#coruscant city au
swift-creates · 8 months
category: Gen
fandom: Star Wars x DC Comics
characters and relationships: Rose Oleco (OC) & Obi-Wan Kenobi & Satine Kryze & Ahsoka Tano & Anakin Skywalker & Korkie Kryze - platonic (familial)
warnings: Blood, Lazarus Pit Side Effects, character comes back wrong, Crying, Shock, Hiding Mental Breakdowns, does it count as suicidal ideation if you were dead and now you're not but wish you were?
@ailesswhumptober Day 21: Blood Loss / Shock / Near-death Experience
Day 26: Magical Exhaustion or Injury / Curse / Came Back Wrong
Rose comes home one day after a blackout. Maybe life would be better if she was never resurrected.
notes: hiiii this is a version of the DC/Justice League AU that my sister and i made despite having almost no knowledge of DC comics hope you enjoy <333 (Rose belongs to said sister) Context is Rose is a vigilante. died once. it wasn't very fun so she came back (Talia threw her into the Lazpit).
more things about Rose on AO3
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
Three things happen on the day Kix finally gets the clearance he needs to scan Tup:
Tup has a terrible migraine that sparks some kind of "episode" (disorientation, bouts of memory loss, mood swings, the same stuff he would have experienced on Ringo Vida) that ends with him under heavy supervision.
There's a full moon, so the Were-eel is out and about and in need of being kept away from Tup so it doesn't interfere with the medics currently working on figuring out what's happened to the poor kid.
Everyone is so busy either watching Tup, keeping the natborn officers and Jedi away from the barracks, or overall trying to help find answers to Tup's peculiar condition, that no one remembers to lock the barracks doors.
The Were-eel knows how to open unlocked doors, and it is very curious as to what's outside the space it's become acquainted with...
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tennessoui · 1 year
I know this might be a weird question, and I have no idea if anyone else pictures written dialogue in their head like I do, but do anakin, obi-wan, cody, etc have the same accents in ur AU fics as they do in Star Wars canon??
Like all this time I’ve been imagining Obi-wan being British, anakin being American (hayden is Canadian but I have no clue how US accents work lol) and the Fett brothers being Kiwi, but then I get confused bcs HOW did they get those accents (IS CORUSCANT THE STAR WARS EQUIVALENT TO LONDON!?!?!? BCS ALOT OF JEDI HAVE ENGLISH ACCENTS BUT NOT ALL OF THEM AND UGH MY BRAIN HURTS AND 😩🫣😵🤕😭)
anyway I’ve forgotten my original point and I think I need to lie down 😟
lol this is a fair question actually
so whenever I’m doing a fic that’s not gffa but modern but I’m trying not to make it American heavy or ANTK (America need to know), I like using the planets from Star Wars as cities and/or countries because everyone who is reading a prequels Star Wars fic probably knows what Coruscant or Naboo is supposed to look like vaguely and I don’t have to describe what it’s supposed to look like (descriptions of places, my loathed nemesis)
AND when I do that, I always describe obi-wan’s accent as coruscanti, but in my head it’s definitely just the way he sounds in the movies which is British
and like in that one story where Obi-Wan is king of Stewjon (space Scotland), he’s supposed to maybe have a stewjoni accent which would be space Scottish accent but then I really just only read it in my mind as his normal British accent, even if they were fuckin. Wearing space kilts. It was too ingrained in me.
BUT THIS IS ALL TO SAY: their accents are what they are in the shows/movies, regardless of where they’re supposed to be from…..and if it makes sense (aka Cody and Rex and obi-wan are basically raised together in PBATMB but you bet your ass they sound different in my head)
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phoenixyfriend · 9 months
AU post-war Cody and Fox, upon the semi-forced dissolution of the GAR, become Coruscant City Building Safety Code Inspector And Enforcers, because it means they get to memorize massive books of rules and then force rich assholes to follow them
Cody and Fox get some certification and start going after landlords (especially the ones renting out to clones).
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sftykth · 1 month
milk and cookies ⟢ anakin skywalker i.
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banner made by me!
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╭ summary: your doll like face will be the end of anakin skywalker he was sure of it. however he must stay away from his disturbing thoughts as he was only your sugar daddy, and you two had agreed on a deal, no physical contact. Though for how long can you both resist the temptation?
╭ pairing: y/n x anakin skywalker
╭ genre: college au!, gap age (y/n is 20, anakin is 42), sugar daddy
╭ a/n: hi everyone! i couldn’t help but make another story as the idea sprung into my head. i would love to hear your feedback on it!:)
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Today seemed like God was not on your side.
From the moment you had woken to your alarm not going off, to the precious sweat you had to break for chasing a taxi to meet him. You will admit you might have slept through the alarm this morning but that can't be entirely your fault. Your curious little mind just had to stay up and do research more of the stranger that you will be seeing for the first time today.
Anakin Skywalker. The name that drove you crazy for the past two weeks straight. A very well known man in Coruscant, the front leading man for ruling the state. To say you were quite intimidated by him would be an understatement, however you tried to ease yourself by reminding your little head that he agreed to this.
When you created an account for a sugar daddy website, seeing the man who was known for being cold and ruthless was the last person you expected. You chewed on the inside of your cheek, wondering if you should add him. Handsome wasn't enough to describe this man, he was absolutely divine. The blue piercing eyes had made your breath hitch, you had been aware of his overwhelming looks but seeing it up close still made your knees weak. The sunken smile lines revealed his age and instead of making you feel turned off, it inflamed something deep within you. Creating an account was purely for financial gain, as a broke college student you had listened to your friend and pushed yourself to try it out.
As you sit in the taxi on the way to the little cafe you both had agreed to meet, just on the outskirts of the city. Away from the prying eyes. You reminisce on the first messages you two had exchanged, past you not believing that the day will come were you will meet this man.
