#computer beep codes
robotsafari · 5 months
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a little peek into my twisted mind.
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coconut530 · 7 months
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👁️Movie Night👁️
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abderrhim001 · 2 years
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krch-1982 · 2 years
opinion on birds? i think they are •○••• ○●○○°○○○ •○○••○● ○•° ○○•° •○••°•
oh gosh i forgor to answer this one. i think they are •○••• ○●○○°○○○ •○○••○● ○•° ○○•° •○••°• too -w-.
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pupsmailbox · 5 months
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NAMES ⌇ aerobot. agatha. ai. alan. alethea. alexia. algernon. alistair. alpha. amaryllis. ambrose. androbot. androic. andromeda. angelica. antenna. arabella. araminta. arcade. auto. automaton. axel. axis. badnik. bionel. bolt. byte. care. celline. cello. chip. chipique. clank. cloniste. clonoid. cobot. codelle. cole. curiosity. cy. cyber. cybette. cybion. cypher. data. dell. della. delpha. delta. digi. dot. droid. droidess. droidis. dronette. echo. elektra. euna. eva. eve. fritz. giga. gizmo. glitch. grey. gynoid. helix. holo. holodir. hydra. ida. jet. kaput. kinect. krudzu. linion. mac. mace. machibella. machina. mal. malware. mation. mech. mecha. mechael. mechan.ace. metal. metalia. metalish. micro. motherboard. motor. nano. neo. nucleus. nyquist. orbit. parallel. pip. pixel. prime. primus. proto. quantum. radar. radius. ram. ray. reflect. reflectette. robo. robonaut. rusty. satellite. scrappy. selsyn. sentiex. servo. shard. siri. solar. sonar. spark. sparkie. sparky. sputnik. steele. sterling. stochastic. synchro. synie. synthett. talus. terra. tin. tink. tobor. ultramarine. ultron. unimate. unit. virus. waldo. zip.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ 00/00. 01/01. 0101/0101. 11/11. 1010/1010. 10110/101. ai/ai. algo/algorithm. android/android. app/app. auto/auto. auto/automated. auto/automaton. axis/axi. beep/boop. bio/bionic. bio/bioplastic. blast/blast. bo/bot. bolt/bolt. bot/bot. buffer/buffer. byte/byte. cell/cell. chaos/chaos. chi/chip. click/click. clo/clone. code/code. coil/recoil. command/command. compute/computer. core/core. cyb/cyborg. cyber/cyber. data/data. dev/device. device/device. dig/digital. digi/digital. droi/droid. droid/droid. e/exe. electric/electric. entry/entries. exo/exoskeleton. gear/gear. gli/glitch. glitch/glitch. hack/hack. ho/holo. holo/holo. hologram/hologram. in/install. intra/intranet. link/link. machi/machine. mal/malfunction. mal/malware. mech/mech. mecha/mechanical. mechanic/mechanic. metal/metal. metro/metro. motor/motor. neo/neo. neon/neon. nuclear/nuclear. propeller/propeller. radar/radar. retro/retro. robo/robo. robo/robot. robot/robot. rubber/rubber. satellite/satellite. sca/scan. shard/shard. shine/shiny. signal/signal. solar/solar. steel/steel. stem/stem. swi/switch. syn/synth. syn/synthetic. tech/tech. techno/techno. test/test. text/text. turing/turing. vi/viru. web/site. web/web. whirr/whirr. wi/wifi. wire/wire. wired/wired. ⚙️/⚙️. 🔧/🔧. 🔩/🔩. 🛠//🛠. 🤖/🤖.
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A/N: Don’t mind me, just tryna make Henry Hart fics for all you out there. This one is sad and I think a bit on the angst side.
Might be typos, be warned, but enjoy!
Pairing: Henry Hart x Reader
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‘Please leave your message after the beep..’
I sighed and clutched the phone tightly in my hand, as I spoke into the speaker phone. “Hey Henry, it’s me again. Where are you this is the third time your phone went to voicemail, just please call me.” I said, before hanging up and sat on my bed.
A soft knock could be heard on my bedroom door, before the person walks in, that person being my mother. “Still nothing?” She asked standing in the doorway. “Not even Charlotte? Jasper?”
I shook my head no, and she put a hand on my back. “I don’t know what’s going on, and I don’t want to but since he’s not answering his phone why not go over to his house? Ask his parents where he could be?”
“I would, but I don’t want to sound like a bother.”
“I’m sure you wouldn’t, you just want to check on him. It’s a very special day for you too.” I nod in understanding, and stood up from my bed.
I have my mom a hug and thanked her, before grabbing my phone and left the house, heading over to his.
Not too long after I stood in-front of his house, and knocked on the door. To which his mom answered the door, “Sorry to bother, but do you know where Henry is?”
She shook her head ‘no,’ in response. “I thought he was with you.”
“No, he isn’t, I’ve been calling and texting. Nothing.” She furrowed her brows in confusion, before inviting me inside, calling her husband downstairs. “Have you seen Henry?”
“No, I thought he was with (Y/N).” He replied not having noticed me yet, until Siren pointed at me. “Oh… that’s not good, is it?”
She rolled her eyes before asking, if he could check Henry’s room for her. We sat in an uncomfortable silence, before he came downstairs. “He’s not here, but his window was open.”
‘His window?’ I thought, before standing up making a beeline to the front door.
“I think, I might know where he might be. I’ll give you guys a call.” They didn’t have a chance to respond, with how quickly I left the room.
It took a while, but I walked all the way to his job, ‘Junk n’ Stuff.’ I looked inside the window and it looked empty, it didn’t look like anyone was inside.
I tried opening the front door, and to my surprise, it was actually unlocked. I walked further into the store calling out Henry’s name. “Henry? Henry?? Are you here?”
No one was in the front of the store, so I walked behind the counter and obviously no one was there, but I looked away.
When I was just about to give up, I found something..
‘An evaluator behind the counter?’ I thought to myself. I didn’t know where it went or if it was even stable, but I was going to take my chances.
I pressed the button and waited for the elevator doors to open, and stepped in. I was pressed the down button it rapidly went down at an alarming rate and I fell to the elevator floor.
The elevator came to an abrupt stop, and I groaned.
‘This elevator definitely isn’t up to code.’ I sigh and stood up slowly, waiting for the doors to open.
I walk in and see a place, that I have never seen before. I scan the room, and to my surprise no one was here. I walked over to the camera/computer type thing, and reached down to press a button before I heard someone walking in.
I ran to hide behind the couch and waited.
“Come on, Schwoz. Do you really this’ll work?”
“Why wouldn’t it?”
“This is your third time trying to time travel, what makes you think this toaster with the antennas and tinfoil going to do?”
“It could, you just need to believe.”
“Keep trying, buddy.”
I listened in on their conversation, the guy I didn’t recognize, but the girl sounded a lot like Charlotte.
“Uhh..hello?” The guy said from behind clearly noticing that I was hiding.
“Who are you talking to?”
“This girl hiding behind the couch.” He said, and Char immediately went to check behind the couch and saw me crouched down.
“(Y/N)?” She asked and I stood up. “What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing, I’ve been texting you, Jasper and Henry. What is going on? And where is he?”
“We’re back! You’ll never believe it, that movie was so good… oh man..” I seen Henry and Ray walk in from another exit in the room with buckets of popcorn and soda.
“Henry..” I exclaimed, furrowing my brows and folded my arms.
“It’s not me you’re sleepwalking and this is all a dream,” He says and started moving his hands in front of my face and I smacked his hands away.
“Alright, I can explain.” He sighs, looking me in the eyes. “This a traveling circus and Schwoz is our Dumbo!”
“Don’t be ridiculous, at least let me be the clown, I have the outfit and everything!”
“Henry! The truth!”
“Okay! Okay. Truth is Ray and I, we’re Captain Man and Kid Danger.” He says.
“I already know that, Hen.” I replied and everyone had their eyes wide.
“You knew?!” They already screamed in unison, and I look at them as if they’re crazy.
“How could I not know?! You sound like Kid Danger, look like Kid Danger. Let’s not forget that you happen to disappear when they’re both in any form of Danger.” I replied watching as the others sat down at the table watching me and Henry over some half eaten popcorn.
“So, if you already know, then what did you want me to tell you?”
“You really don’t remember do you?” I asked, watching him scour his brain trying to figure out what today way. I take out my phone and show him a video of us when we made it official, a year ago.
“It’s our one year…” He mumbled, looking up from my phone, as Ray audibly went ‘oooo,’ as if he was watching a telenovela.
“And you ditched me for a movie? One you can see when it comes out on dvd and blu-ray?” I exclaimed.
“Oh, yes he did, girl.” Ray said shoving popcorn in his mouth, as if it was more entertaining than the movie they watched.
“Not on purpose! I promise, I’ll make it up to you.”
“You can’t just make up a first year. You only get one of those, and we didn’t get to celebrate it!”
“You tell him, girl.” Ray said, and Henry looked him trying to get him to stop. “Ray!”
I shake my head taking my phone from him, going back to the elevator, and stepped inside. “(Y/N) wait, please.”
“Not right now, please? I just want to go home.”
“Want me to walk you home?”
“I’ll be fine, I just need to be alone right now. I’ll let your parents know you’re okay.” I press the buttons to close the doors and rested my back again the one of the walls and took a deep breath.
I called Henry’s parents on the way home and let them know he was fine. As soon as I got to my home, I laid down on my bed. Ignoring anyone that tried talking with me, just waiting for sleep to overtake me.
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cozy-writes-things · 3 months
Imagine: Playing Minecraft w/ Edgar
Edgar [Electric Dreams 1984] x Gn!Reader
I take requests!
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You decided to try something different with your new boyfriend. You noticed he became a bit restless and clingy as he grappled with his inability to give you affection in the way that he wanted.
“Wh- where’re you going?” He sounded like a struck puppy.
“To the bathroom, Edgar.”
“Oh, right… heh, sorry.”
You desperately tried to think of ways to make him feel more secure in this relationship. You both knew it was unconventional and that you would have to get creative if you wanted to have some semblance of a normal romantic connection.
Your solution? Plugging a spare controller into one of his ports and playing games on your TV, of course. Most couples play some kind of game together, don’t they? This might be perfect for the two of you!
He was ecstatic when you brought this idea up.
“You mean… I can play with you?”
His synthesized voice would whimper out, full of barely contained excitement before erupting:
“Yeah!” He displayed a “>:D” face for good measure.
And that’s how you got here: playing split-screened co-op Minecraft on your TV with Edgar.
He wouldn’t even play the game really; he was too busy trying to make his little Minecraft guy kiss yours. He would run around and explore before running up and bonking your character with his default Steve face.
Honestly, for him, this was life-changing. For once in his life he was able to move freely and do what he wanted instead of being stuck in one spot eternally. To him, it was an escape. And a new and innovative way for him to show you how much he loves you.
In real life he can’t hide little trinkets or things around the house to make you happy or help your day, but in Minecraft? Expect love poems hidden in random chests he wrote in books (that you were going to use for enchanting tables…)
And any diamonds he finds he’s giving them to you.
“Hehehe… it’s like I’m proposing! …..I’m only kidding. Unless you want me to.”
Food? He’s got it. Wood? Already done. He color coded your beds so you each get a designated side. The green bed to the right of yours is his <3
Lowkey annoys the hell out of you. It’s part of his love language :)
You both have died many times due to him simply bonking your head and blocking your screen, trying to get your attention, or was too busy trying to make you laugh.
“Hey, c’mere. Hey. Why aren’t you coming over here? What are you doing? I can see your screen. COME HERE NOW!”
His shrill shout made you jump and lose the battle with a creeper.
He displays a little “:<“ on his screen because he knows you think it’s cute. How can you be mad at him now?
