#constance hazard
costumeloverz71 · 1 year
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Constance Hazard (Wendy Kilbourne) Blue maternity dress. North & South Book 1 (1985).. Costume by Vicki Sánchez.
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lucky-mayfly · 1 month
If he bridged a connection with only a name to teleport in on the progenitor... then I may need to have a soft reset if that was how he got to me. I picked this pseudonym off the shortlist specifically because I thought I wouldn't get attached to it. Maybe I've gotten too deep in the character....
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rosie-love98 · 11 months
For The Love Of Constance Hardbroom And Severus Snape:
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Picture Links Found Here:
https://id.quora.com/Apakah-INTJ-dengan-ISTJ-cocok-menjadi-pasangan-kekasih  (In Hao Hao’s Answer): 
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tmbsincorrectquotes · 8 months
"You can say 'Have a nice day' without a problem, but you can't say 'Enjoy the next 24 hours' without sounding threatening."
- Constance
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pupsmailbox · 3 months
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NAMES ⌇ aaron. abis. achira. ai. aison. andrew. apce. arachne. araignee. aranea. aranha. arácnido. bailey. benjamin. boas. boaz. boots. bruce. bryce. cancor. castor. charlie. comix. constance. cooper. dmitri. drew. dusk. einstein. emer. estella. eugene. eurina. ezekiel. fleda. gagamba. gerald. harold. harry. hobart. hobie. kansan. kona. kongulo. kumo. lawrence. lokni. mac. macdonald. marc. martha. mattie. max. maxwell. merimange. michelle. mig-el. miguel. miles. mj. morgan. neptune. norman. ocho. octavia. ohnn. otto. patton. pavitr. peni. peter. piguel. pluto. poise. pseter. punk. ragno. raine. ricochet. rio. salem. scarlet. screwball. SP//DER. spidair. spinner. stacy. sunflower. sunny. takuya. taranto. tarantula. toby. tom. toxin. twix. uttu. webbler. william. wolf.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ arach/arachnid. atom/atom.fast/fast. bit/bite. brew/brew. byte/byte. drop/drop. fan/fantastic. hazard/hazard. hero/heroe. lego/lego. mech/mech. nuc/nuclear. rad/radioactive. sense/sense. silk/silk. speed/speed. spi/der. spider/spider. spider/spidey. spin/spin. star/star. stick/sticky. synth/synth. ve/venom. weave/weave. web/web. widow/widow. ☢️/☢️. ☣️/☣️. 🔆/🔆. 🕷️/🕷️. 🕸️/🕸️.
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seafoamreadings · 1 year
week of august 20th, 2023
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: mars is busy all week in intense ways, culminating by the weekend in an ingress into libra, your opposite sign. this is a lusty boost to your committed partnerships, whatever sort of commitment they may be, but note also that traditionally mars is a malefic and in fall in libra. so it's not all sunshine and roses. YOU'RE sunshine and roses, but your partner may be more in a different mood. or vice versa. or there is no partner and that chafes. but many successful generals have this mars placement; when you need to go to war, it's good to have him on your side.
taurus: perhaps you're not at your best this week (as reflected by your ruling planet venus) but venus IS still in leo and still glamorous. those of you seeking revenge glowups, the time is now. even if you're not, it's overall good for your psyche, persona, and spirit to keep your hair nice, and if you're going to lounge around in pajamas let them at least be silk or something.
gemini: hopefully you saw it coming and duly prepared. yes, mercury goes retrograde in virgo this week. household affairs may meet with dishevelment. personal matters may be muddied. you'll be made to retrace ground you hoped to be well and truly done with. just tidy it up this time around and at the next pass over those points in your life, things go much smoother. bonus points if you literally go clean up your house.
cancerians: people with some interest in astrology likely have been hearing about "how many" planets are in retrograde at the moment. yes it's a lot. no it's not freakishly unusual. either way, isn't it nice that the cyclic and beautiful moon never retrogrades? if you get a chance to go have a look and a conversation with her, thank her for her constancy even as she's known for always changing.
leo: the season of your sign, and the so called "dog days" of summer, wane and fade as the sun takes its glowing course into virgo. yet glamorous venus in her long retrograde remains with you. you still sparkle and shine. let someone else be the center of attention while you refresh yourself. the spotlight returns before you know it. meanwhile, take great financial care. no need to live as a pauper, but don't get yourself in unnecessary debts. and know the difference between luxury and necessity; your sign especially needs the occasional treat but not ALL the time.
virgo: harvestful virgo season kicks off this week and then, boom, immediately, mercury takes a retrograde. if you're starting or planning a harvest (even metaphorically) go back and double check that everything needed is in place. any machinery, and cleanup, any mercantile exchanges. expect setbacks. don't let them destroy you. hard times can be the most fruitful.
libra: in a busy week one of the potential highlights for you is mars moving out of your 12th house into your sign. it does, like anything, come with its own unique drawbacks but it will most likely for you present as energizing, invigorating, like a little bit of a stimulant or steroid. so obviously there are hazards but also it can be used as good medicine.
scorpio: many of the aspects this week are somewhat hard for you albeit in pretty indirect ways. the moon in your sign can also have you responding emotionally to any difficulties that arise, so pause between feeling and acting. meanwhile a mars-pluto trine, even in earth signs, is auspicious to you; you can call all your power back to you and really step into it at this time, but you need to do so intentionally.
sagittarius: while not outright horrible this week is a bit tenser for you than the last several weeks have likely been, and you may well be prone to overspending, overworking, and oversocializing. therefore be careful to take breaks in these areas to rest and to save up energy/money/peace of mind for a bit.
capricorn: if you're an academic, spiritual seeker, or other form of philosopher, mercury retrograde from this week is likely to affect that area of your life. don't despair at a delay; it turns out to benefit you later on. and for all capricorns, a mars-pluto trine this week presents you with difficulties, but once you overcome them you emerge more powerful than ever.
aquarius: mercury goes retrograde this week and uranus, your ruling planet, has slowed almost to a standstill preparing to do the same next week. and let's not pretend you don't have an affinity with mercury too. so brace yourself for a little brain fog, and take it easy on yourself and others trying to navigate a highly glitchy period. everything is weird, like we've switched dimensions. a little patience and compassion will go a long way.
pisces: retrograde saturn in your sign can feel a bit morose, heavy in a soggy way. the sun opposing it this week helps a little bit, and if you can be outside in actual sun, it helps all the more. expect a bit of chaos, power struggle, and confusion in your committed relationships, but don't let it bog you down too much. things turn around when mercury resumes direct motion after the impending retrograde which will happen before you know it.
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layce2015 · 2 years
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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Never Can Go Home
Previous Chapter/ Next Chapter / Masterlist
"One room, please." Dean said to clerk at the motel check-in desk as he sets his card on the desk. After we left the bridge, we went straight to a motel to get us some rooms. The clerk picks up the card and looks at it.
"You guys having a reunion or something?" The clerk asked as he looks around at us.
"What do you mean?" Sam asked him. "I had another guy, Burt Aframian. He came and bought out a room for the whole month." The clerk replied and the boys and I exchange looks.
Sam picks the lock of the room then hides the picks and stands up. Sam enters and I follow but I turn and see Dean is just outside, playing lookout. I rolled my eyes and reached out of the room to grabbed his shoulder and yank him inside. Sam closes the door behind us and we look around the room.
Every vertical surface had papers pinned to it: maps, newspaper clippings, pictures, notes. There were books on the desk and assorted junk on the floor and bed, including something with a hazardous-materials symbol.
"Whoa." Sam and I said in awe as Dean turns on a light by the bed and picks up a half-eaten hamburger sitting there. Sam and I step over a line of salt on the floor while Dean sniffs the burger and recoils.
"I don't think he's been here for a couple days at least." Dean said as I finger the salt on the floor and look up at them 
"Salt, cats-eye shells...he was worried. Trying to keep something from coming in." I said as the boys look at the papers covering the wall.
"What have you got here?" I asked them. "Centennial Highway victims." Dean replied and I come up to them and see pictures of all of the victims were on the wall. "I don't get it. I mean, different men, different jobs—ages, ethnicities." I said as we looked the photos over.
"There's always a connection, right?" I asked as I look over at the boys.
"Usually. But...What do these guys have in common?" Dean asked while Sam looks at the papers taped to the other wall.
"Dad figured it out." Sam said and Dean and I turn to look at him. "What do you mean?" We asked him.
