#cover ramekins
marinavshifrin · 11 months
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Stef's Slow Cooker Creme Brulee Creme brulee cooked in the slow cooker is an easy way to prepare this creamy dessert and you only need 5 simple ingredients. 4 egg yolks, 1/4 cup white sugar, 2 teaspoons vanilla extract, 4 teaspoons white sugar, 1 2/3 cups heavy whipping cream, 1/4 teaspoon salt
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holymanicures · 1 year
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Stef's Slow Cooker Creme Brulee Creme brulee cooked in the slow cooker is an easy way to prepare this creamy dessert and you only need 5 simple ingredients.
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donadacasa · 1 year
Stef's Slow Cooker Creme Brulee
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Creme brulee cooked in the slow cooker is an easy way to prepare this creamy dessert and you only need 5 simple ingredients.
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"scalloped" taters, an Old AF family recipe that was only written down in the last 20 years or so, with no measurements anywhere on the recipe card
oven-safe dish. preferably lidded, but loose aluminum foil works fine too
potates, however many you want or need to use up, sliced as thin as you get can them without a mandoline because no one in the family has ever had one
onions, halved and also sliced thin, quantity relative to how much you like onions
all purpose flour
milk (or halfnhalf if you're a decadent lil guy. you can also use unflavored and unsweetened nondairy milk. i've never tried it, but relatives have and reported positive results)
butter, either room temp so you can plop little bits of it or cut into tiny cubes
seasonings (salt, pepper, i've added fresh thyme and sweet paprika before to great success, old bay because i was half asleep and thought it was paprika and it was fine, nutmeg, five spice, go ham)
add a layer of taters to the bottom of the dish, not specified how deep, but flat double layer turns out best by my experimentations. add some onions. sprinkle some seasonings on it to taste. sprinkle some flour on it. again, no measurements, i use at least one heaping big soup spoon's worth of flour per layer, a solid dusting but you should be able to still see the potatoes through it. a few dots of butter. cannot stress enough that this is how the got dam recipe is written
repeat layers until you run out of potatoes, pressing down as needed. you want a little room between the top of the taters and the lip of the dish. or just bake it with a sheet pan on the rack below it if you're paranoid. don't flour the top layer of taters, butter it liberally instead. how much butter do you want? this is a recipe from 1890s southern usa, home of Eating Fat Recreationally, so the traditional answer is "too much"
the strongest vibe check: pour an unspecified amount of milk (carefully) into the potatoes without disturbing the layers. i usually put the milk in my nicest measuring pyrex with the good spout and pour slowly against the side of the dish. "how much milk?" you might ask naively, like i once did. "enough" is the answer i got. i usually pour until i see the whole mass of taters/onions/flour just start floating off the bottom of the dish. top layer not fully submerged but rubbing elbows with the milk. i like saucy potatoes. the temperature of the milk doesn't matter. i've simmered shit like garlic and bay leaf in it before pouring to great success
bake at 375 until it's done. literally word for word what the recipe says, doesn't say to cover it. i do so i can control sauce thickness and browning, but even that isn't necessary. i start checking after 20 mins. when it's done, the taters and onions will be soft all the way through and the milk/flour/butter/seasonings will have thickened into a sauce. how well this sauce hugs the taters and onions will entirely depend on whether my great great great grandmother reached through your spoon to help guide your flour to milk ratio. too runny for your liking, take the lid off and bake it some more. too thick, add more milk, push it around a little bit to mix, and bake it some more. the world is your potato
it's at its best after a 10-15 minute rest, but it isn't necessary. amount made is also relative; i have done a single serving of this in a ramekin with one (1) potato, quarter of an onion, in a toaster oven, all while very very sick, and it turned out splendidly. it's solid comfort food, 20/10 if great³ gramma possesses you during assembly
ooooh ty ty
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gothicprep · 4 months
I’m watching mac and cheese related tiktoks and it’s so funny to me how some people really obsess over the “cheese pull” as a measure of quality, when it’s really just a matter of whether you used a young cheese in a particular dish. when cheese ages, it loses moisture, the casein protein bonds get tighter, etc. massively oversimplifying here, but it Melts Weird.
if you’re a stovetop mac girl who cares none for this instagram bullshit, such as myself, you can just adjust the butter and milk content and be happy.
but if you really NEED that cheese pull, rehydrate a tbsp of gelatin with a tbsp of water. heat up a half cup of evaporated milk, mix in the gelatin, and 12oz of the cheese mixture of your choice . pulverize this with your immersion blender. line a ramekin with plastic wrap, dump this in, cover it, and let it cool in your fridge.
when that’s done, you’ll have a shreddable version of aged cheese that has the velveeta texture you crave. has science gone too far? maybe, but whatever makes you happy.
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bullet-prooflove · 11 months
TheWall! Series Part Two: Ambush - Bishop Losa x Reader (feat: Riz Ariza)
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Tagging: @wakeama @fanfic-n-tabulous @dreamlandcreations @anime-weeb-4-life @keyweegirlie @danzer8705 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @the-wandering-lunatic @alwaysachorusgirl @beardedbarba @multifandomloversworld @est1887 @mortal--soul @buddinglinguist @purrrrfect @adaydreamaway08 @stressed-chas @spookyboogyuniverse@librarian1002 @msjava1972 @thanossexual @kishie8 @saltyunicorn079 @nessamc @thebaileybugle @spaghettificationandpretzels @nu1freakshow @justreblogginfics @beccabarba @legally-a-bastard @trublu2u @irishavengersassemble @fanfic-n-tabulous @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @oureternalbond 
Companion Series to:
Complicated - Bishop already knows your secret.
The Wall - Bishop comes home to find you covered in blood.
TheWall! Series:
Part One: Poker Night - Bishop's poker night is interrupted by gunshots.
References in to Burning Love and Grief!Series Part Two: Blame
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It’s Gilly that carries you upstairs into the bedroom you’ve been allocated, Coco follows closely behind snapping on a pair of surgical gloves he’s snagged from Hank’s first aid kit. Bishop waits until the door closes before he turns his attention to Riz, who is perched on a barstool having glass pulled out of his face and scalp by Hank. Bishop surveys the collection, each jagged and blood-stained piece sits in a white ramekin, reflecting the light from above.
“What the fuck happened?” Bishop asks him, his voice dangerously low. “She isn’t even meant to be in the fucking area.”
Riz tilts his head towards Bishop, wincing as Hank pulls another piece of glass out of fleshy part of his neck.
“I was at the community centre finishing up some of the intake paperwork for the mentor program we’ve been working on.” Riz tells him, his eyes flicking up to meet Bishop’s. “Carmen popped her head in, said she’d gotten a call form one of her contacts telling her someone was coming over the wall tonight. They gave her a very specific set of coordinates. They told her it was a girl they thought had been trafficked, that she wouldn’t trust men…”
“You think they were trying to get her to come alone?” Hank asks, his palm guiding Riz’s head to the side so he can get a better look at the wound in his scalp.