April, 2024.
[Sky] Hi.
[Dollface] hey! what's up?!
[Sky] You added me?
[Dollface] um well yea but just a polite thing to say yk..
[Sky] I see. I don't think I have you seen on here before.
[Dollface] come here often huh;)
[Sky] Funny.
[Dollface] sorry. yeah im new here. hoping not to run into no creeps haha
[Sky] Well, one thing I can promise is that I'm not a creep. So dollface, why are you here?
At the moment you were scared by his harsh tone but you grew to embrace it and it only made you tease him harder. Even his texting style made you think about how much older he was, nearly twice your age. Somehow it just didn't concern you that much, you knew that getting into something like this will most likely mean that the men on the website will be much older. You only ever had one boyfriend in your twenty ears, and that was when you were sixteen and he was around the same age. You shook your head at the thought, this man is not going to become your boyfriend. This is a pure transactional relationship, something he made to stress.
Him being a known figure had its advantages to that you were able to get every detail of his life, from a young age he was put into the world of leadership and wealth. Age eighteen he had already won the elections and was announced as the youngest ruler of the state. Married at twenty one to the daughter of the ruler of Naboo, Mr Amidala and having twins just at the pure age of twenty three. You shuddered at the though of having to raise children so young. Though an unexpected divorce at the age of thirty had made you raise your eyebrows, even though you knew of the power couple you were never really into politics, the topic being all too confusing for someone like you. Leaving twelve years of being single, you wondered what caused him to join such website, he didn't reveal much through messages.
"Miss, we are here." You heard the driver speak up, you shook out of your thoughts and thanked him before handing some cash and leaving the car.
You shivered at the cold breeze that swept by you, you tugged your little pink skirt further down. Hoping that warmer days are coming, you hated the cold. Finally, the realization that you will be meeting this man that you have been messaging hit you like a ton of bricks. You gulped, as you peered at the cafe in front of you. Without another thought you rushed through the doors, feeling bad you that you must of have left him waiting. From the research you had done you knew he was a punctual man, always the first one ready for every event.
Scanning the area around you before you spotted the tall figure sat right at the back booth. You didn't even realize he was already staring you down like you had murdered his whole family, speed walking to the table.
"I'm so sorry Mr Skywalker, I slept through my alarm this morning and I didn't realize how long the ride will take." you rambled on, cheeks turning red being under his intense stare.
He hummed and pointed to the seat in front of him, not saying a word yet. Your hands shook slightly at the silence he was giving you, taking the seat he was pointing. Expecting the cold shoulder but still slightly hoping that the messages you had exchanged had encouraged some form of lightheartedness.
"Twenty minutes. That is how long I have been waiting for you. I must say I'm very displeased by this." Were his first words to me, oh that sweet honey voice rolling smoothly of his tongue. You took every word in carefully, gazing up at him you tried not to get too distracted by his good looks.
"I'm sorry... I will do better next time. I promise Mr Skywalker." you mumbled, biting your lip as sudden shyness took over your body.
"Not so bold now are, dollface? I must say the nickname does match the face." he added as he toyed with the coffee cup in his hand. The compliment had made you blush harder, not being able to look into his eyes no more as you shook your head carefully. The way he said the nickname had made your thighs clench together beneath the table, hoping he didn't notice the action. He did.
You were unsure how to reply, not really expecting for him to be so forward, before you could say anything he begins with a "So, are you ready to go through the rules?"
This made you look up. Rules? He was really an organised man afterall. "Yes." You replied, unsure what possible rules he will be giving you but still ready to hear what he wants from you. The intention of why you were on the website in the first place was known to him but you were yet to learn what he wanted from you. He said he would only discuss it in person which encouraged the meeting in the first place.
"Okay good. So as you know already my job requires of me to attend to many different events. Not just around our state but to others as well." He carefully listed, his eyes never leaving yours. Though you were taking every word in carefully, knowing you couldn't afford to anger him. Being late already set you back in your eyes, so you had to try harder to impress him. You scoffed inside, you didn't have to impress him, this is not a date. You had to remind yourself once again.
"My uncle, well he is a very persistent man and as much as I try to push his talks away it seems impossible. He wants me to marry again. This is something I cannot do, but to push those frustrating talks away I thought you could be an actual help here." Furrowing your eyebrows, you added puzzled, "You want to marry me?"
He scoffed at the words. For some reason that made your insides feel weird. You shook your head, this is not a date. You kept repeating in your head. "No, of course not. I meant that you could play a pretend girlfriend or some sort. Only for a while, until he backs off and I can finish off my tasks without having to hear his talks." He answered, taking a sip of his coffee. You licked your lips in response, you felt crazy for finding any action of his so sexy. You had to control yourself.
"I see. So what would be rules I would need to follow?" You asked, still unsure about this whole thing but deep within you knew you wanted to keep seeing this man. Something about him made you question your morals, wanting to do absolutely anything to please him. Once again you had to shake your head at such disturbing thoughts appearing in your head.
"Well firstly, you will and must attend every event that I have scheduled. No matter last minute or not, those events are super important for me and my job. And that way the media will be able to spread the word of their leader in a relationship and my uncle can finally back off. There will be no physical contact between us besides a typical hand hold, and only for such contact to made will be at those events. And for your attendance you will be payed as discussed prior of course." This seemed so easy for him as he spoke, always so professional.
You had to take all the information in, this was such an unusual situation. When your friend said to join the website you were expecting you will have to get some form of sexual interaction but this, this was so different. You can't lie, it was really an amazing deal. Though you cannot lie that the last rule made you slightly disappointing, you didn't know how you will control yourself next to this man and not be able to touch him.
