#consequences to save their friend
1pcii · 10 months
reading one piece after being a naruto fan for so long is like finally experiencing love again after being in an abusive relationship
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mxtxfanatic · 4 months
The common thread tying together how mxtx treats all her well-rounded character across all her works is that a character's past is as real as their actions. That means that a character's tragic past is a key part of their character and should be considered while analyzing them. It also means that their actions are also their own and must be considered when analyzing them. One does not negate the other. The trauma that a character experiences in the narrative is not erased by their shitty actions, but those experiences also don't redeem their immoral behavior. Everyone must live with the consequences of their chosen actions, regardless of what drove them to make those choices. That is the lesson.
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hiyaluronic · 5 months
I just—I just need a minute because Letters just learned he was a real boy in time to have his big damn hero moment and it’s…😭
It’s not fucking fair.
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yuri-is-online · 10 months
A Chapter 7 thought
What if in addition to blaming Lilia for causing Malleus’s overblot the senate/council/I forget what they're called blames Yuu. Because their soul is empty and they showed up at the start of the year so clearly they're the cause for these multiple incidents.
And that's what makes Grim overblot. Not Yuu going home, but Yuu being taken away by thorns.
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moeblob · 3 months
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OCs today because I really missed them. Since I wanted details still but with less effort (aka no shading) I opted for their DND AU versions.
Not pictured: Paul (a Pauladin if you will) messing up and probably nearly dying for the fifth time.
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tsukihimeyfan · 1 year
Just finished watching Wendigoon's video about Hisashi Ouchi and had a terrible, awful, no-good DP prompt idea come into my head. Come suffer with me.
So the Fentons constantly threaten to tear ghosts apart "molecule by molecule" right? What if they managed to make an anti-ghost weapon that made good on that threat? One that tore apart ghostly DNA or ectoplasm, and just straight-up turned any ghost hit by it into green goop, melted within seconds like Danny's clones?
So I imagine that at some point after destroying a couple of ghosts with this new weapon, Jack and Maddie finally manage to corner Phantom somehow. Terrified, Danny is left with no choice but to try to explain who and what he is, hoping to all the Ancients that it will be enough to stop them from hurting him.
Unfortunately for him, the Fentons don't really listen at first and shoot him point blank.
Danny puts his arms up to protect himself and closes his eyes, trembling in abject fear, imagining himself melting away into a pile of goop right in front of his parents. He desperately hopes it's quick and painless. He waits for the end.
...and waits
... and waits
The Fentons and Danny both feel shocked, but Danny eventually laughs (a bit hysterically) and continues explaining his accident, intensely relieved that his half-human nature had protected him from this weapon.
Once he explains everything, the Fentons apologize with tears in their eyes for how they had treated him. They accept him for who he is, and promise to do their best to learn more about ghosts' true natures. They decide to use their inventions in an actually scientific, ethical way, to learn more about this culture and people. Danny and Jazz are both ecstatic. Everything seems perfect. Sure, Danny might have thrown up and passed out the minute they got home from that little talk, and sure, his skin turned a bit red and painful where he got hit, but that was the extent of it, right? His human half purged the effects of the weapon from his body, no harm no foul.
But they all forget that while Danny's DNA is half human, it is also half ghostly in nature, and the weapon just tore through those parts of him like bullets through paper.