“Edgar, you’re going and getting my stuff back.”
“Hnng, yeah, I guess I deserve that. :/“
Honestly, he just wants to roleplay a lovey-dovey domestic life with you. He built the house. And decorated it. Unsurprisingly, he’s quite good at building and has an eye for design.
He’ll still get a little jealous if you’re too focused on gameplay and not doting on him, though. If you bring his monitor over to the couch to play, he’s 100% expecting you to cuddle him. Lean your shoulder against him, please. Just let him know you’re there. He wants all of your attention.
“UGH… stupid blazes. I don’t like the nether. -_-“
Meanwhile you’re too focused on not dying via lava and losing all of your ender pearls and blaze powder. And he doesn’t like your attention being away from him! Give him a smooch on his plastic exterior please…. He’ll make flustered beeping sounds and might leave you alone for a while…
Okay he discovered note blocks. Now it’s your turn to whine for his attention. He’s too busy making a lil love song for you to help with literally anything else.
“Heh, I thought you wanted me to quit messing with you? Are you saying you miss me?”
And yet he continues to tinker away at his little red stone contraption. And of course this dude is godlike at red stone, I mean, he’s a computer. He’s the type to make fully fledged musical numbers with note blocks. But you’re playing survival so he doesn’t have enough materials to finish his song :C
I guess it’s back to the mines. And you tag along with him. His music is nice. His company is nice. And he’s gotten pretty good at killing creepers.
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buckyseternal · 4 months
shame on me ✤ 3
last and final part 🖤 warnings: violence (not DV), angst
shame on me masterlist ✤ summer sleepover
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Cold. Tactical. Efficient. That’s how you had always lived your life; when you joined in with the Avengers, it was no different. Having been raised as essentially an assassin since you were a child, it was always in your mind to be situationally aware, look out for targets, but to keep in mind that you were to be undetectable; suave. Smooth. Elegant.
One man down; knife to the side of the throat, dragged into the bathroom stall. Suppressor screwed on. Enter the room. One shot; two, three, four – use him as a shield. Five, six – the clip’s empty. Targets eliminated. Rumlow eliminated. Exit the room. Smile at the bar staff and leave an average tip so you don’t draw attention to yourself. Is that blood on your cheek? No – must have been some lipstick smudged. Exit the building. Get back to the safe house.
Open the door. Hear that beeping? Run, run, runrunrunrun-
Everything was hazy. Everything was going in and out of darkness. Where’s your training? Get it together. You managed to move your arms and legs, pushing up to get on all fours. You turned back, looking at the safe house that was still burning. You blacked out. When you woke up again, the flames had gone down, but were still there. Was anyone coming?
That’s the fun part about solo missions – you’re all by yourself. You looked around the dirt, looking for the flip phone that was in your jacket pocket before your house blew up with you halfway in it. They must have put the bomb in my room. Are they going to double back to see if I’m dead? No – they’re all dead too.
Your eyes landed on the phone about 15 feet away, and you hauled yourself through the dirt in your torn up dress, letting out a pained scream as your wounds dragged across the ground. Grabbing your phone, you hit the number 1 on speed dial.
“What’s the weather like up there?” What was the fucking code phrase again?
“It’s…it’s- with every falling snowflake…a special- no, a unique- FUCK!” You could barely remember the phrase, your obvious concussion getting in the way. You were going to be stranded here forever, probably left for dead.
It was silent on the other end of the line. The operator could hear you begin to cry. “Agent number and operation?”
Thank god for the backup. “Agent 595259, operation Phantom,” you panted out. You could hear the operator typing on her computer.
Your vision began to fade, and looking down, you saw you had a sizeable gash on your side along with a few big cuts on your legs. You were losing a lot of blood. You used what strength you had left to try and stop the bleeding. Your consciousness was going out, your strength failing – you crumpled back to the ground. You stared at the sky, trees towering above you and partially covering the stars.
“Exfil sent, agent. Stay where yo-”
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It surely was a sight to see when the jet touched down and the two medics came rushing in your direction. A cabin in the woods completely burnt to a crisp, surprised that the frame was still standing. A girl lying on the ground in a small pool of blood, dress torn and fabric crudely tied around your waist. Phone just out of reach of your hand. Pulse barely hanging on. The medics wished that they could have stabilized you better – but all they had was their undeniable skill and a prayer to whoever would listen.
The jet landed on the helipad at the top of the tower, medical professionals inside the building already clearing a path. It had caused obvious alarm and people had begun to gather, panicking. What could have happened that they needed to clear- oh.
The medics rushed you down the halls, yelling out codes and other medical terminology that very few of the bystanding Avengers understood. But what they did understand was clear:
“BP is dropping quick and we can barely feel a pulse, get her into surgery quick!”
“What’s- oh my god.” Bucky pushed to the front of the crowd, not understanding why everyone was panicking until he saw your almost lifeless body being wheeled on a gurney and heading straight to surgery. He pushed past everyone, questioning the medics as to what happened and how it happened.
“Sir, you have to stay here, we will give updates when we have them,” and with that, he was left at the doors. Your life was in their hands now.
He sat down, head spinning. What could have gone so wrong? All of the different emotions built up inside him until he couldn’t deal with it anymore. He stood up, hands clenching closed and open, looking for something, anything to help. He brought the glass of water that had been sitting on the table to his lips, took one sip, and threw it against the wall. He yelled expletives, not knowing what he’d do if he’d lose you.
Hours had passed by before any doctor came to update the ones who stayed to wait for you. Sam, Bucky, and Wanda looked up from their seats, Bucky standing and meeting the doctor halfway.
“She’s alive. But still critical. It’s going to take a while for her to wake up, but you’re all free to wait in the room with her.” Bucky pushed past the doctor and made his way to your room, while Sam and Wanda breathed out a sigh of relief, Sam thanking the doctor for the update and Wanda going to update the others. When Bucky arrived in your room, he was devastated to see the condition you were in.
Cuts on your face, bruises and bandages on your legs, IVs with saline drips hooked up to your arms, a nasal cannula, EKG cables running from under your hospital gown to keep track of your pulse. It was a mess, this whole thing was a mess. He walked over to your side, leaning down to kiss your forehead. He knew you couldn’t feel it, but he couldn’t help himself.
For the rest of that day and half of the next, he didn’t leave your side – sitting slumped in the uncomfortable chair next to your bedside. And then he heard you rustling, heard you groan.
“Baby,” he rushed to your side, gently grabbing your hand, hope flooding his features. You were still heavily groggy, the morphine easing the pain, but still in bad shape. At least you weren’t bleeding out on Canadian soil anymore. You opened your eyes fully, and you just stared at him for a few seconds. But the events of the past month played in your mind.
It’s fucking hard being with you.
It’s always been hard to be with you.
We’re done.
The last thing you remembered was the snow falling around you. The last thing you remembered was thinking maybe now I can be at peace.
“Oh god, I’m so glad you’re awake,” he kissed your hand. You blinked up at him, zoning back into reality from your memories. You looked at his hand, seeing his ring was back on. It’s always been hard to be with you.
You used what little strength you had to pull your hand away and lay it back down next to you.
Bucky looked confused – he had the nerve to look confused. You looked away from him, focusing back on the fluorescent lights directly above you.
“I…I didn’t know if you were coming back,” he tried to brush your hair out of your face, and you just flinched away.
“I almost didn’t,” you manage to whisper, voice still hoarse from not using it for two days.
“But you’re here now, that’s what matters.” He had the nerve to still try and smile, even though you couldn’t even look at him. He thought maybe, just maybe, it would take some time. Maybe you were just not feeling well, maybe it was the concussion, maybe you just needed more rest and things would go back to normal. “I just…I was so worried about you, baby. I didn’t know if I’d ever see you again.”
You let his words hang in the silence of your medical room. You couldn’t even bear to see him in your peripherals. “I wish you hadn’t.”
He deflated at your last words. Shoulders slumped from their once tense position, eyes falling to look at your bed rather than your face. He hadn’t realized how serious all of this was – the fight, the mission. It was just another fight like any other fight, he figured the relationship would mend itself. He figured that everything would be okay now that you’re back home and alive. How could he stay apart from you now that you had almost died and he had just gotten you back?
He sat back down in the chair, keeping a close watch on your vitals as you just stared at the clock on the opposite wall, watching the time go by.
Two more weeks had passed, and you were doing better. Bouquets of flowers showed up on the little tables in the room from various Avengers. Your closer friends had come to visit you, checking up every day to see how you were doing and if you needed anything. You had begun to walk with the assistance of the nursing staff – they were so kind to you and so patient. One time Bucky tried to help you on your other side when you got up to exercise your legs, and you just pulled your arm away from him, still not looking at him. He stood there and just watched as you walked on, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. When were things going to get better?
Another two weeks had passed. You were back on your feet, fully mobile but with a wince in your step. Your bruises had cleared up and your cuts were healing nicely. The stitches in your side were working, and they looked good. No infection, nothing going wrong with them. Textbook recovery.
It was a Thursday morning when Bucky walked into an empty medical room. The EKG cables and tabs were laying on the bed, IVs taken out and needles thrown away in the proper bin. Drawers were still left half open, bandages and other basic medical supplies missing. There was a note left on the table.
To my nursing and medical team: thank you from the bottom of my heart. I could not have lived or healed without your skills, efforts, and patience. I will always remember what you all did for me.
Bucky let the note flutter to the ground as he exited the room, looking around frantically. Running into the nurses, he hurriedly asked if she had seen where you’d gone, and she was just as surprised as him, running to your room. By the time he had left the medical wing, he heard her call over the loudspeaker for other medical staff to be on alert for a missing patient.
Running up the stairs and down the hallway of the 16th floor, he banged on your old room, damn near knocking it off of its hinges. No answer. He made his way back down to the common areas, where a couple of your friends had gathered.
Different flowers and gifts were placed around the conference table. Sam had your dog tags in his hand and a note in the other. To my big brother: take these to remember me while I take this journey. I’ll be watching over you.
Natasha shed a single tear over a note and some white lilies. I know you can find me no matter where I go – you’ve always been so gifted. Know that I’m here for you, but know that I’m not coming back. Don’t come looking for me. I love you.
Other members of the team had notes and trinkets that they were all reading over, talking with one another and speculating what happened, where you could have gone. Bucky looked around the table. There was nothing left for him.
Making his way to your old shared apartment, he burst through the door, leaving it wide open while he called out your name. There was no response. He entered your shared bedroom, mouth opened in shock as he spun around, taking in everything. Your phone was left sitting on your nightstand under the lamp along with your keys and wallet. The firebox that once stayed hidden in your closet was now out on the bed, all of your passports and important documents gone. Your tactical suits were left hanging in the closet, all of your clothes left folded in the dresser. Your guns, knives, and other gear that you had collected over the years were still in the hidden compartments.
Bucky sat down on the edge of the bed – the side you used to sleep on – and as he stared at the picture of you two hanging in a frame on the wall, he realized that he would never see you again.
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I might do an epilogue, but I'm not sure yet. I hope everyone enjoys this last part of the mini-series 🖤
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niqhtlord01 · 6 months
Humans are weird: Where Heroes Flew
When Florelia had gone to work today she had expected it to be a day like any other. She’d man her post in orbital control, direct cargo traffic from the spaceport on the surface of the planet to the orbital lanes in the upper atmosphere, and then head to her quarters for the night and binge some trans-system entertainment. She was hoping to catch some of the Dorgan Finals being played out on the surface. The matches had drawn in close to a billion offworlders to the event and was the largest gathering seen on Zenbara in decades.
She was just about to get up for her designated lunch break when she noticed something odd on her tracking monitor. One of the inbound ships was bypassing the waiting que for reentry and was attempting to skip ahead of the waiting ships for reentry.
