#cor x drautos
blossom-adventures · 11 months
Kingsglaive Legends 2023! Organised by @calling4glaives
Day 2: AU & Life After (Feat. Luche & Nyx, Pelna, Crowe, Libertus and Drautos)
I’m classing this as an AU even though it will appear in my fic, because I am intending most of the Glaive to survive… so it’s kind of AU but most of the main plot of the game and film still happens
Little context: at the start of The Long Night, Cor and Titus buy a penthouse apartment in Lestallum and they get bunk beds to accommodate their close friends and “family” so that they all have a safe place to live and don’t have to worry about accommodation themselves… also there’s a little teaser to Violet and Nyx’s relationship ☺️🥰
A year into The Long Night
Luche climbed the stairs to the apartment he shared with the rest of the Glaive, he’d just got back to Lestallum after a supply run.
He unlocked the door and pushed it open, being hit by the strong smells of curry being prepared in the kitchen, Libertus was working with Crowe to prepare the evening meal for everyone, there were a lot of people living in this apartment, so Libertus was hard at work, throwing various spices into the large 2 handled pan, while Crowe was carving up the Dualhorn steaks into bite sized cubes.
“Hey, Luche!” Nyx stepped out the bathroom, he had clearly just had a shower, “how’d your supply run go?”
“Ok, not great, we didn’t get much, but I did manage to bring back some more resources for the Power Station, so it wasn’t a complete loss” Nyx clapped him on the shoulder while Luche looked around, it seemed to him that they were the only ones in the large apartment at the moment. “Where is everyone?”
“Pelna was called to help Monica with some communication problems, Drautos and Cor had a meeting with Holly, Violet was helping Iris at her shop and the Kings friends are still out on a mission, most of them will be back soon” Nyx pointed over his shoulder to the bathroom, “we’ve still got some hot water and you’ve got time for a shower if you want, dinner is probably going to be another hour or so”
By the time Luche had showered and changed most of the others who lived in the apartment had arrived; Titus was now helping Libertus and Crowe prepare dinner, Cor was discussing something with Pelna and Iris was bouncing her nephew on her knee while Nyx and Violet sat together on the opposite sofa, Violet saw Luche leave the bathroom and gave him a smile.
Luche had been so unsure about the apartment at first, the idea of so many people sharing a space was bound to cause issues, but he’d been wrong, so far there had been no problems, the people who could cook took it in turns to cook the evening meals, and if they needed help, others would step up, but there was never any arguments or shouting. Everyone offered to help Violet and Nyx with their son if he was crying, or they offered to babysit him, like Iris was doing now, just to give them an hour or 2 to themselves. The house work was everyone’s responsibility, you cleaned up after yourself, it was only fair, and everyone was responsible for their own belongings.
Luche sat down next to Iris and reached over to her nephew, who was laughing and clapping every time she bounced her knee, Luche tickled him under his chin and he squealed happily before he took hold of Luche’s finger and looked at him, he had the same rich amber eyes as his mother and aunt but he had his fathers hair colour; an unkempt tuft of slate grey hair covered the top of his head.
“You always grab my finger when I do that” Luche spoke to the baby boy, who cooed in response
“He likes you Luche” Iris said “isn’t that right!” She said and she gave her nephew a tickle, now that his attention was back on her she began pulling faces, making him laugh even more than before.
Luche leant back on the sofa and looked at the group, Titus, Lib and Crowe were working together in the kitchen and Cor and Pelna were joining them on the sofas now that their discussion was done, they had become a family over the year they’d been living together and although times were much harder now, Luche wouldn’t change it for anything
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rosemary-morgan · 1 year
Cor Leonis x F.Reader (x Yandere!Drautos) - Traitor (Part 1)
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(Pictures/GIF are not mine! Found on Pinterest/Google/tumblr - Collage made by myself.)  
Many thanks to @fangirl-ramblings 🖤 she has been beta reading for me 🌹
Warning: Yandere!Drautos, obsessive behavior, angst, mention of death
Summary: You were supposed to be his, but instead Cor Leonis had found happiness with you. Drauto's obsession with you is getting worse by the day, until finally he would walk over dead bodies to get you.
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Cor Leonis x F.Reader (x Yandere!Drautos) - Traitor (Part 1)
"I would prefer not to let you go at all, darling." Y/N looked up at Cor as her fingers gently caressed his bare chest. They had made love in these sheets for hours, and now they lay exhausted next to each other, with Y/N more than happy to have Cor all to herself for once. It often happened that Cor was away on a mission for days or even weeks at a time, all because of his work as a king's guard, and so she wouldn't get to see him. She could never be sure if she would reunite with him, because what he was doing was not without risks. "I know. But I have no choice but to go." Lovingly, Cor stroked through her hair as he looked at her pretty face. "Hey... don't give me that sad look. It's only for a short time and you know I don't take risks with my life. Don't worry." It was so easy to say, but Y/N was afraid of the day when someday someone would show up at her door and give her the terrible news that Cor was dead. Y/N buried her face against his neck and Cor could clearly hear her sigh, whereupon he put his strong arms around her body and just held her. Of course, he was afraid of not being able to return to her, but he was part of the King's Guard and he led the soldiers who fought for Lucis to help protect the people of this kingdom. But sometimes Cor wished he could withdraw from this great responsibility and enjoy life together with Y/N. So far, they had not even found the time to travel together. He wanted to be able to offer the young woman so much more, but his work took a lot out of him. "And tonight there will be a small celebration at the royal palace. You've been looking forward to that for weeks, Y/N." The young woman nodded, smiled a bit, and Cor was very happy to see that. He was also looking forward to it, especially as he couldn't wait to dance with her. Oh, he was very proud to call such a wonderful woman as Y/N his girlfriend. She was smart, beautiful and had her heart in the right place. Sure, some envious glances would be drawn to her, especially since Y/N was a lot younger than he was and one or the other wondered why she hadn't chosen a man of the same age. But the answer was simple. Cor Leonis was the man she loved. He was loving, tender and treated her as she should be treated; with the greatest respect that one had to show a woman. Fifteen years separated them. But what difference did that make? Age did not matter, as is well known, and Cor really did not look his age. Apart from that he was fit and well trained. "I got myself a wonderful dress and I'm sure you'll like it as much as I do!" "Mhm~ I'm looking forward to taking it off of you again" Cor purred, gently kissing her lips. The young woman smirked in amusement, looking into his wonderful blue eyes. "I'm sure that can be arranged."
A few days later...
"Don't worry. I'll be returning home in a few days." With a clearly worried look, Y/N looked up at Cor and yet she nodded. She had absolute understanding for his situation, because in the end it was his job to take care of this kingdom. "If something happens, Drautos will be there to protect you." Titus Drautos; leader and instructor of the Kingsglaives, and an excellent fighter. Titus nodded at Cor, then glanced at the beautiful woman he had secretly desired for months like no other woman. But she was tied to someone else and she showed no interest in him. Actually, Titus had decided to accept this fact, but he found it very difficult. Every time he saw her, his lust and hunger for this woman increased immeasurably. "I miss you already, darling," she whispered and Cor could see the tears in her eyes. He shook his head gently as he smiled at her, taking her petite face in his strong yet gentle hands. "No one will stop me from returning to you," he whispered to her before kissing her soft lips. Y/N could count on Cor, but no one could really say what tomorrow would bring and somehow the feeling crept over her that something bad would happen in the near future. This feeling was so intense that it gave her a stomach ache and made her feel more than uncomfortable. "I have to go now, Y/N. I love you." "I love you too, Cor." A final farewell kiss was shared before Cor descended the steps in front of the royal estate. Before getting into his black car, he threw the young woman a warm smile, which she instantly returned. "Don't worry. Cor is a survivor." The young woman heard Drauto's words and yet she was not really persuaded by them. "I hope he will return to me this time as well." Drautos forced a smile, even though jealousy had him in a tight grip. "He will. Don't worry."
