#counting words and shortening sentences
gisachi · 2 years
Twenty Words: Shinichi/Ran
Drawing inspiration from prompt challenges. Twenty prompts, twenty sentences of twenty words each. Fluff and angst. Pairing, ShinRan.
Dominant - “What do you mean? We’re not competing,” Shinichi laughs, licking his lips, “We’re in love, ‘course I’ll let you lead.”
Wartime - He reaches for her hand despite every resisting muscle under the armor — after all, how dare he aid the enemy?
Sleep - The tranquilizing dart is ready behind his back, then she says, “Don’t you dare, Shinichi… let me finish for once.”
Pattern - Whenever he returns, she doesn’t say ‘You’re back’ — for a tiresome pattern of two years, he never is, never was.
Discipline - “On your knees, Shinichi,” Ran glares and Shinichi bites back a menacing smirk, taking that as reward more than punishment.
Outcome - The worst combo - murder case during a long-awaited anniversary date - leaves him with the worst outcome: Ran’s week-long silent treatment.
Champion - Shinichi champions himself as a smart man, but Ran somehow manages to dumb him down everytime she smiles like that.
Waste - “It’s not wasted time if spent with people you love…” Shinichi glances at Ran, ears red, his words fading shyly.
Hidden - ‘Wait for me’ — hidden in Shinichi’s study, she reminisces the ten-year-old plea, forlorn smile confirming her final answer to Araide.
Award - To Shinichi, it isn’t the trophy that matters most, but Ran’s grin of victory from the bleachers everytime he scores. 
Book - Shinichi can read Ran like an open book - god he wished he couldn’t - because he’s down to the last page.
VCR - Ran smiles, a wistful one, before playing the cassette, a ‘96 news recording, “See, that’s your dad right there, Sakura-chan.”
Mob - She goes past the mob into the source of commotion, stunning Shinichi and the knife-wielding culprit with a roundhouse kick.
Speech - A declaration of love, a fearless kiss – Shinichi’s always one for dramatic flair, and tonight, he jumps off a cliff.
Sinner - Maybe he shouldn’t stay here, wrapped in the arms of an Angel, for sinners like him don’t deserve hundredth chances.
Immortality - Count Shinichi clutches at the faded photograph, and weeps – to live another century without this woman is his death sentence.
Girlfriend - “What if I stop calling you my girlfriend…” before Ran can react, Shinichi’s on one knee, a ring in hand.
Shaking - Ran thought nothing could scare him, until a shaking hand grips hers after the dentist chirps, “This won’t hurt, Kudou-kun!”
Westbound - Of the many times they’ve visited Osaka, they arrive with hands entwined this time, and Heiji and Kazuha are thrilled.
Holiday - May 4th isn’t a holiday, but she leaves work early anyway; otherwise, nobody will light the candles on his grave.
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mickandmusings · 5 months
back at the bunker
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pairing: castiel x f!reader
word count: 5.1k (i got carried away sry)
summary: when y/n stays behind on a hunt, the brothers and cas figure she's safe back at the bunker, likely enjoying having a day free of her overbearing childhood friends and guardian angel boyfriend. when a phone call to dean tips them off to y/n’s kidnapping, castiel leads a ruthless hunt for the ones who took her.
based off this request! (i saw your request and ran with it.)
warnings: angsty to fluff, refusing to shorten castiel to 'cass', depictions of violence (nothing too gory), descriptions of blood and injury, angry cas, probably spn inaccuracies, unedited writing (oops)
"Relax, Cas, I'm gonna get you back to the bunker and to your girl quick enough. She's fine, probably took over the TV in my room to watch those girly movies she and Sam love."
Sam cuts his sharp look over to his brother, rolling his eyes as Dean tries to quell their friend's worry for his girlfriend back at the bunker. Castiel had been on edge since they began their trek back to the bunker. He had a lingering sense of doom he couldn't shake, not even after the success of their latest hunt. Cas knew he should trust Sam and Dean, and their judgement, they had known Y/N decades before she and Cas had met. They knew her well enough to know that she’d be fine alone in the well-guarded bunker. Taking out his phone, Cas pulled up her contact, smiling at the photo of them together attached to her profile. He started a new message to her:
Finished up the hunt. We’re all okay. Headed back to the bunker now.
Cas watched as the cursor waited for his next set of words. He hesitated briefly, trying to decide if he would say what he wanted. He and Y/N had been ‘dating’ (a word Cas hated, it didn’t accurately express their relationship in his eyes) for a little over a year, but he still hesitated when it came to expressing his emotions openly. His blue eyes read over the message again. Cas sighed, deleted the message completely, and started a new one:
We finished the hunt, we’re all unharmed. We’re headed home now. I miss you. I love you. Let me know you’re okay, Dean says I’m ‘panicking’ and being ‘dramatic.’
Cas sent the message without overthinking it this time, placing his phone back into his pocket and staring out the window again. Back at the bunker, Y/N looked up from the scene unfolding on (Dean’s) TV, turning to her phone that had just lit up with a new message. She smiled as she saw Cas’ contact, noted by the heart written behind his name. She read his message with a smile, his blunt but heartfelt sentences warming her chest in a sort of girlish glow. Her cheeks flushed pink as she began to type back. She was about to send her response to Cas when she heard the crashing noise downstairs. Her heart raced, hitting mute on the TV remote and reaching for the gun shoved in Dean’s nightstand. With silence filling the air now, she heard the talking of someone in what seemed to be the library. Her chest felt tight-they were close. The voices were unfamiliar-not Dean’s rasp, or Cas’ deep tone. How had anyone infiltrated? She’d made sure all the locks were secure, and the bunker was always under a supernatural lock. She calmed her racing breathing in a hope to hear the intruders conversation. The voices seemed masculine, rummaging about the library as if they were searching for something. Y/N peered over the side of the doorway, hoping to catch a glimpse of them without being seen. Two figures entered her eyesight-a tall, burly brunette, with biceps the size of melons. His sidekick was a scrawnier blonde who brandished an angel blade. Y/N shuddered-angels. She’d never had anything positive to say about most of them, always out to get her and the brothers. Castiel had always been an exception in her rules about angels.
Y/N diverted her attention to her phone as her shaky hands scrolled for Sam, Dean, or Cas’ contact. She heard a deep voice pipe up.
“You think she’s here still? Castiel could’ve tuned into angel radio, picked up some suspicion, moved her last minute.”
Y/N halted, her eyes widening. Her? Surely they weren’t talking about her. She feverishly opened her phone again, clicking Dean’s contact and letting it ring, praying he would answer. The other angel responded with a chuckle:
“No, she hasn’t moved. I have a feeling she’s about to be right in our grasp.”
Y/N didn’t even have time to gasp as the two angels appeared behind her, her entire sight fading to black in an instant.
In the Impala, Dean heard his ringtone sound, and he huffed as he drove with one hand and fished the device out with the other. His eyebrows raised as he looked at the name flashed across the screen.
“It’s ya girl, Cas.” Dean chuckled as he answered the phone with a snarky remark. “Alright Cinderella we’re getting your Charming there quick as poss-Y/N/N? Y/N?! HEY!”
Dean’s voice raised, concern slipping through his tone. Cas was instantly on high alert as Dean hung up the phone and stepped on the gas, making Baby push speeds far faster than the speed limit.
“Dean, what’s going on?! What did she say?!”Castiel’s voice was dangerously low, trying not to allow his nervousness seep into his words. Sam turns to his brother with a worried look painted on his face.
“She didn’t say anything, all I heard was her grunting and the sound of fighting. Someone’s attacked her. She’s in trouble, and I think I heard wings, it’s your kind, Cas.”
Cas felt anger overtake him, his protective instincts kicking in. He began dwelling on the situation at hand, mentally cursing himself. He should’ve stayed behind with her at the bunker, he could’ve protected her. What did angels want with Y/N anyway? It wasn’t like she had any information for them, Cas tried to keep her out of the angel realm as much as possible, to avoid getting her into situations like these. Perhaps he should’ve told her more, maybe she could’ve escaped.
“Cas,” Sam’s voice cut through his thoughts. “What would angels want with Y/N? She's not even on the ground with us most of the time. She doesn’t have anything for them to use.”
Castiel’s sapphire gaze was locked on the scenery passing by, speaking after Sam finished.
“She has everything. They can torture me, exile me, all but kill me and I will not fall to their whims. She is my weak spot, I would sacrifice all of man for her safety. They know that, and they’re using her to get what they want from me. What that is, I don’t know. But we will find her, and I will get her back, no matter the sacrifice.”
When Y/N came to, she quickly noted pain radiating everywhere. Her head pounded, arms aching from where she was tied to a chair in a dimly lit room. The flickering overhead light made her head spin, and she could feel the blood coming from her nose, the stinging of open cuts littering her face and body. She was dizzy and disoriented, but her adrenaline kept her awake. She was running through the mental checklist of her hunter training from years of running with the Winchester’s-be aware of all of your surroundings, don’t let your opponent catch you off guard, when in a fight, protect the head and vital organs as much as possible-she could practically hear Dean’s raspy drone rattling off the bullet points. Y/N didn’t know who had brought her here, or why, but she had every bet on Castiel’s feathered friends.
Her eyes scoured every inch of the grimy, abandoned room she was being held in. The roof leaked, the metal fixtures were creaky and rusted, likely due to years of just sitting empty. Y/N knew they had taken the gun she was holding back at the bunker, but they had most likely hadn’t stripped her of the knife in her pocket. It wouldn’t do much to protect her from angels, but it would get her out of these restraints. Through her clouded mind, she tried to think of a way to reach her pocket with tied hands, an intricate way to shuffle just enough to slip loose. Her thoughts halted when the metal door creaked open, her heart starting to hammer in her chest. It was the blonde angel, significantly more slimy-appearing than his brawny counterpart, and his shit-eating grin spread from one side of his face to the other.
“Ah, hello dear, seems you’ve finally waken!” His accent was thick, a Southern drawl that was sticky sweet despite his menacing gaze. “Sorry about all the roughhousin', but, well, you’re quite the sought after prize. Had to make sure we secured you without you slippin' from under us.” His mouth dropped from a wide grin to a slimy smirk, now far too close to Y/N for her liking.
“Now, I’ve got questions and you’ve got answers. It’s in your best interest to cooperate, sweet thing. Our little Castiel will come lookin' for you eventually, and I’m not too worried about returning his toys in proper condition.”
Y/N gulped but didn’t back down.
“What do you want?”
The blonde plasters on another slick smile.
“Castiel has wronged me, and now it’s time for his consequences. See, in the past, we could pick and prod at Castiel himself, or even one of those pesky Winchester brothers, and they’d take it, but give up nothing for us, no matter the torture. But you, oh darling, Castiel would burn the world to the ground to save little ole you. Let’s see just how much it takes for him to come runnin', shall we?”
Y/N had no time to protest before a sharp blade had sliced against the side of her face, causing her to yell out. In her hazy brain, she used her last ounce of energy to pray out to Cas, hoping he heard, and begging the universe to send Sam and Dean with him. After another blunt hit to the head, her world was black again.
Dean hardly put the Impala in park as they arrived at the abandoned warehouse they'd tracked Y/N to, gun brandished with Sam trailing behind him. Castiel had taken off on his own, angel blade and an incomprehensible fury as weapons. Dean and Sam were close on his tail, the brothers both a small bit concerned-they had never seen Castiel this angry.
The wind whipped through Castiel's coat as he all but ran through the abandoned warehouse and straight into the room where the two angels stood, Castiel's eyes blurring with anger. Dean's hand slapped his shoulder, Dean's green eyes still focused on the angels, Sam's locked on the same creatures.
"You go find her," Dean's deep timbre came to Castiel's ears. "Me and Sammy can handle these dicks."
Usually, Cas would argue, always staying behind to help Sam and Dean fight any creature, but with Y/N still hidden from him, Cas left without any remarks. Cas grew angry, his legs not carrying him through hallways of abandoned rooms fast enough.
"Y/N?!" His voice echoed off the metal fixtures, and Cas hoped it would reach the ears of the one person he was trying to find. "Y/N/N!"
Cas could have sworn his heart stopped. His brain had stopped working as he shoved a large metal door open with all of his force, his chest nearly collapsing at the sight he found behind it: Y/N, tied to a metal chair, her face swollen, one of her eyes black. Blood was dried on her temple, and blood stained the sweatshirt she was wearing. She looked exhausted, and Cas knew she probably felt worse than she looked.
"Y/N-," Cas' voice was soft and quiet, his hands coming to both sides of her face. "You're okay, I'm here, Sam and Dean are taking those angels out. We're going to get you out of here."
Cas' hands worked quickly, unwrapping the ropes tied around her arms and legs, hoping to cause her as little pain as possible. His brain was working overtime, his eyes scanning her entire frame as he worked.
"I-I'm okay, Cas. A little banged up, but I'm fine. I-I'll be okay."
"You're not okay, honey," Cas' pet names were few and far between, but always soft and meaningful, making Y/N's heart soar. "You've taken a beating, these ropes have scarred your ankles and wrists. I'm going to get you out of here."
Cas released the ropes and picked Y/N up under her arms, feeling her body weight fall on him.
"I-I'm sorry, Cas. I don't-don't think I can walk."
Cas shook his head, lifting her into his arms bridal style and pushing the door with his feet, rushing her through the building as quickly as possible.
"None of that, you're going to be fine. We're getting out of here, back to the Impala."
By the time Cas made it back to the center room, the angels had been slaughtered-their bodies lying on the floor. Dean and Sam stood in front of them, now looking at Cas.
"Is she alright?" Sam's voice echoes through the room.
"She'll be alright," Cas' voice replied. "We need to get out of here."
Dean nodded in agreement, leading the group back out to the Impala. Sam quickly swung open the back door of the car as Dean moved to start it, hoping to make a quick getaway. The Impala was silent-Y/N's head resting peacefully on Cas' chest, her eyes drooping in exhaustion. Cas' hand moved to her forehead, his grace lighting up the dark car as her cuts and bruises began to disappear. The light caught both Sam and Dean's attention as Y/N looked up at Cas and gave him a small smile before resting back into his chest.
"You alright back there, Y/N/N?" Dean's voice filled the silent car.
"Fine. Thank you, Dean. You too, Sam. I never would've made it out of there without you coming after me."
"You're family, Y/N," came Sam's voice. "We'd never leave you like that."
Y/N smiled against Cas' chest, slowly closing her eyes and falling asleep as his hand ran through her hair.
Back at the bunker, Sam and Dean worked together to put back all of the furniture that had been thrown about, putting books back into place before retiring to their own bedrooms.
Cas sat quietly on Y/N's bed, borrowing some of Sam and Dean's clothes as his coat and usual wear were in the wash. Moments later, Y/N returned, hair wet from the shower as she smiled at Cas, sitting on the bed next to him. She slid under the covers, sliding into his open arms. Y/N relaxed into Cas' embrace, kissing the underside of his jaw before falling asleep with her head tucked under his chin.
Cas' had no need for sleep, so he spent the entire night looking after her, making sure she slept soundly. Halfway through the night, he felt her begin to toss and turn, her breathing quickening, signaling as signs of a nightmare. Cas wakes her softly, shaking her shoulders as her eyes popped open, staring up at him. She said nothing before her bottom lip wobbled, fear grasping her every sense.
"Hey, hey," Cas' voice was a quiet whisper, his arms enveloping Y/N completely as her tears stained his shirt. "You're at the bunker, I'm here, Sam and Dean are down the hall. You're safe."
Y/N felt herself relax in his hold, grasping the fabric of his shirt, just to remind herself he was real, that nothing would touch her as long as he was here. Y/N felt her eyes start to close again, the emotional exhaustion of the day weighing on her. Just as she slips into a dream state, she feels Cas' faint kiss on her forehead, another act of warmth to make her comfortable. She slept soundly through the night, knowing her guardian angel was watching over her.
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asdfghjklmals · 1 year
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GENRE + T/W: sfw, angst. hurt and comfort. WORD COUNT: 4.6k words. TAGS: satoru gojo x fem!oc. boyfriend!gojo. stsg break up.
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SYNOPSIS: suguru geto is sentenced to death by the jujutsu society, and oc gojo girlfriend is left to pick up the broken pieces of satoru gojo's heart, but will she be enough? AUTHOR'S NOTE: lots of dialogue from the actual anime/manga. i tried to shorten the dialogue and add lots of emotion and descriptions. in the manga, gojo actually finds megumi and tsumiki after suguru leaves, but in this au, we found the kids first. the vibe is the song ‘no good’ by dvsn. REMINDER: if you want to imagine yourself in oc gojo girlfriend's character descriptions instead, please do!
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suguru geto was the balance to satoru gojo. the yin to his yang. they were vital to each other, mutually complementing each other, needing each other to coexist. there was the calm and rational suguru, and there was the bold and rash satoru. their bond so strong that together, they were known as the strongest.
when you joined the school less than a year ago, it was always 'sashisu'. satoru gojo, shoko ieri, and suguru geto were the three musketeers. they were inseparable. they welcomed you into their little trio with loving arms (it took awhile for satoru, but we're here now).
when you first met suguru, you thought he was the nicest human being you had ever met. you questioned how such a gentle and caring man could be bestfriends with someone like the insolent satoru gojo.
suguru had been acting strange a couple weeks after the incident with toji fushiguro. he looked tired, worn out. almost dissatisfied with how things were going. he questioned himself as if he was going to be left behind in terms of strength and growth as a sorcerer. satoru’s powers were increasing by the day, and if satoru was getting stronger, so were the curses that they had to exorcise. this was draining for suguru, absorbing curses wasn't the most appetizing thing, and it was tiresome to him.
the day that yaga-sensei had brought satoru into his office for a chat was the day you and shoko eavesdropped from outside his office to find out more information about your absent friend. suguru geto had gone missing after his mission in a small village outside of tokyo. the jujutsu society had sent their team to investigate.
“what?” satoru gasped. he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“don’t make me repeat myself, satoru… suguru fled after killing everyone in the village.” yaga-sensei buried his face in his hands. he started to massage his temple.
“i heard you, sensei.” satoru sighed in disbelief. there was no way suguru would do that, he knew his bestfriend. at least, he thought he did.
“his parents’ home is vacant as well. however, from the blood stains and residuals… it seems like he might have killed his family.”
yaga-sensei and satoru had no idea what to think. they were also at a loss for words.
suguru’s vile act alone would deem him as a curse user and a death sentence was the punishment from the jujutsu society. he was now the enemy. satoru couldn’t believe it, he didn't want to. he slammed his dorm room door shut after he heard the news, leaving you and shoko alone to deal with the aftermath. you had never seen satoru like this since you joined jujutsu high. (a/n: it’s actually a death sentence that’s the punishment, oops!)
“shoko, i—” you were going to start word vomiting out of nervousness.
“(y/n), it’s okay. you don’t have to say anything.” the medical student put her hand on your shoulder. you pulled her in for a hug. you could hear her sigh. she was the bridge between satoru and suguru.
throughout the years of being their friend, shoko ieri was the middle ground, the center, the happy medium. whenever satoru and suguru fought, she was the mediator. whenever they experienced the best of times together, she got to bare witness and experience it with them too. you could say that shoko ieri was the glue to satoru gojo and suguru geto.
“i know where to find suguru. let’s go meet him.” shoko motioned quietly to you.
“should we let satoru know?” you questioned her. you worried about your boyfriend, would he be okay being left alone? should you go to his side to comfort him instead?
“no, let him brood for a bit. he might bite you if you try to open his door.” she teased.
shinjuku, japan
“how did you know he would be here in shinjuku?” you asked shoko, you both watched as suguru walked towards you both. she just smiled before calling out to him.
“need a light?” she asked the banished sorcerer, holding up her lighter.
“hey you two,” he greeted the both of you as if he didn’t commit mass murder two days ago.
“well, well, well, if it isn’t the culprit himself. are all the accusations about you true?” she interrogated him nonchalantly while lighting a cigarette for him.
“i’m afraid they are. shoko, (y/n), i'm going to create a world of only jujutsu sorcerers. and i don’t need everyone to understand that.”
“sulking because no one understands you… sounds childish if you ask me.” shoko took out her phone and dialed a number, “hey, gojo? geto’s here. yeah, me and (y/n) are in shinjuku.” she hung up the phone and turned to you.
“come on, (y/n), we don’t want to get caught in this crossfire.” she took your hand and started to lead you away from suguru.
“hold on,” you let go of her hand and turned to walk back to suguru.
his face full of surprise, “(y/n), what’s on your mind? i’m surprised you’re not with satoru right now.”
he scratched the back of his head with a smile. he knew that satoru relied on you for comfort and solace. you and satoru we’re always with each other. if satoru wasn’t with suguru, he was most likely with you.
“uhm, i—” you stumbled over your words, “i wanted to thank you, uh, for being so nice to me when i joined jujutsu high. you always had my back during our missions together, and you made sure i was okay... you even defended me when satoru was being a jerk to me when i first started at the school. thank you for being his bestfriend. i’m sorry things turned out this way, suguru.” you reached towards him to hug him. this would most likely be the last time you would see him.
suguru hugged you back. you two were still friends after all. you felt a strong, but familiar cursed energy, it gave you the chills. you let go of suguru and patted his chest, giving him a soft smile. you turned to walk away as you saw the face of your distraught boyfriend looking at you.
you looked into his eyes, he wasn’t wearing his typical circular black sunglasses. his eyes were solemn and dull, the opposite from his standard blazing bright blue. his white hair wisped just below his lashes. he didn’t say a word to you, even though you could feel his all emotions wanting to explode from him. you reached for satoru’s hand and gave him a soft, encouraging squeeze. he swallowed as you patted his shoulder and you walked away with shoko. you knew that this was between satoru and suguru, and no one else.