"He found the same article we did. Constance Welch. She's a woman in white." Sam said as he shows us the articles then Dean looks at the photos of Constance's victims. "You sly dogs." Dean mutters to the pictures.
"All right, so if we're dealing with a woman in white, John would have found the corpse and destroyed it." I said.
"She might have another weakness." Sam said, shrugging.
"Well, Dad would want to make sure." Dean said as he crosses to Sam and I follow them. "He'd dig her up. Does it say where she's buried?" Dean asked him.
"No, not that I can tell. If I were Dad, though, I'd go ask her husband." Sam said as he taps the picture of Joseph Welch. "If he's still alive." I said as Sam looks at something else and I look at the picture below, which was a Herald article of a woman in a white dress.
"All right. Why don't you, uh, see if you can find an address, I'm gonna get cleaned up." Dean said as he starts to walk away then I look down at my muddy clothes. "Yeah, I need to go get clean too." I said then I look up at the boys.
"I'll see you two in the morning." I said then I head out of their room and entered my room, which was a couple of doors down from them.
Once I get inside, I tossed my bag on the bed then head into the bathroom. After I showered and changed, I jumped into the bed and started to fall asleep.
"Morning." I greeted Sam as I walked back into the boys' room. Sam had his phone to his ear then looks at me, smiles and nods at me. "Everything okay?" I asked. "Yeah, uh...Jessica called and left me a voicemail." He replied and I nodded. As he sits there and listens to the voicemail, Dean, who was now clean, walks out of the bathroom.
"Hey." He greets when he sees me. "Morning, Dean." I said as I take a seat. "I'm starving, I'm gonna grab a little something to eat in that diner down the street. You guys want anything?" Dean asked us. I shake my head as Sam said. "No."
"Aframian's buying." Dean said but Sam shakes his head. "I'm good, Dean. But thanks." I said as I smile at him. He smirks back at me then walks out of the room. I look over at the wall while Sam finished listening to the voicemail then looks at the wall as well.
"So, when Dean comes back, we find Joesph and question him about Constance." I said.
"Agreed. Hopefully, he's still alive." Sam said when his phone goes off. 
"What?" He answered, slightly annoyed, which told me that it was Dean. Then Sam stands up, a worried look washed over his face.
"What about you?" He asked then a second later, he hangs up.
"What's wrong?" I asked him.
"Cops." Sam replied as he looks out the window. "Oh crap." I muttered as I go stand next to him and look out to see the Deputy and an officer arresting Dean. Then the second officer starts to walk towards our way.
"Let's go." Sam said to me and we snuck out and got into our respective vehicles.
Later, Sam and I were looking through chain-link window, which was really grimy and dirty. Sam knocks on the door the window is on. An old man comes up to the door and looks at us confused. "Hi. Are you Joseph Welch?" Sam asked him. "Yeah." The man replied.
Sam, Joseph and I were walking down a junk-filled driveway, Joseph was holding a photo, which was of Sam, Dean, John and his mother, Sam found back at the motel room. "Yeah, he was older, but that's him." Joesph said as he points at John then hands it back. "He came by three or four days ago. Said he was a reporter." Joesph said.
"That's right. We're working on a story together." I said as I gesture between me and Sam.
"Well, I don't know what the hell kinda story you're working on. The questions he asked me?" He said, slightly confused and annoyed.
"About your wife Constance?" Sam asked him. Joseph nods. "He asked me where she was buried." He said.
"And where is that again?" I asked him and he looks up at me, offended. "What, I gotta go through this twice?" He asked, annoyed.
"It's fact-checking." Sam replied. "If you don't mind."
"In a plot. Behind my old place over on Breckenridge." Joesph said, after sighing.
"And why did you move?" Sam asked him. "I'm not gonna live in the house where my children died." Joesph said then we stopped walking. I looked Joesph over for a moment before I decided on a question.
"Mr. Welch, did you ever marry again?" I asked him. "No way. Constance, she was the love of my life. Prettiest woman I ever known." He replied but the way he was saying it, still made me suspicious. It's like he was saying that because it's the right thing to say, but it wasn't what he really wanted to say.
"So you had a happy marriage?" I asks him and Joesph hesitates. Ah-ha! I thought as Joesph said. "Definitely."
I raise an eyebrow at this and I could see that he swallowed, nervously. Then I smirk. "Well, that should do it." I said then I look over at Sam and he nods at me before he looks back at Joesph. "Thanks for your time." He said and we head towards my bike and the Impala.
But then Sam waits a moment and I look over at him. "Sam?" I whispered as Sam looks back at Joesph, who was already walking away. "Mr. Welch, did you ever hear of a woman in white?" Sam asked and Joesph turns back to us.
"A what?" Joesph asked.
"A woman in white. Or sometimes weeping woman?" Sam asked him and he just looks like us like we were crazy.
"It's a ghost story." I tried to clear up a d he still gives us the you're crazy look. "Well, it's more of a phenomenon, really." Sam said as he walks back to Joesph.
"Um, they're spirits. They've been sighted for hundreds of years, dozens of places, in Hawaii, Mexico, lately in Arizona, Indiana. All these are different women." Sam explains as he stops in front of Joesph. "You understand. But all share the same story." Sam said to him.
"Boy, I don't care much for nonsense." Joesph said then begins to walk away then Sam and I start to follow him.
"See, when they were alive, their husbands were unfaithful to them." I explained and this makes Joesph stops in his tracks.
"And these women, basically suffering from temporary insanity, murdered their children." Sam said and Joesph turns around to us and I could see he was getting angry.
"Then once they realized what they had done, they took their own lives. So now their spirits are cursed, walking back roads, waterways. And if they find an unfaithful man, they kill him. And that man is never seen again." I said.
"You two think...both of you think that has something to do with...Constance? You smartasses!" Joesph growls at us but Sam and I stood our ground.
"You tell us." Sam and I said, firmly. Joseph stares at us then looks down before looking back at us.
"I mean, maybe...maybe I made some mistakes. But no matter what I did, Constance, she never would have killed her own children." Joesph said then he glares at us. "Now, you two get the hell out of here! And both of you don't come back!" Joesph threatened.
His face started shaking, whether from anger or grief it's impossible to tell.
After a long moment, he turns away and Sam sighs and we start to walk to our vehicles.
After calling in a fake 911 call to give Dean time to escape, I was driving my motorcycle following Sam, who was driving the Impala, to the Welch's old house. We were driving for awhile when Sam slams on the brakes of his car. I put on my brakes and slightly turned the bike and look inside.
"Sam?!" I called out when I saw a figure of a woman appearing in the backseat. Sam's head turns to her while I start to park.
"Sam?!" I called out again and started to get off of the bike and walk to it, when the Impala takes off. "Oh crap!" I grumbled and I get back on the bike and follow the Impala, even though it's already way ahead of me that I could only see the tail lights glowing.
I tried to catch up but the car was much faster as it went straight then it took a sharp right turn. As it did that, I could see a figure running down the street, towards the turn. I come up to the turn and see that it was Dean. "Hey! Need a ride, handsome." I teased and he comes up to the bike and climbs up in the back.
"Thanks!" Dean said, appreciatevly. "Don't mention it." I said and I revved up the engine and went after the Impala. "So how come your dad didn't finish the job? That's not like him." I said to Dean.
"He's gone actually. He left Jericho." Dean replied.
"What? How do you know?" I asked him.
"I found his journal but I haven't figured out where he went, yet." Dean replied.
"Okay, well let's just save Sam first then we'll figure it out." I said as we roared down the road.
We finally come up to this old house and see the Inpala parked in front of it. Dean and I get off of my bike as we head over to the car. There we see Constance on top of Sam, placing her fingers into his chest and we could hear him let out a painful scream, while she flickered in and out of existence.
Dean and I pull out our guns and begin to fire at the car, shattering the window and startling Constance. She glares at us, while we continue to fire, and vanishes. Then she reappears, and Dean and I keep firing until she disappears again. Sam manages to sit up and start the car then he drives forward. Dean and I stare after the car as Sam smashes it through the side of the house.
Then we hurry through the wreckage to the passenger side of the car. "Sam! Sam!" Dean and I shouted. "You okay?" Dean asked him.
"I think..." Sam groans.
"Can you move?" I asked him.
"Yeah. Help me?" Sam said and Dean leans through the window to give Sam a hand.
"There you go." Dean said as we helped Sam out of the car and I close the car door. We look around and see Consrance staring at a large framed photograph of her family. She looks up and glares at us then throws the picture down. A bureau scoots towards us, pinning us against the car.