But in the days that followed, Insomnia was to meet a horrible fate. The heart of the city was attacked by Niflheim and many people lost their lives. "Y/N! Y/N!" Drautos strode through the corridors of the palace, looking for the young woman to help lead her to safety. What would happen to his king, or to his loyal companions, did not interest him. Y/N was the only one he wanted to keep safe. He rushed into one of the countless rooms and he was more than happy when he found her. "Drautos!" "What are you still doing here? You need to get out of here right now!" Even as he spoke, Drautos walked up to the dark-haired woman and gently grabbed her hand. "What's happening out there, Drautos?!" She was scared, you couldn't blame her, and you could hear it clearly in her voice. "Insomnia is under attack!" She instantly realized that King Regis was the target. And not only him, but also his followers were chosen as victims. "Regis... Oh my god! I have to get to them!" But Drautos prevented her from risking her life, for that was exactly what she would lose if she moved through the palace without an escort. "Please let me go, Drautos! I have to take care of the injured!" For that was the young woman's job. She was a nurse, a healer, who pursued her profession with great passion. "Be reasonable, Y/N! I promised Cor to protect you!" Cor! Where was he? Hopefully he was not near the capital, otherwise something might have happened to him as well, and losing him would not be something the young woman could handle. "Where is he, Drautos? Have you heard anything from him?" The captain sighed deeply. He hadn't heard from Cor, but this moment would give him a golden opportunity he didn't want to miss. He played with the idea of lying to Y/N. "Cor... Is... he fell, Y/N." His words were barely getting through to her and she didn't know what to say in response at first. She just stared at him with wide eyes and a thick lump forming in her throat. "He won't come back." "No... No, no, no! What are you saying?" The first tears wet her delicate skin as she realized what Drautos was telling her. Her Cor was supposed to be dead? No! This could not be! "Drautos! He can't be dead!" she cried out outraged, hitting the officer as hard as she could against his chest. Luckily his armor prevented the feeling of any pain but the young woman kept hitting, so Drautos finally grabbed her wrists and made her stop. She would only hurt herself. "Y/N! If we don't get out of here, you'll die too! Is that what you want?!" Y/N sobbed loudly, completely distraught and shocked that Cor was no longer alive. "Who tells such lies?! Cor doesn't just die for no reason!" So now she would never be able to lie in his arms again? Never again be able to feel his skin on hers? His kisses and his touches would only be a memory? "I just got this message a few minutes ago. The men who were on a mission with him can confirm it." "No... no, that can't be..." When the young woman made no move, Drautos grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, but you're not going to die today either!" The young woman let the officer hug her, but his words gave her no comfort. How could she handle the death of her beloved Cor? Drautos looked at the young woman after he had moved away from her a bit. His hands still rested on her arms. "I gave Cor my word to protect you! And I will!" He reached for her hand and pulled her with him. If he had to, he would throw her over his shoulder to get her out of this building, but the young woman simply let Drautos lead her, because in the end, she didn't care what would happen to her. Drautos walked down the long corridor and in his mind things were happening that should not be. Things that should not be! He had already made the big mistake of lying to Y/N about Cor. Cor was still alive, Drautos was convinced of that, and he was on his way here to bring Y/N out of the capital. But Drautos was faster than the king's guard and may the gods forgive him, but he desired someone else's wife and this obsession was unbearable for him.
Actually, she should get herself to safety. Yes, actually she should live on, but she just couldn't bring herself to leave Insomnia and without Cor, she didn't want to go anyway. She did not believe that he was dead. Y/N felt that he was still alive! And she knew he was on his way to her. But Drautos told her that Cor would not return. Why would he lie to her? During the whole car ride, she silently looked out the window and all felt pain as all the memories of her time together with Cor flooded her mind. Drautos drove on unperturbed, but every now and then, his eyes wandered over to her and he knew what he had done with his lie. But that was exactly how he wanted her to be, so that she would build trust in him, so that he would become the center in her shattered world and then, she would finally be his. Drautos was a patient man in many things, but as far as his passion for Y/N was concerned, it was a terrible enemy to his patience. "Where are we going?" "To Lestallum. There you will be safe!" Y/N said nothing in reply, for in the end she did not care. Not only had she lost Cor, but she had been driven from her home. By a power-hungry Niflheimer who was forcefully taking the kingdom of Lucis. The farther they went from Insomnia, the quieter it became. In Lestallum, there was no trace of the terrible attack on the kingdom. But the people in that city had felt the violent tremors and they were worried about the neighboring country. At some point Drautos brought the car to a halt, but Y/N made no move. Sighing, the officer turned to the beautiful woman and looked at her anxiously. "Come on, Y/N. You should rest and try to get some sleep. Do you want me to send for a doctor?" "No," was her curt reply, but she did not turn her gaze to him. Drautos sighed again, but got out of the car and went around to the passenger side to open the door for the young woman. When he held out his hand to her, she looked up at him and her expression was full of sadness. Her eyes swollen and red from the salty tears she had shed. "Let me be there for you, Y/N," he said in a soft voice and Y/N seemed to hesitate for a moment, but finally she grabbed his hand and got out of the car.
"Sir! Over here, sir!" Cor was shocked by the violence reflected before his eyes. So many victims lay under the rubble and the only thing he could think about right now was Y/N and his king. "Where is the king? Is he safe?!" But Cor was disappointed in this regard. "He... he's dead, sir..." "My gods, no..." Cor sighed heavily, running his hand over his face and thus wiping the sweat from his forehead. "Goddammit! Those bastards!" It was hard to believe that King Regis was no longer alive. How could this have happened? Where were his bodyguards? Where was Drautos? Cor himself had not been able to be with him, for the king had sent him on a mission, and yet, Cor blamed himself terribly for that. For 29 years now, he had been a member of the King's Guard to protect his king, but today, on this fateful day, he had failed. "Where is Y/N? Have you taken her to safety?!" His concern for the young woman was enormous, for he had been unable to reach her by phone and he could only hope that she was not among the victims. "Sir, she went with Officer Drautos earlier!" Cor had no idea what Drautos had done and what his true intentions were regarding Y/N. "Do you have any idea where Drautos might have taken Y/N? Have you had a chance to speak with him?" "No, I'm sorry sir! Have you not tried to reach him by calling him?" "I can't get through to him or Y/N!" said Cor as he held up his smartphone a bit, but the wireless network was completely down. "When did they leave?" Cor put his smartphone back in his jacket pocket while waiting for more information from the soldier. "About an hour ago, sir!" A soft sigh slipped across Cor's lips when he heard that. Lestallum was not far from here and a safe place. There was nothing left for the commander to do but search Lestallum for her, and he hoped he would find her as soon as possible. In the meantime, Cor tried to reach the two of them by phone, but Insomnia was just one more dead zone. "Damn..." But before Cor would start searching for his girlfriend, he wanted to check on his king one last time and say goodbye. So he set himself in motion. "Take care of the injured! Make sure and look for any other survivors! Go!" "Sir! Yes, sir!"
"I don't believe Cor is dead..." "I wish he were still alive, Y/N. But..." Drautos lied shamelessly to her face and it was getting easier for him, but she seemed convinced that Cor was still alive. "Y/N, you're exhausted and you've been through a lot. Why don't you go lie down? And I'll get you something to eat?" But Y/N wouldn't hear of it. She was far too upset to retire. "No, Drautos." "Okay." He headed for the door, and before leaving the room, he turned to her once more. "I'll be in the room next door if you need anything." With that, he left the young woman alone in the hotel room. The moment Drautos left the room, she burst into tears again. Her heart was bleeding because something inside her had died. How could she go on living like this without her soul mate? Cor was her everything. He couldn't just be dead! Suddenly, the vibrating of the smartphone drew the young woman's attention. Drautos had left his phone on the table and suddenly the thought crept into her mind that this call was meant for her. Or maybe it was just the little spark of hope inside her that told her so. Finally Y/N decided to take the smartphone and when she read the name on the display, her heart almost stopped in shock. Cor Leonis. Immediately she picked up the call and she was already afraid that it was not her Love who was talking to her, but one of his men. "Drautos? Drautos, can you hear me?! Where are you?" It was his voice! It was Cor speaking on the other end of the line. Not a word left the young woman's pretty lips at first. "Drautos! Damn it, can you hear me?" "Cor..." "Y/N?!" She had sensed from the beginning that Cor was still alive! Y/N was immensely relieved and this time, it was tears of joy she shed. "You're alive! It's really you!" Cor frowned a bit in confusion, wondering where she would even get the idea that he was dead. "Y/N! Are you all right?" Cor was driving through the streets at a fast speed, probably way over the limit, but he didn't care because he wanted to be with Y/N. "Yes! I'm fine, darling!" "Where are you, Y/N? Where did Drautos take you?" It suddenly became quiet on the phone, as Y/N wondered why Drautos had told her about Cor's death. From a safe source his words had come, Drautos had claimed. She frowned as she replayed Drautos' words in her mind. What possessed him to lie to her like this? Something told her that he had done this on purpose. That bad feeling she had had from the very beginning when she had gotten into the car with Drautos had been a warning. "Y/N! Y/N, are you still there?" "Drautos told me you were dead." "What? What did he say?" Judging from his tone, he didn't like that fact at all. He pushed the stick into fifth gear a little harder than he would have liked, while pushing the gas pedal even more unrestrained. "He said one of your men informed him..." "None of my men did anything like that! I don't know why he would tell you something like that, but I don't like it at all! Where are you, Y/N?" "I'm in Lestallum. I..." The next moment the door to her room opened and Drautos stood at the door, seeing that the young woman was holding his phone. Y/N gave the officer a disregarding look as she finished the following words. "I'm waiting for you at the Hotel Leville, Cor!" Drautos gasped when he heard that name. He had blown his cover and the young woman did not seem pleased by it...
