#corvus iv
deerskulls · 1 year
Corvus IV wears an all-black coat. It's shiny and feather-dark with a hint of iridescence. He tells me it was his great-grandfather's, Corvus I's, a family heirloom passed around like a cheap whore. He never takes it off.
Corvus IV steals shiny rings. I call him "our resident jewel-thief" and laugh and elbow his ribs. He smarts the wound and pretends it doesn't hurt, Diamond-teethed and ruby-eyed, But all the rest still made of flesh and sinew, Susceptible to the bruise and crunch of hollow bones.
Corvus IV doesn't eat in front of us. Joel says it's because he doesn't want us to make fun of his gross vegan food but I know the real reason. I caught him once, Under the bleachers with his hand down the front of some underclassman's pants, And his diamond-sharp teeth in her neck.
@nosebleedclub // oct 1: ravens and crows
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heuldoch7b · 2 months
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♪ now heres a story ♪ about a shitty father ♪
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jellydrawsposts · 6 months
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Screenshot redraws(ish) of The Boy King and his Royal Guards
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horuslupercal · 6 months
prev post just reminded me of a conversation I once had with my sister and friends about primarch alignment drift because it's so real. all these bitches are evil, no matter their backstory. please imagine being their DM having to inform them their dnd alignment changed
"corvus corax is a revolutionary!" yeah, he was, and now he regularly unleashes legions of superhuman killing machines to colonize planets for his empire. sorry, that makes him evil. vulkan started the campaign neutral good but now he's a primarch with a legion and regularly kills people for personal and financial/reputational gain. sorry buddy, that's a form of evil. sinew of war went to great lengths to assure us that guilliman was raised a socialist and now he's just a perfect, solid lawful evil. conquest machine go brr
also for funsies here's something my sister said about konrad and the cognitive dissonance most of them are operating on because it makes me laugh
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the fact that the other primarchs criticise what he does when it's 1000x less destructive is funny though
"how dare you brutally kill 1000 people to bring a world into compliance. now, if you'll excuse me, i need to bomb a city of 37 million into slag" (discord messages from a user nicknamed "sister thing")
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necrophiliak · 2 months
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playlist on yt | ver. night lords
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corvussei · 1 month
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Yeah ig you could say they match each other's freak (manipulate, stalk, and become mutually obsessed with each other)
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bitchfitch · 4 months
For a nobleman of any rank, the only relationship more politically influencial than a marriage that he could forge was that of mentor and apprentice.
The right wife, might, give him a lifetime of alliance with her family and heirs to succeed him or to marry off to other families to forge further alliances, but the right apprentice would give him a direct line into any family, village, town, country even, that that apprentice might someday lead. The Right apprentice might even prove a worthy heir without the mess blood ties brought. A son killing his father is crowned king, an apprentice knows he can do nothing to his mentor without the community turning on him in an instant.
The right apprentice wouldn't have an unfit older brother that needed done away with first.
The elder demon prince had spent many of his days dreaming of who he would want for his apprentice. A strapping young lad who was clever and brave and as ruthless as he. A boy who took after his heart and would find the beauty in conquest and glory in brutal battle. Strong with a sword, he had to be a match for Pavo himself so he'd feel no shame should the apprentice betray him.
The Cristatus clan, Pavo's own home and current top of the pile with their leader reigning as Demon King, was the obvious source for a boy of a like heart, but there was no point in making an allyship within the people he was already prince of.
He cast his net wider, his father was nearing the end of his life and Pavo wanted his apprentice under his wing before a crown made him too busy to dedicate proper time to making a warrior.
The Galluses, proud as any Cristatus but scrappy in their unrefinement. A boy from their ranks would jump to meet Pavo's expectations just to stay in the luxury of the Cristatus' wealth. His loyalty guaranteed by the nature of his clans need for protection and resources. Little did they offer politically besides bodies to fill the front lines of a battle with, but the image of him as a king for the downtrodden would be worth as much as any proper alliance.
