#conor maynard smut
rosstrytobe · 28 days
Eddie Diaz the only man 😎
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Welcome Home II (jack x reader) [smut]
A few months after your balcony adventure, you and Jack were getting ready for a red carpet event for your friends Casar and JJ. Jack had spoiled you with a spa day and the two of you were currently at a lingerie store picking out something sexy for after.
While you were trying on a few options, Jack had excused himself to make a purchase of his own, shoving a small plastic shopping bag into his pocket when you showed him what you picked. "What are you up to, Maynard?" you asked, stepping back so he could join you in the changing room.
"Just a surprise for tonight." he said, looking you up and down. "Babe, you look incredible." Jack pulled you into a kiss and then whispered in your ear. "I can't wait to rip it off of you later tonight."
"All in good time." you said, pushing him out of the changing room.
When the both of you were getting dressed for your friend's big night, Jack cleared his throat and grabbed your dress from you, laying it back down on the bed. "I have something for you, love."
"Is this something for me or something for you?" you laughed, knowing Jack had bought something from the kinkier side of the lingerie store.
"Both." he said, backing you into the bedroom wall. "Close your eyes."
"As you wish." you replied, kissing him and closing your eyes.
Jack had you pinned to the wall, one hand rubbing your clit through your brand new lacy panties. "You're gonna love this." he said, slipping a tiny cold something into the front of them and resting it against your clit.
"What is that?" you asked, your eyes still closed.
"Guess." he said, clicking something in his hands.
"Oooo." you whimpered, feeling the tiny toy gently vibrate against your now sensitive clit. "Mmmmm, I didn't think we had time to play before we had to leave." you said, opening your eyes.
"We don't" he said, backing away and handing you your dress.
Your mouth dropped open realizing that Jack wanted you to wear the toy to the premier. "Oh, you're mean." you said, watching him click the second setting. "Ahhh." You tried to hold in your breathy moan. "I won't be able to hide it on that setting."
"I promise I won't be too mean." He said, turning it off.
Pulling on your dress, you turned so Jack could zip you up. "How long have you wanted to do this one?" You asked him.
"I just felt inspired seeing it in the store." He replied, kissing between your shoulder blades before zipping up the dress. "To be honest, I'm going to have a hard time not getting turned on knowing that it's here." Jack ran his fingers under your dress to nudge the toy.
"I'm definitely planning my revenge." You laughed, turning to pull him into another kiss.
You and a group of your friends were sharing a fancy limo to the premier and Jack decided to test the toy. You were talking to Conor when Jack clicked the first setting. You weren't expecting it, but you were able to keep quiet. Closing your eyes and sighing, trying to keep your composure.
"You alright, love?" Jack asked, no one the wiser.
You turned to face Jack, your crossed legs and the darkness in the car hiding the fact that your hand was creeping towards Jack's crotch. "Just fine, sweetheart." You said, with a smirk, your hand gently groping Jack's hardening dick.
Feeling his cheeks flush, Jack clicked off the toy, calling a silent temporary truce. He slipped his arm around you, pulling you into his lap. "We're going to get in so much trouble." He laughed, pulling you into a kiss.
"This one is on you." you laughed, kissing him back.
Jack left it off for about half of the red carpet walk, but when you two were to an area where you were posing together for pictures, Jack clicked the first setting.
"Oh, fuck." you quietly gasped, Jack pulling you in for a kiss in front of the photographers.
Photographers were calling out your names to have you pose for their shots. "Y/n! Jack! Over here!" The two of you posing, and turning to face different cameras. You were definitely biting your lip in more than a few of the shots.
"Good girl." Jack whispered in your ear, clicking the second, higher setting for just a moment before turning it off.
When you made it inside, everyone was sat around large round tables about 12 to a table. Jack had kept it between off and the first setting all night. The movie had started and Jack had just turned it to the second setting right after the room went dark.
"I'm going to kill you." you leaned over, your hand inching up Jack's thigh.
"You love it and you know it." he whispered in your ear, turning it back down to the first setting.
"Have you been thinking about it?" you asked, running your hand over the crotch of Jack's pants. Not getting an answer, you continued. "I know you've been thinking about how wet you're making me." Your hand hidden under the table, you unzipped Jack's pants, nibbling his earlobe between your teeth.
"Mmmmm, baby girl, you're being bad." he said, turning it up to the second setting.
You gasped and bit your lip, stopping you from moaning. "You started it." you said, reaching into his pants and stroking his now completely hard dick.
Jack turned to face you, cheeks flushed. "Want to cross something else off of our list?" he asked, putting his hand over yours so you couldn't stroke him anymore.
"What do you have in mind, baby?" you whispered in his ear, feeling him turn the vibrator off.
"Follow me." Jack pulled your hand out of his pants and made sure they were zipped and that you couldn't tell he was sporting a massive hard-on.
"Yes, sir." you said, standing to follow him out of the dark room.
Jack grabbed your hand and led you to a family bathroom. Locking the door, he pinned you against it capturing your lips in a needy and rough kiss. "I planned on making you wait all night, but you can't keep your hands to yourself." jack said, pulling you up to sit on the counter while he stood between your legs.
"I've already cum in my panties twice, baby. It's not my fault." you admitted, Jack stopping and staring at you with wide eyes.
"God, you're so sexy." He continued undoing his pants and pulling your thong off, putting the toy and your panties in his pocket. Quickly putting a condom on, he grabbed your thighs.. "Come here, baby girl."
You felt Jack sink himself inside of your soaking wet core and lift you from the counter. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. "Jack." you moaned his name, feeling him roughly thrust up into you more frantically than usual.
"You weren't lying." Jack said, feeling how wet you actually were.
"MMMmmmm, Jack. Harder, baby." you moaned, loving the rare occasions that Jack didn't hold back at all.
Between the pent up tension and the fact that you could get caught, it wasn't long before both of you had finished. Jack sat you on the counter, resting his head against your chest as you both caught your breath. Hearing a knock on the door, you both quickly tried to fix your clothes and appearance. "Give me my thong." you whispered.
Jack continued to straighten out his clothes, before reaching a hand out for you. "Come on, love."
"Jack, you have my underwear." you said, seeing the look on his face. "I'm not getting them back, am I?" you asked, smirking up at your boyfriend.
"Nope." He laughed, leading you out of the bathroom. "Sorry, she had an outfit malfunction." Jack said to the lady waiting outside the door.
"Yeah, part of my outfit is in your pocket." you laughed after you had walked away.
When you made it back to the table, Conor leaned over to Jack making sure everything was okay. He fed Conor the same line. "Just an outfit malfunction."
Conor looked suspicious. "What on earth could have malfunctioned?" he whispered to his brother, knowing Jack was full of shit.
Jack slipped his hand in his pocket and pulled your thong out of his pocket, nodding to Conor to look down.
"Dear, god. You two are ridiculous." Conor laughed.
With a cocky smile on his face, Jack scooted his chair to sit directly by yours and pulled you to snuggle into his side. "I love you, Y/n." he whispered, kissing the top of your head.
"I love you too, Jack." you said, laying your head against him and enjoying the rest of the movie.
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Late Night Tea - Conor Maynard
My first ever imagine on this blog is on! Let me know if you enjoyed it!
