#clyde logan one shot
Etsy Shop is RE-OPENING!
Hi All!
I'm re-opening my Etsy shop! 🥰
For those of you that are new I own an Etsy shop where I take personalized commissions for Adam Driver and Marvel character one shots.
I'm happy to work with you on whichever character, storyline or personalized element you would like. You can also request personalised versions of fics I have already published here or on AO3.
There are 1k & 2k options for both new NSFW and SFW fics.
Please get in touch if you would like to discuss ideas. 😍
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brideofkylosolo · 2 years
Writer Wednesday Fic
Writer Wednesday Week 32
Tagging @writer-wednesday
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A Fall Surprise at the Pumpkin Patch
Clyde X Kadlyn (OC) (Logan Lucky)
Clyde and Kadlyn take their kids to the local pumpkin patch for some fall fun.
Warnings:  Cuteness, fluff, family, animals
     It was no secret that fall was Clyde Logan’s favorite season.  From the cooler weather to the foliage, to the various fall festivals in the area, he loved everything about autumn.  Especially going to Thompson’s Farms, the local pumpkin patch with his family.
     “Are we there yet?” his eldest daughter Rylee asked from her seat in the family van.
     “Almost, punkin’,” Clyde told her as he carefully drove the van down the road.
     “Are there gonna be animals there?” Nathan, the couple's youngest boy asked.
     “It’s a farm, it’s gonna have animals,” Daniel, his older brother replied.
     “Nah-uh,” Nathan retorted.  “That tree farm we went to to get our Christmas tree didn’t have any animals.”
     “That’s different,” Daniel said defensively.
     “Alright boys, that’s enough,” Kadlyn, Clyde’s wife told her two boys as Clyde turned onto a gravel road.
     Soon, they made their way to the grass parking lot.  Clyde parked the car as his youngest daughter, Layne made a noise from her car seat.
     “What munchkin?” he asked.  “You ready to get out and pick out your pumpkin?”
     Layne made another happy noise.  Clyde just smiled.  He opened the door and carefully took her out of her car seat, cradling her against his wide chest.  She made a happy coo as she settled.  Clyde smiled as he handed his infant daughter off to Kadlyn; he then got the red wagon from the back seat as his other four children climbed out.  Everleigh, his middle daughter started to take off but he managed to grab her in time.
     “Where do you think you’re going, little miss?” he asked her as he scooped her up with his good hand.
     “I want down,” the little girl whined as Clyde placed her in the wagon along with Nathan.
     “You’ll get down soon enough, baby,” Kadlyn told her daughter as Layne cooed in her arms.
     “I want down now!” Everleigh stated as she started to climb out of the wagon.
     “Everleigh Rose,” Kadlyn said in her signature motherly tone that only she had.
     The little girl stopped, pouting as she sat.  It made Clyde chuckle to himself.  Only Kadlyn could rein in their kids by simply saying their names.  She was by no means a strict mother to her brood but she also didn’t tolerate any sort of misbehaving either.  Of course, none of their five children ever, if rarely, misbehaved, lucky for them.
     “I’m hungry,” said Nathan as they walked inside the gates to the Pumpkin farm.  “Can I get a grilled cheese?”
     “I want chicken nuggets!” Everleigh interjected.
     “We’ll see what they have, ok buddy,” Clyde told his kids.
     “Look,” Rylee, the couple’s oldest daughter exclaimed.  “They have hay rides!  Can we go on that mommy?  Please?”
     “I wanna do the corn maze,” Daniel said.
     “We’ll do both,” Kadlyn told them as the family walked over to the line for the hayrides.
     Suddenly, a black puppy came bounding up to them.  It immediately attempted to climb into the wagon, making Rylee, Daniel, Nathan, and Everleigh burst into laughter.
     “Puppy!” Rylee happily exclaimed as the tiny dog hopped up and down.  The dog stood on its hind legs and began to lick Rylee’s face; the little girl giggled.  “That tickles!”
     Clyde picked the dog up.  “Cute little feller, aren’t ya?” he remarked as the puppy licked his nose.
     “Can we keep him?” Daniel asked.
     “I think he’s the owner’s,” Kadlyn told her son as a young woman wearing a tan set of overalls walked up.
     “There you are, you little rascal,” the woman said.  “Sorry about that.  He keeps getting out of the barn.”
     “Is she your puppy?” asked Rylee.
     The women smiled. “Well, he’s the farm’s puppy.  His mama had him and his siblings a few weeks ago.”
     “What’s his name?” asked Daniel.
     “He doesn’t have one.”  The woman gave Kadlyn and Clyde a smile.  “He’s actually looking for a home if you folks are interested.”
     That news excited the kids.  “Can we take him home daddy?” Rylee inquired.
     Clyde and Kadlyn exchanged looks.  “I dunno baby girl…”
     Rylee took his good hand in her hands.  She looked up at him with a pleading look.  “Pleeeease Daddy?  We promise we’ll take good care of it.”
     “I guess so,” he replied.  “So long as your Momma says it’s ok.”
     Rylee and Daniel turned to look at Kadlyn.  She rolled her eyes as she smiled.  “Alright, we can take the puppy home.”
     Rylee, Daniel, and Nathan hopped up and down in excitement as the woman handed Clyde the puppy.  “I wanna name him Olaf!” stated Rylee
     “No, that’s a dumb name,” Daniel retorted.  “Let’s name him Rusty.”
     “I wanna called him Bones!” interjected Nathan.
     “How bout we let your Momma pick his name?” Clyde suggested.
     Kadlyn paused to think.  “How about Oakley?”
     The three kids nodded.  “Yeah, I like that name,” said Daniel.
     Clyde liked that name as well.  “I like that name, too.”  He looked at the puppy.  “You like that?”
     Oakley licked his nose.  Clyde guessed that was yes.
     He smiled as Kadlyn scratched the puppy’s head.  “Well, welcome to the family, little Oakley.”  Clyde had a feeling the newest edition to their family was going to fit right in.
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paintbrushnebula · 13 days
Gilmore Girls is so so good and I haven't even been able to pay attention to most of it since my sister has been playing it on the tv while I'm battling writer's block and self doubt to finish a tangled one shot while reading Queen Elizabeth: A Personal History and fortunately I got 788 words written down so far and right now we're at season 6 and Rory's just dropped out of Yale after her she helped her new boyfriend Logan and his buddies steal a yacht and Rory's mom and father figure are losing their minds over how they're scared she's throwing her life away to be Bonnie and Clyde with Logan and it made me wonder if this type of scenario was exactly what Rio and Jeff Morales thought would happen to Miles by being with Gwen like that's pretty funny and yeah its sad bc they dont know the truth and they must've been so scared to not know what's happening but its funny like they thought he'd drop out of Brooklyn Visions to join Gwen and her pals to steal a house boat or smth,
but what makes this so funny is im imagining a scenario where Jeff and Rio are arguing with Miles about being with Gwen, and Jeff is just pacing back and forth across the room behind Rio, who's standing with her arms crossed in front of Miles, who's seated on the couch. Rio's giving her stern speech and then Jeff just cuts in with "I saw this on TV somewhere once! Gilmore Girls! Yeah! What happened after Rory started going out with Logan? THEY STOLE A YACHT. Then she DROPPED OUT OF SCHOOL. Mi Amor! Our son is gonna STEAL A YACHT, and DROP OUT OF SCHOOL!"
thank you for listening to me ramble, this has cathartic for me
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swiss-mrs · 5 months
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greetings through the screen!
i'm swiss, a jack of all trades, currently a writer. as i've married into the sanchez family, i, too, transverse the mulitverse. at this convergence, i am the master.
choose your path, enjoy your adventures, and safe travels.