“Yea.” Riz says frankly. “I think Carmen did too, which is why she asked me to go with her. We decided to take my truck just in case someone was on the lookout for her vehicle.”
“Why even go in the first place if she suspected it was a trap?” Taza asks picking up a set of glasses from the bar and a bottle of Vicki’s top shelf whiskey.
Bishop knows why. You couldn’t take the risk that there was someone out here that needed help. He thinks the caller knew exactly what they were doing when they used the term trafficked to lure you to the wall.
“Carmen’s sister…” Bishop trails off, shaking his head. “She can’t help herself when it comes to something like this.”
He doesn’t need to say anymore, he can see they all get it.
“I called Rosa and Nestor, told them to meet us at the crossing point.” Riz continues his story. “I figured it was better to have some back up just in case. We were five minutes away when the first shot came through the windshield, that’s what all the glass is from.” He says gesturing at himself. “The first bullet hit Carmen; the rest are in the seat because she managed to get low after that. They tried to block us in, cut off our escape route but Rosa and Nestor intervened. They managed to take down a few of their guys before they disappeared into the darkness. The two of them are hunting them as we speak.”
It gives Bishop a level of comfort to hear that. El Cuchillo and their braided prospect are a deadly combination, he knows that before the night is over they’ll be seeing even more bloodshed.
“You recognise any of them?” Taza asks as Bishop’s phone bleeps signalling a message. He removes it from his pocket, studying the details of the screen intently.
“Dennis Reed, Alice’s son.” Riz says knowingly. “I saw him, he saw me. There’s no way he would do something like this if he wasn’t acting on her orders.”
He picks up the glass of whiskey that Taza has poured before looking meeting Bishop’s eyes.
“They’re gonna be expecting retaliation. I wouldn’t be surprised if they decided on a pre-emptive strike, I think we need to get the girls out of here and through the tunnel, take stock of the weapons we have on hand…”
“There’s no need.” Bishop cuts him off with the swipe of his hand before tilting his phone towards the group. It’s a video from Nestor, a grainy one of an inferno, flames licking up towards the night sky, tearing through a large farmhouse. It’s the Reed residence, and the HQ of Santo Padre’s very own white pride militia, the Reed Coalition.
“Fuck.” Taza says before taking a sip of his whisky. “I see retirement hasn’t diminished Rosa’s skill set.”
“Carmen’s her friend.” Hank says distractedly as he applies a butterfly stitch to the wound across Riz’s cheek. “They’re lucky Nestor has mellowed her out over the past couple of years otherwise she’d have burned them all alive.”
It’s true, each of them know it. The young girl they’d watched grow up had become the thing of nightmares after what happened to her overseas. The name El Cuchillo still instils fear to this very day.  There were rumours that she’d died up in Reno, but the reality was Rosa had retired, settling down in Santo Padre with her lover.
Instead of taking lives, she was helping people coming over the wall, leveraging her contacts to guide them towards a better future. You had played a big part in that, helping Rosa to overcome her own demons and use her skillset into a tool for good. Bishop knew how much Rosa valued that, how she’d come to think of you as one of her closest friends. He knows the other woman is hurting as much as he is, that she’s taken care of a problem that has needed solving for a very long time.
“I need to see Carmen.” Bishop tells the others, his hand coming to rest on Taza’s shoulder. “Hold down the fort for me while I’m gone.”
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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mistydeyes · 1 year
OMG THERES 1K OF YOU!! I cannot believe it! Thank you all so much for all the love and support these last few months :) Literally tearing up at how many people love my works. It all started with a silly little pharmacist fic and look at where we are now!
To celebrate, I will be opening up my inbox for some prompts! For the next week, feel free to send me a character, a prompt below, and any other details (ex. female, male, or g/n character) :)
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aesthetic prompts 💌 - CLOSED NOW! thank you for all the submissions :)
soft and cute - all fluff!
vase of flowers - they return home to your door with a small bouquet of flowers with rudy
loveseat - shopping for furniture for your shared home
linen tablecloths - hosting a dinner party (one that is pinterest worthy)
orange juice - sick days call for the best care
vintage maps - a spontaneous trip with an event filled itinerary
cherry lip balm - what was your first kiss like? with graves
paper rings - “put this on” “why did you make a ring out of the straw wrapper?”
ramekins of soup - you both are not experienced chefs but you try a new recipe in the kitchen
tuberose- looking at old photo albums and reminiscing on old memories
tote bags - “hey can you hold this for me?” “why do you have so many things?” “it’s not my fault these pockets don’t hold anything”
sugar cubes - they surprise you with your favorite dessert/sweet treat with price
music - “i made you a playlist!”
pearls - a fancy dinner out with expensive clothes and dining
folded sheets - "hi, i'm your neighbor across the hall :)"
gold - a small gifted ring as a token of your love with price
unlit cigarette - meeting in the most unexpected of places
hot chocolate - a warm snowed in cabin with nowhere to go
house plant - “for your new apartment!” “you know i’m not here enough to water that”
pastel bonnets and rattles - “we are NOT naming our child that”
perfume - perfume bottles decorate your bureau and you decide to let them choose your scent for the day with gaz
friendship bracelets - friends don't look at friends that way, is there something between us? with ghost
shower of tears - angst
crystal glasses - a fight ends with shattered wine glasses and someone is left to pick up the pieces with gaz
running mascara - "i can't believe you would say that to me" with the 141
hyacinth - they decide to interrupt the wedding just as you're about to say your vows with ghost
cardigans - "please don't go, please don't leave me" with ghost
sea salt - you can't do this anymore and just need to get away from them
stars - "do you think in another universe things would have worked out for us?"
cubic zirconia - you both come to the realization that your relationship is beyond repair
cold sheets - "can you hold me just one more time?" with soap and gaz
hydrangeas - a sudden death leaves one of you without the other for the rest of time
cocktails - "you need to stop drinking too much" "what do you know?"
graveyard - "please i don't want to die" with price
enlisted - military au
empty cartridges - "I want you to run, I'll cover you!"
