#crayon factory
the-vandal-moon · 9 months
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Rainbow factory Wally Darling stimboard for @coyote-kid-alex
Art -> dodozoi via tiktok
https://www.tumblr.com/gottastim/647762771645169664/epiccolorzpaint-on-ig?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/hyperstim/718321728849330176/hi-ive-been-looking-for-a-good-blog-to-ask-this?source=share
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About the charm... in one of the fics I wrote a couple years ago, Frey crafted a charm to help Leon when he couldn't sleep. She used a blue core because the in-game description for it is "A blue crystal that has magic power. Makes you feel calm." I brought that idea back for this because I'm feeling mushy.
ALSO because I'm feeling mushy, his wedding ring has a green gem to match Frey's hair and eyes. Idk, I never thought about his wedding band much until now but this felt right XD
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uncultureddoubloon · 8 months
"there's virtually no limit to the info a compact disc can hold"
Ah this was made in 2005
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i know that one post going around that's like "okay billy it's time for papa to go to the Evil Factory, i left you crayons and snacks and a coloring book of all my torture devices okay have fun i love you" is a saw post but that's also how i imagine karl heisenberg interacts with rosemary winters in all those resi8 ethan/heisenberg aus where he becomes her stupid evil scientist step dad
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camillehenri · 1 year
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Some old wonky portraits. Number 33, 34, and 35.
I definitely need to get back to these because it’s really good practice. And looking back some time after drawing these really helps to see all the things I did wrong; which is good because that means I’m learning, and learning is the best!
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egoisticqueer · 1 year
how does it feel knowing the Best Crayon Flavor was canceled?
Terrible. My favorite food, gone... never to be made again.......
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tenutovillage · 2 years
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they all wish you a happy new year and give you some money ;;
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crabcrabcrabmeat · 6 months
i got a traveller's company* pencil 2nd hand for a few bucks today (they retail at like $30) so im very happy to have a steal of a deal but i also know that sounds deranged outside of all but the nerdiest stationery circles lol
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eenyung · 6 months
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 7 months
hi there, could I get poppy playtime (if that is to many characters then just catnap and dogday are fine) with a reader that has pica (if you don't know what that is it is where a person can tend to eat or bite on things not edible, like paper, erasers, eca)
I can do a few!
Huggy (saved/rescued) + Poppy
While in his "idle mode" on the podium, he sees you munching on a piece of paper like lettuce and then plush stuffing like it's cotton candy.
And then you just snatch the key from him and move onto the next puzzle, and he goes "???????"
Why did you eat those things? Did they somehow sustain your hunger?
Huggy only gets to learn more after you save him from falling (and tame him with an actual edible snack you brought along), taking a breather after freeing Poppy from her box.
When he grabs one a random paper, you assume he wants to draw something as a way to communicate...until he starts chowing it down.
In his mind, humans DO eat paper and he's been starving and cannibalizing toys (and trying to eat you) for nothing...
But then he spits it out, picking shredded bits out of his teeth, before glaring at you as if you told him to eat that.
You're a little scared and confused until Poppy explains that he was only trying to mimic what you do, and she asks why you eat such random little things.
Eventually you explain to the pair of your condition called "pica".
You've had it most of your life, with an official diagnosis to boot, but it never really hurt your digestive tract.
Over the years you've cut the habit, although being stuck in this factory meant you had to find other sources of food...even those not even considered food at all.
Some of your coworkers knew about it, and their only complaint was the occasional eraser going missing thanks to you (which you deny stealing...most of the time).
"I always joke about having a cast-iron stomach," you tell the toys. "Food is the least of my......"
But you pause and look at Huggy, realizing he might be offended by you shrugging off food as negligible to your survival.
No matter what, though, it's not gonna stop him from trying different non-food items and seeing what tastes good.
He might've eaten pieces of clothing and plush fabric/stuffing over the years, albeit none of it was delicious by itself.
"They want nothing more than to crawl beneath your skin and eat away at you bit by little bit--fill what feels empty inside themselves."
"Jesus, that sounds horrific." You say as you crunch on a piece of chalk (one of several that you got from the schoolhouse) nonchalantly.
Dogday takes immediate notice and is rather concerned. He knows the chalk and crayons here are made to be non-toxic, but insists they're not safe for human consumption.
He fears it's gonna kill you and begs you to stop, saying you needed to live.
