#credit if you're using the backstory I've made
Helsmit headcanons
The way I headcanon Helcraft and the Helsmits to work is that during season 3, the Gods decided that Hermitcraft was getting a bit overpowered (it hosted Watchers, Listeners, as well as ancient gods and species that were almost extinct, with many more to join), and decided to create a server to balance it out! Nobody expected Hermitcraft to exist as long as it is, so Helscraft is missing some features.
Namely, they don't get a new world. They're on the same world as when they were created. This is the source of a few problems at times, especially when new members arrive. However, due to farms and careful planning to avoid going into new chunks when not needed, the server is relatively stable.
One of these plans to avoid loading new chunks is the addition of groups. There are three groups set up, and new Helsmits often join one of these. The groups are the following: Spawn, which is a roughly 400 block circle containing spawn, and several friend groups. (such as the NHelsO, Team ZPR, the Space Squad, and the 'Main Four) The Swamp, the smallest group, set in a modified swamp that covers about 100 blocks in total, only four people live here currently. The Mountains, which contains a replica of an Ancient City built inside it. This is a fairly large group, and where the non-social Helsmits stay.
New Helsmits either come from alternate universes or already existed in their universe and got an invite around the time their Hermit joined Hermitcraft!
It should be said that the Helsmits aren't evil. Some of them have bad relationships with their Hermit, but many just want to live. They've all been through some difficult things in the past, and sometimes that means lashing out at others.
They view themselves as protectors of Hermitcraft, due to the fact that Helscraft is a weak spot in the whitelist and protective measures of the server, and as such the Runaway Watchers target the server. The only time this became a big issue was during season 8/9, when a group of Watchers broke into the server and used it to crash the moon, before fully taking over Helscraft.
It should be noted that Etho and Grian, while not being Helsmits, often hang out on the server and see it as a second home. They both get along with their Hels, and many of the other server members!
Ex - Voidwalker/Watcher - he/they Ex was chosen as admin of Helscraft due to their relationship with Xisuma. They were the former prince of the Voidwalkers and as such, treats his role as admin as if he were king. Ex doesn't actually stand for Evil Xisuma, it's short for Exion, an old voidtongue word for 'protector' that was their old name before they became a helsmit. They also pronounce their name as 'E-X', mostly to avoid confusion with X. Ex and Xisuma have a more neutral relationship. Xisuma wants to reconnect with Ex, and Ex feels the same way. However, Ex also suffered at the hands of the Watchers due to Xisuma not listening to his ideas.
Hels - Angel/Watcher - they/it/he/blaze/hell Hels wandered onto Helscraft after escaping the Watchers and has since adopted a protector role. They are headstrong and quick to anger, but truly care for the safety of everyone on the server. Hels is actually their chosen name! They identify as a trans demiboy, and chose Hels both as a way to mock Wels and the entire angel city. Hels and Wels have a heavily negative relationship. Wels wants to hang out with Hels, to revisit the old days when they were kids. However, Hels has a lot of anger directed at Wels, for many things. Honestly, the best way to sum up Hels' feelings towards Wels is the song Feel Better by Penelope Scott.
Badtimed (Bad) - Alleyling/Listener - he/xe/they Bad was traveling with Hels before joining Helscraft, trying to escape the Listeners. They are rather calm for a Helsmit, which is saying something. Xe is Scar's older brother! However, the two were both separated when Scar was a small child, and as such, Scar grew up not knowing Bad existed. Bad and Scar's relationship is fully neutral. They both feel proud of each other, but there is a level of awkwardness due to missing out on so much of their lives.
Xornoth - Elf/demon- They/them Xornoth arrived in Helscraft during mid-season 7, trying to escape Exor. They crash landed onto Helscraft and were taken in by Ex and Hels. Xornoth actually rejects Exor's control, and is actively working against the god. When not corrupted, they have a rather easy going personality, and prefers to stay out of fighting. It is unknown who Xornoth is the Hels of, and it is theorized that they are the Hels of Pearl and Gem. However, nothing is set in stone.
Grain - Watcher/parrot hybrid - she/her Oh my god it's the famous popstar Ariana Griande :0000. Wait sorry, that's the Helsmit of Grian... Aka, meet Grian's sister, Grain! Grain named herself, because when you don't identify as your assigned gender and you've suffered through a high school that could function as hell, you can pick a funny name. Grain and Grian are best friends. They are like the siblings in movies that somehow get along. You put them in a room with some redstone contraption, they'll either break it or it'll be 10 times better then it was before. High positive. Also yes she's also Ariana Griande. It's how she sneaks onto Hermitcraft before the Helsmits were well known.
Renbob - wolf hybrid - he/they Idk what to say about this guy. He just popped into Helscraft when Ren joined and claimed himself a part of the server. They're best friends with Grain and Proto. What more do you need?
Proto - robot - they/he/blue Proto is short for Prototype Grumbot, or a fully humanoid version of the robot from season 7! Blu looks just like Grumbot, only with legs and sentience. Blue's actually one of the chillest server members. Proto feels out of place on Helscraft due to the fact that blu is fully non-human. They are a full robot and that leads to some seperation with the others. Grain and Renbob are always there for blu though, and always make sure he gets what he needs Mumbo and Proto don't really interact with each other, with Proto preferring to keep to blueself instead of interacting with their hermit.
Echo - Voidling/Listener - they/void Echo isn't their actual name, back before they joined Helscraft, it was Pathos. However, due to backstory™, they see themself as a 'echo' of their former self. Echo appears rather scary, but is actual pretty easy going! Voi just loves to blow stuff up! Echo came from a different universe, where the Jungle didn't happen and some other assorted stuff was different. However, they were summoned into Helscraft after they watched their Hermitcraft be overtaken by Watchers and most server members permakilled. Echo and Etho have a highly positive relationship. Their personality's work well together, and they have similar interests!
Chicken - dove avian/Watcher - He/him Chicken, just like the rest of the NHelsO, was from an alternate universe. Chicken got the short end of the stick, coming from a universe where avians like himself were a collectors item. Chicken got his name because Adubs didn't know what doves were and asked if he was a chicken hybrid. Chicken and Beef have a relatively neutral relationship. Neither have really connected with each other but get along well if in a conversation.
Adubs - glare/phantom/Watcher - it/he/rot Adubs doesn't actually remember most of its past, as in rots universe, his body was overtaken by the Jungle and wiped of memories. This is also why when asked to chose a name, rot decided to steal his hermit's name and change one letter like the basic bitch it is. Adubs and Bdubs have a negative relationship, due to Adubs viewing Bdubs as an imposter and Bdubs seeing Adubs as a version of the evil that almost took him.
13 - cat :3 - he/it/blast 13 is just straight up a gray and white anthropomorphic cat. Still has the same missing face and arm as Doc btw. He's just a cat. Nothing else has been changed. Yes he gets hit with furry jokes all the time. He got his name because blast didn't know math and thought 7+7 was 13. Nobody lets it live it down. 13's passion is redstone casino games. But rigged to hell and back. Also anything involving TNT. Blast is a menace. 13 and Doc have surprisingly positive relationship! On bad days, they can't be near each other, but they do enjoy each other's company and love bouncing ideas off each other!
