#confession 159
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Confession #159
"If there's anything the episode "Caves" taught me, it's that Lower Decks should end with the main four characters being in a polyamorous relationship since they all have great chemistry with each other."
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This may not be the exact kind of stuff to go here, but I constantly feel afraid that I’m following out of love with my f/o, Emily the Emerald Engine. A lot of people say “oh, you can just go platonic. It’s no big deal,” but it is a big deal. I’ve watched a lot of material—both comedic and serious—in which either one partner or the other or even both lose interest in each other and constantly bicker and degrade each other, and that kind of stuff scares me. I was raised on the “till death do us part” aspect of relationship—queer or straight—since I was a baby, and I don’t want to fail that. When she and I got married in my bedroom in my old house, I promised that I would stay “for better and for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer”, and I don’t want to fail that.
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rededgecitycouncil · 1 year
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I'd love for Mila to knead me like she does her dough - Anon @milajmonroe
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i made translations of the entirety of self-ish to my language and sent them to a socmed group of fans in my country, but i forgot that besides useful notes i included the line "*sounds of a guy getting his fingers broken by a hammer*" for the end of cotard's solution.
i hope... i hope people appreciated my sense of humour at least.
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magpod-confessions · 6 months
It's me, the anon who wants to see more positivity in confessions blogs in general, im back :)
MAG159 The Last is a really good episode! The soundscaping of Peter's Lonely is beautiful and such a powerful icon and symbol of what the Forsaken is all about. Peter's compelled statement gives so much depth to his character and in general fleshes out the social world of avatars that we don't really get to see in statements. For me, The Last was also the first time I found myself really rooting for Jon to hurt someone, which feels so cathartic in the moment but then comes back to haunt you later. I kept coming back to the emotional power of that scene during s5 when Jon would smite someone and it felt icky... but didn't I like it when it was Peter? Can I really condemn Jon when I wanted him to do this twenty episodes ago?
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tmf-confessions · 1 year
confession #150
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Honestly I love it how there's just a small friend group specifically made through this blog just obsessing over tmf and all our delusions over the blorbos™
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jttwconfessions · 5 months
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Whatever your opinion of proships in LMK are, I think that if someone says they don't want that community to interact with their art or the artist, at least that should be respected. I have seen proshippers accounts not respect those boundaries.
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raggedleaf · 2 years
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why was onewhisker so angry at crowpaw LMAFO this is so funny
i get what the book is trying to set up but it just comes out of nowhere with the added context that the first two scenes are onewhisker’s (and the narrative’s) first acknowledgment about crowpaw existing and the latter is when he comes back like what. why does onewhisker has so much violence in mind for crowpaw
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whim-prone-pirate · 7 months
the thing about the jmart confession in 159 is that martin literally doesn't feel anything about it in the moment. he's just talking. the neutral idea of "i really loved you." there's no inflection, no tone. he doesn't care. i loved you so much that for months i played the long game protecting you while i withered away. i loved you so much that i won't kill for you, but i'd die for you. i really loved you. and that means nothing to me.
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
late - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 159
"He's late," Barty gritted out, kicking a rock in the courtyard, feeling the anger rising within him.
"He'll be here," Regulus responded, his tone painfully emotionless.
But Barty was furious. He never did this. Never allowed himself to feel vulnerable like this. Never confessed feelings or dated. He'd been so stupid. He'd spent time picking out an outfit, for Salazar's sake! Stolen a black rose from the greenhouses like some sort of soppy girl! And now, Evan had stood him up. Because of course he had. Because-
"Hey, Bee."
Barty turned, heart in his throat, cutting off his airway, taking in the sight of Evan, who was standing behind him. Evan, who looked sickeningly perfect.
"You- you're late," Barty stuttered, brain completely empty.
Evan let out a laugh. "Bee. It's eleven-oh-three."
"I-yeah," he nodded, a bit abashed, holding out the rose like an idiot.
"You're an idiot," Evan grinned, echoing his thoughts.
But fuck, his smile was worth it.
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unboundprompts · 9 months
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Angst Prompts
↳ a masterpost for writing prompts with angsty themes.
↳ (#) is from my collection of random prompts, (list) contains multiple prompts.
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If you like what I do and want to support me, please consider buying me a coffee! I also offer editing services and other writing advice on my Ko-fi! Become a member to receive exclusive content, early access, and prioritized writing prompt requests.
I also have a Patreon! Become a member to gain access to a Member's Only Community where you can chat and message other members and myself. Also gain access to my personal writing, which includes completed short stories, chapters from novels in progress, as well as completed scenes.
