#courtney please just tell us
sharkestboi · 6 months
wait what
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I thought it was a joke, but now I'm not sure.
like if it's real, I'm so happy for them but smosh please, half of your fanbase is autistic give us some clarification
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spence-whore · 5 months
I wonder if u might do a Spencer besties to lovers fic (:
‘Best Friends’
Spencer Agnew x Reader
a/n forewarning, i read through this like four times but i don’t have the time to heavily edit it. please overlook the mistakes lmao but i hope you guys like this one:)
Ever since your first day at Smosh, you have felt loved and important. They were like a huge family, just welcoming you in. There was one specific crew member that you grew close to and that was Spencer. Everyone was always giving the two of you shit because you were always glued to each other’s hips. They swore up and down that the two of you were going to pull a Courtney and Shayne but on the entire crew, announcing the fact that you and Spencer were together this entire time.
When in reality, he was just your best friend. You would give everything for it to be more than that but it never would turn out that way. He only sees you as his best friend, nothing more.
“Y/N!” Angela screamed while standing in front of your table. You were currently eating lunch while scrolling on your phone.
“Angela!” You attempted to scream back before giggling and almost choking on your chips.
“Your husband was looking for you.” Amanda announced while pulling up a chair beside you. You rolled your eyes and glared at her. “What did he want?” She just shrugged her shoulders and started to talking to Angela about the next shoot. Their rambling lasted for a good five minutes talking about some characters they were wanting to try out in Try Not to Laugh before you heard footsteps approaching from the corner.
You could immediately tell it was Spencer. You didn’t even have to turn your head to look and see who it was. “Hey Spice.” You said loudly while stuffing your mouth with more chips. Spice was some dumb inside joke, the two of you had from whenever you had to go get your wisdom teeth taken out. Spencer was the one to drop you off and pick you up. You could not get the name Spence out, you just kept calling him Spice.
“Another reason to add to the list of why I think they are soulmates. They can literally tell it is him walking up just from his footsteps. What the actual fuck?” Angela said to Amanda rolling her eyes.
“Hey short stack. I got you a coffee and a chocolate croissant from that one place you-“ He stopped talking for a minute while staring at you.
“What are you staring at me for?” You asked looking at him weirdly, mid stuffing your face with more chips.
“Isn’t that my hoodie?” Spencer asked while pointing towards the hoodie you have on. You had gotten cold and passed by his desk earlier. You noticed he had a hoodie thrown on his chair and figured, hey, he wouldn’t miss it?
You just smiled at him before grabbing the coffee and croissant. “You’ll have to pry it off my dead cold body before you can get it back. It’s comfortable and it smells like you.” You said before thinking about what you were saying and felt blush flooding your cheeks. “Wait, I mean it smells good.” You said really quickly while covering your mouth and looking at him and everyone else with a panicked look.
“I’m not complaining that you have it on. I was just wondering where it went earlier and literally told Shayne I bet that you had stole it. You look cute in it anyways. You can just bring it to me later whenever you come over.” He said with a faint smile on his face. “You still are on for tonight, right? For us to finish the next episode of Fallout?” He asked tilting his head while looking down at you, practically sliding down in your chair.
“Yup. I will be there.” You said real quickly, praying that the heat in your face will go away. He just nodded his head before smiling and walking away.
Angela, Amanda, and Courtney, who joined the table during the interaction, all stared at you while you tried playing it off as confused.
You just stared back at them, “What? Is there something on my face?” You asked while wiping at your face.
“Uh, nothing but the color red.” Courtney answered quickly before laughing and shaking her head. “When are you two going to admit the fact that you are head over heels for each other? It is so obvious.”
You could feel your face getting even redder while the three laughed over how much you’re practically melting due to the teasing. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. So, tell me more about the character you were wanting to test out during TNTL?” You asked.
A few hours passed by and it was time for you to leave and head over to Spencer’s place. You were walking out of the office whenever you bumped into Shayne.
“I heard you and Spencer are gonna attempt to finish up the rest of Fallout. How are you liking it so far?” Shayne asked walking aside you.
“It’s been pretty good. I never realized how much I enjoyed watching a show like this with someone else. It’s so fun to just watch something like that together and witness their reactions while the stuff is happening.” You explained while getting excited over the thought of hanging out with the man and eating snacks.
“I think you just like the idea of hanging out with Spencerrrrrrrrr.” Shayne said with a huge smile covering his face. “He’s really excited to hang out with you too. It is literally all I have heard about today.”
You started to complain whenever he first teased you until you heard him comment about Spencer being excited to see you as well.
The two of you had hit the parking lot and were about to separate. “What do you-“ Shayne cut you off before you could even finish. “Y/N, please stop acting like you can’t see it.” Shayne laughed before smiling at you. “Sorry, that sounded a bit harsh but everyone can see it and I’m pretty sure you can too. That guy is so hopelessly in love with you. You can’t tell me he isn’t.” You didn’t know what to say, you just stared at him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Shayne said while giving a polite wave and walked off towards his car, where Courtney was waiting on him.
Some time passed by and you were finally walking up the steps to his house. Something about tonight felt different. For some reason tonight, you were nervous. It was just Spencer. He is your best friend, so you had no reason to be nervous. Shayne’s words were sticking in your head though. Any other time, it wouldn’t get to your head but man it was really fucking with you tonight.
You had a spare key to his house, so you just unlocked the door and walked in. “Hoooooneeey, I’m hooooooome.” You yelled trying, trying to not giggle.
“Hey Y/N.” You just hear Spencer respond and see him pop his head around the corner. “I’m just changing into comfier clothes. You can go onto the living room.”
All you could think was weird. He usually carries on with your comments whenever you enter his house.
You just thought, maybe he was tired. So, you tried thinking nothing of it and headed into his living room. You got situated on his couch and started pulling up the next episode of Fallout.
“I put your hoodie on the counter.” You nodded towards the kitchen area while forcing a smile at him. He just nodded his head okay and sat down beside you.
Spencer is usually the touchy type of friend. He is always touching you in some way, either it grabbing your legs and throwing them over his, arm against yours, something like that. Tonight was different though. He had a distance between the two of you.
“You ready to start?” He asked before nodding towards the TV and you just nodded your head yes.
It was killing you. There was something going on and you couldn’t tell what. It was like there was a blanket of thick tension laying over the two of you. You would look at him out of the corner of your eye and catch him glancing over at you. He would catch you looking over at him then looking back at the TV. It was starting to drive you insane, so you had to speak up.
You grabbed the remote and paused the show. “What is going on?” You asked while turning towards him.
“What are you talking about? We’re at the part where-“ You realized he was about to explain the part of the episode, so you cut him off. “No, what is going on with you? You seem upset tonight.”
He looked at you then stared at the TV for a few minutes. You sat in silence as well, thinking maybe he needed it till the silence got deafening.
“Spencer? I don’t understand? Any other night we hang out, we’re always cracking jokes with each other and talking about our days and tonight-“
It was like it happened within a flash.
Spencer turned to face you while you were talking and you thought he was turning to listen to whatever you were about to say. You couldn’t be further than wrong.
He grabs both sides of your face and cuts you off. “Can I kiss you?”
It was like all of the words immediately got stuck in your throat and you just stared at him in shock. He started laughing over the way your face starts getting red in his hands. “What?” was all you managed to squeak out.
He inched a little closer to you, “Trevor was calling me an idiot for not realizing how much you like me. At first, I thought he was ignorant, of course. I thought there is no way they would have the same feelings. I, then, remembered how you acted earlier today over the hoodie and the comment about liking how I smell. It was like something just clicked. You also blush anytime we have an interaction. I could be wrong and if I am, I’m so sorry for butchering this friendship, Y/N, but can I please just kiss you already?”
You couldn’t even get words out. All you could do was shake your head yes and immediately, it was like all of the words left your head. He didn’t do the stereotypical ‘starved’ kiss that happens with the friends to lovers trope. He just softly pressed his lips against yours while pulling you closer to him by your face.
This lasted for a minute before he slowly pulled back. Your hands immediately fell to his wrists that were under your chin and you both just stared at each other.
“Your face is probably the reddest I have ever seen it. I’m going to assume everyone was right?”
You just smacked him on the chest and then wrapped your hand around his neck and pulled him close to you, “Yes, you dork.” You kissed him again but didn’t last long before he pulled back again.
“Wait, mentioning earlier… I wanted to ask, so you like the way I smell?” He says with a stupid grin on his face and wiggling his eyebrows.
“Oh for fucks sake, just kiss me again already Spencer.”
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hayleythesugarbowl · 3 months
I need more ian hecox in my life!!
can I please get a fluff of them revealing feelings somehow through shayne's guess your celebrity crush video 🙏
or maybe ian winning their what would *blank* do? video (because he knows them so well 😊) and someone else in the cast making reader realize that he has big o'l feelings for them!!!
I love your work so so much!! 🫶
Celebrity Crush || Ian Hecox x reader
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • smosh masterlist  ⋆˚。⋆୨୧⋆
summary: you have liked ian for some time now and despite your cast mates attempts at telling you that ian feels the same way, you don’t believe them. that is, until some interesting things are revealed through a video
word count: 1.8k
warnings: none
a/n: ahh i hope you enjoy this darling!! i kinda went with both of these ideas so i hope you like what i did 🤭
     “And for the win—or, for second place, because Ian is in the lead by eleven points—if I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life, what would it be?”
     You smiled at the contestants, waiting. You were almost done filming ‘What Would (Y/n) Do?’ and Ian was smoking the other two competitors.
     Spencer and Courtney sat on either side of Ian, thinking on your most recent question. Ian was already writing something down on his whiteboard.
     So far, he had known almost everything about you. What your worst memory was, what item of clothing you’d want to wear if you weren’t scared to, what kind of cereal you most identified with. 
     You hadn’t known he remembered all of this stuff—some of it being things you’d only mentioned once or a really long time ago. You had known Ian for years. But, then again, you’d known Courtney and Spencer just as long.
     “Okay,” Courtney said, “I’m ready!”
     “Why don’t you start us off then,” you turned to her. “What food would I want to eat for the rest of my life?”
     “I said that one thing you get from Starbucks because I see you with it every morning,” they said, flipping their board. “And then I drew you at the bottom, see?”
     “Good answer,” you nodded at them. “And good artistry. Spencer?” 
     “I wrote pizza ‘cause your basic,” Spencer shrugged and everyone off-camera laughed. “And I think this game is bogus and rigged and also Ian cheated.”
     You giggled. “Guess who’s not getting any points this round? Anyway, Ian, last but certainly not least?”
     “Ok, remember back in 2017 when we went to that buffet for Keith’s birthday? You had that sandwich there that you said you’d sell your soul to eat for the first time again, so I went with that.”
     “I quit,” Spencer put the cap on his pen. “Courtney, you wanna go get some lunch?”
     They laughed, sharing a look. 
     You were too busy being shocked. You couldn’t believe he had remembered that. You hadn’t even remembered that. 
     “Wow Ian, I have to give you, like, 10 points for that because even I would’ve forgotten that but you’re so right!”
     “Courtney,” you continued. “I’m giving you 5, because I do love Starbucks. And Spencer gets none.”
     You smiled sweetly at Spencer and he flipped you off. You rolled your eyes at him.
     “And that means,” you finished. “With a total of 207 points—which might be the most we’ve ever had on here—Ian wins!”
     Everyone clapped and you began to do the outro, going on autopilot as you told the viewers to subscribe and click on the videos at the bottom of their screen.
     When the shoot was over, everyone began to disperse, all busy with different videos to film and edit.
     “Congratulations,” you told Ian. “I can’t believe you knew some of that stuff.”
     “Hey, what can I say,” he shrugged, looking almost embarrassed. “I pay attention. And you’re a very interesting person.”
     “I think we learned from all of the deatails here today that I’m not an interesting person,” you joked. 
     “Well, call me boring because I’m interested,” Ian said.
     You smiled, trying your hardest not to blush. You might have had a teeny, tiny crush on Ian ever since you had begun working at Smosh. 
     You stayed like that for a moment, before Ian said something about having to film a video and you said your farewells.
     He walked away and you turned around to find Courtney and Spencer waiting for you.
     “Um, what was that?” Courtney gestured to the set. 
     “What was what?” You asked them.
     “I think Courtney means the fact that Ian basically just wrote your biography,” Spencer added, putting his hands in his pockets. 
     “He knows you better than you know you!” Courtney exclaimed. They waggled their eyebrows, saying in a sing-song voice,  “I think he likes you.”
     “Dude’s obsessed,” Spencer piped in. 
     You shrugged. “What? No! We’ve known each other for a long time, that’s all.”
     “I’ve known you for a long time, and I wouldn’t have known that the item you wish you hadn’t gotten rid of was the necklace you wore to VidCon in 2018,” Courtney put their hands on their hips. 
      Okay, so they had a fair point. How did Ian remember all of this stuff about you? You refused to believe it was because he had feelings for you. Both Court and Spencer knew about your long-time crush on Ian, and they were probably just being nice.
     “He’s our boss, remember? He has to know his employees well,” you defended.
     “(Y/n), he didn’t know my first name was Charles until like last week,” Spencer said. “And yet he knows what you almost called the fish you won in second grade—which, by the way, Rover? That’s a dog name and I think Kevin is much better.”
     “Spencer’s right, my guy,” Courtney patted your shoulder. “Not about the fish thing—but Ian does, in fact, have a good, old-fashioned crush on you.”
     “This is ridiculous,” you said. “Just because I like him, doesn’t mean he likes me. And after one video of him knowing some facts about me, you think you have it all figured out?”
     “Oh it’s not just this video,” Courtney said. “You think Ian leaves little notes on all of our desks? Do you think he gets all of us coffee every day? Do you think he smiles that big when all of any of us enter a room?”
     You opened your mouth to speak, but stopped. You kind of had thought he did all of those things for everyone. You just thought he was a nice person—it was part of what attracted you to him—but you didn’t equate it to him thinking you were anything all that special. 
     “And you guys are sure?” Was all you said.
     Courtney smiled knowingly. “Yes. It’s honestly adorable. Trust me, from our perspective, Ian totally has it bad for you.”
     “That or he cheats at games, which we still haven’t completely ruled out,” Spencer teased. 
     Could all of this really be true? You tried to think back on all of your previous interactions with Ian. He had always been kind to you, interested in what you had to say, complimentary and supportive. In truth, you had mostly been blinded by your own attraction to Ian to every really focus on how he acted towards you. 
     “If Ian has feelings for me,” you stated, “which I’m not saying I think he does, what would I even do?”
     “Ask him out,” Courtney shrugged. “It’s about time, you’ve been in love with each other for years now.”
     Were you really going to do this? You felt your heart beating faster, your stomach already flipping at the thought of telling Ian how you feel. But, if your friends were right, then maybe he would feel the same way. 
     “Okay,” you looked at both of them. “Okay, I’ll talk to him.”
     “Yay!” Courtney cheered.
     “Go get ‘em,” Spencer added.
     You walked off the set, and as you left you heard Spencer talking to Courtney as they made their way in the opposite direction.
     “I’m just saying, I think I should have at least gotten a couple points for Kevin!”
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
     Finding Ian was a lot harder than you had thought. He was busy filming all day, and you could never find a foot time to catch him in between shoots.
     Whenever you did see him, he would smile at you shyly and then suddenly need to be somewhere. You thought he was acting a bit weird, and it might have just been his busy schedule and the tiredness that accompanied it, but he almost seemed…nervous for something? 
     Finally, you gave up trying to talk to Ian and sat down against the wall to watch as they filmed the ‘Can Shayne Guess our Celebrity Crush?’ video.
     From the sound of it, Shayne was nearing the end of the video. You only partially listened as you scrolled on your phone. 
     “Well, damn,” you heard Shayne say. “Really thought I had that one. Then again, did I really except to get someone from art department right?”
     “Moving on to the next set of crushes,” he continued. “We have Bridget Mendler—good choice. Kesha—I think I know who this is already. And…”
     Shayne paused, and the whole studio became quiet. You looked up.
      “…(Y/n),” Shayne finished. You looked towards the monitor, seeing the images of the two other celebrities and yourself on the screen.
     Shayne looked at you off-camera. “This list is crazy. I’m going to take a wild guess and say this is Ian.”
     His eyes landed on a spot in the distance and you followed them, seeing Ian leaning against the wall, a ways away from you. You searched his face, but he was looking anywhere but you.
     “Is it Ian?” Shayne pointed at the screen and, sure enough, a picture of Ian’s face popped up. 
     You felt the breath leave your lungs. What had just happened? Had Ian just admitted to having a crush on you through a video? 
     Back on set, Shayne was running his hands through his hair, saying, “Well, that’ll give the fans something to think about…”
     But you could only watch Ian, making your way to where he was standing. You were aware of everybody’s eyes on you.
     “Really?” Was all you said once you reached him, your voice coming out as a whisper.
     Ian smiled at you. “Hey, you’re on famous birthdays, I think that counts as a celebrity.”
     That was all the encouragement you needed. Just like that, you kissed him. And he kissed you back, wrapping his arms around you. 
    “Yeah baby!” You heard someone shoot, and you pulled away to see Courtney beaming at you.
     “I promise I didn’t know that was going to happen,” Spencer grinned, holding his hands up from his spot by the computer. “I don’t actually go through these things before we shoot.”
     You giggled, turning back to Ian. 
     “Did you really not know?” He asked you. “I always thought I was kind of obvious.”
     “To everyone but me, I think,” you told him, chuckling. “I was to busy having feelings for you.”
     “And look at us now,” Ian joked, putting his arm around your shoulder. You couldn’t stop smiling. 
     “I just wish I’d had the guts to put you as one of my celebrity crushes,” you told him. 
     “Who would I have beat out?” He asked you. “Austin Butler?”
     “Let’s not get hasty,” you teased. 
     But suddenly you had an idea. You walked over to where Spencer sat. “Hey, Spence? Have you guys done my list yet?”
     “Not yet,” he whispered so Shayne wouldn’t hear him. 
     You turned back to look at Ian, who was watching you like he had finally found you and didn’t want to lose you. 
    “Can you still edit those things? Because I have a last minute adjustment,” you told him, smiling as you showed him a picture of Ian. 
     “Let’s give the fans even more to think about.”
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope you had fun with this one. check out my other ian fics if you want more like this 💋
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theyluvlyss · 1 year
hi! i was wondering if you could write dating hc's for duncan and courtney (separate) please?