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Life Eternal (Series, Ongoing)
Party Girls (One Shot)
Evermore (Series, Ongoing)
Special Places (One Shot)
Boyfriend!Eddie (Drabble, Plus Sized/Mid Sized Reader)
Senior Year Sweethearts (Drabble, Sinclair!Reader)
Along for the Ride (One Shot, Collab🥰)
Catching Joe's Attention at a Club (Drabble)
Haunted Haus (One Shot, Request, Goth Club Owner!Reader)
#WEIRD☆GIRL (One Shot)
Theater Kid (One Shot)
(Coming Soon)
Black Velvet (One Shot)
Your Shotgun Rider (One Shot, Request, Black Velvet pt.2)
Second Chances (One Shot, Request)
Domesticity (One-Shot, Request)
Employee Development Plan (One-Shot, Request)
Let There Be War (Series, Ongoing/Hiatus)
Padawan and the Princess (One-Shot, Request)
Swisslist (General Taglist): @rosecentury @solacedthistest
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brewsterispunkk · 2 years
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hi hi hi!! im mostly switching from tumblr to ao3 for fic, so if you wanna stay up to date, you can find me there! if not, enjoy some of my older stuff below :)
one shots:
la que amo: part i. part ii.
die for you in secret
marriage of convenience
one shots:
angel of small death
sunshine state.
“i don’t care”
the tutor (2) (3) (4)
hurts so good (hiatus)
diamonds and stones
steddie fic recs
mando fic recs
aemond targaryen fic recs
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rebelrebelwrites · 1 year
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers ❤️
Thanks for the tags @bad-surprise and @wyrd-syster
Mine are all from other fandoms, but just in case any Reylos still follow me or your sexual awakening was also Jareth the Goblin King 😂, I'll share my 5 favorite fics that I’ve written w/ all the old shit I made for them:
1. when the moon met the sun in the sky [reylo fantasy au | E | 71k | 20/20] — To date my proudest work, just because it was fun to try and attempt to evoke a Miyazaki-style fantasy world, and the world-building was so much fun.
"Who?" Rey asked.
She knew who. But she didn't know what else to say.
The man called Kylo Ren — Ben, her mind whispered — rolled his shoulders, a tick she'd seen before, a thousand times at least; an echo of a boy she used to know.
He seemed to notice. He took a tentative step toward her. When she flinched in response, he froze.
"Don't do that," he said, soft as a psalm. His dark eyes darted over every inch of her.
"Do what?" she asked.
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2. Boon [reylogan heist au | E | 39k | 12/20] — This is such a niche fic in the first place because it’s a crossover between SW and Logan Lucky, but man, it was so fun and Rey/Clyde are so soft. I’d never attempted to write a heist and I obviously didn’t finish but I still have a fondness for this (permanently? IDK) on hiatus little fic.
“Your jar looks like it’s full of stars,” Sadie said, gaping at it.
“It does,” Clyde agreed. He raised his own. “Time to set them free?”
Sadie nodded, skipping into the night to release hers. As Rey turned to follow, Clyde snaked his good hand around her wrist.
“Follow me.”
He led her around the house, where the night felt denser, darker, somehow warmer. Underfoot, wild daisies swayed in the dying summer breeze.
“Here,” he murmured. She smiled at him, then twisted the top of her jar off. He followed suit. Together, they shook the little bugs free — to fly away, blinking little lights in the darkness; hazy yellow stars they might touch.
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3. Crown Glass [reylo fantasy au | M | 4k | 1/1] — I love this one because it just sort of came into being; a prompt/gift one-shot that took on a mind of its own, but I got to play more with present tense and some high-fantasy elements bouncing around in my brain.
She shouldn’t be able to find it. But she does.
It stands tall, tucked away in the back of the cellar; she weaves through abandoned armor, crusted cauldrons, and shelves and shelves of spellbooks to reach it. It’s old, ancient even; she can feel that, even if she’d never set eyes on it, full-length and ringed in circles of crown glass that shimmer in the gloom.
She reaches out a hand, skimming the surface–
And then a world appears on the other side.
A room, awash in milky moonlight. A desk, buried by books. A bed…
And a man.
She draws her hand back, heart thumping as loud as the magic in her ears.
The world flickers and fades back into blackness.
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4. This is the Sign You've Been Looking For [reylo modern au | E | 29k | 10/10] — My first real Reylo fic and what got me back into writing after years away, so I have to give it credit! Also my first ever AU, and Virgin artist Ben Solo and sign maker Rey were so sweet and sad but with a nice HEA.
"I'm sorry," Rey murmured, drawing close. She could only seem to look at her feet.
He pressed a large palm to her face, tilting her head up to look at him. The music filtering in from the living room was noticeably softer; vaguely, Rey recognized Elton's "Your Song" playing in the background and decided it was a good idea to rest her hands on Ben's hips.
He glanced down at her touch, swallowing hard.
"Don't be," he hummed.
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5. Muse [Labyrinth canonverse fic | E | 82k | 20/20] — I have a lot of Feelings about this fic, but I have to include it even though a part of me wants to edit it into oblivion, haha. I feel like I’ve come so far as a writer since finishing this in my early twenties, but I’ll always appreciate this for how it helped me improve, for how it gave me an avenue to do more with fantasy world-building, and for the nice response it got in a small little fandom.
"Why did you give me the peach?"
He stared at her, his expression unfathomable.
"Are you going to answer me?" asked Sarah quietly.
"You know why I gave it to you," replied Jareth, "To make you forget."
"No," continued Sarah, "I know. That wasn't what I meant. Why did you give me the peach, knowing that I would never be able to leave after taking a bite?"
Tagging: @demonscantgothere @scriberated @myrsinemezzo @thrillofhope and @formerlyir
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daddykylokenobi · 1 year
Clyde Logan X Y/N chapter 1
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Warnings- alcohol consumption, some cussing.
It had been a few months since Jimmy and Clyde got their heist money, for the most part life was back to normal except for not struggling to pay the bills. Everything seemed to be going great for the boys, they had money And women in their lives.