Next chapter is coming soon...
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andywinter16 · 2 years
Alright you got me interested in the Titus x Princess Au. I’m curious though, how would Cor react if he found out about this secret relationship?! Would he tell the king? Would he threaten Titus?! Would he be jealous!?! Scold the princess!? Tell Gladio?! I gotta know!!!
Hi @yuujisbaka ! I am glad you liked it, I admittedly was suprised that people wanted to know more about this AU 🤯😃 Btw, thank you for putting in my head another parts for the AU!princess, that popped in my mind while writing this. Yall for some wild ride in there! (Funny thing, when your ask came I was in middle of writing something else ... I was like " Nope, I need to wrote this first, no no no ... Damn it, I need to answer this or I will forget it)
Cor actually knew that something was up with Titus. He seemed much more relaxed and happier. Cor went to ask Titus about his suspicions that he had. "Be honest with me Drautos, are you seeing somebody?" Titus face was completely blank. "What it is to you, If I am seeing someone?" Cor had that mischievous smile on his face . "Nothing, obviously. But it would explained the lipstick on your cheek."
Cor was happy for his friend, he deserved all the happiness in the world. He wanted to meet this mysterious partner of Titus, but pressuring Titus into something wasn´t the best idea, so Cor patiently waited. And if he knew his wish would be soon granted, he woudn´t be so excited about it ...
It was accident when he found out about them. It was around the time when Titus took princess with him to Cavaugh. On the way back, Titus escorted princess to her chambers. Cor was actually waiting there for them. ( He wanted to know If both of them were okay) He didn´t expect to find them embracing each other while princess softly kissed Titus forehead. " Good night, my love. Sleep well."
It was like being doused with cold water and punched in the face at the same time for Cor. In one second he felt million emotions at once. He remained silent and hide in the shadows of the corridor.
" Are you using her?!" and " You´re old Titus, and she´s young woman with a whole life before her." were some of the words that Cor said. He cornered him in his office the next day, demanding answers. Titus´s got unbeliably mad. "I would burn a goddamn world for her, just to see her smile! I would kill in her name and perish, just for her safety! So stop preaching to me about how she should live. She took me, a broken man and molded him into something better." Titus chuckled bitterly.
Cor ain´t no snitch, okay. So he will not tell immediately Regis about this. But he´s wary of Titus. And even more protective of princess.
Cor and jealous? Well, he is jealous that Titus found somebody to love and share his life with. The safe space that he can be himself. Cor yearned his whole life for that too ... (he will not admit that maybe he nursed crush he was a tiny bit attracted to princess)
If he told Gladio? Oh no, he was more cunning about it. He told Gadio, Ignis and Prompto about his uneasy feeling with princess and her new "boyfriend". So he asked them If they could keep an eye on her. Just for peace of mind, for this old man.
Cor didn´t scold princess, it was the other way around. And trust me, when princess angrily barged into Cor´s office it was a terrifying sight. " Cor Leonis! How dare you, threathed him like that?! You want me to marry that prince of Niflheim so badly?! " And the one that hurt the most. "I though you´re my dear friend, Cor."
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Looking for a new friend or more to bounce ideas for fics off of and maybe even do a bit roleplaying with. My main fandoms include FFXV/Kingsglaive, CoD, and Resident evil.
My main pairs are
Or any combo of those four and also
GhostSoap -CoD
GazPrice -CoD
WeskerChris -Resident Evil
I do also ship other pairs as well but these are my mains!
I'll write/rp fluff to smut. Canon to abo. Drabbles to world building and almost every inbetween, we all have our hard Nos when it comes to fics and writing/rp.
You can dm me here or on my discord MistressOfLions#4890, I do prefer discord though for the ease of the chat search feature.
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naviculariis · 19 days
Started replaying FFXV again for the first time in a few years and God, my heart. I can still recall the exact sialogue, what scenes happen when, where to find certain thjngs... I ended up rambling to Warner about the timeline & exactly when Kingsglaive takes place, how Kingsglaive ties in, about Nyx and Drautos and Regis and Lunafreya & Noctis- but what I'm getting at is. FFXV x OP.
Like HEAR ME OUT. Noctis' Retinue = Romance Dawn Trio + Sanji + Usopp. Luffy - Noctis, Zoro - Gladio, Sanji - Ignis, Usopp - Prompto. Nami is where I draw a blank, unless she technically falls into the role of Cindy?? Maybe. But then Noctis, like Luffy, picks up new members along the way!! Aranea ( worked for the Imperial Army, bad guy, bad ass fighter & literal mercenary ) - ROBIN!! ( worked for Crocodile, bad guy turned good, bad ass fighter & Assassin ), Cid ( mechanic, old friend of Regis, funky ) - Franky ( Shipwright, funky as hell ), and Cor ( swordsman who tried to protect the ones he loved, was disgraced ) - Brook ( SWORDSMAN WNO TRIED TO PROTECT THE ONES HE LOVED!!!! )
And then the fucking??? Nyx. NYX ULRIC. Loml. The parallels of him & Ace are wild, but Nyx's sacrifice in Kingsglaive = Ace's role in Marineford. Main difference is that Nyx & Noctis weren't as close. But Nyx also has friends ( like Ace ) in the form of Libertus & Crowe [ Marco + Izou ]. Also, Nyx's power manifests in the form of FIRE.
Does this mean that Luffy would have to be an essential prince?? Yes. Does this also mean that Dragon needs to bite the dust? ... yeah sadly.
But also: Vivi in the role of Lunafreya? A Princess who is pushed into a role that requires her to risk her life to protect her kingdom? Going as far as taking part in a war? HELLO?
I could go on & on about this & how Ardyn lowkey gives the same vibes as the Admirals do, the world building, etc. I have a lot of love for Final Fantasy XV.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 5 months
Noctis x kuna true pacifist au:
Almost 5 years later:
Clarus: your majesty *walks by regis* did you call for me?
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Regis: I did clarus.. is there any crownsguard kuna is close to other than nyx?
Clarus: I believe drautos and cor your majesty. Why?
Regis: I think it's time noctis takes the throne
Clarus: ! That would mean you...
Regis: I'm ready to step down clarus but I'm still here to give advice should they need it
Regis: *to a guard* send word to all the kingdoms
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absolutelynoct · 4 years
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Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV FFXV - Fandom Relationships: Titus Drautos | Glauca/Cor Leonis; Prompto Argentum/Ignis Scientia; Prompto Argentum & Cor Leonis Characters: Cor Leonis; Titus Drautos | Glauca; Prompto Argentum; Ignis Scientia
Thank you to @data-hex​ for being awesome and winning first place for the fic follower giveaway! I hope you enjoy the fic based on the prompt you gave me. <3
Read it on Ao3 here
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draucorweek · 4 years
To those of you wanting to take part, this is a reminder that Draucor Weekend starts tomorrow!
How to take part:
1 - Share your piece on Twitter and tag the Draucor account @ draucorweek
2 - Share your piece on Tumblr and tag the account @ draucorweek OR use the hashtag #Draucorweekend2020
3 - Upload your piece to the AO3 folder: https://t.co/YUv9Q9tIQl
We hope you have fun whether you take part or just enjoy the content!
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thedarklordmegatron · 5 years
Coitus Interruptus AKA Titus Needs To Learn To Lock Doors
Title: Coitus Interruptus AKA Titus Needs To Learn To Lock Doors
Rating: M (There be sexy times)
Pairing: Cor/Titus
Summary: Office sex is all well and good until one of your Glaives walks in on you.
AO3 Link Here
The undignified squeak had not gone unnoticed by either man.
It took a tremendous amount of willpower and every bit of control Titus still possessed, for him to pause mid-thrust and look over his shoulder, just in time to see Khara vanish from the doorway. For a brief second neither said a word as they processed what had just happened. Cor was the first to eventually break the silence, his shoulders shaking with barely suppressed laughter, the hands that had been gripping Titus’ shoulders falling away to cover his face.
Slightly reassured that he was not going to find himself suddenly castrated as a result of their sudden bout of exhibitionism, Titus collapsed forward, dropping his head onto the other man’s chest and laughed.
