#she wanted to save her friend so badly she didnt know how to control it
the-diabolic-acid · 2 years
everyday i think about the lost angst potential of rose finding out what she did to jack and i punch a wall
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praxeus. episode of all time. yaz episode of all time. radiating self-assurance, showing off all the things shes learnt, wanting the doctor to see how good she is at this. at playing doctor and loving it. relishing having the keys to all places, having Secret Knowledge of Alien Things that she is in no way about to share with either jake or gabriela because where would be the rush of power in that?
jake, the (ex-)copper on a sabbatical. "except i dont go telling people im police!" give it a year or two love and youre using this (ex-)title on each of your self-found companions. which youre practicing now for with gabriela, pretty girl to forcefully introduce to her very first alien planet. well, almost.
both the girl best friends who've known each other for 5 years and one of which dies exploding, and the uncommunicative married/separated husbands who are punishing each other or themselves, one of which, again, almost dies exploding, looking like thasmin from every angle. (looking like thoschei, too, further back. because thats whats behind every picture of thasmin whichever way you cut it)
watching the identities slip and slide changing hands between all these parallels. Adam, sick astronaut, experimented on by aliens, clear doctor figure. or is he? jake, on the beach, sits where the doctor sits, saying he doesnt do emotions, admitting to being purposefully unreliable, unable to commit, disliking travelling! jake who can be summoned with a "help me". jake, who doesnt believe adam could really love him. who are we to apply this sentiment to, then? obviously, both. obviously, all.
"we didnt teleport into an active volcano!" yaz exclaims, too surprised at her own success to really be reassuring, as she holds onto her new friend's wrist, not hand, steering, directing, controlling. "im supposed to be the one saying that to you," the doctor responds, a year or three (or six, for yaz) later, when the destination is an active volcano, when in all these years theyve learnt to fly a spaceship together ("adam lang, your job is so easy!") but still havent figured out how to say the things that need saying, when one of them is dying, and the last time yaz was still pretending to be on sabbatical she knew for sure how old she was. two girls roaming.
the doctor wants so badly to figure this out, needs this win, after the identity shock of ruth, all the unanswered questions. even after the betrayal, after all the bad thats been done. "look at us, suki! two brilliant scientists, we can fix this!" whatever you did, whatever youve done, in desperation, wasnt right, but it's not the end. you can fuck it all up, and then you can help to try and unfuck as much as you can. just think. do not get carried away by fear. thats what scientist means, in the thirteenth doctor's mouth. someone who realises problems have solutions. that can be found. if you delay your frightened desperate furious reaction and just think for a second. she wishes she and suki could have worked together. she wishes they could have saved her planet as well as earth. she wishes she could have sent suki home, safe and sound, with solutions for whoever is left there, waiting for her, desperate and afraid. they will never know what happened. they will die sick and in ignorance.
adam offers himself up. hes dying anyway. they need a clinical trial and he is a suitable body to test on. makes you wonder. the master did not tell us everything, and what he didnt we'll never know, but as graham put it "i aint the fantasist round here" (detective morse, by the way, is not a reference i knew, but from wikipedia this character doesnt seem much to match jake's vibes, the master (and/or doctor) however...) what sense of duty might the child have felt? what sense of duty might the child have been talked into? or is that too patronising a way to frame it? what loyalty to her adoptive mother, a scientist and explorer, an example that still loudly resonates in 13, first-time woman, and what loyalty to her adoptive planet, people? what was life like on prehistoric gallifrey? "sparsely populated" is all we get. nothing about the possible reasons. disease doesnt seem out of the question. why did tecteun leave? "dangerous, unsophisticated space travel". why do something so dangerous? just the quest for knowledge? or was there desperation? was there fear?
"maybe," the doctor says, "i'll never know". and tecteun replies with a phrase the doctor herself has tried to leverage against yaz: the journey of a lifetime. "what do you do, 'Doctor'? pick people up, take them with you? you adopt them, use them, for reassurance, for company. theyre your experiments just as you were mine."
could she have been something else? who knows. but adam offered. and before that adam trained. and adam stepped into a rocket. and adam let himself be shot into space. scientist and explorer. and we're all full of plastic, whether we know it or not. and the doctor's a romantic. which is to say an idealist, here for the lost causes, a virus to kill the disease of our own making. infectious, and aware of it.
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devilsgatewayhq · 2 years
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Name: Taliah Tezel Age: 31 Occupation: Fire Chief Time living in Tonopah: 15 years Neighborhood: Downtown Gang Affiliation: Sons of Silence Hangaround Face Claim: Melisa Asli Pamuk
Biography (TW:  House fire. Death. Grief. Injury.):
Born and raised in Turkey, Taliah had quite a pleasant, normal upbringing with two loving parents. From a young age she had big dreams and an ambitious personality. Aged 5, she decided she wanted to be a dancer, a dream that actually followed her into her early teens. Had it not been for the tragedy that fell on her family, that dream would have probably never changed. Attending a house party when she was 15, Taliah had a minor accident, tripping over someone’s towel by the pool and falling head first into a stack of empty glass bottles. - The fall caused quite a deep gash on her arm that travelled from shoulder down to her elbow. She called her dad to come pick her up, shying on the gory detail just so he didn’t panic. At least not until she was there to assure him she was absolutely fine.
3 hours, an x-ray and over 40 stitches later, they were ready to go home. Taliah stopped near the front entrance of the hospital to use the phone and call her mom with an update. No answer. How strange. Her mom was working late at her office but she always answered her phone. Taliah remembers thinking she probably dialed the number wrong in her groggy state. Oh well, leave it to dad to call her when they get home. The pair only made it a few steps out the doors when a swarm of flashing lights pulled up, blocking their path to the carpark. Seeing the body they rushed in made her gasp in horror. A woman so badly burnt, she didnt even recognise her.
“Ayda.” Her mom’s name from her fathers lips sent a chill down her spine. She watches him run after them and for a few moments all she could do was stand there in confusion. That wasn’t her mom, it just couldn’t be, why was he running after a stranger? Alas, she was wrong and he was right. Her father only knowing it was her by the familiar pair of heels and a bracelet she always wore. Within that hour, Ayda had succumbed to her injuries and passed away. The boiler in her office had blown, presumably injuring, if not killing her from the start, trapping her inside the building that was now on fire. One of the more bitter pills to swallow about it is that they could never give them an answer. It remains unknown whether her mother suffered and died, or if the blast killed her instantly. The latter obviously more preferable but it was and still is the idea of the former that haunts Taliahs dreams. It was truly awful to picture her mom frightened, alone and literally burned alive.
They received a hefty payout from the company as it turned out the boiler was overdue its service. Another haunting thought, had the right check been complete, the blast may not have occurred. By some miracle, Taliah managed to finish school and pass with good grades, just in time to pack up and set off for a new life. Tonopah. Her father had decided it was too painful to remain in their home without his wife, he wanted to move and be closer to his brother. Taliah wasn’t given much choice in the matter but she never complained, her father needed this, she supposed she would just suck it up for his sake.
Trying to fit into a new place at the age of 16 was not at all easy but she did manage to make some friends, even sign up to some studies and dance classes. It was then that she realised her dream had changed, no longer wanting to be a dancer, she wanted to be a fire fighter. - So, that’s what she trained at and that’s what she achieved. In an odd way, she did it for her mother. Like if she could save just one person from a fire, it would be one more beating heart that gets to go home to their family. Taliah moved out when she was in her early twenties, setting up a home for herself to go with her new life.
She’ll never recover from the loss of her mom but over the years, she’s learned to control that pain and keep it hidden… Most of the time. - She began to flourish in herself, get back a lot of the outgoing girl that had been lost. Taliah is a very loyal girl, if she says she’s got you then you can 100% believe it. She loves her job as much as she loves her time off. Time typically spent in bars, dancing up a storm and making the most out of her evenings. Whilst she’s awfully kind, she’s far from naive, her sass will know no limit if she thinks you’re offending her.
Was taught English from a young age but sometimes struggles to find the correct English term for things and ends up saying it wrong. ( Think Ziva from NCIS. “Do you mind if i grab a bat nap?” )
The scar on her arm that stems from shoulder to elbow is still quite visible and she’s absolutely ok with that. She does have some tattoos but no plans on covering it up with one.
Do not leave her alone with your candy, she’ll definitely eat it and blame it on your pet.
Danced professionally as a child and into her early teens. Now, she mostly just dances for fun. Once a month she goes to a hip-hop dance studio and loves to learn the routines.
She loves birds but will panic and probably cry if one flaps near her head. This goes for all things with wings tbh.
She can’t whistle, try so she may, it just doesn’t happen. It’s not important but it deeply frustrates her when she can’t achieve something and she’s too embarrassed to ask if she’s simply just doing it wrong.
Nicknames: Tal, Tali and TT. She’s used to hearing various ones from various people and will respond to any.
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darkblueboxs · 3 years
The Words that Cut
AKA "nine times Andrew was called pretty and hated it + one time he didnt"
Read here or on AO3
“I used to think it would have been easier,” Andrew says. The words cost him more than Neil can know, but Bee says it’s important to get better at these things. If he wants to keep Neil, anyway. “If I looked different.”
There's a lot he leaves out of that sentence.
“Just look at him! Isn’t he precious?!” The stranger’s hand comes out of nowhere, pinching Andrew’s cheek and tugging. Be on your best behaviour, his case worker had warned him. And maybe this time it’ll stick. Andrew isn’t sure he wants it to. He keeps his gaze fixed on his scuffed sneakers, shoelaces trailing because he still hasn’t gotten the hang of the knots. Until the hand pinching his face forces him to look up.
“And gosh, look at those eyes!” The latest in Andrew’s never-ending line of foster parents doesn’t look so different from the rest. Her face is too close, and Andrew can smell her breath when she speaks, sharply tinged with tobacco. He wrinkles his nose, and she frowns. “Now, now, none of that. We don’t want to spoil that pretty little face, do we?” And she punctuates the question with another hard pinch to his cheek. Andrew bares his teeth, and she smiles. “Much better. Don’t you look beautiful!”
Then Andrew sinks his teeth into her hand, and she starts to scream instead.
…and this is Andrew! He’s going to be staying with us for a while. You’ll make sure your new foster brother feels very welcome, won’t you? Now both of you stand together, I want to take a photograph of my two handsome boys…
Andrew’s hook-up tucks himself back into his grey prison-standard joggers, panting heavily.
“Fuck,” he says, which just about sums it up.
Andrew wipes his hand off, keeping his eyes fixed on the grey expanse of wall behind the other boy’s head.
“That was hot,” he continues, as though Andrew cares. He got what he wanted from the encounter: now all he wants to be is alone.
“Go away.”
He flicks a significant look downwards, smirking. “C’mon, you really want me to leave you like this?”
Andrew grabs him by the neck and shoves him back against the wall, forcing his gaze away from his body. “I said go away.”
Instead of showing any sign of fear, his pupils dilate as he leans into the pressure of Andrew’s hand around his neck. “Fuck, you’re hot.” He reaches for Andrew, and Andrew’s mind goes black with rage.
He does not lay a hand on Andrew again.
“Look. Over there, by the lockers. No, no, don’t make it obvious!”
“No way! He looks just like Aaron. But also kind of cuter?”
“Are you crazy? They have the same face!”
“Yeah, but he’s got like, a bad-boy mystique. You heard he just got out of prison, right? Think he has a girlfriend yet?”
“Ew, Tracy.”
“Ask him for me. Please? I’ll do your math homework for the rest of the week.”
A girl with curly brown hair and freckles appears at Andrew’s shoulder as he slams his locker shut.
“My friend thinks you’re cute.”
Andrew doesn’t even bother with a perfunctory glance in the girl’s direction. “Your friend can fuck off.”
She looks affronted for all of a second before her lips curl downwards. “Whatever, jackass.”
