#conrad hawkins fanfiction
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Pairing: Conrad Hawkins x Reader
What happens when the love of your life loses the one that he loved?
The one he built a home with.
The one he had a child with.
What do you do when the love of your life loses the love of his life?
It wasn’t something she had planned. To fall in love with him. It was slow. Gradual. Like the morning sun rising on a summer’s day. There was a time when she was oblivious to it all. The way he’d smile. How his face lit up when he saw her. How his body relaxed when she entered his space. She was oblivious to it all until she wasn’t. Sometimes she wishes she still was because it didn’t matter how many times she told herself this was wrong; it felt right.
It wasn’t intentional. She didn’t plan it. Mostly, she would call it a coincidence. How she would end up in the hospital with an injury or wound. How he would be the one to supervise her care. Sometimes she would be coming in for check ups and he’d just appear. Like he knew she’d be there.
She knew too much already. Short snippets from his friends of how he lost Nic. How he was left a widow, single father and mourning lover all in one night. She never brought it up. Neither did he. Gigi was his constant now. His sun. The anchor that kept him standing. The person who pulled him home. She adored Gigi. A wonderful child with an intelligent mind far beyond her years.
‘She got that from Nic’.
He told her that once when they were both sharing a coffee in the hospital cafe. She had come in to visit a friend who was going into surgery. He happened to be going on a break. It was natural. Smooth. Every time they met, it was like tieing a new knot to the invisibile string that kept pulling them closer together.
She had met all his friends. He had met some of hers. They became each others’ friends and at times she found that they all ended up at the same places: the local bar in town, sometimes restuarants and even at parties for their fellow friends.
It was all a coincidence after all because the love of her life had lost the love of his life. She had no intention of stepping her foot into something that was not hers. A life that did not belong to her. A man that she adored and his daughter who came to adore her.
After all, what do you do when the love of your life loses the love of his life?
You love him from afar even if it breaks your very soul.
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drelizabethgreene · 5 months
Any Fandom Fluff Bingo Bingo #1
Translation: I recently got my first Bingo on my @anyfandomfluffbingo card! If you're looking for some reading in the last few days of 2023, here are the stories that formed the Bingo. (This is only a one-way Bingo; not a cover-all...I still have 11 squares to fill.)
#1: Dynamic Sensory Contrast
Fandom: The Resident
Pairing: KitBell
Square filled: Regular Customer
#2: Undercover Lover
Fandom: Law and Order: SVU
Pairing: Bensler
Square filled: Bodyguard AU (credit to @creativepromptsforwriting for the full prompt, which is in the beginning notes)
#3: Goodwin-Sharpe Family Restaurant
Fandom: New Amsterdam
Pairing: Sharpwin
Square filled: Grand Gestures
#4: Take the Load Off and Stay Awhile
Fandom: The Resident
Pairing: KitBell
Square Filled: Damsel in Distress
#5: Three to One
Fandom: The Resident
Pairing: CoNic
Square Filled: "Will you just shut up and kiss me already?"
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kookicat · 2 years
The Longest Night
He's flat on his back, a blanket haphazardly dragged over his body, when Devon finds him. One arm is curled over his chest, the other flung across the bed like he's reaching for something. Even in the dim light of the rarely used exam room, he's pasty, brow tense, even dozing. His hair is damp with sweat around his hairline, lips rough and chapped. The shadows under his eyes look like bruises. One socked foot flexes as he shifts, tugging at the blanket to cover a bit more of his body as a hard shiver passes through him. 
Devon thinks about backing out of the room, leaving the other man to the rest he so obviously needs, but he can't, so he crosses the room and shakes the blonde man's shoulder gently. 
"This better be an emergency," Conrad mutters, voice hoarse, without opening his eyes. A cough rattles through him, harsh enough to make Devon wince in sympathy. It makes Conrad curl up, one arm around his ribs until the spasm passes.   
"Gotta trauma heading in. Male, fell from a height. Ten minutes or so," Devon says and shakes the coffee he's holding. "Figured you might need this." He puts it down on the table next to the other man's head and backs off to lean in the doorway. "You should go home," he adds softly. "You look like hell." 
"Can't," Conrad says, shortly, and forces himself upright, the movement lacking any of his normal ease or grace. The lines between his eyebrows are cut deep, a sure sign he has a splitting headache. "This damn flu is wrecking the hospital. All the ER docs rang in sick." He rubs his forehead with one hand, pressing his fingers into his temple like he can dig the headache out of his skull. “There’s just me and you left standing,”
"I have some ibuprofen in my-" Devon offers, stopping short when Conrad waves a hand.
"Took some an hour ago," Conrad says and turns his head, sneezing hard enough to make his fingers clench on the blanket. He dumps the tissue into the bin by the bed. "I can take another dose of acetaminophen soon," he says and glances at his watch. "I'll manage." He takes a swig of the coffee, shooting Devon a grateful look, and shifts again, visibly gathering his energy before he stands and forces his shoes on. "Six hours until morning," he mutters and slips out of the door, with Devon close behind. 
The patient transport team wheel the gurney out of the trauma bay and most of the staff head out with it, leaving Nic and Conrad alone in the messy space. 