Warnings: None
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When she reached over, she found the other side of the bed empty and cold. Groggily, she rubbed her eyes. She knew exactly where to find Conor. Y/N took a quick glance at the alarm clock on her bedside table, which flashed 3.30 am. She sighed before she swung her legs out of bed, throwing on a sweater that her boyfriend had worn the day before. She went down the small hallway that connected their bedroom to the kitchen, already regretting that she didn’t put any socks on, and heated some water to make some tea.
There was light coming out under the door of their spare room. When Conor and Y/N had moved in, this room didn’t really have a purpose. So they decided to turn it into a bit of an office slash room for Conor to practice his singing. Now, there was a piano, a desk and a sofa in the small room. It really didn’t surprise Y/N to find Conor working on a song this late, it wasn’t unusual. She just really missed him, cuddling up to him in bed, warming herself on his skin. She was really getting cold, so she quickly got back to her room and changed her shorts for a pair of leggings and, finally, put a pair of fuzzy socks on.
As the water was ready, she poured it into two cups, before she carried them to their spare room. The door wasn’t fully closed, so she could open it with a little bump of her hip. The sight in front of her warmed her heart.
Conor was sitting on his piano, his eyes closed, playing a calm tune. His lips were curled into the little content smile that had Y/N fall in love with him all over again. She smiled instantly, setting the cups down lightly on the desk. She moved over, carefully sitting down on the piano bench next to him. She watched as his fingers danced across the keys until the beautiful tune finally came to a close. Way too soon for her liking, to be honest.
“Hey babe”, Conor whispered as he had opened his eyes again.
“Hey”, Y/N replied before she hugged him. His arm found its way around her waist almost instantly, pulling her into his side.
“Missed you”, Y/N said, although her voice was a bit muffled since she was hiding her face in the crook of Conor’s neck.
“Sorry”, Conor chuckled, “but that’s been in my head for way too long.”
“Don’t be sorry”, Y/N said, “I love it when you play, it’s beautiful.”
“Thanks”, Conor said, and as Y/N pulled away from him a little, she could see that he was blushing. She grinned at him, cupping his face in her hands, taking all of him in. He blushed even more at that and tried to look away.
“Don’t look at me like that”, he said, being unusually coy.
“Like what?”, Y/N asked, gently lifting his chin up again. His face felt really warm in her hands now.
“Like I’m the most precious thing you’ve ever seen.”
“You are, though.”
She gently put her lips on his, enjoying the bubbly feeling that always came with kissing him, and connected their foreheads when their lips lost contact. Their breathing mingled, and for a few moments, it was the only sound to be heard because they were both so infatuated with each other.
“I love you”, Conor whispered finally.
“I love you, too”, Y/N answered immediately, but her words still didn’t lose their meaning.
Conor brushed his lips against hers for a second, before he kissed them again shortly.
“Seriously, you were looking at me like you were looking at the pizza the waiter brought you for dinner today”, he chuckled, the cheeky spark had returned to his eyes. Y/N giggled.
“Well, I do love you as much as I love pizza”, she said.
“Coming from you, that really means a lot”, Conor said, his hands pulling her into him again.
She loved it how he held her, a feeling of warmth and comfort radiating through her body.
“Oh, wait, I made us a cup of tea”, she said, finally remembering. She reluctantly got up, reaching for the cups and handing one to Conor. 
“Thanks love”, Conor said as he cautiously took a sip. “Perfect drinking temperature.”
They both sipped their beverages, before Y/N curled herself up in a blanket on the sofa, watching Conor as he played the song to her again.
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elsehuggs · 6 years
Bloody hell why can’t conor stay put for at least a year
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jackncon · 6 years
Friends or more?
Conor with “Why’d you let go of me? “ Please x
“Why’d you let go of me? “ W/ Conor please? Thank xxx
prompts from this list
send in a prompt and a boy here
It was the bitchy checkout lady that made you do it. All you wanted was some chips and dip, of course you had to take Conor with you, because what was a girl without her best friend? Oh but the look she gave you? How dare she. You could pull Conor if you wanted to! Just the way she said, “Oh you’re... together?” grinded your gears just too far. So what better way than to plant a kiss on Conor’s cheek, grab his hand, and with a huge smile, respond, “Yup! In fact we’re celebrating our 8 month anniversary with a lazy day at home.” You had smiled as you rested your head on Conors chest, causing him to wrap an arm over your shoulders on instinct. 
“And I couldn’t be happier” Conor had said, looking down to gaze into your eyes lovingly. 
That changed slightly when you dragged Conor out of the supermarket, taking your anger out on his hand. 
“How. Fucking. Dare. She.” you seethed, gripping Conor’s hand tightly in your rage.
“Okay. Love the hand holding. Love that you called me your boyfriend. Not loving how you’re cutting off my circulation.” Conor said, trying to soften your grip.
As soon as you realised you were hurting him, you let go. You grabbed his hand and placed a kiss to it, “All better?” 
Conor nodded with a pout, “Why’d you let go of me?” 
“Geeze I can’t win!” You laughed, grabbing his hand again and returning to his car, the anger having simmered down.
As you released his hand to get in the car, he wiped it on his jeans, praying you didn’t notice how sweaty he was. Conor had held your hand before, sure, but not when you kissed his cheek and acted as if he was your boyfriend. Something about your little stunt at the checkout had made his heart beat faster than usual. But Conor being Conor, but it down to his awful improv skills, trying to push away the fact that he was in love with his best friend for one more day.
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supernaturalisbae1 · 7 years
Caught- Conor Maynard
Warnings: intense makeout, mentions of smut
Remember guys i am always open to requests of all kinds and i do many other fandoms. 
Most Popular Writing List
Supernatural Teen Wolf  Buttercream Squad THE Avengers
it had bee a long day and I was tired but luckily I could go home to my boyfriend of two years Conor. We got a flat together awhile ago, I loved Conor a lot and I know he loves me. I reached our flat and unlocked the door, whenever i walked I Conor was laying on the couch watching tv. 
“Hey Babe,” I said as I walked in the door. 
He looked at me and smiled,”Hey, come sit” he said as he got up in a sitting position so I could sit with him. I took of my shoes and sat down curling into his side.”I love you” he said smiling at me cheesily. 
“what did you do?”i asked him almost immediately. 
“Nothing,” he replied honestly, “I’m just in a good mood i guess.” he shrugged.
He leaned down to kiss me and I kissed him back. It turned into a passionate kiss rather quickly. he put his hands on my waist as I put mine around his neck and crawled over to straddle him. we kept kissing and he slowly laid me onto the couch and moved himself on top of me. He started biting my lip begging for entrance. I teased him and denied him, at least until he squeezed my bum making me gasp in surprise.
i could feel him smirk as he started exploring my mouth and our tongues fought for dominance. He leaned up and looked at me with lust filled obsidian colored eyes. “bedroom?” he asks. I look up at him. “bedroom,” I confirm. We both get up and start kissing again I’m walking backwards letting him lead me.
He reaches behind us and opens the bedroom door. We rush over to the bed and my knees hit the back of it sending me falling into it. Conor comes not long after me. He crawls on top of me and we start making out again. My Hands fist up in his shirt as I tug on it. He gets the idea and sheds his shirt. Not long after he rips mine of my body and starts running his hands down my upper half. 
I tug at his belt and managed to get it undone quickly and he gets up and takes off his pants. Just as he climbs back over to me and starts undoing my pant buttons we hear i bedroom door open.
“You guys in hear?” I hear Caspar’s voice ask. “oh God,” Joe says right after. Conor covers me with his body. “Get out!” he yells and the door slams shut.
