#concert coverage
jewishmcr · 3 months
very disheartening to see two solid days of people criticizing fall out boy for platforming a Zionist only for everyone to immediately go back to regularly scheduled posting as soon as they play another show. do not let them think that we’ve forgotten
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songtwo · 1 year
i do miss being an a&r at a record label but if i had the chance to pick my next job it would be in the booking/logistics area . next yr if it all works well
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I would like two things 
1. to not go to work tomorrow
2. a mark lee to walk around my neighborhood and play pokemon go with while drinking boba from gong cha
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molsno · 3 months
Another hallmark of "just asking questions" coverage of detransition is a tendency to focus on individuals who were assigned female at birth. Similarly, proponents of "ROGD/social contagion" often claim that the supposed condition disproportionately impacts "young girls," especially those with autism or mental health issues, although the statistics and rationales they cite in support of such claims are deeply flawed. This emphasis on "girls" and "mental illness" appears to purposely play into traditionally sexist and ableist presumptions that these groups are inherently fragile, susceptible to persuasion, and incapable of making informed decisions about their own bodies and lives. After all, the "cisgender people turned transgender" trope is most effective when its imagined "victims" are constructed as "innocent" and "vulnerable." Perhaps the most illustrative example of this tactic can be found in Abigail Shrier's 2020 book, Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters. The book is focused squarely on protecting "our girls" from "ROGD/social contagion," relying heavily on the aforementioned traditionally sexist and ableist sentiments. Trans female/feminine people are largely absent from the book, with the exception of one chapter (featuring interviews with Ray Blanchard and J. Michael Bailey) that depicts us as sexually obsessed "autogynephiles." Given that chapter, in concert with the book's provocative subtitle, readers may be left with the impression that it's trans female/feminine people who are responsible for this "transgender craze seducing our daughters" (emphasis mine; other anti-trans activists have argued this more explicitly). While Shrier's book never mentions "grooming," its subtext conveys deep connections between "social contagion," the "cisgender people turned transgender" trope, and imagined sexual predation.
—Julia Serano, Whipping Girl (3rd Edition), p 380-381
this passage illustrates so clearly how even the transphobia aimed specifically at afab trans people nearly always comes with the quiet implication that there are more nefarious forces behind it. in misgendering trans people who were afab, reducing them to helpless and sympathetic victims, shrier still manages to evoke the image of the transfeminine sexual predator "grooming" these victims into identifying as transgender. she never makes this connection explicitly, but the subtext of the work leaves the reader to draw that as the only obvious conclusion. when trans women name transmisogyny as the basis for many other forms of gendered oppression, this is what we mean.
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moonsaver · 2 months
I cant stop thinking about being a possible singer from the Iris Family?? Their family is usually responsible for the major "talent" productions that practically are responsible for the entertainment... also Siobhan as hints to what the Iris family would be like.
You were a singer.
Barely a singer, to be fair.
It was for the sake of your little compartment of a family. Desperate times called for desperate measures, and you scraped out every last bit of your talents. The one which seems to be lasting the longest, seems to be singing.
You did what you had to. You sang until your throat was raw and hurt, practiced day and night until your ears were sick of your own voice, passed through every elimination tests that were conducted – all so you could have a stabilized, bolted place in the Iris Family, if it meant you and your parents and siblings weren't kicked out.
And, you weren't the best. And certainly not as good as Robin – the gem of the Oak Family. It was ironic, but it didn't matter. Not to you. As long as it kept your family secure, you endured. The comparisons, the hushed, barely pleased audience as they only took your performance as stalling time for the "real stars" of the show, the side-glances all of your other relatives threw your way. It was fine. You told yourself so. It was fine as long as you, your parents and your siblings were secured.
Risks weren't an option for you. Not when you had too much to lose.
Sunday has learned to appreciate frequency over output.
Times where schedules had to be rearranged last minute, performances strained and announcements elongated to squeeze out any extra amount of coverage for a missing show, routine dismantled and put together in real time as the neverending perfect show went on.
In all of those times, Sunday kept a usual eye on everyone. Their names, roles, status, popularity, preferences. And most importantly – their reliability.
You were an average performer. But your reliability was notable to Sunday. Oftentimes he found himself looking for you first and foremost for an improvised concert, whenever things even threatened to go awry. He knew perhaps you obliged out of self-interest or a simple fear of upsetting The Head of the Oak Family, but you were reliable in your own way. A simple glance your way and a nod was enough to signal you for advance preparation for improvisation, repeated song lyrics at the tip of your tongue.
If you were lucky, sometimes Sunday would repay you by scheduling you for an opening performance for a small-time event, or letting you in on the recent trends, the general public opinion towards your show, or even drop some personal hints for you to improve.
That was all you were. A reliable stand-in for when there were a disarray of clarity, disagreements upon disagreements, confusion stagnating the scheduling.
Until, you became so much more in a simple moment of disillusion.
A break is in order, Sunday believes. He clicks his pen continuously, the sound echoing in the vast space of the room, bouncing off of the sterile, empty walls.
Click. Click. Click. Click. Click.
5 times.
6 times.
Sunday's restless mind comes to a small halt when he inhales sharply, constraining his fingers. His shaking hand gently places the pen onto the flat, neatly organized desk, back where it belongs. He rests his chin on his hands. Thinking and listing everything on his agenda for the day.
A tandem of knocks resound from the smooth wooden surface of the door.
"Mr. Sunday?"
Ah. It's you.
He supposes his asisstants and servants don't realize he's noticed the recent pattern as of late. Whenever something changes in the schedule that could possibly threaten to dampen his mood or displease him, they send you in as some sort of collateral. He's gotten used to your presence enough to not mind it.
"Come in."
Short, quick clicks of your heels accompany the entering of your figure into the room. Your front is warmly illuminated by the yellow lighting of the room.
"Changes have been decided within the schedule again."
"As expected."
He gets up from the leather chair with a subtle creak, the steps of his shoes muffled by the carpet. He walks around his table, fingers trailing across the ridges of the masterfully crafted desk.
"Can I ask a favor of you, as always?"
"Of course."
His wings slightly flutter, pleased at the response. You can tell, despite his back facing you.
His fingers trail and come to a slow halt at the edge of the desk. His index finger taps on the surface.
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
5 times.
Ah, you think. He's anxious.
"Mr. Sunday?"
His finger stops, you note.
"I've heard guests have taken more to berry-flavored items as of late."
He chuckles a bit, softly.
"There's an uprising trend. Berry-flavored items have been on the rise, and as such, food follows."
Sunday half theorizes it could be due to the recent intreview Robin had. Strawberry flavored lipgloss was something she mentioned in particular.
"Ah. I see. So I suppose those colors may also influence the recent fashion trends?"
Sunday hums, in thought.
The moment is interrupted by an abrupt knock at the door.
"Mr. Sunday, there's a few tasks that need your approval to go ahead."
The male asisstant's voice resounds confidently through the previously quiet room. Sunday looks over at you and nods. You turn to take your leave. You can only hope it was enough of a reprieve for him.
"It seems fashion trends are inspired, aswell."
Sunday mentions, standing beside you. His eyes are watchful, analyzing the current performance from behind the curtains.
"I see."