Zedx/Zex/FedX - demon - he/they/swirl/color Don't ask them about their names/nicknames, it was all because Joe Hels is a menace and might not be from this universe. Honestly I don't have a ton figured out for swirl yet, but I have been taking inspiration from both the Nether (Minecraft) and the Spiral from TMA. You know those THA!Zed drawings? Add a bit more black/red/teal and slightly less glitchy-ness and you've got Zex. Zed and Zex love working together. They just chill and break reality whenever they meet up! Positive relationship!
Relic (Reluctance) - Angel - he/they Relic is one of the few Helsmits that is exactly the opposite of their hermit, down to the backstory. While Impulse was used as a free wish machine, Relic was used as a fortune teller by the angels. Relic is the most peaceful of all the Helsmits, as they hate fighting and would rather sit around and heal the others. This doesn't mean he won't fight, he just hates it. Relic and Impulse have a neutral/negative relationship, mostly due to the natural dislike Angels and Demons have for each other. They do both wish that the other has a happy life though.
Polka - Warden/axolotl - he/she Polka. Beautiful mess of a creature. Not Warden enough to live full time in ancient cities and not axolotl enough to have a place underwater. She has mild control of water, and can summon it or give himself waterbreathing for a certain amount of time! As a fun fact, if he summons the water in the Nether, it works like if it was placed in the overworld. Yes she has drowned in the Nether and flooded it before. Polka and Tango are very chill :) they are complete opposites but both love redstone! I'd say a positive relationship!
And that's it for the fully fleshed out Helsmits! I do have some other ideas bouncing around, but haven't gotten a chance to fully create the characters!
So here's those none fleshed out characters:
Joe Hels - all pronouns I adore this name for no reason. It gives off all the vibes this guy has. This guy is either a demon or a Listener. but not both he can't be both. I have no idea for anything about xym except for the name.
(unnamed Cleo hels) - she/they (?) I have no idea who they should be or their name. All I know is that she is the single human on this whole server. I will take name ideas because I have none ;-;
True - hawk - she/it/cog Honestly the only reason she's on this list is because I haven't gotten around to hc/empires false lore so until then it's not developed.
CalmCreature - she/her Genuinely have no ideas for her. Got her name and she's not human in any way, but no more ideas yet
Herobrine - Void demon god thingy - he/it Meet TFC's hels and also his brother. Yeah that's all really. He doesn't stay on Helscraft much because it's a god, but he loves to check in and make sure the server isn't on fire
(unnamed Keralis hels) - *screeches in unknown* - it/void/he Eldritch horror Keralis that is all. Also known as I like the idea of EHK but that doesn't work with that Watcher!Keralis that exists in my main headcanons so here. this is my solution.
@kamishirosss here's the tag! I'll finish the next few posts about stuff in a few days :D
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shakingparadigm · 3 months
What if Luka expects Hyuna to come like she did in his round with Mizi and he is plotting something.He has the trust of aliens,the love of the public and no one would suspect him to do something outside the box,far from the image he created of himself.Hyuna made her appearence in round 5 when we didn't expected it. If the round isn't entirely dedicated to Ivan and Till,this may be an option.He may confront Mizi and Hyuna,they may not be able to rescue Ivan and Till and not make it in time. Luka may not appear at all.
(Me overthinking things: OMG Akugetsu will cover Hyuna's song this must mean something | The other me: OMG I can't wait,this song literally suits him!)
(I like the style of your drawings,the way you use colors and the way you phrase things! When something about ALNST comes out I just wait for your updates! I can't imagine what will happen on tumblr when round 6 is out. And then all of us will wait for the next one over again XD)
Till the end.
TILL... the end...
Ok this is the worst joke I could ever make.
Oohh. Luka appearing in ROUND 6 would honestly be insane. I thought about him making an appearance in the short teaser scene before credits, but if he actually confronted anyone himself that would be so interesting. Imagine all 6 of them in the same episode... the same room... no way... the Alien Stage would be real...
Luka attempting to sabotage Mizi and Hyuna is such an intriguing concept. I do think he's figured out that Hyuna will be returning, he grew up with her, after all. He's most likely aware of her penchant for protecting people. He probably expects Mizi to come back for the only friends she has left, too. He couldn't do anything the first time he saw Hyuna after ROUND 5, but he might be more eager to get his hands on her now. If we get our first adult Hyuna and Luka interaction during ROUND 6 I'd actually go insane. as much as I hope for it though, I'm not sure whether or not it will actually happen. ROUND 6 already has a lot going for it. A final confession of love already makes for a heavy episode, but with Till's newly revealed backstory added to the mix? Mizi and Hyuna's attempt at a jailbreak? The whole video would probably need an entire week to be processed and even comprehended, especially if they want to go into extensive detail on each aspect. Still, though, if Luka interfered... if Mizi and Hyuna were unable to save anyone and had to defeatedly return to the rebellion base carrying the weight of their failure, well, I DON'T THINK I'D BE REACHABLE FOR AT LEAST 10 BUSINESS DAYS I'd have to go into hiding in order to cope with that. But who knows! The fun part about VIVINOS videos is that they're always gonna leave you fucked up in one way or another!
AKUGETSU COVERING ALL-IN. TILL COVERING HYUNA'S SONG. I've posted so many times about this day holy shit its finally real. It really does suit him! Do you think AKUGETSU is
1) hinting that Till is joining the rebellion
2) giving us the All-In cover as compensation for whatever bad thing is going to happen to Till
(or a secret third thing: he literally just did it for fun and we've just gone insane.)
Ahh thank you so much for enjoying my stuff! I'm so happy, everyone's been really nice to me as of late and I don't know what to doooo hahaha I'm just really glad to share everyone's excitement for ALIEN STAGE :)
You wait for my updates??!! oh no I'm so sorry 😭 I'm quite late at times because I've had some stuff going on (I've barely said anything about the April Fools actor au 😭) but hopefully I'll be free to go absolutely nuts after the release of ROUND 6 tomorrow!! If you're ever in need of someone to scream about ROUND 6 with my inbox is always open!! Thank you for your kind words!!
Can't wait till I get to hear from you again! :)
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sarcasticgaypotato · 6 months
tell me about chell, that potato hauling criminal
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Chell is such a fascinating character to talk about because she, even more so than Caroline, isn't a character... but she absolutely is, at the same time.
On the surface, Chell is simply a player stand-in. She's silent, her actions are decided by the player, and we never get the game telling us outright how she feels or what she thinks. The closest we get to a backstory comes from an Easter Egg (which I've already said I don't necessarily consider canon) and insults made at the player's expense. Insults that, for all we know, are completely baseless.
Chell can reasonably be whatever the player decides she is. (If she's like me, she's actually terrible at tests and fails at puzzles repeatedly before giving up and googling the answers.) Your Chell could be compassionate towards the robots— trusting Wheatley right off the bat and being torn up by his betrayal, forgiving PotaDOS and working together easily— or your Chell could be a silent, bitter, furious killing machine, craving robotic blood and hating every second she's stuck in this hellhole. Neither Chell is technically wrong, but neither is right either.
There's a lot that could be said about the personal projecting that people often do to their favorite characters in fandom, especially with characters as open-ended as Chell, but that's an entirely different can of worms. TL;DR If it makes you happy to picture a character as being like you, go for it. It might not be my cup of tea, but you're not asking me to drink it, so who cares?
All that rambling out of the way, who do I think Chell is?
I think Chell has more character than first glance would give her credit for. We can learn a lot from what actions the game's story forces her to complete and how other characters react to her, ultimately giving us a lot more to work with than Caroline.