"Nice catch," Nic says, and strips off her gloves. "
"Than-" Conrad starts, the word breaking off into a cough that feels like it's shattering his ribs. Vivid stars flare across his eyes and he tries to relax, not fight his body, but it makes everything hurt. Makes him want to curl up into a little ball and sleep until the ache stops. 
"Hey," Nic says, and warm hands land on his cheek and back, rubbing soothing circles as the cough eases. "Just breathe. Slow breaths." She nudges him backwards until his legs collide with the single stool in the exam bay and he sits heavily, leaning forward, chest heaving as he catches his breath. 
One hand braces his head, the other idly rubbing his aching ribs. "That fucking sucked," he mutters hoarsly. 
A full bottle of water lands in his lap, the chill soaking through his scrubs and making him shiver. "Sip that," Nic says, and he unscrews the cap with hands that are still shaking. 
Every bit of him aches, a nasty dull pain that he can't quite shake, even with the pills. He's freezing, suddenly, and mutely tugs Nic close by the hem of her scrub top. The shivers are enough to make him clench his teeth to stop them chattering and that makes his headache throb more. 
She comes willingly, pressing against him, one hand automatically combing through his hair in silent comfort, the other slipping a thermometer into his ear. It beeps, and she glances at the display, sighing unhappily. "Conrad…" 
"I know," he starts, and has to clear his throat before he can continue. "Can't do anything, there's no one to cover. It'd mean diverting and-" he shrugs, voice trailing off, because they both know the chaos that would cause. Another coughing fit hits him, and he wraps his arm around his ribs, leaning on Nic until it passes. Her warmth feels good, soothing and a pang of longing shoots through him. Wish we were both at home and in bed. 
"Come on," she says, and tugs his hair, gently. "You get a banana bag and some more meds while I try to find cover." 
She leads him to an empty bay in the ER- they've been lucky, so far, with mostly minor stuff that the interns and nurses can deal with. He follows silently, folding down onto the bed like his strings have been cut, leaning into her hand when she cups his cheek. 
"Stay," she says and flips a blanket over him. "I'll be back in a couple of minutes to hook you up." 
He smiles at her. "Thank you," he says, and blinks heavily, glancing at his watch. Four hours to go, he thinks with a grimace. It feels like a lifetime and he’s honestly not sure how he’s going to get through the remaining time, because he's running on fumes already. The thought of more coffee makes his stomach churn. He shifts, tugging the blanket higher, and leans back against the bed, not bothering to hold back a yawn. 
By the time she gets back, he's dozing, a pillow wadded under his head, the blanket pulled up to his shoulders. He's paler than earlier, a faint sheen of sweat on his forehead.  
Devon arrives in the bay at the same time, exchanging worried looks with Nic. 
"How's he doing?" Devon asks. "Discharged that patient with a splint and a follow up for next week." 
"Lousy," Conrad admits, one eyebrow lifting, "Did you find anyone?" It's a quiet but sincere plea, and a testament to just how rough he's really feeling. 
"Dr. Emory is coming in, but it'll take her an hour to get here," Devon says, and Conrad nods tiredly, one hand lifting to rub his forehead. 
Nic takes his other arm, thumb rubbing his wrist as she picks her spot. "Small scratch," she says as she inserts the IV, taping it down with a new batch of dressings. 
"You're good at that," he mummers, as she attaches the bag. He glances at his arm, huffing a careful laugh. "Chickens, really?" he asks. 
"The rep left them with me and we all know how you feel about chickens," she says and fishes in her pocket for the pills there. "Acetaminophen for your fever, Dextromethorphan for that cough." 
He takes the tablets and swallows them without any objection. "Give me ten minut-" he starts and both Nic and Devon shake their heads at him. 
"Stay right where you are. I have everything under control," Devon says, and pats Conrad on the shin. "Anything super major and I'll come get Nic," he adds, and ducks out of the bay, closing the curtain behind him. 
Conrad frowns at Devon's retreating back, but knows he's passed the point of being able to push through the illness. He can't remember ever being so exhausted before, and even the pressure of his clothes against his skin is uncomfortable. He shifts, trying to toe his shoes off, but they're laced tight and he slumps back in frustration. 
Nic pats his shin and unties his right shoe, easing it off his foot. The left one swiftly follows and she tweaks his toe before she flips the blanket back over his legs. "You should have stayed home," Nic says, and sits down next to him. 
"It wasn't this bad, earlier," Conrad objects, voice rough. "And then…" he starts, breaking off when the cough hits him again. 
"And then every other ER doc calls off sick and you've been running around like a crazy thing all shift," Nic says, one hand dropping to his pulse point in his wrist while the other rubs soothing circles on his back until the coughing fit passes. 
His pulse pounds against her fingers, and she frowns, glad when it starts to settle. "It's from the cough," he says, eyes dropping to her fingers, lip quirking in quiet amusement. 
"Can't blame a girl for worrying." She nudges him, gently, with her elbow, fussing with the blanket. "You're still a little warm." 
He blinks, heavily, shifting so he's pressed against her from shoulder to hip. "Take more than a cold to see me off," he mummers, voice soft with sleep. 
She sighs in exasperation. "You have the flu, Conrad!"
"Uh huh," he says, eyes closed, lashes dark against his skin. "Love you too." 
