#con rhiannon.
khvis · 2 months
⌗ 𝗷𝗮𝗿𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 .⠀.⠀. rhiannon ha dicho: " ¿alguien más siente un escalofrío al entrar? "
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' seguro es el aire, acaba de pasar una ráfaga de aire frío ' explica, abrazado a sí mismo. agradece que lleva un abrigo consigo, así podía excusar el escalofrío que tenía piel erizada. ' ¿no la sentiste? ' @rhicrim0n
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hnryob · 3 months
MUSEO DE BELLAS ARTES DE BERNA ( #003 ) , @rhicrim0n & henry son invitades a probar la cabina de fotos con la temática del museo.
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❛ ¿crees que allí dentro esté el lienzo que guarda los secretos del universo? ❜⠀recita una de las pistas que el maestro dio antes de partir, echando exhalación con pizcas de ironías al final, viendo a contraria.
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rhicrim0n · 2 months
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"¿Te ha gustado algo de lo que has visto?" preguntó, mientras observaba una pintura claramente abstracta y demasiado moderna, para ella y su pasión por lo clásico. "Vi que van a estar subastando ese auto, y te digo desde ya que es espectacular. Mi hermano lo tiene y su caballos de fuerzan te dejan en la luna" le cuenta a la persona con una media sonrisa en su rostro. "Eso sería interesante para pujar."
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cjvno · 26 days
RESTAURANTE DE LUJO  ·  Rhiannon dijo: "¿También sospechas que Rossi tenía más secretos de los que todos creían?" / @rhicrim0n
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"¿Y tú no?" Dados los recientes sucesos y su nula habilidad para resolver ese tipo de casos, juno estaba siendo mucho más delicada, procurando fijarse más en los detalles. Algo a resaltar fue el perfil de la victima, era obvio que al menos una o dos personas lo querían ver fracasar "A demás de ser un ser humano, todos tenemos secretos, que sean bueno o malos ya depende de cada quien" le clavo el tenedor a la ensalada que se pudo costear.
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vssmithy · 27 days
📍RESTAURANTE DE LUJO: " el vino que tomé anoche en la cena aún está bailando en mis papilas gustativas. " / @rhicrim0n
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  ' ¿me lo estás recomendando? ' pregunta con una sonrisa animada. ' hace mucho que no bebo una copa de vino, no sé que efectos tendrá en mí. ' bromea, obviamente, cuando era adolescente solía beber mucho, salir de fiestas y demás, pero todo cambió cuando se casó. ' aunque debería enfocarme en encontrar al culpable y no quiero que alcohol nuble mi juicio. '
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Kisses In the Dark-A PodPlay- Kinda. Day 6 of Exploring Con Content
Spoilers for Kisses in The Dark
Warnings up to chapter 5: Abuse, stalking, murder, eating/slurping up humans, nonconsensual kissing(it's how he kills people), cheating, implied/brief sex scenes, brief mentions of a past abortion. 
I HAD SO MANY ISSUES TRYING TO LISTEN TO THIS. Chapters 1-4 worked fine. However, with chapter 5 I could not listen past the 5:46 minute mark. 'All right' I thought, after trying to find other sites streaming it and getting the same error 'I'll just skip the chapter'. So I did, and at 5:21 of chapter 6, it also flashed that error.
So what I have below is essentially judging chapters 1-4. I had complaints about the narrative and romance progression, but since I can't see their whole arc, this will be about vibes.
So for this 8ish hour multi voiced audio series, the main love interest is voiced by Con O'Niell, named John. Opposite to the love interest voiced by Rhiannon Clements, Kate. 
My favorite things before we get deeper is the notable roles for Con O'Neill listed on the summary is Chernobyl(fair, as you'd likely recognize his voice) and The Batman. This came out Nov. 2020. The Batman came out 2022. So whoever wrote up this summary for the book Googled Cons IMDB, saw that he was in this movie, prayed that someone would care, and just slapped that on. Not knowing Con was mostly in the background and had less than 20 lines of dialogue. But can you imagine your only reference for the romantic lead of this story being the asshole from Chernobyl. Funniest shit ever. He had so many other roles to choose from guys! Maybe they didn't want his more queer roles to be listed for a straight romance? 