The Ocellatta, Gorgeous artisans with their lands bursting with gems and precious metals. The boy they'd give would be worthless as a warrior, smug and brave with no strength or common sense, but the wealth and trade and beautiful people with their beautiful things would make the creature worth it. Their army was bought and not raised. Expensive yes, but convenient should he need to turn on his apprentices home. He could pay more, and make the boy watch as it all burned.
The Coraxes were shadow bound cowards. Snively assassin's who struck from the shadows and hid behind their mountainous home. Traitors, thieves, conniving, as weak in will as they were in body. Their mountains bursting with silver and rich with gold. Their territory a barrier to conquests of further flung riches.
Their lord a wannabe queen who was biding her time for a single moment of weakness that could allow her strike to be as quick as it was decisive in the fate of their looming war.
It was her, Lady Corvus of the Corax who stood before Prince Pavo the day he'd accept his apprentice.
He'd heard many descriptions of her. Lean with antler like horns and a whip tail that cut light itself. Her shadows so thick that all light that touched her skin vanished into her darkness. He could tell you nothing of her even as his younger brother directed his attention the right way with a hand on the back of his arm.
The silver mirror prosthetic eyes that granted Pavo the vision he hadn't been born with were miracles of magic he'd boast about till the day he died, but they always failed to show him what was hidden and all a Corax did was hide.
"Prince Pavo," her voice was that metered and courtly thing nobles who were ashamed of the blood on their hands used.
"Lady Corax," he returned with the drawl the finer demons hated to hear on their soon to be leaders voice.
Her carriage stood proud behind her, the door open and moving in such a way that implied another of her ilk was bent over the seat and attempting to convince the boy of the hour out from the shadows within.
"He's a bit shy. Clever though." She keeps her tone despite the dawning embarrassment both were being forced to endure.
Pavo shot a look over his shoulder to the company of his warriors and their apprentices behind him. The Coraxes made it look like they came alone, just a family with a handmaid and a driver, but not one of them believed there weren't Coraxes hiding in every shadow along the edges of the clearing between their lands that they'd chosen for this meeting.
The shriek of a child being torn from perceived safety was what pulled his attention back the right way.
The panicked thing thrashed in invisible to Pavo arms, his face streaked with tears.
Every demon stood a little straighter, the smell was what changed their tone from amusement to curious hunger.
The boy was perfectly visible. No shadows clung to him. His skin was flushed but deathly grey, his hair a sort of ink black that Pavo had never seen in the light of day. His eyes though were brown where the whites weren't cried red.
He was too young to have horns, too tiny to be a demon 10 years of age, his whipping tail too short to be seen beyond his skirts. A man who couldn't see color wouldn't have hesitated a second to call him completely human.
The boy lunged to wrap his arms around his mother's legs as soon as he was set down, Pavo imagined he had his face hidden in her skirts from the perspective of everyone else.
He scowled, Truthahn pinched his arm to remind him to keep his temper.
"Esti, this is Prince Pavo, he is to be your master," she pushed him away from her with a hand on his shoulder, her claws making the fabric of his robe pull and drape as she half picked him up to turn him.
"Esti, what a unique name," Pavo crouched down to bring his face near Esti's eye level, the boy flinched away from him. He'd maim Corvus for this slight. He admired her initiative, but to use a child as bait was a crime he'd not forget.
The halfbred bastard son shook. His expression said it all. He knew he'd been brought here so his death may justify a war. A walking martyr too young to have ever had a choice in it.
"It's great joy to finally meet you. I've waited to have an apprentice of my own for many years," he spoke loud and clearly as he held his hand out, the gesture being taken as slowly as he could as to not spook Esti further. Corvus wanted to see her son slaughtered, and he refused to give her so much as a frown of disappointment in the boy. "It'd be an honor to have the privilege to train you, if you'll have me as your mentor." He wished he could see Corvus's face, he hoped the boy could.
Esti's round eyes were wide, the moment not aligning with the terror he'd carried to this meeting. He looked at Pavo's hand like it might be a bear trap.
"Don't be rude, Esti," Corvus warned, the barely there note of irritation was enough to make Pavo break and grin.
"He's making a big decision. Be patient with him," Truthahn spoke for him.
Esti looked between the two Cristatus brothers, they must look like holy men out of a fairy tale to him.
