#companion books
the-book-ferret · 3 months
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“Why don't they want me to see what I already know now—that the world is broken.” ― Veera Hiranandani, The Night Diary
A hopeful and heartwarming story about finding joy after hardship, Amil and the After is a companion to the beloved and award-winning Newbery Honor novel The Night Diary, by acclaimed author Veera Hiranandani
At the turn of the new year in 1948, Amil and his family are trying to make a home in India, now independent of British rule.
Half-Muslim, half-Hindu, twelve-year-old Amil is not sure what home means anymore. The memory of the long and difficult journey from their hometown in what is now Pakistan lives with him. And despite having an apartment in Bombay to live in and a school to attend, life in India feels uncertain.
Nisha, his twin sister, suggests that Amil begin to tell his story through drawings meant for their mother, who died when they were just babies. Through Amil, readers witness the unwavering spirit of a young boy trying to make sense of a chaotic world, and find hope for himself and a newly reborn nation.
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Mary McMullen - My Cousin Death - Companion - 1983
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amythystraine · 2 years
Even before "The Gray Witch's Grimoire" had been sent flying across the pond to my publisher in England (Moon Books/John Hunt Publishing), I was knee-deep in writing my next witchy book, "Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way".  The second book I published independently with Amazon through their KDP program under Pink Orchid Publishing -- which is me.  But for one brief insane moment, there was one of those slow-motion experiences when the little voice in my head said, "Wait a minute, you should combine these books."  It was absolute basic laziness which resulted in my reaction, which was "Nope, don't think so, there's so much material here."  So I didn't.
One book went one way, on its destiny overseas, where it would eventually become a best seller.  And the other book has found it's spot at Amazon, happily ensconced among the witchy tomes of neo-pagans around the world.  [Follow the link to continue reading...]
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thepunktheory · 1 year
Thursday Movie Picks: Companion Reads
Hey, guys!Welcome to another entry for Thursday Movie Picks. It’s a series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves, so if you want to join the party, head over to her blog! It’s pretty easy: check out each week’s topic and come up with 3 to 5 movies that fit the theme. This week, we’ll talk about some books that will go nicely with certain movies – not because the films are adaptations, but…
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batcavescolony · 5 months
Bart: I was bored and reading about deities of the world,
Tim: as you do
Bart: yeah, and you know how Cassie is part Greek God?
Cassie: do I want to know where this is going?
Bart: do you think if we started giving her offerings and worshipping her she'd turn into a full Goddess?
Kon: don't know till we try! OH GODDESS! Accept my offering *throws gummies at Cassie*
Cassie: *smiling with a pack of gummies* you joke but I'm keeping these.
Tim: *not looking up from his phone* oh Goddess Cassie, please let us have a peaceful day.
Cissie: *walking into the room* ?
Kon: we're worshiping Cassie to see if we can make her a Goddess.
Cissie: oh ok, merciful and beautiful Goddess-
Cassie: *laughing*
Cissie: -please grant me knowledge on my next exam because SOMEONE *glares at all of them* keeps pulling me into Young Justice mission's and I haven't studied *drops down in a chair and tosses her a bracelet* my offering.
Cassie: *still laughing* knowledge granted.
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hollymbryan · 2 years
Blog Tour + #Review + Favorite Quotes: WIND DAUGHTER by Joanna Ruth Meyer! #tbrbeyondtours
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Welcome to Book-Keeping and my stop on the TBR and Beyond Tours blog tour for Wind Daughter by Joanna Ruth Meyer, which releases today! There’s also a Bookstagram tour happening, for which you can find the schedule and links here; my post will be up today at my Instagram page. I’ve got all the details below along with my review and list of favorite quotes, so let’s get started!
About the Book
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title: Wind Daughter (Echo North #2) author: Joanna Ruth Meyer publisher: Page Street Kids release date: 12 July 2022
A hauntingly beautiful fairy tale about love and loss, this Echo North companion novel is perfect for fans of the Winternight Trilogy.
In the dark, cold reaches of the north lives a storyteller and his daughter. He told his daughter, Satu, many stories–romances like the girl who loved a star and changed herself into a nightingale so she could always see him shining–but the most important story he told her was his own. This storyteller was once the formidable North Wind, but he lost his power by trading it away in exchange for mortality–he loved her mother too much to live without her. The loss of his magic impacted more than just their family, however, and now the world is unraveling in the wake of this imbalance.
