#consent is not retroactive
mafaldaknows · 6 months
Hello Anon:
Thanks for the hot tip but I have seen it already and have drawn my own conclusions regarding the matter, especially after considering the sources.
Always, always, always:
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I’ve chosen not to post your ask because the less attention placed on this person, the better.
If you recall, it was also around Christmas three years ago that this person’s “mentor” revealed herself.
I often wonder what would’ve happened had we simply amplified the truth this “mentor” told initially and ignored her outlandish claims, which she began spewing with a vengeance when she realized that she could attract far more notoriety and attention by changing her story to one much more salacious and destructive. Because haters love to hate.
As I’ve said before, the right thing to do when an actual crime has been committed is to file charges with the police and provide solid evidence of the crime, to support the claim with the proper authorities should one also seek to file a claim in court. Justice absolutely should be served but only if it’s warranted. And much more evidence than this is required.
Her protégé’s claim is vague, without specific evidence to support it, presented only to stir the pot of defamation once again.
The protégé is wearing a bathing suit and appears to be posing for the photo in question. She looks to have undergone a recent “cupping” treatment. It’s difficult to determine exactly what her grievance against the accused might be.
Regret is not a crime. Consent, or the denial thereof, is not retroactive. Objective facts are immutable. Vague implications are not facts.
And proclaiming a known delusional stalker and compulsive liar as her mentor serves only to discredit her claims.
Likewise, this “news” breaking from a source known to have a close relationship with the accused’s disgruntled aunt publicly feuding with the accused over the family fortune serves only to raise questions about the source’s credibility and motives.
Both the accuser and the person breaking the news are relying on people’s wild imaginations and need for titillation to fill in the blanks of the story the accuser is not actually telling.
Let’s not fall for that again.
Thanks for your comment.
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quaranmine · 4 months
i think firewatch au is therapizing me
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rivercule · 2 years
"Watch out for creeps on the internet" Is an important life lesson. But i get what you mean.
There’s always a chance they’re not going to do that and I’m just paranoid. But it really would suck if what was initially presented as a teen wlw love story turned into a psa on internet safety.
Maybe it’s somewhat valid because like. I feel like lgbt+ teens are more likely to feel alienated from their irl peers and seek connections online and are probably at a higher risk of being preyed on by internet creeps because of that, but this doesn’t seem like the way to do this imo (assuming it’s what they’re doing here)
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leidensygdom · 4 months
Please be aware that the "opt-out" choice is just a way to try to appease people. But Tumblr has not been transparent about when has data been sold and shared with AI companies, and there are sources that confirm that data has already been shared before the toggle was even provided to users.
Also, it seems to include data they should not have been able to give under any circumstance, including that of deactivated blogs, private messages and conversations, stuff from private blogs, and so on.
Do not believe that "AI companies will honor the "opt-out request retroactively". Once they've got their hands on your data (and they have), they won't be "honoring" an opt-out option retroactively. There is no way to confirm or deny what data do they have: The fact they are completely opaque on what do they currently "own" and have, means that they can do whatever they want with it. How can you prove they have your data if they don't give everyone free access to see what they've stolen already?
So, yeah, opt out of data sharing, but be aware that this isn't stopping anyone from taking your data. They already have been taking it, before you were given that option. Go and go to Tumblr's Suppport and leave your Feedback on this (politely, but firmly- not everyone in the company is responsible for this.)
Finally: Opt out is not good under any circumstance. Deactivated people can't opt out. People who have lost their passwords can't opt out. People who can't access internet or computers can't opt out. People who had their content reposted can't opt out. Dead people can't opt out. When DeviantArt released their AI image generator, saying that it wasn't trained on people who didn't consent to it, it was proven it could easily replicate the styles of people who had passed away, as seen here. So, yeah. AI companies cannot be trusted to have any sort of respect for people's data and content, because this entire thing is just a data laundering scheme.
Please do reblog for awareness.
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justblades · 12 days
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ᝰ. JIYAN x afab! reader x GESHU LIN
๋ᝰ. IN WHICH geshu lin tries to heal your hurt heart as you thought it was a one sided love with jiyan
ᝰ. SMUT, 18+ ONLY. double vaginal penetration, threesome, possessive! geshu lin, WC: 4.2k
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a confidential expedition was sought in order to study the occurrences in the battle beneath the crescent. as there was no concrete evidence that recounts the whole of what transpired way back then, it was then decided the magistrate to take precautionary steps to delve deeper into the event.
as soon as the decision has been made, jiyan reaches out for you to talk in private. a secluded room freed from disturbances and lurking ears, a solemn look dances in his golden gaze. "the magistrate ordered for us to study the geographic location when the first retroact rain befell." he states as he shuffles the letter back to the envelope that he received from jinhsi.
