pwjr · 23 days
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yourdailyqueer · 3 months
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Mineko Nomachi
Gender: Transgender woman
Sexuality: Queer
DOB: 17 March 1979
Ethnicity: Japanese
Occupation: Writer, columnist, illustrator, presenter, activist
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littlequeenies · 7 months
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October 1974 - Todd Rundgren, Bebe Buell and Al Green backstage at The Felt Forum NYC.
Hall and Oates opened that night, followed by Lou Reed and closing with Al Green.
From Bebe Buell's instagram, where you can read all the story. Follow her!
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ldagence-royal · 2 months
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Prinzessin Xenia von Sachsen
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memenewsdotcom · 1 year
Trump guilty of sex abuse in E. Jean Carroll case
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stairnaheireann · 2 years
#OTD in 1940 – Birth of Maeve Binchy, an Irish novelist, playwright, short story writer, columnist, and speaker best known for her humorous take on small-town life in Ireland, her descriptive characters, her interest in human nature and her often clever surprise endings.
#OTD in 1940 – Birth of Maeve Binchy, an Irish novelist, playwright, short story writer, columnist, and speaker best known for her humorous take on small-town life in Ireland, her descriptive characters, her interest in human nature and her often clever surprise endings.
Her novels, which were translated into 37 languages, sold more than 40 million copies worldwide, and her death, announced by Vincent Browne on Irish television late on 30 July 2012, was mourned as the passing of Ireland’s best-loved and most recognisable writer. In September 2012, a new garden behind the Dalkey Library in Dublin was dedicated in memory of Binchy. In 2014 the University of Dublin…
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oldshowbiz · 1 year
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higherentity · 7 months
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didzblog · 1 year
Watch "This winter, 1 million plus ordinary Brits will decide their life is not worth living." on YouTube
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colourfulkind · 1 year
Honest Motherhood: Breaking point 
Our washing machine broke this week. Then a day later, we noticed our dishwasher had packed up too. “WHY are all our white goods BREAKING?!!” I bellowed up to Joel as I proceeded to wash, rinse and hand dry every item in our jam-packed dishwasher. (Old-school).  The washing-up I can handle. You can sort of do little bits here and there, avoiding any overwhelming build-ups. In the evenings I put…
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yourdailyqueer · 1 year
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Shaneel Lal
Gender: Transgender non binary (they/them)
Sexuality: Queer
DOB: 22 January 2000  
Ethnicity: Native Fijian (iTaukei and Girmitiya)
Occupation: Activist, model, columnist
Note: They also identify as Vakasalewalewa and Hijra
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sexybrilliant · 2 years
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As many of you know I write a weekly column for
#HindustanTimes one of India’s leading newspapers with over 1 million daily subscribers.
Dear #SexyBrilliant friends,
My latest article is on financial independence and empowerment. Please enjoy, like and share! Thanks
In love & gratitude
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travsd · 2 years
Louis Sobol: The Voice of Broadway
Louis Sobol: The Voice of Broadway
Yes, Louis Sobol (1896-1986) was a “Famous Broadway Columnist” as this book jacket trumpets, if not quite as famous in a lasting way as Walter Winchell, Ed Sullivan, Damon Runyon, Louella Parsons, Hedda Hopper, Dorothy Kilgallen, Mark Hellinger, Jack Lait, or Joey Adams, all of whom we’ve written about here. But we have several reasons for paying him attention which are relevant to our abiding…
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dianitalv · 2 years
Mentalidad de Tiburon Libro  / Shark Mentality Book *both English/Spanish review*
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MENTALIDAD DE TIBURÓN 🦈 es un libro escrito por Manuel Sotomayor Landecho. Donde expone y explica que la mentalidad de tiburón es seguir moviéndote, seguir avanzando sin importar lo que pase. Por que el de tiburon? La analogia del tiburon proviene del dato cientifico de que los tiburones nunca pueden dejar de nadar, ya que carecen de vejiga natatoria, que permite a los peces flotar; y porque abren las boca mientras nadan para absorber oxígeno por las branquias. Si dejan de nadar, dejan de flotar y respirar. En el libro las primeras 12 leyes nos hablan de cómo descubrir y cómo acceder a esa mentalidad que ya se encuentra en nosotros. La importancia de esta 13° ley es que nos hace poner los pies en la tierra.