To save the North, Satu embarks on a perilous journey to reclaim her father’s magic, but she isn’t the only one searching for it. In the snow-laden mountains, she finds herself in a deadly race with the Winter Lord who wants the North Wind’s destructive powers for himself.
Satu has the chance to be the heroine of her own fairy tale, only this one has an ending she never could have imagined.
Add to Goodreads:
Wind Daughter (Echo North #2)
Purchase the Book: Amazon | B&N | TBD | Indigo | Indiebound
About the Author
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Joanna Ruth Meyer is the author of Echo North, Into the Heartless Wood, Beneath the Haunting Sea, and Beyond the Shadowed Earth. She writes stories about fierce teens finding their place in the world, fighting to change their fate, save the ones they love, or carve out a path to redemption.
Joanna lives with her dear husband and son, a rascally feline, and an enormous grand piano named Prince Imrahil in Mesa, Arizona. As often as she can, she escapes the desert heat and heads north to the mountains, where the woods are always waiting.
Connect with Joanna: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads | Facebook
My 5-Star Review
In 2020, despite owning all of her already released books and pre-ordering all forthcoming ones, I finally read Joanna Ruth Meyer for the first time when I participated in a tour for Beyond the Shadowed Earth (you can read my review here). Because I have a compulsion to read whichever book was written first, even if they are companion novels and it’s not absolutely necessary, I started with Beneath the Haunting Sea and then moved to Beyond. I absolutely loved both of those books, so I couldn’t wait for Wind Daughter to be released so I could read Echo North and then Wind Daughter back to back. Needless to say, I jumped at the chance to participate in this tour!
There is just something special about Joanna’s writing that evokes a sense of comfort and nostalgia and...I don’t quite know how to put it, but “oldness” is what comes to mind. She definitely has a way of writing that evokes old-fashioned fairy tales, a sort of gentle, soft, lyrical manner of laying out the story. It’s really hard to explain, but I hope that kind of makes sense. That’s not to say the characters don’t go through some really tough times! They absolutely do; but like with old fairy tales, that’s where their strength and courage end up coming from.
You don’t have to read Echo North before reading Wind Daughter, as Joanna does summarize the story of Echo at the beginning of Wind. In Echo we met Ivan, the former North Wind, who gave up his power to be with his mortal wife and their little baby, Satu. Ivan helps Echo on the most important part of her journey, heading north to the Wolf Queen’s domain. Wind Daughter occurs some years later, when Satu is just past her 17th birthday and is, needless to say, Satu’s story. Satu is depicted as an empath, I think, being able to feel the emotions of those around her, which incapacitates her at times (she spends a lot of the story crying!). She also stays alone with her parents at the top of their mountain, very rarely going down to the village; when she is around other people, she has what I think are anxiety or panic attacks, which she doesn’t know how to handle. Needless to say, at times she is very lonely, and I really felt for her in her anxiety at being around other people. 
I’m not going to get into the plot here, but suffice it to say that just like Echo, Satu must travel long and far on her quest in order to save the world--and herself. I absolutely loved the Winter Lord, the Jokull, even though he was decidedly not a nice guy! I definitely questioned some of Satu’s choices, but you have to keep remembering how naive and empathic she is. I hope that you’ll pick this up and follow along on Satu’s journey. Will she save the world? Will she save the boy she loves? Will she figure out who she is and come into her full power? You have to read Wind Daughter to find out!
Rating: 5 stars!
**Disclosure: I received an early e-copy of this book from the publisher for purposes of this blog tour. This review is voluntary on my part and reflects my honest rating and review of the book. 
My Top 10 Favorite Quotes
Below I’ve compiled some of my favorite quotes from Wind Daughter. I’m posting them without context so I don’t give away any of the story! (Please note that the locations refer to the end of the quote in the e-ARC of the book, so they may change in the final version.)