"Deal" You squealed, throat dry from not speaking up for a while. Embarrassment took over you, hoping you didn't draw too much attention to yourself. You saw a slight smirk appear on his handsome face, "That's good, I'm glad." You still couldn't look into his eyes for long before staring at the table, playing with the hems at the end of your skirt.
"It was nice meeting you, dollface. I hope that our next meeting will be with you on time." The comment made your head shot up, face flushed as your doe like eyes stared up him, you saw his adams apple wobble as he swallowed, adjusting his tie he stood up, ready to leave.
"Oh and nice shirt, dollface." Were his last words as he turned away and walked out the doors. Leaving you speechless and embarrassed, you looked down at the shirt and saw you had forgotten in your late process to put a bra on, your white shirt clearly highlighting the hardened nipples from the earlier cold you felt.
You cursed yourself, this is going to be the hardest thing you will have to do. You were sure of it.
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— i would love to hear your feedback on it:) and let me know if you like another part to it.
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cillivnz · 4 months
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pairing. anakin skywalker x f!reader
trope. best friends decide to fuck? idk.
synopsis. when you decide to flex your tricks with a keg-stand on anakin, he decided to drink with you, but not the liquor— your pussy.
warnings. NSFW. 18+. modern au. porn without plot, alcohol consumption, brief dubcon (turns consensual), cunnilingus, brief ass-eating (return of analkin), outdoors, cursing, mention of alcohol poisoning, pet-names, slight degradation, vaginal fingering, breast-play, cum-eating.
a/n. i need both things incorporated here; a keg stand and anakin eating me out. i’ve used a picture of sam monroe here, i just felt like it fit the au better, let me know if you guys maybe would wanna read something for him? twirls hair, bats eyelashes at you.
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“ANI, WATCH THIS,” you ask him, for the third time in a row to watch you cannonball into the lavish pool. anakin feigns faux pride in you, clapping sarcastically when you swim up to the surface to see his reaction.
the clear poison coursing through your veins, the bittersweet smirnoff that you’ve been chugging neat, had began working its magic into your senses.
you were home alone, your parents’ place left to you all by yourself as they left for business outside of coruscant. with the sun shooting heatwaves directly at your city, you decided what better way to make peace with your solitude than to invite your childhood best friend over to drink the day away?
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ANAKIN SKYWALKER WAS MORE than happy to oblige to your “pretty please’s,” pulling up to the house in nothing but black trunk shorts, while you were in a black, skimpy bikini.
he’d been ogling at you the whole time, too.
you pretended not to notice the bite of his lip when your cleavage would come into sight, and shrug away the feeling of his eyes devouring your ass whenever you had your back towards him.
with his help, you had set up a keg-stand, eager to impress with some tricks up your sleeve.
“hey, anakin,” you called out, a mischievous half-smile tugging at your lips. “hm?” he looked up to you. the liquor trickling down his stubbled chin, his brows furrowed at the feel of his tastebuds dying at the hands of the alcohol. using the back of his large hands, he wiped off his face.
you squirmed at the sight.
he was your best friend, but you had eyes.
anakin’s always been a gorgeous boy, the perfect man to have. easy on the eyes, funny, attentive, possessive, and just so, so good to you.
and only you, it seems.
nobody else gets this princess treatment, none but you.
you smiled triumphantly, you were fawning over a man that wasn’t even yours, but you’d be damned if you cared to stop.
“check this out!” you raced over to the stand, getting in position to start chugging.
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WAS THIS A BAD IDEA? probably.
would you care to stop? fuck no.
anakin looked over at you, amused. he raised a brow at your current state; ass in the air, tits flopping in the barely covering bikini top, your form slightly wavering, causing him to walk over to you.
“very impressive, trickster.” he tried not to chuckle. “need help?” he asked, snaking his hands around your waist to steady you. your heart skipped several beats at the gesture, now realising how awkward this position is.
his face so close— too close to your ass— that you felt his hot breath on your wet skin.
his hands began to roam, kneading the flesh— whatever flesh he could touch, massaging your waist and hips, before making his way to your chest. you nearly choked on the beer shooting up your mouth when he untied the strings of your bikini, letting the top fall to the ground.
“hey, sweetheart,” he mocked your earlier tone,
“SWEETHEART, WATCH THIS!” he grinned devilishly before shifting your thong to the side and shoving his face between your folds.
your legs instinctively wrapped around his shoulders, trying so hard not to choke on the relentless liqueur shooting through the pipe.
anakin was cruel, what if the liquid went down the wrong hole and you choked to death?
speaking of the wrong hole, his tongue now licked the tight rim of your ass, smirking to see you writhe in discomfort.
“anakin, what the f—” you gasped for air as the pipe left your mouth.
“shh,” anakin spoke against your drooling slit, sending shivers down your spine (or up, since you are hanging upside down?) “don’t waste, and show me all the tricks you’ve been talking my ear off to show.” his arm wrapped around your slim waist to steady you, while the free hand traveled down to your chest to pinch and pull at your nipples.
you moaned, gushing around his face. his little stubble pricked at your skin, while his tongue sent sharp jolts of pleasure through you when he taunted your clit with the tip; the sensation, delicious, much like the taste of you for anakin.
“such a sweet cunt, i can’t believe it took just one bottle of vodka to get you laid out for me.” he slurred against you, sucking harshly on your clit, easing a finger into your walls.
you moaned pornographically, gagging on the pipe.
for your sake, and his, he better finish what he started before you die of alcohol poisoning.
but with the fervency with which he was assaulting your poor pussy, you ought to rest assured.