You respond. Making conversation was not your strongsuit. Sunday smiles slightly at your awkwardness.
He continued the conversation after a few moments, talking about color palettes, scents, and general observable trends. Your usual,basic gowns and dresses will now see a noticeable change, due to Sunday's suggestions.
He admits, even at times, he looks forward to them. Sometimes, as foolish as it sounds, he slips in a mix of his own personal opinion, thinly disguised as the "general preference", which manages to then take presidence over your usual pick of gowns. He won't admit it, but he secretly does enjoy sometimes "picking out" your outfits. It's never harmed anyone in the long run, and Sunday's personal theories of whichever color would look good on you are confirmed.
"May I ask.. what this is..?"
The artificial, blue light of the Dreamscape softly highlights Sunday's face, as he stands before you with a pleased look. The same, usual smile on his face.
"I believe incorporating a few gold accents into your palette may help."
You look at the black, velvet bag; the ends of it scrunched into a closure. Your fingers gently pry it open and meddle around a bit, before they pull out a single, gold earring. It glimmers wonderfully under the soft, blue light. There's a flower at the very top with an encrusted diamond, from which a long, elegant thread of gold dangles, ending into a small golden stalk.
You curiously examine it, slightly dangling it to inspect the weight and movement of the accessory.
Sunday walks toward you with a few, short strides, and holds out his hand.
You look at his open, gloved palm, then him.
You inhale deeply, before taking off your current earrings and placing them onto his hand, and gently replacing their former stations with the new earrings. Sunday places your previous earrings into the velvet bag, and glances at your ears, then you.
"Consider it a.. company gift."
How fanciful.
"Thank you for your generosity."
Sunday's eyes linger on your ears, then trail down to the junction of your jaw. His eyes close as his smiles widens slightly.
To be fair, he wanted more.
Sunday has been getting closer to you as of late.
Because you wouldn't imagine ever being this close in proximity to Robin of all people.
Her lips are glossy with a strawberry tint, and her eyes are a beautiful lake green, you note. You also take note of the fact she's much more warmer and approachable than she is appeared to be on digital surfaces.
Both of you engage in polite conversation, her taking the lead, noticing your awkwardness. She's sweet, and understanding. She discusses general things regarding singing and songwriting. You take her for a very warm individual. It's no wonder she's a well-liked popstar. Talent alone can take you so far.
What you also wouldn't imagine is her managing to entangle you within her daily affairs. She leads you to private rooms, asks for advice on outfits, practice, and all sorts of things, despite the contrast of your styles almost bizzare, you oblige anyway.
And it's almost brazenly obvious she's trying to get you and Sunday to spend more time alone outside of work.
It's of no coincidence that she suddenly has to leave and take care of a few things or shuffle around a bit outside whenever Sunday manages to pop in and check up on you two. It wouldn't have been so uncomfortable if for the fact, Sunday's eyes are always lingering on your ears.
Once, he'd taken note that you'd been wearing them more often to your performances and shows. It can't be helped – you've gained more popularity and as a result, keener eyes inspect your choice of practically everything. Including your earrings. Your fans aren't hesitant to point out how exquisite and specific the craftsmanship of your earrings are, and it's not long before your fans have understood it was gifted to you. By who, became the newest sensation regarding you. Petty rumors were incriminating, but you suppose if it brought you more fans, it was enough.
Sunday chuckles softly when you briefly touch on the subject.
It wasn't long before he'd gotten you another pair as a result.
You only worry about paying him back, more and more.
There are a plethora of thorns on Sunday's side. Many, of which the public, and many members of the Oak Family aren't privy to.
One of them was currently busy darkening his doorstep;
The IPC.
Or rather specifically – Aventurine.
What he wasn't expecting, was for you to be an exclusive invitee to his mischief.
You were rather in an unlucky spot. You had always considered your luck to be rusty, having struggled so much just for average recognition and a barely tangible career that's keeping your family afloat.
On top of that, you were being heavily persuaded by Aventurine, who was persistent in his offer to you. His desperation was more than obvious, like a nervous dog waiting for the bone toss, holding you in place with a firm grip on your arm. It didn't help that he'd forced his way into your hotel room aswell.
And Sunday just witnessed the pinnacle of this forsaken deal.
"Mr. Sunday."
After a beat of silence, you pathetically try to step in,
"I see you've taken to familiarizing with my employees."
Sunday's smile remains well plastered on his face. Aventurine only smiles back.
"I was actually in the middle of striking a deal. There's always opportunities in the best of places, right?" Aventurine side-eyes you. You shrink back a bit.
"My employees are unfortunately off-limits to contracts from unauthorized branches. I look for your understanding in this.. complicated form of approach."
You watch Aventurine's smile strain. Sunday continues.
"Perhaps, if you are in need of a singer, I may direct you to an appropriate employee from the Iris Family to search for someone."
"That won't be necessary. I wasn't looking for a singer. You don't think that's all they're talented at, do you?"
Sunday's eyes slightly sharpen at him. Aventurine's smile becomes more genuine.
"Oh, you've positively ruined the mood. I guess it's just not my lucky day, and it looks like I'm not getting a deal with you anytime soon."
Aventurine's eyes hone in on you. You stand stiffly, your arm tense from the uncertainty your body feels physically.
His grip loosens, languidly. You'd think he was doing it slowly on purpose if not to tick off Sunday more.
"I'll take my leave, then."
Aventurine breezes past Sunday, rounding the corner of the door. He casts one last glance to you as the turns.
His footsteps echo down the hallway. As soon as they fade, Sunday's smile drops slightly.
"Are you perhaps.. unhappy with your current circumstances?"
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Entertainment Is Playing a Big Role in Americans’ Vacation Plans
Entertainment Is Playing a Big Role in Americans’ Vacation Plans
After more than two years of doing without in-person events—or abiding by mask mandates, attendance caps, and vaccine and/or testing requirements imposed on large gatherings—Americans are ready to return to incorporating live entertainment events into their travel plans. Allianz Partners’ 14th Annual Vacation Confidence Index has shown that a majority of Americans (60 percent) are planning to…
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fandomsandfeminism · 1 year
So we have now surpassed the 96 hour "best case scenario" amount of oxygen point (if they had been alive and didnt just implode, they arent alive anymore), and I just keep thinking everything about this story, and really the story ABOUT the story, is fascinating.
Like, the situation itself has that incredible blend of tragedy voyeurism and schadenfreude that adds a level of absurdity. (The Logitech controller, the camping world lights, the fact that they probably didn't have their shoes). The way this story touches on issues of deregulation and tragedy tourism and billionaire hubris and a condemnation of wreckless start up mindsets. How much money has been spent looking for them, how much the tickets cost - the extreme absurdity of all of it.
But also the WAY this story has been covered. I keep seeing this compared to the horrific disaster in the Mediterranean this week which killed over 500 refugees and the disparity in the coverage and interest. And yeah, I think the issue is that the disaster in the Mediterranean is transparently horrific- it is a terrible tragedy, the result of systemic and complex geopolitical issues that are complex. So many people, and the weight of that is just so big. It's not funny. It's just awful.
