#corrupted car
corruptedcaps · 10 months
The Backseat
Gabby stood on the curb, nervously adjusting her glasses as she waited for the car that would take her to the date of a lifetime. It was an unexpected turn of events for the young, unassuming woman who had always considered herself more bookish than beautiful. Her fingers fidgeted with the hem of her slightly outdated plaid shirt, and she couldn't help but wonder why Alexander, the most sought-after guy at college, had chosen her.
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As she pondered this mystery, her thoughts drifted to Cordelia, the stunning but unkind queen bee of the campus who had recently dumped Alexander and rather publicly at that. Gabby couldn't fathom how she, with her plain looks and love for obscure trivia, could capture the attention of someone like him or why he would want to be seen with someone so different to his ex. Yet, there she was, awaiting a date that defied all expectations. As the sleek car pulled up, Gabby's heart raced.
Gabby hesitated for a moment before entering the luxurious car with its enticing red leather seats. The scent of wealth surrounded her as she settled into the plush interior, taking in the opulence that seemed worlds away from her usual surroundings. To her surprise, Alexander was conspicuously absent, leaving her alone with the extravagant ambiance.
The driver, a polished and discreet figure, turned to her with a courteous nod. "Miss Gabby, Mr. Alexander sends his regards and apologizes for not being able to pick you up personally. He's attending to some urgent matters but wanted to ensure you had a comfortable journey."
Excitement and nerves mingled within Gabby as the sleek car smoothly glided through the city streets. The realization that she was in Alexander's personal chauffeured vehicle heightened the surreal nature of the evening. The hum of the engine and the subdued elegance of the car cocooned her in an atmosphere of privilege.
As the car glided through the city's labyrinth of lights, a strange sense of calm began to settle over Gabby. The rhythmic purr of the engine and the opulent surroundings seemed to cast a spell, transforming her nervous energy into a quiet confidence. Adjusting her posture, she straightened her back, crossing her legs with an unexpected grace. The red leather seats cradled her newfound poise.
As she peered out the tinted windows at the pedestrians and passersby, a subtle shift occurred within Gabby. The usual self-doubt gave way to a fleeting sense of superiority. The city, once a bustling canvas of lives, now appeared as a backdrop to her own elevated experience. Imagining herself as a character in a grand narrative, she found herself attributing a certain insignificance to those outside the cocoon of the luxury car.
As the car continued its journey, a subtle metamorphosis unfolded within Gabby, unnoticed by her as the luxurious ambiance enveloped her senses. The clarity of her skin became apparent as any blemishes faded away, and a healthy tan gently kissed her complexion. Her once unruly hair straightened into a silky cascade, framing her face with a newfound luster. Unbeknownst to her, her lips plumped up, acquiring a more pronounced and pouty allure.
Simultaneously, a mysterious force seemed to enhance her physical presence. Gabby's chest subtly pushed forward, and beneath her modest attire, her breasts doubled in size. Amidst the shifting scenery outside the tinted windows, Gabby remained blissfully unaware of the changes unfolding within her.
As the journey progressed, an unseen influence seeped into Gabby's mind, weaving a subtle tapestry of change. The kindness that once defined her nature gradually gave way to a burgeoning selfishness, a newfound sense of entitlement that whispered in the recesses of her thoughts. Timidness, too, crumbled under the weight of an overconfidence that burgeoned within her, transforming into a vanity she had never known.
As she continued to gaze out of the tinted windows, a disdainful sneer curled her now-perfect lips as her eyes passed over those who dwelled in a reality less opulent than her own. The once empathetic observer transformed into a figure of condescension, viewing the people outside with contempt for their perceived inadequacies.
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Gabby, now a stark departure from her former self, spoke in a cold, commanding voice that resonated within the luxurious confines of the car. "Driver, I need to make a stop. I don’t know what I was thinking wearing this hideous outfit. Alexander deserves better. Pull up to this boutique."
The driver, ever obedient, responded with a deferential "Yes, of course, Miss," his tone reflecting the shift in power dynamics. As the sleek vehicle smoothly changed course toward the designated boutique, Gabby reveled in the authority she now wielded over the chauffeur.