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𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐨 𝐝𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐧 !
but unfortunately, I do not currently write for courtney :(. although, I hope you like what I do have written and that it doesn't discourage you from requesting in the future :).
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𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫
《 ♡ 》 headcannons
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𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 :
you went on this stupid, island, reality show to win $100,000, which could've most definitely changed your life for the better. but instead, you got a delinquent meat-head who had... somehow, earned your heart faster than the cash. "how" and "why" is beyond you. but at least you could come up with a list of some semi-convincing reasons as to such...
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 :
fem!reader x duncan - she/her/hers pronouns
𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐞 :
season one (total drama island)
𝐓𝐖/𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 :
harsh language/cursing - dangerous elements/themes mentioned - duncan being himself lmao (possibly a little ooc? I apologize if so) - established romantic relationship - casual dominance (cuz ik that can irk some people) - possessive terms (my, his, etc).
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ...𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
───────── 《 .°•♡•°. 》 ──────────
When you applied/auditioned to be on the show, you didn't actually think they'd pick you. It was a stupid dare amongst friends back home! No way would they pick some random girl with no experience or even a resume from (home/town/city).
And then, they did😃.
Next thing you know, you're being flown out to Canada and then dropped off from a yacht on some random, deserted island. Just your luck to apply for a scammy and sketchy reality show rather than what you were promised...
And, to top it all off, your host might as well have been a sociopath, your chef, a psychopath, and you were now forced to spend your time with twenty-two other lunatic teenagers for eight weeks. Eight. Weeks. To be fully and completely clear, you did not want to be here.
How could this get any worse?
Duncan. That's how.
He irked you at first. No, you didn't hate him. He actually had his moments where you found him quite funny with a sarcastic quip he had said or entertaining with some random stunt he pulled.
But other than that...
"I'm not jumping. I miss the safe zone and get eaten alive by sharks, and then what?"
"Oh'ho, you're jumping, sweetheart. I'll be damned if you lose this challenge for us because you're not a strong swimmer."
"That's not what I said. And what're you gonna do? Make me?"
...you were firm on your dislike for him.
Not that the feelings weren't reciprocated, of course. Though he wasn't exactly opposed to eying any pretty girls he happened to come across, he didn't intend to date. He came to win $100,000, just like the rest of them. And though he had grown used to the way your attitude struck any and everyone who tried to manipulate you into doing something you didn't want to do, at least you weren't Courtney, stick shoved up your butt.
Onto the more headcanon-y portion of this list...
I feel like Duncan actually wouldn't be opposed to random hookups or anything like that. But, once he has specific eyes for someone, he treats things as if he's already bagged them (manifesting king😻✨️). And in this case, them is you. He didn't get the hots right away, but after a couple of weeks or so of spending basically all of his time around you (being on the same team and all), he wasn't too surprised upon coming to terms with those feelings.
Not that you could exactly tell, with him running around calling you "sweetheart" and "angel-face" and whatever other petnames he could come up with on the fly. You figured it was just him being...well... Duncan! Not to mention, you weren't exactly all that fond of him.
Did he know that? Yes. Did he care? Ehh. You'd warm up. He'd actually make sure of it because even if the show didn't end with him either winning the money or getting you as a girlfriend, the least he'd accomplish is wooing you.
He's not gonna sacrifice his reputation for that, so he'd have to play it cool. And during the seventh challenge, an opportunity came to light; he'd help you concor your fear! Not only would it win your team the challenge, but it'd be a huge step into winning over your heart. With peering eyes (and cameras around), he was there to be your tough-love.
"Get over it, toots, it's just (your/fear)!!"
"Do not mess this up for us, or I'll guarantee you go home tonight."
"I've been in juvie with worse than this...!"
But, without any evidence to prove it besides your word and a blushing face, he was totally sweet on you.
"C'mere, sweetheart, it ain't that bad. You just need a little warming up to the idea, that's all~."
"The worst that could happen is you'll be called a chicken. It's not like you'll get voted off. Not while I'm here."
"Babe, you are entirely too cool to be skeezed out by (your/fear). We're gonna have to work on that, yeah?"
Him sling-shotting you through such emotions and behavior was intense. But not as much as the way it kept you hooked. And every time you would start to grow fed up, want nothing to do with him, even cuss him out...
Life (Chris McLean) would manage to thrust you two back together. Until, eventually, you got together. I mean, no official labels or anything yet, but god forbid another guy on either team just breathed sultry in your direction (coughCodyprobablycough). Or if you got hurt during a challenge. Or whenever anyone (butmostlikelyHeather) had it out for you.
And in those moments, I think Duncan wouldn't be as good as hiding his infatuation with you. Not that anyone actually had the gall to tease him for it. Besides, he had managed to make his admiration for you look cool. Always muttering a slick, "She wants me." to his guy friends, or smirking at any intimate reaction you'd give him in front of your peers.
All in all, he's a cocky shit. But he made it work in a charming way that you couldn't quite place, and made you wonder why you were even attracted to it/him at all.
And, surprisingly, he could be quite the gentlemen. Rough around the edges, sure, but see if you ever have to hold a door open for yourself or climb down from something without his hand being offered to you ever again.
He even makes sure to censor himself around you! Er- well, tries. If he deems a curse word too heavy for you to hear come flying out of his mouth, it goes a little something like this:
" ...So I rush 'im, right? And then can you believe the motherfucker-...! Sorry, babe. Can you believe this idiot actually tries to shank me?! Wild stuff, man..."
As if he's not already sitting around the campfire telling the most gorey juvie/jail story ever. But nope, the extra heavy cuss words are the stuff that's impolite for your ears🙄✋🏽.
OH!! And casual dominance? Definitely a thing in the relationship. Mainly from him, with a simple, "C'mere, doll." or a motion of the hand/finger over towards him. But let's not lie and say this dude isn't a sucker for the moments you boss him around...
"Duncan, go grab that for me, please?"
"I'm busy-"
. . .
No further protest, your item retrieved and dropped into your hands with swiftness, and a light red dust on his face badly hidden under a scowl.
Things would get serious/official if one of you two got voted off of the island, though. If you got voted off, he'd be sure to give you the most profound goodbye he can in the very limited amount of time he has to actually say it. Make it very clear you're his girl, "...for anyone thinkin' about trying to make a move while I'm not around." And, he promises that if he wins, he's coming for you, and you'll run off together with the money. Cliche, but how could you say no?
If he gets voted off, he sticks on a brave face and basically threatens you to win lmao😭. Think of it as very intense encouragement coming from a deep down place of love.
"Babe, you better win this whole shit, 'cuz I'm gonna be rooting for you back home. Need these losers to see that my girl is the shit."
I could probably go on forever, but I don't want to make this too long :')...
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𝐈 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 !!
this is my first post (as in writing/content) ever, so yay me :D ! and for the person that requested, again, I hope you enjoyed this 'cuz it was fun to write ! although I really don't like the title, but I couldn't think of anything better😭...
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ...𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ...𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭
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none :(
𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 :
anon <3
𝐓𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 :
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KCC- you are snoring, terribly
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TW : None
Well actually I change a little the phrasing here, sorry I guess ^^'
Matildas camps, a few months after the World Cup. Usually, you are more than happy to find your teammates but this morning you have a tight stomach and you have the impression that you will be able to burst into tears at any time. You try hard to look good though, especially in front of your girlfriend. Kyra asked you with concern if you're alright and you used all your capacity of conviction when you lied to her.
But it doesn’t seem to work with Caitlin.
"What's happening to you kiddo?" asks the brunette, frowning while you are in pairs for strengthening exercises.
"Nothing" you mumble without looking at her.
"Not to me, Y/N" sighs Caitlin.
You bite your lip thoughtfully, looking at your interlocutor for a few seconds.
"You know you can trust me, right?"
Of course you know. Since you joined the national team, Caitlin has taken on the role of the big sister with you. You were born the same year as Kyra, a few months younger. So Caitlin is more like your big sister.
"I think Kyra is cheating on me" you finally confess
Under the surprise, Caitlin drops the barbell she held in her hand until now. The noise makes a hell of a sound and you cast a look of reproaches on her noting that it attracted the attention of everyone around you. After apologizing with a wave of hand, Caitlin shifts her attention to you to resume your conversation. She takes care of whispering, which you’re grateful for.
"What makes you think that?"
"When I woke up this morning, she was no longer in the room. I went out to look for her and I saw her come out of Courtney’s room" you mumble, trying not to let despair take over you.
"I can’t believe something like this" Caitlin said after a few seconds.
"If you have a better explanation, I’ll listen."
You see all the goodwill she’s putting into finding one. She’s really trying, because she loves you as much as she loves Kyra. She appreciates your relationship and advised you a lot to turn your crush into a real couple between Kyra and you.
"Did you talk to her?"
"No. I can’t. If it’s true I don’t know if I would stand it"
Caitlin’s face fills with empathy and she gently squeezes your hand into hers, your exercises long forgotten.
"And if that’s not true, you torture yourself for nothing"
You don’t answer. She’s right, you know it. What you don’t know is that Kyra, at a distance, didn’t miss anything from your exchange. She takes advantage of the lunch break to intercept you before you take a seat in the refectory.
"Are you all right?"
The worry is visible in her eyes and on her face and your tortured mind imagines that it's probably because she knows that you are aware of her infidelities.
"I'm alright, Kyra. Can we just go eat please?"
Your tone is begging, but it seems to worry your girlfriend even more.
"I saw you talking to Caitlin, why don’t you tell me what’s going on?"
You remain silent for a few seconds, before remembering Caitlin’s main advice: Talking to Kyra. You bite your lip and eventually grab her by the arm to train her to an empty room.
"I know everything" you say straight away once the door is closed behind you.
"You know what?" asks Kyra, who looks completely lost.
"About you and Courtney"
Kyra looks at you for a few moments while blinking her eyes, before releasing a small burst of surprised laughter.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
Your patience is melting like ice cream in the sun, not supporting these pretenses. You would rather that she drop the information directly and confess. This annoys you and you decide to be direct since Kyra seems incapable.
"I saw you leaving her room this morning, Ky"
Her amused face changes quickly and you see the realization in her eyes.
"Oh" she repeats
And suddenly a certain form of panic seems to take hold of her when she quickly approaches you before resuming speech.
"I’m not cheating on you, I swear"
You see only sincerity in her eyes and you feel yours fill with tears. You find yourself sniffing before answering her.
"Why are you leaving someone else’s room an hour before we wake up then?" you ask in a low voice.
You see Kyra’s face twitching and a little bit of guilt coming over it. But deciding that it's better to tell you the truth than to let you believe in an infidelity (that you wouldn't forgive her) Kyra takes a big inspiration before answering you.
"You snore. Terribly. Every night, all night and I just can’t sleep. Usually I take earplugs because I love sleeping with you and feeling you all against me but this time I forgot. Courntey was all alone in her room so I asked her if I could come and sleep with her" Kyra pitifully admits.
A few moments pass, then you resume talking.
"What do you mean I snore terribly?"
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nightwriter357 · 3 months
Smosh summer games: Ships
This is the first part of a Damien Haas x reader series called, you guessed it, Smosh summer games: Ships. This first part is mainly setup and doesn't contain any smut but is still 18+ and the next parts will be very smutty.
Hope you enjoy!
Part 1 - and they were roommates?
Exitment filled the air as you packed the last of your things into your suitcase. Smosh Summer Games is making a comeback and it's shaping up to be one for the books, especially since it's the first one since Anthony's return, and the first one ever for you and many of the other cast members. You felt incredibly lucky to be part of a team where you genuinely enjoyed the company of your colleagues. Not many people could say they looked forward to spending this much time with their coworkers, but for you, it was like a dream come true. If you were honest though, there was one coworker who you were a bit extra excited to see more of.
As you zipped up your bag, you couldn't help but think about him, Damien. Over the past few months, you'd found yourself increasingly attracted to him. He was funny, kind, and always made you feel appreciated even on the days when you weren't feeling good about yourself. The thought of spending time with him, in a more relaxed and domestic setting, made your pulse quicken. Maybe this trip would be the perfect opportunity to see if there was something more between you two. You have a hard time imagining him making the first move, but you can't really see yourself doing it either. Maybe you just need to start dropping some big hints.
You all stood at the office parking lot, the cars were packed, and the cast was ready to hit the road. You hopped into the car with Courtney, Amanda, Angela, Olivia, Chanse, and Tommy. Courtney took charge of the playlist, and soon the car was filled with the nostalgic sounds of the early 2000s.
Courtney pulled out a camera and started vlogging. "Welcome to the 'Gays and Girls' car! We've got Amanda, Angela, Arasha, Olivia, Chanse, Tommy, and y/n. We're on our way to the Smosh Summer Games, and it's going to be epic!"
Amanda turned in her seat, grinning. "So, Court, tell us what we can expect. This is our first time."
Courtney smirked at the camera. "Oh, you're in for a treat. There's always something crazy happening. And, somehow, things always get a bit sexual or spicy," she pushed her hair behind her ear
Arasha raised an eyebrow at the camera. "Sexual? Like how?"
Courtney laughed. "Well like, on the car ride to the first winter games a no-fap rule was introduced. So I can imagine they're already starting to say some wild stuff in the boys' car. It was hilarious watching everyone struggle with it."
Chanse snorted. "Please, those guys have no self-control. I give them two days."
You leaned forward, "but we are going to be sharing rooms right?"
Olivia chimed in, " that's not going to stop those demons, they are nuts."
Tommy raised an eyebrow, "right Olivia, they're nuts.."
You laughed along with the others, your mind drifting back to Damien. You wondered if he would struggle with that. The thought made you blush, and you quickly looked out the window to hide your face.
The vlog cut to the boys' car. Shayne took control of the camera, turning it to face himself, Damien, Spencer, Keith, Noah, and Trevor.
"Welcome to the 'Boner Mobile'!" Shayne announced with a laugh. "We are definitely the cooler car. Right, guys?"
"Absolutely," Damien agreed, leaning in to the shot. "We're on our way to the Smosh Summer Games, and we're going to crush it."
Keith laughed. "Yeah, especially with Anthony back. This is going to be wild."
Spencer, who was driving, glanced at the camera. "You guys better be ready. This year's gonna be intense."
" Why are you so sure about that?" Trevor questioned
Spencer gave a sly smile, " Oh, you will soon see".
Shayne smirked at the camera. "Do you think anyone's gonna stick to the no-fap rule this time?"
The car burst into laughter.
Noah looked at the camera, " It did not work out that well the first time."
Damien chuckled. "Oh man, I can't believe you guys actually did that."
Keith nodded. "Yeah, it was total chaos."
Trevor chimed in, "I'm just excited to see who cracks first."
Damien let out a big sigh, " I'm scared to find out which one of you I'm rooming with."
Spencer laughed, " ooh, I think you're going to be on board"
Shayne leaned back, grinning at the camera. "So anyway, Do you guys remember the wet t-shirt contest we had one year?"
Spencer's eyes lit up. "Oh man, really? That sounds awesome!"
Shayne laughed. "Yeah, except it was the guys who got wet, and the girls were the ones spraying us."
Spencer looked directly in to the camera lens, "you know, I wouldn't mind getting sprayed by a woman."
The car erupted in laughter again, the mood light and full of camaraderie as they continued their journey.
When you finally arrived, you felt a rush of excitement. The air was filled with the scent of the ocean and a cool breeze hit you as you jumped out of the car. You caught sight of Damien getting out of the boys' car, your eyes met briefly, and he flashed you a grin that made your heart skip a beat.
Damien wiped some sweat from his brow, his arm flexing slightly as he did. His silver hair was a bit disheveled, and you found him incredibly sexy in that moment. You quickly looked away, feeling your cheeks heat up. As you grabbed your bag, you couldn't help but steal another glance at him. This time, you noticed the way his shirt clung to his back, highlighting his muscles. You bit your lip, trying to focus on anything else.
As the group gathered on the dock, the anticipation was palpable. You could feel the excitement bubbling over. Everyone was eager to find out what surprises lay ahead.
Spencer stepped forward, a big grin on his face and a whistle hanging around his neck, He looked at the camera, "Welcome, everyone, to the return of the Smosh Summer Games!" he announced, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "And this year, we have a special surprise for you."
With that, Spencer blew the whistle, and from behind a curtain, Anthony and Ian emerged in their costumes. Anthony was dressed as a sailor, complete with a white and blue sailor hat and a striped shirt, while Ian sported a full pirate getup, complete with an eye patch and a plastic parrot on his shoulder.
The cast burst into laughter and applause.
Ian stepped forward, grinning from ear to ear. "That's rrrr-right! This year's theme is 'Ships!' And we're taking it literally."
Anthony nodded. "We'll be living on this massive boat for the duration of the games."
You could feel the excitement and surprise ripple through the group. Chanse raised an eyebrow. "Wait, did you say we're staying on a boat?"
"That's right," Spencer confirmed. "And I'll be your judge this year, making sure everything runs smoothly and fairly."
Courtney couldn't contain her laughter. "This is going to be amazing. I can't believe we're actually doing this."
Tommy added, "I've never even been on a boat this big before. This is going to be wild."
"Let's get started with the team names," Anthony said, stepping forward. "I'll be leading 'The seamen.'"
Ian, with a mischievous glint in his eye, announced, "And I'll be leading 'The leg peggers.'"
The cast erupted into laughter again. Shayne wiped a tear from his eye. "You guys really went all out with the themes this year."
The group erupted in cheers and surprised exclamations. You glanced at the massive boat docked nearby, this was going to be amazing.
"Now, before we pick our teams, let's explore our home for the next few weeks," Ian suggested
Everyone hurried to the boat, eager to explore. As you climbed aboard, you couldn't help but marvel at the sheer size of it. The boat was equipped with everything you could possibly need: a large deck for sunbathing, a cozy common room with couches and beanbags, and a kitchen stocked with snacks and drinks.
You and Courtney found your room, a cozy cabin with bunk beds. "Looks like we're bunking together," she said with a smile.
"Yeah, this is going to be fun," you replied, trying to keep your excitement in check. The room was small but charming, with nautical-themed decor and a porthole window that offered a view of the ocean.
Noah poked his head into your room. "Check out this place! It's like we're on an actual pirate ship."
Keith laughed from down the hall. "I call top bunk in our room!"
Courtney quickly called out. "I call top bunk!", tossing her bag onto the bed.