uniforms - they sure clean up well as you look at them in their dress uniform with price
cigarette smoke - you share a cigarette (and exchange indirect kisses) while on patrol with ghost
confidential files - you're the newest addition to the team and you recognize a familiar face
jacket - you forgot to pack you winter gear and they're helping you avoid the cold
angel - this time you're their knight in shining armor as you save them with soap | with price
manila folders - "I'm being transferred to another unit"
bandages - you are the only one with the med kit and are tasked with patching them up
barbells - "you're doing it wrong, let me show you"
MREs - "can we switch? this food is absolute shit"
hit the showers (18+) - a prank ends with you getting your clothes and towel stolen with soap
wigs - you get sent undercover with them
hot and seductive - smut (18+)
lace (18+) - “wait for me in the bedroom, i have a surprise”with soap
stained lipstick (18+) - rough kisses in the back of an uber with gaz | with ghost
stolen glaces (18+) - "are you going to kiss me or not?"
tanning lotion (18+) - you just wanted help with an even lotion application but now their touch is venturing elsewhere
black and white photos (18+) - you take a few photos so they can remember you (and your body) while on deployment with price: part i and part ii
fruit juice (18+) - "let's test out that theory about drinking pineapple juice"
morning sun (18+) - you have nowhere to go and decide to spend it in bed ;) with ghost | with gaz | with price
silk (18+) - “you look absolutely gorgeous tonight”
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lesbiancooking · 2 days
French Onion Gnocci Soup
This makes 4 servings.
I tsbp olive oil
2 tsbp unsalted butter
3 small yellow or white onions(thinly sliced)
1 tsbp brown sugar
.5 tsp salt
.25 tsp black pepper
1 tsbp thyme
1 minced clove of garlic
1 tsbp flower
1 tsbp Worcestershire sauce
4 cups of vegetable broth(bullion and water also works)
16 Oz of gnocci
8 Oz shredded gruyere cheese
.25 cups shredded parmesan cheese
Put the olive oil and butter in a pot, and heat over medium high heat. Add the onions and cook for 5 minutes, untill they begin to brown. Make sure to stir consistently.
Then add the sugar and cook for another 10 minutes, stirring consistently untill the onions are soft and brown.
Add the flower and sautee for 2 to 3 minutes, until the flower is cooked. Make sure to scrape bits off the bottom.
Add the beef broth and Worcestershire sauce. Let it get to a boil. Then cover and simmer for 5 min.
Then add the gnocchi, and cook according to package directions.
If you have ramekins, divide the soup into 4. Then, top with the cheeses and broil for 2-3 minutes, untill the cheese is bubbly.
Otherwise, mix in the cheese when served.
I find this goes well with French bread for dipping.
Here is the recipe I based this on.
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grapenehifics · 8 months
🧸 cute and fluff sneak peek? for the Princess Diaries II AU please?? (you know how excited I am for this fic, right?)
You and @amadwinter both requested the same prompt from the same fic, lol. Anakin's kind of grumpy in this one...or at least trying to be. It's difficult to resist the charms of Obi-Wan Kenobi...and chocolate soufflés.
"Your entrance was well-timed; I’m just finishing with a tray of chocolate soufflés. Would you like one?”
Anakin let out a whimper as Obi-Wan, a slightly smudged white apron covering his front and tied around his waist, turned around, wearing an oven mitt on his hand and holding a cookie sheet with six white ramekins placed on top. Bubbling over the edge of each ramekin was just a hint of crackly chocolate crust. They smelled good.
“Are they poisoned? You could off me and take my job a lot faster that way,” Anakin snarked, turning his head and trying to pretend he didn’t want a soufflé when he really, really did. He’d had a long afternoon full of…people, and they were very nice people but they were still incredibly people-y, and he’d come into the kitchen specifically because it was warm and Dex was a nice, friendly face who would greet him kindly and feed him something comforting but wouldn’t expect a lot of chatter, and now that chocolate was on offer Anakin was discovering that he wanted said chocolate, quite badly.
“Ah. So you don’t want the poisoned ones? I’d avoid the set on the left, then,” Obi-Wan said lightly, and Anakin had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing out loud, and as it was he was pretty sure the corners of his mouth still tugged a little and he hastily brought his hand up to cover it up. “Here.” Obi-Wan used his oven-mitt-ed hand to slide a soufflé toward Anakin.
Thank you both for the asks!
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notwhelmedyet · 1 year
bittersweet chocolate pots de crème
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I am once again making the best ever chocolate custards, which I made once two months ago and have been craving ever since. The original recipe is locked behind a NYT paywall but...
1½ cups heavy cream
½ cup whole milk
3 ounces unsweetened baking chocolate, finely chopped
4 egg yolks
5 tablespoons sugar
pinch of salt
Preheat oven to 300 degrees. In a heavy saucepan, bring cream and milk to a boil. Remove from heat; whisk in chopped chocolate until smooth.
In a large bowl, whisk together the yolks, sugar and salt. Whisking constantly, slowly pour hot chocolate into yolks. Strain through a very fine mesh sieve into a large measuring cup or bowl.
Divide mixture among 2- to 4-ounce small ramekins. Set filled cups in a large roasting pan. Add hot tap water to pan, halfway up sides of cups. Cover pan with foil; use a fork to prick holes in foil, place in the oven.
Bake until edges are lightly set but center is still jiggly — it will set as it cools. Original recipe says 30 minutes, in my oven it's 40 minutes. Transfer cups to a wire rack to cool completely. Refrigerate at least 3 hours before serving
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thegigilwriter · 5 months
06 | “Danger & Star, Rooster & Angel” — Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Female Mitchell OC
Summary: 26-year-old Lucy Asa Mitchell did not know what was in store for her when she first bumped into Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. After an instant mutual connection followed by a sweet whirlwind romance that swept both their feet, Lucy found herself being immersed deeper into Bradley’s world of the Navy, F-14s, and deployments. What she didn’t expect was finding was the answer to an elusive part of her past — the identity of her long-lost father.
Keywords/Warnings: Romance, Fluff
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06 | Picnics at Golden Hour 🌅
Sunday June 19, 2023
“Hmmm...ˮ Bradley hummed, helping himself to another tear of focaccia bread dipped in olive oil and balsamic vinegar. “This... is so good.ˮ
“Thank you,ˮ Lucy giggled popping a strawberry in her mouth as she continued to peel a green mango in one long, spiral strip.
Lucy had laid a red-checkered picnic basket at the backseat of the Bronco where they were now seated in each others company with her snack basket in between them. Bradley proceeded to peer into its contents, moving around various containers of food and a bottle of wine they had purchased from The Vineyard.
“Whatʼs this?ˮ Bradley picked up a white ramekin, which elicited a gasp from Lucyʼs lips.
“Put that down!ˮ Lucy crawled over, trying to reach it to which Bradley avoided by leaning away.
“Why? Itʼs something delicious isnʼt it?ˮ He smirked. “Are you trying to keep this all to yourself?ˮ
“Bradley,ˮ Lucy warned.
“Lucy,ˮ he teased.
“Give that back!ˮ She laughed at his expression, lunging at him.