Before you could fully explain your condition, the mini-critters are closing in, so you free him and haul ass out of the playhouse of horrors.
After making it somewhere safe where you could patch him up, he presses you on why you continue to eat all these foreign objects.
But he jumps to the conclusion that you got desperate after running out of food, going mad from hunger like the other toys did...
He recalls Picky Piggy going through something similar, and he gets a bad flashback to the Hour of Joy when he had to stop her from eating Crafty's paint....and the corpse of a Smiling Critter -
"Dogday? Hey stay with me..it's okay. I'm here, I'm here.." You console him, calming him down from his panic attack. "I'm not going crazy, alright? I just have this small condition called pica."
"...p-pica? Oh. I thought...kids grow outta that.." He mutters, finding familiarity with that term.
He's had his fair share of toddlers putting things in their mouth that could be choking hazards.
You shake your head, explaining that it stuck with you, but it doesn't cause your stomach any pain as long as you're careful about what you eat.
Dogday's relieved you're not losing it.
Even so, though, he's gonna feel nervous if he catches you eating another piece of chalk.
But it's just his instincts as a child caretaker, so you couldn't blame him.
He hangs out in the shadows for the most part, watching your every move...and he does pick up on your strange habit of eating non-food objects.
It's something orphaned toddlers in the playhouse often did, and he'd see the other Smiling Critters hurry to take the items away from them before any emergencies happened.
But those memories mean nothing to him.
All he's doing is waiting for you to eat the wrong thing and keel over.
Unfortunately for him, you just keep trudging on, munching on a crayon like it's normal before throwing your gas mask back on.
He doesn't know how you manage to stomach so many things, and honestly is kinda envious.
Why can't he and the others sustain their hunger like you did?
It does make for some rather..amusing situations, though. Such as when you're in the smoke factory and use the elevator to escape him.
You just stand there as the doors close, eating some chalk and crunching it loudly without breaking eye contact with Catnap's horrific eldritch form.
Obviously, you're stress-eating at that point, but he doesn't have to know.
Miss Delight
The schoolhouse was like a cafeteria for someone with pica, aka you.
While looking for generators, you just pick up whatever you find: erasers, chalk, crayons, etc. and start biting them, or even chewing and swallowing them.
It only succeeds in angering Miss Delight right away, as she sees you doing all of this and snaps at how "childish" you are for eating things you shouldn't.
But you when shout back that you have pica, the PA system suddenly goes quiet.
Like Dogday and Catnap, that definitely triggered some memories for her, which she dwells on for a while before realizing you were still in the school..
And seeing you eating stuff makes her howling stomach grow louder.
"Barb" says you're mocking her own hunger, especially since she notices you gathering the notes she left around the place, and insists on killing you.
When you finally do encounter her, she is visibly disturbed by you crunching on a piece of chalk and throwing it to the ground to distract her, buying you time to break eye contact and flee.
She calls you "crazy", but you're not the one chasing her with a weapon made of a ruler and colored pencils.
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bunji-enthusiast · 7 months
ahhhhh, im.not the one who requested it buy I love the oneshot about catnap with the child he took care of after the hour of joy because of the kitty thing. Even though I'm not the one who requested it, is it possible I can request something in the same premise of it. Where catnap after taking care of the child for a long time is starting to run out of the food reserves the factory had, and he has to find other ways to feed them. Through feeding them like how he feeds the smiling critters in the playhouse on "meat" from you know who, or forcing the child to leave so they have a chance to find food. But catnap being catnap wants to keep her there despite so decides on the first choice, even though he had let the child get attached to dogday.
(I'm sorry this may show up on your ask box twice I ment to not send this anonymously but I did by accident so I wanted to correct that, anyways thank you for your absolutely amazing writing remember to take breaks when you need to and stay amazing❤️)
Note || awe, no worries. Happy to see you in!
WC || 1,034
Sypnosis || emotions are scarce, food is too. It seems factory is getting to everyone, CatNap is left with unprecedented levels of risks.
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The conditions of the environment were no doubt not very liveable ones, so he had tried his best to adapt to the conditions so that you may be able to live in his room comfortably or even walk anywhere else in Playcare. Even beyond the whole place in any case, he just wasn’t sure what to do anymore. CatNap was at an odds end within himself at deciding what to do, what would be best for you.
