#control former
tubework · 9 months
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my @fbczine piece! i love Former i think they are a cool shape and a funny guy
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dear-doves · 4 months
Not piss kink as in "I'm going to pee in/on you", but piss kink as in "You're going to sit there and squirm, and beg me to go, and I'm going to say no because I decide when you're allowed to."
Scratches the same itch as edging 😩😩😩😩👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
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heydragonfly · 1 month
alright i know lots of folks don’t love the chaos redesign and some folks are saying they look like meg which like i get, esp with the singular wing but to me? they look like Nyx. they look like they molded their new appearance in the image of their daughter, who they’ve recently reconnected with after aeons of separation. like they have not just emotionally become more the parent of Nyx, but physically mirrored this parenthood, this embodied connection, by choice
(this relationship which they’ve now lost, leaving them alone, again)
(until a certain princess of the dead arrives)
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avalon-of-babylon · 2 months
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Made this dumb meme a while ago but never full on posted it so here I guess.
Also I am convinced that The Former offers a literal better benefits package than The Board their entire dynamic just screams "that abusive corporate job you left for a place that doesn't time your bathroom breaks" you feel me?
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quotidianish · 11 months
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Various tones of BnB sillies
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They're so silly!!! The extended gang!
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a-flappy-bat · 2 months
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Because I haven’t drawn a Formerling in forever have a doodle
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angsttronaut · 1 year
thinking about how, before she met gloreth, nimona spent who knows how long wandering the world and trying to find company amongst animals, but always being rejected. we have no idea how long she was at it- she appears to be immortal, she could've been trying to find companionship since the beginning of time for all we know.
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batfamfixation · 3 months
Batman is not "pro-police" and is sure as hell not a Republican
Some people are under the impression that Batman is pro-police, but that is literally so inaccurate. Batman is for police reform and accountability, and he will personally do it himself if he has to. He is anti-gun and believes a police officer should never shoot unless absolutely necessary. He wouldn't have become Batman if he thought the police were competent. He only works with Jim Gordon, because he thinks most of the police are incompetent. He would and has fist fought with dirty cops. He thinks that getting rid of corrupt cops (and politicians) is an important part of making Gotham a better place. He prefers giving petty criminals jobs and social resources rather than having them arrested.
He is not just for police reform but also prison reform, because he believes the point of prisons should be about rehabilitating inmates. He believes that no one is beyond rehabilitation. That is borderline one of his character flaws. He hires former inmates so they can make a living without turning back to crime. He even has a halfway house that former convicts can stay in until they get figuratively back on their feet. He prefers eradicating crime by addressing the root cause, which is often poverty and a lack of social resources.
AND ANOTHER THING- There's this idea that Gotham is a shithole because Bruce isn't doing enough with his wealth, but that doesn't take into account that he is nowhere near the only billionaire in Gotham. He's up against the Court of Owl elites, and a lot of them are board members for Wayne Enterprises and have a say in what the company can and can not do. The Court of Owls plays a heavy roll in politics and most politicians are puppets of the Court and mobs. Politicians that aren't corrupt get killed by the bad guys for refusing to obey. Look at what happened to Harvey Dent. Look at how much money he has funneled into Arkham to no avail. Bruce can not own and control every aspect of every major business in Gotham. No person should have a monopoly on an entire city.
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veikkoalen · 6 months
polaris is math and order. hiss is organics and chaos. polaris is about the importance of the individual which comes with the progress. hiss is about the community above individual's will.
polaris didn't help dylan because she wanted jesse to succeed as an individual and not as part of faden family, because her nature is to be unique – and ultimately, alone. that's why hedron ended up being destroyed, darling sent to hell, dylan being abandoned – because polaris already has jesse, a single, most capable host who put herself into the most unique position – the director of federal bureau of control – by herself.
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calamitydaze · 1 year
tbh “people hear about legitimate dream fuckups and it colors their worldview to exaggerate and misconstrue harm in everything he does” is just the opposite side of the coin to “fans hear about dream being legitimately fucked over and treated badly and it raises their defenses to react to every perceived slight like a personal betrayal” literally nobody is capable of being normal about that man
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dougielombax · 1 month
What do you mean you got into a fight with a fridge?!
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velvetjune · 3 months
I don’t care if it’s actually because of supernatural reasons, I’m choosing to believe Emily and Jesse are so in sync throughout the game and foundation dlc because they’re just that compatible and perfect for each other. soulmates. paranatural power of love or something.
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autisticwriterblog · 1 month
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nishihii · 7 months
rennala marika toxic yuri i cant get you out of my head
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dykedvonte · 3 months
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@gecko-in-a-can THIS ABSOLUTELY
Resentment is such a big part of Benny’s motives towards House, feeling he’s underserving to rule and shouldn’t have the right to keep the title of Vegas just because he claimed it first long ago. Say what you will, Benny puts the effort in, through honest and dishonest work albeit, but he puts in the effort. Not saying House didn’t but House had the luxury of having a lot of that effort done before the war and subordinates to do so after. House is untouchable, something everyone wants in the Mojave, if not for the power, but because of the security. House takes that for granted seeing how easy he thinks it is to buy people. Benny, a Mojave native, has to be irate about that seeing how he has seen the heights and slums of both lives.
Also with the AIs it’s so telling because in a lot of ways, Yes Man has more autonomy than House’s major personality securitrons. Yeah, Yes Man has to be helpful but he’s aware and able to be snarky and coy. Benny has an issue with not being listened to but that’s the only perimeter Yes Man needs to act on. He can’t condescend but lord you can tell when he wants to. House’s AIs serves specific and highly detailed functions but are confined to act in accordance. They are subservient to a T and are extensions of House while Yes Man really is a creation that adapts further, hence his desire for the assertive upgrade. Benny made something, or at least was okay with a helper, that can progress for itself. House made things that replicate or facilitate an era of the past and don’t hold the power to contest it.
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