#considering the girl was also suspicious of the guy even though they were of the same grp
birbsong · 7 months
i hope xiongqi learns the truth
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madkiska · 1 year
watching the entirety of jrwi: riptide again. here's some important things from the first few episodes that I feel we forgot (<110 mentions too though)
Had night terrors similar to those of Kubakinta's curse in episode 5, and they eventually start returning even after Loffinlot's curse is lifted ○ All of them were about her family and/or the navy ○ I simply think people leave her out of the nightmare stuff and she deserves it. Hurt her more, please (he said, lovingly)
was actually very upset at having to use her medal to get a Loffinlot rebellion to shut up ○ This could be because she didn't want them to guess she was a spy, but I choose to believe it's because she felt guilty
"If you're gonna be sailing with someone, you should have a good relationship with them. [nervous chuckle]." She says, while asking him for information about the Black Rose Pirates (ep. 10)
Said "thank god they didn't find me" after a nightmare about the navy attacking. Even when she was supposedly a spy, who one day would have to return to the navy ○ Very unclear if she was scared of her dad, or if it's because she was a secret spy so the navy would've just killed her
Rewatching, she was suspiciously into the plundering and gold and stuff. Like that was real sus. It doesn't fit her current character much
The only one among them who's gambled before
The entire thing literally starts off with Bizly holding a lit match
Called Gillion "Gill" and Jay "Sureshot" from an early stage
Was SO much more of a bastard. Lied to Gill constantly, didn't care about anything but the money, etc.
Had aggressive hand tremors alongside Jay's night terrors ○ Gill cures it with lay on hands
When he gets drunk married, they talk extensively about how he'd be released when he's dead. Welp.
They did actually break up and it was fine and they were still friends. They parted on good terms
Is really fucking good at chess ○ Beat Earl twice and Jay once. Jay had a point of exhaustion after a nightmare but Earl had no excuse ○ Lost to Gillion though, but only cause of prophetic screwup ○ This kid is smarter than he lets on, y'all
Was the first one to have a backstory dump while Jay is asking him about the Black Rose Pirates, yet still we know jack shit about his life before them other than "orphan"
Charlie has referred to Gillion with 'they' many times. I can pull receipts.
When describing Gill, Charlie said: "He's more.. elven, if you had to make a comparison. 'Cause I don't wanna be a fish guy". Oh, honey.
Smote a bald person by using his hair as a whip (ep. 4)
Was given anxiety and self-doubt alongside jay's night terrors and chip's tremors ○ "What do you want?" "I want the feeling of satisfaction I've been chasing my whole life." ○ This was episode FIVE.
First mention of the prophecy and how Gillion wasn't their ideal student is ep. 7, after he divine smites + prophetic screwups and deals like 60 damage to some beetles ○ Chip spends the next 30 seconds in gay awe
He refers to the crescent moon Niklaus tattoo as "my zodiac" (probably a bit) ○ It's not a lil basic white girl moon this thing is the entire size of his forearm
Gill had never heard about the Black Sea - it's unclear if the Undersea just don't know, or if that's just how sheltered he was (ep. 10)
Biz: "What would Gillion do. If he just had no goal - was just sitting there." "Gillion always has a goal." "Would his goal ever be to just.. Sit there?" "Absolutely not." ○ Later, Chip expresses that he doesn't know what Gillion likes. What he would want out of winning a bet. Gillion doesn't have an answer
Apple, in a couple of early battles, acted like Gill's familiar (see: ep. 7)
They also pecked at his Niklaus tramp stamp and looked all confused at the idea of eating seeds
The specific crescent of the moon in the Niklaus tattoo is known as a symbol of "corruption" (ep. 9) and its antonym is the sun, for "life", similar to the yin and yang ○ Interesting to consider after what the tree said in 110 <_<
Pretzel has a masters degree in couple's therapy (ep. 10)
The Albatross/Millennium Chipper was described as the colour of rosewood or mahogany
Captain Lizzie's first introduction was a wanted poster, and Chip wanted to turn her in for the prize, then decided to try learn from her instead
Chip/Bizly called Old Man Earl "Erol" for a loooong time ○ Maybe it's an accent thing but I have an uncle called Erol and so this stands out to me
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 5 months
I always worry when I see motorcycles out in the rain unprotected, if if anything would actually happen if they got too wet but it Concerns Me, anywho what do you think the boys were at school when it starts raining and when they get the chance to leave/go check on their bike they some girl vibrating with anxiety trying to protect it with an umbrella? I imagine shes trying to cover the engine, not knowing where it is, so just trying to shield as much bike as possible while getting rained on without noticing.
Oh this sounds like a cool idea!!! This is how I think the guys would react!
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Mikey- "huh?" He's just very confused at first, doesn't understand what you're doing. Walks over and actually starts talking about how cool his ride is instead, assumes you were admiring his bike. When you actually explain, he laughs and points out where the engine is. He likes you though, you pique his interest.
Draken- Starts shouting, he immediately assumes you're trying to do something to his ride. Immediately feels bad after seeing your startled look and shaking form though. Thinks it was nice of you to try and thanks you.
Takemichi- He also has no idea if his bike is ok or not, actually asks you for advice but both of you are lost.
Baji- Asks if you're looking for a fight but sighs and backs down after realising you're a girl and what you're trying to do. Thinks of you as a good person and offers to drive you home.
Chifuyu- He's so touched by this gesture, doesn't know what to do for a moment. Ends up grinning brightly at you and thanking you. It doesn't end after that though, he considers you to be his friend now and goes looking for you.
Mitsuya- He's more worried about you then the bike, worries you'll catch a cold and wants to know how long you've been out there. Ends up taking you back to his house and making you hot chocolate as a thanks and to ensure you're okay.
Pah- Rushes over to you about to throw a punch for being too close to his bike but holds back after realising you're a girl. After you frantically explain, he nods at you and thanks you. Promises that you have the protection of the third division of toman for this.
Peh- Starts shouting at you but stops as he gets closer (he's worried about making a girl cry again). He's generally confused as to why you were trying to help him though. Brags about this encounter to Pah later.
Smiley- Sneaks up on you before asking if you wanna die, was expecting you to be a rival gang member messing with him not some girl trying to help him. He ends up introducing himself to you and gives you his number, saying the two of you should hang out later.
Angry- He thinks you're very thoughtful and thanks you a lot, even runs all the way back to his locker to grab a spare towel in case you got wet. Offers to drive you home after so you don't have to walk in the rain.
Sanzu- Immediately becomes concerned, he's very protective over his bike. Will ask if you touched it. He's suspicious of you, thinking you would only do this if you wanted something from him. Vows to keep an eye on you after this.
Kazutora- He's a bit flustered, it's not everyday that someone does something so nice for him. Wants to know more about you and hang out more after this since you seem like a nice person. Also thinks of himself as being indebted to you now.
Hanma- Thinks the whole situation is funny, but is still very interested in you. This is something different. Tells you where the engine is but points at the wrong place to see if you believe him, then laughs when you do.
Inui- Raises an eyebrow at you, mutters something then drives off.
Taiju- Grabs your arm to move you away from his bike but stops as you explain. Laughs a lot at you but deep down he kind of appreciates the effort. Tells you he won't forget this, you're not sure if that's a promise or threat.
Izana- Stares at you blankly before thinking he understands the situation but definitely getting it wrong. Says things that make 0 sense to you. "So you want to work for me huh" "What????" "You chose wisely" You basically end up being adopted/ kidnapped by tenjiku.
Kakucho- Asks what you're doing then shakes your hand after as a thank you (he was going to pat your shoulder but suddenly panicked that a girl may not like that so settles for a hand shake). Mentally makes a note to look out for you in the future.
Shion- Assumes you know who he is and that you admire him greatly. Talks a lot at you and tries to show off, tells you that if you're ever in danger you can just tell your attackers his name and they'll back off knowing you're with him.
Ran- Laughs at how confused you look, he thinks it's cute like a little lost chick. Is actually a bit to surprised to realise you didn't seem to realise it was his bike you were trying to protect.
Rindou- Looks you and and down before sighing, tells you to hop on the back and he'll drive you home but then the two of you are even and never have to speak again (you definitely end up as best friends).
Mochi- He's actually touched by this, thinks you're a pretty cool girl for trying this hard to protect something of his. Drives you to a cafe to grab something warm for you as a thank you, also tells you a bit about bikes on the way.
Shinichiro- He's a bit confused as to why you don't know where the engine is (he just assumes it's common knowledge) but is thankful to you. Drives you home and gives you his number so he can teach you about bikes in the future (he just assumes you're interested) also flirts a little.
Takeomi- Blinks at you and asks what's up, he acts a little rudely after you tell him but tbf he's just a bit surprised and isn't thinking about what he's saying. Still thanks you though.
Wakasa- Gives you a lazy grin and points the engine out to you. Doesn't offer you a lift but just assumes you'll say yes so helps you onto the back.
Benkei- Actually worries that something is wrong at first and that someone sent you here. Once that's cleared up he nods at you and says you have his respect.
South- Grins down at you, assuming this will end in a fight. Is actually a little disappointed when he finds out why you were there. He's a bit unsure of how to respond exactly and just leaves you there without saying another word. He finds you again a day later though to thank you and starts hanging out with you occasionally.
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artdcnaldson · 2 months
ok ok ok so i have a thought for pats sister au, i mentioned it a while ago cuz someone was talking about something similar
this isnt like that smutty and slutty, but i need them to also just be a little bit happy. and as much as i love love love mean art, i do need him to be a little bit sweet to her now
but im thinking now that he's like fucking her at every chance he gets, that means hes spending a lot of time with her in general. including parties!!!! they start going together instead of just leaving together. not officially or anything because it would undoubtedly get back to pat, so they're just going with a few mutual friends and pretend its a group thing. its also easier for art to pretend like he doesnt just want to be with you and only you. maybe this party is at a sorority instead of a frat, so art lets his guard down a little. there arent as many guys who art knows, meaning even less guys who might happen to know patrick. and hes not too concerned with all the girls considering girl code or whatever.
so he lets himself party more than he usually would, lets himself drink that extra drink (truthfully a few extra) and stand just that bit closer to her (very much closer, practically leaning against her), he even dances with her, something he's never done with a girl. they lean in close when theyre talking, anyone who didnt know them would assume they were a couple, or at least well on their way to becoming one. TIHI!!!
its a pretty rowdy party, art is shocked he thought the frat parties got out of hand but this was wild. before either of them realize it, theyre both wasted, having the time of their lives, but definitely drunk. their friends have started heading home, but they decide to stick around and keep the party going. his arm is around her, hand on her waist slowly but surely wandering down to rest on her ass, accompanied by the occasional squeeze just to make her fidget. hes letting her get close to him. its nothing too suspicious though, no kissing or outright sexual touch, with the right words it could be explained away as friendly, in case patrick should hear about it.