Clyde’s bar fling with ‘Sarah’ was going well, they had been on 4 dates and he was honestly surprised that she was interested in him. Before their 5th date one of Jimmy’s high school buddies who had joined the local police informed him of Sarah’s real identity on accident, he thought that Sarah and Clyde were actually a thing and after he asked a few innocent questions at the bar her cover was immediately blown. Clyde promptly canceled the 5th date and really had been taking it hard, since returning home from his service he hadn’t dated much and he really thought that what him and Sarah had going was special, it didn’t make things any easier for him since Jimmy was now always bringing around Sylvia which made him feel even more single than he already was, I mean the most recent woman to be interested in him was an FBI agent trying to put him in jail for Pete’s sake.
“Hey Clyde” Jimmy had just sat at on a stool at the bar, it was supposed to be the night of his and Sarah’s next date and the gloom surrounding him was unreal.
Clyde silently nodded towards Jimmy as he reached up in the overhead cabinet to grab a short whiskey glass.
Jimmy looked around the quiet bar, there was an older man sitting by himself at the far end and two cute girls on the other side, the one had shoulder length blonde hair and was wearing a flashy yellow sundress, the other girl was wearing jeans and a simple but flattering black top. The blonde seemed to fit in with the area and oozed country girl chic while the other seemed slightly out of place with her from out of town look.
Then snapping Jimmy away from his gaze on the girls Clyde set a glass in front of him containing of course, whiskey.
“How’re ya doin’?” Jimmy asked taking a sip from his drink.
“I’m doin’ fine.” Clyde didn’t bother to look his brother in the eye as he focused on wiping down the bar counter.
“I know you two were s’posed to go out tonight.”
Clyde continued staring down. “Mhm.”
The boys’ focus was quickly shifted from their conversation to the one across the bar.
The blonde girl had just slapped her left hand down onto the counter as she stared down at her phone.
“What is it?” Her friend asked as she leaned over trying to see her phone.
“Guess- who just asked me to come over!” The blonde squealed as she brought her hands to her face.
“Please don’t say Chr-“ the friend was cut off.
“Chris! He wants to know if I wanna come over right now! Oh honey I am so sorry but I can’t pass up this opportunity!” Her small town accent was thick.
Before the friend could say anything to try and convince her sundress’d companion to stay she had already hopped off the barstool and gathered her things, “I’ll text you in the morningggg!” She sang as she quickly kissed her friends cheek then ran off to the exit.
“Good lord..” the friend shook her head as she picked up her drink and shot the rest of it, she sighed as she set the glass back down onto the counter.
Clyde and Jimmy both exchanged a similar look to eachother then went back to what they were doing.
Jimmy followed the girls actions and finished his drink in one last gulp, “Well if ya need anything just let me know okay?” He tried to sound sincere as he leaned himself against the counter as he stood.
“I told you I’m fine.” Clyde replied quickly, he was trying to hold back his annoyance, he knew Jimmy just wanted to help but he needed his time alone.
Jimmy got the message from his brothers tone and made his way to leave, he gave him a little nod before exiting the bar.
Clyde clenched his fist as he watched Jimmy leave, he didn’t want to be rude to his brother but he didn’t want to talk about it, Sarah had been the first girl to show interest in him in so long and it was all fake, just a facade to try and get to him. This hurt Clyde’s self esteem pretty badly even if he wouldn’t admit it, he wanted to put on a brave face to his family and customers but as the night got later and the time him and Sarah were supposed to meet had passed he felt the heaviness bare on his shoulders.
The older man had left the bar and the only one left was the girl who got ditched by her friend for whoever “Chris” was. Clyde hadn’t seen the girl in the bar or town before.
“Need another refill?” He asked as he roamed over to her.
“Oh man” she huffed out as she looked down at her empty glass. “I think I probably should’ve stopped at the last 4” she chuckled as she looked upto Clyde, she had a soft smile and her cheeks were dusted pink with intoxication.
“One of those nights huh?” Clyde returned the smile as he began to mix another gin and tonic for her.
“Yeah…” she looked down as the smile faded. She wasn’t the type to overshare but the alcohol swimming through her veins encouraged otherwise. “It’s just my cousin Jess, she has this stupid guy she likes who’s only using her to sleep around and she’s like ‘I can fix him!’” She pinched inbetween her eyebrows then continued. “I love her to death it’s just so dumb..”
Clyde sat the drink in front of her, “Well that’s too bad, a guy shouldn’t just use a girl like that, it’s just not right.” He nodded his head as to portray his opinion stronger.
“I’ve told her soooo many times but she doesn’t care, she says she’s in love!” She threw her hands up and shrugged her shoulders. “Makes me feel better about being single knowing that that’s the kinda stuff I’d have to deal with..” she said as she trailed her middle finger around the rim of her glass before picking it up and bringing it to her lips.
Clyde watched her play with her glass before taking a sip and as he replayed what she said in his head he realized something.
“You don’t sound like you’re from round’ here” he tilted his head slightly to the side as he leaned his side against the counter. She was missing the signature country accent like everyone from around there.
“Oh I’m not,” she explained. “I’m from Colorado but I have family here and in Ohio, I just moved this past winter.”
So that’s why he hadn’t seen her before.
“Colorado huh? I haven’t been out there in a long time. Whose your family round’ here? I’m pretty well acquainted with most of the town.” He said gesturing around, that was one of the perks of having a popular bar in town is getting to know everyone And their business.
“It’s mostly extended family, my close relatives are all in Ohio, I have an uncle who works at the mechanic shop in town, Earl?”
“Oh! Yeah I know him everyone in town does,” Clyde couldn’t believe she was related to the same Earl who helped with their heist.
“Yup, my dad moved here too recently. Him and my mom got a divorce not long ago so he came here to be around his brother so I came to stay for awhile to help him kinda transition.”
“Oh, well I’m sorry to hear about that.” Clyde’s parents had their fair share of problems in their day so he wasn’t shy to parental trouble.
“Eh it’s been a long time coming.” She shrugged then took another drink. “I’m Y/n by the way.” She reached out her free left hand.
Clyde stared down a moment before reaching in with his robotic left hand.
She shook it nonchalantly then sat her drink down, she had already finished it and quickly realized it was definitely one too many.
Clyde felt appreciative that she wasn’t weird about his hand, she reached in like nothing was different and that made him smile. “I’m Clyde Logan.”
She smiled back, “I’m glad to meet some good people around town, I’ve been so busy since moving here that I haven’t had much chance to get to know many.”
Clyde didn’t know if it was just from the alcohol but the way Y/n had smiled back at him felt subtly flirtatious.
Clyde had roamed over to the light switches underneath and bar and flipped them, the kitchen workers had shuffled out the door leaving just them two left in the bar. “Well I’m glad to be one of ‘em” he said as he made his way back to her.
“Oh shoot it’s getting late isn’t it?” Y/n scrambled to look at her watch, it read 1:56am. “Oh gosh I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to keep you here so late!” She apologized as she began to collect her things and slip her purse over her shoulder.
“Don’t worry about it, I’m usually the last one out anyways.”
Y/n was digging through her purse aimlessly before she slumped over defeatedly. “Shit.” She crushed under her breath.