They were magnificent even by demon standards. Tall and broad, their garb cut to show the heavy muscle they carried. The color of summer sun's bronze warmth with hair of the richest gemstone purple. Jewelry dripping from their horns to their ankles. Truthan with his neatly folded wings and Pavo with his mirrors for eyes.
Esti who came from a land of grey, of deception and betrayal by his own kin, reached his hand to take Pavo's.
"I- uhm," his voice was small, his every muscle tense and shaking as he waited for the trap to spring shut. "I- I - it's an uhm, honor to be uhm- Thank you. For uh, accepting m-me as your ap-rentice."
He hadn't even been coached on what to say should Pavo welcome him. Not a single scrap of silver had been spared to put a thin ring on any of his fingers. No leather for his belt, His very sandals looked as inexpensive and thin soled as could be managed.
Pavo gripped his hand tight to hold him still, and pushed a bracelet worth more than the carriage Esti had arrived in onto the boys wrist. It wasn't part of either of their customs, but it was a necessity to point out how dismissive Esti's own kin had been of him.
"It's official now," Pavo gave the boy a reassuring smile before dragging him forward and off of his feet. He weighed next to nothing, even less than Pavo had anticipated as he hefted Esti up to sit on the shelf his shoulder. Pavo turned to his men a triumphant gesture to show off their newest member.
"Greet him! My apprentice, Esti now of the Cristatus clan!" He was glad he didn't need to coax them any further, the cheering ruptured through the group. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Esti cling to the bracelet instead of the hand on his thigh that kept him safe from falling off. His priority to protect the gift he'd been given over his own body in that moment of shocked joy being such a pathetic instinct that it had Pavo promising to himself the boy would think of his home clan as savages by the summer's end when compared to the grace and glory of his mentor's.
The Coraxes left with as little fanfare as they had arrived. Drifting away while the party to celebrate their unwanted eldest son swelled.
Music and fine food cooked at the village and wine carried by their human servants. The comradery of brothers in battle if not blood filling the forest.
Esti to his credit handled the attention well for a child who'd clearly never so much as been allowed to stand in the corner of a proper revel. Still that manifested as him sitting with a look of war shock under the cover of Pavo's cloak. His small frame hidden easily by his new mentor's bulk.
Slowly the wave of warriors and apprentices that came to greet and introduce themselves to the brown eyed shadow under their prince's arm tapered off. Slower then did the party settle into the rhythm of conversation and relaxation.
The servants cleaned around the demons I preparation for setting up camp for the night, the boy who hadn't spoken a single word since his mother left cowered from them just as strongly as he did the warriors that came to chat as old friends with his mentor.
Gallo, a warrior Pavo had picked from a surrendering army himself, sat on the other side of him, his apprentice off following one of the human servant girls around the camp. The two older men watched the hopeful Cockrel shadow her every step. His smile warm his tongue heavy with promises made light by the wine.
"Ah don't judge the chick," Gallo thumped Pavo's shoulder. "Surely even you remember being young and opportunistic."
"I remember it well. Just as well as I remember never understanding the appeal of a human as anything other than a meal."
"A fuck and breakfast in bed, what more could you want?" Gallo joked. "He's got his airheaded reason you know. I think your little hatchling's got him thinking."
"A first for him?"
"Shut it, your highness. No, no, the boy saw how quick everyone was to start playing so much nicer with you. He's not getting a good demoness to nest with him, so he's thinking he's going to get human to do it and let his brothers do the work of raising up the next generation while he and whichever girl he can sweet talk into it make their fortune selling meat,"
"Is this his new attempt at business?" Pavo sighed. Cockerel wasn't a warrior by any definition. Never would be either, but he thought himself clever enough to make it as head of a merchant empire should he be able to get enough capital to start his ventures with.
"It's his best yet, to be honest," Gallo shrugged, he was right, to an extent, because this was the first time he had an idea for a product instead of vague promises of what the product would be.
"He's looking to get a human bred by him so he can sell off his own as meat."
"Hm hm, I give it oh, a week before he breaks and just chews her open."
"Stop him."