“cum on my tongue, slut. i wanna taste you in my mouth, not the booze.” he grabbed you by the hips and began grinding your entire body on his face; drenched in your juices, but not once stopping, he sucked the soul out of your swollen clit, while his fingers curled against your g-spot.
you clenched your thighs around his head, not that anakin minded, struggling to drink beer while anakin was doing just fine drinking your juices.
with one final lick on your clit, and one final thrust of two of his fingers, he had you coming undone in his mouth, like he wanted.
he helped you down, but wouldn’t leave you alone. he groped your breasts roughly, shoving his tongue into your mouth. you weren’t even given a jiffy to yourself to breathe.
when he broke the kiss, he had that mischievous look on his face; the one that gets you into the best kind of trouble.
“ani—” you said his name in a cautionary tone, but it was too late; he swept you off your feet and headed indoors.
“anakin, let go of me!” you chuckled, flopping around like a fish out of water on his shoulder.
“not a chance,” he tsk’ed at your request, like it was the stupidest idea ever.
“unless you want me to fuck you outdoors?” he looked over at you, a hopeful glee in his eyes.
your tricks have come around to bite you in the ass, little trickster. now, brace yourself for a hell of a pounding.
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main masterlist. more of anakin.
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princessbrunette · 1 month
outerbanks x star wars au ୨୧
in a galaxy far far away…
decided to combine my interests, creating a universe where our favourite characters from the humble outerbanks are transported through the galaxy to bring balance to the force.
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first up, we have john b and jj — jedi duo. sort of like obi wan and anakin in nature without the power dynamic, john b playing more by the rules, always taking a more calm approach to situations, fighting defensive because he wants to keep the peace, and then there’s jj who is his polar opposite — always running head first into danger or racing his ship across the sky despite his own life being at risk. despite these differences, the pair somehow work as a duo undeterred by their disagreements and bickering— balancing eachother out and always learning from the other.
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pope is one of the troops who fight alongside the jedi. infact, he is jj’s first in command. the idea of clones is eradicated for this sake, and pope is the best of the best, leading his fighters strategically and with peace in his best interests.
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kiara has lead an interesting life. she grew up alongside sarah cameron in coruscant with a powerful family, but soon they discovered their differences — being that kiara was born with jedi abilities. she joined the jedi academy alongside john b and jj, where they became lifelong friends and she quickly bonded with pope too. however, after learning the corrupt ways of the council kiara left the jedi temple, now operating in the lower rim, ensuring civilians safety in secret. however, when john b and jj need her — she’ll always appear from the woodwork to save her oldest friends.
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ward cameron — chancellor by day and working with the sith by night. he’s charismatic and keeps up the appearance of having the galaxies best interests at heart, however is secretly power hungry and believes it should be him ruling the galaxy under his thumb. he uses his eldest son as a puppet, manipulating him to aid him in his tyranny.
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rafe cameron was born with jedi abilities — however doesn’t quite know how to harness them correctly as he was never taught and trained by a jedi master. instead, his father uses his sons power for evil instead of good — sending him to kidnap, harm, and collect bounties across the galaxy, doing all of his dirty work. this is all covered up of course, by rafe being the poster boy for the city working his way up the ranks in the political sphere on coruscant along side his father.
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sarah cameron, daughter of ward and sister to rafe — grew up in the riches of coruscant. of course she uncovered the evil ways of her father and her older brother early on in her life, and once she was old enough — set out to leave that life behind for good. only to find, sarah winds up studying politics and ends up on the council fighting for the opposite beliefs to her brother and ward cameron. endless attempts to end her career, kidnap her and take her down from her own family are narrowly put to a stop from her jedi friends.
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and then there’s you — reader, princess of naboo and the galaxies it girl— consistently dealing with the threat of bounties, being kidnapped sold to hutts, and on top of that the imminent danger of war being brought to your land. the opportunities for your character are endless. will you be approached by rafe cameron, wanting to marry you as a business / political proposition and not willing to take no for an answer? perhaps jedi knight jj will be hired as your bodyguard during this tricky period, or maybe you’ll be stolen and sold to hutts, only to be saved by john b and pope!
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notsomeloncholy · 4 months
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Lil comic about how poke!Cu would meet their (head empty) shiny Munna
Based munna's design a bit more on tapirs because fuzzy and ears, woops
The main 4 are gym leaders in Unova for this au; Tef, Orull, and Albara have been around for a few years, and Cu is new to the region but applied for the leader position as soon as it opened lol Castelia because Coruscant city vibes you know
They wake everyone up at 6am with a selfie after this comic btw
(And yes, they all have teams and themes, i am insane)
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eurydia · 6 months
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my gift to @ninsletamain for the RebelCaptain Secret Santa, hosted by @therebelcaptainnetwork ! a modern AU scene with Jyn and her Bernese mountain dog, Mac, and chef Cassian with his German shepherd, Bee 💜
I'm honored to have been your Santa, I love your art! please check out her wonderful Luthen animation and her other amazing art 💜!
details below
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I picture this taking place in New York, based on an AO3 tag I came across: "Coruscant is New York" xD. I hc it's this cheesy but also dark Hallmark-esque story:
Jyn is from the suburbs and has a storied, criminal past. She goes to the city to search for her missing father and a roommate, while Cassian is an immigrant who has lived there for years, struggling to make ends meet. He still works as an undercover spy and moonlights as a chef at a restaurant. By chance, he finds Jyn's ad where she's looking for a roommate and answers.
things get complicated when Cassian receives his mission from Draven. I hc the title as The Hit List.
happy holidays! a big thank you to Nins, it was so much fun working on this for you!