Her eyes sting, suddenly, and she closes them, holding the tears back, swallowing hard against the lump in her throat. "Love you more," she whispers, and his lips curve into a smile. 
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SP’s Autumn Fic Exchange
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Welcome to Ships Passing’s Cozy Autumn Fic Exchange! For this challenge, we’ve set up weekly prompts (to be completed from Monday to Friday) and we let you fill them however you choose! 
It’s an excellent way for CoNic and Resident fans alike to have some fun and kick off the fall season! Whether you’re a writer or not, this event is perfect for you. 
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Beginning October 3rd, it will continue on until the end of November. You can tag your work with #conicautumnficexchange (and also the conic tag as well) in order for us to group and organize them properly. Can’t wait to see what you guys come up with!
Much love, 
The Ships Passing Archive team
P.S. If you have any inquires, message me here or over at Twitter (@sp_archive) and I can help you out from here on there.
Link: AO3 Collection
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bi-bard · 2 years
Goodbye’s so Much Harder ‘Cause We Were Happy - Conrad Hawkins Imagine (The Resident)
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Title: Goodbye’s so Much Harder ‘Cause We Were Happy
Pairing: Conrad Hawkins X Reader
Based On: We Were Happy
Word Count: 797 words
Warning(s): break-up
Summary: (Y/n) gets their dream job. The only catch is that it means moving away from the best relationship they’ve ever been in. Conrad is heartbroken, but he wants to support the person of their dreams.
Author's Note: This is very short and I'm sorry.
Masterlist for From the Vault - Taylor Swift Writing Challenge
I jumped when I heard Conrad yell from the front door. Still, I didn't move. I just stood at the counter with the letter in my hand and my other hand clasped over my mouth.
"Hey," he said as he walked in. I looked at him. His smile dropped when he saw my face. "What's wrong?"
"N-Nothing," I cleared my throat, finally moving my hand away from my mouth. "Nothing at all."
He raised an eyebrow at me.
"Conrad, I got it," I said. "That research project I wanted to be a part of. I got it."
There was a moment of silence between us. I was about to speak up again when he suddenly ran over and pulled me into a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around him and let myself finally cry.
"I'm so proud of you," he muttered, pressing a kiss to my head. "Congratulations."
He had been the one to convince me to try to be a part of the project in the first place. I was ready to shrug it off as another far-fetched dream that probably wouldn't happen. And now, I was here. I had the letter in my hands. I was doing it.
"There's... There's a bit of a catch," I stepped back, looking back at the letter.
"It's outside of the country."
"We knew that," he replied. He was right. We had discussed it before I ever signed up. "That's okay. We'll figure it out."
"Are you sure," I asked.
Conrad cupped the sides of my face and kissed me gently. I grinned against his lips.
"I'm sure," he mumbled. "Now, where do you wanna go to celebrate?"
I smiled at him. How had I gotten this lucky?
--time skip--
It was only a few days before I was supposed to be leaving.
Conrad had managed to get a few days off to spend time with me.
As we lay in bed, taking the time to have a quiet and slow morning, my brain started wondering. With that came the guilt. The guilt of holding him back. Of forcing him to wait while I went to see the world on my own.
"What are you thinking about," Conrad asked in a whisper, his hand holding my face, thumb tracing my cheekbone.
I let my eyes close for a moment, enjoying the brief moment of peace and the interruption from my thoughts. When I opened them again, he was grinning at me gently, eyes so full of love that it almost overwhelmed me.
"Nothing," I replied just as quietly.
"You only get that weirdly blank look on your face when you're deep in thought," he said. "What is it?"
"I'm just thinking about leaving," I admitted.
Conrad kissed my forehead, "So am I."
I let out a quiet sigh.
"It'll be okay," he promised. "We'll figure it out. I'll wait for you."
We sat in the next silence for a long time before he looked me in the eyes again. He must've seen something that I didn't say.
"You don't want me to," he asked.
"I... I don't want you to feel stuck," I said, feeling tears in my eyes. "I can't imagine doing that to you. We have no idea how long I'm going to be gone. I don't want... I don't want to be a weight. You don't deserve to feel like you have to love me when I can't promise to be everything that I should be for you."
Conrad rolled away from me, arm leaving from where it had been wrapped around me. He just stared up at the ceiling in silence. I watched him. I watched the gears turn in his head and watched his chest rise and fall. I searched for any sign of any reaction at all.
"I love you," he finally said softly.
"I love you too," my voice cracked a little bit as I replied. "That's why I'm doing this."
He turned his head to look at me, "I'm still going to wait for you."
"I... I just need to know you're not doing it because you have to."
He nodded.
"You were... You are the best thing that's ever happened to me," he continued. I nodded back. "And hey, we had a good run so far. No harm in a break between legs."
I let out a small laugh that sounded more like a sob, "Yeah."
More silence.
"Thank you, Conrad," I said softly. "For everything."
"Thank you," he replied. "For loving me."
He reached a hand out and grabbed mine. I looked down at our intertwined hands.
I knew then that we were over. But I was able to accept something more in that moment. We had been happy.
That was all that mattered to me.