Now, I have a bias to favor Queer stories; I know this about myself and often try to stay to my own lane. Not out of hatred but so much of the media that I consume isn't queer. Be it movies or day time television. So what I read/listen to is one of the easiest spaces to curate exactly what I want.
So when I read the title/synopsis I was skeptical, but willing to give it a shot. 
I am here for Con. I likely would not have listened to this project if not for him. In fact, I found John much more charming than I would have if John had been played by a different voice actor. Considering I was essentially just imagining a more pissed-off Izzy Hands being our protagonist. It's a real'if I didn't find this man hot, this would be creepy' situation.
This story is about a broken old Lovecraftian monster of a man who falls for the lady next door who's stuck in an abusive relationship. I realize that if either party swapped gender, or our male protagonist showed interest in men(beyond wanting to eat them), I know that I would have enjoyed this more. Because this is a standard romantic horror book, almost every cliché is touched and I predicted the twist that some people post online about. Yet there is something inherently queer in monster stories. Creatures that feel othered by society; that need to hide to be safe. So while yeah, it's a romantic novel, it still has some othered element to it. 
Overall I didn't hate it as much as I'd expected. I admire how each murder was described and Con adds a fun disassociated element to the character in his narration. Like he's been killing for so long, nothing phases him. The chapter where he kills five guys at the amusement park, Bloody Minds, was a highlight.
The romantic moments were sweet(that I could hear). The dancing and trying to show her the fun parts of life were very much trying to relate to the target audience. 
Again, I don't know exactly how it ends but see the story beats. If anyone below wants to summaries the story that tells me where these two end up in the end (together, dead, separate), I'd be grateful. I did enjoy this, I just can't find a way to listen to it, and I'd rather mentally close off this series than wait just in case.This is the only website I see anyone talking about this pod series.
I know it gets more cliché, but I was starting to care about where they go as a couple. Mainly cause I see it as a doomed love situation.
Yes. Con either needed a better mic, and/or a pop filter. I got used to the static effect, and the editors did their best to cover it up with background sound. There are only a few points where it was noticeable. Con does a soft narrator voice that's easy to listen to, with some difficulty with enunciation and the fact I don't hear his accent all too often.
Yes. He is the most enjoyable part of this project. The lady doing the performance for Kate does a good job and I did grow to enjoy the performance, but she's just doing the role. Classic vampire craving humanity again storyline, with some fantastic imagery thrown in. I thought the age gap between the voice actors would bother me, but he's literally a century-old creature. So, eh.
Lovecraftian Izzy is a tag I keep an eye out for on AO3, so to see essentially that here was great. It was fun seeing him portray the souls trapped inside of John. Some more 'cringe' bits out of context, but if you listen to how his voice acts Mohg from Elden Ring, it gives off the same vibe. He portrayed desperate-sad-lonely falling in 'Love' very well.
The few sex scenes so far were non intrusive and fade to black in nature, besides her first fantasy.
It bugs me that we don't get a clear understanding on how The Kiss works. Cause he can kiss her skin, but it won't kill her? Is it an orifice thing? Cause he killed a guy sticking his tongue down his ear, so...
Highly recommend it if you already read these sort of stories or are on the fence and just want to hear Con and have some time to put it on in the background.
Performance: 8/10 for everyone all around. A few duds in side characters with a few speaking lines, but overall good stuff from everyone. All the scenes between Kate and John are fun and well acted.
Editing: 8/10 Fun background music and sound effect stuff going on. Super nonintrusive, and when it is, it's too point.