“You absolute bastard,” Cor gasped out between laughs, smacking his shoulder, “You said you’d locked the damn door!”
“I thought I had!” Titus protested through his own laughter “Then again, it’s pretty hard to focus when you have a hand on your cock.” As if to prove a point, Cor thrust back on him, cutting off his laughter and replacing it with a choked-off moan. “The door’s still open.” He pointed out, taking hold of Cor’s hips in order to keep him still, though it did little more than lessen the force of the thrusts.
Huffing Cor leant upwards, biting Titus’ ear before growling “You have thirty seconds to lock it and get your ass back over here.” Titus rolled his eyes, pulling out and away from Cor with a quick swipe at his thighs before swiftly moving across the room to pull the door closed. His hand had only just touched the lock when he heard the now familiar sound of pens and paperwork being unceremoniously flung from the desk. With a heavy sigh, he slid the lock into place and turned to look at Cor. The Marshal, for a man who exuded propriety in public, had reclined himself out across the desk and was looking far too pleased with himself; and as expected the numerous files that had been occupying the space now laid in a complete mess on the floor. In response to the raised eyebrow aimed in his direction, Cor simply shrugged “You try being bent over a desk for fifteen minutes.”
“You,” Titus began as he strode back towards his partner “Are the absolute worst.”
“And yet you love me,” Cor replied with a sultry grin, throwing his arms around Titus’ neck and pulling him down into a kiss.
“One of these days I’m going to throw you out into the hall, completely naked and lock the door behind you.” They both know the threat is an empty one. Titus was a jealous man at the best of times and had previously, on more than one occasion, scared off multiple Crownsguard and Kingsglaive recruits with a simple stare after having noticed them watching Cor a little too closely for his liking. There was no way he would willingly allow anyone to see Cor in anything other than his full uniform, at least not on purpose. Cor made a mental note to check in on Khara later and make sure that Titus hadn’t done anything to permanently scare the man off, it wouldn’t do to have one of their better Glaives scared off because Titus was jealous.
The Marshal was violently torn from his thoughts when Titus thrust back into him.
“Fuck,” Cor sighed, his head fell back onto the heavy mahogany beneath him. Snaking his arms around Titus’ neck and wrapping his legs around the other man’s waist, he closed his eyes.
“That’s what we’re doing, yes.” Had Titus not been fucking him with enough force to take his breath away, Cor would have slapped him on principle alone.
Both men were so engrossed in one another that they failed to register the familiar sound of someone warping until someone cried out in disgust from somewhere behind them. Titus stilled instantly, his grip on Cor’s hips tightening to the point that the Marshal hissed in pain and pushed him away with enough force that the other man fell backwards over his own feet. Muttering curses that would make even the worst of soldiers blushed, Titus clambered to his feet and scoured the room for the source of the noise.
There, outside the window, clinging onto a Kukri that was firmly embedded into the window frame, was one Nyx Ulric.
Titus was vaguely aware of Cor swearing and the sounds of him throwing himself off the desk, scrambling across the room in search for his underwear that had been flung Bahamut knows where when they had frantically undressed one another nearly an hour prior.
“Ulric!” He roared, sprinting towards the window, not at all caring that he was still indeed completely naked. There was a small part of him that found the panicked screech Ulric let out as he warped away, highly amusing, however, in that moment he wanted nothing more than to wrap his hands around the man’s neck and throttle him. Throwing the window open he just managed to catch sight of Ulric running off with two other Glaives before they were out of sight. He sighed heavily and dropped his head into his hands.
This was going to require far too much damage control for his liking.
“How in the name of Bahamut do we get ourselves into this situation?” He groaned quietly, rubbing his hand over his face.
“Titus,” Cor muttered as he yanked his trousers up “As much as I love you, we are never having sex outside of the apartment ever again.” And despite how much he wanted to protest, Titus couldn’t help but agree. Seconds later Cor appeared at his side, fully dressed and holding Titus’ own underwear and trousers in his hands. “Get dressed,” He said with a small smile, a blush still decorating his cheeks.
“I’m so sorry,” Titus said with a shake of his head, accepting the offered clothing.
“It’s alright,” Cor chuckled, pressing a kiss to his jaw “We’ll sort it out.” Pulling away he strode to the door, adjusting his trousers as he went and straightening out his shirt. “I’ll see you later. We’ll cook dinner, well, I’ll cook dinner, you can watch, and we’ll plan Ulric’s inevitable death.”
Titus shook his head and waved him off with a smile of his own “Go. I promise not to kill anyone without your permission.”
“And I promise I won’t go to Regis and demand the Glaives be stripped of their warping capabilities,” Cor teased, as he slipped out of the office. “Love you.”
“Love you too.” Titus said fondly as he started to redress himself and gather up his discarded paperwork.
“You were right,” Nyx whined as he dropped into the seat beside Pelna. “You were so right, and I really, really wish you weren’t.” Swiping one of the numerous beers that littered the table, he sunk in on himself “The Captain is hung and by this time tomorrow I’m going to be dead.”
Across the table from him Luche snorted as he claimed the seat beside Libertus. “You were the dumbass who decided it was a good idea to warp onto the Captain’s window ledge when we knew he was fucking the Marshal.” Libertus blinked slowly, looking between the two men before turning his attention to Crowe who simply shrugged, reclined in her chair and threw her legs up onto the table.
“Don’t look at me, I actually like being alive and didn’t fancy trying to contort myself onto a window ledge beside Nyx.”
“I told you!” Pelna slurred, pointing his empty beer bottle at Nyx “I bloody told you!”
“It was Luche’s idea!” Was Nyx’s pathetic protest.
“Hey!” Luche interrupted “Don’t go blaming me you idiot. I was going to stand outside the door, not look through his gods damned window! I can happily go through my entire life without ever needing to see the Captain’s cock. Or the Marshal’s for that matter.”
“It wasn’t a cock! It was a fucking Naga and Leonis wasn’t much smaller!”
Sighing Crowe accepted the bottle offered to her by Luche “You know what? Those two sleeping together is the stuff of dreams.”
“And porn magazines.” Libertus supplied.
“And porn magazines.” She repeated sagely.
Pelna just whined, emptying his bottle before making grabby hands at Luche’s bottle.
Beside him Nyx cried out in despair.
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secret-engima · 4 years
Another Snippet of Fem!Drautos
(me and my gremlin muses: *evil delighted gremlin laughter that is for once of the non-angst kind*)
     “They think we might be a couple,” Drautos commented once as they got ready for their regular spar.
     “They’re idiots.” Cor scoffed in return.
     Drautos tilted her head as they stepped up and exchanged the first few cautious blows with their practice weapons, “Because we’re professionals or because you don’t think I’m attractive?” She didn’t sound insulted, just blandly curious.
    Cor ducked under her knife swipe, drove her back with a swift lunge that didn’t land, “The former.”
    An amused eyebrow, “So I am attractive?”
    Cor paused, raised an eyebrow in return, “What brought on the curiosity?”
     Drautos prowled around him, looking for a gap in his guard, “I turned twenty last week.”
     …He didn’t see how that related to their current conversation or activity, “Congratulations. I’ll buy you a drink once we’re off duty.”
     She tried to kick his legs and he danced back, returned with an overhead strike that she had to block or get a nasty bruise, “With respect,” she grunted under the strength of his blow, “I’d rather have something else.”
     Another flurry of blows between them with no room or breath for words. They came to a standstill with their wooden blades locked together, his strength keeping her from gaining ground but her rapidly growing height —she’d grown ten inches since before her capture he swore— and her twin daggers kept him from actually pushing her over, “And what’s that?” If it was something reasonable, he’d grant it. He usually tried to remember to get something for his Crownsguard when they hit a major milestone birthday —he didn’t always manage, there were a lot of Crownsguard and he was busy, but he tried and they always appreciated it—.
     Her stance suddenly shifted, the daggers sliding to the side, dragging him off balance for just a moment that made him lurch forward-.
     Her lips caught his, rough and hard, and his thoughts went blank with shock —he’d kissed before, of course he had, he’d spent his teenage years with Regis as a primary role model, flirting with and kissing girls had basically been a rite of passage, but he’d never expected Drautos to do it—.
  A half-blink of time and he was on the floor, winded from the impact of landing on his back after his legs had been kicked out from under him. Drautos straddled him, one leg pinning his sword arm to his side and her knives crossed over his throat. She was grinning down at him, feral and clearly riding high on adrenaline, “Winning a spar against you just once and not getting court marshaled for it.”
