#cosmic occult
weirdlookindog · 28 days
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Gary Gianni (b. 1954) - The King in Yellow, 2023
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bornulhuu · 4 months
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Cothulos, an enslaved deity of the Niomogg race, who keep their god in chains so that they may worship it and reap the rewards that come from it. Including the harvest of its squid-like spawn.
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Vodjanj, a bloated marsh god enjoying his tribute. Leisurely draining the sacrifice from all its blood.
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Tel-Nebuk and its zealot. Greedy old god who shakes the earth of an alien planet Tirar in search of relics and eldritch artifacts.
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caffeinec0rpse · 10 days
20 day challenge for beginners to witchcraft
***this challenge may be valuable to experienced witches who wish to brush up on their basics
there are a few things to understand before we begin:
⛥you will need a journal to record your findings each day. this can be physical or online. i recommend physical because you remember things better when you are writing them down, but either is fine.
⛥it is of utmost importance that you understand the difference between good sources and bad sources, and are able to locate the original source where your information is coming from
⛥ this challenge involves lots of self-guided research as well as applied practice so be prepared to put the work in
⛥this challenge will not teach you everything there is to know as a beginner, but i think it will be a good jumping off point.
⛥don't worry about it if you miss a day or take multiple days to complete one of the prompts. you can take this challenge at your own pace, or do it for 20 days straight. however, i do not recommend that you attempt multiple days activities in a single day. take it slow so you can dedicate the time to fully learning, and aren't overwhelmed.
okay! let's begin :D
**remember to write everything down in your journal!!!! dont worry about "getting things right" just try your best!!!
Day 1: Find 3 different spells (online, in a book, anywhere). Try to figure out why the creator decided to use the materials they chose. Why are certain colors, tools, or herbs being used in the spell, and what do they represent/mean? What symbolism is being used in the method/steps of the spell to represent attaining the desired effect?
Day 2: Research meditation. What cultures practice forms of meditation? What are some different types, techniques, and purposes of meditation? Why do witches use meditation in their practice? Attempt a basic meditation technique based on your findings. Meditate daily if you can for the strongest benefits.
Day 3: Find a plant or crystal. Try to feel for its energy. Write down what you sense. Research methods if you’re having trouble sensing energy. Once you feel you have everything you’re going to be able to sense from it written down, try to research current spiritual uses + historical folklore/mythology surrounding the plant/crystal. Does it match up to what you sensed? Are historical connotations important to you or do you feel your personal intuitive sense of it/personal experiences are more important to you? Or do you value them equally?
Day 4: Research grounding and centering. How are they performed? What purpose are they used for? Why do people find them important for spellwork? Attempt one or both.
Day 5: Research closed practices, cultural appropriation, and spiritual bypassing. What harm can they cause? Why is it important to avoid these things?
Day 6: Research self-love spells. What are they for? What are some ways people do them? Attempt to perform a self love spell.
Day 7: Research shielding and warding. What do they do? Why are they important? Attempt one or both.
Day 8: Research shadow work. What is it? Why do people find it important for practicing witchcraft? Does it seem like something you would benefit from? Why or why not? Find a shadow work journaling prompt that calls to you and journal freely about it.
Day 9: Research the moon phases. What intentions does each phase assist with? What does each phase represent? Think about the symbolism of waxing and waning. attracting and repelling.
Day 10: Journal freely about the following questions: Why do you feel drawn to practice witchcraft? Have you always felt connection to nature or to the spirit world? What do you think your practice will do for you or help you with?
Day 11: Research item enchantment. What that is, why someone would want to enchant an object and methods of doing so. Attempt to enchant an object.
Day 12: Choose an herb and research its current spiritual uses and historical folklore surrounding it. Look into whether it has any scientifically verified medicinal properties. Be wary of pseudoscience. Find any other information about it that interests you. Try to draw it if you feel inclined to do so.
Day 13: Try a meditation technique or guided meditation you have never attempted before. Write about your experience and how you felt before, during, and after.
Day 14: Research altars. What are they? What are they used for? Do you think you want to use one? If so, what would you put on it? Why? If you have the means to, create an altar inside or outside your house. Be mindful that if your altar is outside, what you place on it may affect the environment. Be responsible.
Day 15: Journal freely about the following questions: Do you believe in human spirits? Do you believe in non-human spirits? Do you believe deities exist? Do you believe in house spirits, land spirits, spirits of bodies of water, and/or elemental spirits? Do you believe in demons? What experiences do you have that you feel impact your answers to any of the above questions?
Day 16: Research divination. What is it for? What are 5 different methods people use to divine? What are the origins of those methods?
Day 17: Choose your own path for today! Choose any topic relating to witchcraft that you're interested in and write down as much as you can about it! Dive as deep as you desire
Day 18: Research folklore about the seasons in your region. What do the seasons represent to you? What sort of symbolism do you attach to them?
Day 19: Choose an intention and perform a spell purely based on your intuition. Don't plan anything. Just do what feels right. Feel the vibe and act.
Day 20: You did it ! Reflect on what you learned, and what you wish to learn next. Which days were challenging for you? Which days were easy? Which day did you enjoy the most? Did your findings meet your expectations?
***i will be posting one prompt on this account every day for 20 days (starting 9/12/2024)
***please feel free to write your notes and findings under those posts (no matter how much time has passed since it was posted) so people can compare findings and create open discussion
-i will tag all the posts with #20daywitch
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strange-gods · 1 year
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The bishop worm, seabound vessel of Grandmother Leviathan, rises above the waves.
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astral-witch · 3 months
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Carl Sagan with Jerome Agel - The Cosmic Connection - Dell - 1975
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I’m fascinated by horror and for me, I feel like I’m drawn to it because of all these things. However my main reason is probably because I relate to it or find it oddly comforting in a way—and no, I can’t elaborate unfortunately. I do not know why the Horrors™️ give me the warm fuzzies
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satanasvincit · 5 months
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Ivan Alifan - Hand Study
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templeofthev01d · 2 months
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weirdlookindog · 9 months
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Fritz Schwimbeck (1889-1972) - Ewigkeit (Eternity), 1918
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bornulhuu · 2 months
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Vodjanj, Rhu'Yhu'Rhu qnd Bhelnesse. As they were ages ago in earth's history. With different conditions and occupations, their forms were different too. Vodjanj ruled the sea for a brief period of Bhelnesse's absence, causing tired of mire and slime to accumulate at the coasts worldwide, as he forever shed slime and mucus of his form. Bhelnesse swam in twisted voids outside of Earth, experiencing the universe and fiding its kin. Rhu had turned into a source of death and chaos, pumping out plagues and fumes that would cause a mass extenction.
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strange-gods · 1 year
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Upon the skyward peak, where the celestial vault mingled with stone, the hosts of heaven gathered and screamed and hungered. In that place did the pilgrim subdue them.
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Vernon Howard - The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power - Warner - 1976
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𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔶𝔢𝔰 𝔑𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔏𝔦𝔢 𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔟𝔶 𝔅𝔞𝔪𝔟𝔞𝔰𝔥𝔨𝔞𝔯𝔱
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amethystsunco · 1 year
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