“I found I didn’t want to be their story. I wanted to be mine.”--Satu (loc. 212)
“All stories matter. There isn’t one that’s not important.”--Echo (loc. 275)
“Emotion leaks out of me in salt water, no matter what kind it is--if I’m happy or sad, pensive or wistful, I cry. The only way to stop it is to shove my feelings deep down, frost them over with layers of ice. Hope the ice doesn’t crack.”--Satu (loc. 461)
“You don’t want to be told what you are or are not,” Fann says. “You want to simply be.” (loc. 771)
“You’re not going to say I’m being stupid and too sensitive and need to get over it?” [Satu asks.] “Why would I do that? Your mind behaves how your mind behaves--that doesn’t make you broken.”--Inna (loc. 895)
“Change doesn’t always have to be bad. It’s just--change. It’s life. It’s living.”--Fann (loc. 1596)
“We are all stories, Fann. Every one of us. That doesn’t mean we’re not real.”--Satu (loc. 1746)
“The journey is always ahead, I think, the path always changing. It takes you to places you don’t expect, don’t think you’re ready for. But it has a way of shaping you, preparing you, so you are ready, when you get there.”--Echo (loc. 1906)
“Such a small word, love. And yet it is the oldest power in the universe. It is what the world is made of. It pulses and stretches inside of me, warm and strong and good.”--Satu (loc. 3192)
“And for [my son], my ever-growing Bear--thank you for (sometimes!) napping, for always giving me the best hugs, and for telling me sternly to “go work” whenever your Oma comes to hang out with you. Don’t be in any hurry to grow up, okay?”--author Joanna Ruth Meyer, in the acknowledgements (loc. 3716)**
**This last quote is actually from the author’s note. I include it because, as the mom of a son who just turned 14, reading these words brought tears to my eyes. The time goes so fast--treasure every moment with the ones you love. That’s what fairy tales teach us, after all, isn’t it?
Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to check out my Bookstagram post as well!
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snek-eyes · 6 months
So I was thinking about what it means that Aziraphale is the POV character of all the season 2 flashbacks... until I realized that's not entirely true. Because while Edinburgh is narrated by him and the Blitz scene plays after he's reminded of it, there are two scenes in the Job story that Aziraphale wasn't there for.
First is the cold open with Bildad, but that sequence pretty quickly shifts over to follow Aziraphale, and we see him coming out of the memory.
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But the second Job sequence starts more clearly as Crowley's memory:
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Zoom into Crowley, zoom into the book.
So why does Crowley get this part? Why not just stick with Aziraphale the whole time? Well, if we follow the idea that the flashbacks are setting up for the decisions these two make at the end, Crowley's part here is small but decisive: This event is one of the big reasons why Crowley is never going back to Heaven. And Aziraphale doesn't get to be there for the biggest signs of it.
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This sequence is also the last time Crowley was truly on his own. I think it's significant that whenever Aziraphale isn't there for him to taunt, Crowley is actually pretty cold, a little impatient. It doesn't feel like he's having fun tricking these people, he's just trying to get the job done.
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Then we get the first of two unique transitions. It's a sort of shifting over:
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My theory is this scene is where we start to switch over to Aziraphale's POV, but we still start out in Crowley's, because...
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...we're just as surprised as Crowley is to find the angel here. But during the scene they literally switch sides of the room, and I think along with that we get the POV shift. We as the audience end up on Aziraphale's side as he's trying to believe the best in Crowley, while not really knowing.
What makes me more sure is that this scene ends with a different unique transition, a page turn:
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I think here is where Aziraphale gets absorbed in the memory and Crowley leaves. When we get to the bit of the story where Crowley's being nice.
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rotomicity · 8 months
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TGCF art from 2021 which were very experimental and very much something out of my comfort zone but am still so satisfied with
(gonna ramble more under the cut 👉 )
My main inspiration for these were definitely classic storybook illustration styles and the watercolor-like illustrations included inside the tgcf books which depict hualian's daily slice of life routines as seen below
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I wanted to capture that feeling of warmth i got from reading but i also went with the storybook look because their relationship (and by extension broad strokes of the entire plot) really did feel like something out of actual myth or legend; i'm chinese indonesian and was raised surrounded by chinese culture + values so tgcf felt VERY familiar to me, it threw me back to my childhood reading or listening to tales about chinese deities, i'd say the storybook image definitely came into my mind pretty quickly bc of this
I find this style somewhat hard to replicate now but if i could or have the time to, i really want to continue the 'companion pieces to chapter titles ' concept i did with the last 2 pieces (which are of the same chapter title but i was just indecisive 😭😭), i even had 3 more planned based on my favorite titles before burning out back then
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pigeon-noises · 5 months
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"Do I know you?"
