#credit to サクラ
madorosenpai · 7 months
Profiteroles ao meu docinho
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Summary: Lemon aprendera com sua mãe o jeito certo de se conquistar um homem: através do estômago! [Mash/Lemon]
Notes: Não há nada de fenomenal sobre essa fic. Apenas achei que seria interessante explorar um pouco mais as interações entre o Mash e a Lemon, ainda que ela não seja uma das minhas personagens favoritas.
Espero que gostem dessa curta e fofa história. Boa leitura!
P.S. For all the non-Brazilian readers, the word 'profiterole' I used in my text actually meant 'cream puff'. This happened because the subtitles for our language put the word 'cream puff' as if it were the equivalent of a 'profiterole', even though they may not be the same thing.
- Um dia, querida, você há de encontrar seu amor verdadeiro, o seu cavaleiro de armadura reluzente. – Dizia uma mãe em um tom sonhador à sua filha.
- Cavaleiro? Armadura reluzente? Ele luta? E... como vou saber que ele me ama de verdade? – Questionava a menina. O rosto da pequena demonstrava claramente a sua confusão acerca do assunto, fazendo com que a mulher não pudesse conter uma risadinha diante de sua inocência.  
- Você saberá assim que pôr seus olhos nele. Aliás, ainda mais importante que isso é não permitir que escape de forma alguma! Jamais se esqueça: a melhor maneira de prendê-lo a você para sempre é através do estômago.
- Nossa, assim tão fácil? Funciona mesmo? – A menina tornara a perguntar, tomada pelo fascínio.
A mulher, então, sussurrou em seu ouvido:
- Como acha que conquistei o seu pai? – Respondera francamente sua mãe.
Numa tarde como qualquer outra na escola de magia, uma certa jovem loira encontrava-se na cozinha preparando profiteroles em larga escala. O tentador aroma do recheio açucarado impregnava o ambiente por completo.
"O Mash definitivamente vai adorar!" – Era esse o tipo de pensamento que se passava na cabeça de Lemon, enquanto ela encarava seus doces recém-produzidos com orgulho.
Não demorou muito para que sua mente começasse a divagar novamente. Enquanto viajava em mais uma de suas fantasias selvagens com o fisiculturista, não se deu conta de que já não estava mais sozinha no cômodo.
- Não fazia ideia de que cozinhava tão bem assim! O cheiro está uma delícia! – Pronunciou uma voz feminina.
A loira se virara em busca da pessoa que teria proferido aquelas exclamações, deparando-se, então, com uma menina de cabelos rosados presos por uma maria-chiquinha. Reconheceu-a de imediato.
- Olá, Love! Faz um tempo que não nos vemos, não é? Você me surpreendeu um pouco... – Disse a caloura da casa Adler suspirando levemente em alívio. – Quanto a cozinhar bem, digamos que aprendi alguns truques com minha mãe. – Complementou.
- Entendo... – Retrucou a rosada enquanto seu olhar pairava sobre duas pilhas de profiteroles meticulosamente organizados em duas tigelas enormes. – Você se importaria se eu levasse alguns para os meus companheiros? Creio que eles vão desfrutar do sabor aos montes. – Indagou em seguida.
- Não é incômodo algum! Pode levar quantos quiser.
- Obrigada. – Replicou a veterana da casa Lang e logo mais, através de um feitiço básico recitado, um pequeno pote destinado a acondicionar os profiteroles havia se materializado em suas mãos.
- Mas me conte, qual é a ocasião dessa vez? Você e seus colegas estão planejando fazer outra festa de comemoração? – Interpelou a rosada enquanto preenchia o seu potinho com os doces.
- Não, não, nada em especial. Eu apenas estou dando um agrado ao Mash. Com o tanto que vem se dedicando ultimamente, acho justo que ele receba um prêmio por tudo isso. – Retorquiu a mais nova. Seu olhar distante denunciava a intensa paixão que sentia pelo moreno viciado em profiteroles.
Diante dessa declaração, a expressão de Love, que antes denotava curiosidade, tornou-se sombria. Não era segredo para ninguém que a loira nutria um afeto avassalador por Mash. Contudo, não parecia que o cabeça de cogumelo sentisse qualquer outra coisa por ela além de amizade. Cedo ou tarde experimentaria amargor que era uma rejeição.
- Lemon, não estou querendo me intrometer na sua vida amorosa, mas não acha que está colocando suas expectativas altas demais? – Perguntou a rosada revelando sua preocupação pela mais nova.
- Por quê? O que está insinuando?
- Quer dizer, já passou pela sua cabeça que toda vez que você vai se encontrar com o Mash você leva o doce favorito dele contigo? Não acha que está alimentando meramente o interesse material dele?
Após esses questionamentos, a loira se viu encurralada. Não havia como rebater o óbvio, pois era justamente isso que vinha tentando fazer: ganhar o coração de Mash satisfazendo sua vontade mais primitiva.
- Falo por experiência própria. Todos os meus ex-namorados se aproveitaram da minha boa vontade para conseguir tudo o que queriam. Nunca foi amor, eu era apenas uma fonte de recursos para eles. – Prosseguiu a mais velha, enquanto era invadida pelas memórias dolorosas de seu passado. – Olha, talvez se...
- Pare! O Mash é diferente dos outros! Ele nunca faria isso comigo! Ele... ele... – De súbito, um nó começou a se formar na garganta de Lemon a impedindo de completar sua frase.
Ela sabia que era perfeitamente plausível a possibilidade de Mash a estar usando, mas se recusava a aceitar isso. Devido a tudo o que seu amigo já havia feito por ela e por todos com quem se importava, a loira estava mais do que convencida de que ele não era um aproveitador. Contudo, o medo de ser rejeitada também era real.
Love, percebendo que suas palavras haviam produzido um efeito destrutivo na caloura, arrependeu-se e rapidamente a envolvera em um abraço reconfortante, demonstrando seu apoio em seu momento de fragilidade como uma verdadeira amiga faria.
Após esse gesto inequívoco de carinho e de acolhimento, Lemon desabou em lágrimas nos braços de sua veterana. Era a primeira vez que alguém além de sua mãe estabelecera uma conexão tão profunda consigo. Sim, ela podia sempre contar com Finn, Dot e Lance também, mas ter uma amiga mulher era algo completamente diferente e especial.
Passados alguns longos minutos, as duas garotas aos poucos foram se soltando do abraço.
- Sente-se melhor agora? – Inquiriu Love enquanto secava os últimos resquícios de lágrimas que insistiam em cair do rosto da mais nova.
- Sim, obrigada... – Respondeu a loira abrindo um sorriso gentil.
- O que pretende fazer, então?
Lemon parou para refletir por alguns segundos antes de tornar a responder:
- Vou atrás do Mash e abrir meu coração para ele sem depender de profiteroles para isso. Mesmo que eu acabe sendo rejeitada, pelo menos vou tirar esse peso dos meus ombros.
- Certo, tem o meu apoio. Independente do que aconteça, estarei sempre aqui por você. – Proferira a rosada.
Tomando essa frase como um último encorajamento, a caloura acenara levemente com a cabeça e partiu ao encontro do seu amor.  
“Boa sorte, amiga!”
Não fora um grande desafio encontrar o fisiculturista. A julgar pelo horário, o mais provável era que estivesse puxando ferro em um campo aberto não muito distante dos portões da escola.
E lá estava ele treinando os músculos de seus braços ao mover aquela barra para cima e para baixo num ritmo frenético. Um rubor discreto adornou a face de Lemon, que estava ali o observando.
- Mash, precisamos conversar...
Ao ouvir a voz da garota, o rapaz imediatamente interrompeu seus exercícios e repousou a barra sobre o suporte de aço. Seu foco agora estava nela.
 - Desculpe, eu não trouxe profiteroles dessa vez para te alimentar... – Dizia enquanto roçava suas delicadas mãos uma contra a outra, tamanha era sua ansiedade.
Estava cogitando seriamente em desistir daquela confissão, quando um murmúrio rouco vindo de Mash tornou a motivá-la. Lemon, então, prosseguiu:
- Desde o dia que nos vimos pela primeira vez dentro daquele labirinto do exame de admissão, eu percebi que você era especial por causa da gentileza da sua alma. Você não tinha a menor obrigação de ter voltado lá para me resgatar e mesmo assim, você o fez. Ainda que isso pudesse custá-lo a sua aprovação. Eu não ligo que você seja incapaz de usar magia, só quero permanecer ao seu lado e entregá-lo todo o amor que acumulei dentro do meu ser.
 Depois de dizer essas palavras que há muito a estiveram consumindo por dentro, Lemon sentiu suas pernas ficarem bambas por todo o estresse que havia sido liberado de uma vez só. Era como se em um passo de mágica todo o peso que estivera outrora carregando tivesse desaparecido por completo.
No entanto, esse alívio não durou muito, uma vez que Mash dera meia-volta, distanciando-se a passos largos do local onde estavam.
A garota respirou fundo e fechou seus os olhos, fazendo de tudo para segurar as lágrimas que estavam a preencher seus olhos naquele momento. Ela já esperava por uma rejeição, porém não poderia imaginar que suas palavras seriam friamente ignoradas por aquele que ela mais amava no mundo.
