#connor emeto
Sicktember Day 12: “You’re not fine, you’re throwing up” - DBH
“Are you alright, Lieutenant?” Connor probed cautiously outside the bathroom stall.
“Mhmm. Just fine,” Hank choked out, propping an elbow on the rim of the toilet so he had a relatively sanitary spot to rest his head. He was glad the urge to gag had subsided for a moment but it was just the calm in the eye of the storm. Prickly chills were still skittering up and down his back as his stomach roiled.
“You’re not fine, you’re throwing up.”
“Really? Wow. Look at you with those supercomputer powers of deduction,” Hank snorted against his sleeve, though it lacked any of his usual bite. “We’re on the clock, Connor. You didn’t have to follow me in here just to listen to me yack like you do at home. S’nothing new.”
“The cause is new. I scanned you earlier, Hank, when I saw how pale you were. Your blood alcohol content is lower than usual; you’re not hungover enough to be vomiting like this but your temperature has been hovering around 101.2 all morning. That’s a low-grade fever.”
But now that Connor mentioned it, that clammy sweat lingering in his bedraggled hair had been there even before his breakfast started clawing its way back up his throat.
“I hadn’t noticed,” Hank admitted. He was always in some low level of discomfort; he had become accustomed to pushing it out of his mind with either work or booze but Connor wasn’t so easily dismissed. “Well…okay, so maybe I’m not fine but whatever. I’ll deal with it. I always—” He faltered, gulping against a new wave of sour saliva leaking onto his tongue. Speaking of breakfast clawing its way back up—
“I’ll get you some water,” Connor suggested rather than asked, already turning on his heel toward the door.
“G-Good idea.”
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sickkies · 1 year
How to Get Away With Murder 01.09 - Connor
(gagging / coughing, no emeto)
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syrnyj · 2 years
Tumblr media
don't do drugs kids
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punksarahreese · 4 years
31. — lies 👀👀
Hanahaki!AU; Sarah’s lies can only keep people convinced for so long 
CW: coughing fits, emetophobia warning (vaguely mentioned), Sarah is being a clown again :/
Happens before Blue but after Beginning 
“Doctor Reese,” Daniel Charles was way too peppy for seven in the morning on a Monday but Sarah was too nice to say that, “How are you this fine morning?”
“Good morning, Doctor Charles,” she said with a weak smile, “I’m alright, you?”
“Oh, I’m just fine. You know, Robin was telling me-”
Sarah tried her best to listen to her attending’s story, something about a new flu strain going around in neighbouring cities and how Robin was very interested in tracking its migration. She nodded at all the right parts and made affirming sounds when she thought necessary, a bit too zoned out to really answer properly. It’s not that she didn’t want to listen to doctor Charles, she was just majorly distracted. 
“-So, if you see a patient with any symptoms similar to that, let me know so I can tell her.” 
“Will do,” Sarah nodded, smiling as if she had even heard half of what he had said. He left soon after that, off to check on patients he had already been assigned most likely. April greeted her friend cheerfully as she walked past, pushing a patient’s wheelchair so she clearly didn’t have time to chat. Which was fine with Sarah, truthfully she didn’t know how much small talk she could survive that day.
She made her way through the first thirty minutes of work with little problem, mostly charting things from the day before and trying to ignore the nagging feeling that something was wrong. She winced every time a cough shook her body, hoping no one would think anything of it for the sake of her sanity.
“Reese,” Connor’s voice startled her a little as he came up behind her, “You look tired.”
“Hi, Connor,” she breathed, “Didn’t sleep well, nothing a little coffee can’t fix.”
Sarah obviously wasn’t going to tell him that she didn't sleep at all the night before. Instead she spent it on the bathroom floor, alternating between throwing up, coughing, and writhing through excruciating chest pain. Certainly not something coffee would fix but no one needed to know that, she had insisted to herself. She didn’t need to worry anyone and she certainly didn’t want anyone to know who was causing this. She would make a specialist appointment eventually; once she figured out what she wanted to do with her flowers. Until then, a few sleepless nights spent in pain would just have to be her secret. 
“Have you seen Ava?”
The way she internally flinched at even the surgeon’s name had become a problem, but it had begun to hurt her physically at every mention of Ava, “D-doctor Bekker? No.”   
Connor was explaining that she had come down for a consult but he needed her back in post-op to discuss rehabilitation with a patient’s family. Sarah nodded, reiterating that she hadn’t seen the other doctor. Just as she did though, she heard an all too familiar accent speaking from a couple doors away.
“Monique, I need labs and an EKG for treatment two. CBC, Cardiac enzymes including tropin, thyroid, and BNP.” 
Once she had gotten a positive response from the nurse, Ava asked to be paged when the lab results were back. She turned as if she was going to head back upstairs, and Sarah found herself hoping that she would. No such luck, though, because Connor called after the other woman before she could get very far. 
“Oh, you’re down here?” Ava had turned at his voice and walked over, “What’s up?”
Connor was about to reply but Sarah interrupted him before he could properly answer. Her whole body shook with an aggressive cough, one that sounded all too painful. Both CT surgeons were immediately concerned, the reason Connor had been looking for Ava no longer as pressing of a matter.
“Sarah, you alright?”
Sarah nodded weakly, forcefully swallowing the bile that had risen to her throat. There was no way she could throw up, not there, because the blood that would undoubtedly be there would raise too many red flags. She couldn’t respond, chest burning from stomach acid in her throat and the pressure in her lungs, but she still waved away Connor’s worried look.
“Fine,” she wheezed, “Something... in my throat.”
“Doctor Reese, that’s a really paroxysmal cough,” Sarah tried to hide her flinch when Ava spoke from beside her, “Are you ill?”
“I’m oka-” her words were cut off by yet another fit of coughing, which made her claim seem redundant. A hand fell on her upper back and, while it was impossibly gentle, the touch burned like she had been struck. Sarah winced as the fit shook her whole thoracic cage, what was supposed to be a comforting touch from Ava only made it worse. She knew the surgeon was trying to see how her lung reacted to the fit by touch because she wouldn’t let anyone check her properly, but it just made Sarah feel more ill by the second.
She weakly shrugged off the touch, barely stifling the sigh of relief when she took the hint and lifted her hand. Though she was still in pain, the severe pressure in her chest eased up a bit and Sarah had a chance to catch her breath. She took a forceful inhale, trying to persuade her body to breathe normally again. 
“I-I’m going to… go take a moment,” she mumbled to Connor, “C-can you… can you tell Maggie I’ll be back?”
She was off down the hallway before either surgeon could react, ignoring their concerned questions. She felt dizzy, the severity of that fit only worsened by Ava’s proximity and Sarah suppressing her gag reflex. She knew it could have been worse, at least she didn’t pass out again, but it was still bad. The fact that even the mention of Ava could send her disease worsening in seconds had her both worried and confused. Sarah wasn’t sure how much longer she had before something bad happened but she figured it wouldn’t be long before her lies were too transparent to keep up.
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lokiitama · 3 years
DBH Alternate Universe Big Bang
Chapter 9: The Picture
Another day comes up, and Connor goes to fetch Hank.
Warnings: light emeto, alcohol
His body was sore to the point breathing was painful.
As soon as CyberLife had received the detailed news of the previous two cases, they hadn't wasted the day. Connor had barely gotten the time to rest the evening that he was woken up earlier than usual to start training. And the fact they hadn't been called for a case prior to the early evening hadn't helped either: the punishment only lasted longer. They didn't show any remorse, as expected. They barely took the time to send him down the medical bay before he was shooed to the Outside for the next case.
He was still trying to read the current objective and report of it, unable to focus much due to the soreness of his muscles, when the taxi stopped in front of the Lieutenant’s house. He scanned the QR code with his wristwatch to pay the fee and stepped off the car.
Click here to read the whole chapter on Ao3!
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sofuckingchuffed · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Chicago Med Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Will Halstead/Connor Rhodes, Rhodestead - Relationship Characters: Will Halstead, Connor Rhodes
Additional Tags: Rhodestead - Freeform, Sickfic, acid reflux, Sick Fic, emeto, Vomiting, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, caretaker will halstead, sick connor rhodes
Summary: “‘M not even sick,” Connor mutters thickly, but hangs his head over the toilet anyway as a hiccup rolls through his body.
He heaves painfully this time, throat aching, tears forming in his eyes, back arching into Will’s hand with the effort, and a voice in the back of his head tells him that maybe he is sick after all, even though it came out of nowhere, because in all his life, this has never happened. He’s had the odd reflux attack, but never like this, never a swirling nausea that leaves him gagging emptily over a public toilet, sweat coating his forehead.
For @lets-get-rickety-rekt for always being amazing xxx
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(Alright, this is my first fic on here! I’m excited to become a part of this wonderful community :) I hope you enjoy!)
~~Emeto warning below the cut~~ This story contains graphic descriptions of vomiting. 
It had been an extremely, unbearably, long day. All Connor wanted to do was go home and go to sleep, even if it was only 5:00 PM. He had a monster of a headache after taking the kids on a field trip to the zoo, keeping them in line all day. By the time Connor was finally shoving his key into the lock on his door, his hands were trembling and there were fireworks behind his eyes.
“Connor?” he heard Julia from within, “that you?”
“Yeah, babe, I'll be in in a sec.” he called back, and then immediately wished that he hadn't raised his voice when the pain in his head sparked angrily.
Connor paused to lean against the door frame and close his eyes for a second before entering, tossing his bag on the floor. He made his way to the living room, where his girlfriend would surely be, and found her sitting on the couch, laptop open and legal documents spread all over the coffee table.
“Working from home this afternoon?” he asked, leaning in for a peck.
“Yeah, I had court in the morning, and now I'm on case prep,” Julia answered, “How was your field trip?”
“It was pretty good, a little overwhelming. Thank goodness tomorrow's Saturday.” Connor sighed, flopping down next to Julia. She absently extended a hand to run it through his hair, still focused on her computer screen.
“Don't forget that we have brunch with Shannon and Zhalai tomorrow morning, though, and you've got a training appointment after that, right?” Connor clenched his jaw tightly; the last thing he wanted to do at the moment was move, and he had a feeling that he'd feel similarly the next day. The stabbing pain just above his cheekbones was only worsening as time went on. It felt as though he could still hear the piercing shrieks of first-graders at the tiger exhibit bouncing around his skull.
Connor moved to sit up, but he didn't feel safe opening his eyes until he was fully upright, and even then, the room was swaying. Connor's mind conjured an image of his brain liquefying slowly and dripping down the back of his throat, and he blinked to clear it.
“You know, I'm tired, I think I'm going to lie down for a bit,” Connor told Julia as he stood up to leave the room.
Julia glanced up and nodded, “Okay. Field trip wore you out?”
“Yeah,” Connor answered over his shoulder as he left the room and headed down the hall to their bedroom. It was a struggle to stay on his feet at this point, so he was asleep practically the moment he crawled under the covers.
Connor had been hoping that he could sleep off his headache, but when he woke up again, he felt way worse. As if it weren't enough for his head to be pounding, his stomach had decided to join in as well. It was the kind of nauseating pain that made him shudder when he sat up; Connor could practically taste the cheap burger he'd eaten for lunch jump up to the back of his tongue. He swallowed uneasily and turned to look at the bedside alarm clock. It read 21:03, so he'd surely missed dinner, which was no comfort given how full he felt. The conclusion eventually reached Connor that he probably shouldn't try to deal with  this one on his own, so he cautiously swung his legs over the side of the bed to stand, and began his shaky way to the living room.