Should he force you to leave the factory in hopes you find food? No, you’d just get lost and scared, no doubt manhandled by an incompetent people that may pass you by in the process. You were just a kid, lonely and in need of companionship and being surrounded by people you could truly trust.
Though the colorful disposition and creepy toys in this place far proved the idea he needed to keep you safer more often. Knowing that you may as well get attached to some of the other toys you come across, CatNap was admittedly worried. 
You were often inquisitive, curious to find everything your attention was captured by. That wasn’t of any good in his honest opinion, but he had to remain with a steady and cool head. So that when it may be, he can take care of you more properly.
CatNap didn’t want you to leave, he had become far too accustomed to your presence. Hearing your joyful laughs and giggles, staying so hopeful and strong in your own unique way. You certainly brought on a joyful aspect to his lonely life, even with all the others he had punished for being heretics. 
DogDay, oh yes, he had to take some chunks from him. That was the last thing he wanted to do with all that has been said and done. But he truly had no other option, but his worst thought being as how you began to get attached to DogDay.
In retrospect however, he will admit that you can be cute and quite charming for just being a child at most. 
“Mr…” You began, the crayon stilling to a stop. DogDay perked his head up, though the effort to move is indeed extraneous on his war-torn body (both literally and figuratively). “Hm, sweetheart?” He spoke out, his voice spooking you a little bit as he hadn’t spoken very often. You didn’t expect him to actually answer you or at all for that matter, but DogDay seemed kind to you. You wanted to get to know him at least, but to him, he was slight afraid – on your behalf, you didn’t know better on a lot of things. Especially the vying point is how his legs had been taken from him, most of it being fed to the smaller toy versions of the smiling critters and you too. Did you even know what you were eating?
You hesitantly stood up, leaving your paper and crayon to abandon. “Why are you chained up like that?” You asked with a tinge of nervousness, almost afraid as if you were going to incur some sort of angry emotion from the large dog. If he could truly move his own gaping black mouth, he would’ve been frowning right now. DogDay was concerned for you, as to why you were put in this situation. 
“I am… just not a very good person, sweetheart.” His gentle tone carried an aura reminiscent of a father if you ever heard one. Your eyes were wide with curiosity, knowing it was okay to continue speaking with him the way you were. “But, you don’t look bad to me. You're even nice to me!” Your innocent tone had brought back a fragmented memory for DogDay, he chuckled with a warm spell about the air.
DogDay let out an audible sigh, “Not all things are as they seem, CatNap included.” His words incited a bout of curiosity in the flames of your stomach. Now this was something you needed to understand, “Stretchy kitty?” DogDay nodded, a chuckle escaping him once more. You simply were the cutest thing he had seen in a long while. 
“I.. would say he’s not, kind or gentle as you would think him to be.” DogDay was nervous, irradiated by a different presence he had quickly taken notice of, but had continued on anyway. “CatNap, had uh, punished me Sweetheart. Wasn’t nice to his god.” 
‘God?’ you thought, “what is that Mr?” You spoke out in reply, sitting down and closer next to him then you were previously. You were rather oblivious to the presence of such an omniscient aura, menacing enough to be sure. DogDay wasn’t sure how to explain the term finely, but you were curious, wanting to satiate that curiosity by always asking questions. 
You deserved to have every single one of them answered, no matter how silly they may seem. DogDay had hoped the best for you, he had gotten rather attached to you. In spite of CatNap’s many warnings to not talk to you or even glance in your direction, not wanting him to bore your head with lies and spiteful attempts to turn you against him in any way possible. Well, DogDay had felt quite an intense hatred against CatNap right at this very moment, and found the courage to move on forward with his words. No matter what may happen to him, “God is uh, let’s say a very inspirational person… powerful even. But he can be a hypocrite too.” He nodded, tilting his head as if he was speaking through his movements.
“Sweetheart, you follow your own heart alright?” DogDay spoke hopefully, hoping to see that his words had gotten to you a little bit. “Never let anyone tell you otherwise.” You nodded with a fire in your eyes he hadn’t expected from you, but this a youthful you, easily impressionable and inspired. DogDay will forever be hopeful for you, and grateful he ever had gotten to speak to you in the past few days anyway.
A distant crying was unheard of, a lonely digressable cat, heart heavy and hurt. He began to cry silently, tears are there yet there are none.
I’ll shelter and adore you more than anything.
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melyonza · 8 months
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What happened to the Smiling Critters?