“Everything alright?” He asked leaning over the counter to look at her dejected posture.
“Well,” she said standing up from her stool. “I just remembered that Jess picked me up earlier tonight so I don’t have my car here.” She put her face in her hands and shook her head. “I definitely drank too much because I totally forgot.” She half heartedly chuckled as her face got red from embarrassment.
“Oh well I can drive ya home, it’s really not a problem.” To be honest Clyde was glad to do this, the longer he got to be around someone and not have to spend the evening alone the happier he was feeling, especially since it was a pretty girl who enjoyed talking to him.
“Are you positive it’s not an issue? I’m sure I could call someone.” Y/n felt horrible for needing a ride, she really shouldn’t have been driving anyways but still.
“Not at all.” He said as he leaned down to flip off the last switch.
After Y/n paid her bill and Clyde finished up a few last things they made their way out of the building, Clyde being himself opened the door for her on the way out and made sure she got in the car okay, she wasn’t fall down drunk but she definitely wasn’t sober enough to be driving or walking home.
“I just live right off Main Street at the apartments.” Y/n explained as they left the bars parking lot.
She began to really feel the effects of her drinking, it’s all fun in games until you have to stand up and walk then that’s when it hits you. She rested her head back against the headrest and let her eyes close. “I’d just like to say that even though I do think you’re a good guy I do in fact have a taser.” She smirked as she lifted one finger in the air.
“Well I don’t think you’ll be needin’ to use it tonight.” Clyde chuckled as he looked over at her. The warm summer breeze from her cracked window blew her (insert/color) hair gracefully in front of her face, her cheeks were still flushed but now more of a red than pink.
“Just sayinggg” she hummed.
They sat in comfortable silence as they drove down a couple of back streets. Clyde was glad he wasn’t alone, even though him and Sarah were only talking about 3 weeks he was devastated when he found out she was an FBI agent and just trying to find evidence on him and Jimmy, all the time they spent talking and getting to know eachother was for nothing and he felt used crime or no crime.
“I sure hope you don’t have work tomorrow.” He spoke up insinuating her impending hangover.
“Sure do.” She sighed.
“Damn I-I’m sorry I really shouldn’t of made ya that last drink.” Clyde stumbled over his apology as a slight tinge of guilt seeped into him.
Y/n slightly laughed at his apology, “Its not like you forced me to drink it,” she smirked looking over at him. “Although it would’ve been hard to say no..”
Clyde caught eyes with her before glueing them back to the road, he was Not going to flirt with an intoxicated woman, he might have just recently robbed thousands of dollars but he knew better than to take advantage of her intoxicated state.
“So where do you work?” He asked quickly changing the subject as a heat rose in his face and his grasp on the steering wheel became sweaty.
“I have a cleaning business I started up when I moved here, I did it back in Colorado and I really enjoyed it so I thought why not?” She said shrugging her shoulders.
“Huh that’s interestin’, do you do like stores or..?” He asked trying to keep the conversation going.
“Oh no it’s all regular people, that’s why I liked it so much back west because you really get to help people out and get to know them personally, it’s not just some soul sucking corporate job ya know?” Y/n explained.
“Mm.” Clyde nodded as he rounded a corner and saw the apartments coming into view. “Well that’s real neat you found something that let ya do that for people.” Clyde honestly appreciated her sense of care for others.
“Mhm.” She agreed. The car pulled up into the apartment lot and Clyde set the gear in park. “Well hey thank you again for giving me a ride,” she said unbuckling her seat belt. “I seriously owe you one.”
“Don’t mention it, just get up there safe.” He said gesturing to the stairs that led upto the entrance.
“I will.” Y/n smiled as she opened her door and got out, she then shut the door and leaned down into the open window. “I’ll see you around Clyde Logan.” She waved him goodbye before disappearing up the set of stairs.
Clyde nodded her goodbye and watched as she left to make sure she got up them okay. As he drove off headed for his own home he felt a bit of weight lifted off his shoulders, although his initial plans for this night were drastically different than what he thought they would be he was pleasantly surprised with the way they turned out. As he drove home he couldn’t help but keep thinking about Y/n and how much he hoped that he would see her around soon.
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andrinanightshade1 · 1 year
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And there's a hand, my trusty fiere! And gie's a hand o' thine!
(T, one shot, 990 words)
A Clydphelia meet-cute on Hogmanay.
Pairing: Ophelia/Clyde Logan
Read it on AO3
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ev3rmichelle · 1 year
I'll Be Waiting
For Clyde Logan, it all started with Peter Pan.
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Rated T
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ao3feed-clydephelia · 24 days
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
Get the Girl
Clyde Logan x fem!Reader
Summary: With being the best friend of Mellie Logan for years, you got to know her two brothers quite good as well. You noticed whenever you were in the ‘Duck Tape’, that Clyde had cast an eye on you. And you? You liked him as well, but... Clyde was way too shy to ask you out and you were still a bit struggling to forget your ex. Can one of you two jump over your own shadow?
Warnings: Alcohol, fluff and probably some really bad attempts at writing the southern accent...