“Talvez a Love tenha razão...”   
- Feliz aniversário. – De repente, seu raciocínio fora cortado por nada menos que a voz do fisiculturista. Ele havia retornado tão rápido quanto havia deixado aquele mesmo lugar. Seu rosto, sempre tão inexpressivo, estava a ruborizar levemente para a surpresa de Lemon.
“É mesmo! Hoje é dia 7 de julho. Estive tão focada em agradá-lo esses últimos dias que me esqueci completamente. Mas você teve o carinho de se lembrar de mim...”  
Dessa vez, a felicidade tomara Lemon, que não pôde conter as lágrimas que teimavam em cair.
Mash aproximou-se lentamente da loira e com uma de suas mãos enxugava as lágrimas, enquanto a outra a entregava uma pequena caixinha delicadamente amarrada com um laço, indicando que era seu presente para ela.
Lemon ficou ainda mais emocionada após abrir a caixa e ter seu conteúdo enfim revelado a ela. Bem no centro havia um suporte de pl��stico que segurava um cordão de ouro com um pingente de profiterole. Ao lado da joia, havia um pequeno bilhete contendo os seguintes dizeres:
Para a garota mais doce que eu já conheci
Eu te amo, Lemon Irvine
A garota se sentia nas nuvens, pois estava vivendo seu maior sonho, um sonho do qual não pretendia acordar. Sem um aviso prévio, Lemon envolvera seus braços em torno de Mash o puxando para um abraço apertado, ao passo que igualmente caloroso, o que foi prontamente retribuído pelo moreno. Inconscientemente, seus rostos foram se aproximando um do outro, até seus lábios se encostarem, dando início a um beijo calmo, que aos poucos fora ganhando intensidade.
Passados alguns minutos, a falta de ar iminente os obrigou a se separarem e após ter recuperado um pouco do seu fôlego, a menina não pôde conter um sorriso meigo de surgir em sua face. Tudo o que não haviam dito um ao outro até então, suas preocupações, seus desejos, absolutamente tudo fora depositado naquele beijo, tornando-o tão memorável e vívido que seria impossível de se esquecerem, ainda que 50 anos se passassem.
Sendo, então, vencida pelo cansaço, Lemon se permitiu descansar sua cabeça no tórax de Mash, que a segurou gentilmente em seus braços.
- Eu também te amo, Mash Burnedead! – Exclamara pouco antes de adormecer ali mesmo.
No fim das contas, ela não era tão iludida assim.
Notes: Alguém mais percebeu a semelhança que a Lemon compartilha com a Amy Rose? Ambas são tão obcecadas pelos amores das vidas delas, que estão dispostas a fazer de tudo para vê-los felizes. Foi com base nesse traço de personalidade em comum que nasceu a ideia para essa fanfic, haha
Edit: Credits to サクラ for the fan art!
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sekainofantasy90 · 6 months
4月3日『ナルサクの日』- April 3 Narusaku Day 2024
Scans Credits: Somnus http://minitokyo.net/Naruto
ナルトがサクラを好きになった日 The day Naruto fell in love with Sakura-chan”
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Miku going home from school
Thanking Mikuture for existing
Credits for the 3D model to まままさん、アラン・スミシーさん、やよいサクラさん and Sivaさん
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zponds · 6 months
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(Credit goes to JWBtheUncanny on Deviantart)
Friends of Ash from Pokemon: Sensational Sisters
Here are the Sensational Sisters of Cerulean City who are  the sisters of Misty, Here's something on them bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wik… But there's might be more to them then we least suspect as far as Yana and Hybrid can tell
Daisy (サクラ Sakura) For info on the oldest of Misty's sisters bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wik…
Violet (アヤメ Ayame) For info on the second oldest of Misty's sisters bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wik…
Lily (ボタン Botan) For info on the Misty's youngest sister bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wik…
Reign of Water: A Pokémon Story Much to Ash and Yana's surprise that the only People that never where able to make it to Superior Ash's plan of Uniting all his friend even the Two Ash's against an inter-Galactic Enemy are Misty's sisters, Misty does state that They where off somewhere a the time, Which was understandable enough, However ever since the Mermaid Princesses Retaliated on Alola because of Ash Ketchum's Clone going on, It's starting to become more frequent, With the seven mermaids taking over the Pokémon Worlds Oceans Because Gaito has took over the Surface and are Forbidding Everyone from going into the Water should they be spies for Gaito, With a Statement from Officer Jenny claiming that they have Disappeared, Worrying Delia Ketchum, Professor Oak Tracey, And Claire Crystal, It lead to Claire to investigate what was going on at the Cerulean Gym, Claire Looks at Security Cameras, They see that the sisters where meeting Caron of the Purple Mermaids, And then Casey comes into the Gym meeting Claire who states that she is a friend of Ash and Yana, Casey does state that The Three have been acting odd when they Return after a Trip away, But When misty is around They start singing a Beautiful song she never heard from and ask her to Practice for some Water Ballet with them, However Security Camera's show that they are not in the Tank with the Water Pokémon, Wanting to know more Claire Asks MLPFan053 to accompany her in investigating the Gym even more.
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moko1590m · 3 months
ブラッシング詐欺とは、通販サイトで商品を売ろうとするネットショップが、どこからか違法に入手した名前や住所などの個人情報を使って架空のアカウントを作って商品を購入。  商品のページに偽のカスタマーレビューを投稿してそのショップの評価を上げ、虚偽の販売実績を作り出す行為である。  その際に「購入」した商品は、その架空アカウントに使われた人物の住所に届けられるというわけだ。  今回はイザベラさんの個人情報が使われて、サクラが購入した商品が彼女のもとに続々と届くという事態になったと思われる。  さて、気になるのはこの大量の品物をどうすればいいかということだ。こういう場合、送りつけられたイザベラさんが処分するなりもらうなりしても一応問題はないらしい。  それよりも、イザベラさんの個人情報がダークWebに流れてしまうことが危惧される。  商品が届くだけならともかく、不正にローンを組まれたりする危険もある。「クリスマスみたい」とか言ってる場合じゃなかっただろう、そもそも。 Woman Keeps Getting Mystery Packages She Never Ordered 日本の場合、身に覚えのない荷物は処分してOK   ただし、この辺はマーケットプレイスや住んでいる国によっても違ってくるかもしれないので注意が必要だ。日本の場合、消費者庁が「送りつけに関するQ&A」で、明確な対処方法を案内している。 image credit:消費者庁  これによると、注文していない荷物を受け取ってしまった場合も、すぐに処分してOKとのことだが、できれば受け取り拒否をして、通販サイトに報告するのがいいのではないだろうか。  日本のAmazonの場合は、送りつけがあった際の報告フォームが用意されているので、もし身に覚えのない荷物が届いたら、こちらから問い合わせてみてほしい。 References:Isabelle Wood received items like pleather jackets, a karaoke machine, chess and checker sets, steering wheel locks, a crawfish trap and perfume for cats. / written by ruichan/ edited by parumo
ブラッシング詐欺か?注文していない商品が大量に中国の通販業者から届いて困惑する女性 : カラパイア
「ブラッシング」という用語は、販売者が偽の肯定的なレビューを作成することで「疑惑を払拭」しようとするという考えから来ています。 この奇妙な詐欺が人気を博すにつれて、この用語がさらに一般的になる可能性は十分にあります。
ブラッシングとは 詐欺 語源 - Google 検索
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primnroses · 2 years
— How the canon describes Sakura’s intelligence: her feats and her accomplishments
The information presented in this post has been checked and revised. My aim is not to hate or to discredit any of the characters mentioned. Please read about me for further information.
This post will contain evidence in picture format directly from the manga Naruto (1999 - 2014) created by Masashi Kishimoto and published by Shueisha in 1999. I will also use information from the official databooks.
This informative post will explain how the creator highlights Sakura Haruno’s intelligence and the different ways she displays it. I will use information present in the novels and the Boruto manga because it includes character development within canon compliance.
This meta is crossposted in AO3.
I give my permission to use or share this thread with informative purposes as long as you credit me.
I do not support the anime or the work of Studio Pierrot in regards to Naruto because I consider it over exaggerated and beyond biased. Furthermore, these fillers include some actions that these characters are unable to do in the canon according to official sources and they also generate unnecessary debate.
Please, take this into consideration.
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In order to talk about Sakura’s intelligence, first the term “intelligence” or “mind” present in the skill set of the characters must be explained. According the the databooks, 賢 (Ken) comprehends the level of knowledge, IQ and wisdom.
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This means that there is no difference between battle intelligence, IQ and being a “bookworm”, and it is all included inside a 1 to 5 scale. On the other hand, the Boruto manga statistics use the same base but, instead of a scale, they use a number.
Masashi Kishimoto encapsulates the knowledge displayed during a battle against an enemy, how a ninja comes up with different strategies, which moves and equipment to use or analysis of the situation; and the general knowledge about theory or information about certain concepts, in that “mind (賢, Ken)” scale.
The perfect examples of characters that are known for being both intelligent and for their analytical skills are Sakura Haruno and Shikamaru Nara. 
Shikamaru’s description during the Chūnin Exams finals confirms that the “mind” stat and the IQ is directly related to analytical abilities and strategies, aside from being already explained in the databooks.