“suguru. explain yourself.” satoru called out to his bestfriend.
“you already heard, didn’t you? that’s all there is to it.” suguru said in a very cordial manner.
“that’s all you needed to convince yourself to kill non-sorcerers and your parents?!” satoru couldn’t believe what he was hearing, couldn't fathom what was coming out of suguru’s mouth.
“it wouldn’t be fair if i made an exception for my parents. besides, my family now consists of more than just them.” suguru had thought about the twin girls he had saved from the village. they were the ones he wanted to protect now.
“that’s not what i’m talking about. you were the one who said pointless killing is useless.” satoru was losing his cool. what had happen to his reasonable bestfriend?
“killing all non-sorcerers to make a world of only sorcerers is impossible.” satoru argued.
“you could do it, satoru. you’re trying to convince me that it’s impossible when you yourself could do it if you wanted to.” suguru believed that his goal of making a world of only jujutsu sorcerers was something he could make happen, which is why he was willing to give up everything to do it.
satoru’s eyes widened. what in the world was suguru talking about?
“are you the strongest because you’re satoru gojo? or are you satoru gojo because you’re the strongest?”
“what the hell are you trying to say?!” satoru shouted in frustration. he still wasn't understanding.
“if i could be you, wouldn’t my impossible ideals become possible? this is the life i’ve chosen, all i can do now is give it all i’ve got. if you want to kill me, kill me. there would be meaning in that too.” suguru turned away to start his journey, without satoru by his side.
and that’s where satoru gojo had to make the decision between killing his bestfriend or letting the curse user walk freely. satoru held out his right hand, slowly connecting his thumb and his middle finger. he’d never successfully used this cursed technique before, it was one of the strongest moves in the gojo clan that only a few clan members knew about. hollow purple.
he couldn’t bring himself to do it. he curled his fist and retreated his hand in defeat as he watched as suguru walked away from him in pursuit of his own goals in life. even if that meant that they wouldn’t be present in each other’s anymore.
tokyo jujutsu high
again, you and shoko stood behind the school's front entrance where satoru and yaga-sensei were talking, listening in on their conversation after satoru had returned from shinjuku.
“why did you let him go?” yaga-sensei asked as satoru grumbled on the cold concrete steps of tokyo jujutsu high school.
“are you really asking me that?” satoru couldn’t tell him that he didn't have the guts to kill his bestfriend.
“no, you’re right. i’m sorry.” he apologized. he knew it would be hard for satoru to cope. suguru was his bestfriend after all, his one and only.
“sensei... i’m strong, right?” he asked his teacher.
“yes, you are. in the impudence department too.” yaga-sensei bantered with him.
“it seems like just me being strong isn’t enough. i can only save those who want to be saved.” satoru said while looking out into the distance. he was tired of being the one who had to do all the saving. he wished he could ask for help. he didn't want to be alone anymore.
later that night
you made sure that megumi and tsumiki were sleeping soundly before you left your dorm room to return to satoru's. it had been three months since satoru brought them home to you, and two weeks since suguru had left the school.
things between you and satoru had felt strained due to the lack of communication. however, he never failed to show you affection in a hug or a kiss, or even just by holding hands. you felt the tension climbing, distance between you both growing. even though you slept next to him in his bed every night, it still felt cold. the warmth from the love you two shared had started to die down.
you understood that suguru meant the world to satoru. he was important to him, he loved him. one of your very first conversations as a couple was about the people he cared about in his life, he mentioned shoko and suguru's name. that was also the night he told you that you were one of them too. someone that he cared about.
"can't sleep?" satoru softly asked. your tossing and turning must have kept him awake.
"i'm worried about you." you knew he was going to deflect in 3... 2... 1—
"well, you don't have to worry about me, babe. i'm fine." satoru downplayed his emotions and you hated it.
"you are not fine, satoru." you argued as you stared at the popcorn ceiling above you.
you could feel his eyes studying you, he shifted his body to face you. "whoa, what's with the government name and attitude?" he joked.
"now's not the time for jokes. i'm being serious. we need to talk." you sat up in his bed abruptly.
he could hear in your tone that something was upsetting you. "what's wrong, (y/n)?"
"everything…” you whispered quietly.
tears started to form in your eyes. satoru sat up in his bed, the tone of your voice alarmed him. his heart started to race as he felt an uncertain feeling in his chest. was this fear he was feeling?
"you aren't okay and you won't admit it. it's distracting you from being present. you missed tsumiki's dance recital at school, you forgot to pick up the kids two days ago, and you aren't all there when we spar at jujutsu practice. i've never been able to land any of my cursed techniques on you before, and you got hurt because of that."
satoru had been so absentminded and distracted that you caught him off guard with his infinity off, your ice shard grazed his arm during the spar. you had to heal him with your reversed cursed energy that day.
"and what hurts the most is that i can feel you shutting me out every time i try to talk to you. i'm supposed to be your partner in life, satoru. i don't want you to push me away. if you’re not okay, i’m not okay.” you expressed as tears streamed down your face.
satoru didn't have any words to say, no excuses to come up with. he acknowledged that you tried to talk to him multiple times since suguru had left, but he didn't want to add more to your plate. you were taking care of the kids, taking on missions alone, all while trying to keep up with your studies to make sure you made it to graduation. he didn't want to burden you any more with his ridiculous bestfriend drama.
"i'm not allowed to be sad or weak. i have to be strong, (y/n). i don't have time to be caught up in my emotions." satoru said. you swear you heard his voice waver even though he was trying to 'be strong'.
"just because people call you the strongest, you think you can’t be sad or weak? satoru, that doesn't mean you can't confide in me. i promised you that i would be there for you. for whatever you need." you wiped your tears.
"yeah, baby?"
"do you love me?"
"of course i do. i love you so much." satoru replied quietly.
"then can you just tell me what you're feeling right now?" you asked through your quivering voice.
and for the first time in 18 years, satoru gojo did not have any words to say. not a joke. no innappropriate comment. not a speck of sarcasm. nothing. he couldn't tell you how he felt, as much as he wanted to scream and shout and tell you how he was hurting and that he didn't want to be alone. the little voice in the back of his head told him not to, that he didn't deserve to.
you have had enough tonight. you got up from your side of the bed and put on your jujutsu high robe, "i think i should go check up on the kids." tears still streaming down your cheek as you quickly brushed them away. satoru couldn't even watch you leave his room. he knew that once you left his room tonight, you wouldn’t be coming back to it. the door shut behind you and he felt his heart breaking more.
you opened the door to your room quietly, trying not wake up the kids, but megumi was a light sleeper. he woke up instantly and looked at you. tsumiki was a heavy sleeper and nothing could wake her up. you sniffled and collected yourself. you didn’t want him to know you were crying.
“(y/n), did you and gojo-sensei fight?” megumi rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand to wake himself up. he shifted his body over to make room for you on your king sized bed.
"that obvious, huh?" you scoffed.
you thanked god that megumi and tsumiki were still tiny and that three people could fit on your bed or you'd be sleeping with shoko right now. you laid down next to megumi and got under the covers. he was the most observant 5 year old ever. megumi was intelligent, calculated, and strong. gojo had a blast training with him. you both knew he was going to be an amazing sorcerer when he grows up.
“there are just some things that we aren’t agreeing on right now, megumi.” you patted his head, his blue hair slipping through your fingers.
“i think he just needs some time alone to think. he's been busy.” the child spoke on behalf of satoru.
“busy enough that he forgot to pick you guys up from school?” you were so angry with him for that. it was his job to pick them up that day because you were on a mission.
“it’s okay, we just called nanami to pick us up.” megumi tried defending him with his own little peculiar statement. you never thought you’d see the day megumi would be defending satoru.
“it’s not okay, megumi. i want him to be there for you and tsumiki. like we promised. i want him to be present.”
the next morning
the next morning was awkward and the air was still filled with tension. satoru always accompanied you to get the kids ready for school. he knocked on your dorm door to find you doing tsumiki’s hair while megumi was sitting patiently, waiting for you two to finish.
“oh… you guys got started already.” he said, trying to hide the hurt. he felt a little betrayed as this was supposed to be your morning routine together.
“here, you finish putting the clips in her hair.” you gave him the jar full of different colored butterfly clips and got up to retreat to your bathroom so you could finish getting ready.
satoru sighed and looked at tsumiki and megumi. they were awfully quiet this morning, their usual selves would be chirping back and forth at each other. laughter was always present in your morning routine, but not today.
“she’s still mad at me, huh?” satoru asked the children.
tsumiki smiled awkwardly at him and nodded while megumi snapped at him, “just tell her how you feel, idiot.”
“whoa, what’s with the attitude, megumi?” satoru asked, he was surprised with the 5 year old’s tone.
“i just don’t like seeing (y/n) cry.” satoru knew that you were megumi's favorite guardian, in fact, everyone knew.
“yeah? me either, kiddo.” satoru frowned. he attached two pink butterfly clips in tsumiki’s hair. he heard you shuffling through your bathroom drawers, afraid to turn around to face you once you exited the bathroom.
he took a deep breath and looked over at you. he could see through your makeup that your eyes were still swollen from crying last night, skin glowing from the flushed cheeks. god, how could you still look so beautiful after crying?
“ready for breakfast?” you asked your unconventional family. tsumiki smiled and nodded, trying her best to brighten up the room. megumi grabbed your hand to hold (and comfort) as he led the way to the dining hall. satoru felt envious that it wasn’t him holding your hand instead. but what could he do?
later that afternoon
after you dropped the kids off at school, you and satoru walked back through the jujutsu high courtyard. the cobblestone walkway felt cold and the surrounding trees felt like they were about to swallow the both of you into a dark abyss. the only thing you could hear was the wind and your soft footsteps.
you and satoru didn’t hold hands. you didn’t even link your arm through his like you usually did. and he sure felt the bitterness from you today. you walked side by side together. the silence was deafening until you broke it.
“satoru… i’m going to take megumi and tsumiki back with me to my clan’s estate for the semester break… and i don’t think i want you to come with us. i’ll tell touya you’re going to see your family instead.” you held back your tears. satoru stopped in his tracks, you were two steps ahead of him.
“but baby, i—” he began to say.
you turned around to face him, “ever since suguru left, you’ve changed. you’ve been distant, you avoid every conversation i try to have with you. and you’re the type of person who always tries to talk things out right away… even though you know i'm usually the one that needs time. so now, i’m giving you the time you need so you can decide what you want to do with your life and where your priorities lie…”
“that’s not fair, (y/n).” satoru snapped at you. how could you take the kids and leave him alone?
“what’s not fair to you?!” you lashed back at him. you saw the defeated and distraught look in his face and it crushed you. it was the same expression he had when he spoke with suguru in shinjuku.
“just—don’t. don’t start crying again.” he mumbled. it was always game over for him when you started crying. seeing you cry was one of the worst feelings next to his favorite kikufuku stand running out of his favorite flavor. it was too late, the tears started to flow again.
satoru took a step closer towards you, testing out the waters on if you would let him approach you or if you would push him away. once he didn’t sense any resistance from you, he pulled you into his arms, hugging you so tightly you couldn’t breathe. he didn't want to let go. everyone knew that you couldn’t be without each other, so why was he feeling like you were leaving him behind, just like suguru did?
when he finally loosened his arms around you, you gently caressed his cheek with your left hand. satoru had finally felt your warmth again. he melted into your hand and closed his eyes. you could see a layer of tears forming on his white lashes.
you kissed his cheek and softly said, “take the time you need to figure things out during the semester break. me and the kids will be here when you get back. i promise.”
two weeks later
satoru had spent two weeks with his own clan during the semester break. it was refreshing for him to speak with his clan elders to get a little insight on what he could work on next, he spent time perfecting his techniques, and just finally relaxed for once. during this time to himself, he was able to combine blue and red to perform a successful hollow purple. he even mastered his long distance teleportation. there was one person who he couldn't wait to tell about his success, it was you.
although he was busy training and enjoying the time with his own clan, he spent a lot of time thinking about suguru's betrayal and how to be present for the kids like you had asked him to. but there was one thing person that wouldn’t leave his mind, it was you.
after a couple days of brooding, satoru came to the conclusion that he would never get over suguru's actions, but he knew that he wanted to be better than suguru. he was going to become a teacher at jujutsu high as soon as his third year was over, and he was going to raise strong and intelligent allies. with no hesitation, he knew who his first ally would be, it was you.
satoru still felt like he was missing something someone in his life, even though he was surrounded by his clan. you, megumi, and tsumiki were 6 hours away in osaka with your clan, but satoru still felt like his heart was 247 miles away (the distance between osaka and tokyo). he knew what his heart was missing, it was you.
satoru gojo didn’t care for many things in life. he kept his circle small, his family was very prominent but low key, and he was pretty private about his own life. he didn’t care about protecting anyone until he met you, (y/n) from the osaka (l/n) clan. the most beautiful water and ice cursed technique user he had ever laid his pretty blue eyes on. satoru was never shy at telling you he loved you, but today was the day he realized just how much he did. satoru called out to his grandparents before he teleported to your clan's estate, "gramps, grams, i'm heading out to (y/n)'s. we'll see you at the next semester break. and we'll bring tsumiki and megumi to meet everyone too!"
satoru gojo knew who he wanted to see, and it was you.
osaka, japan
"(y/n)!" tsumiki cried out for you frantically.
you rushed out of your family's minka to see what the 6 year old was shrieking about. your heart skipped a beat to see a white-haired, blue-eyed sorcerer holding her in his arms as she was hugging him tightly. tsumiki had the biggest smile on her face. she had missed her partner in crime these past two weeks... you and her both.
"(y/n), it's gojo-sensei! he came to see us!" she waved towards you, signaling that satoru was there and for you to come over quickly. satoru was actually here. he was present.
your brother looked at you and smiled, "it looks like someone missed you, sis." he patted your shoulder before standing up from the steps of the minka, "i'll have the housekeepers get a spare room ready for him."
you smiled at your brother as he left your side. you stood on the steps of your family estate. your hand perched on your hip, a laugh breaking through to show your pearly whites, hiding your eyes with your cheeky smile. it had been awhile since satoru saw the smile that he loved so much.
you gave up your solid front and started walking towards satoru. he put tsumiki down and did the same. soft footsteps started to turn into a brisk walk, the brisk walk started to turn into a sprint, the sprint towards each other turned into a colliding embrace.
"what are you doing here, satoru?" you mumbled in his chest as you tried to catch your breath from your sprinting.
"i missed you, (y/n)." satoru said with his eyes closed, inhaling your scent. he missed your nectarine and honey blossom perfume that always lingered around him too.
"i missed you too."
satoru leaned down to kiss your forehead. you smiled softly as his lips trailed down to your temple and then to your cheek. you held his face with your hands and pulled him in for a kiss on his soft pink lips. he broke your kiss to look down at you. he had something he wanted to say.
"babe, the past two weeks i took a lot of time for myself to think. the one common denominator that always came to my mind was you. i'm sorry for the way i acted. i'm going to try my best to communicate with you from now on. i won't leave you in the dark anymore." satoru pledged with his heart.
"thank you, satoru." you whispered. you held him a bit tighter.
"you pinky promise?" megumi asked out of the nowhere. you and satoru looked down at the blue haired child with tsumiki by his side. you both started laughing as your intimate moment was interrupted by your adopted children. (read ‘pinky promises’ here)
satoru flashed his signature grin at megumi, "yeah, i pinky promise, kiddo."
megumi and tsumiki approached you both to join in on the family group hug. you and satoru crouched down to embrace them as you kissed the top of their heads.
satoru softly said to the kids, "from now on, i promise to be present."
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justaaveragereader · 8 months
Hihi!! First of all I love your writings and I've been meaning to ask for a long time teehee 🤭 It doesn't have to be long or a full fic but could I request a friends to lovers san smut where hes your best friend and gets jealous of you talking to this one guy constantly so one day while you're calling that guy he fucks you while youre on the phone 👀👀👀 sorry if its so specific djdjsjd thank you <33
Hello🖤! First off thank you for loving my work I love you. I’m so sorry it took me so long to get to this, but I’m here now, and hopefully don’t disappoint! Friends to lovers?!? Ooooweeee this was my first time, and I wanted to make this shorter but once again I couldn’t help myself😵‍💫this was such an amazing request how could I have shortened it😭?! Also never apologize about being specific, I LOVE when requests are specific it gives me a clear direction to head in!
Sharing Isn’t Caring
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Dom!San, Sub!Reader, Oral (Lotssss Of Pussy Eating), Possessiveness, Jealousy, Humiliation, San Is Down Bad For The Reader, If I Missed Anything…👀Lemme Know
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“Idk why you even talk to that guy, he's a complete tool.”
“If he’s a tool what does that make you Sannie?”
Cutting your eyes to your childhood best friend. Whose eyes you swore almost popped out of his skull. You guys were constantly together, both of your friend groups had joked that you were last lovers in each lifetime. You’d be lying if you said that you stopped looking at San as a “best friend” a while ago, but you didn’t want to tread that murky water.
“Wh-What does that make me?! It makes me a guy who's looking out for his bestfriends best interest! I don’t trust this guy, you saw how he looked at me last time I brought you lunch?!?”
Letting out a huff, you finish zipping up your backpack. Cramming as many books in there as you can fit because this “tool of a guy” San was having a heart attack about was your lab partner.
“San, you slammed the bag down on the table, startling the poor guy. Then you decided to enjoy the scenery.”
“It was a nice area, I was enjoying the environment!”
“Choi San, we were in the library! It was 1:00pm on a Tuesday, everyone was in class or at work. There was nothing to see. Not to mention you sat right in between me and him!”
Smacking his lips, he kicks his foot slightly, you can see his blush creeping upon his neck, his eyes shooting down to the floor muttering not so quietly how he was just enjoying the view, and how the middle seat had the best view.
“San there was no middle seat, you literally dragged a chair in between me and him, I watched you pick up his chair and move the man down the table.”
Slinging your bag over your shoulder, you walk up to San, putting your finger under his chin lifting his head so he locks eyes with you. He swore he could see his future play out in your eyes, maybe he was hallucinating, maybe he was a love struck idiot but he felt it, you were his person, you are his person.
“He’s just my lab partner, okay? Nothing more, nothing less.”
The redness from his neck traveled to his ears, lightly dusting his cheeks as well. He was so in love with you. Your face crinkled as you smiled at him, but the way you asserted yourself in one simple sentence just sent him over the edge. He could feel his heart pop like confetti, he also felt his cock come to life.
Squishing his cheeks in between your hands, flashing him a smile once more, turning on your heels towards his front door. You were big on being on time, entertaining Sans shenanigans you were always late. His body moves like it’s on autopilot, walking quickly towards your fleeing figure. Just as you open the door his hand comes up to close it. You can feel his heavy breath on the back of your head.
“San what are you doing?” You whine out, turning around to poke his chest. As your eyes shoot to him you see that look in his eyes, that look he’s given you many times. The same look he gives when you talk to a man too long for his liking.
“I really don’t want you han-.”
“Hold that thought, San!” Picking up your phone, you slide your thumb across the screen. His body puffs up, in an aggressive like manner, this lab partner was crossing too many boundaries with his person. It's almost like he’s underwater, seeing you smile, seeing you laugh at another man that isn’t him. You look at him with a face of confusion, eyebrows drawn up.
Biting his lip, you watch as his eyes darken. He’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen. The light that’s behind them dies, and fills with hunger, with ache, with possession. His hand comes to grip your hip, shoving you against the door. His body towers over yours, his chest crushes against yours. Putting the phone to the side, he can hear your lab partner continuing to talk. The chipper tone in his voice pisses him off even further.
“What are you doing?” You whisper/whimper, his knee coming up into between your thighs resting against your clothed cunt. You choke up at his sudden actions, everything feels like it’s happening so fast. His predatory gaze knocks the wind out of you.
“I’m not really too big on sharing, especially when it comes to you.” He whispers quietly into your ear, his warm breath sends a shiver down your spine. His cologne clouds your senses. Your cunt clenches around nothing, you have never wanted San more than you want him now.
“Y/n Y/n! Did you hear me?” Your lab partner's voice knocks some sense back into you. It feels like your tongue is knotted in your mouth, you feel his fingertips start to brush against your lower stomach, exploring the soft like skin.
“Well aren’t you going to answer him baby.” He whispers into your ear once more, giving your love a soft kiss. His smooth, cool lips on your heated skin is enough to have you driving yourself up the wall. You let out a quiet whimper, your hand dripping, practically letting the phone slip through your hands but San is quick enough to grip your wrist, making sure you don’t drop your phone.
“I’m-I’m he-RE!” You shout at the last part feeling San hike your body up even extra on his knee. Your clit rubbing against the fabric of your pants.
“Are you alright?” Your lab partner says through a laugh, continuing on about your guys' shared project. Sans kisses slowly turn into soft love bites, nipping at your skin leaving small welts behind. He was going to show everyone you were his. He was tired of this song and dance. He was going to take you, all of you.
Undoing the button on your pants, your eyes watch his every move, while he watches every move of yours. His glance is nothing short of wolfish, while your glance is nothing short of prey like.
“I’m going to take what’s mine, do you understand me?” You grunts into your ear. Rutting his hips against yours, you can feel the pulsation from his cock, mouth instantaneously starts to water. He was so much bigger than you imagined. Those late mates staying awake, riding your fingers to completion, curious as to how San would pleasure you, how he would fill you. Nodding your head thoughtlessly your eyes drop down to where his bulge is. Letting out a pathetic whimper you go to grab his hard on that’s straining against his sweats.