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emilianadarling · 8 months
Fic: COMPLETE - Heart Beats Slow (Din/Luke Neo-Noir/Urban Fantasy AU)
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fic: Heart Beats Slow authors: cam_elot | emilianadarling artist: lovey-dovey (full art on tumblr and ao3) chapter: Spin Velocity (3/3) series: The Neon Lights of Coruscant rating: E ship: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker contains: Alternate Universe - Neo(n) Noir/Urban Fantasy, Werewolf!Din, Incubus!Luke, Coruscant, Sex Magic and Magical Sexual Urges, Rituals, Pining, Desperate Masturbation, Porn & Plot.
summary: Among the towers and gleaming neon lights of Coruscant, a grieving Mandalorian finds a half-starved incubus in the snow.
In a galaxy far, far away - where magical beings live alongside droids and sentients - their lives, once separated by class and species, are drawn together inextricably.
And all the while, something darker lurks in city shadows.
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swift-creates · 1 month
@chrumblr-whumblr day 4: watching while loved one is hurt
wc: 293 | warnings: blood, torture, mention of broken bone, swearing (pg-13), spitting i guess, strike jason and the joker should all be their own trigger warning, crowbars, my extremely niche AUs | characters: Strike Kamino (OC) (pov), Jason Todd, the Joker, two unnamed masculine mime thugs
this is part of my Coruscant City Outlaws AU, which is different from my Coruscant City AU (which is also an au I have not posted about ever). this version is technically a Titans (show) au. which I have not watched btw. so in actuality it’s kind of a mishmash of stuff from the comics, my brain, and what I’ve seen of various Titans media including the show. not much of that is relevant to this tiny snippet though; this bit is mostly inspired by the Death In the Family comics. but if you want to know more of the Coruscant City and/or Outlaws AUs come and yell at me about it maybe 🥺
Strike spat blood onto the warehouse floor and watched the gray floor turn red. The mime thugs hauled her up before she could do it herself, and she stumbled as they jerked her onto her feet roughly.
“You okay?” Jason said hoarsely from across the room.  “Just dandy. Worry 'bout yourself.” She turned to wipe her bloody mouth on one of the mimes’ vest, and had the satisfaction of seeing his face twist in disgust. 
“I think you should both worry about each other and yourselves!” The Joker bent to prod Jason right in his broken arm, and Strike clenched her jaw as he let out a grunt of pain.  “No one gives a damn what you think, Joker,” she hissed. 
“I give a damn what I think. Why does no one ever factor me into these things?” He shook his head like a disapproving parent, and Jason spat in his face. “Ugh. Children these days.” Then he leaned over to pull Jason up by his collar and hefted a crowbar in the other hand. 
Strike struggled against the mimes, but they didn’t budge. “You hurt him and I’ll-” “You’ll what, tiny? You’ll hit me? I am shivering in my shoes.” “Get the fuck away from him!”  The Joker only grinned and twirled the crowbar in his hand. “But dearie, dancing is so much funner. And who doesn’t want to dance with uncle Joker?” He slammed it into Jason’s ribs, and he doubled over, coughing.  “I swear to God, Joker, I’ll kill you,” she snarled, voice shaking with pain and exhaustion, and he laughed.  “You flatter me. Watch this space to see what happens next!” 
She lunged towards them, but the mimes pulled her back; all she could do was watch and scream. 
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new-anon · 1 year
In begging, please tell me about the Mafia AU!!!!
Not sure what to reveal first 😳! The setting is timeless-- think film noir meets cyberpunk in that star-wars-underbelly kind of way.
It's no secret that the city of Coruscant is run by the long established gangs since it's founding (think old money).
Over generations, newer gangs sprout but rarely ever take root, except for "The Super Bodacious Fett Gang" (name pending). They are steeped in the customs of mafia tradition which it part of what they attribute to their underdog success.
Cody is (currently being heavily considered as) the heir to this crime syndicate, currently being headed by his father and the organisation's patriarch, Jango Fett. Cody was born into this life and takes the creed very seriously.
Obi-Wan/Ben is a Coruscanti native who moved to Alderaan for college to become an ER nurse, and is where he also had his residency for several years afterwards (Alderaani Medical, the monogram on his college jacket that he still wears to this day). In this setting, Obi-Wan moves back to Coruscant for family, but immediately throws himself back into work.
This is where our unknowing lovebirds meet! Cody, for all of his trips to the ER (whether for himself of his brothers) notices Obi-Wan as being a new nurse in the triage and is almost immediately smitten... And Obi-Wan is too cranky and tired for dating anyone, let alone stern and "flirtatious" gangsters.
There's a lot more trope-filled story beats I have for this AU but there's some other things I wanna hash out and I kinda wanna save the story for a project 🙊?
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tennessoui · 3 months
exploiting the body politic au -
“Oh,” Aayla says, and Anakin looks up from his phone. Aayla’s looking at her own phone, collapsed on her back on the couch. “Why’d you try glasses when you could have just passed these around to the bored suburban moms?”
“What?” Anakin says and leans over. He gets a deft kick to the ribs for his troubles, but then Aayla passes over her phone and—and all she’s been doing is scrolling through some male model’s recent press or something because all the pictures are of the same guy in various outfits, looking various levels of handsome while doing normal people things like picking up groceries or getting out of his car or leaving a coffee shop. “Probably cause these have nothing to do with Obi-Wan Kenobi,” he says, handing the phone back to her. “Are you trying to say you think I should grow a beard? Cause I’ve been thinking mayb—”
“Stop,” Aayla interrupts, holding up a hand. “First of all, I would never tell you to grow a beard. No one is ever going to tell you that. Second of all, that is Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
“No it’s not,” Anakin says automatically. “Kenobi is like, old.”
Well, he’s thirty-five, Anakin knows that. And thirty-five isn’t old, but it’s also certainly not devastatingly attractive. 