Inspired by a particularly memorable scene in @isnt-it-pretty's FtCoR fic
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leftduck9986 · 18 days
Foreshadowing, out of order?
In storytelling, is there a single word that means "the opposite of foreshadowing"?
WARNING: in trying to wrap my head around this, there will be wittering!!!
Wikipedia tells me that a flashback is a method of foreshadowing.
The Bullet Catch in the NZF minisode, being a flashback as well as told before the "present day" [speculated] event it sets up a clue for, well, that's what I've understood foreshadowing to mean until now, because isn't foreshadowing always presented before the event it foreshadows comes to pass?
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The flashback/memory minisode, A Companion To Owls, is told after the "present day" event it foreshadows. Does that still count as foreshadowing, or is it instead considered "the big reveal" because it is told after?
And is this all that is meant by various things in Good Omens 2 being "out of order"?
The Hiding Miracle and the Memory That Both Foreshadows and Reveals It?
Indeed, it was a tiny miracle - as titled in the soundtrack - that worked as planned and "barely moved the dials" (but still a miracle in which "Noone will have noticed A Thing" however tiny it was, and that "Nobody notices he's here (...) Nobody can spot him, (...) especially if they're looking for him").
I believe it was the first of three events that happened that night, which, became the main focus of this "quiet, gentle, romantic" season, but paling in comparison to the other two events. Moving on!
Returning to how A Companion to Owls isn't told until after The Hiding Miracle and clues us in as to what was actually going on: this tiny miracle was made to appear far more powerful than it actually was, with the use of showmanship:
The ceremonious setup of being positioned on the circle in the middle of the room hidden under the carpet, between Aziraphale and Crowley; he could have been standing, but instead, "Jim... Sit in this chair." And it's a beautiful chair, like a throne, but Jim being taller wouldn't have worked for the image of the 'W' (similar to the 'W' shape made with Shadwell standing between Aziraphale and Crowley at the airbase, in the book Good Omens.)
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Why perform at all then, for an audience of none?
Ah, they're not alone, oooOoOoOOOoOoOooo, spooky. Go and see for yourself: check out the bottom left area of the screen when Crowley returns to the bookshop and says, "I'm BACK" (this is to do with the "framing opportunities" secret mentioned in the Gavin Finney BTS article https://britishcinematographer.co.uk/gavin-finney-bsc-good-omens-2/) Aziraphale calmly replies, "Yes, I can see that" and later gasps, reacting to something happening off-screen at 40m41s.
So this performance, not yet knowing who their audience might be, could be as a precaution, just in case.
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Gabriel instinctively crosses his hands and is confused when Aziraphale and Crowley uncross them - or likely because Aziraphale was even standing there at all - because he remembers, or rather, in his mind's eye, sees the shape left behind by a missing piece of furniture.
The ceremonious setup of being positioned in the centre, between Sitis and Job, this time in the background to have Bildad appear a little shorter in height for the stylized 'W', then crossing his hands. The pot containing Sitis and Job's children being the circle, hidden by the circle of carpet (robes) made as Sitis and Job embrace.
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Had we seen Jim's and Crowley's conversation about memory before The Hiding Miracle instead of much later in episode 5, then it would have been foreshadowing, yes?
*temper rising* A "reveal," or "out-of-order foreshadowing"? (VBUAXNAUSX*keyboard smash*NYVIFGNOMAI) grrrrrr!
After the Job story is told, (save for the final scene) and Aziraphale calls for Crowley, my head-cannon used to be that Aziraphale wanted to talk about hair -
Aziraphale: Crowley, I gave you lovely long locks in my retelling of this story, how about you? Crowley: Nah, "shoulder-length bouncy 'bob'" is what I put - a "Lob" I think is what they're calling it these days.
But now I think that, to book-end Crowley's beginning with, "Your boss said that to Job, do you remember?" (imo they are so good at blending in, they can act human better than any human can act human! So, while feigning the memory span&loss&retention of a human, of course they can remember most everything. Angel stock: constitution of an Ox, memory of an Elephant.) Aziraphale may have wanted to remark on Jim's crossed hands from the night before and how similar it was to Crowley's doing so; that it was evidence of Gabriel still somehow being able to connect with images from his memory. "Crowley? You also did that thing... does Gabriel remember?"