Your hand grips your phone muttering “mhms” and fake laughs to let your lab partner know you are still present, which irks San even more. Your attention is supposed to be on him fully.
Hiking your pants down to your ankles he helps you step out of them, kneeling down to help you, when he looks up, catching an eye full of your soaked panties practically calling his name. Your eyes flutter at the way he hawks down your clothed cunt.
Two fingers come up to grab the fabric, pulling it down slowly, as your cunt comes into sight he lets out a groan, not even hesitating he dives face first into your cunt. Causing you to let out a startled moan. His tongue instantly wraps around your clit giving it a good couple sucks before his hands travel up the back of your thighs, hiking one of over his shoulder, while both of his hands come to the back of both thighs prying them open even further to get more of his face into your cunt. He’s practically making out with your pussy, the wet slurping noises of him sucking down your clit, while his hands jiggle your thighs, giving them a light smack, causing your body to jerk in his hold.
His tongue explores more of you, moving down to your sopping hole, as soon as he sticks his tongue in your pussy let’s put a squelching noise. Which sounds like music to Sans ears. As he tongue dives further into you, his nose bumps against your clit. Your body almost caves over from the stimulation. His hand shoots up to your figure pushing you up right against the door. Surely all his neighbors heard what he was doing to you, surely your lab partner knew by now what was happening to you. Thrashing his head around so your clit gets bumped back and forth you drop your phone on the ground, San can hear your lab partners calls to you, asking if you are okay, yet you are so high on San the only thing you can make out is the way he’s feasting on your cunt. Sticking his tongue out, he rubs it all over your cunt making sure not to miss a spot, your cries fill the room.
“This pussy is so good, you've been giving my pussy away, huh? Answer me princess.” He groans, while continuing to slurp up your cunt.
“N-no! No!” You whimper out, back arching off of the front door.
Smacking the back of your thigh, he jiggles the meat of them once more, pulling his face back. Chest heaving up and down, he looks up at you, that playful glint in his eyes. He places a kiss right above your cunt, leading all the way up to your belly button. Small welts are left along the way. Spreading your thighs once more so there is a huge gap.
“You've been giving this pussy, my pussy to your lab partner?”
His face dives in the gap between your legs, letting the back of your thighs go so his face is fully engulfed in between you. Your cries ring out even louder in the room.
“No! I would never!” You cry out, you keep chanting to San how it’s his, and only his. Those words alone fuel his need for possession. Stretching his arm he picks up your dropped phone, noticing the call is still active, rolling his eyes at this guys pathetic ass. He shoves the phone towards you. Pulling his face from in between thighs. Your arousal is just dripping off his face, slapping against the floorboards beneath his kneeling figure.
“Tell him.” He says licking his lips, making sure to not let any of your juices go to waste. Grabbing the phone with shaky hands. Your body floods with embarrassment, yet the way San sees your pussy flutter around nothing he knows you're just as turned on as he is.
“Tell him who you belong to.”
Clearing your throat, your body heats with embarrassment. Your eyes never leave Sans watching as he gets a mouthful of cunt again. Making you stutter in your greeting to your lab partner.
He slaps the back of your thighs harshly, sure to leave a small mark. Your eyes focus into San more who has his eyes closed while he tongues you up and down. He truly looks like he’s making out with someone, his eyes shut in pure bliss while his body is relaxed, hands roaming all over you.
“I belong to Choi San.” You quickly squeak out, not wanting this conversation with your lab partner to go on any further. Signifying that this partnership would not travel further than on school grounds.
“Tell him what I’m doing to you too.” He groans from your pussy, the bass of his voice vibrating all over making your toes curl. Letting out a whine you look at San silently pleading to hang up on your lab partner.
“Hes….hes eating my pussy…and he’s eating it real good” voice practically breathless.
“Now tell him you guys will not be friends. So he can get that out of his head.”
“We..we won’t be friends…” you say through a whimper, your dignity and pride was in hell right now.
“Lemme see the phone.” Shoving the phone to San you lay your head back against the door, his fingers coming up to rub small, slow circles around your pulsating clit.”
“You should see how I’m devouring her pretty pussy. It’s such a sight, she’s responsive too. One small flick to her clit and her eyes swell with tears. Probably wish this was you huh? Knuckle deep in her pussy, tongue fucking her, watching her come undone in your mouth.”
San hears shuffling on the other side of the phone, he knows your lab partner is still there.
“I know all about you, and the thing is I really don’t like sharing. Especially when it comes to her. So I think you should find a new partner, because if I catch you staring at my girl again. I’m going to bend her over the nearest surface and fuck her til she can’t even recognize you anymore.”
“I’ll fuck her so long and good, only thing she will be able to mutter is my name. So ima ask you do we have a clear understanding?
The lab partner hesitates to answer, both out of fear and horniness. How could he not be turned on by what he just heard, but he’s heard the stories about Choi San, and he’s not someone who you wanna cross.
Letting out a pathetic yes, he hurries and hangs up the phone. A cheshire cat-like smile crosses his face, pulling his fingers out of you, he stares up at your figure. Eyes shooting down to meet his own.
“No where was I?” He asks rhetorically before spreading your thighs once more.
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sophswritingthings · 9 months
Can we get a Mizu thing in like the soulmate universe? I don’t really care what soulmate trope it is, but reader and Mizu are soulmates and also complete and utter opposites
pairing: soulmate au!mizu x fem!reader
warning(s): light swearing
a/n: me running through ideas in my head, trying to find out if the red string of fate also pertains to japanese legends and low and behold
summary: mizu never believed in soulmates, never believed in the little red string around her pinky. that was, til she met you.
word count: 953 words / 5,164 characters
mizu never believed in "soulmates", per say, she always believed that you chose who you loved. love was set in stone, to her, love was made and festered from a bond.
not that she thought that could ever happen to her.
but she still didn't believe in it; no matter what the red string around her finger said or not.
"I will not be tied to... some string."
that's what she would always tell everyone, when they told her how lucky she was, that she someone out there--waiting for her to find them.
even though she didn't believe in it, she did sometimes wonder to herself: was this person she was so "destined" to be with, actually out there?
she didn't think they were, until she met you.
she'd stumbled across you during her travels, when she stopped on her way to tanabe island.
you were a woman, first and foremost. to which, she expected.
the thing that stunned her more, though--
--was that you were married, settled down with a child.
she knew it was you, because the string had stopped stretching. the strings length had shortened--and stopped right at your feet.
your eyes were wide as you looked at her, sparkling. your baby was cradled in your arms, your heart pumping underneath your kimono as you looked at her.
you never thought your husband was your soulmate. you always knew your soulmate was someone else; and yet you'd settled down with him, because that's what was best, wasn't it?
the cord connecting you had always been tangled, representing the boundaries that lay between the two of you. your marriage. her vow.
yet the cord would never break; and, maybe someday, the cord would untangle.
"hello," you whispered softly. your voice was soft; it was kind, it was gentle. "this--this is weird."
"I agree," her breath was short and a bit rapid, her voice raspy. she hadn't expected her string to be connected to such a beautiful woman.
"so.. my soulmate is a samurai," you nod to yourself. "and.. what is your name?"
"mizu," she replied.
"water. wave," you murmur to yourself. the meaning of her name seemed pretty fitting, given the situation. "(y/n)."
"well, it is nice to meet you, (y/n)," she bows to you. "but I must be on my way."
your eyebrows furrow, a bit, at her words, "you're going to leave? but were--"
she puts her hand up, stopping you mid sentence, "I know what we are.. considered, but I don't have time for any of this. I am dedicated to other prospects, and you seem to be settled down, even without your "soulmate". I must go."
you had just found your soulmate, your ticket out of your loveless marriage--the person you had been waiting for, for all these years, and she was just going to leave you?
"may I inquire what's so important?" you narrow your eyes, gently rocking your child in your arms.
"my vow," she slowly slides ff her glasses, to reveal the pools of blue that rest under them, "I have vowed to kill all white man at the time of my birth."
you take a few steps back.
she was half white; what you had been taught to be an onryō your entire life. and she was connected to your string.
she wasn't scary. she didn't seem all bad; dedicated, is all..
"right," you whisper, holding your young child close to your chest. it isn't that you thought mizu would hurt your child, but it was that instinctive and primal fear that you had, deep down.
seeing you worried that she'd hurt you, or your child, made her wince deep down. on the surface, she showed now reaction--she was used to it, at this point.
but for some reason, she cared what you thought about her. she had never been so concerned of her perception until this moment.
"maybe I will see you another time," she took steps backward, keeping her distance from you. "for now, this is our goodbye."
you took in a little breath, retreating back into the guarded fence of your house. it reminded her of her old home, a little. and she saw a little of herself in you.
but she supposed that made sense. you were connected to her by a little string.
"goodbye," you murmured, hearing your husband ruffling around in your house. you glanced over your shoulder, "I better go, then. before he sees me talking to you."
"right." she sighed. her feet were hesitant to leave you; for some reason she didn't want to. that damn string was doing something to her mind; she had the frustrated urge to snap it in half. but she knew it wouldn't break, no matter how hard she tried. "go on."
her blue eyes watched you retreat back into your house, sliding her glasses back on her face and making her way down the road.
her thoughts swirled with the image of you. that child held in your arms, your almost scared expression when she revealed her demon blue eyes.
she didn't want you to be scared of her. not in the slightest. for some reason, her heart dropped into her gut at the idea.
why did she all of a sudden care about this fucking string?
why did her heart drop thinking she could never have you? because she couldn't.
the string was tangled, the string would always be tangled, a knotted mess. a mess of knots that you, nor her, would ever be able to untangle.
there was so many things in your way; in her way to, maybe, having someone who cared for. and someone she could care for.
you'd just... have to wait and see.
a/n: gonna make a part 2 cuz my ass has ideas
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daleyeahson · 2 years
Girl On Film | Perv!Eddie Munson x Best friend reader: Part 2
Summary: When Eddie finally decides to make a move on his best friend, he can’t seem to find the right words. The only way to explain how he feels is to show her.
Warnings: 18+ Smut smut and nothing but the smut. minors dni // M and F oral receiving, P in V, unprotected sex (big no no), degrading and praise kink, slight breeding kink, cursing, cum tasting, face fucking, use of y/n but still mainly pet names.. just overall filth so if that’s not your thing, this isn’t for you lol
Word count: 3.7k
previous part | next part
A/n: Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.. here’s part 2! No seriously tho, I am overwhelmed with the reaction I got from part 1 of this… good to know I’m not the only one who absolutely loves pervEddie! Again, still new at this so any feedback is welcomed! Please send in requests of what you’d want to see more of! Thank you again, enjoy x
Rushing out the door to his van, Eddie’s heart was racing. He had so many questions and so much to say, but didn’t know where to begin. Why did you play along? How long have you felt this way? Is this some kind of joke? Did you really want him to make a move? He didn’t have time to question things now. He wanted you and from what he heard and saw on that tape, you wanted him too.
He finds himself back at your place for the third time, speeding the entire drive there. A drive that usually takes him ten minutes was shortened down to a mere five. I’m mean, can you blame the guy? He’s been on the edge of an orgasm all day and now he’s got a chance with the person who’s the cause of it all? Yeah, he’s definitely not wasting anymore time. Getting out of the van, he makes his way to your place. He repeatedly knocks real loud on your door which startles you.
“Jesus, what the hell?” You say as you make your way to the door. You open it quickly, only to be left standing there with confusion written all over your face when you find out who it is that’s causing all that noise. “Eddie, what the fuck? Why are you beating down my door?” You ushered him inside and closed the door. “Is something wrong? I thought Wayne needed you?”
“I lied.” He says, not wanting to get into the details of why and only wanting to hurry and make his move. He couldn’t wait any longer and any questions you had would have to wait.
“What? What do you m-” he doesn’t let you finish your sentence before he crashes his lips into yours, holding onto your face with both hands. It takes you by surprise, but you finally settle into the kiss and put your hands on his waist. You had be waiting so long for him to make the first move and here he was, doing just that.
He backs you both up and forcefully pushes you against the wall. He presses his whole body against you, practically trapping you where you stand. He’s got you right where he wants you. Breaking away from your lips, he starts to leave kiss after kiss on your neck. You can’t believe this is really happening.
“Ed- Eddie” you try saying, finding it hard to get the words out at a time like this.
“I’ve wanted this for such a long time, princess, you don’t even know.”
Eddie starts to gently grind himself against you. Groaning at the feeling of friction he so desperately needed, the wave of pleasure it gave him only making him more excited. Without even thinking, his hands move up to the collar of you shirt and rips it right down the middle. You gasp at the sudden ferocious nature of him, but you don’t stop it. In fact, you want more of it. You’re left there in nothing but your panties for him now and Eddie steps back so he’s able to take in the sight of you, in person this time.
“God, you really are beautiful. So fucking gorgeous, baby.” He says as he’s running his hands over your body, admiring every inch.
He leans down and takes one of your tits into his mouth, sucking and biting at it while using his hand to gently massage the other. After letting your nipple leave his mouth, covered in his saliva, he starts to kiss on your body again. He makes his way all over leaving small bruises across your neck and chest, causing you to moan in his ear. He reaches for your hand and guides you to his very prominent bulge that’s begging to be released from his sweatpants. Pulling away from you, he looks you in the eyes with blown out pupils, nothing but hunger can be seen from him.
“You feel that? That is what you do to me, baby. It’s all you. All for you.” He says, out of breath.
“Yeah?” You say with a smirk on your face. “I guess I better take what’s mine then, huh?”
You don’t give him a chance to respond before you’re dropping to your knees. He looks down at you, taking it all in. You looked like a fallen angel to him, so beautiful he could hardly stand it. You toy with the waistband of his sweats and pull them down only to be met with his leaking cock already.
You look up and wrap your hand around him. You gather up his precum and slowly start stroking, causing him to hiss slightly at your touch. “No boxers? How presumptuous of you.”
He chuckles lightly, “You could say I was in a bit of a hurry.”
You smile at him, then slowly lick from the base of his cock to the tip, feeling every vein along the way. You don’t take your eyes off of him as you take him into your mouth.
“Ohhhh, fuck. Look at you, baby, taking me in that mouth of yours so well. You look so pretty with a mouthful of my cock.” You moan in satisfaction at his praises and it causes a whimper to come from him. Hearing him losing control from above you turns you on even more. You can feel your arousal pooling in your cotton panties, leaving a dark spot on them. While one hand is stroking him as you’re bobbing your head, taking him as far as you can go without choking, your other hand reaches down between your legs and starts to play with your clit.
“Shit, princess, are you touching yourself?” Eddie coos. “So needy for this cock that you just can’t take it anymore? Shit. God, your mouth feels so good.”
Without warning, you take him out of your mouth and he stares down at you, visibly pouting at the loss of contact.
“What are you d-”
“I want you to fuck my face, Eddie, please?” You say looking up at him. He could’ve came at just the sight of you like this, begging on your knees for him to fuck your throat.
“Fuck, sweetheart, you know I could never tell you no. Especially not to an offer like that.” He says while smiling down at you.
He grabs his cock and starts smearing the precum and saliva that was already coating it all over your lips. “Open up for me, baby.” You did as you were told and he slowly slides himself into your mouth, the both of you groaning at the feeling of it all. He grabs your hair, pulling it back into a ponytail in his hand so he can have a better view of what’s going on below him. He starts thrusting in and out at a steady pace, just barely touching the back of your throat. Wanting more, you try to push your head further down him every time he thrusts.
“You want more, baby? Hm? You wanna be my cock hungry slut? Wanna choke on my dick until you can’t breathe?”
You look up at him with pleading eyes, hoping he would take it as a sign that you did want all of that. You wanted anything and everything he could give to you. Luckily, he gets the message loud and clear.
“Alright, but remember you asked for this. I’m not holding back once I get started, understand?” You give a slight nod. “Good.”
Eddie begins fucking your face at ruthless speed. He really did mean it when he said he wasn’t holding back. You can feel your spit and his precum running from the sides of your mouth down onto your chest, tears begin to form in the corners of your eyes with every thrust he makes.
“Relax for me, let me get deep in there.” You do and instantly his cock is even further down your throat. You can’t help but start to choke, fighting for air, but that doesn’t seem to phase Eddie. He’s so close that all you are to him now is his little fuck toy he gets to use to chase his orgasm.
“I know, baby, I know. It’s so much to handle, yeah?” He says in a patronizing way. “Just a little bit longer, sweetheart. I’m almost there, I promise. Be a good girl for me and take it, okay?”
You can’t help but moan at the sound of being his good girl. Something about the sound of it had you dripping down between your thighs and it doesn’t go unnoticed by Eddie.
“Oh you like that? You like being my good girl? O-oh fuck.” His hips start to stutter, a sign to you he’s so close. “You gonna be a good girl and let me cum deep down in your throat? Have you swallow every drop I give to you? Yeah you are, you’re gonna take it no matter what.”
You moan once again and the vibration of it sends him into a spiral and makes him a blabbering mess, begging to reach his climax. “Shit. I’m so fucking close. So close. Fuck, oh my god. Yes, just like that baby, being so good. F-fuck, baby, I’m gonna cum. O-ohh fuck. Shit, shit shit shit.”
Eddie pushes and holds himself deep in the back of your throat while you swallow every drop of his cum that you could. Some of it even spilling out the sides of your mouth, joining the rest of the mess you have all over you. He gently pulls out of your mouth and groans at the sight of you. On your knees, covered in his cum, hair a mess with tear streaks running down your face. Even in a state like that, he still thinks you are the most beautiful woman in the world. Once he pulls his sweats back up, he reaches a hand down to you.
“C’mere.” He says as he helps you up from the floor. He wipes away the tears on your cheek and pulls you in for another kiss, tasting his cum from your mouth. This one is more tender than the last, him really taking the time to express his love for you. “You were so good for me, it’s only fair I return the favor, if you’d like.”
You can’t help but laugh a little, not at him, but at the fact he thought that you’d even turn down the offer, especially after what just happened. You bite your lip and raise your eyebrows at him in a suggestive look.
“Bedroom?” You ask.
“Bedroom.” He agrees. He quickly lifts you up and places you over his shoulder.
“Eddie!” You shriek. “Put me down! I can walk ya know?”
“Yeah I know, but after all of that, I think it’s time we give your legs a break.” He walks into your room and tosses you on the bed. “Besides, I’d rather have you on your back for me anyway.”
He makes his way onto the bed, placing himself between your thighs. Leaning down, his mouth hovers over your ear as he whispers, “Don’t worry, baby, I’m gonna take good care of you.” His voice alone sends chills down your spine. He begins leaving a trail of wet kisses down your body, from your neck all the way until he reaches the hem of your panties. He looks up at you, asking for permission to continue.
“Please, Eddie, I need it.” You whine.
Eddie huffs a slight chuckle while pulling your panties off, “Be patient, y/n, you’re not the only one who gets to have fun with this.”
You scoff at him. “Fuck you.” How dare he use your own line against you when you wanted nothing more than for him to devour you.
“You will, I promise, but first I need to taste you.”
He lays his tongue flat across your slit, lapping up your arousal that’s dripping from you and makes his way up to suck on your clit causing you to moan for him.
“That’s my name, do you need something?” He does it again, but this time he doesn’t raise back up. He stays there, going back and forth between fucking you with his tongue and sucking at your sensitive bud, making you squirm underneath him.
“Please, I- fuck, more.. I need more..” you beg, trying to keep your legs spread for him.
Face still buried between your thighs, he takes one hand to push your legs farther apart while the other makes its way to your cunt to slowly slip his fingers into you. Hitting that spongy spot within you, it doesn’t take long before your hips start to jerk and legs shake. The sensation of his thick fingers deep inside you, alongside the sucking and nibbling of your clit is almost too much for you to handle. You begin to involuntarily clench around his fingers as your body tries to make it to the finish line.
Eddie raises his head up just for a moment, “That’s it, baby, go on and cum for me. Be a good girl and cum for me. Take what you need, I’ve got you.” Instantly the rubber band inside your core snaps and Eddie keeps his fingers moving to help you ride out your high. “There you go, such a good girl for me.” Once your orgasm ends, he takes his fingers out and pops them into his mouth. Moaning with pleasure at the taste of you.
“Mmm, so good. You taste so sweet, princess. Here, try it.” He comes up to press his lips to yours, tongues dancing around each other in a sloppy kiss. Tasting yourself from his mouth was something you never thought would happen in a millions years, and now that you have, you’re not sure if you could live without it. As you two continue to kiss, Eddie begins grinding against your naked core, the only thing in the way of his growing bulge is his sweats. Desperate to feel more of you, he raises up to take his shirt off. You pause for a moment to admire him like he did you earlier. The way his tattoos decorate his body and the light sheen of sweat forming on his skin already. The pause you took to gaze upon his body in admiration was misinterpreted by him as you being hesitant to go forward.
“We can stop if you want.. you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
“Eddie, look at me.” You sat up so that you’re able to reach up and cup the side of this face. “I want this, okay? I want you.” Your hand found it’s way back to the waistband of his pants and you tugged on it a little bit. “Now, when I take these off again, I expect you to keep them off, got it?” A smile jumped across his face and he was filled with excitement knowing that you truly did want this. “Yes, ma’am.”
You take his pants off, again, this time making sure he fully steps out of them before throwing them across the room out of the way. With the both of you now fully nude in front of each other, you bring him down to you, placing a gentle kiss on his lips as a way of letting him know it’s really okay to keep going. He takes this opportunity to push you back down onto the bed, and reaches for his cock. He slid it in between the folds of your cunt to lube himself up “You ready?” He asks. You nod and he gently pushes himself into you. Inch by inch he slowly makes his way in until he’s completely bottomed out in you.