Estas son las 13 Leyes que Sotomayor narra en su libro y que encuentro muy beneficiario para implementar en nuesto dia a dia
1. Aprenderás a conocerte día con día, para identificar perfectamente como funcionas.
2. Soñarás en grande y confiarás en ti mismo sin importar lo que la gente opine y piense de ti.
3. Antes de desear algo y buscar más, aprenderás a compartir y a valorar cada pequeño detalle que esté presente en tu vida.
4. Te pondrás metas medibles y desarrollarás un porqué el cual será tu motor y tu motivación.
5. Disfrutarás y aprenderás de cada experiencia sea buena o mala, para ser cada vez mejor.
6. Lucharás siempre con fuerza y valores hacia tus objetivos, teniendo fe en que estás destinado a lograr algo grande.
7. Jamás te rendirás ante nada ni nadie, porque tu mente es más poderosa que tu cuerpo y tus sentimientos.
8. No permitirás que ninguna excusa te detenga o te desvíe de tu sueño.
9. Cuidarás y alimentarás tu cuerpo como el instrumento más preciado y valioso que tienes.
10. Tú controlarás a la diversión y no ella a ti, solamente la utilizarás para relajarte y despejar tu mente.
11. No te permitirás ser común y mediocre.
12. En todo lo que te propongas soportarás el dolor y el cansancio, más allá de lo que cualquier ser humano podría aguantar.
13. Cuando te sientas débil, triste, cansado o incluso sientas miedo, recurrirás a la 1, 4, 6, 7 y 12 ley.
Recommend: recomendaria a este libro apesar de que hay ciertos puntos que son redundantes. La lectura es corta, la narracion es simple y directa para una lectura rapida y sirve para recordar puntos que a veces olvidamos cuando nos absorbemos en la rutina del dia al dia. 
Shark Mentality Book Review
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SHARK MENTALITY 🦈 is a book written by Manuel Sotomayor Landecho. Where he exposes and explains that the shark mentality is to keep moving, keep moving forward no matter what happens. Why the shark? The shark analogy comes from the scientific fact that sharks can never stop swimming since they lack a swim bladder, which allows fish to float; and because they open their mouths while swimming to absorb oxygen through their gills. If they stop swimming, they stop floating and breathing. In the book, the first 12 laws tell us about how to discover and how access that mentality that is already in us. The importance of this 13th law is to help us remember and come back to the 12 rules.
These are the 13 Laws that Sotomayor narrates in his book and that I find very beneficial to implement in our daily lives.
1. You will learn to know yourself day by day, to perfectly identify how you work.
2. You will dream big and trust yourself no matter what people think about you.
3. Before wanting something and looking for more, you will learn to share and value every little thing that is present in your life.
4. You will set measurable goals and you will develop a reason, which will be your engine and your motivation.
5. You will enjoy and learn from each experience, be it good or bad, to be better and better.
6. You will always fight with strength and values ​​towards your goals, having faith that you are destined to achieve something great.
7. You will never give in to anything or anyone because your mind is more powerful than your body and your feelings.
8. Do not allow any excuse to stop you or divert you from your dream.
9. You will care for and nurture your body as the most precious and valuable instrument you have.
10. You will control the fun and not let it control you, you will only grab it to relax and clear your mind.
11. You will not allow yourself to be common and mediocre.
12. In everything you set out to do, you will endure pain and fatigue, beyond what any human being could endure.
13. When you feel weak, sad, tired, or even afraid, you will resort to the 1, 4, 6, 7, and 12 laws.
Recommend: I would recommend this book even though there are certain points that are redundant. The reading is short, and the narration is simple and short for quick reading and serves to remind us of points that we sometimes forget when we get absorbed in the day-to-day routine.
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