Word Count: 1,9k
a/n: I am so sorry. It happened again. I watched ‘Logan Lucky’ and well... Clyde is just such a sweetheart, ugh... I dunno if anyone wants to read this, but here you go... ^^ Oh and for everyone who doesn’t know: ‘Bubba’ means brother. Again a thank you goes out to @youlightmeupfinn​ ! <3
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The Duck Tape. A cozy, unremarkable - but quite big bar in Boone County, West Virginia. Unspectacular, but loved by the local people. The Duck Tape had a lot of regular guests. Jimmy Logan for example. He often found himself in this bar in the evenings. Not just because his younger brother owed the bar, no. Daily life often caused him to drink a much needed shot of alcohol - or simply his after-work beer. Just like tonight. The eldest of the Logan's slumped in the bar, straight towards the counter and took a seat on one of the barstools, sighing. He needed something strong after another fight he had with his ex-wife Bobbie Jo. To Jimmy's delight played the jukebox softly John Denver's 'Take Me Home, Country Roads' in the background. A great welcome, Jimmy thought. "Hey man," Jimmy greeted his brother, who was currently polishing one of the glasses, absently; gaze directed across the counter. He didn't answer his brother, was seemingly lost in thoughts. "Hey." He tried again. It was no use. Jimmy's eyes followed his brother's stare - and landed on a young woman with pitch Y/H/C hair and sparkling Y/E/C eyes. She wore a black and red plaid shirt, where the ends were tied together in a knot in front of her stomach, turning the shirt into some sort of tummy shirt. Underneath, she wore a white top, paired with some jeans shorts. Well, no one could blame her. It was in the middle of the summer and therefore quite warm outside. The woman was laughing and chatting along with another woman - who he identified as his sister, Mellie. They were good friends. It wasn't the first time Jimmy had seen this girl in here. In fact, Jimmy knew her well. After all, she was the best friend of his sister. Jimmy would label him and Y/N as close acquaintances - or probably even friends? She lived not far away, was a southern girl to the core and a very lively, happy and bright woman. Beautiful, no doubt. What also wasn't the first time, was that he had caught his dear baby brother staring at her. "Clyde." Jimmy called his name a tad louder, finally making the big man turn his head towards him, blinking. "When are you finally goin' to ask 'er out, huh?" Clyde blinked again and put the now thoroughly polished glass aside to grab a beer for his brother. "Who?" Jimmy rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, man..." He knew that his brother hadn't quite the guts to talk to women. Clyde was shy in his nature and a very quiet fella on top. A thing you wouldn't think of upon seeing the big hunk of a man. Clyde was tall and broad with a very deep voice. To someone who didn't know him, could he be quite intimidating. But behind his appearance hid a shy, timid and very friendly guy. Jimmy guessed this was what people would call a gentle giant. "You can't fool me, lil' brother. I saw you lookin' at 'er. You doin' it all the damn time, when she's 'ere." Clyde put on his signature little pout, deep brown eyes meeting Jimmy's green ones. "I can't speak to 'er." Jimmy frowned at Clyde's words. "Why not? 'S not that you didn't talk to 'er before. You know Y/N, after all." The black-haired man sighed. "I know, but..." "But what?" Cut Jimmy him off. "It's obvious that you're into 'er. You like that girl." Clyde shrugged his shoulders. "'Cause I am me." "What's that supposed to mean, eh?" The brown-haired man took sip of his beer, looking critically at his counterpart. A sigh left Clyde's lips. "Think 'bout it, Jimmy. Would a woman like Y/N really want a guy like me?" Now was Jimmy the one who shrugged his shoulders. "Why not? You're a great fella." "With a prosthetic arm." "So?" Clyde huffed, turned away from his brother and went to ask the two men who just entered the bar what they wanted to drink. Jimmy watched him work, followed his every move. This discussion wasn't over yet. He was sick and tired of Clyde dancing around Y/N. "What if she likes you, too?" His little brother looked up at him, while pouring the men two glasses of Whiskey. "I doubt that." Jimmy's gaze drifted shortly to his sister and Y/N, noticing how the Y/H/C haired woman looked at his younger brother. "Well, she's lookin' at you now." Jimmy saw Clyde swallowing. "She looked at you, too. Nothin' extraordinary." Jimmy rolled his eyes, was on the verge of despair. "Clyde!" Mellie's voice cut through the brothers conversation. Clyde turned his head towards his little sister. "Could you make us another Martini?" "Of course." He put the two glasses with Whiskey in front of the two men and went to pour two Martinis. Once finished, he brought them over to the two women. "There you go." "Thanks, bubba." Mellie winked. "Thank you, Clyde." Y/N said, offering the timid barkeeper a smile, which he returned shyly. Jimmy couldn't believe his eyes. "You can serve cocktails to 'er but not ask 'er out on a date?" Clyde shrugged his shoulders once again, nodding. "Yes." "Ugh." Jimmy rolled again his eyes, grabbed the half empty bottle of beer and sauntered over to Sam and Fish, who stood at the billiard table, playing. Unbeknownst to Clyde, shot Jimmy his sister an annoyed and slightly desperate look. Mellie knew. Was, of course, not blind as well. After all, acted her big brother not quite inconspicuous when it came to stare at Mellie's best friend. And Y/N? Well... "He's starin' again." Mellie whispered towards her friend, bumping her shoulder softly against hers. "I know..." Y/N whispered back, feeling how her cheeks reddened slightly. Mellie giggled and downed the rest of her Martini. "I think you stole my big brother's heart, girl." "Seems so, yeah." Mellie threw Y/N a smug smile. "'N what 'bout you?" Clyde Logan... Y/N had always liked him. She thought he was a very friendly and nice guy and adored his utter shyness. Unlike other girls, she accepted his quiet nature and his introverted self. She always had some kind of soft spot for the youngest of the Logan boys, but she didn't know if she would call it 'having feelings'. In the end, Y/N couldn't deny that she found him quite attractive. Not just his unique personality. Also his looks. Tall, broad, black long hair and deep brown eyes. She didn't care that he wasn't as clattered with muscles and rather a bit chubby. Quite the opposite... She loved it. Clyde Logan was a big, handsome teddy bear. And his prosthetic arm? Made him even more unique to her. Y/N let out a breath, sighing. "I dunno, really. It's just... Dean 'n I-" "Quit thinkin' 'bout this idiot already!" Mellie interrupted her friend immediately. "Dean made it very clear, that he wants nothin' anymore from you, didn't he?" The Y/H/C haired woman grimaced. "Sorta..." Mellie huffed out a breath. "Alright, alright... We approach this the other way 'round..." Y/N furrowed her eyebrows at her best friend in slight confusion. "Switch off the Dean section in your brain. He doesn't exist in your life anymore. Can you do that?" "Uhm... O-kay, yes?" "Now look over to Clyde." "Why?" "Jus' do it!" Y/N took a breath and did what Mellie said, looked over to Clyde. Just in that very moment, just like fate wanted it, started the jukebox to play 'With Or Without You' by U2. Y/N's eyes met Clyde's and suddenly she felt like she was falling. But it wasn't the bad kind of falling, no... It was okay for her to fall, knowing that the man standing a few feet away from her would catch her, before she could hit the ground. Y/N felt how her heartbeat sped up, banging quickly against her ribcage. The sudden fluttery feeling inside her belly overwhelmed her completely and as soon as Clyde threw her that innocent, cute smile - completely unaware of what he had just unleashed inside her, she couldn't take it anymore and looked away. Mellie smirked at her reaction. "What you thinkin' 'bout him now?" "I-I, uh..." Y/N felt how her cheeks turned red. "Ha! Your blushin'! I knew it!" "I always liked Clyde. Since we two became friends... Jus' not in that way..." Y/N stammered, kneaded her fingers nervously. "But now..." "Now you do?" "Kinda? Maybe?" Mellie looked at the Y/H/C woman quizzically. "Well... There's... somethin'." The youngest Logan squealed excitedly and smiled broadly. "Mellie!" She just giggled. "Girl, you've got to ask him out for a date!" Y/N's eyes widened. "B-But Dean-" "For god's sake... Forget 'bout this twat! Your dream man's standin' right over there!" Mellie nodded towards her brother, grinning. "Clyde's jus' way too shy to ask you first, so you need to make the first step." Y/N grimaced and twisted the glass Martini in her hand. "You think?" Mellie nodded. "I know it." The Y/H/C haired woman sighed and bit her lip, thinking. Was she really ready to move on from her ex? After all, Dean was the one to break up and she had always liked Clyde... Maybe her best friend was right... So, what did she has to lose? Why not give it a shot and see what comes out of it? "Aight... Imma go, ask him now." Mellie's eyes widened. She clearly didn't expect this. She thought she would need to work harder for Y/N to agree to go on a date with her brother. "Really? Like... Right now?" Y/N nodded, downed the rest of her cocktail and stood up. She walked along the big counter, towards the middle, where Clyde was, currently pouring what looked like Brandy inside a glass. "Hey, Clyde." At the sound of Y/N, calling his name, Clyde lifted his head to look at her. Y/N didn't waste any time, didn't even let Clyde answer. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" "O-On a d-date?" The man asked, shocked and in disbelief; almost spilling some of the alcoholic liquid. "W-With y-you?" He is really cute when he's all shy and nervous, Y/N thought. She nodded, smiling. "A-Are you sure 'bout that? Me?" "You're the only guy, I'd ever go on a date with, Clyde." Alright, and Dean. But apparently, Dean was history, so... Y/N noticed how the big man behind the counter swallowed visibly, blinking. Clyde lifted his gaze and saw how Jimmy stood in the background, nodding wildly, mouthing something along 'Yes! Say yes!' and 'Go, get her, tiger!', all the while giving his brother two thumbs up. Clyde blinked once more, before he started to nod. "O-Okay..." He immediately shook his head. "I-I mean, of course! Yes! I'd love to go on a date with ya!" Y/N's lips twitched into a smile. How could a man be so soft and sweet? "See you tomorrow then? Meet me here at 8?" "Y-Yes, perfect." Y/N flashed Clyde an even wider smile. "Great." Then she walked over to her barstool again and sat down beside Mellie, who squealed excitedly again. Jimmy also made his way over to his younger brother. He leaned over the counter and clapped him on the shoulder, grinning. "And you say she isn't interested in you... Congrats, lil' brother. You've got a date now." Clyde looked at his brother, with an expression on his face, which literally screamed: Help me! How am I goin' to do that?!