a wax seal of ivory color engrained with the sentinel jué's design adorns the surface, jiyan's fingers trail the edges. you purse your lips tightly, reluctance slightly rising from your façade of composure. a tale as old as time, the jinzhou residents knew very well the story of the battle of the crescent.
what dawns in your perturbed mind was the former general behind it, the one deemed as the hero, the savior of all eventually leads the lives of the many to meaningless sacrifices. just the mere stories of those who witnessed general geshu's might would suffice to reinforce the thought on anyone that he was strong, mighty, that those onyx flames of his seared and tore through his countless enemies.
you're just as curious as the person next door. being jiyan's one of the few trusted rangers, you nodded, giving consent to the mission. the two of you will then embark on the journey once the sun rays peek through the bed of stars and the darkness.
it will pass . . . and so, the daybreak arises.
coming vis-à-vis with the general upon the agreed time to meet, the two of you swiftly weave through the vast forest, eliminating any possible tacet discord that might hinder your exploration progress with swift and haste. "we're nearing the norfall barrens now, be careful." jiyan reminds you as he treads forward, the broadblade hoisted at hand to prepare for any case of danger to come.
"yes, general." you reply as you manage to scan your surroundings carefully. as the ground beneath your feet starts to feel different the farther you walked and the olden structures welcome your vision with a faint light, the general looks back at you to confirm his observation. nodding in agreement, a sharp, gelid wind blows within, jiyan's teal locks ripple along the muted breeze.
"the magistrate ordered for us to not stay here for too long, as there's a possibility we might encounter larger waves of tacet discords." he pauses for a short while. "however, if we do not split up and make haste, we might lose the frequencies left behind the battle that might lead to  potential clues. given that we're both resonators, we're capable of diluting the echoes residing within the field."
he stops in his tracks, explaining the pros and cons of the decision to take. naturally, he's gearing towards the advice of jinhsi, as it is true that staying longer in this place will expose the two of you in greater danger. but a part of him doesn't want to split up from you, worrying he'll lose a trustworthy, competent figure in the midst of this expedition.
having known the general for quite some time, you've come to understand patches of his personality as if it were the back of your hand. you'd notice in the slightest change of his facial expressions, even more so in his tone lacing his words. no matter how miniscule the shift is, you'll always be able to know. "fret not, general. i assume you know me well as i know you." you simply state, flashing a small reassuring smile to subside the doubt gnawing at his bones.
jiyan nods slightly in exchange. "understood. i'll contact you via your terminal once i'm finished with exploring the half of the land and you'll do the same with yours. if you come into trouble, just ring me up, i'll come to your aid quickly." you reach for the gourd behind you, double checking if its functions are working in pristine condition.
after enough preparation, the two of you then separated ways with no goal other than to stay alive, rush to the aid of your companion in any hint of trouble and lastly, to pick up clues that draw back to the event. you make your way to the west of the norfall barrens, focusing on your senses to ensure that the exploration would go smoothly.
darkness envelops the whole land, dark embers of faded crimson continually drift from one place to another. among the lingering eerie noises resonating in the field, a distinct voice surfaces - "so it is you."
goosebumps ride on your skin as you prepare into stance and hoist your weapon, eyebrows furrowed as sobriety exudes from your body. when all of a sudden, a towering presence appears behind your back, and as you take a swift turn to face your supposedly opponent and strike them down in a single swing, black and indigo violet flames set the barren lands ablaze, kindling with the littlest movements from the broadblade the person does.
you take a step back, a suffocating heat engulfs everything, the oxygen left in your lungs thinning. struggling to catch your breath, you ball your fists and cough repetitively - the scale of this power is far too destructive.
"still holding out? impressive. no wonder he picked you."
once you finally manage to stabilize your breathing, you enhance your physical body with your forte, bracing impact once the person finally engages with you head on. within a blink of an eye, strands of long, grayish white hair comes to sight, and a pair of honey golden eyes lock gazes with yours.
he closes in with immense speed as the two of you exchange blows left and right. the male grits his teeth as the corner of his lips twitch upwards, "commend yourself for being able to withstand a fraction of my flames."
a gut feeling kicks in, that the danger you were watching out for - was finally settling. you instantly reach for the gourd as an attempt to reach jiyan on the other end, but no avail, the mysterious figure was faster than you. he approaches from above, swinging once more, clashing with your sword as his broadblade defeats yours. he successfully unarms you and manages to immobilize you with makeshift of bindings to keep you still. your back crashes flat on the dry land, a sharp pang of pain striking on your torso.
met with utter loss, he draws closer to you. he reaches his bandaged hand to your face, "could it be . . ." and your consciousness gradually fades away. "general geshu lin?"
rousing from a shortlived slumber, you jolt awake as your eyes peel open, your movements feel minimized. you examine the surroundings, and then yourself - a special restraint encages the both of your wrists together, seemingly one that is made of advanced technology especially catered to confine resonators. you knew from one look that it'd be useless to try and break free and you no longer bothered trying. instead, you opted for any possible methods to escape.