Story/Writing: 6-7/10; you've seen it before. From what I've seen people complain online, the story gets worse at the very end. Don't really know why, but yeah. Sadly, I guessed that there was a god interfering here. I'm glad John didn't just immediately kill her abusive boyfriend, but god, I'm mad I couldn't hear about it. I read an Izzy Hands/John fic out of curiosity and it really pointed out how melodramatic and gothic the writing here is. The way this world is described is very fun, and something that could be fun to emulate in my own writing.
Pacing for an audio medium 7/10: The first chapter is a bit slow, but after a few murders, it picks up well.
Overall 7-8/10. Fun if you go in with low expectations. Again, this might go down if I ever finish Hard Shadows, True Stories, and Sacrifice. But I just can't find a way, sadly.
If you've read this and want somewhere to talk about it down below, don't be afraid to spoil! I love all the comments and likes I get for doing this.
Have an amazing day y'all!
@ivegotnonameidea thanks again for the rec!
Next, who knows? We'll see, probably a movie, and knock through some of everyone's suggestions.
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rhiannonkagoe · 2 years
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my comic about Big Fluff wanting to become an artist
(I have more comics here)
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draslihanxfahri-bailey · 11 months
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I want to say congrats to one of the most amazing people I know. Here is a gift from me and Ollie. He picked out the bear. 
- Love your cool amazing epic badass friend. Wesley Kennedy 
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diceriadelluntore · 9 months
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Storia Di Musica #295 - Fleetwood Mac, Rumours, 1977
Di solito un duetto tra una voce maschile e una femminile è si presente in molti dischi, ma in modo episodico. Sembra strano, ma i gruppi in cui le voci principali sono state una maschile e una femminile sono molto più rari di quello che all’apparenza potrebbe pensare. Partendo da questa osservazione, i dischi di ottobre saranno dedicati appunto a casi del genere: ho cercato di unire cose molto note e significative ad altre meno, come è nello spirito di questa rubrica. Si parte oggi, nella prima domenica di ottobre, con uno dei dischi più belli, di successo e imitati di tutti i tempi. Eppure tutta questa gloria non era né scontata né, soprattutto, immaginabile dato che il capolavoro nacque proprio quando tutto sembrava irrimediabilmente compromesso, in un periodo di tensione altissima tra i membri della band che ne fu autrice. I Fleetwood Mac nascono come gruppo brit-blues sotto l’egida di Mick Fleetwood (batteria) Peter Green (chitarra) e John McVie (basso) che lasciano i Bluesbreakers di John Mayall ed intraprendono una carriera autonoma. Si chiamano così perché Green unì il cognome del batterista al Mac di McVie. Iniziano subito a farsi notare, con alcuni pezzi molto belli come Man Of The World, Albatross e Black Magic Woman, che diverrà famosissima solo anni dopo con la cover dei Santana. In questo periodo composero almeno due grandi dischi di rock blues (l’omonimo Fleetwood Mac del 1968 e Then Play On del 1969, dalla stupenda copertina e che nel titolo cita nientemeno che La Dodicesima Notte di Shakespeare). Poi Green se ne va, iniziando una carriera solista dignitosa ma non superlativa. Dal 1970 al 1975 Fleetwood e McVie chiamano a sé molti musicisti per rimpiazzarlo, tra gli altri ricordo Danny Kirwan, Bob Welch, Bob Weston, che durano più un meno un annetto con il gruppo. Colpisce invece la cantante Christine Perfect, che nel frattempo si sposa con McVie, divenendo Christine McVie, entrando in pianta stabile nella formazione. Gli album di questo periodo sentono della poca amalgama tra i membri, finendo per essere scialbi e dimenticabili. Rimasto nel 1975 senza chitarrista, Fleetwood incontra Lindsey Buckingham, che a dispetto del nome è un ragazzo californiano, che in coppia con la sua compagna, Stevie Nicks, aveva pubblicato un disco di leggero pop dal titolo Buckingham + Nicks (che sono una scelta nella scelta, dato che univano una voce femminile e una maschile soliste). Il primo lavoro della nuova formazione è clamorosamente stupendo: Fleetwood Mac (secondo disco omonimo, già un record) nel 1975 è uno dei dischi più venduti in assoluto e trascinato dai singoli Warm Ways, Say You Love Me e la stupenda Rhiannon, diviene già un classico. L’attesa per il proseguimento è spasmodica, tanto che la prima cosa a segnare il passo è la band stessa: sia la coppia Buckingham - Nicks che quella Perfect - McVie si stavano separando, e Fleetwood scoprì sui giornali che la moglie lo tradiva con un amico. Nonostante le dicerie che la davano sul punto di sciogliersi, la band si concentra nelle registrazioni di uno dei capolavori assoluti del pop-rock di tutti i tempi e lo intitolano con notevole spirito ironico Rumours (che ricordo in inglese vuol dire brusio, ma anche chiacchiericcio e dicerie).