BUT art is drunk, and drunk stanford art is a party boy, i believe this in my heart and core. he is getting reckless, forgetting about patricj and that he's supposed to keep discreet. he is doing shots, hes making her do shots, hes making any- and everyone do shots with him. and im thinking its one of, or both of, 2 things.
hes taking a shot and then spitting into pats sisters mouth
i see this happening like spontaneously, maybe there's only one shot left in the bottle and art has the genius idea that you'll just share it. she doesnt get what he means but he'll just show her. takes the shot, leaves it in this mouth, grabs her jaw and brings her real close to him. she thinks hes going to kiss her, but he pries her mouth open instead, tilts her head back, and spits the shitty liquor right into her mouth. hand tight around her jaw to keep her in place, eyes on hers, just like when he spits in her mouth fr
OR/and later in the evening
2. tequila body shots
this i see happening as just a sudden idea art has. and hes insisting its a great idea, and he'll even let her start so it doesnt seem like hes just trying to get her naked. so he lays on like a sticky, honestly downright nasty, bartop. he takes off his shirt and ugh he just looks so fucking good. pats sister is getting so possessive with all these girls around ogling at her man lol, shes all too eager to mark her territory. so the way weve always done it where i live is tequila poured in the belly button, salt in a line up the chest and lime in their mouth so you have to kiss them to get it. ive learnt from going to international school that thats apparently not universal? let me know about that cuz confusing? how else?
anyway. she takes the shot off of him, taking her time lick up his chest and even longer to get the lime from between his lips. its not like people are really looking at them, but even if they were those two are too drunk to notice or care. when its her turn hes really making a show of it, gets her to take her shirt off, but lets her keep the bra (its practically see-through with all the lace anyway), but he insists that she has to unbutton her jeans because he also wants salt before the shot or whatever. hes making something up, he just wants to see what panties shes wearing and see if he can smell her sweet pussy. he knows she wet, he can tell. hes just as bad as her, if not worse.
then when the party is ending they're definitely going back together, theyre probably too drunk to even try to have sex. just sloppy and stumbling everywhere. they end up passing out in arts bed together, he only just managed to get them both into some of his clothes and decent for bed, boxers for him and just a shirt and panties for her. in the morning they wake up cuddled close. its the first time theyve slept in the same bed, the first time theyve cuddled, its the first time theyve slept in the same room since art first took her virginity. and now they'd spent the night together without having sex at all. it kind of changes things for them... but not too much :)
GODDDDD THIS HAS LIVED SOOO RENT FREE. I'm fucking dead it's too beautiful, too perfect. Also body shots are The Same for me as well so ur so valid <3
You're surprised when the invite comes through your phone— when Art asks for you to come with him to a house party hosted by some sorority girl in one of his classes. He heard about it, heard that they can be fun, wants to see you there.
And, god, you pretty yourself up so much for it— a skimpy little tank top that he can see your bra through, a tiny little denim skirt, sweet, sparkly makeup that catches in the fucking strobe lights set up around the living room. You’re nursing a cocktail of pink lemonade and vodka, leaning against his side as he downs another fucking glass of jungle juice. He’s definitely on the wrong side of drunk, or else he wouldn’t be all over you the way he is.
And you’re fucking living for it, the way he keeps one hand slung around your waist, tugs you closer against him so you’re practically one fucking entity. He puts a fucking glowing test tube shot to your lips, eyes lighting up as you eagerly swallow it down. He could spit directly onto your tongue, in front of everyone and you’d fucking let him.
So he does. He downs a tequila shot, grabs your chin and you’re all wide eyed and eager as you look up at him. He spits it into your open mouth and you swallow it down, nose wrinkling at the taste. You like sweet things— fancy champagne, mixed drinks that are mostly juice. But you smile at him once you’ve swallowed down the tequila, giggling and buzzy.
But auuhghghgh body shots :((( he’s such a lecherous little perv, he gets off on the attention from you so bad. Wants everyone to see how bad you want him, how possessive and needy. Sucking the liquor from his naval, tongue flat as you lick up the line of salt you’d carefully tapped up his torso. He watches how your lashes flutter as you lick along his skin, the salt course on your tongue complimenting the sweaty taste of his skin. Maybe you linger there a little longer than what’s comfortable for anyone else watching. You take the lime from his mouth biting down so you can suck the juices from it.
It’s a little clumsy— you’ve never done one before, but you’d practically bouncing on your feet when you ask him to do one from you. He practically drops you on the table, fumbles his way to pulling off your shirt, tosses it somewhere neither of you will ever fucking see again.
He lines up the salt between your tits, in the pretty valley between the pink lace. You squirm when he pours the tequila into your belly button, he watches it slosh and spill as the muscles of your abdomen tremble. You bite your lip as he unbuttons your skirt, tugs it down just until he sees the pretty lacy pink of your panties, a perfect match to your bra.
God, you wanted him to fuck you so bad— you were practically wearing a sign around your neck that said it. He taps out a line of salt, licks from the waistband of your panties up to your naval, and sucks the liquor from it. His tongue laves at you— a long line between your belly button up to the hollow of your throat.
The rest of the party falls away— it’s just you and Art and you’re honestly pretty convinced he’s going to just fuck you on the table— stake his claim, lick into your mouth until all you know is salt and tequila and citrus and spit.
He bites into the lime and you taste the juice as it sprays into his mouth and drips back onto yours.
You hear people, absently, far in the back of your mind. You’re so fucking gone— you’re embarrassing yourselves, both of you. Art tugs his shirt over your head after the mindless, three-second search for your tank top comes back fruitless.
“Wanna go home?” He asks, his breath hot and his words clumsy against the shell of your ear. Home. Yeah, his dorm pretty much is home to you at this point. His hand’s in your back pocket and you’re waving a tipsy goodbye to your friends, clinging onto Art as you start the trek back to the dorms.
He presses you against a tree halfway back, kisses you hot and urgent and needy. Then again in the stairway up to his room— pins you against a set of windows, smiling and laughing against your mouth as some unfortunate soul catches him with his fingers between your thighs.
By the time you get back to his dorm, you’re basically buzzing with need, want, giddiness, affection. Art can’t get hard because he’s so fucked up, ends up giggling about it against your shoulder, mouthing against your salty, sweaty skin with wet, open-mouthed kisses. He collapses into the bed, tugs you against his side and falls asleep with his face buried in your hair and warm, possessive hands on your body.
You’re both asleep in minutes.
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mvrkieboo · 1 month
Old Bloodhounds
P3 | catch me outside, how bout that!?
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Your eyes met Mark's for a split second before he broke eye contact. Mark and you go way back, but shit happened and…and you remember him telling you that you were dead to him. As the queue shortened, one of Mark's friends practically bounced up and down when she got to the counter. Mark lingered behind his friend group, doing his obvious best to ignore your presence and make it seem like you were never really there in front of him.
“Oh my god, AERI! I've always wanted to meet you! I'm Ningning, and I'm from the MPA Faculty.”
“I'm honored! God, you're really pretty—and you're talented too. Wanna take a pic of just the both of us? The rest of you guys can have y/n take your orders first.” Aeri was practically gushing. She always had a soft spot for attractive people.
You watched as she and the girl go over to the back for a quick photo session.
You waved at the rest of the group, albeit a little awkwardly since Mark was a part of them. You picked up a cup and a sharpie, indicating you were ready to take their orders. The pretty girl with short brown hair ordered first.
“I'll have a hot latte with oat milk.”
“Iced americano with less sugar, please. Thank you. ”
“I’ll have a hot mocha with regular milk. You're really cute. Can you also throw in your number?” The guy got two blows at the back of his head while Mark sighed deeply at his annoying ass friend. You grinned awkwardly, trying to act like his friend didn't just hit on you.
Then your eyes met Mark's again.
“Uh, can I get…” When it was Mark's turn to order, his head kinda blanked, and all of his friend group—and you—were looking at him right now. Putting him on the spot.
“We actually have tea here. Do you still take it the way you did back in high school?” You asked carefully, knowing that speaking to him so casually would tick him off but he was holding up the line, and his friend that took a picture with Aeri had already returned.
“...yeah. I'll just have that then.”
Mark could see Haechan's eyebrows shot up, while Winter and Chenle just side-eyed him. Mark usually thanks his servers—always. They waited for the thanks to come out, but it never did—and he's even looking to the ground instead of facing you, jaw taut and fists closed. He looked genuinely pissed, for some inconceivable reason. All of his friends looked between you and him, bewildered.
What was his beef with you?
“Okayyyy, whatever that was…Um, can I have a hot latte with regular milk? And if Aeri can also make the latte art for it…” Ningning giggled, glancing at Aeri shyly from under her lashes.
“Sure thing! But no promises though, I kinda suck at it.” Aeri grinned and wrote down Ningning’s name on the cup.
That kinda brought down the tension between you and Mark, thankfully. You let out a deep sigh as you worked on their orders, going to the station and working beside Yangyang. He eyed you up and down before stealing a glance at Mark. You felt his lips near your ears as he whispered.
“Was the breakup that messy? Did you cheat on him with his worst enemy or something?”
You rolled your eyes to the side at his question.
“He’s not my ex, you nosy shit. Get back to work.”
Considering all of you were getting the hang of it, it didn't take up to 10 minutes to finish their orders. You gave them their drinks one by one as Yangs cleaned the station. You were about to hand off Mark's iced sweet tea when Yangyang stumbled and hit you from behind, causing the drink to splash against Mark's jacket. You gasped at the accident.
“Oh, no.” Yangyang muttered from behind you—but suspiciously, he didn't sound too remorseful.
Chenle was glaring daggers at the captain of NCU’s soccer team. Mark was brushing away the cold tea off of his jacket with a frustrated sigh.
“Damn it, this jacket can only be dry-cleaned.” Mark hissed, regretting buying a high maintenance jacket as a broke student.
“Oh my god, we're so sorry. We'll refund you and take it to the dry cleaners ourselves. We'll pay for it too.” Aeri bowed apprehensively.
Mark looked like he was about to reject the offer, but Chenle gripped his shoulder and started to take the jacket off of him.
“Just go with it, Mark. It's the least they can do for you.” Chenle huffed out, glaring at Yangyang who continued to clean their work station with a small smirk on his face.
You seriously wanted to recreate The Simpsons scene of Homer choking Bart right fucking now. You're Homer Simpson and Yangyang is Bart.