“Woah!ˮ He gasped as Lucy fell on top of him, successfully obtaining the ramekin. A blush scattered across her cheeks when she realized the predicament they found themselves in: her soft breasts pressed against his hard chest, their lips only inches away from touching, their legs tangled, and their eyes intimately meeting. Bradley swept a lock of hair behind her ear.
“Iʼm only teasing Angel,ˮ Bradley told her sweetly. Lucy pouted in reply as they both sat up together, Bradley tucking her into his arms and sitting sideways on his lap.
“Itʼs a botched chocolate soufflé,ˮ Lucy frowned, evading his stare as she grazed her fingertips against the grooves of the ramekin. “I saw how much you liked that dessert at the Vineyard, and I thought I could make it for you. Itʼs more like a mousse now, than a soufflé...ˮ
“Angel,ˮ Bradley sighed, holding the small of her back. “You made that for me?ˮ
“I did, but itʼs no good.ˮ
“Well I donʼt care, itʼs mineˮ
Lucy gazed at him before reaching into her basket and grabbing a spoon. She uncapped the ramekin and offered a spoonful to Bradley. He smiled before wrapping his large hand around hers that was holding the spoon and brought it to his lips. They were just looking at each other as Bradleyʼs moving mouth slowly broke into a wide grin.
“Itʼs bad isnʼt it?ˮ Lucy groaned with her face in her hands.
“Angel—“ Bradley chuckled as he pried the utensil from her fingers and offered her a spoonful. “Here— you try.ˮ
Lucy didnʼt even need to chew. The very desert melted into her tongue and exploded in chocolate richness. They were both sporting huge grins now.
“Itʼs the best damn chocolate mousse Iʼve ever tried thatʼs for sure,ˮ Bradley exclaimed as he relished another bite.
Lucy laughed, her fingers covering the growing blush on her cheeks.
“Lucy Mitchell, you literally cook like an angel,ˮ he praised, finishing the last few scoops of the desert with enthusiasm and appetite.
“Iʼm just glad that it didnʼt go to waste,ˮ Lucy breathed, chuckling.
“Angel as long as youʼre cooking for me, I promise you — nothingʼs going to waste,ˮ Bradley told her seriously.
“Yeah?ˮ Lucy wrapped her arms around his neck as he stared into his honey eyes.
“Oh yeah,ˮ Bradley rasped, holding her stare as he relished the feel of her small hands grazing his shoulders.
“How about I take you up on that?ˮ She says with a sparkle in her eye.
“You mean it?ˮ
“Next Sunday, at my apartment, dinner for two,ˮ she whispered as Bradleyʼs eyes lit in child-like joy.
“Angel, I could kiss you right now,ˮ he said to her softly, his gaze so intense that it lit her skin on fire.
Lucy smiled as Bradley drew her in for a sweet kiss. She instinctively straddled him as he gently moved his hands to caress her waist and the smooth nape of her neck beneath her soft curls. Encased in the golden light of the dusk sky with a backdrop of a lavender hydrangea path leading to Californiaʼs Torrey Pines Bridge, they basked in each otherʼs passion so intensely that they were breathless as they came apart.
“Angel?ˮ He stroked the small of her back. “Yeah?ˮ
“I donʼt want you to be upset.ˮ
“How can I ever be upset with you?ˮ
A beat.
She cupped his face and traced his scars.
“Iʼm gonna be gone for a while... Iʼm getting deployed.ˮ
It was at this moment that while Lucy was well aware that while Bradley was a naval aviator, she was reminded that he was also a soldier — called into to duty and done so without question. She also knew that she was falling for him, just as she sensed that he was inevitably falling for her. Lucy herself has never been in a romantic relationship, but if there was anything that life had taught her is that nothing worth it comes easy. So Lucy reached yet again into her handy basket and took out her polaroid camera and placed it in his grasp. She then proceeded to pose against the door of his Bronco with a genuine smile and shining eyes.
“Whatʼre you—“
“So youʼll have something of me, even when youʼre away.ˮ
Bradley chuckled. She was truly beautiful — she wore sunsets like a gown and her smiles like a crown. She was an image far too abstract to contain. So Bradley took the shot, and left all else to his own memory — hoping it would be enough when it was time for them to say goodbye.
Oh no! Bradley’s getting deployed! I’m so excited for the next chapter! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I loved writing it! 💕 Here’s 07 | Beauty and Brokenness.
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sheliesshattered · 1 year
Spiced Maple-Bourbon Apple Pie Filling
2 tbsp butter 2 tbsp maple syrup dash salt dash ginger dash nutmeg dash cloves 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/4 cup cold water 1 tbsp flour 1 tbsp bourbon 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 Fuji apples
Melt butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Remove from heat, stir in maple syrup, salt, and spices. Return the sauce to heat and bring to a simmer. Shake cold water and flour in a small container until smooth, then stir into the sauce. Continue stirring and remove from heat as the mixture thickens up quickly. Stir in bourbon and vanilla extract until smooth.
Peel apples and chop into small cubes, stirring into the sauce as you go. Transfer apples and sauce to casserole dish or ramekins, top with pie dough as desired (in shapes or lattice, etc), and brush pie crust with a beaten egg, then sprinkle with raw sugar. Bake at 375 for 25 minutes, then cover to prevent crust from burning. Bake for another 35 minutes then remove from the oven to cool on a rack.
This amount was made to use up a small amount of extra pie dough. Doubling this recipe would probably be plenty for a full pie.
If baking without a dough topping, cover casserole or ramekin dish from the start and bake for 1 hour. Serve with pastries, whipped cream, ice cream, etc.
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ladylooch · 2 years
What My World Spins Around- Nico Hischier
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A/N: Happy Saturday, readers! Enjoy our Swiss captain and someone to calm the aches in life :) Inspo is this Jordan Davis song.
Warnings: SMUT (18+) Content. Fluff.
Summary: Off-season Nico is the best Nico.
Word Count: 3.7k
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The glow of the candle light is almost too romantic for a first date. So is the guy across the table from me. If I hadn’t seen him play a few times, it would be difficult to believe that he’s an NHL player. His sweet, shy demeanor is a complete contrast to the professional athletes I’ve encountered in my 22 years on this earth. Add in the sweet gestures of opening my car door and pulling my chair out for me, the story I’ll have for tomorrow is almost unbelievable to my own ears.
Yet, Nico Hischier, as he lives and breathes, is sitting contently across the table from me. 
“What are you thinking?” He asks me, bringing my attention to his plump lips pursed in concentration.
“Ah…” I trail off, blinking to focus my eyes off his mouth and to the dessert menu resting in my fingers. “Everything looks good… Not sure I can decide.”
“One of everything it is.” His smile dazzles in the low lighting. My body swoons slightly to the left. I chomp on my bottom lip to try and get a grip. 