"Fine by me," you said, setting your bag on the bottom bunk. The room was small but cozy, with just enough space for your things.
After unpacking a few essentials, you and Courtney joined the others to explore the rest of the boat. You passed by Amanda and Angela's' room, where they were already bantering about who got the better bed.
Shayne and Damien were in the kitchen, rummaging through the snack supplies. "This is going to be awesome," Shayne said, holding up a bag of chips.
Damien nodded, "Definitely. This boat is incredible."
Everyone explored the boat some more, checking out the various rooms and common areas. The ship had a large dining hall, a deck with lounge chairs, and even a hot tub.
After a while, Ian and Anthony gathered everyone on the deck. The view of the ocean was breathtaking, and the atmosphere was buzzing with excitement. The cameras were rolling.
Ian clapped his hands, "Alright, now that you've seen the boat, it's time to reveal the twist for this year. In addition to the usual team based games, we'll be competing in pairs for many of the challenges. These pairs have been voted on by the fans, and it's pretty obvious they went with their favorite ships."
Amanda gasped, " Oh my good, so that's why the theme is ships?"
Ian smiled, "exactly, people being shipped on a ship", he winked at the camera
The excitement in the air was palpable as everyone waited to hear who they would be paired with. You couldn't help but glance at Damien, wondering if you would be paired with him. It would make sense, every time you were in a video together someone would comment about the way you were looking at each other. There were countless compilation videos of you too, but then again, there were for many of the other cast as well. The anticipation was almost too much to bear, but you knew that no matter what, this was going to be an unforgettable summer.
Anthony continued, "After our judge announces the ships, Ian and I will pick our teams from those pairs. So take it away Spencer!"
You just noticed Spencer wasn't there. A door swung open and he emerged, dressed in a formal robe, a white wig that could have belonged to a founding father, already sweating.
"Why are you dressed like that man? It's so fucking hot out here" Angela exclaimed upon seeing him.
Spencer proudly declared, "I am the judge" he raised his eye brow "Also did somebody just say I looked hot?"
Chanse squinted his eyes at him, "no".
Trevor put him arm on Spencers shoulder, "I don't think you're supposed to be this kind of judge"
Spencer looked back at him, "Objection."
You tilted your head at him, " I don't think that's.."
Spencer waved his arm around, "overruled."
"Alright everyone, it's time for one of the most anticipated moments: the announcement of the pairs for this year's Smosh Summer Games!" Spencer declared, a grin spreading across his face. "This year, we've taken your favorite ships and made them a reality. Let's see who we got"
You felt a buzz of excitement and curiosity ripple through the group as Spencer began reading the pairs from his list.
"First up," Spencer said, "Courtney and Shayne!"
Courtney let out a cheer and high-fived Shayne. "We're going to crush this!"
Shayne chuckled, putting his arm around her. "Dream team, baby!"
Angelas eyes widened, "that IS so shocking "
"Next, Keith and Noah!"
Keith and Noah grinned at each other, clearly pleased with the pairing. "The dynamic duo is back!" Noah announced, and Keith gave him a playful nudge.
"Amanda and Angela!"
Amanda and Angela exchanged a hug, laughing. "Let's do this girl!" Amanda said, and Angela nodded enthusiastically.
"Tommy and Chanse!"
Tommy and Chanse glanced at each other, smiling. "This is going to be so gay!" Tommy exclaimed.
"And hot" Chanse chimed in.
"And last but not least, Damien and y/n!"
Your heart skipped a beat as Spencer called out your name alongside Damien's. You turned to see Damien smiling at you, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
"Looks like you drew the short stick," he said, stepping closer.
You smiled back, feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement. "Oh yeah, I was rooting for Shaymien."
He leaned in and whispered in a playfully tone, "I wasn't."
As the ships were announced, the cast mates all seemed pretty pleased with their pairings. Olivia didn't get a partner since it was an uneven number so instead she was going to be like a cheerleader for the games, which she seemed pleased with
"Perfect pairs!" Keith shouted, giving a thumbs-up.
"Can't wait to see how this plays out," Noah added with a grin.
The group gathered around as Ian and Anthony stepped forward in their costumes, ready to pick their teams. Spencer held up his whistle and blew it once more to get everyone's attention.
"Alright, everyone, it's time for our fearless leaders to pick their teams!" Spencer announced. "Ian and Anthony will take turns choosing pairs. Ian, you get first pick."
Ian looked at the assembled pairs, stroking his fake pirate beard for dramatic effect. "For the first pick of the 2024 Smosh Summer Games, Team 'The Leg Peggers' selects... Shayne and Courtney!"
Courtney laughed and nudged Shayne before catching the shirt Ian had thrown to her. "Called it."
Shayne smirked. "Of course I'd be in the peg team. It's destiny."
The group burst into laughter, and Anthony stepped forward, a mock-serious expression on his face. "And for Team 'The Seamen,' I choose two veterans... Keith and Noah!" He tossed them their shirts.
Keith and Noah high-fived each other. "Let's do this!" Keith shouted.
Noah nodded. "We are gonna KILL you guys!"
Keith scrunched his face, "okay, chill man"
Ian surveyed the remaining pairs and made his next choice. "Alright, Team 'The Leg Peggers' selects... Damien and y/n!"
Damien shook Ian's hand, "so happy to be here."
Your heart skipped a beat again as you stepped forward with Damien. You exchanged a glance, both of you smiling and you took each other's hands and held them up proudly. You looked at the shirt that was just handed to you, A cartoon pirate putting his wooden leg into the ass of another pirate, fitting.
Anthony followed up quickly, holding up the shirt for 'the Seamen'. It was a cartoon Sperm with a sailor hat and ascot on, also fitting."'The Seamen' picks, our queens... Amanda and Angela!"
Amanda and Angela cheered and hugged each other. "Yes! I knew I would get semen" Angela exclaimed.
"Angela" Chanse quickly said in response to Angelas comment.
Ian grinned and looked at the final pairs. "And last but not least for 'The Leg Peggers'... Tommy and Chanse!"
Tommy and Chanse stepped forward. "Let's go!" Chanse said.
Anthony finished up with the remaining pair. "And that means Arasha and Trevor are on 'The Seamen'!"
Arasha and Trevor exchanged a fist bump. "I always am" Trevor announced.
With the teams chosen, Spencer blew his whistle again. "Alright, everyone, the teams are set! Get ready for the first challenge of the Smosh Summer Games!"
The crew came in to set up the first game, as the teams gathered on the deck of the boat, the excitement palpable in the air. Ian and Anthony stood at the front, each holding a water balloon. Spencer, still dressed in his formal robe, completely out of sync with the ship theme, stepped up and blew his whistle to get everyone's attention.
"Alright, everyone! Welcome to the return of the Smosh Summer Games!" Spencer announced with a flourish. "And for our first game, we're bringing back a classic with a twist: the Water Balloon Toss Challenge!"
The cast erupted in cheers and laughter, the atmosphere buzzing with energy.
Spencer continued, adjusting his wig, "Here's how it works. You and your partner will stand opposite each other and toss the water balloon back and forth. But there's a twist this year! The contestants are coated in a special lube that you might also remember from a previous summer game, making it slippery and challenging to catch and hold onto those balloons. After each successful catch, you take a step back. If your balloon falls to the ground or breaks, you're out! The last pair standing wins points for their team."
Everyone nodded, as two big barrels of lube got carried in. You dipped your hands in one of them watching the lube drip in between your fingers. You dragged your hands over your arms coating them in lube.
Damien came up behind you, his breath warm against your ear. " Do you really think we need to be that thorough?"
You looked over your shoulder, "oh yeah, you can't just go in dry"
He reached into the bucket from behind you, lube running from his hands to your sides as he pulled his arms back.
"Hey" you turned around " bopping him on the nose with your lubricated finger, " you spilled".
He grabbed your wrists, " can't let you go in dry, y/n" he smiled at you. You felt yourself go a little weak in the knees.
Ian clapped his hands, gathering his team. "Alright, Leg Peggers! Let's show them how we handle slippery situations!"
You turned around to face them. Everyone was lubed up and already strategizing with their partner. Damien let go of your wrists.
Anthony smirked, turning to his team. "Seamen, let's keep those balloons intact!"
You and Damien took your positions, your heart racing with excitement. Damien flashed you a confident grin. "Ready to show them how it's done?"
You smiled back, feeling a flutter in your chest. "Oh, I was born ready."
Shayne and Courtney, Keith and Noah, Amanda and Angela, and the rest of the pairs lined up, ready to start.
"Order in the court. On your mark... get set... toss!" Spencer shouted, blowing his whistle.
The air was soon filled with shouts and laughter as balloons flew back and forth. The first few rounds were easy, but as the pairs stepped further apart and tried to maintain their grip on the slippery balloons, the challenge intensified. Spencer's commentary added to the fun, making everyone laugh with his witty remarks.
Trevor and Arasha were the first to be eliminated, their balloon bursting in a spectacular splash as Trevor slipped and came crashing down on it.
Spencer grinned, "Well, there goes Trevor and Arasha, making a splash in all the wrong ways! Careful, Trevor, or you might slip your way into the ocean next!"
Arasha gave Spencer a look, "was that a threat?"
You and Damien managed to keep your balloon intact, but the lube made it challenging. Each catch required careful coordination, Damien's large hands deftly maneuvering the slippery surface. You admired the way he handled the balloon, his fingers tracing the surface with surprising gentleness despite the slippery surface.
Ian, who was getting increasingly sweaty in his pirate getup, called out, "Come on, Leg Peggers! Don't you dare peg those balloons!"
Anthony, not missing a beat, shouted, "Seamen, keep it together! We can't afford any premature bursts!"
Shayne and Courtney's balloon slipped through Shayne's fingers, drenching him. Spencer laughed, "Looks like Shayne's all wet! Courtney, maybe you should have aimed a little lower!"
Spencer's comments kept flowing. "Remember, folks, it's not about the size of the balloon, it's about not dropping it!"
You and Damien moved further apart, the tension rising. "You're pretty good at this," you called to him, struggling to keep your grip on the balloon.
Damien chuckled. "You haven't seen anything yet."
You laughed, shaking your head. "Big talk, let's see if you can back it up."
Amanda and Angela's coordination was impressive, and it was clear they were in the zone. When you and Damien stepped back for another toss, the balloon slipped through your fingers, breaking upon impact. Splashing you straight in the face.
Spencer blew the whistle, "And there goes y/n and Damien! So close! Looks like y/n's all wet now too!", you rolled your eyes at him and he smiled in response.
Amanda and Angela were the last pair standing, their balloon still intact. They screamed in excitement and hugged each other tightly, water and lube dripping down their arms.
Spencer approched them, "any finishing statements?"
"Slap the bag" Angela said as she slapped the lube covered balloon with her free hand, making lube spay everywhere.
"Angela" Chance said as he wiped his eyes.
Spencer blew the final whistle. "We have our winners! Amanda and Angela for Team Seamen!"
"Great job, Amanda and Angela!" Anthony cheered, clapping for his team.
Damien smiled at you, slightly breathless. "Not bad for our first game."
"Right? the fans did good," you replied, feeling the chemistry between you two intensify.
"Definitely," Damien agreed, his eyes twinkling.
Anthony gathered his team, giving encouraging words and high-fives. "Seamen, we took the first win! Let's keep this momentum going!"
Ian, not to be outdone, rallied his team. "Leg Peggers, we were close! Let's come back and really peg those legs the next game!"
Anthony gave on last look to the camera as he delivered the final line, " That's 'seamen' one, 'Leg peggers' ZERO.
As the excitement from the game began to die down, Spencer, still in his black robe, shouted, "Alright everyone, you're all covered in lube and water. What better way to clean off than to jump into the ocean?"
The suggestion was met with enthusiastic cheers.
"Last one in is a munge!" Shayne yelled, sprinting towards the edge of the deck and leaping into the water with a loud splash.
You laughed, grabbing Damien's hand. "Come on, let's go!"
He grinned, squeezing your hand gently before you both ran and jumped into the cool, refreshing water. The sensation of the ocean washing away the lube was invigorating. You surfaced with a laugh, wiping the water from your eyes.
Damien surfaced beside you, his wet silver hair clinging to his forehead. "That was awesome!"
You splashed him playfully. "I told you we'd have fun!"
Around you, the rest of the cast joined in, jumping off the boat and into the water. Courtney and Shayne were already splashing each other, their playful banter echoing across the waves.
"Take that!" Courtney laughed, splashing Shayne directly in the face.
Shayne retaliated by dunking her briefly under the water. "Gotcha!"
Keith and Noah were trying to wash the stickiness off, but it quickly turned into a water fight.
"Noah, you missed a spot," Keith said, pretending to help but then splashing water all over Noah's face.
Noah laughed, shaking his head. "Oh, it's on now!"
Amanda and Angela were swimming gracefully, occasionally flicking water at each other but mostly just enjoying the coolness of the ocean.
"This feels amazing after being all sticky," Chanse said, floating on her back. Tommy nodded, agreeing.
Trevor and Arasha were trying to clean each other's backs, but their efforts kept resulting in more laughter as they slipped and splashed.
"Hold still!" Arasha giggled, trying to scrub Trevor's shoulder.
"I can't when you're tickling me!" Trevor protested, laughing.
Damien turned to you, his eyes sparkling. "Looks like everyone's having a blast."
You smiled, feeling a warmth spread through you that had nothing to do with the sun. "Yeah, this is perfect."
He reached out, gently wiping a strand of wet hair from your face. "You know, I think I got the best partner."
You felt your whole body tingling at the soft touch of his hand. "I think so too." You scrunched your face in realization of what you just said. " I mean I think you..you know"
He smirked at you, he seemed to enjoy watching you squirm. "Yeah, I think I do"
Anthony and Ian, watching from the deck, exchanged a look. Anthony grinned, "Well, we can't let them have all the fun."
Ian nodded, already removing his pirate hat. "Alright, let's do this!"
The two of them ran towards the edge and jumped in with a synchronized splash, joining the rest of the cast in the water.
Spencer stood at the edge, shaking his head. "I can't go in while wearing this!"
Without missing a beat, Olivia grinned mischievously and gave Spencer a gentle push, sending him tumbling into the water with a surprised yelp.
The entire group erupted into laughter as Spencer surfaced, his robe soaked. "Olivia!" he yelled, but even he couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation as his wig started to float away.
The rest of the cast continued to mess with each other, Shayne had gotten a hold of Spencers wig and started throwing it around. Spencer flashed a playfull pout before joining in. Later the cast climbed back onto the boat, dripping wet and still laughing from their swim. Towels were handed out, and everyone began drying off, sharing jokes and stories about the day's events.
Keith shook his head, chuckling as he dried off his hair. "I can't believe Olivia just pushed Spencer in. That was legendary!"
Spencer, now towel-drying his wig, laughed along. "I guess I had it coming. Should have known better than to stand so close to the edge in my beautiful ensamble!"
Olivia blurted out, " you look like a wet tablecloth".
Chanse laughed, shaking his head. "I'm definitely investing in a waterproof wardrobe next time."
Tommy, grinning, looked at Chanse. "Lubeproof too?"
Angela, bouncing with energy, grabbed you and Amanda by your neck. "Did you see the look on Spencer's face? Priceless!"
Amanda, with a flirty smile, replied, "Yeah, but I think he secretly enjoyed it."
You smiled at Amanda, " Yeah, he's such a munge"
Shayne began cackling, Damien soon followed.
Tommy looked at you questioning, " What the hell is a munge?"
You mouthed at him while shaking your head, " I HAVE NO IDEA."
Courtney wrapped a towel around herself. "You know, like, this was so much fun, and also, the water was so refreshing, and I can't wait for tomorrow because I bet it's going to be even crazier!"
Shayne, drying off with a loud laugh, pointed to Trevor. "Trevor, I swear, you slipping on that deck was the funniest thing I've seen all day."
Trevor flashed a mischievous grin, and shot back, "Hey, at least I didn't belly flop like you did!"
Arasha added, "I can't believe you didn't break the boat, Shayne. Daddy Ian would've been so mad." She gestured to Ian.
Ian chuckled, playing along. "Well, you all survived, so I guess I won't have to ground anyone."
Damien, carefully toweling off, smiled at you. "So, any plans for taking down the competition tomorrow?"
You laughed, shaking your head. "Honestly? I was just trying to keep up with you out there."
He grinned, his eyes twinkling. "Well, you did more than just keep up. We might just be the dark horses in this competition."
Olivia, suddenly chiming in, said with her usual randomness, "Do you think mermaids exist? Like, what if one just showed up right now?"
The group burst into laughter, Noah patted Olivia on the head. "Only you, Olivia, only you."
The group went to their cabins to change before gathering for a casual dinner on the deck. The sunset created a beautiful backdrop as they enjoyed their meal together.
Courtney, seated between Shayne and Olivia, animatedly recounted a previous Smosh Summer Games challenge. "And then, we had to walk on like a million mouse traps. It was so bad, but hilarious!"
Amanda laughed, shaking her head. "I can't wait to see what other crazy games they have planned for us."
Anthony stood up. "Alright, everyone, just a heads-up about tomorrow. We've got some awesome games lined up, and trust me, you won't want to miss them."
Ian nodded, adding, "Also some other shows from back in the day might make a return!" The teams cheered in response.
After dinner, the cast slowly dispersed, making their way back to their rooms. You walked alongside Courtney, feeling the cool night breeze against your skin. Angela and Amanda were chatting animatedly about the day's events, while Shayne and Damien were laughing loudly, recounting the funniest moments.
Courtney nudged you with her elbow, a playful smile on her face. "You know, I think today went pretty well. I'm already looking forward to tomorrow."
You smiled back, nodding. "Yeah, it was a lot of fun."
As you walked through the narrow corridors of the boat, you overheard Olivia talking to Ian, her voice full of wonder. "Ian, do you think if a dolphin and a shark had a baby, it would be able to talk?"
Ian chuckled, shaking his head. "You never know, Olivia."
Olivia noded back at him, "I think so too"
Finally, you and Courtney reached your shared room. The cozy space only had the bunk beds, a small desk, and a porthole that offered a view of the now dark ocean.
Courtney sat on the lower bunk, smiled and then hesitated for a moment. "Sooo, I was thinking it would be nice to actually sleep in the same room as Shayne while we're here. I thought I would be fine with it, but I don't like sleeping without him. Do you think you'd be okay if we like swapped rooms? and you shared with Damien instead? I'll still be here when the cameras are on since we haven't gone public with our relationship yet."