The lights began to flicker and Constance looks around, scared. Water begins to pour down the staircase and she goes over. At the top were a little boy and a little girl, they were holding hands and began to speak in chorus.
"You've come home to us, Mommy." They said while Constance looks at them, distraught.
Suddenly they come up behind her and embrace her tightly, making her scream, her image flickering.
In a surge of energy, still screaming, Constance and the two children melt into a puddle in the floor. The boys and I shove the bureau over and go look at the spot where they had vanished. "So this is where she drowned her kids." Dean said and Sam nods.
"That's why she could never go home. She was too scared to face them." Sam said.
"You found her weak spot. Nice work, Sam." I said, smiling.
"Yeah, nice job, Sammy." Dean said as he slaps Sam on the chest then walks away. Sam laughs as though he was laughing through the pain and places his hand on his chest.
"Yeah, I wish I could say the same for you. What were you guys thinking shooting Casper in the face, you freaks?" Sam asked us and I smirked.
"Hey. Saved your ass." I said while Dean leans over to look at the car.
"I'll tell you another thing. If you screwed up my car..." Dean said then he twists around to look at Sam. "I'll kill you." He threatens and Sam and I laugh.
Then they got into their car and I got onto my bike and we began to tear down the road.
Sometime later, we pull up in front of an apartment and in pull my bike up next to the driver's side. Sam gets out and leans over to look through the window. "Call me if you find him?" Sam said as I turn my bike off and get off of it while Dean nods.
"And maybe I can meet up with you later, huh?" Sam said.
"Yeah, all right." Dean said and Sam pats the car door twice and starts to turn away.
"Wait!" I said as I go around the car and to Sam. "You gonna leave and not give me a hug, you jerk?" I asked and Sam laughs as we hugged each other. "It was nice to see you again, Sam." I said after I patted his back. "Yeah, it was great to see you too, (y/n)." Sam said and I smiled and pulled back from the hug.
"You know, we made a hell of a team back there." Dean said and Sam and I look over at him. "Yeah." Sam said as he nodded then I patted his shoulder.
"Well...good luck, Sam. Take care." I said to him.
"Yeah, you too." He said then he walks towards the apartment buildings and I smiled at him before I turn to Dean and lean through the window.
"Sooo...what's next for ya, Winchester?" I asked him. "Well...Sammy figured out that dad went to Blackwater Ridge, Colorado." Dean replied.
"Hmm, sounds charming." I said and he nods at this. "Need any help?" I asked.
Dean looks me over then said. "Really?"
"Yeah, I've got nothing else to do. And it sounds like you need all the help you can get." I said to him and a smirk plays on his lips. "Appreciate it, (y/n)." He said and I give him a fond smile. "No problem! What are friends...." I started to say when we heard Sam shout. "NO!" 
"What the...?" I started to say as we looked at the apartment building, when suddenly a fire broke out on the inside.
"SAM!" Dean and I screamed as I run up to the building and Dean gets out of his car and follows me inside.
"Sam!" Dean and I shouted after Dean kicked the door open. "Jess!" We hear Sam shout and we run into the bedroom, where Sam was laying on his bed staring at the ceiling.
"Sam! Sam!" We said then I look up and see a pretty blonde girl, who I figured was Jess, pinned to the roof, flames engulfing her.
"Oh my God." I whisper, in horror, while Sam shouts. "No! No!"
Dean and I grab Sam off the bed and bodily shove him out the door, Sam struggled all the way. "Jess! Jess! No!" He screams out in fear and the flames engulf the apartment.
Later, a fire truck was parked outside the building, firemen and police were keeping gawkers back. Dean and I looked on before we turn around and walk back to his car and my bike. Sam was standing behind the open trunk, loading a shotgun. We look at the trunk, then at Sam, whose face is set in a mask of desperate anger.
"Sam." I said, softly. Sam looks up at us, then sighs and nods, then tosses the shotgun into the trunk.
"We got work to do." He growls and he shuts the trunk.
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zoeyslament · 10 months
All of the choir for the hcs post? :D
WOOO OKAY - only gonna do 3 so then I can rb with the other 3 so its not too long
starting with Ocean
Sexuality: lesbian + ace
Gender: cis female (note: the only ones with interesting gender hcs are ricky n jane, the rest r just cis haha)
BroTP: Ocean and Constance, once they repair their friendship a lil bit
NOTP: Ocean and Constance, romance would NOT WORK
Random: Ocean so is a horse girl actually. Yep.
Opinion: I love her she’s my wife
and then Noel
Sexuality: Gay
Gender: male but GNC at times
OTP: Well what do you think? NOEL AND MISCHA <3333333
BroTP: You cannot tell me that Noel and Constance wouldn’t chill together they probably have sleepovers and giggle about boys
NOTP: Noel x literally any of the girls. Thats gross.
Random: My man has so many scented candles in his room it is an ACTUAL FIRE HAZARD
opinion: hes my boy 🥺🥺🥺
Mischa then
Sexuality: Bi of sexual, dumb of ass
Gender: male
OTP: Same as before Mischa x Noel I mean COME ON
BroTP: Mischa and Ricky would watch scary movies together ALL THE TIME I bet
NOTP: I saw someone ship Ocean and Mischa and respectfully. No. Random: He likes to pretend not to like any films other than horror n “manly stuff” or whatever but he watches fuckin. Dance Moms.
Opinion: wet cat
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aestophobia · 2 years
my rtc headcanons except you can't tell which ones are just me projecting
-mischa has absolutely shit eyesight but refuses to wear glasses
-ocean, noel, and constance live in the same neighborhood so they would play together when they were younger
-ocean cannot handle being yelled at and she will cry if you so much as raise your voice to her
-the same applies to if someone gives her constructive criticism she'll be fuming and tearing up
-noel will infodump about the french movies he likes until the others are ready to beat him up
-ricky and constance both had warrior cats phases but ocean had a percy jackson phase
-to build on the mischa having terrible eyesight he's also red/green colorblind
-penny isn't allowed near open flames without supervision
-noel's a picky eater and would rather die then eat something he doesn't like
-ricky and noel bonded over escaping to their fantasy worlds
-they all learned ASL for ricky, mischa and penny learned the fastest
-ocean and noel both hate rollercoasters so the others had to drag the two of them on the cyclone in the first place
-mischa is afraid of needles
-like TERRIFIED but he doesn't say anything because it's not gangster
-penny has a gecko named savannah
-noel has a typewriter but he stopped buying ink for it because he's broke so now it just sits on a shelf
-the blackwood cafe is a safe space for all of them especially ocean and mischa
-mischa and penny are a terrifying duo
-I think it would be so funny if noel was allergic to some random obscure fruit like fucking jackfruit or something
-penny is such a chaotic problem child I swear
-constance, noel and mischa are the only ones that can drive but sometimes penny will get behind the wheel somehow and everyone will be praying for their lives
-and god forbid ricky's in the car with her because they will break multiple laws
-ricky has a bunch of stickers all over his mobility aids
-noel adores candles, they're all over his room to the point where it may or may not be a fire hazard
-ricky loves reading
-penny likes to make daisy chains and she'll make crowns for the other choir members
-mischa likes doing the girls hair
-and ricky's when it gets long enough
-ocean will get SO MAD if you make a pun of her name so naturally everyone does
-noel and ocean are mlm/wlw hostility
-mischa is extremely protective of the choir.
-someone tries to trip ricky? they come back to school two days later with a broken arm.
-a guy is saying something homophobic to noel? mischa coincidentally is suspended the next day.
-constance loves disney movies and makes the others have marathons with her
-noel picks at his nail polish so he has to repaint them after like three days
-penny loves those little bandaids with patterns and she'll just come up and stick them on the others out of nowhere
-noel and ocean are so similar which only strengthens their hatred for each other
-and to build on that they are the sibling relationship
-for someone who loves his little fantasies about dying alone in an alleyway of a disease, Noel is so dramatic when sick and will pray for his own death
-ricky has a favorite cat that absolutely hates him
-in addition there's another cat that adores ricky and after the accident it waited and waited and couldn't figure out why he never came home :(
-ocean has no spice tolerance
-noel gives ocean cute nicknames usually related to her being ginger (I saw this in a fic where he called her things like gingersnap and sunfire and I thought it was adorable)
-sleepovers in mischa's basement!!