Masterlist (Includes links to All Writing Challenges)
What I Write For
Some Original Characters
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getawayaccount · 3 years
hawstead prequel: conrad hawkins/jay halstead ft. will halstead
How the turntables have turned 🤣
Doctor Charles may have nicknamed Connor ‘Rambo’ the day he rolled into the ED on that stretcher over three years ago, but the truth was: Connor was just a regular - talented - surgeon next to Conrad Hawkins. The newcomer and acting Chief of Emergency had walked into Med as if he owned the place, wearing cargo pants and only half a scrub rather than the usual suits preferred by chiefs of departments. Ethan pegged him as a vet as soon as he saw him and Will was inclined to agree. The question was: why would Gwen Garrett choose to appoint a man that seemed even more reckless than the already established staff to alleviate the ED’s financial situation? It made no sense to Will. Which was what he was saying to Connor when Hawkins joined them at the counter of the nurses’ station:
“Rhodes and Halstead, right?” the man said, holding out his hand. Will took it. “Wouldn’t happen to have a brother who served? A ranger?”
Will’s eyebrows flew up as he studied the almost stranger in front of him.
“As a matter of fact,” he answered, not without hesitation.
A bigger smile stretched Hawkins’ face as he kept his attention on Will while he shook Connor’s hand, who looked more curious than offended.
“Small World,” Hawkins said. “Jay, right?”
“Yeah,” Will replied. He was frowning ever so slightly. “You served with him?”
“Nah. Was a Marine. Only met him in passing.” Hawkins shrugged before a med student called his name and he started walking backward towards a consulting room: “But I never forget a pretty face.”
He winked at Will before he turned around and disappeared behind the curtain while Will stood half-frozen where he stood. He hadn’t seen that one coming. Not that Jay talked much about his time in Afghanistan nor that there was necessarily more to the story than the fact Hawkins thought Jay was… hot or something. After all, Will was aware Jay was good looking and his brother probably had his fair share of admirers. He just didn’t expect an ex-Marine to be so open about something like this.
“I have to be here when you tell Jay about this,” Connor commented.
Which brought Will back to the moment at hand but didn’t spare him from jumping slightly when Maggie appeared next to him:
“So do I,” his friend said. She looked absolutely fascinated and definitely excited when she added, looking at Connor: “This is the best thing that has happened since you rolled in on that stretcher.”
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monisse · 3 years
The Resident Fanfiction Masterlist by Monisse
A First Time for Everything - AO3 link
A collection of one shots about several first moments in Nic and Conrad's relationship.
Ballroom Secrets - AO3 link 
Despite their commitment to secrecy, Nic sensed a figurative clock ticking away the minutes until one of them made a public mistake, all it would take was a brush of hands or a longing stare to be finally caught. Nic and Conrad are invited to a fundraising gala.
On the Other Side - AO3 link
Nic remembered the initial shock, the coldness of the knife slicing through skin and muscle, then the onset of panic as she tried to draw breath while blood pooled under her, and finally absolute darkness. Missing scene from 4x05 a few days after Nic wakes up from surgery.
To Hope Again - AO3 link
A patient reminds Nic of one of the worst days of her life, but Conrad is by her side to soothe the worries of the past, until hope turns it into one of the best days of her life.
Finding Hope in Change - AO3 link
People seek relationships similar to their parents, and on the verge of becoming parents themselves, Nic and Conrad discuss how changed their own relationship is. Conrad and Nic featuring the chickens.
First Day, First Blood - AO3 link
On the first day for the new interns, several odd events happened: Nic arrived unusually late to work, helped an arrogant intern break the rules, got asked on a date, and a little girl died. All because of him.
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eemlarsson · 3 years
Hello I do not understand why there is not more Pitch fan fiction and even less why there’s barely any The Resident fics??? SO MANY GOOD OPPORTUNITIES, and I am not a writer come on people 
I am on sick leave and have read basically every fanfic there is, no joke. HELP
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carolinemorrison · 3 years
There's lots of new faces around here, so I thought I'd introduce myself once again!
My name is Caroline. I hail from the cornfields of Ohio. I'm a teacher by day, writer by night. I have two children, a son named Brooks and and a daughter, Whitley. I love to write. The majority of my (very little) and very precious free time is spent writing!
My favorite ships are:
Logan and Rory (Gilmore Girls)
Nic and Conrad (The Resident)
Nick and Jess (New Girl)
Emily and Aaron (Designated Survivor)
Finn and Rachel (Glee)
I take request for fanfiction, and try to write as many as I can if I don't have a WIP at the moment. Feel free to message me about anything, I love to talk and I'm always up!
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whumperwriter · 5 years
Whumptober #2 Explosions
Fandom: The Resident
Whumpee: Conrad Hawkins
Word Count: 1,082
Authors Note: Uh, yikes. Enjoy.
(Feel free to buy me a coffee, here)
At first, all Nic could see was smoke. The smoke was thick, and rancid and covered every square inch of the basement. She had no right being down here, but the firefighters hadn’t pulled her back yet, and she had been determined to find Conrad. No matter the risk. 
Her heart was still hammering and yearning as badly as it had been when he turned away from the door not too long before, determined to stop the spread of the fire and to minimize the damage that had already been done. She hadn’t seen him since, and small explosions continued to sound from below her. If felt like no matter what she or Devon tried, the door was determined to stay closed, locking Conrad behind it. Her heart clenched with each explosion as she and Devon continued to fail, the door never budging against their ministrations. She told herself it was too get the boy out of there, but she knew it had been a lie. 