A week later, Danny's skin starts to feel like it's burning
#danny phantom#dp prompt#prompt#basically the Fentons accidentally give Danny extreme radiation poisoning and have to deal with the consequences#maybe Vlad could get a redemption arc in this#finally realizing that Maddie is not as perfect as he imagined her to be#and using everything in his considerable power to help save his Little Badger#could also be#DPxDC#dp x dc#if they end up reaching out to the justice league for their resources and expertise on non-human biology and radiation exposure#and of course every single one of them would end up loving Danny and wanting to take him away from these people who hurt him so bad#or at least help him recover and watch over him after#they wouldn't be fans of the Fentons to say the least#if anyone writes anything on this you can take it anywhere you like#but I'm personally a sucker for Angst with a Happy Ending#so in my imagination Danny manages to make it through the almost 3 months of suffering and eventually recovers#with a ton of new friends (and maybe a lover) for his troubles#but he'd never be the same#and I don't think he'd ever look at Jack and Maddie the same either#don't look up pictures of Hisashi Ouchi btw#only made that mistake once#danny fenton#btw for those who don't know but don't want to watch a 90min video about it#Hishashi Ouchi was a poor man who was exposed to so much radiation that his chromosomes were torn to shreds#**READ THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES AT YOUR DISCRETION CW IT'S NOT PRETTY IF YOU DON'T LIKE THINKING ABOUT NASTY STUFF/BODY HORROR DON'T READ#then his skin started to slough off#then the lining of his lungs. then the one on his intestines. then on almost every one of his organs#He lived for 83 days bc the best doctors in the world were trying to save him#but Yes it was probably as excruciating as it sounds especially bc his mind was intact for most of it
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the-diabolic-acid · 2 years
everyday i think about the lost angst potential of rose finding out what she did to jack and i punch a wall
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akkivee · 15 days
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unami has a habitual tell that shows when she’s hiding something that left a strong enough impression on kuukou that he still recognises it years and years later. i also think that ren scratching his cheek tipped kuukou off that ren was hiding the real reason his clothes got ripped upon their first meeting
there’s also a scene in the 2gumi hypquest event where jyushi hides his video game from kuukou (bc kuukou the bully stole jyushi’s game in the name of training in the previous hypquest event lmao) and kuukou is very displeased to see it lol what i’m saying is that kuukou is very very sensitive about being lied to esp when it’s something being kept from him
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ulircursed · 1 month
"A moment of your time!" Emcee catches up to you before you can disperse to your room or rejoin with your teammates, or wherever else it is you're heading off to.
"This way, this way." The strange host ushers you into a small shack, curtained off from the outside. They offer you a chair and a bright lamp hangs overhead.
"Now then," they start, positioning themselves across from you. "How do you feel about being eliminated this week, so close to the finish line? Is there anything you want to tell your teammates?"
In their hand is a voice amplifying stick, which they hold out to you now.
It's inevitable, Andrei supposes, that his efforts would prove lacking at some point. And while not entirely unexpected, it still doesn't fully soothe the bitter sting of failure. Even if it was just an inconsequential game, even if he hadn't exactly wanted to be here in the first place, he still wished that his actions were useful in some way.
(Perhaps wishing for it was his first mistake.)
He lingers at the doorway to the shack, wary gaze sweeping over the setup within, and especially towards the 'host' as they hold out the odd-looking stick towards him.
"I don't really—"
A quick-moving blur at the edge of his vision is all the warning he got before something small and purple slams into him with the force of a small battering ram, cutting him off, and he feels his arm hooked by another, the momentum sending him into a run as well. By the time he stops and blinks, he is about fifty feet away from the door of the shack, the purple blur's identity revealed as Bernadetta. The odd, statue-like host stares across the distance towards them, but doesn't move to give chase.
Is this allowed???
Andrei hadn't exactly seen any of the others face elimination, but none of them had simply gone off on their own to rejoin their team. And as quickly as they'd gotten out of the shack, he doesn't relish the thought of being chased by the hosts all over the island for disregarding the rules.
...Or perhaps Bernadetta truly does have the power to do something like this, he realizes, remembering that meeting the objectives had come with certain actions they were allowed to take. Given that she hadn't been eliminated, it follows that she'd succeeded, and she could possibly have the ability to return someone from elimination.
And she'd chosen to help him, yet again.
"bernie's going to do her best so that no one will hurt you, either."
Something warm blooms in his chest.
"Thank you," he says, fondness and wonder softening his tone, and holds out his hand, "...We'll go back to the cabin together, then?"
If he truly had been given another chance, then Andrei would see this through to the end, for the sake of those he could not let down. Bernadetta included.
andrei has escaped elimination by the power of friendship!
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lordgrimwing · 5 months
[for Glorfindel Week, hosted by @glorfindelweek, Day 4, part of the Silm ABO series]
Glorfindel listened to the strange noises around him. Eyes shut and breath kept carefully even, he tried to get a sense of what was happening without alerting anyone to his wakefulness. He wasn’t sure how long he’d been unconscious this time, but the pain in his stomach was less distracting now. 
Last time, he woke up suddenly, yanked back to consciousness by a deep, aching pain splitting his belly open as though the mýrennedí still had her teeth in him. He had a hazy memory of someone trying to speak with him, followed by an unsuccessful attempt to escape out the mouth of the bizarre cave they were in. Whoever these people were, they were not pleased by his disappearance. 
The cave opening sat on the side of a sheer cliff dotted with many other openings of identical size and shape. The pain made climbing hard, and he had to slip inside one of the other caves to rest. Fearing he’d fall if he tried climbing the rest of the way down, he tested his luck in the rabbit warren-like caves instead, hoping they were all connected and he could reach the ground. 