Chell is intelligent. If you complete the games (even if you're terrible like I am), you've completed complicated tests and outsmarted a robot that nobody else has survived before. She has a logical brain for solving puzzles as well as a quick wit for thinking on her feet and getting through life or death situations. Chell might have some internal damage from her time in stasis, but she's not slow.
Chell is tenacious and stubborn as all hell. Canon material tells us this outright, I don't need to elaborate much. Chell refuses to be kept in Aperture against her will, she refuses to stay down, and she was willing to risk dying in space just to beat Wheatley. Our girl can hold a grudge if she wants to.
Chell is a little bit of a shit. There's an achievement for breaking all of Wheatley's monitors. Chell doesn't have to do that... but she can, and I think she does. Her jumping when told to say certain words? She's playing dumb knowing Wheatley's not going to get that she's making fun of him.
Chell is fair. She held up her end of the deal with Wheatley, he didn't hold up his, so he learned his lesson. GLaDOS saves her life, even when she didn't have to, and held up her end of the deal? Chell leaves Aperture without a fuss. She doesn't try to kill GLaDOS again or wreck shit on her way out. I believe that Chell's respect is hard to win back once you've lost it, but with the events of Portal 2, GLaDOS succeeded. Chell is perfectly willing to work alongside a partner, and in fact she does so quite well as we've seen, but only if they give her the respect she deserves. If you cheat her you are going to regret it.
Finally, concerning the 'mute' part of our favorite dangerous mute lunatic; I personally am in the camp of 'Chell can speak, she just doesn't want to give the robots the satisfaction.'
There are out-of-universe reasons for Chell not talking. Erik Wolpaw actually talks about the decision to keep her silent in the Kotaku article "Why Chell Doesn't Speak" and I'd recommend hearing what he had to say on the matter. However, that explanation doesn't necessarily need to dictate in-universe ones. I think Chell can speak because frankly, it checks out with the other observations I've made here.
She's a bit of a shit, so yeah, if she noticed it bothers the robots that she's not talking, of course she'd keep it up to annoy them, and she's stubborn enough to keep at it even when she's allied with one of them. Further, she's smart, so she would know that she has very little control in a place like Aperture. This is one thing she has complete control over, this is one card she can hold over everyone else, and she's going to keep it.
All that combines to become my Chell. She's probably different from your Chell, and that's okay, but I think I've made a pretty good case for why I see her the way I do.
I could spin potential backstories for her, but they'd all be very headcanon and speculative, so I'll save that for another time.
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mari-writes · 22 days
My thoughts on Haikyuu!! The Dumpster Battle
⚠️ Warning: Spoilers for the film (and portions of the manga) ahead!
Two days ago, I went to see Haikyuu: The Dumpster Battle. I've been a fan of this series since 2015, and I started the manga within a month of the anime. So going to this film was a huge deal for me. (The only other time I've experienced a HQ screening was at the 2018 Crunchyroll convention!) It was awesome being at the theater with fellow fans wearing jerseys of our favorite teams, all excited to see our boys on the big screen. 🥰❤️
I absolutely LOVED how the film began, showing us Kenma and Hinata's first meeting but in a different way than in season 1, with the cat and crow staring each other down, and Kuroo overhearing their conversation from nearby. It really set the mood, especially with the incredible score (honestly the soundtrack is one of my favorite aspects of the movie).
However, I was upset that they left out the backstory of Nekomata and Ukai Sr. These flashbacks are so important to give the rivalry context and depth. The fact that these two characters met in middle school, and then had this battle decades later as elders, was so impactful. Not showing the history of their relationship affected the film's emotional impact. In my opinion, THIS was the biggest flaw in the script.
While we're on the negatives: I do think the film relied a lot on prior knowledge of the story. Which is to be expected, it's basically the 5th season of a show, but I don't think even casual fans would be able to keep up with how many characters and plot points quickly came and went. I recall being perplexed at certain things they chose to keep in, some of which were fun, but not necessary and just muddled the viewing experience.
Also: the subtitles. I've always had a beef with how Crunchyroll does subs. Not the translators themselves (I LOVE YOU GUYS YOU'RE AMAZING) but how they place the text. It was hard to distinguish between the primary and secondary dialogue. They were often stacked onto each other, with the barest hint of italics to differentiate. Honestly, while some background dialogue was great, I would've rather gone without to avoid confusion.
There were some other weakness, like the pacing and important character moments they cut. Obviously, as a MASSIVE fan, I would want everything to be adapted fully and perfectly. But that was never going to happen with a 1.5 hour film. 🤷‍♀️ The screenwriters did a really impressive job considering what they were tasked with accomplishing. Major kudos to them!
Now, on to the things I loved about the movie:
The animation. Gods, the animation was fantastic, such a breath of fresh air after season 4. I could tell how much care the artists put into this project. Some scenes literally had me speechless, sitting there frozen with my mouth hanging open. The final rally was animated ENTIRELY in Kenma's POV. The music faded out; you could here his heavy breathing and the team calling to each other. It made you feel like you were on the court. I've never seen anything like it before.
I mentioned the score earlier, but special shout out to the musicians, composers, and everyone involved in the soundtrack. 👏 I literally had goosebumps multiple times. And having a track by SPYAIR playing during the end credits gave me so much fuzzy nostalgia!
The voice acting was amazing. Kenma's actor, Yuki Kaji, absolutely hit it out of the park. He's always been one of my faves from the cast, but he went above and beyond in this film. But everyone did, really. It was so important for me to see the Japanese version FIRST to hear this wonderful cast who I've been following for the past 9 years.
Kuroo Testsuro. Good lord, did I come out of the theater having fallen completely in love with Kuroo. 😍❤️ His character is just SO GOOD, full of passion and love for his friends and the sport itself. I think the movie really highlighted this. (And it made me so emotional, knowing where he ended up in the future!)
BOKUTO AND AKAASHI. Thank you, movie team for letting them have their cute little moments. Especially the one with Yachi. I love these two so much. I'm very scared that their biggest arc, aka the Mujinazaka match, won't be animated. But I'm so grateful we got them in this film.
The after credits scene. REMEMBER TO STAY AFTER THE FIRST CREDITS YOU GUYS! They included the hilarious exchange between Kuroo and Daishou after the match, which was a really fun way to end things. 😆 Mika's little "You ready?" to her silly snake boyfriend was perfect. It made me giggle.
Okay, those are my initial thoughts! If I see the film again I might update this. For now, let me just say I really enjoyed it overall and it was such a special experience seeing these beloved characters on the silver screen. I still mourn the loss of a 5th season, and I'm nervous about what will be cut from the final movie... but that's future Mari's problem... 😅
Thanks for reading! 💕
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tai-templates · 1 year
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🥀⸝⸝ ♡︎﹒LEAVE MY CORPSE TO ROT " 』 . . . RP Template ! ─── Free to use (with credit!)
It's been a while since I made another sheet, and tbh - I felt a bit rusty haha. Hopefully I'll be able to get back into it full swing sometime, though it'll depend when the next RP servers I make open up.
Anyway this one's been really fun! I love flower themes and I kind of really wanna try something out of my comfort zone soon but I'm not sure what yet. Ah well!
I also wanted to put here again the ZCleo artwork I used are not mine! Here's the links to the artists if you would like to check them out! ♡
[ wormtime123 ] [ redIifes ]
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How to edit . . .