She just needed to make sure Conrad was ok. 
Now there she was minutes later, pulling her shirt up above her mouth and nose as she shouted out into the smoke, praying to hear a response. She doesn’t hear anything besides the roar of the fires that surround her. Miraculously, she does spot a shoe. A shoe that she bought for the person that was supposed to be wearing it. 
She rushed to it, hoping that there wasn’t still a foot in the shoe and was relieved when it was  just the article. The relief quickly turned to dread, when she spotted him lying just a few feet around the corner. She rushed to him, nearly trampling the woman that’s lying unconscious beside him. She couldn’t help how her fingers shook as she laid a hand against his carotid, almost unable to tell the difference between her own palpitations and his.
She was holding her breath when she felt it and her exhale caused a cough to erupt from her chest. “I need some help over here!” She called out, knowing that one of the many firefighters in the basement with her will have heard her cry. She turned to the woman, to check her pulse as well and is relieved to feel a strong beat beneath her fingers. 
She surveyed both of the limp forms before her, trying to determine who needed treatment quicker than the other. The woman had a bit of blood on her face, but other than that, she looked like she could have been sleeping. 
Nic turned back to Conrad and takes a closer look at him as she heard footsteps behind her. His head is still bleeding like before, maybe even more, but there’s blood pooling under him that she didn’t realize when she had first spotted him. Indicating wounds that she couldn’t even see. She felt sick to her stomach as she turned to the firefighters behind her and began listing off her demands as she went to work on Conrad. 
She knew that as soon as he was upstairs she wouldn’t be allowed to help him, and she doesn’t think she would be able to even if she could. Until then, she did everything she could while she waited for the backboards to get the two of them upstairs. 
Looking back on it, she realized that she didn’t take a hand off of him until the firefighters pulled her away from him. It took every bit of self restraint to not fight against the larger person holding her back. Instead, she followed the party upstairs, where just as she had thought, Mina pulled Conrad into a trauma room with her. Nic went to follow but Hundley placed a hand on her shoulder, preventing it as the older nurse turned Nic to face her. “You don’t need to see whatever’s about to happen in there, but I need a hand?” 
Nic couldn’t say no as she followed the older nurse, knowing that with Conrad down, the ER was suddenly in need of extra hands. The woman that had been downstairs with Conrad, Annie, turned out to be mostly fine. A concussion, smoke inhalation, a fractured rib. It hurt Nic to know that Conrad had indeed suffered the brunt of whatever blast had knocked the two of them off their feet. 
After she finished tending to Annie, she changed and immediately dived into helping the patients that had yet to be seen. 
That’s how Nic kept herself busy, even after Devon told her that Conrad was up in surgery. Nic almost didn’t have the heart to ask how bad it was. All she could manage to do was to drag her hand down her face, physically trying to  force out the recent memory of Jess lying lifeless in a hospital bed. “Why?” 
“He’s got shrapnel pretty deep in his back.” Devon said, “He lost a lot of blood, and they’re not quite sure about the extent of the damage, but Mina and AJ are going to do everything to make sure that you get to kick his ass for doing something so-.” Devon wasn’t able to finish his sentence, and that spoke more about how severe of a situation Conrad was in.  
Nic nodded and walked away so that Devon couldn’t see the tears well up in her eyes. 
The surgery was dicey. That's what Mina told her months later when Conrad was really and truly out of the woods. The surgery was dicey and Conrad had no right being alive. Hearing those words made every night she spent sleeping in a chair in the ICU, holding Conrad’s hand as he suffered through his recovery worth it. Knowing that Conrad fought with every fiber of his being from the moment it happened reaffirmed her hope that she had every day that Marshall walked into the room, casting a long glance at his son, before he set up an office space in the opposite chair.
Walking down to the ER months later, and hearing Conrad's barking laughter as he limped around, tending to patients and sharing a joke with the nurses helped her realize just how lucky she was that she didn’t lose both of the most important people in her life within a month. She went to bed with the love of her life every night, and every night she held him a little tighter knowing that a gas leak and an explosion nearly destroyed her entire world. 
But failed. 
Tagging for posterity's sake - @whumptober2019
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drelizabethgreene · 1 year
Favorite fic of 2022, #2.
Fandom: The Resident
Rating: General Audiences
Title: You are the Apple of My Eye
Why I liked it:
First, it got nominated for a special honor (more details to come later)!
Second, who doesn’t love expectant parents Conrad and Nic? This is a gap filler fic from when Nic was pregnant with Gigi and gives them some downtime to appreciate their relationship and flirt a bit. And it features their dog Lacey, a “character” I made up because I feel like they’d have a dog too.
Here’s the link!
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kookicat · 2 years
The Hopes of Empty Men
Teaser Chapter
It all goes to hell in an instant.
The street is dark and drenched with rain. It trickles down his neck, soaking his Henley and he hunches his shoulders in resigned annoyance. He's exhausted - just off a tough double with more critical patients than he has fingers - enough that the world is a pleasant blur as he makes his way home. Be home soon, love you, he types with clumsy fingers and tucks the phone back into his pocket. There's enough sand in his eyes to fill a beach. Rubbing them doesn't help, but he does it anyway.