Chenle shoved the jacket into your hands and the rest of his group left, with Ningning looking a little upset that her moment with Aeri now ruined. You tilted your face up to the sky and sighed deeply, thanking god that the coffee was about to sell out anyway, even if you did plan to bring the leftovers home. Then you dropped your head to look at the tea scented jacket you were holding.
Fucking Yangyang.
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A/N : why is this story kinda gaining traction *twirls hair*...omg do you guys like me or something ahhhhhh that's so embarrassing hihihihihih
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@spiderm444rk @morkiee @xiuriii @solvrse @mystverse @bee-the-loser
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peoplesgraves · 1 year
Yandere Scooby Doo Headcanons
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•Originally you were just a hitchhiker they picked up (totally ignoring Velma’s warnings). The more nights and days they spent with you crammed in the van and even helping out on cases, they all start to realize just how nice it is to have another member of mystery inc, especially one as cute as you.
•Fred would be the first to fall for you. Realistically he is weak to pretty people and probably falls in love like 8 times a day but it’s different with you! You’re not some passing fad, your love is the real deal. At least to Fred. He won’t be offended if you reject him at first because he just assumes that you’ll be together eventually. Like eventually he’ll figure out just the right way to make you love him back but until then he’s so happy to spend every day finding new ways to love you. When you’re on cases he always, always assigns you to stay with him and do something safer like watching his trap. He needs to keep you safe above all else so he’ll rarely leave your side. He would be the most likely to kidnap you.
•Shaggy falls for you next. He trusts Fred, he always has. So if Fred likes you then Shaggy will try to like you to. He ends up liking you too much though. You’re always down to share your snacks with him or comfort him after a particularly freaky case. You two always sleep in the back together (witch Scooby of course) because he rarely ever has a bad dream when you’re next to him. Shaggy wouldn’t consider himself brave and neither would anyone else, but for you he is. He’ll jump straight in the claws of any monster to keep you safe. He’s ok with you having your freedom because he trusts you not to leave him, if he ever does feel like you’ll leave him he still won’t lock you up but he would cry and beg and emotionally manipulate you.
•Daphne would be next. She’d only be after shaggy because it takes some time for her to realize that it’s not your fault that Fred has a thing for you. At first she tries to befriend you partly to make up for her original poor behavior and partly to try and figure out what Fred liked so much. She becomes just as obsessed with you as he is. She’s always finding an excuse to sit on your lap or just be really really close to you in some way. Daphne would also start buying you guys like matching jewelry or something, like a classy collar that won’t make you suspicious. She would also very likely kidnap you but it’s just because she literally can’t stand being away from you for too long, very selfish but also self aware enough to try and make up for it.
•Velma falls last. She’s the only one who definetly didn’t want to pick you up so she’s initially very suspicious of you. Glaring, asking probing questions and things like that. Whatever you did to gain her trust would be something small that you wouldn’t remember but she would never forget. Like absentmindedly calling her pretty or asking about her latest project. She feels so seen and understood by you and gets kind of addicted to it. She’s spent her entire life feeling overlooked and misunderstood so she takes great care to make sure you don’t feel that way. She keeps notebooks of things you tell her so she won’t forget and is a big big stalker. If there’s something to know and understand about you then Velma wants to know about it. She would not kidnap you because she values your happiness over her anxiety.
•Scooby! People say that dogs take on the traits of their owners so while I wouldn’t say Scooby is yandere he would be very easily influenced by everyone else. If he sees Fred keeping you in the van more often than not, then he’ll start to do the same. He’ll questions things at first but everyone just says it to protect/help/take care of you so he goes along with it. He really does love you, you’re one of his best friends! It’s just his other best friends are more convincing.
Part 2 with the hex girls?
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justalovelyblackgf · 21 days
redk!clark shenanigans part 3
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part 1
part 2
taglist: @afrogirl3005 @rosiestalez @stereotypicalbarbie
synopsis : redk!clark is the type of dude when you drop him first (because you’re honestly just fed up!) and you’re finally in a good place in life, he would text you out of the blue to reel you back in. he doesn’t really want you to walk out of his life, so you’re not getting rid of him that easily, girl.
if you’ve ever seen those memes with future texting, it’s those type of vibes.
pairings: redk!clark x fem! y/n (i’m imagining her as meagan good again. reader can do a self insert or use another fc. the choice is yours and i want to be inclusive!)
fandom: smallville (2001-2011)
also featuring: chloe sullivan and kate ross (pete’s twin sister/oc fc: tatyana ali)
warnings: long asf, swearing, redk!clark, toxic behavior, a little bit of angst, some suggestiveness,manipulation, implied hook up, y/n regretting her decisions, y/n being weak in the knees again!
congratulations to y/n for finally dropping redk!clark kent, smallville’s local gentleman turned badass and player. anywho, her skin is glowing, her grades are showing tremendous improvement, and life has just been better in general. she’s smiling a lot more!
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she’s not going through this alone though. fortunately, she has chloe sullivan and kate ross to help y/n properly get over him. they haven’t seen him around in a few days. if they did happen to run into clark at school or around town and he asks about her whereabouts, they would make up an excuse that she was really busy with (an extracurricular/job) or she got a new number. he’s gonna find out soon enough that was some bullshit.
it’s a friday night and the girls decided it was time to get dolled up and go out to celebrate y/n’s freedom from clark’s fuckery. they’re all chatting and filling their table with laughter when y/n hears her cell phone vibrate. she flips open the device and looks at her text messages, skimming through each word cueing her deep sigh and eye roll..here we go again. y/n closes the phone down and places it back in her purse. it vibrates again and again..now kate and chloe are getting suspicious, giving each other knowing looks. let’s just say that the silence was indeed loud.
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“so, uh…who’s blowing up your phone at this hour?” chloe inquired, tilting her head.
“it’s just my mom reminding me to do something when i get home.” y/n replied as she shrugged her shoulders to ease the tension.
“oh, so she’s reminding you five times?” kate asked, her elbow on the table with her chin resting on her knuckle. she raised a brow then narrowed her eyes before finally addressing the elephant in the room.
“it’s clark, isn’t it?”
“bullshit!” the girls exclaimed.
“fine! it was clark. he said he hated how things ended between us and that he was blind to how really important i was to him. he also said that without me, he feels so weak.” y/n confessed.
these were his words. he wasn’t blind to shit considering he has x-ray vision. not weak either because the guy had super strength.
chloe and kate couldn’t help but to roll their eyes and shake their heads at this foolishness, but who were they to judge? they both fell for the charming farm boy they grew up with at one point during their lives. hell, they even both attempted to cross that line of confession and dating him for real, but they let that go to preserve their friendship with each other and with clark. it’s messy, but it was clark kent. smallville’s local knight in shining armor. how could any girl let go of him completely once they’ve been attached? it was just his new bold and unpredictable attitude that rubbed them the wrong way. hopefully it’s just a phase.
“he also said to meet at his place so we could talk things over. if he really wants us to work things out, i should be there in the next 10 minutes…” with each word, the volume of y/n’s voice started to diminish as she looked around and bit at her bottom lip to avoid the awkward, yet frustrated glares of her friends. “maybe i should go to hear him out and get some closure…”
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“wait, wait, wait!”, chloe objected shaking her head. “if my memory serves, you said that last time was the last time. did you not catch him in another lie of him seeing lana before taking you out, correct?”
“….yes, but he sorta made it up to me.” y/n’s face heated up as her mind wandered to the semi-passionate endeavor her and clark shared in her bedroom after the argument that concluded their last date. she thanked the Lord above that her parents were out of town and that clark respected her enough to not push any further than what she was comfortable with. kate and chloe's eyes widened from sudden realization to complete astonishment.
"before you guys shame me, no, we didn’t go that far, but you know how guys are always saying i can’t drop clark due to the fact that i’m always wrapped around his finger?”
(reference to pt 2 iykyk)
y/n recited her friends past warnings as her fingers signaled air quotation marks.
“i guess you can say that literally and figuratively.”
silence filled the trio once more before they all heard another vibration. y/n flipped open her device and checked her text messages again. her eyes skimmed over the text for a few seconds before her fingertips made a few sounds to type a response to the person on the other end. after one press of the “send” button, she stood to her feet and pushed in the chair before greeting her friends a formal goodbye, “that was mom again. she said she needs me home asap. i’ll catch you guys at school?” the girls gave her nod and a “mhm!” before they watched their friend power walk out of the restaurant to her parked honda accord.
after they saw the car speed off into the night, kate sarcastically chuckled and shook her head before gazing at chloe, finally breaking the silence.
“we both know damn well that she went to go meet up with clark right?”
“i know…” chloe replied.
“yeah.” kate nodded and gazed below at the ground with a tight lipped smile as she fiddled with her fingers.
10 minutes. it sounds like a lot of time, but not so much when you’re deciding on which path to take. right for the l/n’s house, left for the kent’s. her eyes darted in both directions, her heart thumping in her chest. it was only a matter of time before she could switch the turn signal up or down. she began to think. think of the times her friends were there for her at her lowest. the temper tantrums. the late night rants on the phone. the fake smiles for her parents. the tears that soaked her pillow. all because of him. his arrogance, his brutal honesty yet he lies, his shameless flirtation with other women. his eyes…his words…his kiss…his touch…his affection. damn, damn, damn! her mind was finally made up. she put the car in drive and made the turn onto the path of her destination for the night.
“hey, look, i got your messages. you said you wanted to talk things over, so let’s talk, clark.”
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y/n stood with her arms crossed against her chest and faced the male before her standing outside the kent house as if he were expecting her already. he looked comfortable in his black tank top and grey sweatpants with his hands in the pockets. even under the moonlight, y/n could still see that same lady-killing smile of his and icy, blue eyes that she adored so much that it made her heart swell.
“it’s about time you showed up, beautiful. you don’t know how much i’ve missed you lately.” he pulled his pink lips into a smirk and took a few steps closer to her as his eyes never did pull away from her own. “i don’t think talking out here in the dark would do us any good, so how about we go somewhere more quiet and…” he took a beat of pause, “private.” tilting his head in the direction of his loft in the barn.
y/n sighed, licked her lips, and started walking in the direction towards clark’s loft with her arms still crossed. little did she know that his eyes carefully zeroed in on the sway of her hips with each step she took and possibly even the sultry, black matching set underneath her clothes.
oh, this was going to be a long night.