The Ocean Gate Titan thing? It's a simple narrative that was obviously avoidable. It feels like a movie with REALLY obvious themes. It's been covered like a movie. It's been dragged out and every single possible update, the viral video of the tour of the sub, the possible noises detected by sonar, the whole side story about the billionaire step son going to the Blink 182 concert- the cast is so small and the level of abstraction away from normal people and their lives? Makes it feel completely unreal and so it can be consumed like the newest HBO miniseries.
Even now, we are getting updates on how they could stretch the oxygen out longer- like a fan theory prediction of the next episode. Like a headcanon for the season finale. (Oh God, do you think AO3 has fics yet?) Tiktokers making videos about plot holes (why not attach a tether to it?). Discourse over whether it's problematic to say one thing or another about it.
It reminds me of how it felt when the Ever Given got stuck in the Suez Canal, but with the added "oh my god, the OCEAN ate the rich" and Logitech Playstation controller jokes.
I'd put money on implosion. These men have been dead since Sunday. It's likely that we won't actually know for a long time though, if ever. But the way this story was covered is worth contemplating.
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vakarians-babe · 1 year
After a historic 6 week strike, the Temple University Graduate Students Association - the first graduate worker union in Pennsylvania - has WON.
When we went out on January 31st, I don’t think any of us thought that we would end up here. This was a long and arduous process that could never have been accomplished without everyone involved—and I do mean everyone.
Numerous news outlets have been reporting throughout the whole strike, but I’d like to run through what, exactly, it is we’ve done.
After well over a year of negotiations (we went to the table in January of 2022 after the administration delayed responding to our RFIs for months) and more than a year without a contract (it expired on February 15, 2022), we were stuck with an administrative team whose position was, resolutely, “we are happy with the contract as it is.” Their belief was that teaching and research assistants, who facilitate—at a conservative estimate—approximately one-third of all instructional work here on campus were “not a core function of the university.” Pay was structured around a tier-based system that generated inequity as part of its structure which ultimately manifested as race and gender based wage gaps, and that pay averaged out between 19k and 20k for the majority of our bargaining unit. We had only five days of parental leave in the event of childbirth. To cover a single dependent on the dependent healthcare plan required an individual to spend approximately 30% of their paycheck. There had been no substantive raises or adjustments for the cost of living since our first contract as a union.
During the strike, Temple university cut our healthcare and revoked tuition remission, attempting to break us through punitive bills and threats. They quite literally threatened peoples’ lives in addition to their livelihoods. International students were threatened for daring to exercise the rights they have as visa holders to engage in protected concerted activity. They attempted to break our will and our organization.
They failed. We didn’t.
On Monday, voting on a second tentative agreement closed. The contract negotiations team and the executive board unanimously endorsed that TA. It passed at an overwhelming 98% vote among our members. That TA, which will now become our contract, did the following:
Eliminated the tier system completely
Brought our pay up to 24k at the beginning of our contract, reaching pay of 27k by its end in 2026
Introduced 25% dependent healthcare coverage which, in addition to the pay raises, lowers the burden of single dependent care to just about 18% of one’s paycheck instead of 30%
Increased parental leave to 21 days
While this contract is not the most perfect contract, it is one of the largest single contract wins in recent history. It signifies an incredible amount of organizing power and it opens the door for future negotiations that will make TUGSA even stronger.
But more importantly, this strike and this contract are incontrovertible proof that graduate worker unions can win. They are proof that we can do it, and that administrations cannot expect to silence us through retaliation. We are stronger than them.
The fight doesn’t end here. The union of graduate workers, faculty, postdocs and more at Rutgers University has passed their strike authorization vote. The graduate workers at Duke University are fighting for their right to be recognized as employees, and that fight will soon be passed up through the nation to challenge rulings made at the National Labor Relations Board. Graduate workers at other universities in Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia area are moving to unionize. TUGSA continues to organize—our next contract negotiations will begin in less than two and a half years. Now is the time to support graduate workers. We cannot backslide. We have to fight for each other, because when we fight, we win.
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cassandracain52 · 12 days
You made me think about immunocompromised Tim so now you suffer the consequences (my thoughts) :D
Disclaimer: I haven't actually read that particular arc yet - I'll get around to it, I swear! But I do know roughly what happens.
With the whole spleentuation Tim turns the Red Robin costume into what basically amounts to a Hazmat suit. He doesn't actually change much - he goes for full face coverage and introduces some airtight seals. It makes upkeep slightly more laborious and makes him a lot scarier than he wants to be but it's this or risking getting benched for an infection for an unreasonably long time. Bruce returns and doesn't even question the look until he finds older Red Robin costume without the Hazmat qualities and in an attempt of casual bonding asks Tim why he changed it. You can imagine how the rest goes.
Second scenario:
Bruce vanishes before the pandemic, when he returns the family is very careful with like, disinfecting everything and they always have gloves and masks on their person. He writes it off as a side-effect on the pandemic until he realises how much more careful everyone is around Tim
Third scenario:
Tim uses his general lack of an immune system as a way to get out of things he doesn't want to do where there'll be a crowd. Mostly Gala's. Like:
Tim: I'm worried I'll get sick when I go to the opening of the Lexcorps factory we need to make An Appearance at.
Bruce: You went to ComicCon last week, you'll be fine.
Tim: 🥺
And like, what's Bruce going to do? Tim is right he SHOULD be a lot more careful. He SHOULDN'T go to the gala. So he folds like wet paper without fail every time. Tim cuts his public appearances down to an absolute minimum. Jason is seen more often and he's supposed to be dead.
Tims coup de resistance (is that the saying) is getting to attend a business meeting virtually because one of the three (3) people there was travelling two weeks ago
Bruce: Tim you should go to sleep staying up this long is not good for your health your immune system will thank you.
Tim: what immune system.
Bruce: What do you mean what immune system.
Tim *chuckles*: I'm in danger.
Bruce: What do you mean what immune system.
Damian sneezes once and refuses to take off his mask for six days straight on the off-chance he'll get Tim sick. He was literally digging through the dusty attic. He is not sick. Tim isn't even around half the time. You don't need to sleep in the mask Damian. DAMIAN.
”Jason is seen more often and he's supposed to be dead.” <<<asfghjkl XD this is taking me OUT😭 I never really thought of Tim using this as a “get out of jail free” card but he so would. But only for things he doesn’t want to do. That party of maybe 200 guests at most? Nope sorry can’t do it, too risky. That concert with 50,000+ people? Completely fine
All these scenarios were so fun!! I especially appreciated “What do you mean what immune system.” and Tim just immediately starts sweating bullets cause Oh Did He Forget To Mention That?
and Damian would so be super paranoid to accidentally get Tim sick but also would never admit that because Tim Must Never Know He Worries About Him
Damian wearing a full mask, gloves, and maintaining a ten ft distance at all times because Jon (who has seasonal allergies) sneezed kinda close to him: You’re a disgrace to this family Drake. Do us a favor and die
Tim not falling for this for a second: Uh-huh so can I just- [attempts to take approximately One Step Closer]
Damian rapidly scrambling back: nO I HATE YOU STAY AWAY-
Please feel free to share your thoughts again🤣
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ioniansunsets · 8 months
honey, could you write a heartsteel!kayn scenario with K/DA!reader where they wear any matching accessories? or reader wearing a kayn t-shirt or jacket and ALL the gossip sites and fans're talking about it?