The request didn't really take you by surprise, but you couldn't deny the flutter of excitement at the thought of spending more time with Damien, just the two of you. You smiled, trying to play it cool. "Yeah, I don't mind. That sounds fine."
Courtney's face lit up with relief and gratitude. "Thanks, y/n! You're the best." She quickly gathered her things and gave you a quick hug before heading out the door. "I'll let Damien know."
You sat on the bunk for a moment, your heart racing. The idea of sharing a room with Damien made you both nervous and excited. What should you wear? It should be something a little bit cute but it couldn't look like you were trying to hard, it was also still very warm. After spending some time deliberating, you choose a big t-shirt.
A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. You opened it to find Damien standing there, looking a bit sheepish.
"Hey, y/n. Courtney said it was cool if I crashed here?" he asked, his eyes meeting yours with a warm, hopeful expression.
You nodded, stepping aside to let him in. "Yeah, no problem at all. Come on in."
Damien entered, carrying his bag. He set it down by the door and looked around the room before his eyes settled back on you. His eyes did a quick scan over your body before he seemed like he tried to blink to get the control of them back. He seemed to hesitate for a moment, then smiled shyly. "I hope this isn't too weird for you. If you're uncomfortable at all, just let me know."
You shook your head, smiling. "It's fine, really. Besides, I think you'll do your best to not make me to uncomfortable."
Damien smiled back, his eyes softening. "Yeah, I think so too."
"I ," you said, sitting down on your bed and leaning back against your pillow. " I have faith you'll be a good roommate."
Damien grinned. "I think you'll at least be a better roommate than Shayne. You know, he demands to be tucked in every night and insists on having his forehead stroked while I sing him a lullaby"
You laughed, shaking your head. "Oh my god, that sounds absolutly horrible! Also, did you know that Courtney burps the alphabet in her sleep. It's impressive but not exactly relaxing."
Damien laughed loudly. "Wow, that sounds challenging, you are such a trooper. What's wrong with those two?"
"Right?" You removed your socks and threw them in you open suitcase. " And we are such good people. Like, we should be treated better"
He nodded along" Oh yeah, absolutely, I bet you're the kind of roommate who gives nighttime foot rubs."
You grinned. "Of course, and I bet you're the type who makes midnight snacks for everyone."
"Obviously, and I bet we both iron our roommates t-shirts every morning" Damien said, still smiling as he opened up his bag.
Just as you were about to respond, Damien pulled off his shirt, revealing his naked chest. You couldn't help but stare for a moment, admiring the way the light played off his muscles. His pale skin contrasting with his dark tattoos. Your thoughts drifted, imagining the feel of his soft skin under your fingers.
Damien noticed your gaze and looked at you with a curious expression. "Hey, you okay?"
You snapped out of it, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks. "Yeah, sorry. Just lost in thought."
Damien smiled softly. "No worries. Just making sure you're comfortable."
You smiled back, still feeling a bit flustered. "Very".
You both settled into your beds, the room quieting down as the initial excitement of the day faded. You stared up at the bottom of Damien's bunk, feeling the urge to keep the conversation going.
"So, what's your guilty pleasure?" you asked, breaking the silence.
Damien laughed. “Oh wow, hmm... Probably birds.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “What? like girls?"
He burst out laughing, " Oh Jesus, No. Like bird, birds. Do you really think I would call women birds?
You giggled, "Okay thank God" you paused for a moment"  I think mine’s just Phil Collins. Specifically because of the Tarzan soundtrack.”
Damien's eyes widened in amusement. "Phil Collins, huh? That's pretty awesome. That soundtrack does go hard, like way harder than it should."
You nodded enthusiastically. "Right? I used to watch Tarzan with my dad all the time. That movie and Shrek. Shrek was like one of the few movies we would watch together. Because, it needed to be like a movie that he would still enjoy, or I would just feel bad but it also had to be one without any awkward sex scenes."
Damien chuckled. "oh yeah, I hated when that happened. I usually tried to make some awkward joke to break the tension."
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh really? What kind of joke would you make during a sex scene to make it less awkward?"
Damien laughed, thinking for a moment. "Okay, so imagine the scene is getting super steamy, and I just lean over and say, 'Well, this escalated quickly. Do you think they practiced this beforehand?'"
You burst out laughing. "Oh my god, that would definitely break the tension."
His head popped out from above "You don't think so?"
You shook your head at his, still laughing. " With my dad?"
Damien grinned. "Hey, okay maybe not. What would you say?"
You thought for a moment, then smirked. "I'd probably go with something like, 'I wonder if they have a safe word.'"
Damien laughed loudly. "Nice one! You know, you are much more of a freak than you seem at first glance."
You smirked to yourself, "Oh really, so what was your first impression of me?"
Damien thought for a moment, then smiled. "I remember you making me laugh straight away, and you seemed very confident. And I remember exactly what you were wearing—a yellow sundress with daisies on it."
You blinked in surprise. "You remember what I was wearing? I can't believe you remember that much detail."
Damien chuckled softly. "How could I forget? You looked amazing and made such a strong impression."
You blushed slightly, feeling a warm flutter in your chest. "That's actually really sweet." You felt yourself blush again, happy that he couldn't see your face right now. "That's so many hair colors ago for you"
His voice was soft but filled with sarcasm, "that is how I measure time"
You continued" .. and you were wearing stupid pants"
"You know, I actually remember thinking you were the confident one. You seemed so sure of yourself and very calm."
He laughed, shaking his head. "Trust me, I didn't feel confident at all. I am also still overthinking that first handshake. Like was it wet? Did I make you wet"
You playfully kicked his mattress from below, giggling. "Yes Damien, you make all the ladies wet with your handshakes"
Damien grinned, once again poking his head back out from the top bunk. "Yeah, you know, that's exactly what I meant" He smiled down at you, " I'm glad we're roommates. This feels like one of those sleepovers you used to go to as a kid. Where you just talk about like, anything, for hours."
You laughed, nodding. "Yeah, it does. Like any minute now, my mom's going to burst in and tell us to shut the fuck up."
Damien laughed, the sound comforting and familiar. "It's nice though. I like talking to you."
You smiled, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks. "I like talking to you too, Damien."
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smoshyourheadin · 6 months
Sunshine and Soda Cans
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Part 1 - Fizzes
you’d joined smosh in summer last year, just after anthony’s return. you’d watched smosh with your brother as a kid, so getting this editing job was a dream come true. although you hadn't watched their stuff in years, you quickly adapted to the quick thinking environment.
you got the job from your roommate angela, who was a cast member. you guys are super close, so when she mentioned that they had an editing vacancy, you jumped at the opportunity to leave your job at a marketing company to go work woth her. living with angela proved useful, because after your first day, you asked her about spencer, and oh did she have stuff to tell you.
“hey hey, whats the deal with the uh, spencer guy at work?” you said to her at dinner.
“(Y/N) ITS THE FIRST DAY AND YOU ALREADY HAVE THE HOTS FOR SPENCER?? I MEAN I’D UNDERSTAND IF IT WAS SOMEONE LIKE-” she began shouting, laughing at your face as you blushed
“jelly i- please, just- okay yeah, he’s cute but i don't want to make a move, he’s basically my boss!”
“this is also true. okay so…” she begins to ramble to this spencer guy you, as you eat your spaghetti. he’s so totally your type, but would you make a move? you can't decide.
the days passed, and soon enough you’d been at smosh for a month now. angela, being angela, had one day let slip to amanda of your small crush on spencer
“(y/n)!! get your butt over here!” she beamed at you, so you obliged, because who wouldn't listen to amanda? she's 6 feet of pure love, you listen to everything she says
“a little birdie, who cant keep her mouth shut after two glasses of wine, told me that you like spencer?” she looks at you, a certain glint in her eye
“okay, maybe, JUST maybe, i have a teeny, tiny crush on him. BUT i don't think im going to make a move.” you looked into her eyes, feeling dejected, because you felt he would never like you back.
the events that ensued, you couldn't even keep up with. every day on set, amanda would rake you into a conversation she was having with spencer, or angela would ask you to go to his desk give him something off her. you weren't nescaserily complaining, but it was less than ideal, because you became a stuttering mess around him.
“hey spence, um- angela wanted me to give you this, i mean i dont know why she didnt bring it herself, its kind of lazy, she is, i mean- she isnt but she has me running around for her, but thats friendship right? i mean i’d make her do that, but not if-”
he gazes up into your eyes and gently places a hand on your arm, sending small jolts through your body.
“dude, it’s just me, relax!” he smiles at you, as you give him the mt dew kickstart angela sent you over to give him.
“tell angela thanks by the way!” he said, as you walked over to angela, who was trying not to break out into a big smirk
“oh spencer! angela is making me do things for her! oh woe is me! hold me incase i fall!” she placed the back of her palm to her forehead, dramatically falling into amanda’s arms
“hey! thats not what i sounded like! right? i didn't. right.” you said, becoming increasingly concerned if it was that obvious. courtney, erin d, and arasha walked over to you guys
“hey dudes,” courtney began “whats up with you guys?”
“oh, i bet theyre taking about how (y/n) is totally into spencer” arasha said, stifling a giggle.
you stood with your mouth slightly agape, gawking at her remark.
“is it really that obvious!?” you whined, slumping into a chair.
“i mean,” erin looked at you, as you tried folding into the air to disappear, “we’re the only ones who’ve noticed so far, but i don't think the boys have caught on! i think you're good”
“maybe minus josh,” courtney added, “i was sat with him and he asked me about why (y/n) was ‘oogling at spencer’ on that board af video. but he wont tell, he’s too nice”
a few days pass, and your crush on spencer had become slightly bigger. taking advantage of this, courtney decided to make you, angela, and spencer (the ‘golden trio’ as the fans called you) do an episode of who meme'd it.
“hello and welcome everyone to a brand spankin’ new episode of who memed it!” shayne began, earning a small round of applause from the crew.
“today, we have everyone’s favourite roommates and spencer!”
you were leant on angela’s shoulder, but perked up to smile at the camera
“hi guys!” angela grins at the camera, waving aggressively
“dude!” spencer yelled at shayne “why cant i be the favourite roommate!” he looked dejected
“spencer, we lived together and i have never slept worse, the only thing in our apartment was mt dew and granola bars!!”
“okay, you got me”
you look over at him and giggle, feeling your cheeks begin to warm up
as the rounds go on, angela is on 5 points, you’re on 4, and spencer is on 8.
“okay, next meme!” shayne boasts
the next thing on screen made everyone cackle.
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immediately, shayne starts giggling, and puts his fists against the wall, not being able to look at any of you. angela is crying with laughter, and even spencer is giggling. you just stare into the camera in shock.
through tears, shayne manages “oh my- all- alright who memed it, was it tommy, josh, was it courtney, or was it erin, our lovely producer”
you each place your guesses, and its revealed to be a secret shayne meme. you swear you could burn holes through him.
after wrap, you went off with angela giggling about some of the things, your mind still racing from being so close to spencer. for so long. it was cringey, yes, but you felt so exited when you were around him, you couldn't help it!
but little did anyone know, spencer was just as infatuated with you, and he was waiting for the day be mustered up the courage to ask you out
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inevesgf · 7 months
SOCIAL MEDIA⠀,⠀ chris dixon.
synopsis ✩ a walk through of your social media presence! inspired by @mrstelevision mwahh
face - claim: the LOVELY courtney eaton
authors note: first social media au <3 let me know what you guys think of it, reblogs are appreciated!
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liked by chrismd, arthurtv and 900K others
youruser from the stands to the pitch, guess being in all those chrismd videos benefited me after all! — tagged sidemen and bambinobecky.
taliamar was rooting for you the whole time xx
youruser the kiss i blew at the camera was for u xx
chrismd youre telling me being in my amazing presence doesn’t benefit you? i’m heartbroken
youruser 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
chrismd youre so mean to me
xixlibs please just kiss already
theobaker best player on the pitch, besides me
youruser this is why you got injured
w2ksi y.n here bullying everyone and i am so here for it
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liked by arthurhill, callux and 849K others
youruser a not-so-aesthetic photo dump (chris ruins it) — tagged chrismd, theburntchip and taliamar
bambinoyn they are so in love i can’t explain it
chrismd love you too ❤️
youruser 😚
wroetomd i know theyre joking but im holding on to CRUMBS. ok??????
taliamar peep us being wasted af in the first pic
youruser oops..
arthurtv tag yourself. im the dog
youruser that you are! 😊
geenelly arthurtv disstrack when?????
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liked by miniminter, calfreezy and 865K others
youruser so lucky to b apart of your beautiful day 🤍 heres uk youtubes royal wedding on film x — tagged taliamar, calfreezy, polaroid and theburntchip
taliamar love you beyond comprehension 🤍🤍
youruser the most beautiful bride ever xx
freyanightingale most beautiful photos ever 😍
theburntchip freezy and i are such stunners
calfreezy Real mate
xixjzl everyone looked so good :,)
chrismd what a handsome devil .. and then there’s freezy and chip ..
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liked by arthurtv, calfreezy and 799K others
youruser ski trip shenanigans 🎿 — tagged chrismd, calfreezy, willne, wroetoshaw and arthurtv
calfreezy you slayed on the slopes
youruser please NEVER say slay again, but thank u ☺️
w2love harry lookin TOO fine
chrismdlvr SO MUCH CHRIS LATELY they HAAVEE to be together i swear
chrismd can ski better than me
youruser yeah it’s because you’re not tall enough to ski, the skis are too far apart for you x
xow2s yeah girl you tell him
bambinobecky where was my invite!!
youruser youre lucky you weren’t there, i had to share a room with arthur and he smells like shit
arthurtv EXCUSE ME??!??
youruser love u ☺️
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liked by chrismd, zerkaa and 932K others
youruser having one shell of a good time in croatia
calfreezy bunch of studs on a boat
theobaker your puns are terrible
youruser almost as bad as your sun burn?
chrismd she tried to drown me
youruser yeah with my love and affection duhhh
obsessedwyn OH MY GOD????
taliamar twitter will have fun with this one!
youruser you know it ;)
365 notes · View notes
rebouks · 7 months
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Oscar heaved a sigh of defeat, plonking himself at the edge of the bed. “Well, he locked his door again-.. and he’s either ignoring me, or he’s got his headphones in, or both.”
“What the hell happened yesterday?” Courtney asked, rolling toward Oscar sleepily.
Oscar shrugged; he wasn’t entirely sure. The whole evening had been a disaster from start to finish. “I don’t know, he got in a fight with that kid, didn’t he-.. and my old neighbour saw us n’ decided to reminisce about me fucking OD’ing.”
“He didn’t actually say that, did he?” Courtney’s brows knitted together in shock.
Oscar shook his head, “No, he just said some shit about how he thought I was dead in that grotty bathroom at the Mill-.. I thought Ivan n’ Rhys found me but I guess he must’ve been there too, who knows.”
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“What an idiot, bringing that up at the school gates.” Courtney tutted. Oscar nodded in agreement, pausing for a moment before suggesting, “Maybe I should explain what actually happened? He knew I was lying.” Courtney stiffened, “No, he’s too young!” “I hated it when my parents blatantly lied to me though, I’m telling you; he fucking knows.”
Courtney hummed, scratching Oscar’s back thoughtfully. “I’m more worried about him fighting.” Oscar pondered for a moment before replying, “It sounds like he was just standing up for himself. If he makes a habit of it, then we’ll worry.” “Yeah, okay…”
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Oscar and Courtney glanced at one another as Robin unlocked his door and bolted to the bathroom, hastily locking that door behind him too. With a quick shove, Courtney hissed, “Go, go!”
Robin leapt across the landing and threw himself into his room, his sigh of relief swiftly retreated in on itself as he swung his door shut, however; Oscar had outsmarted him, waiting behind the door.
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“I’m not going!” Robin yelled, “I’m sick…” Oscar calmly shook his head from side to side, “That’s not gonna fly, is it? We both know you’re not sick…”
Robin clenched his fists tight enough for his knuckles to turn white, desperately willing himself to vomit on command, faint, have some kind of fit-.. anything would do.
“If you’re worried about-…” “I don’t give a shit about Levi.” Robin spat.
Oscar frowned worriedly; he knew Robin hadn’t wanted their holiday to end, or to go back to school, but this abrupt fit of anger was highly uncharacteristic. Surely it was still too early to be worried about the dreaded P word? He had the faint beginnings of bags under his little eyes too-.. which were red raw and puffy, as though he’d spent more time crying last night than he had sleeping.
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“What’s the matter, buddy?” Oscar asked gently, gesturing toward Robin with an outstretched hand. Robin shrugged a shoulder as he crawled beside Oscar, suddenly feeling guilty for yelling. What if his father died right after he’d said something awful and mean? He’d never forgive himself.
“Is it something in particular? A bit of everything?” Robin remained silent, anxiously nibbling at a stray strip of skin on his bottom lip. “Talk to me…” Oscar pleaded.
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Robin wriggled away from the comfort of his father’s arms and curled into a ball. What the hell was he supposed to say? That he couldn’t sleep all night because he kept seeing Oscar’s lifeless body on a bathroom floor, on a stretcher, in a hospital-.. dying in various awful ways again and again until he wasn’t sure what the difference was between someone else’s memories and his own imagination. That he just wanted his brain to stop and for everyone to just shut up-.. just for once, please.
Oscar didn’t know what to do with Robin’s prolonged silence. He desperately wanted to explain what Larry had been talking about, but Courtney was probably right about him being too young. Besides, he didn’t even know if that was the issue. It could’ve been Larry, or the fight with Levi, or the fact that he missed Alex-.. all of the above, something else entirely?
“I know this Levi kid is probably doing your head in, but you can’t just go around hitting people-.. it’s not okay.”
Robin knew full well that violence wasn’t the answer, but he couldn’t deny that it’d felt a little satisfying to take his frustrations out on Levi. Any normal child might’ve asked if their parents were angry with them-.. except Robin wasn’t normal, and he already knew that Oscar wasn’t mad, nor his mother, so he kept his mouth shut.
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Grasping at straws, Oscar cast his mind back to when he was a child. Whenever he was in one of his moods, as his mother always put it, he just needed to know that someone would listen, and he certainly didn’t want to be yelled at or mithered-.. but most of all, he just wanted to be left alone, at least for a little while…
“You can have one day, okay? Just one.” Oscar acquiesced. Robin barely moved, giving the tiniest of nods in response.