I look at him embarrassed and slightly angry he forgot he invited them over.
“Really Conor how did u forget?!” he just looks at me sheepishly. We get off the bed and get dressed. He walks out first with me right behind him.
We see a note left on the door.
Dear Y/N and Conor you two have made us wish we were blind. we can record the video another time. As we have already let and never ever plan on coming back to your flat. EVER     We hate you both, Joe and Caspar.
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buttercream-fanfic · 7 years
Something Unexpected - A Conor Maynard Imagine - SMUT
This is imagine prompt number 10 with Conor for @huge-waste-of-time - please let me know what you think of it, sorry it’s short. It contains smut and swearing!! Please don’t read if you are easily offended by these subjects or underage! Also I can't believe I've got 20 follows already! Thank you so much!
10. Walking out of the bathroom after a shower, half-naked and wreathed in steam, and he immediately dropping whatever he’s holding.
You arrive home after a long day at work & all you want to do was relax & have a nice, long hot shower.
“Hey Y/N!” Conor, your roommate, shouts from the kitchen.
“Hey you” you reply back to him as you walk into the kitchen.
“How’s your day been? You look tired today…”
“It’s been so stressful & long. I’m gonna take a shower just to chill for a bit if that’s ok? I thought we could do a bit of netflix & chill?” you say.
“Netflix & chill?” Conor cheekily replies.
“Oh Conor you have such a dirty mind!” You say laughing. You & Conor have always had a flirtatious relationship but you didn’t act upon it since you thought Conor would never fancy you.
“Sure whatever! Dinner’s cooking at the moment so it’ll be done when you finish.”
“Thank you Conor. You are the bestest roommate in the world!”
“I know!” Conor replies laughing.
You jump in the shower & let the water wash away today’s events. It had been a tough day at work making you tense but the hot water instantly relaxes you. About 20 minutes later you get out of the shower & dry off. You wrap the towel around you & leave the bathroom.
Conor’s POV
Lately Y/N has had a bad week at work so I thought it would be a good idea to cook her favourite dinner tonight & chill out watching her favourite tv shows. I was just about to walk past the bathroom to put the drinks we’ve got for dinner into the living room & that’s when Y/N walked out, loosely wearing a towel. I’d walkways had a crush on you because you were just perfect in every way. Then the glasses smashed on the floor.
��What the hell Conor?!” Y/N shouts as she looks down to the smashed glass & liquid sprayed all across the floor.
All the sudden I couldn’t help but run over to you, grab her waist & press her up against the wall.
“Fuck you are so beautiful.” I say as I stroke the side of your face. I slowly move your hair to reveal your neck & I start to nibble on it.
“Shit Conor. We can’t do this.” you say with the sound of regret in your voice.
“Why not? I’ve always wanted to do this. You are all I’ve ever wanted babe” I reply.
All the sudden she grabs my face & our lips meet & our tongues dancing together in each other’s mouths. It was a passionate yet sloppy kiss due to all the tension that has been building since the beginning of our friendship.
This all felt so wrong but so right. As we were kissing your towel falls to the floor & Conor’s hands were roaming your entire body. The kissing is messy & wet but all you want is more. It then suddenly stopped & you see Conor slowly kiss down your body, kneeling on the floor & lifts your legs up over his shoulders so he has full view of your throbbing wet pussy.
“Fuck” he whispers.
You can feel Conor slowly breathing near your clit & then he starts to suck on it slowly, almost as if he’s making out with it - using his tongue to flick it & teeth to bite it. You felt like you were in heaven. As Conor sucked, the louder your moans got & soon you felt like you were having the biggest orgasm you’ve ever had. Without warning, the fire alarm in your flat went off, piercing through your ears.
“Ah fuck dinner’s still cooking! This isn’t over Y/N!” Conor shouts as he runs back into the kitchen to put out the food on fire.
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buttercreamscenes · 7 years
Birthday Makeups - Conor Maynard
Request: Hi, if you don't mind could you write a Conor fluffy imagine? Where it's the readers birthday and he sorts out a surprise party where he sorts something out so she meets her idol (which for me is Twenty Øne Piløts but I don't mind if you don't do them). Again I don't mind if you don't, thank youuu xxx
Smut: No
Requests are CLOSED!
A/N: I don’t know if Conor has an apartment in LA or if he’s staying with Anth but for the sake of this imagine, he has one!
I hope you like it :)
“Oh, what am I going to do? It has to be perfect.” He said as he paced around his LA apartment.
“You always put so much pressure on yourself, bro.” Anth pointed out.
It was true. Conor was someone who stressed himself out when it came to things like this. Perfection was something he strived for, especially when it came to you. You’ve been having a couple bad months lately, with school and work, causing you to feel as if nothing was ever going to work in your favour. You’ve been working so hard and nothing seemed to help. But when you told Conor you had booked a flight to LA to see him, he began to worry about whether or not he could make you forget everything that was going wrong.
“I just need to make up for all the times I couldn’t be there, you know? I’m always so busy and yeah, she understands and says it’s okay but sometimes I just want to give her a normal relationship and because I know I can’t, I need to make up for it.”
The constant appearances, flights to different countries, late night studio sessions, interviews, concerts and everything else that came with being Conor Maynard definitely put a strain on your relationship. Of course, you had an idea of what you were getting yourself into when you met him but nothing would ever prepare you for the life he lived. 
“Holy shit...that’s brilliant.” He whispered to himself as his eyes landed on the album.
One Week Later
LA was sort of new to you but instead of allowing Conor to show you around, you decided to walk by yourself to see where you’d be spending the next three weeks while he was messing around in the studio...or so you thought. 
“Babe, they really need my help so can you come with me and then we can go straight to dinner afterwards?” 
Conor had called you during your walk and explained how a friend was playing a show tonight but something went wrong during his soundcheck and he needed Conor’s help. You instantly agreed since you knew how much helping his friends meant to him so soon enough, you arrived at the venue.
“So who’s this friend anyway?” You asked as you and Conor walked backstage towards the dressing rooms.
“Surprise!” You jumped at the sound of loud voices when you opened the dressing room door and almost fainted when you saw who was there. Conor had managed to convince all your friends from home to fly down for your birthday so you’d be able to feel a sense of home in LA but that’s not what really got you.
In the corner of the room, beside the table of gifts, stood two individuals you never thought you’d meet. Two people you had been obsessed with ever since you could remember. Two people you respected more than anyone.
“Meet my friends who didn’t really need help after all.” Conor said to you, placing his hand on the small of your back and leading you towards them.
“Happy birthday (y/n), we’re so excited to spend it with you.” Tyler said, wrapping his arms around you.
“Yeah, we hope you enjoy the show too and then after, we’ll make sure you forget in the morning how much fun you actually had.” Josh laughed.
“Babe...” You said, turning to Conor. “You-”
“I know I can’t always be there when you need me,” He began. “and there is nothing in the world that hurts more than that but these guys...even though they don’t know it, have gotten you through some pretty rough patches and I wanted them to be able to see the person that they have made stronger with a couple words and a tune. And I wanted you to be able to look them in the eyes and know that no matter where they or you are...and even myself...you’re going to be alright.”
“Conor Maynard,” You replied, placing your arms around his neck and putting your hands together. “You are the most amazing, warm-hearted and thoughtful person I have ever met. And I am so incredibly in love with you.” You said, pressing your lips against his.