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shotorozu · 2 years
pretend boyfriend
(i use guardian because idk there was this one time i used “mom” in a though unrelated n old draft and i showed it to someone and they replied with “i don’t have a mom” 😧)
note(s): also this totally wasn’t inspired by something that happened to me some time ago 😭 and this upload is late so IGNORE that it’s no longer february (actually, for 10 days now) and focus on how i’m early for white day— basically a day in japan in which guys give chocolate to their crush or partner instead of girls giving chocolates to guys (which happens on valentines day) white day is on march 14 btw
»»————- ♡ ————-««
you realize your sad plan for your single, partner-less white day— an extension of valentines day, backfired on you when your guardian asks you about a boyfriend upon your usual visit from school.
“what?” you question, sounding unbelieving of the question, like it was a collection of meaningless words. “i don’t have a boyfriend—”
“the chocolates say otherwise,” they point out, interested in the heart shaped box of sweets. “can i see a picture? i need to know if they’re good for you!”
what an… interesting way to determine who’s good for you. “there’s no boy— no one, trust me.” you insist, sounding a little more panicked than you would’ve liked— and this only fueled her suspicion.
“there has to be someone, you’re beautiful!” they insist. you would’ve felt complimented if it weren’t for the context of it all, and also the fact that they’re just talking about physicality “really, who gave it to you?”
you’re hesitant to say that you actually bought them yourself, not just to replicate the experience of having a significant other, (now that you’ve realized how hard you’ve been pining over someone incredibly unattainable)
but also because you couldn’t resist the contents of the box.
sure, you were given other pieces of chocolate and sweets from your classmates even some of the girls! (which wasn’t common to see on white day of all days) and a suspiciously expensive looking cupcake box landed on your table too.
(you didn’t eat it, you just couldn’t accept the fact that it wasn’t actually decor, until you went to eat lunch and smelled the thing.)
but those chocolates were obviously obligatory, considering the context of white day. besides, the box you bought was different— it had all your favorite flavors and it was from your favorite sweets brand. you just couldn’t help but tear a small portion of your allowance out of your wallet for this treat alone.
you don’t know what your guardian would say— they’d either insist that you’re lying, or they’d make fun of you, and none of these options sound appealing.
you deflate, not having a good defense. “… a friend.”
they don’t seem convinced. nobody used a friend to refer to their actual friend. you mentally beat yourself over this simple mistake.
this only proves their point, “hmm, okay..”
there’s a beat of silence.
“i’m still expecting a picture.”
your heart rate picks up, and you can feel your veins be filled with anxiety.
and now you’re returning to the dorms, absolutely mortified— and it clearly shows on your face based on how your best friend, todoroki shouto, approaches you at the front door with a concerned look.
“you look.. distressed.” he notes out loud, as he opens the door.
shouto’s quick to help you get your shoes off, letting you lean on him as you undo your shoelaces. he pulls off each shoe afterwards— the action so casual.
“it’s because i am, shouto!” you exclaimed, following him in. “i did something stupid and now i’m paying the consequences of my actions!”
shouto’s two toned brows furrow, there’s a deep look settled on his pretty face— and he draws all his focus on you. “whatever it is, we can fix it.”
“i’m sure but, my ego! my dignity!” you groan, and your hands cover your face as if it’ll burrow you away from the embarrassment and transport you to a place of peace.
“i won’t laugh,” he says, an indirect way of saying that he won’t absolutely clown you for any of your decision making skills.
shouto then holds his pinkie up, waiting for you to take it. it’s a clear show that he’s intent. “promise.”
“sure,” you say as you link pinkies, the warmth of his pinkie making embarrassment creep up your neck instantly. “i trust you.”
you breathe in as preparation. “i bought chocolates for myself and my guardian thinks i have a boyfriend and is asking for a picture, so now i’m screwed because i don’t have a boyfriend in the first place, and i’ve told them that i don’t but they just don’t believe me, so i might have to get a fake boyfriend for a picture!”
all of it just spilled out at once. you aren’t even sure if shouto understood, let alone was able to comprehend all of it due to the lack of reaction.
but when you carefully examine— you realize that a reaction slowly shows on his face, like it just dawned on him the information you’ve dumped.
“fake boyfriend.” he echoes, “for a picture.”
“yes!” you groan, mortified of the other possible solution of the matter being slapped in your face again, “and they need to be tall, handsome, and apparently someone that looks rich— don’t know how a picture can prove that, we don’t even have jobs.”
“anyway, they’ll just criticize me for my choice in people.” you sigh, “i’m lost.”
he folds his arms together, and he unintentionally flexes. your eyes follow the movement for a short second before you realize that you cannot be caught gawking at someone you’ve met when you were both five. “it appears you are quite in a situation.”
“if only there was someone available to help.”
“someone close to you.”
“i figured— it’d be awkward to ask someone who i’m not really close with to be my fake…” you trail off, brows furrowing when you realize there might be some insinuation in his words. you can’t tell what he is necessarily eluding to— but,
you take a good look at shouto— an very good look. you size him up, and he allows this as he is basically standing politely. there’s a fixed look of stillness in every aspect of his expression, and he’s calm when he speaks,
“i could play the role.” he suggests like he doesn’t understand the weight of his words, or he doesn’t care that much about it.
you can feel your heart in your throat all of a sudden, and the beat of it is becoming painfully loud.
“shouto,” you somehow manage to get out, “they know who you are.”
your deep rooted history together as close friends would be seen as a plus point, if it weren’t for the fact that you’ve refrained from showing (let alone hinting) any sign of your feelings for him. shouto did the same, except you are absolutely sure he doesn’t want anything more than platonic with you— as he has displayed no such signs.
the sudden shift of events would raise more questions instead of just solving one.
besides, who doesn’t know him nowadays? he’s tall, good looking, strapped with money and a multipurpose and hella useful quirk. heck— his appearance during the sports festival was a huge thing and has definitely made a positive mark on his reputation.
additionally, it was hard for your guardian to miss someone with an alluring presence like shouto’s, and a head full of naturally snow-like, and flaming red hair.
you think carefully before coming up with something easy. “what if i just asked one of the girls to wear an oversized hoodie; and stand on a stool? i’d crop out their face, of course. kyouka or yaomomo could—”
before you were allowed to finish your thought, shouto continued to press on his idea. “i’d be the most preferable, since the backstory makes the most sense.”
you pause. you’ve never thought of an actual backstory for you too, and you couldn’t quite indulge in the self blame— you didn’t think he’d agree at all.
“childhood friends turned best friends, and with a bond that drew us together.” his gaze fleets somewhere below your eyes, and then he draws them back up— a small boyish grin now blessing his face. “besides, you’d be in quite some trouble if they asked for a picture of their face.”
oh, that description sounded way too close to home, so much that you forgot. now that shouto mentioned one, that solution does seem to have its loop holes.
“touché.” the lengths he’d do for you is admirable, and your heart would’ve stuttered if it weren’t for the dull reminder from the back of your mind, of what it’s really like between the two of you.
“so uhm, what now? do you want to take the picture right later or—”
“now would be good.”
“oh uh, okay then…” shouto never wastes time, even when it came to unimportant stuff it seems, and he watches as you shift around to find your phone.
getting your phone is something that never takes any time, but with everything being taken account for, your hands are starting to feel like jelly.
after opening your camera app and switching to selfie mode, you position your phone carefully. not just like a photographer that was about to capture a rare wild animal laying still, but also similarly to how people take pictures with celebrities.
you are cautious of the angle. although you’ve almost seen every single expression that he could make— you’re worried how you could make everything look good, make him look phenomenal. (although it seems impossible to make him look anything but)
you end up snapping a photo that’s majorly of him, and the only show of you being in the same frame was the very top of your head shoved to the corner of the screen.
the two of you stare at the photo, exchanging glances. you might think that this is enough, considering that this photo of shouto is nowhere on the internet. so— plus one for authenticity, sorta.
he’s not your real boyfriend, but your guardian won’t know that from looking at the picture.
“let’s do a retake.”
you nearly stumble, like his words were a gust of strong wind. “huh?”
“this photo.. doesn’t seem authentic. i wouldn’t know what it’d be like to be in a relationship but the couples on television look— different. don’t you think?”
you take another look at the photo. although the couples shouto is referring to are actresses and actors playing roles— he’s right for the most part. the distance between the two of you is hard to miss, nobody would be able to guess that you two were together.
not to mention, it’s more of a picture of him instead of the both of you.
“alright then,” you say in agreement. “any suggestions?”
“if i may.”
“of course you may,” you encourage.
“then…” he shifts, feet moving closer to you. “if you’ll allow me.”
shouto’s hands reach out, and you’re immediately drawn to them. although unsure about his next course of action, you don’t stop him as he pulls you close— hands with contrasting temperatures maneuvering the positions to his liking.
eventually, the two of you were positioned in a way that made you encase shouto in your arms and have you turnt slightly towards the camera.
the side of your faces are pressed against each other’s, and despite trying your best to stop it, the proximity had your heart thumping against your ribcage once again.
making sure you don’t prolong the ordeal more than you need to— you snap the picture and attempt to pick yourself up afterwards.
but shouto makes no effort in detaching himself from you, relaxing in your arms as he leans against you to view the picture. you feel yourself flustering again, and you just know that he could end you one day and be blissfully unaware of how and why.
although you just took a big risk that could possibly have your feelings found out— you were just as curious as he was to see the outcome.
and you two seemed like a couple indeed.
“thoughts?” you ask in place of allowing yourself to slowly pass away on the inside. your skin feeling increasingly hot all of a sudden, and you’re confident the boy beside you has nothing to do with it this time.
“just as i suspected.” a small smile pulls at his lips, “we look good together.”
your brain buffers, “huh?—”
and then, he’s pressing his soft lips onto your cheek— pulling back as quickly as he pressed his lips onto you.
you choke on practically nothing, and you stare at him with eyes so wide they rival saucers.
and then it started to make sense, “what— are you playing me?— you’re doing all of this for a picture i didn’t even take!”
he tilts his head, confused for a moment before letting out a disapproving noise. “i… was teasing at some point, but i would never play you. i even pinkie swore.” he said, holding the same pinkie he linked with yours earlier to prove his memory.
“so why… after all this time?”
his gaze sharpens, “why not?” he states simply, “i figured just recently that.. the feelings are mutual, and that you’re interested in the way i’m interested in you.”
he clutches you, shoving himself deeper in your embrace, “besides, there was no way i’d let you ask anyone else to be your pretend boyfriend when i’m right here.”
“it would be just for a picture though.” you note, slightly amused that todoroki shouto was jealous at the idea of having a pretend boyfriend for a picture— even if said pretend boyfriend were to be one of the girls from your class.
a specific blank expression is pinned onto his face. “still.” he replies, quite dryly.
though the expression immediately melts away as he says these next words, “now then,” gorgeous, gorgeous heterochromatic eyes meeting yours in a gaze. shouto holds it, and it seems that he’s taking advantage of his effect on you. he’s quick, not to mention— observant too.