“Alright.” Oscar sighed inwardly, tussling Robin’s ginger curls with affection before reluctantly leaving him be.
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ofmdrecaps · 25 days
08/28-29/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Ruibo Qian; Vico Ortiz; Ruibo Qian; Nat Torres; Eliza Cossio; Madeleine Sami; Damien Gerard; Cortney Andersen; Call To Action: Yahoo Survey; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika;
== Recap Status ==
Hey friends, my dad finally had surgery and he's alive but there are complications. I've compiled what I can for these two days, idk how useful it is. I'll try to get more done tonight since so much happened today but I'm not sure how far I'll get. Sending hugs and good vibes <3 Thank you for all the kind words and folks checking on me, sorry I'm slow to respond, been a lot the last few days. Pardon me for any mistakes, please feel free to let me know if there are.
== David Jenkins ==
David's mom Mary was just named US Open Employee of the Month! Congrats Mrs. Jenkins!
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David retweeted this old post by Liam Gallagher <3
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David Jenkins twitter
== Rhys Darby ==
= Cryptid Factor: Live in Edinburgh =
Rhys and the boys have posted a a partial video of the first night of The Cryptid Factor Live <3 Check it out on their patreon.
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Source: The Cryptid Factor Patreon
The episode of Expedition X with Rhys is out on Discovery!
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Source: Phil Torres Instagram
Rhys is being the best band manager Murray and promoting his son Finn's band! You can follow them on Youtube!
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Source: Rhys Darby's Twitter
Yes, Rhys Darby has worn a kilt, take that information and do with it what you will <3
Source: @wastingyourgum's Twitter
== Ruibo Qian ==
The Pirate Queen is playing around with filters and having a good time <3
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Source: Ruibo's Instagram Stories
== Vico Ortiz ==
Vico made a shoutout to our beloved Samson <3
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Source: Vico Ortiz Instagram
== Minnie Driver ==
New hair cut for our Anne Bonny!
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Source: Minnie Driver's Instagram
== Madeleine Sami ==
More Double Parked BTS/promos from Mads and Crew!
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Source: Madeleine Sami's Instagram
== Nat Torres ==
I forgot about the other dogs that the cast posted for International Dog Day back on the 26th! Here's one of our awesome writers, Nat Torres' beautiful pup <3
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Source: Nat Torres Instagram Stories
== Eliza Cossio ==
Another one of our writers we don't see out and about too often has made an appearance! We miss you Eliza! So good to see you having fun!
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Source: Elisa Cossio's Instagram
== Courtney Andersen ==
Happy International Dog day from Courtney, The Revenge's rope maker and his pup! (David popped in to wish the Prince well too!)
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Source: Courtney Andersens Instagram
== Damien Gerard ==
Happy Acting Anniversary to our dear Father Teach! <3
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Source: Damien Gerard's Twitter
== Call to Action: Yahoo Feedback ==
Thank you to our friend Lucy over on twitter for bringing this to everyone's attention!
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Source: Lucy on Twitter
== Love Notes ==
Sorry I don't have a lot in me right now to get the fan spotlight section together lovelies. I hope you're doing so well and staying healthy. I think about you all all the time. I found a few things that made me smile/had some good vibes, sending them along to you. Take care lovelies <3
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Smiles and chats for our guys tonight. Gifs courtesy of the so very talented @eddie-redcliffe and @celluloidbroomcloset
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honeytama · 2 months
Please Please Please
Matt Dierkes x Musician!Fem!Reader
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A/N: Sabrina Carpenter reference? Likely. I’m always writing Matt things when I should writing something else. Enjoy!
Summary: While at the Rock Sound Awards afterparty, you’re alerted that a frontman from another band is throwing a tantrum over your band’s win. You’re pissed, but level-headed knowing you shouldn’t do anything about it. One of your friends, not so much. You relieve him of the stress the best way you know how.
Content and Warnings: Reader is in a metalcore band, friends to lovers, smut 18+, bathroom sex/semi public, raw p n v, squirting, facial, aftercare
Word Count: 2.7k
“Y/N,” your bandmate sings in your ear as you dance with Courtney LaPlante on the Rock Sound Awards afterparty dance floor.
“What’s up?” You ask him while keeping hold of Courtney’s hip as she sways with you to Fergie.
“Our favorite band is pissed at us, again,” he sings again while shamelessly pointing his thumb over to the corner of the room.
“Our favorite band?” You whip your head around to the corner and spot them. They’re huddled together, as always, with the frontman looking angry and annoyed as all hell. “Oh. Them. What now?”
“They don’t like that we won Best Live Act for the second year in a row,” he starts dancing with the two of you. “Frontman is throwing a hissy fit as always and calling you out by name. He says your production ideas and things you came up with for us to do onstage are a joke.”
You let go of Courtney and they both can see you’re beginning to fume. “Well, if he wants to talk about me, then he might as well come say it to my face. I’m not here for drama! I’m here to have fun!” You yell over the music.
“Y/N,” your bandmate says your name in a tone that tells you you have to get ready for what he's about to say next.
“What?” You hiss.
“They’ve started a rumor that we only won because you’ve started to show more skin on stage,” your bandmate says, cautiously.
You let out a gasp and turn to give your rival frontman a harsh glare. You want so badly to give him the finger or to go storming over there to give them a piece of your mind. But you can’t. You have to remain professional for many reasons; most importantly, the cameras that float around are held by Rock Sound hires.
“What I do with my body is none of their fucking business!” You start to walk towards the restroom in the back of the venue, “I’m going to go take a breather.”
“Let me come with you,” Courtney urges while holding your forearm.
“It’s ok, babe,” you pat her to reassure her and she lets go. “I’ll be back later.”
Your feet take you as fast as you possibly can go in your chunky heels. It doesn’t help that your short, black strapless dress keeps riding down your chest.
“Hey, buddy, where are you going so fast?” Matt steps into your beeline towards the back hallways. “Congrats on your win, by the way. I knew you would get it,” he smiles wide down at you.
“Thank you, Matt—” you give him a sheepish smile back before noticing what he’s wearing. You don’t bother hiding your eyes looking him up and down. He’s wearing a tuxedo and dress shoes, still with a black cap on his hair, but he looks so good. “I haven’t seen you all night. I’m sorry.” You pull your friend into a hug.
“It’s okay?” He notices you aren’t completely there. Usually, you were ecstatic to see Matt, he’s probably your closest friend in the industry. He and Bad Omens put your band’s name out there; you had him to thank for this award. Coming to your side, you two walk together to the back hallway. It’s quieter. No cameras. There are no other bands. Just you and Matt. “What’s wrong?”
“Fucking, ugh!” You clench your hands in front of your eyes. You want to punch something so bad. “That fucking band I told you about! The one from last year! They started a rumor that the only reason we won tonight is because of my stage outfits,” you grunt out while pulling the lapels of Matt’s tux jacket.
Matt’s face twists from concerned to heated. “What? Like, slut shaming you? Are they being fucking real?”
Tears start to well up in your eyes out of anger and shame.
“How can they say shit like that when both their drummer and bassist play with their shirts off the entire show?” He barks.
“I know it’s fucking hypocritical. They’ll never realize that.” You rub his lapel soothingly. You’re glad he understands, but oh, God, what have you started?
“Maybe they need my fist in their jaws to realize it?” His eyebrows furrow and his eyes turn a shade darker. His lips purse like he’s holding himself back from saying something else.
“Matt, it’s okay,” you try to get through to him. “Just talking to you is helping me.”
“I’m gonna go do something about it.” Suddenly Matt is out of your grasp and you're jogging to catch him by the waist.
“Please, please, please,” you plead him while hugging him from behind. You use all your strength to tug him back with your hands pressed firmly on his pectorals and stomach. “Matty, please, you’ll embarrass me.” He halts in the middle of the hallway and it gives you enough time to wrap around to his front and press your hands into his chest, pushing him backward. “If you go out there and start something with him, then his band will know it was me that told you about the issue. I don’t need you to fight for me.”
His eyes peer into yours as you look up at him pleadingly. “You shouldn’t have to deal with this yourself! Those fucking assholes deserve what’s coming to them.”
“Matt, no,” you urge him with a pout in your lip.
“If I don’t go out there and defend you, then I’ll be thinking about it all night,” he hisses. “You don’t get it, Y/N. I need to do this,” he grabs your hands from his chest planning to storm out into the party again.
You step into him one last time, hoping what you’ll say next will get him to stop, finally. “Then take it out on me.” The words sound like they’re blaring in your ears, but you know they came out as a whisper.
His feet unmoving now, he holds your wrists to your sides. “What was that?” He asks with a tilt of his head.
“You heard me,” you roll your eyes and clench your fists. Why did he have to be such a tease?
“I know,” he smiles. “Just say it, again.”
“Take your frustration out on me,” you gaze into his eyes. “We can go to the bathroom.” You nod behind him at the empty women’s restroom.
His dominant hand makes its way to the small of your back and leads you down the hall to the sleek door of the bathroom. You do your best to keep up with his eagerness while in your heels.
You both push into the pristine, pearlescent room lined with shiny counter-to-ceiling mirrors, white marble countertops, and quartz flooring. Your heels click against the tiles as you make your way to the sink counters. You watch as Matt removes his jacket and locks the restroom door behind him.
He comes to you, quickly, and presses your body into the counter. The square edge of it digs into the fat of your ass as he makes his first move on your exposed chest. With hunger, he kisses, sucks, and licks the skin between your breasts up to your neck. Your whines reverberate in the empty room and you hope everyone is too distracted at the party to hear you. Your hands find themselves behind Matt’s neck, interlacing your fingers in his hair to fully pull him in. You wanted him to mark you.
Matt moans at the feeling of his dick pressing into your clit as the dress has ridden up in the process of him feasting on your skin. He undoes his belt buckle and the sound of the jingle makes your thighs quiver. Matt pulls his dress shirt from his pants and rolls up the sleeves. The sight of his toned forearms and tattoos always turns you on. He zips down his slacks before commanding, “Turn around.” You do so and lift your dress over your ass for him to see you barely covered by your tiny thong. “I want you to see yourself in the mirror when you cum on my cock.” He hooks his index finger through your thong to pull it to the side.
You gulp as you watch him tug the front of his brief down and pull his half-hard dick out. Shamefully stealing glances at the imprint of dick as you two changed next to each other on a past tour, you still would have never guessed he would be that girthy. “Matt, please, go slow. You’re bigger than I expected,” you admit.
“I thought you wanted me to take my frustration out on you,” he shakily breathes out while rubbing his tip along your slick slit.
“Didn’t think I would actually be sore in the morning,” you taunt him. He forces a moan out of you when his hard tip finds your pulsating clit. He teases you with small circles and slaps your cunt with his cock, before going right back to soft circles again. You didn’t think his dick could get harder and bigger as he played with your pussy, but it does. Your breath hitches when you feel his tip tickling your entrance.
“You’re not going to snap back from this,” he taunts as he presses himself into you. “You’ll fit me like a glove,” he groans. Luckily, with the height from your heels, your pussy is at the most perfect height for him to enter you with ease.
Matt watches your face twist in the mirror as you adjust to his size. You try to grip onto anything: the marble countertop, the polished sink, the faucet hardware? But to no avail, you keep slipping. Your legs already feel like jelly. Luckily, Matt puts both of his strong hands on your hips and supports you. You notice from his hard grasp that he’s still pissed, and you ignore the pain to urge him, “Matt, fuck me.”
He grunts and pulls your hips fully into his dick, bottoming himself out.
You moan in unison.
“Fuck—“ “Baby,—“
Your chest rubs against the cold counter as he fucks into you mercilessly. Whenever you whine or moan on his cock, the noises bounce off the mirror and you sound like heaven to your own ears. Matt smiles down at the reflection in front of him that has drool coming down her lips and hands that are searching for something to grab onto. You leave fingerprints on the mirror in front of you during your search.
The squelching and wetness of your cunt is the worst. You believe that if anyone outside of the room could hear anything, it would be that. Matt revels in the sound of his hips meeting yours as he fucks you as no other man has before.
His dick hits every spot, too. Especially the soft, bumpy spot at the roof of your cunt. His mauve tip hits it so perfectly that it makes you squeak with every thrust. The pressure building up in your lower stomach is something you’ve never felt before. It’s scary and makes you want to push Matt away, but the punishingly delicious feeling forces you to fuck Matt back.
Matt watches in awe as you gain the energy to press your hips to meet his while he pumps into you. “So. Fucking. Hot,” he grunts as he slaps your ass with each word.
“Matty, I’m gonna cum—,” the broken words come out of your moaning mouth.
“Go ahead,” he reaches around your head to grip your chin, lifting you higher up the mirror to see you clearly.
“Matt—!” Something is different than usual. Heat builds up fast and you feel like you want to pee. Without thinking anymore, you relax and let go. Something sprays your lips and trickles down your leg as Matt continues to pump himself into your sopping pussy.
You two moan in tandem at the realization of your actions. He allows you to ride out your high as he slows his thrusts. “Did you just squirt?” Matt chuckles as he pulls out slowly. His fingertips trail down your soaked cunt and thighs; it makes you shutter.
“Yes? I’ve never done that before,” your heart feels like it’s racing itself as you face yourself in the mirror. His dark eyes meet yours as he grins deliciously; he makes you feel proud of yourself.
“Where do you want me to come?” He breathes out while stroking himself languidly.
“Anywhere,” you nod your head as if saying “yes” to any place he can think of.
“On your knees, then. Let me ruin your makeup some more,” he suggests.
You take one last look in the mirror and notice your makeup is fucked. Spots of your foundation on your chin and cheeks are gone from being pressed into the counter, your eyeliner and mascara have smudged, and your lip combo has gone to nothing. It’s mixed with your drool and now dried on your chin. Fuck it.
You take his hint by slowly turning and dropping to your knees before him. Usually, no man could ever convince you to kneel before him on a bathroom floor, but Matt just gave you the best dick of your life, so…
Whatever power you have, you let it go for him. The way his demeanor changes when he wants to defend you and show he cares for you is not only heartwarming, but it turns you on. So tonight, he can have whatever he wants.
You stick your tongue out below him and bat your eyelashes as he strokes himself. You act like you're thirsty for his cum, because you are. You want to know what he tastes like so bad. This works on him. He growls as he unloads his cum in sprays that hit your cheek, forehead, and on your open lips. It just misses your eager tongue.
Matt hums when you lick your lips to try him. The salty tang isn’t amazing, but what is is the satisfying look on his face. He’s so impressed by you, in so many ways.
“Ready to stand?” He asks as he tucks his dick away and hikes his pants up.
Your head is hazy and you look up at him with half-lidded eyes. “Mhm,” you hum softly. You take his extended hand and slowly get up. Nearly slipping again, he catches you with an arm around your waist.
Once you're supported by the counter again, he lightly wets a paper towel with warm water to clean you up.
“Do you feel better?” You ask him as he carefully wipes his relief from your face.
“I do, thanks…” he kisses the cheek he’s not cleaning. “Do you feel better?” He reaches into your purse which you’ve thrown into the sink earlier and grabs two makeup wipes.
“So much better,” you respond while wiping away the sad remnants of your makeup. “Fuck them!”
“Fuck them!” He agrees with a smile.
“Either way, we should avoid them tonight. They don’t deserve our attention,” you tell Matt. “Will you come to dance with me to celebrate my win?”
“You know I don’t—,” he starts. You both start to walk towards the door.
“Please, please, please,” you beg him with your hands clenched together as he unlocks the door and ushers you out of the restroom.
“Fine, just one song,” he agrees with a huff and takes your hand in his.
The familiar tune of Sabrina Carpenter's ‘Espresso’ plays over the speakers in the main room and you hear excited screams.
“C’mon!” you yelp and scurry in your heels with Matt in tow to the dance floor.
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cthulhusstepmom · 11 months
"Gid we need to talk."
Well fuck.
It's far too early for a Kremy talk.
"You already spell the door shut?"
"You know I did."
With a long-suffering grumble Gideon settles further into the chair, body sore and muscles relaxed in that perfect, intoxicating, pleasure-drenched way that inevitably chases a night of questionable decisions. The mug of strong black coffee on the table in front of him steams, almost too hot even for him.
He can feel a pair of piercing yellow eyes trailing over his neck and shoulders, can feel the quiet disapproval like a stinging rash.
"She got you good hmm?"
"If she didn't her friend certainly did." Gideon chuckles, suppresses the urge to adjust the undershirt he'd slipped on as Brittany and... Courtney? Christie? (Something with a C he's about 60% sure) Had taken their leave late last night(probably early this morning but fuck if he's gonna be worried about the time). Every rouged bite and bruise flames under the fabric in a way that feels far too much like shame.
The barely there feeling of cool fingertips on his shoulder burns like a cold brand, superseding any temporary claim laid underneath in an instant.
"Any coffee left in the pot?" It's not a question, not really; even if Gideon is loathe to move away from that grounding touch he knows this is his part in the song and dance(and dancing always had been more his thing). Falling into the practiced motion he heaves himself up onto his feet to retrieve Kremy's cup from the small cupboard in the wagon, hands whipping together (the equivalent of) an americano with a splash of cream and no sugar.
In the time it takes for the cup to come together Kremy has removed his suit jacket, folded it carefully and set it on top of the rumpled covers of Gideon's cot, before placing his hat atop it and settling into the chair facing the door. Gid gingerly sets the cup on its saucer before placing it in front of Kremy and falling back into his own chair with a grunt. The other man makes a pleased sound as he takes a sip and a pleasant flame of emotion licks at the back of Gideon's brain.
"New technique?" A pair of clever yellow eyes peer over the rim of the cup.
"Working out a few bugs."
Silence falls in the cozy interior and Gideon can almost pretend those lovely aches and marks didn't come from Brianna or Carrie at all, can indulge in the effortless, lasting clarity he only finds in moments like these.
"What's that bring the total to this week?"
"What total?" Playing dumb with Kremy is playing a loser's hand and he knows it. All he gets for his trouble is the unimpressed arch of a single brow. "Well I guess it depends if you're asking about encounters or headcount." He tries with a lascivious chuckle.