Andrew isn’t quite out of earshot by the time she returns to her friend.
“Forget about it, Tracy. His brother is hotter anyway.”
Andrew’s hands clench into fists of their own accord. When they try to approach Aaron after practice, Andrew makes it clear what happens to anyone who shows interest in his brother.
Andrew hears his cousin’s screams before he even rounds the corner to see him splayed on the cobblestones, his nightclub attire torn and muddied with boot prints. Men circle him like vultures, teeth bared, eyes shining with mad hunger. Andrew has seen that look before too many times. Nicky’s attackers smirk as Andrew approaches, but the slouch of their shoulders says they don’t see him as a threat. It’s the last mistake they’ll ever make.
“Andrew, run,” Nicky says, words thickened by puffy, bleeding lips. His face has been beaten so badly it’s not even clear where the blood is coming from.
One of the men laughs. “Who is this, your boyfriend? Come on, baby, we can make you look just as pretty as your bitch over there.”
Andrew steps forward, knife in hand.
“Huh,” says Nicky on Andrew’s first night home with meds swirling through his system. “You actually have a really cute smile, Andrew.”
Grinning, Andrew puts his fist through a wall, and nothing more is said on the matter.
“The Foxes’ deadliest investment.” The journalist thrusts a microphone so close to Andrew’s face he practically inhales it. “And certainly one of their cutest! Andrew Minyard, do you have anything to say to your growing legion of fans? I’m sure all the girls want a piece of you, and I can’t say I blame them!”
Andrew bares his teeth. False laughter bubbles up within him, and he clenches his jaw to keep it in his throat. “How do my fans feel about disembowelment?”
The journalist is less eager to take his picture after that.
“C’mon, Renee, you can tell us. Are you really just fighting down there? Or are you getting another kind of action, if you catch my drift?”
“Don’t answer her, Renee, she’s just trying to win her bet.”
“Can’t I just be interested? I mean, can you imagine it? I mean, sure, Minyard’s pretty in his own psychotic way, but the height. It’s gotta be an issue, right? Unless you’re really into small-”
Andrew knocks at the door, saving his ears from any more of their gossiping. “Renee.”
“Coming!” Renee picks up her water bottle, relief washing her features while Dan and Allison choke on their laughter behind her.
Hello, handsome, says an impossible voice at his ear. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?
Oh, Luther, Andrew thinks as the bottle collides with the side of his head. I’m going to kill you.
He catches Neil poking at his scars in the bathroom mirror, digging his fingers into the darkened patches hard enough to scratch half-moons into the healing skin. His eyes meet Andrew’s in the reflection. All Andrew has to do is raise an eyebrow, and it’s as though Neil hears the question before he even has to formulate it.
“They’re distinctive,” he says by way of an answer.
“Not exactly anonymous,” Neil huffs.
Andrew steps forward until he is lined up along Neil’s back, glaring at his reflection over his shoulder. “You have no need for anonymity.”
“I know,” Neil says, still glaring at his reflection. “And I’m glad I don’t look like my father anymore, but…”
“Vanity doesn’t suit you, Josten.”
Neil sighs. “Easy for you to say.”
Andrew’s hands, which have come to rest on Neil’s waist, stop. He wills them not to clench. “What does that mean?”
The tips of Neil’s ears redden. “You know.”
“I don’t.”
“I mean, it’s not like you have anything to worry about. Not when you’re so-”
“No.” There’s no inflection in his tone, but Neil hears the urgency anyway.
“Did I say something wrong?”
Andrew lets his hands fall back to his sides, flexing the tremors from them.
“I used to think it would have been easier,” Andrew says. The words cost him more than Neil can know, but Bee says it’s important to get better at these things. If he wants to keep Neil, anyway. “If I looked different.”
There’s a lot he leaves out of that sentence. The burning after-effect of hands pinching his cheeks, pretty boy, pretty boy, pretty boy, over and over like a mantra that dug itself into his chest and festered there. The days where even the prickle of someone’s eyes on him made him want to vomit. The nights he considered turning the blades on his face instead of his arms in the hope of making himself too ugly to stomach.
He doesn’t say it, but the subtle shift in Neil’s gaze says that he doesn’t have to.
“Probably not,” Neil says. It isn’t offered as a consolation – Neil knows better where Andrew is concerned – but from understanding. “It’s never because of us. It’s because of them.”
Andrew leans into Neil once more, letting his chin come to rest on his shoulder. Their eyes meet in the reflection. “Probably not,” Andrew echoes, and Neil’s lips twitch. Something that has been tied up in Andrew’s chest for far too long pulls and untangles. “Distinctive isn’t necessarily a bad thing.”
Neil’s lips twitch again, the movement blossoming into a lobsided half-smile that does terrible things to Andrew’s self-control. “Are you calling me pretty?”
“Don’t ask questions you already know the answer to.”
“Oh.” Neil leans his head to the side so that it bumps against Andrew’s. “Well. You too.”
And, because it’s here and now and most importantly Neil, this time the words don’t cut. Andrew swallows them with a curt nod and leans into the kiss that follows, and everything that comes after. *
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elfdyke · 3 years
wow thanks! that was a really in depth post about it you make good points! when I played I definitely got the sense that monika had encouraged sayori to kill herself and I didn’t get the sense of any remorse when natsuki or yuri died or got fucked up but I guess u do make some good points there about how she was just trying to make them less desirable rather than kill them. I’m new to the game and the fandom so im not super familiar with everything yet but is there anything in the canon or lore that points away from monika having pushed sayori to commit suicide or is it mostly just fan theories and personal readings? either way thank u so much for answering!
yes i can absolutely find you some info on that!
there's quite a bit of information hidden within the games files, so I'm kind of assuming if you're new to the game, that you might not have seen these things? so ill dive into them too!
I'm gona do this under the cut so i can like, dissect things from the game !
(also i found stuff thats specifically pointing away from her meaning actual harm/death for Both yuri and sayori, jsyk)
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.txt (discovered in game files during act 2)
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“All I want is for you to hate them. Why is that so hard.”
not, all i want for them is to die. she doesnt want to kill them. she wants to separate us from them so we are with Her, not them. things spiral out of control, but it was never her intention for things to get this bad. ntm its repeated over and over in this game how badly monika wants to die. she's hanging on by a thread, keeping on only because she wants to be with us, to be in contact with reality. this leads to really unfortunate circumstances but i really strongly believe everything in the text alludes to the fact she did Not want things to get this bad
(im copy pasting a transcript of the monologue here, but this is taken from the very beginning of act 3, which you can see in this video starting at 25:56)
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imo this is all the proof needed to show that she really had no intention of ‘killing’ sayori and yuri. things spiraled out of control far beyond what she was capable of handling. 
her goals with making sayori more depressed and yuri more obsessive were, in here words “to just try to make them as unlikable as possible”. she didnt want her friends to brutally die!! she loved them q_q i feel like a lot of people really dont look at this specific part of what she says and take it to heart. its very telling for her character and important for understanding what she does and why she does it
sayori's hanging (cw: graphic descriptions of suicide)
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dialogue of importance:
"I was thinking about Sayori earlier... I still wish I could have handled that whole thing a little more tactfully."
"Come to think of it, it was probably less 'changing her mind' and more just her survival instincts kicking in." "So you can't really fault her for that." "It's easier to think that she probably wouldn't have changed her mind anyway, right?" "It's not healthy to think about the things you could have done differently." "So just remember that even though you could have saved her, it's technically not your fault she killed herself." "I may have exacerbated it a little bit, but Sayori was already mentally ill." "Still, though..." "I wonder how things would be if you and I just started dating from the get-go?" "I guess we'd all still be in the clubroom, writing poems and having fun together." "But what's the point when none of it is even real?" "I mean, it's the same ending either way, right?"
ok so whats important here, is monika is essentially using us, the player, as a mirror in act 3? the things she says i believe, very strongly show her sense of uncertainty in her actions, and her fears of what if she could have done something else??
"even though you could have saved her, its technically not your fault she killed herself" reads SO much to me like shes trying to comfort herself with this, she doesnt want it to be her fault. nothings real, sayori's a character in a game. but she wishes so badly they could have just been normal girls living together.
happy end poem
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OK SO LIKE. this is actual proof of Why she does everything she does. she's scared if she reaches out and tells us she's trapped in a game, we'll stop playing, we'll kill her. she tinkers with the game, trying to make herself look the best, trying to make us choose her, and nothing works. and this leads to her becoming frustrated and scared, and screwing with the game more and more desperately trying to do anything to save herself.
if you recall, in act 2, she gives you a poem which bluescreen the computer. this was actually an attempt she makes to escape the game q_q she never wanted to kill yuri, she never wanted things to escalate like that. she wanted to get out but she had no idea how to program her way out of the game, resulting in everything crumbling around her, and her friends dying.
my own route
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hang on this one genuinely makes me so upset.
it very much relates back to how in the conversation about sayori's suicide, she's still clearly thinking about how things could be Different. shes thinking about how they could be normal. "I may not have needed to take such drastic measures to be with you. Maybe the rest of the club would still be around..." , and then immediately trying to convince herself it doesnt matter, and that she doesnt care.
its so so obvious shes hurting and she misses her friends. the additional "i really dont (miss them)" at the end really shows that shes desperately trying to convince herself that it was worth it, that she did everything she should have, and her friends dont matter. but they clearly do matter to her. she loved them (she couldnt even delete them if u recall)
also another important part about this monologue, a lot of people say she killed the other girls out of jealousy, but this shows thats not true??
"I think I would end up forcing you onto my route anyway." "It has less to do with me not having a route, and more to do with me knowing that nothing is real."
this wasnt because shes 'in love' with us. she wanted to be close to something real, something tangible. she's clinging onto us, the player character, like someone lost at sea with a piece of driftwood, doing everything she can to stay afloat
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ok this isnt on the surface level as important as the other ones, but literally look at how she talks about this memory.. she misses them so much and talking about this memory she clearly cherishes brings her so much joy. she doesnt belittle any of them, she doesnt talk down on them, she’s just reliving this memory because it makes her happy 
I HOPE THIS HELPS?? im sure theres a few more things im forgetting, but i did my best to scrabble up everything i could to show how monika’s not an evil mastermind, shes a scared girl who didnt realize what she was doing and when things got too bad, she did her best to fix it, only for it to get worse n worse
edit: oh heres the proof that monika always loved the girls and never actually deleted them
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edit 2: haha.. um ouch
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“It’s not right for me to miss things that weren’t even real in the first place.” shes forcing herself to try and ignore her feelings for the other girls
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amateur-author597 · 3 years
Everyone who said Blinky would die because of"and blinky" in the trailer
Fuck you
It was very fair but still I was so scared
Same to if those who said Archie died because he wasn't in the trailer
Again fair but I was terrified and anxious as hell
My heart could not have handled if he died or Douxie's grief but I'm still upset about what actually happened
And I wish Zoe showed up so they could give her some characterization
We find out she's known Douxie and been friends with him for over 900 years but she doesn't help with the Arcane Order?
And none of the hedge witches show up to help fight them to defend their home?!?!?!
Jim you stupid string bean, I love you though
Claire, good job, that was some hard magic
Toby, go duke!
Douxie my husband, YAAASS QUEEN, GET IT BABY
The Police Station
It was so funny
Everything about it I loved
Douxari confusing the officers and being neutrally chaotic
Claire trying to be tough and silent
Toby spilling ALL the tea and the officers not believing him
Archie just being Archie and enjoying the confusion of the humans
Keep casually listing just about every spy agency in order
and then just
"And your mum"
What a legend
Literal King 👑
Walter and Barbara
Them being engaged and happy
Jim being best man
Walter DYING before they could get married
Very unpopular opinion
I loved it, so fucking funny
I don't even like mpreg normally
But I loved it as a random side plot cause they probably couldn't find an import part for every character and still give them their deserved screen time
Also, funny!