✖ Heartsteel!Kayn Matching Accessories with K/DA!Reader ✖
✖ Word Count: 834
✖ Tags: Established R/S
✖ A/N: THIS WAS VERY CUTE I hope I did it justice.
It was a cute thing that the two of you started doing shortly after dating. It started out subtle. A belt that looks a lot like Kayn's collar from Heartsteel's MV at an award ceremony together while he wore a coat that really looked like the one in K/DA's latest MV. Nothing too obvious at first, just similar colors, similar styles. A Glove that looks like the same design as Kayn's just a different color when you were at a meet and greet. An array of accessories that look a lot like yours when Kayn was caught flipping off the paparazzi.
Your stylists were both in on it too, having fun throwing the two of you in outfits from the same collection sometimes. Getting you to wear bracelets while Kayn wears the paired rings from the same collection, you wearing a necklace with Kayn's having the same design earring. Cute little fits that are similar yet not, from the same unknown indie designer. More bold choices where you'd have a K on your clothes while Kayn wore your initials in his belt. Just waiting for someone to pick up on what was going on yet not outright announcing anything.
It was all really, really! Cute! Only after a month or so did the fans pick up on it. Then it hit all at once. The net was abuzz with your name and Kayn's. Someone mentioning how your new jacket was in the same collection as Kayn's at the livestreamed event going on right now and boom. Photos of all the times the two of you suspiciously wear things in a matching color scheme, same design, same collection, hell straight up matching shoes at the last Gala. It was insane the amount of press coverage that suddenly were thrown on you both.
That night, you dropped by his hotel room after a long day of trivial idol things. Going through the usual bath and change of clothes. You snuggle up to him in bed as you whip out your phone. Kayn's arm wrapping around you, pulling you closer.
" We should do this more. I can't deny, seeing press like this about myself for once is nice."
Kayn thinks out loud about it while giving your forehead a little kiss. Enjoying this more than he thought he would when you first suggested it. K/DA were supportive of the idea, Ahri finding it super cute while Akali and Eve just wanted to see if Kayn would get himself in trouble (they were betting on it). Heartsteel on the other hand were mixed about it, which just made Kayn want to do it even more! Yone and K'sante didn't really get it at first, Sett (and Alune) Loved it! Ezreal was just salty he wasn't included while Aphelios didn't care for it. It was overall still fun PR for the two bands so all the managers let it happen.
" Honestly I'm surprised it took this long...they were all up in arms within minutes the last time I wore Ezreal's sunglasses to a concert."
Kayn laughs, slowly scrolling through social media as you laid in his arms going through your own phone. Enjoying seeing all the cute comments and speculations people made. Were the two of you dating? Good friends? Is this a teaser for Heartsteel and K/DA getting a collab? Were they just being paid? A PR stunt? They have the same stylists after all. It was so fun! You hold back a laugh as you see the jokes people make about how you seem to steal his rings in some paparazzi's shots or how Kayn keeps showing up near K/DA concert locations suspiciously wearing your fan colors. But none of the fans were wrong, the two of you were just having fun. You were dating him, you two were good friends, maybe the two of you were also secretly writing a collab song and this Was a PR stunt. You finally snicker seeing how close some fans got to the truth.
" Fucking with fans and paparazzi like this is honestly my new favorite hobby...I mean second only to being with you~"
Kayn laughs, teasing you, his free hand gently rubbing your side as he uses his phone with his right. A soft smile on his face while his head leaning against yours while you rest on his chest. He usually doesn't give a shit about rumors or public opinion but...when it came to things like this? It was hella fun. A little sprinkle of havoc. Nothing to get his lover in trouble but enough to satisfy his craving for anarchy. Perfect fun for someone like Kayn while letting you lay your claim on having this man in your life. Nothing that would risk the reputation of you both yet let Kayn be a little bit possessive.
" So, just straight up wearing each other's fanclub merch tomorrow to the event then?"
" You're going to get yourself cancelled Kayn."
He laughs harder, hugging you tight.
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Midnights duality (part 2): Meet me at midnight
So, we’ve established that Midnights is the era where Taylor makes it known that there are two versions of her story, and that the prevailing narrative can’t be trusted and she’s letting a second (conflicting) narrative exist alongside it. This brings me back to the sentence that concluded the album announcement and opened the first track: Meet me at midnight.
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Sounds so simple, right? But who are we meeting at midnight? It’s not the public Taylor, because we’ve known her for a while. So it must be the private one, the one that wears trainers and a T-shirt and bleeds purple glitter. Let’s meet her.
Where, other than in the mv, do we see this private Taylor? On the big screen during the Eras tour performance of Anti Hero. And what is she doing? Screaming and waving at us before she walks off in a huff. Guess no one was there to meet her…
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She is also the one taking notes when performance Taylor is doing the teaching. I find it noteworthy that the public Taylor here is dressed in 1989 outfit and is holding the pointer stick in the same way she used to swing and hold the golf club in the Blank Space performance on the 1989 tour. She is also the one slut-shaming and bullying Taylor about her weight in the bathroom scene, two things we know were very prominent during the 1989 era so this ‘Anti Hero’ villain is her 1989 self, the height of her fame and perfectly crafted public persona. So this private Taylor that we are meeting is taking notes from her 1989 self. Interesting… And even more interesting that we are now getting a vault track on 1989tv called SLUT!. And I have just learned today that we are quite possibly getting a mv for this song… so would this be the place to meet our new Taylor? I think it’s a contender.
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I have said in my post about the burning Lover house, that I take from the blue flames that 1989tv will move the narrative of this new Taylor forward quite a bit and as we are nearing the release (5 days to go as I’m writing this) I get that feeling more and more. Yes, I am not blind or deaf, I am very well aware that Taylor is currently doing her very best performance of NFL player’s gf, but I actually think that furthers my duality in public narrative and performance art point from part 1. Because, while I’m sure I don’t need to give you any examples of the excessive articles and media coverage of Taylor’s outings with either MH or TK, I just want to remind you of what other articles and media coverage has emerged in recent months, and this is not a story that would have made the NY Times or Cosmopolitan even a year ago.
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Yep, Gaylor has entered the mainstream media. Not something that was on my 2023 bingo card, if I’m honest. Not even during the spring and summer of 2019, during Taylor’s soft launch phase, was her queerness this openly discussed in mainstream media. And not just as a general idea, some of the articles are linking her to very specific women in the past and, as if that wasn’t enough, the women in question have promptly appeared in public, either non-denying a relationship with her (looking at you DA), or showing up at her concert after a supposed years-long feud, adding fuel to the fire. And didn’t Taylor make a spectacle of looking lovingly up at Karlie in the stands at the last LA show, a show that she hyped up enough with 1989 announcement easter eggs that she could be sure everyone was watching. She wants to give this new narrative a platform. Yes, the straight girl pap walks are happening, but so is this. Pick your narrative. Especially the inclusion of Taylor in posts from official LGBTQ charities like Stonewall and Glaad seems significant to me, because they are non-profit organisations that are dedicated exclusively to preserving and telling queer people’s stories and would never risk their reputation or seriousness of their cause by participating in clout chasing or name dropping. And I know that these two things going on simultaneously seem super confusing, but I’m starting to think the confusion is part of the act. This is the tale of the two Taylors and it’s our job to work out which is which. The Stonewall Archive specifically tagged Taylor in their post about an exhibit on media coverage and public perception… they know something we don’t.