"general jiyan would not be able to come to your aid today, unfortunately." there it was again, the hoarse voice that resounds to your ears like a nightmare fuel. you flinch as you see him within your line of vision once more, confusion washes over yourself, at a loss for words in response to what he said.
"general, why?" was all you could verbalize amidst the worry pulling back your tongue. you bite your lip and could not help but think about jiyan, who put faith in your capabilities only for you to end up like this. "you're asking the wrong question." he says and kneels lower to your level, driving you to a corner as birch walls meet your back.
it was a small cabin from no one knows where that he resided in, necessary supplies and equipment arranged in a chronological manner displayed on the shelves. a dim light illuminated the vicinity, it flickers in opposition to geshu's strong gaze. "i know you have an unrequited love for the general - but you know as much as any midnight ranger that love is not a priority in jiyan's life."
his words struck like sharp lightning aiming to your heart, crushing it whole into smithereens of pain as your world flips upside down. questions come whirring in your mind, such as: why does he know? how does he know? what benefit does this fact bring to him?
unfortunately, his claim was true. being by the general's side for several years, you've seen him be vulnerable, reliable, and resolute regarding whatever trouble may come in his way. his bravery to withstand the lurking unknown sparked your faded flame inside your heart. jiyan became the beacon of light in your muddled world, as the two of you brave through the obstacles with joint forces, in every long night.
the sorrow he faced that you shared with him - it was halved. the joys he witnessed that you shared with him - it was doubled.
"come, be my companion instead. let us eliminate together the darkness at bay." geshu proposes and inches closer to you, his masculine features coming into full view. this time, you could see him better this time, only now noticing details you haven't before. a small mark adorns his face under his left eye and a diagonal scar carves his sultry lips.
he looks at you solemnly, you could feel the proximity between the two of you increase, until he finally presses his lips onto yours gently. shock courses in your veins - the general's tongue makes way inside your mouth, lapping your taste as it twirls with yours, performing a tantalizing rhythm to which mewls were elicited from the drowning pleasure.
you try to retort in opposition to his actions, but your protest was silenced as his right arm snakes its way up to your torso, tearing the fabric of your clothing with little effort. he nestles your nipple within the warm palm of his hand, his calloused fingertips fiddle on the very hard bud.
after making a concoction of your salivas mixed together, geshu breaks the kiss, leaving a trail that connects your lips to his.  "i-i can't abandon general jiyan from a petty reason. i did not uphold my duty all this time just so my feelings were to be reciprocated."
his aureate irises fixate on your features, "and you're loyal too. sorry, but i won't be as gentle as jiyan is to you." geshu crashes his lips on yours once more, this time, a burning carnal desire exudes from his aura, hands now exploring your body, removing the remaining worn out clothing as your tits spring free, nipples erect as glacial winds caress your skin. "so? have you two engaged in such an encounter before?" he manages to query in between heated kisses.
a muffled "no" reverberates and geshu immediately understands. a smirk creeps up to his face and pulls away, an idea slipping into his mind as he now buries his face in the crook of your neck. he asserts dominance as the general flicks his tongue all over the shell of your ear, proceeding to give the whole part slow, sloppy licks, as well as biting on the lobe to determine which you'd like more.
as if you were melting, you felt like putty in his touches as he continues to toy with your breasts. he savors your skin down to the sweet spot on your neck, putting pressure once he sucks on the part, leaving lust filled bruises. taking turns from licking, biting, and sucking, he finally gets his fill as his erection grows bigger and harder to restrain within.
a thought crosses your mind as his bulge brushes on your clothed region, maybe it isn't that bad, accepting general geshu lin's proposal, that is.
geshu shifts positions, he lays on his back as he makes you straddle his pelvis. "cat bit your tongue? i suppose i have to let your body do the talking from here on." heat rushes to your cheeks, embarrassment dawning as you, ironically, grind your lower region against his bulge, creating friction to ease the lust brewing in your lower stomach.
the confinements of the both of your clothing felt impeding to the satisfaction the both of you are chasing. no longer spending time to be rational, you let your emotions guide your next course of action - you strip down his black pants alongside his undergarment, revealing his girthy cock itching for action.