Krel was way too smug explaining to Steve that he would be pregnant, not Aja
You know how we as a fandom have all decided Krel is Aro/Ace icon or at least Aro spec and/or grey ace (something like that) I have no problem with this and love it, it makes me feel very validated, but what Krel just doesn't want kids and decided it's easier to not have romantic relationships, that's also a legitimate thing a lot of woman do
Does that mean gay guys can have biological kids on Akiridion 5?
I wish there was a bit where Steve called Lawrence on the phone calling him "dad" or "coach dad" and being like "Hey, I know you're probably busy, you're at school but I'm seriously freaking out and I need your help or advice" and explaining the whole Akiridion pregnancy and Coach just reassuring him gently and telling him that he and Steve's mum would support him and he wasn't alone and they weren't mad at him.
Douxie figuring out the sigil
Good job baby! Smart boy! I am very proud
You very smart
The Order bringing the Titans with Nari mind controlled
That's all
Numora dying
Why! It's was so unnecessary!
I don't necessarily love her by any means
But still!
*key spams in frustration*
This began much irritation that just increased
I was sad
"Nor more running"
Simple line
Shattered me and my very being THE SWITCHING SPELL
Douxari was so chaotic and funny and pure in a very weird way
I was sad that THAT screenshot of Douxie and Archie wasn't actually Archie because he looked so happy chddling his familiar but it was still cute
Narxie was so fucking sarcastic when the Arcane Order realized the spell didn't work and I live for it
Walter and Barbara
Them being engaged and happy
Jim being best man
Walter DYING before they could get married
I loved it, so fucking funny
Krel was way too smug explaining to Steve that he would be pregnant, not Aja
You know how we as a fandom have all decided Krel is Aro/Ace icon or at least Aro spec and/or grey ace (something like that) I have no problem with this and love it, it makes me feel very validated, but what Krel just doesn't want kids and decided it's easier to not have romantic relationships, that's also a legitimate thing a lot of woman do
Does that mean gay guys can have biological kids on Akiridion 5?
I wish there was a bit where Steve called Lawrence on the phone calling him "dad" or "coach dad" and being like "Hey, I know you're probably busy, you're at school but I'm seriously freaking out and I need your help or advice" and explaining the whole Akiridion pregnancy and Coach just reassuring him gently and telling him that he and Steve's mum would support him and he wasn't alone and they weren't mad at him.
Douxie figuring out the sigil
Good job baby! Smart boy! I am very proud
You very smart
The Order bringing the Titans with Nari mind controlled
That's all
Numora dying
Why! It's was so unnecessary!
Dndndbebhsve hehr didjbdisbeurbvtisjbsgsneosbsyneyjsosnsjdbdynsvsidbfindbzhndhdushdhushdbud
*key spams in frustration*
Titan Nari
I was so scared when Douxie nearly passes out from lack of oxygen trying to save her
Claire did a great job and I like her but I feel like they're overpowering her without developing her
Nari and Skrael's battle was a cinematic masterpiece
Coach Lawrence seriously needs a break
"No more running" destroyed me
The 9th configuration
The Final Battle
I don't even know what to say
RIP Varvatos
Rip Douxie that fall would have really fucking hurt
He definitely had broken ribs from that
I'm surprised he could walk after even while being supported against someone else to stand
Jim should have just stabbed Bellroc instead of talking
Jim should not have been able to walk and run perfectly fine after being stabbed even with all the adrenaline
"Always was, always will be" hurt my entire soul
The Time stone
This frustrated me so much it took me 3 days to write just this bit
Go back in time and save everyone?
Yes! Awesome!
Go back to the start the start
Also, I love and adore Toby
I get that he was tired of being the trollhunter
Largely because he was tired of not thinking he would do a good enough job
But odds are Toby will make some of the same mistakes and they'll be right back in that same position except maybe Claire will die that time around
And if you're sick of the trauma and responsibility of it than why would you dump it on your best friend
Once again I say, it was an illogical and dumb decision
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percyjacksonfan3 · 3 years
The Last Olympian Thoughts
So because I have absolutely 0 self-control or restraint when it comes to this series and its characters, and for The Last Olympian in particular, I could not put TLO down. Because of this I figured I couldn’t do the usual photo reaction posts I have been so far, because the spam would just be ridiculous, so I am stealing the idea from @yourstrulytaaay​ to do a masterpost instead. (Adding a Read More cause this got ridiculously long)
Fun fact, TLO came out right after i finished reading the series for the first time so it's the first PJO book i bought  and my only hard cover one for the og series. I checked the year and turns out it was published 2009, which means i was actually 9 when i read the series for the first time. I realize this is not really a fun fact but i thought i was older when I first read the series so it's blowing my mind a little ‘cause now I’m 21 and everything hits different and i still have so much love for this series and the characters Okay onto book thoughts: - i was right that this book is gonna destroy me, the first line alone made me so excited and nostalgic it's ridiculous - I love Rachel and Percy sm tbh. Her being a bit of peace and normalcy in his life without always reminding Percy of who and what he is is so good for him. Just a little escape
- of course by the end of the book that's not the case any more but by the end he's lived his prophecy so he doesn't need it as badly, plus he and Annabeth are solid again - Percy saying Annabeth has been hard to be around lately... Ouch my heart. Luke really is the last thing that keeps them from being together and Percy is so jealous and Annabeth so torn and in pain, i feel so bad for them both
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- Beckendorf 🥺🥺 - the telkhine with the Lil Demon lunchbox!! I forgot about him. Percy: 'i left him alive, partly because his lunchbox was cool' is one of my absolute favourite lines tbh - Paul taking Percy crabbing and being imperative in helping Percy kill the giant crab 💖 Paul Blofis is important and deserves the world, okay? - aw Percy, you can't save every demigod bb
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- 'i had to fight him eventually. Why not now?... What difference would a week make?' Oh Percy you have no idea - real talk tho, the fact Kronos possessed Luke's body would also mess me tf up. Percy keeps forgetting it's not Luke anymore and yeah, that would be so so hard and confusing af, like what another smart little mind game for Kronos to pull on top of everything else - the fact Percy fights Kronos before getting the Achilles Curse and actually doesn't die within seconds is... Astounding. He kicks him in the chest! And yeah Kronos is weaker and still adjusting to Luke's body, but Percy is having trouble fighting Luke cause they used to be friends - Percy breaks Kronos' time magic!! Like?! Boy is POWERFUL.
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- OUCH - honestly Luke, Thalia and Annabeth's family breaking the way it did... Don't talk to me. Poor Annabeth, Luke betrayed them, Thalia joined the Hunters because of Luke's betrayal so she's pretty much AWOL all the time and then Luke dies. Like Rick wtf, my heart can't take it? -Percy and Tyson having each others backs when talking to Poseidon in the underwater palace is the brother-brother relationship we love to see - Percy trying to stick a sand dollar in the vending machines at school 🤦🏻‍♀🤦🏻‍♀ - the whole underwater interaction at Poseidon's palace? Perfection. Awkward family drama and all - Connor falling out of the tree when he sees Percy because he's so excited 😂😂
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- 😭💖
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- k, ik Clarisse isn't perfect but tbh if i was a child of Ares whose father was disrespected and hated by my fellow campers (ares deserves it but still) and that disrespect trickled down to how the other campers treated ME (which if Percy is reliable here, it obviously does) then i would also be irritated at being used for muscle and nothing else? And just expected to fight with the people who act as if they'd rather not have Ares kids around the rest of the time. Like Clarisse isn't totally wrong - Percy reading the prophecy, seeing he's meant to die and just being like 'i do not see it' and refusing to outright think about it makes me so sad for him - (but it taints every action after and he's super reckless afterwards bc of it- including finally breaking and accepting the Achilles Curse) - (also him taking this as the last straw and finally beginning to show Annabeth how he really feels, cause fuck it, he's dying anyway) - Give me more info about Rachel's backstory and family Rick!! -  how did i forget Percy willingly eats chocolates that taste like cardboard because 'i didnt have anything against cardboard' like sir? Ik Silena didn't want them but still? - 'she'd always been cute, but she was starting to be seriously beautiful' STOP, MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT - Percy staring at Annabeth and forgetting what they're talking about cause hes so distracted 👌🏻
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- hmm yeah... For some strange reason.... - i forgot how Percy totally bombs this convo bw them and now want to cry 😭 Annabeth is trying to talk about what's important and Percy, you sweet oblivious man, you're shooting her down without even realizing - love that they're both on the same wavelength tho. Percy two lines before, hmm it's cool to date ppl from other cabins, wonder why im thinking that around Annabeth, my best friend in the world, and then Annabeth a beat later, hmm, let me bring up Silena and Beckendorf and how it's important to be with the people you love when you have the chance, no way Percy will miss this huge hint right? - they're the best - k i honestly forgot Percy full on physically intimidates Leneus like that - luke telling his mom if he ran away the monsters wouldnt get her..i can just imagine luke crying when he says good bye before running away because he thinks it's his fault his mom is like that and he cant take care of and protect her anymore because it's too hard - uh oh now i have angsty pre-lightning thief luke fic inspo... Him, Thalia and Annabeth on the run... The ANGST -  Rick holds absolutely nothing back in this book and i am in pain - HESTIA!! 💖💖🥰 - actual loml - i love that Rick titled this book after her and that he wrote such a great series about the importance of family (biological, found or otherwise) and home, and that he said actually Hestia is the most important bc shes the most humble and keeps the peace and knows when to fight and when to yield and you protect what you love, which is your home - i just... Adore Hestia - Grover! Missed you babes - Hades is so so horrible to Nico, always comparing him to Bianca :/ - but i do love Hades, Persephone and Demeter together they make me laugh - oh god the River Styx - Achilles 🥺 - Annabeth being Percy's lifeline is, and continues to be, A Lot™ - 'my name was Percy Jackson. I reached up and took Annabeth's hand.' LOL Why am i crying? - Like the fact there is no Percy without Annabeth, and that remembering her literally reminded him of who he is in his very soul... It's fine im fine - i won't even get into the parallels of her being his lifeline now and then later when Hera takes his memories but leaves the memory of Annabeth for Percy to fight to get back to (anyone who wants to yell about it with me... Feel free to message) - badass Percy is my fav Percy tbh - him defeating Hades?? Like? Hades is arguably the most powerful god, okay - i feel bad for Nico but if i was Percy I'd do the exact same, Nico, sorry man but this is a high stakes time crunch deal and Nico is literally the only hope of persuading Hades and distracted by his own internal stuff - flashbacks to Luke, Thalia and Annabeth hurt, ow - George and Martha are the best - damn i forgot Hermes full on nearly kills Percy here, yikes - Luke stop cockblocking Percabeth challenge