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The re-emergence of pap walks alone is something I wasn’t expecting. Over the last 7 years we have known Taylor as a private person after her turbulent 1989 era. She was mostly quiet, stayed out of the headlines, no pap walks or public appearances outside of award shows and select performances. After all, reputation Taylor told us that the old Taylor died and the new version didn’t explain anything or show her face in public much. But 2023 Taylor has felt a lot like that old Taylor, right?? The pap walks, the girl squad, the high publicity romances… So, hasn’t Taylor learned her lesson from her 1989 self after all?
I think she has, but she wants the rest of the world to eat their words and see how ridiculous this is. Will this all be part of a Slut! mv? Maybe. Or it could be a way to distract the fanbase from something else that’s going on. One very notable difference in the pap walks now is how confidently herself she is when she’s photographed with her friends or going to the studio. Back in 2014 she would leave the gym looking like she was walking the runway with not a hair out of place, and now she is walking the streets of NYC looking queer as ever. (I swear she googled ‘How to look like a lesbian’ before picking that second outfit…) And I’ve seen how much it confuses the swifties. And I’m here for it 😋 Question though, if she’s going into the studio looking this gay, is the music coming out of these sessions going to be equally💅 ?
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Something is brewing and 1989tv is the next thing on the horizon, so let’s look at that.
Midnight and Sunrise
Having been introduced to our new Taylor at the beginning of Midnights, she’s taken us through the main album, then the 3am bonus tracks, to the til dawn edition. With every new midnights edition we have worked our way through the night from midnight, to 3am, to dawn. So, next would be sunrise, right? And there have actually been a few mentions of sunrise and daylight in both the 1989tv marketing and other media coverage. I’ve spoken about the midnights to daylight theory before, as it’s one that many Gaylors have speculated on, but I think there has been quite a bit of movement on this recently.
Firstly, there is the yellow 1989tv vinyl that is conveniently named the ‘Sunrise Boulevard edition’. Not only does it have the word sunrise in it, it is also a direct reference to the Stonewall National Museum & Archive, which is located on this road in Fort Lauderdale, FL. And with the emergence of all the other variations of the 1989tv vinyl, it is easy to spot that they all have a sunlit beach theme (a big change from the OG 1989 city theme!) and with the recent leak of a purple version on the website of a record shop, we now have a full rainbow of 1989tv vinyls. Sunrise and rainbows… I think I have an idea where this may be going. But hang on, there is more.
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Remember when I said that the Stonewall National Archive knows something we don’t? A few days ago, they posted this on their Instagram with lyrics from Taylor’s happiness, highlighting and italicising the word sunrise and pointing everybody’s nose in the caption to their address at 1300 E Sunrise Boulevard:
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This feels VERY intentional. And I’ve never really looked at the happiness lyrics in that way, having taken the song to be about Scott B and her old label, but when Stonewall is using these exact lines in that context, with a strong suggestion that they have insider knowledge, it seems worth looking at them again.
In the caption, SNMAL say that they ‘celebrate the glorious sunrise of LGBTQ+ history’ with the pride flag and sunshine emoji. So, could it be that the Sunrise Blvd vinyl and accompanying rainbow variations of 1989tv are going to bring some kind of moment in history for LGBTQ people? It certainly sounds like this is about more than just Taylor. Perhaps furthering the theory that there may be a double album on the horizon with the second one being all collaborations. Stonewall also liked a comment on this post that said that something is in the air 🌈
They also included the line about flickers of light from the dress I wore at midnight. Flickers of light, as in glimpses of her queerness? The ones we are seeing now in all those articles are social posts? The mention of a dress immediately throws my mind back to the rainbow dress that Billy Porter ended up wearing at World Pride 2019, but that was almost certainly meant for Taylor. And out of all the photos of Taylor from the VMAs this year, which one did GLAAD choose to post on their Instagram in September? Yep, the one with Billy Porter. Takes me back to 2019… and something else does too, actually: The Cruel Summer live single release.
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Cruel Summer was released as a single this June, 4 years after its initial release. And almost made it to No.1. It was certainly on the radio A LOT. The Lover set is also the opening act of the Eras tour, so this summer has certainly had some 2019 throwbacks. And remember how the Lover era started? With ME! Out now! on Lesbian Visibility Day, followed by the sunshine and rainbows parade that was the mv and (as we later learned from the documentary) 'Cats, unicorns and gay pride... things that make me ME.' And now, in October 2023, Taylor released a live version of Cruel Summer and used the very photo from the 2019 shoot as a cover for the single. And not only was that a 2019 photo shoot, it was the last photo she posted on her instagram in June 2019 before she was meant to wear the dress at NYC Pride. I think she captioned it something like 'calm before the storm'. And now that photo has made a comeback. If I were a betting woman...(and I've learned better than to ever make predictions when it comes to Miss Taylor Swift these days) but if I were I'd say it looks like she's taking another run at this. Meet ME at midnight...and then follow me into the daylight. ☀
And one more thing before I conclude this monstrosity of an essay, I found Taylornation's post for the midnights anniversary last week a bit mysterious:
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It says 'Tonight we celebrate an album written by the one that could make us stay. After all the sleepless nights and friendship bracelets we've shared, we hope you know you're never really on your own, kid.' Sounds a bit like a pep talk (and a plea at the same time) to me. Why do the fans need reminding of the good times and be asked to stay? Where would they go and why?? And the first picture in the carousel is our girl 'home Taylor' from the Anti Hero mv, looking contemplative, maybe waiting for someone to come and finally let her out of that house. And the photo immediately after it is Taylor as we know her, smiling for photos with her fans at the movie premier. The two Taylors again...but one is in black and white and the other is in screaming colour 😉iykyk.
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saltydumplings · 1 year
Prompt #53
"And why would I help you?" the henchman asked.
Across from them, the hero smirked, all confidence and charm as they leant across the table. "Because you don't get paid enough," they said. "Because you work that cute little butt of yours off and all you get in return is--"
"I get medical coverage. And dental," the henchman interrupted. "Villain pays me twice the amount your agency ever could and even allows me time off during the holiday seasons as well as the week of my birthday...Oh, and they awarded me a trophy: Henchman of the Year, outstanding effort and evil genius in the field."
The hero opened their mouth. Closed it.
"I, um..." For the first time ever in their career, they floundered. "I'm great in bed?"
A pause.
The henchman's lips quirked upwards in amusement. "I'm asexual."
More fumbling on the hero's part. They stumbled over their words for an entire minute, hardly making any ground at all until the henchman spoke on their behalf.
"I like movies though. And popcorn," they supplied. "And there's a concert this weekend that I was unable to acquire tickets to due to short notice and, admittedly, a minor restraining order but I'm sure that's nothing a sweet hero like you couldn't work around...is it?"
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
I am thinking older Eddie? 🤔 he's not nearly as confident as he used to be but meets his dream gal at maybe a concert? Gets his groove back. Maybe he's a single dad who feels like he hasn't had time or energy to be himself anymore and she makes him feel like that again?