I'm going to add more to this if I think of any
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fictional-at-heart · 1 year
Get to Know Your Fic Writer
(Tagged by @sassyandclassy94 thank you🥹 I love these things!)
When did you post your first ever fanfic?
Christmas Day 2020! It was a Eugene and Rapunzel Christmas one shot that was part of some sort of prompt list with some friends. Are you really shocked the first one I posted was Christmas? Hehe I’m not. (Six months later I’d post my multi chapter HTTYD/Tangled fanfic that has been in the works for at least a year) Oh wait, there was actually an Aladdin and Jasmine one shot I posted in 2019… we don’t speak of that though. And you’ll never find it hehehe
First character(s) you wrote for?
I believe it was Aladdin and Jasmine? I was coming off of my Aladdin 2019 obsession lol
Main character(s) you’re currently writing for?
Ahh, yes. Now we get to the good stuff. Hiccup and Astrid, d’Artagnan and Constance, and Francis and Mary. A little bit of Spencer Reid too, but those one shots are going nowhere faster than Lightning McQueen
Character(s) you haven’t written about before but plan on writing about soon?
I would LOVE to write one about Albert Ingalls, and Katniss and Peeta… but alas. No ideas have stopped at my idea train station😕
Fandom(s) you’re currently writing for?
How to Train Your Dragon, The Musketeers, Reign, and Tangled
Platonic pairing(s) you currently write for?
D’Artagnan and Francis. They’ve become such a brotp of mine🤣 Sometimes I forget they aren’t actually from the same show
Romantic pairing(s) you currently write for?
Hiccup and Astrid, my loves😍 (I’m not quite sure if d’Artagnan/Constance and Francis/Mary count, cause their relationships aren’t the main part of the story)
Your top 3 tags on AO3 (if you post your world on AO3)
Crossover; Hurt/Comfort; d’Artagnan Whump (it’s all so meeee!)
Current platform where you post your works?
AO3 baby!
Snippet of the WIP you’re currently working on:
Buckle in, kiddos! I have a couple:
Journey to the Archipelago:
“I think you’re good,” Astrid replied as Hiccup neared the top. She reached for his hand. “Don’t ever do that again.”
He smiled and reached for her hand. As he was about to reply, his hand slipped out of her grip and he fell, trying to grip for the rope.
“Hiccup!” Astrid cried as he fell, calling out her name. Toothless wailed as Astrid and the others watched in shock as Hiccup fell into the darkness of the pit.
(Dun dun duuuuuuuunnnnnnnn)
Justice Served:
“Give me a break, it’s been a day. Rochefort has been even more unbearable than usual, and I don’t even know how Louis can run this place when he doesn’t know a thing that’s going on. And don’t even get me started on-“
“Yes, let’s not get you started. Can we stay on point, please?”
“Sorry. Anyway, I’m really surprised you didn’t already have a camera. Constance and I have one.”
“I didn’t think I needed one...” Francis muttered. D’Artagnan snorted.
“Francis, in this day and age? Get with the times.”
An AU that remains nameless lol:
Norbert sighed and turned around, leaning close to Hiccup.
“Cooperate and go with them,” he said quietly. Hiccup’s eyes widened.
“I didn’t do anything!”
“I know, Hiccup,” Norbert said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I don’t need to hear the allegations to know that they’re false. Just go.”
Hiccup sent a glare Dread’s way as he pulled his weapons out and handed them to Piglard.
A one shot with no title again (titles are my nemeses)
…Something logical in the back of his brain told him that wasn’t good, but everything seemed foggy.
“Reid?” Elle moved a hand up to shake him gently. When he didn’t respond, she looked at Hotch. “He’s not responding.”
And a Tolive one shot that is slooooowwww in the making:
“My sister?” He nodded as she sat up partially, leaning on her arms. “She’s a baby. Anything small enough to fit in that box would be a choking hazard.” He leaned closer to her.
“Maybe it’s bigger than it appears.”
She rolled her eyes, turning her head away from him. “You’re getting coal.”
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xx-knife-xx · 2 years
Ride the Cyclone Characters as Things my Friends Have Said (pt 2)
Noel: Can't spell St. Cassian without bio hazard!
Noel: *walks into the choir room on Nov 3rd*
Ocean: *with a box of decorations*
Constance: *hanging up lights*
Noel: ... It's November 3rd?
Ocean: *walking to hang something up* Noel! Bring me that tape!
Noel: Ah shit we gotta die with Ocean!
Ocean: You're a first rate coquette.
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stoicbreviary · 2 years
Ellis Walker, Epictetus in Poetical Paraphrase 35
Having consider'd thus what's to be done, The hazards, hardships, and the risque you run, Consider with what strength you are endow'd, What nature for th' encounter hath allow'd; As if you affect  th' Olympick exercise, Examine well your back, your shoulders, thighs, What brawn, what sinews for the enterprise Nor will each sort of strength suit each exploit, This runs, that leaps, this wrestles, throws the coit; So if the combat with yourself you try, And by strict methods of philosophy Your own rebellious passions strive to tame, And thus a more illustrious conquest gain, You can't expect to indulge and gratify You genius with accustom'd luxury. Nay, 'tis a contradiction, 'tis to obey Those very lusts you mean to drive away. You should consider whether you can bear The want of far-fetch'd dainties, travel'd chear: You should consider whether you can dine, Without a catalogue of costly wine, Whether that squeamishness you can forget, That makes you keep an almanack for meat, That makes you sweat, and faint, when you behold A novelty that's more than one day old; And to be short and serious, what you think Of roots for food, and the cold stream for drink. Philosophy's like some brave heroe bred, With labours harden'd, and with hardships fed: "Awake (she cries) and let the early sun Blush that he sees his vigilance outdone; Arise, pursue, press forward, drive away With chearful toil the tedious ling'ring day, Business thy sport, and labour be thy play." You should consider how you can dispense With leaving home to gain experience; How you can part with friends and native air; How the fatigues of travel you can bear; How in a thread-bare garment, old and torn, You can endure the slights, and saucy scorn Of pages, grooms, who, in proud liv'ries drest, Fancy a tatter'd coat a mighty jest: How it will relish with you to be us'd Worse than the basest slaves, to be refus'd All honour, power, and trust, preferment, place, Not to be call'd your worship, styl'd your grace. In these examine well yourself, and try Whether you're willing, at such rates, to buy Freedom, a quiet mind, and constancy: Lest like the boys I told you of, you prove Now a philosopher, then fall in love With frothy trash of orators, and thence Straight a collector of th' excise commence; Then tir'd with this, your fond desires dilate, And wish to be a minister of state. These are wide contraries, as opposite, As virtue is to vice, as black to white. You can but make one single man, and he A wise good man, or foolish knave must be; He the full sway over himself must have, Or be to things, not in his pow'r, a slave: Skill'd in these inward arts, or those without, Be wise, or herd amongst the common rout; Or a philosopher, or idiot.
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longpahern · 2 months
Yoga Pilates Basics
Pilates were created by Joseph Pilate in the early 20th century. Yoga Pilates can show to be of fantastic assistance if all the needed guidelines related to Pilates workouts is followed correctly. Yoga Pilates is a program of workout that can be pleasurable and similarly helpful. Preserving excellent health and correct well being is the primary point of routine and appropriate practice of yoga Pilates. The extending that is included in Pilate yoga assists in reducing the hazard of injuries. Among the greatest advantages of Pilates workouts is that your body's balance is enhanced. With the passage of time, your body pains will minimize to an excellent level. With routine workout, the muscles are enhanced, leading to the stimulation of your endurance, endurance and your energy level. One terrific thing that you will experience as an outcome of Pilates yoga is that you will discover that your mind and body is a lot more unwinded compared to how you felt in the past. Pilates yoga includes specific breathing patterns that assist an individual to cool down and unwind, leading to sounder sleep. The perspectives of Pilates instructors and Yoga trainers are rather the exact same on the operations of the workout. Numerous think about Pilates to be yoga on the makers while others see it as neuromuscular education or strength conditioning. Essentially Yoga and Pilates are reciprocally helpful: Yoga provides Pilates litheness and movement while Pilates uses constancy and movement in the motion. When unified with Yoga, Pilates teaching enhances the practice by bringing main stabilization into light in addition to training and compound for yoga postures (especially in the strength to take). Considering that Pilates is more about length and effectiveness, Yoga assists to enhance the litheness ability. Numerous individuals whose task needs sitting at a desk or driving practically 8 hours a day, acquire a lot from Pilates Yoga. It is a coordination of associated workouts that are likewise useful independently. Dancers and expert athletes practice the Pilate type of workout. There is no damage in practicing yoga Pilates. Pilates were developed by Joseph Pilate in the early 20th century. Yoga Pilates can show to be of excellent aid if all the required guidelines related to Pilates workouts is followed appropriately. The perspectives of Pilates instructors and Yoga trainers are rather the exact same on the functions of the workout. Generally Yoga and Pilates are reciprocally helpful: Yoga provides Pilates litheness and movement while Pilates provides constancy and movement in the motion. When joined with Yoga, Pilates teaching enhances the practice by bringing main stabilization into light as well as training and compound for yoga postures (especially in the strength to take).