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brideofkylosolo · 4 months
A random one shot
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nurseofren · 4 years
Relationship: Clyde Logan x Reader
Words: 1.5k
Summary: Your first New Year’s Eve in Boone County becomes that much more interesting when you run into a handsome stranger, the two of you seeking peace in the same place for two entirely different reasons. Together, you give each other exactly what the other needs.
Warnings: PTSD, anxiety. Angst. 
ST Rambles: So, earlier today I got the idea that it would be fun to do a NYE series with all the ADCU men (well, all the ones with a place in my heart). And I started with Clyde because I love the man entirely and he deserves protection. But, I have plans for Flip and Phillip AT LEAST. So, let me know if I should continue.
The party buzzed with excitement, an obvious anticipation lighting every guest’s face. The year had been so long, and there were only ten minutes until that fresh start we all craved so much. It seemed with each passing second the room would grow in volume and exuberance – conversations loud, couples close, hope sparking in dazed eyes. Bottles were grouped, empty and some tipped over; red cups littered around the floor, growing in amount as the night went on.
And you, self-proclaimed designated driver for the night, were watching it all unfold the entire time. With so little time left, seeing everyone paired with someone to hold when the year ran out, you found yourself overwhelmed and a bit saddened.
Doing a sweep around the room, giving a nod to each of your friends to ensure their safety, you wandered out past the backyard toward the gazebo sitting at the dock’s end. The journey was quiet and cold, a fond chill cleansing your skin, the moon-streaked lake ebbing a melody of peace. There were lights wrapped around the trellis, dim in their warm tone.
A moment was spent taking in the air, becoming still. Face to the sky, arms tight to your chest, you hummed. During the winter months there was no chorus of cicadas to accompany you. No matter, you stepped forward until you could lean out toward the night and focus on the dull crash of water below.
Footsteps startled your eyes toward their direction, a quiet yelp escaping when you set eyes on a man seemingly leaving from where you’d just arrived. He seemed to be in a rush, strides taking him away before you could think much on what to say.
“I’m sorry,” you called after him, turning, his steps stilling. “I really didn’t mean to interrupt. I just needed a breather from the craziness, but I think I’m good now.”
The stranger paused for a moment, his back to you, wind blowing past his hair with the gentle breeze. His shoulders lowered and he turned to you, not stepping any closer. He was tall, a warm face to match the lights above. He was wearing an outfit much better equipped for the weather than yours, arms covered in a jean jacket, pants a darker jean material. Bold of him.
“You just got here. S’alright.” Fog framed his words, a nervous edge to them. He gave a weak smile and a nod before turning back around.
“Hey, wait!” You couldn’t help but feel guilty for scaring him off. He turned back around, not even the slightest bit exasperated. A patient soul. Kind eyes. Good company? He watched you with intent. “I wouldn’t mind the company. Really. Stay.”
Those soft eyes seemed surprised, pinching just slightly to match the flicker of a smile at his cheeks. He was still tense, but after considering you, looking down to a watch outfitting his wrist, he swallowed and made his way to your side. He kept a comfortable distance, his back to the pillar across from you.
“So, what were you doing out here anyway? The dock is usually empty this time of night.”
The stranger crossed his arms to match yours, his face turning out toward the water. “Keepin’ watch. Waitin’. Should be soon.”
“Oh gosh, were you waiting for someone out here? I’ll leave. That’s so awkward, my goodness!”
“No. Not waitin’ on anyone. Just the new year.” He swallowed, looking back to you and gesturing toward the sky. “There’s usually fireworks.”
“Oh! That’s so cool! This is my first year here, so thanks for telling me.” As you spoke, he didn’t seem to match your excitement, something haunting his far-off gaze. Your eyes narrowed, confusion striking through your bright mood. “Don’t you like the fireworks? That’s why you’re out here?”
His left hand, prosthetic you noticed, reached toward his right forearm. He cleared his throat. Something wasn’t right. When he returned from whatever memory he’d wandered to, his face was serious, mouth a hard line. Eyes still soft, tender in the moonlight.
A shiver washed over you, teeth chattering to interrupt whatever he was about to say. He saw, relief finding him in the wake of your apparent distraction.
“Here, take this.” He slid the jacket off his arms and offered it to you, the sleeve of his undershirt lifting so you could see a tattoo – indicative of military service – just below the raised cuff. Realization lifted your brows. He noted this, face falling somewhat before he reached to push the fabric back down.
The jean material was toasty, his body heat sinking through the article and warming your hand before you pulled it over your shoulders. The man went back to leaning against his post, eyes set on the lake. Being here meant more now. A mission to keep him safe.
With time passing his shoulders tensed, determined eyes locked on his watch. His breath was coming faster, getting louder. He needed peace, or at least a distraction.
“What’s your name?”
He said nothing, foot tapping. So instead you offered your name, nearing him. “A girl – Mellie, I think her name was – yeah, she invited me a few weeks ago. Just before Christmas. And I told her I’d check my plans, but turns out I had nothing else going on so I brought a few friends with me and-,”
A distant uproar sounded from the house. Cheers and shouts of joy echoed across the lawn, your heart racing when the stranger’s eyes shut and his jaw flexed. His hands gripped tight to the railing, head tucked to his chest. He was in so much pain, anticipating – no, dreading – what he knew would come.
Something occurred to you in that moment. Maybe stupid and completely off-base – it was midnight. It was a new year. It was New Year’s Day. You were here. So was this stranger, whoever he was. So you did the only thing you could think of.