I just feel like you'll be able to really make it so good.
Warnings: none--all fluff :)
WC: 2.7k
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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“Okay, his bedtime is 7:30 PM, but if you get him down before 8:30, I’ll be amazed,” Eddie tells his uncle, grabbing his guitar case and slinging it over his shoulder. “He’s in that phase where he only wants to eat macaroni and cheese, so just go with that tonight. No need for you to fight with him over it.”
Wayne chuckles, bouncing the toddler on his hip. “And when will you be out of your ‘only eating macaroni and cheese’ phase?” he asks Eddie, who promptly flips him off in response. “Hey! Not in front of the impressionable kid!”
“Daddy will see you when you wake up tomorrow,” Eddie promises his son, pressing a quick kiss to his scalp. “Be good for Grandpa.”
“Oh, he’s always good for me,” Wayne says, making a funny face at the little boy. “Isn’t that right, Kirk?” He frowns as Kirk’s tiny bottom lip quivers and he reaches out for his dad. “C’mon, buddy; Dad has to go to his concert!”
“No!” Kirk whines, crocodile tears streaming down his chubby cheeks. Eddie’s heart pangs, and he second guesses his decision to go out.
As though he can read his nephew’s mind, Wayne tuts at Eddie’s hesitation. “Nuh-uh, absolutely not. You haven’t done anything for yourself since this troublemaker was born.” He wipes a tear from Kirk’s face and blows a raspberry into his belly. A mix of giggles and sobs leaves the boy’s throat. “We’re gonna be just fine. Now, go.” He practically shoves Eddie out the door. 
It’s been ten years since Eddie graduated from Hawkins High. The day he crossed that stage, middle fingers aimed at his exasperated principal, he’d vowed never to return to this shithole town. And he’d kept that promise up until two years ago. Kirk was only five months old when Celeste had up and left, claiming that she couldn’t handle the stress of motherhood any longer. She’d left her key to their dingy apartment on the countertop, along with the engagement ring Eddie had saved so long to buy her. He’d pawned it a few weeks later, desperate to scrounge up some money for baby formula. And when that money ran out, he’d found himself back in his hometown, bunking with his uncle. Again. 
The goal was to move out, get a little place for himself and Kirk, and give Wayne his trailer—and his freedom—back. After years of raising his brother’s kid, the last thing he probably wanted was to help raise his nephew’s. For the most part, Eddie’s able to balance his job as a telemarketer and fatherhood, especially since he mostly works from home. But on the days where he has to schlep into the office, he relies on Wayne for child care. His salary is decent, and he has medical coverage for himself and his kid, but he hates working a nine-to-five desk job. 
He tunes the radio to a classic rock station, bypassing whatever saccharine pop songs repeat on the Top 40 channels. A smile tugs at his lips when he hears the familiar bridge. 
Master, master
Where’s the dreams that I’ve been after?
Master, master
You promised only lies
It takes him back to a time where his only worries were passing O’Donnell’s class and planning sadistic Hellfire campaigns. Now, his life revolves around potty training and quelling temper tantrums. But even on his most exhausting days, like when he makes Kirk exactly what he wants for lunch, and the kid flips the plate onto the floor, he would do anything for him. He’d choose his son one thousand times over.
Did I leave the number to the club in case of an emergency? he thinks, slamming on the brakes and nearly causing a collision before remembering that he’d jotted it down on a notepad and given it to Wayne. 
It’s been too long since he’s played in front of anyone, save for lullabies to get Kirk to sleep. But Gareth was coming back to Indiana for a weekend, and he’d damn near begged the guys for a one-night only Corroded Coffin reunion. Eddie didn’t have the heart to turn him down.
He looks over his shoulder into the backseat, catching a glimpse of Kirk’s car seat. Who would’ve thought that the teenager who used to try to hook up with girls in the back of the van–emphasis on try–would now spend his time cleaning out Cheerio crumbs between the seats?
Pulling into the parking lot, Eddie breathes out a nervous sigh. He’s been practicing every day, all the covers they used to play back in the mid-80s, but he doesn’t have the same confidence he did back when they jammed out at the Hideout. Being a parent certainly knocks you down a few pegs, has you questioning yourself all too often.
“Here goes nothing,” he mutters to himself, pulling his guitar from the trunk and heading into the club. 
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“Hey, man! Long time no see!” Jeff claps him on the back, and Gareth pulls him in for a hug. “Jesus, it’s been years.”
“You didn’t bring the kid?” Gareth asks, peering around.
Eddie just laughs. “Nah, ‘s a little past his bedtime. Plus,” he adds, “I don’t want him starting school and singing ‘Hot for Teacher.’” The rest of the band shares a chuckle and starts warming up.
“Did you guys check out the bartender?” Trevor asks, tuning his bass. “She’s a cutie, if any of you wanna chat her up later.”
Gareth snorts. “Eddie’s the only single one out of us; and we all know how he is with the ladies.” He turns to his friend. “Seriously, when’s the last time you got any, dude?”
Too long, Eddie thinks, but just gives Gareth a friendly shove. “Your mom gave it to me good last night.” He grins as Jeff and Trevor chime in with a chorus of oohs. But he’s curious about this bartender, so he peeks around the curtain.
And there you are.
“Holy shit,” he breathes. You’re wearing a black tank top that frames your chest perfectly, paired with a denim miniskirt. Your eyes crinkle as you giggle at something a patron says, and Eddie feels himself melt. “She’s, like, really fuckin’ pretty.” His eyes widen. “Should I talk to her?”
“Let’s play our set first, all right Casanova?” Jeff jokes. “Impress her with your kickass vocals and guitar skills, if you’ve still got ‘em.”
Eddie gives him the middle finger, but he’s wondering the same thing. He doesn’t have time to explore it further before the emcee is announcing Corroded Coffin. “Showtime, boys!” Eddie calls out, hoping no one catches the warble in his voice.
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Forty minutes later, the four guys jog off the stage, drenched in sweat and filled with adrenaline.
“That…was…awesome!” Trevor shouts, high-fiving the rest of them. “We can still rock after all these years!”
Eddie’s grinning so wide, his lips could stretch off of his face. “Hell yeah, we do! Woooo!” He grabs a towel and wipes his forehead and back of his neck. He feels like he’s on top of the world; nothing he’d bought from Reefer Rick ever gave him this type of high. He clenches the guitar pick that hangs around his neck; it’s just like the one he wore in high school, except this one has a photo of Kirk on it. Wayne had it custom made for Kirk’s first Christmas. Your old man was a rockstar tonight, little buddy, he thinks, hopefully, you’ll be able to watch me in action someday.
His thoughts are interrupted by a light knocking. He turns around to see you standing in the doorway, holding a tray with four ice-cold glasses of water. “You boys thirsty?” you ask, flashing a smile that could knock him right off of his feet.
“Eddie sure is,” Jeff mutters with a smirk, which disappears as soon as Eddie shoots him a glare. If looks could kill, Jeff would be six feet under right about now.
You cock your brow with a confused expression, but Eddie just shoves his hands in his pockets and meanders over. “Thanks,” he mumbles, plucking a glass from the tray.