“we should take another picture, one that’s much real.”
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ayyko-rona-yoo · 1 year
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐱 𝐔𝐒𝐒𝐑!𝐟!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: none. 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Remember that the Soviet Union is not only Russia. 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞. 𝐒𝐨 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰.
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First, let’s figure out how someone from the USSR could have ended up in the States. There were only two options: either you were stripped of your citizenship or you fled the country. Let’s take the first one - suppose your father was a writer and he was stripped of his citizenship because he was writing literature that was against the country’s ideology (I won’t go into details because in reality things were more complicated and scary). You don’t know how your father had connections there, but pretty soon your family got invited to the United States. The person who invited you was Mr. Noel. He also allowed you to stay at his house until you find a place to live.
He’ll probably see you for the first time when he goes to Chris with Knox to give him moral support, and if he’s hesitant, kick his ass.
You didn’t go to any school because you didn’t have the proper documents for enrollment yet, but every morning you walked Chris to her school.
"Where is she?" Charlie asked.
Knox looks at the crowd for a few seconds and points to Chris walking next to you. You stop at the entrance and she goes inside. You wave your hand at her and turn around to walk away. And Charlie stunned.
"Well, this is… Chris? You certainly have less chance than Denburry."
"I know… wait, who are you looking at?"
The next day he’ll try to get to know you. Like… It’s Charlie. I don’t think he’d wait long if he was up to something. The only reason he didn’t do it yesterday was because he didn’t want to hurt Knox’s feelings. He was quite sure that charm you would be as easily as possible. However, he did not expect that you would not be very talkative. And one more thing. Obviously, your English isn’t the best at the moment, and that complicates things, too. But the other problem is that his manner of speech and his behavior… scared you off a bit.
'I’m not serious at all, and I pass no skirt by' - that’s what you’d expect from a guy like that. In the society you grew up in that kind of behavior was discouraged and considered suspicious.
So the only thing you could say when a guy you didn’t know stopped you on the street with a playful grin was quick 'Sorry, I have to go'.
And now Charlie stunned again. How is that even possible? Back at Wellton, he didn't say a word when the poets asked him how it had gone. He told them so confidently that you won't be able to resist him. So how can he now admit that you ignored him?
Of course he’ll be teased about it, especially by Cameron. "Our Nuwanda can’t pick up a girl, huh?"
"Just shut up."
Again, this is Charlie. I believe he wouldn’t give up so easily. So now you meet him almost every time you walk Chris to school. And honestly, it was pretty creepy.
But then again, he didn’t do anything… outrageous, right? He wasn’t stalking you, you two were always out in public, so if you needed help… I think it’s clear what I mean.
At first, he just said hello and asked how you were doing. Then, when you didn’t answer, he said something about himself, about how his day was, complaining about Mr. Nolan. And even though you didn’t understand half of what he was saying, over time, you got used to his company. It took a long time, but Charlie was on cloud nine when you first answered him, "Not too bad… You?"
He was so proud of himself, so that night he wouldn’t shut up. Even after Cameron threw something at him for the third time in a row, so that he would stop talking and let him sleep.
Charlie finally got your name. You’ve had no contact with any of the locals other than the Noel family, so you’re not sure how anyone would react if they knew who you are and where are you from. What’s your name got to do with it? Well, it sounds unusual at least, so… easy to guess. Anyway, Charlie only knows your first name. So far.
Before you knew it, you were waiting for him to show up. Soon you even began to answer him with short simple phrases and laugh with his jokes, if you understood them.
Poems. Well. It’d be weird if he didn’t come up with a few poems about you, right? But you’re not used to the sound of English poetry. Although it’s better to say poetry in English.
I’m not sure how to describe it, but poems in Russian are very rhythmic, they hold a permanent rhyme. They sound different. So when Charlie first read you a poem, you didn’t even get what it was. Congratulations, this is the second time you’ve broken his heart.
One day you offered to walk you home. You’ve known each other for almost two months, and you’re in a good mood today. Why not spend more time with him? And, of course, Charlie could not refuse such an offer. While you were walking, you were talking about yourself more than usual, and even though you were still afraid to tell Charlie the details, you were very eager to give him a hint.
"Was it a poem again?" you said, standing at the front door.
"God, don’t say that, you’re making my heart bleed!"
"The only thing that bleeds is my passport," you opened the door and entered the house. "See you tomorrow, Nuwanda."
The next day he’d walk you home again. You said you had to hurry somewhere, but he insisted. Actually, Mr. Noel was supposed to be taking your family to the embassy today, so when you came, everyone was getting in the car.
You wanted to say goodbye to him, but he asked, "What you meant by 'the only thing that bleeds is your passport'?"
Should you tell him now? You looked him in the eyes for a few seconds, then sighed and took your passport out of your purse and handed it to him.
"I guess now you see what I meant," you muttered with a shy smile.
Its cover is red. Yellow letters, two words – 'СССР ПАСПОРТ' (In fact, red passports were introduced only in the 1970s, but it's not an archive document and I’m not here to teach a full history lesson. So let’s pretend that in 1959 it was already red, not gray).
"Are you coming with us, miss?"
"Yeah, I’m coming." You grabbed your passport out of his hand and went to Mr. Noel’s car, waving goodbye to Charlie.
Well. When you’re a guy from a wealthy American family who goes to a prestigious private school and lives a quiet life, the chance that you meet someone from the USSR… Is there even a chance?
Anyone would be shocked, maybe scared even. But Charlie… Of course he didn’t expect it and he’s surprised. But given his personality and character, I think he would rather be pleasantly surprised. Perhaps even excited.
Now it all makes sense. That's why you avoided him at first, why you spoke rarely and why you seemed to have a slight accent. Turns out he was right about the last one.
He’s definitely gonna be proud that he’s the one who got such an unusual girl like you. He’ll tell the dead poets about it as soon as he gets back to Welton. Cameron will be the only one who won’t believe him.
After that, you became more open with him. You’re still embarrassed by your poor English, which Charlie secretly likes. You told him why you live in the Noel house and about your friendship with Chris. You didn’t tell him the details of how you got here. He asked you a lot of questions, so you had to say it is very painful memories and you’re not ready to talk about it.
Charlie wouldn’t be Charlie if he didn’t ask you to teach him Slavic swearing. He literally begged you to, so you had to give up. Now it's the best way to shut Richard up when he does something annoying. He also mutters the curses under his breath when Mr. Nolan gives a speech.
You grew up in the Soviet Union, where a working woman was a normal thing (it's a myth that there was full equality of men and women in the USSR; but again – it's not a history class). So when the question arose of how to renew your visa, you immediately began to think about how to get a job. And Charlie sincerely does not understand this. You can just get married, can’t you? It’s the simplest and seemingly obvious option.
He’ll ask you to marry him. Many times. Every time you start talking about how hard to find a way to stay in the States is. Maybe it’ll sound like a joke at first. But the embassy continues to reject your application, so he starts talking about it more seriously.
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© 𝐚𝐲𝐲𝐤𝐨-𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐚-𝐲𝐨𝐨 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨�� 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝. 𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐝.
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cherryxcadbury · 2 years
11 with jude please 💖
so ik there were a lot of reqs for #11, but this was the first one I received so this will be my #11;)
2nd person pov
“Why do you have chicken in your purse?” You asked your best friend, Natalia as you both looked on at the pitch.
“Not paying for that over prices stadium shit.” Natalia explained, as she happily ate her chicken nuggets in peace while people began to fill in the seats after half time.
You two were both huge Bayern fans. So when they posted on their social media, a giveaway for two tickets up close to the pitch, it didn’t take much for you two to submit about a thousand entries. And somehow, you guys won.
The score was 0-0, against Bayern’s biggest rivals, Dortmund. In honesty, Dortmund usually tended to get thrashed by Bayern, but they were the biggest competition in the Bundesliga.
“Look! Bellingham!” People called from behind you.
You angled your head and saw as Jude Bellingham was leading the charge back from the break onto the pitch. The nineteen year old captain had even the Bayern fans in awe of him.
“I hate him but he’s hella fit.” Natalia admitted, to which you only nodded in response.
He was good yes. Okay fine. He was really good. But you considered him overrated.
“There are way more options for captains though. I don’t know why the nineteen year old is the captain.” You grumbled, honestly a bit angry because of how close Jude had gotten to assisting.
“Says the one who’s no older than nineteen. Also bro, you know he deserves to be captain. Have you seen the way he is on the field. Captain material. And I say this as a lifelong Villa and Bayern fan.” Natalia responded.
You looked to her to see a brow raised in your direction.
“You’re more competitive than half the players I swear.” Natalia laughed.
“Chicken?” She offered, holding her hand out.
You chuckled before waving her hand away.
“Second half’s about to start.” You mumbled.
“WOOOOO MIA SAN MIA!” Natalia cheered, eliciting more cheers from fellow Bayern fans.
“What does Mia San Mia even mean?” You asked her, as Dortmund made their way up the pitch.
Natalia scoffed and turned to you, “You do not deserve to be wearing that Alphonso Davies kit right now.”
“In my defense, I’m not German!” You exclaimed.
“Y/N! I am literally from fucking Ecuador, I don’t know German either but at least I know Mia San Mia! Fake fa-”
She started to say before being cut off by you. Dortmund’s offense was getting suspiciously close to the Bayern net. You were tempted to grimace as Neur was out with a knee injury, not that his replacement was bad by any means.
The stadium almost fell silent as the ball made it to Bellingham’s feet. He was successful in weaving in and out of players, before the ball was deflected. And it was coming straight at you.
Your worst nightmare. You’d love football since you were a little girl. You’d watch it all the time, with or without your family. The one thing that kept you away from live matches as a kid was potentially being hit by a ball. The thought embarrassed you to no end. And now, it was about to happen, in front of tens of thousands of people.
This was what you deserved for sitting in the front row.
“DUCK!” Natalia screamed into your ear, physically pushing you down.
Luckily the ball didn’t hit you, and went flying to the row behind you. Hitting a poor unsuspecting boy.
“Oh shit.” Natalia looked at the wailing kid sympathetically.
You also felt your heart pang in sadness for the clearly hurt boy. But you also thought it was kind of funny. He’d been kicking the back of your seat for the whole first half. And you wanted to smirk and mention karma, but you were better than that.
You grabbed the makeshift ice pack in your bag, which was really just a bag of a lot of ice you’d bought at the stadium and handed it to the boy’s mother.