According to Asuma Sarutobi, Shikamaru’s sensei, his IQ of over 200 allows him to come up with different strategies in the midst of a confrontation.
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According to the first databook (Rin no Sho), authored by Masashi Kishimoto, the statistic of Sakura in “mind” is 3.5 out of 5 points, very above the rest of the genin of her generation, whose points vary from 0.5 to 2.5. 
Shikamaru is the only genin to surpass her. 
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Masashi Kishimoto described Sakura as a kunoichi whose [chakra control and] intelligence shall not be looked down upon. He mentions it a few times in her profile from the first databook. These statistics cover from chapter 1 to 119 approximately.
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In the manga, Sakura is introduced as a kunoichi that displays a vast amount of knowledge, for example, about concepts like chakra, and is able to explain it in great detail. 
This feat makes Sakura somehow like an encyclopedia for her teammates, who can benefit from her information.
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Considering he is a rather “lazy” character and knowing that he has seen his students' ninja profiles, in the case of Sakura, off-screen, Kakashi knows that she is a very intelligent and knowledgeable kunoichi, and uses her to elaborate concepts that he should do as the sensei. 
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Kakashi describes Sakura as the sharpest mind of Konoha. 
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Some versions of the translation vary, some use “our sharpest mind” (“our” previously talking about Konoha) and others use “the brightest in the village”.
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In the original Japanese version of the manga also mentions that she is brightest/sharpest in Konoha. 
The scan I obtained is very messy, but it roughly says “ここにいるサクラは里一番の切れ者”, which would mean something like “[And here is] Sakura, the sharpest in the village”. I am not an expert of Japanese, I only looked at the original and matched it.
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The anime also says that “Sakura is the sharpest mind in Konoha” in the Japanese dub (サクラは佐藤一番の切れ者). 
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All versions are talking about the top rookie or the sharpest mind in Konoha, independently if it is mentioned or not.
Later chapters clarify why Sakura is able to reproduce lessons taught in the Academy with such precision. Sakura has a great memory, able to retain big amounts of information in her head, allowing her to quote whole passages of books.
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This is confirmed in the first fanbook (Hyō no Sho), authored by Masashi Kishimoto. Iruka Umino’s Sakura’s Academy teacher, wrote in his teacher comments that her range of knowledge [and control of chakra] is worth watching.
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This range of knowledge is displayed during the written exam of the Chūnin Exams. Upon seeing the difficulty of the questions, Sakura concludes that almost nobody in the room would be able to answer them, except for her.
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The ninja responsible for the first round of the exams, Ibiki Morino, the Head of the Intelligence Division and captain of T&I Force, confesses that the level of the questions is beyond the knowledge of a genin. The fact that Sakura is able to answer them proves that her intelligence is above average.
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Despite realizing that the exam is forcing the ninja in the room to cheat, Sakura shows no problems finding the answer to every question and finishes before the last one is announced.
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Ino Yamanaka, regarded as the top kunoichi in the Academy, uses Sakura to answer her own questions. Despite being the top among the girls, Ino does not know any of the answers of the test. Even the top-rated rookie, Sasuke Uchiha, cannot answer any of the questions presented in the sheet.
Despite both girls being rivals, Ino respects Sakura’s intelligence, regarding it as superior to hers, and trusts her to have answered correctly, following the narrative of scoring 100/100 on her tests. 
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In the first, second (Tō no Sho) and third (Sha no Sho) databooks respectively, Masashi Kishimoto exposes that Sakura’s hobbies are quizzes and memorizing things.
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Her intelligence is not limited to being able to memorize texts or answering the most difficult of questions. Sasuke Uchiha, the top-rated rookie of that year, recognizes Sakura’s analytical skills and genjutsu to be superior to his, a member of the most prestigious clan and counting with a two-tomoe Sharingan.
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About genjutsu, it is a ninja art that requires intelligence in order to be effective and also to be able to see through them. Due to Sakura’s natural talent with chakra control, added to her intelligence, Kakashi considers Sakura to be a genjutsu-type.
Sakura was able to break Kabuto’s powerful genjutsu, which affected the whole arena. According to him, only the elites of Konoha would be able to reverse such technique, but Sakura did it as a genin of only 13 years old.
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Sakura is able to see through powerful illusions in more than one occasion in the series, and her abilities with them have increased with time to the point of being considered resistant to genjutsu.
I will upload a short study about Sakura as a genjutsu-type in the future.
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About her analytical skills, during the Chūnin Exams, Sakura reflects on the consequences of the team’s encounter with Orochimaru and the time wasted since the beginning of the test.
She tells her teammates that the number of scrolls left, especially now that their Heaven Scroll had been burnt by Orochimaru, and calculates them in relation with the number of teams and the time passed since the start. Sakura deduces that those factors have reduced their possibilities of success.
This outcome prompts the team to get more serious in their pursue of the Heaven Scroll and their future fights with enemies. 
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Later, in the final stage of the exams, during Naruto’s battle against Kiba, Sakura explained what Naruto’s strategy was in great detail. Despite being confused at the beginning, Sakura discovered that Naruto planned to trick Kiba with a Transformation Jutsu, eventually succeeding. 
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In battle, Sakura has demonstrated to be one of the most intelligent genin as well. 
As a ninja devoid of any shinobi background, Sakura lacked many battle abilities, such as special jutsu or taijutsu. However, she is able to put to use any of the simple techniques that she was taught in the Academy when she requires it.
Her strategies consist of fooling her enemies with simple jutsu such as Body Replacement and Clone Technique. She tricks the Sound Ninja and Ino Yamanaka with both jutsu and delivers a hit on both of them, taking them by surprise. 
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Later in the series, this strategy will become one of Sakura’s most used battle styles.
After the experience in the Chūnin Exams, Sakura’s intelligence stat rises to 4 points out of 5 according to the second databook, authored by Masashi Kishimoto, which covers from chapter 120 to 244 approximately. That is 0.5 points more than the first databook. 
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During the 2 and a half year gap, Sakura decides to train under the Fifth Hokage and Sannin, Tsunade. She learns the way of medicine, medical ninjutsu, which is a branch of ninjutsu that is quite hard to master due to the extensive knowledge the user must possess. 
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Although it has been confirmed that mastering medical ninjutsu requires more chakra control than knowledge, and that there are different types of medics depending on their level of knowledge and skills. 
Not all medic-ninjas have the same amount of knowledge, the best example of that are the Medic Corps, who work in the hospital with real patients and develop techniques and medicines; and field medic-ninja, who heal injuries in battle and do not work like professionals.
As a genin, Sakura had the level of knowledge and skill necessary to be introduced in the field of medical ninjutsu. 
Tsunade mentions that there is a “special something” required in those ninja that want to become a first-rate medic. She is quick to notice that Sakura has that “special something”, her wish to protect his teammates, and accepts her.
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Tsunade follows Kakashi’s advice about Sakura, saying that she is an intelligent and strong-spirited kunoichi. 
The Japanese uses the word 頭脳明晰, which means being clear-headed or having a sharp, brilliant mind. Here are two translations for that same scene:
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These aptitudes allow her to master the basics of medical ninjutsu in record time, becoming a talent unseen since Shizune. 
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Sakura becomes one of the best medics in Konoha according to the third databook, authored by Masashi Kishimoto, which covers chapters 246 to 400 approximately.
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Now promoted to chūnin rank, the databook still dates Sakura’s intelligence with 4 points, similar to the third databook. However, she has incredible feats that demonstrate her outstanding knowledge and strategic prowess still prevail.
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In her first mission together with the reunited Team 7, Sakura is sent to Sunagakure to investigate the Akatsuki and the kidnapping of the Kazekage. In an attempt to rescue him, Kankuro is poisoned by Sasori’s most lethal venom.
Chiyo, Sasori’s grandmother and a poison expert, is unable to help Kankuro due to the improvements made with his own toxins. She mentions that Tsunade was the only one to make little of her efforts, and that the Hokage would be the only one able to save Kankuro.
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Sakura’s expertise with herbs allowed her to create antidotes against potent toxins and this ability is compared to Tsunade’s feats during the Second Shinobi World War. Sakura is able to save Kankuro and create different antidotes, something the village’s poison expert, Chiyo, could not achieve.
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However, Sakura did not actually make 3 different antidotes, she made 3 doses and took them to the battle. This is explained during her fight against Sasori.
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Sakura had the idea to take the antidotes with her to the battle knowing that the enemy used poisons. Her’s antidote was not only useful to save Kankuro’s life, it also saved her own life and Chiyo’s during their battle against Sasori. 
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Sasori is impressed by the fact that Sakura was able to create an antidote for his most lethal venom. He explains that he must measure every ingredient for his own creation, and that the antidote would be extremely difficult to mix.
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In regards to strategy, Chiyo acknowledges that Sakura is able to read her target's moves, and that she would not need the puppet master’s help to continue. This ability to read the offensive pattern is linked to her ability to dodge attacks learnt during her training with Tsunade.
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Just like she used to do as a genin, Sakura keeps fooling her enemies with tricks that make her moves too simple or even look defeated. She feigned being poisoned and collapsed, tricking Sasori into using the Third Kazekage to finihs her off but breaking it in one blow. 