"Every night this week Gid! Every single night you've been tied up with some hussy or another and every day you've been waiting to do it again! You almost set the big top on fire yesterday you were so goddamn distracted!" Heat floods the tips of his ears at the memory. "I want an explanation Gid and I want one now. What the hell is going on with you?"
Now would be the time to say it, to come clean. To just tell Kremy, his boss, his friend, about the click clacking of train wheels over tracks that haunts his brain. How sometimes he can't hear his own thoughts under the bellowing whistle of a long gone steam engine. How his skin doesn't feel like it belongs to him, his body a machine for someone else's use. How good it fucking feels to find parts of himself in the core of somebody else, working for his own pleasure and dragging them along with him right up to the brink. How those primal sounds of skin on skin solidify that he's not just another cog in an infernal machine, forever toiling until he's sucked dry and spit out. How even then it's not always enough, that it's these quiet moments, devising more and more intricate ways to get the perfect cup of coffee that he doesn't even enjoy, sitting at his little table so close their legs have to touch, riding at the head of the caravan directing the horses while Kremy ticks boxes and traces routes on maps at his side, these small quiet moments that quiet his brain more than a month of one night stands and empty touches ever could.
"You know I'm fine with your proclivities, Gods knows you've earned it." A small part of his brain purrs. "But something's obviously bothering you and that's not something I can stand." And just like that he's pierced on a golden stake, feeling those eyes slice him into delicate layers and pick through them at their own leisure.
But Kremy doesn't rush him, never has, just sits serenely and allows him to fiddle with his words, fine tuning his meaning to the best of his abilities.
Now would be the time to say it.
"Remember when you offered me my own wagon?"
A look of mild surprise crosses a reptilian face. "Vaguely."
Gideon nods, letting the word hang on the air, intermingling with the smell of over engineered coffee.
" Would you be open to rooming together again?"
The frown that crosses Kremy's features pierces between all the whirring mechanical bits of himself and straight into the fragile meat of his beating heart.
"Well Gid it's good of you to offer but you know I don't swing that way. You're more than welcome to keep the ladies to yourself, can have my share too while you're at it."
It takes a minute to grasp what Kremy's insinuating.
"No man! Not like that, I wouldn't do that to you, not rooming together at least. I'd just invite you here..."He pauses, grasping for the right words. "When it gets quiet... when I'm alone... it can be too... loud... in my head, s' fucked up, down, and sideways..." He trails off, looking up and searching Kremy's gaze for answers, he always has the answers.
His friend nods in understanding.
"Think I can arrange that, we'll need to rearrange the furniture and we can always use another Chow wagon." he begins muttering, turning things over in his head, organizing his thoughts like a hand of cards.
"You know I'm not too picky, I can sleep on the floor."
Kremy waves a hand absent mindedly. "There's plenty of room for two in the bed-" cutting himself off with a painful choking sound, Gideon can see a thread of panic strumming through Kremy's posture. "Of course that's a hell of a presumption, huddling for warmth is a whole different thing I shouldn't have said any-"
"So long as I get a little desk space to tinker and warm breakfast I'm satisfied." Gid shrugs. He misses sharing sleeping arrangements with Kremy, the wagons were a nice upgrade, more spacious and stable than tents and bedrolls, but they also took the few times he was able to hold close the smaller form of his partner. The privilege of feeling the cold-stiffness bleed out of his limbs and turn into languid sleep. Like cuddling the cold side of a pillow all night, a pillow that will occasionally rumble like a thunderstorm and vibrate his whole chest.
"I won't have any of your Jezebels in my bed, you want to let off that steam, fine, but not in our wagon."
"Seems reasonable enough." He smirks.
"You have yourself a deal Gid."
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hayleythesugarbowl · 3 months
could I request an Ian hecox x reader where it’s an established relationship and reader also works at smosh!? Ty + I love your writing so much!!! Please take care and take your time :)
Fishy || Ian Hecox x reader
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • smosh masterlist  ⋆˚。⋆୨୧⋆
summary: you and ian have been dating for some time now, sneaking around so no one in the office knows you’re seeing each other. but when you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, you’re forced to reveal your relationship to your coworkers
word count: 1.8k
warnings: none
a/n: hello love!! i hope you enjoy this + the way i went with it. it’s a little short but it gets the job done i think. i love ian sm 🤭
     “Hey you.”
     You spun around to find Ian, your boyfriend, standing behind you.
      He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in for a kiss.
     “Ian,” you whispered. “Not here.”
     You were in the middle of the Smosh studio. Well, not exactly in the middle. More like a secluded corner. But still, anyone could walk in.
      “Man, you eat a few garlic fries and suddenly it’s—”
     You laughed, interrupting him. “You know it’s not that.”
     It wasn’t that you didn’t want anyone to know that you were dating Ian. In fact, if any of your coworkers were perceptive at all they would’ve noticed by now. You’d come to work wearing something of Ian’s too many times to count.
     But nobody had noticed yet and you just weren’t exactly eager to tell them. That way you were spared all the dating your boss jokes. 
     “I could send everyone home,” Ian shrugged. 
     “You’re impossible,” you smiled, rolling your eyes at him. 
     “Or a genius,” he countered, tucking your hair behind your ear.
     You leaned into his touch, wishing this could last forever.
     Suddenly, you heard the sounds of voices coming towards you. Your friends must have just gotten done with a shoot.
     You quickly stepped away from Ian, leaving a safe distance between you. 
     You felt Ian flinch. You hated it too, but it was better this way. Or, that’s what you told yourself.
     Courtney was the first one to round the corner, smiling when she saw the two of you. “Hey, my guys! You ready?”
     You’d almost forgotten. Some of you had planned on going to lunch after filming was over that day. You couldn’t believe it was already that time—the day had flown by.
     “Definitely,” you shot Courtney a thumbs up. 
     “I’m starving,” Shayne came up behind his wife, throwing his arm around her shoulder. “All I’ve eaten today is Garret’s weird peanut butter pasta.”
     “I didn’t think it was that bad,” Anthony admitted, standing beside them. “It was flavorful, at least.”
     “And oddly fishy,” Angela added, making a face as she followed.
     “Oh that was the Anchovy paste,” Chanse said. “And I liked it, Garret let me keep the jar.”
     “This coming from Mr. Lube,” Ian mock- whispered and everybody laughed.
     “Laugh all you want, but it came in handy last weekend,” Chanse crossed his arms.
     “Which reminds me,” Courtney turned to you, “Jonah’s coming with us to lunch with us!”
     You felt your face pale. “What?”
     “What does that have to do with lube?” You heard Angela mutter to Chanse.
     “You remember, the guy I was talking about that would be perfect for you? I invited him so you two can officially meet,” she beamed.
     You saw a muscle in Ian’s jaw tick as you tried to fake a smile. 
     You had forgotten about that too. A couple weeks ago, Courtney had mentioned one of her friends who had just moved to the area. She kept going on about how he was kind and funny and something about your signs being compatible. 
     You knew Courtney had no idea that you and Ian were in relationship, otherwise she definitely wouldn’t be trying to set you up with another guy.
     You had panicked in trying to cover up your’s and Ian’s relationship and told her that you’d love to go out with him sometime.   You kinda hadn’t thought anything would actually come of it. 
    “Court, I don’t know,” You started. “Maybe some other time or—”
     “It’s already done,” she said, “Trust me, I wouldn’t set you up with anyone I didn’t think you would hit it off with immediately.”
     There was nothing you could do but smile and say, “Alright.”
     You couldn’t tell her why you suddenly had changed your mind about wanting to go out with her friend. Not without revealing your secret relationship. And you couldn’t not go to the lunch, not without raising everyone’s suspicions. 
     You looked at Ian and he shrugged. Anthony caught your eye and he gave you a reassuring smile.
     He was the only one at Smosh that knew about you and Ian. Being Ian’s best friend he said he just knew these things.
     That, and he’d caught you one time in the break room. 
     “Well, yay!” Courtney exclaimed. “Let’s go then.”
     All of you began walking towards the door. You hung back so you could talk to Ian without anyone hearing your conversation. 
     “I’m sorry,” you whispered.
     “Hey, it’s not your fault,” he said, letting his fingers brush yours as you walked. “Just, you know, be really repulsive so he doesn’t want to go out with you.”
     You chuckled, “I’ll try my best. Where are some of those garlic fries when you need them?”
     You grabbed Ian’s hand, linking your fingers together, safe behind everyone else.    
     Anthony turned around, smiling at the two of you. 
     You took a deep breath, looking at Ian, and praying you could get through this lunch unscathed. 
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
      “Ok, is it just me, or does everything taste like fish?” Angela asked, dipping a fry in ketchup and holding it out in front of her.
     “It’s just you,” You took the fry out of her hand, popping it into your mouth.
      You sat at a table, an array of food and drinks atop it, Ian on one side of you and Jonah on the other.
      Of course it had worked out that way. 
      Jonah had tried to talk to you throughout the whole lunch—why wouldn’t he? as far as he knew this was supposed to be a date?—and you had tried to act as politely disinterested as possible.
     Now, he turned to you, asking, “So, are you more of a ketchup or a mustard  person?”
     “Um, I like both,” you answered. “Depends on what I’m eating.”
     “Me, I can’t stand mustard,” the man said, “Not since the shark incident of 4th grade.”
     He began telling you the story and you promptly spaced out. You looked across the table. Shayne and Courtney were deep in a conversation and Angela was putting fries in her mouth and imitating a walrus to an annoyed Chanse. 
     Next to you, Ian was talking to Anthony in a low voice. 
     “And so anyways, needless to say I don’t where orange pants on Tuesday’s anymore,” Jonah was saying. 
     You nodded, realizing you’d missed most of whatever he was saying. 
     You turned to Ian. He smiled at you and grabbed your hand under the table. You looked round to make sure no one had seen the exchange.
     But everyone was fully engrossed in their conversations. Except for the man next to you.
     “So,” he started, and you gave him credit for trying to make conversation, even as you were practically ignoring him, so as not to give him the wrong idea. “Do you come to this place often?”
     “First time I’ve been,” you said. “But the fries are killer, I may have to come back.”
     “Maybe we could come back together,” he answered. 
     You felt Ian grip your hand tighter under the table.
     “Oh,” you fumbled for words. “Maybe. But I’m going to be pretty busy with work for a while. You might want to go with someone else, no use waiting on me.”
     “And if I want to wait on you?” He almost whispered. 
     “I’m flattered,” you managed. “But I’m just not really looking to date right—”
     “Courtney told me you were looking for a serious relationship,” Jonah accused.
     Of course she had. You had basically told her as much.
     “Courtney may have gotten the wrong idea,” you said, “I’m not really interested in a relationship, of any kind, at the moment.”
     “What?” Courtney asked. She must have heard her name and now was waiting for a response. The whole table was, it looked like.
     “I lied,” you said. “I’m not looking to date—I can’t date.”
     “Why not?” 
     You took a deep breath. “Jonah, you seem like a great—”
     If not a little pushy
     “—person, but I can’t go out with you. With anyone. Because…”
     You looked to Ian for help, nodding ever- so-slightly. He smiled back at you, as if to say go for it. You watched as everyone’s eyes were on you. Now was a good a time as any.
     “Because I’m already seeing someone,”you blurted out.
     “Oh!” Courtney exclaimed. “Well, that’s great! Can I ask who?”
     “He lives kinda far away,” Anthony interrupted quickly, looking at you. “Right, (Y/n)? You probably wouldn’t—”
     You shook your head, silently thanking him for being willing to help, but knowing you might as well spill the beans now.
     “I’m—” You stared, but Ian beat you to it.
     “It’s me,” Ian said. “(Y/n) is dating me.”
     Everyone’s shocked expressions moved back and forth between you and Ian.
     He lifted your linked hands from under the table, as if it was some kind of proof. You supposed it was.
     “That’s right,” Ian said, pointing at you and looking around at all of your friends. “I’m the lucky guy who gets to get with this.”
     “We were waiting for a good time to tell you guys,” you said, rolling your eyes at Ian. “And, surprise!”
     “You’re dating?” Anthony over-dramatized. “This is news to me!”
     “Anthony, shut up, you knew the whole time,” Ian waved him off.
     “Wow,” Shayne ran a hand through his hair. “Congratulations you guys. I have like four—no, five!—jokes I could—”
     You raised an eyebrow at him.
     “Later,” he corrected, leaning back in his chair as Courtney patted his arm. “It can wait till later.”
     “I had no idea,” Courtney turned to you. “I totally didn’t mean to encourage you to cheat.”
     “I know,” you assured her.
     “Yeah, well, I’m going to take off,” Jonah said, standing up. “Later Courtney. Nice meeting you (Y/n).”
     “You know, I’m not sure I liked him,” Chanse crossed his arms. 
     He left the table and Courtney leaned in. “You know, the more I think about it, the more I’m starting to feel like you’re not perfect for each other.”
     Your whole table burst into laughter, before quieting down again.
     You turned to face Ian. You felt lighter than you had in a while. As fun as it was sneaking around, it would be a lot more fun not having to hide your relationship from your friends. 
     “So,” you started.
     “So,” Ian agreed.
     “I think there’s only one thing left to do,” you told him. 
     “Eat Jonah’s food?” Ian joked.
     But you just shook your head, leaning in and kissing him on the lips.
     Your friends whooped and hollered, enjoying the moment with you. 
     You pulled away from Ian gently, his arm still around your shoulder. 
     You loved Ian so much. 
     And you thought your coworkers reaction was something? Wait until the fans found out. 
     Because you would tell them—in due time. In fact, you had all the time in the world. Right now, you just let yourself enjoy this moment, surrounded by people you love.
     “Okay, taste this celery,” Angela said, as she held out the stalk. You’d almost forgotten she was there—she had been uncharacteristically quiet this whole time.
     “You can’t tell me it doesn’t taste fishy!”
ˋ°•*⁀➷ ahh hope you enjoyed my babes 💋 stay tuned for another ian fic coming soon!!
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x-bluefire-heart-x · 3 months
You're Drunk
Alrighty this chapter of Dating App pretty much wrote itself! I really enjoyed writing it so I hope you all enjoy reading it. There is a several week timeskip and this is also where the timeline fuckery happens. Pease ignore everything about why Carisi is around so early cause I kinda of forgot that I wanted to rewrite some scenes from the earlier seasons before Carisi is in it, but like...I love Carisi and I have other plans so.....Timey Whimey wibbley wobbley stuff begins.
Also pretty sure this is my longest chapter think it is like 6000 words.
Let me know if there is anything in particular you would like to see in this series. Like an episode of the show with her put in it or just something random. Also let me know if you want to be added to the tag list for this.
Warnings: Drinking, talk of sex, sexual implications, teasing, drunk conversations. I think that is it, if I missed something let me know.
Master List
Prompt List
Chapter List: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10
Tag list: @pear-1206
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“That is the fourth time you have checked your phone in the past two hours,” Lily pouted as she placed drinks on the table, Shannon and Courtney trailing behind her each carrying a cocktail and a shot. The four of you had made plans to go out for drinks the next time your schedules all aligned. Shannon and Courtney desperately wanted all the details on you and Rafael. The last time you able to catch up it hadn’t been the time to discuss such details. You friends were gossips but they thankfully understood that there was a time and place for such conversations, like drinking at a bar.
“I know, I’m sorry,” you quickly shoved your phone back into your pocket. “Rafael had a tough day in court, Liv said the team was taking him out for drinks since we already had these plans.”
“Aw, and you’re worried about him,” Shannon cooed, she was a little further gone than the rest of the group, she was smaller and had a lower tolerance. “When do we get to meet him?”  
“Soon, I promise,” you smiled. “I just-”
“Wanna keep all that deliciousness for yourself?” Courtney asked wiggling her eyebrows.
“Did she tell you two about how he got on his knees to take off her shoes?” Lily grinned. The other two both gasped, nearly shouting no as they turned to you expectantly.
“Lily!” you groaned, giggling a little. You were going to tell them. Just after a few more drinks.
“Take your shot and tell us!” Shannon bounced. “Come on.” You all picked up the mystery shot Lily had brought over, you thought it would be best to never know what was in the things she brought. A little like the cocktails Lily made when you all last got drunk together and you ended up downloading the dating app. You shook your head and knocked back the shot coughing a little when the strong burst of alcohol hit your throat.
“Alright, geeze,” you nodded, sipping your cocktail. The other three leaned in close, even Lily who you had told before, there were benefits to working with your best friend. You kept the details limited, not telling them everything but you painted the scene perfectly. You all finished your drinks and ordered another during the time it took for you to fill in your friends on not only your first time but near about everything that happened since.
“Damn girl!” Shannon sighed, pushing her long red hair over a shoulder. “You lucked out with this man. I don’t think my first time ended in spectacular orgasms.”
“I mean, mine did but that was just because I was with a woman for my first time,” Courtney grinned. “And when I finally slept with a man, I was assertive in what pleased me but still wasn’t great.”
“Yeah, it took maybe my third boyfriend before I started being able to orgasm with a man,” Lily agreed.
“Oh,” you tilted your head biting your lip. “I’m never letting him go then. I mean orgasms are great by myself but with Rafi, they’re something else.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Shannon playfully shoved you. “Keep bragging.”
“As if you three can talk,” you wagged your finger at them. “I had to hear all about your sexual exploits. I’m totally bragging about how he made me orgasms several times before he fucked me.”
The four of you burst into a fit of giggles before you all cheered and took another round of shots and moved onto other topics of conversation throughout the night. It had been a few hours since the night started, more rounds of shots had happened and bowls of fries, pizzas and other table snacks had been consumed to at least attempt to soak up some of the drinks. Your phone buzzed against the table, the screen lighting up with a picture of Rafael that you had taken when he wasn’t looking. His contact’s name visible for the world to see ‘Sexy Lawyer’, you hadn’t changed it since he put his number in it.
“Ooh, it’s mister magical fingers!” Courtney oohed as you picked it up.
“Hush,” you waved for your friends to be silent. “Hey babe.”
“…Chica,” Rafael sounded a little confused before he chuckled a little. “Are you still with your friends?”
“Ask him if he has any single friends that are as good in bed as he is,” Shannon tugged on your arm.
“Shh!” Lily whispered. “You’ll make her turn on her librarian voice. It’s scary.”
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Rafael’s amused voice called your attention again.
“Yep, are you? Ooh!” your attention taken again. “Is Liv there? And Amanda? Do they wanna come and join us girls?”
“No invite for me? I see how it is,” Rafael feigned offense.