"He's showing initiative -"
"He can show initiative with your heard instead of mine. As is the beasts aren't producing enough for slaughter. I'm not loosing a good and healthy-" The fearful sob from his other side was enough to remind him of Esti's presence. "This is done. Stop him. For the time being no half breeds will be permitted in our flock. My apprentice doesn't need anyone learning a preference for that kind of meat."
"Wait- You're seriously keeping that thing?" Gallo reached aroumd him to grab the cloak away from Esti's back.
Pavo didn't hesitate. He grabbed his friend by the front of his neck and jerked him off of the fallen log they'd been sat on and onto the ground before it. Pavo stood to bring his entire wait down on the soft of Gallo's gut, his heel planted just below to concave of the man's ribs. Gallo hacked and gasped, his claws scrambling at the metal armor over Pavo's boot.
"Apologize to him," Pavo snarled, glad to have had someone volunteer to be the example for the others.
"I'm sorry-" Gallo's words cut off with the crunch of his ribs breaking from the lowest point on his sternum.
"For and to who?"
"Esti- Fuck, I'm sorry. I'm sorry-"
"For?" Pavo lifted his boot to bring it down again with the same force as before,
"For - for-" Gallo struggled to find his error amidst his pain, his air being forced from his lungs with every stomp. "For ask-ing if you'd keep him."
"Esti," Pavo drove his heel down once more before turning to the boy, "Has he earned your mercy?"
Esti looked at him like he were a god in the flesh. Like his act of impulsive violence was divine intervention.
He opened his mouth, a merciful confirmation on his lips, before those human brown eyes lit with the realization of the power he held.
"No, he hasn't, Master."
Pavo's pride could light the fires for a year with how hot it burned.
Gallo snarled at the disgrace of having a halfbred child handed his fate. He struck out to attempt to grab for Esti's leg but Esti, for all his fear, was an agile creature. He moved out of the way with the grace the Coraxes were known for. Perching on the balls of his feet on a rotten branch so thin it should've broken the second someone breathed near it.
"What does he need to do to earn it?"
"Uhm- Cockrel. Cockrel will have his punishment."
"Leave him out of this!"
"No. Y-you insulted Pavo's apprentice, shouldn't- uhm- you suffer the same?" he stops, his confidence wavered, he looked to Pavo for guidance.
"Ah, a clever thing isn't he, hm? He's right. To my face, you dared to imply I'd let harm befall my own apprentice. You must surely be willing to see such happen to yours to even think it a possibility for mine," Pavo stepped off of him, finding Cockerel staring wide eyed from the the crowd that had congregated to watch the show.
Pavo beckons him over, the boy had to be shoved forward by warriors with more common sense than Gallo.
"Please-" Gallo fought to his knees, Pavo had no qualms kicking the side of his head to knock him back down.
The boy rushed to stand between his mentor and Pavo, he held his head high. He shook with fear. Weaselly as he was, Pavo had to admit the boy was a loyal sort.
"What was it, you were going to imply I should let happen to Esti?" Pavo strutted, the fear around him feeding into his sense of showmanship.
"He's a halfbred- I thought you wouldn't stand for the insult of Corvus pretending he was a worth offer."
"Hmm." Pavo hummed, he drew his hunting knife from where it was tucked into his belt and held its handle out to Esti. "Four I think. One for the presumption, one for attempting to touch you, one for attempting to harm you, and one for being too cowardly to fight for his right to take a punishment instead of his apprentice."
Esti took the knife, it was massive in his tiny hands, "Four? F-Four what, Master?"
"Four of something. Whatever you deem Cockerel should take for his mentor's crimes."
Esti nodded, he pushed the bracelet up his forearm until it looped over his elbow. Pavo made a note to teach the boy to not be so precious about things getting bloody.
"Y-your hand, please," Esti's foot steps barely disturbed the soil as he approached the older boy, "Either," he clarified.
"He's a swordsman- he'll have no use to your mentor without his -"
"Six," Pavo interrupted, "If that one keeps talking you will take the whole hand."
Cockerel screwed his eyes shut holding his hand out with his fingers splayed.
Esti wrapped one small hand around one thick finger, the edge of the blade placed under the edge of a claw. He looked to Pavo again seeking approval like a pup. He got it with a nod.