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Sasori recognizes this aspect about Sakura a few times: when she uses the antidote and when she reads his moves.
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Chiyo and Sasori were more intelligent than Sakura. 
However, Sakura surpassed Chiyo’s knowledge in the medical branch of antidotes, and was superior to Sasori’s poison mixing skills, which, in turn, surpassed those of Chiyo. 
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One more example of Sakura fooling fellow ninja for her own success include the mission to kill Sasuke Uchiha.
Sakura puts together a team to speak with Naruto about Konoha 12′s plans about Sasuke. In that team are Rock Lee, Kiba Inuzuka and Sai, who was suspicious of Sakura due to him being the reason she is feeling down and self-conscious. In a failed attempt to poison her teamates with sleeping gas, Sai exposes Sakura’s plan to dispose of Sasuke alone.
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Sakura turns the situation to her favor by raising suspicions among her teammates and pretending to fight Sai along with Kiba and Lee, ultimately poisoning all of them.
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Even after years under her supervision, Tsunade still thinks that Sakura is as sharp a ninja as ever. After Team 10 leaves to avenge their master, Tsunade thinks about sending a back-up team for Shikamaru and Sakura says that Team 7 is the perfect aid for them. 
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Later on, on another mission to track Itachi Uchiha and take him down, Team 7 and Team 8 face Tobi and his strange space-time ninjutsu. 
After analysing the enemy’s jutsu using the team’s attacks and sensory abilities, Sakura is able to decipher the secrets of the Kamui, in which the target is not using genjutsu or teleportation, but making part of his body disappear at will. 
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Sakura’s analytical abilities are not only reserved for the battlefield. 
When Shiho, Kakashi, Naruto and Shikamaru deciphered Jiraiya’s message after being defeated by Pain, Sakura was later part of the Cryptanalysis Team (暗号解読班, Angōkaidoku-Han) tasked with deciphering codes and messages, also known as Cipher Corps (暗号部, Angō-bu).
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The Cryptanalysis Team is a branch of Konoha’s Intelligence Division (情報部, Jōhō-bu), headed by Ibiki Morino, with Shiho being one of its most prominent members. Their base is located in a library, a facility separate from the main building of the Intelligence Division. 
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Shikamaru and Sakura, known to be the most intelligent ninja of their generation, join Shiho to discover the relation between the message and Pain’s abilities.
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During the Fourth World Shinobi War, Sakura was also essential in intelligence gathering for the Alliance’s success. It was her the one that discovered that White Zetsu was behind the iniltration, figured out their jutsu and told the Alliance about it. 
Upon being told that the enemy has infiltrated their ranks targeting jōnin medics, Sakura stays alert thinking somebody is being controlled.
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Sakura does not realize that telling Neji about Tonton would result in the enemy’s demise. 
Because Neji addresses Tonton as a ninja, Sakura starts suspecting. Once again, she uses deception to unmask the enemy using Tonton as bait. Upon discovery, she strikes White Zetsu with a single hand. She deciphered this trick with information she learnt in Yamato’s reports, impressing the enemy with her ingenuity. 
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The Sensory Division started getting messages from other divisions about infiltrations. After discovering the secret, it is actually Sakura the person that contacts Inoichi and tells him the secret of the White Zetsu jutsu, later spread around the Alliance.
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Almost at the end of the war and when everybody is trapped in the Infinite Tsukuyomi, Sasuke was the only one able to see outside the genjutsu with his Rinnegan, prompting him to take command. 
However, Naruto mentions that Sakura and Kakashi are better at strategies than Sasuke, despite him having more experience with leading Team Taka.
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Having achieved the Strength of a Hundred Seal and with all the knowledge passed down to her from Tsunade and Shizune, Sakura becomes the best medic-ninja in Konoha and the world at only 17 years old, according to the fourth databook (Jin no Sho) authored by Masashi Kishimoto, which covers from chapter 403 to the end approximately. 
She surpassed her master, a Sannin and a Kage, with a higher intelligence than her, although there are not further databooks to compare Sakura and Tsunade’s power in the present.
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Two years after the war, during the events of The Last: Naruto the Movie, the guidebook’s character description also refers to her as the best in Konoha at 19 years old.
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The novelization also confirms Sakura as the best medic-ninja of Konoha (in Portuguese: The best medic-ninja of Konoha) in the character description. 
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Also the Konoha Hiden: The Perfect Day for a Wedding, written by Shō Hinata, repeats the same pattern. In this case, it is described that Sakura uses high-rated medical ninjutsu that cannot be copied. She also surpassed her rival, Ino Yamanaka, in everything, especially ninjutsu. 
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During this time period, Sakura discovered the disappearance of Konoha ninja due to the Ketsuryugan during Sasuke Shinden: Book of Sunrise and also came up with the treatment for their genjutsu. 
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She also came up with the conclusion that Kido Tsumiki and Magire had used hair and blood samples for the Sharingan and Tailed Beast drugs. In the Ino-Saku-Sai battle against them, she suggested separating both ANBU because Magire was a medic-ninja, leading to Sakura defeating Kido and the success of the mission.
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Years later, as Hokage, Naruto opened a division dedicated to the study of ancient civilizations and hieroglyphics called Analytical Study Department, different from the Cryptanalysis Team, which focuses on decoding texts that the Rinnegan is unable to. 
This new division debuts in Boruto: Naruto the Movie. Shikamaru and Sakura also collaborate with this department when required according to Kakashi in Kakashi Retsuden: The Sixth Hokage and the Failure Boy. 
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This is a new division separate from the Cryptanalysis Team and is located in the Hokage Residence. In Kakashi Retsuden, the Sixth discovers an ancient book about Hagoromo written in an ancient language. He sends it to the Analytical Study, thinking that if they collaborate with Shikamaru and Sakura, they would be able to decipher its contents.
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It is also common for Sakura and Shikamaru to work together to solve mysteries or form hypotheses. During the Retsuden series, Naruto suffers a disease similar to the Sage of Six Paths, which hindered him from using his chakra.
Sakura studies Naruto’s case and comes up with the diagnosis of his disease. Other books suggest Shikamaru and Sakura discovered it together, both of them theorizing that his illness might be connected with Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki and Sakura coming up with the final result focusing on the medical view.
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In her infiltration in Redaku’s Astronomy Institute, Sakura and Sasuke need access to the basement to check an astronomical map, but the keeper would not give it away easily. Sakura challenges Penjira in a card game called Hoshinarabe and she beats him by memorizing his cards, because memorization is one of her abilities.
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Hoshinarabe is a card game based on luck unique to Redaku and neither Sasuke or Sakura had heard of it before, but she quickly memorizes the rules after Penjira explains, surprising him. What she does is drag the game and exhaust her opponent with ties, until he admits defeat.
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Once in the basement, both of them searched for the astronomical map. 
In fact, the map they were looking for was a series of constellations drawn by Hagoromo to locate the celestial body. Sakura quickly discovered that the map was related to the zodiac signs.
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Sasuke left in Sakura’s charge of the classification of the constellations in order to decipher the map, for which she asked for 2 days, trusting that she could decipher it. Actually, Sakura took one night to order the constellations, reducing the mission length by 1 day.
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In the end, it is Sakura who discovers that the 12 drawings of the constellation map were representing the 12 hand seals. In order to access the polar particles, Sasuke and Sakura needed to go to the lake in which Hagoromo hid the particles, done by performing the seals.
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Although I am personally not a fan of the manga statistics, they offer a number for every ability instead of a 1 to five scale. According to Ukyo Kodachi, Sakura has a rank of 174 in intelligence, right after Shikamaru and before ninja considered geniuses, like Katasuke.
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Overall, Sakura is a kunoichi known mainly for her intelligence (and chakra control), a feat that is a basis for the kind of ninja she became. She has good memory, which helps her education and her allies, analytical skills that allow her to solve problems and study the enemy’s moves, and is also considered to be the best in her team to form strategies and plans. Her intellect is taken into account to decipher messages, solve an ally’s problem or study ancient civilizations, and her abilities are increased when she joins Shikamaru. 
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ominous-meme · 2 years
Full List of Fan Artists Featured at the Start of DigiFes 2022:
If you or someone you know is on this list, please share a link to your page, and I’ll tag you/them accordingly! (Alternatively, if I’ve tagged you but you don’t want to be linked directly, please tell me that as well, and I’ll untag you)
Names under the cut!
@demonoflight (credited as @/Shai)
@rachelmonart (credited as @/rachelmon)
@/sasuke3 【さすけちゃん】
Congratulations to all those listed! I hope I got your names correct! As mentioned before: If any artist wants me to tag/untag them in this post, please let me know!
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moderndayportia · 4 years
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サクラちゃんおめでとう! by かんな on Pixiv | Posted with permission 
All credit goes to the artist. Visit their Pixiv to like, follow and support. DO NOT repost, crop or edit this art or remove this description.
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sakurasongbook · 4 years
Around the Seishun! (Around the 青春!)