Images! - [ DESKTOP ] Right click on the placeholder image and select 'Replace with' and choose your downloaded image. - [ MOBILE ] Tap on the image, and at the bottom there should be an image icon. Tap on that to look for the new image you want to use.
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♡ Let me know what you think! ♡
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thenightling · 3 months
Wednesday is NOT a rip-off of Harry Potter
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This is something that I thought should be obvious. In fact I could swear I wrote a post like this over a year ago but apparently (if I had made such a post) it is lost now. So here's the new one. Lately I've seen a fresh spike in people insisting that the Netflix series Wednesday is a "rip off" of Harry Potter. "It the aesthetic is Harry Potter!" Really? How? Do you think Harry Potter was the first and only school to be a haunted castle? I guess you don't remember Gravedale High (animated series from 1990). Much like the modern Monster High, Gavedale high was a show about a school of monsters.
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Before Gravedale High there was the animated TV movie Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School (1988) where Shaggy got a job as a PE teacher at a boarding school for the daughters of the classic movie monsters. This, very likely, inspired Monster High.
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And before that there was the book series The Worst Witch and the first TV movie inspired by the books, which featured a song number from Tim Curry. This was about a little girl attending Witch School.
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If we go back even further the novel Dracula by Bram Stoker has Van Helsing suggest that Dracula attended Scholomance (translates to "School of Magic") which has its roots in Eastern European folklore and helped inspire Yennefer's backstory in The Witcher. All of these pre-date Harry Potter. "But the students are divided into groups just like in Harry Potter." Yeah. So? "Houses" are a tradition in boarding schools in the UK and parts of the US. Also Nevermore Academy in Wednesday is mostly populated by supernatural entities that divide up in cliques based on what species the student is. You're going to tell me your school didn't have cliques? Jocks, nerds, Goths, rich kids, bad boys, etc. I'm not sure how a boarding school setting can even be done without dividing up into factions. You'd have to make a conscious effort to avoid it and it would come off as very awkward and unnatural. Harry Potter isn't as original as you seem to think it is. "But the uniforms have stripes." Okay, I'll let you have that one but the stripes and color patterns are different. The plotline of season 1 of Wednesday is closer to the live action Monster High musical movie (but with a more serious tone) than anything else. In the first Monster High live action movie the main villain turns out to be a teacher who is also a Hyde monster. In Wednesday the main villain is a teacher who is manipulating a Hyde Monster.
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And both deal with classic monsters in a boarding school setting and allegories of prejudice.
And then you get the annoying argument from fake Addams Family fans of "But Wednesday didn't have any powers in the original." Oh, on the contrary. The new show says she inherited psychic abilities from Morticia. Morticia telling fortunes, sensing things, and even using a crystal ball comes up in the 1960s Addams Family TV series. Grandmama uses a crystal ball in the 90s Addams Family animated series. The 1970s Addams Family Halloween special has it that the spirit of Halloween / Anthropomorphic personification of Halloween "Uncle Shy" (implied to be the Great Pumpkin or you can retroactively say he was Jack Skellington or Sam from Trick 'r Treat). When your Uncle is literally the spirit of Halloween your family can have whatever you want in it. Wednesday even uses telepathy at one point in the 2019 Addams family animated movie franchise. And there's a conga line of Addams Family member ghosts in The Addams Family Broadway musical. They have a pet sentient hand. And no. It's not just that "Their Goth game is that good." Finally, I don't think there's a student at Nevermore Academy who is younger than sixteen. Hogwarts starts at age eleven. Twenty-one-year-old Jenna Ortega (Wednesday) doesn't look much like eleven-year-old to seventeen-year-old Daniel Radcliffe to me.
Stop giving J. K. Rowling so much credit.
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gurokatt · 6 months
hey, me again. I only just noticed you got around to my ask and felt the need to follow up.
it feels like... you didn't really read it? sorry to be blunt, but given that you seemed to reply to things I outright said I wasn't accusing you of, it just feels that way.
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examples above ^^^ with highlighted screenshots being things I said and non-highlighted being your replies. there are other things I could have pulled as well, but I didn't for brevity's sake.
in any case, on recent updates I've received, as well as your own addendum to your initial reply, I feel I either haven't accurately made my points clear or they were misconstrued in some way.
I don't think that you word-for-word copy and paste things into your final, published fics. I said as much the first time. but you have said on multiple occasions that you take ideas from others and paste them into your outline. I also said that this wasn't a problem in and of itself, because it's not. but when the ideas you're basing fics off of are as hyper-specific as they were, it can't really be written off as a "same common trope." those people deserved credit at the very least, and preferably to have been asked permission in thr first place before their ideas were put into your outlines. personally, I've written multiple fics for another fandom that were based on ideas from friends, or tropes I'd seen in other fics. you seem to think that this is what i and others are taking issue with, when it's not. the difference is that, according to at least one instance, you've neglected to obtain proper permission to be using these people's ideas.
I think that there's more nuance to the question of whether you are a "plagiarist" or not. I wouldn't say no, but I would say a hard yes, either, because this is a gray area.
what I think you need to do is look through your existing outlines and find the sources of the ideas you pasted in (whether by discord term searching or however else, I don't really know where else you talked about them), and then at the very least, credit those people in your fics. the people whose ideas were used should not be under an obligation to figure out which works were lifted from their ideas and reach out to you, because they aren't the ones responsible for their ideas being lifted.
any and all harassment you're receiving is unhelpful to either side of the argument and I hope it settles soon.
- anon
Hi thanks for your response.
Dyslexia and currently bad mental state have made it harder to remember what i have and haven't read. So i am sorry for the response i made before.
You're right. in conversations about people i talk to about my fic ideas i have copied/pasted their thoughts they gave to me about their ideas usually i have asked "hey can i put this onto a document" but there may have been one or two times where i did it without asking
[these have probably been when im asking people for ideas for my own fics, whether its changing scenes/backstories for SAW 3D or character stuff]
It has been so long since i worked on the outline but I should have written down whose idea is whose. I plan on going back through my outlines and fixing all of that.
I have gotten carried away. this is the first time in any fandom ive written more than 2 fics for. I have taken ideas without meaning to and then forgot where i had taken them from.
for that I am deeply sorry and apologetic. this is what i want to change and fix from now on.
I really do try to credit as well as i can for my ideas. but I obviously need to get better at it.
Out of the current wips that i have started writing. one fic is based on an rp. another fic is based on a comment i got on my puppy fic and another off of that with expansion and more angst. [notes on who these people are have now been credited for when i ever get around to writing them]
i have 15 main fic ideas.. and even more that are just concepts.
The timeloop fic i will give to my ex friend. because the original idea is his and I have been hesitant on working on it for a while.
You're right and I worded what i said horribly in the last post.
I have been talking for hours with a person about this. and I have realised what I have done. the harassment i got did no help except make me defensive and lash out.
It's only after i have gotten constructive criticism and told what i have done that I realised my mistake.
I am autistic, i dont like using mental disabilities as an excuse for what I have done. I am saying that it has been a REASON for this happening in the first place.
but i wont lie and say that i have done any of this maliciously. I have forgotten things and remembered them as if they were my own thoughts.
This is of course not an excuse, things have slipped through the cracks and I never noticed them until people pointed it out and were rightfully angry at me.