When we meet Dogday, he points out that he is the only one of the Smiling Critters alive, leading us to understand that the others are already dead. But how did they die? What happened to you?
This is just a headcanon
Kickinchicken: He was probably the first to die. When chaos occurred, the Smiling Critters stayed hidden together. At some point they had to look for food so they knew the risk. He didn't want to but he knew they needed food so he offered to go first. He was unfortunately killed by Catnap which traumatized his friends.
Bubba Bubbafant: Being the brainiac, he devised a strategic plan to destroy the prototype. Unfortunately, Bubba inhaled Catnap's red smoke which drove him crazy. This made him an easy target for the toys to eat him alive.
Hoppy Hopscotch: After seeing that they were losing. Hoppy tried to run away from the toys. He came to a cliff where the only way out was to jump. He tried to be optimistic but fear took over him, causing him to fail to make a perfect jump and fall.
Craftycorn: She had managed to escape with Bobby Bearhug. She was so traumatized that she became obsessed with always painting in blood red. Bobby tried to help her by taking her crayons but Craftycorn wanted her crayons causing them to have a fight where Craftycorn died.
Picky Piggy: She surrendered to Catnap and allowed herself to be trapped. Her insatiable hunger caused her to go crazy and begin eating the bodies of her deceased friends. Thus demonstrating loyalty to Catnap. She joined him not out of admiration for the prototype, but because of the food. At some point she tasted a piece of meat from Dogday's body which upset Catnap who ended up killing her.
Bobby Bearhug: She had managed to escape with Craftycorn. At some point she had a fight with her friend causing her to break up with her and end up alone. She wandered all over the factory (probably she was the one who wrote the warnings in crayons on the ducts). Left alone she began to go crazy until she allowed herself to be captured by Catnap.
Dogday kept him company in prison. She became obsessed with him, which Dogday noticed and began to panic. She swore loyalty to Catnap so she wouldn't be alone. Like Picky, she tried to take a bite of Dogday. It is unknown how she died, although she probably served as food for Catnap and the toys.
Dogday: Leader of the Smiling Critters, he attempted to keep the group safe until Kickinchicken died, prompting him to launch an attack on the Prototype. Unfortunately they were defeated by Catnap, who captured and imprisoned him.
He witnessed the death of his friends. For some reason, Catnap kept him alive so he felt that his friend was still with him but was under the prototype's control.
Catnap: He followed the Prototype's orders because they saw him as their hero. He tried to get his friends to join him but they refused. He warned them of the danger but they ignored him, leading to his tragic fate. He kept Dogday alive. He was killed by the Prototype
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kteezy997 · 8 months
The Candy Man-Part Ten (the end)//W.W.
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Info/Warnings: Wonka family fluff, smut at the end, calling cum “cream,” another baby making session hehe, licking chocolate off of the body, use of ice for sex play
A/N: This is kinda long, grab a snack maybe.
The third Wonka baby, a little boy, was named Cotton, as in cotton candy. Willy couldn’t name his children after anything other than candy. You had to actively stop him from giving your child the name “Chocolate.” But Cotton was cute, and sweet just like his older siblings, Maple and Mocha.
Willy told you he liked the name ‘Cherry’ for when you had another girl together. You thought it was bold of him to assume that you’d continue having more of his children. You loved him, but hated him for always being right.
After your new son was born, it was finally time for you to become Mrs. Wonka. It was your wedding day. All of the original scrubbers happily helped you and Willy orchestrate the most beautiful wedding.
It was all traditional white ribbons and touches of cotton candy pink. Your bridal bouquet was two shades of pink roses with the tiny white flowers of baby's breath.
You thought it would be a little silly for you to wear a white dress, since this was your second, and albeit, last wedding, and Willy had made you a mother three times over. Thus, you decided on an adorable blush pink gown that was satin and chenille to the floor.
Willy looked handsome as ever, as you had helped fix his curls to lay in beautiful heap on his head. You were used to working with the texture of his hair; two of you children had the same curls, and though you knew baby Cotton would most likely have the same also, he was too little to tell just yet.
Daddy Wonka wore a dark brown suit, it was an homage to chocolate, but not too over the top, which you appreciated. You thought the rich color looked quite nice on your man. He wore a boutonniere that matched your flowers. He cried as you recited your wedding vows. He was so soft, but you knew how happy he was. He had come a long way. And before you knew it, he was wiping your tears away too.