As expected Julia was sitting in the warm armchair by the window, tea in one hand and book in the other; she set both down when she looked up to see Connor enter the room.
“Whoa, Babe,” Julia stood to meet him in the middle, “you look terrible. Are you feeling okay?”
Connor shrugged, leaning into the hand that his girlfriend pressed to his forehead,
“I'm feeling a little rough. I don't think lunch really agreed with me,” he admitted, and allowed himself to be guided to sit on the couch.
However, just as he sat down, a harsh hiccup jolted his throat, and he rose unsteadily.
“Actually, I think–“ Connor was cut off by another hiccup: wetter, this time, an definitely a warning sign. Mind suddenly blank with panic, Connor pushed past Julia's gentle hands to the bathroom, where he crashed unceremoniously to his knees.
Nausea pressed up the back of his throat with dizzying intensity. As much as he tried to avoid it, a retch eventually tore out of him, bringing with it only air. He coughed roughly to cut it off, only to be interrupted by a wet belch that brought a splash of liquid into his mouth. Hastily, he swallowed it down, panting heavily over the water. Heat suddenly washed through the room like a wave; it prickled uncomfortably at the back of his neck and the scar on his chest was suddenly burning hot. Connor's stomach lurched, and he heaved over the bowl, producing a stream of sour liquid that triggered his gag reflex again. This time, he choked up a thicker wave, and it hit half water, half porcelain. The third heave brought Connor to feel like he was drowning, suffocating in the oppressive heat of the room, until a pair of cool hands came to rest on his shoulder blades.
Connor immediately felt closer to the reality of the bathroom in contact with Julia. As if she were speaking from underwater, he vaguely heard her instructions to calm down, to breathe, but his stomach wasn't having that. The muscles in his abdomen tensed in a way that felt unnatural to squeeze another round of thick puke out, and it was so heavy that he nearly choked. Connor leaned forward and let his head fall heavily to the cool toilet seat. It occurred to him distantly that he probably had a fever, but he couldn't quite bring himself to care. Even with the comforting presence of his girlfriend, Connor still felt sick, hot, and in desperate need of a shower.
“You feel done yet?” Julia asked hopefully, moving her hand up to rub gently at the base of his neck while she spoke, and Connor nodded hesitantly.
Suddenly embarrassed, he reached up to flush the toilet and moved to stand.
“I need a shower,” Connor's voice was stickier than he'd expected.
“Yeah, and while you're at it, I think I'm going to cancel brunch,” Julia smiled sympathetically, and Connor mustered a twitch of his lips.
“That might be a good idea.”
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wetpapert0wel · 4 years
emeto tw in taggs
don't rb
0 notes
ao3feed-gav900 · 2 years
Do you know how to take care of a sick person?
https://ift.tt/Y4SF3Pl by Up_all_night_to_get_Bucky There was a moment of perfect silence before the RK900 finally replied. „Do you know how to take care of a sick person?“ „A sick person?“, Connor echoed, confused. This was not the request he had expected. „Well, it depends on the specific kind of sickness as well as the person’s current condition.“ „The person is currently cursing at me. He has forcefully ejected stomach content through his mouth before." When the RK900 has to deal with a drunk Detective Reed, he calls Connor for some coaching. Words: 1746, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Sicktember 2022 Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Upgraded Connor | RK900, Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Gavin Reed, Sumo - Character Relationships: Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed, Hank Anderson/Connor, Upgraded Connor | RK900 & Gavin Reed, Hank Anderson & Connor & Sumo Additional Tags: Sicktember 2022, reed900, emeto, Sickfic, Whump, Drunk Gavin Reed, Vomiting, Nausea, Caretaking, RK900 is clueless, Deviant Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Sumo is a good boy
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i-willstealyourtoes · 3 years
All you need to know about me
Requests: OPEN
Status: Busy
Inbox: 1
(🔔) Progress post on my requests
Fandoms I write for:
Green means I'm confident, orange is semi-confident, red means not confident (I'll attempt all on the list though) + Franchises/Fandoms ranked in order of confidence + Feel free to ask about a character I haven't wrote down here :)
- PAYDAY 2 w/ ALL heisters (semi-excluding Ethan/Hila), Bain, specials (cops), Vlad, Twitch, Bile and Locke(?)
- TF2 w/ ALL the mercs, Miss Pauling, Zhanna, Saxton Hale
- Star Wars: Clone Wars w/ The 501st (as many as I can remember 💀), Domino Squad, Cody, Waxer, Boil, Wolffe, Fox (my interpretation), Ahsoka (platonic only bc she's a kid majority of the time(?)), Padme, Anakin, Obi-Wan
- Star Wars: Rebels w/ Ezra, Kanan, Zeb, Sabine, Hera, Rex, Ahsoka, Kallus
- The Bad Batch w/ Hunter, Crosshair, Tech, Wrecker, Echo, Omega (PLATONIC ONLY YOU FUCK), Phee, Gregor, Mayday, Howzer, Riyo Chuchi
- Republic Commando w/ Scorch, Sev, Boss, Fixer, Advisor (I will refer to him as Addy :) )
- Undertale (no AUs) w/ Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Toriel, Asgore, Mettaton (NEO), BurgerPants, Napstablook, (W.D) Gaster (my int.), Frisk + Chara + Asriel (all platonic + my int.), Grillby (my int.)
- HLVRAI w/ Gordon, Benrey, Tommy, Bubby, Dr Coomer, G-man
- Sleeping Dogs w/ Wei, Jackie, Winston, Conroy, Ricky
- Ghosts (BBC) w/ Thomas, Julian, Kitty, The Captain, Fanny
Others Pt.2:
(The ones I'm the least confident in/know less about)
- Sons of the Forest w/ Kelvin, Virginia
- (OG) Ninjago w/ ALL the (OG) ninjas
- Minecraft: Story Mode w/ Lukas, Jesse, Petra, Axel, Olivia, (old) Order of the Stone
- Henry Stickmin Collection w/ Charles, Henry, Ellie
- Detroit: Become Human w/ Connor, Ralph, Markus, Kara, Gavin, Simon and Daniel
- Faith: The Unholy Trinity w/ John Ward, Lisa
Rules/what I do(n't) do:
Green is yes, orange is yes (but I'm not too confident in it), red is no
- Canon x reader
- Angst, fluff, lime
- Romantic or platonic parings (please specify for platonic pairs)
- Suicide, SH, mentions of abuse/racism/homophobia/transphobia (NOT DEPICTED AS POSITIVE (ex of a good req: how would (character) defend against racism)), death, light gore
- Headcanons/bullet-points
- Monogamy, polyamory (please specify if you want a polyam relationship)
- Match-ups
- Pregnacy fics (I'm not a fan of them but I can try)
- Song/lyric fics (also not a fan but I could still do it)
- Oneshots/multiparters (very unlikely for me)
- Smut
- Canon x Canon (unless it's Canon x reader x Canon)
- Canon x OC / OC x Reader / OC x OC
- Abuse (sexual/domestic) from the character (I accept the situation in which the character accidentally hurts s/o)
- Non-con/Dub-con
- Pedophilia/MAP-behaviour
- Extreme gore (guts, organs)
- Emeto (other illnesses are fine)
My style of writing:
- I prefer to be quite informal with my writing, often including jokes and personal comments in the pieces I make
- I also like putting text colour, italics, bold and small letters since I feel like that adds more character to the piece
- If you don't indicate (in x reader fics) what stage of the relationship the reader is in with the character(s), I will automatically assume they are already dating
- There is currently no character limit, but don't go silly with it lol (10 is probably a good amount but it depends)
- Send me '🌱' to send feedback on something (ex: '🌱 - I enjoyed this part, but I think next time you should...)
- Send me '💭' to ask a question (ex: '💭 - What's your favourite show?')
- Send me '🎵' to ask for a song that represents one of the characters in the list above (ex: '🎵 - Song for Dallas?')
This helps me recognise things faster and answer quicker!
Please respect the fact I am only one student with not a ton of free time to write all the time. I also experience blocks in creativity like everyone else, so don't be mad if your request takes a while to come out.
Psst... here's a secret link hehe
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breakingsomething · 4 years
Dawn Station - Part Two
Basic summary: Chase Brody is being kept safe, far away from other people. So he thinks.
Content warnings: gore, body horror, stabbing, emeto, death mentions
Chase Brody is not ok.
Of course he's not. How is he expected to be? Ten people have died, and now he's being told he's next. He's been under police protection for days and judging by the strained snippets of conversation that he's caught from officers, even the others that had been with him are gone. Ten people, they had said. As far as Chase is aware, there were only nine other youtubers who'd been roped into this shit. Who else has this monster that wants them dead killed along with them? Does he even want to know?
He's been in this room for… three days? Four? Fuck, he doesn't remember. All he knows now is white walls, too close around him, with a bed, a tv in the top corner that he doesn't have a remote for, a black bin, a rolling table that's covered in books and other assorted things that he managed to bring with him, and two doors, one of which that leads to a small bathroom and one of which that leads outside. The second door only opens when he's being brought food. No one's telling him anything. He's scared out his mind.
An officer, a pale skinned woman with orange braids and a sympathetic smile, comes in a couple hours after he wakes for the day with breakfast. Toast, cold, with butter slabs and little packets of jam and sugar for his tea. Also cold. "Sorry, we don't have any Weetabix," she tells him with furrowed eyebrows and a sad tilt of the mouth as she clicks the door behind him. "We do have Cheerios and porridge, if you want something more to eat."
It's all he can do not to laugh. "No, thank you," says Chase, in a hoarse voice that hasn't been used in hours. "I want my phone back."
The officer winces. Her eyes are dark, crimson lipstick slightly smudged. Her nametag says "Sarah" on it in violet ink. "I'm sorry," she murmurs, in a voice so soft and falsely sympathetic it makes Chase want to scream. "I don't know if we can do that. We -"
"The others are dead, aren't they?" Chase interrupts. He knows this already. But it's worth saying to see the woman flinch. "All of them. So much for your oh-so-safe "police custody" bullshit."
She attempts to gather herself as professionally as she can, which is seemingly rather difficult. "I'm sorry," she repeats, and something about her tone is more genuine than before. "They are. But I swear to you, Mr Brody, we are doing everything we can to -"
"If I am going to die today," Chase says, interrupting again. "I want to talk to my goddamn family one more fucking time. Please get me my phone."
She stiffens, but gives a jerky little nod. He doesn't smile at her as she leaves. Not much to smile about. But she comes back ten minutes later and wordlessly hands him his slim rose phone, no expression on her face. He manages to upturn the corner of his lips in response.
Once she's left again, he turns his phone on and practically sighs at the sight of his two kids on his lockscreen. Little Connor and Louise, tiny kiddos, dressed up in their pristine school uniforms and grinning cheesily. His heart swells, and he swallows hard as the lump in his throat seems to expand. He can't cry. He's been crying enough lately. To think that two weeks ago, he was ecstatic to be receiving an email from Jack Mcloughlin himself, giving him the opportunity to play his new game's demo early. Look at him now.
Stacy is at the top of his contacts list, but only because he has her favourited still. He's not sure why. It just feels right to have her there. Her picture is a small, grainy image of her face next to a three year old Connor's. He has her looks more than Louise. Louise looks like her dad. She's a daddy's girl. Chase misses her so much it aches, and closes his eyes as he clicks Stacy's number.