“I don’t have much but this might help.” You said, placing the bag in the mother’s hands who smiled at you gratefully.
The boy also thanked you, silently calling a truce.
You and Natalia told the boy jokes to help distract him from the pain but eventually it was drowned out by cheering on your side.
“Turn around!” The injured boy gestured.
You did so and saw Jude Bellingham jogging over to your area. Hence why you could barely hear anything. You turned back to see the gleaming boy, figuring it would probably be easier if he was closer to Jude.
So, you picked the boy up and transferred him to your seat, closer to the pitch, while you climbed over to sit a row behind.
Unbeknownst to you, the kind act did not go unnoticed by Jude, who’d seen it while approaching.
“I’m sorry about that bud.” The footballer smiled apologetically, ruffling the kid’s hair.
The boy just smiled, “It’s okay. You weren’t the last one to hit it anyways.”
“You doing better now eh?” Jude smiled.
“Yeah! She helped me by giving me ice and telling me jokes.” The boy answered, gesturing to you while he spoke.
This caused Jude’s eyes to flicker towards your for a second. A smirk found its way onto his face while you started blushing red.
“Ah well your sister seems very nice.” Jude emphasised the “sister”.
The boy quirked his brow.
“She’s not my sister. She just helped me after the ball hit me.” The child explained. “Ah, should’ve figured based off of the opposing kits.” Jude replied, noticing now that you sported a Bayern kit while the child was decked out in BVB gear.
You turned to Natalia who just sat there smugly, watching it all happen.
“Don’t talk much now do you?” Jude asked you, the smirk ever so present on his face.
You wanted to stop from blushing again. But you couldn’t. Instead you had to switch the topic.
“Don’t you have a game to play smart one?” You shot back, snark in your voice as you forced him to turn back to the field where the players were still waiting.
“If I were you, I’d go back to playing now. The quicker you lose, the quicker you get this over with.” You advised.
That flared some sort of pride and fighting spirit in Jude. He smiled to himself turning to go back to the pitch.
But just before that he looked at you and said, “I’ll show you why I’m the golden boy for a reason.” before stocking off.
Within a few seconds, the game resumed.
“I swear the golden boy was Gavi.” Natalia wondered aloud.
And you couldn’t help but laugh.
Approximately 48 minutes later, the match was at a standstill 2-2. Jude had already smirked in your direction after scoring. You however didn’t return anything because what if he had a girlfriend or something that was directed towards?
“Fuck fuck fuck.” Natalia breathed as Adeyemi made his way up the field.
That boy was faster than lightning.
Adeyemi handed it off to Jude who then passed it to Gio, outside of the box. The American faked Alphonso fucking Davies and shot the ball at such an angle that no one expected a goal out of it. But it was. It was a goal indeed. You bit your lip as Dortmund players and fans alike celebrated, going insane.
You could only think to keep your head down to shield yourself from the embarrassment.
15 minutes later
Most fans had left but you and Natalia hung around to take pictures considering how close you were to the field. Your back was currently facing the pitch as Natalia stood on top a seat to get your optimal angles.
“You look so good!” Natalia smiled, clicking away.
But she stopped abruptly.
You noticed.
“Oh are we done? Should we go now?” You asked her.
“Turn.” She commanded.
You whipped you head around to see Jude Bellingham shirtless. Kit in his hand, elbows leaning against the miniature wall.
“You.” You gulped, waiting to get trashed after seeing the look on his face.
“Unfortunate that you guys lost today.” He smiled.
“Yeah well match fixing’s always a possibility. Sure you know a lot about the match fixing.”
You referenced the interview which got Jude fined in the previous year.
Jude’s smile stayed, turning into an ever present smirk.
“Touché I suppose.” Before handing you his kit.
You grasped it, before looking in disgust.
“I don’t do Dortmund kits.” You tried handing it back to him.
You were actually freaking out on the inside.
“This is a Jude Bellingham kit though.” He bit his lip as he maintained eye contact with you.
“Even worse.”
He just laughed.
“Listen sweetheart. I’d take a good look at that kit before you feed it to the dogs.”
And with that, he winked, jogging into the tunnel.
“You better fucking open that kit.” Natalia commanded, holding it up.
Both your eyes shot to something scribbled in the corner.
Call me;) 49*** *** **** -Jude
Your mouth hung wide open at this point. He was into you.
“W fucking rizz Bellingham. W rizz.” Natalia muttered.
“You’re going to be a WAG Y/N.” Natalia’s hands clamped over her mouth.
You rolled your eyes at your best friend’s wild imagination. But secretly, 99% of you, hoped that what she was saying, was true
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corellianhounds · 14 days
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
Ugh okay yes I have like a bunch of these, but I did settle on one that I just don’t know when I’d be able to figure it out. There’s too much setup involved to make it what I want. The context is that it’s a Prospect/Mandalorian crossover, the events of Prospect happening differently where Damon lives, but Cee still ends up escaping with Ezra.
Damon hires Mando to find Cee and their harvest after she disappears with Ezra, and once Mando finally tracks them down he’s shocked to see someone with his face walking around in the open. The whole time the plot’s happening he’s suspicious and unnerved by this stranger sharing his voice and face, and though his research into the backlog of Guild cases doesn’t reveal any details of this guy’s origin or personal life, it does give him plenty of information regarding Ezra’s colorful criminal history
However, Damon’s history isn’t much better, and Mando suspects he’s just better at hiding some of the more unsavory things he’s done. He also finds that Cee, according to his research, has been logged as Damon’s harvesting partner for almost ten years despite the fact this girl is clearly only about fifteen years old, and the kind of harvesting Damon’s done in the outer reach is a two-man job; you can’t afford dead weight, even if it’s to keep your kid with you. Does Damon want his daughter back, or does he want his assistant back?
Mando’s having to deliberate over who between Damon and Ezra is a bigger threat to this girl’s safety. Did Cee really choose Ezra because she trusts him and Ezra is trustworthy, or because she's being forced to choose the lesser of two evils?
Mando kept his pistol on Damon, but then he unhooked his rifle from his back, cocked it one handed and aimed it at Ezra—
— Only for Cee to step in front of him.
There was a scuffle of protests— Ezra tried to wrest her behind him but she shoved him back. Mando primed the charge on the rifle and Ezra raised both arms, hissing at Cee— Damon made as if to move for the girl, Mando grunted and stepped closer to Damon. Damon halted his approach, and Ezra and Cee argued while Cee blocked Mando's aim.
"Don't," Cee growled. "We trusted you."
"Listen, kid," Mando said levelly. "I don't know which between the two of them is worse, and I don't like the idea of you having to choose the better of two bad options."
"He's— He didn't coerce me," Cee protested.
"Didn't he?" Damon snarled.
"Shut up." Mando continued to watch the girl. "I don't know that, Cee. And I don't know if you're only saying that because you feel like it’s the only way to get away from your father."
Damon seethed. Ezra's wide eyes were stricken, watching the Mandalorian as Cee's shoulders tensed further. Either he was as good of an actor as Mando thought, or he truly did care for the girl. If it weren't for Cee's stubbornness shoving him back, Mando might have believed he'd step in front of her.
"Cee, I'm telling you to make the decision you want and know that if the answer is neither, you can walk away and get on that freighter of your own accord and go wherever you want. There's a bag of credits on my belt. I have a vested interest in bringing both of them into the Guild, and I won't move until you're safe. I can stand here a long time."
The silence between them hung like a ship in stasis as Cee glared. There was only a moment when Cee's gaze flicked to Damon, some silent conversation happening between them, and then she hooked one hand into the shoulder belt of Ezra's flight suit, pulling him just to the side, still behind her. "He's coming with me.”
Damon swore in a litany of languages as Mando nodded. "Okay."
"And we're going with you."
Meta Ask Game
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littlemisskookie · 8 months
Crocodile Tears: Ch 3 Teaser
Lucky for your shaking legs and exhausted body, Taehyung carried you back to the house from the woods. You didn’t even have to ask him, simply accepting the kisses he peppered across your face adoringly. He pulled you up and into his arms, pulling the hoodie back onto you and carrying you back to shelter. You giggled, swinging your legs a little as you wrapped your arms around his neck, giving soft kisses to his neck as a tired thank you. Whether it was for carrying you, fucking you- no, fuck it, both- he seemed to understand. He turned his head to capture your lips once you were back on the porch. He gently put you down on the couch, brushing your hair now that you guys were in better light. “How’re you feeling, pretty girl?”
“Wonderful,” you replied honestly, a warm buzz going through your body at his words.
He kissed you softly, his demeanor so sweet and endearing in comparison to how brutally he had fucked you just moments ago. You couldn’t help but lean in further, wanting to deepen the kiss, to feel more of Taehyung. As though hearing your thoughts, Taehyung smiled into the kiss, slightly leaning back and forcing you to follow in desperation. “Careful,” he murmured against your lips in warning. “You might get addicted.”
To him or to sex, you weren’t sure. Again, perhaps both. “I might be already,” you whispered back, moaning softly as you feel his tongue pressing against yours sensually. “Could get used to this.”
“You can come to me for this anytime, sweet girl,” Taehyung grinned assuringly. “I don’t think just a taste was enough.”
You sputtered at that, eyes wide. “You consider that just a taste?”
Taehyung’s devious smirk only deepened, confirming his words. From the corner of your eye you spot your discarded underwear being taken by Taehyung. You’re suddenly embarrassingly aware of how naked you feel underneath just the oversized hoodie. You reached out towards Taehyung, but he calmly grabs your wrist to stop you. “Nah,” he said smugly, grinning at your pathetic expression. “Want you to squirm all day with my cum inside of you- let the next guy find it.”
You guffawed at him in disbelief, shaking your head and reaching for the bong from earlier. Unfortunately, most of the bowl was already spent, and you were only able to get in perhaps three hits with Taehyung before it was dead.
“You want more?” Taehyung questioned.
“More what?” You question suspiciously. You were beginning to question if Taehyung had also eaten one of the sex brownies to keep up with your increased libido.
He laughed at that. “Weed. Go up to Namjoon’s, I think he’s got a bunch of his good shit in his room. He won’t mind if it’s you.”
You felt a bit more confident about that. At worst you were going to run into Namjoon, and knowing him, he hasn’t touched his phone all day. Namjoon was the type to go on about how phones were rotting people’s attention spans and ruining connection- which is true, you feel as though you’re an overgrown iPad kid at times- and so tries to spend as little time on it as possible. Most of the time he was on Do Not Disturb and would only bother to check a message if the person decides to notify him already. He was also notorious for being bad at responding. There was no way he was one of the people who had been dropped your secret blog.