Con una maniacale cura che rivoluzionerà il concetto stesso di arrangiamento e produzione (anche per l’uso delle più avanzate tecnologie dell’epoca, come fecero nello stesso anno gli Steely Dan con Aja) Rumours, che esce il 4 Febbraio del 1977 è davvero perfetto: penso che chiunque abbia mai pensato di scrivere una canzone abbia voluto creare qualcosa come Go Your Own Way, trascinante e fantastica. Ma già l’apertura con Second Hand News (che richiama le dicerie di stampa del titolo) che ha echi di musica celtica fa capire che non è un album qualunque. Dreams, che da solo vendette oltre un milione di copie come singolo, è altra canzone definitiva, come Never Going Back. Songbird è piano e chitarra acustica, e diventerà uno dei momenti clou dal vivo. The Chain, che nasce come unione di idee scartate, è un country folk un po’ psichedelico, ed è uno dei pochi brani accreditati a tutti i membri della band. You Make Loving Fun, altro singolo vendutissimo, I Don't Want to Know (già nel repertorio solista di Stevie Nicks) è allegra e ritmica, Oh Daddy e la misteriosa Dust Gold Woman (che per anni si è favoleggiato fosse una canzone sulla droga, che girava molto alle feste cui partecipavano) chiudono il disco. Disco suonato, cantano (memorabili gli intrecci vocali, i salti melodici di tre voci grandiose), prodotto al massimo livello (da Fleetwood e la band con Ken Caillat e Richard Dashut) e dove le singole personalità pur mantenendo piena autonomia individuale, si completano alla perfezione. E ho sempre pensato che 40 milioni di copie vendute in tutto il mondo, con 31 settimane consecutivi al primo posto della Classifica Billboard statunitense, paese dove vendette da solo 20 milioni di copie (che lo fanno uno dei dischi di maggior successo di ogni tempo) e il Grammy del 1978 come miglior disco abbiano oscurato di fatto la bravura di un lavoro non costruito per il successo (almeno non in queste dimensioni) e che nasce dalla voglia di lasciare tutto alle spalle del personale, per mettere tutte le energie nel lavoro. Il momento magico continuerà con Tusk, altro gioiello, passato alla storia per essere costato nel 1979 oltre un milione di dollari in registrazioni. Dopo un Tusk Tour grandioso, la band si ritira in Francia, dove abbandonerà il sofisticato, colto e meraviglioso suono di questi due gioielli per un pop più leggero e senza mordente. Evidentemente forse si erano riappacificati.
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pathcrier · 10 months
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No art lately, been too busy with Baldur's Gate :3
Here's my tiefling warlock, Rhiannon! She's the niece of Zevlor, who practically raised her since parents were never around (they were famous adventurers.) She eventually moved to Baldur's Gate at 16 because she so desperately wanted to be independent.
She saw how the poor were treated and how the rich grew fatter; so she took up being a con artist because she knew she had a silver tongue. Robinhood esque steal from the rich, give to the poor, using her newfound warlock abilities to enhance what she was already great at.
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Rhiannon- Rudy Parra
GN!Reader, witch au
When r/n was a child they were always the odd one. The kid who didn't have much friends, the one who got pushed around and would constantly get made fun of. And for years that is how life was, until one year when Rodolfo Parra switched schools, thats when life changed for the better.