Slipping a hand under his chin and snaking it to his cheek, you turned his face to yours and pulled down. He was scalding, heat rolling off of him in heavy waves. There was a moment of hesitation on your end, looking at him for a go-ahead, only finding a heart wrenching fear just beyond his eyes. The first boom sounded behind you, his blown pupils shooting toward the bright light.
“Hey,” you soothed, nudging his attention back toward you.
Sliding your hand over his ear, bringing your other to cover the one that remained, you brought his lips to yours and hoped for the best. Fingers fled into his heated tresses, thick and a deep, deep brown. It was all your effort at first, his body stiff against yours before he settled into the interaction. When he did, finally giving into your machinations, you made an even more conscious effort to keep his ears covered and to stroke the skin just behind them.
He loosened up and you took advantage, walking him away from the railing until his knees hit the bench behind him. He lowered himself all while you kept connected, your mouth moving in fervor, the fireworks still blaring in the background. The hair framing his temples was soft under your thumbs, a thin veil of sweat evident under your touch.
“You’re okay,” you hushed between kisses, “you’re okay. It’s okay.”
A hand cupped the back of your neck, stroked at your nape, fingers catching on the hair there. He slowed his mouth and eventually stopped entirely, pressing his forehead to yours. Here you were an anchor, observing how he calmed with each breath he took, keeping your palms in place to guard him from the sounds all too familiar to him.
“Clyde,” he breathed, “M’name’s Clyde.”
Teething at your bottom lip, you pressed your mouth to his again. This time much less adamant, a gentle yearning motivating the movement instead of a fierce protection. He leaned into you now, the hand at your neck tipping your head into his.
Pulling away, looking down at him as your hips bent, hands still set firm, sparks lit down your spine at the sight of his burning eyes.
Hi, Clyde, you mouthed, a smile punctuating the statement.
You hadn’t noticed, but in the chaos his jacket had slipped off your shoulders, another shiver washing over your skin, another one he noticed. Clyde took a deep breath, chewed his bottom lip, and finally stood. He made no effort to move your hands from his ears, lifting his right arm and encircling your back so he could rub warmth into your skin.
Clyde kept you pressed to his chest, fireworks fading to nothing before you took your hands from him and wrapped them around his waist. He was incredibly warm, and when you felt his chin rest atop the crown of your head it only deepened the heat he offered you. His own protection in light of what you’d given him.
“Thank you,” Clyde swallowed, a low hum of the same tune you’d sounded earlier. “Happy New Year, darlin’.”
Should you have stayed here forever, you knew you’d never need a jacket of any sort, not wrapped in the complete warmth he provided – flesh and soul.
“Happy New Year, Clyde.”
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whiskey-bumblebee · 3 years
American Pie
Pairing: Clyde Logan/Reader
Warnings: Brief mentions of returning from war/tour, brief mentions of high school bullying, brief mentions of PTSD. Despite these, this is overwhelmingly a fluff piece!!
Word Count: 871
A/N: I don’t... write Clyde... but... I wrote this? 
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“You know that song, the chevy in the levee one?” You wonder aloud to Clyde. “Do you like it?”
Clyde went silent, his hands stilling and coming to rest flat on the dining room table, where the two of you had been talking. It was his tell that he was about to have a flashback, so you were silent, but took his hands softly to ground him.
His father tapped the steering wheel rhythmically to the song. It was the first time Clyde had heard it, a mournful, folky crooner singing about Americana. His father said this was what music used to be like, real rock from the 50s. Clyde liked it. It wasn’t his usual taste, he was much more into the evolving rock sound of the 80s, and the constant comfort of country. It was the only ‘modern’ song he’d ever seen his dad like, and the drumming on the steering wheel was as close as his father would ever come to singing. It was high praise from the usually stoic man.
Clyde listened to it a lot after that, memorized the lyrics even though he wasn’t much of a singer either. He felt like the song was speaking directly to him, especially in his high school years. A lot of it reminded him of his father, the whisky and rye, the allusions to old rock and roll. 
It was the song that inspired him to buy those carnations for that girl, Tabby, and hang around the gym waiting for her volleyball practice to end so he could ask her to prom. By the time he’d worked up the nerve and rubbed the sweat off his palms, walked into the gym with the words all ready on his lips- there was another boy there. Asking her to prom. Sure as hell, they were dancing with their socks on, just like the song, laughing and twirling on the scuffed wooden floors.
They saw Clyde standing there in the doorway.
“Hey ears!” The boy called. “What’re those flowers for?”
Clyde was silent, feeling the beginnings of his first heartbreak cracking through his chest. 
Tabby laughed. “You gonna ask someone to prom? All the girls have already left. Prob’ly for the best, you shouldn’t use so much gel if you wanna yes from them.”
Clyde dropped the carnations in the trash can outside the gym, making his way back to his pickup. He drove too fast, drove laps around the town to work out his feelings, the radio on full volume. By the time he got home, he was just numb. He went straight to his room and didn’t come down for dinner. Prom was the same. He stayed home, reading comics and watching reruns.
Years later now, he was in the helicopter, flying to some hospital somewhere, focusing on anything except the pain in his arm. The radio was playing in the helicopter, the pilots singing along loudly.
“I was a lonely teenage bronckin' buck With a pink carnation and a pickup truck But I knew I was out of luck The day the music died
I started singin', bye-bye, Miss American Pie Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry Them good ol' boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye Singin', "This'll be the day that I die...”
“American Pie?” Clyde asked hoarsely.
“Yeah, bud! We play songs from ‘merica when we’re takin’ folks home.”
“I’m goin’ home?”
“Ain’t no way you’re staying in Iraq, Logan, was it? Hate to say it but if ya can’t hold a gun, they don’t want ya anymore.”
“I’m goin’ home,” Clyde said softly. 
“I’m goin’ home.”   
His eyes blinked open. He closed his hand around yours, taking a deep breath. As he focused on the room around him, he glanced down at his prosthetic.
“Anything I can do for you, honey?” You asked softly.
He shook his head. “American Pie?”
You nodded. “Yeah, that’s it. Chevy in the levee.”
He nodded. “I like it.”
“So it’s goin’ on the playlist?”
He nodded again. “Yeah.”  
Clyde twirled you around the barn, watching the bottom of your white dress sweep the floor. The reception was coming to a close now, the last of your playlist ringing out as the guests started leaving. He pulled you back in, close, and nuzzled your hair, hummed along.
“And the three men I admire most The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost They caught the last train for the coast The day the music died-”
You smiled up at him, glowing from the joy of the day, your day. You bounced around the dance floor, singing the last few lines of the song, looking around at your family. The people with drinks toasted and whooped, realizing the night was coming to a close. The DJ confirmed as much, gently telling people to gather their coats ‘cos there were only a few songs left. One of the waitresses lingered by the door with a broom, ready to sweep up the night’s dropped items.