"Conrad?" a familiar voice says from behind him, and he turns without thinking. The hospital is still in sight, looming like a sanctuary over the street.
"Yeah?" he asks, and the world goes black as something crashes into the back of his head. There's pressure on his wrists, oddly familiar, and he twists when he realises his attacker is zip tying his arms behind his back. The world rolls, slow and sick, and the burst of energy vanishes under a wave of nausea so intense it steals his breath. Stars invade his eyes, flying through his head like a stampede through a valley and his cheek smacks into the wet pavement hard enough to draw blood.
"You killed my wife…" is the last thing he hears, before everything fades away.
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shipspassing-archive · 6 months
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Ships Passing's 2023 Secret Santa Exchange
The rules are simple: everyone writes down their Christmas wishes here, containing a prompt and their favorite pairing/character(s), and are paired with a person with similar requests and vice versa. Once you submit your requests, you will be DM'd the name of your partner and make something cool for them!
Gifts will be kept a surprise until December 24th and 25th.
You can also post your work in a separate collection on AO3 and/or on Twitter (or Tumblr) using the hashtag #spsecretsantaexchange2023, but make sure also tag the name of your recipient, too!
Potential gift ideas include:
- Fanfiction 
- Fanart
- Fan videos/edits
- Playlists
- Etc.
As always, this is The Resident, so we will accept CoNic as always, and we do love KitBell and Minator, too! 
Rules are stated as followed: 
- No bullying, hate speech and harassment of all kinds - on here and online. 
- Only one entry per person, but you can ask for two or three fan works but it is not guaranteed you'll get all of them.
- No spamming
- Any dark themes including incest and non-con is prohibited.
- You do not need to be a talented artist/writer to make something. You just need to have fun. :)
Sign-Up Link: https://forms.gle/FY1349HCNq17b6XZ8
Where to Find Us?
Any inquiries can be DM'd via here on Tumblr or through Twitter and Instagram (@sp_archive)
Don't forget to look through these prompts for reference!
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Happy Holidays! 🎄🎁⛄️
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bi-bard · 4 years
oh GOD - Conrad Hawkins Imagine (The Resident)
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Title: oh GOD
Pairing: Conrad Hawkins X Reader (I tried to make this gender neutral)
Requested: Nope
Word Count: 1,147 words
Warning(s): Reference to a previous secret relationship (with some Normal People vibes, for anyone who has watched that)
Summary: Memories are weird. It could only take one word to unlock a whole year of memories. Just seeing someone can completely throw someone off. A night at the bar should be fun and relaxing... but when an old fling finds each other again... what happens?
Author’s Note: Inspired by “oh GOD” by Orla Gartland
I felt my heart speed up as I walked into the bar. My friends waved at me from the table that they had already picked out. I waved back and quickly made my way over. 
“Hi,” I said, sliding into my seat, trying to look a little silly. “How have you guys been?”
I got a variety of goods and greats. I jumped into the conversation at full speed, happy to be with my friends again. I had missed them so much. I’m not usually so quick to join in on conversations but I hadn’t seen them in so long. I wanted to tell stories and hear stories.
Our conversation was going really well but was interrupted by a waiter placing a drink next to me on the table. I furrowed my eyebrows at it before looking at the waiter.
“I um... I didn’t order a drink,” I said.
“That man there said you two were old friends and that you would enjoy the drink,” I looked where the waiter was pointing.
The man looked familiar but I couldn’t remember exactly who he was. I quickly thanked the waiter so he could get back to his job before I looked at the man again. In a flash, it all clicked. 
Conrad Hawkins. My look went from confused to a gentle grin before I waved at him. He waved back with a small smirk. He looked like he was with a small group of friends too. I looked down at the table for a moment before joining my friends again. 
Okay... I tried to. It was going really well for a while but now that I knew Conrad was right there, my head was spinning. Every single memory felt like they had just happened yesterday... even though they were years ago. 
Conrad and I were a short lived romance. Seriously... it was a little longer than a summer. But a lot happened in that summer that made it really stick out in my mind when it decided to pop up in my memory. Everything happened for me. Everything changed... and I never got to talk about it with someone.
...okay... that was probably why I was spiraling right now...
“(Y/n),” I snapped myself into focus when my friend spoke. “The guy that bought you the drink has been looking at you constantly.”
“Oh,” I mumbled with a nod, as if I had given a response of any substance.
“He’s pretty handsome,” I felt my friend’s elbow dig into my side. I chuckled and looked over.
My friend was not wrong. Conrad had grown into his looks. He looked a little more built than before. His hair looked perfectly messy. His scruff made him look so different. I nodded, silently agreeing with my friend.
I bit my lip as he looked over but I didn’t look away. He smiled at me and I returned the favor. He pointed towards the door with his eyebrows raised. I nodded in response and turned to my friends as he stood up and walked towards the door. 
“I’ll be right back,” I said softly, getting a few nods as they kept talking. 
I grabbed my jacket and stuff before walking over to Conrad. He held the door open for me so we could step outside. We moved off to the side and stood where the building turned. We were right in the threshold of the alley.
“Hello,” he said, leaning on the wall. I chuckled at him.