“Give me that back,” he demands, extending his hand and grabbing at Aayla’s phone. He clicks on one of the photos on the screen at random, a shot of the bearded man carrying a paperbag full of groceries. It’s at least a few months old, because there’s a bouquet of spring flowers in the picture, balanced on top of the bag. The man’s hair looks reddish brown in the sun; his beard’s all neat and orderly and he’s wearing a light jacket over a loose shirt and slacks. Anakin was right the first time around—he’s very attractive in a way that screams look at me. 
He supposes that’s something politicians could probably have in common with models, but the man in the photo is looking far too windswept and…and casual to be a politician.
But then he looks past the photo, down at its title and it says City Councilman Kenobi on Cars, Community, and Cooking in Coruscant.
It must have been a slow news day.
“Huh,” Anakin says, swiping across the phone’s screen to pull up the next picture. It’s part of the same article from the Coruscant Star, except this time, Kenobi is looking at the camera with one eyebrow raised, expression carefully crafted to look both infinitely patient and two seconds away from snapping. It must have been taken on a different day altogether because the man is dressed in a reasonably nice looking outfit, though his tie is all loose around his neck. He’s standing in his office, maybe, or a prop office more likely, leaning a bit over a very heavy and fancy looking desk, balanced on one of his forearms which is all freckly and exposed because he’s rolled up his sleeves.
“Is this what the city council is using our tax dollars for?” Anakin asks, scandalized. “Soft-core porn shoots?”
“What?” Aayla says, demonstrating a freakish level of flexibility by leaning over to look at her phone screen without removing her feet from his lap. “It’s just a photo.”
Anakin splutters. “I may have pledged my undying loyalty to my hot TA, but even I cannot admit that that is not just a photo.”
“Whatever,” Aayla says, flopping back onto her back. “Don’t screenshot it and send it to yourself to beat off to later, that’s gross.”
“You’re gross,” Anakin replies, but he tosses her phone back at her. He wasn’t going to screenshot anything. “That’s our city councilman.”
“He’s your city councilman,” Aayla corrects lazily. “I’ve decided I was going to vote for his opponent.”
All politics is, Anakin decides, is one betrayal after another. 
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merlyn-bane · 7 months
never have i ever,, written a fic about young cody and young obi meeting? 🥺
Thanks for playing!! 🥰🥰
So I don't really have anything for a young Cody and young Obi meeting (which is kind of a surprise, actually) but what I DO have is basically the ~1k prologue for an AU where Jango comes to his senses on Kamino and takes the baby CCs and runs, and hides out in Little Keldabe on Coruscant where he ends up buying a restaurant.
(I'm obsessed with those little hole in the wall family owned restaurants that still serve traditional foods, and I loved the idea of the Boys<3 growing up in that environment. This is also Codywan, and the idea of Jango's fucking consternation at one of his sons dating a Jedi is hilarious to me. He would be so damn MAD)
Anyway! Here goes! :D
It’s the crying, that does Jango in.
Babies cry. Boba cries. All the time it had felt like at first. Still often enough now; when he’s hungry or when he’s tired or just because he feels like it.
The clones don’t cry.
Not 6454, when Jango watched one of the Kaminii’s two-bit trainers scream in his face for failing to complete a course in time because he’d stopped to help one of his vode despite being so small they’d had to kneel down to do it. He’d just gone quiet.
Not 3636, when the Kaminii realized he was blind in one eye and put him through a barrage of tests to see if he could function well enough that they didn’t have to invest in a new one. Jango hadn’t been sure if they meant the eye or the boy. ‘36 had just scowled and endured it. 
Not even Twos-Four when he’d fallen off of a platform running balance drills and carved his face open. He’d just sat there while the trainer sprayed it with antiseptic and stuck some butterfly stitches on it and then asked after his brothers.
And they’re not crying now, watching one of the longnecks try to take one of their brothers. 7567, blond as Arla had been and with a temper to match. Jango wonders which had done him in.
The other boys surround him in a circle, standing in ready stances they’ve only just barely begun learning. To a man they’re all snarling; except ‘67, for once, who just looks scared.
And still not so much as a whimper.
Jango only came down here because he—he doesn’t know, actually. But he has a decision to make now. 
He knows his buir wouldn’t approve of—anything he’s done here, really, once he took that Ka’ra-damned contract, but. Letting them kill an adiik? Just barely more than an ikaad?
Jango watches the Kaminoan rear back as 2224 snaps at their hand with his teeth, and knows that his decision is made.
The alphas don’t come with them. They’re all young adults, technically, Jango thinks. The very first batch. The trial run, he thinks with a twisting stomach, before they started looking to begin operations in earnest. Boba and the first CC batch had only come once the alphas reached adolescence without any major ‘complications’. 
They’re young adults, and they barely know Jango because he hadn’t had Boba yet back then and still took other jobs frequently. He’s not totally sure how he managed to convince them to trust him with the Littles, but eventually, they do. 
He takes the boys—all seven with Boba, Ka’ra—and runs to the first place he can think of where they would be near impossible to find even with Tyrannus’s connections: Coruscant. There are an uncountable number of people inhabiting the city-planet, making it incredibly easy to vanish among them. 
And everybody always forgets about Little Keldabe.
The boys need names. Have needed them, really, but there’s little he can do about it now and he certainly can’t call them by number around civilians if he wants them to stay under the radar. 
Clones are illegal in the Republic, after all. They prefer all of their slave trade money filtered through shell corporations first. 
‘24 is easy. Jango calls him Kote, for glory. ‘67 can’t say it yet; it comes out closer to Co-dee, and ‘67 is ‘24’s favorite, and so Cody it is. 
‘67 gets Rex, whether they can pronounce it yet or not. He’s bitten Jango no less than five times since he took the boys from their dorm. He wishes Arla could’ve met the little terror. 