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Romantic Angst Prompts:
God, I'm Going to Miss You (#59)
Don't Say Things You Don't Mean (#61)
Character in Love with Someone who They Think Hates Them (list)
Love Confession after an Argument (list)
Being Shocked After a Kiss (list)
Character that Pushes Away the People they Love (list)
The People Who Don't Care if I Live or Die (#159)
Grief / Depression Angst Prompts:
Faked Death (#37)
Prompts for a Character that is Alone (list)
A Character Dealing with Grief and Drug Use (list)
Prompts for Being Left Out (list)
Prompts for Losing Someone (and having Self-Guilt) (list)
Prompts for a Character Having a Breakdown (list)
Reuniting with a Missing Friend (list)
Unforgiving Fist (#103)
Meaning Without You (#170)
Fantasty / Sci-Fi Angst Prompts:
Bigger than the Both of Us (#5)
Can't Remember My Name (#20)
The Visions (#65)
My Head is Filled with Ghosts (#89)
No-Longer Human Character Reuniting with Friends and Family Part 1 (list)
No-Longer Human Character Reuniting with Friends and Family Part 2 (list)
Character Getting Thrown into a Volcano (list)
No-Longer Human Character Regretting What They've Become (list)
Non-Human Character Revealing Themselves (list)
My Design Was Never Good Enough (#129)
Hero and Villain Angst Prompts:
You're Sick (#1)
Responses to "I'm Going to Kill You" (list)
Not the Best Idea (#62)
Responses to "Let's Die Together" (list)
Alone in the World (#42)
Hero is told by Villain that their Friend Betrayed them (list)
I Can't Control It (#146)
Anger/Argument Angst Prompts:
One Character Has Been Lying to the Other (list)
You Betrayed Me (#97)
Been Like This (#121)
Betrayed Your Kind (#123)
The One to Beat (#171)
Family Angst Prompts:
Different Ways to Describe Emotionally Distant Parents
Single Parenting Prompts (list)
Responses to Finding Out You Have a Secret Sibling (list)
Meeting a Parent After Abandonment (list)
Other Angst Prompts:
Prompts about Re-Entering Society (list)
Character Has Been Poisoned (list)
Describing a Car Accident (list)
You Don't Remember? (#117)
Responses to "I'm just tired." (list)
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hatconfessionbooth · 6 months
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Confession 159... mustache girl's design is in my opinion the best design in the game. everything about her is perfect just the way it is. ❤️
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annelucia · 2 months
Moments in novel I want to read again:
60- "beast trying to make itself small"
101-healing Yuder's hand(faints after)
159- manifesting as Omega
175- "you are the only one who can command me"
179- Red Stone's energy transfering
18?- "make him mine"
200- first kiss
208- Yuder smilling bc Revlin compliments Kishiar( Apeto trial)
211- Yuder&Nathan talks abot Kishiar
222- find 10 ways to clean ashes with your power
224- Kishiar visits Yuder's room, Yuder's uses Red Stone
230- Yuder vs Kiolle (1st after oath)
238- meeting Ejain 2nd time, saves him
258- Yuder's weakness
264-Ejain's "be my friend", Yuder's left behind
283- Penpen vs Yuder
285- aftermath of fight
290- Connection's first appearance
296- Kishiar feeding Yuder
300- Yuder initiating kiss
301- Yuder's tells everyone of his weakness
307- Yuder's and Kishiar night stroll forest date
310- Yuder's healing from venom
321- Yuder's no. 1
326- Smut but not all the way
335- Enon isn't human
342- Elle!
350- Yuder intimidates commander in prison
362- Yuder's going to prison
374- Kishiar kisses back of Yuder's hand
375- Shuden, Hellem
384- "did you chew on reaper's grass" swollen lips
385- Kiolle(just existing)
396- Nathan being worried about Yuder
397- Yuder's taking Enon's experimantal pill to fight southeners
401- Kishiar's death flashback
417- Nathan vs Nahan
419- Kishiar trolling nobles
422- Yuder jumping into Kishiar's embrace
430- 1st Duke Tain's laboratory
434- Enon- hyung !
438- Kanna&Yuder talk about Yuder's fear
443- Enon tells Kishiar about himself
445- "Yudrain" and connection talk
453- Kanna knows!
458- Yuder's confession, Kishiar blushing
460- Smut
467- Kishiar's emperor sword mark
470- Yuder, Kishiar& Emperor meal
480- Kiolle(meeting in tailor shop)
486- learning to dance
494- Gakane worring about Yuder's dance
495- Yuder heals Hosanna
499- Dance
501- Wine gift
507- Yuder&Gakane dance/ Gakane's past
513- Drunk Yuder
517- Kanna talks with Yuder about why she's avoiding him
521- Yuder, Kishiar & Empress meal
534- Examining Emperor
539- Yuder&Kishiar use connection forcefully
550- Emperor's healing
560- Jealous Kishiar
566- Yuder knows that Kanna knows!
567- Yuder&Nathan talks about Kishiar
569- Yuder tells Kishiar truth
574- Kishiar cries after Yuder tells him truth
579- " only one who can command me"/ Imperial family dinner
586- Kiolle!( talks with Yuder)
590- Kishiar interogates Hosanna
592- Emperor visits Cavalry
600- East& West 2nd Cabvalry recruitment
601- Yuder&Nathan talks about Kishiar
- Gloe
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Not an ask but n just wanted to say I hate that 95% of this fandom is so cool and amazing. Unhinged, but energetic and we're all strange in our own beautiful way.