it was adorned by the most prominent blueish veins, it continually twitches, as well as very warm in contrariety to the chilly, tranquil atmosphere encompassing the two of you. you gather spit from the back of your cheeks, redirecting it past your lips, creating leeway for it to trickle down geshu's throbbing dick.
with heavy lidded eyes and blind guess if the accuracy was right, your drool drips down from the head of his cock down to the shaft, cloudy hues gracing it. you slowly wrap your hands around his length, carelessly curling your fingers as you stroke it up and down, starting slowly yet sloppily.
geshu's body tenses from the foreign sensation, his legs trembling and arms jerking. he shuts his eyes, indulging in the feeling as you continue pumping him, granting you low growls of pleasure from the male. meanwhile you remain straddling him, higher levels of libido rushing to your bloodstream as you pick up the pacing. "t-that's it—" geshu verbalizes with a faint voice.
he gets along with your momentum, thrusting his hips upwards in accordance to your rhythm. as he was nearing his release the faster it dragged on, he rises only to flip your frail body around, pinning you down against the floorboards. geshu's chest rises and falls continuously, panting heavily as he feels his release draw back, much to his wish. you've never felt so small and helpless before.
you could pick up every detail of his body language, yet heeded no mind for the embarrassment that was previously gushing in your system. your mind starts to feel dizzy yet carefree, as if like you've drifted far away from reality and only cared about nothing other than satiating your hunger for carnal desire. once geshu's breathing stabilizes, he presses your lips against yours again, relishing every drop of your saliva.
it was becoming messy, but still, the two of you continued like animals in heat. he bites on your lower lip and sucks on the part up to no end, granting him winces of pain mixed with pleasure altogether. a deep chuckle resounds, "quite daring for you to enjoy that."
"no matter, i'll proceed as i please now." he continues and sweeps aside your soaked panties, revealing a heavenly view for him to revel in - white liquids seep out of your slit, a certain pungent scent wafts into his nostrils. "your scent is everywhere." the general states as a matter of fact.
uncertain if that was to be taken in a positive connotation, he wraps his hand around his dick and slaps it against your folds lightly, tapping the very head on your clit. the littlest touches send you spiraling into bliss, a strong yearning growing within. "put it in." you whisper with a weak voice. geshu looks at you, surprised, even more so once you add, "please."
your melting expressions have long been engraved in his mind, as he guides his tip to your slit, the door of his cabin busts open, a strong force sends it flying to the other side of the wall. geshu lin lets out a hoarse laugh, "ah, look who's here!" almost as if he was rejoicing, he repositions the two of your bodies, now holding you up as you sat on his dick.
your sight becomes hazy from all the foreplay ensuing, weakening senses coming back as you saw the familiar hues of teal within your bleary vision. jiyan stands across from your lust-lost bodies, eyes enlarging into two full moons as shock was painted upon his masculine features.
he hoists up his broadblade once more, threatening geshu to let go of your naked body. "general jiyan, if you would not treat such a competent figure like her right, then let me do it in your stead . . . as i am confident that i can treat her better."
rivalry rose from the two males, "that is no way to treat someone." jiyan's words cut through the thick tension sharply, while geshu's brows knit. "you say that, but have you paid attention to the face she's making?" just as he finishes his question, he pushes your body against his cock, thrusting into your cunt with no forewarnings. the intrusion makes a lewd, sloppy noise, accompanied by your moan unintentionally slipping.
a surprising warmth expands through your insides, stretching your velvet walls apart as they mold around the shape of the general's cock. you throw your head back in immense pleasure as he fills you up, mind almost threatening to go blank. "if you want to take her back, prove that she'd want you to reclaim her away from my grasp."
"if not . . . i'm afraid this will be the last time you'll be able to set your eyes on her."
jiyan has always been a rational person, one of the many qualities that renounce him to be truly befitting a title of a general. yet, as he sees you get lost among the sea of pleasure geshu lin has been drowning you in, a sense of ache thrums his heart against his ribcage. with slow steps he took, he's now merely inches apart from you.
geshu continues to hold you up and still, while jiyan leaves a chaste kiss on your cheek first and foremost: a sight that the former general would rather not have seen at all, contributing to his annoyance. while you remained there, incapable of taking action as if you're merely just existing. with little mustered strength, you manage to wrap you arms around jiyan's neck as you loll him into a deep kiss.
a deep kiss capable of delivering human emotions through an intimate action, "general. . ." your voice was faint, yet he understood your intentions. he shuts his eyes and let his emotions take control, immediately fondling your exposed chest as the icy tips of his golden armor fiddle your perked up buds. a moan escapes, followed by even more as the light haired general thrusts in and out of you with great force, the tip of his dick kissing your very womb. "g-general!" you yelp in an attempt to cry for mercy, yet you were only met with more brazenness.