She answers almost immediately. "Chase?" she yells, causing him to wince and pull the phone away from his ears. He hears her inhale sharply. "Sorry. Christ, Chase - Where the fuck are you?"
He swallows again, digging his nails into the palm of his hand. His legs are already beginning to bounce. "Police didn't tell you anything, huh," he mutters. "I'm in custody. They're apparently "keeping me safe," but I'm well aware of the fact that the others - Persephone, Rodney, Stanley, and Khia - are. Well." He clears his throat. "Dead."
He says it so matter of factly that you wouldn't know how close he was to tears had you not seen his face.
Stacy shifts, and Chase hears a door slam faintly. Two small voices giggle far off. He bites down on his lip as Stacy talks again. "Yeah. That's… yeah. Chase, I'm sorry. Uh… Jack Mcloughlin's dead too."
Chase sits bolt upright, eyes suddenly wide. "What?"
Stacy sounds alarmed. "I - Yes, did they not tell you? He died maybe two days ago. Same way as all the others. I'm sorry, Chase."
He can't breathe for a moment. Then he's numb and his body settles into cold, unfeeling static.
"Ok," he says flatly. "Great."
"Chase -"
"How are the kids?" he asks before she can finish. He's tired. He's been doing nothing but sleeping and he's tired. "I can hear them in the background, ha. Sounds like a fun time."
He can hear her scratching the space behind her ear. She does that when she's anxious. Nervous habit. She had gotten a little tattoo of a bee there when they were seventeen. It was a dare from their friend Daniel, who had also gotten a tattoo of a crocodile on his left thigh. Chase has a black bear on his right shoulder from the same occasion. When he and Stacy had been together, they would sometimes kiss the other's tattoos and descend into giggles remembering that slightly drunken night back in Ireland. His chest feels tight thinking about it. His eyes glaze over, and he tries to focus on something across the room.
"They're… not great," Stacy murmurs after a moment, making him jump. He had almost forgotten she was there. "Some brat at school told them about - this whole situation. Told them their dad was going to die. Apparently, she made up a song about it."
Chase hisses softly, grateful for another emotion besides grief and missing to focus on. "Fuck's sake. Which kid was this?"
"You know that girl who was making fun of Louise's accent last year and put chips in her hair?"
"That kid again? I thought the school dealt with her."
A sigh. "Apparently not. They came home in tears. I've been keeping them home since then."
Chase shakes his head in disbelief. "Shit, Stace. Can I… can I talk to them?"
She sighs again. "I… I suppose. But - how have you been? I take it its not been great, but are you at least ok?"
What counts as ok? He doesn't know. "I'm not dead yet. So there's something. I guess I can't really say much more than that."
"Papa?" cries a voice on the end of the line, and a grin breaks Chase's face as he recognizes his son, Connor, yelling from somewhere quite close to Stacy. "Is that Papa? Mama, let us talk - Louise, Papa's on the phone!"
Chase can't help but laugh as his daughter also chimes in, two little voices clamoring for his attention. "Calm down, kiddos, there's plenty of me to go round," he grins, pushing his hair back from his face so he can concentrate. "How are you both? One at a time, Louise first."
"Favouritism," he hears Connor sulk, but the boy quiets.
"I'm ok," Louise beams. He can hear her smile, and sees it when he closes his eyes. "I can't go to school cause Megan Penicuik was being mean. We made cookies, though, me and Con-Con! All by ourselves, no help from Mama at all!"
"Now, that's simply not true," he hears Stacy laugh in the background. Chase laughs too, his heart suddenly aching. Something weighs heavy in his chest, but he tries to push it away, feeling sick.
A scuffle on the end of the line, and then it's Connor speaking. "I miss you, Papa!" he cries. "I wanna give you a - a chocolate chip cookie, I have one here." His voice becomes muffled, and Chase hears him chewing. "Yum yum yum. Can we push a cookie down the phone? Like, through the speakers, Mama!"
Chase listens to a small squabble break out, then hears Stacy sigh dramatically. "They're doing just fine," she says, sounding so tired, yet vaguely amused. "I… I hate to say it, but I should probably go. Connor's games club is in half an hour and I haven't gotten ready at all. My makeup's a state." Her voice softens. "Will you be… ok?"
Will he? He doesn't know.
"Stace," he murmurs. His chest feels tight. "I could die. Like, tonight. That's what people are saying. I'm the last one left."
A pause, then Stacy lets out a shaky sigh. "Christ, Chase…"
He gathers his strength. "Listen. Listen, Stace. If I die tonight - I just want you to know how much I love you, ok? Even if we… if we weren't meant to be together anymore. You're one of my best friends, you know? So… take care of the kids. Don't lose yourself. And by god, don't start drinking again."
She gives a choked laugh. "Chase. God, I - Don't fucking die tonight."
He doesn't know how to tell her he won't have a choice.
As soon as the call's ended, he opens up his roommate's contact. He can't stand the echoing silence that seems to go on forever in the minute or so before the ringing starts. He supposes that if tonight is his last night alive, he should say goodbye. Even if it hurts. Even if it makes him feel sick to say it.
He nearly sobs with relief when he hears the line click, and a familiar German accent speak loudly in his ear. "Chase?"
Chase sniffles, laughing softly. "Hey, Henny."
Henrik curses, and something slams. "Mother of God, Chase Brody, do you have any idea - Are you - Fuck, are you alright?"
Good question. "I don't know," he admits, bouncing his leg anxiously, and staring at his chipped black nails. "I mean, I'm… scheduled to die tonight. So probably not. Really, I've been weirdly calm about all this."
Henrik huffs, and Chase can almost picture him getting red in the face, yanking back his hair and staring out the window of their flat with narrowed, pale blue eyes. "They have not done anything about it? Surely it is not possible that a murderer who is killing in patterns cannot be apprehended? You would think that would be easy, especially if you are being held in high security. Motherfucking useless British police. Not that German ones were much better, but Christ -"
Chase cuts him off before he can rant for another five minutes. "How are the others? Are Jackie, Marv and Jem holding up ok?"
Henrik sighs, blowing out his cheeks. "Mhm. Marvin has gone a bit mad. Fucking idiot is spending way too much time online, reading up on your situation. He seems convinced that you are going to die as well. According to Jackie, he spent all of yesterday out of the house and came back saying he had been performing. But Jackie says he had not had any parties scheduled for that day, so he was talking shit."
Chase winces. His friend Marvin is a child's birthday party performer, a magician, and spends a lot of time perfecting fun tricks and illusions to add into his routine. Chase knows how much he enjoys his job. But he also knows that Marvin's habit of spending hours on internet forums and sites, learning things from other performers, can be bad for him. "Christ. I… Goddammit it. How's Jackie coping?"
He hears a microwave go off in the background. Henrik mutters something that Chase can't hear, then keeps talking. "Jackie has been at the gym every day since you were taken in. Overworking himself. He did come round yesterday and, uh, spoke about how scared he was for you. Cried a lot, poor man. I am not good with comforting people, but I tried. He does not know what to do with himself anymore."
This isn't surprising. Chase is well aware of Jackie's habit of overexercising and pushing himself too far when he was angry or upset. "And Jameson?"
Something clatters, like Henrik's rummaging in a cupboard. A fridge opens and slams shut, and then Henrik is back. "He has been round at our flat a lot. Did you know Euan ended things with him? I did not, until he told me the day before yesterday. He was dreadfully upset. The timing was… not great, to say the least. I do not think he is doing too well, but he refuses to accept any of the help I wish to give him. He kept asking about me instead. Really, sometimes I wish he was not such a good actor."
So does Chase. Jameson is never one to be open about his feelings, instead trying to help everyone else first. Chase loves him a lot, but he wishes the filmmaker would be less stubborn and insistent that he was always ok. His heart aches at the thought of Jameson suffering alone, especially now - he and his boyfriend Euan had been so close, as well. The thought that he might never be able to figure out what happened between them hurts. "Me too. God, Hen, me too. Give them all my love though, yeah? Tell Marvin to take some time to do self care, and tell Jackie to take breaks, and tell Jameson to talk to his therapist. And you… don't you overwork yourself either. I know what you're like. Only one cup of coffee a day, dude, remember. Don't make me come over there."
Henrik laughs softly, but there's a sadness to it. "You sound as though you are saying goodbye."
Something stabs into Chase's heart. He tries to catch his breath through the lump in his throat. "Henrik. I'm going to die tonight."
There's a long pause. He can hear Henrik adjusting, rubbing his face and knocking his glasses askew. Maybe he knows his roommate too well. Far too well, maybe well enough that he knows what he'll say next. "There has to be another way."
Chase shakes his head despite Henrik being unable to see him. "No. No, Hen, no. This - this is what's happening, and we can't just… fix it. I wish we could, cause I don't even understand why, and it's so scary, and… God, I wish we could. I have so much left I want to do, and…"
He trails off. Henrik doesn't speak. Chase imagines him pulling the phone away from his face, squeezing his eyes shut and covering his mouth so as not to cry. The image hurts. Chase hurts. He holds the phone tight, aching to be somewhere, anywhere else other than here.
"You know," he says, voice choked as he speaks. "It's ironic how much I wanted to die a few months ago, and now I'm here, and I'm suddenly so scared."
"You are not going to die," Henrik suddenly shouts. There is anger in his voice that Chase knows is not directed at him. "You are not. It will not just all end like that, Chase Brody. I will not let it."
Something hot pricks the backs of Chase's eyes. He swallows hard, his chest tightening, his legs bouncing harder. "Henrik. Henrik, I - I have to go. I have to go. I'm sorry. I love you, dude. You know that? I love you."
"Chase," Henrik practically sobs. "Shit, I love you too. But you are not going to die."
Chase ends the call and throws up in the black bin next to his bed.
Night comes quickly, Chase thinks.
He thinks, because an officer comes to take his phone soon after his call with Henrik ends. He's starting to regret hanging up, but it had to have been what was best. Of course it was what was best. No need to make this hurt so much more than it already does. This is something he has to keep telling himself. No need to make this hurt so much more than it already does.
The officers ask what he wants for dinner that night instead of giving him choices. He gets it. It's a last meal. He takes full advantage of it and orders pepperoni cheese stuffed crust pizza and garlic sticks, his favourite, with barbeque sauce and churros. It all tastes like cardboard. He eats it anyway, because he's bored and his mouth still tastes like vomit and if he's going to die, it's only fitting that he goes out with a Domino's in him.
Before he's even finished eating, an armed guard comes and takes him across the building. It's the first time he's left his room in days, and he's surprised to see how dark it is outside, how little people are around. The few people he does see stare at him, some open mouthed with awe, some with sad eyes like a parent trying to tell their child that their pet fish died. Chase stares at the floor. Stares at the gun tucked into the waistband of the officer in front of him. He's scared, and his heart is racing faster than it has in years, and he thinks he's dissociating a little because he doesn't feel real and his fingertips are numb. Adrenaline thrums through his body, warming him and erasing the painful cold. Fuck, but he's scared. He's so, so goddamn scared.