“We’re having girl talk and a girl’s night,” you waved your hand around. “I’ll make it up to you.”
“Oh Chica,” Rafael’s soothing voice cooed through the phone at you. “You’re drunk, aren’t you?”
“Duh, we’ve been drinking for…a few hours by now,” you rolled your eyes.
“Wait, the whole team can come!” Lily interrupted. “That way you can meet the rest of his friends, we can meet him and his friends. Win-win.”
“Ooh yes!” Shannon agreed, with Courtney nodding beside her. You could hear Rafael chuckling in the background, it was slightly muffled and you could hear other voices, one that sounded a little like Liv.
“Rafi,” you whined, pouting a little when he didn’t respond straight away. “Rafi…are you coming?” You forgot you hadn’t actually asked if he and the team wanted to join you and your friends but after Lily’s suggestion it sounded perfect and all you wanted was to cuddle with Rafael. Your friends sniggered, taking your words in a much different context to what you had meant them to be.  
“Now I’m invited, am I?” Rafael’s voice finally answered you. “I don’t know, you didn’t seem keen at first.”
“Rafi, don’t tease,” you continued to pout. “Will you please come and join us? Liv and the team as well?”
“Ask nicely, Chica,” Rafael was enjoying this far too much. He didn’t realise that when you were drunk you had very little filter.
“Oh please, please, Rafi,” you lowered your voice only slightly, your tone slipping into the tone you used when begging Rafael to let you cum. “Please come and join me. I miss you. I need you. To be here. With me, with your arms wrapped around me.”
Your three friends stared at you, mouths open and eyes wide in shock. They had never heard you speak with such a tone before or say such things before, especially in public.
“Baby,” Rafael groaned. “You can not speak to me like that when I am near my friends.”
“But you said to ask nicely,” you pointed out. “I’ll keep doing it unless you say you’re all coming.” There was some commotion on his side of the phone before you could hear him speaking in Spanish.
“Hey, it’s Liv,” Liv’s voice replaced the Spanish, her tone definitely amused.
“Liv!” you cheered perking right up at the sound of her voice. In the several weeks since you had meet her, the two of you had met up for coffee and Liv had been over for dinner a few more times when schedules aligned. During this time the two of you had bonded quickly, and you really enjoyed being around the older woman.
“We’re all heading your way, you’re still at the same bar?” Liv assured you. “And thank you for giving me so much more material for teasing Rafa with.”
“Yep, we haven’t moved except to get more drinks,” you assured her. “And you are most welcome.”
You both ended the call, well, you’re pretty sure Rafael wanted to speak to you more but Liv hung up the phone before he could get it back. You grinned at your friends.
“They’re on their way,” you nodded to the cheers of your friends.
“Oh my, he is even better in person,” Lily murmured causing everyone to turn towards the entrance of the bar just in time to see Rafael and five other people walk in. You perked up, almost bouncing in your seat as you waved your hand to get their attention.
“Rafi, Liv!” you called drawing their attention to your table ignoring the other patrons giving you looks. All that mattered was that Rafael made eye contact with you and sent you that impossibly soft smile of his, as his entire face softened and his whole body seemed to relax. Liv was right beside him and was able to see the complete change in him as he saw you and she laughed lightly at how excited you were to see him as well. Nearly bouncing in your seat as you grinned at him.
“She is adorable,” Amanda whispered.
“Just wait until you see them together,” Liv whispered back. “Cutest bloody couple ever.”
“Does this mean we will get to try her food now?” Finn asked.
“Of course that’s your concern,” Nick rolled his eyes.
“Man, I got my priorities right,” Finn shrugged. “The food Liv and Rafael bring into the office smells divine.”
Rafael moved right to your side, sliding his arm around your waist and pressing a kiss to your temple as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, almost falling but Rafael kept you on the seat by pressing himself as close to you as possible. Since you and your friends were sitting on stools you were roughly the same height as Rafael which made it easier to snuggle into him and press kisses along his neck before pulling away to make grabby hands at Liv.
“Liv, hi!” you smiled as she came around to your other side to hug you.
“Hey, there, you all been drinking water tonight yeah?” she asked looking over you and your friends.
“Of course,” Courtney was making near heart eyes at Liv and you couldn’t blame her, that woman was gorgeous.
“Guys this is Rafael, and this is Olivia,” you introduced the only two people you could. “Everyone, this is Lily, Courtney and Shannon.” You then turned pointedly to Rafael, who just narrowed his eyes at you in slight confusion. “Rafi, introductions.” You pouted lightly removing your arms from around Liv to wrap them around your man again, trying your best to look up at him from under your lashes.
“Alright, alright Chica,” he chuckled gently stroking your cheek. “This is Nick, Amanda, Carisi and Finn. This is Lily, and her friends.”
You smiled at him pressing a kiss to his cheek before turned to look at the other members of his friend group who were all sitting around the table, Liv next to you closest to Shannon, Nick and Amanda sitting in the two free seats next to Lily, Finn sitting at the other end of the table and Carisi sitting on the free seat next to Courtney. And Rafael was happy standing next to you with his arm wrapped around your waist.
“We need drinks,” Lily said. “Finn, help a girl out.” Finn just shrugged and followed the woman to the bar. You couldn’t help but smile at your bossy friend as she led Finn to the bar smiling up at him.
“Be careful with what Lily brings back,” Courtney warned. “She always buys potent cocktails.”
“But yummy!” Shannon assured.
“I’ll get us some water,” Liv laughed. “I daresay we’re all gonna need them. And maybe some more food.”
“Ooh, yes more food!” you nodded. “I’m definitely hungry again.”
“We’ve had like two pizzas and two bowls of fries and a bowl of wings,” Courtney quickly listed off on her hands. “How are you still hungry?”
“Don’t know but I am,” you pouted. “So…more food?”
“Noted, when you get drunk you get hungry,” Rafael smiled. “I’ll come with you, to help carry the glasses. I’ll be back, love.”
You narrowed your eyes briefly but at the promise of them ordering more food you released your hold on him.
“Come back quickly, please,” you begged. Rafael just chuckled kissing your cheek, checking the table number before following after Liv who immediately started talking about how adorable you were when drunk. You looked back to the table. “It’s so nice to finally meet all of you. Including Finn.”
“Same here,” Carisis smiled.
“Hmm, we had been all curious about the woman who was able to get Barba to smile,” Amanda added. “He only tends to smile when he is about to demolish the defence and that is a completely different smile.”
“Ah, yes I know which smile you are talking about,” you giggled. “I rather like it.” Though the reason for that smile was probably a little different when you saw it, the others were a little confused by the sudden red that coated your cheeks and went down to your throat.
Amanda, Nick and Carisi all shared a look at that information, filing it away like good detectives to tease the Counsellor with later. Although in the first five seconds of seeing you and Rafael interact, they had a large number of things they could tease him about. Including what seemed to be an uncontrollable desire to always be in contact with you, and the never-before-seen softness to his features.  
“So, any of you single?” Shannon asked giggly.
“Shannon,” you groaned. “Do try to be a little subtle sweetie.”
“What like you were?” she challenged raising an eyebrow. “Begging Rafael to “come”.”
“Oh, shush, that’s completely different,”
“It’s really not,”
“Is so,”
“Girls,” Lily interrupted returning with Finn who was looking incredibly confused by the current back and forth. “Really?”
The detectives were trying so hard to restrain themselves from laughing but it was a challenge that is for sure. Amanda leaned towards Finn to fill him in, causing him to bark out a laugh before trying but failing to cover it with a cough. Lily and Finn quickly handed out a round of shots and placed two jugs of some cocktail in the middle of the table and passed around glasses.
“Finn, I was just saying it is good to finally meet all of you!” you drew the attention back to the fact that you hadn’t met any of the detectives but Liv yet and tried to subtly inform Shannon and the others that you didn’t need them to make things awkward by hitting on them within five seconds. “I have heard quite a bit about you all, from Rafi.”
“He talks about us?” Nick asked, scoffing lightly. “I bet it’s mostly complaining.”
“Well, a little but mostly not,” you shrugged.
“Seriously?” Carisi needed to be sure he heard you correctly.
“Well, yeah, I doubt he holds back with his complaints at work,” you nodded, causing the others to laugh at how right you are.
“Good to see everyone is getting along,” Liv interrupted, returning with a bottle of water and some glasses, Rafael right behind her with another bottle of water and more glasses. “Definitely a good idea to get two bottles of water.”
“I think everyone may regret their choices in the morning,” Rafael quipped.
“I won’t!” you called making grabby hands at Rafael the moment he was in your sight. He smiled indulgently at you as he moved back to your side, his arm finding its way back around your waist, rolling his eyes a little as you sighed happily as you snuggled into to him.
“Oh, you probably will,” Liv said eying the shots that sat in-front of everyone. “Do I want to know what this is?”
“Nope,” Lily grinned picking hers up. “Now come on everyone, bottoms up.”
You and your friends eagerly picked them up, the detectives and Rafael however eyed it a little suspiciously, even Finn, who hadn’t quite heard what Lily had ordered. You turned your pleading eyes to Rafael, nodding towards the shot. He sighed, deeply, already regretting this decision as he picked up his shot. Grinning in triumph you turned to Liv, giving her the same look. Rafael watched in interest as his best friend tried very hard to ignore you, but he was able to watch as Liv’s eyes kept shifting to you and then away before her face scrunched up and she also reached for the shot glass. She shot Rafael a look, but he only raised an eyebrow.
“Now you know what I mean,” he told her.
“What?” you asked looking between the two.
“Well, who would have thought anyone would be able to get Liv to do anything,” Finn grinned. The rest of the detectives nodding in agreement, stunned over what they had just witnessed. The girls shared a look of confusion but their drunk minds quickly forgot about the odd moment.
“Come on,” Courtney begged, her hand lightly grabbed Carisi’s arm before looking towards Nick and Amanda.
“Alright fine,” Carisi laughed picking up the glass looking to the others pleading with his eyes to join him.
“I will make it an order,” Liv added turning on her Sergeant voice. The other three all resigned themselves to whatever was in the shot glasses as they picked them up.
“Bottoms up!” Shannon, Courtney, Lily and you all cheered, tapping the glasses on the table before throwing them back. The detectives and Rafael hesitated one second before copying them.
“Oh, god what is that?” Carisi asked face screwing up as the alcohol hit his tongue.
“I don’t think I want to know,” Nick coughed, reaching for the water that Liv had poured for everyone.
“Sook,” Lily giggled teasingly.
“Can I have some water?” you whispered to Rafael your hand playing with the tie he was wearing.
“Of course, Carino,” Rafael reached for his glass of water handing it to you with a kiss to your temple not noticing the phone in Amanda’s hand that was angled towards the couple. Liv raised an eyebrow at the blonde who merely shrugged, already sending the image to Liv and to Rafael. She figured the couple didn’t have a lot of candid photos of them. Smiling happily at Rafael, you handed him back the glass turning your attention back to the table.
“What are in the jugs?” Amanda asked a little wearily as she reached for one.
“I ordered those,” Finn assured her.
“Somehow I’m not overly assured by that,” she muttered but poured herself a glass regardless and sniffed at it. “Oh, is this just margheritas?”
“Yeah, they didn’t have a lot of options for jugs,” Finn shrugged.
“Good choice!” Shannon eagerly reached for the other jug to pour herself a glass. “Can I pour one for anyone else?”
Courtney pushed her glass towards Shannon with her fingers nodding as she did. “Obviously, I haven’t got work tomorrow.”
“Lucky,” Lily muttered but poured herself one anyway.
“Lily, do I have work tomorrow?” you asked turning to your best friend your brows furrowed as you tried to remember your schedule. Lily squinted at you, mouth opening a little as she tried to remember as well.  
“No, sweetheart you do not,” Rafael answered instead. “You have tomorrow and the following day off to recover from tonight.”
“Aw, he knows her schedule!” Amanda cooed leaning into to Nick.
“Of course I do,” Rafael said drily. “Why would I not?”
“Good point,” Amanda muttered sipping on her drink.
“Ooh! What food did you order?” you asked turning to Liv, one hand leaving the grip it had on Rafael’s suspenders to tug on the end of Liv’s blazer.
“We got more chips and some wings,” Liv informed you grabbing hold of hand and squeezing it gently, finding it difficult to stop the coo that wanted to escape. She found you adorable when she met you the first time, but apparently drunk you put that adorableness to shame.
“Yummy!” you wiggled in excitement at the prospect of food before a frown took over your face as you looked between Rafael and Liv.
“What’s wrong?” Nick caught sight of your frown first.
“Carino?” Rafael quickly turned to you, his free hand coming up to tilt your chin towards him.
“I want to cuddle with you but I don’t want to let go of Liv’s hand,” you whispered, shaking the hand that Liv still had hold of, tightening it in case Liv tried to let go of your hand.
“Darling, how drunk are you right now?” Rafael asked with a fond look, his thumb stroking your pouting lips.  
“Hm…a lot drunker than I was when I downloaded the dating app we met on,” you answered honestly. “Like way more, that shot definitely threw me over the edge.”
“I thought so,” he chuckled. “Want some more water?”
“Yes…but that means I have to let go of either you or Liv,” you pondered looking between Liv and him, lips pursed as you tried to make a decision. “Oh, I know, you can help me!” you grinned, ecstatic that you had solved the problem.
“Surely, he won’t, right?” Finn asked. He was slightly regretting joining but at the sometime not, he was getting a lot of material to tease not only Rafael but also Olivia. Plus, your friends weren’t too bad and he had been wanting to meet you.
“I don’t know, Barba seems very different with her,” Carisi answered shrugging his shoulders.
“Very different,” Finn agreed.
“I-,” Rafael was about to say no, but upon looking at you he once again found he could not say no to you. “Alright, fine.”
“No, way,” Nick muttered as Rafael did exactly that.
“I’ve known her for years,” Lily whispered to Nick. “Trust me, she is adorable and once someone gets to know her it is very hard to say no to her. If you were in his place, you would do the same thing.”
“I doubt it,” Nick turned to Lily raising an eyebrow in doubt.
“Oh, you poor deluded man,” Lily flicked his arm. “We’ll see, it even worked on Olivia, who is not dating her. One day you will have that look directed at you and you will eat your own words.”
The waiter came with the food interrupting anyone from being able to comment further on the fact that Rafael Barba, the man who didn’t relent even with victims, relented under a single look. Rafael set the glass down, pouring more into it, as he wanted to get you to drink as much water as possible otherwise tomorrow morning will be horrible for you. Though…he was a little curious how you would be with a hangover.
“Yay, food!” you cheered letting go of both Liv and Rafael.
“Thought you didn’t want to let go of us?” Liv asked waving her now free hand. Your eyes narrowed as you watched her hand, sure that you were meant to be doing something with it.
“Don’t confuse my poor Chica,” Rafael scolded. “Her poor brain probably can’t handle too much at once.”
“I must have missed the part where my boyfriend suddenly became a comedian,” you muttered crossing your arms. “Stay at your day job.”
“Now see, I was waiting for this,” Finn grinned folding his arms.
The rest of the table who were watching this like it was their dinner entertainment, tried not to nod in agreement with Finn. They dished out the food onto the plates that were placed on the table along with the food. Those who were nearly done with their margherita’s pouring themselves another glass. The detectives hadn’t had too much to drink before they joined you and your friends, so they still were no were near the level you four where at so they were able to hold in their amusement. Your friends however, were getting even further along where unable to hide theirs, the giggling muffled a little by their hands.
“For my girlfriend to insult me?”
“For Rafi to be mean?”
The two of you asked at the same time turning your eyes onto Finn who seemed a little shocked by the response.
“Creepy,” Shannon whispered.
“Extremely,” Carisi agreed. “They’ve only been going out what like two or three months? And they’re already in sync like that?”
“Actually, it’s closer to four months,” you shot at them before going back to the food that Rafael had put on a plate in-front of you. “Being precise with timelines is important, as a detective you should know that.”
“Oh, I see it now,” Amanda said around a mouthful of chicken wings.
“We all see it,” Nick agreed. Pouring another glass of the margherita, noticing that the two jugs were getting empty fast. He glanced at his watch, a little surprised by the amount of time that had passed.
“What do they see?” you leaned towards Liv confused.
“Why you and Rafi get along so well,” Liv whispered back.
“Oh, you mean apart from the fact that the man is gorgeous, charming, sarcastic and incredibly intelligent?” you tilted your head to side. “Oh, and good in bed.” There was a round of near choking around the table as they heard your comment, being drunk you thought you were whispering but you in fact were not.
“Alright, you are definitely cut off,” Rafael pushed the glass of the cocktail away from you. “Eat some more food.”
“Don’t be pushy,” you whined. “And give me my margherita back.”
“Eat some more food and drink some more water and then I will,” he commanded pushing your plate towards you before picking up his own margherita. You leaned towards him wrapping your arms around his neck so your mouth was right next to his ear.
“Or, give me back my margherita and when we go home, I’ll get on my knees and suck your cock the minute we get through the door,” you whispered seductively. “And then, I’ll strip naked for you, put on your vest and ride you.” You moved away a little to allow him to turn his head to look at you.
You felt Rafael’s hand on your waist tighten and you had the pleasure of seeing the red creep up his neck as his eyes started to burn. He swallowed, the knuckles on his other hand turned white as he gripped his drink. He was very grateful that you still had enough thought to whisper that in his ear rather than saying it loud enough for the rest of the table to hear.
“Chica,” he warned eyes taking in your cheeky grin. “That’s out of line.”
“Hm, we’re not in a court of law my dear,” you giggled. “So, counsellor, do you accept the terms?”
“No,” Rafael stated, smirking as your mouth dropped open in surprise.
“Really?” you were shocked. “But…I want my margherita.”
“Then drink some water and eat,” Rafael raised his eyebrow at the water he pushed towards you. “And you will.”
“Fine,” you huffed pulling your arms from his neck. “Then I won’t suck your dick.”
“…please tell me I wasn’t the only one who heard that?” Finn muttered.
“We all heard it,” Liv muttered eyes wide and looking away.
“You are naughty!” Shannon giggled leaning as far as she could to swat at your arm. “Is that what you whispered to him?”
You nodded holding the glass of water eyeing it suspiciously, cheeks puffed out as you sulked. Olivia lifted her drink out of the way of Shannon’s flailing limb, trying very hard to restrain herself as she watched the marid of expressions that passed over Rafael’s face. Shock, horror and that last one was a little unclear, but oddly enough she could still make out the fondness that he has for you in his eyes as he watched you giggle at your friend but still sulk over not getting your margherita.