"now you sound like you're yearning for two inside your tight hole." geshu says, frustration lacing his tone as he clicks his tongue afterwards.
jiyan's breathing becomes staggered, letting himself loose as he licks your boobs with his wet tongue, poking its tip on your erect nipples. your body flinches, its sensitivity building up while you remain a moaning mess. even you, yourself lost track of which general you were pleading to for, all you want is to drift afloat into the euphoric seventh heaven, with no other worries in mind but having your thirst quenched.
"will it fit . . ?" he asks as he casts you a look of concern, eyes fixing particularly on your lips that have been stained by three salivas all in all. jiyan unbuckles the dyad belt adorning his waist, letting everything come undone while geshu continues to pump in and out of you, his strong hands grip the plush of your thighs rather tight.
you could hear his mewls from behind, yet your attention was taken by jiyan who's currently stroking himself at the view in front of him. he sheepishly watches you get your cunt pistoned by the former general, his aching erection protruding from the fine fabric of his boxers. " . . . put it in too, general."
the two of them, simultaneously, had their jaws fall agape in shock upon hearing such yearning words come out of your mouth. with a sense of responsibility burning within jiyan, he strips himself naked at this point in time - ready to heed your request. his hands glide all the way down to your inner thighs, his dominant hand's fingers brush back and forth on your dewed folds. he anchors his attention on your pussy alone, at how it flutters every time geshu's cock pounds you in and out.
his patience starts to wear thin, the same could be said for you. with watery eyes and melting expressions, you call for him once more. "please." you mumble, but was eventually silenced as geshu turns you to him and initiates an open mouthed kiss. the teal haired general ached twice as much for more pleasure as he finally spreads your lower lips open, making more space for his dick to go in.
the head of his cock kisses the outermost part of your walls yet you were already squirming. numbness strikes through your legs and quiver, but geshu lin stabilizes them with his one arm hooked on the both of your thighs. he shoots jiyan a frustrated glare, one that seemingly felt that spoke words of "what are you waiting for?"
with slow motions, he finally inserts himself into you, the shaft of his cock comes into contact along with geshu's. jiyan's eyes dared to fall, a titillating feeling wallowing his dick whole. "so tight." he manages to utter in between his hardly stifled, ragged breathing, evident that this feeling was overwhelming.
it was getting overstimulating within each passing minute, with two, fat, big cocks buried inside of you, warming and accompanying your velvet walls as one of them itches to move - geshu's tip crooks inside and rubs on your sweet, textured spot, rewarding the generals your strings of satisfaction. "ah— i'm cumming!"
perhaps it was too late when you said it, but geshu pulls out, giving jiyan a chance to fully savor your slutty hole. "i'll make use of your mouth for now." he flips you around, making you stand on all fours with your ass perked upwards, giving jiyan a full view of your aching cunt.
you shake your hips in desperation, wriggling around just to feel his tip come into contact with your slicked walls again. all the while you coil your digits around geshu's cock, starting off with the head by kitty licks on its little slit. the white haired general loses composure and restraint, hands finding themselves cupping the frame of your face, urging for you to go deeper. as obedient as you became once lust runs in your system, you finally lap all his length up, and at the same time, jiyan rams into you, continuing where he left off earlier.
more sloppy sounds emit from the intercourse as slurping and licking accompanied geshu's dick. sweat begins to trickle all the way down all of your bodies, both the generals' luscious hair becomes disheveled, they ramp their movements by a notch as jiyan performs such impactful thrusts, ramming with his balls deep in and as for geshu, he fills your mouth with his dick alone - both aiming to chase the familiar feeling of release.
jiyan's pacing transitions into a faster one, hands gripping your waist hardly that'll certainly leave a burning sensation on your skin later on. meanwhile geshu lin, he bucks his hips forward, the tip of his cock kissing the very back of your throat. tears then begin to well up in your eyes, burning your irises as your gag reflex was getting harder and harder to tame.
"swallow it."
"i'll shoot it inside."
the both of them says in unison, and finally, strings of their sticky cum sprawl all over your body's insides: one in your womb and another in your throat. the two generals took some time to let these events sink in their desire filled minds, dicks still not softening any time soon.
jiyan looks at your naked back, the supple skin of yours makes him want to do more; eventually succumbing to the temptation. he wraps his arms around your chest and pulls you to a tight embrace, chin rests on your shoulder blade. you heavily pant, the back of your head now laid on the plane of his chest. the two of you then look over to geshu lin, whose facial expressions say that he's in no way satisfied. reading the ambience of the atmosphere, a gut feeling kicks in and tells you that jiyan feels the same.
geshu lin closes in, kissing away the drool escaping past the margins of your soft, sultry lips. jiyan then does the same, softly nibbling on your shoulder, making you elicit a short whimper.