"I'm Rodolfo, but you can call me Rudy!" the excited child extended his hand to r/n, "m' r/n!" their excited tone making the young boy happy. And ever since they faced things together. From primary school bullies, to the awkward young years in teenage hood and the tough goodbyes after 18. By the time graduation came in, r/n and him had changed so much, r/n with their love for black and white magic, and Rudy with his passion to protect and help his country. It was obvious that towards the end of the line reader was the one giving the most.
And after he left for service you weren't quite the same. You were stuck in your room, perfecting your abilities. The odd one from your family. You did continue your studies but when you finished you lived a more free life. A hippie as most call it, a free spirit as you defined it. When your family and community grew tired of you, you were exiled to a small village. (please imagine a small one with cottages surrounded by trees and fields of wild flowers, small dirt paths and over calm vibes)Rudys mum also made the move with you. She had grown fond of you, and she adored how you cared for her once her son went away.
In your new home, everyone grew to love you and appreciate how you treated any one who needed of your magical herbs. There were times when you couldn't meet with Rudy because of your passion for healing. Often when he visited your village he made his mother promise not to alert you about his sudden visits.
One early evening you bumped into him. He greeted you and the entire night you walked with him. He told you stories of where he had been, how sad he was that you were no longer welcomed in Las Almas and how he felt like he was accomplishing all of his goals. You also told him stories, how you helped heal others, the many nights his mum would crochet little animals and hang them on r/n's shop, and then as the night sky made you more and more comfortable, you confessed.
"you know,, I've always loved you." you uttered out as he walked next to you, but then he stopped walking and just stared at you. "Don't you dare say that, tell me its a lie mi sol," his eyes never leaving yours,
"Its true, when we were kids I didn't know what that funny feeling was, when we were teenagers I discarded it because,,,well ,,,it doesn't matter, and in our last years of school you had changed a lot and I just didn't want to lose you." you carried on.
"No creas que no valió la pena, No creas que no eres importante, Al contrario, yo te amé con toda el alma...todavia te amo."
"no digas cosas asi."
You knew where his words were heading.
"look,,,don't worry I never did anything for you to like me back. I would rather have real love and not something made in my room with herbs and shit, instead I protected you,,,I used my strengths to keep you safe,,,, and every time you would get hurt it was me who was feeling the most pain."
"Yo no aprendí a soltar amores, Yo no aprendí a dejarte ir, Eras una apuesta de largo plazo Rodolfo,"
"I care for you but not in this way r/n, for years I appreciated our friendship and I think tonight it dies."
"what?" you looked at him, your lips quivering and eyes threatning to cry.
"im sorry,,,but my life has been good without you. I actually came here looking for you today because well,,,I'm getting married soon." his words holding a dagger that slowly stabbed you in the heart.
"if anything I said led you to end our friendship,,then I take it back. We can pretend I never said anything!" you were now desperate. Your heart ached.
"no,,,it wasn't any of that. I simply don't see you in my life anymore. You deserve to live a happy life and I know that if we were together today you'd be unhappy. So we have to let go of each other." He hugged you and with a sincere look in his eyes he kissed your cheek and walked away. Not once did he look back, not once did he regret his words.
As you watched him fade away into the village, your knees grew weak and soon you collapsed to the floor.
The sun started to rise and your screams of agony rose as well. Black mascara filled tears falling down your face, you're now delicate and weak hands held onto your everlasting pain.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night And wouldn't you love to love her? Takes to the sky like a bird in flight And who will be her lover? All your life you've never seen Woman taken by the wind Would you stay if she promised you heaven? Will you ever win? She is like a cat in the dark And then she is to darkness She rules her life like a fine skylark And when the sky is starless
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
This story ended, it does not exist What we built one day has vanished It seems that it is easier to leave us But you're a ghost with me walking.