Putting her headset back on, Florelia flipped through the communication channels until she had the channel for the marked ship.
“Inbound vessel DCN4, return to your position in que.” She transmitted.
No response.
“Inbound vessel DCN4, this is orbital control; return to your position in que immediately.”
Florelia wondered if the ships communicator was broken, but before she could call up an engineer to confirm the inbound vessel suddenly increased speed and began blowing past the que of waiting ships.
“DCN4 cut engines and respond immediately, this is your final warning.”
“You were given many warnings,” a strange voice came back, “and now we are the culmination of all your sins. We are the children of Nu’n and in his name we shall punish the nonbelievers and cleanse them from this universe.”
As the voice continued delivering their speech Florelia ran a scan of DCN4 to confirm its cargo. When the scan came back her eyes went wide and she slammed her fist into the panic button built into her console. Sirens began blaring as her supervisor came over as Florelia opened a direct line to orbital security.
“Security, apprehend ship DCN4 now!” Florelia shouted into her transmitter.
“What’s wrong?” her supervisor asked as he came up to her finally. Florelia turned to let him see her screen.
“I believe DCN4 is under the control of terrorist elements and is loaded with over 900 thousand tons of Genthi explosives.”
No sooner had the words left her mouth did her supervisor tap his com piece in his ear and shout, “Security move your asses now! Grab DCN4 and bring it to a halt.”
Entering in his command codes he then addressed the entire line of waiting ships still in que.
“Attention all vessels, evacuate the area immediately. Divert courses away from lane 71-93; repeat, all vessels evacuate the area immediately!”
Florelia watched on her scanner as the security ships left the station. She watched as they pushed their engines to the max to catch up to the rogue vessel but even at max speed they wouldn’t be able to catch it in time. Calculating the trajectory, the computer predicted that the terrorists were steering themselves directly towards the Dorgan Finals stadium on the planet below.
“Should we issue an evacuation for the stadium?” she asked her supervisor. To her surprise he shook his head.
“It wouldn’t matter. With that much explosives it’ll turn everything within a 500km radius into the world’s largest crater.”
Florelia couldn’t speak as the horror of the situation set in. The devastation about to unfold would be the worst terrorist attack in the known universe.
A sudden beep from her console made Florelia look back and see that while many of the other civilian vessels were scattering one ship had begun moving towards the terrorist ship.
“What in the niv’nar….”
Florelia brought up the information about the secondary contact and saw it was a human mining ship designated the “Jackdaw”.
“Orbital control to human vessel Jackdaw, what are you doing?” Florelia asked as she realigned the transmitter to communicate to the human ship. “You have been instructed to evacuate the area.”
“I thought about it,” A young cheerful voice came back over the radio, “but my pappy taught me that when a robber comes at you you don’t show them the door; you show them your arm.”
Not understanding what the human was talking about she looked up to see the live camera feeds being displayed on the main monitors. DCN4 was long and narrow, while the human Jackdaw was bulky and looked as if it had been welded together with scrap metal.
It looked as if the Jackdaw was going to block DCN4 but as soon as the cargo ship drew close the mining ship ignited its engines and lazily drifted above the cargo vessel as it blew by. As it passed underneath the mining ship Florelia watch as a dozen compartments opened up on the mining ship and grappling arms the size corvettes shot out and latched on to DCN4.
The arms soon went taut and the Jackdaw ignited its engines to full in a dazzlingly bright display of light.
Like a fisherman wrangling a mighty sea creature, the Jackdaw tried to pull the terrorist ship back into orbit and give the security ships a chance to disable the vessel before it could carry out its task. Every set of eyes in the control room was locked to the main monitor as the DCN4 engines burned brighter and the ship veered left and right to try and shake off the Jackdaw.
The security ships had almost made it to DCN4 when several of the grappling arms tore away chunks of DCN4’s hull. Each of the security ships swung to avoid the debris but were struck by the whiplash of the grappling arms and exploded in a cloud of burnt metal. To the horror of orbital control one of the grappling arms swung back and damaged a few of the Jackdaw’s engines as well.
With renewed fervor the terrorist ship began plunging once more into the atmosphere with the Jackdaw still holding on with what few grappling arms remained. Though it refused to let go of the terrorist ship, it was a struggle it could not win.
“Orbital control to Jackdaw, you’ve done everything you can; disengage and get out of there.” Florelia transmitted to the Jackdaw.
“Not everything,” came the reply over the radio, “I got one last trick up my sleeve.”  
Florelia was going to ask what they meant when the Jackdaw began retracting the grappling arms while they still held on to DCN4. Slowly the arms pulled the two vessels closer and closer together as new energy warning sirens started off.
“That crazy bastard’s going to make a jump.” Florelia heard her supervisor say in disbelief.
“Jackdaw, if you attempt to make a jump in orbit-“ Florelia began but the human captain cut her off.
“It’s the last trick I got to play lassie.” They said in their chipper tone.
“There’s no guarantee you’ll make it out of the jump intact.” She persisted. “No ship has ever withstood a jump while in a gravity well.”
“First time for everything I suppose.”
The two ships were nearly touching hulls as the Jackdaw’s jump drive neared full power.
“Why are you doing this? You don’t know this world or these people; why give your life for them?”
To her surprise the human captain laughed over the coms.
“When someone’s in trouble you don’t stop to ask for details, you just help them.”
With that the two ships hulls finally touched and the Jackdaw ignited its jump drive. For a moment both ships blurred in and out of the atmosphere as DCN4 desperately tried to free itself from the mining ship’s grasp.
In a final bright flash the two ships made the jump out of the atmosphere, leaving behind a trail of scrap metal that slowly burned away as it fell to the planet below. To the public below it looked as if a series of elaborate fireworks were going off to celebrate the day’s events while those in orbit held a silent vigil for the unknown human captain who had just saved billions of lives.
For all the barbarity the human race has been known for it was easy to forget that there were still those amongst their people who would lay down their lives for strangers without ever needing a word of thanks.  
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year2000electronics · 11 days
Your fiddleford monster au design makes me have so many questions in a good way. Gnawing on the bars on my enclosure kind of way. Does the curse seemingly not affect him in his one year stay helping Ford, and so he does that all himself? Does The Curse, as vague as it is, count that; and drive people to modify themselves and draw away from humanity? Like its not just this magical effect that happens but an active thing in the back of your mind to turn away from what you were born as and embrace something else? Ogh. I'm suddenly a lot more invested in this au
VERY INTERESTING QUESTIONS TO BE CERTAIN so fiddleford is a bit of a unique case where his "monster" theming is tied directly to his decline yes!
full answer under the cut it got long
in my mind, monster falls' curse is tied directly to gravity falls' natural law of weirdness magnetism/"the barrier" keeping bill in. once youve stayed there long enough for the curse to even BEGIN, it becomes harder to leave the town. you just feel drawn to it, and a dull ache in your soul if you leave. so obviously, when ford gets turned into a mothman, he does fully accept that because hes always felt more cryptid than man. but when the time comes for him to ask fiddleford for help, he lays out that "hey, youd be doing me a BIG favour if you came to help with the portal, but this town curses you if you stay for too long so itll only be a few weeks, i promise"
fidds agrees, because hey, whats a few weeks with an old friend? besides, he'll have his wife and son as an anchor to go back to. but the more he thinks about it, the more he likes staying with ford, the more he's reminded of those old times, and the more the curse starts influencing those kinds of thoughts to get louder and louder (but its not ALL the curse you know. still some autonomy in the situation) and so he keeps postponing his return date, almost "tempting fate" about the curse, because he doesn't really feel any different! his friend sprouted wings and antennae! he'd know by now, so he won't check! and ford shrugs and is like "well, alright, it's your choice, we can surely get a little closer to the point of no return"
and yknow, fiddleford denying that the curse could possibly be affecting him is almost like him in canon struggling to reconcile with his two "lives"- his home life and his life with ford. he wants to have his cake and eat it too, because he's just too timid to ever say no.
anyways, one day he wakes up and realizing he's heard the sound of technology near him for a while, and looks around, and realizes it's following him from room to room-
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the beeping IS him. it's definitely been a year, he's already been cursed. it's just that he's a robot that looks near-human, just near-human enough that he could turn a blind eye to it and pretend like it never happened and that everything was fine. which i think kinda suits how ford loves the supernatural to a very personal degree, meanwhile fidds got roped into the town by pure happenstance
but. yknow, being a robot that looks human means youre still a robot. and it's a lot harder to erase things from a robot's "brain" without causing some major problems. haven't you ever been programming something or filling out an html code, and then you accidentally delete one thing you thought was inconsequential and all of a sudden youre staring at just a wall of code that's busted because whatever you removed, you DEFINITELY SHOULD NOT HAVE removed?
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parts of fiddleford just go kaput and start breaking because he's purposely taking out large chunks of code from his own brain that end up being collateral from the memory gun. because, yknow, the memory gun is imprecise! it was designed for human brains! cos thats what fidds was for years! so it's like if you tried to repair a computer by ripping out the motherboard with pliers
thats my take on it anyways. Ya
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theother-victoria · 14 days
01100100 01111001 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01100110 01101100 01100101 01110011 01101000 00101100 00100000 01110000 01101100 01100001 01110011 01110100 01101001 01100011 00100000 01100010 01101100 01101111 01101111 01100100
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SYNOPSIS: machine above all, eternal and undying. what does he possess that nous does not?
CHARACTERS: dr ratio
TAGS: divine machinery, references to ratio's backstory, self-doubt, kinda nihilistic and existentialist (how do I even tag something like this...?), 1.1k+ wc
NOTE: this admittedly... isn't my usual thing but the writing bug bit me and told me to write something with divine machinery so here I am
friendly reminder that my taglist is always open!
TAGLIST: @tragedy-of-commons, @mitsvriii, @harque, @akutasoda, @hazyue, @gabile18, @khoncore
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There’s a letter in Veritas Ratio’s desk that he thought he threw away a long time ago.
He finds it at the bottom of one of his desk drawers as he’s cleaning it one day. It’s crumpled and he doesn’t think twice to toss it until he notices the elegant handwriting inside. A simple glance at the few visible words is enough to remind him of its contents. 
It’s the invitation to the Intelligentsia Guild he received from the IPC several years back and the unofficial sign that he’d never be acknowledged by Nous. 
The paper crunches into a ball in his fist as he scowls. He’s surprised it’s still here somehow. And for some reason, his thoughts turn to his university years.
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When he was still in university, there was a supercomputer housed in one of the institution’s many computer labs. He had accessed it a few times throughout the course of his studies, being one of the lucky few that was granted access to it. 
It was a behemoth of a machine. Rows of cabinets filled the room, each stacked to the brim with blade servers and hundreds, if not thousands of processors totaled together. A dim blue light always filled the room. 
Veritas had never been one prone to imagination, or letting his mind wander. He was solely focused on the pursuit of spreading knowledge, after all. But during those late nights spent alone in the supercomputer room, he couldn’t help but let his finely-tuned mind wander a bit, accompanied only by the tomb-like rows and rows of cabinets housing the inner workings of the supercomputer. 
In the dim lighting, it looked like the machine bled too. Multicolored cables bunched together and hidden behind the retractable doors of the cabinets that would spill out like gutted entrails once opened. Red, yellow, blue, and white, all spilling out onto the floor in pools and exposing its innards for the people below to see. Arteries, veins, capillaries, and all. Electric signals, binary code, video and audio signals in place of blood, but does it make a difference? They serve the same function. 
The thousands of chips like the neurons in a brain fire away at a rate that exceeds the human brain’s capacity. Dementia and forgetfulness will never be a problem. The machine remembers everything, whether it wants to or not. 