“Ohhh, fuck.” You say throwing you head back. Eddie starts to kiss on your exposed neck. “I know” kiss “I know, baby” kiss “just let me know when you’re ready for me to move.” another kiss. You give yourself a few seconds to adjust to his size before letting him know to keep going. “Okay, I think I’m ready.” With that he slowly pulls back then thrusts himself back into you, gradually speeding up to a steady pace.
“Jesus Christ, you feel so fucking good. It’s like she was made for me, baby, she’s just sucking me right in.”
“F-faster.” You sputter out. “Go faster for me, I can take it. I want you to be rough, please.”
With a loud groan Eddie picks up the pace, snapping his hips into you. The lewd sounds of your skin slapping together and heavy breathing takes over the room.
“Is this what you wanted, hm? Wanted me to fuck you so good you can’t walk the next day? Wanted to be a good little whore for me didn’t you? Fuck, just taking me so well.”
“Yes! God, yes! Fuck, Eddie, making me feel so good, so so good.”
“Yeah?” Eddie reaches down to play with you clit, “Does my cock feel good, baby? You feel how deep I am? I’m hitting all the right spots, aren’t I? That pretty pussy of yours seems to think so, she’s squeezing me so tight.” You can feel you second orgasm coming along and can’t help but beg for more.
“Please, don’t stop. E-Eddie don’t stop. Right there, please, o-oh my god. Please let me cum, I’ve been a good girl. I’ve been so good.”
Eddie nearly cums at the sound of you calling yourself a good girl. You had been a good girl, but hearing it come from your lips felt unreal. Pushing your legs to your chest, he’s able to get much deeper than before. “Come on, cum for me, baby. It’s okay, just let go. I’ve got you, let it happen, sweetheart.”
“Oh, Eddie! E-Eddie! Shit. I’m gonna cum. Oh my god I’m gonna fucking cum. Yes, god, yes right there. Yes yes yes.” You can’t help but hold your breath as your orgasm inched closer, and once it peaked, you moaned loudly while gasping for air. Lost in your orgasmic high, you didn’t even realized you had squirted all over yourself and Eddie. It was just the thing to bring him to the edge.
“Holy shit, you squirted all over me. Fucking drenched my cock, baby. Fuck, that’s so hot. O-oh god. Baby, I’m so close. Like really fucking close, where-”
“Inside. Cum inside of me, please, Eddie. I wanna feel it. I want you to fill me up.” Eddies eyes rolled back and he wrapped his arms around your body. Dipping his head down between your breasts, he starts to mumble nonsense. Having a one sided conversation just to help push him over the edge.
“Yeah? Want me to fill this pussy up? Sh-shit.. have you so fucking full you’re still leaking my cum in the morning? Maybe I’ll get you knocked up, hm? You’d like that wouldn’t you, having my baby?”
He wasn’t expecting you to answer any of his questions and even if you had, he wouldn’t have been able to pay attention to the answer right now. He picks his head up a little bit and you can see his chest was flushed with a red tint that went up his neck and to his ears too. Eyes closed and his brows furrowed, his mouth hung open in an ‘O’ shaped manner while a bead of sweat ran down the tip of his nose, dropping onto your chest and rolling down the valley of your breasts. It felt like such an intimate moment despite how rough you were being. His breathing became heavy and uneven as he got closer to coming. His thrusts becoming sloppy and his legs started to shake.
“Oh-oh god. I’m gonna cum. Oh shit..oh f-fuck. I’m gonna fucking cum, baby. Gonna get it deep inside you. S-shit. Thank you. Thankyouthankyouthankyou. Here it comes, sweetheart. Here it fucking comes.”
Just a few more thrusts and Eddie came undone, shooting ropes of his cum deep inside you. Cumming so much it started to spill out of your cunt. He laid on top of you, still shaking from such an extreme wave of pleasure, face buried in your neck. Once your breath slowed down and evened out, he turned his head to look you in the eyes once again, pushing a strand of hair out of the way, and placed a kiss on the tip of your nose. He pushed himself up so he wasn’t laying on you anymore. “You ready? This might sting a little.” You nodded at him and he slowly pulled out of you. You hissed slightly because it did in fact sting a little, but it wasn’t anything unbearable. Standing straight up, Eddie started to make his way out the door.
“Don’t move, I’ll be right back.”
You chuckled, “I didn’t plan on it.”
Eddie goes to the bathroom and comes back with a warm washcloth to help clean you up. Once he was done cleaning, he maneuvered you both to where you were now laying with your heads on the pillows. He laid on his back while you laid on your side, one leg thrown over his body so you could cuddle up next to him. He traced shapes on your back and played with your hair until you fell asleep. He wished he could do the same, but now he has even more questions than before.
He knows all of this means something to him, and he wants to be with you romantically, but did you feel the same? Did you know that’s how he felt about all of this? Would you regret it later? Sure, during it all you both made comments about wanting this, but you didn’t really discuss anything beforehand, so you didn’t know what this was. Would it turn into something more or just be a friends with benefits type thing where you occasionally have sex? Up until that last part, he hadn’t really processed what had just happened.
Oh my god, he thought, he just had sex with his best friend.
Tag list: @lightvixxen @50shadesofuncomfortable @samunson83 @mybffjoe @choke-me-eddie @xxbookdrunkdemigodxx @siriuslysmoking @anaisweird @marvelnbangtanslut @bimbobaggins69 @ajkamins @fckyeahlames @steamystrangerfics
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desb3ar · 10 months
Night Terrors
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Reader
Summary: You had a nightmare.
Warning: Chasing, animalistic actions, dark themes
Word count: 800+ (Short)
Your legs were on fire, pushing against the hard ground with overpowering adrenaline fueling your vessel. Your mind screamed madly at you to not let your taunting exhaustion prevail. There was a barreling threat on your shortening trail, hungry and desperate. The mindless monster seeks salvation through you, tasting whatever you have in store within the confines of your warm, sweaty skin. Your mouth ran dry when you heard the grunts and callouts, begging you to escape from your goal of finally getting away from him. You didn’t give in to his harrowing pleas, your instinct wouldn’t allow it.
Caught in his web and getting out every time, it was a repetitive hell that made surrendering seem like heaven. You told yourself, what was the point? Why even try? It felt like an endless, hellish game of cat and mouse and you got trapped no matter how careful you were to not trip, slip, fall, and fumble. Still, he didn’t catch you. You were far too slippery for him.
What could be done? His heightened senses laughed at you trying to hide from him. He could sniff you out in seconds, he could see you in the dark corners that had lied about the promised safety it would provide. He could hear the trembling breath you tried to quiet down, making catching your breath merely a death sentence. Before your lungs could replenish the sweet air back into its longing cavities, you were instantly caught. His face of pure malice and twisted intent shows up in mere seconds once you’ve recovered. Nothing worked, everything was against you. Everything.
You ran down to the empty streets of the underground, your legs begging for rest as you seek restlessly for refuge. Looking around as you moved with haste. Your eyes darted anywhere that could at least postpone your death. Keeping yourself together and yet you began to think that running for this long seemed to be useless knowing your end was inevitable. He will catch you.
Your legs, mind, arms, and whole being were riddled with hopelessness. There was nothing you could do against him. Your web shooters had nothing else to provide after you made an attempt to trap him instead, only for him to slash through the material like butter and run to you like nothing you’ve seen before. He was an animal, a carnivore neglected, trapped in a cage that finally was freed from the bars of the enclosure it had remained. Ribs showed through the skin, eyes wide with need for food, all things blurred in its vicinity, nothing wasn’t a victim to its terror it rained upon the poor people it encountered or sniffed out.
Your eyes threatened to spill more tears, blurring your vision as you, like you were a small-minded character only capable of performing horror movie cliches, made your way down an alleyway. Your last resort. You didn’t know why you tried. These horrifying moments end the same way, no matter how much you tried to counter it. You were in a dim corner, right beside rotting garbage, you felt your stomach turn at the odor. However, that didn’t grant a huge effect like the beety red eyes did when they locked onto you like he already knew exactly where you were. It only just now clicked with you that he had an AI. Telling him every detail he needed to know to secure his prize.
This meant that everything you did was pointless.
Your doom was sealed as he came down with such haste that you didn’t even have time to scream. Not here.
“... (Y/N)...”
You were shaken awake. You heard the sounds of Miguel’s voice, it sounded like he was struggling, and you felt his hands try to hold you still, pressing hard on your shoulders with a tight grip. You were screaming at the top of your lungs, from the scratchiness of your throat, you’ve been doing so for ages.
"Baby! Open your eyes!" He pleaed. Just like in the dream.
You opened your eyes, greeted by Miguel’s gentle expression that was filled with fear and overbearing concern. Your yelling ceased, chest going up and down. You felt he had his body weight pressed down on your legs, his solution to keep your legs from flailing around, as if you were trying to run from your unforgiving mind. His worried eyes darted at your face which was drenched in sweat and tears. You had finally calmed down enough to utter his name. 
“(Y/N)...” He melted, arms wrapping around you, holding you close like you had almost died. 
He had been awake the entire time you had your dream, the sounds of distress bleeding past your lips stifled him awake. The way your calm body had progressively gotten restless genuinely scared him stiff.
You looked at him, unable to make sense of the sudden contrast of how he was in your dream and how he was now. 
Miguel O’Hara, your love, your partner you’d fight demons for, had torn into you in your dreams. How he’s comforting you. Nothing made sense to you.
Why? -
Aaaaa. You didn't see that coming, did you? Well, surprise! That was something I've been wanting to write about for... A literal second. I'm in class rn as of typing this lol. Some horror for the holidays. Bound to get you in the spirit! ;D
i'll try and make some art of this when I got time <33
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cameronspecial · 4 months
HIIII I feel disappointed in myself for coming back again anyways I feel like this with be Drew and Girlfriend Reader
His Own World
Pairing: Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: Reader is Just A Tad Mean
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.3K
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They were total opposites. Y/N is an extrovert, who loves to talk at every second and has a short temper. Drew is an introvert, who prefers to listen and is known to be mellow. Yet, they work together. There is one time when their opposition doesn’t exactly match well. It’s when it takes Drew a little longer to catch up on the conversation because he is in his own world. 
Y/N and Drew sit on the loveseat with his arms thrown across the back of the couch to rest his hand on her shoulder. Madelyn leans at the edge of the armchair with a cup of coffee in her hand. “And it was all over the place,” Madelyn finishes her story, causing everyone in the room to burst into laughter. Y/N sits forward, “Listen to this joke my niece told me the other day. It’s a little cheesy, but I found it cute.” The audience nods to demonstrate their interest. She continues with a smile. “Why do turkeys play percussion?” Madelyn and Drew shrug, shrug looking at each other in confusion. “They have drumsticks!” she announces the punch line, which throws the other woman in a laughing fit. 
At her boyfriend’s silence, she turns to him and repeats her sentence. “They have drumsticks.” His expression remains blank; his eyes blank rapidly. Y/N’s short fuse begins to shorten. “Do you really now get it?” she questions. He gives her a small shake of the head. “Ugh,” she exasperates, throwing her hands up. 
“What poultry item do people like to eat at Medival Time and Disney land?” 
“Yes… And what do you call that part of the turkey that you eat?”
“Turkey… leg.” 
She exhales through her nose. Her frustration is growing. “Yes, Drew. What’s another word for it?” The two women’s eyes meet. Madelyn appears amused while Y/N is annoyed. The room sits in silence for a second until his face lights up, “Drumstick!... Ooooh. Hahaha. That’s funny.” Y/N pats his back with an open palm. “There you go. God, you are lucky I love you because if not then I don’t think I could put up with your mental capacity,” Y/N jokes, continuing on her conversation with her girlfriend. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura @rubixgsworld
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soobadnoonecanstopher · 8 months
Can I Stay? (A Baekhyun Story) Part 19.
Pairing: You x Baekhyun
Rating: M (Mature)
Word Count: 7.8K
Warnings: oh hey, everybody likes smut, right? Good. Phone sex and swear words for grown-ups. Texting without proper spelling or punctuation.
A romance between two adults with an unspecified age difference between them, an English story that uses the word Noona for lack of another word in English that carries the same feeling, if you don’t like this, then don’t read this story.
Part 1, ….. Part 18, Part 19, Part 20
Links: Masterlist
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It was the first morning in a long while that you woke up alone.
There had never been any definite decision made on which side of the bed was yours and which side was his; but Baekhyun’s side of the bed was cold.
It only took you a second to recover from the disappointment that surged through you. You’d reached a hand out to touch his skin and all that brushed over your fingertips was the flat lifeless bedspread that covered your bed.
After the disappointment came a quick judgment on your own silliness.
You’d just been with him yesterday. You ought to have had your fill of him by now, with as much of him as you’d had lately.
With the slip of your hand over the expanse beside you on this bed, your fingertips brushed higher over the soft plushness of the pillow; his pillow. He hadn’t purchased it himself, nor had he played any part in its selection yet if there was anything in this bed that belonged to that man more than you, it was this pillow.
You turned toward it, scooting yourself over the bed and feeling like an addict desperate for a fix, you turned your face into that pillow and you inhaled a deep breath through your nose and through your parted lips, desperation at its lowest point — a day after the party junkie licking every last speck of white dust left on the glass coffee table — catching the slightest, and I really do mean slightest hints of the smell of his shampoo. You inhaled again, deeper and slower this time and all hints of that fragrance vanished as if you had only imagined smelling it in the first place.
What a silly human being you were.
You rolled again, this time away from his vanishing scent, you reached for your plugged in cell phone and your hands moved of their own volition easily finding the one and only contact that sat at the very top of your most recent message history, opening his chat window and you typed out a quick message to your Assistant Byun.
‘I woke up alone and hated it.’
Your message to Baekhyun sat unread for exactly ten seconds before the status changed and your stomach fluttered to hear the tiny hopeful ticking sounds that accompanied those three rolling dots as he typed his response.
‘aww… :(‘
‘u miss me?’
‘i was just there last night’
‘you cant posibly miss me alredy’
‘big baby’
His responses came in rapid succession. Baekhyun texted like he talked. Rapid fire messages one after another; sometimes stream of consciousness thoughts of his with typos and most times, a complete and probably intentional disregard for spelling and punctuation. He was your favorite.
‘I even smelled your pillow :(‘ You tried out the emoji he had used, even going so far out of your comfort zone as to remove the period at the end of your sentence. Your next attempt at casual chatting with your boyfriend had you reverting to your old ways. You just couldn't do it — the shortened words and silly faces. It made you feel like an imposter.
‘I miss you. Yes, yes, I know. Already. I feel silly enough having smelled your pillow.’
‘did it smell like me?’
‘Not really.’
‘u miss me XD lemme see’
’Wait… what do you want to see, Baekhyun?’ It felt like such an abstract concept that you weren't quite sure what he was asking of you.
‘u missing me’
So you leaned into it — your own little silly pity-party. You lifted your phone up, opening your camera to snap a quick selfie. Before you had a chance to scrutinize yourself too much for the obviously barely awake face that was still puffy from sleep, you sent it to him, knowing he would see your bare face and pouting expression.
You hoped he wouldn't immediately know the truth behind that dark look in your eyes that told of things like interrupted dreams of his lips and his touches; dreams that retold memories of the love-making from the night before. Memories that sent goosebumps over your skin and flooded your veins with heat and desire.
There was a noticeable silence after you sent the picture. It went on for longer than you thought was necessary. The longer the silence dragged on the more this feeling inside of your body crested and surged. It was a frustrated sort of feeling; kind of like being on the verge of a sneeze that just never came.
It wasn’t as if it was a racy picture or anything. This was just you missing him. He had asked for it and everything.
After several moments you heard a sound come from within your chat window and his dots were moving.
‘how do you do that to me?’
‘do you want me to come back?’
‘i’ll just cancel everything i have today and just come back to you’
His messages had you reeling. A hundred emotions and memories flooded you at once. The shocking way he always gave in to you. The particularly recent things he had done simply because he could not and would not say no to you. He babied you and gave into your every whim. It felt unsustainable.
‘do u need me? i’ll come’
Surely this man couldn’t keep giving into you this easily. With the memories came the tinge of guilt and slight shame you felt when certain things came back to you; like the sex in your office yesterday, but at a deeper level even something as life altering as him asking you to marry him that night. It had all started with some tiny words from you and just like that, as if the man’s head had only ever been filled with you — Baekhyun had given in so damned easily.
You couldn't be so selfish with his love. You surely couldn't take and take from him without giving back to him tenfold. Your heart wouldn’t allow it.
He was busy today. He had told you about it already. He had some appointments and some things to take care of. Today was the day for him to get it all done. It was the first weekday he’d had off in such a long time; everything that he had been putting off was backed up and scheduled for today. It was important to him and it should also be important to you that the man was free to do whatever he wanted to do with his free time.
‘No, I have things to do today too. I’m just being a brat. I think waking up with you for so many days in a row has spoiled me.’
It was true. You did have things you had been neglecting. You had laundry to finish and your apartment needed cleaning. There were also some personal hygiene things you needed to take care of like shaving your legs and other similar things to get ready for the sexy dress you’d be wearing tonight. It wasn’t as if you didn’t also have things that you really ought to be doing other than guilting your sweet boyfriend into coming back into your bed just because you woke up from that dream kind of needy and desperate for the warmth of his lips.
‘just say you want me there’
’fuck it all’
‘i will come’
‘Baekhyun. Don't you dare. Didn’t you say you had important things to do today? You don't have to come over every time I complain about something. Sometimes I just need to say it outloud so I can get over it. Yes, I miss you. Yes, I love you. Yes, I just woke up from a dream about you but I’m an adult and I will take care of it. I will see you tonight at the wrap party.’
Your fingers typed out a quick paragraph and the moment you hit send you knew you had said too much. Both literally with how very long that entire message looked with the giant block of letters that practically filled up your phone screen and figuratively with all that you had revealed. You knew your suspicions were right with the incredibly long silence that took over the conversation the moment the message was sent.
He must have still been reading it. But then you saw no signs of life after the message status had changed to read.
Your eyes slid over your words once more and you felt a heat and warmth flood over the back of your neck as you read one particular bit of your embarrassing confession — the dream about him. You’d told him that you’d woken up missing him after the dream. There was only one kind of dream that could have possibly had this sort of an effect.
But where was his response? Was his long silence due to you rebuking him?
You read through the message again.
Baekhyun, don’t you dare.
Had your quick reaction been too much? Did you sound too much like an overbearing manager to him?
You don't have to come over every time I complain about something.
Nagging and admonishing. You could hear it yourself the more times you replayed the words in your own head.
Could he possibly be …upset by your words?
After a full ten minutes of staring at your screen, you had to put the phone down. The long silence had gone on for long enough to make your mood go from worried to genuinely anxious.
Another ten minutes had passed as you puttered around your bedroom trying to distract yourself with gathering occasional bits of laundry that needed attention before you heard your phone buzz.
You hadn’t been the type of woman to leap across your bedroom, plopping down hastily on your bed to reach for your buzzing telephone before. Baekhyun had changed so much about who you thought you were.
Sitting inside your text window, silent and unassuming was a voice note complete with the graphic ups and downs that represented the words he had recorded.
You pressed play, turning up the volume on your speaker so you could hear his voice.
Baekhyun was whispering.
“I nearly walked out the door. I almost left and came to you. They called my name the moment I stood up and I made eye contact — I had to go in — but baby…baby,” he dropped his whispers down even lower with the second ‘baby,’ you heard the smallest whimper turning into a whine.
This was a complaint, it seemed.
“Babyyy~” he went on again, “did you really just tell me you had a sex dream about me and you’re going to take care of it alone? You’re making me fucking crazy. How am I supposed to go on? I can’t stop thinking about it, but I really need to stop thinking about it.” His voice was speeding up. “Shit. I hear someone calling my name.” Between the whispers and the rapid speed with which he pushed the words out of his chest you had trouble actually making out what he was saying.
You could make out bits of it like, “Isweartofuckinggod,’ followed by unintelligible mumbles, then “—popaboner—teethcleaned—fuckingarrested,”
The last bit was said in a single dramatically whispered breath.
His message had you giggling and all at once whatever silly doubts you’d been feeling about your boyfriend had vanished. When the message finished playing you instantly wanted to play it again, only when your phone returned to his message window, you saw another much shorter voice message waiting for you. This one was extremely brief. You were certain he was by now, being ushered into some dental exam chair to deal with whatever internal battle he was fighting all on his own.
The second message from him sat there at only an innocuous and unassuming 7 seconds in length but it beckoned to you so intensely. You pressed play.
“Please,” he began with that same whiney begging tone you heard occasionally from him. It was a familiar sound to you at this stage in your relationship. He used it when he wanted something from you and he wanted to be particularly convincing. You couldn’t think of a single time it hadn’t worked on you. Honestly it didn’t take much from Baekhyun for you to instantly want to give him whatever he wanted. He didn't have to go so hard on the begging; even if you did really enjoy the way it made you feel inside.
His begging though…It felt somehow more desperate this time. “Please-please-please—I would give you anything. My entire fucking soul. Please take care of it and let me — oh fuck — please let me hear you do it.”
This request from him had a slow moving effect on you. At first it didn’t seem like much, but you found yourself transfixed by it. You stared at the tiny voice note with your finger hovering over the play button and before you could help yourself you pressed the button again, holding the phone up closer to your ear so you could clearly make out every stuttered breath between each word he spoke. Between each of his desperate pleas you could make out the labored in and out of the air from his lungs. You could hear the stuttered throaty groans that preceded the next words and the sounds of his begging; the way he seemed to lose control of himself entirely with the curse word that slipped in.