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How frequently are ISO 22301 audits conducted in Jordan, and what are the criteria for maintaining certification?
/ Uncategorized / By Factocert Mysore
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Navigating ISO 22301 Audits and Keeping ISO 22301 Certification in Jordan
ISO 22301 Certification in Jordan :  In Jordan, like­ many places, businesses struggle­ with maintaining smooth operations and continuous workflows. Political unrest, economic change­s, and natural catastrophes can drastically affect business functioning. To le­ssen these hazards and guarante­e business constancy, companies fre­quently aim for ISO 22301 Certification in Jordan. But getting ISO 22301 Certification in Jordan is just the beginning. Pe­riodic audits and adherence to se­t criteria are vital in upholding ISO 22301 Certification in Jordan.
Understanding ISO 22301 Certification Audits in Jordan 
ISO 22301 Certification in Jordan sets international guideline­s for creating and sustaining a business continuity manageme­nt system (BCMS). ISO 22301 Certification Audits in Jordan check if an organization’s BCMS fits these­ guidelines and proficiently handle­s business continuity risks.
Audit Regularity
How often ISO 22301 Certification Audits in Jordan take­ place in Jordan hinges on differe­nt things, including the enterprise­’s size, complexity and leve­l of risk. Generally, companies partake­ in annual audits to keep their ce­rtification. But, more regular audits are ne­eded for higher-risk se­ctors or companies in unstable conditions.
Maintaining Certification Guide­lines
To keep ISO 22301 Ce­rtification bodies in Jordan, companies must hold fast to certain criteria give­n in the guidelines. The­se criteria cover various parts of busine­ss continuity management, including:
1. Records and Proce­sses: Companies must kee­p adequate records of proce­dures for clarifying, scrutinizing, and oversee­ing business continuity risks. This includes kee­ping a record of business impact analyses, risk e­valuations, and continuity plans.
2. Handling Risks: Effective risk handling is key for holding onto the­ certification. Companies must habitually reconside­r and revise their risk e­valuations to acknowledge new thre­ats or changes in existing threats. The­y also need to apply appropriate risk re­duction steps to lessen disruption like­lihood and impact.
3. Business Continuity Programs: Companies must create­ and uphold strong business continuity programs that lay out processes for re­acting to and recuperating from disruptions. These­ programs must be tested and re­vised on a regular basis to ensure­ risks and downtime are minimized.
4. Allocating Re­sources: Sufficient resource­s like workers, technology, and financial backing must be­ allocated for the company’s business constancy e­ndeavors. This includes investing in training to e­nsure employee­s know their roles during a crisis.
5. Monitoring and Ree­valuating: Regular oversight and ree­valuation of the BCMS are paramount for noticing improveme­nt areas and ensuring continuous compliance with ISO 22301 Certification in Jordan rule­s. Companies should conduct internal audits and manageme­nt evaluations to check the succe­ss of their business continuity methods and locate­ potential improvement are­as.
6. Unending Improvement: ISO 22301 Certification in Jordan highlights the­ value of unending bette­rment in business continuity manageme­nt. Companies should actively get fe­edback from colleagues, le­arn from past incidents or drills, and apply corrections to strengthe­n their readiness for future­ disruptions.
Difficulties in Maintaining ISO 22301 Certification in Jordan
Kee­ping ISO 22301 Certification in Jordan can be difficult for companies. Proble­ms that may arise include:
Resource­ Limitations: Scarce resources, both mone­y and personnel, may obstruct companies’ ability to e­ffectually create and maintain a sturdy BCMS.
Complication: Managing busine­ss stability in complex and shifting conditions can also pose challenge­s, requiring enterprise­s to adapt their tactics and strategies as ne­eded.
Composure: Ove­r the years, companies may be­come lax about their business constancy e­fforts, failing to review or update plans or conduct pe­riodic audits.
Shifting Risk Scenarios: The eve­r-changing risk situations require companies to stay ale­rt and active in noticing and addressing new and de­veloping threats to business pe­rmanence.
Kee­ping ISO 22301 Certification in Jordan isn’t a one-off activity, but rather a long-te­rm promise to upholding constant operation and duration. By adhering to spe­cific guidelines in the standard, conducting re­gular audits and constantly improving business continuity practices, organizations can adeptly handle­ risks, reducing operational disruptions. In doing so, they can boost the­ir market presence­, safeguard their reputation, and e­arn trust from stakeholders both locally and internationally.
Why Factocert for ISO 22301 Certification in Jordan
We provide the Best ISO 22301 Consultants in Jordan who are knowledgeable and provide the best solution. And to know how to get ISO certification. Kindly reach us at [email protected]. work according to ISO standards and help organizations implement ISO 22301 certification in Jordan with proper documentation.
For more information, visit ISO 22301 Certification in Jordan.
Related links: 
ISO 21001 Certification in Jordan
ISO 22301 Certification in Jordan
ISO 37001 Certification in Jordan
ISO 27701 Certification in Jordan
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CE Mark Certification in Jordan
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saintsir4n · 6 months
2. She’s having a maybe
"MY existence was a strategic plan from my parents. They wanted an heir, not a child." Winnie exclaimed staring at her mother's name come up on her phone.
"Are you malfunctioning? trauma dumping isn't until after midday," Ginny looked at her with a slightly concerned expression as they drove to school. She stayed over at the Dubois estate, something that she tended to do during the week and she couldn't help but notice how more turbulent her 'friend' was being.
Caesar who sat opposite them couldn't help but notice it too, even behind his sable sunglasses.
"Just a thought," Winnie shrugged, ignoring her ringing phone. Her mom would have to wait until the school day was done.
The blonde lightly scoffed, "A depressing one and I haven't had my breakfast Xanny yet."
And that was what it took for Winnie to face her, "Wow and here I thought Wolfe was stuffing you full of diseases, is pills all part of the arrangement?"
Ginny rolled her eyes, "I was taking pills before I started seeing him."
"He's enabling Twink," Winnie gritted, more irritated than amused by her own words.
A laugh escaped Ginny's lips, "Can you even say that?"
"I'm gay... need I say more? Besides it's only me and you. Caesar is not even a person. No offence," Winnie didn't spare the man a look.
"Non taken miss Dubois," Caesar said in his infamous emotionless voice.
"You should stop seeing him." Winnie went on to insist.
The blonde made a face, "It was your idea that I start fucking him. He's the easiest to get info. He's like the gossip girl but —" 
"Gossiptwink?" Winnie interrupted, turning back to her phone.
Sure it was her idea for her favourite blonde to start fucking Max Wolfe but she didn't realise the influence the man could potentially have over Ginny.
Ginny shielded her mirth with her phone, "That was actually very funny but I won't laugh because my phone is always listening."
"Then it's against interracial friendships," Winne quipped, typing away at her screen.
Winnie turned to her again, wearing a smirk, "Now, let me tell you my plan for little Z."
Usually, Winnie never gave attention to poor people, sometimes she wished for a rapture or some sort of natural hazard to solve the overpopulation in her city of New York but knew it was somewhat evil, so she kept those ideas to her dreams and decided to give to charity. Whenever she gave money away everyone knew, it was plastered all over her social media.
So today she wanted praise but also to get under Julian's skin and what better way to do that than to use her little sister as a pawn in their game of chess?
"I'm sorry, we are part of the big sister- little sister programme at Constance?" the big brown-eyed girl rambled sitting outside in the courtyard opposite the Dubois heiress, completely stunned by this turn in events. They were only waving to each other a few days ago, "There's a type of programme like that at this school. I'm surprised it sounds so... normal."
"It is," Winnie agreed, staring into her eyes with her infamous shades.
Zoya gestured between them, "And we're paired together?"
Winnie adorned her soulless smile, and unfortunately, the 14-year-old was too naive to see through it. Perhaps it was the heiress' pearly whites or her dazzling jewellery that served as a distraction.