I don't know if any of my current published fics need another credit. I try to credit when i can. this includes editing and beta reading.
The ideas I have posted have largely been my own [fool me twice being a tumblr prompt my friend suggested months ago]
It turns out the majority of the fandom [and then some] do not like me, I doubt i'd ever be able to fix everything. But i want to try. I want to apologise to everyone ive hurt or made it feel like i've used them
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zenodreemurr · 10 months
Red is NOT the true color of Determination? An investigation about Undertale lore (Part 4)
Greetings everyone. Welcome to the fourth and final part of my investigation about Undertale lore. If, by any chance, this is the first part you stumble upon, here's a summary of what is happening. These posts are a full-on investigation about the color of Determination and how it may not be red. During the last part, I've shown how common red is in Undertale, and how not everything may be related to Determination, with some more detailed explanations.
Each part of this investigation, due to the full one being too long and to stay consistent with the separation of the parts of the investigation, is its own Tumblr post. It is recommended to read them in order. This post, especially, will talk a lot about the previous parts. Here are PART 1, PART 2, PART 3 Unlike the other parts, this one delves more into theory content that I'll try to argue for and against. I will try to find another possible color than red for Determination, assuming it has any. I will not be talking about any other Determination color theory, since it would be too long. Also, I haven't invented this theory. What color could Determination be? Well, before even answering that question, it will be very important to give one base. The most determined being in the Underground is the one that can SAVE, LOAD, and RESET. Sounds obvious, doesn't it? Do you even remember where it's confirmed? Well here it is:
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Yes, Flowey's backstory. This is where it's confirmed. The confirmations that Determination is related to SAVEs, LOADs, and RESETs will be important later. Now what is the color I want to talk about? Well it's gold. It's probably not the first time you hear of it, but I'll try to push it a little further. Now I will be honest. Gold is a shade of yellow in terms of coloring. The difference between yellow text and gold text is not that easy to see. And I'm not the best at recognizing shades. However, that difference, after looking, it seems to me that it actually exists. But still, let's talk about things that are either yellow or specifically gold, and not justice-related. First of all, let's see what appeared with yellow or gold on the images sent on the previous parts (besides those that will be relevant later). Don't forget that multiple shades of yellow appear throughout these screenshots. The list is: -Frisk's skin -Monster Kid's sprite -The doors to the Snowed Inn and the Snowdin Shop -The cheese -The health bar -The encounter buttons when you're on them -The WARNING text during the Flowey fight -The yellow key Some are obviously yellow just because they're associated with that color (cheese, yellow key), and other ere most likely random design choices (Monster Kid, Alphys, Frisk's skin, the doors). The rest may have a meaning. Now there is actual text that may be actually intended to be gold. Like red and white, gold text seems to appear quite a bit in Undertale, though less commonly than both of them.
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Papyrus actually uses gold text. I will not talk about the special attack specifically and reunite all of the texts since they seem to be gold all for the same reason. Those are cases of two things we've seen in part 3 as red for importance being colored as gold for importance. This is a flaw with my theory, since gold is not exclusive to Determination, like I made you understood red was. However, stick with me, I will explain why gold specifically later. Before that, I would like to talk about one special text in particular.
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The spare names are stated as yellow by this Froggit. They can also be made pink. And while they're as such unrelated to gold by text confirmation, I think it is important enough to be talked about. Also, due to this, I will affiliate special credits texts if you spared enemies with yellow instead of gold, though the rest I will not try to assume anything. Now why am I talking about gold being related to Determination since the beginning of this post? Well there are three reasons for that.
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This is the first reason. Entry 5 of the True Lab. What's interesting in here is that it's the only color we see used for Determination (as far as I've investigated, and there's plenty of images I haven't shown just because I can't post more than thirty images per post). It's also the only colored text of all of the entries, interestingly enough. Of course, this may denote importance, but this is the only time (again, as far as I've found) where it's colored, much unlike Papyrus's special attack or Asgore. So it is less likely and it could have the specific importance. But still, unlike red, it works for other reasons. Let's talk about the next.
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The second reason is obviously the SAVE points. This is not the most clear image, but we can see enough of the SAVE point to see its color. I also added the text color after you SAVE, which is the exact same. Not red, not white, not any other color, but gold. That is not all though.
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When Flowey SAVES during his fight (though, interestingly, not while he LOADS), the text is also gold. As such, SAVing specifically is actually associated with that color, as it can be seen during this fight and while you SAVE yourself.
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Even the Continue/Reset/True Reset menu shows the options as gold. While other actions you do show themselves as gold, the SAVE-related ones are particularly consistent when it comes to coloring. Anyways, let's get to the third reason. And it's pretty simple.
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It's Flowey. Just... Flowey. This is the very reason I actually talk about gold. Flowey, himself, is stated (body-wise) to be a golden flower. I've proven in part 3 that colors may not be chosen without a specific meaning to them. Flowey is the only person other than Frisk to have this ability at any moment, and while there's a lot of green on Flowey, it's due to his flower state. Again, remember that Toby Fox took the time to give colors meanings, especially if it's important stuff. A golden flower is a very specific choice, implying it has its meaning. And due to Flowey's nature (revived out of determination, player-like being), it's easy to assume that this color was chosen due to his ability, especially when the SAVing text shows as gold even when he uses it. This is speculation, of course, but this is a theory moment mostly, and this is argumented speculation at least. I consider it highly likely, not an actual fact. I would only consider it a fact if Toby confirmed it. Also there's the gold text on the image, which against shows Flowey being gold, except this time... well... in text. Conclusion and special thanks This conclusion is not a summary of everything you can read in the four parts. It's just to separate the main content of the post from the rest. Anyways, if you appreciated these posts, I am happy. If you haven't read it all, I'll understand. It's a bit long. I tried my best in this part to create a good theory, but also to make you see I can see the flaws in my own beliefs. I totally assume I haven't shown everything. I just tried to show everything relevant enough I found. I would have shown more if not for the image limit I've talked a few times about. Now for the special thanks. I'd like to thank Afewbitsandpieces for the Undertale Text Project, which helped me a lot for my research and getting these screenshots. Without this person, these posts wouldn't have been possible. I'd like to thank Alphasaith for making me realize that the idea of the red SOUL being a Determination one wasn't canon, both directly and indirectly, and as such, making me indirectly realize about how many headcanons, interpretations of Undertale lore, and common beliefs that are seen as surface knowledge of Undertale were actually invented by the fans. Also because he's the one one that got me inspired to look up on gold. And to finish, I'd like to thank Error404SansFR for actually giving me the guts to make these posts. Oh, and of course, have good times you all.
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game-boy-pocket · 1 year
I have witnessed the Super Mario Bros Movie.
No spoilers... I can't give an unbiased opinion here.
I fucking loved that movie. For video game movies, it blows Sonic out of the water. And if I can be honest, I think the canon they served up here is miles better than what we get in the games. At least as far as mainline games go. They take some liberties with one characters backstory, but what they did change makes sense to me... however it does make some certain other characters a bit of a challenge to squeeze into later movies if they decide to go that route.
The characters were all very good. I think Peach is a little too much of a firecracker. I don't mean she's too capable, that's not at all what I'm saying, in fact, they handle her role in the movie perfectly and back up an opinion i've always had about Peach that spits in the face of everyone who calls her useless for getting kidnapped all the time... I just think they made her a bit smug and firey when that's really more of Daisy's thing. Peach will kick koopa ass but she'll do it with her pinky out clutching her parasol with an "oh did I win?" remark.