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You’re not that bad // Conor Maynard
*smut warning*
Requested by anon 
You disliked Conor Maynard. Simple as that. You didn’t like the way girls threw themselves at him, you disliked the way your friends and flatmates would obsess over him and become beside themselves with excitement when they saw Conor leave the apartment next to yours and he gave them a smile, you disliked how he seemed to have that goddamn smile plastered on his face 24/7 and always seemed so happy.
Coincidentally Conor wasn’t your biggest fan either. He didn’t like how you were a pessimist and always found the negative side of a situation, he didn’t like how you automatically assumed he was a man hoe and he disliked how you were convinced he was a self-centred twat regardless to the fact you hardly knew anything about him at all.
Usually you would avoid interaction with Conor without problems but today that was proving to be a bit difficult. Following a long story, you’d ended up locked outside your apartment after a shower with nothing but a towel covering you, turns out there was now someone you disliked more than Conor – your flatmate.
Finally giving up hope that you’d be let into your apartment you reluctantly made your way to the door next to yours. After checking you were fully covered you knocked the door and prayed it wouldn’t be Conor that opened the door. As soon as the door opened you mentally cursed as you saw the Maynard stood there, his eyes travelled up and down your basically bare body before settling on your face and sending you a confused look. “You do realise you live next door, right?” he asked sarcastically.
You shot him a glare, “shut up smart arse, my flatmate locked me out.”
“And you’re telling me this because?”
“Conor don’t be a dick, can you help me?” you asked aggravated, you’d already had a bad enough day without him teasing you.
“Doesn’t sound like the way you talk to someone when you want help,” he smirked at you, you knew he was loving this – this was payback for all the sly remarks you’d given him over the years.
“Conor please, I’m willing to actually beg you,” your voice had started to become desperate and you knew Conor noticed because his face softened slightly and he sighed.
“Right fine, don’t lose your dignity, come in and I’ll get you some clothes to put on,” he opened the door wider to allow you to enter and grabbed your wrist, which oddly made your skin tingle, to pull you along with him as he went to his bedroom.
The moment he released you from his grip the tingling feeling disappeared and this strange longing feeling set in, craving to feel his skin against yours again. What was happening to you?
You stayed by the door and watched as he rifled around in his draws to find you some clothes. While he was distracted you allowed your eyes to scan over his body. He turned around suddenly and snapped you out of your daze, in his hand he held out a t-shirt and pair of jogging bottoms. You took them from him and offered a smile to convey your appreciation, you were surprised when he turned around to face the wall so you could get changed without you having to ask. Maybe he was more of a gentleman than you’d assumed.
“You can look now,” you told him quietly. As soon as he turned around you watched his eyes rake over your body once again, his gaze burned into your skin. Since when had Conor of all people been able to make you feel this way?
He slowly made his way closer to you until he was stood as close as he could be without actually touching you. Your body disobeyed your brain which was telling you to move away and you stayed routed to the spot awaiting his next move, a sense of excitement coursing through you.
Slowly his head started to lean towards yours and you watched in anticipation as his lips inched closer. After what felt like an eternity you felt his soft lips touch yours sending a shiver down your spine, the kiss wasn’t how you expected it to be. You assumed he would be one of those guys to give rushed and sloppy kisses but this was slow and passionate. Your arms somehow found their way around his neck and his hands grabbed your hips to tug your body flush against his.
When your lungs felt as if they were burning due to a lack of oxygen you broke the kiss. Conor’s lips, however, seemed unable to break contact with your skin as they attached themselves to your jaw instead, he left small kisses all the way from your chin to your ear.
You felt his heavy breathing against your ear as he panted against it, “do you want this?” he breathed, his words and his hot breath against your skin making pleasure shoot down your spine. You tangled your fingers through his soft hair preventing him from moving away from you.
His question was vague but you knew exactly what he was asking. Did you want him? You answered without hesitation “yes, I want this, I want you.”
He wasted no time in joining your lips again, except this time the slowness that was there before had gone and it was replaced with a new-found sense of desperation that went straight to your core. His tongue found its way into your mouth and tangled together with yours, triggering a low moan to escape you.
He pulled away from the kiss and guided you towards the bed, gently pushing you down onto the mattress. His body soon followed yours and he was hovering over you on his knees.
His hands started to slowly push the material of your top up your body and his lips followed the same path while his eyes remained locked with yours.
You let out a shaky breath as he pulled the top over your breasts, his hands lightly grazing them in his path. He didn’t stop to give any more attention to that area as you’d hoped but instead pulled the top higher and over your head.
Your disappointment was however short lived as his lips were once again hovering over yours.
You bit your lip in anticipation and heard Conor groan, causing the ache between your legs to become even more prominent. “Don’t do that,” he whispered before taking your lip between his teeth and tugging it lightly before letting it go.
He left slow and soft kisses down your neck, when he reached your collarbone he halted to suck harshly against your skin. You let out a breathy moan and tangled your fingers in his hair, holding him close to you. Once satisfied he’d left a mark he pulled away and grazed his thumb along it, proud of his work.
His hands continued the journey his lips were previously taking and they stopped when he reached your breasts. He took your left breast into his hand and massaged it roughly while on the other side he circled his tongue around the nipple and tugged on it gently.
Moans were spilling from your mouth but you were eager for his hands to travel a little further south. Finally, your wish was fulfilled and his hands started moving again, stopping for his fingers to trace the waistband of your jogging bottoms. You arched your hips to assist him to remove the material from your body but he pushed you back down as his lips replaced his fingers.
His teasing was becoming torturous but Jesus it was turning you on. His hands moved so slowly you barely noticed him staring to remove your last piece of clothing until his hands came close to where you wanted, no needed him most.
You whined as his hands stroked over your thighs but avoided the area between your legs which was aching with anticipation. Suddenly he slipped one of his fingers through your wet folds and you lifted your hips towards him to try and increase the pressure while moaning his name. He pushed your body back to the bed once again and held you there with a hand on your hip.
When you felt a finger slip into you another moan was released from your mouth and your hand grabbed onto his wrist that was pinning you down for support, “more,” you breathed out as you clenched your eyes shut.
“What was that?” he asked, you could tell he was smirking just by his tone of voice.
“I need more Conor,” you whined as his finger moved at a pace that was far too slow for your liking. He fulfilled your request but instead of adding another finger as expected he added two and drastically increased his pace making your toes curl in pleasure.  
The moment he touched your clit was the moment you lost it. Your grip on his wrist tightened and you screamed out his name as your back arched and you met your orgasm. God this boy was good.
After you’d come down from your high you opened your eyes to spot Conor’s face directly above yours. Without any warning, you pulled him down to connect your lips, your legs wrapped around his waist to pull his body onto yours. “I want you Conor,” you whispered in his ear and then pushed your hips into his and sucked on the spot behind his ear, successfully earning a moan from him.
“I want you too,” he groaned and you pulled his top off before smashing your lips together with his.
Your hands ran down his sides and when you reached the waistband of his trousers and you slipped a hand underneath to grab his bulge through the material of his boxers. He groaned into your mouth and pulled away to bury his face in the crook of your neck, pressing kisses to your skin and leaving hickeys there.
You stopped teasing him and pushed his clothing from his hips and he kicked them off his legs. As soon as you saw his length uncovered you knew you needed him and quickly.
“Conor, please,” you panted out.
“What do you want Y/N?”
“I want you.”
“Come on, tell me what you want me to do gorgeous,” he breathed into your ear then started nibbling on it. you clenched your thighs together desperate to feel something.