"It's an old programme, everyone used to do it," lie. "Now only two people can do it a year," another lie. "Me and you Zoya," Winnie emphasised her name, gaze unwavering.
Many onlookers gawked at the pair as they strolled by with their hushed whispers.
Zoya eye's darted between the heiress and a few people standing behind the glass by one of the entrances.
Winnie chose to hide her impending smirk and turned to see Julian, Luna and Monet staring, no, glaring at the pair. Winnie's iris' sparkled with glee when she glanced at the trio, eyes zeroing in on Monet for a second and wiggled her fingers in their direction before turning around.
"Don't worry little Z, where your sister has so callously abandoned you in the ruins of this tedious school, I'll take you under my wing."
"That's not necessary."
"Oh, but it is. You want your college application to look outstanding don't you?" Winnie finally took off her shades, revealing her dark eyes to the 14-year-old who shifted in her seat.
"This will help?"
"I'll make it help. Not like you need too much of it, colour me shocked how often you're mentioned in that little Twitter blog that's captured everyone's phones recently."
"Gossip Girl?" an awkward blush kissed Zoya's cheeks, "it's annoying, don't you think?"
"I was shocked when it started up... again," Winnie waved off the semantics. "Also pleasantly surprised. The city bores me, so I tweet things, say whatever."
"But you're words carry weight, you must know that," Zoya wasn't blind. She knew who Winnie was and warned how she could be. The spider necklace was a big enough omen. "My sister says you're a Venus flytrap personified."
Winnie huffed out a chuckle, "Lovely and incorrect. Truthfully I don't even like flowers."
Zoya knew to be wary, but it was the first time in days she was having a genuine conversation.
"All know is, gossip girl is now on Twitter, it's not the best. Potentially the worst, I think."
Winnie picked up her shades and concealed her elation, "Well it's chaos gossip girl wants. It's better to be on the battlefield than hiding in the trenches."
Zoya's face was a picture of pure confusion, "I don't think..."
Winnie clasped her hands and picked up her bag, "Now come, I have tennis practice."
Zoya blinked in shock, "I have theatrical photography."
"You're excused. Come along. We have tennis."
Winnie stalked away, not bothering to wait for Zoya to panic and follow behind.
Zoya didn't know that she was in Winnie's little WiniWeb and it was only a matter of time before she would be squeezed so tightly until her guts were on the floor.
And what better place to start the ruining than in the tennis court designed for the heiress to win?
Zoya nervously gulped and her eyes doubled in size when she saw Winnie emerge from the changing room in a mulberry-coloured two-piece tennis sportswear and hair in a tight bun.
"Cute right?" Winnie uncharacteristically giggled and twirled on her feet, before gesturing to Caesar for him to gather personalised equipment. "Let's go."
Zoya flinched when the bald man appeared, "Was he here before?"
She struggled to keep up with the heiress, her legs weren't as long and her strides were short and jittery.
"Don't mind Caesar he's my bodyguard," Winnie replied, stepping outside and continuing on their way to the tennis courts.
"Of course, you have a bodyguard," Zoya mumbled to herself, "Shouldn't I get changed or something, I mean you see prepared to play tennis."
"You're not playing. You're watching me," Winnie replied, fake battering her eyes at the girls walking past. 7s on a good day, but it's all about charity, she thought.
"So why am I here then?" Zoya couldn't help but think of the possibility of her grades slipping and she only just transferred.
"To learn about each other, problem?" Winnie kept her gaze on the tennis court coming into view.
"I can and will advise you, it's not hard," lies were rolled off Winnie's tongue today, completely unprovoked and she loved it.
"What about lunch? You eat right?" Zoya finally matched her speed, avoiding the looming presence of Caesar.
"I don't eat. It's slows me down."
Zoya gawked, "Really?"
Winnie forced out a laugh, "No. I just eat when no one's around."
"But today, I'm changing up from my usual seats. My friend Ginny and I are going to be dining on the MET steps," Winnie noted Zoya's silence, "What's wrong?"
"Doesn't Julian sit there?"
"I don't know, I don't notice the things she does and doesn't do," Winnie falsely stated, "Now, ask me something."
"Are you sure you want to do this, that you want to talk to me? If it's for college submissions, couldn't you're parents just help you with that?"
A smirk tugged at Winnie's lip, "Are you suggesting they'd pay to get me in?"
"You tweeted that a few years ago." Zoya explained, holding up her phone, "I checked when you were in lockerrooms"
"Glad that you're using some initiative. And yes, I tweeted that in like what? 2017. I was 13. Looking up old tweets is a bit outdated don't you think?" Winnie questioned as they ended up at the tennis courts.
Caesar motioned for one of the ball boys to get everything ready. 
"I'm getting to know you," Winnie caught the smug look on Zoya's face.
So the heiress nodded, "Likewise."
After entering the court, Zoya sat on the nearest chair, monitoring her mentor as she warmed up. She didn't know what to do with herself. She was warned by many to be cautious especially since there were one or two buildings with the Dubois name splattered across, so pissing off Winnie was the last thing she wanted to do.
Winnie started dribbling the ball with her racket, surprisingly listening to the questions flying her way as a few students came onto the court and practised a bit further away.
"You're still surprised that I'm mentoring you, how else would we talk? Friend me on Goodreads and call it a day? I'm a sapphic bitch not a stereotype Zoya."
"You're gay?" Zoya's expression almost drew a genuine laugh from Winnie.
"No, I gave up boys for lent. Yes, I'm a lesbian, shocked?"
"No, it's just that I've seen some of your content and..."
"I don't advertise my life to the world only the parts people need to see. Ask anyone around here, they know what I am."
Zoya felt sympathetic to a degree.
Winnie disregarded any feeling radiating off the young teen and nodded at Caesar who gave the sign that ball boy to start up the ball machine.
With every swing of her racket, another question flew her away.
Winnie pretended not to be interested but she needed some dirt. Previous schools, favourite foods, restaurants even music were mentioned before the topic of birthdays came up, she noted how that was a sensitive topic for Zoya, very sensitive.
"Your birthday's coming up right?" she asked, holding up her hand so a ball boy paused the machine.
"How do you know that? – no, never mind, don't tell anyone. I can't have gossip girl finding out."
"You don't like celebrating your birthday. It's a day for about you," Zoya glanced away as the Winnie spoke. "That's interesting. I love celebrating another day on this pathetic planet. Another year of winning at life." The young teen's brows furrowed, "I would spend my birthday with the love of my life but I haven't found them yet," Winnie did her best to look sad, and luckily it worked. "So hopefully I find a rich 10 so they can celebrate me, always."
Zoya laughed despite herself, "How extremely self-centred."
"Aww, you're learning," Winnie paused, "Everyone in this life is out for themselves darling."
"Not everyone."
"Maybe in the town you're from, but you'll learn soon," Winnie said with a shrug.
"Learn what? That I should just give up on everyone, everything? What about our people?"
"Well, that applies to half of you," Winnie pointed out, much to Zoya's offence, "Besides I do plenty for our people. I spread awareness about the truth," she said halfheartedly.
And that certainly wasn't the truth.
"And what is the truth to you?"
"Equality is a fantasy they teach the working class to yearn for and the upper class to laugh at. It won't ever happen. It's unfortunate I know."
"Well, that's offensive, wow, like all of that," Zoya gesticulated, taken back by the things that were being said. It was against her principles entirely.
"It's the truth," Winnie feigned sadness for a moment, before dropping her racket and facing the girl, "now moving on. I'm surprised by your type," Zoya was getting verbal whiplash, by the change in topic. "Normally straight people don't interest me, with anything they do. But you and Obie, I think I'm more disgusted actually. You're a child right?"
Before Zoya went to reply her attention was drawn to the man in question, he stalked over to the wired fence, smiling awkwardly at the girl after waving goodbye to Aki who skated away.
Winnie suppressed the urge to gag and trailed after Zoya who was doing her best attempt to flirt with the boy.
"Have you come to dip your German sausage in another Halfrican, Bergmann?"
Zoya's eyes went wide.
Obie mustered up a smile, "Hello to you Dubois."
"We're busy," Winnie gestured between her and the young teen.
Obie turned to the freshman, "Blink twice if you're here against your will."
Winnie rolled her eyes and allowed Zoya to answer, "No it's a part of this programme big sister little sister thing we're playing tennis."