The next three all come from childrens’ stories Jango pirates onto a spare datapad. Something about a boy, Ponds—‘54—and his animal friends. Wolf—‘36, who continues to grumble until Jango finds a spelling he apparently approves of despite his inability to read—and Fox—1010, which does not surprise Jango as much as it should. The little shit is fucking stealthy. 
‘52, well. Jango gives up and reads all kinds of stupid shit off of those cheesy holonet Mommy pages until something sticks and the newly-dubbed Bly starts fucking responding to something. 
Money is, blessedly, perhaps the one thing Jango doesn’t have to worry about right away. He was maybe the most infamous bounty hunter in the galaxy before he went to ground—that’s why he’d been sought after for the clone job in the first place—and his rates had reflected that. 
And he never was stupid enough to keep his funds where a dissatisfied client of a high enough profile would be able to find them. 
He buys them an apartment first; outright and in cash, and on the condition that the previous owner forget he ever owned it. It doesn’t have enough rooms for all of the boys to have their own—such a thing does not exist on Coruscant, he’s fairly certain, and especially not in the only district therein that he’s willing to live in—but the bigger boys refuse to sleep unless they’re in a big pile on the floor at first anyway. Boba is developmentally young enough that he sleeps in Jango’s room with him. 
Figuring out how he’ll continue to support them all is the next concern. Even his not insubstantial holdings won’t cover him and seven boys forever, and it’s not like he can take bounty hunting back up with all of them needing him here. 
And then a restaurant goes up for sale just weeks after they get settled in. It’s one of those rare freestanding ones, an ugly little pill-shaped building hogging up valuable space on the concourse. It used to be a café, apparently, but the native Coruscanti owners apparently couldn’t hack it in Mando Town. Jango doesn’t know the first thing about fancy caf, but he does know good Mando food—and he’ll have seven hands to help him, soon enough. 
He calls it Evaar’yaim. Their new home.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 months
rexsoka 41
ghost/living person au
This ask is from May 9, 2023, which is eleven months ago. I don't remember what I was planning for it, but here's what I did get done, which I've crossposted to AO3.
Ahsoka has been doing ghost services for about five years.
It's is the term she usually goes for, at least. "Ghost hunting" sounds amateurish, and "spiritual worker" or "exorcist" tends to draw in the religious types. 
"Ghost services" still isn't great, but she's had more luck with it than others.
It's not bad work. She runs into some interesting people. She gets to call up her brothers pretty often, since the professional community isn't exactly huge. She can make her own schedule, mostly, and she gives her accountant migraines when tax season rolls around. Her job isn't the easiest to classify, as far as types of self-employment go. She thinks they're sticking with something like 'spiritual advisor' or whatever right now.
Ahsoka's not too concerned about it herself.
Coruscant is a big city, and an old one. That means there's a lot going on, as far as ghostly activities go, even if most have either settled into a pattern or long since moved on to greyer pastures.
Not all of them, of course.
The military cemetery is very... perfunctory. The grass is not dry, nor is it cropped short by daily mowing. It isn't quite overgrown, but it's as often crabgrass as not; nobody minds, so long as it's not long enough to hide ticks.
The air is brisk and smells of sea salt, and the sky a patchy, pale grey. The stones are almost uniformly of white sandstone or granite, with only a rare few exceptions, and neatly laid out in as close to a grid as the low, rolling hills allow. Some of the graves are from centuries ago. Some are only a few months old.
Ahsoka isn't the only one that visits regularly, with a thermos of hot soup and a brown bag of whatever her eldest brother had dropped off as 'leftovers' in a misguided worry that she can't feed herself now that she's on her own.
(She's twenty-six. She is more than capable of cooking when she wants to. She is also not ashamed to take advantage of Obi-Wan's kindness.)
She makes her way to the bench, and settles herself and her bag. She spreads her lunch across her lap, uncaring of the chances that crumbs will land in the the dip of her skirts between her knees. They wash easy.
Only a few sips into her hot broth, and three bites into Obi-Wan's sandwich, a presence arrives.
Chilly in a way that reaches the bones better than it touches the skin, Rex places a hand onto her shoulder and leans over. "Thought you said you were going to be on a job?"
"Hello to you too, dear."
He laughs and steps through the bench to settle in beside her. He's mostly mastered the art of acting around objects as if they are real to him, and most people wouldn't even notice the bits of his pants fabric that are dipping into the bench instead of resting against it.
They'd notice that he's translucent and blue-ish and faintly glowing, but a girl can't win them all.
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sofasoap · 1 year
Wrenching heart 
Pairing : Din Djarin x f!reader. slight description of injuries on Reader otherwise no other physical descriptions.
Summary:  part 2 to heartbreak. Going into Reader’s backstory. 
Slightly AU-ish, Din didn’t get N1 after Razor Crest got blown up.he got something similar.
Warning: Mature theme. strong languages. Mention of sexism, misogyny ,angsty.
English isn’t my first language, so I apologise for any mistakes. 
A/N : I seem to be writing all the Din fic for the University students at the moment to push them on ( Trust me, I know your pain. been there done that)   @groguspicklejar  and @deakyjoe, this is for both of you.
MASTERLIST for part 1 and sequel to this series
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Since leaving Din that night, you've been planet hopping, doing odd jobs here and there, helping out at cantinas when they are short of staff, fixing up any broken mechanical stuff for people. Scraping in any credits you can before moving onto the next location. You are pretty sure Din wouldn’t be coming after you, but you can’t bear the thought of staying one place too long, making connections with people, getting hurt again.
Back to your old life, you thought. Running away from problems.
Before the fall of the Republic, your family was well known in Naboo for its wealth and connections with both the political and underground world.  While Naboo was relatively untouched, like most people during the rule of the Empire, they didn’t come out unscathed. Your parents, eager to climb back up again socially, spare nothing to provide you and your brother the best education, getting the best tutor in the system. History, language, art, culture, music, politics, science. You name it. While you were thankful for the comfortable lifestyle and education your parents have provided you, you can’t help thinking, do they love you because you are their child? Or there is something else they want out of you. 