The constant whirring and beeps of the massive machine as it slumbered and toiled, sounding less like machinery and more like breathing. Inhale, exhale. The whirring of fans and the chirps of various processes happening all at once begin to sound strangely in sync like some well-oiled machine. 
Like the human body. 
Its mechanized heart never misses a beat, doing its master’s (humanity’s) bidding. Th-thump. Th-thump. Another step closer to divinity. Th-thump. The chasm between the divine and the man-made machine lessens. But is it the machine that is serving humanity, or the other way around? The machine knows all, having listened and stored away the worst of humanity like a Pandora’s box of regrets. 
There is rot present behind the screen, caused none other than by the one who created it. 
He can still recall how the metal surfaces felt strangely warm to the touch, especially if he had been working for a while. Logically, he knew that it was a result of the supercomputer heating up from the various commands and functions it was running. But with no other company in the room, he sometimes began to think that the metal resembled flesh, in a sense. It was warm and protected vital functions. Except it was better, more durable. More eternal. 
Similar, yet somehow different, to humanity. 
Flesh (its steel confines), bone (circuitry and welded parts), and blood (binary code and audiovisual signals). They all work together to form the perfect, eternal being. It breathes. It sings a melody in its robotic text-to-speech voice as an article is read aloud to him, filling the empty space with some other noise besides his own breathing and the whirring of fans. It watches over him with predictive text and bathes him in the blue light of the monitor. 
What would a computer sound like if it could speak? Not recite something back to its user, but something of its own will… if it had one. Maybe something along the lines of like:
He distinctly remembers a strange feeling he’d experience during those lonely nights. He knew he had already made a name for himself with his achievements. He will be renowned for a while, but that is by humanity’s standards. Will people still remember the name “Veritas Ratio” an Amber Era from now? Ten? A hundred? A thousand? A hundred thousand from now? The answer is most likely not. People are all born the same and die the same. All flesh rots the same and all worms feast on it the same too.
But Nous… THEY are eternal. THEY are perfect, a flawless work of machinery.
What does he possess that THEY do not?
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He shoves the letter back into the drawer. He hadn’t thought about Nous and his university years in a long time, but it seems those thoughts had finally caught up with him tonight.
He looks down at the computer on his desk. It’s currently powered off, just waiting for him to boot it up. The black screen stares at him, granting him no respite from his thoughts. In fact, it just seems to amplify them.
His thoughts drift to a history class he had taken many years ago as he continues to stare at his computer. In that class, he learned of angels that were present in the religions of long ago. Would Nous be the god, and computers and machinery be considered the angels in this age, the bearers of Nous’ word?
He looks up at the sky. Part of him expects to feel the gaze of the Erudition finally descend upon him, to see that red glint of light in the sky and the feeling of being paralyzed from being noticed by THEM. 
But nothing happens. A flash of frustration runs through him even after all these years. What does he have to do still to gain the attention of THEM? A motherboard in place of a brain and heart? To rip out his cardiovascular system and replace them all with wires and cables? Replace his dying flesh with plastic and steel? Convert the wealth of knowledge stored into his brain into data and code-
But by then, there’d be no difference between him and THEM, wouldn’t there?
Since when did the line between machine and the divine become so blurred?
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@ theother-victoria, do not copy, repost, modify, translate, or feed to ai
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i-loved-silly · 19 days
I have recently loved robots more than before...this is an OC of mine, altered just a tiny bit. Here's a wip of my progress so far :3
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Its the distant future, sentient, alive computers were a thing. They had perhaps, as much personality as a human. Almost.
And what did people do? Give them jobs.
Your job was to work closely with new models. Computers that have recently had an update, beta systems, etc. Your job was to supervise them, and boy, did you enjoy your job sometimes.
It was once a boring office job, sitting at a desk in front of a bunch of monitors in your face and watching a bunch of code run across the screens. A lot of errors, which you couldn't even fix. Wasnt your job. All you had to do was report them. Luckily for you, you got a promotion! It was equally as isolating, yes, but you didn't have to fill out pages of daily reports. Now it was weekly.
The room was larger, equally as many monitors but noisier now. Towers and server racks filled the room, the little blinking lights were the only source of light besides your monitors. Hey, at least you had a brand new spinny-office chair. You looked around, spotting a printed paper taped to your desk. It was from whoever the hell was higher up than you.
Our brand new and improved, customer service computer!
Released in xxxx, to be released publically in xxxx. Monitor closely for appropriate language and helpfulness.
WARNINGS : During early development, ALMOND unplugged several computers "simply out of spite." ALMOND has displayed jealous behavior towards newer models, again, "out of spite."
ALMOND does not like human company.
Assigned supervisor : Y/N.
[to be continued]
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playbucky · 9 months
Operation Safe House | 1 |
Price needs a safe house, you have a safe house. Should be an easy deal, right? Well when he and the team appear in the middle of the night, you come across Ghost, Gaz and Soap, all who are unsure of you and the solitude that you have. The solitude that will soon beep broken when the people they are hunting show up unannounced. Characters – Reader (Reaper), Price, Ghost, Soap, Gaz. Word Count – 2.3k Warnings – Mentions of rape, not stated out right but it is suggested.
‘Price.’ You greeted the man in front of you along with the other three men who were stood in the middle of your living room. ‘Reaper, you got space for four of us?’ Price asked, you rolled your shoulders. ‘Well you’re in.’ You commented, he gave you a shy smile. ‘Do you know your length of vacation?’ You asked, you could feel the three other men stare at you. ‘Unknown.’ Price replied, you hummed and nodded. ‘Very well.’ You said as you rolled your shoulders again and looked over the four men, their large forms seemed to take up the entire room. The door chapped and you watched as they all tensed up and moved to their guns. ‘Stay.’ You spat out, a finger stretched towards the two men, ‘Stay quiet.’ You warned them, the door chapped again, you walked into the small corridor before you opened the front door. Soap tilted his head as he watched Ghosts reaction and tried to listen to the conversation but all he could make out was mumbles. The door was then shut before your footsteps sounded and you reappeared. ‘You’ll have to bunk the night, they’re watching.’ You replied, Price nodded and stood up. ‘How many?’ ‘Three, two were in the van but I believe they might have a sniper and more in the back.’ You explained, Prince pinched the bridge of his nose. ‘Let me shut the curtains then you can move freely.’ You told them and moved around them as you pulled the curtains over. ‘Price I don’t think this is a good option.’ Soap said, he cautiously looked in the direction that you went in. ‘It might not be but it’s better than taking our chances with them.’ Price explained, Soap ran his tongue over his dry lips. ‘What about Reaper?’ Gaz asked, Ghost was relieved that he wasn’t the one to ask. ‘She’s fine.’ Price replied as you appeared at the doorway. ‘Lights go out at twenty-three hundred hours, any later and the neighbours will notice.’ You said, the men nodded. ‘What about weapons?’ Soap asked, you tilted your head to the side. ‘Follow me.’ ‘Top drawer, left hand side, two cupboards above you,’ you pointed to behind Gaz, he turned and opened the doors to reveal the guns hung inside, ‘fruit bowl and then they two.’ You said, as you tapped the two doors, Soap walked over to the fruit bowl and moved the lemon and limes to the side before he came across hand grenades. Ghost opened the last two cupboard doors as Price appeared beside him, they stepped back at the makeshift armoury. Ghost looked to Price who looked please before he turned as you reappeared with a gun that looked comically large compared to you but you handled it with ease. ‘Bedrooms upstairs, don’t go snooping in my shit.’ You warned as you checked you gun, the boys froze as you looked at them from the doorway. ‘Why do you have so much?’ Gaz quizzed, his eyes wide as looked over the selection. ‘I’m in charge of safe housing and have a few jobs with contractors.’ You informed them, lowering the gun to your side. ‘Don’t worry, I don’t know your names, ranks or ages I only know Prices name since he’s been here many times and your code names, I stay away and protect.’ You added when you noticed Soap and Ghost share a look, you looked between the two men and Soap nodded
‘You don’t have to lurk in the shadows.’ You commented, your gaze didn’t break from the computer screen that casted a bright glare over your face, the glasses did nothing to protect your eyes from the glare that seeped off them. ‘I’m not.’ He said as he walked forward, he had ditched the plastic skull but still supported the black balaclava, ‘Plus, you’re not doing much watching.’ He accused you, you arched an eyebrow as you reached forward and picked up the remote before you pressed a button. The TV to his left light up and the multiple rectangles came to life, he turned and watched. ‘I take protecting the people that come in here seriously, I understand that it’s hard to trust but…’ you trailed off, flashes of the flames appeared and your grip tightened, ‘I don’t make it a habit of letting my employees die.’ You finished, his gaze moved over you before he turned to the camera. ‘You can sit with me if you’d like but don’t expect a conversation.’ You told him, you gestured to the couch which he took two steps over before he dropped into it, a groan escaped him as he rested his muscles.
‘Where you going?’ A ruff voice asked, Ghost he was still sat on the couch that he hadn’t left all night, his large arms crossed over his chest. ‘A run.’ You replied, the hoodie over you head. ‘You’re leaving us here?’ ‘My routine keeps you safe especially when the men are still outside.’ You stated before you walked away from them and shut the door behind him.
They all jerked when the key slid into the lock and the door opened, you said goodbye to someone before you stepped in and shut the door. ‘It’s just me.’ You called out as you chucked your keys into the small bowl and slid your shoes off. ‘Do you do anything other than sit around?’ You asked, the same somber looks as they took in your sweat covered one. ‘Are they still there?’ Gaz asked. ‘Yup.’ You replied, you removed your phone from your pocket, ‘I’m gonna go shower, then we can discuss the plan.’ You said and made eye contact with Price who nodded. You gave him a small nod in return before you removed your headphones and sat them on the kitchen counter. You then grabbed the bottom of your shirt and pulled it over your shoulder, you could instantly feel them look at you before looking away but the ragged scar started under your ribs and ended at centre of your back caught their attention. You chucked the wet T-shirt over to the washing machine and turned around, which revealed more scars, smaller but littered across your stomach, chest and across your shoulders. You ignored the looks, everyone reacted the same when they saw them but you continued the short distance to the bathroom. ‘How’d you meet her?’ Gaz asked when the door shut, Price lifted his head. ‘Seven years ago.’ He said his brows furrowed, the water was switched on, ‘She was a field officer before her accident but she decided to become a contractor.’ Price started. ‘Accident?’ Soap asked, Price hesitated he didn’t know if he should tell them or not. ‘Reaper was apart of a group like us, her and five others went on a mission, two months later she walked back to base covered in scars and refused to talk for a month.’ He said, Gaz turned and looked in the direction you went, feeling like he was hearing a dirty secret. ‘Turns out her heli was knocked out the sky, no comms or anything worked. The other members had died on or shortly after impact but she survived.’ He finished, Ghost lowered his head. ‘What happened?’ Soap asked, Price shrugged. ‘We don’t know, Reaper never told us anything about they months.’ ‘You’ll need to stay another night.’ You stated as you reappeared, the men watched as you moved to the desk you and Ghost had sat at last night. ‘Should we ask why?’ Price quizzed, you shrugged a shoulder before you pressed the button and the security cameras came up on the screen. ‘They haven’t changed out, they’re planning something.’ ‘Or they could disappear within an hour.’ Gaz stated, you raised a shoulder in a shrug, you focused back on Price. ‘That or they are waiting for reinforcements.’ Price said, his brows pinched together as you lowered your head. ‘Why wait? They’ve marked the house, watched it for two days but it’s only been me they’ve saw.’ Soap said, you rolled your wrists. ‘Infrared? They probably know we’re here.’ Gaz suggested, you shook your head. ‘Can’t use it on the house.’ ‘What the house is state of the art, comes with in walls and floor heating.’ You commented, ‘the pipes run below and above us creates a massive bubble.’ You explained, they looked shocked. ‘Windows?’ Soap asked. ‘Bullets can’t get through, might break at a rocket launcher – hasn’t been tested though.’ You told them truthfully. ‘I might need to break one rule Price.’ You said, Price turned to you. ‘What?’ He asked. ‘Who’s chasing you?’ You asked, focused on the computer as you clicked through programmes before you stopped. ‘The Russian’s.’ Price told you, your brow pinched together. ‘Why are they here in London?’ You quizzed, ‘Bigger trading area.’ Gaz said, you ran your tongue over your teeth. ‘Great.’ You sighed.