“If I have to pick, it’s creme brûlée.” I confess to him, sliding the menu to the edge of the table.
“Excellent choice.” He nods in approval. 
The dessert comes out and our conversation continues. We’ve covered the basics and find ourselves effortlessly drifting deeper into discussions of the pressures of being an NHL player, what difficult moments I’ve experienced as a pediatric nurse, and the utter devastation of being dumped by our first loves.
“Well, his loss is my gain.” Nico smiles as my story finishes. He lays his spoon down on the now empty ramekin.
“I guess it is. Lucky duck.”
“It feels like we are both lucky… of all the buildings in the world, we happen to live in the same one.” Nico says. 
“And take the same elevator every day at 9:30am.” I look into his eyes, savoring the way the candle light flickers in them. His soft chuckle dances over the table to me and covers me in a warmth I’ll feel long after we say goodnight. “What can I say? I enjoy a routine. You get it since you’re in there with me every morning.” He bites his lip and seems to contemplate his next words carefully. Eventually, with a slight shake of his head, he exhales.
“I do, but if I’m being honest, I should actually be leaving for the rink earlier than I have been the last month.”
“Oh?” My eyebrows raise in surprise.
“Yeah, but… If I left earlier, I wouldn’t have those two minutes with you. It’s the best part of my day.” I can feel the shift happen completely against my will. Falling for someone shouldn’t happen this easily. In spite of that, I’m gone before our dishes are cleared from the table.
After settling the check, we leave the Italian restaurant and head towards his car parked down the block. As my heels clack against the sidewalk, Nico hesitantly reaches for my left hand. Our fingers entwine together for a perfect fit. When I turn to look at him, a raindrop dashes down my hair. I cringe, looking up at the sky, getting smacked with two more on my forehead. In another moment, a downpour engulfs us.
“Come on!” Nico laughs, tugging me down the block. Running seems to make everything worse. By the time we get to the car, we are both laughing at the look of each other, soaked and getting wetter as we stand there. Nico opens the car door for me, encouraging me to slide in. But when I turn to him, looking at the curls of his wet hair dusting his forehead, I want to know what his lips feel like against mine. Right now. Not in fifteen minutes or an hour or on our next date. Right here in this soaking wet moment. He steps closer to me, showing me he feels the same as his hands come to my hips. I tilt my head back in delicious anticipation, watching his approach. My lashes flutter against my cheek bones as I get my first taste of him.
My eyes pop open just as Nico’s lips touch mine. Gone is the wet New Jersey street and the sound of tires splashing in puddles. Replacing it is the light, blue walls of our bedroom in Switzerland. My fingers come to my lips, tracing their outline and remembering how perfect that night was.
Nico and I never looked back after our first date. We have spent every minute possible of the last year and a half together, loving each other through the highs and lows of life. He was there when I stepped away from nursing after losing a special patient. I was there with the enduring struggles of his most recent hockey season. We celebrated his captaincy with champagne and a bubble bath in our new apartment. Now, after a challenging year that ended without a playoff appearance, we are in his hometown of Bern to spend a relaxing and reflecting off-season.
I roll over to my back and stretch my right hand out, feeling for my boyfriend. Disappointment twists my mouth into a frown when my skin touches the cool sheet. He’s clearly been up for awhile. Light is barely filtering in through the cracks in the blinds which tells me daybreak has just begun. I lay there quietly, willing myself to go back to sleep. But I can’t. My mind is on Nico, wondering where he is and what is going on in his tumultuous mind at this hour. I give up on the idea of sleep after fifteen minutes, tossing the covers off my legs.
The hardwood feels cold beneath my bare feet as I strut out to the kitchen. The room smells of coffee, hinting at the recent use of the Nespresso machine on the coffee bar. I glance around the new, open concept space, frowning when I don’t see Nico within view. A yawn tugs at my mouth, so I release it. My arms stretch up high above my head, pulling the Devils sweatshirt I stole from Nico up with it. I swing my arms back down, placing my hands against my hips to stretch my shoulders out further. I walk to the large windows of the living room, taking in the view of the sun rising. The mountains surrounding the lake dance in orange, yellow, and pink hues, hinting at another spectacular, Swiss day. 
My eyes are pulled to a figure on the dock below. Nico sits, feet dragging along the surface of the lake, creating waves through the otherwise smooth plane. My lips tilt into a tender smile at finding him. I make my way out to the deck then down the stairs so I can join him on the dock. When my feet hit the old, warn wood, the dock squeaks to announce my presence. Nico glances over his shoulder, watching my pursuit with a hunger we apparently didn’t satisfy last night.
“Hi babe.” He murmurs, reaching out for my hand. He guides me to step between his legs as he pushes back, creating space for me to sit between his strong thighs. I do so willingly, letting my feet dip into the cold, mountain lake. Nico tugs me to his chest, arms wrapping securely around my body, chin coming to rest against the top of my head. “Did I wake you?” He wonders, voice dancing across the vastness of the quiet morning.
“Yeah.” I murmur, smiling and thinking back to the sweet memory of our first kiss that visited this morning. “You were in my dream and then missing from our bed.” I lean my shoulders further into him. He tightens his arms immediately, sensing how badly I want to be consumed by him.
“Sorry.” He kisses my hair, lips hovering gently as my eyes close. “Couldn’t sleep.”
“What’s on your mind, captain?” 
“All the ways I want to get better this off-season.” His fingers trail along my forearm as he looks at the mountains before us. “We have so much work to do to get to where we need to be.” The frustration from the end of the season sears the air with his words.
“Rome wasn’t built in a day.” I remind him. 
“No, but we have to better. We need to find a way to win.”
I twist in his arms, careful to not let my wet feet brush against his clothes.
“You say we, but I can hear the me in your words. You’re doing the best you can.”
“Well, if that was my best, it’s not good enough.” 
“Baby.” I whine at him, threading my fingers through his long hair. The strands try to hide his beautiful eyes from me. But I need to see them to clear their storm clouds. “You’ll never be able to move forward if you don’t let this season go. Wrap it all up, tie it to a rock and chuck it into this lake in front of us."
To humor me, he closes his eyes. I laugh as he releases his grip on my hips to ball up his frustrations and chuck them behind me into the water. 
“There we go! Now, your shoulders don’t look so heavy.” I tease him, gently rubbing my fingers along his jaw. “I have to say though, I kinda like that I get you all to myself for awhile.”
“Me too. The rest of the world can wait.” His brown eyes shine in appreciation at me. “Sometimes I wish I could be just yours all the time.”
“Me too. But you have an important job.” I murmur to him. “Putting a whole franchise on your back is tough stuff.” My lips tilt into a sly smile. 