“I want you to fuck me,” you whimpered.
You felt him run himself through your wetness before positioning himself at your entrance and eventually pushing into you. You both moaned in sync as a feeling of pure ecstasy engulfed you both.
His hips moved quickly as you both neared your highs, his face was pushed into your neck and his heavy breathing against your skin was making you feel even more turned on. His hands were tightly gripping your hips and you were clinging onto him, arms wrapped around his shoulders, nails digging into the skin slightly as you tried to control the overwhelming pleasure coursing through your body.
“Conor,” you screamed out, your body shaking as you reached your orgasm. He kept thrusting into you at a fast past which became increasingly sloppier as he too reached a state of euphoria.
“Y/N,” he groaned into your skin and everything tingled as you realised you were the one that was able to make him feel as good as he made you feel.
His body collapsed onto yours and you both led there panting while still clinging onto each other. As you led there the feelings of anger you usually felt when around Conor had disappeared, instead there was something else there – something that was making you skin tingle and heart beat a bit faster.
He rolled over and pulled your body with his, you looked up to see him already looking at you. He had that smile on his face which you usually despised but this time it bought butterflies out in your stomach.
His warm arms wrapped around your waist made you feel safe and his body heat seemed to be radiating to make you feel warm inside.
“You know, you’re not as bad as I thought you were,” Conor murmured looking down at you and resting his hand on your cheek while his thumb ran tenderly over your lips.
“I was thinking the exact same thing,” you replied with a coy smile and kissed his thumb.
In your mind, you started to thank your flatmate for locking you out in the first place and now to be truly honest you couldn’t care less if she never let you back in again because you’d happily stay here with Conor getting to know the real Conor Maynard forever and falling for him as you did so.
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Daddy |Conor Maynard|
|Word Count - 1,833|
|Request - No|
|Warning - It’s SMUT|
“You know you’re like really really hot?” You mumbled into Jack’s ear rubbing your lips onto his ear softly. He hesitantly chuckled holding you in his lap looking around at the other boys. Jack caught the cold stare from his brother which made him confused. He thought his brother hated (Y/N). He looked away from his brother as he felt you start to kiss his neck. 
“(Y/N). We’re in public and you’re drunk.” Jack said making you lazily giggle. Blowing the hair out of your eyes, you looked at Jack smirking. 
“So what? You aren’t going to take advantage of me right?” You asked him finding his sweet spot. He let out a light moan closing his eyes as his hands tightened around your waist. You could see Caspar and Joe walk out of the room towards the kitchen, they probably felt awkward watching you. That only left Conor and Alex in the room, the joy that washed over you thinking that the boy that hates you is watching you rub up on his baby brother.
“Maybe we should take this home?” Jack offered squeezing the back of your thighs.
“Sure Daddy.” Maybe you shouldn’t have said those words, maybe you shouldn’t have said that in front of two other boys in the room. Maybe you shouldn’t have said that in front of the boy who hated your guts with a passion. 
“Let’s go.” Jack raised you off of him helping you stand up. You grabbed your clutch and jacket waiting to grab Jack’s arm.You looked over at the other side of the room to see Conor staring at you with a frown on his face. You raised your eyebrows at him as you grabbed onto his brothers arm.
“Thanks for having us over Conor. You’re going to be fine with us leaving early?” Jack asked his brother smiling at him. Conor tilted his head to the side looking at his brother. 
“Sure yeah.” He mumbled watching the  both of you walk towards the door, Alex had already said goodbye and was gone. Just as you both were aout to reach the door, you heard Conor’s steps getting closer to the both of you. 
“Actually no.” Conor roughly grabbed your arm yanking you back towards him. Your eyes widened when you felt his hand slide down to your ass. Jack rolled his eyes at his brother figuring out what this was, this wasn’t the first time the both of you had slept together. You and Conor had tried to keep the sex a secret by hating each other more but Jack had seen right through it. He knew the both of you were fucking and it shocked him to know that you both still hated each other. You turned towards Jack offering him an apologetic smile watching him walk out the flat. Once the door was shut, you turned back to Conor. 
“You called him daddy?” Conor asked, voice laced with tequila. You shook your head closing your eyes at the feel of Conor’s touch on your back.
“What? It was nothing Con.” You mumbled kissing his cheek as you placed your hands behind his neck. Conor backed you up against the front door pushing you into it. 
“You called him what?” Conor urged forcefully biting your lip making you suck in breaths. His hands went up and under your top as he angrily massaged your breasts, you liked this Conor better. 
“D-Daddy.” You mewed as you felt the on coming hickey. He looked back at you before smashing his lips back onto yours. He moaned into the kiss as your hands traveled down to the front of his jeans. 
“You don’t deserve it.” Conor mumbled making you whine. He grabbed the back of your legs pulling you up to wrap around his waist. Conor walked across the livingroom before dropping you down onto the couch. You landed with an ‘umph’ from the sudden drop but it was noting to complain about. 
“Don’t want a noise complaint so you need to stay quiet baby girl.” Conor said smirking as he pulled his shirt off standing above you. He threw his shirt to the side before straddling your thighs. Looking down at you with a certain glint in his eyes, he started to run his hands up and down your sides.
“Does he touch you the way I do?” Conor whispered running his hand up under your top and squeezing your nipple. With your eyes closed, you shook your head no as you groaned at the feel of shocks going through the left side of your chest. 
“Eyes open.” Conor ordered twisting your nipple. You let out a little squeal at his rough yet soft touch. He pulled his hand from under your top and went down to your shorts. 
“Does he give the same feelings that I do? Huh? Does he?” Conor asked softly pinching the inside of your thigh before working the buttons on your shorts. He pulled your legs up with one hand and pulled your shorts off with the other. You watched his broad hands run up from your ankles to your hips and back.
“Answer the question.” Conor mumbled picking your leg up and planting small kisses on the back of your calf. You let a little giggle but stopped when he placed your legs around his waist. He stared down at you with a quirked eyebrow.
“No he doesn’t.” You breathed anxious to what Conor would do.
“But who does?” Conor asked starting to pull your panties down your thighs. 
“You do.” You whispered rolling your hips up indirectly asking Conor to do something. He let out a little chuckle before looking at you seriously.
“And what’s my name?” Conor asked making you groan in annoyance. He slapped the back of your thighs unsatisfied with your response.
“D-Daddy.” You let uneasy as you were unsure of what he would say.
“You’re so good for me baby girl.” Conor said getting down on his stomach before scooting closer in between your open legs. He let out a groan at the sight of how wet you were for him and he hadn’t even done anything yet. You have to bite your fist at the feeling of Conor’s lips on you because fuck this boy had some weird affect on you. He had no mercy with you, even as you shook, even as you continuously moaned out his name, even as you wrapped your fingers in his soft brown hair tugging every time he gave you that right feeling, even as you tightened you thighs around his head begging him to not stop.
“Don’t stop.” You whisper yelping when Conor pulls your clit in between his teeth. You let out a whine begging him to do something because you were pretty sure you were about to explode in pure pleasure. Tugging at his hair, you shut your eyes tight at the pleasure he was bringing you. Conor was pleased at the whines and whimpers you gave as you went through an orgasm that you were pretty sure left your mind shattered.