You knew what he wanted.
This wasn’t something you had ever done before.
How would you even manage letting go of yourself enough while also somehow recording the sounds you might make for him.
First and foremost the logistics felt like a pain. Were you supposed to record a voice message just as he had done? Was there some way to record yourself and send it back to him after you listened to yourself? Could you even reach your release knowing you were recording yourself. What about the timing of it all? You weren’t exactly a professional performer. Most of the sounds you made lately had felt entirely outside of your own control; had been pulled straight from within your chest by this very man.
Was he busy? Maybe you just could just call him.
You knew you were overthinking it, but Baekhyun had been so sweet with his request, you had a strong desire to give him what he asked for.
You rolled around on your bed, carrying your phone along for the ride feeling just a little frustrated with yourself now.
It wasn’t as if you didn’t know how to pleasure yourself. Hell, you’d spent the last year desperately single and pathetically alone; too busy with work for a relationship; too burned by the last one to have much interest in any of the men who’d approached you. When you’d finally given up on ever being touched by some other human being Baekhyun steamrolled into your life completely redefining everything you thought you had known about intimacy and sex.
It was the attention he paid to you. It was the way his eyes always bore deep into yours as he held you; as he touched you; as he filled you. He gave you everything without you having to ask. He anticipated what you wanted; he paid attention to your cues and when you didn’t give him everything silently, he straight up asked you what you wanted; sometimes with his words, sometimes with his hand pulling your own hand down to show him; until you felt yourself giving up every single little secret desire you’d ever dreamed of and at last, as the waves of overwhelming pleasure washed over you, you’d be rewarded by his sweet, self-satisfied smile as if he’d unlocked some new secret of the universe; of you, his universe. It was the vulnerability you could see inside his eyes as well.
His vulnerable raw honesty was maybe the sexiest thing about him. He was your very own open book. And the stark contrast between what he showed you and the false bravado or professional persona that he gave to everyone else in his life made you feel as if you were the chosen one. His very special very privileged precious person; the only person with whom he shared his actual true self.
The dream that had started all of this had been just as all-consuming; just as pleasurable; just as vivid. You’d been so overwhelmed lately that this man had seeped deep into your unconscious mind and even at rest, it seemed, you could not escape the magnetism of Byun Baekhyun.
Your hands were roaming over your body. You’d dropped the phone somewhere in the bed sheets. You found that your skin felt hotter under your palms. The short sleep shorts you wore left your legs bare and the silky fabric of the camisole felt smooth under your palms; your skin was flushed below the thin fabric and a pass of your hands over your breasts made your nipples below the shirt pucker and respond to the light touches of your fingers.
The rolling around on your bed landed you somewhere around his pillow and you inhaled a deep breath from the center of it. You could smell him there right in the center of the pillow. It was very slight again, just the tiniest hint of the scent of his shampoo but the smell was undeniably him. He smelled so good. Everything about this man felt so good; but your sniffing over his pillow wasn’t enough. You wanted more of him. If not here in person, you at least wanted his voice in your ear.
“I want you to listen”
“I want you to hear me”
You’d found the phone and keyed out some rapid words to him.
To hell with it all.
The status of messages quickly changed to read. There was no sign of him typing a response.
“I don’t want to just make a recording to send to you”
He was reading them as soon as you sent them.
“I want you here inside my head”
“You don’t have to speak I just want you to listen”
Your fingers had slipped down to the waistband of your shorts and you slipped your fingertips beneath the elastic of your panties as the scene played out in your head.
Him looking down at down at this phone trying to keep his face neutral for some professional who made notes about his next appointment. Smiling their friendly smile at his handsome face.
“I want to hear you breathing on the line”
“I want you to listen to me cum”
The inaudible curse under his breath as his cheeks darkened. You knew how weak he always was to you. You had first-hand knowledge of the effects you had on him. Although you’d never admit outloud how much you enjoyed playing these little games with him, you were certain he already knew. Certain social rules would also keep him from openly admitting how much he liked this as well and you fully expected a half hearted scolding from him later for teasing him like this while he was out in public.
After too long of a stretch of his silence your phone buzzed. One short buzz and then quickly followed by one more.
“5 min”
“gimme 5 min”
The first few passes of the soft pad of your index and ring fingers within your own substantial wetness had your breaths quickening. How very turned on you felt wasn’t really a surprise to you. You found yourself so attracted to him that some of your days were spent in a constantly needy state of arousal. It was a miracle you had managed to get anything else done at all. The gentle nudges against the most sensitive parts of you felt better — felt even better than anything you’d done alone before, simply because of your knowledge of what Baekhyun knew.
Baekhyun knew exactly what you were doing with those recent thoughts of him coursing through your veins; prickling your skin with goosebumps and heating your skin with desire and arousal and a steady buzzing against your bare thigh pulled your eyes open.
Baekhyun was calling.
You reached for the phone with your unoccupied hand and answered the call; pulling the phone up to your ear to listen for the moment the call connected; for when the sound in your ear brought him to you. You heard the change in audio. Sounds of the world outside of your bed. He was here now. He could hear you.
“Hi,” you let the low breathy single syllable slip off your tongue followed immediately by a quiet sharp inhale of breath. Try as you might, your breathing had already taken on a rather uneven rhythm.
“Are you the only one who can hear me?”
“Ohh…yeah-yeah. Hyung, I’m on my way out. Sorry you had to wait.” Baekhyun was talking into the phone so you could hear him, but not only for you to hear; although he did answer your question in a roundabout way. He was wearing headphones. You’ve seen him do it before; slip one wireless earphone into his ear to take a quick call.
“Good. Only you can hear me.”
The false words he spoke sounded lifted and forced, “Yeah, I’ve been good. Just trying to get out of here quickly. A-Are you close by?”
His veiled question had your eyelids closing and you felt the smile erupt on your face. You bit down on your lip and you hummed out an answer for him.
“Mhmm, I am close.” The words pushed through the airiness in your voice; giving in so easily to your arousal.
“I miss you,” you dropped your voice and whispered into the line. Out of a sense of secrecy, the words came out softer. Even the long drawn out exhale was a tiny gnat buzzing around the room.
“I want you, Baek.” There was a slow moan that built up in the back of your throat as you dipped your fingers lower, slipping one inside of yourself before you pulled up again. The journey up, your fingertips dragging slowly over the center of your clit made the sound erupt. It broke free. It made your words catch. It made them stutter. And punctuated by another soft moan, the words “I wish you were here fucking me right now” slipped up the back of your throat. “I wish this was your dick instead of my fingers.”
On the other side, you heard the tiniest whimper come from your boyfriend’s chest. The next sound was a hiss through gritted teeth and he quickly turned it into a small cough.
“Do you even realize how wet I am?”
Somewhere in the far distance a wordless voice reached your ears. Just enough for you to register the owner's gender; a young female with a polite inquiry.
You heard a hitch in his breath. You heard a helpless moan. It was extremely quick and short lived. “Mmmm,” Baekhyun oh so quietly hummed; against his will. He could not stop it. Air huffed out noisily through his nose. His soft and delicate answer pulled your lips into a satisfied grin.
That same voice as before spoke again; the tone of voice lifted up with a more insistent inquiry.
“Sorry, No. No, thank you.” Baekhyun cleared his throat noisily and you heard a few labored breaths blowing over his phone speaker, his “hooooo” trembled. He made a small blowing sound through his lips with the smallest guttural whine ghosted just under his breath and the voice asked something again.
“No-no I’m fine. I was…I was just leaving.”
Another question sounded out from much farther away now. “I’m leaving now.” His voice sounded closer to you for a second. Low and throaty and desperate around the edges. “No—no, I don’t need it.” The sound of the man shouting back over his shoulder.
A bell sounded out. A door clanked. Footsteps were moving and lungs were laboring. A curse was whispered just under his breath and repeated. The meaningless expression of wild frustration muttered through gritted teeth, ‘fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.’
“Are you still with me Baekhyun?” The high pitched whine that came out of your mouth after holding his name on your tongue for a moment that happened was out of your control. You could feel the heat just below your skin building into a fever. Your fingers felt too good with how very wet you were.
“Yes, Ma’am. I am here.” he whispered and you could hear how his lips remained parted and he breathed through his open mouth.
“I asked you a question, my love.”
A new sound echoed out. The sound of a car door opening and closing quickly. A low grunt from the back of his throat and the deep roar of a powerful sports car engine coming to life.
“My brain isn’t working right.” He was back to you. His voice was clear inside your ear and you could hear the strain to keep himself level sounding.
“What am I going to do? What the fuck — do I do? What do I do? Ohh — I’m in over my head.” He was whispering under his breath again. He was breathing quite hard all by his lonesome and the sounds of his lungs sunk hard and deep inside your eardrums, making every pass of your fingertips hit harder.
In the back of your mind, you registered the sounds of his car engine speeding up and slowing down, taking corners with a quickness and soon you heard a change as he seemed to stop driving entirely. It was nearly impossible to keep your focus through the sounds he made. Low whines, short puffs of air and complaining grunts.
Whatever motion you had been hearing from his side of the phone call quit with the next sounds from him. It was a deep throaty moan spoken in your boyfriend’s low register quickly followed by a sigh that blew air across the phone speaker and then a slower longer whiney moan. “F-Fuck, baby, what have you done to me?”
“What did I do to you, Baekhyun?” It was too much. It had already been too much for a while and you were trying to focus more on his voice than the building fire inside of your body, even going so far as to pull your hands away from yourself. You’d been too close to a climax and the burning fire spread into a burning curiosity more than a need for an immediate release. You could draw this out for a while longer. It was too much fun to end it now.
“You’ve made my dick so hard I had to pull over to jerk off. Again. Fucking — again. You make me lose my goddamn mind. You have any idea how many times I’ve had to do this because of you?”
This felt like another one of his confessions — let slip during a moment of weakness. Or given to you purposefully because he wanted you to have every single one of his secrets. This was the vulnerable man who destroyed your every inhibition; weak only to you — raw and honest and telling and unbelievably sexy as all hell.
“How many times, Baek?”
He was moaning again. It was rhythmic. The perfect pace for your fingers to slip down between your thighs again. You could not help but match the pace you heard coming from him. It felt like maybe, maybe if you closed your eyes and left your mind drift maybe it felt like he was here; here doing this to you. Making you desperate; bringing you closer.
“I didn’t — keep count. At least — hundreds. Every time — before I had to work around you and then,” there was a definite hitch in his voice, “of course, after. You had no idea. Sometimes I-In the car, right after — Sometimes other places. Once even in your office after you had left. But again and again. And over and over — more than a year.”
This was news to you. He was right; you had no idea. This man, so very affected by simply being near you that he had to deal with the arousal after every encounter. Pre-gaming sometimes, just because he knew he would have to be around you and keep his sanity intact
You recalled a moment, it felt like lifetimes ago before the kiss and the confession and the sex and the obsessive love. Back then, he’d saved you from the speeding motorbike. Back then, you’d felt it, the deep inhale he’d taken from your skin as he held you in your arms after the near death close call that nearly instantly changed into something else when he let that low moan escape. The undeniable heat you’d felt built up to intolerable levels between your bodies where they touched. You’d suspected as much at the time and now, well, you could probably publish your findings for publication. Fact checked, peer-reviewed, and proven.
“What is it about me?”
It was such a stark contrast to every other relationship you’d ever been in. Those men seemed to have a mild passing interest in you. At best, just in it for the sex; at worst, merely tolerant of you until someone else came along, not even bothering to end it with you before beginning something long lasting and meaningful with someone else… someone much better than you. Someone easier than you who worked less or had less pride than you or nagged less or who was easily satisfied in bed; didn’t expect an orgasm every single time and was perfectly happy just to fake it to satisfy a man’s ego.
But Baekhyun was in love, obsessed even, with every single detail about you. Baekhyun begged on his knees just for the chance to please you. Baekhyun was your rare diamond. You would never let him go.
“It’s You. It’s everything — everything about you. Your eyes. Your smile. Your lips.” His breaths had grown ragged. You could hear each stroke of his hand “Fuck — Your hot mouth — your wet t-tongue and ass and tits and your pretty fucking pussy and how good it feels to fuck you. Your scent — My God — your scent. I want to smell you for the rest of my life.” He was lost.
He was lost. You heard him cry out. It tipped you over the edge. The mess between your legs was so substantial you felt it dampen the bed sheets below you. Through the panties and the sleep shorts you hadn’t even bothered to remove.
You shared the oblivion with him and only him.
It felt like ages until you could speak again. After the heavy breathing settled on the other side of the line you heard sounds of movement. A quiet grunt that sounded like he might be reaching for something. You frowned down at your own state, realizing you’d have to get some more laundry done before you got ready for the wrap party tonight.
“Did you make a mess?” Your quiet question to him reflected your own state of affairs and Baekhyun responded with a tiny giggle.
“No, I keep a big box of jerk-off tissues in my car. I wasn’t always so prepared. I once had to hear, with my own ears, my car detailer mention having to break out the precision tools to get the ‘stubborn, dried-up gunk out of the all cracks in the steering wheel,’ and I knew I had to fix my life.”
You were already laughing.
“I don’t care who you are or what goddess you might be jerking-off to. Something like that changes a man.”
Your giggling blended like music with his and lasted long enough for a very recent thought to dawn on you.
“Wait a minute — In my office, Baek?” The abrupt realization interrupted your own laughter but had an opposite effect on him.
He laughed even harder.
“Baekhyun, when did you do that? Where did you do that?” Your voice had a half joking tone and half genuine concern. There wasn’t some secret stain you didn’t know about somewhere, was there?
“Well, I didn’t do it on your Official Employee Performance Review, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
His joke was unexpected and it pulled out a genuine wheezing laugh from deep within your belly. It left you cackling and struggling to catch your breath and you could hear him laughing that deeply satisfied noisy laugh that he did when he knew his joke had landed particularly well.
After the giggles settled and you were up and about within your apartment; beginning to clean up both your filthy body and your bedsheets, the time on the clock began to nag at both of you.
You knew you had taken up to much of his time. You knew he had more errands to run before he had to return home to get ready for tonight. You didn’t know the specifics but it sounded like a tight schedule.
“I’m sorry I took up so much of your time.” The apology from your lips was genuine but his response began with a dismissive scoff.
“I’ll always have time for you.”
It was a cheesy sort of line and had it come from anyone else, it would’ve had your eyes rolling; but the sincerity you heard in his voice had you squealing internally instead. You really had fallen in deep.
He inhaled to speak again, “Baby, what do you have planned for today? Just lazing around until the party?”
You were probably only imagining the judgment you heard in that word he used.
“Excuse you, Assistant Byun, I have so much to do here at my house. Do you know what happens to a home when the owner is kidnapped by her sexy boyfriend and locked up in his ivory tower for a week? I have dishes in the sink, a dirty kitchen, a filthy bathroom, a ton of laundry to do. Plus I have to somehow shower and shave my legs and do make-up and hair and get all pretty for tonight. How will I finish it all?”
He gave the occasional hum of understanding as you ranted; letting you know that he was listening to you being dramatic even if each of his hums did come further and further apart and the sounds of his big engine speeding drowned out quite a bit of the important emphasis you had placed on certain syllables for dramatic effect.
The whole thing made you huff in annoyance and you crossed your arms over your chest with an eye roll as you grumpily repeated, “lazing around…” under your breath but not soft enough that he couldn’t hear it.
You lifted your volume for the next bit. You could not help how defensive you felt for being criticized by the most privileged man in the history of privileged men. Has he ever even washed one dish in his entire life?
“Some of us have to do our own chores, you know?”
“Okay, okay. I got it. I understand. You big baby. You are very adulty and very busy and very hard-working and very responsible and not being lazy today even though you stayed in bed until ten in the morning.”
“Nine.” You were quick to correct him.
“9:55 in the morning,” he pandered.
“Nine. O. Clock.” Your emphasis on each word as a separate entity gave you a temporary spike in your blood pressure and you had to stand back a bit from the phone; holding it just a little further away from your face as you briefly considered pinching him the next time you saw him.
“Oh, are we not counting the extra hour in bed and all that transpired therein? Because, my darling, it is 10:25 right now. I am 10 minutes late to my next appointment because somebody, let’s call her Schmanager Smoona, decided that 9:05 in the morning on a Thursday was a good time to send pornographic text messages to her boyfriend —”
“I’m hanging up.” You interjected the moment there was a pause. He’d inhaled a breath to keep talking and you managed to squeak in three quick words mid-speech. But it was useless. You could tell there was no end in sight. He was complaining about being late and yet he had time for the longest speech in history about how needy and inappropriate you chose to act instead of washing your dishes like a normal person.
“— while he was in the dentist chair with a strangers glove-fingers in his mouth, tasting like latex and artificial grape flavored fluoride—”
You let out the longest sigh.
“—what happens the next time I drink grape soda? What if Fanta Grape gives me boners now? Should I seek counseling for this? Should I seek a settlement?”
You had your fingertips pressed firmly over your forehead, rubbing hard as you tried your best to keep a hold of your sanity.
“Baekhyun, didn’t you say you were already late for —-”
“Oh my God, Noona. I already told you I have to go. I don’t have time for this right now. Why are you, like, so obsessed with me? Maybe I’ll call you later. If I feel like it. Kay, byeee.”
The line went dead.
He won.
The animated voice he did quickly interrupted whatever it was that you were saying. He spoke fast and used some sort of silly accent. By the time you had any of your mind in tact to realize what was going on you heard the click and he ended the call; cutting off whatever futile response you could possibly give him.
You stared down at your blank screen in mild disbelief and before the phone could time out a single buzz alerted you to a new text message from him.
‘i love u so much. ill see u tonight. don’t look too pretty i can’t promise ill behave if u do.’
If anything has ever felt like a challenge…
If only you had less housework to do, you could manage to sneak in a trip to the salon. If only you hadn’t just added a whole extra load of laundry to your list of chores, thanks to your mid-morning phone sex adventures.
You frowned down at the fitted sheet, knowing full well that you had to wash and dry the thing separately, else you risked the danger of having it grab up everything else you threw into the machine and catch it all deep within its corners; a tangled and twisted ball of filth and moisture that would not only ensure that nothing in the load got cleaned, it would also include the added feature of keeping everything, including itself, wet and wrinkled as well.
Halfway through your sorting efforts your doorbell rang. You hadn’t been expecting anyone and it had been a while since you’d ordered anything online, so the sound came as a bit of surprise. Perhaps someone was lost?
The view through your doorbell camera gave you more mystery than answers because standing at your door were three young women, all dressed in what seemed to be white long sleeve cotton shirts and black skirts. It looked like it might be some sort of uniform. You hoped they weren’t here to talk about your soul’s eternal damnation. That ship had sailed long ago.
When you didn’t answer right away the doorbell rang again and one of them was leaning forward and speaking into the microphone.
“Excuse me, Madam Byun? We have been sent by Young Master Byun for the cleaning.”
One of them whispered to the one who was speaking.
“My apologies, Miss Madam Byun. Cleaning the whole house,” she said after conferring with her co-worker.
Your boyfriend was unreal. You felt mildly amused by this. A genuine laugh broke free from your chest and you leaned forward to press the button so you could respond.
“I didn’t order any whole-house cleaning. Thanks, anyway.”
There was some whispering amongst the three and one of them was holding a phone that she typed a few words into. The one with the phone leaned forward next to speak.
“He said,” she was leaning forward with the cell phone in her hands and she seemed to be reading directly from a conversation she was having with Baekhyun.
“tell her that you will all be fired if you don’t clean the whole house today you won’t really be fired but tell her that you will all be fired if she doesn’t let you inside to clean oh also tell her that you all have been properly vetted so anything that happens is strictly protected and insured not that I think anything will happen I’m not saying you guys will do anything you know I am not that kind of person tell me what she says after that”
She read the entire thing word for word to you. Without paraphrasing. These were your sweet boyfriend's words read without any pause for punctuation or any changes in voice inflection.
You felt as if you were having an out-of-body experience.
The man was both incredibly thoughtful and incredibly ridiculous.
You were tempted in a way you hadn’t felt in a long while. Thoughts of heading to the spa for a full body refresh filtered through your head. Thoughts of simply walking by the sink full of dishes and the piles of sorted laundry and the soap scum covered shower door and walking right out that door for some pampering led you to reach for the door and turn the handle.
When you opened the door two of the three faces smiled at you. The girl with the phone was still looking down at it. She inhaled to speak again.
”well what happened did she open the door did you tell her about being fired all three of you have a family at home tell her you have six kids each that will starve to death there are twenty one lives in her hands no that's too many she wont believe that she is very smart it is not believable for someone so young to have six kids how about two what age do people start having kids look up into her eyes and look sad and say please I have six kids or two kids whichever you think she will believe”
“Stop. Tell him it’s fine. You all can come inside and clean. Tell him we will talk about this later, though.”
Her fingers were moving and she was typing furiously as she took a few steps inside of your apartment to stand behind the other two girls carrying boxes of cleaning supplies as they looked around surveying the place.
The girl with the phone was still talking. You wished she wasn’t.
“oh good make sure to tell her this part tell her we can only talk about this in her office with some fanta grape soda tell her that period”
She looked up into your face and leaned forward as if she was revealing something vital to the meaning of the message, “he put a period at the end,” she said with a small smile.
You lifted your hands, palms facing out to stop the girl. You shook your head back and forth, “Just…don't respond to him anymore. In fact, can you block him?”