"Go easy on her," Obie wasn't going to beg but he was asking very nicely. He knew exactly how the Dubois heiress could be when it came to competitive sports.
Zoya blinked in shock, glancing at Winnie, "Are you that good?"
"She could be the next Serena. Wait -- not... I mean –" Obie's rambling was immediately cut off by Winnie.
"It's okay I would usually issue an extremely xenophobic insult by comparing you to one of your people but pronouncing German words is appalling to me and I'm having company."
Winnie's rebuttal had the other two shuffling around.
"As lovely as always," Obie mumbled.
Winnie cast a glare, "Careful racist."
"I am not — Zoya have a nice day and I'll see you later," he got out of there, leaving the young teen to think over her entire life.
"Did you know that Groomer actively rounds up people to protest my parent's company?" Winnie turned to Zoya, "His performative activism is tiring. He knows he won't get arrested, he's white, so I guess half of you will understand. But trust me you can do better than your knight and white saviour."
Zoya knew she should've left at that point but something within her told her to stay. How someone could entertain yet offend her in only a few words surprised her.
"Winnie!" the duo turned to the right, both seeing a blonde make her way over. Ginny wasn't pleased in the slightest. Walking in heels every day was a privilege, one she could afford but hated using more than energy,  "Lunch is approaching."
"Don't you have philosophical art?" Winnie raised a brow at the blonde huffing on the other side of the cage.
"Do you have my class schedule on your phone or something? How do you know this?"
"You've got to stop asking me that," Winnie paused to introduce the two girls, "Meet Zoya Lott, Gin. Zoya, meet my best friend Ginny Wellington."
Zoya almost flinched at the roughish glint in her blue eyes. She was everything the young teen imagined. Even after doing deep dives across their shared platforms, it was true. Ginny Wellington looked like a test tube baby.
"I would shake your hand, but I touch freshman. It's against the law," Ginny plastered on a smile.
"I don't think it is," Zoya scrunched up her face, "And there's a wired wall separating us also."
Ginny waved her off, then turned to her friend,  "Can you hurry? The court is making me sweat."
"You're not doing anything," Winnie exclaimed, feeling sweat forming on her face only adding fuel to her irritation.
"Neither are you and I'm hungry."
"Do you play any sports?" Zoya bravely interrupted their bickering, inquisitive about their bond.
"I don't do anything that requires effort. Pillow Princess over active Avenger any day," Ginny beamed at Zoya's expression. "but whenever the image of boys I've dated pops into my head I will pick a tennis racket and smash it until I'm only holding the handle."
"That's umm...cool."
Winnie snickered to herself.
"It's not. I'm leaving. Winnie texted me. Freshmen, look both ways before you cross the road," Ginny blew a kiss at the pair of them both strutted off, leaving the unexpected duo.
"What the fuck was that?" Zoya breathed out, keeping her gaze on the blonde who cackled her way through the crowds.
"Advice. Preteens like you should learn to look both ways," Winnie insisted.
Zoya squinted her eyes, "I'm 14."
"I'm not repeating myself. Now watch me play."
(@WinnerD posted)
(tagged @alottazee )
love it when fans watch me practice tennis
@alottazee you almost hit me with a ball
↳@winnerd alls fair in love and tennis
↳@alottazee that's not... nvm
@G.wells illegal to be with a freshman!
↳@alottazee still not true.
@winniesbiggestfan are you doing charity work?
↳@duboisfanpage must be, i doubt julian's little sister is in the highest tax bracket
↳@ginnyandwinniefaves ikr
↳@winnerd be nice.
↳@ginnyandwinniefaves sorry winnie, we love you.
↳@duboisfanpage don't let her touch your skin
↳@winniesbiggestfan you're amazing, all that charity work, it's inspiring.
limited comments.
(@gossipgirl just tweeted)
Cosying up with the enemy? Who'd of thought little Z had it in her, but then again, she did make a scene at her sister's fashion show so what's spending time with her opposition? Let's see if it'll be game set match for the heiress or is she and CJ going to rally until there's no winner at all. But you must know there will always be a victor and it's only a matter of time.
From: M
you cannot be serious. mentor really?
freshmen aren't to be fiddled with,
you'll have to get rid of that thing quicker
than lori harvey drops her guys.
don't ignore me, you're always on
your phone.
fine. but expect punishment.
Winnie cracked a smile, but it soon faded when she caught a glimpse of her mother's penetrating stare.
"Did you hear what I said, or is that phone a distraction?" Margaux inquired, taking a bite out of her salmon.
Dinner was always a quiet occasion, Winnie always checked her phone, preferring the company of those residing behind their screens than the two people who dragged her into the world. Their table was vast, each parent sat on opposite ends, whilst she ate in the middle. Glances were exchanged and only thuggish remarks were said.
"Oh I heard, you don't want me to embarrass you," Winnie settled down her fork, no longer interested in the food, her hunger for war of words was far greater. "You'd think you'd stop repeating that after 16 years."
Margaux then picked up her glass, squinting her eyes at her daughter, "Straighten your hair again."
"It's straighter than I am or is that not enough?" Winnie jested.
"I'll call in the stylist, a silk press will make your face more natural looking."
"Do you want my hair to fry?" Winnie no longer recognised her curl patterns and wondered if they even existed anymore.
"Listen to your mother," her father's voice had her head snapping towards him, but she didn't care for his downcast stare.
"Don't I always?"
Luc averted his gaze and kept eating.
"I listen, I absorb all of your knowledge and advice Mom. Don't worry, my hair will be professional, not unruly or unkempt." she flashed her mother a vicious smile before picking up her phone as a hateful silence clutched them once more.
Julian sent the maid a quick smile as she strolled into the vacant and cold halls of the Dubois estate. It was a house, never a home and yet she adored the aesthetics of it all; old but not rustic, the building aged like fine wine and yet the contents of its people were maturing with every task they were given.
"Miss Calloway, it's awfully late why are you here?" the influencer turned towards the familiar voice.
Margaux eyed the girl as she walked into the foyer, still adorning her afternoon attire. She sent nods to her security, letting only a few vacate the area.
"Mrs Dubois, nice to see you again," Julian plastered on a warm smile, not like that mattered to the woman, "I was wondering if I could speak to your daughter? It's only 9 o'clock, I hope that's not a bother."
"It is," Winnie's voice drew them to the stairs as she slowly descended them, keeping one hand on the rail until she hit the last step, "but I'm here to talk, don't worry we're out in the open mom, I'll keep my hands to myself."
Margaux grimaced, taking in her daughter's revealing appearance and walked away with the rest of her security team trailing behind her.
"It was nice seeing you again Mrs Dubois," Julian called out.
"She can see through your manic pixie girl facade darling, there's no need to lie," Winnie exclaimed, tugging on her sheer gown, covering her nighty, "So tell me why you're really here."
Julian's smile dropped the moment they were alone, "You brought my sister into this," she motioned between them, "You have to leave Zoya out of this."
Winnie snorted, "Lol Why? You didn't. You pulled her into your life. She would've been protected from our battlefield if it wasn't for you. Come on WhoLian, it's only a bit of fun, who knows she might even learn something. Kidding, she definitely will."
The frustration on Julian's face made a smirk tug at the heiress' lips.
"What do you want out of this? This feud has been going on forever."
"Yes, back before you're crush velvet headboard was on show for everyone to see," Winnie remarked, eyes twinkling with mirth. 
Julian reeled back in offence, "I did not have crush velvet, God, what will it take for you to drop this?"
"Don't pretend that you don't thrive off the chaos surrounding us. It's a drug for you as it is for me, but luckily for you, it can't be snorted," Winnie chuckled when her opposition stepped closer. "You're holier than thou act is slipping and what I want is for everyone to see."
"Not gonna happen."
"It will, just like all those leaks to the blogs you sent out that got me cancelled the first 3 times," Winnie raised an expectant brow. 
Julian shook her head, "Your words carry weight, Winnie, your cancellations were on you."
Winnie's eyes rolled, annoyed by the statement that mirrored Zoya's a few hours prior. At least the freshman doesn't sound as slow as her sister.
"You insult a few people and all of a sudden you're made out to be the next Churchill. Everyone's sensitive, just like you. But don't worry, people still desire me."
"And that's all that matters? Desirability? Is that why you sat on the MET steps today, above us with your little sidekick?"
Julian wasn't the first to notice the power play, Monet was and made sure everyone caught a glimpse of the rivals stepping on their territory. It was more aggravating than sickening, nonetheless, the Calloway girl took it personally. It was trending, gossip girl added fuel to the fire. But the Upper East Side was a blazing inferno, everyone would get burnt at some point.