Cockerel couldn't muffle his pained scream, the blade cut clean. Taking his claw and the tip of his finger with a single, unskilled motion.
Esti stared at the dripping wound, a nudge on his shoulder from Pavo being enough to send him after the next. Cockerel fell to his knees, he still stood taller than Esti, his other hand gripping his wrist as he swore and bit back screams through the pain.
Two, three, four more, and the hand before him was declawed in its entirety. Esti didn't give the demon a moment of mercy, or in his mercy he aimed to make this as quick as he could, he grabbed for the other hand and took the claw off it's thumb before Cockerel could even lift his head.
Esti stepped back and to Pavo's side the second the deed was done. All his bravado being pulled under his nervous nature seconds after the act was done. Pavo ruffled his hair with all the affection a demon could muster for another. It was a clever choice. Painful and scarring, but unlikely to be permanent. The boy's claws would grow back, and with the right care, might even be just as straight when they do.
"There. Next time I will decide his punishment, and I won't show nearly as much grace as Esti has today." Pavo dismissed them with a wave of his hand, taking his seat and holding his cloak up for Esti to return to hiding beneath its cover. An offer Esti took as gratefully as he did quickly.
Gallo half carried Cockerel away, smartly keeping his mouth shut until they were far from Pavo's hearing.
He felt Esti attempt to return the knife to its sheath on Pavo's hip, but he stopped him with a hand on his. "That's yours now. The weapon you drew your first blood with is a special thing. May it serve you as faithfully as it served me."
"You already gave me the bracelet -"
"I did," Pavo unclipped another from his own wrist and grabbed Esti's to put it on him, "I'm giving you that one too, and the knife, and the sheath with it's belt when I can remove it without loosing my robes."
Esti gawked, he was really good at that. It made this new game of showing him how a noble boy should be treated so much more entertaining.
"I- Thank you, thank you, of course, b-but why?"
"Why what?"
"I don't mean to be rude but uh- he was right. I-m not worth uh any of this. Not anything."
"Hm," Pavo reached behind his own neck to unclasp a heavy beaded necklace. It would look comical around the column of Esti's neck, as it nearly hung down to hips. "I've decided you are."
"But- why?"
"Because Corvus says your not," he shrugs, "You will learn this quick, but I don't enjoy being told what to do and I don't like people thinking they can play my worst traits to their advantage. Corvus did both when she put you before me."
"She thought y-you'd kill me."
"Hm hm, and I'm glad she did. I might have actually done it if she didn't want me to."
He can tell that was the wrong thing to say within a second of the silence between them dawning. "You're safe, is the point. Don't give me a reason to decide I'm better off with you dead, and I'll protect you like you were my own blood. Understand?"
Esti nods, "Yeah, I uh, I think I do."
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miss-mossball · 2 months
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Lovely Miss Dosy~
>The base I used<
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daysofnights · 9 months
omega regulus who’s parents want to hire an alpha that will help him through his heats without letting the secret that hes an omega out enter james
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crvida · 5 months
this is so unbelievably cute omg thank you so much for the tag @culdogs <33
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np tags: @prongsfish @fxreflyes @lilyflxwers @twostarscolliding
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deerskulls · 1 year
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heuldoch7b · 2 months
hi lovely!! I'm done being a little baby and I am finally letting you know that I would love to see your interpretation of Corvus Corax!! He's my favorite of the brothers and one of the Primarchs that I don't feel gets a lot of attention despite his abilities. -raven lady
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i honestly knew nothing about corvus until looking into him today! hes so fuckin cool. i had to give him a beard cause raven beards are one of their best traits, hope you understand. im definitely going to be drawing him again in the future ( •̀ω •́ )
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sea-of-machines · 7 months
My first TES related fic is out!
Pairing: Hieronymus Lex/The Gray Fox
Words: 4034
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corvus-woodfordi · 1 year
Shoutout to all murderous robots. The rusty ones, the sword wielding ones, the ones with too many guns. I don’t care. I see a hunk of metal covered in blood, and I start acting like a damn dog.
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"What the fuck happened?!"
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corvussei · 1 year
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