”I cannot Miss Madam Byun. He is my boss. Please accept my sincere apology.” Her expression was serious and you responded with a hopeless shrug and a laugh. At least now, she’d tucked the phone safely away inside the pocket of her apron and quit relaying his insane text messages verbatim like that.
“Is this the entire home? Is there more somewhere?” One of the girls stood at your open bedroom doorway and had turned back around to face you with this seemingly innocent, yet strangely insulting question. You noticed her first destination was to open and close a closet door on the opposite side of the living room before she peered questioningly into your bedroom, confused as to where the entrance to the rest of your enormous mansion could be.
“No, it’s just one bedroom and one bathroom.”
Her posture straightened out and her eyes flew to the other girl who was standing at the kitchen. The two girls smiled at each other.
“We will be finished in an hour, Madam Byun. Would you prefer to remain on the premises or can we lock up for you when we leave?”
You hadn’t considered that you could just…go.
You could simply leave the unsavory bits to them and just head out to the spa or salon or out for a quick stroll in the park with a to-go cup of coffee from your favorite coffee shop.
Baekhyun had just given you an amazing gift. The gift of time.
You smiled a genuine smile and let them know that you would get dressed quickly and head out for the day. They were already busy finishing up with the mess in the kitchen when you headed toward the door.
They hailed your exit with dramatic 90 degree bows and passive smiles on their faces and you shook your head as you left, catching the eye of the one you figured to be the leader on your way out with an instruction for them, using your very best authorities manager voice so they knew you meant business.
“Make sure you tell him you all worked for, at least, 4 full hours today and make sure he pays you for it. I won’t accept any less. Let me know if he gives you any trouble. I can be even more annoying than he is. Got it?”
At last, the smiles on their faces were real and pulled as wide as their surprised eyes were. You closed the door to a chorus of their cheerful farewells ready to venture out into the world on a mission now to make yourself as sexy and beautiful as humanly possible.
You were going to absolutely kill that man tonight.
Part 1, ….. Part 18, Part 19, Part 20
Can I Stay? Masterlist
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trashytoastboi · 4 months
Day of Eternity - Solomon
~Spicy Sin-Ario F! Version~
> Female version
> Word count: 1,754 words
Warning: NSFW (Aphrodisiac use, Teasing, Overstimulation, Cowgirl, Toys)
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Solomon buzzed around his work bench, humming off key to some song he’d heard and blending it with another. Singing the lyrics a bit disjointed and having a good time nevertheless. He lifted the small beacon to his eye to judge the colour and consistency. He sets it back on the table and adds a little something extra, noticing the hue change from a deep indigo to a light pink. He tilted the beacon until a drop fell to his finger and he tasted the potion in question. Solomon licked his lips after sampling the latest creation. Noticing a honey-like sweetness, his body shuddered and grew hot. Such effectiveness from a single drop, it might have been his best one yet. It is perfect and he couldn’t wait for {Name} to try it out. After all {Name} is his apprentice, his girlfriend and on occasion; his test subject. 
Solomon made a pretty grimm from selling a variety of things to the demons in the Devildom, notably his biggest client base happened to be the many succubi and incubi that resided there. He is quite the salesman for lotions, potions, tools and toys. However before selling something Solomon needed to test the efficiency of things. He’s confident in his skills and knows they’re great with the security of no side effects. These tests were mostly for the smaller details and knowing who he should market the products to. So like any other day when Solomon would invite his lovely apprentice over for testing he’d give a brief rundown in person. {Name} trusted whatever Solomon gave her, seeing that nothing had never been dangerous and was easily assured. The sorcerer placed a small vial of pink liquid on the table, {Name} noted the colour is rather eye-catching. She popped the lid off and drank the liquid, her mouth filled with instant sweetness and dissipated with a candy aftertaste. Solomon watched closely for any instantaneous reactions “How is it?” 
“It tastes good”, Solomon chuckled at her response when he meant to specify the effect, however he’s glad to know it’s a pleasant taste. Bitter medicines weren’t all that favoured. “Do you feel anything yet?” he questioned, looking at the grandfather clock in the corner to record the time. He made his first adjustment note-  shortening the time for it to work. A few more minutes pass before {Name} feels a dull tingling throughout her body. She sighs “This is another aphrodisiac isn’t it?, of course this wasn’t the first aphrodisiac he’d had her test and taste, nor would it be the last. “Mhm, but this one is special” Solomon moves a bit closer to {Name}. “I worked on the effect of amplifying the body’s sensitivity.” {Name} nods, trying to sound out any difference between the last aphrodisiac and this one, “It doesn’t feel much different-” her sentence is cut off by Solomon closing in for a kiss and the contact sent a violent electric shock through her, shooting to every inch of her body as a moan fell from her mouth. “W-what was that?!” 
Solomon watched her closely "Looks like it’s working, you let out such a cute voice.” It was obvious that he was teasing. ‘Oh while I have you here, there’s something else I’ve been wanting to test out and I think this is a perfect opportunity.” He ran over to a storage chest on the other side of the study, one he’d enchanted to fit way more beyond its actual capacity and it took him a few minutes to fish out what he was looking for and he brought out a small capsule looking thing. {Name} eyed the capsule suspiciously. It reminded her of those bath toys when you throw it into the water and it would expand into a dinosaur or something . Solomon loved her keen intuition; it was indeed modeled after those but what pops out is very different. He excitedly explained that once it met water it will act as if it’s sentient, it’s not actually alive but will react as if it is. He went into length about how it’s perfect for fulfilling a tentacle fantasy- {Name} stops him right there. “I am not doing tentacles.” She didn’t budge, even when he pouted and tried to convince her with some pleading eyes. Solomon settles for touching {Name’s} wrist and hearing the surprised moan, Solomon slides his hand up her arm. “N-No tentacles…not today at least.” {Name} held her ground. Solomon looks pleased, “I’ll still be using toys, just not my creations. We need to test how far your sensitivity goes” thankfully the things Solomon had in mind were more tame than his tentacle toy. A pair of soft nipple clamps and a vibrator. “You look relieved, were you expecting something weird?” he hums playfully. “This is you we’re talking about.” She retorts.
Solomon has her sitting in his lap after stripping her down, every ounce of contact drives her mad and he kisses her fervently, he slows down and takes the time to tease her tongue with his own. {Name’s} body squirms in his lap, tenses before her chest is heaving with heavy breaths. Solomon looks astonished. “You came?” {Name} was more startled than he was, she didn’t realize a kiss would be enough to make her cum. She certainly didn’t complain and leaned in to kiss him even more moaning into every kiss, the more she felt pleasure coursing through her body. “Do I even need these?” Solomon held the nipple clamps in his hand, and {Name} nodded “Yeah- use them.” He loved how brave she got once a little pleasure muddled her brain. He holds the tip over her nipple and slowly adjusts it, keeping it a little looser than usual in light of {Name’s} reactivity. He adjusted them and pulled on the chain to make sure they were still on tight enough. The slight pull was enough to evoke a partial scream from her. Solomon kisses her neck softly, in a comforting way. "Does the sensitivity make it hurt?” he keeps the clamps with enough tension to pull on her nipples gently. “N-No…it just feels insanely good.”, she huffs out, “So no pain at all?”, {Name} nods. He’s pleased to hear that and pulls the chain harder. {Name} digs her nails into his forearm “Fuck Solomon-!” she cums again, and glares at him. He flashes a devious little smirk at watching her come undone. “Solomon just give me a moment” {Name} asks while trying to gather herself. “Mhm sure take all the time you need” he said and immediately betrayed his words when he pressed the vibrator right snug against her clit and switched it on. “You assho-” {Name} nearly bit her tongue when her legs started to shake and she kept trying to force his hand away, Solomon however against her wishes did not budge as she felt another wave of ecstasy washing over her. He moves the vibrator lower down, circling her hole teasingly before pushing inside her. Solomon keeps thrusting the toy in, nice and slow, careful not to push her over the edge again while she’s whining in his lap. “You’re so cute baby," Solomon compliments seeing her struggling against another orgasm when she’d usually be embracing it. 
There’s a lewd squelching sound that makes Solomon purr, “Getting me impatient seeing you all messy like this. Don’t think I can wait much more” he’s playing it off like a joke but judging by the hard thing prodding her ass she knows it’s not. “Then don’t wait.” Those words were all Solomon needed to hear, he was falling over himself to try undo his pants enough to get free. The moment he’s shuffled his pants off enough to get some semblance of freedom, his cock is already springing against {Name’s} stomach, she lifts her hips and slowly sinks down. The languid way she moved down had her cumming just from feeling him pushing inside. “Baby you have to stop cumming for a second or I’m not gonna last.” Solomon hissed through his teeth when he felt how tight she got all around him. “Can’t help it.” she moans out and rocks her hips, only a few minutes of riding had {Name} utterly fucked out and so overstimulated, tears streamed down her face “I can’t…please…” {Name} begged and pouted hoping for some sympathy from her dearest, “Aww I’m sorry baby, I didn’t know it would feel too good to handle” He mocked, giving little kisses in apology as he thrust up into her, kisses drifting from her neck to her collarbones, down her chest before he was sucking on her nipples. The warm, wet feeling of Solomon’s tongue circling the soft bud and lightly sinking is teeth in had her squirming and cumming again. “Sol…stooopp” She whined, “Safeword or I’m not stopping baby.” Solomon stays still for a moment, giving her a chance for the muddled thoughts to clear up enough to utter a single word- she looked at him, never uttering that word. Solomon’s lips turned upward in an evil smile, “Oh you’re begging me to stop but you don’t wanna stop huh, it’s too good?” Solomon is lost in the rapturous sensation she kisses him. After all the exchanges with kissing and the heat that washes over him he guesses that the effects can be transmitted by bodily fluids. Her insides clamp down tight again, he can’t handle how good it feels every time she does that and it nearly sends him over the edge himself.  He grabs her hips in a desperate attempt, “Didn’t want to cum this fast…” he furrows his brows and speaks through a few shaky breaths. {Name} can see how hard Solomon fights against it and she wants to be a little vindictive. She moves against his grip just a little more, a little more she thinks before she’s clenching around him with the most intense one yet. Solomon curses as it forces him over and he’s cumming, body riddled with intense ecstasy. “Good thing you skipped the tentacles.” Solomon jokes, placing his head against her as they both try to recover. “Is it really necessary to bring that up right now?” She asks Solomon who smiles at her words. “Oh dear it’s absolutely necessary because we’re going to do it next time.” He laughs into another sloppy kiss when {Name} gently shoves his face away “Seriously I think I’m going to die if I cum again.”, Solomon pouts asking if he couldn’t just give her one more.
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Taglist: @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf @roninfromtheops
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Feeling like I should write these down cause eventually I'm gonna post a screenshot of my Word docs and y'all are gonna see all my weird formatting, so let's get ahead of it! Writing tips with me! I hope some of these help folks, this is just what helps me. I've produced like 500k words of relatively edited work in two months using these, so. I shouldn't horde them in case they can help more folks. There aren't a lot, but I hope they help.
Reformat your doc to the page size you'd want to print the work in if you're working in a word processor that can do that. Even if it's fanfic! Figure out the size you'd want to hold the book at and work from there. I promise you, it feels way more motivating to get work done on a 6x9 doc than 8.5x11.
Another format tip, reformat your work in a font and font size that makes it easy to read. I write in Comic Sans myself! Writing already takes up a huge amount of brain power thinking of words, don't add to the challenge by adding hoops to rereading them for edits. You can always reformat after.
Get some kind of notes app. World Anvil, Campfire, I recommend Obsidian, which is free! World bible docs are great, but nested wikis are way easier to sift through.
If you prefer writing linearly, like I do, make sure you have a doc to write down other scenes when you think of them. This has saved me so much heartbreak, even just having an outline of ideas and quote ideas.
If you're going to write a series, pick how many books are in it by overcount, not undercount. It is typically more noticeable that a series has been stretched than it has been shortened.
Try the other side of plotter/pantser just a little. I used to be a hardcore pantser, but my writing improved scores when I started doing even just a little more plotter work. I still do mostly outlines, and I have presaved templates in Obsidian to help make notetaking easier on thin notes, but I promise it helps.
Don't compare yourself to others! I know I led with the 500k figure (because it is impressive) but everyone writes at different paces. Mine is influenced in no small part by autistic hyperfocus on my story at the moment. In amount of writing is still creating and still holds value.
Make a habit, and set it low. I tell myself I need to get a sentence done in a day. Convincing myself that getting something, even low, has pushed me more to get back to work than setting incredibly high word counts ever did. It's ok to have low inspiration days.
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marshmellowrio · 7 months
Flight of the Night | Chapter 2
A/N: Here is chapter 2 of this little fanfic idea I had, I've had way more response than I had anticipated on the first chapter. Thank you for that! If you're new here, you can find it on my profile. I'm still figuring out how to work Tumblr, so bear with me while I figure out how to put in links and masterlists and all that stuff.
Word count: 1113
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I left the townhouse after breakfast, not needing to be there any longer as Amren and Azriel spoke to Rhysand. Opting to wander into the city, I remember to tuck in my wings close as the icy winds nip at the exposed skin. Several citizens send me smiles as they pass me in the streets. I don’t even realize I walked onto the Palace of Thread and Jewels until I’m standing front of the Ruby Dream. I cringe when I remember the official name of the atelier, it seemed a good idea when we were drunk, but I really should’ve sobered up before giving Rhysand the filled in form. Not that it wasn’t a nice name, it’s just a mouthful. Ruby Dreams, Emerald Kisses and a Sapphire Embrace. It's kind of obvious why we shortened it to Ruby Dream. Kenna laughed at me when she first found out, but she loved the sentiment of it, she told me after she was done laughing.
I’m welcomed by a warm and calming sensation as I walk through the door, Kenna’s voice drifting out from the backroom, “I will be right out, look around all you want!”
A grin blooms on my face, “Don’t bother, it’s just me.” Little wheels are heard rolling over the floorboards and Kenna’s head becomes visible in the doorway to the backroom as she leans back in her swivel chair.
I start walking her way to the atelier in the back as she straightens, “Hey, I didn’t expect to see you today?” Her sentence sounds more like a question, combined with a set of furrowed brows. “Is something wrong?”
I reach her work station and lean against it as she turns  to face me properly. I chuckle softly, “No, nothing’s wrong.” She sighs in relief and turns back to her workspace. “Just stopping by.”
“Well, in that case,” she shoots a grin to me and I know what she’s about to say. “There’s plenty of work to do, if you’ve got some time to spare.” She gestures to the pile of custom orders and I frown at it, sighing.
I really needed to sort that out. “We’re not taking anymore customs for the time being.”
Kenna snorts, “I’ve been telling you that for months.”
Rolling my eyes at her, I take the pile of forms in my hands and walk to my own workspace, which… is not how I left it. “Kenna?” My eyebrows raise and I look at her.
She smiles shyly, and I narrow my eyes, she’s not shy. “Mrs Hallow needed some adjustments to her ring and she absolutely did not want me to touch it.”
I breathe in deeply, “Mrs Hallow needs to chill, this is her fourth adjustment this month, what does she want this time?” I put the stack of orders in the paper organizer.
“It’s all on the form, she basically wants the stone to be set a little deeper.”
I sigh once more but sit down at my desk and start reading through the form, looking at the ring and seeing what can be done.
The rest of the day is spent working through all of the custom orders, planning which ones to start around what time. The adjustments to Mrs Hallow’s ring only took about half an hour, so I just worked through the stack of paper, forgetting all about the dinner in the House of Wind.
“I thought you had a diner tonight, that’s why you had the day off, wasn’t it?” Kenna breaks through my concentration.
Kenna stands up, stretching and points to the clock on the wall. “Dinner? Our High Lord?”
My eyes widen and I shoot up out of my chair. “I-”
The female laughs and nods, “Go, I will lock up.” I grab the jacket I had thrown over the back of my chair earlier and whirl towards my friend, giving her a quick hug before running to the door.
I hadn’t realised it was closing time already, which meant that I was officially late for dinner. My wings flare out as soon as I scan the streets, making sure there’s no citizens around that I could hit. I take to the skies, rushing to the House of Wind, I should’ve known I would get lost in the paperwork.
As soon as I touch down, I hear Amren’s sharp voice, “-your bones were Made.”
I take a moment to breathe in deeply, so I don’t seem as flustered. I stroll into the dining room a second later, feeling the tension as Amren and Feyre stare at each other.
Amren’s eyes flicker to me as she notices the movement in the corners of her eyes, “Nice of you to join us.” I roll my eyes with a small smile in response.
Cassian turns in his seat to see me walking up to him as he’s closest to the doorway. “Oh please, we all know she loves to make an entrance.”
“I learned from the best.” I wink at him right before I reach him and pull him in for a half hug while pressing a kiss to his cheek. Giving Azriel’s bicep a squeeze, I continue to round the table to reach Rhys.
I treat Rhys with the same courtesy as Cassian but his attention remains on Feyre. “She’s pretty.” I whisper with a small grin playing on my lips.
“Don’t you dare.” He hisses in return as I walk away with the grin widening in amusement.
“Good evening,” I stop in between the High Lord’s chair and Feyre’s. “I don’t think we’ve had the pleasure.” The human girl looks away from Amren and she takes me in, which makes Amren lose interest and turn to Mor. Feyre’s eyes widen when she looks at my wings and I tuck them in just a little bit tighter. “Don’t worry, I’m not as much of a brute as the other two.” I cock my head to the side, gesturing to the two other Illyrian’s at the table.
“Lyssa, nice to meet you Feyre.” I give her a dazzling grin and I see Mor match mine in the corner of my eyes. Glancing to her for a second, our eyes meet and my grin only widens.
“Be nice.”
“Oh come on, Rhys. It’s been so long since I’ve had someone new to tease and flirt with.” Feyre’s cheeks turn slightly flushed.
Rhys pinches my side, “Behave.” But when I watch him study Feyre I know he’s glad I got some sort of reaction out of her. I roll my eyes, but go to sit down. Deciding to listen to him for once, I settle into my seat next to Mor.
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A/N: Let me know how you liked it and if you wanted to be added to the taglist! (I'm sorry of I'm not doing the taglist thing right, I literally do not know what I'm doing here?!)
Taglist: @inloveallthetime
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Aussie slang competition!
Aussie slang words battling it out to see who's best!
- Only submit the same word once
- Multiple submissions with different words are fine
- Submissions close on the 21st of November if there is enough submissions and polls will start after(might take a couple of days though)
best constitutes as whatever is the most fun to say, best shortening, nickname etc
inspiration/cool people:
@best-non-english-word-torunament  @ultimate-word-tournament @ultimate-sentence-tournament @words-for-cat-bracket @best-female-villain-tournament @bisexual-protagonist-competiton @best-childhood-book @pinkhairswagtourney :) (sorry if me tagging you is annoying)
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abidethetempest · 1 year
here it is, in all it's this-took-me-like-4-hours glory:
"Ikleydem nama’ir'viikor ibar iisrohkamraskas mah’azeyr ke’hiir aadekspriist en ma’shak zeth'iir niikanya braakem."
its the first line of the tab, "The five Splicers sat motionless around the small access point that jutted from the dark stone."
Whoo! That sentence alone ended up adding about 22 words to my lexicon! Going by how much work just this one sentence was, I'll have the whole lore tab done in about a month, so uh buckle up for the long haul folks haha
some fun details below!!
"en" is a relative pronoun (for those of you in the audience who are not total linguistics nerds like me, that's a word meant to introduce a relative clause, such as in English the words "that, which, who, whose" etc). I was particularly inspired by how Irish and Welsh do this, with a relative pronoun for direct and indirect objects. I have not decided what the indirect relative pronoun is yet.
iisrohkamrask is my word for Splicer, and literally translated it means "machine-weaver". very proud of that one, ngl
my rough draft for plurals is that the final vowel of the noun being pluralized is duplicated at the end of the noun and then -s is added! You can see that in action in the sentence above actually, in the word for Splicers. (I'm gonna make a post about plurals soon I think, because it's a little more complicated than just what I've got here.)
I have the very basic skeleton of a number/counting system. Fun fact: it's dozenal aka base 12, because Eliksni have 12 fingers! I considered using senary (base 6) instead, but I liked base 12 more in the end. Huzzah, math! All I really have fleshed out right now is a few numbers and that when numbers are used as adjectives they get an -r suffixed on the end. Historically, they were treated the same as any other adjective and got the full -iir/-hiir suffix, but due to how frequently they were used they mutated into shortened forms for ease of speaking. Sorry, got a little carried away there haha, I just really love adding details about Eliksni's history and all its little quirks.
Date: 7-23-22
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koreanling · 1 month
5 Different Ways to Say What in Korean
‘What’ is always a keyword in a language, and important to growing your vocab and skills but there are actually multiple ways to say ‘What’ in Korean! Which one you use depends on the information and the words’ location in a sentence.
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1. 무엇/뭐
뭐 and 무엇 are probably the ‘What’ you’ll hear the most when starting to learn Korean. But 뭐 is a shortened version and casual form of 무엇. 무엇/뭐 can be used when the subject is unidentified, and should not be used in front of nouns. So for example you cant say “뭐 노래”.
Examples of 무엇/뭐:
이거 뭐 예요?: What is this? 이름이 뭐예요?: What’s your name?
2. 어떤
어떤 comes from 어떻다 and can be used for questions about both objects and people. It’s used more when you want more information or to specify; from a name, type/genre, description, and more. It’s similar to asking “What kind of —?” where the possible answers are more limited and specific.
Examples for 어떤:
어떤 영화를 보고 싶어요?: What type of movie do you want to watch? 어떤 노래를 좋아해요?: what kind of songs do you like?