He's taken to an entirely different room, a slightly bigger one that looks nearly the same, but with wooden chairs sat all around the border. There's no TV in this room. "Sit here," one of the officers says, guiding him to the blue covered bed and gesturing for him to sit. He does so, feeling silly and light with panic. He thinks he's going to be sick again. His breaths aren't coming right and fuck, he might faint from the sudden, overwhelming wave of dizziness that's washing over him now.
One of the officers that has just come in walks over and sits next to him. He's in full uniform, a radio on his vest, a bat strapped to his belt. "Are you alright, Mr Brody?" he asks gently, looking at him with kind brown eyes, and Chase sobs with relief for some kind of comfort.
"H-h-having a p-panic attack," he stammers, shifting on the bed to try and feel something, clawing at his skin under his grey hoodie and desperately trying not to cry. "N-need my - my - my asth-ma in-inhaler, p-please, I can't br-breathe -"
He's brought his inhaler, and he clutches it gratefully, clinging to it like a child. The cold button grounds him. Maybe, maybe if he squeezes his eyes shut tight enough, he'll wake up in his bed at home and be able to get up and shower in a bathroom that's not small or lit too brightly and then he can go downstairs to the kitchen to find Henrik half asleep at the table, three cups of coffee in front of him, wearily participating in whatever Chase's dumb early morning joke is, and then he can eat toast that's not burnt or done too lightly and play his music while he writes or goes on a walk outside. Maybe. Maybe.
The armed guards keep watch over him for two full hours.
Chase Brody is terrified.
It's when it hits the two and a half hour mark that he begins to notice anything different. A faint ringing in his ears. He thinks it's his tinnitus and waves it off, simply swatting at the air around his head like that will help at all. One of the guards notices immediately. "Sir, are you alright?"
Chase nods. He's not, but he doesn't need them dithering over him. Unfortunately, the guard doesn't let up. "Seriously, it's important that you tell us what's happening. Anything at all. Anything that could help you."
Well, that's reassuring. "Strange noise," he murmurs, shaking his hair out his face. "I think it's just me, though, I'm alright -"
But the guard is standing, muttering something into the radio strapped to his chest, and is it Chase's imagination, or are more people entering the room? "What's happening?" he asks, but he gets no response, and he's starting to feel strangely dizzy and tired, like something heavy is dragging his eyelids down. "I don't… h-hey, I don't feel too… too well…"
Someone is speaking to him but the world is already blurring, his head light, floaty. "Stacy?" he slurs, trying to get a grip on the bedsheets beneath him. "Someone needs t'... m'kids, they…"
Chase Brody is no longer in the same room as he was before.
He doesn't know when that changed. He can't pinpoint the exact moment where the walls darkened and raised with pipes and doors and panels, he doesn't know when his bed disappeared beneath him and the floor became sticky and black, he doesn't know when the bright light of his room became a soft blue glow, lighting up the room from behind him. He doesn't know when the room had stretched both ways into a long hallway, lined with slivers of light through the windows. He doesn't know why, when he stands, his legs nearly crumple beneath him. And when he turns - god, when he turns, and he looks out the enormous windows behind him - he doesn't know why a calming sensation of numbness settles over him, burning his skin like pins and needles.
He is staring out at the vast abyss of space.
It's a blackness he's never seen before. It seems to go on forever, and maybe it does, and there is nothing but tiny pinpricks of silver light of gaseous stars piercing the inky nothingness. Nothing but that, and the ball of green and blue that Chase knows, somewhere in his mind. Earth. Earth, where he is and isn't, where his body should be, where he never left, and what kind of nightmare is this? What kind of sick nightmare, he thinks dizzily, his thoughts chugging slowly as though through a thick soup. Everything is spinning. There is no sound, the world is broken, and the space is fucking endless.
Move, says the tiny part of his brain that still has sense. Get out. Get out.
His footsteps echo on the metal panes of the floor, and he resists the tightening urge in his stomach to vomit.
He doesn't know why this place is familiar.
The hallway seems to go on forever. All the doors along the way to the left have small, glowing panels beside them that seem to demand some type of access keycard, which Chase very much does not have. Eventually he reaches one that he can open, and stumbles into a large room with a table in the centre, the walls covered in photos and clippings that he doesn't bother taking closer looks at. There is only one small window in here, over a sleek black couch that seems to have nearly been shredded right through the middle. The table has a bolted down chair and a large pile of papers next to a cracked laptop that splutters weakly as it asks for a password. The room is too dark. Chase slowly walks through it, wincing at the sound his boots make on the floor, wincing at the silence, heart racing with the promise of another panic attack that he pushes down forcefully, gripping his own wrist for support. This isn't right, screams the universe. This is too familiar. This is too real. This is too familiar to be real.
Chase has noticed that everything in this place, despite its immediate appearance of immaculate properness, seems to be slightly out of place. This becomes more apparent in the room adjacent to the one he'd just been in, a room filled with sealed metal crates and boilers that bubble menacingly from their perches on the walls, a room which has clearly been nearly destroyed. Black claw marks have torn out chunks of the walls, wires ripped from the floor, buzzing weakly and sparking from wherever they were thrown after their violent uprooting. Dark red stains splash across the floor like a tragic painting that makes Chase's stomach upturn sickly. A vent on the ceiling hisses, and the man jumps and bolts, all last dregs of courage leaving him in an instant. He knows this is a dream. This is a dream, nothing is real, nothing is real, it must be just a dream.
"I've gone to hell," he sobs aloud, clamping both hands over his mouth as a cry climbs up his throat. "O-oh my god, I've gone to hell."
This is what you get for being a shitty, alcoholic dad and husband, he thinks, and promptly throws up on the floor next to the fresh bloodstains.
The rooms start to blur. Objects to objects, light to light, black walls and coloured glow and sparks, hissing, echoing rumbles, all becoming one in Chase's mind. He's long gone past the stage of a panic attack; he's in a state of utter numb calm, now. In one room he finds a long, black lighter and holds it tightly in his hands for comfort, twisting it round and round in buzzing fingers just to feel something solid against his skin to ground him. Please, he prays softly, wiping sweat from his forehead, struggling to breathe as his chest tightens and the world seems to grow hotter and smaller. Please, let me wake up, let me wake up from this, please.
And then something is standing behind him.
He doesn't know how he knows. It's just a sensation of silent shock in him, of I am not alone, a stabbing feeling as the hairs on the back of his neck rise. Something is there. He feels eyes on him. He can't - fuck, he can't move, and all the emotion in him seems to be rising to a painful crescendo. I am not alone in here. I am not alone in here.
"Who's there," he says in a small, cracked voice, not daring to turn. It's barely a question. "What do you want from me."
Nothing but a low hissing, and, most frightening of all, a rumbling growl that nearly sends Chase to the floor in a faint.
He has to look.
He has to look.
He looks.
It's an… an astronaut.
Neither of them move, and Chase's grip on the lighter in his hands tightens, trying to find some form of comfort, anything. "Why am I here?" he manages, swallowing back hot bile that burns his throat and makes him gag softly. "Why, why, what nightmare is this? Am I dead? Did the killer get me and this is my hell?"
The astronaut is silent.
Fury bubbles in Chase's chest, overriding the fear for a moment. "Talk!" he shouts, perhaps stupidly, but he doesn't care. "Please! What is happening?"
Then things get perhaps even stranger, somehow. A glowing 2D box of light appears in front of the astronaut, hovering in the air, too quiet until black text begins to appear on it, cartoonishly video game like blooping noises playing with each letter. Chase watches in awe. He's unable to speak.
<TheAnti.chr_v09> You are the Player.
Chase reads the words over and over and over.
"My name is Chase Brody," he says, voice wavering with uncertainty, because something here is wrong, wrong, wrong, so ridiculously wrong, and he hates the way things are clicking in his mind. "I shouldn't - be here. I think I'm dreaming and I want to go home."
The text flashes.
<TheAnti.chr_v09> You are <player_variable_BroAverage>. You are the Player.
Chase feels like he's above his body, like nothing he's seeing is real anymore. "Please let me go home."
<TheAnti.chr_v09> I am <TheAnti.chr_v09>. I am the Anti. You are the player. Player objective: escape. Anti objective: kill the Player. Initialization - Upon game startup, play <soundtrack_opening2>, set spawn and character sprites -
Chase can't take this. "Stop it!" he cries, and he shouldn't step forwards so confidently, but he does, slashing his hand through the air in front of him. "Tell me what you -"
The astronaut explodes.
No. No, it doesn't explode; Chase's mind is taking a moment to make sense of it, to rationalize the way the helmet has shattered and there is nothing but sheer white and glowing green eyes, hundreds of them, underneath, the largest one on the being's neck, splitting open with disgustingly inhuman squelching sounds, and the way the suit has torn and a mouth has opened up on the stomach, a gaping maw with knives for teeth and a slimy crimson tongue, and the way rips open along the material and more eyes open, burning red skin like charred meat, black veins rising under its skin. It hisses and cracks and growls and hums and it isn't like anything Chase has ever seen before, or maybe it is, because he knows this monster. He's seen this monster. And fuck, now he knows why this world is familiar, because he's been here, he's played this game. This can't be real. This can't be real.
"Posttraumatic nightmares," he can hear Henrik saying to him, the man's voice comforting. "Nightmares that occur after a traumatic event and can contain, what is the word… recurring themes that make you experience intense negative emotions. Maybe that is why you are having such strange dreams, my friend. You have been through a lot in these past few weeks."
That had been months ago. I thought I got over those dreams. I thought I got over those dreams.
He's running. His legs are already burning, chest already tight, why did he have to have used all his energy on his panic attack? Is the monster still following him? Chase can't turn to check, and the blood in his veins is racing through his body faster than he's used to, his heart in his ears as he flies round a corner, barely able to catch a breath. This isn't real, he thinks. It's another nightmare. Please, this isn't real, this isn't -
And then something wet is snaking round his chest, pulsing in a way that makes Chase gag, and something sharp presses into the skin on his back and a burst of numbness runs over him like cold water, causing his body to go limp against the alien - because it is an alien, isn't it, he knew this already - behind him. Cold heaviness seeps through his veins, combatting the light weightlessness that the adrenaline was giving him. He tries to cough again, to speak as his lungs empty of air, but the alien only grips his arms tight enough to piece his skin with sharp claw-like fingers. A glance down at his chest, and he sees the tip of the bloodstained rod jutting through his skin. It doesn't really register. A light laugh escapes his lips, because it's funny, really, how he's about to die at the hands of a video game antagonist.
No, he's not about to die. This isn't real. It can't be, it's another bad dream, of course it is. But if it's not real, then what happened to Jack Mcloughlin and the others, all of those… all of…
The world spins.
And the world lights up in flames.
Chase had briefly forgotten about the lighter he'd picked up for support, and now he's putting it to good use; one flick of the switch and the alien is alight as though it had been soaked in gasoline, burning orange spreading across its suit, the crackling drowning out the monster's screeches. Its grip loosens on Chase's arms, and he pulls free, and the universe spins as the rod in his chest slips out like it's nothing, leaving a gaping emptiness in him. Please, he screams, in his mind or out loud, he doesn't know. Please. Please.
Please, wake me up.
White light. It floods the whole world, for just a moment, and then Chase's eyes are open and he is gasping for air, hands flying to his chest and feeling nothing but the soft material of his shirt, no pain except for the squeeze of his lungs as he coughs desperately into his sleeve. There are people surrounding him now; the police officers and armed guards from before, helping him sit up, holding a sick bucket in front of him as he throws up the little that's left in his stomach weakly, too much noise but nowhere near as bad as the silence of the Dawn Station. Nowhere near as bad as the hissing creaks of the Anti. Nowhere near as bad as his nightmare, because it was a nightmare, of course that wasn't real - nowhere near as bad as the nightmare that he'd thought was going to kill him.