"now, tell us. which one of us do you prefer?"
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feminist-space · 8 days
"Artists have finally had enough with Meta’s predatory AI policies, but Meta’s loss is Cara’s gain. An artist-run, anti-AI social platform, Cara has grown from 40,000 to 650,000 users within the last week, catapulting it to the top of the App Store charts.
Instagram is a necessity for many artists, who use the platform to promote their work and solicit paying clients. But Meta is using public posts to train its generative AI systems, and only European users can opt out, since they’re protected by GDPR laws. Generative AI has become so front-and-center on Meta’s apps that artists reached their breaking point.
“When you put [AI] so much in their face, and then give them the option to opt out, but then increase the friction to opt out… I think that increases their anger level — like, okay now I’ve really had enough,” Jingna Zhang, a renowned photographer and founder of Cara, told TechCrunch.
Cara, which has both a web and mobile app, is like a combination of Instagram and X, but built specifically for artists. On your profile, you can host a portfolio of work, but you can also post updates to your feed like any other microblogging site.
Zhang is perfectly positioned to helm an artist-centric social network, where they can post without the risk of becoming part of a training dataset for AI. Zhang has fought on behalf of artists, recently winning an appeal in a Luxembourg court over a painter who copied one of her photographs, which she shot for Harper’s Bazaar Vietnam.
“Using a different medium was irrelevant. My work being ‘available online’ was irrelevant. Consent was necessary,” Zhang wrote on X.
Zhang and three other artists are also suing Google for allegedly using their copyrighted work to train Imagen, an AI image generator. She’s also a plaintiff in a similar lawsuit against Stability AI, Midjourney, DeviantArt and Runway AI.
“Words can’t describe how dehumanizing it is to see my name used 20,000+ times in MidJourney,” she wrote in an Instagram post. “My life’s work and who I am—reduced to meaningless fodder for a commercial image slot machine.”
Artists are so resistant to AI because the training data behind many of these image generators includes their work without their consent. These models amass such a large swath of artwork by scraping the internet for images, without regard for whether or not those images are copyrighted. It’s a slap in the face for artists – not only are their jobs endangered by AI, but that same AI is often powered by their work.
“When it comes to art, unfortunately, we just come from a fundamentally different perspective and point of view, because on the tech side, you have this strong history of open source, and people are just thinking like, well, you put it out there, so it’s for people to use,” Zhang said. “For artists, it’s a part of our selves and our identity. I would not want my best friend to make a manipulation of my work without asking me. There’s a nuance to how we see things, but I don’t think people understand that the art we do is not a product.”
This commitment to protecting artists from copyright infringement extends to Cara, which partners with the University of Chicago’s Glaze project. By using Glaze, artists who manually apply Glaze to their work on Cara have an added layer of protection against being scraped for AI.
Other projects have also stepped up to defend artists. Spawning AI, an artist-led company, has created an API that allows artists to remove their work from popular datasets. But that opt-out only works if the companies that use those datasets honor artists’ requests. So far, HuggingFace and Stability have agreed to respect Spawning’s Do Not Train registry, but artists’ work cannot be retroactively removed from models that have already been trained.
“I think there is this clash between backgrounds and expectations on what we put on the internet,” Zhang said. “For artists, we want to share our work with the world. We put it online, and we don’t charge people to view this piece of work, but it doesn’t mean that we give up our copyright, or any ownership of our work.”"
Read the rest of the article here:
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AITA for the way I handle consent?
slight nsfw warning, obviously
For background context: When I (17m) was around fourteen I briefly dated a girl even younger (by about a year) than me, which already wasn’t Great. I, extremely hormonal, got extremely noticeably horny during any physical contact at all, and thus the topic of a physical relationship got breached and we had one. At the time I handled consent as I was taught: Ask for permission at the start of any Activity and with every new thing you’re trying to do. We never went past petting either, if that matters.
Shortly after we broke up about a year into our relationship, the girl in question outed herself as fully asexual to sex repulsed. Which retroactively meant that even if I did get verbal consent for everything we did during our relationship, I obviously missed Something Vital and the guilt has been fucking with me for a while. My ex is still close friends with me so she doesn’t seem completely traumatized? If that counts for something?