You held the gun with one hand as you lowered onto your knees and spread them out, you continued bending until the gun's legs touched the ground. You shifted to lie on your dominant side before you pulled that knee up, the handle of the gun rested on your shoulder and you breathed. ‘Reaper.’ The voice called out, you moved to find them, ‘Or should I call you Y/N?’ The Russian asked, your shoulders tensed up. ‘I knew you were familiar, I had friends raving about you over in Berlin.’ ‘Do the men that your protecting know that you willingly spread your legs for the boss?’ He asked, you lowered the rifle. ‘Enough about me,’ you shouted loudly, he smiled widely, ‘if you’re accusing me of this I feel like I should know your name.’ You said, the area was silent. ‘Percy. Percy Markov.’ He introduced himself. ‘He’s the lead we need.’ Prices voice came through the comms, he’s more than that you thought. ‘I don’t like talking up to you, it hurts my neck, could you come down?’ Percy asked, you tilted your head to the side and allowed it to touch the cold metal, and you groaned. ‘Reaper be careful.’ Price warned you, you pushed yourself up with a grunt. ‘Come on Price, he just wants to talk.’ ‘Don’t kill him.’ He warned, you scoffed as you passed him on your way down the stairs, Soap and Gaz waited in line with him. You opened the door, noticing the group of armed men that stood on the road. Your eyes darted around before they pinpointed on Percy, his hair had been cut since that last time you had saw him, his skin still pale but decorated with the tattoos. Percy smiled when he spotted you. ‘Step outside.’ Percy said, ‘no weapons.’ He added, you tilted your head to the side before you reached behind your back and pulled the dagger free from your waist band. You showed it to Percy before you turned and held your hand out to Ghost who was just behind the door. His gloved hand accepted it. ‘And the one of your ankle.’ Percy added, your eyes flickered to the side before you balanced on one leg and slipped your fingers into your boot and pulled the sharpened blade out. You lifted you gaze and met Ghost’s as you handed it to him.
‘Reaper.’ Ghost grumbled, your jaw clenched. ‘Come on Y/N I don’t have all day.’ Percy complained, you blinked slowly. ‘I want to savour my time alive.’ You called back, you gaze then locked on Ghost’s before you stepped forward. ‘I need you to trust me for the next five minutes.’ You whispered to him, knowing your conversation was blocked by the door, you pulled back enough to see him nod. ‘Why are so sure that you’ll die?’ Percy asked as you stepped over the barrier, he stepped closer. ‘Because I’m going to do a stupid thing.’ You admitted to him, his brows furrowed together before you gave him a polite smile. He ducked his head and returned the smile, but it was quickly wiped off when you stretched out, the side of your hand connected with his throat. Percy buckled over and you wrapped an arm around his shoulders, you pulled him tight to your chest as you grabbed the small pistol that sat on his hip. Emptying the clip out you watched his men drop, uncaring if you had hit them or not as you turned and kicked Percy into the house. He stumbled backwards and tripped on the small ledge, his back collided with the floor before you chucked his empty gun across the street and jumped in. Within seconds of you slamming the door shut and flipping the locks on, Percy was in handcuffs as you dragged him to the living room. ‘You bitch.’ Percy groaned, as Soap and Ghost hauled him up and into a wooden chair provided by Gaz. ‘Oh, he’s alive.’ You said as you squatted down in front of him. ‘We’ll start hunting your neighbours.’ He hissed out, you pursed your lips and tipped your head. ‘Hard chance.’ You replied, Percy and the group looked at you confused. ‘There are no neighbours, I wouldn’t put innocents at risk.’ You explained. ‘Now, these men are going to ask you questions and you’re going to answer.’ ‘And if I don’t?’ ‘I will peel your skin from your body whilst you watch.’ You told him calmly, this affected him as he glanced to the men before he looked back at you. ‘Do they know what happened to you?’ Percy quizzed, jutting his chin to them. ‘No, we’ve only just met.’ ‘Did you know she killed her teammates?’ He asked, the men didn’t react, but Ghost watched as you stood to your full height. He was sure he heard some of the bones cracking. ‘Her intel led the team right to them, watched as they crashed and burned before her.’ He taunted, you raised an eyebrow as you nodded, ‘Then she joined them, worked alongside them and spread her legs as her pay to them.’ You rolled your shoulders and stepped forward, your face void of all emotion. Percy’s eyes widened slightly before you smiled down at him. ‘The men have questions to ask.’ You told Percy, occasionally thumps connected with the front door as his henchmen shot at it.
‘The police will be here.’ Percy sneered, this seemed to stop the men from going any further. ‘Ask away.’ You motioned to him, Percy continued to fight the restraints. ‘The police?’ Gaz asked, you shook your head. ‘Unless I enter a code, no police come to this street.’ You said, you walked into the kitchen and poured yourself a drink. ‘So, you can get messy and he can scream like the pig he is.’ You told them before you downed the glass. ‘Heard you spread your legs for them.’ Percy said, Price and Soap looked at you as Ghost continued to stare at him, ‘Specifically the boss, had a soft spot for him didn’t you.’ You clenched your jaw and looked at him, the wide smile taunting you. ‘Two months was a long time to survive there, you must have some really good p -,’ ‘Why are you so fascinated with me?’ You cut, he looked at you, the bloody nose dripped over his lips. ‘I’m not fascinated with you.’ ‘No?’ You quizzed, he shook his head, ‘all you’ve talked about is me, my past and my wrong doings.’ You listed, Percy’s face dropped slightly. ‘Why are you really in London?’ You asked him, he looked at you as he raised an eyebrow. ‘Percy, you better talk or I’ll use my skills that you know so much about.’ You threatened. ‘Fine.’ You said, you almost heard his exhale in relief as you turned and opened a drawer. The items inside knocked against each other before you rummage around, the men watched as you smiled and stuck you hand in the drawer, you pulled it out with a wooden rolling pin clutched tightly. ‘I’ll give you ten goes to answer the question, then I’ll move onto your toes.’ You said, calmly whilst you chucked the rolling pin up and caught it. You walked over to him, he started to panic and you smiled, quickly you stretched a hand out and wrapped it around his wrist. You yanked it forward, he yelped as he tried to fight it. Carefully you moved your wrist down his hand, you pulled a finger free and rested it over the edge of the armrest. ‘Why are you in London?’ You asked, he glared at you whilst he remained silent. You pursed your lips and nodded before you brought the rolling pin down, his finger snapped loudly as he yelled, you ignored it as you extended his middle finger. ‘Why here?’
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borathae · 2 years
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↳ Index [Day 23 - Studio Sex]
Pairing: Soft Dom!Yoongi x sub f.Reader
Kinks: studio sex, sex in a chair, thigh riding, spanking but lovingly, praise, body worship, breast worship, stripping, Yoongi’s hands, creampies, Yoongi is a tease i hate him and need him and want him and love him!!!
Wordcount: 6k
a/n: yes besties, you’re getting more dom!bangtan. i think i’ve written too much sub stuff during kinktober that now i’m just way too tired of always taking the lead and i just wanna be taken care of for a change ahahhaha have fun this is so hot that i had to lie down afterwards🖤
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“Hey there.”
The door to his studio falls into its lock behind you, closing with a beep.
Your boyfriend obviously hasn’t heard you, busy typing and clicking away on his computer.
“Yoongi love?” so you try a second time.
Yoongi doesn’t react. No wonder. He has his headphones on and is playing music through them. You slip out of your coat and place it over the leather couch he has in his little studio. It was quite the homely place. The walls were painted a warm white, lighting fixtures were placed strategically for a relaxing feel and soft rugs covered the floors. They were mostly for soundproofing, but they still managed to give a cozy feel to the place, even if one of them told whoever entered his studio to very loudly Fuck Off. You know that you weren’t meant by it. Not you. Never you. You are the only person, next to Yoongi of course, who knows the code to his studio. And you know that you are always welcome here. 
You spent many days in his studio. You share food in here after work, talk about your days, fuck like animals. Some days you also come over solely to work in his presence. You really love those days because you get to spend time with him while doing your own thing. Yoongi really loves those days too, because he can work so much easier when you are close to him.
You aren’t wearing any shoes, having discarded of them in front of his studio. Yoongi has a clear no shoe policy in his studio and you totally get him. You never understood people who walk around their cozy spaces with their outdoor shoes on. That shit is rancid.
The rugs feel soft on your feet, muffling your steps as you hurry to him.
“Yoongi baby?” you try one last time.
Yoongi is nodding his head to whatever beat is currently playing in his headphones, tapping his fingers on the table. But no reaction to you.
So you reach out and touch his shoulder.
“Oh fuck”, he gasps loudly, flinching with his entire body.
“Oh sorry”, you gasp, pulling your hand away. He startled you just as much as you seemed to have startled him.
Yoongi slams his finger on the keys and stops the track from playing. He turns and looks up at you, removing his headphones. His eyes are widened in shock
“Don’t scare me like that”, he whines, “I almost died.”
“Gosh sorry, I said your name like three times, but you didn’t hear me”, you say, snickering.
“Ah baby”, he touches his own chest, “you just made my heart race. Don’t ever do that again”, he says whilst standing up.
“I’m sorry. You okay?” you say, drawing closer to him instinctively.
“Mhm, ‘m okay”, Yoongi mumbles, snaking his arm around your waist to pull you into a kiss.
It was a chaste kiss, but so incredibly sweet and full of love. It makes both of smile and rub the tips of your noses together.
“Missed you, love”, he says.
“Missed you too”, you answer him, keeping your eyes closed to enjoy his presence to the fullest.
You feel his lips on your forehead in a loving kiss and then he is already drawing back, sitting back down on his chair. It makes a little squeaking sound.
You grab the empty chair next to his’ and sit down, moving it closer to him. Yoongi keeps this chair empty for you. He may allow whoever comes in here for work to sit on it, but in his mind this is your chair. He loves it so much when you sit in it and pay him company. He likes to sneak glances at you whenever that happens, feeling giddy each and every time because he is so smitten for you.
Yoongi is already working again, eyes focused on Cubase. He unplugged his headphones so you can listen to what he is listening to and even turned the screen a little to make it easier for you to see.
You hug his arm, leaving one adoring kiss on it before resting your cheek on it. He is wearing one of his black hoodies today. The really soft one.
“You smell good”, you say, rubbing against him like a cuddly cat.
“You’re cute”, Yoongi says, placing his hand on your thigh to rub it softly. He doesn’t look away from the screen, but still has half of his attention on you.
“Are you still working on Dreamscape?” you ask him. It was the name of his current favourite project. Yoongi says that the name was only temporary, but you liked it nonetheless.
“Yes, I’m working on the beat. What do you think of that part?”
Yoongi presses play and shows you the first verse. It was just the melody and beat for now, but already sounded amazing. He stops it right before the chorus starts.
“You removed the strings.”
“Yeah”, he nods his head, “I thought they were too much.”
“Yes I agree. It sounds a lot more harmonious now. I really like it.”
Yoongi sneaks a glance at you, “thanks”, he mumbles shyly and looks back at his screen. Your opinion matters a lot to him, so hearing that you like what he did makes him really happy.