Being the good obedient daughter you are, you work hard to please your parents. Your real interest is exploring the galaxy, to be an expert mechanic.  In what off time you can spare, you often secretly sneak off to the garage and workshops in the city, or searching on holonet, reading and learning about the latest models of ships and transports there are in the galaxy. 
You told your brother about your dream once, he laughed his head off at the idea. “ Dream on sister, you think father and mother will let you do that?”. He sneered. “ Your job, as a woman,” He pointed at you, “ is to be a good trophy wife for someone else, look after your husband, and carry a child for them. That is why they have you. Helping to revive the family name.”  That’s the first time the seed of doubt has been planted in your heart. Still, you work hard, chasing for approval from your parents. Their reaction every time makes that seed grow and grow.
“That is still not good enough.”“ That is your responsibility.”“ That is what you meant to do isn’t it?”
The reality came crashing down on you when you were travelling back from an excursion to the Gungan territories, the transporter you were in was involved in a serious accident. While you survived, you didn’t come out unscathed. The accident left a deep scar across your face. Not once your parents visited you while you recovered at the medical centre. When you return home, you can sense your parents and your brother looking at you differently. 
With disgust. You made the decision to run away when you were walking in the corridor one night preparing to sneak out again, and you heard the servants talking discreetly. You hid behind a pole, eavesdropping. “..... Master is thinking of sending her away. She’s no use to them anymore….. The accident…. The scar…” You shuddered. Is that what you are to your parents? Just an object that they can use to achieve their goals? Now you are  what they considered “ damaged goods”,  they were going to throw you away, like a piece of junk. You ran away that night. Eventually settled down in Coruscant, a little workshop owner took pity on you, agreed to give you lodging in the small store room behind the workshop, and let you be a helping hand cleaning around the workshop, after you promised you wouldn’t cause them any trouble.  Being a fast learner,  you watch and learn, soon the owner notices your talent, agrees to let you start fixing small easy problems, and from then on, business blooms, the workshop is famous for fair prices they charge and quick reliable work. The owner treats you like a daughter more than your biological family ever did. First time in your life, you were really happy. Doing things you want, earning your own wage, having someone really cares about you. Happiness doesn’t last. Few cycles later, your boss got sick, and despite doing all you can, they passed away. Their relatives took over the business, and things went downhill from there. Until the Mandalorian came into the shop one day.  You ran off again, this time with The Mandalorian, after begging him to let you tag along. With him and Grogu, you feel like you found a family again.  
The naive heart of yours thought there was something between you two. He isn’t a man of word, he lets his actions  do all the talking. You and Grogu want something? He will get it. You need a certain part for the ship? He will hunt it down for you. Grogu wants more frogs? He will find the nearest market to get it. He gave you the vibroblade, with his clan signet on it. Does it mean something? You rack your brain through all the lores and stories you've been taught about the Mandalore culture from your tutor, but nothing came up. When he pushes you away after Grogu left with the Jedi, you feel like a failure again. He doesn’t want you anymore. Just like your family.  You are no longer used to him. Piece of junk. Away you go again. With another scar added to your already broken heart. You hitched a ride with a trader, who can only take you as far as Tatooine. From there, someone recommended you to seek out employment with Peli Motto in Mos Eisley. Peli was impressed with your skills, and agreed to stay on as her assistant. You were planning to stay for only a few weeks, to be honest, a dry, hot desert planet isn’t your favourite place to be. Especially growing up in Naboo, it’s such a big contrast.  But something made you stay on. If you were a true believer of the Force ( maybe you are? After seeing Grogu and Luke’s show of power.) You will be telling people later on it was the force that has pushed you to make the decision. And here you are, running into Din again. Damn the universe and the force.
“So, what is going on between you and Mando?” Your hand stopped for a second where you were trying to pull the engine lines out. “... I used to work for him.” your hand continues to move as you reply Peli, not elaborating any further. Peli gave you a look but didn’t press on. Din comes back to the workshop everyday, watching you work but doesn’t interact with you. You can always feel his eyes following your every move. “Don’t you have somewhere else to be Mando? Doesn’t the Daimyo want you to do some job for him?” Peli asked him every day. “ I need the ship for that.” Was always his reply.
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“Well here you go Mando, all fixed up for you. Your engine shouldn’t give you more trouble unless you decide to run the ship to the ground. Your carbonite freezer coolants have been replaced as well, it's a bit hard to source the stuff so I have to charge you a little bit more for that.” Peli commented. After handing over a bag of credit without complaint, he walked over towards you, where you were putting away your tools back into the tool box for the end of the day.
“Your ship is fixed, as promised. Now leave me be.” 
“if you got something else to say, spit it out now Mando.” Not even turning around to face him, you mumbled.  After travelling with him, you have learned to read his body language. He always stands there and looks at you if he wants something from you. From the corner of your eyes, you see him flexing his fingers, but still, not a word. You sighed. Standing up, you unhook something from your belt. “By the way, I think you should have this back.”  Pressing it into his gloved hand, you turned around and yelled towards Peli. “ I am going to go to the Cantina and grab our dinner, I’ll be back soon!”. You walked out of the hanger, leaving him standing there, without a goodbye. Din looked at his hand, it’s the  vibroblade that he had gifted you. He feels like his world is crumbling down around him again.
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…. I did not expect I will be making a part 3 for this. Looks like i have to.  Oops. Tag list : @frogtits1, @READINGFAN, @memester-png
I absolutely love Peli. I think apart from Karga and Cara, Peli is probably the closest thing Din has to a big sister/aunty figure. 
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