     Cor stared up at her, both of them breathing hard from the spar, his lips tingling from the rough kiss. Drautos’s chest was heaving with adrenaline and nerves, her pixie cut ruffled and her face alight with victory. She was dressed in a tank top and Crownsguard pants, and every inch of her arms and body he could see was muscle, and her teeth were bared like a wild thing, just daring him to take issue with her method of surprise attack.
     He carefully caught the thought that she looked beautiful and crushed it down into the deepest parts of his mind, because he was her superior and she had only just turned twenty and a hundred other reasons he didn’t bother to think about because he wasn’t looking for excuses to deny an attraction that wasn’t there —that he wouldn’t allow to be there—. He took a deep breath, then let it out in a growling laugh, “Alright, Crownsguard. Just this once. Now get off.”
     She climbed off him immediately, her smile still blinding, and her usual edge of anger painted over with satisfaction as she held out a hand, “Thank you, sir.”
     Cor took the hand and let her help him up, already shaking his head in disbelief that she had tried that —and that it had worked on him, if only out of shock—, “What in the world gave you that idea. You try that in a real fight and you’ll be dead a thousand times over.”
     Drautos shrugged, “I know, but I wasn’t in a real fight. I was going up against you, and I needed something to give me an edge, and nothing else had worked. So I thought maybe the most unexpected, stupid thing I could think of would. And it did.”
     Cor snorted, “It won’t work a second time.” He spotted the flicker in her gaze and huffed, “Don’t. Even think about it. I’m letting it slide this once out of respect for the sheer audacity of it. Consider it a twentieth birthday present. You ever do that again to get a one up on me and I’ll beat your butt so deep into the ground they’ll turn the trench you leave behind into a moat.”
     The threat did nothing to dampen her grin, “Understood, sir.”
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saber007ff · 5 years
Veni Vidi Vici Ch 26
A battle between the immortal and a clone with fists of fury. The beach is their showdown. While in the muddy forest, a prince and princess reluctantly team up for an expedition.
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blossom-adventures · 11 months
Kingsglaive Legends Week 2023! Organised by @calling4glaives
Day 1: Exhaustion (feat. Drautos)
Cor woke up to an empty bed, he’s probably already up, he thought as he realised what had actually woke him, his phone was ringing, it was Clarus, he looked at the time in his phone screen, 5:15am. The Marshal let out a groan and answered the call.
“What is it, Clarus?”
“Come and collect your husband please, Cor,”
“What?” Cor sat up, finally looking properly at his husbands side of the bed, he let out a sigh, “he didn’t come home last night, did he?”
“Apparently not, he’s still working in his office, come and get him before he kills himself, please”
“I’ll be right over”
Clarus met Cor at the car park under the Citadel
“I thought he’d gone home” Clarus explained, “then Ulric came to me this morning when I got the the training ground for a run and said that the Captain was still here”
“I had an early night last night because I was supposed be here at 6 this morning, so I assumed he’d got home, thanks for ringing me, Clarus,”
Titus was busy writing reports from the last few missions, he stifled a yawn as he signed one of the reports and put it on the pile to give to Clarus in the morning, he then collected the reports from the latest mission and began to read through through them when the door opened
“Titus,” he looked up from his papers to see Cor standing in the doorway
“I’ll be done soon, love, just need to finish his report” Titus stifled another yawn “I’d have thought you’d have gone home by now anyway” Cor walked over to Titus and leant over his shoulder
“You have no idea what time it is, do you?” Cor whispered as he kissed Titus on the cheek
“What are you talking about?” Titus looked at him, Cor showed him the time on his phone screen, 6:02am
“You’ve been here for nearly 24 hours, Clarus rang me to come and get you,” Cor squeezed Titus’ shoulders “so come on, you need to get some sleep,”
“But I have this report to…”
“Titus!” Cor turned Titus’ head so he was looking into his eyes “you need sleep, the reports can wait” Cor pulled Titus onto his feet and led him to their car
Cor parked the car and looked over at Titus, who was fast asleep in the passenger seat, he smiled to himself as he got out and walked around to the passenger side of the car and managed to get Titus out, is was so clear how tired Titus was, because he barely flinched as Cor dragged him into their apartment and carefully dropped Titus onto their bed.
“Get some rest, love” Cor kissed Titus on the forehead, and slipped out of their room
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rosemary-morgan · 1 year
Cor Leonis X F.Reader - Sweetest sin (18+)
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(Pictures/GIF are not mine! Found on Pinterest/Google - Collage made by myself.)
Many thanks to @fangirl-ramblings 🖤 she has been beta reading for me 🌹
Warning: NSFW! Toxic relationship
Summary: Titus Drautos and you seem to be the perfect couple, but for a long time, all is not well between you. His tenderness and love for you is gradually withering away. You don't want to admit it, but the charming Cor Leonis is constantly in your thoughts and eventually, you fall for him completely...
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Cor Leonis X F.Reader - Sweetest sin
"The imperial infantry will most likely position itself here, here and here!" While Cor discussed with Drautos the strategy of their next battle, he indicated on the map the points that the Imperial soldiers would take for their base. "You're sure about that?" Cor had been through a few battles before and he knew what he was talking about. What surprised him was that Drautos disagreed with his assumption. Cor folded his arms, considering the officer coolly. "Yes, I'm sure of it. I've been fighting the Imperial Army for over twenty years, and I know more or less how they lay out their strategies." Drautos seemed satisfied with this answer, for he turned back to the map until there was a knock at the door. "Come in!" demanded Drautos, clearly audible. "Titus?" The two men looked toward the door when they heard a female voice. In her hands, the young woman was holding some documents for Drautos. "Oh, Y/N! Finally!" "I'm sorry. The train was late and I couldn't come sooner." The young woman's gaze wandered to Cor and he gave her a gentle smile, which she returned shyly. Y/N had known Cor for a few years, as he was a comrade of her boyfriend Drautos. Everytime Cor managed to throw her off with his incredible blue eyes, but she quickly turned back to Drautos and handed him the documents he had asked for. "Thank you." "You're welcome. I'll be on my way in a moment. See you later, Titus." "No! I want you to come see me after the meeting!" "Oh? Okay." "Now you can go!" He turned his back on her, didn't even look at his girlfriend again, l just waved her off, hardly seeming to wait to finally get rid of her. The young woman swallowed, looked a little saddened to the ground. Lately Drautos often behaved like that towards her. She wondered what kind of problem he had and if it was because of her that he was so cold. Nevertheless, she tried not to get angry about it. After all, Drautos was a busy man. "Goodbye Cor." Y/N had Cor's full attention and when he looked at her, his blue eyes sparkled like two jewels. "Goodbye," he replied softly, glancing after her until she disappeared from the office. Y/N was an immensely beautiful woman, but she seemed very distressed lately, and it was plain to see. Cor's gaze moved to Drautos and he wondered if he could have something to do with it? The way he had just reacted to his girlfriend was pretty rude. Actually, this whole thing should be none of his business, but somehow he felt that he should keep an eye on them. Normally Cor kept out of other people's business, but with Y/N it was hard for him to do so. She was a lovely young woman and he often had  conversations with her. It was pleasant to have her around. Drauto's behavior towards her had often attracted Cor's attention. It was not easy for the king's guard to concentrate on the meeting, because now Y/N was constantly on his mind. This woman always managed to distract him and he liked it far too much.
