue : 2 double bed + 1 single bed Maison des Haies : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Maison Neo Rustique : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison du Mardi : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison du Chanoine : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison de la Vieille Tour de Garde : 1 double bed Maison des Gardiens : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison des Roses : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Maison des Chardons : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison Nénuphars : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison du Bonjour : 1 double bed Maison en Coin : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison du Thym : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Maison Fougères : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Maison des Collines : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison du Coquelicot : 2 double bed Maison du Ginkgo : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Manoir Central : 2 double bed + 2 single bed Manoir Chapelle : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Mas des Vignes : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Ferme des Tortues : 2 double bed + 2 single bed Ancien Lavoir : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Ancienne Ferme : 1 double bed Intro de Qualité : 1 single bed Le Camp des Hippies : 1 double bed Le Bosquet de Gardenias : 1 double bed Champignac Starter no1 : 1 single bed Champignac Starter no2 : 1 single bed
We have carefully furnished all the houses of Champignac to avoid half empty houses when visiting your Sims friends in town but not too much to avoid useless weight ;)
Do you know the origin of the name Champignac ?
We'll ... Champignac is a village from Spirou & Fantasio which is one of the most popular classic Franco-Belgian comics. The series, which has been running since 1938, shares many characteristics with other European humorous adventure comics like The Adventures of Tintin and Asterix. It has been written and drawn by a succession of artists ... Spirou and Fantasio are the series' main characters, two adventurous journalists who run into fantastic adventures, aided by Spirou's pet squirrel Spip, the Marsipulami, and their inventor friend the Count of Champignac ... :D
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Once again, sorry for the inconvenient. All files should be ok now, and oh ! one last detail ... Have Fun ! \o/
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Um... Maybe reading the article would be clever?
It isn't about who performs the best but rather which club respect their players the best? I think it's just logical that the Barça players deserve more than a tent to train.
The amount of trophies won has nothing to do with that.
Sometimes I wonder if some of you want women's football to genuinely grow.
It's the same when Chelsea fans mock Arsenal because they don't win the league but only break attendance records. Yes, winning trophies is important for the players, the clubs and the fans. BUT we also need club who take actions and push the game forward. And that goes with treating their women's team with the same respect than their male counterparts.
¿y tú no puedes leer o qué? lo acabo de decir: este tema está cerrado. basta ya. o vete a la mierda. a mi me da igual. 💅
(and yes, this is my blog and i will decide what i want to talk about. if you want to discuss something, then make your own damn blog.)
plus, are you thick or just ignorant? because for the record, the barça girls have more than just the tent as a gym, and have a proper gym in the ciutat esportiva.
it's much easier to train outdoors in the beautiful weather that we have in barcelona nearly year round. sorry not sorry.
and mind you that barça has been leading the way in pushing women's football forward. and to think otherwise, means you are either a new fan or just lack any grasp of futfem history or reading comprehension skills. or it's just pure and simple jealousy...
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and for the anon who thinks i don't know anything about wsl fans: arsenal fans (and man city fans) have always been nicer and less aggressive to me than chelsea fans, so i'll take my personal experience over anything you have to say, thank you very much.
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acosmicdisappointment · 7 months
— enzo.
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is that EMILIO SAKRAYA? oh, no, that’s LORENZO "ENZO" PERNAS, a TWENTY-SIX year old PERSONAL TRAINER AT GIMNASIO O2 AIRE who uses HE/HIM pronouns. they currently live in LAS TIERRAS DEL SOL IN QUILPUÈ, and the character they identify with most is THOR ODINSON FROM THE MCU. hopefully they find their own little paradise here in el país de los poetas!
FULL NAME. lorenzo pernas NICKNAME(S). enzo, zolo, lorry (ONLY by his mother) AGE/BIRTHDAY/ZODIAC. 26 / august 16th / leo SEXUALITY. bicurious BIRTHPLACE. berlin, germany HEIGHT. 6'1" EYE COLOR. dark brown ILLNESSES/CONDITIONS. a charismatic manipulative asshole TATTOOS/PIERCINGS/SCARS. eyebrow piercing (left), chest tattoos, minor scars from boxing (faint scar near his left eyebrow now covered by a piercing; facial scar (right side), knuckle scars, large scar from his right shoulder across his back now covered by tattoos) FC. emilio sakraya
fiercely protective brave charismatic loud insensitive arrogant
tw: manipulation, parental neglect if you will, body image — Enzo was a product of yet another forbidden romance between a wealthy married businessman and a singer/waitress. His father was a well-known charismatic yet manipulative public figure while his mother was a simple and humble individual. At that time, his mother wasn't aware of his father's other family (or that they were the other family) — He witnessed firsthand the power of manipulation. His father used guilt trips, gaslighting, and emotional blackmail to control those around him. He kept telling her that he would leave his family for them but he really wouldn’t. — As a child, Enzo became adept at reading people, understanding their vulnerabilities, and exploiting them to his advantage. This early exposure to manipulation shaped Enzo's worldview, leading him to believe that manipulating others was a necessary skill for survival (yikes) — Enzo constantly fought for affection and attention from his father. This struggle has left him with a deep-seated need for control and validation. — Moving to Valparaiso made it harder for Enzo to win his father's favor. The good boy act obviously didn’t work so he did the total opposite. — Enzo became a little reckless and he found out he thrived on attention. He enjoyed the thrill of keeping people guessing about his intentions, often blurring the lines between friendship and something more. Enzo was skilled at creating a sense of intimacy without ever truly committing, leaving those around him unsure of where they stood. — Enzo's inability to be clear about his boundaries left his partners feeling uncertain about where they stood, leading to misunderstandings and heartache (hi luna) — Somewhere in the middle of all that, Enzo found his love for fitness. The work he does for his body is an extension of his mask. He learned that if he works hard enough, he can use that appearance as leverage to get what he wants and he can use that to further whatever serves his narrative.