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- i love!! Percy's love for New York!! So much!! - Percy leaving to live in New Rome in HoO is a lie and this is all the proof i need for why - the fact the entire last half of the book is the battle and aftermath... Such great buildup and pacing. All the tricks and twists and battles in this War of Manhattan? I would not take out a thing, Rick, you legend - of course then the final battle in hoo with the gods is what? Two pages? Ugh, don’t talk to me about my hatred for BoO and HoO - 'no detours you two' is still the cutest thing!!! - THE HUNTERS!! Thalia i missed you - good job Percy, you finally spent your sand dollar - Minotaur!! - 'dont i get a kiss for luck? Its kind of a tradition right?' Percy finds out he's gonna die and is out of fucks to give and honestly I support him - also Michael just standing beside these two while they're flirting like umm 👀 👀 while a monster army marches towards them, nbd - Annabeth taking Ethan's knife meant for Percy!!! Cause she just knows his weak spot without him even telling her! They literally invented love - Feral Percy is so scary omg, i love how well Rick incorporates the Achilles Curse in this novel, with the whole heightened weaknesses and stuff ans the parallels to Achilles arrogance being what killed him and Percy's loyalty, fierceness and protective instinct being his own heightened weakness - the fact that Percy is the one who inadvertantly kills Michael Yew tho, I'll never recover from that - the fact Hades offers Maria di Angelo a golden palace by the Styx like how Poseidon offers Sally a palace under the sea tho. Let's talk about that parallel - the entire talk with Prometheus is so so good - not me picturing young Luke hiding in the closet to get away from his mom when she has an 'episode' -i love callbacks in stories and all of the callbacks to the rest of the series in this book make me very happy (medusa, minotaur, the underworld, Rainbow!! My baby!!, Daedalus and more) - Percy summoning a wholeass hurricane against Hyperion - the Party Ponies! They're so chaotic, i love it - Dionysus! 😁 I can't help it, i love him - Percy absolutely losing it when he sees Sally and Paul asleep in the car 🥺 - Rachel telling Percy he's not the hero screws with him so much :( poor bb - although i really really love how Rick wrote this, it's so refreshing to not have one chosen one save the world, but a combination of people - the drakon, Silena and Clarisse make me cry - the Patrochilles references, im not okay - Annabeth giving up on Luke after hearing what he did to Silena and Percy telling her that doesn't make him happy 😭 that whole interaction makes my heart ache - Percy giving Hestia Pandora's pithos 🥺 - and Hades, Nico and the others coming for a final attack is so badass, i love it - listen im glad the og trio were the ones to confront Luke on Olympus but the fact Thalia got so close and then pinned by a statue of HERA makes me so sad. Ik her and Luke were finished and she coped by cutting him off completely and giving up all hope but i would pay money to know what they would have said to each other to say goodbye - Ethan 🥺 - Poseidon joining the fight against Typhon is so cool, such a great scene - 'PEANUT BUTTER!' - Annabeth you brilliant badass you - RIP Luke, you werent great but you werent the worst either - the gods just rolling up seconds too late, wondering wtf happened in Olympus and who the dead body is - the chapter where the Olympians meet and give out rewards is one of my absolute favourites (again i am incensed we didn't get anything like this in HoO) - will Percy turning down immortality ever not make me scream in glee? No? Alright then - Annabeth being relieved like Percy was relieved at the end of Titan's Curse tho - oh Hermes :/ - its so hard reading all this and knowing what comes in HoO... Like it's such a cathartic, earned and mostly happy and peaceful ending and then HoO comes along and undermines it all - aww Rick let Paul see Olympus somehow pls, he deserves it, he killed a dracanae - (i would also love to see it) - Percy being more upset Rachel took his pegasus than her going to Camp and possibly dying, lol, priorities dude - i honestly think that Rick had other ideas for the second Great Prophecy and how things would go down in BoO, cause the prophecy like... Barely applies to BoO, Doors of Death are in book four, and explabations of it is all so unclear when Rick is usually pretty good with that stuff - PERCABETH - lol Percy complaining about privacy when he and Annabeth are caught kissing literally in the middle of the very open and public dining pavilion, okay - BEST UNDERWATER KISS OF ALL TIME - that's it and im a glass case of emotion - very happy to say that this series remains my favourite of all time 💖
 If anyone ever wants to come gush about anything Riordanverse related feel free, because as you can see I have a lot of thoughts about it all
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violetnotez · 5 years
HC: Being Handcuffed to the Boys
I only did Midoriya and Bakugo because Im lazy-sry- but I hope you enjoy! :)
|Part 2 w/ Kirishima+Shouto|
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Midoriya, as sweet and intelligent as he is, was NOT that smart that day
He was studying hero terminology, laws and rules to help him be a better hero, until a thought popped in his head- what if he needed to know how to use handcuffs? Like in some random situation where he needed to detain someone and the only thing he could was use handcuffs, could he do it?
Of course he could but he over thought it and convinced himself he COULDNT and began to slightly freak out
So of course he called you, but he didnt give you ANY info to go off of why he needed you so badly and it kind confused and worried you
“Y/n- I need you to come over quickly”
“Why, is something wrong or-”
“No, no, nothings wrong! Just- come over soon-please?”
“Im coming, Im coming, dont worry….”
When you finally got to his dorm room, you expected him to have some super important news to tell you- like he was hurt, or there was a huge pop  quiz you two needed to study for ASAP...but you were met with  blushing Midoriy holding hndcuffs
You just stared at him and at the handcuffs with a huge WTH face
You dont have the slighest idea of were he had HANDCUFFS
“Umm care to explain why you have handcuffs?”
He explains it to you, and you wanna laugh at how adorably overreactive your boyfriend is but you dont because you wnt him to know you take his concerns seriously
 So he tells you his plan- he was going to put one side of the handcuffs on you as if your were a villian, and one on him (the smart thing to do, he said, so if they couldnt escape because theyd be attached to him), and then take them off. Easy peasy!
He put his side of the hand cuff with ease, but when it came to you it took FOREVER
He was so scared to hurt you (like pinch your skin or something) it took him 3 whole minutes to crank it closed
“Midoriya, why are you taking so long?”
“Well-I dont want to hurt you!” he blushed, sweating alittle as he tried his best to not potentially hurt you
“Your not going to hurt me- besides, I thought I was supposed to be a ‘villian’?”
“But- your not a villian- your my girlfriend! And I cant hurt my girlfriend!” he would protest as you laughed at his cuteness
Once it was finally on, Izuku felt way more relaxed- he did it,he could do it, and he wouldnt have to worry about some wierd freak scenario where he couldnt use handcuffs
So, naturally, you ask is he could unlock you guys since he was content with his work
“Yeah of course!” hed say with a sigh of relief until he’ll realize- he forgot where the key was
He’ll start sweating alot and you’ll get super concern
“Izuku, are you all right?”
“Umm….”he confess timidly, “I may or may not have…. Forgotten where the key is.”
Not gonna lie, youre gonna freak out a little
Your literally HAND CUFFED to your boyfriend
He spends 30 minutes in a rampage looking for it (yanking and dragging you around his room in the process)
“I know its here, I just had it, Ill find it I promise-”
Your wrists was turning red from the constant yanking and you had to finally just tell him to stop and figure out another way out of them
You two sit on his bed and thought for a moment- Midoriya’s first thought was Iida and Ochaco, since their his best freinds
But you didnt know for sure what they would do but ask awkward questions and freak out a little like you both did
You then thought of Mina with her acid quirk, but then thought better of it- she didnt have the best control over it and you didnt feel like having your skin melted off
And she was besties with Kaminari and Sero, the biggest pervs at UA, so if they even caught a glance at you two theyd take it the wrong way and you two wouldnt hear the end of it
You giys pondered on what to do next until Midoriya finally got an idea
“What if we go to Hatsume? She has so many gadgets she must have a way to unlock us”
You groaned- you were okay with Hatsume, her perosnality was a little- loud- which was fine, its just you could totally tell she had the hots for Deku and you didnt really appreciate that side of her...but she was your best bet….
“Fine, lets go”
The walk to the her workshop was tortorius- you two both wrapped yourselves up in your biggest jackets to hide the handcuffs so no one could see (even though it was the middle of the afternoon) and holding each others hand so it looked like you were just holding hands and nothing more
It was nerve wracking- you didnt want any of opur classmates to talk to you, let alone see you until you had those CUFFS OFF
When you finally get there, you were so grateful Hatsume was by herself 
And as perky as ever
Izuku tells about your guys predicament timidly as you both have huge blushes
But Hatsume doesnt seem to care about your embarrasment or how you got into that situation at all- shes just excited to try out a “new baby” 
She interjects Izuku with a loud outburst and begins to whip out a bunch of crazy looking gadgets
You look at Midoriya with a skeptical look but you allow her to get close and try to relese you guys
Surprisingly, after a few minutes you were free, and the sound of cold metal hit the tiles
You both rubbed your wrists happy to be out of those restraints
You start to laugh from relief, thanking Hatsume and turning to Midoriya with a stern grin
“Im  not going to ask today….but one day I will figure out how you got those handcuffs”
*small gulp from Izuku
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Some days you wonder if your friends WANT to die
You and Bakugo had had a thing for each other for weeks
It was painfully obvious- you would be a blushing mess with Bakugo, giving him the biggest comebacks whenever he was mean to you all the while so red you looked liked you would explode
Bakugo was such a rude dirtbag to you most of the girls wondered how you restrained yourself from slapping him, calling you mean names and criticizing you for the smallest things
But if anybody hurt you or even said you were cute or pretty
He would become so angry and possessive it was terrifying
So, since all of Class 1A was sick of hearing you deny any sort of love towards Bakugo and sick of almost getting their hair fried off by Bakugo if they even mentioned your name, they decided to take matters into their own hands
One day, Mina had called you over, leading you over to Kirishima and Bakugou
Your heart already began to quickly start beating just being near him
Bakugo huffed, hating how just seeing that annoyingly pretty face of  yours put his body into overdrive
“Whyd you bring this extra over?”
You rolled your eyes with your cheeks on fire, pretending like the comment didn't hurt as Mina gasped at his blatant rudeness
“Whatever, Bakugo, your just still bitter that I beat you in training last week-”
“Howd you beat me?! I was distracted for 2 seconds, that was no win-”
“Really?! So eating the dirt because I had KO-ed your cocky ass doesn't mean-”
“It means jack shit baka!”
Unknowing to the both of you as you bickered, Kaminari was sneaking behind you two with a pair of handcuffs while Sero followed him with an evil grin from behind
Before you two even knew it, Kaminari had clasped one side of a pair of hand cuffs to one of your wrists and one to Bakugos, Sero using his tape quirk to keep you two from squirming
You were confused and startled on what was even going on, while Bakugo was extremely pissed off
“What the hell do you think youre doing you idiots!”
“Cool down Spiky, or youll blow a fuse!” Sero laughed at his handiwork as you both squirmed to get out on the restraints
“Im gonna do worse than blow a fuse,” Bakugo spat at the whole grorup, “Im gonna blow up your asses into space once I get out of this!”
“Ohhh no your not!” Kirishima smirked at Bakugo”s clearly agitated face and your distressed expression “You two are going to stay like this until you can act like normal human beings around each other”
“Kirishima this isnt cool!” you whined, “How long am I going to have to be attached to this rabid hedgehog?!” You nodded towards Bakugo, who clearly didn't like your comment
“Rabid hedgehog?!” Bakugo shrieked, “Say that one more time and Ill-”
“And youll blast me into space? Fry me into Hell? Kick my ass into next week? Save your breath Katsuki, Ive heard every threat you can throw at me!” You snapped at Bakugou, your annoyance and stress of being stuck to him for God’s no how long making you jumpy-you cant be stuck to your crush YOU CANT
Bakugo looked like a fish gulping for a water as he was looking for a come back to that, as Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari looked shocked and amused by a stuttering Bakugo
“You guys are gonna stay together for as long as you need to,” Kirishima said, “we have the key to unlock the cuffs, so when you guys are ready- just come and get one of us!”
The group walked out, Sero and Kaminari betting how long it would take you two to have an agreement as Kirishima pushed them out the door
You stood there with Bakugou awkwardly for a few moments, him unable to look at you-his cheeks were on fire because of one little thing you said earlier
And you didnt even know GOD DAMMIT
You looked at Bakugou, thinking he was just ignoring you like usual- the BrAt
You sighed, “Look- if were going to be chained up like this, might as well get some things off our chests….” you swallowed hoping he couldnt feel your hand shake from being so close to him
He didnt say anything, your voice ringing in his ears and making me him shiver- GOD DAMMIT WHY WAS HE SO DAMN WEAK FOR YOU
He didnt say anything for a while, making you feel hurt and kinda bored
“Fine then, if you dont want to talk, at least walk with me to the kitchen-”
“You called me Katsuki.” He grumbled, still not wanting to look at you
“What?” You looked at him, confused on WHY he wouldnt look at you and why calling him by his first name was such a big deal
 “You called me by my first name-Katsuki.”