A/N: did ya cry...c'mon did ya? ok did it hurt at least? didn't mean it...(totally not a lie)
part 2
Tags: @anonymuslydumb
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ao3feed-torchwood · 2 months
https://archiveofourown.org/works/55206376 by AwatereJones David Loyd child actor in a hit TV show had his world changed when the child abuse allegations came to light. Of all the children involved, he was the one most affected, and the one with no desire to regain those lost memories they tell him he is repressing. All he knows it that he wants to be alone. But now, ten years later Ianto wonders why ... WARNING HISTORIC CHILD ABUSE Words: 916, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Torchwood Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M Characters: Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness, Jack's Mother (Torchwood), Jack's Father (Torchwood), Gray (Torchwood), Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato, Toshiko Sato's Mother, Tyrone, Rhiannon Davies, David Davies, Mica Davies, Jack's Grandfahter Relationships: Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, Owen Harper/Toshiko Sato Additional Tags: Angst, Past Child Abuse, Family History, Drama
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vampy-bats · 6 months
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Oh my gods, I colored and shaded something? What a surprise, it’s my DMC OC! I finished this while avoiding my missing schoolwork, so enjoy the fruits of my bad decisions
*Vergil and Rhiannon hate each other. I, the artist, do not hate Vergil and I think he’s neat. Vergil calls Rhi a wench, and Rhi calls Vergil Roi des Cons.
⬇️ backstory below if you care⬇️
First off, I headcanon that empusas work like real life ants. They have castes and an underground/Hell hive and are carnivorous.
Second, Rhiannon’s powers lie in blood-bending. She mostly used her own blood to grow blades from her skin, but she’s able to control any blood. She manipulates the life force within the blood rather than any physical substance. Rhiannon also stores blood she consumes in her skin like red and “worker” empusas do.
Third, I’m using the games as a time reference. The games still happen as canon here.
TLDR for the full backstory-
Rhiannon Valond is half empusa queen, half human. Dante ruins her family’s livelihood but it’s fine bc she found her bio dad in the process. Rhi searches for work for long enough that she moves to England. She did not anticipate encountering the man who almost killed her nor did she plan on falling in love with him.
This is a long one and I’m not super confident in my writing, so bear with me.
Rhiannon came into existence when a French bio-demonologist decided to fuck around and find out. Dr. Blanchard (the scientist in question) doused himself in empusa drone pheromones and walked right into a hive with the intent to map it. He did not account for the fact that it was darker than a void in the hive, nor did he know the effects the pheromones would have. He was eventually rescued by devil hunters with little to no memory of the excursion.
A few years later, the empusa hive was revisited by devil hunters. This time, they had stumbled upon a human girl around 2 years old. She seemed completely normal except for a bright red forelock. The girl was named Rhiannon at the orphanage.
When Rhiannon was 13, demonic powers began to manifest in her. Her powers were left unchecked long enough to nearly kill someone before devil hunters were called again. Only one hunter answered the call: a man named Andre Valond.
Andre carried the belief that devils cannot cry, and that any being that cries has enough humanity to be saved. When Andre arrived at the foster home Rhiannon was in, she broke down into tears. Andre spared her life and took her under his wing. It wasn’t long before Rhiannon was officially adopted into the Valond family, finally gaining parents and three younger brothers.
The Valond family was sustained on the constant income from fending off the empusa hive. The French military caught wind of a certain legendary devil hunter from England. A letter lands on the desk of Devil May Cry. (c. DMC3)
Demonic steel clashes with blood-forged iron. Neither fighter can see the other with human eyes. Dante only can defend himself by his 6th sense. Whatever is attacking him is unlike anything he has ever fought before, but he knows he’s equally matched.
Dante catches an opening, pinning his attacker to the ground with his sword. It’s only then that Rhiannon de-triggers. Queue a dramatic speech that I shall not transcribe.
With her main source of income gone after Dante’s little Paris vacation, Rhiannon is forced to look elsewhere for work. She finds a position at an academic institution for controlling “test subjects”. Several assistants point out Rhiannon’s striking resemblance to their lead researcher. She doesn’t get to meet the man until someone finds out about what she can do.