“Are you…Eddie?” You look up at him through your lashes, gazing into his chocolate brown eyes. 
“Thas’ me,” he says with a small laugh. “Did you like the show?” He could smack himself; you probably tuned out the music at this point. Especially loud metal covers by a bunch of late twenty-somethings.
He’s surprised by your enthusiastic nod. “Yeah, you guys are amazing! It was a nice change from the grunge bands that usually play.” You wrinkle your nose. “The other day, we had someone come in who only sang Spice Girls songs. That was interesting.”
Eddie laughs, despite his nerves. “Was she any good, at least?”
“No,” you reply pointedly, “he was not.” You motion towards his empty cup. “Want a refill? Or maybe something stronger?”
“Maybe just a Shirley Temple; he’s gotta get up in the morning with his kid,” Gareth pipes up, and Eddie whips his dirty towel at his head.
Your eyes soften. “You have a kid?” It’s not an accusation, nor is it said with disgust, which Eddie is all-too used to. 
“Y-Yeah, a two-year-old,” he stammers, leaning forward slightly to show the guitar pick necklace with his son’s photo on it. “His name’s Kirk.”
“As in Hammett, or as in Captain?” you tease. “Or both?”
Eddie runs a hand through his tangled curls. “Hammett; definitely Hammett,” he answers with a chuckle. “Kid’s probably cooler than him, too.”
“Well, his dad is a total rockstar, so I’m not surprised,” you shrug. “C’mon back to the bar with me, and I’ll get you that Shirley Temple. On the house,” you add.
Jeff waggles his eyebrows and Trevor lets out a low wolf-whistle as Eddie follows you. Gareth is still traumatized from the towel incident to mess with him.
He used to flirt with bartenders all the time; the more out of his league they were, the more fun it was to shoot his shot. But he’s out of practice now, and it doesn’t help that he’s completely intimidated by you.
Think, Munson, think, he wills himself. “So, uh, what’s your name?” You give him your name, and he smiles. “That’s a kickass name, yeah.” A ‘kickass name’? That’s the best you could come up with?
You only laugh at his response. “I mean, I’m not named after Kirk Hammett, but it’s not half bad.”
“Nah, it’s a good name.” Okay, enough with the name, Jesus. “How long have you been a bartender?”
“Feels like forever,” you muse. “It’s my night gig; just a way to make money while I’m working on my novel.” You drop some maraschino cherries into a clean glass. “Fun fact: thinking about publishing a book pays zero dollars.”
“You’re an author?” Eddie asks incredulously. “What kinda book are you writing?”
A blush creeps into your cheeks. “An aspiring author, I guess,” you say shyly, “but it’s a fantasy novel, like a Lord of the Rings type of thing.”
His eyebrows shoot up. “You’ve read Tolkien?” Duh; she literally just compared her work to his. Why else would she do that?
“He’s one of my favorite authors,” you admit, pouring the sweet grenadine and ginger ale before sliding the glass to him. “Him, Stephen King, Mary Shelley…”
“No fuckin’ way,” he breathes, and you look at him quizzically. “I mean, I’ve never met someone so pretty who was also into fantasy.” 
You giggle at the compliment. “Well, maybe we could talk more about it sometime? Like, when I’m not on the clock?”
Eddie’s head spins at the offer. “You drink coffee?” he blurts out. He couldn’t stand the stuff when he was younger, but after far too many sleepless nights with a colicky infant, he’d acquired a taste for it.
“I do,” you nod, grabbing the pen from behind your right ear and snatching the nearest unused napkin you can find. “Let me give you my phone number, if you wanna call me.”
They’re the most beautiful ten digits Eddie’s ever seen. “If I wanna…of course, yeah, that sounds great.” He folds the napkin carefully before putting it in his pocket, not wanting to smudge the ink. “I’ll call you tomorrow afternoon?”
“I’ll be at home, writing,” you laugh. “See you around, Eddie.”
“Yeah, see ya…thanks for your number,” he manages before darting back to the band, beaming like a kid who just woke up to a pile of presents on Christmas morning. “Oh, shit,” he says suddenly, reaching into his wallet and fumbling for some cash, pulling out a crumpled five-dollar bill.
“I told you,” you remind him with the smile that makes him swoon, “I’ll cover this one. Use the money you’re saving to buy something awesome for Kirk.”
Eddie shakes his head. “Gotta at least leave a tip for excellent service. And for managing not to tell those idiots back there to shut the fuck up.” Although he wouldn’t have been mad if you had. At this point, he didn’t think there was anything you could do that would turn him off.
“Nah, they’re harmless,” you wave off his statement. “Trust me, that’s nothing compared to some of the things guys say to me.” You shudder at the memory of the perverted statements leaving their whiskey-soaked lips.
Eddie sits up straighter. “Like what?” he asks, voice brimming with concern. 
“Oh, you know.” You try to sound casual. “Commenting on my body, grabbing my ass, asking to take me home–even when I can see that they’re wearing a wedding ring.”
“Sounds like you need a bodyguard,” he muses, taking a sip of his drink, rings clinking against the glass. The sugar perks him up as soon as it hits his tongue. 
“You offering?” It comes out more salacious than you’d anticipated, but you’re not about to take it back. The look on his face is priceless; he’s clearly not used to people flirting with him so brazenly. 
You watch as Eddie gives a shy smile, caught off-guard yet again. He toys with his necklace before answering. “Gotta earn my free drinks somehow. Otherwise, I’m just a mooch.”
“Yeah, but you’re a really cute mooch, so…” you giggle, wiping down the bar with a nearby towel. “I’d call it even.”
He nearly chokes on his drink. You think he’s cute? Really cute? He wants to ask if it’s a joke, or a prank that the guys put you up to. But you seem so genuine, and it’s been years since anyone has made him feel this special, so he swallows his insecurities. “Th-thanks,” he stutters. “I think it’s mostly the guitar; makes me look like a big shot.”  
“I think it’s your eyes. Or your smile,” you counter, placing your hand on top of his. “But the guitar certainly doesn’t hurt.” You glance down at his ringed fingers. “None of these symbolize an everlasting union, do they?”
“Nope,” he replies, popping the p dramatically. “Just my commitment to tacky jewelry.”
You laugh, leaning in a bit closer to him. “I think I can handle that.” And for a moment, the world stops as Eddie’s breath hitches. He’s desperate to kiss you, but he’s sticky with sweat and doesn’t want to do anything in the dingy bar where you work. No, you deserve a nice date at a fancy restaurant with a freshly-showered Eddie Munson.
“Hey, Romeo!” Jeff calls out, walking towards the two of you with the rest of the band. “Wanna grab some pizza before your carriage turns back into a pumpkin?”
No, Eddie thinks crossly, I want to stay here and talk to the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen until closing time. 
“I’ve gotta get back to work anyway,” you reassure him. “But we can continue this conversation over that coffee date.”
Eddie visibly relaxes at the mention of your next meeting. “Abso-fuckin-lutely,” he agrees. And before he can wimp out, he presses his lips to your cheek, watching as your cheeks tinge a delicious shade of pink. 
Look at you, Munson. Back in the game.