I lived. I survived the night.
He's had this thought before, but this time, it's met with relief.
"You dreamed about the setting of a video game."
"Not just any video game. The, uh… the new Jack Mcloughlin game, Dawn Station. All the people who played the demo… died. I didn't die. The night I was supposed to, after all the others, I - I dreamed about the game. And the antagonist of the game. It's this, uh, this alien thing, in an astronaut suit. Tried to kill me. Apparently it's weak to fire, although I don't remember that from the actual game, maybe it was a secret that wasn't in the demo we were all sent, but I burned it, and it stabbed me, and I got away, not - not in that order. Does that… does that make sense, doctor?"
Dr. Ross scrutinizes Chase for a moment before turning his chair back to face his computer. The sound of his mouse clicking fills the room, off beat from the eternal clicking of the plain white clock on the plain white walls, decorated only with bookshelves and trays of medicines. Chase has never been in a more boring doctor's office. Usually his therapy sessions have more to look at, but this is a different therapist than he normally goes to, and all he can do is fidget with his hands on his lap and stare out the window at the
earth, the stars, the black abyss of emptiness that Chase could get lost in and never be found
setting sun through the trees just outside the building. The doctor's pen clicks, clicks, clicks. It sounds like the Anti's teeth, chattering against each other as it yawns, its maw opening wide enough for a head to be torn right off. Click, click, click. Chase closes his eyes, the repeating sounds like a mantra. He focuses on that instead. It grounds him.
"You have a history of nightmares."
Chase nods without looking. "I was prescribed triazolam by my first therapist. I took them for a year or so without changes except the lowering of doses a couple of times, because I was getting weaned off them. They helped. Nightmares didn't continue after that."
The other man nods slowly. "Hm. I can imagine the trauma of this recent event that you've been through was enough to bring these nightmares back to the forefront of your mind, especially given the contents of this dream in particular. We may have to ease you back onto medication over the course of your next few sessions here, which should be easier, given that it'll be a couple weeks before we send you home. Is that alright, Mr Brody?"
Click, click, click. Chase nods. Sunlight warms his face, and he sighs softly. "Sounds good, Dr. Ross. When will I be able to see my family?"
The man frowns, his forehead creasing. "Hopefully soon, although it will be slightly complicated, given the circumstances." A breath leaves him, and he tilts his head to the side slightly. His white collar digs into the fold of his neck. Chase keeps his eyes trained on that. "And these are strange circumstances, are they not?"
"They are," Chase mutters. He clenches his fists in his lap. "They are, yeah."
He should have died. He doesn't know why he didn't die. He doesn't even know what it was that killed the others. Really, the nightmare he'd had makes sense. It was easily written off as a traumatic event that had brought back old nightmares. Of course there was no way any of it had been real. That's ridiculous. Just ridiculous. He doesn't know why he's thinking that.
His hand trails down his shirt. Underneath, on the skin of his stomach, is a thick scar that hadn't been there before the nightmare he'd had. Right where the rod had pierced his stomach.
Coincidence. Coincidence.
"Do you have any other concerns, Mr Brody?"
"I don't believe so."
Click. Click. Click.
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Insult to Injury ft. Dadneto (Peter Maximoff - X-Men)
Author’s Note: Hey, ya’ll. I’ve been burning the midnight oil to get this fic out on time, AKA 2 consecutive nights of staying up till’ 3 am. I’ve had the idea for a Peter-centric Dadneto whump fic for a decent amount of time, and after receiving a lovely anonymous prompt, I decided to incorporate both my idea and theirs. Here we’ve got Peter after the events of Apocalypse, debilitated, and accidentally giving himself a nasty case of salmonella, before Erik comes to help. I’m pretty proud of this one, so I hope you enjoy it! This fic is unedited, sorry, so please let me know if there’s any glaring issues. For my next fic, I’m shifting away from X-Men for a hot sec so I can write a nice Detroit: Become Human whump fic with our favorite android son, Connor. I’ve been super excited about my plot concept, so I’m ecstatic to start writing it. Anyways, I hope you like this one, I worked very hard on it, and I hope you’re all excited for the DBH fic coming soon!
Word Count: 6299
Warning: Emeto and decently graphic descriptions of physical illness
Setting: Post-Apocalypse/Pre-Dark Phoenix
If there's anything Peter Maximoff knew in this moment, it was that not being able to do the one thing your body was genetically enhanced to do, sucked. A lot.
It had been only a few days since the X-Mansion had been rebuilt and things all fell back into this synonymous routine as if the entire building hadn't exploded a short while ago. In Peter's opinion, it was all kind of creepy how easy it seemed for these kids to all just go back to learning when their home and school just got eviscerated in a hellfire, but he didn't think much of it.
All he could think about in this moment, was how immensely bored he was. Peter always had something going on with him; he was either thinking about his impending dad-related issues, plotting a prank, or deciding to go off and steal an entire Walmart's worth of Twinkies in the blink of an eye, there was always something.
Yet now, the rest of the X-Men were off with Charles helping cover up heat from the international press by cleaning up all the damage and destruction in Cairo and showing what Charles had dubbed: "diplomacy", which was too huge of a word for Peter to ever use in an everyday sentence; too many letters, and Peter was left back at the mansion since he really couldn't use his powers effectively at the moment, so it would be pretty useless for him to be tagging along.
Peter normally wouldn't have given a damn, maybe even excited at the prospect of being able to rig his friends' rooms with elaborate traps with Jello and staplers or something of the sorts while they weren't around, yet now, when faced with inescapable boredom that followed him wherever his broken leg did (everywhere), he was dying to have anything to do. As the team was suiting up to get on the jet to go back to Cairo, Peter had pathetically hobbled down to the X-Men bunker on his crutches, begging to be taken with. But they'd simply gassed up the plane and flew off, leaving Peter alone, and oh so very bored.
Which brings us to Peter now, attempting to create an omelette with 6 different cheeses, 8 different and poorly-diced peppers, a heaping assortment of minced tomatoes, and a sprinkling of those off-brand fruit snacks that are always better than the on-brand ones for some reason. It wouldn't be a Peter breakfast without some form of sweet, and in his eyes, it stuck to the healthy-ish theme. It had fruit in the name for a reason, didn't it?
The kid always had a massive appetite, and everyone that knew Peter knew this as well. You'd be hard pressed to find him without some snack or form of sustenance in his hand, scarfing it down like there was no tomorrow. It was all a byproduct of his enhanced metabolism. All that energy to run had to come from somewhere, didn't it? Little did he know, this super stomach of his would come to kick him in the ass in a few short hours. But for now, the silver-haired man child of a mutant was limping around the mansion's kitchen making a very... exotic breakfast for dinner meal.
Peter plopped the strange looking (decently gooey) excuse for an omelette into a large plate with some Twinkies and orange juice on the side. As he devoured his dinner, Peter thought anxiously about Erik. It had taken him 10 years to connect the dots, work up the courage, and even think of confronting the man to tell him of his true parentage, yet wimped out at the last minute, leaving the ambiguous: "I'm here for my family too." Peter groaned audibly to himself as his mind once again replayed the events he'd already replayed a million times before. It was embarrassing as all hell. Luckily, nobody that did know told Erik anything, which Peter was very grateful for.
Imagine learning about a woman you left 2 and a half decades ago actually birthing a son you had no idea existed and just now learned of... but not from him, despite several encounters beforehand where he had ample opportunities to do so. It'd make Peter feel like even more of a loser than a 27 year old who still lived in his mother's basement. But, to be fair, Peter was no longer a grown man living with his mom, he was a grown man living in a school where he was many years past the oldest enrolled student, while not teaching a single class; it was a step up from the basement, trust me.
Once finished with his omelette, Peter quickly washed his dishes and made his trek up the small flight of stairs to reach his room on the second floor. Over the past few days, Peter had learned just how high a set of stairs could be, especially when you end up falling down them on several attempts to slide down the handrail (and failing miserably while being laughed at by dozens of impressionable pre-teen children.) What a loser.
After reaching his room, particularly winded from this dinner excursion, Peter was grateful to see that he hadn't unplugged his television from the wall after his embarrassing fall in an attempt to get to the bathroom by himself, without his crutches, or the lights on. A simple recipe for disaster in nearly all circumstances, yet for some reason, the universe held pity for Peter and his debilitated state, and decided to not make his day any worse than it already was.
Peter ultimately decided to entertain himself with a good night-long play session of Pac-Man on his Atari 2600, also still miraculously undamaged from last night's fall. He booted up the inferior version of the game (seriously though, he'd have to get Kurt to help him teleport his arcade cabinet from his basement to the school, playing this one was getting a bit tiring on the eyes.) It sufficed, he thought as the TV harshly flashed on.
Now normally, Peter would have been up all night with his video games and rock music blaring in the background, yet tonight, something (besides his immobile leg) felt really off. Each distinct 'WOMP' from the console as the yellow circle man consumed the dashes and dots felt like a sledgehammer into Peter's eardrums, leaving a resonating ache at the base of his skull. He didn't think much of it and brushed it off, simply turning down his music a notch and backing away from the TV a few inches.
The next confusing sign that something wasn't quite right was the disconcerting shivers wracking his body. A chilly breeze seemed to sweep the room as if the AC was on full blast with the windows open on a November midnight, yet it was July and all the windows were closed and when he went to check if his AC unit was acting up, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. That's whack, Peter thought to himself as he plopped onto his bed, Atari abandoned on the rugged floor.
He didn't know how long he spent staring at the unmoving chandelier hanging lamely from the ceiling, but it felt as if seconds later, the room was not only freezing, but spinning, and suffocating. Everything felt way too close. Peter could feel every fiber of his shirt rubbing against his jacket, the itchy inside of his cast pressing up against the entirety of his right leg, and the presence of his goggles resting on his neck, now seeming like a noose closing in on his throat. He hastily tore off the eyewear and tossed them on his nightstand before deciding to shed his jacket and weakly throwing it across the room. Another move he regretted.
Without the jacket to keep his arms warm, the newfound seemingly frosty atmosphere felt like a icy flurry against his skin. In spite of his mind's confused wishes, Peter ripped the heavy blanket off the end of the bed and closed it around himself like a caterpillar ready to emerge as a butterfly the next time it saw the daylight. Peter sure as hell didn't feel like a caterpillar, but if the feeling of metamorphosis was a growing sense of intense nausea and cramping in the stomach, then hell yeah, he was crushing this butterfly business.
Fuck, what's wrong with me?! He thought to himself as he rolled onto his side. Peter rubbed at his eyes, hoping to clear the dizziness, yet only further irritating them. God damnit, he sighed internally as his face scrunched up in discomfort, releasing one of his hand's hold on the blanket to cradle his aching stomach.
"Is this karma for all that shit I stole when I was younger? That's just mean, man," Peter rasped to nobody in particular. He thought about it more though and responded to his own question, "Then again, I think that's pretty fair. Haha...Shit, man. Never thought I'd say this, but I think... I think I need help."