“Okkkkaaaay,” you drawled out, completely confused and annoyed, “dont know why that would bother you so much but can we plese just-”
Bakugo huffed in annoyance, his cheecks on fire, “You dont get it do you baka?! No one calls me Katsuki because Id kick their asses if they ever did-but-”
“But what?” you asked kinda gentle, seeing Bakugo struggling to say something to you and curiosity was getting to you
Is He GoNnA ConfeSS ;o
“But-you-said….it...and I-I-was...okay with it….” he struggled out, his face contorting so much to just push that out of him you were kinda worried
You looked at him, completely amused and not really taking him seriously
“That was it? I said your first name and you didnt have the urge to rip my head off like you usually do? I guess we can consider that progress!” you kinda laughed nervously, making Bakugo wish you would laugh again and then cursing at himself for thinking that
He hated how you made his head feel dizzy and it was making him angry
“You dont get it do you baka?!” he shouted aggresively, “I was okay with it because I like you and I fucking hate it!”
You stopped breathing, your eyes wide with shock and your brain seeming to shut down
“You-you-like- me? Like- more than a- friend?” you stuttered, looking at his face which was now obviously red
“See anyone else in the room? Of course its you who else would I fucking say that to!” he retorted, wishing the heat in his face would BACK OFF
“I like you too….Katsuki,” you smiled, watching his face get even redder
  “Awww you look so cute blushing!”
“Shut up you baka!”
You laughed, making him feel all warm and squishy inside
“Well, I guess Kaminari is going to owe Sero $20- we deifnitely got this figured out in under an hour.”
I hope your day (or night) is going well!
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demonicintegrity · 4 years
I havent actually seen much Kipo whump, or Kipo whump that involves specially Kipo and that's a dang shame because my fav type of whump is taking bright eye characters and breaking them:
So I talked about this a little in my reblog but the au is basically in s3 ep6 instead of going after the mutes to cure them she goes after Kipo. So she's actually able to take control of her and puts on a control collar on her like Song had when she was mega mokey. But instead of it being a normal collar that you can just take off, it's also a shock collar so no one can actually remove it without hurting Kipo.
She takes Kipo back to the boat and the burrow humans duck out to Timber cat village because they realize how crazy Emilia is for mind controlling a 13 year old girl. Emilia also uses Kipo as a test subject because instead of wanting to cure the mutes she wants to control them. The experiments are brutal too, kipo is being held in terrible conditions and unlike Hugo when was a science experiment, doesn't have anyone to confront her.
It takes weeks/months but the gang is finally able to find and recuse kipo but she's really badly hurt. She's barely even conscious, her arms are covered in bruises from the amount of shots Emilia was given her, and she's extremely malnourished. Recovery for Kipo is also difficult, for a few days she's in a constant state of waking up for a few seconds only to fall unconscious again. She's skittish and for once actually doesn't like people touching her because she's not aware of her surroundings enough to know who it is.
One day lio needs to give her a shot of something to make her feel better and turn down the pain but Kipo sees the nettle and accidentally slashes him with her jaguar paw since she freaked out. She of course feels terrible about this and it only makes the situation more miserable.
Different friends taking shifts waking her to help her if she's hungry, thirsty, is throwing up, or is having a nightmare. They try to cheer up with telling her how much the mutes and humans are getting along!
I imagine that at first it's actually really hard for Wolf, she's so used to seeing Kipo being able to bounce back from anything with a smile that actually seeing her like this is hard.
Hugo hating the fact that his pheromones were used this way, that if they didnt exist his sister would be able to escape.
Eventually Kipo does recover enough to no long be bed ridden and walk about timber cat village. She wears a jacket to hopefully hide the bruises and how skinny she is now. Yumyang (or a different cat) runs up and hugs Kipo and lifts her into the air and for a brief second Kipo tenses up, but forces herself to calm down because she's finally starting to feel better and everyone is not running around looking guilty. Kipo hates the fact that she tenses up with sudden contact, how she knows that the kipo before getting kidnapped would love to get random hugs. How the kipp before didn't feel the need to consistantly look over her shoulder. She forces herself to smile and be happy, like the kipp before even if she isn't quiet feeling it.
I imagine Jamack is actually one of the feel characters that doesnt seem Kipo when she's in recovery, he same how beat up she looked when she was saved and wanted to save her from him seeing the lowest part of her life. He knows that she has other people that can take care of her. When she meets up with him post recovery he can instantly tell that she's faking that smile, and goes on to tell her that it's ok not to be ok. Kipo has a hard time accepting the fact that she doesn't always have to be happy and positive, and that she can let Emilia's trauma affect her.
What if Emilia actually escaped and she's alive still? Everyone of course wants her dead, but Kipo actually wants her dead and that stresses her out because she knows the kipo before would have wanted to give emilia a chance and worries that she's changing into someone bad. A few of her friends have to shake her back to reality like "hey emilia tortured you it's totally fine if you wanna kill her/want her dead pls don't give her a second chance".
(Sorry I gave a wholesome ask I gotta balance it out with something like this)
Holy shit @amanda-519 this is even more brutal than the Kipo Dies Au. Damn. That’s rough.
But I really do appreciate Jamack being the voice of reason. It actually kinda parallels well with how Kipo wasn’t really with him often when he was at his worse, yet she made a difference that helped him and now he can do the same.
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edelblau · 4 years
in less fun news bc i wanted to get this off my chest.... somewhere and tumblr is probably the... easiest place to do so
i nearly killed myself last night which was fun! i had an extensive plan (which i will not be describing but it involved a drug overdose), i made sure to sleep until my sister was at work and my mom was asleep, managed to steal the drugs required without a hitch (nothing anyone needs) and made sure that what i had would be enough for a lethal dose, had plans to set up a little nest on my floor and block off the door so that hopefully even if someone found out id be dead before anything could be done to help me
but i got curious and searched up what to expect irt the od bc i wasnt sure like... do i need a bucket? am i gonna convulse? do i need to make sure i have ample room to convulse so i dont wake up my mom (her rooms right next to mine)? and found out that fatality usually only sets in after like. 5 days. which is just. yknow
too long to die? like i LIVE with people and i cant avoid someone noticing smth is off before then and if i get brought to a hospital too early the jig is up like
a. my local hospitals fucking awful irt mental health and last time i was there for an attempt i swore if i ever attempted again i needed to succeed bc i couldnt go back there and
b. they could probably save me if they caught me too early and then id not only be just as depressed but id probably have complications for the rest of my life
when i was younger and more idealistic id probably want to ask my mom for help or smth but i know now its not gonna help, she simply does not give a shit about my well-being and i know some of my friends are pretty badly triggered by this stuff and i cant really bare to put that burden on them. i vaguely tweeted on my personal twitter but i didnt really explain how far the plan went and how ready i was and everything
i guess bc when i attempted i was posting on here its kinda easier to talk here. idk if anyone who follows me now remembers that, though. its probably better they dont
i dont know that i really feel any better, honestly. it isnt as bad right now, but i dont know how much longer i can keep going like this. i feel so alone without raidou. he was kinda all i had keeping me here. but i dont know how to fix it. i cant bring him back to life. i know eventually the pain will lessen but i dont know if itll be fast enough. i dont know if im capable of lasting until the acceptance stage.
it doesnt matter, i guess. all i can do is keep taking it day by day. pretend its okay. whatever happens happens, at this point. i dont really feel like i have much control over it
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xxanimecoolgirlxx · 3 years
More Tragedy of Magenta and Blue stuff cause I can- This is going to be shorter than what I usually do
Rubescent cried out as she felt the blunt back end of Magenta’s scythe strike her in the gut, leaving her on the ground, groaning in pain. Magenta stood over the young girl, a stern glare with no form of pity in sight.
“Pathetic. And to think you actually believe yourself worthy of joining our cause. At this point, it isn’t even laughable. It’s just sad.” Magenta said.
The glare didn’t soften any when Rubescent got up from the ground for what seemed to be the umpteenth time, getting back into a fighting stance despite her badly bruised body screaming at her to just stay down.
Magenta didn’t even spare her another word as they went back to sparring. This had been going on for the entire week, ever since Rubescent had been introduced to Magenta by Blue. Apparently the two had met months prior, sneaking off behind Magenta’s back to hang about and such. She didn’t see why Blue felt he had to sneak around her, if he simply wanted a little temporary pest to hang about with to cure his boredom, he should’ve just told her as much and skipped the theatrics.
But now he came to her saying that this spoiled little brat from the local nobility wants to join their cause despite very clearly being as battle hardy as a fragile kitten and the self awareness of a baby lamb, no. It wouldn’t do. It would be a waste of resources to have dead weight around, let alone if she becomes a distraction to her younger brother. Which brings her to her next point.
Magenta doubted that Rubescent even wanted to join them for their goal in destroying their father, no, Rubescent had told her she wanted to be there for Blue, that it wasn’t healthy for both him and her to be on This crusade by themselves. As if she knew what was best for Blue than she did. Blue didn’t need someone that would hold him back, make him weak, hurt him with their incompetence. They didnt need ‘friends’ or ‘close ones’. All they needed were allies and pawns to use when needed and discard without any pesky emotions getting in the way. It won’t matter though, she’ll just get this nuisance out of the way to save everyone the trouble.
Magenta had to admit, Rubescent was a quick learner, having somewhat learned Magenta’s attack patterns, she was learning how to parry, and even managed to get a few hits in on her. She was starting to get good at avoiding her as well. Her adaptability was a bit noticeable. But it was all too little, too futile, too pathetic to make any difference. With another swift kick to the side of her head made the redhead girl fall back down to the ground.
Magenta stood over her, a firm foot stomping onto Rubescent stomach to hold her still as she raised her scythe before swinging it down. Before it could hit its intended target, a sickle blocked the attack, inches away from Rubescent’s eye.
Magenta glared up at the wielder of the sickle, her younger brother Blue as he glared back at her.
“You said this was a sparring match, not an execution.” Blue said.
“It is a sparring match. I was merely testing if she could move out of the way in time before I could strike her. Seeing that she needed your help, it proves how much of a burden she truly is.”
Magenta then glanced down at Rubescent, who looked like she was just barely holding back her tongue but glancing back up at Blue
“I know you enjoy being surrounded by inferiors, Blue, but to keep them around in our quest will only have negative results in the long run. They’ll only end up as expendable anyways, no need to get attached to them anyways.” Magenta said.
Blue grit his teeth and tried to keep as much calm as he could. “She is not expendable. She is not just some resource for us to use and discard whenever we want. Nobody is. She wants to help us because she cares, she genuinely wants things to change, and besides. She has other strong suits beside strength. She’s quick, she’s cunning and she’s clever. You should’ve seen how she dealt with those guards that were after me back when I was sneaking through the town, or how she can impersonate nearly anyone she meets, or how quick on her feet she is. She has other talents other than pure combat that could be useful! It’s your fault that you can’t see that.” Blue said.
Magenta rolled her eyes. “If she can’t survive a simple sparring match with me, she won’t survive out there with us. She isn’t coming with us.” She said.
Rubescent finally spoke up, which took both of them off guard, seeing how badly bruised and beaten she was.
“You think you’re clever, hmm? I know what you’re doing. This isn’t about my ability to survive or even me in general. Even if I’m so incompetent, what would be the harm in just using me for as a throwaway or an expendable like Blue always said you’d do for anyone you saw as less than. No, it has nothing to do with that. You’re just trying to isolate Blue aren’t you? You can’t handle that he might actually want some companionship and not a bunch of sycophants ready to die for him at a moment’s notice!” She yelled out.
Magenta looked visibly agitated at the accusations as she pointed her scythe at her.