Clyde held you tight, kissed your hair. “I think it’s almost time I take you home, Mrs. Logan.”
You hummed a laugh and pressed your lips softly to his.
“I think so too, Mr. Logan.”
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ducktapewriting · 4 years
Decided to kick my blog off with everybody’s favorite one handed bartender, Mr. Clyde Logan!
"Stop moving, I'm almost done!"
         Covid-19 had finally struck West Virginia, and Senator Capito had put the whole county on quarantine about a week and a half ago. At first Clyde and I were doing great with having a few days off of work. We'd gotten a lot of cleaning done, caught up on all of our laundry, and Clyde made himself busy working in the backyard, getting the pool ready for summer.
         But, there was only so much vacuuming and dishes that could be done, and I started going a little stir crazy trying to keep myself busy. I didn't like to bother Clyde while he was in the yard, because I knew what a perfectionist he was, so I found little projects around the house. 
         I thought Clyde was really enjoying his time in the yard and his time off from the bar, that is until one morning he barged into the kitchen while I was putting on coffee and slammed his metal prosthetic onto the table.
         "What the hell's wrong with you?" I gasped, turning around to face him.
         "I need the barbershop to open up!" He exclaimed. "Would ya look at this mess?"
         I looked up at my husbands dark black locks, and couldn't help but laugh.
         Clyde's hair had always laid pretty perfectly on top of his head, aside from when he first wakes up in the morning, or after one of sessions. But now, it fell longer, covering most of his forehead and on the sides almost touched his shoulders.
         "Darlin', stop laughing! I look like Sadie when she cut her hair a few weeks back." He grumbled, walking over to me.
          "I think ya look handsome." I replied, leaning up on my toes to kiss him quickly. "Sit down, let me get you some coffee."
        He groaned, then took a seat at our kitchen counter. I poured us each a mug of black coffee, then sat and joined him. He drank his coffee and fumbled with the ends of his hair, rolling his eyes and sighing.
         "I have a proposition for ya, cowboy. But, I don't know how you'll be feelin' about it." I finally piped up, sipping on my mug.
         "What's that, honey?" He asked seriously.
         "I could take a whirl on your hair." I said, sounding almost like a question. "I picked up some tips from Mellie, and I know she ain't leavin' her house because of all this, so I could try."
         Mellie was Clyde's sister who was a hairdresser, a very germaphobic, hypochondriac hairdresser. I would've had her down to cut Clyde's hair, but she was no way leaving her house in the mess.
         He thought it over while he drank his coffee, then finally nodded his head.
         "Okay." He said calmly. "I'll let ya give it a shot, don't be makin' me look crazy though."
         "I'll try my best." I giggled, standing up and finishing my coffee. I started rinsing my mug out when I felt Clyde come up behind me and wrap his arms around me.
         "I'm gonna go take a shower, get my hair all nice n' wet for ya. Thanks for the coffee." He kissed me quickly on the cheek, set his cup down for me to wash, and disappeared.
         I washed our coffee mugs quickly, dried them and put them back in their cabinet.
         "Baby!" I called as I searched for the scissors. "Bring out your comb when ya come out."
         I pulled one of our dining room table chairs into the kitchen, where there was the most empty space with a hardwood floor. A few minutes later, Clyde came walking into the kitchen wearing nothing besides his camouflage shorts, no shirt or shoes.
         "Are you trying to distract me, Mr. Logan?" I giggled as he took a seat in my makeshift barber's chair.
         He laughed his ol' goofy, tooth laugh and shook his head.
         "No. I just thought it'd be easier for the hair to slide off my skin, ya know?"
         "I know, baby, I'm just messin'." I said, kissing him quickly on his cheek. I grabbed his comb from his hands and started combing out his hair. 
         "Ready?" I asked, once he was all combed out.
         "As rain, baby doll."
         I took a deep breath and started cutting. I went slow and took my time, making sure not to go too short. It must've been taking longer than I thought because when I got around to the back and almost the end, Clyde started jumping his leg.
         "What's wrong with you?" I asked, stopping the cutting and peeking around to look at him.
         "Just gettin' antsy." He sighed. "I'll stop."
         His leg went still and I continued on. Five minutes later, he started again.
         "Clyde Logan!" I exclaimed. "I'm almost done, now stop movin'!"
         "I'm sorry." He laughed lowly.
         I put the finishing cuts on Clyde's hair then stood in front of him to give it one last look over.
         "How's it?" He asked shaking his head and brushing off his shoulders.
         "I think you might be even more handsome than you were before." I winked, pulling his hand over to the living room so he could look in the mirror.
         "Good job, honey. Thank you." He said, smiling at myself in the mirror then leaning down to kiss me.
         "No problem." I replied. "I'm gonna go get that kitchen cleaned up."
         I grabbed the broom from the kitchen closet and started sweeping up the hair on the floor.
         "Hey barber," Clyde called, making me turn to face him. "How's about you put that broom down and come let your customer pay his dues in the bedroom?"
         I laughed at Clyde before setting the broom against the counter then practically ran to Clyde and jumped on him, letting him lead me into our bedroom.
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rebelrebelwrites · 1 year
10 Lines Tagging Game
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway ❤️
Thanks for the tags @pursuitseternal @wyrd-syster and @eowyn7023! Everything on this list outside of my current original project is from my Reylo fandom days, so forgive the total irrelevance to Saurondriel/Haladriel tags, lol.
Sidenote — looking back at all these, I’ve noticed there’s a pretty common theme when it comes to length. 😂
1. “The next tour starts in five minutes.” || Original Project
2. Clyde Logan hated his phone. || Boon, a Reylogan AU for Star Wars/Logan Lucky fandoms (variation of Reylo).
3. To survive the Sun Lands, the people of Iza knew what they must do. || when the moon met the sun in the sky, a Miyazaki-inspired Reylo fantasy/arranged marriage AU.
4. Mist crept across the lake; a spit of black silk shrouded in the early morning gloom. || The Red House, a Reylo modern AU horror one-shot/prompt fic.
5. It’s been ten years—nearly to the day—but the school looks the same. || Don’t You Forget About Me, a Reylo Breakfast Club AU.
6. Master Luke has a mirror. || Crown Glass, a Reylo High Fantasy AU/one-shot/prompt fic.
7. Every day, Ben burned another letter. || Ashes, a Reylo Modern AU Christmas one-shot/gift fic.
8. Rey couldn't believe she was back here. || Gelt, a Reylo Modern AU Christmas/Hanukkah one-shot/gift fic.
9. Rey Niima snorted. || This is the Sign You’ve Been Looking For, a Reylo Modern AU prompt fic.
10. Clyde Logan was done with cauliflower schemes. || The Halloween Heist, a Reylogan one-shot/gift fic AU for Star Wars/Logan Lucky fandoms (variation of Reylo).
Tagging: @yletylyf @myrsinemezzo @scriberated @formerlyir @demonscantgothere @iamstartraveller776 @hazelmaines @politicalmamaduck @cliffdivingsblog @mortaltempless
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