The sledgehammer-like headache was pounding with every bass drum beat lightly emanating from the sound system Peter hadn't turned off, another move he regretted. He couldn't decide if the pros outweighed the cons: hobbling through the dark to possibly remedy a source of his suffering, but relinquishing his hold on the only thing keeping him from feeling like freezing. Peter played it safe, much to his cranium's dismay.
Peter stared off towards the wall at nothing in particular as he tried oh so hard to draw his mind's focus from how terrible he felt to literally anything else. It wasn't working out so well. And so, Peter laid there, blanket tossed over himself, single leg drawn up to his chest, shivering like a leaf in a rainstorm, as nauseous as a toddler who just rode their first roller coaster, feeling like he was about to cry, and alone. What a miserable way to spend the night.
If there's anything Erik Lehnsherr knew in this moment, it was that he was beyond irritated that Charles wasn't at the mansion to run his own school. Despite leaving the school once he'd helped rebuild it to try and seek solitude to wrap his mind around his place in the world and everything that'd happened to him, Erik was back at the mansion once again. He was ready to lay down the foundations for his new mutant hideaway, Genosha, and needed Charles's connections to the government to help smooth over his charges and get clearance to have his isolated society where he might truly find happiness and solace. The universe had spoken, and he obviously wasn't cut out to be a nuclear family kind of guy.
Unbeknownst to him, Erik had once again meandered into a setting with his unrealized son. Also unbeknownst to him, that son was currently cooped up alone in his room, feeling like death.
Erik uncomfortably paced around the mansion, checking Charles's office, the X-Men bunker, and all the other places he might have been, yet the telepath was nowhere to be found. Erik sighed, he knew coming this late was a bargain, one, it turns out, he'd come to lose. The school itself was eerily quiet. It was if the entire mansion was empty or something. Peaceful, yet unsettling for a man who knew nothing but chaos.
Erik was about to borrow a book someone had abandoned in the foyer when he heard the muffled melodies of American rock music echoing from the upstairs floor. It must be that problematic Peter child, Erik thought to himself. From what he told himself was a civil duty to the rest of the sleeping kids in the school (but was actually his own way to cope with his curiosity) Erik decided to check up on the snarky young man to ask if he'd turn down the tunes.
As he approached the door, Erik was bracing himself for something extremely untamed. Perhaps a messy, greasy slophole of a living area, or maybe a drunk and uncontrollably obnoxious man dancing to his music in the nude. You never really knew with Peter, and Erik had come to expect the strangest out of the boy from the few genuine interactions they've had.
Erik gently tapped his knuckles against the door, waiting patiently for a 'come in', or something along the lines of those words, yet it never came. Raising a questioning yet not too surprised eyebrow, Erik knocked again, using slightly harder bangs, not wishing to make a ruckus and wake anyone else in the hallway up. Again, nothing. Although it could have simply boiled down to Peter not hearing him from his loud and abhorrent music, Erik was growing slightly irritated with the lack of a response. So with his last reserves of patience, he knocked one final time, once again listening for a signal or cue to enter. He was met with nothing yet again.
Wondering for the worst and fully expecting to meet a blackout drunk Peter when he opened the door, Erik tentatively jiggled the doorknob, which just so happened to be unlocked, and stepped inside. Thankfully, he was not met with a naked dancing or woefully drunk mutant speedster, but most would probably argue that what he was met with was quite worse. And that being a rancid stench of sick and sour nastiness lingering in the air, a poorly plopped pile of blankets draped over the culprit of the odor, and the culprit himself lying pale and flushed on the floor beside his bed, covered in his own vomit.
Erik's nose crinkled up from being met by the strongly nauseating smell of the room, reaching for the light switch on the wall to aid the sad little table lamp and glow of the TV in illuminating the room. Now he truly saw the pity-worthy situation for what it was. Peter laid in a heap on the ground next to his bed; he'd clearly trying to make it to the en suite bathroom just a few feet away. However, with his dizzy mind and immobile leg, he didn't make it very far and ended up expelling his dinner in a much less... dignified location (if you could consider a toilet bowl a very dignified location), that undignified location being all over his lap and onto his faded Pink Floyd t-shirt.
Not knowing how to really handle the situation, Erik called out a soft, "Peter?" hoping to elicit a response. Yet, just like at the door, he was met with nothing. As he approached the boy, thoughts of anxiety and panic circled through his mind. What would he say to him when he woke up? Would he be uncomfortable with Erik of all people coming to help? Would he be confused? Would he not care? He felt undeniably and inexplicably awkward. Erik shook the thoughts from his conscious as he knelt down to try and meet Peter's face.
"Peter?" he asked again. Erik tentatively reached over to tap the boy's face, which was contorted in a pinched expression of discomfort, marred further by the vomit drying in a trail down his chin.
Once Erik's hand made contact with Peter's cheek, he wanted to retract it. From the split second interaction, Erik had felt the clammy, sweaty, and scorching hot skin and was growing concerned. The slight physical prodding finally made Peter respond.
"Mom?" he asked groggily, voice cracking, "I'll put my dishes in the sink in a minute... I'm tired..."
Erik let out a harsh sigh, bending his neck in an attempt to make eye contact with the boy.
"Peter, I'm not you-" Erik was cut off.
"Yeah yeah... I'm not your maid. I know, Ma. Just... give me five."
"Peter." Erik stated bluntly yet with a hint of unease, unsure if Peter was delirious or just messing with him, "look at me, please."
Peter cracked open his eyes and blearily met Erik's stoic and collected face. He blinked a few times, slowly and deliberately, calculating who was kneeling in front of him, before letting out a weak and wheezy chuckle, "hey there, refrigerator ornament. Wassup?"
Erik rolled his eyes, responding with, "I came to ask you to turn down your atrocious music so you won't wake any of the other children who are trying to sleep. When I came in here, you were passed out on the floor. Would you like to explain to me what happened?"
"Nah... it isn't all too interesting"
"Peter, can you please act like an adult for 2 minutes? Please?"
"Oh man, the Nazi-hunting, president-killing, horseman of the Apocalypse is bustin' out the PLEASES. Look out, world, Lord of the Vacation Souvenirs has a new tactic... MANNERS!"
Peter burst out laughing at his own adolescent joke, ending in a wheezy struggle to catch his own breath. Erik couldn't tell if he was just screwing with him or genuinely needed help. This behavior seemed pretty normal for the immature mutant.
"Look, Peter, I really just need to know if you're okay. Can you answer that simple question, please?"
"Man, your tactics are workin' like a charm. I guess I'll tel-" Peter was cut off by a repulsing gag, hunching over and expelling his stomach's contents... again, this time, however, onto Erik's shirt, quickly travelling in a sad trail down onto his freshly-ironed pants. Peter's bloodshot eyes went side with embarrassment as he quickly transitioned his gaze to the floor.
Erik's face was caught frozen still as his mind caught up with what had just happened. As repulsed as he was, it wasn't like he hadn't seen worse. But that still didn't make the fact that he was just puked on any less disgusting. After audibly exhaling through his nose, Erik once again focused on the miserable man child in front of him, who was now anxiously tapping his fingernails on the hard plaster of his cast, deliberately trying to avoid eye contact.
God damnit, Peter, He thought to himself as he continued tapping, it's bad enough leaving him with a painfully ambiguous response during a battle to save all of humanity, ultimately ruining a perfectly good chance to fess up, but now look what you've done. You fucking threw up on him. Peter felt himself growing smaller as his subconscious shamed him for his uncontrollable bout of illness. It was stupid and ultimately all in his head, but it didn't make him feel any less shit about his situation.
After taking the few quiet seconds, Erik stood up, and whether it was out of pity or some subconscious moral quest, grabbed Peter by the armpits and dragged him to the bathroom.
"W-what the?" Peter asked, confused by the harsh white light of the bathroom and the sudden shift in scenery.
"Well I'm not going to let you sit in your own disgusting clothes. I have standards, you know. Can you undress yourself? I'll get us both some clean clothes."
Peter grunted in response. It meant: yeah, I think I can take off my own clothes, bro... once the room stops spinning. Erik, however, had already up and left, stripping off his own soiled shirt and rifling through Peter's dresser drawers, and taking the opportunity to flick off the television and silence the music that had been awkwardly filling the room's background space up until now.
Peter didn't have much variety in his clothing, dark jeans and band logo t-shirts were most of his dresser's arsenal. Not wishing to be clad in a Metallica shirt for the rest of the night, he dug a bit further into the seemingly endless assortment of shirts till he found a plain white short sleeve, sighing in relief. He grabbed a random shirt from the top of the assortment which just so happened to have the Journey logo on it, and set off to find new pants for the boy.
Back in the bathroom, Peter was still laying slumped against the bathtub, shivering. Everything around him had seemingly slowed to a halt, not unlike when he was running past the speed of sound, but this time deceleration just felt... wrong.
The crashing rhythm of the rock music had come to a halt, yet it didn't cease the incessant throbbing ache in his head, as if the bass riffs and the harsh taps of the snare were on a permanent loop with earbuds permanently glued to his ears. He was trying his best to prevent himself from groaning or whining as to not sound like even more of a child in front of Erik, but honestly, he didn't want his nonexistent father right now, he wanted his mom.
Peter was snapped from his self loathing by Erik's footfalls growing progressively louder as he approached him. Erik had thrown on a pair of track pants and a random white shirt. He was holding a pair of sweatpants and another shirt for Peter so he could be free of his sweat-slick and vomit-covered clothes.
"Hey, you don't get to keep those. I like those pants," Peter stated sarcastically, still trying to put up a front, although he was unsure why. He'd needed help, it was painfully obvious, so why was he still pushing his father away? Resentment? Anger? Pride? No... fear.
"Arms up," Erik instructed, preparing to take Peter's shirt off for him.
"Yo, you know I'm not a toddler, right? I can take off my own god damn shirt."
"You sure don't act like you're a day older than one, and I don't wanna risk you accidentally suffocating getting stuck in your own clothing so... arms up."
Peter sighed and did as he was told. Erik swiftly peeled the top off the boy and felt around his back, finding it clammy and warm. As if he'd just went from the tropics to Antarctica, the shirt leaving his skin exposed his skin to a whole new level of cold. The sensation ripped through his spine as his teeth started chattering. Hoping Erik had a brain underneath that skull, Peter was (im)patiently waiting for the man to save him from the frosty winds of his newly installed Arctic bathroom and slip the new shirt over him already. However, much to Peter's dismay, Erik turned on the tub's faucet, soaking a hand towel in cold water before leaning over and placing it on Peter's exposed back.
The second the frigid cloth made contact with his skin, Peter recoiled, back arching backwards, arms frantically bending to try and remove it. Erik sighed, slightly out of pity, and continued holding it down.
"Is this some cruel punishment? What did I do?" Peter pleaded, hoping to distract himself from crying by use of humor.
"You're scorching and sticky and it's just disgusting. I'm cooling you down, so relax," Erik explained. "It'll be a few more seconds, I just needed to get all the sweat off of you."
And as quickly as it had begun, the endeavor was over and Erik was threading Peter's strikingly pale and flimsy arms through the shirt holes. Peter audibly sighed, feeling like he'd just spent an hour in an industrial freezer and was now back into a normal temperature.
Erik's eyes drifted to Peter's legs, immediately noticing a flaw in his plan. How was he going to change Peter's pants with that full leg cast?
"Peter, how do you typically change your pants considering your current... situation?" Erik asked.