“Watch your tongue.” Magenta warned, but Rubescent kept going.
“You truly think you’re doing what’s best for him, but in reality all your doing is pushing him away from you. You think controlling and destroying his social life will make him better in the long run, but it isn’t. If you keep this up, I’m not sure if he’ll become any better than your father. Hell, you’re already so much like Death, but don’t try pushing that poison onto your brother as well!”
Magenta was about to approach Rubescent when Blue stepped in her way, her sickles ready in hand. Magenta paused, her pale face red, barely containing the anger she felt before she turned away.
“Simpleton.” She growled “I do what’s best for me and my brother. We are NOTHING like that fool we have to call a father. But go on, but just know you won’t always be able to rely on my brother singing your praises to save yourself.” Magenta then stormed off, leaving the two 12 year olds alone.
Blue immediately went to Rubescent’s side, looking over her injuries. “Christ, why didn’t you just forfeit the matches earlier. You knew she wasn’t going to go easy on you.” Blue said. Rubescent just shook her head.
“And just let her see me as a coward and hold it against me? No. Not for a minute.” Rubescent said, she struggled to get up until Blue helped her to her feet.
“I apologize on my sisters behalf. She’s been more.. intense like this ever since we escaped our father’s palace when we were very young. She never could act her age because of the constant dangers we were in. It’s all been a lot for her.” Blue rambled. Rubescent nearly scoffed.
“So have you, yet you don’t treat others as something less than human. I know what you and her have gone through must’ve been worse than what I’ll ever know, and although it explains what goes on in her psyche, it shouldn’t ever excuse it.” Rubescent said.
“But..Our father’s grip on her had always been tighter on her than onto me. He twisted her mind in a way he hadn’t truly gotten a chance with me-.” Blue was cut off.
“Please, stop making excuses for her. I don’t doubt that all that is true, in fact, based on what I’ve seen, it’s most likely the definite truth, but you two justifying her actions won’t help her, or you. It’ll only make things worse”
Blue wanted to say something else, but ultimately just dropped the conversation altogether.
“Here, lets just get you patched up.”
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gothfoxx · 3 years
a story to a prompt that went too off target but i still liked
But that’s only when you have to deal with rookie heroes and their basic mistakes, not a villain who see a 3 on 1 fight and wants to help. Which was sweet of Torrent, don’t get me wrong, but these kids are C maybe B-class at best and not a threat. So when he burst onto the scene and declared himself my protector it really shouldn’t have been a big surprise. What was surprising was the kids not backing off even though it was better for them to call in a senior hero and follow at a distance!
“Ha, foul villain, you won’t get away from us just because you called in reinforcements!” The loud kid with the super-strength shouted as he punched a chunk of broken concrete towards them.(that’s points off for endangering civilians and not keeping damage down) A blast of water shot the chunk back at the kids, thankfully the kids were pushed back by the gust the first punch made. (The wind has always been easiest for me to control and easiest for others to not take notice of)
The kid that could float pushed off the ground to try to confront Torrent, not a smart move considering he just tossed a object bigger and heavier than her. So guess it’s time to step up and tr- “Stupid hero! You think you can stop me?” Torrent shouts, ok less thinking more doing!
Quick as a sneeze I jump in front of the float kid and pie her in the face with a whip cream pie, Torrent pulls back his attack just in time to miss hitting me or the kid. "Trix, love, let me handle these degenerates. You could get hurt with all this rubble." He calls towards me in a genuinely concerned voice, again sweet but he was messing with my job! I was going to answer but the third hero-kid popped up behind him and used a metal pole to knock Torrent out. Which ok props for taking out an A class villain but now the water he was controlling was going to fall on civilians, a tidal wave worth of water falling hard on bystanders that the kids had ignored(more points taken away, so so so many points) like a pile of bricks.
The strength kid grabs the float girl since she still has cream all over her face blocking her sight and the warp kid pops back to their side to pop them all to safety in the blink of an eye. Um What? Were they just going to leave now? after all this? They were leaving a villain to fall to his unwarranted death, another 'villain' to escape, and towns people to be crushed by a wall of water that they are responsible for. Ok, they fail.
I was going to lose my Joke!Villain job for this but screw it, im a protector of the people first, all people. I let the wind feel my intentions and it whisks Torrent to the roof of a building, water listens to him like a limb listens to the brain but for me? Water bends to my will as easy as breathing. I know that my eyes spark with energy and the wig i use to hide my own has blown off, but that doesnt matter as i send the water into the storm drains and sewers. And since im already sure to lose my job at this point I dont see a reason not to just fix some of these building before they collapse. Concreat lifts back into place and melts seamlessly in place with just a thought, there are gasps as the people who thought they were going to die realize the threat is over and set eyes on the figure that saved them. The new will be all over this before i even get back to base to get chewed out.
"Gaia?" the warp kid and his team mates are behind me as i land on the pavement, they sound so excited but there is a storm brewing inside me that needs to be let ou. "No. No you three dont get to be happy or excited or star struck! You almost died and then you were going to let other people die! You should have popped away as soon as Torrent arrived and informed a senor hero about the incident! I have never had a group fail so badly in a mock encounter, five years of training exercises and never have i had a group put so many people in danger, including themselves!" I shout at them, their awestruck faces turning to frowns and pinched looks. By now police and some full time heroes had made it to the scene so I could leave the kids and mess to them while i went to check on Torrent.
The guy was awake now and looking very hurt when i landed on the edge next to him, "So you didnt need my help?" "no" "And you are actually a hero? "yeah" "Does that mean we were never friends?" "Torren-Cory, you are a lovely guy. You never made Trix feel like a failure or make fun of her, made her smile after fail heists. You were a great friend and im sorry i lied, i was never meant to get to know any real villains but you reached out and were so sweet. I. I never knew if someone was just pretending to be my friend as a kid, people were scared of me or wanted to use me. It was nice to know you just wanted to be a friend because you wanted to know me and not for some other reason. So yeah, you might have made friends with Trix but Trix is me, sorta." He looks away from me for a minute then back at my probably still sparking eyes, "We could leave." I must make a face because he looks sad, "I mean, we could just go and live normal lives. Not even like together together, just...Friends." And wouldnt that be grand? A life away from all the stupid fighting and being monitored because you have world ending power over the elements, no more training snot-nosed privileged kids, just talking about our favorite books and laughing at tv shows. A normal life with probably my only friend.
"Cory, I cant go. They track me, its in my spine where i cant get it out. I want to, i would love to leave with you. But i just cant." I hope he knows that i mean it, how ive thought about leaving before, going to his lair and just never leaving as Gaia again. We dont have a lot of time left before another hero comes up here to check things out so i reach over and squeeze his hand. "Live a good life for both of us ok." Neither of us address the tears we're both shedding, this got too real too fast for either of us in truth, "I'll make a good life and ill find a way to get you help." he declares as he stands, water pooling under his feet and raising him into the air. It hurts, I lost a friend and my freedom today, being a joke!villain was the only time i didnt have a voice speaking in my ear. I hope you keep your promise.
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themeed · 3 years
damn allowed myself to want things for a day and all i want is a van to live in, knowledge, freedom, weight loss, and a bass guitar.
im. happy with that i think. im proud of me, no jokes. im proud of being able to want things and care about them and vibrate towards them with longing. im... pleased with that. its fulfilling in a way Not Wanting For Anything isnt, because thats... kinda hollow. empty. in a vacant, lonely, yearning and grieving and SAD way. maybe because i Couldnt Want then. i Couldnt Desire or it would be used against me or taken away. that sucks. that sucked.
and now. im free to want again. and comparatively???? i think im very much never going to aim for buddhism or that weird Not Desiring Not Attached Nirvana mindset. like good for u but been there out of trauma and its not fun theres no reason to truly Live. u just float endlessly and experience and it aches so badly!!!! it hurts to want to want and not be able to. and i guess that is different from not wanting at all but... its not different enough for me to justify ever going back to that. or going forward to that. i just got this back and screw enlightenment if it means i have to give up on my passions i dont think life is worth living without it.
and anybody who looks down on that from a spiritual tower has yet to examine their own pride and how empty they feel without it.
anybody who looks down and smiles and wishes me luck on my journey? good for them. im glad theyre living their best life, on their journey as they see fit.
and i feel the need to protect myself because ive been hurt by the pride- the arrogance of others before. a lot of my hurts and traumas stem from my mother being too prideful to recognize that she can be wrong and someone under her power could be correct over her. and it was an uncomfortable truth. so she denied it was one at all and hurt me. i know the reason could be elaborated on. she didnt want to confront her own internal logic. or trauma. or even doublethink. that doesnt excuse her hurting a child for the sake of her sense of pride, of comfort, of self-worth. a child under her power, that she claimed to be parent of. teacher of.
not owing anyone anything is not the same as not hurting anyone. i havent reconciled that yet. oppressors should be held accountable for their mistakes, and give reparations if the harm is physical at LEAST. and i think that applies to politics, yes. privately though? if i beat up a nazi, i dont want to pay for his hospital bills. my personal philosophy struggles between equating people and ideas as a worth measurement, and realizing that that line of thinking is... similar to oppressors. but. its based on something people can change. the question is, do i think "if given the opportunity" is a good enough reason to stop and question a racist that runs their mouth? and do i think pre-emptive violence is okay? if say, a nazi walks into a bar and doesnt say anything but is wearing all the red flags and bells and whistles. i dont think that justifies a beatdown. being asked to leave, sure, but the beatdown doesnt start til the first remark flies.
once the intent is given OR the action is taken, the line is drawn. doesnt matter if they Havent Had The Chance. if theyre starting shit outside of debate spaces like that, and not, say, asking questions, theyre not looking for new perspectives, and it is NOT my job to educate people. its not my job to Show People The Light. a quick fucking google search could tell them why theyre wrong. if they havent put even the most basic energy into questioning their beliefs, thats on them.
it sounds like im trying to absolve myself of blame here. largely because. i think i should go out and help educate people because theyre inherently complacent if theyre, yknow, in a position of power. aka white folk and men and rich folk and cis folk and on and on and on. these people dont live my reality. they dont live the reality of a gay black man in the south, or a genderqueer lesbian in the west, or an indigenous woman whose nation is being targeted, or a muslim woman who cannot wear her headcoverings in the face of danger of death, or an asian immigrant who cant get a job because of COVD age discrimination resurging. we will never live each others realities, but we can become aware of them.
they wont come into awareness without someone asking or telling, and then doing something to change them.
we shouldnt need to go running to people in power for them to be aware of problems in the populace, govt is supposed to help and solve issues like this. like. actively. thats the whole point, make life better for the countrys citizens. and individuals in a position of social power...
are individuals who didnt take on a responsibility to protect and serve or otherwise care for the populace of a nation. i personally think they SHOULD care, but they are not obligated to. i cant make them care about others.
and honestly, on some of them, it would be a waste of time. there are people who want to change or question things and yknow what? they seek out answers. in people or places or online usually. stats and stories.
so like. i dont think someones Potential as a person matters when theres a throwdown about to happen. it really isnt my responsibility to save people from themselves or try to change their sides against their will. if they want to chat about it they can ask questions first.
not throw insults or punches or hatred.
what people have been taught is worth analyzing and trying to correct IN SOCIETY but i cant fix every broken white boy that comes to me. PSAs, fliers, outreach, online videos, debate spaces. those are things i already have access to and can be a part of if i really want to go around changing minds. or yknow. get involved in legislation and be myself around others to change their perceptions of whats socially acceptable or normal. maybe protest, maybe call congressfolk, etc.
but not every comment has to be analyzed or a learning opportunity. im allowed to shut it down, and people can respect that or stop talking to me. this isnt my parents house where i had to justify everything that i said or did when scrutinized, and doubly justify any criticism i had of mother, or any joke i frowned at instead of smiling.
these people dont have that power over me. they arent my mother. they arent my boss, and if they are i can fuck off and get a new job if necessary. they dont have financial control over my living space and food and schooling and physical control of where i can go and with who and for how long. I CONTROL THAT. I do.