Toad is great, willing to throw down for his friends, not the coward many people think he is...
Can I be honest, I didn't hate Chris Pratt's Mario, it wasn't amazing but it didn't drag down the movie...
Donkey Kong was a bit of a Jock type character, which just kind of feels right for him, I know the DK gourmets at DK Vine will disagree, but it's always kind of been the vibe I got from the character ever since his reintroduction to the world by Rare.
Cranky was not quite what I wanted Cranky to be, but it works more for the type of character he is. He is a King in this movie. He's not an old codger that gives advice and makes fun of DK and Diddy.
Spike.... had like 5 minutes of screen time, I don't know why they bothered announcing his voice actor at all, but I'm still glad he's here... he looks WAY different than I was expecting, but at least they didn't take inspiration from Wrecking Crew 98.
I can go on and on...
There was two post credits, the first one was just a silly ha-ha thing, but the second one has implications for the next movie they're planning, and it can mean one of two things. A certain character who doesn't feature in this movie is getting their own movie, or, a certain character who doesn't feature in this movie is going to be heavily featured in the next movie. It was honestly kind of disappointing, all I can say is most of the speculators were wrong... and I actually was right, but not in the way I expected to be. In fact, this movie just threw my prediction out the window with the backstory change they made.
One thing that did put a big frown on my face was the credits...
This is the one spoiler that twitter and Seth Rogan already spoiled, but the DK Rap showed up in the movie. They actually used a non-remix, so right from the N64 game... All the songs in the movie got their proper credits.... EXCEPT FOR THAT ONE. I actually saw Grant Kirkhope upset on twitter about this, so I thought they actually just forgot to put it in the credits at all, but no, it's there... "DK 64 - The DK Rap" ...and that's it, they don't mention Grant Kirkhope at all. That os fucked up, and I think we fans have a duty to let Illumination know... I was hoping Grant would provide music for a potential Donkey Kong movie, but now they may have burned a serious bridge here.
If you like Mario, especially if you're a long time fan, go see this movie. It's really good.
That said, it doesn't do anything revolutionary in the story telling, so if you don't like Mario that much, it will just be an okay family movie. I can safely say it blew Sonic 2 out of the water.
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utilitycaster · 2 years
I want to talk about how this article sucks, but before I do I want to say that it's the article that sucks, not the Session Zero System, which actually sounds pretty great. The subject of this article is cool and everyone should watch Shriek Week (and, if they're interested, back this kickstarter). This is not about that. This is about how Polygon's TTRPG staff is apparently staffed by people who both hate D&D and also cannot think of other TTRPGs as anything but accessories for D&D. And, weirdly, like almost all indie TTRPG fans who hate D&D, they act like a psyop to make D&D fans less interested in indie games or to see those indie games only as ways to enhance D&D.
This article treats indie TTRPGs as merely tools to make your D&D world better. The Quiet Year has been used to create D&D settings, notably in Friends at the Table (note: I do not listen to FatT) which in turn inspired The Adventure Zone: Ethersea to use it. However, as published, the game is about telling the story of a year in a small, isolated settlement during a year of relative respite. Building the world and chronicling that year is the end goal, and you can adapt it to be otherwise, but it's a disservice to reduce it to prep work for a "real" game, and bizarre to reduce it to prep for a real game you don't even seem to like. I should also add that there are many players who genuinely do wish to show up to the table with a character and who do not wish to have to create the entire universe before they swing a sword.
World Ending Game, on the other hand, is, in fact, intended to serve as a capstone for a different campaign. I don't happen to think that's necessary if you're capable of handling ambiguity and the movie never ending but going on and on and on; or if you, unlike the assumption of many indie games, can handle open RP without an overly rigid structure that they claim grants more player agency. However, I can see how this can be enjoyable if you are truly putting a whole world to bed with the end of this campaign - the consideration of the various timescales is something that can be hard to fathom - but again, it seems odd to laud the final touches after you've whined about everything that got you there. The question in the Polygon article about World Ending Game is "[long-form heroic fantasy games like D&D and Pathfinder] are played in a character-centered way, and figuring out how to let go of those characters, to let them pass into some other phase of their life beyond the campaign that you have played, is often hard to do. What does Old Zoot the dwarf do after he’s defeated Strahd and flown a Spelljammer directly into the floating palace of a cloud giant?" The thing is...if you have put thought into the character of Old Zoot the dwarf and his motivations and backstory, and taken even sporadic notes of what happened in the campaign, and have seen perhaps one movie, then actually, you should be able to figure this the fuck out for yourself.
Also: I think the points made by the creator (Gabe Hicks) about the Session Zero System are very thoughtful with regards to how these structured tools may be used. I've long felt that there is an over-emphasis even in spaces that are in favor of D&D on forcing conversational scaffolding onto what could just as easily be open discussion (see also safety tools). Acknowledging that not everyone will need them, but they're good to have around for those who do and that, to be valuable to all, they should offer something even to people who do not desire that structure, is insightful and I credit them for getting this when so many people do not. But Polygon's writer referring to those other games as "essentials" when they are even more optional than the usual D&D accoutrements speaks to a highly specific and dare I say poorly understood view of D&D, Pathfinder, and the like; and this seems to plague the entire staff of TTRPG writers. And to be clear, you can love TTRPGs and not like D&D, but if you're writing about the TTRPG space, you should probably be able to speak about what is by far the most common entry point and most famous example with some competence.
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ericaportfolio · 1 year
Anemoiapolis Update Review
After a couple of delays, Anemoiapolis has finally come out. Anemoiapolis is a relaxing liminal space horror game made by Andrew Quist. In my honest opinion, so far, so good. If you're a fan of liminal spaces, this game is for you. I relate heavily to this game because while growing up, I watched one mall I went to as a kid turn into a dead mall right before my eyes due to store competition, a nearby outdoor mall, and the rise of online shopping. The main lobby in the game was the same creepy, uncanny, yet sad vibes I had when I went to do my graduation pictures where the local high schools set up shop to have student pictures done in one of the smaller abandoned shops seeing nothing in the mall left inside except for a kid's theatre, the only remaining opened anchor store, and the still opened movie theatre. Months later, the mall closed for good, except for the movie theatre and the last anchor store. Okay, the backstory is over! What to expect from the game from what I've seen so far? In Anemoiapolis, the character you play gets sent to investigate an undeveloped empty paper town in the middle of nowhere that was sucking power for years without anyone knowing. Suddenly, you fall into a trap that sends you to an underground maze of liminal spaces. Your mission, find a way back to the surface alive. I think the best part of the game is the dread you feel wherever you go thinking that someone is watching you while you are alone in the halls, swimming in the pools, playing on the golf maze, you name it. You can even interact with objects like faucets, showers, lockers, beach balls, etc. One original game level from the demo was changed to start at what was originally the end of that level. I thought to warn demo players and watchers just in case. If I was surprised by something was the ending. I won't spoil it, but now I'm interested to see who else we meet as allies or foes who are still alive down there. I was worried we would get treated to the elevator drop scare Bendy style, but nope, we get the credits paying behind us. LOL! If there where anything else to improve or add, it's some fun mini-games, game achievements like in the golf course, and maybe prizes or hidden notes that explore the lore of Anemoiapolis and how it came to be. If you have the patience to look through all the lockers, you can find some tickets. Maybe the creator, Andrew Quist, wants to add new stuff in the game that causes you to look in the lockers carefully for needed survival supplies. What about a flashlight update? There could be backup batteries to use if your flashlight dies just to have some objects to collect from the lockers. Another detail could be collecting non spoiling food to help your health bar if added. Even a ticket counter at the top corner of the screen that doesn't go away would be great. If you're low on something and have tickets to spare, vending machines of needed supplies could be an interesting addition. Trust me, if you collect almost all the tickets, you may want to spend some tickets on something. Maybe side mini-games like arcades and vending machines can end up punishing you to find more tickets if you are not careful. It's only the first chapter, so there's room for updates Andrew could do. But be ready when the game plays with your mind if you get lost or scared out of your mind. The Blue Backrooms did that to me! But before I end this review, the opening phone call of our character calling his wife to put the Curry in the fridge was cut. I'm going to say this now. BRING BACK THE CURRY!!!