Anyway, I have been in a new relationship for nine months by now. We’re both teenage boys and exactly as physical as one might expect, with the added difference that I ask for permission A Lot. Like. Several times in fifteen minutes. Also just questions about comfort general stuff if he’s okay if nothing hurts if he wants to change position anything really. Doesn’t help that we’re both kinda kinky.
Ive noticed that it’s kind of annoying how much I clarify and also that he‘s slightly uncomfortable with the implication that there’s something wrong with how much I want him. Also it does noticeably break mood to ask this often. I just don’t know if this is very weird or just a quirk one can deal with.
What are these acronyms?
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olderthannetfic · 1 month
I mean, the situations where consent is considered dubious in fiction can absolutely exist in real life, and often times, whether assault has been committed comes down to the reactions after the fact and whether someone believes they truly gave consent--and what is that if not dubious, from an outside perspective?
I enjoy drunk sex. I don't care to breathalyze everyone I flirt with when I'm drunk to make sure they're exactly as drunk as I am so that if we hook up we're 'even'. I know that when I get drunk I get physically affectionate and horny and much more open to making poor sexual decisions than I am while sober. I do not ever consider consensual sex I have while intoxicated to be rape or assault. There are a lot of people who would insist that every drunken sexual encounter I've had has been rape, particularly the ones where I came onto someone who was considerably more sober than I was and they slept with me anyway.
I'd say, believe people who say whether or not they consented--however, the ONLY time you have an insider's POV is for you and your own consent, meaning that from the outside looking in, there are lots of situations in real life that might seem very dubious and, ultimately, up to the people involved and them alone to determine whether consent was given and accepted, and whether or not an assault took place.
Also, I think 'enthusiasm' is deeply overrated as a measure of consent. Enthusiastic consent is great and sexy but sometimes you have sex because you know your partner wants to and you want to make them happy even if you aren't really in the mood, and sometimes you're paid for sex and can't afford to be particularly choosy about your clients--consent still matters in those situations! Consent is not retroactively revoked if you weren't enthusiastic enough about the sex being had.
I find the notion of enthusiastic consent as seen in fandom annoying because it involves performing emotions to someone else's standard, not displaying your own emotions authentically—at least if you don't happen to be a chirpy and vocal type.
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theerurishipper · 9 months
You know, for a character whose arc is supposed to be about finding new relationships which give him unconditional love, the writers really went out of their way to isolate Adrien and make sure he has no one huh.
Marinette, Felix, Kagami, Nathalie, Plagg, Amelie, Tikki and Alya are siding with his abuser and lying to him.
Luka was all on board with Marinette's awful plan to trick Chat Noir into an identity reveal without his knowledge or consent. He also hid the fact that he knew his identity from him.
Nino and Adrien's relationship became frayed during Rocketear and canon has slowly made Nino's defining relationship be with Alya and not Adrien, so Nino isn't really that close with Adrien anymore.
Adrien's classmates don't really know him as seen in Felix, and only seem to care about him in terms of trying to get him and Marinette together.
Emilie (if she's alive) is an abusive parent who cheerfully mind controlled her son along with her husband and never told him he was a Sentimonster.
They seriously went out of their way to strip Adrien of his entire support network huh. It's even worse because it retroactively makes it seem like Gabriel was right.
Everyone treats Adrien just like he does so he wasn't actually wrong in how he treated his son. Adrien can't really hope for better because there is no better for him. Gabriel wasn't wrong in how he treats Adrien because Adrien doesn't deserve better than that, seeing as how everyone treats him the same way.
Everyone treats Adrien like he is only worth something if he can conform to the needs and expectations of people, and he doesn't really get unconditional love from anyone. So Gabriel was right to shut him away from these people.
Like... why? Is writing about Adrien's relationships that hard?
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dreamonminecraft · 3 months
ive decided idc . like i do feel bad that she regrets it and now feels uncomfortable and yeah dteam should probably not drink in public with strangers tbh but i feel like he was not in the wrong there like even she herself said she confused fear for excitement or whatevee like if she and everyone else around her thought she was happy and enjoying everything then george did not do anything wrong. that doesn't make her feelings wrong like she can now regret it and realize what she was feeling was different from what she thought but you cant retroactively make someone else an assaulter in a situation where you were engaging with them in a positive way
I know George said he wasn't looking for sympathy and everyone is joking about him and dream being too autistic to write an empathetic statement, but his own relation to regret about a sexual encounter is important. Obviously you can regret things. You don't get to make other people the bad guy for your own bad choices though. You don't get to fault people for the assumptions that you made. If you were not pressured into anything in the moment, you were not a victim of a person, you were a victim of circumstances. Your friends suck, George doesn't. He understands where you're coming from, and blindly accusing him of sexual assault when you revoked consent months after your last irl interaction doesn't make any sense. You can feel regret and remorse for your own interactions but you can't retroactively decide someone is an abuser.