Alexander, adorned in anticipation, paced impatiently outside the grand entrance of his family's opulent mansion. The weight of his expectations pressed upon him as he waited for Gabby to arrive, hoping that his orchestrated plan would unfold seamlessly. He had paid a fortune on reupholstering his car with the magic material that would mould Gabby into his perfect girlfriend. A girlfriend who would show that bitch Cordelia that she had made a big mistake dumping him.
His mother, an embodiment of beauty with piercing blue eyes and an air of old money, opened the door to the palatial residence behind him.
In a cool, measured tone, she inquired, "Are you sure this new girlfriend of yours will be coming, dear?" Her gaze held a hint of skepticism as she sipped her cocktail, questioning the legitimacy of Alexander's proclaimed companion for the evening. Ignoring his mother's probing words, Alexander's focus remained fixated on the entrance, a mix of anxiety and anticipation etched across his features.
Thankfully for Alexander he didn’t have to wait much longer as his tinted car glided to a halt in front of the grand mansion, and his anticipation reached its peak. Unable to discern the occupant within, he watched with bated breath as the chauffeur swiftly emerged and made his way to the door, opening it with practiced efficiency. Alexander's jaw dropped in astonishment as Gabby, clad in a sleek black dress, held her hand out awaiting Alexander’s touch.
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Alexander quickly broke himself of his trance and took her delicate soft hand in his and she stepped out with an air of confidence even Cordelia couldn’t match. He drank in her appearance and in his mind he whispered to himself that the upholstery had been worth every penny.
Her demeanor had undergone a complete metamorphosis, and she approached Alexander as if she glided on air, addressing him with a coldness that hadn't existed in the Gabby he asked out only a day ago. "Sorry I was late, dear. Your idiotic driver took a wrong turn. You should fire him," she declared, looking over at the driver with disgust, almost challenging him to refute her lie.
The driver said nothing but Alexander’s mother was not similarly tight lipped. She remarked with a raised eyebrow, "George has been with the family for decades, and you want us to fire him?" After a beat, she added with a hint of pride, "Alexander, your girlfriend is cutthroat. She'll fit right in with us. George you heard the lady, leave immediately and don’t return."
George, the loyal chauffeur, stood in shocked silence for a moment, processing the unexpected turn of events. With a nod, he quietly turned away, leaving the grand entrance behind, his departure punctuating the abrupt shift in the evening's dynamics.
A triumphant smile played on Gabby's lips as she reveled in her bitchy victory. She didn’t need to lie or even get George fired but it made her pussy so wet to do both. The air crackled with tension as George retreated down the hill, leaving only the echo of his departure.
Alexander's mother, having delivered her decree, turned to the couple with a subtle nod. "I'll see you inside, dears," she said, her tone betraying a mixture of amusement and curiosity. With that, she reentered the grand mansion, leaving Alexander and the transformed Gabby alone on the threshold.
"My God, Gabby, you look amazing, and that was simply amazing," Alexander exclaimed in genuine admiration. However, Gabby's demeanor quickly turned sour as her face contorted with disgust at the use of her name.
"Ugh, you know how I hate that name, darling. It's so childish and common," she retorted with a dismissive tone. Alexander, taken aback by the unexpected response, quickly apologized, attempting to navigate the nuances of the newly crafted persona.
"Sorry, Gabriella," he corrected himself, the name rolling off his tongue with a touch of hesitation. To this, Gabby's expression softened, and she responded with a self-satisfied smirk, "Mmm, good boy, time for your reward." She said leaning in for a deep and passionate kiss. Any lingering part of her that was Gabby melted away as she was held in Alexander’s strong arms.
In fact her mind was awash with thoughts of expensive clothes, luxury vacations, and walking the campus with a clique of hanger ons hoping to remain on the good side of the infamous Gabriella. But one thought over powered all others as she broke away from her kiss.
“Darling do we need to go into the party immediately?” She asked Alexander, her eyes big and bright.
“No why did you forget something in the car?” He asked not clued in as she dragged him over to the open car.