From Sakura Taisen Budoukan 2 ~Teito, Paris, New York~
Lyrics by Hiroi Ouji, composition/arrangement by Tanaka Kouhei
Performed by Orikasa Ai (Fujieda Kaede), Suyama Akio (Oogami Ichirou), Suganuma Hisayoshi (Taiga Shinjirou), Uchida Naoya (Michael Sunnyside), Asoh Kaori (Plum Spaniel), Honna Yoko (Yoshino Anri), Komaki Shoko (Redberry Trump), Kasahara Rumi (Taiga Futaba), Tamura Ren (Bob Lassie), Sonooka Shintarou (Dandy), Nishimura Youichi (Nishimura Yantarou), Velo Takeda (Berumucho Takeda), Okamura Akemi (Fujii Kasumi), Masuda Yuki (Sakakibara Yuri), Hikami Kyouko (Takamura Tsubaki), Kojima Sachiko (Mell Raison), Kanai Mika (Ci Caprice), Takagi Wataru (Ciseaux), Yao Kazuki (Seiryuuin Kotone), and Matsuno Taiki (Oka Kikunojou)
Lyrics under the cut
Transcription/romanization by me. I’d appreciate credit if you repost them elsewhere. No reposting to lyric sites/wikis/etc., please.
※オーオー オーオー オーオー オー オー オーオー オーオー オーオー オー オー 笑顔でいようよ 歌い続けよう 同期のサクラ みんなで青春!
Oo oo  oo oo oo oo  oo oo Egao de iyou yo Utai tsudzukeyou Douki no Sakura  minna de seishun!
発車オーライ ミステリアス ここはパラダイス around the 青春
Hassha OORAI MISUTERIASU Koko wa PARADAISU around the seishun
発車オーライ ミステリアスですよ ここはパラダイス around the 青春
Hassha OORAI MISUTERIASU desu yo Koko wa PARADAISU around the seishun
世界は回る駆け足で びゅんびゅんびゅん 青春過ぎて行く こら待て やれ待て 追いかける 愛し懐かし 面影を!
Sekai wa mawaru kakeashi de Byunbyunbyun  seishun sugite yuku Kora mate yare mate oikakeru Hashi natsukashi omokage wo!
時代が飛ぶぞ 秒速で ぎゅんぎゅんぎゅん 若さがしなびてく それでも 若さを ふりしぼり 熱いあの日を 思い出せ!
Jidai ga tobu zo  byousoku de Gyungyungyun Wakasa ga shinabiteku Soredemo  wakasa wo  furishibori Atsui ano hi wo  omoidase!
※ repeat
※※オーオー オーオー オーオー オー オー オーオー オーオー オーオー オー オー
Oo oo  oo oo oo oo  oo oo
※※ repeat
へこたれないんだ 生きてるかぎり まわりまわって ふたたび青春! ため息つくなよ 命を燃やせ 走り抜けよう いつでも青春!
Hekotarenainda ikiteru kagiri Mawari mawatte  futatabi seishun! Tameikitsuku na yo  inochi wo moyase Hashirinukeyou  itsudemo seishun!
※※※発車オーライ ミステリアス ここはパラダイス
※※※ repeat
※※ repeat x4
笑顔でいようよ 歌い続けよう 同期のサクラ みんなで青春
Egao de iyou yo Utai tsudzuke you Douki no Sakura  minna de seishun!
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listlesslists · 4 years
[Outdated] Books, Films, Dramas, etcetera, master list
films, dramas, and anime:
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku
ストレンジャー~上海の芥川龍之介~ (A Stranger in Shanghai)
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Cowboy Bebop
reply 1988
memories of the alhambra
strong girl do bong soon
romance is a bonus book
dear my friends (The stories between friends in their last years of life, people who say some words like "It is not the end, we're still alive".)
because this is my first life
black mirror (netflix)
Natsume Soseki, Snow Country
Natsume Soseki, Dandelions
Yukio Mishima, Confessions of a Mask
Yukio Mishima, The Sea of Fertility
Haruki Murakami, Kafka by the Shore
Bertrand Russell, A History of Modern Philosophy
The Meaning of Life: A Very Short Introduction
Art History: A Very Short Introduction
Memory: A Very Short Introduction
Short Stories in Japanese: New Penguin Parallel Text
Modern Korean Fiction
 what I should read before senior year
The Clash of Civilizations, Samuel Huntington
various textbooks, including: 政治学
世界社会主义 理论、运动和制度
The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, Mearsheimer
Man the State and War, Waltz
共产党宣言 (The Communist Manifesto)
Seeing like a state, James Scott
Perception and Misperception in international politics, Robert Jervis
Susan Strange (IPE)
The Social Theory of International Politics, Alexander Wendt
The Anarchical Society, Hedley Bull
Wave, Listen to me!
my thesis
on the topics of
timelines: china, korea, japan
general knowledge: i.e. 
prefectures, size, population
economy: gdp & gdp/capita, economic drivers
electoral system
main social issues
main international issues/beef
political situation
leading officials
main newspapers
[china, japan, us, korea]; [tibet, hk, taiwan]
international history: peace of westphalia onwards
world economy: areas of growth, 
international issues: ongoing wars, refugees, climate action, LGBTQ+ legislation, 
pku: 校史, notable alumni, important people, how to transfer credits, 测评, how to graduate
whatever I’m applying for
add-on: defense, regional relations, food & other securities
southeast asia
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madorosenpai · 6 months
A note of apology
Good morning, Afternoon and/or Night to everyone!
As I´m almost finished properly crediting all the original fan artists of the images I used in my fics, I´d like to give you all my sincere apologies.
To those who are not aware of the current situation, I basically made a terrible mistake. One day, as I was scrolling through Pixiv, I found many interesting and beautiful fan arts that I´d love to add as my fanfics´ covers. So, I saved all of them in my photobook of my cell phone. But I forgot to take notes of the original artists´ names (this may sound like an unnecessary step to some, but due to how forgetful and disorganized I am, eventually I would come to forget what their names were when giving the proper credits.).
In the end, I didn't remember their names, thus I couldn't properly credit all these amazing artists out there. The most I thought to do at that point in time was add a hashtag with the saying #credit to artist as a placeholder (and didn´t remember to go back to Pixiv in search for their names again >.<). But doing so was still not enough, because this way you can´t link the author to it´s art and eventually, when someone reaches your fanfic and likes the cover art, they can´t access the original author.
This harms them a lot. Just think about all the effort they put into making those masterpieces We admire so much, only for someone to come and steal it. How would you feel if someone stole something you deeply love? It´s pretty much the same thing!
Even though I never meant to steal someone´s work, I still harmed them in the end in some way. I feel deeply ashamed and sorry for this.
Of course, I know it might not be enough, but I´d just like to share a bit of my love for all the artists out ther. You´re all amazing at what you draw and/or paint. I can´t even imagine all the efforts you put into making such beautiful works. You definitely deserve all the kudos in the World!
And to all ficwriters out there, please, don´t make the same mistake! Credit your artists, they deserve as much love as your writing!
That´s all I had to say for now. Once again, @meinoart, ぐりりん, サクラ, おちゅ一げん and みつしま, I´m terribly sorry for this mistake! I hope you all keep making amazing masterpieces <3
P.S. If someone happens to know the name of the artist of my "Febre" fanfic cover, let me know in the comment section. (I´m searching like crazy here :/)
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boukenboy · 4 years
#11: サクラ大戦
Originally released in 1996, Sakura Taisen is an absolutely fabulous, light-hearted romp through 1920s Japan. You play as Ogami, a young military offical assigned to lead a group of young theater actresses who pilot mechas designed to fight against all sorts of monsters who threaten the safety of Japan.
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Pardon the graphical glitches in the above image. I’m not a scientist.
Sakura Taisen features an interesting mix of tactical RPG and a visual novel. You’ll spend most of your time working at the theater where the group resides, helping out with various tasks as you get to know the ensemble cast. What separates Sakura Taisen from other games of this type is what the game calls the “LIPS” system. I do not remember what this stands for, and I am too lazy to find out. 
Essentially, unlike most visual novels, the dialogue choices in SW are timed - and the game is not shy about throwing you into situations in which you only have seconds to respond, and before you even bother to ask, no, you cannot pause the game during these sequences. Sorry! 
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Answering correctly will raise the respective character’s affection level, which carries over into the battle sequences in the form of various buffs. Pissing them off will do the opposite. Interestingly, sometimes saying nothing at all is the correct option. Just like in real life! And just like real life, I always panic and usually blurt out exactly the wrong thing. I’ve played a few visual novels, so by now you’d think I’d have a good sense as to what the correct option is, but no! I’m still helpless!
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The cast is likeable - I’m especially fond of stuck-up Sumire and Kanna, her tomboy counterpart. These two straight-up come to blows at certain points, and they’re some of the funniest scenes in the game. The game’s titular heroine, Sakura, is a bit bland, but inoffensive and pretty enough. The only character that I cannot stand is Iris - the token child character, who, OF COURSE, immediately develops a crush on Ogami. There is a lot I could say here, but the last thing I want for this blog is to attract THAT kind of discourse (you know what I’m talking about), so I will just say this: I don’t like children. I don’t like Iris, neither her design or personality, and every time she’s on screen I begged for her to go the fuck away.