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When his tour was postponed by the Covid 19 pandemic in 2020, Louis offered a refund to everyone who wanted their money back. His disappointment at having his best moment in a solo career postponed (again) didn’t exceed his sense of fairness and empathy toward his fans.
When he could, Louis organized the Live From London livestream for fans, took every precaution against infection in order to protect his band and crew, and gave a most memorable concert for fans during the pandemic. In doing so, he broke a Guinness World Records for ticket sales.
Did he keep the money for himself ? No. He donated all of the proceeds, including revenue from merch sales.
Louis has never used dynamic pricing. He has never charged for a solo Meet and Greet. He has never sold VIP packages. He has held many listening parties and events, sometimes with snacks, for free.
Of all the One Direction ex-members, Louis is the only one to hold a free music festival for 10,000 fans on his own dime, in London, as soon as he could and as safely as he could. He paid for the support acts himself.
Louis never cancelled a single concert on LTWT 2022 due to illness. He and his team planned strategic substitutions of the band members so that the tour concerts could continue as safely as possible, under Covid conditions. He played many concerts when he wasn’t feeling great, because he didn’t want to disappoint the fans.
Louis has stopped many concerts out of concern for fans in the audience— including on the FITFWT 2023. In 2022, he decided to provide water at his own cost to fans, some of whom then took this amenity for granted, when it was far from the industry standard.
In all of these instances, Louis has shown, over and over, his continuous concern for the fans, his desire to share his work with fans at a fair and affordable price point, his commitment toward caring for band members and crew (and everyone who works with him), and his generosity.
He puts up with an incredible amount of fandom nonsense at his concerts, asking fans to observe rules so no one gets hurt— not to throw things on stage, not to push against each other. He’s listened to chants of No Control and WMYB despite being on his second solo world tour. He is patiently educating fans on good concert etiquette, many of whom are going to the first concerts of their lives.
Louis could have used his fame and wealth to make a lot more money from the people who admire and love him, as some of his ex-bandmates have done. He could have told his team to strategize his career for maximum exposure and profit. He could have turned bitter from the setbacks he’s suffered and lashed out. He could have buckled from the strain of endless, unfair media coverage and criticism, industry blacklisting etc. He could take advantage of personal tragedies to cast pity on himself, but he never has. He has never mocked or criticized the career of an ex-bandmate, and his crew does not either.
As always with Louis Tomlinson, he perseveres. He is patient. His kindness is demonstrated in action, not only in words and trademarked slogans (btw marketing a code of ethics for money is the basest form of fandom manipulation, but also the most transparent and unironic demonstration of greed). He never sold Covid-themed merchandise. He never used the Black Lives Matter campaign to enrich himself. He has never sold merch claiming to support women and then sing explicit lyrics objectifying women as sexual body parts. He will never turn a social tragedy into a marketing opportunity.
This is Louis. He will always feel grateful for fandom’s support. His humility is not an act. His generosity is not a slogan. He will try his best; he will persevere. When knocked down, he will get back up. He is a singular type of star; there is no one quite like him. In supporting him for all these years, I feel proud of Louis and Louies for our humanity and love for each other. No matter the numbers, in his solo career Louis has distilled the best of One Direction into the utmost caring, fun, and creative excellence. He will continue to thrive, and Louies will continue to grow in numbers, and we will keep caring for each other.
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codenamesazanka · 8 days
My far-fetched theory of who Mystery Person is and what their deal is and what I want to happen:
They're a teenager with a 'dangerous' or 'taboo' quirk and/or has behavioral issues arising from having such a quirk [à la Toga]. Given the muzzle, maybe it's a quirk that involves the mouth [à la Tabe, Moonfish]. Their parents tried to get them 'fixed' via quirk counseling, but it didn't work out, so - fearful that their child will turn Villain or just inconvenience others in some way; or there already was a minor incident once - locked up the kid in a room inside the house. Muzzled them and tied them up with zipties.
Specifically, they took inspiration from the police and Tartarus - if the police and government are doing this to prevent crime and harm from happening, why shouldn't they do this as well? [criticism of the use of such restraints. my dream]
This started long before the League ever appeared on the news. (Or maybe, coverage of the League scared the parents and escalated their treatment of Mystery Person)
When the war started, the parents either:
decided this was the perfect opportunity to abandon this burden; they evacuated to a shelter but left the kid
can't bring themselves to free the kid and all go to a shelter (where they may inconvenience others) [call back to Ordinary Lady being banned from a shelter because she had a heteromorphic quirk - an unacceptable quirk. seriously, that should be addressed. that's fucked up], so the kid and the parents stayed in the house best they could. However, the parents are killed - jailbreaker attack, went out to get supplies and never came back, whatever - so Mystery Person is left all alone.
After days or even one or two weeks(?!) of being abandoned, Mystery Person reached their limit and broke free. They clawed their way out of their restraints - explaining the frayed cord on their arm and bloodied fingers. They went to find a pair of scissors to cut away part of the muzzle.
Now they're leaving the house. They're barefoot - as if they don't have proper shoes ready for them; or because they're so confused and eager to leave, they didn't bother. Does this seem like the type of scenario where they left the house with any supplies or money? Do they sound like the type of person who has any supplies and money? Unlikely. The only thing they have in their possession is maybe the scissors and their quirk. Should they try to use them to survive... they'd be a criminal. A Villain.
Now they're out in the world. They're disheveled and creepy-looking, so no one wants to help. [à la Tenko, Twice] Worse, they might even look like a prison escapee, and so needs to be captured.
This has been crazy preachy fanfic territory already, but to make it even more so:
UA Kids out on patrol encounters Mystery Person, who looks the way they do and is scavenging/stealing, which conflicts with the kids' stated goal of "maintaining public order".
It would be interesting if after the kids attack and capture Mystery Person, when trying to take them into custody, the Mystery Person resists being tied up - again. Resists being locked up - again. Resists being sent back to their parents' guardianship and that house; resist being sent back to their previous, 'normal' life. And as the reasons get revealed, the kids are forced to reckon with what bringing things back to 'normal' means.
It's not enough to save Mystery Person from their recent predicament - they can bring them to UA and cut off the rest of the zipties and give them proper clothing and good and maybe even a concert to get them smiling and Nedzu can take into UA's care yet another ward... but there are other Mystery Persons out there. Other Togas, other Twices and Tenkos and Eris and Spinners and Tabes and Moonfishes and etc, etc, etc. Never going to run out of other [insert name]s!
Heroes can't just hope that they'll encounter all these victims while out on patrol - if Mystery Person had never cut themself out of their restraints, Heroes might not have ever known. Heroes can't just play catch up and only turn 'minuses' into 'zeroes'. They can't save hearts only after the initial damage was already done. Something else must be done, as long as the root cause of rejection remains.
Shigaraki tasked Deku with the continuation of 'destroy everything'. This is what he meant.
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Game Music Concert 2 -The Best Selection- 1
An orchestral cover of Onett's theme from the Game Music Concert 2 -The Best Selection. This concert was held in September of 1992 and the album in November of 1992, thus marking the first time the general public would hear the song, since the GTV Super Famicom Perfect Video '92 ~ '93 with coverage of MOTHER 2 that included Onett's theme wouldn't be released until December of the same year.
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