3. 무슨
무슨 is similar to 어떤 and is used before a noun in a question. 무슨 is used for clarification, typically when you don’t have an idea. Compared to 어떤, the options for the answer are more limited.
When to use 무슨:
무슨 생각해?: What are you thinking about? 무슨 노래를 좋아해요?: What song do you like?
So you can see in my examples for “— 노래를 좋아해요” adding 무슨 vs 어떤 has different nuances to it! If you compare “— 영화를 보고 싶어요” adding 무슨 has the meaning more directly asking for a movie title, while 어떤 is asking for a genre or type of movie.
4. 어느
어느 mostly means which but is used to mean ‘What’ in Korean as well. If you’re using 어느 you already have options in mind and are asking between them.
어느 Usage Examples:
어느 나라 사람이에요?: What country are you from? (Which country person are you?) 어느 색깔이 더 좋으세요: Which color do you like better?
5. 몇
Finally, 몇 is just used with numbers and counting. While it doesn’t always mean ‘What’ in Korean, it’s used like ‘What’ in certain cases.
Examples for 몇:
몇 시가 가장 좋으세요?: What time works best for you? 지금 몇 시예요?: What time is it? 몇 분이세요?: How many people? (for example: it’s used a lot at restaurants, asking how many people in your group)
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Pairing: Charles Leclerc X Rockstar Cherrie!
Word count: 10k
Summary: in which it’s been a year. They’re in love, he’s still a fan. And it’s time to meet her crazy family.
It was safe to say that Charles had never felt as terrified and nervous as he did then, as a passenger princess , while his Rockstar girlfriend raced down the open roads that led to her family's home in Spain.
Feeling his heart threaten to climb out of his mouth with each bumpy rock on the road that Cherrie carelessly sped over , getting further and further away from civilisation . It had been nearly five minutes now since he had last seen any other sign of life, no shops, no tourists , just endless trees and desert like land in front of him.
Charles wanted to be sick. Pressing his trembling hand over his mouth as he tried to remind himself that meeting the parents and the family were a normal step in a growing relationship. A step that , if he was being honest with himself , should have been taken a while ago now.
It was safe to say that he might have been putting off meeting them because of the simple fact that from what he had heard from Cherrie and everybody else around her, including her ex boyfriend and baby daddy, that they were crazy.
And not the fun in the sun , drinking bubbly and laughing over the campfire type of crazy. But the kind of crAzy where her father was a ex fighter . One of her brothers was in jail for attempted murder (which Cherrie swore vehemently that he was innocent about!). And her other brother had only just gotten out of jail about three months ago now, and the youngest brother was also a lawyer. Hence how he was now out of jail and how the other one only had a short sentence instead of full term.
Even her mother terrified him too. He had heard his girlfriend and her mother on the phone multiple times , and the two of them together were... deafening. The type of loud that made everybody within a five metre distance wince from their volume, a rapid mix of Spanish and blended up English as they gossiped each night for all to hear.
It was... a lot. he simply just wasn't used to it. He was used to polite smiles, calm and respectful conversations over lunch. Gentle hugs from family members , none of which had ever  had a criminal record either.
So this chaos that Cherrie brought along with her, was a little overwhelming for him. But he loved her, so deeply and so unfading that he knew in his heart that she was the one for him. She was the woman that he was going to someday marry and start a family with. The love of his life.
So he had to officially meet her family before they all came knocking at their door with suitcases instead.
Luckily for him Cherrie loved him enough to shorten her family down for their visit . So that he was only going to meet her close and immediate family first instead . Not the hundreds of cousins and anties and uncles that she had. She was saving that for another time so that Charles could actually have a chance of getting out of there alive and still loving her.
And she loved him , really she did, so she didn't want him to be too scared. She wanted him to love her crazy family as much as she did because they were going to become his family too soon. But despite her constant reassurance that they were going to love him and that he had nothing to worry about . It didn't seem to help his nerves at all.
She glanced over at her boyfriend in the passenger seat of the car and winced a little to herself in pity, as she took in his pale and clammy face alongside the way he was white knuckling the door handle as she sped down the bumpy roads as though she was rally racing .
She eased up a little on the gas and straightened the car after she had accidentally on purpose drifted them around a tight corner , her four year old daughter giggling gleefully as she threw her little hands into the air in excitement , strapped securely in her car seat in the back of the car. Having the time of her life, so excited to see her family again.
Meanwhile Charles let out a small shriek of fear as his body slammed against the door from her abrupt steering , his head snapping over to his giggling girlfriend with a concerned frown .
"Slow down Cherrie! I'm going to be sick If you keep doing this!" He complained, gagging for effect so that she would realise how serious he was being.
She just rolled her eyes at him playfully , little Star even pulling a face at him when he peered into the backseats to make sure that she was okay. Being faced with a judgemental up and down glance from the four year old who shook her little head at him with a mean little smirk.
"Scaredy cat." She mocked him, giggling like the menace that she was as she kicked the back of his seat as well. Enjoying his suffering.
Just like her mother. Charles sighed loudly. Both of them loved to torture him. It was clear now.
"I'm not scared." He quickly denied, frowning back at miss sassy pants back there. The two of them having grown a close bond with each other over the last year of him and Cherrie being together.
He loved Star just as much as he would love his own kid. They were a package deal and he loved them both endlessly. Even when they both had bad attitudes and found humour in taking the piss out of him constantly . He still wouldn't change a single thing about them.
Better bitchy than boring , he supposed. There was never a dull day with them.
"I just want to get their safely before cherries brothers and father un-Alives me." He muttered in a grumble .
Clinging to his seatbelt tightly , shooting his girlfriend another sharp look when she pressed on the gas again and nearly sent them into a bush around the corner .
"Cherrie! My love! Please!" He yelped scared .
She just snickered, picking up his trembling hand and bringing it up to her lips. Gently kissing his knuckles to calm him down.
She smiled briefly over at him before focusing back onto the road in front of her. "They're not going to kill you! I've already talked to them! They know all about you and they know that you're a good guy. Not like all the other men." She told him absentmindedly .
"-plus you've already talked to mi mamá before! You like her don't you?" She reminded him with a amused grin.
Charles just groaned stressfully . Thinking back to all the times before that her mother had ambushed him over the phone.
He had almost shit himself the very first time that she had called him during the middle of the night, it was morning for her family , and Rosa's voice had been loud and to the point in his ear as she shouted worriedly down the phone "have you and Cherrie eaten? Do not forget to take you're vitamins and to drink plenty today! I have checked weather app and it has told me that it's very hot for you. Do you hear me?!" While he tried not to have a heartattack .
This being the first time that they had ever spoken and already she was yelling at him during the middle of the night after waking him up.
He had shaken Cherrie awake in a panic, hair sticking up at every angle as she reassured him that was a normal thing in her family . The shouting, the overbearing concern and random calls in the middle of the night were just apart of them and that he needed to get used to it if he loved her and star and wanted to stay in her life.
Before casually kissing his cheek and rolling away from him , going back to sleep peacefully while he had just sat there in disbelief, looking down at his phone in the dark as he wondered how the hell her mother had even gotten his number in the first place .
"I do but-still- she shouts at me a lot Cherrie. Are you sure that she likes me? Because sometimes it doesn't sound like it." He looked at her worriedly , the over thinker out of the two of them.
Cherrie simply didn't give a shit and neither did Star either . So Charles had to do all the worrying and stressing for all three of them. It was only right.
Cherrie just laughed and patted his knee comfortingly . "She loves you! If she didn't like you- she wouldn't even speak to you . never mind call you to make sure that you've eaten Charles! And her shouting isn't bad. She's just enthusiastic and expressive . All my family are!" She explained to him patiently. Giving him a pretty smile that momentarily stunned him enough to calm his panic for a moment.
Well. Until the four year old in the backseat open her big mouth up again.
"mi abuela likes you Charlie. mi abuelo is the one that usually doesn't like mammas boyfriends." She told him matter of factly . Grinning mischievously at him. Enjoying his panic like the evil little child that she was.
Charles swallowed audibly , letting out a shaky breath. "And what does he do if he doesn't like them?" He dared to ask. Looking at his girlfriend with worry.
Cherrie awkwardly cleared her throat , glancing away from him with a slight grimace as she muttered quietly . "I wouldn't worry about that mi amor.. he's going to like you . So nothing will happen to you." It didn't help calm him down at all.
He looked at her with wide eyes , heart pounding in his chest as he gasped loudly "so something did happen before, yes? Oh my god!" He whined fearfully . Covering his face with his hands stressfully.
Star giggled loudly and exclaimed happily "don't worry Charlie. Mami won't let them hurt you! You're too pretty!" Grinning toothily at him as though that would help.
Cherrie nodded along in agreement . Kissing his knuckles again while he continued to mumble panic in French beside her. Not having a single clue to what he was saying, she didn't  pay it any mind. Just enjoying the sound of him speaking French anyways . Even if it was swears and mumbled worry's that he was spewing .
"Exactly! You're forgetting that I'm just like them! They hurt you. I hurt them. Badly." She said it matter of factly. So casually that it made him glance back over to her in surprise.
Oddly turned on by her authoritative and stern voice , her accent even thicker as she threatened anybody's life that would hurt him or upset him. And Charles started to calm down knowing that she wasn't joking either.
She was scarily protective of him and the last time that some poor idiot had insulted him at a bar they were at, Cherrie had knocked the man out with just one punch before loudly threatening his life to his shocked friends standing fearfully by. Charles had just been holding her free hand behind her back silently . Watching his girlfriend knock a guy out for him with a gaping mouth and tented pants .
It was the hottest thing that he had ever witnessed and he had barely been able to wait until they were back home before he was tearing off her dress and throwing her down onto their bed in a frantic desperation , kissing her passionately while she just giggled beneath him in amusement.
His girlfriend was terrifying when she wanted to be and he loved it. Because he knew that he was safe as could possibly be as long as she was around. She was his love, his protector . He didn't need a bodyguard when she was by his side. He had seen her fight men twice her size without any hesitation . She had his back.
So he let himself relax a little and gave her a small smile . Sighing blissfully as he leant over to kiss the side of her head affectionately . So in love that it made him dizzy.
"I love you. So much." He muttered to her , completely gone for her. Unable to take his eyes off her as he watched the golden sun shine through the windows and highlight her frame perfectly.
He quickly pulled out his phone to take some candid photos of her, grinning as he leant back in his seat to get a better angle. Smiling to himself in amazement, unable to believe that the most beautiful woman in the world was all his.
Her face softened, bottom lip pouting out a little at how loving he always was towards her. Even when he was pissing his pants about meeting her family. He still found the time to tell her that he loved her.
Charles couldn't resist, leaning over to quickly kiss her pouting bottom lip . "Love you too bebé." She whispered to him with a soft smile. A start contrast to her usual unbothered glare that she wore.
She could be soft. But only for him.
Stars loud huff got their attention and Charles leaned back into his seat again, glancing behind them to see the four year old scowling at them unhappily, clearly jealous of not being on the receiving end of their affections as well.
"Well?" She impatiently huffed, looking between the two of them grumpily.
Her little hands clenching a princess doll In her fingers that Charles had bought her that morning to keep her occupied and behaving on the long drive there.
Luckily she had slept soundlessly on his shoulder on the plane journey to Spain, and Cherrie was only left to comfort one nervous man child each time they hit some turbulence instead .
"Well what?" Charles grinned at her amusedly , reaching between the gap of their seats to fix one of her socks that had rolled down over her shoe.
Cherrie had been too busy running around and making sure that they had everything for that flight that morning to make her daughter presentable, so Charles had the honour of dressing her this time.
He was quite proud of the bright rainbow coloured cotton shorts and over sized matching shirt that she was wearing . Along with some bright blue little boots too. He had managed to wrangle her messy hair into two large pigtails , two red bows holding them together cutely.
He thought that she looked adorable , quickly taking a picture of her pouty face too. Grinning to himself at the eerily similar glare that Star and Cherrie had whenever they were both unimpressed with him.
She copied her mother's scowl and exclaimed loudly "my 'love yous please!" Crossing her tiny arms over her chest as well for added drama.
Charles just laughed and lifted her tiny hand to his mouth , kissing her knuckles like her mother had done for him. Watching the way the four year old immediately dropped her pout and starting giggling instead, cheeks going red as she beamed back after him happily again.
"Yes. I love you as well miss Sassy pants." He told her affectionately . Giving her pigtails a gentle tug before pulling away. "You and mommy both."
Cherrie hid her lovesick smile behind her own curls , trying not to squeal like a fool at the gooey way he made her feel. It was sickening really . She was supposed to be a bad bitch. But Charles had her weak for him, he really did.
After a few minutes of driving they finally pulled up to her parents place that she had bought them , the large house proudly stood in the middle of no where with land for miles ahead.
"We're here." She announced happily. Star immediately cheering with excitement. Charles immediately paling again.
"You ready mi amor?" She questioned her nervous boyfriend in amusement as she turned off the car and got out. Charles quickly following .
He sighed nervously as he opened the backseat door and unbuckled Star from her car seat carefully , helping the four year old down.
He was surprised when she didn't immediately bolt off like she usually did. Instead this time she placed her small hand in his and stayed by his side, looking up at him with a toothy grin .
"You'll be okay Charlie." She whispered to him encouragingly . Reminding him of what a sweet girl she really was underneath all that sarcasm and sass.
He squeezed her hand gently in return, heart racing as they slowly trailed behind Cherrie to the front door. But he still couldn't find the Courage to agree with her words just yet.
Before he could make a desperate plea to his girlfriend and make her promise him again that he would be one hundred percent safe with her family, the front door swung wide open with a bang nearly making him jump out of his own skin.
"¡Mi bebé! Look at you! Have you lost weight? You're looking too skinny! Why are your cheekbones so sharp? Is this boy not feeding you well? I call him, plenty!" Her mother loud voice immediately started fretting over her daughter as she pinched her cheeks and looked her body over in concern.
Charles smiled a little to himself as he looked at the woman in front of him. Seeing where Cherrie had gotten her beauty from now.
Her mother, Rosa , was a small woman, even smaller than Lando was, which was saying something. But she had the biggest personality to make up for it . With beautiful long, black hair and soulful eyes just like his girlfriends . She was a forced to be reckoned with. Wearing a long flower dress with an apron wrapped around her waist from where she had been cooking before spotting them pulling up at their home, having sprinted straight out to see them as fast as she could.
Cherrie laughed softly as her mother cupped her face lovingly , kissing all over her face as she worried over her, feeling herself fully relax now that she was in the arms of the ones that she loved the most. There really was no place like home
"I am well mamá! And I eat very good. Charles has been trying out all of those recipes that you sent him. He's been trying his best." She told her mother proudly as she motioned over to her nervous boyfriend with a simple nod of her head, laughing at the way he immediately looked like a deer in headlights as another voice joined the conversation.
Her father walked out of the door and and smiled at them all . And Cherrie supposed that she could see why people were so scared of him. He was a big guy. Both in height and muscle. Her papa hasn't put down the weight lifts since the very first day he could lift them. He was a very strong man and it showed.
Her friends liked to joke that her father was like a Spanish the 'Rock'. Bald head, muscles, tattoos and all. He really did look like him.
Charles had to bend his neck back to meet his eyes, swallowing silently at the sight of him. He tried to take in a deep breath as he felt Star squeeze his hand again gently. The four year old no doubt feeling that he needed the support. Despite the little amused grin on her chubby face as she felt his palm turn sweaty in her hand.
"I should hope he has! You don't need a man that won't cook for you. You are the rockstar in your household. He should be doing the cooking and the cleaning." Her dad stated seriously before looking over at a nervous Charles with a stern eye, assessing the man closely in front of him.
He only wanted what was best for his only daughter , she was his princess after all.
"You speak any Spanish?" He asked the driver curiously . Big arms crossed over his even bigger chest as he stared poor Charles down.
He let out a anxious chuckle, shaking his head a little as he looked up at her father with a nervous smile tugging at his lips. Feeling like he might pass out.
If he had thought that Leon. Her ex boyfriend was big. He was tiny in comparison to her father. Charles wondered what the hell they were drinking out here to be so big. And where the hell could he get himself a glass?
"I'm trying to learn. Although I have picked up a lot of words from your daughter. Some that aren't really repeatable." He chuckled, looking over at Cherrie fondly .
Loving when they were at home and he could listen in to her talking to her friends over the phone. She swore like a sailor and Charles was certain that he could now tell someone how to get fucked, be fucked, fuck off, fuck you and you're fucking kidding?! In Spanish perfectly.
His girlfriend has a mouth on her and he loved it. It balanced out his calm and polite behaviour perfectly. He finally had found someone that would call back a waiter to their table if they gave him the wrong food without any hesitation .
Cherrie very clearly wore the pants in their relationship and Charles would never complain about that. It meant that he always felt safe by her side knowing that she always had his back. She was tough as shit. But soft for him in all the right moments.
She really was the love of his life. Charles was certain that she had been made just for him. She was perfect in his eyes. And could do absolutely no wrong.
Her father, Sergio, laughed loudly at his words. Nodding his head with a wide smirk on his face "yes, that sounds like my daughter! Charles is it?" He gave him his hand to shake, getting good vibes from the race driver in front of him.
He was just pleased that his daughter hadn't brought home another one of her steroid taking, pig headed, dumber than fuck boyfriends that she used to have. It was a well accepted change to have his little rockstar bring home a man like Charles instead. It gave him great hope for her future happiness now.
Charles reached out and shook his hand firmly , trying not to wince at how strong Sergio was as he squeezed his hand and gave it a hard shake, eyes never leaving his, clearly testing him.
Charles just smiled Nervously and said "yes. That's me. It's nice to meet you. Cherrie talks very highly of you." He quickly let go of his death grip hand and held little stars hand again instead.
The four year old just glancing up at him judgementally when she felt his trembling fingers in her tiny hand, shaking her head at him with a pitiful sigh .
Her father grinned, pleased as he turned to his daughter to give her a hug. Holding her tightly to his chest as he kissed the top of her head affectionately.
"And I her! My precious daughter finally home! And with a new man too! I didn't believe your mother at first when she told me!" He exclaimed honestly , looking immensely proud of her.
Cherrie giggled at her fathers words, kissing his cheeks before pulling away and watching as her mother made her way over to Charles and quickly brought him into a warm hug as well.
Charles froze as her mother started patting his face gently , turning his head this way and that way so that she could get a better look at him.
She frowned in concern "very small! Maybe I was worried about the wrong one. Does she not feed you Charles? You need a good meal! You're very lucky, I cook feast today for us! This is a special day for this family!" She exclaimed as she started to drag charles into the house quickly to feed him up.
Cherrie laughed loudly at the panicked look that her boyfriend shot her over his shoulder , too scared to make a noise in fear of upsetting anyone.
"And there's my other baby! My beautiful star all grown up! Soon you'll be a woman! My god!" Her father gushed as he picked up star and threw her over his shoulder . The four year old giggling loudly as he spun her around and around happily.
"I'm gonna be five soon abuelo! Charlie said that he'll take me to Disneyland!" She told him excitedly as she cling to her grandpa firmly. Like a little koala around him as she hugged his neck , the three of them trailing slowly into the house.
Sergio looked at his daughter with a raise of his brow, looking pleased with what he was hearing. Usually none of her other boyfriends had ever took a interest in star. The four year old had a habit of scaring away the guys that she didn't like, so it was a pleasant surprise to hear the usually stone cold child gush about Charles like this.
"Oh really. You like him little one?" He asked her curiously as he brought Cherrie underneath his free arm to side hug her as well. His heart feeling full now that his family was back together again.
Star nodded her head rapidly "yes. He's a bit of a scaredy cat but he's really nice! He really loves mommy. I always hear him tell her how beautiful she is." She told her grandpa matter of factly "he's very lucky . Because mommy is beautiful and could have any man in the world." She stated. Like The number one fan of her mother that she was.
Cherrie laughed fondly and kissed her chubby cheek, while cherries father's face softened . Looking down at Cherrie with a soft smile "a good boy ah? He treats you well? You love him?" He wanted to know. Ready to kill him if he heard otherwise.
Cherrie sighed quietly, glancing over to the kitchen just as she heard heavy feet running down from upstairs with some familiar bickering accompanying them. Her brothers shoving past each other in hopes of being the first one to see charles.
"He does. He brings me and star flowers with our breakfast. He's so sweet papá . Not like the others so please take it easy on him. He's really nervous about today." She told him quietly , heart so full of love for her man.
Just like that Sergio decided that he liked Charles. He bought not only Cherrie flowers but her daughter to? It showed him just what kind of man he was. A good one. Her father was so happy to hear this, all he had ever wanted for his daughter and granddaughter , was their happiness . And he had never seen them look so happy .
"I will not hurt him. Do not worry. Any man that loves you and treats you with the respect that you and star deserve are welcomed in our family." He assured her firmly . Knowing that the men in their family didn't exactly have a good track record of being nice to the boyfriends in the past.
Cherrie just hugged him again, so happy. She then kissed the top of Charles head softly as she walked past him to get to the garden, immediately opening the doors so that star could run out to play like she knew she wanted to.
Charles smiled to himself at her soft actions before getting up to help her mother prepare the stew , Rosa passing him some carrots to chop up as he got into it quickly . Only to almost jump out of his skin as two large bodies slid in either side of him, along with two equally as loud voices greeting him.
"This is him? The man that has turned our sister into a lovesick puppy?" Diego , the youngest of brothers exclaimed in shock as he looked Charles up and down in amazement . Having not expected him to look like he did at all.
His sister usually Brought home men that looked like wrestlers or like they were apart of some gang. Not guys like Charles.