“You could say that.” She said with a wicked grin as she pushed him inside and crawled onto top of him as she closed the door behind.
The End
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awesomecooperlove · 10 months
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tetheredbysin · 19 days
just saw someone defend their favorite f1 driver with "well, the rules are the same for everyone".
my sweet summer child, no. it's the exact opposite. f1 is notorious for the rules not being the same for everyone.
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foreverfearlessred · 30 days
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oohhhh when I tell you I’m about to do something that puts me on the international news. James Vowles shut the fuck up challenge when. I hope your shitty excel spreadsheet gets corrupted x
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maybe-boys-do-love · 2 months
A Tale of a Thousand Stars answers the age-old question: What if Hallmark movies were good?
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high to death (2018) by car seat headrest is so jon/martin. high to death (2011) by car seat headrest is so jane/jonah.
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March 3, 2023 - Thousands of protesters angry about the deadly train crash, that was caused by privatisation and government inaction and killed 56 people, took to the street, clashed with police and burned a cop car in Athens, Greece. [video]/[video]
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I've once again become emotionally attached to another nerd-ass fictional man
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anticidic · 13 days
how do I not put a character through pain and suffering in what is supposed to be fluff I am physically incapable of doing so
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awesomecooperlove · 10 months
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criticalsyourroles · 1 year
oh there is fully nothing in arlo's brain. girl i am patting you so gently please stop poking the pools of evil magic
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mellowwillowy · 7 months
Yulian and us where we get in a terrible car crash but we don’t wanna live the rest are last moments inna hospital so we run away from the hospital and we go somewhere very dark where theres no light pollution so we can watch the stars Yulian there watches wit us or holds us 🌝🌝
Anon we got into a terrible car crash and I'm surprised our bones are still fit for a walk. Yulian, well yes he can just re-attach the limbs like a machine or some sort of comical.
But I think what Yulian would do is put Reader out of suffering quickly and swiftly before joining them.
The second would be granting their last wish which in this case would be stargazing before doing the same too.
This only happens when you are impossible to recover and is doomed to die so yeah :)
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fabianvalencia561 · 7 months
Who's your favourite ttte au design you've made?
Well dang that's really difficult.... I like all of them but I guess I can pick a few
Obviously the first one is D10, I don't know I just found him funny to draw and he's just enjoyable, and he's important to the story so I constantly draw him
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My other favorite ttte design I made was surprisingly Ace!
He's just easy to draw and he is enjoyable to draw and I like how I made his hair messy and all that kinda shows that he's a bit messy.
Eventually I would love to show more of his backstory I made for him but it's a work in progress
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The other one is Thomas and who can blame me? He's just a little guy and he's just so fun to draw.
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Sir Topham is a fun guy :]
He is one of the most simplest ones to draw and he's the most important character in the story and yea
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Now Sir Handel
He's also a very important character for the story even though he's not there much he's very important to the story, I like how I tried to show that he is known to be clumsy and calm but he huge scars show that he's not afraid to put a few punches in a fight.
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rabbitunmasked · 1 year
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That color wheel thing from twitter but all these submissions are from my friends sorry if i get any tagging wrong idk some of these guys
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howdoyousleep3 · 8 months
along the same lines as priest ari...👀
i want therapist andy and i want him darkkk
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grogumaximus · 2 months
genuinely don’t understand how checo fans can even defend their driver rn, how are they not embarassed. max has never involved himself with the 2nd driver issue, he focuses on his own race as he should but it’s rbr’s responsibility to help him maximize results and that involves his teammate actually being present at races as well and not throwing money away and giving marshalls free photo ops with the new floor as soon as he gets it
not the new floor pics fr 😭 yeah pretty much
n tbh drivers' fans will always defend their driver for a better seat, n that's pretty ok. It's also normal to see daniel n liam fans fuming, while yuki fans are like '😁' bc redbull won't give him a chance. everyone wants the best for their drivers. I was just pissed that it was coming from max fans both on x n here. they're running on agendas n don't seem to think or gaf that it's affecting max as well
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