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Sakura Taisen presents itself in an episodic manner, similar to a real anime or television show, complete with previews! This was one of my favorite aspects of the game, and one I wish others utilized more. I found myself playing until late at night often - the “just one more episode” effect is in full, sleep annihilating force, and I loved every second. Unfortunately, the game’s pacing is a bit wonky once the battles begin. Fights in Sakura Taisen play out like a traditional strategy RPG, complete with grid based movement, special attacks, and a decent variety of scenarios: my favorite thus far is a battle rather early on, in which the boss will randomly summon one of your allies within his attack range. Scary!
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But, as in most SRPGs, the flow of battle is unbearably tedious, watching each character s l o w l y take their turn is mind-numbing, and I found myself  dreading upcoming brawls. Strategy fans won’t mind, but I have never been fond of the genre - the time investment required for each stage just a bit too much for someone like me. I have the attention span of a confused goldfish. Sakura Taisen also features a variety of mini-games that you’ll encounter throughout your adventure, including a cooking game, an isometric platformer where you sweep the floor with Sakura, and an utterly incomprehensible card game forced onto you by Kouran, the kansai-ben speaking genius. To the game’s credit, I was fairly drunk and button mashed my way through the tutorial. Anyway! These are all pretty fun, and provide a welcome distraction from the main flow of the game.
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I can’t speak much about the plot, as I have yet to complete it, but it follows our heroes fighting against a mysterious group who intend to conquer Japan and expel the Western influences they feel have tainted the country. Once again, there’s a lot I could say here, but I’m not trying to attract THAT kind of discourse to this blog, either. Nobody is getting cancelled today! That being said, there’s a fun “monster of the week” feeling with Sakura Taisen, and as someone who grew up with anime like Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z, the game overall feels very nostalgic.
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Even though I generally dislike strategy RPGs due to their pacing issues, the other elements in Sakura Taisen more than make up for it. The game is literally a playable 90s anime. The game never takes itself too seriously, and the sometimes chaotic chemistry among the cast never failed to have me grinning like an idiot. A perfect game to chase away the quarantine blues. I heard it was recently translated into English, so check it out! 
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september 2019
1. electric youth - arawa 2. andrea valle - think about it 3. grace ives - icing on the cake 4. cowgirl clue - a figure 8 5. breakup - miss me 6. litany - go out 7. goldroom - everybody's lonely 8. navvi - all finesse 9. snail's house - cinnamon 10. dark cat - lovers' oasis 11. hachioji p - イロドリミライ 12. サクラsakura-lee - lay it on me 13. pleeg - flay 14. lost spaces - slow.dance 15. fibre - first to say 16. call me loop - self love 17. shura - forever 18. faye meana - unrequited love 19. eyedi - perfect 6th sense 20. perc%nt - flower scent 21. izumi makura - life (toshiki hayashi (%c) remix) 22. sara-j - fade out 23. yerin baek - see you again 24. femm - shibuya ex horologium 25. monari wakita - friend in need 26. bolbbalgan4 - you(=i) 27. kolme - be with me 28. chelmico - 仲直り村 29. frankie cosmos - wannago 30. amy o - planet blue 31. field mouse - skygazing 32. jay som - nighttime drive 33. bridal party - tylenol 34. small crush - tummy rumblin 35. highnoon - lens 36. black belt eagle scout - at the party 37. molly burch - your party 38. angel olsen - all mirrors 39. julia shapiro - natural 40. penelope isles - leipzig 41. lina tullgren - saiddone 42. daughter of swords - long leaf pine 43. joan shelley - the fading 44. shana cleveland - face of the sun 45. vetiver - to who knows where 46. boy scouts - in ya too 47. (sandy) alex g - southern sky 48. hovvdy - cathedral 49. infinity crush - lunar pull 50. your smith - you could've told me 51. vagabon - water me down 52. earth dad - powerful 53. clairo - softly 54. sucre - your records 55. haim - summer girl 56. claud - miss you 57. marika hackman - conventional ride 58. bombay bicycle club - eat, sleep, wake (nothing but you) 59. jenn champion - turn up the radio 60. rolemodel - the crying game 61. diiv - skin game 62. ride - clouds of saint marie 63. for tracy hyde - girl's searchlight 64. star horse - trampoline 65. macseal - always hazy 66. sleater-kinney - love 67. the rocket summer - blankets 68. waax - i am 69. shunkan - bloody winter 70. harmony woods - best laid plans 71. signals midwest - time spent in transit 72. the sidekicks - feed ii 73. yonige - 往生際 74. moshimo - 美女と野獣の逆はないよね 75. the shes gone - 緑とレンガ 76. yorushika - 声 77. jizue - p.d.a 78. nana mizuki - rebellion 79. lisa - gurenge 80. cross record - an angel, a dove 81. phem - sweater 82. rituals of mine - burst 83. snoh aalegra - situationship 84. trace - crushing 85. [ k s r ] - queen 86. h.e.r. - something keeps pulling me back 87. sir - hair down 88. young thug - the london 89. missy elliott - cool off 90. rapsody - whoopi 91. sampa the great - final form 92. mac wetha - smokers' 93. vel the wonder - anonymous 94. klassy - inside out 95. ruby ibarra - always be my maybe 96. arlo parks - i like 97. mahalia - square 1 98. layfullstop - cherries 99. sosupersam - extra credit 100. weslee - something bout you 101. evil - transformation 102. zilo - be there soon 103. yuma yamaguchi - nice to take a breath 104. blossom - terra incognita 105. hakey - outta sleep 106. kuranes - ohhgawd 107. seneca b - grey 108. ødyssee - common' 109. aso - day off 110. eevee - saita ne no hana 111. vacationer - treat 112. poppy - concrete 113. lana del rey - fuck it i love you 114. charli xcx - warm 115. l devine - naked alone 116. astrid s - trust issues 117. rosemary fairweather - cotton candy 118. gryffin - omg 119. taylor swift - paper rings
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medicalwarrior · 5 years
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    “If I had a credit for every death trap I’ve escaped, I wouldn’t need this job.”
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videogamesdensetsu · 7 years
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Kow Yokoyama / 横山宏 - Part 1: 1984-1987 https://www.facebook.com/kow.yokoyama http://homepage3.nifty.com/kow/ http://kow.c.ooco.jp/ Part 2: http://videogamesdensetsu.tumblr.com/post/166919653155/kow-yokoyama-%E6%A8%AA%E5%B1%B1%E5%AE%8F-part-2-1987-1996 Part 3: http://videogamesdensetsu.tumblr.com/post/166957013780/kow-yokoyama-%E6%A8%AA%E5%B1%B1%E5%AE%8F-part-3-1999-2012 Part 4: http://videogamesdensetsu.tumblr.com/post/167011326790/kow-yokoyama-%E6%A8%AA%E5%B1%B1%E5%AE%8F-part-4-other-video-game Creator of the S.F.3.D Original (1982), also known as the Maschinen Krieger which influenced many games (Destiny, Hawken, the Metal Gear series) and artists around the world, although it seems his creations are more known than the creator himself -Yokoyama doesn't even have a dedicated Wikipedia page other than the Japanese one. He is mostly known for his mecha models but he also created models and dioramas for other genres such as fantasy and science fiction as well as illustrations and concept art for many games. He was a regular contributor to MSX Magazine in the mid-80s and produced many illustrations for it. I'm not sure if he produced new content for each of the Carnage Heart episode. He is credited for the design of the OKE (OverKill Engines). Games pictured above: 1) Okhotsk ni Kiyu / オホーツクに消ゆ (PC-6001 - 1984) 2) Point X Senryō Sakusen / ポイントX占領作戦 (MSX - 1985) 3) S.F.3.D Original Operation V (PC-88 - 1985) 4) Xanadu / ザナドゥ (PC-88 - 1985) 5-6) Robot Battle V / ロボットバトルV (PC-88 - 1986) 7) Taiyō no Shinden: Asteka II /太陽の神殿 Asteka II (PC-88 - 1986) 8) Silpheed / シルフィード (PC-88 MkII SR - 1986) 9-10) Ashguine / アシュギーネ (MSX2 - 1987) Games he has worked on: Ashguine / アシュギーネ (MSX2 - 1987) models, original chara-design Browser Carnage Heart : Programming soldier / ブラウザ カルネージハート (browser game - 2012) mecha-design Carnage Heart / カルネージハート (PS1 - 1995) Mechanical Conception Carnage Heart Exa / カルネージハート エクサ (PSP - 2010) OKE designs Carnage Heart EZ / カルネージハートEZ (PS1 - 1997) Mechanical Conception Front Mission / フロントミッション (Super Famicom - 1995) mecha design Junkmetal / ジャンクメタル (Windows - 2003) mecha design Kileak: The blood / キリーク・ザ・ブラッド (PS1 - 1995) "Pictorial Design & Direction" Kileak: The blood 2 / キリーク・ザ・ブラッド, AKA Epidemic (PS1 - 1995) "Total Art Direction" Okhotsk