“Hello,” I mimicked. “How have you been, Hawkins?”
“Good, good,” he nodded. “What about you, (Y/l/n)?”
“Fine,” I shrugged. “You look... great.”
“Better than the last time you saw me,” he asked as he jokingly messes with his hair. I nodded.
“Definitely,” I replied. 
We started catching each other up after that. He told me about his work and how much he loved it. I told him about how I had always been scared that I had picked the wrong field but I had recently grown into my job. Our conversation just came so naturally... it was like we had never drifted apart at all.
“I never told anyone,” I mumbled after our conversation had died down. Conrad tilted his head at me. “About us... that summer... I never told anyone.”
“Me neither,” he shrugged slightly before standing up straight. “Do you want to go out? On a real date this time? Without having to hide shit?”
“Really,” I asked. He nodded. My brain went a hundred miles per hour before I landed on one thought: if I don’t live like this now, I won’t get a chance to later... and that would make me miserable. I let out a small breath that seemed like a laugh. “I... I’m willing to give it a shot.”
“Thank god,” he sighed in relief, making me chuckle at him.
My sentence made him freeze.
“You have to let me try something,” I said. With a moment of hesitation, Conrad nodded at me.
I took a step forward, trying gauge his reaction. When he didn’t move back, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. Time slowed down as Conrad placed his hands on my hips as he kissed me back. To anyone else, we looked like strangers about to hook up but there was so much more. This was history being recreated... in such a beautiful way. I slowly pulled away, a small grin on my lips.
“Yup,” I mumbled. “You’ve definitely gotten better at kissing since I last saw you.”
“So have you,” Conrad replied before kissing me again. This kiss was much shorter... pretty much a peck. “Can I get a phone number? So we can set up that date?”
“Give me your phone,” I held my hand out to him. He handed me his phone, trying to look over my shoulder as I filled out the new contact page. I quickly took a photo of myself and handed it back to him.
“What was that,” He chuckled.
“I wanted my contact photo to be cute,” I shrugged. He rolled his eyes. I leaned up to kiss his cheek. “I’ll see you later, Hawkins.”
“You too, (Y/l/n),” he said. I stepped back, waving at him quickly before walking back into the bar. 
My stomach was doing flips in all sorts of directions as I got back to my friends’ table. They all looked at me, expecting to dive into an exciting story, back I just stared back at them. 
“Well... who was the guy,” one of them asked. I froze, not knowing the best way to answer that. I glanced over to see that Conrad had rejoined his friends now.
“Just... an old friend,” I shrugged. “Nothing exciting... I promise.”
They all nodded at me before dragging me into whatever random conversation was going on at the time. 
Oh god... I was such a liar...
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getawayaccount · 3 years
HawStead: Conrad Hawkins/Jay Halstead
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Coming Soon, probably.
(And no, I'm not giving up on Rhodestead, don't worry!)
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monisse · 4 years
To Hope Again
Pairing: Conrad / Nic Summary: A patient reminds Nic of one of the worst days of her life, but Conrad is by her side to sooth the worries of the past, until hope turns it into one of the best days; Author’s note:  My first attempt at a story in this fandom. It's a very simple one, with a fluffy ending. Leave some love if you can; Trigger warning:  Miscarriage memories.
She heard his gruff voice long before he rushed through the ER doors, commanding the people quickly gathering around him and leaving no space for questions. His urgent demands prompted even herself into action.
“…severe abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding.” Conrad finished while pushing the gurney into a vacant exam room.
Nic stood across from him and began assessing the patient with stethoscope in hand and expert eyes that took in every detail of the patient on the gurney. The woman therein was curled around her abdomen, eyes tightly shut and beads of sweat forming on the visible expanse of her skin.
“Ma’am, are you pregnant?” Conrad asked as he slowly removed her reluctant hands away and replaced them with his own. They pressed gently into the abdomen, and a loud cry filled the room immediately. Gritting her teeth, the woman only nodded in reply.
With their usual harmony of movements, Nic reached for a bottle to apply a generous amount of gel on the abdomen and Conrad pressed the doppler against the skin there. The eerie silence that followed seemed to echo around the room and beyond. In that suspended moment, the steady sounds of their own heart beats, strong and alive, were deafening in their ears. Conrad shook his head dejectedly.
“Please help me, it hurts so much.” the woman pleaded, eyes now wide open in fear.
Instantly moved by the agony in the woman’s voice, Nic reached for her hand and held it between hers. “I know.” and even though Nic whispered, her tone carried the loud memory of a shared pain, which did not go unnoticed by the other occupants of the room. The weight of their gazes rested solely on her, and among them, Conrad’s stare was the heaviest.
“I’m taking her up to obstetrics.” he finally said.
As she watched the woman being rushed through the corridor, Nic’s own hands came to rest on her still flat abdomen. In the sudden stillness of the vacated room, an unwelcome memory resurfaced from the darkest corner of her mind, forcing her to relive a day just like this.
Unlike the hazy quality of a nearly forgotten memory, she remembered that day all too vividly. Outside her house, a cold storm had ebbed into nothingness in the early hours, finally resting upon the ground, white and thick. Nic woke up to a pure silence, peaceful in a way that contrasted with the restlessness she felt and the dull pain low on her abdomen. Unpleasant as it was, she had rapidly disregarded the pain as menstrual cramps. Even as a highly qualified nurse, it had not occurred to her how long it had been, having missed the cycles in the rushing of seemingly endless shifts and days that blended into each other.