"It's pretty simple. I don't," Peter replied bluntly.
"Well, after I got my leg set a few days ago, I changed into jeans, not wanting to be in flight suit pants for the next week of my life, and I haven't swapped since. It's like, physically impossible."
"So... you've been wearing the same (disgustingly dirty) pants all week?"
"Yeah, pretty much. Hank says I should be grateful that it'll heal in a couple days, most people you'd find passed out on their floor covered in vomit with a full leg cast would have been wearing their nasty pants for weeks."
Erik sighed, tossing Peter's soiled shirt and the sweatpants back into the bedroom before meeting his gaze.
"Alright, Peter, I'm going to set you up in bed now."
"Sounds grea-" Peter was once again, clamping his hand over his mouth, pathetically dragging himself over to the toilet to prevent throwing up all over himself again.
Erik saw his distress and lifted the toilet lid and seat, prompting Peter to start heaving into the sad and dreary porcelain bowl. Each dry or productive heave sent another pulsing wave of pain and violent nausea from his stomach to seemingly every conceivable inch of his body in a viscous cycle of suffering. Erik could do nothing but watch as the silver-haired boy wretched in agony, each heave causing his breath to hitch, caught in his throat, as another bout of sick rushed up past his lips, crashing into the toilet bowl.
Erik wanted to reach over and rub Peter's back or offer a semblance of physical comfort for the anguish he must have been feeling. He'd often do this for his daughter, Nina, whenever she had a stomach bug. Erik reached out his hand, only to quickly retract it, shaking haunting thoughts from his mind. This boy was not his child, and in no way would he ever come close to being Nina. What was he thinking?
Guilt quickly overtook the memories as Peter finished his session of sickness. He sagged limply against the side of the toilet, face still partially hidden by the rim of the bowl. When he looked up at Erik, he looked awful. Beyond awful.
Red-rimmed eyes, clearly there as Peter attempted to stop the obvious tears from spilling over, met cool yet collected ones, the former's being full of pain, not just from this embarrassment or the physical turmoil he'd just endured, but something else. Erik knew those eyes. He knew them because for so long, they were the ones he'd stared at in the mirror, day after day, for years, until he'd found Charles, only to come face to face again with those demonized eyes in the form of an immature mutant puking his guts out on his bathroom floor. They were the eyes of a young man who was lost, feeling alone, hiding a part of themselves they wanted to let go, to set free, so they could truly be happy, yet he couldn't possibly decipher what could be internally destroying the boy.
"I-I'm sorry you had to watch that..." Peter said softly as his head lolled over.
"It's fine," Erik replied with a tone to match that of Peter's.
"I'm pretty sure... that I'm done. For now?" It came out as more of a question, but at this point, Peter wasn't trusting any signal his body was sending him. Every impulse had been smudged and cloudy in his mind, and paired with the seemingly endless headache and the relentless chills racking his body from the fever, Peter was sure that if his mind were a computer hard drive, it would have self destructed out of a deadly virus slowly hacking into the hardware.
But alas, Peter was no computer, and so he was stuck with this mystery illness, cooped up in his room, unable to run, with Erik mother-hecking Lehnsherr. His fever-addled mind was barely functioning at this point, so he didn't register anything but dizzying blurred images swirling around his head and slightly-grumbled voice swimming in his ears as Erik scooped the kid up like a newlywed bride and carried him off to bed.
Peter had never been more grateful to grace the comfort of his duvet, ready to sleep. He halfheartedly grabbed at it in an attempt to cover himself and finally warm up. Erik sighed with pity, grabbing it for him and draping it over his shoulders before moving over to stand by the nightstand and awkwardly watching Peter try and get comfortable.
Despite the obvious fact that his body wanted him to sleep, Peter's mind was racing everywhere except the realm of unconsciousness. Every thought was emphasized ten-fold as it bounced around his head until the only things remaining were his want, heck, his need, to tell Erik the truth, and the hesitant and unsure anxiety lingering in the background of his subconscious that was stopping him from doing just that.
Fevers, though, as Peter was quickly learning, tended to do weird shit to what your brain was really trying to accomplish, often scrambling any message you tried to expel to the point where it may or may not have even been your true intentions. And hell, it was an even bigger gamble if you'd remember any of the dumb shit you'd done or said. It was as if the heat had boiled all the potentially embarrassing memories away, which was at least kinda nice.
With everything happening, Peter thought it best for Erik to just pack up and scoot from the premises, as not to accidentally say or do something stupid that might come back to bite him in the ass later, but Peter wasn't about to pull an asshole move on the man who'd just helped him despite not being obligated to at all.
So, instead of verbally asking, Peter did the next most "mature" thing he could have in his debilitated and helpless situation. He pretended to be asleep in a pathetic hope that Erik would leave on his own. He didn't. Peter ended up looking like he was trying way too hard to be asleep than any real asleep person, and after a few minutes, Erik caught on.
"Peter, I know you're not actually sleeping," Erik said, not putting on any sort of specific emotion.
Peter cracked one red and tired eye open, meeting Erik's gaze yet again. Peter sighed and turned over onto his side, back to the other man, bleary eyes trying to focus on anything that wasn't Erik. Sleep, a seemingly effortless task for most, eluded Peter as he let out an a low whine. This was miserable.
"Hey, Erik?"
"I umm... never mind..."
"What were you going to say?"
"It's nothing... I just feel stupid since I can't even do the easiest thing on the planet."
"Is there anything I can do?"
The question struck Peter like a cold dagger to the heart, it sounded so much like something his mom would say, who was practically the only person he wanted in that moment. Peter didn't like to be weak or expose any of his fears. He preferred to be distant and reserved, to hide all that insecurity with stupid dry humor and sarcasm. His mom and his sisters were really the only ones who he'd truly been open with, and when faced with these new circumstances, finally able to reconnect with the father he never had, he was frozen in place, and after pushing people away and closing himself off for so long, not knowing what to do to reach out and truly face what he needed to.
Completely internally and externally overwhelmed, Peter let his dam of pride burst, letting his emotional flood pour out of his eyes in the form of earnest, choked sobs. He bit his lip and weakly rubbed at his eyes in an attempt to hide his distress.
Erik was taken aback, taking a step towards him, before backpedaling as fast as the initial paternal instinct had seized him. He didn't know what to do. Erik was conflicted, scared of overstepping boundaries, but wholeheartedly wanting to comfort the clearly suffering boy lying in bed in front of him.
And in a flash of instinct, an unspoken, deep-rooted, yet unknown draw towards the silver-haired boy, Erik sat down on the mattress, back meeting Peter's, and leaning over his shoulder to rub his back
Erik's hand was shaky, unsure if it should truly be there. He felt the heat radiating off Peter's skin through his t-shirt. Erik glanced down further to Peter's face, and despite the hands trying (and failing) to cover his eyes, saw it covered in a new sheen of sweat quickly mixing with his tears, pale and pasty with angry crimson patches sitting pretty as pictures on his cheeks and forehead. Everything in that moment accentuated both how awfully awkward Erik and truly terrible Peter felt.
Erik didn't even know if Peter was lucid anymore. He was breaking down into tears, shivering and being comforted by someone who was practically a stranger. Eventually, the sobs dwindled into whimpers and Erik's nerves were starting to taper off himself. The room fell into a weirdly calm silence as the two decided to not say anything. Until Peter's shaky voice cut through the room.
"Y-you know... when I was a dumb little kid, I thought I-I could outrun germs. Look at me now. I can't even cook a f-freakin' omelette without making myself sick... I never needed to cook for myself, it was always my mom, or Hostess cakes."
"..." Erik wanted to say something, anything, but he was unsure what, or if Peter would understand.
"I can't do anything right... life tosses me chances and I just fuck em' all up."
Erik soon realized Peter was no longer talking about his omelette, but something deeper.
"I just wish... you could've d-done this for me when I was still that dumb little kid. I wish for so much to be different. I'd always wanted a d-dad, and when I finally figured out who he was, I learn he'd gone off to kill the president! I-I don't know..."
"I m-might not be able to outrun germs, but my entire l-life, I've outrun everything. The law, my responsibilities, adulthood... But now, the one time when I finally can't run from anything, out of all of my problems, I gotta face you of all things. N-not the way I thought this would happen..." Peter's words died out as he fell silent.
Erik wasn't sure he'd heard Peter properly. Until something in his mind clicked. Everything he's done up until now: "my mom once knew a guy who could do that..." and "I'm here for my family too..." Oh my god, he thought, I'm... I-I'm Peter's... father? Who else had he been with before his wife... Magda. Oh god.
Erik pulled his hand away from Peter's back. This caused Peter to moan and flip onto his back, staring directly at Erik, eyes cutting straight to his heart like knives.
"W-why'd you stop? It was nice..." Peter admitted shyly.
"I-I need a second, Peter. I'm sorry," Erik sighed as he pushed himself off the mattress.
Peter said nothing as his eyes drifted back to his bedspread. Disappointment lurking behind his bloodshot irises.
Erik walked off to the bathroom, closing the door behind him with a soft click. He stared up at himself in the mirror, hands gripped tightly around the basin. This couldn't be happening. Not after Nina, not again. Erik was just... terrified. Terrified of the idea of getting close again. Anyone who's ever been a part of Erik's family... had died. His parents, his wife, his daughter; he didn't want Peter to join the list of people the universe was just deemed to kill. He knew that Peter was far from dying, it was a simple fact that the kid couldn't cook and he'd fed himself something underdone. Yet, it was all happening, it was all too fast, and everything felt so damn scary.
He knew, deep down, that this was the truth. It only made sense that the Magda didn't wanna tell her son that his dad was an internationally targeted terrorist that's murdered dozens of people, and this kid had no reasons to lie about it. God... Erik didn't know how to feel, what he should do, but he did know that had a need to comfort Peter, who'd just confessed a secret he'd been hiding for who knows how long, and was now laying alone, probably feeling abandoned again, after pouring his heart out knowing full well it might be shot down.
Whether it was all intentional was yet to be seen. Again, fevers did weird shit.
Erik let out a low sigh and opened the door, finding Peter curled up on himself as best he could, softly whining, mumbling incoherently to himself. Erik stepped over and sat down on the bed again, the entire mattress dipping from his weight.
"I'm sorry, Peter. I am very happy you told me..." Erik was searching for the right words, "the truth."
" 'r welc'm" Peter mumbled as his puffy eyelids slid over his tired brown eyes.
"Is there anything you need me to do for you right now?"
"J'st... stay please. I-It's embarassin', I know, but I just... my mom used to do it..."
"Alright, Peter. I'm not gonna leave, so just try to sleep, okay?"
Peter didn't need to be told twice as his mind and body worked in harmony, finally allowing Peter to be lulled off to the realm of unconsciousness. And although he knew it wasn't necessary, Erik wished to add to the intimacy of this quiet moment, a type of moment so rare and inconstant in both of their lives, so he pushed himself up against the headboard, laying out flat on the bed, and carded his fingers into Peter's silky silver locks. And out of habit, maybe a sort of tendency he'd developed from doing it with Nina, or an obligation to share what he felt Peter deserved, he began to hum his family lullaby, ever so slowly and softly, drowning out any other thing the world wanted to toss at them. Because in that moment... Erik and Peter had found something they'd both been missing for so long, peacefulness and contentment. And for that short night, it was all they needed.