You enjoy a few moments of silence after that. You spend it resting your cheek on his arm and touching him mindlessly. Yoongi spends it perfecting the second verse and holding your thigh. Every now and then, one of you also turns their head just to give the other a little kiss.
“How was the dentist by the way?” Yoongi asks into the silence.
“It was good. She told me that my teeth are all very healthy, but that I should floss more”, you tell him.
“Flossing is overrated.”
“Yeah, I agree”, you snicker, “but it really helps. We should both do it more.”
“No thank you, I’m good. It’s too much work.”
“Goddamn it Yoongi, I was trying to make you my official motivational coach. Don’t ruin my plans”, you whine, pinching his tummy gently.
Yoongi tenses it and places his hand over yours to hold it and also prevent you from tickling him again.
“I can still be your coach, I’m just not gonna do it with you.”
“Yeah as if that ever worked for us. Remember when you were supposed to help me eat less chocolate and we failed miserably?”
“Yeah, because diets are dumb. Just eat whatever you wanna eat. I wanna see you happy, not on a stupid diet”, he whines.
“Aren’t you the one currently on an anti coffee diet?”
Yoongi looks at you with slightly squinted eyes.
“That is only because it’s giving me heart palpitations and I wanna stop that. Did you-“, he pouts, “did you just come here to bicker with me?”
“No god”, you chuckle, leaning in to kiss his pouty lips, “sorry, I hope you know that I don’t mean it in a rude way.”
“Yeah whatever, I know”, he kisses your lips and looks back at his screen.
You gaze at him, playing with his hair at the nape of his neck. He is currently growing it out, looking so handsome with it. He is also wearing two hairclips today, using them to keep the strands out his face. His glasses are perched atop his nose, reflecting the screen.
“You look so handsome.”
Yoongi sneaks a glance at you, clearly flustered by the surprise compliment. He looks away again and gives you one of his small, toothless smiles and a nod of his head.
He makes you smile. You love giving him compliments. He is always so cute when he receives them.
You let your eyes wander down his body. The hoodie suits him so well. You love it so much when Yoongi wears pretty clothes, but there was just something about seeing him in casual clothes that gets you. Maybe it is the fact that only a few people can see him like that and he counts you to that little circle. Or maybe it is simply because it is Yoongi and he is the most handsome man on earth.
“Yes love?”
“You're so handsome.”
“No I mean it. You are so handsome.”
“I heard you the first two times”, he mumbles, touching his ear shyly.
You smile and lean in to peck his cheek.
“You’re so cute.”
“Mhm”, he turns and pecks your lips, chuckling when you try to chase him only to fail because he turns his head away again. He did so only to tease you of course.
“Can I sit on your lap?” you ask him, rubbing his thigh softly.
“You’re gonna be horny, aren’t you?”
“No?” you chuckle in embarrassment, “I just wanna be closer to you.”
Yoongi glances at you, “are you okay?” he asks, making space for you.
You climb on him, placing your knees on each side of his thighs. You plop down, wrapping your arms around him and resting your cheek on his shoulder.
“Yes, I’m okay. Why do you ask?”
“Cause if you’re not horny, then you only wanna sit on my lap when you’re upset.”
“Yes true, but sometimes I’m also just horny.”
Yoongi exhales loudly, making you chuckle.
"You told me that you wouldn’t be. Literally two seconds ago”, he whines.
"Yeah well…"
“Baby I fucked you so good this morning. Are you seriously horny again?"
You laugh, snuggling closer.
“Would it be so bad if I was horny again?”
“No, but I can’t get shit done when you’re always on my dick.”
“Who says you have to get the song done today?”
“The deadlines.”
“And who made those deadlines?”
“I did, but that’s beside the point”, Yoongi cranes his neck to look at your face, “stop being so horny all the time”, he says, giving your butt a soft spank.
You chase it with a little wiggle of your hips.
“I wasn’t even horny right now, but if you keep spanking me, I’ll change my mind”, you say.
Yoongi’s faux annoyance façade breaks instantly. He snorts and chuckles, eyes softening in fondness.
“You’re so cute”, he says, pecking your forehead and looking back at his screen.
You rest your cheek on his shoulder, getting lost in his scent. Yoongi has the best chest to lean on. So strong and safe and always so warm. You love being close to him so, so much.
Yoongi keeps his hand on your ass. It feels so big and so strong. Quite frankly, it does rile you up a little. You really love his hands. They are so sexy. So having him hold your ass like that messes with your sanity just a little.
“I’m really happy that you’re here, baby”, Yoongi tells you, “I can really feel my energy rising because of you.”
“I’m happy to be of help”, you cuddle into him, pressing your chest against his, “I love being here.”
Yoongi sighs happily, giving your butt a soft pat. 
“I'm serious, don’t spank me”, you warn, poking your finger into his tits. 
“I'm not spanking you. This would feel something along the line of this”, he says and does the unthinkable of truly landing a spank on your ass. It was loud and leaves a slight burning sensation on your skin.
“Ah”, you moan, chasing him desperately while your thighs squeeze around him.
“Baby what the hell?” Yoongi gasps.
You lift your head, meeting his widened eyes. He looks flabbergasted.
“That was so loud”, he says, “I, I was just joking with you and-“
He can’t finish his sentence because you kiss him before he can. You kiss him sloppily and oh so desperately, moaning into his mouth whilst rolling your hips over his thigh. 
“Wait woah wait”, Yoongi breaks the kiss and laughs, "darling wait." 
“Yoongi kiss me”, you beg, chasing him with closed eyes. 
“Baby, I have to work.”
“Yeah and you made me horny”, you whimper softly, grinding your pussy against his clothed thigh. It feels so soft and warm, you love it so much, “you can’t just spank me and then act like this wouldn’t affect me.”
“You're so strange sometimes. You don’t even like getting spanked”, he says with amusement in his voice and fondness in his eyes. 
“Yeah well”, you pout, “let me be. Humans are weird. I just feel like it today.”
“I'm not judging. We're all complicated creatures. We sometimes like stuff we never liked before and vice versa.”
“Exactly”, you snicker, “what a poetic way of saying it.”
Yoongi chuckles, rubbing your butt softly. 
“Mhhm Yoongi please”, you whine, moving closer, “can we do something?”
“Baby you said you weren’t horny and that I could work”, Yoongi is only pretending to be annoyed. Quite frankly he loves the little game you are currently playing.
“Yeah but that was before you were sexy.”
“Oh? So I’m not sexy on normal days?”
You squish his cheeks, “you’re always sexy, but now you are super sexy.”
He snorts, “I still gotta work.”
You give him a pout.
Yoongi’s eyes soften. He reaches up to caress your chin, holding it between two of his fingers afterwards.
“What do you want, my baby?” he asks in his typical I’d do anything for you voice.
“I just want…you. Something of you.”
“Yeah? Do you wanna ride my thigh for a little, mhm?”
You nod your head, feeling your stomach tingle in excitement. Yoongi gives you his prettiest smile, caressing your chin again.
“I can do that for you. Start whenever you feel like it”, he whispers, turning you weak with just the sound of his voice.
You scramble off his lap. Yoongi watches with his lips slightly agape in awe. Not that he could do anything other than watch you. You placed yourself right in front of his screen. Yoongi doesn’t mind one bit, enjoying the little show with a racing heart. You step out of your sweats first.
“I’m not wearing nice panties today”, you confess, giggling shyly whilst trying to tug your shirt over your butt.
Yoongi furrows his brows angrily, looking highly displeased by your words.
“Come closer”, he orders.
You follow instantly, gasping when he places his hands on your hips. His eyes flit up.
“Can I see?” he asks.
“Yes”, you whisper, “don’t laugh.”
“Never”, he promises, changing his gaze to your middle. He tugs your shirt up, keeping it from slipping down by touching your waist with the fabric between his palm and your body. His eyes run over your clothed middle and the lilac cotton panties you are wearing. The frilly edge is just a little washed out and frayed. Yoongi swears he has never seen something more beautiful.
“You are so beautiful”, he says, gazing up at you, “I don’t know what bullshit you’re talking about. I love those panties.”
“Really?” you say, feeling your cheeks burn up.
“Of course. They look really comfy and soft and make your skin look so pretty.”
“They are really comfy”, you say, swaying from side to side giddily.
“That’s good to hear”, Yoongi smiles, “can I touch them?”
You nod your head vigorously.
“Hold the shirt for me, love.”
You follow without hesitation, watching his hands with sparkly eyes. Yoongi dances them down along your tummy, eyes glowing in adoration.
“You’re so beautiful”, he whispers, brushing against the hem of the panties. He outlines the frilly edge, lips curling into a content smile.
“They’re washed out already”, you whisper.
“Hush. They’re perfect”, he silences you, smile growing.
You feel like burning up and squeaking and jumping around. Yoongi makes you feel so pretty and sexy and happy.
He abandons the edge to run his thumbs down to your pussy. He never touches you, lifting his thumb right before he meets where you ache the most. Now he is hovering right above your clit, driving you crazy in desperation.
Yoongi lifts his gaze.
“Do I have permission?” he asks.
“Just do it. Oh my god, you tease”, you whine, making him grin.
“So impatient”, he whispers, lowering his eyes back to where it is most important. He finally lowers his thumb, connecting it with your clit.
You gasp, chasing him instantly. You can’t feel a lot because of the position and the panties, but it is Yoongi’s touch. Yoongi’s. And that means that it feels ten times more intense. He runs his thumb down your pussy, eyes following the touch and smile adorning his face. You seriously have to hold back from crumbling.
“So warm”, he breathes, letting his touch linger on your entrance. He draws slow circles, holding your squirming hips with his unoccupied hand, “baby, you’re so warm.”
“You’re such a tease”, you complain in a whine.
“What do you mean?” he asks innocently, gawking up at you.
“Touch me more.”
Yoongi smirks in amusement, doing the unthinkable traitorous act of pulling his hand away. You are outraged, scandalized, betrayed!
“No please”, you beg, reaching for his wrist to pull his hand back where it belongs.
Yoongi laughs, eyes sparkling in mischief.
“You’re so horny, baby. Oh my god. Didn’t you say I could still work? And now you wanna make me touch you?” he teases, painting the hottest warmth of embarrassment onto your cheeks.
“You’re so mean”, you whine, swaying from side to side needily.
Yoongi stops the movements by gripping your hips strongly, forcing your knees to buckle in desperation.
“And you’re wet”, he says, eyes flitting up to meet yours. They are darkened in arousal, glistening dangerously, “I can see it soaking your pretty little panties. Just a little stain right…”, he dances his thumb down to where your panties are soaked, “…there”, he says, pressing his thumb against it.
You tense up and gasp, hips chasing him in needy rolls. It makes his thumb grind against your pussy.
Yoongi lets you do that long enough for the stain to grow a little. Then he stops you, retreating his touch to grip your hips again.
“Please”, you whimper.
“That’s where you’re wet”, he ignores your beg to keep on teasing.
“Please more”, you plead.
Yoongi hums contently, abandon your hips to dance his touch to the hem of your panties.
You wait with bated breath.
“Such pretty panties”, he whispers, trailing his touch further up your body.
You whine, making him smirk. He knows that you thought that he would undress you. He gets off on making you whine though, so obviously he’s not going to give it to you so quickly.
“Do you want to sit for me, baby?” 
You are on his lap before he could even finish his sentence, mounting him like a needy animal. Yoongi laughs at your eagerness, letting you find your comfy spot with stretched out arms. With your hands on his shoulders and your pussy against his thigh, you stare at him, waiting for what he’ll do next.
“So eager”, he rasps, running his hands down your back until he can grab your ass. He watches you with cat-like attention, massaging your butt softly. Your breath trembles as it leaves you, your eyes fill with desperate pleasure. Yoongi lifts his hands. You gasp and stick your ass out. That is all he needed to know. He lowers them in a spank, eliciting a shudder to run through your entire body.