In time, your kids grew, and the success of the chocolate factory allowed your family to have a rather nice life. Willy was able to hire more workers and spend more time at home with you and the kids. You and Willy would spend the workday at the factory, with you mostly in your office and Willy overseeing the candy making. And then you'd spent the latter portion of the day with the kids.
Maple and Mocha remained playful and curious, like their father. Willy would play with them in the chocolate room and let them try out new flavors he was creating. But little Cotton was more on the reserved, quiet side. He liked hanging out with you in your office. He was good with numbers and figuring, and he had a knack for solving problems, even at an early age.
All three kids got along and played well together, for the most part. They would fuss and fight now and then, like all siblings. But while the twins ran around and picked fights with each other, Cott liked to climb up into his Daddy's lap and ask him about his Grandma Wonka and how Willy remembered making chocolate bars with her. The first Wonka chocolate.
"And she would be so proud of you and your brother and sister." Willy would say to his youngest baby after looking back fondly and telling him the stories of his childhood with his mother.
You hoped you'd never forget the nights when Willy would hold little Cotton in his arms, singing "Pure Imagination" so softly, so angelically. And your sweet baby would fight the sleep that called him, but alas, his green eyes would flutter behind long lashes, and little curls would fall onto his sleepy face as his father's voice would lull him into slumber.
Willy's zest for creativity was passed to on Mae, who would spend her childhood using crayons to create designs for her Dad's candy ideas, all the way down to the style of the packaging. Her eye for color was impeccable. She never lost her sweetness, but she did develop an edge for the dramatic. Neither Willy nor you could complain about her over-the-top flair, because she was responsible for a lot of Wonka's eye-catching, and best-selling product designs.
Her twin brother was also like their father, in his love for the experimental side of the candy making. Mocha loved thinking up flavor combinations and bringing those ideas to fruition alongside Willy in the factory. There were many times where the young boy and his father would come home in need of sparkling soda to ease their stomach aches from eating too much sugar and mixing some of the wrong ingredients together.
Little Cott, however, seemed to inherit your mind for business. He loved his Daddy, of course, but he stuck to you quite often. He was always a serious, yet thoughtful child. He was a sensitive boy, and though he wasn't as into the candy making process like his artistic siblings, he was just as sweet and loving as they were. You had to admit, it was nice having your Cotton as a constant companion, as your older two kids were their father's little shadows.
As for you and Willy, things never changed, if they did it was your love growing stronger and deeper with every moment you got to spend together.
Nights of returning to the factory to visit the secret chamber never ceased. Anytime you and Willy wanted to be together and unwind, or let all of your fantasies come to light, you called one of your friends or your parents to babysit and made your way back to the chocolate factory.
Now, you could still have intimate nights at home, but three kids made it difficult at times. And in your private room, no one would ever bother you or be disturbed by anything that happened in there.
"Can we have another baby? I think the time is right." Willy asked you one evening after dinner. The kids were occupied with whatever game they were playing amongst the three of them.
You were surprised at his question; it was the first time you'd discussed the idea with seriousness in a long time. "You aren't happy with three kids?"
"Of course, I am, honey. That's not why. I know that you wanted to wait awhile, and the twins are almost seven and Cotton is five. I want to have just one more experience raising a baby." he took your hands, "Please, my love? Just one more, that's it. One more sweet little one, it makes me happy, creating a human that's half of you." he caressed your face, looking at you with puppy eyes. The eyes you could not say 'no' to.
"You're right. And you've been very patient, Willy. I love that you've let me take my time on deciding. My answer now is yes." you smiled, squeezing your husband's hands.
Willy grinned widley, "Really? We can?!"
"Yes, let's have another baby!"
Willy cheered and picked you up in his arms, spinning you around. "Oh honey, I'm so happy right now! I love you, y/n."
You hugged him tightly, "I love you too, Willy."
"What are you two so excited about?" quipped Maple, showing a little sass at the ripe age of nearly six and a half.
"Nothing for you to be concerned about, young lady." you responded. You didn't want to spill any beans and get the kids excited for something that hadn't happened yet. "Now, go on upstairs, it's almost time for baths."
"Ugh, I don't want to take a bath tonight." your daughter grumbled.
"Maple Wonka, don't you sass your mother, now do as she says." Willy demanded, using his stern Dad voice.