As the day progressed, the pain subsided to nearly insignificance while her mind became occupied with people’s demands for her undivided attention. Still, she felt uneasy. In the frenetic human flow of the corridors, Conrad had crossed her path many times throughout the day, his dark eyes, framed by fair lashes, grew heavier with concern. And every time he asked, her reply had been a single word. Fine.
The hours had stretched into night when she finally settled in bed with Conrad beside her, his soft snoring lulled her to sleep despite the ache that had then settled on her back. Only a few minutes later, she was forced into consciousness by a sharp pain on her abdomen and her body bent forward in reflex. Always a light sleeper, Conrad was fully alert as soon as he heard a breathless gasp. Her desperate hand sought his arm in the darkness and dug its nails deep into the flesh, effectively demanding his attention. He searched blindly for the lamp only to illuminate her whimpering form, with tears on her dark eyelashes and blood on the sheet underneath her. And amidst the intense pain that clouded her mind, she vaguely heard Conrad call her name over and over.
Not long after, Nic found herself in a hospital room, with the buzzing of the fluorescent lights above and the familiar smell of antiseptic making her feel surprisingly nauseated. The doctor spoke at length, though she only caught miscarriage and common out of a stream of words she struggled to assimilate. In contrast, Conrad absorbed every word in stoic silence while his hand held tightly to hers. His apparent calm demeanor was only betrayed by the glistening of the unshed tears she saw in his eyes.
On the last day of the year, Nic lay on the sofa with tears burning her eyes, wondering how could someone grieve so deeply for the loss of something, someone, unexpected. But there she was, suddenly empty again, robbed of a possibility she had no time to acknowledge. That night, and for many more afterwards, Conrad kept his feelings unspoken and well hidden inside.
Her page biped relentlessly for attention, which brought her back to the present. The memory, along with its feelings, faded slowly to the back of her mind and the surroundings became sharper once more. Finally, her body was in motion again with the resilience and dexterity gained from years of practice.
Much later, Nic sat alone in the nurse’s lounge, taking slow breaths and savoring a rare moment of complete silence. The setting sun filtered through the window, casting long shadows on the walls and bathing her lonely figure in both light and darkness. She then felt the cushions of the sofa move under the weight of a man, and even with closed eyes she recognized his familiar presence.
“Are you alright?” Conrad asked, his voice was as deep and soothing as the silence had been.
“Yeah,” her breath came out shaken, finally releasing all the tension accumulated throughout the day, “It was a hard day and I’m just really tired.”
His fingers lightly brushed the skin of her palm and laced themselves with hers. Silence stretched between them for a while, although she felt him restless and on verge of speaking again.
“I never answered the question you made some years ago.” he eventually said.
“What question?” Nic turned her gaze towards him, entirely confused.
His breath faltered slightly before answering. “What I wanted to do if we knew you were pregnant back then.”
Her heart pounded in her chest, eyes fully open in shock. It was uncanny, and occasionally annoying, how he could understand her unspoken feelings and seemingly read her mind with such ease. Even after all these years, she was still surprised by his ability to summon her most fearful thoughts and hanging them wide open between them. Such capacity went far beyond the talent of a doctor with great aptitude for diagnostics, it was a natural skill sharpened over the years by a deep love.
The surrounding air became dense with tension, or perhaps was just her sudden inability to draw steady breaths, and he seemed very aware of that while choosing the next words carefully.
“I would have wanted the baby, but I didn't know how to tell you then.” he stated, eyes steadfast on hers, “Saying that out loud would make it hurt so much more, and I was scared of feeling the kind of raw pain you felt so openly.”
“I wanted it too.” she said with a small sob, the leftover of a pain that had not been entirely healed. However, those were the words she had wanted to hear from him for a very long time, and his sudden vulnerability felt akin to a soothing balm on a scar that would never fade. He had in fact come a long way from the reserved, constantly on edge, Conrad she one knew.
“I'm sorry.” his voice was a broken whisper under the weight of the past.
“I'm still scared, Conrad.” her free hand rested nervously on her abdomen when she spoke. “What if it happens again?”
“It won’t. I know next time will be different.” there was a hint of a smile in his lips before he dropped a lingering kiss on her forehead and threw an arm around her shoulders.
Nic wanted to protest against his relentless confidence and reproach him for promising what he could not keep, but there was an illusion of faith to be found in his words, which put her mind at ease for now, and made her body relax into his warmth at last.
She turned in his embrace and moved her lips close to his ear. “Well then, I’m glad you are so sure, because I’m pregnant.”
Conrad moved so fast that she suddenly found herself held tightly in his arms, and there was a childlike note in his voice as he laughed openly. When he finally looked at her again, Nic saw a spark of happiness that would never be quenched. His brown eyes turned into half circles, wrinkling at the edges, deepened by a large smile. Nic could not resist smiling along, infected by his own joy. He kissed her with abandon then, and she poured into him the lingering sorrow of the past, and forgot, for a brief moment, all the worries about the future. Her mind was finally savoring the knowledge of their new baby.
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