One tweet later…
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Curry is coming BACK! 8.5/10 for Curry!!!
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msookyspooky · 1 year
Since we're talking about Stu I gotta bring it up - something I've never understood is how EVERY movie ignores Stu. It's ALL about Billy in every movie, and I get it, it was technically his plan, but so what? 🤣🙃 Scream 5 made it clear that Billy got more fame and that people didn't even know who Stu was and it's so insulting 🥲 he's a ruthless killer just like Billy, give my man some credit. It feels intentional, like Scream 5 was setting up a possible motive for Stu to come back aka he wants the fame that Billy stole from him. What better way to get revenge on him than to kill his own KID too? It's dark, but it would make sense for Stu to want to kill off Billy's 'legacy.' Even if Stu's dead I just want him to get some attention. I understand if Radio Silence doesn't wanna bring him back, I won't be mad, I'm just hoping he gets some limelight.
Scream 6 looks really good and if it's not Stu, fine, as long as the movies good I'll live 🤣 They threw out Leslie Macher in Scream 5 too and I'm hoping she's a character, maybe she's a killer. Whoever this is isn't playing games, this movie feels different, the Ghostface in the store feels experienced or like they've studied the past killers. Did you see how quick they were? Some think Jill could be one of them or even TARA betraying her own sister 👀 I've seen it highly speculated that this zombie Ghostface could escape and we get a cliffhanger ending leading into 7. All I'm hoping is that people keep an open mind while watching this movie 😅 this movie looks WILD. Also did you see the TV in the shrine? They really included the tv that fell on my bois head 🤣
All I can hear is Matthew yelling at that one girl interviewing them and Skeet like "STU IS ALIVE! GIVE ME A TV AND I'LL SHOW YOU HE COULD HAVE LIVED! 😠" 🤣
But srsly, how does he go from the ideal main villian of 3 (Ngl I would have preferred it over Roman and that wack ass backstory that he manipulated Billy bc it actually feels more far fetched than even a guy surviving that tv thing and wanting revenge) but srsly the potential mastermind of 3 to being scrapped and never mentioned at all in all 5 movies??? 🤨🤨🤨
AND YOU'RE RIGHT!! Imagine Stu seeing Billy take all the credit despite probably doing the most kills AND Billy betrayed him by stabbing him so many times and what if he found out Roman told Billy to use him as a scapegoat? Stu would be enraged and so eager to kill off he's ex partners kid!! How he lived and escaped? Don't know but then again how the hell did Roman single handedly do all he did with that magic voice box 😀
Tara would make sense bc ong I thought Tara was the killer in 5 bc EVERYTHING pointed to her and she made more sense imo
That Ghostface in the store with the shotgun was sexy idc it was just the energy was so powerful holy fuck and if that's Stu? I'm gonna s/cream 😩 They were experienced and clearly someone we probably already know!....
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Istg if they make it some dumbass weak ass character we don't know like them trying to convince us Amber killed Dewey the way she did imma fuckin rage man idc I'm still peeved about it if they do that new character better be so fucking badass and have such a good motive especially if they kill the twins or Gale or Tara
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ashandhisocs · 2 years
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somewhat of a character card made for @bunnwich 's winter TWST event! The background credit goes to both bunnwich and @comingyourlugubriousness :) I have to edit in the text and such to make it look like an Actual Character Card but I'll do that sometime later lol. mostly cause I gotta hunt down assets ;-;
Since I haven't introduced him yet, this is Orion! He uses all pronouns but mainly he/they/she. His normal ref is here c: His backstory is mostly a secret for now, but I can say that he's far from home, and definitely feeling it during the holidays. I haven't played TWST in a while but under the read more are my best attempts at some voice lines lolol
Summon: "I'm not usually one for fairytales, but I suppose it's about the spirit of it."
Groovy: "I guess there is something to admire about The Green One's courage, isn't there?"
Set Home: "It's freezing out there. . . These satin gloves are definitely not good for heat insulation."
Home Idle 1: "I'm pretty sure we were supposed to buy presents, but I didn't know that until today, so I hope I'm excused."
Home Idle 2: "Everyone's so cheerful. Something about the holidays seems to bring people together, hm?"
Home Idle 3: "It's so strange to be so far from family, but I'm happy to have friends to celebrate with, at least."
Home Login: "Isn't it so beautiful? There is something peaceful about the undisturbed snow."
Home Idle Groovy: "I've never even heard of the tale of The Green One. I guess I have much to learn."
Tap 1: "I'd like to try ice skating-- everyone on the ice seems so graceful. Like flying. . ."
Tap 2: "If I fall one more time, I'm staying inside for the remainder of the winter. Not even cookies will bring me back."
Tap 3: "Me? Swiping cookies as Trey bakes them? Surely you're thinking of someone else. On an entirely different note, I'm going to Heartslabyul's kitchen."
Tap 4: "Grim is very excited about the celebrations, which is adorable, but is it so unreasonable to not want to be dragged behind him-- literally?"
Tap 5: "Are ugly sweaters part of the tradition, or. . .?"
Home Tap Groovy: "I still don't quite understand it all, but it's been fun to celebrate."
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the2purpleidiots · 2 years
Ngl, I had...no idea who to ship Donnie with. Raph, Leo, and Mikey come with Love Interests thanks to the 87!Series but Donnie was giving me a hard time to ship with. So thank you for giving me a new OTP, I love them and want to write oneshots/stories with them!
Hello, this is Fox!
Honestly this is wonderful to hear! I'm super glad our ship is catching on and other people are enjoying our Crackship and Rarepair! And I'm glad we were able to give you a romantic pairing for Donnie! For me personally, I'm not really into shipping when it comes to the rise turtles, so it was a surprise when me and Dakota created this ship out of a joke in a Discord server years ago and it truly struck us from the start. So I get it with the OTP thing! These guys are literally everything to me in more than one way!
As for the second portion, we knew this was coming eventually, and it's not like we can or even want to control what people do, or act like we own these two characters (news flash: we don't), but I'd like to state the following for anyone wanting to create something for our ship since it's catching on:
Both me and Dakota are extremely uncomfortable with T*cest and while we know people have most likely already made fanfic of Jason/Donnie before, we'd kindly ask that if you're basing *our version of Jasonnie in any sort of association with T*cest that you don't. Not only that, but that you never, ever, ever associate us with your work or your version of Jasonnie in that case. (*Jason's backstory, our original characters (which we do own), reference our fics in major ways, etc.)