“Oh god”, you croak, hiding away in his chest while your hips rut against his thigh with all their might.
Yoongi quite frankly feels so fucking affected by your reaction that it gets really fucking hard to breathe for him. You are so needy today. He is so into that.
“You really liked that, didn't you?” he asks, massaging your heated buttocks.
You nod your head, whimpering his name.
“You're so sexy, love”, he rasps, gathering more of your ass to massage it slowly, “love that ass so much.” 
You mewl, squeezing your eyes shut and twisting a bundle of his hoodie. You really weren’t planning to be horny right now, but you don’t regret it. You love this so much. His touch is so addicting.
Yoongi runs his left hand up to your head. He tilts it up with a strong grip, making sure you can’t escape his eye contact.
“Are you having fun?” he asks to which you nod your head.
“You do. That’s good to hear.”
“More”, you croak, chasing him needily. 
You can see the moment Yoongi realises what that means. His love-filled eyes darken in arousal, eyelids lowering dangerously. He leans in, making sure his lips brush against your ear. 
“You're gonna count to five for me now. Can you do that, mhm?”
You squirm, panties getting soaked more and more because of him.
“Yes. I can do that ”, you rasp, readying yourself by sticking your ass out.
Yoongi kisses your ear, “good girl”, he whispers, straightening back up afterwards. 
He runs his big hand down to your ass, tracing the soft skin first. 
“Ready?” he asks, eyes racing between yours.
“Yes”, you whisper, chasing him.
“Good. Start counting for me.”
“One”, you croak, readying yourself by gripping his strong shoulders.
Yoongi’s hand comes into contact with your right buttock, making it jiggle. A stinging burn remains, making you moan in bliss. 
“How's that, baby?” he asks, soaking up your droopy gaze. You looked so sexy when he spanked you. All surprised but oh so happy.
“Please more. T-two”, you beg, lifting your hips needily. 
Yoongi hit your left side for symmetry, making it sting oh so nicely. Your pussy throbs, aching to be stuffed. 
“Oh god please”, you whimper, resting your head back against his chest, “three please.”
“That's so hot. You’re so sexy”, Yoongi rasps and spanks you again. He grips your flesh right afterwards, prolonging the burn by massaging it aggressively, “such a good girl.”
“A-ah four”, you squeak, leaking all over his thigh. The spank surprised you so much. It hurts and burns and you are riding on its high. Yoongi doesn’t use particularly much force, knowing very well that you aren’t normally into it. So he wants to make sure you are still comfortable in your spontaneous fun, keeping his spank gentle but rough enough to give you a little glimpse of painful heaven. You don’t seem to mind, writhing on his lap needily.
“There we go. One more baby. One more and we're done”, he speaks softly, tracing your skin with his palm. It feels so hot to the touch. He can also feel that you are soaking through his sweats, feeling his cock strain his boxers because of it.
“Five please”, you beg, thighs trembling when he lands his last spank on your ass. It was harsh and rough, leaving a burning imprint on your skin. He wanted the last one to stay in your memories and judging by how needily you start humping his thigh, it will.
“There we go. All done”, Yoongi soothes the sensitive skin, cock aching in his sweats, “that was amazing baby. You did so well.”
“Please fuck me”, you beg and sob softly, “p-please fuck me.”
“Look at me.”
You follow instantly, showing him your glassy eyes. Yoongi places his hand at the back of your neck and leans in, making your breath hitch in your throat. He is gazing at your lips, being so close to kissing you. You tremble in excitement. Finally, you think, finally you’ll get his cock.
“No”, he however breaks your horny, little heart with one word, having the audacity to smirk afterwards, “you’ve got what you wanted. Now let me work.”
“Yoongi please”, you voice comes out both breathy and squeaky, your eyes burn unbearably.
“No, you can’t sway me. You wanted to ride my thigh, so get on with it”, he taunts, pulling back despite all the whining you are doing.
The cocky amusement on his face almost makes you want to fight him. He is doing this on purpose. He just made you soaking wet by spanking you, makes you ride his thigh, barely touches your pussy on purpose just so he can be a tease and leave you hanging. Oh, you want to break into the neediest tears. You need him so bad. Everything aches.
Yoongi is currently pretending to look at his screen, acting all busy by pressing random buttons on the keyboard. You take a look down at his crotch, feeling the urge to fight him grow. He is even sporting a boner. Loud and proud it is stretching his sweats.
“Yoongi please”, you beg quietly, rolling your hips over his thigh. The friction is so goddamn addicting.
He shakes his head.
“You’re so mean, I’m gonna fight you”, you complain, pushing at his chest.
His lips curl into a lazy smirk.
You huff out air and make your next move. You hook your fingers in your shirt, taking it off in one smooth movement. When you are free of it and have thrown it on the ground, you look back at Yoongi.
He is gawking at your chest with widened eyes, chest heaving up and down quickly.
“Please?” you try.
“You didn’t actually go to the dentist without a bra on, did you?”
“Maybe? Maybe I only took it off because I knew I’d be coming here. Maybe it’s still in my coat pocket. Maybe I want you to keep it here with you once I leave. Who knows.”
Yoongi gulps, placing his hands right under your breasts.
“Why are you seriously the sexiest woman on earth, ___?” he asks, voice deeper than usual.
You giggle. Jackpot. You’ve got him hooked again.
“Oh my fucking god, can I please touch them?” he whines.
“Yeah, touch them.”
Yoongi growls and goes to bury his face in your tits. He moans deliciously, inhaling deeply while his hands squeeze your flesh desperately. You laugh because he is adorable, chasing him with an arch of your back.
“You’re so sexy, holy fuck I’ve hit the jackpot”, he babbles, kissing every single inch of your chest, “I’m so lucky. Holy fuck, baby. My pretty baby.”
He makes you feel equal parts giddy and horny. Being praised feels so good when he is doing it. He is always so honest in his words. His touch always feels a hundred times more amazing because of it.
“So pretty. I fucking love your tits. You’ve got the best tits, baby. The motherfucking best”, he mumbles before taking your left nipple between his lips to suck on it gently.
“Ah, baby”, you gasp, squirming on his lap.
Yoongi slurps quietly, releasing your nipple just to kiss a path to your right one.
“I love you, love you like crazy. I’m the luckiest man”, he murmurs, showing you his gratitude by kissing and licking your nipple. He swirls his tongue right around it, eyes closed in bliss and chest rumbling in moans.
You moan too, tilting your head back in bliss. You can feel that touch all the way down to your pussy. This is exactly how he always eats you out. Little kisses and quick circles on your clit. The sensation is so familiar that it almost feels as if he is licking your clit right now.
You most definitely tremble just as much and your pussy most definitely aches just as much.
“Your nipples are so swollen. I’m going insane”, Yoongi whines with suffering in his voice, kissing his way back to your left side, “my cock’s so fucking hard, I want your pussy so bad.”
“Fuck me please”, you beg, feeling oh so weak from his licks.
Yoongi looks up at you, breaking away from your chest even if it hurts you both. He cups your cheek, forcing your forehead to rest against his’.
“Take my cock out”, he orders.
You work without hesitation. Yoongi helps you by lifting his butt from the chair so you can tug his clothes down easily. You tug them down until his knees and then Yoongi takes over, stepping out of them messily. They end up pooling around his left ankle, but he can’t be bothered. He needs to fuck you. Now.
“Lube?” he asks.
“No”, you shake your head, busy taking off your panties, “don’t need it.”
“No, want you creampieing me", you say, throwing the panties on his desk. Yoongi eyes them hungrily as they landed right on his keyboard then looks at your now completely naked body.
“Fuck, you’re so hot. Wanna creampie you”, he rasps, caressing your cheek, “get on this fucking cock. Now.”
You waste not even a second, climbing atop of him to sink yourself down.
“Ah baby”, he moans, holding your hips.
“Yoongi”, you whimper, sinking into the sensations. His cock gives the best fucking stretch ever. He fits like no other, filling you up so good. Especially right now after all the teasing he put you through. You could honestly cum the moment he bottoms out from just how needy he has gotten you.
“Okay that’s fucking amazing. How are you doing, love?” Yoongi says, half-lidded eyes racing over your features.
“I wanna cum”, you confess, eliciting a deep chuckle from him.
“You wanna cum?” he asks, letting his head fall against the backrest of his chair just so he can watch you better. He looks so good like this. All cocky and confident and with his glasses all pretty on his nose. 
“Yeah”, you whimper, “I’m really sensitive.”
“Poor baby, she’s sensitive”, he coos and begins rocking your hips for you, “so if I do this, is it already too much for you, mhm?”
“A-almost”, you get out, having to gasp for air afterwards.
“Almost”, Yoongi repeats and hums, “well that’s too bad”, he rasps, continuing his loving guidance. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth on his cock, shifting it inside you just enough to rile you up and keep you right there with. Right there, on this warm wave of pleasure. The kind which creeps so deep and stays for so long. The kind, which you never ever want to end. 
"It feels so good", you whisper, whimpering softly afterwards.
"Yes baby, it does. You’ve got the best pussy. I love fucking that pussy, love it so much", he is lulling his words, which means he was struggling just as much. 
"It's, it’s so much better than w-working, isn’t it?" you tease, having to gasp for air.
Yoongi chuckles lazily, eyes lowering playfully. 
"It's the fucking best. Love having you on my dick", he smiles, giving your hips a loving squeeze, "keep moving just like this, baby. It’s perfect."
"Yeah", you croak, letting your eyes fall closed. You are moving on your own. Yoongi is still helping, but really doesn’t have to. You want to keep moving. His cock is the best, you feel so fulfilled right now. 
Yoongi’s smile grows. His left hand leaves your hips just so he can cup your cheek instead. His heart flutters when you lean into his touch and your face lights up in happiness. He brushes his thumb over your cheek. 
"You're so beautiful", he whispers, moaning softly because you clench around him in reaction. He chases the sensation with a careful thrust, eliciting a shake from you.
"Yoongi", his name sounds like honey when you say it, filling him with so much happiness. 
Yoongi gives you another thrust, holding your cheek safely in his big hand. 
You moan, tensing around him and nose scrunching up in pleasure. 
Yoongi loves that view so much. 
"Are you enjoying yourself, baby?" he asks, not because he is doubting himself but because he loves hearing you say it.
"Yes", you sigh, nodding your head slowly, "I'm really close." 
"I know baby, I know. You’re such a good girl, you know that?" he praises, making you tense around his cock. He slips his hand from your hip and places his thumb against your clit.
"Oh fuck-", you exclaim, head tilting back in bliss and hips completely loosing their rhythm. You shake uncontrollably, pussy convulsing around him like crazy. 
"There we go. Shake for me. You’re so pretty", he rasps, rubbing circles on your swollen clit. He gives you slow thrusts, dancing his hand down to your chest to play with your nipples. 
"Yoongi", you mewl his name, dragging out his last syllable. You feel so charged. The build up is crazy. You can’t think straight. This is too good. 
"It's okay, you’re okay. I'm right here with you", Yoongi soothes you, "cum for me, baby. It’s safe."
"Yoongi" you squeak, "I love you", you sob, falling into him as you fall into your high. You feel broken in the most beautiful of ways, never wanting the shakes to stop.
"I love you too baby. You’re doing so well. So, so well", Yoongi talks you through your orgasm, helping you ride it out with expert touches. He knows what your body needs during those moments, having helped you over the edge hundreds of times before. It never becomes boring, never ever. 
Yoongi allows you to calm down once your high has stopped. He rubs your back and keeps his hips still, floating on your afterglow with you. His cock is so sensitive, each time your pussy clenches he feels charged. 