Knowing him, he was probably lounging on one of his sofa chairs in his room and smoking. Namjoon was a big reason you guys had so much weed to spare today, as one of his hobbies was growing plants, of all kinds. His most impressive had ended up being over six feet wide alone, his green thumb proving to be one your entire group could deeply appreciate. Namjoon doubled as a dealer for many of you, though you of course got the biggest discount. No one gave you shit for it- except Jimin.
Lucky for you, you didn’t run into anyone on your way up to Namjoon’s room, and true to theory he was sitting in his chair, reading a book and smoking out of a pipe. It was one of those old-timey fashioned ones, a gift you specifically had given him as a joke. Truth be told, it suited him.
He looked up at you with an unsuspecting and innocent smile, giving you a breath of relief. He didn’t know.
“Y/N, what’s up?” Namjoon questioned unassumingly, his voice deep and raspy from smoking.
“Not much.” Just praying you can’t smell the cum I’m trying not to let dribble down my thighs. You motion to the pipe in his hand. “Can I hit?”
“Of course,” he responded, passing it over. Hopefully he didn’t mean it for just the weed.
You gratefully took the pipe, lighting it and inhaling the smoke. God, Namjoon looked so good, with his meaty thighs spread before you like a platter. Before you knew it, dirty thoughts raced through your head as your gaze locked with the little amount of his thighs the shorts revealed. You were akin to a Victorian man seeing a woman’s ankle for the first time, despite the fact that you had been fucked two ways to Sunday by two men already.
But… what will one more hurt? Who could resist sexy, charming, intellectual Kim Namjoon? He was so respectful and sweet, how could you not just suck his dick?
(How long did these fucking brownies last???)
You tried to recall your experiences with drugs before. Before your tolerance for weed had become as exceptional as it is now, you could still feel high through a “high hangover”, as you and your friends called it, until the day after. When you did mushrooms it lasted for about six hours, and you couldn’t sleep during the entirety of it. You wondered if the brownies would work the same way. Maybe it was the brownies dosage or your own insatiable need that left you restless for more.
“Whatcha reading?” you inquired, sitting down in the sofa chair next to his. You guys were only perhaps a foot apart, now, and when you crossed your legs and bounced your foot you could tap against him. The energy Taehyung had fucked out of you seemed to be returning.
“One of my philosophy books,” he answered, taking the pipe from you to take another hit. “It’s not the type you’d like.”
“Mm, that’s true, I’m more of a fantasy type of girl,” you say. Your favorite books to read were romances in faraway lands filled with mythical beings- who you could fuck, of course. You let your foot run lightly over Namjoon’s shin, hoping he’ll catch on to your flirtation through the double entendre. Surely a smarty pants like him would get it.
“Are you?” Namjoon asked. Just as you opened your mouth to reply, the door swings open to reveal none other than Min Yoongi.
Unlike Namjoon, the look on his face when his gaze met yours did not read as friendly and oblivious. No, instead his eyes darkened and a small smirk formed on his face as he made a beeline to the two of you. You tensed, adrenaline rushing through you as though you had been caught in the act. In a sense you were- you probably would’ve jumped Namjoon’s bones if he gave you an opportunity. Yoongi’s smile was so similar to the one Jungkook and Taehyung had worn right before devouring you. Excited, cruel, the smile of one who already won but wanted to rub it into someone’s face. Sadistic.
He knows.
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elysianholly · 6 months
Masquerade (WIP)
Thought I'd share a bit of my upcoming Elysian Fields April Challenge fic. This is plotted at 16 chapters, and 5 are complete at the moment. There's zero chance the whole fic will be done by the end of April, so the current plan is to post the first chapter and then wait and schedule the rest for later this year.
Inspired by this challenge on Elysian Fields. As of yet unbeta'd.
Title: Masquerade
Pairing: Buffy/Spike
Timeline: Post-Chosen
Expected Publication: Mid-2024
-------------------------------------- “So,” Willow said blankly once Buffy reached the end of her sales pitch. “You’re…staying. In Los Angeles. Indefinitely.”
Buffy furrowed her brow, glanced around at the others. It was just the core gang—Willow and Xander, Giles and Dawn, plus Faith and Kennedy, the latter of whom was there more an accessory to Willow, considering Buffy didn’t give a crap how she voted. Those girls who were set on seeing through the slayer gig were out with Andrew, and thank god for that, as there wasn’t enough room in her father’s house to accommodate everyone. Barely enough room to accommodate the people she was looking at. All of whom were looking at her with varying degrees of uncertainty. Something Buffy did not appreciate.
“No,” she said slowly. “I’m not staying in Los Angeles indefinitely. Just until we find out what Angel is up to.”
“And what do we think he’s up to?” Xander asked, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. The eyepatch and shaggy hair gave him an air of manufactured authority that Buffy could do without, particularly when he was looking at her like she had a screw loose. “No offense, Buff, but none of us even knew this law firm was a thing until, what, last week?”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“Just that you seem really worried about something that wasn’t on our radar before.”
“Xander, how do you think things end up on our radar?”
He shifted a bit at that, gave the room a look with his good eye as though trying to drum up support. “I’m just saying… Is it possible that you’re overreacting to this Angel news?”
“How so?”
“Because Spike died,” Kennedy said shortly, then threw up her hands when Willow shot her a warning look. “What? It’s what we’re all thinking, right? She learned that the necklace or whatever that killed her boyfriend came from this law firm and suddenly it’s all she can talk about. She didn’t even care until that Angel guy told her.”
“I didn’t care?” Buffy echoed, her shoulders going tense. Not that that was saying much—she was always tense whenever Kennedy opened her mouth, and usually for good reason. “According to who? You?”
“What? You were all proud of him on the trip up.”
“I’m still proud of him. I can be proud of him and suspicious about the thing that killed him at the same time.” She turned to glare at Willow—it was safer than glaring at Kennedy directly. Not as likely to lead to a larger screaming match, and therefore easier on her blood pressure. “The amulet—”
“Closed the Hellmouth,” Giles said in his watcher voice, or as she was starting to consider it, his I-know-better-than-you voice. “It worked as it should have. And given the information Angel was provided, we can’t say that the other outcome was unprecedented. The amulet was said to have cleansing powers—it did. Angel also told you that it was volatile, dangerous. It was. What exactly do you think you would have done differently?”
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Hello! Would it be alright to request something where the reader joins Hellfire because she wants to get closer to and spend more time with Eddie and all of the guys figured that out except for Eddie who remains completely oblivious till the end?
Warnings: lil bit of language, fluffy fluffy fluff with a smidge of angst, fem reader
WC: 1.3k
A/N: this combines two of my favorite fluff tropes--clueless Eddie x clueless Reader in love + meddling friends <3 let me know what you think!
It was actually Robin's idea for you to join Hellfire.
You'd been working at Family Video with her and Steve for the last few months, trying to save up some money for college. It's where you'd formed a friendship with the unlikely duo.
It's also where you'd gotten to know Eddie Munson.
He'd come in a couple of times a week, mostly just to talk to Steve and Robin, though he'd occasionally rent a movie. Your heart fluttered every time he'd come in and lean against the counter, biceps flexing under his denim jacket.
"Y/N, this is Eddie Munson," Steve had introduced you the first time he came in during your shift. "Munson, this is Y/N. Be nice to her, please."
Eddie rolled his eyes. "I'm always nice, Harrington," he retorts, "especially to pretty girls."
You'd felt a heat creep up your neck. You didn't say much for the rest of the evening, but you listened intently as he talked about the Dungeons & Dragons campaigns he was planning. You were smitten.
After months of watching you make heart eyes at the gorgeous metalhead, Robin puts her hands on her hips and says, "Oh my God, just ask him out already!"
"Me?" you squeak. "Ask him out?" You shook your head. "I don't even know if he likes me."
"Well, let's ask the jury," she replies, turning to Steve. "Has Munson said anything about Y/N?"
Steve nods. "He thinks you're really cute, but quiet. Wants to get to know you better."
"How do I do that?" you ask, basically pleading for an answer.
Robin purses her lips, considering. "What about joining Hellfire?"
"I've never played DnD before, though," you protest. "Aren't they, like, experts?"
"So he can teach you! It's perfect." She claps her hands together.
The next time Eddie comes into Family Video, Robin doesn't waste any time.
"Hey, Munson," she calls him over, "Y/N wants to learn how to play DnD. Got any room in that devil cult of yours for a new player?"
His eyes widen. "Uh, yeah, of course. Always." He looks at you. "You've really never played?"
"No," you admit shyly, "but it sounds like fun. At least from how you describe it."
Eddie flashes a huge grin. "Well, we meet on Fridays right after school in the drama room, if you can make it."
Robin cuts in before you can respond. "Yeah, but she needs someone to teach her how to play before she just jumps right in," she bats her eyelashes at Eddie and puts her hands on your shoulders.
"Oh!" he says. "Are you free tomorrow after school? We can hang out in the library or somethin'."
"She's free," Robin says for you, smiling from ear to ear.
But when you show up to the library the next day, Dustin Henderson and Mike Wheeler are there in Eddie's place.
"Y/N, right?" Mike asks, continuing when you nod your head. "Eddie said you needed someone to teach you game rules."
"Oh, uh," you stammer, trying to hide your disappointment, "y-yeah. I was thinking about joining Hellfire."
"You wanna join Hellfire but you've never played DnD?" Mike questions suspiciously, eyes narrowing.
Dustin's jaw drops. "You like Eddie!" he shouts. "Oh my God, you like Eddie!"
"Shut up!" you hiss. "Y'know what? Never mind. I shouldn't have let Robin convince me this was a good idea."
"No, wait!" Dustin clears his throat. "I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to make fun of you. I just got excited because Eddie keeps talking about how sweet and pretty you are and..."
"We can teach you," Mike jumps in, saving Dustin from further rambles.
"Thank you," you smile gratefully. "Please don't tell Eddie that I like him." He may have complimented you to his friends, but he couldn't even be bothered to show up today, so how did he really feel about you?
Mike and Dustin nod, with zero intention of keeping that promise.
Eddie's sitting on his bed, strumming his guitar mindlessly, when he's startled by a pounding on his trailer door.
"Eddie! Open up!" Dustin screeches. "Open this door!"
Eddie flies out of the room, expecting the kid to be in imminent danger. Instead, Dustin is completely fine, just annoyed.
"Henderson, I thought you were dying!" Eddie exhales, putting his hands on his knees and scowling.
"No, but I'm about to kill you!" Dustin shouts.