“This has got to be one of the most entertaining nights I’ve had in the longest of times,” Amanda giggled. “And Barba the look on your face was priceless.”
“I hate all of you,” he answered, drowning the last of his margherita before grabbing your glass and drinking that as well.
“Hey!” you squeaked. “That’s mine.”
“You hadn’t finished your water or your food,” he groused.
“You’re not getting sex,” you glared at him.
“We’ll see,” he smirked at you, slowly licking his lips, your lips parted as you felt warmth slowly build, you had to squeeze you legs together as your eyes glazed over.
“Is he?” Nick asked, not even wanting to finish that sentence.
“That is the sign for me to go,” Finn decided standing up, a look of near horror on his face. His eyes squinted as he looked between Rafael and you. “It was good to meet all of you. Maybe next time a little less alcohol.”
“Agreed,” everyone agreed.
“I think I’ll also call it a night,” Amanda smiled. “I should go and walk Frannie before it gets too much later. Are you girls fine to get home?”
“Aw, that is so sweet!” Lily leaned into Amanda smiling up at her. “I’ll be fine, I’ve gotten home when I have been way more drunk.”
“If you’re sure?” Amanda asked.
“Mhm, though I can’t say the same thing for Courtney or Shannon,” Lily nodded towards the two other girls who were leaning against each other and giggling.
“True,” Amanda agreed, eyeing them both.
“I’ll help with them,” Lily patted her arm. “Shannon lives on the way to mine so I can take her in an uber with me. Courtney however, lives in the opposite direction.”
“I can take her,” Amanda offered.
“Ooh I get to ride with the pretty detective?” Courtney asked bouncing in her seat. “It’s my lucky day.”
“I wanna ride with the pretty detective,” Shannon muttered.
“You ride with me,” Lily pointed at her. “And you better say you’re lucky with that.”
“Duh,” Shannon rolled her eyes. “But I get to ride with a pretty librarian all the time.”
“I am both offended and fine with that,” Lily shrugged as she quickly drowned the rest of her margherita. “Is anyone else heading my way? Can take two more in my uber.”
“I’ll take you up on that,” Finn nodded.
“Carisi, you coming with?” Amanda asked, a particular look in her eye as she looked at the Italian.
“Sure, that okay with you Courtney?” Carisi asked, not wanting to tag along if she wasn’t okay with it.
“Two pretty detectives?” Courtney asked. “Getting better and better.”
“I think that’s a yes,” Nick muttered. “I’ll be fine on my own. Liv, you good getting home?”
“I’ll be fine, I live in the opposite direction of all of you,” Liv smiled. Everyone turned to Rafael and you, both currently still arguing over him drinking your drink. “I think they’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, I don’t think it’ll be a good idea to share a ride with them,” Nick grinned. “It might get a little awkward.”
“Hey, lovebirds,” Carisi teased. “You two ready to go home?”
“Not with him,” you muttered, turning your pleading eyes to Liv.
“Oh, no,” Liv laughed reaching out to squeeze your cheek. “You are going with Rafi. Maybe you can tease him to feel bad about drinking your alcohol.”
“Ooh, could idea!” you nodded, trying to climb off your seat. “Come on bub.”
“I’ll never forgive this betrayal, Liv,” Rafael promised as he kept hold of your waist keeping you from stumbling. “She’s really good at teasing. It should be a crime.”
“Oops,” Liv grinned. “Come on.”
The group made it’s way out of the bar, Liv, Lily and Amanda helping Shannon and Courtney. They were surprising stable, only a little unsteady after sitting down for so long and drinking as much as they had. Nick, Carisi and Finn were all at the back keeping an eye on everyone else, they didn’t even realise that they had done it until Liv glanced over her shoulder and raised an eyebrow as the group waited for their Ubers together.
“What?” Nick asked crossing his arms. “You know me, you can’t even pretend to be surprised by this.”
“Alright, that’s actually fair,” Liv rolled her eyes.
“Rafi, the world is spinning,” you whined, looking up at Rafael, your hands were once again holding onto his suspenders.  
“Aw, my poor Chica,” Rafael cooed lightly brushing the hair out of your eyes before pulling out his phone to order an Uber, his other hand still held you tightly against his side. “Let’s get you home, my apartment or yours?”
“Yours, please,” you grinned up at him, all annoyance over him stealing your drink gone. “I sleep better at yours now.” You nuzzled your face back into his neck, sighing happily as his scent surrounded you.
Rafael felt his heart melt at that, the two of you rarely slept away from the other these days. The first time you had been in his bed when he got back from a late night in the office it had been surreal, he had to stop for a moment and appreciate that fact that you wanted to be there when he got back. It had happened after he got an emergency call, the two of you had been having dinner at his and you were prepared to head back to your apartment when he left but he offered for you to stay at his without even really thinking about it, all he knew was that he wanted to come back to his apartment with you still there.
“Looks like our ride is here,” Amanda motioned towards the car that just pulled up pulling everyone out of their conversations. Carisi moved forward ready to help with Courtney. “Tonight, has been…entertaining and enlightening.”
“All of this has been off the record,” Rafael warned looking pointedly at all the detectives.
“Sure, counsellor,” Carisi agreed, a boyish grin on his face. “Next time we need a warrant and you don’t want to do it I’ll just call y/n up and she can get you to do it.”
“Nope, that is an abuse of my power,” you claimed not lifting your head from Rafael’s neck. “Only use it when absolutely necessary.”
“Noted,” Finn said.
“Alright, Shannon, Finn our ride is also here,” Lily waved towards another car that pulled up. “It was lovely to meet all of you, should do this again sometime.”
“That would be nice,” Liv agreed.
“Thirded!” you called. “I loved meeting the rest of Rafi’s friends!”
“And we definitely enjoyed meeting you,” Nick assured you, chuckling a little.
A round of goodbyes followed as everyone managed to get into their Ubers with minimal issues. Assuring everyone that they would message when each member got home safe and sound. The more sober members of the group thoroughly entertained by the drunker members attempt to converse with the drivers before getting sleepy.
“Alright, Carino, here we are,” Rafael huffed as he gently set you down on his bed, hands hovering just in case you started to sway a bit too much but when you stayed upright, he moved around his room, gathering some clothes for you to sleep in. A little selfishly he grabbed one of his shirts for you, along with a pair of your panties that you kept here. “Alright, let’s get you changed, that make up off and some more water into you.”
“Rafi,” you looked at him biting your lip as your hands struggled to undo the buttons on your top. “Let’s have sex.”
“I thought you said no sex for me because I was mean,” Rafael laughed, grabbing the make up removal wipes you kept on the dresser. He warmed at the thought that there were daily items you used all around his apartment.
“Oh yeah,” you mumbled before shrugging. “Really that’s punishing me as well and I don’t deserve that. I deserve your talented fingers, tongue and cock.”
“Lord help me,” he muttered rubbing his forehead as his cock twitched in interest. He had tried so hard to keep it down at the bar after you whispered to him but here in the privacy of his own apartment it was becoming a hassle. “Baby, you are really drunk, so that is a no on the sex.”
“Maybe but I wanna,” you promised him. “I fully, whole heartedly consent to you railing me. Besides you’re already getting me undressed.”
“To get you into something to sleep in because you are drunk,” Rafael explained patiently. This was the first time he had ever seen you drunk and it was both amusing and difficult as he tried to get you changed. “Come on arms up, there we go.”
Thankfully, in your drunken state you eagerly followed his directions as he changed you and gently wiped off the make up you were wearing. Being sure to get every last spec of it. He wasn’t about to try and get you through your entire skin care routine but he figured you could do that in the morning or he could help you if you were hungover. Who was he kidding? You were going to be so hungover.
“Sex?” you asked one last time as he got you to drink some more water, leaving a bottle on the bedside table before he quickly got changed and slid into bed beside you, tugging you close.
“You’re drunk,”
“…yeah…” yawning you wiggled into a more comfortable position of sleeping mostly on Rafael’s chest. “Night bub…” soft snores followed after that as you drifted off into a drunken sleep.
“Tomorrow morning is going to be something,” Rafael muttered pressing a kiss to the top of your head, wrapping his arms around you as he listened to you breathing, letting that lull him to sleep.
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ghostofmaxx · 4 months
Spencer Agnew blurb
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an: this is my first time writing in over 6 years so please be nice I mean my major is mostly writing but that doesn't count. Hope you enjoy :) <3
Word Count: 1003
It was a lovely summer day in California and Spencer and his partner Y/n were hanging out at Y/n’s apartment. They had been dating for 6 months, meeting through a mutual friend AKA Tommy dragged Spencer to a party you were throwing, and the rest was history. To make a long story short they ended up making out in the bathroom.
Looking over at Spencer noticing the little sweat droplets on his forehead. "Hey, Spence? Did we want to go to the pool?" Y/n questioned "Oh Fuck Yeah!" he replied jumping up from his spot with an excited look only a toddler could make. Laughing at his response Y/n said that they had an extra pair of board shorts from their brother the last time he was over. Spencer didn't care, he just wanted to get to the pool as fast as humanly possible. While Y/n went to their room to pack up all the essentials Spencer got an idea quickly texting Shayne asking if him and Y/n could come over and they all have a pool day. Shayne agreed and texted back that the plans were on. Spencer walking into the bedroom he sees his partner getting changed into their swimming attire. He couldn’t help but stare at the beauty before him. Licking his lips and doing that little smirk he does, standing there he does a little cough, so Y/n noticed that he was there. “Hey babe change of plans Shyne and Court said we could go to their house and have a pool day.” Smiling proud of himself for coming up with the plan on his own. “Okay baby. Do we need to bring anything or are we just good to head over?” Y/n asks, “Nah we are just good to head over” Spencer replies to his gorgeous partner standing in their bikini in front of him. It was a cute little number light pink and blue swirls hugging their hips just right. They pull on a oversized t-shirt as a cover up and two head out.
Once the couple pulls up to the Topp residency Spencer rushes to get out of the car in order to get to the driver’s side. Opening the door for Y/n and grabbing their bag with all the pool things. Walking hand in hand to the door. Knocking and suddenly Courtney opens the door “Hello you two!” she excitedly says, “I got so happy when Shayne said you two wanted to come over and use the pool!” again she keeps talking as you all walk into the house out to the backyard where Shayne is already hanging out in the pool. As soon as Spencer sees the pool, he’s already taking off his clothes. Next thing Y/n sees is a Spencer running full force and jumps into the pool making a huge splash. Giggling at the cute sight of him coming up to the surface and immediately looking to them for approval, his curly dark hair plastered to his head and his dark blue eyes seem even more handsome. “Y/n, Y/n, baby how did I do!?” Smiling at him because it is the most precious moment ever. “So good baby I would say it was an 8/10” they tell Spencer Courtney chimes in “Good one Spence, you and Shayne should do a contest.” She tells both men children who are swimming and splashing each other in the pool “GOOD IDEA, whoever makes it to the end of the pool first wins” Shayne exclaims wanting to race.
As the boys are playing around in the pool Y/n and Courtney are chilling by the steps halfway into the pool. Without noticing Spencer swims up to the pair with only his eyes above the water, he tries to wink at his partner Y/n sees and starts giggling. Coming into the pool even more Spencer takes the opportunity to grab them and give them a hug pulling them farthing into the pool with him, snuggling his head into the crook of their neck. Whispering and pouting “can we play mermaids?” jokingly Y/n says “Mermaids? Yes of course, whatever the boy wants” giggling and messing with his hair. Spencer makes eye contact with Y/n and all he wanted to do is pull them in for a kiss and have it never end. But Shayne yells at Spencer that he wants to have a red and blue tail because they are the coolest. Courtney laughs at her husband “ I want a red and purple tail” Court adds. “Y/n, I want a green and dark green tail” Spencer says excited what is making him even cuter by the second. “I’ll have a (you choose the color) tail.” As they all swim around Spencer grabs Y/n “you have to kiss me Y/n it’s the only way for me to breath underwater and so my mermaid powers work. That’s what Shayne said” he jokes and knowing it was a cute way to get a kiss. Looking up at him Y/n grabs his cheeks and slowly kisses him on the lips. Spencer kisses back and as he tries to deepen it Y/n pulls away “I’ll let you get more later” they say as they wink at him and mermaid dives into the pool. The four of them play mermaids for about two hours or so but Y/n is starting to get tired.
They are all out of the pool by this point just sitting around and talking. Court and Shyane are talking about something so Y/n looks over at Spencer and whispers “Can we head back to my place soon I want to cuddle” they say and with that, you could see the wheels turning in Spencer’s brain. If there was one thing about Spencer, he was a cuddly guy. So, knowing that he could get cuddles he wanted to leave ASAP. They make up some excuse to leave thanking both Shayne and Courtney for letting them use the pool. Walking to the car Spencer is smiling wide and kept looking over at Y/n. Thinking to himself that there was no one else he would want to play mermaids with.
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magnifythesun · 5 months
Hiii so mexican salsa YES this post is a prompt! Feel free to change it to whatever you like, but I'd love a lil' story like this:
Ian and anthony are both very obviously in love and the whole smoffice knows it, but them lmao! I'd love this fic to be just text messages or slack posts or sth, where the cast and crew report of sightings of Ian and anthony doing very ianthony stuff and not realize it themselves. Maybe they come up w a way to show or nudge them in the right direction? But Ian and Anthony will still make it a bro moment (broment) bc they think the other one just wants to be bros LMAO ~ Japhan2024 💖
@japhan2024 FANTASTIC IDEA I have to believe that the Smosh cast legit has a secret group chat for stuff like this hahaha the looks on their faces whenever Ian and Anthony do something shippy is priceless
im going to wrack my brain for my favorite moments lolol I hope you enjoy!
(mid writing note: i first wrote basically all texts but it wasn't quite flowing the way i wanted it to so now there's a little more prose lol. this also taught me i do NOT know enough crew members' names)
read on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56346769
It took Erin less than ten minutes to create The Group Chat following the slapping video caress incident.
Erin: "okay so what the fuck"
Tommy: "i'm beside myself."
It began, and all hell broke loose from there.
Most of the cast and crew didn't know Anthony too well when he first returned, but everyone could tell Ian began to positively glow once he came back. It had started mostly with little under-the-breath comments about how big Ian had smiled at something Anthony did, or shared glances after they looked lost in each other's worlds. It's not that everyone wanted to speculate about their bosses, but rather that their bosses were practically giving them no choice.
The real watershed moment was the birth of The Group Chat, which finally provided an outlet for all ianthony incidents witnessed by the cast and crew.
Shayne: "Please tell me how Anthony managed to turn his smosh cast interview into an hour of us complimenting Ian."
Tommy: "i swear he practices in his car on the way to work"
Erin: "not them discussing deepthroating injuries for like three whole minutes..."
Erin: "while Anthony sucks on his rainbow lollipop......"
Chanse: "they are not beating the allegations"
Josh: "So this is I think the fourth video I've edited where Anthony has called Ian daddy??"
Josh: "WHAT is the thought process. I just can't put it together. is Anthony just like yeah I'm going to call my bro daddy about seventeen separate times with varying levels of seriousness and that's good and het and normal."
Erin: "Josh, istg you don't see the half of it. Come watch them film and pay special attention when the cameras are OFF."
Erin: "im losing it"
Arasha: "oh god. what happened"
Erin: "i am not fucking kidding right now anthony just called him submissive and breedable."
Keith: "WHAT"
Erin: "he said what he said."
Angela: "BREEDABLE????????????"
Erin: "in front of god and everyone."
Angela: "BREEDABLE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"
Tommy: "catching up on the main channel sketches and i just have to ask"
Tommy: "How many men can Ian date in his sketches until he realizes he'd like to date one in real life?"
Chanse: "don't SPEAK to me about it"
Tommy: "bicurious, hmm? Ian would you like to share something with the class???"
Chanse: "hes so deep in the mental closet his art is trying to scream it at him through his subconscious."
Chanse: "ive been there 😞"
Josh: "I've never been more prepared to edit a video in my whole life"
Angela: "Erinnnn not u directing them to stand closer together 😭😭"
Erin: "look I'm at my wits end. I'm thinking forced proximity might do it"
Keith: "if that could work they would have gotten it during kissing currency 😙💸"
Shayne: "@ courtney is this your thought process behind wanting a kissing video"
Courtney: "HA"
Courtney: "yes."
Courtney: "okay so if our plan at this point is just to make them read so many fanfics about themselves out loud that they spontaneously realize they're in love, we've got to find some fics that don't contain the word 'cummies'"
Angela: "what are cummies?? 😇"
As the incidents kept piling up, a plot began to form. Maybe Anthony and Ian were just so oblivious that they all needed to adopt a certain 'push-comes-to-shove' mentality, and do what had to be done. Everyone agreed, they had to find a way to put them in such a charged situation that this would all finally boil over, and the astounding tension that had plagued the office would be resolved. The ultimate achievement of this long-weary Group Chat.
Erin: "okay so one more time. everyone has talked with HR, yes? and everyone slated for the vid is comfortable with the concept of spin the bottle"
Angela: "what's spin the bottle? 😇"
Tommy: "STOP"
Shayne "1) Yes for the thousandth time, we promise. 2) What the FUCK are we going to do if this bottle never lands on Anthony and Ian"
Erin: "I will keep this shoot going as long as necessary."
Shayne: "That sounds like a threat?"
Chanse: "I'm suddenly regretting my decision. May I take my week's vacation right now?"
Erin: "how..."
Courtney: "did you see the look in their eyes????? :O"
Erin: "yes but,,,,,"
Tommy: "don't speak to me I'm still reeling"
Keith: "oh please don't tell me it didn't work."
Chanse: "i just have one question. how did they kiss THREE TIMES and still not realize."
Courtney: "they were both practically levitating from giddiness"
Arasha: "they just kept looking away from each other and laughing it off... they didn't see each other's expressions 😭😭"
Angela: "guys. guys"
Erin: "what"
Angela: "do u know what this means"
Angela: "now that we've pushed them over this hurdle... They're going to start bro kissing in their sketches"
Chanse: "oh my god"
Josh: "oh fuck you're right"
Erin: "that's it."
Erin: "im quitting smosh"
Amanda: "Oh hey guys! We have a group chat?"
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