ni Kiyu / オホーツクに消ゆ (PC-6001 - 1984) map illustration Panzer Front / パンツァーフロント (PS1, Dreamcast - 1999) Designer (with others) Phantom Crash / ファントムクラッシュ (Xbox - 2002) Robot Paintworker Point X Senryō Sakusen / ポイントX占領作戦 (MSX - 1985) cover art Remote Control Dandy SF / リモートコントロールダンディSF (PS2 - 2005) mecha design Robot Battle V / ロボットバトルV (PC-88 - 1986) illustrations S.F.3.D Original Operation V (PC-88 - 1985) models S.L.A.I. - Steel Lancer Arena International (PS2 - 2005) Mech Paint Design Silpheed / シルフィード (PC-88 MkII SR - 1986) manual illustrations Star Hearts: Hoshi to Daichi no Shisha / スターハーツ 星と大地の使者 (WonderSwan - 2001) Illustrations, characters, monsters, item designs Sword World SFC / ソードワールドSFC (Super Famicom - 1993) cover art Taiyō no Shinden: Asteka II /太陽の神殿 Asteka II (PC-88 - 1986) cover art Venus Fire / ヴィーナスファイヤー (MSX - 1987) illustration Xanadu / ザナドゥ (PC-88 - 1985) cover art, modeling, monster design Zoids 2: Zenebasu no Gyakushū / ゾイド2 ゼネバスの逆襲 (Famicom - 1989) cover art, illustrations Zeus - Carnage Heart Second / ゼウス カルネージハートセカンド (PS1 - 1998) mecha design Zeus II - Carnage Heart / ゼウスII カルネージハート (PS1 - 1999) cover art, mecha design Zowazo World / ぞわぞわーるど (MSX - 1988) illustrations (there is probably a better way to transcribe this title Latin alphabet) ZXE-D: Legend of Plasmatlite (PS1 - 1996) concept art, character illustration(s) To be confirmed: Carnage Heart Portable / カルネージハート ポータブル (PSP - 2006) the game is based on Zeus II, it seems that it reuses the designs created for the PS1 game. Revival Xanadu 2 / リバイバル ザナドゥ2 (PC-98 - 1995) it seems that it only reuses models created for the original Xanadu Other video game related works: Ashguine / アシュギーネ 爬人の邪都 (book - 1988) cover art Carnage Heart / カルネージハート お助けプログラム集 (book) illustration CM for the Panasonic MSX2 A1 MkII : chara-design, models. The CM was produced by CM Land whose logo looks like a signature. Front Mission (novel) illustrations Front Mission: In Huffman (artbook) models Galaga Fighter GFX-D002b (plastic model - 2013) design, box art Log In (magazine - 1985) cover art, ATF illustration MSX Magazine (magazine - July 1989, August 1990) illustrations Panasonic MSX2 A1 MkII (computer - 1986) box art Sakura Taisen / サクラ大戦 (Plastic model - 2007) design Shooting game Illustrated / シューティングゲームイラストレイテッド (Magazine supplement - December 1990) illustrations Takeru (paper ad - December 1986) illustration Ultima IV: Avatar e no michi Notebook / ウルティマIV アバタールへの道ノートブック(guide book) illustrations Sources: http://www.mobygames.com/developer/sheet/view/developerId,660815/ http://www.zimmerit.moe/kow-yokoyama-sf3d-original/ Ashguine http://mall.fc2.com/item/tradersguild/729/ Before G https://twitter.com/colonydrop/status/881957869062504450 Browser Carnage Heart http://bbs.hangame.co.jp/noticebbs.nhn?gameid=PUBCARNAGE_NOTICE&m=read&docid=2181018 Carnage Heart http://www.artdink.co.jp/japanese/title/chez/index2.html Carnage Heart Portable https://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/20060320/ch.htm Front Mission Front Mission in Huffman / フロントミッション in Huffman https://e-hentai.org/g/819224/e11f2e1d6d/ Front Mission novel https://twitter.com/towel_roborevo/status/339395614225887232 Galaga Fighter GFX-D002b http://www.hobby-wave.com/LINE_UP/kit/galaga/galagafighter/index.html JunkMetal http://www.4gamer.net/shots/jm/jm2.html http://www.4gamer.net/shots/jm/jm7.html http://www.junkmetal.net/images/jm01.jpg Kileak the Blood 2 Consoles + 46 - September 1995 Log In (magazine illustrations) ATF https://twitter.com/shikou_sensya/status/513546152264753152 MSX2 https://twitter.com/jyamikichi/status/455259914735067137 Ohōtsuku ni shō yu https://twitter.com/Lindberg1999/status/546320670460637184 Panasonic MSX2 A1 MkII https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P64no9KeaBY Panzer Front Dreamcast Magazine - September 17, 1999 Remote Control Dandy SF http://www.konami.jp/products/nm0049/ https://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/curry_powder_sneeze/53495989.html Robot Battle V https://twitter.com/yataken/status/710404476755030016 https://twitter.com/Inji/status/297670248520372225 Sakura Taisen https://twitter.com/GwynCampbell/status/744544269390622722 Silpheed https://twitter.com/Kaz6801/status/765943734244483072 Shooting game Illustrated https://twitter.com/Tonya_Plan/status/880987854679048193 https://twitter.com/aoki_hiroshi/status/161841846388133888 Star Hearts https://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/20010330/keitai.htm https://www.famitsu.com/game/coming/2001/04/27/cs06.html Taiyō no Shinden: Asteka II Falcom Chronicle http://www.amazon.co.jp/メモリアルゲームシリーズ-太陽の神殿/dp/B00HFLPGH4 Xanadu Xanadu Visual Collection ZXE-D https://twitter.com/kgpravda/status/880049616569286657
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Sakura Wars Gets More Goods, Collabs, Comments From Kohei Tanaka
July 7, 2020 3:34 PM EST
Everything from the latest Sakura Wars stream including a Chain Chronicle collab, new Nendoroids, more goods, and comments from composer Kohei Tanaka.
Sega held the 14th Sakura Taisen Imperial Communication Department’s Broadcast stream on June 19, focusing on Sakura Wars The Animation. We’ve summarized every past Sakura Taisen stream on DualShockers, though on a more timely manner. So while it’s been a few days now since the stream aired, here’s our full summary, as usual.
The stream featured as usual: MC Mami Yamashita (who thankfully recovered from Covid-19), Seijuro Kamiyama’s seiyuu Youhei Azakami, and Producer Tetsu Katano. Present as guests were Kenji Akabane, who is the seiyuu of Kaminski in Shin Sakura Taisen The Animation (Sakura Wars The Animation), and Sakura Taisen series composer Kohei Tanaka. The stream focused on Shin Sakura Taisen The Animation whose final episode aired the same day.
After the introductions, everyone present on the stream started chatting about the anime, and introducing its characters. Most notably Kaminski Valery, captain of the Moscow Combat Troupe appearing in the anime’s story, sequel to the game. The first hilarious moment on stream was how Kenji Akabane was supposed to launch the video introducing his character, but got preemptively cut since he took so long. You can catch that moment at the 14:00 time stamp below:
Following that, everyone on stream commented various excerpt from each Sakura Wars The Animation episodes. I’ve personally only skimmed through this part to avoid spoilers, as time didn’t permit me to watch the whole anime yet.  However, you should definitely check it out if you’re a fan with a grasp of Japanese. This sequence starts at the 23:00 mark and lasts around 20 minutes:
One particular anecdote Kohei Tanaka mentioned is how the cat often seen in the anime, is voiced by Ryoko Shiraishi, who also voices Komachi.
Following that, Kenji Akabane spoke about his history with the Sakura Taisen franchise. He first got into the series with Sakura Wars The Movie, released on December 22, 2001. Akabane explained he really loves Hidenori Matsubara’s designs in the Sakura anime adaptations and how they adapt perfectly the original design by Kousuke Fujishima. As a reminder, nowadays whenever new Sakura Wars artwork is released, it’s always Hidenori Matsubara drawing it, and I don’t think Kousuke Fujishima has drawn Sakura Taisen artwork for years now, which is a shame. Kenji Akabane greatly praised the movie and how it’s still incredibly great looking even now. He was also really into collecting stickers back then and particularly liked the ones included in some of the OST CDs releases.
Kohei Tanaka too spoke about Sakura Wars The Movie. He explained that back during the movie’s production, when he recorded the BGMs with an orchestra, they had an audience as well. It was a pretty emotional moment as some of the fans watching the stream mentioned in the comments they were there. Back then, they recorded the audience for cheers and applause used in the movie as well.
Following that, the discussion subject moved back to Shin Sakura Taisen The Animation. Kenji Akabane was really hyped to be in the anime because he met Sumire’s seiyuu Michie Tomizawa during the recording. There’s also a scene early on in the anime where Kaminski meets Sumire and praises her, and he was ultra hyped about voicing that one scene. As for Akabane’s initial impressions of Kaminski, he only saw his actual design just before recording, and didn’t see it at the audition, so he was surprised how much of a pretty boy he is. He asked a lot about his personality and goals to the anime staff before recording to be sure to get in the role and voice him accordingly.
At that point on Kohei Tanaka started focusing on the ending theme song, Sakura Yumemishi. It’s sung by the girls of the Imperial Combat Revue’s new Flower Division: Sakura Amamiya, Hatsuho, Azami, Anastasia, Claris, along with Shangai’s Huang Yui, London’s Lancelot, and Berlin’s Elise.