Rhiannon receives special attention from Dr. Blanchard for being a devil hybrid, even becoming a test subject herself. He conducts several DNA tests to find out what kind of devil she could possibly be. Blanchard runs Rhiannon’s genetic markers through his data bank, completely forgetting his own was recorded for a previous project. The best possible matches for Rhiannon’s DNA is an Empusa Queen and Dr. Blanchard himself.
With no real way to prove it, Dr. Blanchard’s hypothesis becomes Rhiannon’s new truth. Her biological father is this man of science and her biological mother is a giant ant demon. How this combination occurred, no one would ever know. Rhiannon decided to keep the Valond family name, as she still considers Andre to be her dad.
Nothing lasts forever, and Blanchard’s team is forced to focus on new projects. Rhiannon loses her job a-fucking-gain and starts searching for hunting gigs. Rumors lead the now 27 year old woman to a tiny city in England. (c. 2007 anime)
Rhiannon finds her way to Bobby’s Cellar, where a certain white-haired man whistles from the bar. The blonde girl he’s with smacks him upside the head, earning a laugh from Rhiannon.
Dante and Rhiannon get on like oil and water at first. Rhi hates the way Dante never seems to take anything seriously. She despises the way he keeps so many damn secrets. And of course, all Dante can do is flirt and joke. Dante continuously tries to steer Rhi away from devil hunting, oblivious to the fact she’s done it her whole life. Things change the moment Dante first witnesses Rhiannon’s Devil Trigger in battle.
Fast forward a good 10 years (c. DMC 4), and Dante and Rhiannon had eloped. Neither had enough friends and family to have a large wedding, and they kept it on the down low. Somewhere in this time skip, Rhiannon lost her left leg above the knee, forcing her into retirement. They also have two kids, Leona and Percival (ages 3 years and 7 months respectively by the events of DMC 4).
After DMC 5, Rhiannon takes over Devil May Cry. Nico makes a fully functional brass leg for Rhi. The new prosthetic allows her to go back into devil-hunting again, although she’s rusty from so many years of retirement. (The brass leg is a reference to the mythological empusas).
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rhicrim0n · 28 days
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cjvno · 2 months
PATIO INTERIOR CENTRAL  · Rhiannon dijo: ¨¿Cuál es tu parte favorita del castillo hasta ahora?" * @rhicrim0n
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Dio de nuevo un vistazo a su alrededor y no supo que decir, si era sincera aquella era su primera vez en un lugar como ese "¿El jardín? La caballeriza también esta interesante hay mucha... Historia aquí" señaló a su alrededor "¿y el tuyo?"
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eddysocs · 7 months
🎬: If They Were Canon - Rhiannon Blackwood (House Of The Dragon)?
How They'd Be Introduced: Shortly after the death of his first wife, Rhiannon is presented to Daemon, intended to be his next bride. The doors open and Daemon looks her over as her father talks, offering his daughter's hand, promising him heirs, etc. Meanwhile Daemon hears almost none of it, too infatuated with the look in Rhiannon's eyes. He doesn’t quite know what he sees in her yet, but he’s intrigued.
What The Fans Think Of Them: Some will LOVE her, some will HATE her. Very little in between.
Who They'd Be Shipped With: Daemon, mostly. But I could see some Daemon x Rhiannon x Rhaenyra shippers too.
Who They'd Be At Press Tours/Cons With: Matt Smith and Emma D'Arcy.
What Their Relationship With Other Cast Members Is Like: She’s pretty close with Matt. They like to joke around together and every behind the scenes photo of them is smiling or laughing. Perhaps even some rumors of a showmance. She’s more casual friends with the rest of the cast.
Are They Happy With Their Ending: Let’s be real, it’s the Game Of Thrones universe, so there’s a good chance that it won’t end well, but ultimately, I think she’d be happy enough with Rhiannon's ending, as far as possible fates in the show go.
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