After another half hour, the conversation with Drautos was over and Cor left his office. As was to be expected, Y/N was sitting in front of the door. With a cup in her hand, in which there seemed to be a hot drink. It was getting increasingly chilly, as winter announced itself. "It's getting colder outside." Y/N looked up in surprise when she was suddenly addressed. She hadn't even noticed that Cor had left the office, but she was all the more pleased to look into his handsome face. "Yes, I suppose so." She rose from her seat and walked towards Cor, who gave her a warm look and his blue eyes took her breath away. Cor could smell her feminine scent, which excited him so much at that very moment that he swallowed slightly. His Adam's apple was visibly moving. "Are you done with your meeting?" she asked as she closed her hands around the warm paper cup as her fingers were ice cold. "Yes. You may go to him if you like," Cor replied, although he had to admit that he would have preferred to talk to her a little longer. Still, Cor couldn't forget that she was already tied to another man and yet, she wasn't a married woman. She did not belong to Drautos. "Yes, I shouldn't keep him waiting," the young woman replied, looking down at the ground for a moment. Drautos could be short-tempered at times, and when he was in a bad mood, he often took it out on her. "See you soon, Cor. I hope next time we have some time to talk." Her pretty smile made the man's heart beat faster and he nodded towards her, also wishing to see Y/N again as soon as possible. "Bye." So they parted ways again. Y/N knew it was wrong to think of another man, but Cor's closeness made her feel comfortable and protected. For some reason, she felt this when she was near him. With Drautos, she didn't feel safe for a long time and if she was honest, his closeness made her uncomfortable. "Titus?" Drautos turned to her, looked at her from head to toe before walking up to her and gently placing his hand against her cheek. Y/N was a little surprised that he touched her so tenderly. When was the last time he had been so gentle with her? It had been far too long. "You look beautiful, Y/N." "Thank you," she said softly, turning her gaze to the floor. She wondered what there was to talk about so urgently that he had kept her waiting outside his office for half an hour. "You wanted to talk to me?" Drautos took the cup out of her hand and placed it on his desk before placing his strong hands on her hips and suddenly kissing her passionately. The young woman had not expected this and accordingly she reacted with surprise. She withdrew from the kiss, pressed her hands against his chest and pushed him a little away from her. She frowned, looking at him a little confused. "Titus? "I didn't want to discuss anything with you. I just wanted to enjoy some intimacy with you." But Y/N didn't think that was a good idea, especially since she didn't feel like having sex at all. They hadn't had sex together for weeks already and all of a sudden Drautos wanted something from her? "Sorry, but I'm not in the mood, Titus." He rolled his eyes at her words, yet didn't let go. "You're never in the mood," he gave off clearly annoyed, which left Y/N quite cold, though. "But I'm a man, and I have needs that you should fulfill!" After he said these words, she looked at him speechlessly. Drautos was becoming more annoying by the day. "I told you I'm not in the mood! Now if you'll excuse me!" But Drautos did not think of it. He grabbed her delicate wrist as she tried to walk past him and made her stop. "You're not going anywhere!" Startled, she looked up at him as he then grabbed her arms as well and held them ironclad. "I'm tired of being rejected by you all the time." Suddenly he spun with her, his body pressing hers against his desk. That she didn't like it seemed to interest him little. "Are you out of your mind? Titus!" But her words seemed to fall on deaf ears with him, for he was already fiddling with his pants, undoing the buckle on his belt. What had gotten into him? Why was he treating her so badly lately? Y/N had finally had enough and she lashed out at him, but he grabbed her wrists, leaned down to her and kissed her with a rough passion that made her shudder. Without hesitation, she bit down hard on his lips, so hard that she clearly had the metallic taste of his blood in her mouth. Drautos immediately pulled back, regarded her with a serious look, but Y/N also glared angrily at him. Finally Drautos let go of her and at that moment, she gave him a resounding slap.
Drautos swallowed hard, feeling humiliated and accordingly he felt anger towards her. The young woman immediately got down from his desk and rushed out of his office. Tears instantly welled up in her eyes as she realized what this man had done to her just moments ago. She had never expected that he would go so far as to force himself on her. With quick steps she hurried along the corridor, directly in the direction of the elevator, when she suddenly collided with a person. Startled, she looked up into the face of the man she had just bumped into. "Cor!" Cor immediately recognized that something was wrong with her. He frowned, considering her with a serious expression. "Is everything all right?" Y/N chewed nervously on her lower lip, glancing down at the floor before shaking her head and then suddenly beginning to cry. She could no longer pretend that everything was okay. She hadn't felt comfortable in her relationship with Drautos for months. "What happened?" But Y/N said nothing at first, crossing her arms with each other and sobbing softly. "Come on. I'll take you home." As the young woman nodded, the king's guard led her to the elevator, gently resting his hand on her back. His closeness caused her to calm down abruptly and she felt much better. Together they entered the elevator and when the door closed, silence fell around them. Cor was already forming an idea of what was causing her such distress. But what had really happened in Drauto's office, Cor did not expect. As Cor left the building with Y/N, she suddenly stopped on the top step of the stairs and Cor turned to her, looking at her questioningly. Her look showed concern and also fear. Something was very wrong here, Cor could feel it. "Y/N? Is something wrong?" "Cor, can I... sleep at your place tonight? I don't want to go home." Her words surprised him and yet he could not deny her wish. She seemed afraid and the more Cor thought about her relationship with Drautos, the clearer it became to him that Drautos wasn't treating Y/N very nicely and he didn't like that at all. Y/N seemed very vulnerable and Cor didn't hesitate another moment, but made sure she was welcome to stay with him. She followed him into his black car and as Y/N sat down inside, she caught the scent of the man she had long had a crush on. Cor was completely different from Drautos. He noticed her, he was respectful towards her and by God, she saw his gorgeous face so many times in her mind's eye. Instead of thinking of Drautos, she thought only of Cor. At first she felt guilty about that, but at the moment she had completely forgotten about Drautos. As Cor started the engine and drove off, the young woman looked down at his hand resting on the gearshift and she noticed how well-groomed and soft his skin was. He had strong hands, but at the same time they seemed so tender and smooth. It did not escape the king's guard that this beautiful woman, sitting next to him, was looking at him and he swallowed nervously, trying to concentrate on the road but her delicate scent clouded his mind, which of course made it hard not to focus all his attention on her. The ride  wouldn't take long and Y/N relaxed more and more, feeling that she was safe with Cor. She hoped that she wouldn't be a burden to him if she spent that night at his place, but Y/N didn't want to have to see Drautos and if she was honest, she didn't want to go back to her apartment at all. The young woman got out of the car after they arrived at their destination. Cor led her into his apartment. It was warm and cozy, much more pleasant than the low temperatures that prevailed outside.
"Let me take your coat," his soft voice sounded suddenly behind her, sending a comforting shiver down her spine. Y/N undid the last button and slowly pulled the fabric over her shoulder, tilting her head a little to the side and she could clearly feel his warm breath on her cheek. Her coat slid slowly over her arms and yet Cor stood quietly behind her, never taking his eyes from her for a second. Her heart was beating like crazy as she realized how close he was and she liked it. His focus was on her delicate neck and without really thinking about it, he gently caressed her skin with his fingers. Instantly, the young woman closed her eyes and enjoyed this wonderful feeling he caused in her. With one hand, Cor brushed her hair aside and he breathed a gentle kiss on her neck, whereupon she gasped softly. She leaned against him, her chest rising and falling in a quick beat as his gorgeous lips kissed her. Y/N lifted her hand and placed it against the back of his head, while Cor's hands slowly stroked her sides and he eventually wrapped his arms around her stomach. "Cor..." Cor had been dreaming of this moment for a long time, and Y/N was also floating on cloud nine, for he was so incredibly tender with her. "Y/N, you're so beautiful," he whispered, "So beautiful..." His words brought a smile to her lips and she felt so desired. She turned to him, their eyes met and Y/N lost herself in his blue ones. Cor leaned out to her, their faces now close and her heartbeat quickened. Their lips found each other naturally, and the moment Cor kissed her, her shimmering eyes closed. Her arms wrapped around his neck as they exchanged a tender kiss and Y/N instantly felt that tingle between her thighs. The kiss became more intense and there was so much desire in it that they could both clearly feel. Sensually she breathed his name as he began to kiss her throat. Desperately she clawed at his short, dark hair and tried to control her quivering voice, but again and again a sensual sigh escaped her. For Cor, this was the purest music. His body was on fire, he desired this woman like no other.
Heat flooded her from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet. Even breathing was difficult for her. Cor leaned forward, supporting himself with his arms beside her. The bed creaked softly under his weight as he lay down. Y/N let herself fall back into the pillows, making a sound that was both surprised and excited at the same time. He pushed himself over her until he had her completely trapped beneath him. His scent, fresh mint, enveloped her. She felt his bare skin on her belly, on her breasts. Immediately, the tips of her breasts become stiff. Her heart beat wildly, his face hovered just a few inches above her, and she could feel his fresh breath on her lips. Y/N felt him everywhere - his power, his heat. She was powerless to do anything but look at him. Her lips began to tremble, but he stopped that by kissing her. A brief tender kiss that melted everything inside her. He let go of her mouth. A breeze, a faint breath only, very delicate and cool as silk, brushed her face, followed by whispered words, "I want you." And then his mouth pressed down on hers again, insistent, demanding. Y/N pressed her body against his, starting to suck on his tongue, pressing her tits against his chest, and her thighs closed around his hips. And when he spread her legs wide and his hard member pressed against her through the fabric of his trousers, she became all soft and wet for him. Cor rubbed his hips against hers, and she moaned. There was nothing that could compare to the sensation of feeling his body hard and eager against hers, and knowing that she had pushed him this far. Suddenly he broke away from her, kneeling down. He loosened the belt of his trousers and Y/N sighed expectantly at the sight. Cor stripped off the rest of the clothes he wore on his body and let it go carelessly to the floor. The young woman admired his hard, masculine body and discovered many scars on his torso, which he undoubtedly owed to the battles he had fought. When her eyes caught sight of the object of her desire, she bit her lip in anticipation, for he was magnificently built. His member stood out magnificently between his thighs, which were reminiscent of hard marble columns. "Cor," she whispered, reaching for him. "I want you, too." He buried his face in her hair as they sank into the pillows. He pressed his lips to her ear, her neck, and the small hollow at the base of her throat. "I want to touch you." His hands slid over her firm tits, kneading them tenderly and craving at the same time. "I want to lick you..." Y/N shuddered at his words alone, and when he touched her skin with his hot tongue, she gasped. "Every part of your body" he murmured, sliding down a bit to take a breast tip into his mouth. She arched toward him, breathlessly whispering his name. At first gently and carefully pulled at the rosy bud, playing around it with his tongue, but then his lips closed more tightly around it, sucking more eagerly, and pleasure mingled with sweet pain. The young woman grabbed his hair.