Your eyes blink open and focus on a panting Conor who’s face was glistening from what he had just done. He gave a cheeky face as he wiped his mouth on his arm before leaning back onto the other side of the couch. You got up and went down to his jeans helping him get out of the tight black confinement. He emits a deep sigh when you start to pull the tight pants down his legs. Tossing the jeans to the side, you run your hand over the outline of himself through his dark colored boxers.
“Come up here.” Conor panted pulling at your arms. Dropping your hands onto his chest, Conor pulled you into a kiss you could swear set your blood on fire.
“Wanna...suck you...off.” You mumbled in between making Conor let out a little growl. You pulled away from the kiss with a small frown on your face, you honestly wanted to return the favor.
“Not tonight Princess.” Before you could respond, he wrapped his arm around flipping the both of you over on the small couch. You let a little giggle at the feeling the cold leather couch gave. He leaned back straddling your bare hips and looked down at you in complete adoration. He traced his fingers up and down your arms as if he was seeing beauty for the first time.
“You’re honestly so beautiful.” He mumbled with a small smile on his face. You felt the small blush cover your cheeks as you mentally melted at him. Cupping the sides of his face, you ran your thumb over his soft plump lips. You pull him down for a kiss and he never looks away after that. Not even when he pulls himself from his boxers, not when he leads the leaking head up against your slit, not when he squeezes your thighs to help you slide up to make it easier on the both of you, and for sure not when you helped hit the right spot.
Leaning forward and using his shoulders as support, you pressed your forehead to his unable to keep you eyes open for any longer due to the feeling of him stretching your tight walls. His hands held onto your hips so tight that you swore you could the oncoming bruises forming. Having Conor’s mouth attached to your neck and his hands praising everything between your ass and shoulders just makes everything feel just as real.
“Baby girl you're so good.” He breathes out into your ear as your hips grind back onto his. Not being able to find your voice, you hope that he knows you feel the same way by the way you’re clinging to him. Conor seems to read the signs and slips his hand between the both of you to work on your clit. He thrusts into you a couple more times, moaning when you tighten yourself around him. Digging your nails into his shoulder blades and in his soft curls, you fight the feeling of going completely limp in his arms. He latches his arms around giving you better support as he bucks into you seething curses into your ear while he spills into you, filling you with warmth.
Conor gives you a soft peck before rolling off of you and sitting up next to the couch on the floor. He offers you his shirt that you gladly take because you start to realize that it’s cold in his flat.
“So you have a daddy kink?” Conor asks wiggling his eyebrows at you. Blushing, you slap his back not wanting to go towards that subject.
“We should go on a date.” You suggested making Conor nod his head along with you. You grab your underwear giving Conor an awkward smile.
“We can shower if you want.” Conor mumbled making you raise your eyebrow at the word we.
“You thought we were done?” 
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It's Over-Conor Maynard imagine
You and Conor had been dating for over two years now but within the past couple of weeks things just weren’t the same. Connor had been ignoring you,he was always making excuses to be somewhere and when you tried to ask him why he was doing this he just completely blanked you and said he does end know what you are talking about. It was a Friday night and Conor had forced you to go out with him and the rest of the buttercreams. You didn’t really mind as you enjoyed going to bars and just hanging out with the boys. You were putting on your makeup in yours and Conor’s bedroom.Once he finished getting changed he shouted at you “hurry up you slag, we need to go” It was at that moment then when you realised there was no fixing your relationship and you had thought of the perfect way to end it with him
—————time skip—————-
You sat in a booth with the boys, various alcoholic beverages around the table. You had sat in between Conor and jack. Through the night you flirted with jack, when you were sat next to him you pushed your arms together pushing your boobs up making them more visible to jack. You could see he was getting uncomfortable,I mean you are his brothers girlfriend after all. But by the end of the night you hoped to be in the other Maynards bed, yes,your plan was to cheat on Conor with his own brother. You stood up climbing over jack to get out of the booth, pushing your bum on his crutch slightly. You heard a quiet groan leave his lips, you smiled to yourself knowing he was getting horny. You grasped his hand and pulled him up “Lets dance!!” You say leading him to the dance floor,the boys other follow behind.After a while of dancing you grab jack and pull him towards you by his shirt and run your fingers through his hair tugging on it slightly.You look up at him biting your lip, his eyes are filled with lust,he wants you. The song changes and you begin to grind your bum against his crutch,his hands on your hips pulling you closer to him. He begins sucking on your sweet spot while he does this you make dead eye contact with Conor then give him a cheeky smirk he looks angry.He turns away from you and heads towards the bar.You re gain your attention to jack, turning around so you are now facing him.You reach your hand down and begin palming him, he moans slightly.You then tilt your head up and begin making out with him,he grabs your arse “jump” he says. You do as he says and wrap your legs round his waist, he carries you outside. “You have been teasing me all night and now your going to get punished” he growled in your ear
————–time skip—————–
Your now in jacks bedroom,your both fully naked and he is on top of you making out with you hungrily without warning he inserts three fingers inside you, you scream out his name in pleasure as he thrusts them inside of you quickly “jack!!!” You scream “I’m gonna cu-” “It’s okay baby” jack replied as he continues to push his fingers in and out of you until you cum all over his fingers. You lay on his bed out of breath “I’m not done with you yet” jack says He flips you over and does you doggy. Let’s just say you didn’t get and sleep that night
(The next day)
Yousat in a small cafe with Conor and jack the next morning. The sexual tension between you and jack was unbelievable. “ I know what happened last night” conor says breaking the silence, he looks at you both angrily “It’s your fault for being such a prick all the time! ” you shout back at him “SO YOU GO AND FUCK MY BROTHER!?!” He shouts earning some strange looks from round the cafe “YES!AND HE WAS ALOT BETTER THAN YOU ANYWAYS!!” You shout at conor “IF YOUR THAT MAD ABOUT IT YOU WOULD OF TREATED ME PROPERLY!!” You continue you shout,“I’m sorry Conor but if you really loved me that much you would of actually listened to me” Conor looked at tog with a mix of emotions,fear,hate and sadness. He had just lost the love of his life because he was ignorant “I’m sorry Conor” you say beginning to tear up a bit, you wasted over two years on him. Conor had really messed up big time. Then you spoke the two words you both thought neither of you would ever say to each other
“It’s Over”
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Red Wine: Breakfast - Conor Maynard
Word Count: 3376
Warnings: NSFW content under the cut
So, the Red Wine Series has gotten a part two finally! Please let me know how you liked it, comment, and maybe reblog?
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Conor woke up when warm rays of sunlight were filling his bedroom with a golden light. He smiled when he saw that Vee was still peacefully asleep, her hand brushing his lightly as she faced him. They must have stayed like that for most of the night. Conor admired her relaxed features, relieved that last night had not been a dream. He frowned a bit after he realized what had happened. He had kissed his brother’s best friend. He wasn’t sure whether Jack would be so fond of that. But, he reminded himself, she had kissed back, and she had smiled into the kiss. And she had cuddled him until the both went to his bed. It had felt so damn good, in fact, it still felt amazing to have her next to him like that. He decided that he would try not worry so much about it now, he would just enjoy having her in his bed, all his, at least for this moment. He didn’t dare to move, for he didn’t want to wake her up. She was slowly getting used to the different time zone, but he thought that she still had some sleep to catch up to.
Conor tried to focus on how peaceful she looked, so he didn’t have to think about what would happen next. Should he kiss her, when she woke up? He really wanted to, remembering how soft and amazing her lips had felt on his. But did she want him to?