He bumped into many strangely dressed elves as he went. They either stared at him in surprise or squawked like vibrantly colored, unintelligible birds. A few tried to stop him, but he avoided them easily and kept running.
The elf from the first cavern caught up to him at about the same time he realized he’d started bleeding from the healing gashes in his stomach. He wasn’t steady on his feet by that point, stumbling down the passage with more than running, and the elf easily grabbed him. Everything was very confused after that, but they must have gotten back to where he started somehow. 
That brought him back to the present: still unable to make sense of what was going on but feeling less like he was crawling toward the flaming chasm of death—so that was good.
“You are awake?” Someone asked from near his head.
Well, pretending to sleep wasn’t working. It was time to figure out where he was and what happened. He opened his eyes.
The elf from earlier was gone, replaced by one of the strangers the mýrennedí tried eating. He recognized this one from the days he spent watching their camp before the attack, assessing if they were a threat to his people or just part of a strange tribe passing through. Quenhó, he’d named this one, because his odd appearance was reminiscent of images conjured up by the angoldos’ tales of lost spirits. He had been interesting to watch: he appeared to be some kind of healer, like an angoldo, as others in the group came to him when they were hurt.
Quenhó repeated the question, words spoken with the tone of someone who was trying to speak clearly after eating many fermented mesquite bean pods. “You are awake?”
Glorfindel blinked. “Yes.” His mouth felt dry.
“You are safe,” Quenhó said in very simple words, tongue stumbling.
Was he just learning to speak? Perhaps he actually was a lost spirit.
“Do not run again. You are hurt.” Quenhó pointed at his own stomach, hidden under layers of enough stifling fabric to make a sizable traveling tent, then down at Glorfindel’s while making a pained expression with his odd face.
Glorfindel agreed with the limited explanation. “Yes,” he said. “That is usually what happens to people who are caught by a mýrennedí. I’m lucky she didn’t kill me.” 
The more he thought about it, the more certain he became that he should have died. The fight took place far away from his people (though he’d watched the strangers long enough to know that they knew where his people lived, that they were specifically watching his people). Even if he had survived the journey back to be cared for by an angoldo, he’d seen though wounds like this to know a burning fire should have grown within him by the third day and finished what the large cat started.
Quenhó looked at him, his face twisted into an indecipherable mask. “You are hurt,” he repeated. “I am helping you.”
Glorfindel tilted his head against the thick, soft mat he was laying on. “Where am I?” He asked. “I’ve never seen caves like this. Do your people make caves like hares dig tunnels?”
“You are hurt.” This time, a hint of pleading entered the words.
Quenhó, whoever and whatever he was, had no idea what Glorfindel was saying.
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intertexts · 4 months
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I LOVE BONESAW SHES SO SCARY <3 how far did you get into the suckening btw. did you meet the weylin twins. I think bonesaw would be such good friends with the weylin twins.
hey also? what the fuck? bonesaw? bonesaw can we talk. i just want to talk. please. can I pick your brain. oh no. oh wait. aha. bad choice of words.
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
im still mad final crisis didnt give us even one konbart hug. they both DIED and then came back and punched superboy prime a bunch wooowwwww and that was it!! there's no hug. NOT EVEN ONE!!! BOO (throwing tomatoes)
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have i ever mentioned that i love being told im rude by someone whos been hard on me my entire life for no reason? Because i do. So much.
totally unrelated, i also love crying in public!
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hamartia-grander · 5 months
Guys I'm starting to realise how Adalice coded Wyll and Astarion from bg3 are. no wonder I like wyllstarion so much
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unsat-and-strange · 7 months
another doodle page for the beauty and the beast au (Brian and the beast, if I may)
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cogsworth lyf and lumiere Tim getting into shenanigans ft an interaction from one of the first posts of this au, (un)creature jonny mourning his beautiful hair, the return of nastya :) I think castle aurora is shaped like the mechs logo and I pray the sketch in the bottom left reads as such. the next page has brians first search for carmilla (whoever brought up the idea of him calling for his mama ripped my heart out) also best wingmen Tim and Bertie, potential Bertie design, and Court Enchantress Carmilla. I am unwell about all of this, continue feeding the fire please I'm begging you
real quick gonna tag @rocksanddeadflowers and @blazeismyname
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isfjmel-phleg · 9 months
I was taking notes and instead got socked with the impact of a storyline that at a glance looks like a random digression before the actual climax but actually is crucial to the themes and arc and now I'm expected to just dry my hair? and go to bed? like nothing happened?
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