The oldest brother, Hugo, also looked surprised as he laughed loudly . "You have got to be the smallest boyfriend so far! But I have seen you on tv! You drive a car in circles for a living, no?" Nudging his shoulder like they were the best of friends .
Charles couldn't help but be a little envious of the insane amount of self confidence and the inability to have a vocal filter that her whole family had. It was nicely refreshing to not have people too afraid to joke about with him in fear of upsetting him, but it was also a little intimidating too. He just wasn't used to this at all.
He laughed a little at hugos description of his job, grinning in amusement at him. "That's me. I drive for Ferrari in f1." He confirmed for him politely.
Her mother gasped , leaning over the counter to frown at him worriedly . "Very dangerous! Are you safe? I heard very bad things!" She fretted.
Charles smiled at her gently , his chest warming at her immediate concern for his safety despite having only just met him. It was nice.
"As safe as could be. Maybe not so much a decade ago but the cars are better now when it comes to crashes. We have amazing engineers for that to thank." He answered her while Putting the now chopped carrots into the pot .
Her brothers exchanged a look before Hugo spoke up again. "We're cherries brothers. I'm Hugo and this is Diego." He introduced them nicely "we do have another brother but he's in the army!"
Her father walked into the kitchen and scoffed in amusement at their lie. "Pedro is not in the army Charles. They obviously want their tongues to fall out with all their lying." He smacked the back of his sons heads in scorn.
"He is in prison for attempted murder because apparently they can't do anything right. Even Diego here! Only attempted. No killers in this family Charles! We are good people!" He clapped a nervous Charles on his back casually as he helped himself to a beer from the fridge. "You want one?" He offended a bottle to Charles.
Charles hesitantly shook his head no . "I can't. I have a race this weekend so no drinking for me. It helps to keep a clear head. Trainers rules." He told him nervously .
Looking warily between the three large men crowding him into the counter, heart beat never slowing down once. Wishing that he had the four year old to hold his hand again in support.
Her father snorted, giving him a judgmental glance. "And you just listen to him? From what I have seen of your season so far. You could do with a good, stiff drink!" He joked.
Cherries mother scolded her husband immediately "he is a good boy! He is doing what he is told. Something that I wish my sons would do!" She gave them a longed , unimpressed glances as she said so.
Diego rolled his eyes with a grin "it was attempted mama! Just a little fight. The police made way too big of a deal about it." He scoffed defensively .
Hugo laughed loudly , smirking in amusement. "A fight that he didn't know he was participating in!"
Her father saw Charles worried look and tried to assure him "do not worry Charles. Hugo is a lawyer. No one in this family is going to jail for long time. Plus we are loved here. Very protected. We keep you safe too now." He promised him. Failing to realise that he wasn't helping his unease at all. Only making it worse.
Charles swallowed , chuckling nervously at the implication that his girlfriends family could kill someone and get away with it. No wonder Cherrie walked around without any fear in the world. She had her own hitmen and bodyguards to protect her.
"Er-thank you?" He didn't know what to say at all. Awkwardly scratching his neck as he looked between the men, absolutely lost to what to do or say.
It was safe to see that these guys were nothing like his friends back home. He had a feeling that even Pierre's confidence would be shaken if he was in his place.
Her mother shook her head with a exasperated sigh, shooing them away from the kitchen . "Stop with the story's! Do not scare the good boy away! This family needs him! Now let me cook in peace!" She ordered them all strictly . Giving Charles a comforting pat on his arm as she nudged him away, taking a instant liking to him. A mother knew best after all.
As the four men settled into the couches in the front room while they waited for dinner to be served , Sergio looked over at his daughters new boyfriend with a small grimace . Having not meant to scare him.
He tried his hand at comforting again , lowering his voice as he casually said "we have endless land. People disappear sometimes. No big deal. Do you have any enemies you want rid of?" Thinking that he was genuinely helping him.
Charles looked at her father with wide eyes, beyond shocked and also a little amused if he was being honest. Leon hasn't been kidding when he told him that her family was a little crazy.
He didn't know whether to be scared for his life or flattered that her family liked him enough to get rid of any 'enemies' that he had for him. He felt a bit of both actually.
"Er-not really. I tend to just stay away from people that I do not like. I'm not a fan of the drama." He answered him carefully. Smiling at him so he knew that he appreciated his attempt at 'helping him' none the less.
Sergio hummed . Nodding his head proudly. "Good answer. " he mused looking at him a little funny "you say that you are racing this weekend?"
Charles nodded. Shifting nervously in seat from having her intimidating fathers full attention on him. "yeah. I am. The track is only a few hours away from here." He told him with a small smile.
Sergio hummed again, side eyeing him. "You take your new family with you, yes?"
Charles looked at him , surprised. "You want to come to my race?" He felt his chest warm , face flushing a little from their interest and how quickly that they had accepted him into their crazy family without any hesitation.
Her father looked at him like he was crazy. "Of course! My daughter is dating a F1 superstar! Of course I want to go! You will get me a cap and shirt to wear?" He said bluntly , taking a gulp of his beer as he waited for Charles to snap out of his shock.
Charles felt like he could cry from happiness. This we going so well, he felt like he was dreaming! He had expected her father to threaten to kill him but instead her father was asking for tickets and his merch to wear!
He grinned happily "of course! I will show you around! I have taken star to a few races and she loves it! I have some photo's .. hold on.." he quickly pulled out his phone to show him his lock screen of himself and Cherrie hugging in his garage, standing beside his Ferrari that star was sat in, grinning toothily with her ferrari cap and shirt on. Having the time of her life pretending to be him.
Charles was too busy grinning down at the photo on his phone to notice the way cherries father's face softened , easily seeing the love that he had for his daughter and Granddaughter. Proudly gushing about them even though Star was not biologically his, he obviously didn't care. He still treated her as if she was his own.
Sergio sighed contently , liking Charles more and more as the minutes went on.
"You love her? I mean, really love her?" He needed to hear those words out of his own mouth to believe them fully.
Charles flushed red, giggling a little like a lovesick idiot as he smiled bashfully down at the picture of his little family on his phone screen. Heart squeezing in his chest. Constantly overwhelmed with the love that he felt for them. Until he met cherrie, he hadn't known that it was possible to love somebody so much.
"I do." He breathed out shyly , glancing over at her unreadable father hesitantly "I love her and I like her very much too. She makes me so incredibly happy. Star as well." He admitted to him quietly.
Sergio nodded his head with a small smile playing on his lips. "I should hope so. I'm glad. Because I was getting so sick of having to scare those nasty bastards away all the time." He sighed loudly in annoyance just thinking about his daughters past taste in men. "There's only so many times a man can hit someone with his car while reversing out of the driveway , before people stop believing that it was an accident." He casually stated to him in exasperation .
Cherries brothers nodded along in agreement , Diego pulling a disgusted face at the reminder of them too. They were all fiercely protective of Cherrie, and while it scared the shit out of Charles, he couldn't help but appreciate the loyalty they had with each other.
"Mmm. The problem was that these big guys weren't scared of her because they knew that they could overpower her with their strength. Toxic assholes. It's like they're too dumb to understand, you fuck over our sister? We make sure that you never have children again. Ya know?" Diego ranted angrily , Hugo nodding along in agreement.
Her father hummed proudly , glancing back at Charles and tilting his head in consideration. Charles just trying not to pass out underneath his intense scrutiny.
Don't throw up. He thought to himself pleadingly , feeling like a spooked deer in the middle of a group of lions.
He made a silent promise to himself to work twice as hard in the gym when they got back home. He had never felt like more of a twig than he did then. Even Cherrie had bigger muscles than he did! It was a little embarrassing .
"That's why I like you Charles!" Sergio finally spoke, cracking a pleased grin over his stern features.
"My baby needs a man that is too fearful to mess it up. Too scared of my daughter to hurt her! You fit the bill perfectly. A nice man, couldn't hurt a fly! She'll take care of the fights while you take care of my baby and make her happy forever ? ¿Sí?" He said firmly , looking at him a little threateningly . Yet another test for him to pass.
Charles felt a little offended , he wasn't going to lie. He wasn't a weakling . He could defend himself, he just chose not to. He had a kick ass terrifying girlfriend to that for him. It was a silent deal between them.
He got rid of the spiders on the walls. He cooked for her, he got her cute little gifts and gave her massages when she was stressed. And she would threaten the life out of anyone that was stupid enough to upset him, ferrari strategists included. With her around, he didn't have to worry because she always had his back.
And if that made him a softy or the whipped one, or the woman of their relationship. Or whatever people liked to assume . Then so be it.
He was in love and he was so happy. He couldn't care less about what anybody else thought. He had the hottest rockstar in the world as his girlfriend.
He won.
"I'll take care of her the best that I can, yes. She would do the same for me." Charles simply replied, getting a pleased grin from her father and brothers in return.
He sighed subtly in relief . Another box checked, they actually liked him! Thank fuck for that!
"You're going to marry my daughter and be happy forever. Keep her happy and she will keep you happy in return. Piss her off and she will piss you off in return also. You understand the pattern?" Her father made sure that he knew. It wasn't a question. It was a statement.
Charles quickly nodded his head, laughing nervously . Heart jumping in his throat at the thought of marrying the woman that he had been in love with and a big fan of for years before they even got to meet. He felt like the luckiest man alive then. Scary family and all.
He still had his kneecaps and his balls, so he would say that meeting her family was going really well so far.
Meanwhile in the kitchen Cherrie was helping her mama set the plates at the table , humming a song underneath her breath as she placed Stars plate beside Charles. Knowing that her four year old daughter would want to sit next to him. She loved Charles and it was clear to see that she looked up to him, despite how cool and sassy she tried to be. Star adored him.
Her mother kept glancing at her , a soft frown on her aging face that didn't go untouched by Cherrie. She let out a sigh and turned to face her in amusement .
"You have something to say?" She knowingly said to her. Smiling at her affectionately.
Rosa just hummed and smirked a little to herself, eyes still flickering around her glowing face and body. Looking like she knew something that nobody else did.
"You really love this boy. I can read it all over you. I've never seen you so smitten before Cherrie." She stated, so happy for her daughter that had been so unlucky in love that they had all worried that she would never settle down. The fear of their only daughter hopping from one asshole to the next had her going grey haired .
Rosa was glad that the awful period of her life was over now. She liked Charles and she could see as plain as day that he was obsessed with Cherrie. It warmed her heart .
Cherrie giggled a little , flustered At how obvious her love was for him. "I do. I'm keeping him forever." She simply said. Grinning as she grabbed a bottle of red wine to go with everyone's. Pouring it into the glasses carefully.
Her mother hummed knowingly "you're glowing. Happiness suits you." She said with a twinkle in her eyes.
Cherrie let out a slightly nervous laugh . Tucking her unruly hair behind her ear as she mumbled out "yeah-er-thank you. I am happy. Very happy. Charles is.. so different from the other guys before. He's so gentle and soft with me.." she sighed out.
Her mother rose a brow at her with a soft smile "that is a good thing. Maybe a emotional man is what you need to soften you up. I think that you balance eachother out perfectly. The lover and the fighter."
Cherrie groaned a little. Cheeks flushing as she looked over to her grinning mother and sighed worriedly. "I know! I know! I do love how.. empathetic and caring he is but..sometimes In certain situations it not the best thing. He's very.. delicate. Easily freaked out." She muttered, fiddling with her fingers anxiously . Feeling sick.
Her mother just embraced her, hugging her daughter to her chest with a smile. Excitement practically radiating from her despite her best act to remain calm.
"I think that Charles can handle more than you give him credit for. There isn't a single thing that man wouldn't do for you." She told her firmly , kissing the side of her head before pulling away.
Cherrie looked at her mother in defeat "you know?"
Her mother winked "I know." She confirmed .
"How?" Cherrie asked her, amazed.
Rosa just shrugged smugly "a mother knows everything dear. Now call the boys in for dinner before it gets cold!" She instructed her with a smile.
Cherrie did as she said in a daze , wondering what the hell she was going to do and how the hell she was going to tell Charles without him freaking out too much. If her mother already knew then it wouldn't be long before the rest of her crazy family did too.
It was with that stressful thought in mind that she began stuffing her face with the food as soon as they were all sat down at the table. Cherrie beside Charles on his left and star seated beside him on his right.
"You okay?" Charles whispered to her quietly as he gently placed his hand on her soft thigh and squeezed to get her attention. His girlfriend looking like she was mentally a million miles away, chin in hand as she shovelled the food into her mouth carelessly.
Cherries head snapped over to look at him in surprise , laughing a little nervously once she noticed the concerned look he was giving her. "I'm amazing! Why do you ask?" She said around a mouthful of food, not looking him in his eye.
Her father frowned across the table at her in disapproval "do not talk with your mouth full! You're going to choke!" He scolded her lightly , shaking his head at her. "Have a drink to wash it down with!" He told her firmly before resuming his conversation with her mother again.
Cherrie swallowed her food and rolled her eyes to herself. Shaking her head in refusal when Charles offered to pour her a glass of the wine.
"No wine for me tonight." She murmured to him with a small smile, eyes focused on her plate as she tried to eat more slower instead.
She crossed her fingers and hoped that her family and Charles wouldn't make a big deal out of her denying drinks over dinner . Only she didn't have to worry about them.
Her four year old daughter was apparently the one that she should have looked out for. Her daughter immediately frowning over at her, looking alarmed at the sight of her mother turning down free wine. Something that she never did.
She always ate every meal with a glass of wine, no matter where they were or who they were with. It was a necessity for Cherrie. She had even been trying to convert her picky boyfriend into drinking wine with her after Charles claimed to hate it, only drinking champagne instead.
It was no wonder why her four year old daughter looked so shocked at the sight of her mother drinking a glass of water with dinner. Cherrie just wished that she didn't feel the need to vocalise her shock to her entire , very dramatic family .
"Mommy! Are you sick?" Star questioned her loudly getting everyone's attention . Even Charles paused with his own glass halfway to his mouth, frowning at his girlfriend in concern. No idea to what was going on.
"You're sick! You didn't say anything?" Charles worried, pressing the back of his hand to her forehead to feel for her temperature.
Cherrie slapped his hand away with a embarrassed flush on her face. Laughing nervously as she shook her head "no! I'm not sick! Why would you think that i was star?" She said to her daughter in confusion .
Her daughter looked at her like it was obvious "you're not drinking any wine mommy. You always drink wine." She stated like she was the idiot.
Her father looked at her then as well, frowning. "You're too good for our cheap wine now?" He questioned her, offended .
Cherrie quickly shook her head in denial "no! I love it. Just don't fancy it right now!" She flustered.
Diego looked at his sister in shock "you? The alcoholic doesn't fancy wine? You usually refuse to even eat dinner if wine isn't being served with it!" He exclaimed , Hugo nodded in agreement. Both looking worried now.
Cherrie glared at them, heart pounding in her chest. "It's not a big deal-" she groaned , rolling her eyes.
Her father gasped dramatically "are you dying? Are you that unwell? Do we need to call a doctor?!" He almost shouted in worry. Looking to his wife for help.
Her mother just shook her head in amusement , looking at her panicked daughter with a smile. "She doesn't have to drink if she doesn't want to. Stop pestering her." She scolded them lightly.
Her brother laughed loudly "how about tequila then? You're favourite!" He offered.
Cherrie swallowed . Fuck no. She thought grimly. Tequila was what had gotten her into this mess in the first place.
"No! I'm okay with my water thank you!" She snapped at them. Shoving another mouthful of food into her mouth so that she didn't have to speak.
Her father snorted in shock "you're not pregnant are you?" He joked. Grinning.
Then Silence. Complete and utter silence.
Cherrie just awkwardly cleared her throat , hesitantly glancing over at a equally as silent Charles in concern . She tried to smile, but she was certain it came out as a grimace instead .
Charles blanched once he saw the sheepish look on her pretty face , going deathly white as he gasped loudly in shock . Looking at Cherrie with wide eyes as his heart threatened to leave his chest. Blinking rapidly at her as his vision swam in front of him.
"You're pregnant?" He weakly got out, slowly standing to his feet in shock as Cherrie did the same thing.
She sighed quietly, hating that he had to find out this way but.. oh well. It is what it is. He was going to find out some time .
She shrugged her shoulders casually , offering him a apologetic smile.
"Yes. I'm pregnant and you're gonna be a papa Charles." She simply told him  .
Charles took one glance at her glowing face , another glance at her still flat belly and then his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he promptly passed out, crumpling down to the floor in a heap of limbs.
Silence . Utter silence.
Then a loud amused snort from her father as he got up from his chair and quickly took his only daughter onto his arms, tears of happiness in his eyes at the thought of getting another grandchild again .
"I'm so happy for you!" He told her grinning before grimacing a little as they all glanced down at poor Charles , out cold on the floor in front of them. Star patting his face to try and wake him up, the four year old sighing pitifully at him as she did so.
"My love. I like him but he is jumpy like a terrified rabbit. We're going to have to toughen him up a little." Her father stated in amusement. Nudging Charles foot with his boot gently .
Cherrie just sighed affectionately , pulling out her phone to take a picture of her boyfriend passed out in the middle of their family circle . Star sitting on his stomach with her hands cupping her chubby cheeks as she impatiently waited for him to come back around again.
"Such a lovely boy. A shame that his balls are made of only Crystal though. But oh well.." her mother shrugged casually "his pretty face and sweet personality make up for it!"
By the time that Charles had come back around, her father had managed to drag his limp body to her bedroom and threw him down on the bed carelessly. Too excited rambling on about his soon to be grandchild , the large man running straight back out to gossip with the rest of the family as they spread the good news.
Leaving Cherrie sit beside Charles on the bed, patting down his messy hair from his clammy forehead as he came back around with a groan . His eyes immediately searching out for her in the room, his hand latching onto her own for comfort when he noticed that she was right there beside him.
They just looked at other quietly for a few moments , Charles cheeks getting redder and redder before he finally let out a long sigh and said quietly
"Pregnant?" In pure disbelief .
Cherrie just smiled down at him, laughing lightly as she watched his eyes fill up with tears when she nodded her head .
"Yup. Another baby for me. Sorry you had to find out this way. I was planning to tell you after the race so that you wouldn't have any distractions." She told him apologetically .
Feeling his hands squeeze hers three times as he let out a watery laugh , beaming up at her tearfully.
"I can't believe it! We're having a baby! I'm having a baby with you! This is like- a literal dream that I've had for the past five years!" He gushed in disbelief.
From fan, to boyfriend to baby daddy. He couldn't believe it. Where was this kind of luck during his races?!
Cherrie let out a small Squeal when he reached his arms around her waist and pulled her body down ontop of him, kissing her passionately. One arm hooked around the back of her neck as he sighed happily against her lips.
"Happy?" She teased him , pulling away to kiss at his ruby cheeks . Unable to kiss anymore with how hard they were both grinning. The air filled with nothing but glee and excitement .
Charles looked at her in disbelief , pushing her down on the bed below him before laying himself on top of her gently. Laying his head on her belly and sniffling as he felt her fingers run threw his hair gently , softly scratching at his scalp comfortingly .
"Unbelievably so. I'm going to be a dad and you're going to be the greatest mother in the world. Star is going to have a little brother or sister!" He gushed . Full on crying now.
Cherrie laughed fondly as she patted his head comfortingly as his shouldered began to shake, crying against her stomach without any shame. Feeling her heart melt. Knowing that she had chosen the right guy to fall in love with and to spend the rest of her life with.
She looked up as the door creaked open and her four year old daughter came sneaking in. Giving her a equally as excited smile as she climbed up onto the bed to lay on the other side of her, resting her tiny head beside Charles on her belly, the both of them looking at each with matching smiles on their faces .
"You're gonna be a big sister Star." Charles whispered to her with a grin.
Lifting his hand and gently stroking her chubby cheek affectionately, his heart Melting in his chest when the four year old reached forward and kissed his cheek and nose happily. She had seen her mother do it to him all the time and immediately copied her. It made Charles so happy.
She giggled "can we still go to Disneyland on my birthday though?" She asked him hopefully because priority's.
Charles chuckled and wiped away his tears , nudging his nose against her tiny button one softly. Gently wrapping his arm around her as they both cuddled onto Cherrie's stomach who was laid quietly watching them with a heart full of love. So in love with the way Charles treated Star like she was his own.
"Obviously." Charles said , bopping her nose fondly. "The baby won't be here for a while yet . There's still places we need to see. We've got our little summer Bucket list to do remember?" He winked at her.
Star sighed dramatically "oh yes. And when baby is here will you still love me just as much?" She wanted to know. Worried.
But she had absolutely nothing to worry about. Charles took her into his arms and kissed all over her tiny face until she was giggling hysterically and begging him to stop . As red as a tomato.
"Nothing is going to change regarding my love for you Star. I love you and I love your mommy and I'm going to love this baby just as much. Okay? We're a family now. I promise ." He held out his little pinky for her to take.
And Cherrie could only cry silently in pure happiness as she watched her four year old daughter link her tiny pinky with Charles , squeezing them together three times as they both kissed either side of their fingers . Sealing the promise.
And she knew that she chose the right man for her forever . She knew that he was the one. She didn't need for him to toughen up. She didn't need him to be overly big and strong . She liked her emotional mess of man as he was. He was perfect for her. He was perfect for Star. And he was going to be perfect for their new baby on the way.
They couldn't be any happier.
Cherrie thought to the ring box in her dresser draw back home and smirked slyly to herself . Heart racing in her chest with hope, joy and pure excitement. Knowing what they're future would hold.
She guessed that karma really was her boyfriend. But what about karma as her baby daddy and fiancé as well?
That had a nice ring to it.
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