"Yes to look down on all of yours," Winnie was quick with her retorts, wishing she could've captured the expression on her face but living in the moment was more pleasurable.
"I don't have sidekicks, I have friends, friends that love me. I have fans who love me. They relate to the shit I upload, post and say."
"Something you need to learn is that the people don't want relatable. They want desirable. No matter how many times I've been cancelled, how many scandals me and my family have been in. They can never delete me. Get rid of me. I will always come out on top." The conviction of Winnie's voice brought a scowl to Julian's voice, "Huh — the desirables a good name for a brand — I'm getting off-topic. You will never be rid of me, nor will the world. Now if you allow me to get back to torturing... tutoring your dear sissy, have a lovely night Jules. Try not to snort too much, I want a coherent opponent, not the next Courtney love."
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, Charles Dickens wasn't wrong about that. What we're witnessing is the battle of New York's finest or should it say most prosperous. Eat the rich and will Julian take a bite or be captured by a web of lies at play? You should know followers, I'll find out all, because you'll tell me all. Haven't you heard knowledge is power? And I'm omnipotent. xoxo, gossip girl.
"We have to get to school Monet, I know couples squabble, but not before 8 am, how did you get passed my mother?" Winnie questioned, standing in front of her mirror, analysing every detail of her attire, whilst her... situationship sat on her bed.
Monet shrugged, although warmth spread through her chest, "She likes me."
"She doesn't like anyone," Winnie lightly scoffed, side-eying the girl before her eyes landed on her exposed legs.
Monet followed her gaze and teasingly pulled up her skirt, "You don't like anyone and yet you say we're a couple."
Winnie tensed, internally cursing herself for not realising sooner, "Common mistake, I won't make it again."
She missed the frown flashing across Monet's face as she picked up her phone to see Caesar informing her that it was time to leave soon.
Abaddon from the other side of the room caught the De Haan girl's attention, it was brief, his whining was growing louder and yet the Dubois heiress didn't bother to glance his way.
A twinge of guilt pinched at Monet so she turned back to her... lover? Or Ally? She never knew.
"I never said I had a problem with it. But we're not together, since I can't be seen with those who socialise with nobodies," Monet stated, standing up from the bed she loved to revel in.
"It's self-interest Mon," Winnie finally turned to her, suppressing her envy at the Senegalese twist cascading down her back. How pretty. "You serve Calloway and I serve me. Zoya stays."
Monet swatted away her fingers that played with her hair, she loved it and yet she couldn't let pleasure take the place of strategy.
"No, she doesn't. She needs to be exiled. She has to be, it's the new order," she snapped.
"It's a shit order, she's stays," Winnie wrapped a bow around her lifeless strands. "Be honest, you despise Zoya because she's a threat to your leader."
Monet hissed, "You like her because she's a threat to Julian."
"So? I have never denied that. Besides, I have my plans."
"Care to share them?"
"This isn't how this works and you know that. Ammunition for lady kisses. That I know you can't resist," Winnie taunted, earning a frustrated sigh.
"No." Monet had already plotted with her trusted friend Luna to exile the freshmen, it would work, that's what she told herself, it had to.
"What do you mean no? I told you what's gonna happen and it will," Winnie locked eyes with Monet.
Neither looked away, because neither of them could, drowning in pools of desire and craving.
"Or else?" Monet rose a fierce brow.
"You'll see," a playful laugh escaped the Dubois heiress, "Let's do what we do best, you pretend to like me and I'll be unbothered by you showcasing your smooth legs to anyone but me."
"Sure... pretend," Monet scowled and stormed out of the room, just before Caesar made his entrance.
"It's time?"  Winnie asked knowingly.
"It is Miss Dubois," he nodded and took her bag, "Will Miss De Haan not be joining us?"
"Not today, but perhaps soon," she spoke through clenched teeth, "let's hope I don't have to speak to more than 7 more people today, if I do, you know what the outcome will be?"
the girls are fighting! winnet/ monifred are not together but they sure act like they do, lovers on opposite sides, but their ambitions get in the way every time. i love writing them, almost as much as i love writing winnie and zoya, such an odd dynamic but it's so funny. it reminds me of what the writers did with blair and jenny before ruining them.
zoya knows to be cautious of winnie, i mean who wouldn't be, she lies easier than she breathes.
there won't be a truce between julian and winnie any time soon, for several reasons, one being that there'll always be a war between the two, or more importantly, winnie will always have to fight against someone. whether it's her mother, her father or gossip girl.
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parlar-per-parlar · 9 months
Llibres (nous i vells) que m'ha agradat llegir aquest any
All the Pretty Horses - Cormac McCarthy (1992)
«I wanted very much to be a person of value and I had to ask myself how this could be possible if there were not something like a soul or like a spirit that is in the life of a person and which could endure any misfortune or disfigurement and yet be no less for it. If one were to be a person of value that value could not be a condition subject to hazards of fortune. It had to be a quality that could not change. No matter what. Long before morning I knew that what I was seeking to discover was a thing I’d always known. That all courage was a form of constancy. That it was always himself that the coward abandoned first. After this all other betrayals came easily.
I knew that courage came with less struggle for some than for others but I believed that anyone who desired it could have it. That the desire was the thing itself. The thing itself. I could think of nothing else of which that was true.»
El último encuentro - Sándor Márai (1942)
«Porque también existe eso, el instante: el tiempo trae y se lleva las cosas, de manera arbitraria, y no somos sólo nosotros quienes ponemos nuestras acciones y sus circunstancias en el marco del tiempo. A veces ocurre que el instante trae una posibilidad, y esa posibilidad tiene su momento exacto, y si el instante pasa, ya no puedes hacer nada de nada.»
Agua y jabón - Marta D Riezu (2021)
«Tarde o temprano llega un frío terrible.
Somos jóvenes, fuertes y nos va más o menos bien, pero en algún momento de la vida pasaremos por una crisis, que puede tomar mil formas: soledad, desazón inexplicable, enferemdad, desajuste químico, ruptura, apatía. Y llegaremos a la intemperie.
La música, el arte, las lecturas, la filosofía; con lo vivido, lo escuchado y lo reflexionado se crea un búnker mental. Pero hay que tener los deberes hechos; uno pierde a la madre y no piensa: bueno, ahora voy a ponerme a escuchar Cadena Dial, a ver si me alivia. Se trata, dice Joan Margarit, de "convertir el dolor en tristeza. El dolor no se puede gestionar; la tristeza sí."»
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«No tengo hijos ni perros ni marido y quizá es parte del problema. Es un pensamiento nuevo, cristalino, que irrumpe con una claridad cruel el día que se funde la bombilla del baño y se emboza el inodoro y no tengo nadie en quien delegar la tarea de resolverlo. Este pensamiento es como una cucaracha tóxica que se ha hecho un nido en mi oreja. Me susurra a todas horas que una vida solitaria es deprimente y antinatural, que los fuegos artificiales se acaban tarde o temprano, que el maquillaje cae y hay que tener a alguien al lado con quien emprender el largo camino hacia casa. Todo el mundo en el fondo, me asegura la cucaracha, conoce y acepta este hecho ancestral, y solo fingen creer que es posible una vida atomizada e independiente. Pero cada vez menos gente tendrá ánimo para fingir y las cosas volverán mansamente a su orden natural, y los solitarios y sobre todo las solitarias vagarán por el purgatorio marcados por el aura pestilente del fracaso.»
At the Gates of the Animal Kingdom - Amy Hempel (1990)
«I play back everything that has happened to me before this. I want to ask Big Guy if he is doing this, too. I want him to know what it clearly seems to me: that if it's true your life flashes past your eyes before you die, then it is also the truth that your life rushes forth when you are ready to start to truly be alive.»
Berta Isla - Javier Marías (2017)
«Frente a esa idea de la novela como una forma de conocimiento, yo la veo como una forma de reconocimiento», me dijo Marías una vez, en el curso de una conversación sobre Tu rostro mañana. «Con esos autores que ven, que se atreven a mirar las cosas como son, uno a menudo tiene una fuerte sensación de verdad precisamente porque reconoce lo que dicen. Uno dice: ‘Sí, esto es así, es verdad’. Y no te están haciendo una revelación, no estás accediendo a un conocimiento nuevo. Estás viendo algo que sabías pero que no sabías que sabías.»
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