“I just wanna win.” He says to me, eyes dipping to look at my lips. His gaze remains there and I feel the leisurely drag of it across my flesh.
“I know.” I nod at him, watching his cheeks turn a bit more pink as the sun rises higher in the sky. “But maybe don’t forget to have fun while you’re living your dream.” My hand comes up, running through the dark hairs on the side of his head again.
“I have plenty of fun with you.” He leans forward to press our lips together. I slowly close my eyes, savoring the warmth of his kiss. His tongue trails across my bottom lip before taking it’s place in my mouth. I hum a gentle moan onto his lips. “Damn, you taste good.” He says when he pulls away. His brown eyes are lustful as he presses our bodies securely together.
“You taste like coffee.” I murmur, reaching for his abandoned cup. I take a delicate sip of the Nespresso as Nico watches. The caramel flavor wraps my mouth in a sweet coating. A ripple of foam sticks to my top lip that draws Nico’s undivided attention. My tongue lazily glides along the skin to give him the show he’s desperate for. 
“Mmm.” I sigh, savoring one more sip from his cup. “My favorite thing from Switzerland.” I hide my smug smile behind the cup in my hands as his eyes meet mine again.
“Not me, eh?” He questions to which I shake my head. “I guess I shouldn’t expect to be able to compete with coffee.”
“True. But also, you’re my favorite thing in the entire world, not just from here.” I wiggle my eyebrows at him, handing him back his mug.
He takes a sip, eyes closing to savor the buzz of caffeine. I bite my lip, then lean forward, kissing the edges of his mouth. He turns slightly to capture my lips, tongue sliding against my bottom lip. I welcome it into my mouth, sighing and melting deeper into his body. His hands run down my back, gripping my ass as he tugs me tighter into his lap. I can feel him thickening against the fabric of his shorts. A throbbing pulse begins between my legs that begs for him to be buried there.
Nico’s stomach growls breaking us apart as we both laugh.
“I guess I’m hungry.” He whispers to me. With his swollen lips, pink cheeks, and darkening eyes, I’d say so.
“Let’s go make breakfast.” I suggest. “I’m dying for some bread with that strawberry jam we got at the market yesterday.” I stand, swiping my hand across the back of my shorts to brush off any debris that is sticking there. 
“Okay, but we do need something besides carbs.”
“Shut your sweet mouth.” I scold him with a glint in my eye. “Off-season rules apply which means we are required to eat at least one carb a day.” Nico chuckles, coming behind me to place a guiding hand on the small of my back.
“When did we decide that?”
“Right now.” I say seriously. He shakes his head with a laugh.
We reach the yard and cross the grass to the rock patio. The small, angular rocks litters the base of the deck for aesthetic purposes. In my quest to join my boyfriend, I disregarded shoes and had hopped anxiously over these the first time. Now, Nico tugs on the back of my sweatshirt to pull me to a stop. 
“C’mere. Gotta protect those cute feet from sharp objects.” He insists, gripping my waist and lifting me easily into his chest. I pull my legs up so he can guide me to the wood stairs. He sets me down on the second one. I give his arm a squeeze as he releases me, then climb the remaining steps with an amused smirk. Cap can’t keep his hands off me.
“Something besides carbs, he says.” I repeat to myself as we enter the state of the art kitchen. Nico doesn’t cook often, but knowing how much joy it brings me, he renovated his off-season home last year for me. I got to pick out my dream appliances, colors, tile, and stone. It all came together in crisp whites, gold fixtures, and dreamy navy accents.
“I can make myself something, babe.” He insists, dumping out his last sip of cold coffee and working a new pod into the machine. “You want coffee, hun?”
“Yes, please.” I say, reaching my hands up into the pantry, searching for the waffle mix I know is up there from last week. Nico, watching my struggle, comes behind me. He places a steadying hand on the slice of exposed skin of my lower back while reaching above me. He easily grabs the mix, placing it in my hand. A gentle kiss grazes my hair as he moves back to the coffee. Neither of us mention the carb content of waffles. 
“I think there is bacon in the fridge?” I question Nico.
“Sure. I’ll check in a sec.”
We move through the kitchen with easy synergy. Nico puts the bacon in the oven. I work the pre-made mix into a batter. Nico finishes our coffees, fixing his black and mine with oat milk, frothed perfectly the way only he knows how to do. He sets my cup next to me, skimming against me as he does. His continual, sweet touches have ignited a flame that begins to consume my body. An electricity fills the air with his gently maneuvering of my hips so he can reach into the drawer to my right for a new kitchen towel. I bite my lip, trying to focus on the batter and not his warmth against me. Nico senses the shift too, moving his fingers to dip just slightly into my shorts. A feminine sigh releases from my lips. He guides my body back until our hips press into one another. 
“I have to confess something to you.” He drags out his words, breath skirting along my neck teasingly, lips hovering over his favorite place to suck me. “I asked them to keep the island this height for a reason.” It is a little bit lower than normal, but I’m on the shorter side and it didn’t seem to bother Nico. He grabs the bowl from my hands, sliding it to the side. My hands pause in mid-air, waiting, wondering what’s next, needing it to be something to calm the desperate ache in my core.
“Oh?” It comes out as a quiver.
“Yeah. I knew it would be the perfect height for this.” His hands press into my back, guiding me forward until I’m bent over in front of him. My butt perches perfectly in the air. His fingers drag along my spine until they reach my butt cheeks, giving them both a generous squeeze. “Mmm. Perfect.”
“You do love being right.” I praise him. The chuckle that comes from him is devilish.
He presses his hips into me, moving in a long circle to brush his erection against my butt. My inner muscles clench, desperate for him to slide my shorts down and slip into me. He is patient, much more than I am, and takes his time, massaging his fingers into my sensitive skin, purposefully straying away from between my legs.
“Nico.” I finally groan in frustration as he makes another pass over my hips. “Please.”
“I’ll take you when I’m ready and not a moment before, mein Schatz.”
“I thought you liked to please?” I quip to him, hoping if I provoke him, he’ll take me fast and hard.
“When you start being good.”
“I have been.” 
“No whining.” He warns me, fingers working the waistband of my shorts down, tantalizingly slow over the swell of my cheeks. The cool air of the kitchen brushes against my heat, but Nico still doesn’t touch me. “What a view. I wish you could see how you shine in the morning sun.” I bury my face into my arms folded in front of me. Involuntarily, my muscles clench around the emptiness. But the movement beckons his touch to me. I melt into the feeling of his fingers brushing against my folds. He slides one in, testing me, the slickness of us fills the air. “This what you need?” He purrs to me.
“Yes.” I moan as he slides another digit in. I gulp as he increases the tempo. I feel so sexy standing in our kitchen together, bent forward with Nico pleasuring me. Pink heat tinges my cheeks as I curl up from the counter in need, letting a feminine moan out.