Huh. maybe thats why i want a van so bad. i mean... when this lease ends if nobody is gonna end up living with me...
i could just... live in my car and shower at truck stops. get a storage unit for my stuff. save by driving jobs. like 40 to 60 a day. tear out my cars back, insulate it, and install my mattress pad there. water on the floor, cooler next to it, wooden cutting coard, knife, single camping plateware set, and another little shelf for spices. maybe a hot plate i can hook up to the car battery? get a long enough usb and it might be doable. i could go camping and open the trunk to just... vibe.
because yeah, honestly? i dont plan on having a solid apartment for a bit. like a long bit. and i still have like 70000 miles on my car before itll want to go. and by that point, even at like 100 miles a day, thats like 2 years, less if i go cross country in that vehicle. i could save up SO MUCH for a better vehicle, or like. college. live on campus, get some credit, continue working after i figure out want i want to do.
i think thats a solid plan, even if i dont get another apartment and put everything in storage. work as i need to instead of all the time for rent, really only paying for gas, car repairs, car ins, food, and phone data/hotspot internet... that would bring my monthly expenses down to like 500 a month max instead of like 1400. id only need to make some 1000 a month doing contract stuff to save for taxes and stuff. anything extra would be just that: extra for savings and things. holy shit.
depending on how this next month goes for my friends, holy s h i t.
i. i might do this. legitimately.
i. dont think i can yet. i need proof of address to get my license im pretty sure? but hey, thatll be my 21st this year, so. once i have that i wont need a new address for a While. i dont know if ill want one, really.
i could always just ask a friend or family member if i could use theirs for mail that cant go to a PO box.
anyway. yeah. wow.
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cybernightwanderer · 4 years
How whats left of me faded away, and how my first christmas home became my last : - The day my mom died. - The concept of family finally ended for me. - And how “ it doesnt get any better”.
23rd December.
These past few months i have been on psiquiatric medical leave from work due to a very severe depression thanks to the amazing workplace enviroment that has now crippled me so deeply physically and mentally, more before.
Its funny how when i try my hardest to recover and get my life back, its becomes so clear its a fucking joke.
Begining of the year i managed to fight off my mom on the money she was forcing me to pay her, and i managed to pay less from what i was paying before, and due to these medical leaves and corona, i get very little support finnancialy. I managed to save up almost 1k, i was ready to start believinng i could fix up my life. However i still pay her what i have to monthly, half the bills, 50 euros for food that i may consume at the house, and i also buy my food and my own things like i always did.
My mom has the tendancy to force me to take borrowed money she lends me.
For example mid corona time, i had to have gum surgery due to an old tooth infection, wich turned out to be 3 tooths, and i took out 2, needless to say my mom helped me with half of the apointments, i payed the surgery ones but then i needed follow up apointments so i wouldnt lose 4 more teeth. Apointments i canceled right away , beause i didnt have any money, and my mom being the mom that she is i always refuse her “ loans “ due to her being worse than a fucking stereotipical loan shark that takes that money back with interest, but in mental health and sanity. However she kept squedueling the apointments without me knowing, then tell me 1 day early, then get mad at me because id tell her i had no money so i told her to cancel and not make apointments without my consent and knowledge. This to wich she responded with screams , name calling , telling me to cancel myself and the general griefing of : “OK fine ill never help u with anything again “ / “ ok fine i dont care anymore then “, “ what you are too good to take my money is that it? “ Then when i standed my ground , proceeding to treat me miserably for the following week, demanding me to do random chores, just for the sake of punishing me , leaving dirty dishes of her own food acumulating so she could force me to do them and threaten me with a beating if i didnt, or making me wash the bathroom everyday for no reason.
With all this mess, half the money i had saved up + using it on the apointments and paying her back right away at the end of the month the consultations i owed her. I was left with 400 bucks.
Wich later on were also spent in dentist urgency apointments, because i kept having infections, psiquiatrist apointments and medicine and a laywer for the work harrassement situation, and then and there, all my money was gone.
The situation goes by, im home , receiving basic support for the medical leave, i pay my share of the bills and i do my own thing, however depression has gotten worse, my attacks have gotten worse, and everything just feels like rock bottom here.
These last 2 months, ive been trying so hard... so hard to get back on my feet, i was taking my medicine, i was taking a languague course, i was going to the doctor. I was really, really trying. Its funny how hard i was trying, for the first time in my life i was really trying to believe it could get better.
My mom was even acting nice and it almost seemed like she was really supporting me and trying.
December 23. Me and my mom go the psiquiatrist apointment for him to avaluate my condition. For the first time the apointment wasnt so heavy, it didnt leave me so weary from it. I finally believed. By the end of the consultation my doctor asks my mom to make sure i dont go back to that work place, because it might have a huge take on my life. My mom turns to the doctor and says : “ I know she cant go back , but she cant be unemployed either.” And the doctor says : “ I know, but if she goes back it can make her worse, we cant let that happend, its damaging her“ ( meaning she could kill herself, due to the last apointments conversation ) On to wich my mother replied : “ Well i cant be providing for us both with my money “.
When we arrived at the car i asked her why she said that and what she meant by that. And i told her that i pay for my food and that i pay for the things i eat that she buys ( wich is not much ) and that i also pay for half the bills.
To wich she agressivly threatned me to shut up and started yelling right away and acting like a victim with her mild aneurism that happend quite a few years ago in wich she HAS BEEN FULLY HEALED AND PERFECT HEALTHY, but always uses as an excuse to dodge the discussion after demanding certain shit or just plain insulting me. After a lot of lying and name calling and even telling me that i eat her food and that i live off of her. Into wich i replied, i dont always eat your food , and theres a lot of times when i dont eat and you yell at me and treat me badly for not eating your food wich led me to just eat cereals for months everyday as all 3  meals or not even eating and skipping meals for being too afraid of making my own food in the kitchen.
And so on... And i asked her what she wanted from me. And after a long car fight and a lot of gaslighting, she finnaly admitted she just wanted more money “ because if all your friends pay normal rent , you should too “ ( meaning a 450 rent ).
And then i just gave up and told her ok, ill pay you a full rent and i will also never toutch your food again. She laughed and made fun of me. And said : like ur even gonna buy your own food, you always use my things. to wich i asked what things? Oh you use my shampoo and toilet paper. To wich then i replied, everytime i buy toiler paper for me, you just take it as your own, and i dont use your shampoo or body wash i buy my own and i have been buying my own. And she just kept fighting me on it saying i do...and i told her i dont, if i by any chance dont have shampo ill use body wash as shampoo or vice versa. She just wanted to be right, so i just told her, ill pay you anything you want, i just dont wanna fight anymore im tired. To wich then she just kept saying “ oh now ur just trowing a fit “ And i sayd to her, why me agreing to what u ask and calmly shutting up to not fight anymore , how is that trowing a fit? i just gave you what you wanted, you dont need to be angry anymore.
And she just kept going at it, trying to poke my nerves until i just completly yelled and when crazy. The she acted like a victim again.
I am so drained, i am so tired....
After that discussion it was just 10 minutes of silence. I made a decision. That woman is not my mother anymore.
She wants to be a landlord so bad, she will be one.
My mother has died.
After a few minutes almost home , she decides to turn the “ mother mode “ on, and goes like “ oh you have to go to the doctor blah blah lets get your medicine etc. And i just told her, no. Ill go to the doctor on my own means, and ill buy the medicine when i have money.
Obviously she completly dismissed what i sayd and tried to drive me to the doctor and the pharmacy. After a few NO’s , she went home.
I got home, i took care of my things and i sorted out my doctors paperwork, she tries to come into my room, and acting like a worried mother like : “ oh did you do this -- etc” ( what i was already doing ) and i just told her, to stop. That she doesnt get to “ talk to me about those things anymore, or about my buisness.
Shes not my mother anymore. She doesnt get to act like a mother do just order me around and controll me. She is just a landlord now.
A few hours later, shes wrapping up presents and asks me to do it and asks me for my gifts wrapping thingies, and i told her no. Immediatly got mad at me and kept trowing provocative comments. And i told her, i didnt want any xmas gift from her, and that i wouldnt be spending xmas with her.
She made that usual smirk she mades when she sees me upset.
fast forward, the next day.