The king's looked at the beautiful woman, and when Y/N opened her eyes, she saw that he was looking at her while his hands played with her breasts, tenderly pinching and rolling the buds until she moaned. "I want to taste you", he said, his voice a shade lower. Without warning, he grabbed her knees, holding them all the way up and spread wide. Y/N gasped in surprise, at the same time, she became very aroused. Cor slid his head between her thighs and his mouth lowered to her moist center to explore it with his tongue. This was far beyond her wildest fantasies. "Mhm... Cor..." She couldn't put into words how much she desired this man and how happy she was at the moment. There was no trace of a guilty conscience, because in the end she had finished with Drautos long ago and it was he who had driven her into the arms of another man. She regretted every moment she had wasted on Drautos. But now the only thing that mattered was Cor. "Mmm..." Cor purred softly, letting the taste of her nectar melt on his tongue, and by God, he could hardly stand not to be inside her. He licked her, sliding his warm wet tongue between her wet labia until he reached her clit, which he playfully circled before closing his lips around it and beginning to suck on it. Cor noticed the trembling of her body, but he held her in place. As he slid over the tight opening of her womanhood, he penetrated her with the tip of his tongue, and she cried out in pleasure. She seemed to literally explode, and wave after wave flooded her with pure bliss spreading from her center. And while the last aftershocks were still coursing through her, Cor continued. "Cor," she gasped, pulling at his hair. "Cor, please!" He eased off her, sliding kisses up her belly, and up to her face. He pushed her knees apart and slid between them, guiding the hard tip of his cock to her wet opening and slowly pushing into her. A soft whimper escaped Y/N, then she reached for him. Cor took her hands in his, intertwined his fingers with hers, leaned forward and pressed her hand into the pillows. "Y/N..." He pressed a little deeper into her and Y/N arched up to meet him, wrapping her legs around him. "Cor, oh God... come deeper!" That's when he finally thrust all the way into her, closing his fingers tightly around hers. Y/N's body trembled under his, as she was completely surrounded by lust. She longed to put her arms around him, to pull him closer. To whisper promises to him and hold him until he understood that she was his with all her heart. He held her hands with an iron grip as he made love to her beneath his body. "Y/N... ahh... you're..." His breathing was so heavy she could barely understand him. "I want you to be mine, Y/N. Now and forever." "Yes." She hugged him as tightly as she could. "Forever." His pace quickened; he squeezed his eyes shut as he gasped and moaned louder and louder.
She rolled her eyes back as she felt an incredible pleasure, for now he was rubbing against her most sensitive spot, causing her to experience even greater pleasure. Cor lowered his mouth on hers, kissing her as she again drifted toward climax. Y/N's legs fell wide apart, allowing him more room to thrust into her even faster and harder. The beautiful woman looked at the man above her and saw how gorgeous he was. His face bore witness to lust. Fine beads of sweat had formed on his skin, his body began to quiver and that's when Y/N knew he was also about to climax. And then suddenly he pulled out of her and he squirted his seed on her belly. This sight excited Y/N so much that she put her fingers on her throbbing clit and within a few seconds she also experienced an incredible orgasm that literally catapulted her to heaven. Panting softly and filled with the greatest happiness, Cor settled down next to her in the soft sheets and he pulled the young woman to his chest. Y/N closed her eyes; she was a little exhausted after this wonderful love making, but also more than happy. With gentle movements she stroked his strong chest and she could feel his scars under her fingertips. "I dreamed about you for a long time, Cor," she confessed softly and when he heard that, he had to smile. Cor couldn't believe his luck, because this beautiful creature felt the same. He put his fingers to her chin and gently lifted her face to look into her beautiful eyes. "I felt the same way, Y/N. I often imagined what it would be like to hold you in my arms and kiss you." The young woman gave him a warm smile before cuddling up to his warm chest. It was quiet around them and the only thing that could be heard was the soft ticking of the clock on the wall. But it was Cor who broke the silence first. "Are you going to tell him?" Y/N knew what Cor meant by that. "I have no intention of going back to him. My place is by your side." And that was a promise. But she wouldn't dare tell Drautos she had cheated on him with Cor. He would go crazy and probably tear her to pieces. The young woman looked up at Cor and when he gently touched her cheek, she closed her eyes. His caresses felt indescribably good and she sighed contentedly. "He would go crazy if he knew about this", she confessed softly and a deep sigh came from Cor. Drautos always seemed very calm and in control, but that was not always the case. "Did he ever hurt you, Y/N?" he asked cautiously and Y/N looked up at him again, regarded him silently for a moment, not sure what to say to him. Except for what had happened in his office this afternoon, he had never raised his hand to her. At least he had never slapped her or anything like that, yet on many occasions he had grabbed her harder and raised his voice against her. By the way he had handled her, he had eventually made her move away from him. "There have been situations where he has been very rough with me and he has yelled at me on many occasions. He took his bad temper out on me." When Cor heard that, he swallowed hard and closed his eyes for a moment. He had known. He had suspected it, and he regretted that he had not done something about it sooner. Cor wrapped his strong arms around her feminine body and held her close. She didn't deserve to be treated badly, no one did, but Y/N was very dear to him, and it pained him to know how she had really been doing with Drautos. She felt like she was in a protective cocoon and all her worries seemed to be blown away for a moment. "I just want to be with you, Cor.” "Come here, darling…" Kissing her softly, Y/N melted in his arms. She couldn't put into words how happy she was to have finally found her way to him.
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Fire and Alcohol: What Could Go Wrong?
Day 3 Prompt:  "We're going to die, we're going to die and it's all your fault." Burning. Date night.
Title: Fire and Alcohol: What Could Go Wrong? Rating: General Summary:  A Captain and a Marshal...go on date. Maybe?
“Shiva’s tits, Nyx!” Pelna panics. “We’re going to die! We’re going to die and it’s all going to be your fault, you know that right?!”
Nyx shrugs nonchalantly as if his two notes to both the Marshal and Captain from the ‘Marshal’ and the ‘Captain’ was nothing to be worried about. Honestly, Nyx didn’t think it was but Pelna was definitely not keeping his cool.
“Why did you come with me if you’re going to react like we committed a crime.” Nyx huffs as he continues walking down the hall towards the training grounds.
“Because as much as your dumb ass can’t believe it, I would rather you didn’t die at the hands of two people who could turn you inside out and are supposed to keep us safe. Well, as safe as they can considering the circumstances.” Pelna grumbles.
Nyx laughs softly at his friend and he sidesteps so he can get close to the man, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, and grinning diabolically. “Look Pelna, those two are clearly boning, like there’s clearly something there, but both of them are also emotionally constipated. Let me be the hand of fate and give them a chance to act like proper adults who clearly need to go on a date.”
Pelna seems to curl into himself as he lets out a groan of serious worry. “What did the note say?”
Nyx’s lips curve even further up. “So every year I found out that in Somnus Park, they put up a fire garden. Cool stuff. Also beer, cocktails and wine. I figured I couldn’t go wrong with fire and alcohol.”
That seems to earn Nyx another groan from Pelna which has him laughing a little louder.
“Don’t worry Peln, it’ll be great.”
And, that’s how Titus found himself in a park dressed in a pair of dark jeans, a white t-shirt, and a worn leather jacket. Things that he rarely wore since realistically he was working all the time.
There’s a particular candle ornament that has Titus making quite a face at it. He swears if Ramuh decided to have a sense of humour, one gust of wind from the Astral would set this entire park on fire. Symbolic, really.