Mae rolled her eyes, "Fine." she huffed. She, along with her brothers, made their way upstairs.
As you watched them go, Willy put his arms around you from behind, and kissed your cheek.
You put your arms on his and rested your head back against him, "Mae is going to be the one to give us a run for our money." you sighed.
"Oh, it's going to be okay. She's strong, like you, but it's not a problem."
"Hmm." you put your hand in his curls, "I hope you're right."
"I'll go make sure bath time goes smoothly." he kissed your temple, parting from your embrace, "And you can think up a time for us to start making a baby."
As he started walking away, you said, "What about tomorrow night? At the factory?"
He pivoted on his heel and his eyes were wide when he caught your gaze, "Oh, that soon? Honey, I'm so excited." he said, running over to kiss your lips as you giggled.
The next night, Willy tied you to the bed, and had poured warm chocolate all over your nude body. He teased you with his tongue, swirling over your hard nipples, trailing down your tummy, dipping into your navel, and slipping down between your legs as he lapped up every trace of the chocolate.
He got you all worked up, sweaty, and dripping wet. Your body ached and writhed in anticipation.
He came back over to the bed with a medium sized metal bucket in his hands. "Some ice." he announced, "In case the chocolate was too warm for you."
You nodded, and he went ahead, placing a cube of ice on your lips first. You couldn't help but lick the ice as it was near your mouth, and you gave his fingers a tiny nibble as well.
He ran the ice from collarbone to collarbone, then downwards, over your nipples, making you gasp.
Willy smirked at the effect the ice was having on your body.
You held your breath as he dragged the ice down your stomach, your ribcage inflating as you held your breath. As you let out your breath, your back arched as you felt the ice on your clit, melting and dripping between your folds. Your skin was on fire, and the ice was a shock. It was almost too much. Your man had a wicked imagination.
The ice was taken away, "Feel alright, y/n?" he asked, still being your sweet Willy at this point.
"Yes." you said, weakly.
"Excellent." he said, setting the bucket of ice down. Then, he leaned down close to your ear, "Now, I'm ready to breed you." Dominant Willy had arrived. You could barely contain your excitement as he untied your wrists and ankles.
You lay on the bed as patiently as you could, and he climbed on top of you. He took your legs, propping them all the way up on his shoulders. You whimpered, as he made eye contact with you. You feet hung up on either side of his head. With a little thrust of his hips, he was inside of you.
You'd been making love to Willy for years now, sex in every sense of the word, a deep, trusting sexual relationship that you never imagined you'd have, and still, each time was like the first. You looked back to the time you took his virginity on the bear skin rug that you so despised. You fell in love right then. You knew he was special from the beginning.
"Are you gonna make me a Daddy again, my sweet?" he asked, thrusting softly, pushing his curls back as he looked down at you.
"Yes, baby. Give me that Wonka baby cream, please." you whined.
Willy dipped down, kissing you hard and he quickened his pace, "I'll give it to you.”
Your husband kissed you repeatedly, and kneaded your hips as he rammed you. You knew as his thrusts became sloppy and his breath ragged, he was close to coming. He put his forehead on yours, letting his sweat and your mix together.
You ran your hands over his strong back, his arms, then held his handsome face, “I love you, Willy Wonka, I want your baby.” you cooed.
“Oh, I love you.” he huffed, “You should be pregnant before the night is over, Mrs. Wonka." You felt his cum invade you shortly after.
Who would have thought that the innocent chocolate salesman would be saying that to the housewife he met by chance almost seven years prior?
Willy Wonka, as you knew, was never wrong, and your fourth and final child came into the world nine months, to the day, later. Cherry Wonka. She completed your beautiful family. She was the class clown of the bunch, spirited and wild as could be, with bouncing curls and a deviously cute grin. She kept you and Willy on your toes constantly, and you adored her.
A/N: Special thank you to my beta, @gatoenlaciudad ! You’ve been such an inspiration and great support throughout this series!💕
@thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @tchalamss @softhecreator @bitchyunknownuser @lixzey @kpopgirlbtssvt
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jetix · 11 months
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Lucky Art Crayon Factory, 2013-05-25
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dandthegods · 1 year
The Gods are everywhere, you just have to look. They’re not trapped stagnant in the myths and stories, nor in the stale histories of cultures long past. Omnipresent in their own ways, the Gods can connect with anyone at any time. 