And then there's the other 5% that are really creepy and weird about will wood... Not just his songs but him too... Like that story of the Facebook pfp and constantly putting him on a pedestal! He's awesome! And he makes music that is absolutely breathtaking!!! But I think ppl forget that he's human like the rest of us, and I think some ppl forget that and don't treat him with any humane respect.
Ig u have to expect that in every fandom but the bad side of this fandom genuinely disgusts me the most, oml so so sorry for the rant haha just wanted to share my experience. Most of the fans are awesome tho ^^
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twice-inamillion · 2 years
Twice Interactive Story
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Character List Babies character list
Parts 1-76. Part 77-147
Part 1-16: The Beginning
Part 17-20: Sharon’s First Attack
Part 21-46: Mina’s (Sharon’s) Consequences
Part 47-53: Dahyun Sexually Interested
Part 53-58:Jihyo’s Baby
Part 59-61: Dahyun’s Mistake
Part 62-65: Jihyo’s Reaction
Part 66-68: Mina’s Pregnancy
Part 68.5-70: Confirming Your Love
Part 71-72: Morning Sickness
Part 73-74: The Blues
Part 77: Sneaking In For A Good Time
Part 78-79: Time With Family
Part 80-83: Making Up
Part 84-89: A Moment With Family
Part 88.5 Side Story :(Midnight Snack)
Part 90: Time Abroad
Part 91-94: Coming Back To Mina
Part 95-95: Dahyun’s Secret
Part 99-100 Side Story: Questioning
Part 99.5-103: Mina’s Babies Coming Home
Part 104-108: In Trouble Again
Part 109-112: Dahyun’s Secret/Time with the kids
Part 113: Mina A Good Girl?
Part 114: Mystery Woman
Part 115-118: Member’s Sharing Experience
Part 119-121: Threesome with Michaeng
Part 122-124: Chaeyoung’s Aftercare
Part 125-127: Mina’s Breakdown
Part 128-129: Dahyun’s Move
Part 130: Dahyun’s first lactating experience
Part 131: The Mina Blues
Part 132: Family Date
Part 133: OC’s late night drink
Part 134: Morning Breakfast
Part 135: Family Date with Dahyun
Part 135.1 Side Story: Disappearing Act
Part 135.2 Side Story: Lessons Learned
Part 135.3 Side Story: Baby Talk
Part 135.4 Side Story: Day Trip
Part 136: Time Skip
Part 137: Strawberry Princess nude apron
Part 138: Recollection and Future
Part 139: Breakfast with Dahyun
Part 140: Potential Baby Names
Part 141: An upset Dahyun
Part 142: Plan to rescue Mina
Part 143: Attacked by Mystery woman
Part 144: Morning after the attack
Part 145: Arriving to Japan
Part 146: Busy day with Sana
Part 147: Is that Mina?
Part 147.5 Side Story: Confession
Part 148: Heartbreak
Part 149: Late Night Desire
Part 150: Confronting Mina
Part 151: Mina’s Breakfast
Part 152: Sana’s Bathroom Surprise
Part 153: Sana’s Last Try
Part 154: Coming Home
Part 155: Christmas Tree Decoration
Part 155.5 Side Story: Heart Felt
Part 156: Jihyo’s Date
Part 156.5 Side Story: Missing You
Part 157: Dahyun’s Date
Part 157.5 Side Story: Bathhouse
Part 158: Reeducating Chaeyoung
Part 159: Christmas Together
Part 159.5 Side Story: Reunion
Part 160: Jisoo’s 1st Birthday
Part 161: Sana’s Birthday Wish Part 1
Part 162: Sana’s Birthday Wish Part 2
Part 162.5 Side Story: Birthday Gift
Part 163: New Years Eve/New Years Day
Part 164: Time Skip 2019
Part 164.1 Side Story: Further Learning
Part 164.2 Side Story: Tell All
Part 165: Jihyo’s 22nd Birthday
Part 166: Dahyun’s Last Pregnancy Sex
Part 166.5 Side Story: Aftermath
Part 167: Welcome to the family little tofu
Part 167.5 Side Story: Coming Home
Part 168: Momo’s First Time
Part 168.5 Side Story: Getting Handsy
Part 169: Ari and Hina’s First Birthday
Part 169.5 Side Story: Peeping
Part 170: Twice X Pocari Sweat
Part 171: Chaeyoung’s BestFriend
Part 172: Jihyo’s Special Vacation
Part 172.5 Side Story: Surprise Visitor
Chapter 173: Coming Home To A Surprise
Chapter 173.5 Side Story: Early Gift
Master List 2
Twice Dome Arc
Chapters 174-180
Fancy Arc
Chapter 181- 197
Twicelights World Tour Arc
Chapter 198-
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tmf-confessions · 1 year
confession #158
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confession by @jufferingx
liam should listen to the song stacy's dad i think it'll awaken something in that homosexual brain of his
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