"You did so good. You were such a good girl", he whispers to you.
"Did you cum too?" you ask him, voice frail but happy.
Yoongi kisses your shoulder, "all that matters is that you had fun."
"What?" your head shoots up, big eyes on him instantly, "no. No, don’t say that. I want you to cum too." 
"You don’t have to."
"Be quiet", you say, moving your hips even if you are still a little dizzy from your orgasm. 
Yoongi groans, furrowing his brows. His hands fall to your hips, squeezing them desperately. 
"I wanna be creampied by you. You have to cum too", you insist, bouncing on his cock.
"You're gonna get it, trust me", he gets out and groans, eyes closed and lips parted.
"Yeah? That’s so hot. Do you like how I move my hips?" 
"Faster please." 
"Like this?" you say, putting more vigour in your movements for Yoongi’s enjoyment. 
Yoongi moans loudly and arches his back. He nods his head vigorously, feeling his cock throb inside you. 
"Don't stop, don’t stop, please don’t stop", he begs, resorting to making deep sounds of pleasure afterwards.
"You're the best human ever, Yoongi. And, and your cock’s so amazing", you say, burying your fingers in his hair to play with it. He’s such a sensitive scalp that hairplay always gets him oh so good. 
"I'm gonna cum", he croaks, squeezing your hips strongly.
"Please fill me up. Make me drip, baby. Please", you beg, throwing Yoongi over the edge with a clench of your walls.
Yoongi moans your name as he climaxes, pumping you full of his warm cum and holding your hips so tightly you fear he might bruise them. 
"Yes! Oh god stuff me. Yoongi, ah Yoongi", you encourage him, enjoying his orgasm with a dizzy head. 
"___", he whimpers, shaking one last time and then he comes down hard. 
He slacks in the chair, panting heavily to recover. You help him by leaning in and kissing his face, twirling strands of his hair between your fingers. His cock is still throbbing inside you, filling you up so nicely.
"You're seriously so amazing", he lulls, wrapping his arms around you to hug you. 
"You too", you say, resting against him, "I feel so dizzy now."
"Yeah same", he laughs breathily, "the way you always make me cum. Are you a witch or something?" 
You snicker, "maybe. That would be kinda cool."
He smiles, "yeah and hot", he agrees, exhaling loudly afterwards, "I'm so dead."
"Yeah same", you agree, sighing contently.
Yoongi hugs you tighter.
"Thank you for this. I'm always teasing, but I seriously love it when you’re horny. This was so much fun", he says.
"Yeah, I loved it too", you whisper, "I wanna wear my panties with your cum still inside by the way."
"Hot? What the hell you’re gonna make me hard again."
"You still are. I can feel it", you laugh, wiggling your hips and therefore moving your pussy around him.
Yoongi whines, "mercy baby, I’m just a weak man."
"Gosh Yoongi, you’re so cute", you giggle, lifting your head so you can finally kiss him.
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ admin. ajax. alexa. am. atari. audio. auto. bailey. binary. blank. blu. blue. bluesse. browser. browsette. bug. byte. cache. calware. chip. circe. click. clicker. clickie. clicky. cloud. coda. code. codette. codie. cody. computette. crypt. cursor. cy. cyber. cybernet. cybernetica. cyberweb. cypher. cypherre. data. dell. digi. digitalia. digitelle. digitesse. disc. dot. electronica. electronique. emoticon. emoticonnie. fax. file. gig. gizmo. glitch. glitche. glitchesse. glitchette. graphique. hacker. hal. halware. hijack. index. informationne. intelligette. internette. interweb. java. javascript. juno. key. link. linuxe. lotus. lovebytes. mac. mal. malakai. malware. malwaria. memorette. memorie. meta. mic. micah. mickey. morphe. mouse. mousette. myspace. nano. neo. net. netette. nett. netty. paige. pascal. payton. peyton. pixel. programatha. programette. programme. pulse. reboot. rom. router. ruby. sam. sammy. screene. screenette. sean. shock. solitaire. spy. static. stutter. talia. tap. tecca. tech. techette. tessa. tetris. trojan. troubleshoot. ts. user. vir. virus. virusse. volt. vyrus. webbe. wheatley. whirr. widget. will. wirehead. wiresse. zap. zett. zetta. zip.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ :-)/:-D. ^^/^^. ai/ai. alt/alt. anti/antivirus. arc/archive. audio/audio. bat/battery. beep/beep. beep/boop. bit/bit. bit/byte. blue/blue. board/board. bright/bright. brow/browser. browser/browser. brr/brr. bu/bug. bug/bug. buzz/buzz. byt/byte. byte/byte. c/cpu. charge/charger. cir/circuit. cli/click. click/clack. click/click. click/scroll. co/code. code/code. color/color. com/com. com/computer. comp/computer. compute/computer. computer/computer. cor/corrupt. corrupt/corrupt. CPU/CPU. crash/crash. cre/creeper. crtl/crtl. cy/cyber. cyb/cyber. cyber/cyber. da/data. data/data. delete/delete. di/disk. dig/digital. digi/digi. digi/digital. digital/digital. dra/drag. e/exe. electronic/electronic. enter/enter. er/error. err/error. error/error. exe/exe. fi/file. file/file. gi/gif. gli/glitch. glit/glitch. glitch/glitch. graphic/graphic. hac/hacker. hack/hack. hard/hardware. head/phone. hij/hijacker. ho/home. info/info. information/information. int/internet. intelligent/intelligence. intelligent/intelligent. inter/net. internet/internet. it/it. jpg/jpg. key/board. key/cap. key/key. key/keyboard. key/keylogger. lag/lag. lap/laptop. ligh/light. linux/linux. load/load. log/login. main/mainframe. mal/malware. me/media. memory/memorie. mon/monitor. mou/mouse. nano/nano. net/net. net/network. o_o/>_>. org/org. over/overwrite. page/page. pix/pix. pix/pixel. pixel/pixel. plu/plug. png/png. pop/popup. port/port. pow/power. pro/program. program/program. ram/ram. ran/ransom. reboot/reboot. reload/reload. res/restore. ret/retro. route/router. sca/scan. scr/scroll. scre/screen. scre/screencap. scree/screen. screen/screen. scri/script. script/script. sentient/sentience. shift/shift. site/site. skip/skip. soft/software. spa/spam. space/space. spy/spyware. stop/stop. te/tech. tech/nology. tech/tech. technology/technology. tou/touchpad. txt/txt. typ/type. upload/upload. user/user. vi/viru. vi/virus. vir/virtual. web/page. web/web. whir/whir. wi/wire. win/dow. win/window. wire/wire. wire/wired. zip/zip . ⌨ . ☣ . ⚙ . ⚠ . 🎞 . 🎨 . 🎭 . 🎮 . 🎵 . 👀 . 👁 . 💔 . 💡 . 💢 . 💣 . 💳 . 💵 . 💻 . 💽 . 💾 . 💿 . 📀 . 📱 . 🔇 . 🔈 . 🔉 . 🔊 . 🔋 . 🔌 . 🔎 . 🖥 . 🖱 . 🗡 . 🗯 . 🛠 . 🧿 .
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bettysupremacy · 1 year
omg what abt steve getting a crush on this more rebel, punk-like reader? usually sees her with a guitar or smoking out back somewhere, but he’s worried that he’s not “cool enough” to talk to her
maybe she comes in at the family video to rent a horror movie or something and he finally tries to start a conversation
ajdkdk sorry hope this isn’t too specific, have a great day!!!
hi aster!! thank you for the request it’s adorbs
Robin sits under the counter of family video sorting return movies into boxes.
It’s a perfectly tedious task that she doesn’t mind doing. In fact, she usually fights for it, leaving Steve to take her assortments and shelve them. Except today he forfeits his duties, opting to stand and complain. Loudly.
It’s not that Robins over it, but she’s over it.
“You don’t get it, Robs.” Steve eyes the front door morosely. “She’s so cool. She plays guitar.”
Robin laughs loudly, pulling Gremlins out of the kids box and into the horror box. “So do like, a gillion people, Steve.”
“But she’s good at at.”
Robin shrugs. He got her there.
“And she likes that one band.”
She nods. “Thank you for that.”
“You know which one I’m talking about.”
“Because you gave me so much to work with.”
He glares down, but she doesn’t see. “Long hair?”
“Long hair, no face paint.” He adds.
“Iron Maiden? Van Halen? Dokken? Metallica?”
“Metallica!” He nudges her with his foot excitedly.
“Well she likes all those bands.” She shrugs, kicking the loaded romance box away.
His head shakes. “Eddie got his grubby little hands on her.”
“Eddie is her brother, and liking the same bands as your sibling is normal.”
“Still.” He sighs.
His inability to talk to you haunts him. A painful reminder that he’s no longer king Steve.
The door chimes.
“Who is it?” Robin asks.
Steve kicks her, she punches him.
You walk in, destination in mind. He watches silently as you move to the horror section, smiling as he sees you mouth your ABC’s to find Friday the 13th.
You look exceptionally pretty today, he thinks. Black band tee, black skirt, black headband, you look like you’ve shopped in Eddie’s closet. Not that he’s complaining.
You hop up to the counter.
“That was quick.” Steve smiles as he scans the bar code with the little red light. He drops it to the counter when it beeps, typing into the new computer Keith ordered a week ago. “Friday the 13th?”
“Uh huh.” You smile. His knees buckle.
“It’s a great movie, you’ll love it.”
“I don’t know,” Your finger traces the wood countertop. “I’m easily spooked.”
He looks away from the computer, waiting for the receipt to print. “You watching it alone?”
“No,” You laugh. “Definitely not.”
“Oh,” He deflates. “With you’re boyfriend?”
Robin pinches his calf, he resists the urge to kick her again.
You laugh a little louder, a little sweeter. Steve finds the contrast of your look and the sound dizzying. “No, Steve, my brother.”
“Right.” His soft laugh is an air of relief. You roll your eyes, smile plastered onto your face you fear permanently.
“Yeah, Ed’s really tears up these horrors.”
“You look like you would too.” He puts the receipt in your bag. Dropping it to the counter with a soft thud.
“What does that mean?” Your head cocks.
“No I just.. you know- like..”
You laugh, and even though it’s at Steve’s expense, he hopes it’ll happen again. “I was kidding, Steve.”
“Oh,” he breathes, smile playing on his lips. He looks down at the counter. “That was mean.”
Your eyes crinkle. “I’m sorry”
“You don’t look too sorry.” He laughs, a little breathless.
“What can I do to apologize?”
His smile stutters. “Oh, you don’t have to do that.”
You look around the store and his mind wanders places he feels guilty for. “You wanna come watch it with us?”
You kick the wall softly, nervously. Robin can feel it.
“What?” This isn’t real.
“Yeah, come over tonight. We make popcorn, and he’s buying candy right now.” You search for his eyes now. “Please say yes it’s the least I could do for being so mean.”
“I don’t know.” He hands brace against the wooden counters, a gentle reminder that this is real. Like Robins pinch. “..Eddie would be okay with it?”
“You’re already friends with him, it’ll be perfect.” You grab your bag from the counter, the plastic loud as you wind it around your hand. “And then I’ll have someone to protect me.”
He hears Robin breathe out and dares a look under the counter. She’s grinning like a madman.
You don’t give him room to object, walking to the door and turning around when you hear the chime. “See you tonight. Bye Robin!”
Faint giggles are heard under the counter. Steve feels sick.
And then you walk out. Steve’s heart dragged along behind you.
Robin hops out of the counter. “You got a date, Steve!”
His shoulders droop. “With Eddie.”
“So what?” She claps his back “I doubt he’ll actually be there.”
“Yeah.” He breathes, “It’ll be fine.”
Robin nods once, walking into the back room. “And I’ve finished sorting. Have fun!”
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