If each minisode contains something that foreshadows or reveals what magic tricks occurred during this season's present day events, I feel that the only thing left is from "The Resurrectionists" minisode, where Crowley Goes Large (woah, woah, woah, another case for The Song Is The Clue?!?) ... or makes himself, something or someone else tiny.
"Size and shape are simply options" after all, so I do wonder about Hell's Usher, where the only time we've seen him is when he is small enough to fit in a bathtub and yet he is HUGE in the opening title sequence of season one. Behind him, Noah's Ark stranded between two damaged buildings (or one damaged building and maybe the Pleasure Cruiser Morbillo?)
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Something else that may be revealing of stories yet to be told of the past, while also foreshadowing a near-future event:
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Based on what Crowley said, this is not the first time Crowley and Aziraphale have performed a half-miracle together! Whatever biiiig miracle they're about to do (speculated event #2) could still be completely balanced and undetected, but then a plume of miraculous activity emerging from the circle gateway (privately speculated event #3) is what poor Aziraphale will appear to take the blame for.
Things being out of order may have started with the question, are season two's present day events being told out of order? There are other things appearing out of order as well, for example a change in the order of colours in the Rainbow (for "present day" episode two only I think, beginning Violet then Red, etc.) Or, in this case, narrative devices being so intertwined, one flashback-event can contain images and phrases that both foreshadow something yet to happen as well as to reveal what happened in a part of the story already told.
As always, please no asking or tagging Mr Gaiman as this blog post contains theory and speculation, thank you.
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The Companion by E.E. Ottoman
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New York, 1949
After years of trying to break into New York City's literary scene, Madeline Slaughter is emotionally and physically exhausted. When a friend offers her a safe haven as the live-in companion to reclusive, bestselling novelist Victor Hallowell she jumps at the chance to escape the city.
Madeline expects to find rest and quiet in the forests of Upstate New York. Instead, she finds Victor, handsome and intensely passionate, and Audrey Coffin, Victor's mysterious and beautiful neighbor.
When Victor offers her a kiss and the promise of more Madeline allows herself to become entangled even as Audrey is also claiming her heart. The only problem is that Audrey and Victor are ex-lovers with plenty of baggage between them. As Madeline finds herself opening up and falling in love with both she starts to wonder, can there be a future for all three?
Mod opinion: I haven't read this one yet but it is on my tbr. t4t4t romance yippiiiieeeeeeee. Update: I've read and enjoyed it. t4t4t erotic romance.
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carrinth · 7 months
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Did you notice how many gifts are *books* in Awakening?? Either our poor Warden-Commander was running out of gift ideas or was passively encouraging the formation of a Grey Warden book club.
Vigil's Keep Book Club! With Nat as honorary member.
Fun fact: Justice was apparently Most Prolific Reader of VKBC with a grand total of 3 books! (Well 2 books and an elvish scroll but it counts!)
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thornheartless · 1 month
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Gently holds him, like a ferret
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amythystraine · 2 months
Great Companions ~ they get along well on the shelf
Even before "The Gray Witch's Grimoire" had been sent flying across the pond to my publisher in England (Moon Books/John Hunt Publishing), I was knee-deep in writing my next witchy book, "Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way". The second book I published independently with Amazon through their KDP program under Pink Orchid Publishing -- which is me. But for one brief insane moment, there was one of those slow-motion experiences when the little voice in my head said, "Wait a minute, you should combine these books." It was absolute basic laziness which resulted in my reaction, which was "Nope, don't think so, there's so much material here." So I didn't.
One book went one way, on its destiny overseas, where it would eventually become a best seller. And the other book has found it's spot at Amazon, happily ensconced among the witchy tomes of neo-pagans around the world.
I have always said, and I'm saying so again with emphasis, that these two books make great companion books and will get along quite well on the book shelf together. Whatever I didn't include in one, can be found in the other. Below you'll find an overview of the contents of each book and links to purchase. Both books are available in print and kindle at Amazon.... continue reading, follow the link:
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emblazons · 1 year
So (because I cannot go three seconds without noticing new little things that tell the wider story in this show):
Let’s talk about how the music that plays during the S3 Byler fight is the exact same music that plays during the S4 conversation Mike & Dustin have with Lucas as they walk to class after the pep rally—
—and how that parallel gives us insight not only into how Mike (and his devotion to Will) has evolved between seasons 3 and 4….but also how The Duffers are evolving Mike as a character in the wake of the "conflict" of forced conformity they introduced in S3.