Both me and Dakota are ace-spec, so if you're going to associate us with your Jasonnie work please don't when it comes to any kind of sexual work. Which, if you're using our version of Jasonnie, shouldn't be a problem because both the characters are asexual within our series. This applies to kinks as well.
Other than that however, here is what you can do:
If it isn't sexual or in any way involved with T*cest we'd love to see your work on our versions or your version(s) of Jasonnie!
Write/draw/create whatever you want!
I've never heard of a ship that you credit the founder(s) of before so there's no credit necessary, unless you're creating something based on the events of our series/the main story: It's Unfair! Which will always be appreciated if you linked the original story/series in your creation!
You can all treat Jasonnie as any other ship, just please respect our boundaries if you're going to associate us with your work!
We love these boys to death and welcome any medium any one is willing to create them in! If you do create anything that doesn't go against our boundaries please @ us, send us a link, or submit it and we'll happily take a look at it if we want to!
Thank you so much for the ask <3
~ Fox
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firedragon1321 · 4 months
Big rant about my Capsule Zaurus stuff below. Mostly about fanworks, copyright, concept art, and how I use copyrighted material in my stuff.
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Before I start the rant- I want to mention that I put a lot of links in here. A few go to my artwork. But most provide extra info and clarification. Some of it is because Capsule Zaurus is a pretty overlooked prototype to Digimon, so not all Digi-fans know what it is. Some of it is because I have been in fandom a long time and I lost track of when people stopped using squick and I don't know what the kids use these days. Feel free to click a link if you're confused about anything.
I want to return to my Capsule Zaurus project because Tomoya (the character in the header) is doing that "character wants attention and occupies your thoughts" thing. I really don't want to focus on fanfic right now (mostly because I'm drowning in WIPs). But I don't know if the project counts as original fic, or to what extent.
For the uninitiated, here is a brief timeline of Capsule Zaurus from conception to today.
Bandai draws concept art for a virtual pet game for boys in 1997
Doesn't use it because it's too similar to Pokemon
Puts it in a drawer
Does NOTHING until 2013
Puts it in an artbook
NEVER mentions it again
Fandom posts translations and then sleeps (you can read all the info in the first two links)
I learn about it almost a year ago at an anime con and get inspired
I draw all this stuff- including some redesigns, but also original Zaurus and human characters
I come up with this batshit insane plot and world to go with the concept art
I find myself in a tangle of mostly original ideas, with vestigial but clear connections to Bandai's work
I'm not sure if it should just go to Ao3 or if I should rework my elements and characters into something else
Bandai's Capsule Zaurus isn't a finalized work. It is concept art. I'm a raccoon digging through the trash and taking things Bandai doesn't even want. But chances are they still hold the copyright for it. Not to mention the name likely comes from Pocket Zaurus, which is published and certainly copyrighted.
Putting the work on Ao3 would be extremely tricky, too. It would have to be tagged as Capsule Zaurus- which is not a fandom at the moment- plus Digimon, plus Original Work. This obtuse collection of fandom tags would likely be confusing, and I doubt anyone would read it.
It doesn't help that the story is T at mildest and M at highest. I don't write E-rated content. But that's what people want over there. I've noticed some authors who write both get a lot more hits on their sexy stuff over their tame or gen work, and good gen writers often go ignored.
So if I don't want my story to rot on Ao3, I'd probably have to remove the Zaurus characters entirely and make it original. This seems counterproductive. But it's the more likely route I'd go to preserve my original stuff. I don't want to do that, since I love Digimon and I like the "what could have been" nature of the concept art. But I really hate filing the serial numbers off of shit without acknowledging it as parody/mentioning the creators which...this isn't.
Below are two examples of me acknowledging parody and playing with copyright. Keep in mind I cut my teeth on 2007-era fanfiction, so people were constantly writing "I do not own this" on their shit.
For my Toon-iverse Saga, I have a Character Who's a Lot Like Tai (Soren, actually- it's more obvious in his backstory). But the back of the book credits Bandai/Toei/everyone I can possibly think of. The books are made of characters like this, and calls back to the source material while doing something unique. You don't need to know the original material to understand the plot, though doing so helps if you're looking for Easter Eggs.
Then, there's Zunru, which is a love letter to and critique of Pokemon. You don't need an in-depth knowledge of Pokemon to understand it (though as with the Toon-iverse Saga, it helps with Easter Egg hunting). The first few chapters even seem like "we live in harmony with these wonderful creatures!". But then the charade falls away, and the story reveals itself to be its own animal. At the end of each of these books, there is a credit to "Satoshi Tajiri, GameFreak, and Associated Parties", indicating that this is parody, I acknowledge the original but this is my own thing, etc., etc. Which is more than Temtem/Palworld did, but that's another story.
These are both instance of fair use, with possibly too much butt-covering spurred on by my fanfiction dot net heritage. They aren't like, say, writing a Twilight fanfiction, changing only the names, publishing it, and deleting the evidence. Which I feel trying to publish Capsule Zaurus as it is right now is pretty close to.
I just don't know what to do for Capsule Zaurus. I don't want to focus on fanfiction right now. But Tomoya is screaming against my skull and banging pots and pans. I'm sure I'll find the solution. It might be as simple as changing a few designs a bit more to make them more unique and not using the word "Zaurus". But that's still filing off the serial numbers.
Dammit, Tomoya.
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localplaguenurse · 6 months
hi chex! first of all—weirdly really happy to find out you're trans masc? it's always really pleasant to find other trans creators as a nonbinary person myself :DD (out of curiousity, do you prefer the name chex or charlotte?)
second of all—i read all 16 chapters of 'the capillaries in my eyes are bursting' in a row and i am so so so in love with your writing??? your writing style is gorgeous and the way you write character interactions between dottore and reader or just in general feels so natural and human that the angst is genuinely heart-wrenching like. i remember actually crying when i read chapter 10 . tears actually just flowing
honestly i'm still rooting for them to have a happy ending together but regardless of what you have planned i'm super looking forward to what comes next!!
that being said, would you be alright if i made fanart of your 'capillaries' fic? i can't promise i'll finish it right away (mock exams..;-;) but i'd like draw some for 'capillaries' if you're ok with it! i hope you have a nice day!
—anon called amorette
p.s. i'm 17, turning 18 in a few months. i haven't read any of your NSFW work (for obvious reasons), but are you okay with me having read 'capillaries'? i read it bc i didn't find any smut tags but i wanted to ask just in case.
Hello! I'm fine with either name, but most people on here call me Chex so that's usually what I respond to.
First off, I'm glad you're enjoying the fic so far! I used to write a lot of angst, so this has been an interesting departure from me other more "lighthearted" fics.
ALSO YES!!! I've been meaning to put on my ao3 and tumblr that fanworks are 100% okay, so long as you 1. give credit and 2. send me a link to the thing because I will? Cry? So much?
I'm okay with you reading capillaries. It's mainly rated mature because of the heavier themes, and I do have some ideas for like backstory chapters that are suggestive? Like when Dottore and reader are dating, but no full blown smut. I'm also not your parent, so I can't/won't dictate what you read, but I do appreciate you asking about it.
General and teen are 100% okay, mature is proceed with caution, and explicit is 18+ honour system.
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