“I want to tease you more, but you look too good not to have.” He sighs, almost regretfully, to me. His fingers brush against my ass as he works his shorts and underwear down. His cock jolts from his clothing, bouncing against my entrance. He is taut and warm as his head teases my folds before sliding into me. A small stretch to accommodate him has my breathing hitch, then a wave of pleasure sways through my body. He moves again, pushing me tight against the counter, holding my hips in place so he can fuck me the way he wants.
It’s fast and tight and wet as he thrusts deep. I’m breathless and electrified at each brush against my walls. He pulls out less and less each time, hitting that spot in me that he knows will have me tugging an orgasm from us both.
“Turn your face.” He moans to me, releasing me with one hand to grab my face to turn it to the side. He holds my jaw, fingers pressing into both of my cheeks as he pounds into me. 
“Ohmygod.” I whisper to him, “Just like this.” I grip his wrist tightly, nail beds going white with the intensity. I open my mouth to speak to him again, but I can’t. All that come out is a grateful groan.
“Fuck.” He hisses to me as I squeeze him with the first pulse of my orgasm. It builds and builds and builds until it explodes from my core. I cry out in desperation as he plows through. He releases my face to grip my hips roughly again, blood pulsing beneath his finger tips as the counter digs into my stomach from his pressure. The stinging of slight discomfort extends my orgasm until I’ve given everything I can. I collapse back onto the stone. Nico’s motion become jerky strokes then he comes with a harsh exhale of breath and a moan that lodges as a happy bubble into my chest. His body falls onto mine as though he is bowing after an exhilarating show.
The cool marble of the counter soothes some of the warmth in my cheek as I suck in breaths. Nico’s welcomed weight against my back rises and falls in sync with me. The smell of bacon descends into my afterglow. Slowly, Nico slides from me. He tucks himself back into his pants, then glides my shorts back into place. I rise from the counter as his hands come to my stomach, holding me close to him. Gone is the rough, demanding partner and replaced is the sweet, sensual lover. Our afterglow caresses us in each other’s arms. He rocks us into contentment, skin still buzzing from each others touch.
“How did we ever live without this?” I ask him, head resting against his shoulder. He releases a heavy exhale with a slight shake of his head.
“No idea.”
“I want this with you forever.” I say to him tenderly. This isn’t news to him. We’ve talked about marriage. We know it’s in our cards, but Nico’s goals are so hockey focused that the when of that is fuzzy. 
“We will. I know you think it’s hockey, but you’re what my world spins around.” His lips press against the top of my head. 
There’s no ring. It’s not a proposal. Instead, its a promise.
Right now, wrapped together, in a kitchen he built just for me, with my skin still on fire from his strokes, it’s more than enough for me.
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nyctophiliq · 2 years
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content warning; fem reader. sfw ! — lowercase writing intended, suggestive themes, fluffy fluff, widow might be a little ooc, mention of bullets, injuries, brief mention of previous relationship, blackwatch
moss' notes; this is for @overwatchfics and only them, be grateful moss lets you read it- also this has been a long-time fake scenario of moss' so enjoy !!! <3
⠀⠀( pairings . . . ) — amélie 'widowmaker' lacroix + f! reader
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you proceeded to let a sigh out, dreading that you had to get up from bed and begin making coffee for yourself. but just as you were about to pull the covers off of yourself the cold touch of your lover froze your motions.
you proceeded to let a sigh out, dreading that you had to get up from bed and begin making coffee for yourself. but just as you were about to pull the covers off of yourself the cold touch of your lover froze your motions.
you proceeded to let a sigh out, dreading that you had to get up from bed and begin making coffee for yourself. but just as you were about to pull the covers off of yourself the cold touch of your lover froze your motions.
"chérie, are we trying to escape the spider's den?" the assassin asked with a hushed tone, nuzzling her face into the crook of your chest and wrapping her arms around your waist. the cold of her purple skin once again stiffened you up, your spine fusing to arch into her body as the tingling sensation ran across your body. a small smile pulled on your face as you felt her lips curve into somewhat of a smile, but more of a smirk if you had to guess.
amélie was the one who took a hold of you, cradling you like you were hopeless and in need of her aid, to be taken care of and be protected. widowmaker wanted to continue, to speak all her witty lines out on you, to have one more passionate encounter with you before amélie tucked her way into the back burner.
you truly were surprised by her presence, usually, she is either already up or has left a note stuck to something about leaving- 'duty calls' or whatever. "no... i just thought you were gone already. was on my way to make coffee but I'll change it to tea." there was no point in lying, widowmaker could make out any of it by just touching your hot spots, looking for arteries, for the dummy's lie detector.
the tall woman let out a low chuckle, pulling herself away from you but not before pressing a chaste kiss on your chest, right above your cleavage before sitting up.
the silky sheets fell from her body like waves of water, revealing the spider tattoo on her spine and the muscles she gained all those years ago when she was a ballet dancer. you were tempted to reach out and caress them, to feel them up a little and trace the legs of the inked spider. but you corrected your posture that was already leaning towards her, instead sitting up yourself while pulling the covers along.
she turned back around with a tray in her hand, two smaller tea cups with their plates, a small ramekin with sugar, and a few slices of lemon sitting on a separate plate with a small jug of milk. "mise en place, chérie- however you like it."
the two of you have spent countless nights and days together, yet she didn't know your way of taking tea. but you knew how she liked her tea- no sweetener, no lemon, no sugar, steeped in hot water for nine minutes before pulling the bag filled with the tea leafs out and offering it to her in her favorite cup with its tea plate under it.
you gave her a warm smile before taking the small tray from her, the rattling of the glazed porcelain cups and silver spoon oddly sharp in your ear. placing it down in your lap you took the spoon and put in whatever you liked, stirring the steaming cup.
"i could have done it myself." you murmured, eyes stuck in the cup on the whirlpool you created then they flickered up to look out on the tall window set in front of the bed. you sipped the tea, tracing the outlines of the eiffel tower.
"not with that odious wound, mon coeur." the chilly arms of amélie's sneaked their way around your body once again, her chin resting on your shoulder. one of your hands unwrapped itself from around the cup and reached to push between her interviewed hands on your lap.
a laugh escaped through amélie's nose, her head falling against yours. "it's nothing, that bullet barely grazed me." you noted, taking a glance at her from the corner of your eye and then at the wound on your shoulder, that she stitched up last night before putting a giant bandaid on it.
"please, you were crying like a baby!" she bursts out laughing, her face burning in the crook of your neck as you lean forward to put the cup down. "don't laugh like that! i tried my best there, it is hard to be the eyes on the ground." you huffed, pulling your hand away from hers and crossing your arms on your chest.