24 December
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thetwistedclocks · 6 years
so like,,,, couldn’t focus and did this instead
- time for a hunting trip or patrol or whatever everyone’s there and alive we got the whole gang: arthur, leon, percival, elyan, gwaine, lancelot, and merlin
-this is an au so gwen and lancelot just are together and there was no drama with arthur
- gorgeous day, kinda hot though so they decide to stop for lunch and fuel up
- le bandits sneak up on them, and attack
-everything is just like a typical fight, everybody but merlin is whirling around, doing their thing
-merlin is behind a tree, doing little stuff to make sure no one is wounded badly or killed
-our shining knights wipe everyone out, just a ton of bloody bodies scattered around the clearing except they missed one
-this little rat sneaks up behind merlin and he’s got a knife poised to kill merlin
- arthur yells desperately for merlin to move, he cannot lose him not after morgana, not after his father, no no no 
- merlin whips around to defend himself, but he has no weapons, everyone else is too far away to help, and without thinking he blows the man back twenty feet, where he hits a tree and dies 
- everyone is frozen in place
-merlin slowly turns around to see arthur because oh shit
- arthur says no in a strangled, desperate voice
- arthur’s face contorts and he then starts to scream: how could you, you lying bastard, i trusted you, you were my best friend
- gwaine preemptively moves towards merlin, fearing for merlins safety
- lancelot does the same
-merlin just quietly says im sorry and then whirlwinds out of there but lancelot and gwaine were close enough to get sucked in with him
-the trio lands in a forest pretty far away from camelot, and merlin just curls up into a ball
-gwaine and lancelot look at each other and merlin in shock and have a silently mouthed conversation above merlin’s head
- Gwaine: what the fuck Lancelot: shit ok did you know Gwaine: I kinda had some idea but I never dug too deep into it, did you know? lancelot: yes, he saved my life by killing the griffin with magic Gwaine: so what now Lancelot: I guess we’re fugitives with him now Gwaine: he’s not gonna move for a bit, we need to take care of him until he recovers Lancelot: agreed, lets find shelter for the night
- and they do they just build a fire and make sure merlin’s warm and has some water but he refuses food
-back with arthur the remaining knights suggest going after the trio but arthur shuts them down, hes not letting himself show any emotion
-they ride back to camelot, everyone finds out, gaius is just broken at this cause he cant see merlin or help him anymore, gwen decides to leave camelot without telling anyone to search for her best friend and love, she forgives merlin but wants an explanation, arthur turns in on himself and closes himself off, hes curt and cold, the other knights just dont talk about it though they each slowly forgive the trio over a long period of time
-after a week of no talking, merlin finally speaks to gwaine and lancelot and says: “lets go back home, I can face arthur, and you two can rejoin the knights
-they immediately refuse, saying that they trust and love merlin, and they chose to stay with him
-merlin brings up gwen in hopes to convince at least lancelot but he says its safer for her in camelot and he trusts he’ll see her again someday
-merlin just cant argue anymore, hes tired, and mourning everything he’s lost
-in the morning, they decide well we gotta live somewhere so they figure out where they are, which is western camelot on the very edge at the foot of a mountain range that marks camelot’s border
-they set up a little cabin just outside a nearby village and live their lives
-pretty soon, after occasionally being in the village for supplies, the villagers get suspicious and ask them questions
- they just so happen to catch merlin, who’s a terrible liar, and he blurts out hes a healer
-this village has 0 healers so they start to bring their sick to merlin, who heals them for free, which results in lots of gifts of food and other stuff
-gwaine and lancelot start teaching sword fighting to keep themselves sharp and help out the village
-things are chill like this for a few months
-gwen is still wandering around, learns a bit about magic, and is just traveling through western camelot, hoping to find the trio
-back in camelot, arthur is cracking down on magic
-he isn’t killing people, but anyone found guilty of magic or anything is locked away in these cells uther had made under the regular dungeon out of sorcerers’ bones that contains magic, its like a second purge, just without the executions
-gwen knows this and wants merlin to come back and stop arthur
-lancelot and gwaine slowly gets merlin’s entire story out of him, and see him as a leader now
-merlin is quieter, more reserved, and rarely uses magic at all
-one time this little girl, maybe 10, is brought to merlin wiht a weird set of symptoms
-merlin immediately knows shes developing magic, so he sends the parents away, promising he will heal her, and then he tells her
-she is scared of not being abole to control her new powers but isnt scared of having the magic itself, and tells merlin that her parents are ok with magic too
-the next day he meets with her family, and they discuss it, and eventually, they all decide that he can train her
-so like a few weeks go by of this, and then another person comes to merlin
-this time its an older woman and she wants to learn how to control her magic
-pretty soon merlin is training a lot of people and gets a reputaion
-gwaine and lancelot are worried about how little he sleeps, and how little he talks about the past, they cant help him though
-gwen hears about this village, where magic is celebrated, and finds it
-she arrives, and runs into gwaine, who takes her hand and runs shouting throught the village back to the cottage where lancelot is training 
-happy reunion yay
-she and merlin talk, she gets his full story, and he is just a little happier knowing that she’s there but he also finds out about whats going on in camelot
-in camelot, all of the knights just dont talk to arthur anymore, for fear of his verbal abuse
-hes crushed that gwen is gone too, and feels that he has been abandoned 
-more and more magic users flock to this village until rumors reach all the way back to camelot
-arthur orders a raid, he orders no killing
-he doesn’t lead it, but eventually, 20 knights or so attack the village
- a lot of magic users are taken, and a few people killed in fires set by the knights
-merlin feels responsible and decides that his merry band of misfits needs to be safer and a whole lot more defended
-so he and a majority of the village move into the mountains
-merlin is now the accidental leader of a rebel camp
-its called camp maxia(magic in galcian/gaelic) and its inhabitants maxians
-years go by, as the camp grows with refugee families and those from villages attacked by bandits because the knights are all out looking for magic users and not protecting anybody
-merlin, with his right hands gwaine, lancelot, and gwen run maxia as a safe place for everyone, and he creates a name for himself as lord maxia to protect his real identity
-arthur knows about maxia, obviously, but doesn’t have the forces to take it down
- during this time gwen and lancelot have this huge wedding, very magical, and very nature themed
- so arthur has most knights out around camelot, and morgana knows this, she joins forces with cenred and takes camelot with ease
-arthur, leon, percival, and elyan get out together
-percival suggests going to lord maxia for help, as he’s got quite a sizable force and has been kind to camelot in not attacking them
-arthur immedietly shuts him down 
-they camp outside of the city for about a week, a couple civilians find them and tell arthur whats happening in camelot
-morgana is starving the people and killing those who act up
-arthur still loves his people, more than he hates magic
-so he agrees to go to lord maxia
-arthur, leon, percival, and elyan set out with the few civilians; the knights are each secretly hoping to see merlin at camp maxia, arthur is secretly terrified of that happening
-they’re picked up by a maxia patrol and held in a makeshift cell until lord maxia accepts them into the camp, cause they’re wearing camelot stuff 
-merlin is told of a group from camelot in the cells and knowing of camelot’s state immedietly send gwen and lancelot to meet them
- they expect a few knights and prepare to ask how they can help take back camelot
-when they see its elyan, arthur, leon, and percival they have the civilians released and cared for and sit down to talk to them
-arthur wont look at them, so leon speaks, and talks about whats been happening
-gwen offers maxia’s help, and lancelot says that planning would be a lot easier if they weren’t in a cell, and asks if they want to be processed into camp maxia
-the processing entails a quick truth potion along the lines of veritiserum 
-leon says he couldnt speak for the whole group, so lancelot says its a personal choice
-percival volunteers first, and then the other knights agree to it as well
-arthur is silent, but livid
-the knights are processed, and meet merlin, and for a night they all have a meal together and its almost normal 
-in the morning, merlin goes to see arthur, except he conceals his identity
-they talk, arthur is bitter, merlin is cryptic
-after a few days arthur realizes that in order to help his people he needs to set his anger aside and is processed
-merlin, identity still hidden, administers the test
-under this truth potion, arthur is honest about his views on magic in ways he didnt even realise
-merlin keeps his identity hidden for the planning, much to everyone’s dismay, but they respect his decision
-an attack on camelot is planned
-arthur at this point is slowly trusting knights again, and gwaine, lancelot, and gwen
-they ride for camelot, with camp maxia’s army
-the knights, including lancelot and gwaine, are with arthur and merlin, who’s identity is still hidden
-gwen leads the medical group behind them
-the battle begins, fought by merlin’s men against cenred’s army
-morgana threatens to kill the imprisoned sorcerers 
-arthur and merlin, still hidden, fight their way to the throne room
-its just them and morgana and the sorcerers
-arthur is thrown by morgana into the sorcerers
-then its down to merlin to stop her
-so they fight, a big badass magical fight scene 
-merlins cover is blown, hes hurt, looks like hes losing
-arthur is flipping out because its merlin and he forgot how much he missed him
-merlin is about to be stabbed by a magical bolt from morgana and arthur just screams merlin’s name
-merlin hears this and needs to live so he can talk to arthur so he defeats morgana
-battles over, people are freed
-merlin is chilling on top of the castle when arthur comes up
-they talk, for a long long time
-when they come down, merlin is forgiven, but not trusted, and magic is now not illegal
-merlin is made the court sorcerer, lancelot and gwaine knights, and gwen is a lady too cause she’s married to lancelot
-the foursome is now part of the round table and camp maxia is disbanded, no longer needed, and becomes a city at the foot of the mountains
-the knights can protect villages now
-all is right, except merlin and arthur still have this great distance
-gaius retires and just chills in merlins tower
-one time he’s out doing something important and arthur breaks his leg in training
-hes brought to merlin, who very very quietly asks if he can heal arthur using magic
-arthur agrees, and he sees merlin use good magic for the first time ever 
-this breaks down a barrier
-arthur visits merlin and talks about matters of state
-eventually just his day
-and then he trusts merlin again
-they become best friends once more
-then one night at a ball, merlin is being flirted with by a very attractive knight
-arthur gets really possesive and jealus
-he grabs merlin’s arm and tugs him away, saying something about court matters
-he dragsmerlin back to his room, huffy and angry, not letting go of his arm
-merlin asks what they need to talk about, and he doesn’t get an answer
-next he asks gently whats wrong
-at this point they’re at arthur’s chambers
-there’s no gaurds, they’re at the ball
-he tugs merlin into his room and just glares at him
-merlin is confused and asked what he did wrong, scared to lose arthur again
-arthur just groans and looks away and mumbles something about nothing
-merlin walks over, puts his hand on arthurs back, and says: “well its clearly not, tell me whats going on.”
-arthur just stays quiet
-merlin persists: “arthur please dont shut me out like this”
-arthur suddenly pins merlin to the door
-he just growls, “dont flirt with him”
-merlin is very confused and kinda scared because hes always loved arthur but arthur definitely doesn’t never ever in a million years feel the same way
-he quietly says why not
-arthur just. stares at him. “are you serious?”
-and arthur just does the whole possesive door kiss thing
-merlin got a light bulb
-a few months later they’re married
-merlin is crowned king
-the end
just, random idea thats been bouncing around. should it be a fic?
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My Rant Contains Extremely Small Spoilers for KH3. And a Tad Bit of Swearing.
I love every single KH character (except for Xehanort [he’s gone now, but look how he’s made these kids suffer] he can go jump in Kingdom Hearts for all I care), but I really want them to stop sacrificing themselves. Like, please, live for yourselves. Nothing is wrong with you are all beautiful loved creatures who suffered because of a theory. The main reason I was attracted to KH in the first place is ‘cause I saw Mickey beating up monsters with a giant key and I was like, “that’s bad@ss!” I thought you would visit Disney Worlds and help out along the story (KHUx you f*cking liar), instead, I grew too attached to characters and ended up destroying my heart.
Take Ventus, Terra, and Aqua for example (the Wayfinder Trio). They were happy carefree kids who were becoming Keyblade wielders, visiting worlds and improving their skills. I’d honestly say I’d rather have a game where they were all just goofing off in Toon Town than have them all suffer a horrible fate. Ventus? Hurt so badly in battle that his heart leaves his fucking body and takes refuge in someone he hasn’t entirely met. Terra? Possessed by darkness, tricked into killing his master/father figure and possessed by a power hungry, crazed, old man who wants to start a fucking war. Motherly Aqua? Fought so hard, lost everything, and then risked everything one last time and went to the Realm of Darkness for YEARS. “Surely they must have done something wrong,” you say, buT THEY DIDNT. THEY WERE GOOD BOYS AND GIRL WITH A BRIGHT FUTURE AHEAD IF THEM. THEY DIDNT DESERVE THE CRAP THEY GOT.
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And if I start talking about the Seasalt Trio, I will go on a rant that will take hours to read. To sum it up, RoXAS AND XION AND LEA ARE THEIR OWN PEOPLE!!
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Then we have Sora, Kairi, and Riku. Kairi is a wonderful little angel. She’s a Princess of Light and a Keyblade Master. She’s so kind and forgiving. In KH3, in the Keyblade Graveyard, right before the horde is about screw up everything, Kairi jumps on Axel to save him.
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She’s saving a man who kidnapped her and could’ve led to the death of her own friends. I mean, yeah, they trained and grew on each other, but I’m one salty mf (yes, saltier than sea salt ice cream) and I wouldn’t be ready to forgive for something like that. Kairi also has like this super mysterious past, and somehow her grandmother knew about the Keyblade War, and made it a huge point in KHUx to open the game with Kairi’s grandmother telling her about the Age of Fairytales from memory (is she Ava? Skuld? I guess we’ll never know). Kairi, I know I’ve said this crap before, has all these things pointing to her to get a game centered around her. Kairi had every right to venture out to the world with her friends. 
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JUST LOOK AT MY BOY. Y’know what he wanted to do with his life?!? Just us  a raft and go explore the other islands with Kairi and Riku? Fate was like, “You wanna leave so badly? Then leave.” And then the entire island blew up! Then he had to go ACROSS THE UNIVERSE to find his friends, only to find out one was like a vegetable and the other has been consumed by darkness. BecaUSE THATS HOW F*CKED UP LIFE IS. 
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DO YOU SEE THAT ON RIKU’S FACE?! IT’S A F*CKING BLINDFOLD!!  What was Riku doing blindfolded? Running around the universe, putting Ahis friends back together piece by piece (including almost killing Roxas, wiping the guys memory, then putting him in a simulator to get Sora’s memories back). He did all this because Riku fell to darkness. To make up for his wrongdoings, he controls his darkness and walks the path to dawn. 
*sighs* he’s his own rant.
Then Nomura has the nerve to go like, “ooh, the fandom likes this character? Kill ‘em off.” Give them all these amazing powers in the game before, then BAM throw them to the sidelines or take away the power.
IF NOMURA DOES NOT START TAKING CARE OF HIS KIDS THE FANDOM WILL SOON RIOT. I only discussed the trios, not Organization XII, nor the Donals and Goofy. They are under appreciated as well. 
Completely unrelated, (maybe I said this before) but I hope Sora uses a frying pan as a weapon. Just imagine him knocking out Xehanort out with that thing.
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