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covertblizzard · 2 months
i never expected to develop a pet peeve of seeing batman hating the teen titans from the beginning (and only begrudgingly accepting it later if at all) in the modern comics but it is my new beloathed at the moment...
where is this even from and who started it because batman is soooo supportive of the teen titans in the original (in fact needing parental/guardian consent is a very early plot point) and has teams up with them the most asking them for help and it's actually only aquaman who shows disapproval towards the end and i hate how they're retroactively souring the bruce-dick relationship like this is NOT what it was :(((
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Tuberville is a Klansman working for Russia and China and simultaneously prepping for Trump’s Project 2025. Even the other Republikkkan senators are against his bullshit that has put our security in danger by leaving top military positions infilled for months.
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anunholyforehand · 7 months
The desire to fuck someone so well that they give me retroactive consent for what I did even though they never wanted it at first is very strong rn
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britts-galaxy-brain · 7 hours
I find it icky how Lily characterized you in her video. I am paraphrasing but it was something like “britanny retroactively removing consent of our conversations” in the outro also like… GIRL ARE YOU SAYING THEN THE CONVOS ARE TRUE? HOW WOULD BRITANNY BE “takesie backsies consent teehee” ON CONVOS YOU SAID DIDNT HAPPEN AND KEPT USING TEXT TO IMPLY THIS WAS SOMEONE ELSE YOU KNEW AND OR FAKED?
So she admitted they were real and she's been lying her ass off.
I didn't "revoke consent". That's the same bullshit she tried to pull with Lizzy. I never gave explicit consent. I was clear I didn't want it and was uncomfortable. She constantly pushed, badgered, guilt tripped, catfished, and did everything else in her ability to force her way through those boundaries.
And I'd once again like to reiterate that LILY WAS IN MASC MODE FULLY IDING AS A CIS MAN AND I'M A LESBIAN. By her admitting those conversations were real and they did get sexual, SHE IS ADMITTING TO COERCION.
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ardentpoop · 3 months
genuinely interested bc i love critical thoughts on Dean and John, why do u think John is better than him?
I agree Sam is the best, but as of right now, I believe John is worse, gimme ur thoughts <3
I think most people have such a narrow idea of abuse that john registers as More Abusive than dean bc of the show’s (offscreen, retroactive) imagery of him devolving into drunken rages etc. which btw - as if dean doesn’t have plenty of onscreen drunken rages. 😅 overall tho most of the harm john inflicted on his sons was done via his unpredictable absences - and in sam’s case by cutting him off when he refused to live the life john thought he should live. (“you walk out that door don’t you ever come back” from john when sam leaves to go to stanford and from dean when they clash after sam’s forced detox.)
could very well be that if john had lived past s1 he would’ve made things worse - but he also could’ve made things a lot better tbh, by rerouting some of the tension btwn his sons. bc dean goes off the fucking rails after john dies. the reason I say s1 dean is the only version of dean I wholeheartedly sympathize with is that the red flags pop up in s2 immediately after john’s death and he only gets worse and worse from there.
like who do you think did more damage to sam - john with whom sam would argue constantly bc he knew he was wrong abt what was “best” for sam, who died before the worst events of sam’s life could transpire? or dean who develops an insanely long track record of lying to sam “for his own good” and making decisions for him without his consent (which sometimes involves literally punching his lights out to incapacitate him) and questioning his judgement at every major junction and calling him a “freak” and meaning it and showing him that everyone else in their life agrees that dean’s right to do all of it. john was sam’s unreliable father but dean is sam’s literal life partner and he makes their already nightmarish existence worse by refusing to extend a modicum of the trust compassion and understanding to sam that sam unconditionally extends to dean.
I’m sorry but dean’s literally a monster lol no other character in this show makes my stomach turn more frequently than he does. and like I’ve said - there is immense narrative value to that and this show and these characters wouldn’t be the same if the dynamic wasn’t this badly unbalanced… but ppl are so allergic to confronting it. it doesn’t mean you can’t like dean as a character! believe it or not there are things abt him that I find very compelling. it’s just that I want to scream until I’m blue in the face when the fandom or the narrative trots out its romanticized version of him.
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It's wild how there were so many people that were willing to excuse Felix attempting to kiss Marinette without her consent while lambasting Adrien for his flirtations, even downplaying what Felix did by saying that he was only trying to ruin Adrien's reputation when he tried to kiss her, as if that somehow makes it better.
Don't forget how the show is trying to retroactively make Felix out to be this socially awkward dork while forgetting how social skills are a huge part of being able to manipulate others.
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