"don't worry, next time you can give the widow a kiss." she whispered against your ears after successfully trapping you to herself, your head resting on her chest just low enough for her to comfortably lean down and give you a kiss that left the lingering taste of chamomile on your tongue.
the rest of the morning went down quietly, the two of you just starting out on the window that faced the center of paris, watching as the snow fell gracefully on the white tiles of the balcony. amélie's fingertips run up and down on your skin, ghosting over it and leaving goosebumps trailing behind.
you remembered the first time you had met amélie at the london headquarters, she and you shared a cup of coffee and chatted about work. you laughed when she asked if you had ever been to france, disappointing her when mentioning that a young agent like yourself was lucky to be even bouncy between a few offices as a protective detail. she promised that she will take you there when the murky water with her husband's task force clears, get you front row seat to her ballet performance then take you out to her favorite dinner spot.
she kept her promise, no matter how long it took the lingering fantasy of the city of lovers now a reality.
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sweetcherryslim · 2 years
Strawberry Penna Cottas - 130 kcal/5g protein
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Servings: 4 - 130 kcal/5g protein per serving
1-1/2 cups whole milk
1-1/2 teaspoons unflavored gelatin
1-1/2 pints strawberries, halved
2 tablespoons Splenda No Calorie Sweetener, Granulated
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 pint strawberries, sliced
Sprinkle gelatin over milk in a small saucepan; let stand 1 minute. Cook over low heat, stirring until gelatin dissolves (do not boil). Set aside to cool.
Process 1-1/2 pints strawberries in a food processor, or until pureed, stopping to scrape down sides. Press strawberries through a fine wire-mesh strainer into a bowl, discarding solids. Stir cooled milk mixture into strawberry puree. Add Splenda Granulated Sweetener and vanilla, stirring until Splenda Granulated Sweetener dissolves.
Coat 4 (6-ounce) ramekins with cooking spray. Divide strawberry mixture evenly among ramekins. Cover each ramekin with plastic wrap; refrigerate 4 hours or overnight until panna cottas are set.
Run a knife around the edge of each panna cotta and unmold onto serving plates. Serve with sliced strawberries.
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blogger-yura · 1 year
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Entry #50 Aug 25th '23
#YurasLife #FoodFriday #Food #Cooking #Recipes
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𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 - 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐞𝐬 (lava cake)
*contact Yura for removal of any food related posts taglist
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Hello, hello, my sweet darlings! Happy Friday to all of you! How has the week treated y'all? Are we excited for the weekend? Any fun plans ahead? If not, then I have the perfect recipe for you to try~. (・ω・)
It's been a while since I've last shared a recipe, hasn't it? I just haven't had time to actually be in the kitchen and try new stuff. But! I made myself time. I missed baking, making treats for my friends and myself, too! And so I dug on the internet until I found the perfect dessert.
Don't you hate it when you go to your favorite restaurant, that hasn't changed their menu in forever, and suddenly, your favorite choco treat isn't there anymore?
This recipe, while not entirely mine, is a mix of a few different ones I found and liked. Each had their own characteristic little thing, and so I mixed it all up to put together the Ultimate Lava Cake ! \(^_^)/
Mind you, the recipe is not exact as it is a mix of many– just make sure to use cups the same size for measurements, and you'll be fine!
If you like cooking, and chocolate, and are a lava cake enthusiast– believe me, you'll love this.
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Prep: 15min - Cook: 12-15, check your oven! - Level: Medium, but very simple! - Makes: 4 servings!
▪︎170gr semi-sweet chocolate ▪︎1/2 cup unsalted butter
▪︎2 full eggs + 2 egg yolks ▪︎Tea spoon of vanilla extract
▪︎1/4 cup confectioners' sugar (can also use granulated sugar- but confectioners gives it a special touch)
▪︎3 table spoon all-purpose flour ▪︎Pinch of salt ▪︎Cocoa powder
▪︎For toppings, a scoop of vanilla ice cream, or whipped cream, or both!
1- As always, we'll start preparing our ramekins and preheating the oven. Set your oven to 425F or medium heat, let it heat up steadily. Grease four 6-oz (or, 9cm diameter) ramekins with non-stick cooking spray and dust with cocoa powder! Tap out the excess so the cake bakes properly. This will help the lava cakes come out easily when inverted and prevent them from breaking!
2- Next up, melt the chocolate with the butter, chop and slice for faster melting! Can do it at the stove, medium heat on boiling water, or microwave it carefully, stopping every 15 to 20 seconds to prevent the chocolate from burning. Set aside to allow it to slightly cool.
3- We will then combine all the ingredients. In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs and egg yolks first, add then the sugar, vanilla extract, and salt until combined. Pour in the melted chocolate into the egg mixture, along with the flour– sieve if posible! Then, with a rubber spatula, fold it in until fully combined. Important, DO NOT whisk or mix on this step! The batter will be thick but should NOT be lumpy, that is because we are not using any liquid ingredients. It will be similar to brownie batter!
4- Finally, we'll bake it. Place the prepared ramekins on a baking pan and divide the batter between them. Bake for 12-14 minutes or until the edges look solid and firm. The tops will STILL be soft with a slight jiggle in the center.
Tip: When in doubt, it's always best to UNDER-BAKE. Worst case scenario, the lava cake will break when you take it out. Over-baking will just leave you with a solid choco cake.
5- Lasty, serve. You need to allow the lava cakes to cool in the ramekins for about 1 minute, then cover each with an inverted plate and use an oven mitt to flip them over and release the cakes onto the plate. If you try and flip them too hot, they WILL break. Add toppings and serve!
It's important to notice that lava cakes are really delicate and time sensitive. Test your oven heat and your patience with the first batch! Once you've gotten ahold of it, you'll see it's the easiest dessert ever~.
Now now, do you think you're up for the challenge? (⌒‐⌒) I'd love to see you all try and share your experience! Also, if there's any different way you do it and works, let me know!
I'll go now, need to prepare batter for tonight! I'll see you all around~.
Keep healthy and hydrated! All the love, my dears! -Yura ♡
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💗: @clubwnderland [💙] @jinju-oc @moonlightchn @kimheebby @nana-n-nono @coffeexdreamcb @silcntxnight @livealittleoc-cb @minsour-r @multi-esme @urtwice @san-cb @reve-rv @domrachaa @oppositesattraxt @lunaaofthemoon @badbf-cb @thepatchedpaw @domxbot @the-hellhounds @monsterhigh-cb @theinvitation-bot @hwangroyaltycb @welcometosector1 @multi-joong @vanilladaises-rp @redlight-cb @theonesxcb @hybridsheltercb @beaconhillsxbot @yandereyeri @fallenangels-cb @shin-haneul
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