That kid has one volume: loud, Eddie thinks. "Why? What'd I do?"
Dustin sighs. "You sent me and Mike to teach Y/N. But she likes you and you like her, you dumbass!"
"Wait, what?" Eddie can't hide his smile. "I thought she was afraid of me."
"Why would you think that?" Dustin asks, exasperated.
"Because!" Eddie sputters. "She barely talks to me when I visit her at work, which is all the time, and Robin was the one who had to set up the whole Hellfire thing. I thought I was doing her a favor by leaving her alone!"
"She's not scared," Dustin explains. "She's nervous. Because she LIKES you!" When Eddie just stares at him, shell-shocked, he orders: "Go fix it, idiot!"
Eddie nods, grabbing his jacket. "Is she still at the library?"
"Yeah, she's with Mike. I caught Steve before he drove Robin home and asked him to drop me off here. Told Y/N that I left my rulebook at home."
"Okay," Eddie says. His heart feels like it'll pound right out of his chest.
Dustin claps a hand on his back. "Let's go get you a girlfriend, big guy."
Mike is trying to explain the different creatures and how they interact during gameplay while Dustin runs back home to grab his book. Your head is spinning with information, but you're trying your best to follow along.
Your concentration is broken by the library doors flinging open. Dustin's back; this time, with a surprise guest.
"Eddie." You feel like the wind's been knocked out of you. "I thought you were busy."
"N-no, I..." he looks over at Dustin sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.
"Christ, do I have to do everything around here?" Dustin rolls his eyes. "Fine. Eddie thought you were afraid of him because you don't talk to him when he visits you at Family Video."
"Oh," you say with a giggle, because the idea is so ridiculous. "No, I'm not afraid of you, Eddie."
"I told you!" Dustin yells, immediately shushed by the librarian. He nudges Mike, and they leave you and Eddie alone.
"So if you're not scared of me," Eddie starts, biting his lower lip shyly, "why don't you talk to me?"
"I guess, you do scare me, in a way," you mumble. "But because I'm afraid of saying something stupid in front of you."
"In front of me?" He laughs. "I'm the king of saying dumb things. Just ask...well, any of my friends."
You laugh, too, feeling a bit lighter. "Yeah, but you look cute when you say dumb things." Did you really just say that?
Eddie looks just as surprised as you feel. "You think I'm cute?"
You can only nod, unable to make eye contact.
"Well," he says finally. "If you think I'm cute, and I think you're cute, then we should probably do something about that."
Your head snaps up at that. "You think I'm cute?" Sure, Steve had said that Eddie thought that, but you never believed he was telling the truth.
"Sweetheart," Eddie takes your hand, lacing his fingers with yours. "I like talking to Buckley and Harrington, but not enough to visit them that much." He clears his throat and smiles. "D'you wanna grab some pizza or somethin'?"
"Only after you teach me how to play DnD," you tell him. "You look extra cute when you talk about your campaigns."
Eddie sighs contently. Oh, he's falling fast for you.
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fire-on-thirst · 7 months
Eeeeeeer’ything you do is incredible!
I’d love to see some Sebchal Instagram au! The dynamic of those too is so good. Perhaps an accidental hard launch or whatever you enjoy writing more! Like the drivers being all confused and shocked; the whole F1 world really!
Thanks for reading my request! *bows respectfully*
sebastianvettel story
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charles_leclerc And I’m the one with zero braincells.
Since one old man doesn’t know how to use Instagram and is now on an Instagram ban I may as well officially announce it and stop the many rumours and stop the speculation that is going around. (He is helping me write this but he is banned from instagram for the foreseeable future).
Sebastian and I are dating and have been for several years now. Only close family members really knew about it and that’s what the two of us ultimately decided. We wanted to be able to separate our private lives with our racing so decided to keep this relationship to ourselves. Something for just the two of us to enjoy. We never wanted the media or other people to use our relationship against us when racing both in the same team and against one another. It was bad enough when nobody knew we were dating so we could only imagine what it would be like if people knew and therefore we kept it a secret. From everyone.
I’m sorry to our friends whom we have hid this from and ultimately kept apart of ourselves away from you. I’m sorry that we lied to you for those years and for the extravagant excuses that we had come up with (mainly me) since we couldn’t tell you the truth. I’m sorry that we have left you out of some of our most precious moments and memories however we will make sure that you are involved in our future ones.
This doesn’t change anything about us and never has. It’s never affected our racing and never will just like nobody else’s relationships affect their racing abilities. This shouldn’t change anything at all as we are still the same people but if you are homophobic (and therefore probably old fashioned and don’t think there should be gay drivers, or female for that matter) go and watch some other racing series with some other drivers. We don’t need your hatred here.
Anyway, now Sebastian has outed this relationship he is able to come to every race now without it being suspicious. He can officially become a WAG or HAB. (The best one too)
- Charles & Sebastian Leclerc-Vettel (Leclerc only went first as it’s closer to the top of the alphabet and don’t have to wait forever for out names to get called if they do surnames first)
👥 sebastianvettel
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pierregasly I shouldn’t be that surprised considering you’ve always been a relationship kind of guy and then you were without a relationship for 5 years
pierregasly Also how you never even gave those people I tried to set you up with a second glance
pierregasly Also you can tell who wrote each part of this 😂
lewishamilton Congratulations to the both of you. You know we’re always behind you! ❤️
charlesleclerc YOU KNEW
lewishamilton I’m more surprised no one else did
pierregasly LEWIS KNEW
lewishamilton I’m just observant. Something that you could learn about being.
landonorris SEBCHAL IS A THING
user1 Lando fan girling like the rest of us 😭😭
lance_stroll So I don’t have to lie either
charlesleclerc No, thanks for keeping it a secret though
pierregasly LANCE KNEW
charlesleclerc He walked in on us when Seb was at Aston Martin… it’s not my fault
pierregasly STILL… I should’ve known
lance_stroll Is now a bad time to say that I told Esteban so Esteban knew too
pierregasly ESTEBAN KNEW TOO
pierregasly That’s it… I’m not talking to you
charles_leclerc Thanks Lance 🙄
mickschumacher Happy for the both of you 😁❤️
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sebastianvettel 💍 15.08.2021
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charles_leclerc Just a short summary of our relationship:
14.02.2019 - First Photoshoot as Teammates and I persuaded you to go on a date with me
15.02.2019 - Our First Date (Picture of the table and my incredible outfit)
31.03.2019 - Became an official couple (unfortunately no photos, also hopefully I got the date correct. It was after my first pole position of my F1 career and my first podium too)
22.09.2019 - Our First (and only) 1-2 (Truthfully this was the day I truly knew that I loved him. He won yet knew it would be a difficult day for me so spent the whole day, mainly evening, with me instead of celebrating the whole night)
08.04.2020 - Proposal (Yes he made me go on a hike for it and yes he set up a camera to catch this moment)
15.08.2021 - Marriage (I did not copy the date from Seb’s post no matter what everyone says)
13.03.2024 - Now. One amazing little girl who is everything that we can ask for and another on the way. (This is a major factor as to why Seb decided to retire)
👥 sebastianvettel
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danielricciardo You got married and has no proper party or stag?? I’ll plan one
charlesleclerc Seb says no Vegas
danielricciardo Boring
charlesleclerc Tell him that
arthur_leclerc Sorry Pierre but I’ve already won that competition
lorenzotl Think I have that crown
fabian_vettel Think you’d both find that title goes to me
charles_leclerc Sorry to disappoint you all but according to my daughter her favourite is Kimi
charles_leclerc .pierregasly if you message me normally you can come around to meet her. She’s been asking
charles_leclerc He gives her unlimited Ice-cream and is apparently funny. She’s always giggling around him
arthur_leclerc You’d kill me if I gave her that
pierregasly On my way now 🏃
maxverstappen1 I’ve sent over some of my merch and red bull stuff so your child can support the correct driver and team
charles_leclerc I swear to god Verstappen i will hunt you down if any red bull stuff ends up in my house
maxverstappen1 I think you’d find that your husband won his 4 World Championships with that team… perfect stuff for your children
charles_leclerc Don’t you dare
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p5x-theories · 2 months
I don’t know if this has been said already but do you think that’s there’s any chance Manaka/Changweiaizhu will be the final story main thief to join the team? I tried looking through the opening but I couldn’t see her anywhere. However, not that this like conclusive evidence but it would make an equal team to the original phantom thieves. Like, in P5’s team it’s 4 guys, Joker, Mona, Skull, and Fox, and 4 girls, Panther, Queen, Oracle, and Noir. And if Manaka were to be the last story thief, that like actually awakens, it would be even. With 4 guys in the new team, Wonder, Cattle, Soy, and Enco, and 4 girls also, Closer, Wind, Polter, and Changweiaizhu. This would be also excluding Akechi, but since he’s also said to not really be a member of the Phantom Thieves I didn’t count him. And since it’s confirmed the story is supposed to be an alternate timeline to the original P5, it would make sense to have paralleling teams. As well as the fact it’s confirmed to be the same number of palaces, 7 in P5(excluding mementos) and 7 in P5X. While it could be someone else, like another woman in the story that’s been introduced already, she just sticks out to me so much, considering she tries to unalive herself in like the first hour of the game, which doesn’t happen in the original P5? Not counting Shiho, since she and Tomoko seem to be parallels. She’s just been bugging me since she got her own singular portrait and distinct character model, as well as getting a text icon. And while she could be just another phantom idol or just be introduced in Vino’s side quest, it just seems to deliberate to me. I could be totally wrong and just rambling but I wanted to get this out there since I can’t stop thinking of what if 🙃😫
Oh, I definitely agree that, if nothing else, it's super suspicious that they deliberately changed her model and gave her a portrait in the open beta! Not to mention that, as is the origin of the "Changweiaizhu" name, her 3D model matches the playable character naming convention. I really do expect her to be a playable character eventually, whether she's an Idol or a story teammate, unless their plans change.
It'd honestly be really fun if she did get to join the team in the story, though I'd assume the devs would have to make it so that her joining the team doesn't conflict with the events of Chizuko (Vino)'s side story, since these games tend to not make any Confidants or side stories feel "canon"/required. Then again, Wonder has to have done at least the first music club side quest for Ayaka's Confidant to make sense, since he frequently references being part of it. So maybe they're stepping away from that here, and Vino's side story will be vaguely relevant to how Manaka ends up joining the team...?
All that to say, I totally get your overthinking/excitement about her, haha! I'm really looking forward to whatever they have in store for her, and though this might be unrealistic to hope for from the devs, I hope if she does join the team she gets to keep some kind of mobility aid as a Phantom Thief, that would be awesome.
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