“Did you watch me sleep?”, Vee whispered, startling him. Conor had been so lost in thought that he didn’t notice her waking up.
“Er… no?”, Conor said, grinning at her because he had been caught red-handed. Vee giggled, making Conor feel butterflies in his stomach.
What they did now, was coming so naturally that Conor wondered how he could have ever questioned it. Vee snuggled up to him, touching his cheek lightly as she beamed up at him. He cupped her face with his hand carefully, before he finally pressed his lips to hers. Although it was barely more than a peck, it felt just like it had the night before. The butterflies in his stomach were revolting now, and although that made him feel excited and giddy, having Vee here calmed him down deep within. He never felt something as confusing before. He didn’t mind though, he got to kiss her, and he could hold her, and that made him very happy.
“Good morning”, Vee said lightly. Conor watched her face light up in the most adorable way.
“Good morning”, he replied. This was by far the best morning he had had in a long time.
Vee laid her head on his chest again, enjoying how she could hear his heartbeat. She snuggled even closer to him tangling one of her legs between his. That was, until she felt something hard at her thigh. She frowned in confusion and glanced up at Conor.
“Is that…?”, she asked, amusement evident in her eyes.
“Sorry”, Conor said and blushed, moving away from her gently.
“Don’t be”, Vee chuckled. Conor was for sure not the first boy she’s been with, so morning wood was something that wasn’t new to her. She knew how to get rid of it, too. Vee contemplated whether she should help him out, or whether that was too early. Conor was important to her, she didn’t want to mess up, especially since things had gone so well until now. She looked up at him again, interpreted the faint glimmer in his eyes as lust and decided to just go with it.
“I could help you out, if you want to”, she said far less confident than it had sounded in her head. She could feel Conor tense up a bit underneath of her, and she was about to take her offer back, when he finally replied.
“You would…?”, Conor said, and swallowed. Vee loved how his face had turned a faint shade of pink, and she was sure that if she had been still in contact with his crotch, the bulge would feel even bigger now.
“Yes”, Vee said, and finally she sounded as confident as she wanted to. Conor smiled up at her, being unusually coy, and nodded.
Vee kissed him, shortly first, then with a bit more passion and tongue. Her right hand found its way in his hair while she began to straddle him, carefully avoiding his sensitive area, so she could kiss him for a bit longer. Her other hand slowly slid down his shirt, while he carefully held her by the waist. She played a bit with the hem of the fabric, until she touched his soft skin underneath of it. Vee felt him inhale a bit sharper at that, making her smile into the kiss.
“Take it off”, Vee whispered between kisses and tugged a bit at his shirt. Conor quickly pulled it over his head, eager to have her lips on his again. Vee let her hand wander over his exposed torso while she kissed him. Conor grabbed her hips a bit tighter this time, letting out a tiny moan when he accidentally pulled her a bit too far up, so she touched his boner. The sound was like music to Vee’s ears, and she couldn’t wait to find out how he’d sound when she sucked him off. She kissed him on the lips once before she moved to kiss his jaw, his neck, his collarbone. She noticed how he had let out another tiny moan as she had kissed that one particular spot, so she brushed her lips over it one more time. It was so tempting to suck on it and leave a mark.
“You have to perform tomorrow, right?”, Vee asked, purposely blowing a bit of warm air over his sweet spot.
“Y-Yes”, Conor breathily replied, one of his hands moving up to touch her hair.
“Pity”, Vee said before she slowly licked over the spot and kissed it one last time, moving further downward. She placed tiny kissed on his skin, starting at the collar bone and continued until she was at the waistband of Conor’s joggers. She let her lips hover over his sensitive skin, watching in awe as he bit his lip. Her eyes didn’t leave his as she cupped his bulge with her hand, earning another sweet moan from him. Both of his hands were now tangled in her hair, and she loved how he carefully played with it while he watched her in awe. Vee got her hands on his joggers, slightly tugging on them. Conor got the hint, moving his back up a bit so she could slide them down his legs, along with his boxers. She swallowed a bit as she saw Conor’s cock spring free and felt a certain ache between her legs as she saw how hard and ready he was. There was a drop of precum leaking from the swollen tip, making Vee wonder how he tasted. She looked back up at him, finding him studying her face. There was a slight expression of worry on his face, so Vee took one of his hands in hers.
“What’s wrong?”, she asked gently.
“I… do you like… it?”, he asked lightly. Vee gently squeezed his hand and nodded.
“Relax”, she said and smiled up at him. Conor did indeed look a bit less insecure, finally letting loose a bit. He cupped her cheek gently, before his hands moved back up to her hair.
She looked at him one more time, silently asking for permission, which she could find in his eyes and in the small smile. So she took his cock in her hand, gently stroking up from base to tip and spread the precum around his head. She could feel him tense up at her actions, and as she looked up to check on him, she found that he had thrown his head back in pleasure. She pumped his cock in her hand for a few more times, before she leaned down to put her mouth on it. She blew a bit of air on his head and the moan that she earned from Conor made her stomach clench. Vee made sure she had eye contact with Conor again, before she placed a gentle kiss on it. Seeing him squirm, hearing him make these heavenly sounds had her moan out in pleasure, too. She brushed her lips up and down his cock before she started to lick the tip lightly, swirling her tongue over his little slit and finally tasting him. She licked his shaft up and down, sometimes slow, sometimes a little bit harder, while her hand played with his balls. Conor was vocal, and Vee loved how his tongue curled around her name. It filled her with pride, how fucked out he already looked, and he had yet to cum.
“Do you like that?”, she asked after she had gently sucked on his tip.
“Y-Yeah”, Conor moaned.
She kept sucking at his tip for a bit, feeling his cock throbbing in her hand.
“I-“, Conor moaned, “I’m close. If you don’t want to get it in your mouth- “
He was cut off by her as she put his cock fully in her mouth, earning the loudest moan yet. She wrapped her hand around the part of him that she could not reach with her lips and began to bob her head up and down. Conor moaned one last time, before he shot his load inside of her mouth, panting as she moved him through his orgasm. Vee swallowed every drop of it, enjoying how Conor looked, sounded and tasted.
When he was done, she let his cock go with a wet ‘pop’ and licked her lips. She smiled at him proudly, having him all sweaty and flushed, all for her.
“That was amazing”, Conor said between his ragged breaths.
Vee beamed up at him, feeling how wet she had become, and nodded.
“I’m going to brush my teeth real quick”, Vee said and squeezed his hand, leaving him to come down from it.
Conor laid in bed for a few more moments, still processing what had happened. This had been the best blowjob he had ever received, by far. Seeing her sucking him off, her full lips wrapped around his cock, her pretty eyes locked with his, her hair a mess, just turned him on so much that he had to be careful not to pop another boner right there. And she was still wearing his shirt. It made the whole thing so much hotter. He took another deep breath, slowly coming down from his high, and decided that he should give her what she had given him, too. So, he got up, put his boxers back on, and went to find Vee in the bathroom.