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ao3feed-connor · 6 years
Nothing Else Matters
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2CyinpW
by AnxiousCoffee (TheHallowedAngel)
When Connor throws himself over a bridge and into a lake to go after a deviant, Hank is left to drag him back onto dry land and work everything out. You'll be surprised what lengths a father can go to for his son, nothing else even matters.
Words: 1976, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Hank Anderson, Connor (Detroit: Become Human)
Relationships: Hank Anderson & Connor
Additional Tags: Drowning, i guess?????, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon Compliant, Hurt Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Caring Hank Anderson (Detroit: Become Human), Protective Hank Anderson, Father-Son Relationship, emeto, Sickfic, Vomiting, Connor is an idiot, Good Parent Hank Anderson, Connor (Detroit: Become Human) Whump, Whump, idk what other tags are needed, Caretaking
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2CyinpW
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ao3feed-hannor · 2 years
Do you know how to take care of a sick person?
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/41419254 by Up_all_night_to_get_Bucky There was a moment of perfect silence before the RK900 finally replied. „Do you know how to take care of a sick person?“ „A sick person?“, Connor echoed, confused. This was not the request he had expected. „Well, it depends on the specific kind of sickness as well as the person’s current condition.“ „The person is currently cursing at me. He has forcefully ejected stomach content through his mouth before." When the RK900 has to deal with a drunk Detective Reed, he calls Connor for some coaching. Words: 1746, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Sicktember 2022 Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Upgraded Connor | RK900, Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Gavin Reed, Sumo - Character Relationships: Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed, Hank Anderson/Connor, Upgraded Connor | RK900 & Gavin Reed, Hank Anderson & Connor & Sumo Additional Tags: Sicktember 2022, reed900, emeto, Sickfic, Whump, Drunk Gavin Reed, Vomiting, Nausea, Caretaking, RK900 is clueless, Deviant Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Sumo is a good boy read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/41419254
0 notes
sofuckingchuffed · 6 years
Hii :) I love yours Rhodestead Drabbles ❤ they are so good! So, you said we could send request... :) So if you want to, could you do one where Will is treating a sick Connor? :) I love this moments when one of them is a little more vulnerable and the other is taking care of him ❤😊 It's cute! Thank you!
Thank you so much! This got a little out of hand, but I hope it’s vaguely close to what you were hoping for!
tw for vomit
Tagging @lets-get-rickety-rekt ;)
At first, Connor wasn’t sure what had woken him. He wasn’t even sure where he was. He tried to get his bearings as he forced himself upright, trying and failing to reach for his phone. His stomach churned at the movement, mouth filling with saliva, and he barely had time to register what that meant before his body pitched forward, the entire contents of his stomach working their way up his throat and down his front. He could already feel sleep tugging at his brain, threatening to pull him back under, but he forced himself to stay awake, unwilling to fall back asleep covered in his own vomit.
Every movement felt like a struggle as he dragged himself out of bed. His legs felt unsteady and uncoordinated, and the room spun around him as he clung to the wall, forcing himself to the bathroom. A distant voice in the back of his mind told him he had a fever, that he should, at the very least, try and take something for it. But he barely had the strength to make it to the shower, let alone take his clothes off, and the moment he was there he sat down in the tub, letting the water fall over him as he closed his eyes, willing the room to stop spinning for just long enough to clean himself up.
He could feel sleep threatening to take him under again, but each time he shifted to try and stay awake his nausea peaked, so he stopped trying, swallowing desperately against the rising bile in his throat, and prayed he’d find the strength to get back up and dry himself off.
Will sighed, drumming his fingers against the doorframe as he waited for Jay. It had been over 24 hours since he had last heard from Connor, and while he knew Connor was sick and likely sleeping, he also had to trust his gut instinct that something was off.
“You’re sure about this?” Jay asked, placing a hand on Will’s shoulder, shaking him from his thoughts.
“Wellness check,” he said with a shrug. When Jay gave him a look, Will added, “He wouldn’t go this long without letting me know he’s okay unless he’s not okay.”
“Alright, move aside,” Jay said with a sigh.
The smell of stale vomit hit them the moment the door was open, and Will’s heart lodged itself in his throat, stomach sinking at the thought of Connor suffering alone. Jay performed a quick sweep of each room, just in case, before stopping at the door to the bathroom.
“Will?” He called, face pinched with worry as he turned to beckon Will over, re-holstering his gun.
Whatever Will had been expecting, it wasn’t this. Connor was laying in the bathtub in a pool of his own vomit, cold water showering his legs as he curled in on himself. He looked pale, a sickly grey colour, and the sight of him made Will’s heart clench. He reached over to turn the taps off before bending down to grab Connor’s wrist, relieved when he felt a pulse.
“Connor?” He asked gently.
When Connor grunted in response, Will ran his fingers into Connor’s hair. “Hey, you with me?
“Will?” Connor asked blearily as he tried to sit up.
For a second, Connor went completely still, before he gagged, body lurching forward with a heave.
“Okay,” Will whispered, rubbing Connor’s back as he dry-heaved miserably, over and over again with no result.
“You need me to call an ambulance?” Jay asked, eyes wide and face a little pale.
“Nah.” Will nodded his head towards the medical bag he’d dumped on the floor. “I should be fine with what I’ve brought.”
Connor let out a muffled sob as his head lolled against Will’s arm, and Will felt a pang in his gut at how miserable Connor looked, how miserable he must have felt.
“You sure?” Jay asked, frowning as he took a step towards them.
Will sighed, feeling Connor’s forehead before brushing his sweat-damp hair back. “I’ll take him if it comes to it. RIght now I just wanna get him cleaned up and comfortable. Help me lift him?”
Jay hesitated for a moment, eyeing Connor warily, before nodding.
“Come on, Connor,” Will said gently as he climbed into the bath behind him, lifting him from under the arms.
It was a joint effort, getting Connor washed. He was mostly out of it, muttering things Will couldn’t understand every now and again, but he clung to Will as tight as he could, and that at least told him that Connor was conscious and knew what was happening, on some level.
He was careful getting Connor out of the shower and sat on a towel on the ground, but the movement still had Connor retching again, and Will barely managed to shove the trash can from beside the sink under Connor’s face before he brought up a pathetic amount of bile and nothing more.
“Come on,” Will hushed, rubbing the back of Connor’s neck. “Just breathe.”
Once they had Connor dried and dressed and laying on the bed in the spare room, Will ran a hand through his hair, biting his lip nervously. He knew without checking that Connor’s temperature was high, possibly dangerously high.
“I’m gonna call an ambulance,” Jay said, as though reading his thoughts.
Will put his hand out to stop him, shaking his head. “Get my bag?”
Jay sighed, rolling his eyes, but he complied, leaving the room only to return a moment later with the bag Will had taken from the hospital.
He took Connor’s temperature, wincing at the reading of 103.9. “Connor? I need you to wake up for me.”
Connor whimpered in response, squinting as he opened his eyes.
“Hey,” Will said with a gentle smile. “Can you tell me what you last remember?”
“You,” Connor said before swallowing thickly, eyes falling shut again. “We were in the bathroom.”
“And before I came?”
“Was sick,” Connor said with a frown, reaching up to feel the front of his shirt. “I tried to have a shower, and then you were there.”
“Can you try and drink something for me?” He asked, unscrewing the cap of one of the water bottles from his bag.
Connor nodded, letting Will help him up into a sitting position, opening his mouth as Will tilted it towards his lips. It only took a few seconds before Jay was reaching between them with the trash can again for Connor to vomit into, all water despite the painful heaves his stomach insisted on.
“No hospital,” Connor suddenly rasped out between heaves.
“If your fever goes up at all, I don’t have a choice,” Will said with a sigh, turning back to his medical bag.
He set Connor up with a saline IV and some medication to try and help bring his fever down and quell his nausea. It didn’t feel like nearly enough, but he knew there was little else a hospital could do at this point, either. At some point, Connor drifted back to sleep, hands loosely clutching the blanket Will had placed over him. He looked almost peaceful, and Will couldn’t help but small smile, despite the worry sitting heavy in his stomach.
“You all good?” Jay asked quietly, shaking Will from his thoughts.
He nodded in response, following Jay out to the lounge room. “Thanks.”
“What for?”
“For coming. For helping.”
Jay laughed, shaking his head. “Any time, man. Let me know if you need anything.”
“Thanks,” Will said with a small smile. “I think we’ll be okay.”
Once Jay was gone, Will crawled into bed beside Connor, careful not to jostle him awake. For a while he just lay there, holding Connor’s wrist, reminding himself not to overreact, reminding himself that Connor was okay, that it was just the stomach flu, that he was strong and healthy and relatively young and his body could fight the virus off.
He wasn’t sure when he fell asleep, or how much time had passed before he was jostled awake by Connor shifting beside him.
He had no warning before Connor pitched over the side of the bed, gasping in between dry heaves. He reached over for the trash can again, hand on Connor’s back as he guided the bin under his face, even though he was sure Connor had nothing to bring up. Connor gasped and heaved and retched for what felt like forever, and Will felt a pang in his stomach every time, wishing there was more he could do, wishing the medication had helped more. Eventually, Connor brought up a stream of bile before collapsing back against Will, breathless and sweaty and exhausted.
“You’re okay,” Will whispered, brushing Connor’s hair back off his forehead before pressing a kiss to the top of his head. “Relax, you’re okay.”
“Feel like shit,” Connor muttered, but he relaxed back into Will’s hold, wiping his hand across his mouth.
“Feel better than before, at least?”
“Feel more awake,” Connor said with a small shrug, letting his eyes fall shut. “Not sure that’s a good thing, though.”
“You know it’s a good thing,” Will said gently. “Means your fever’s coming down.”
Connor was silent for long enough for Will to wonder if he’d fallen back asleep. It was only when Will shifted, ready to lower Connor back down onto the bed, that he spoke.
“Thank you,” he said quietly, taking hold of Will’s hand. “For looking after me.”
“I love you,” Will said with a shrug. “You looked after me when I was sick before we were even dating. Just returning the favour.”
Connor hummed, curling up against Will’s side as they settled back in bed. “I think I loved you then. I was just too scared to admit it.”
Will laughed, pulling Connor closer against his side. “I know I loved you then. That’s why my fever-addled brain called you.”
“Idiot,” Connor muttered, pressing a delicate kiss to Will’s shoulder.
“I’m an idiot? At least I called someone. You would’ve drowned in your own vomit if I hadn’t forced my way in.”
Will intended it as a joke, but the words came out a little harsh, stomach twisting at the thought of what could have happened if he hadn’t called Jay, if he hadn’t barged his way into Connor’s apartment.
“Hey,” Connor said quietly, trailing his fingers along Will’s jaw before cupping the back of his head. “You came, and I’m okay, and that’s all that matters.”
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sickandvomiting · 6 years
I think you've read my stuff before, but if you want something to read my AO3 is EmberSkye. If you don't want to read my sickfics, or you don't know my fandom, then there should be over 200 bookmarks of any type of whump you can think of on my profile. There's several fandoms in my bookmarks too, so you should have some variety 😊 I hope this helps!! 💗💗
Eyyy thank you! Do you have any specific recs for DBH emeto? Bc I love DBH and I love emeto and that’s what I see you posting a lot of recently! Honestly any character is fine, but Connor and Hank are my boys, and also Marcus and Gavin Reed (for some reason. That reason being @plotmatsu )
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