Athena can be found walking the aisles of a Harvard library, in the study room with a first generation college student, or in between the cardboard pages of a child’s first board book. Knowledge isn’t limited to the elite or the privileged, and neither is Athena. 
Apollo can be found in the galleries of prestigious art museums, in the bedroom of an aspiring anime artist, or in the imagination of a child scribbling with crayons. He is on the stage of a sold out stadium as well as in the back row of the cheapest seats. Art and creativity isn’t limited to those with influence or connections, and neither is Apollo. 
Hephaestus can be found in the offices of any corporate building, under the machinery of a blue collar factory, or in the joy of a teenager as they receive their first paycheck. He is found in the Paralympics, boosting the athletes onward, and he is also sitting with the hospital and rehab rooms of those recently disabled. Hard work is not limited to anyone’s status or abilities, and neither is Hephaestus. 
Aphrodite can be found on the covers of fashion magazines, in the dreams of an hopeful makeup artist, and in the playfulness of a child playing with their mother’s lipstick. Aphrodite can be in the appeal of sexy fishnets or the allure of a well tailored suit. Beauty and love are not limited to one’s gender or skills, and neither is Aphrodite. 
Hermes can be found flying alongside the highest reaching airplanes, the fastest driving cars, and on a seat on public transit in rush hour. He is the luck that saves the lives of a vehicular accident, and the thrill in that first payment on a used car. Luck and speed are not limited to how far or how fancy your transportation can go, and neither is Hermes. 
Zeus can be found behind the bench of a supreme court case, in the office of an overworked pubic defender, and in the thunderous laughter of a new father. He is in the welcoming smile of a stranger to those in need, and in the homeless being invited in. Justice and hospitality are not limited to one’s power or status, and neither is Zeus. 
Hera can be found in a fabulous wedding with hundreds of guests, in the celebration of a long lasting marriage, or officiating the ceremony in a courthouse. She is in the “I love you”’s before bed, the hands held in the car after a first date, and in the hospital room of an elderly couple saying goodbye for the last time. Love is not limited to the length of one’s relationship, and neither is Hera. 
Artemis can be found in the fields and forests of nature, in the calm breath of a hunter, or in the tears of grief for a lost pet. She is the courage in the voices fighting for respect and in the cheer of progress made. Equal treatment peace is not limited to those who hold the power, and neither is Artemis. 
Hestia can be found in the jingle of a first-time homeowners’ new keys, in the shared dinner of a multi-generational home, or in the exhausted smile of a single parent. She is the warmth of a household and the love shared within its walls. Family and support is not limited to those you share blood with or in the size of your dwelling, and neither is Hestia. 
Ares can be found in the measured steps of a solider over seas, in the joyous tears of a spouse when their loved one comes home, and in the flag wrapped around a coffin. He is in the voices of those calling for change, in the recovery rooms of the wounded, and in the minds of those struggling with trauma. Safety and wellness are not limited to one’s demographics and neither is Ares. 
Hades can be found in the grief left behind after a death, in the weight of responsibility of leaders, and in the darkness of winter. He is with those who cry and fear for their lives, and in the scars left behind the pain can be too much. Loss and recovery is not limited to those strong enough to withstand it and neither is Hades. 
Persephone can be found in the joy at the first warm day, in the love bridging distance between lovers, and in the will of those daring to strive for their dreams. She is the wonderment of a child at a honeybee, and the beauty found in the darkness. Energy and strength is not limited to the times of light and color, and neither is Persephone. 
Demeter can be found in the engines of the machines in a field, in the bounty of a community garden harvest, and in the first sprouts of an amateur gardener. She is the change of the seasons and the rebirth of the new year. Change and plenty are not limited to those with capital or land, and neither is Demeter. 
Dionysus can be found on the floats of a pride parade, in the movements pushing for equality, and in the bedroom of a closeted teenager. He is both the euphoria and dysphoria felt by some in their bodies, and in the community embracing those who feel lost. Rights and identity are not limited to those who one loves or how one looks, and neither is Dionysus. 
Poseidon can be found on the decks of a ship in a storm, on the docks with a father teaching his son to fish, or in the serenity on a sandy beach. He is the joyful screams of children running from the waves and the persistence in one learning how to swim. Power and possibility is not limited to the oceans and or one’s skills, and neither is Poseidon. 
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