He gently knocked on the door and entered after Vee had told him to. She was just rinsing her mouth; her hair was still a mess from his hands. He went up to her and wrapped his arms around her frame after he saw her smiling at him in the mirror. She dried her mouth with a towel before she turned around in his arms, flashing him that kind of smile that he had learned to love because it made the butterflies go crazy, once again. He leaned down and kissed her lips that were still plump from the blowie, starting of softly, and as he felt her respond, he let the kiss become gradually more heated. His hands found their way to her waist again, gently playing with the hem of her -his- shirt and touching her skin underneath of it. Vee’s hands moved from his neck to his chest to his waist, leaving his skin tingling in a very nice way. He gently backed her up against the counter, grabbing her bum and lifting her up to set her down onto it. She opened her legs to let him step closer to her, before she hooked them around his waist. Conor pulled away from her lips, making her pout, but he quickly reattached them on her neck. He could feel her breathing speed up even more, while he played with the hem of the shirt again, and finally began to pull it up and off her. His eyes wandered down to her bare body, admiring how perfect she looked to him.
“So pretty”, he mumbled, before he attached his lips to her neck again. Conor still had one hand on her cheek and he felt her face become a bit warmer. When he looked, he could see that she was blushing. He moved his hands slowly up her body, discovering every inch of her skin, when he finally reached her breasts, she moaned out softly, just like the one he had heard from her as she had been going down on him.
“You tell me when you want me to stop, okay?”, Conor whispered in her ear before he softly nibbled on her earlobe. She nodded lightly, before tangling her hands in his hair and lightly pulling on it. He let his lips travel down to her collarbone, before leaning down and placing light kisses on her breasts. Conor gently sucked on one of her nipples, his hand massaged her other breast. She moaned loudly when Conor bit down on her nip carefully and as he looked up to make sure she was moaning out in pleasure and not in pain, he saw how her face looked when she moaned out his name. It was driving him crazy.
He let his lips wander lower, pressing tiny kisses around her bellybutton before he was reaching her leggings. He lightly hooked his thumbs in her waistband, looking up at her for permission. She nodded and helped him to get rid of her leggings and panties, leaving her sitting naked on the counter in front of him.
She subconsciously closed her legs a bit, making him frown. He rubbed comforting circles on her thigh while he looked up at her again.
“You’re so bloody beautiful, do you know that?”, he asked and reached for her hand. She looked at him bashfully, but a small smile played with her lips.
“Trust me”, he whispered and looked up at her. He wasn’t going to do anything that would make her feel uncomfortable. She took a deep breath and nodded, squeezing his hand.
“Okay”, she said and let him spread her legs, finally letting him look at her core. Conor began to place light kisses on her thighs, gradually coming closer to where he could see she’d need him.
“So wet already, just for me”, he said contently before he hooked her legs around his shoulders, so he had better access to her sensitive parts.
He kissed her on her thigh one last time before blowing a bit of hot air to her core. He had absolutely loved it when she had done this to him earlier, and he was pleased to see that this had the same effect on her as well. Her hands tangled themselves in his curls, tugging at them impatiently. He placed his hands at her waist so he could spread her legs apart a little bit more, before he finally, finally got to taster her. He placed a gentle kiss at her clit, making her moan a little. Conor began to lick her slit in slow strokes, enjoying how she moved around him.
“Is that okay?”, he asked in between some strokes.
“Yeah”, she almost moaned. “Keep going.” Her voice cracked a little at the end.
So, Conor proceeded to lick her pussy, varying in speed and intensity, before he finally pushed his tongue inside her. She moaned loudly at that and pulled at his hair, but he loved every second of it. He fucked her with his tongue for a bit, looking for that one spot that would drive her wild. And finally, he found it.
“Con”, Vee cried out in pleasure, “r-right there.” He had a hard time holding her down on the counter right now, because her legs began to shake as he kept hitting that spot.
“I- I’m close”, Vee panted, and as Conor looked up, he could see how she had thrown her head back in pleasure.
What sent her off was Conor’s thumb pressed against her clit along with him hitting that special spot inside of her. She cried out, and he could feel her clenching around his tongue before she finally found her release. He kept licking her through her orgasm and cleaned her up when she was done.
Finally, he grinned up at her and enjoyed how fucked out she looked.
“That was amazing”, she said, before she pulled him back up for a kiss, tasting herself on him.
“You are amazing”, he said as they pulled apart.
“So… do you want to join me in the shower?”, she asked and by the way she looked up at him all innocent, he knew that she really just wanted to shower.
“Sure”, he said and helped her off the counter.
“I might have to borrow some shampoo from you”, she said and grinned at him.
“No way”, he said in mock surprise, before he laid out two big towels.
He held the shower door open for Vee to step in, took his boxers off, and went in right after her.
The rain shower head was big enough so they could both stand under it and nobody got cold. Vee waited until her hair was completely wet, before she reached for the shampoo bottle, but Conor had already grabbed it and poured some of the shampoo on his hands.
“Can I wash your hair?”, he asked with the most adorable grin that Vee had ever seen on him. She turned around so he could reach it, and she thought that he did a really good job. He even massaged her scalp for a bit. When Vee went to return the favour, Conor had to bend down so low that it just looked ridiculous to her. She burst out laughing, and Conor joined in.
“I’m just going to do it”, he said and tried to get the rest of the shampoo from her hands. They joked around for a bit until they were both clean and dry, wrapped up in their towels.
Vee combed through her hair while Conor began to shave his face.
“Don’t you think it’s crazy?”, Vee asked when she was done.
“What?”, Conor turned around, half of his face still covered in shaving cream.
“This”, Vee smiled and motioned first to him, then to her.
“Yes”, Conor smiled and put his razor on the counter, “but I like crazy.” He then pulled her into a kiss and when he pulled away, Vee’s face was also partially covered in shaving cream. She giggled.
“Yeah. Me too.”
“Vee?”, Conor asked and trusted his gut, “do you want to be my girlfriend?”
And there was that smile again, one that had her all weak in the knees. It was becoming her favourite right now. It also made any doubt about asking her too soon disappear.
“Yes”, she whispered and pulled him in for another kiss, one full of smiling and shaving cream. When they parted, Conor pulled her into him by her waist and looked at them in the mirror. There was shaving cream smeared over both of their faces, but other than that, they looked very happy.
Vee tried to get most of the shaving cream from her face, and when she had it in her hands, she smeared it on Conor’s face.
“I believe you weren’t done shaving, boyfriend”, she said and giggled.
Conor really liked the sound of that, so he giggled, too, and resumed to shave his face, while Vee washed the shaving cream of.
“So, what do you want for breakfast, girlfriend?”, he asked her when he was done.
“What’s in your fridge?”, she asked. And as he was silent for a second, she added: “Is there anything in your fridge?”
“Nope, I’m taking you out.”
“Oh, like our first date?”, she asked and hugged him again. “Then I want to have pancakes.”
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elsehuggs · 6 years
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this is so funny and such a bop omggggg
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jackncon · 6 years
Friends or more? Prompt masterlist
prompts from this list 
Your lips are getting really close to mine
I don’t know how I got a boner, its how you were eating the ice cream I bet!
I was listening to that love song and you came to my mind. Weird, right? 
Are you trying to turn me on?
I wish we could stay like this forever + cuddle with me? 
I’m not jealous, but, like, movie night is for you and me only
Why’d you let go of me?
How come I always end up calling you when I can’t fall asleep? 
I’m holding your hand because the movie is scary, alright? It’s a... terrifying... rom-com...
I could get used to waking up next to you, actually
We always share blankets on the couch, I’m sure sharing the bed is fine too
I had this dream you kissed me, and I kind of want to try it now
Why is your hand on my ass?
I’m personally offended you didn’t get me to be your fake date
How come I always end up calling you when I can’t fall asleep?
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jackstarlight · 7 years
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I need Conor Maynard in my life😍
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