To start: here are snippets of both scenes where “Not Kids Anymore” plays, both in Season 3 and Season 4.
Now, even though Mike is present in both scenes, it’s not entirely obvious why these things would be parallels, given the radical difference in tone. That said: when we look at these scenes in their wider contexts, we see that they are both exploring the exact same issue, only with Mike on opposite sides of the convo each time—
—namely, whether or not its worth it for Mike to embrace conformity, given that there are behaviors/roles he is meant to fill when trying to keep up with being normal/growing up...and "society" says that DnD / nerdiness (and a refusal / lack of desire to participate in performative relationships) stands entirely apart from that.
Let me see if I can explain.
First: these things are parallels because they are asking us to compare the Mikes in each situation—to notice how he took Will’s words to heart, and decided on some level that Will was right, not him. How do we know? Because in the time between these two convos (aka the rain fight and then the first few episodes of S4), we learn that Mike has made a point to address and rectify all criticisms Will had of him & his behavior during the rain fight.
As of the very first episode of S4, we are shown that Mike is 1) paying attention to both the party/DnD the way Will criticized him for not doing (to the point of calling out Lucas for not prioritizing it the way he now wants to)—
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—2) he is focusing on keeping closeness with Dustin (even to the point of judging Lucas for not doing the same), because Will accused him of ignoring Dustin as readily as he ignored him—
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—and 3) he has entirely stopped "swapping spit" with El (to the point of removing her from a hug at the airport, kissing her on the forehead...and then never kissing her again lmao) while letting his relationship fall apart without much of a fight…right before apologizing to Will for letting El get in the way of their time spent together in the first place.
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Basically: even though he is still struggling in many ways to defend himself from being bullied/being an outcast by hiding behind his relationship with El (the same way Lucas is with “being popular” and basketball), we can see that Mike has made clear strides towards embracing the sides of him that aren’t conformist, which is reflected in all of his decision-making in Will's absence.
Though Mike is getting older and the party “aren’t kids anymore,” them paralleling these scenes is showing us that Mike, at least on some level, has realized that growing up is not at odds with embracing the things he enjoys & his various identities, whether that be through playing DnD—
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—wearing clothes he chose on his own—
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—or willingly choosing closeness with Will over the performance of relationships with girls (the same way Will already had in Season 3, and Dustin reflected as well).
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Now...this isn't to say that he's entirely succeeded at the task, given how many times we see him fumble through actually implementing these changes/revelations in himself, whether with clothes (hello 'shitty knockoff'), embracing his actual interests, or even letting himself want to admit he wants to be with/around Will and not El—
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—on top of the fact that I've already talked (many, many times) about how the journey of "feeling like you lost" the Duffers took us on had Mike ending up in a position where "conformity" temporarily wins, how that plays into his relationship with El versus Will, and why it matters for his character even outside of his queerness.
Still: I think this parallel in particular is important to understanding his character because it rules out any idea that Mike is somehow oblivious rather than intentionally working through to the changes happening in himself, whether they be in regards to him re-choosing DnD, making decisions about his clothing for himself...or wanting to be closer to Will / not participate in "liking girls," which is what he gets projection-mad at Will about during the rain fight.
tl;dr: Mike has realized on some level that he wants to be more like / closer to Will than his S3 "conformity" self—and the war we see on his face throughout the season in conversations with Will has a lot to do with that, among other things.
This musical parallel in particular draws attention to the fact that there have been changes happening within Mike that he sees and recognizes—he just "lost" like every other character this season, aka failed at walking into a more secure sense of self / out of his "conformist" relationship in its entirety...which we'll resolve in S5. :)
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night-market-if · 7 months
The Night Market's Forgotten Memories
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Officially announcing the Night Market's Forgotten Memories. Written by Zinnia Demitasse and all artwork done by @mooreaux. This is our first joint foray into the world together and has been a passion project of ours.
Forgotten Memories is a companion piece to book 1 of the Night Market. A lot of these stories can be found in their rough draft version on my Patreon. However, in this book, they have been edited, added to and have some gorgeous art to go along with them. On top of that, more stories have been added that have never been seen beore.
Overall, enjoy 60 plus short stories from the RO's POV and over 40 images that have never been released before.
Note: Available on Itch.io only for the moment. Steam TBA
Buy Now
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