He’s not sure who thought fire in a park was a good idea but if he’d been the person in charge of sanctioning this event, it would have never made it off his office desk. Granted, he would admit that it looked nice and he could see why Cor would invite him to something as odd as this.
Titus can’t help but take in the sight of how each metal candle holders curved in different artistic ways. Then taking into account the different size, height, width and colour of each candle and how they were meticulously picked to mimic different flower species of Eos. It really did look like a giant metal fire garden.
It was perhaps a little too romantic for Titus’ taste... Which begged the question of why Cor would have even thought about asking to meet him in a place like this: they had both agreed no emotions. They weren’t going to step over those boundaries no matter how breathtaking this event is.
Titus thoughts are put on pause when he spots Cor entering the park. The man looked far less concerned about the sanctity of the vegetation than he did when he’d first stepped foot through the parks’ archways.
The Marshal spots him quickly enough and makes a beeline towards him. Titus doesn’t bother waiting as he moves to meet Cor halfway. “Interesting place to meet,” Titus comments immediately.
This earns an arched brow from the Immortal. “I could say the same thing.”
Titus’ brows knit together and alarms go off in his head, really they had gone off when he first walked into the death trap of a park.
“Interesting ” Titus replies with a forced smile as Cor shoves his hands into his pocket looking almost awkward.
They were here. They might as well enjoy Ifrit’s paradise for a little bit before parting ways and never speaking of this again.
“Why don’t we get a drink and walk around. I’m surprised none of this worries you.” Titus motions towards a lavishly decorated bar with engravings in the wood that shone in the same colour pattern as lava. It was clear that the organizers of this event were detailed oriented.
Cor snorts. “This is a yearly event, Titus. It’s been going on since I was thirteen at least.”
Titus eyes another candle formation with suspicion. “Then I’m surprised this park hasn’t met its untimely doom sooner.”
This has Cor chuckling softly which pulls a small smile from Titus. “It might with the two of us here. We’re hardly the type to keep out of trouble and much less with a beer or two in our system.”
It was Titus’ turn to laugh. “Speaking of beer, what’ll you have?” He’s already pulling his wallet out of his jacket pocket.
Cor looks as if he’s about to protest but then he closes his mouth and thinks about it. “An IPA from Lestallum, if they have any. If not I’ll get whatever you’re getting.”
Titus nods and he steps away from the Marshal to retrieve them some well-needed drinks. It was difficult to hide that they both felt awkward. It was clear they were both out of their element. Usually, they only saw each other in Uniform, at Cor's place or the Citadel. They had had the occasional drink together... However, they had never really strayed far from the Citadel grounds and had never worn civilian attire. Not until now.
Titus returns with the exact drink Cor has asked for and a darker lager for himself.
Cor flashes Titus with a grateful smile at the same time Titus lifts his bottle up. “Cheers to this park’s good fortune in the face of fire.”
This earns him another amused chuckle from Cor who lifts his bottle and clinks it with Titus’. “Thank Bahamut for Shiva.” Is all he says and they both take a long drink from their beer, perhaps too long of a drink.
They both fall silent as they walk through the many winding paths of artistically placed metal winding fire flowers.: either of them looked at each other as if they were avoiding the fact that this had become a little too intimate for either of them even though they’d both seen each other naked, aroused and sated.
It’s Cor who breaks the silence first.
“You didn’t invite me here, did you?”
Titus doesn’t answer immediately as he slips his hand into his pant pocket to grasp the folded note he’d brought with him.
Cor’s eyes fall shut and he exhales. He sounds exhausted and Titus isn’t sure why.
“You got the same note that I did, didn’t you?”
Titus sighs because things were slowly making sense. “I have a note, not sure if it’s exactly the same.” He answers as he pulls the aforementioned note from his pocket which was the same note just signed by Cor rather than him.
That was enough for Cor. He downs the rest of his beer and manages to place the empty bottle on the tray of a waiter passing by.
“I should go.”
Cor doesn’t really give Titus time to answer as the Marshal pivots on his heel in hopes of making an escape. The only thing Titus manages to do is reach out and grab Cor by the wrist pulling him back with a frown. Now that he’d done it, he would stick to his guns.
This entire fiery death garden had him thinking less logically and more with feelings he’d hoped would go away with time.
Cor is also frowning but it’s not as severe as the one on Titus’ features which was a good sign at least.
“I don’t want you to go.” Titus grunts trying to hide the fact that maybe this entire thing hadn’t been a bad idea. He already suspected a certain Glaive for all of this and he would deal with him accordingly. But, that could wait until tomorrow because right now they were here and Titus would admit he liked Cor's company.
He can see the Marshal’s expression soften a little and the exhaustion from earlier disappearing, not completely but a little.
“You don’t?”
Titus’ lips thin, he knows what Cor’s doing but he’ll humour him. “I don’t.”
There’s a moment of hesitancy but Cor steps closer to Titus and interlaces their pinkies. “Why don’t we do one more walk around of this flowery inferno and then head back to my place.”
Titus is surprised that he doesn’t mind that they’re practically holding hands. He shifts closer leaning a little against Cor so they can be a little more discreet. “I couldn’t think of a better plan.” He admits trying to meet Cor halfway. “Although, we’ll both need at least one more beer.”
Cor laughs.
And that seems to set the tempo for the rest of their evening.
Nyx makes a face and Pelna only shakes his head as he takes several steps away from his fellow glaive.
“Tell the Captain I called in sick, Pelna! Alright?” Nyx gets out but doesn’t wait for an answer as he starts jogging out of the training grounds, intending to make a break for the doors once he gets to the Citadel lobby.
“Khara! Don’t you let Ulric get away!” Titus bellows as he points at him.
Pelna turns a little pale and he glances from one side of the training ground to the other before taking many steps back as the Captain storms past him.
A commotion can be heard from outside of the training grounds and one lone voice from possibly a councilman screeches: “WE SAID NO WARPING IN THE CITADEL LOBBY!”
And, all of this seems to pull an incredibly loud laugh from Libertus who nearly falls from his perch atop the tower.
Pelna can only sigh and shake his head at the entire ordeal. At least the Captain looked a lot more relaxed than he has in, well, ever.
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lj-todd · 5 years
Hi buddy, its been awhile. Can you do a story about Nyx's reverse harem in a deity!au?
(Hey, sweetie, so glad to see a challenge from you again! And a deity!AU for Nyx’ reverse harem sounds absolutely perfect. Hope you enjoy!)They had walked the world for eons, the old faith all but lost to time and the newly founded religions that had called their worshipers pagans and sinners. New religions that had torn down and burned the old places of worship and power. New religions that had slaughtered those who dared still pray to the old gods.Only a handful of people, hidden away in the far wilds of Eos, still knew of the old gods. Only they still kept the ancient ways and practices. Their faith was strong and pure and it gave their gods the strength to protect them. To shield them from the evils of the new religions.When the people needed protection, shielding from danger, they prayed to Cor.When they needed wisdom, guidance through the storm, they prayed to Regis.Whey they needed health, healing from injury or times of illness they prayed to Ardyn.When they needed strength, fury in battle, they prayed to Titus.And when they needed hope, a light in the darkness, they prayed to Nyx.And the old gods loved their followers, the faithful, and viewed them as their children in many ways.
Cor was most protective of the innocent, of those seeking to protect others even at the expense of themselves. Those who understand that safeguarding the helpless was a sacred duty that fell on the shoulders of the strong no matter the cost.Regis granted pieces of important wisdom to those who showed their faith by keeping their faith through passing on the old stories, the old knowledge. Those who understood the importance of keeping alive the old ways the only way they could. By giving it life through their voices.Ardyn guided the hands of the healers who fought to save lives, to cure illness, even when it cost them their own. The ones who were willing, heart and soul, to sacrifice their own lives if it meant finding a cure or medicine that would spare others the same fate.Titus chose the warriors who fought not for their own glory but for their people and homes. Those who knew that fighting was not glorious or honorable but done in the name of something important. Those who fought with the words of their war god etched in their heart. For Hearth and Home.And Nyx loved them all. Those who refused to be beaten down. Who refused to surrender. Those who never stopped fighting no matter the odds. He loved them all because, though flawed, they could always find hope. They could always find the strength in that hope to carry on.They were the last of the old gods, the first of them too, and together they would defend their people, their children, until the world was left in not but ashes and their grace and strength passed like dust on the wind.They were the last of the old gods.And woe be to the new ones who came seeking to take what was theirs.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 10 months
Myra x Cor true pacifist au:
Mana: how far?
Drautos: no killing just enough to scare him
Mana: alright
Noctis: *holds her close scared to lose her*
Hana: noct baby..
Hana: can’t breathe
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