to read to see to listen
— almost ALWAYS loses his keys (don’t ask him why) — would be the type to randomly challenge you to a fight (literally anywhere and anytime) — absolutely LOVES TO EAT (gym bod who?) — but is allergic to shrimp (the maximum he can eat is 6 pieces) — knows how to sing and play the guitar (y’know boy's down bad when he serenades his partner) — a big attention whore (srsly give him attention and you automatically got him hooked) — often goes shirtless (a way for him to show his bod, he's cocky like that i hate him) — just got back from Germany (he's still trying to get his father's attention poor boy)
tortured man club — a little group chat of men who strive to be better both as a partner and a person (or not who knows) enemies — sigh hello to the members of the 'enlozers (enzo is a loser) club™' make him your villain idc ride or die — enzo's a great friend if you give him a chance more tbd! you can definitely slide into my dms to plot
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ikram1909 · 4 months
a new article on a sports newspaper today with an update on gavi: https://www.lesportiudecatalunya.cat/barca/article/2425850-gavi-a-tota-maquina.html
There are only eight days left until the start of the European Championship in Germany, but Pablo Martín Páez Gavira missed this train months ago, when on November 19, at José Zorrilla in Valladolid, the Barça footballer's knee said enough in that fateful match against Georgia, a qualifier for the European Championship, Gavi tore the cruciate ligament in his right knee, an injury that also affected the external meniscus. Six and a half months have passed since then, and on June 6, Gavi is completely focused on one thing: the return. It's getting closer every day. Its evolution is very good.
Yesterday, Barça published a video on its social media where you can see Gavi working at maximum intensity in the sports city's facilities, doing high-intensity exercises in the gym to strengthen the muscles in the affected area. The recovery is going very well, even better than expected at the start, but it is also known that with this type of injury you have to be careful. Unhurried positivism. This is the motto. But it is also true that Gavi's attitude infects anyone with optimism. His character makes him unique, and the intensity and passion he transmits in the field is the same attitude with which this recovery work has been undertaken from day one. Hansi Flick fell in love with Gavi's engagement in the first contact they both had a few days ago in the sports city. Flick also met at the Barça facilities with other injured players, such as Frenkie de Jong and Alejandro Balde, but in the specific case of Gavi he was fascinated by his positivity and his attitude towards work. It is the discipline and fighting spirit that Flick imposed on Bayern and that he will now try to instill in Barça. Gavi already has this built in as standard and is destined to be an important figure in Flick's plans when he becomes available again.
This last season 2023/24, the one from Los Palacios was only able to play a total of 15 games with the Blaugrana shirt (12 in the league and 3 in the Champions League). Xavi and Barça have missed him. Neither the player nor Flick set a date for their return, but Hansi already knows that Gavi's signing will be the big signing of the 2024/25 season. The forecasts are, if all goes well, that the culer midfielder will join training with his teammates in the month of August, and he is expected to play again around the month of October. The president Joan Laporta already warned on Tuesday that this summer the club does not intend to carry out major market operations, only the strictly necessary ones, specifically he said that there would be no major sales or major signings, and in this scenario of minimums, the return from Gavi will be the best reinforcement.
Gavi's profile fits well into Flick's football idea of ​​pressing high up. Flick's football is intensity, and Gavi's virtues fit in the advanced midfielder within the 4-2-3-1 system that Flick has always used. He would also fit in the double pivot, although in this position Flick knows that he would see one of his great virtues diminished, which is the arrival in the opponent's area.
Xavi Hernández has always described Gavi as "a heart with legs". His passion and temperament, never giving up a split ball, make him a treasure for any manager, and everything suggests he will end up being an important figure for Flick as well, even if the player starts at the clear disadvantage to miss the pre-season and the start of the season and lag behind his teammates in terms of pace of competition in the goal of securing a position in the starting eleven. The good feelings that the footballer has at the moment of his recovery phase is the best news for Hansi Flick.
As a curiosity, this coming season Gavi will have the opportunity to set foot again in the José Zorrilla, the stadium of the misfortune of his injury. Valladolid's confirmed promotion to the first division makes it possible. Everything will depend on the calendar, on which day Valladolid-Barça is set and on which Gavi's return date ends up being.
Thank you so much anon you're the best ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
So they're still insisting flick did meet Gavi already and they talked.
I love how this article is basically a live letter about Gavi and his character they're so real for that 😭😭 he's really amazing and I can't wait for him to come back ☹️
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