With Sakura Yumemishi, Kohei Tanaka wanted to make something symbolizing the nobleness and frantic feelings of the women fighting in the series. That’s why Ayane Sakura, singing as Sakura Amamiya, has particularly high notes in the song, to show that franticness. Kohei Tanaka really praised her singing and said she pretty much fused with Sakura Amamiya. He praised all the other seiyuu as well, and said they did a wonderful job. He also jokingly apologized for making so many hard to sing pieces Kenji Akabane added he’d definitely refuse he was asked to sing one of the songs because it’d be way too difficult. Kohei Tanaka mentioned it was particularly difficult for Hibiku Yamamura, because she had to stay in Azami’s voice and yet sing very high tones.
Following that, Kohei Tanaka explained the lyrics of Sakura Yumemishi. Nearly every single song in Sakura Wars has lyrics written by original author Hiroi Oji. However, he couldn’t do the lyrics of Sakura Yumemishi, so Shouko Fujibayashi handled it instead. In the Shin Sakura Taisen game, Shouko Fujibayashi also wrote the lyrics for the character songs of Lancelot (Knights of the Round), Elise (Schwarzer Stern), Itsuki (Ruriruran Ginza Roman) and the charasong shared by Sumire, Kaoru, and Komachi (A Star Is Born).
Kohei Tanaka explained he loves working with Hiroi Oji and wants to keep working with him for years to come, but having someone else do the lyrics is also a good change of pace, which can bring a new angle to Sakura Taisen music.
Shouko Fujibayashi wrote many songs for Nana Mizuki, Hiroshi Kitadani, and many other legendary singers in Japan. She also regularly works with Kohei Tanaka as she writes the lyrics of most of the songs he does for One Piece. She writes lyrics for pretty much every single popular kids franchise, Precure, Kamen Rider, One Piece, you name it.
As that segment of the stream ended, we got the see a clean, non-credit version of Shin Sakura Taisen The Animation‘s ending sequence, with Sakura Yumemishi playing. As far as I know it’s the only way to see this version for now. It’s at the 53:38 mark:
Mami Yamashita, Yohei Azakami and Kenji Akabane  all really like the ED animation, especially the Kamiyama shot and how cool he looks.
An OST CD for Sakura Wars PS4 launched June 24. This is the OST CD containing the game’s instrumentals BGMs only. The vocal songs were in the OST CD included in the Japanese Limited Edition, and were also released on a separate CD, seen on the right.
Kohei Tanaka said he’s never tired of making Sakura Taisen songs and wants to keep doing it forever. He said that when he recorded the BGMs for Sakura Wars PS4 with an orchestra, at the same time he also recorded the BGMs in the One Piece: Stampede movie, so it was really exhausting. But he’s glad he did it.
Kohei Tanaka also quickly mentioned the BGM used in the final battle of Sakura Wars PS4. He explained how the game’s saddest BGM uses the same base as the final battle’s BGM, to represent the sadness and pain of battle.
The Shin Sakura Taisen The Animation OST CD for ending theme Sakura Yumemishi is out since May 27. Kohei Tanaka said there will probably be another CD later on with the rest of the anime’s BGMs.
Volume 1 and 2 of the DVD and Bluray disc release of the anime are out. Cover illustrations are by character designer Masashi Kudo. One of the coolest things about these are the audio commentaries by the seiyuu. Yohei Azakami mentioned he’s in the audio commentary in Volume 3, and it was the first time he ever recorded one. Kenji Akabane is on Volume 4’s audio commentary. Volume 3 launches on July 15. Volume 4 on August 19.
Starting the 1:08:40 mark of the stream, we had the usual goods and new collabs segment, with Mami Yamashita and Yohei Azakami wearing glasses and acting all serious. This is one of the meta jokes of these streams as they always do that for this segment.
First off, we learned the Shin Sakura Taisen The Comic manga will end with volume 3, launching on July 17, 2020.
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玄庵葬徹を倒した華撃団! 華麗なるフィナーレをご覧ください! そしてまた、新たな幕が開くその時までーー…
コミックス2巻デジタル版はこちら→https://t.co/JpNtOL8Uxy pic.twitter.com/7gzwcxvOXn
— 野口こゆり公式【新サクラ大戦 the Comic】 (@kenkouki_) June 24, 2020
The final chapter of the manga was pre-published online in Tonari no Young Jump on June 25, 2020. It has a pretty cool shot of Sakura Amamiya.
The new Sakura Wars goods on sale in Japan since June 17.
As a reminder, each character has been getting goods for their birthdays. Each month, one character gets goods dedicated to them. Special messages from the other characters, wishing them happy birthday, are also published online on the Sakura Taisen Twitter account. The first wave of birthday goods was for Sakura Amamiya in March 2020.
List of Shin Sakura Taisen main characters birthdays, blood type and astrological sign (These were revealed during the 11th stream on January 2020):
Seijuro Kamiyama August 11, Leo, AB.
Sakura Amamiya: March 19, Pisces, A.
Hatsuho Shinonome: September 9, Virgo, B.
Azami Mochizuki: May 15, Taurus, O.
Anastasia Palma: October 6, Libra, B.
Claris: February 1, Aquarius, AB.
The next one in line is Seijuro Kamiyama, they’re selling a t-shirt based on his parka from the DLC costumes. Along with a bunch of other goods. The last one to get birthday goods should be Claris, in January-February 2021.
Sakura Amamiya Nendoroid from Good Smile. They hinted they might make more for the other characters if this one sells well.
The next HG 1/24 scale plamo scheduled to release is Anastasia’s Mugen, scheduled to launch October 2020. Seijuro and Sakura Amamiya’s Mugen plamo released on June 20. Azami’s Mugen plamo launches in July.
Yurakucho Marui shopping mall in Tokyo is also doing a Shin Sakura Taisen collab from June 19 to July 12, selling exclusive goods. Kohei Tanaka made a song for the shop too. Details are on the shop’s site. There’s also a collab café with Princess Café at Yurakucho Marui, and Shibuya Marui. Fans can get exclusive goods there too.
Shin Sakura Taisen collab event in Ekimemo!, the mobile game with train stations turned into cute girls by Mobile Factory.
Collab event with free to play mecha Sega game Border Break.
Collab event between Shin Sakura Taisen The Animation and Chain Chronicle 3, gacha game by Sega.
【コラボ】「#アニメ新サクラ大戦」×「チェインクロニクル3(#チェンクロ )」コラボが開催中
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花組キャラクターたちが、SSRキャラクターとしてチェインクロニクルに登場!コラボ専用のオリジナルストーリーにも注目です!#新サクラ大戦 pic.twitter.com/1UYkfQH4nu
— サクラ大戦公式@SEGA (@Sakura_Taisen) June 19, 2020
It’s particularly funny because Sakura Amamiya and the “Heroine” of Chain Chronicle 3, Feena, are both voiced by Ayane Sakura. She voiced a commercial for the collab.
Following that, the stream moved on to its ending corner.
Seeing Shin Sakura Taisen The Animation is over, future Sakura Taisen streams will stop focusing on it. Kenji Akabane said Sakura Ayane didn’t appear yet on the streams, and how she was super jealous of him when she heard he would appear at some point when they recorded the anime volume 4’s audio commentary together.
Kenji Akabane said he was pretty happy to appear on stream, and hopes there’s a “Shin Sakura Taisen The Movie” happening one day. He jokingly said he’ll do anything to make it happen.
As the stream ended, unlike with most streams until now, they didn’t announce a date for the next stream. Though they stressed out there will be more streams coming. As we covered in a separate article, they also teased a Shin Sakura Taisen sequel could be coming. Shin Sakura Taisen The Stage, the stage play, was re-announced as well.
【6月19日(金)生放送終了】 皆様、ご視聴ありがとうございました!
TVアニメ『新サクラ大戦 The Animation』 本日最終回放送です!お見逃しなく!#新サクラ大戦 #アニメ新サクラ大戦 pic.twitter.com/xmli41IknA
— サクラ大戦公式@SEGA (@Sakura_Taisen) June 19, 2020
帝劇宣伝部通信をご覧くださった皆様、ありがとうございました!#アニメ新サクラ大戦 最終話直前ということで大いに語らせていただきました!僕らリアタイは厳しそうですが、皆様は是非、さくらたちの勇姿を見届けてください!神山隊長!間に合えー!!!#新サクラ大戦 pic.twitter.com/ADGyHDhm67
— 阿座上洋平 (@azakami_youhei) June 19, 2020
The usual end of stream photos with everyone present. Every Japanese stream has similar social distancing setups like these nowadays. Usually they sit much closer.
Be sure to check out our review of Sakura Wars, and why did the game was titled “Sakura Wars” in the west. You can also check out our summaries of all the previous streams so far. DualShockers also recently had the opportunity to interview the Sakura Wars development team, and the full interview is coming later this week.
Sakura Wars is currently a PS4 exclusive and can be bought on Amazon.
This post contains affiliate links where DualShockers gets a small commission on sales. Any and all support helps keep DualShockers as a standalone, independent platform for less-mainstream opinions and news coverage.
July 7, 2020 3:34 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/07/sakura-wars-gets-more-goods-collabs-comments-from-kohei-tanaka/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=sakura-wars-gets-more-goods-collabs-comments-from-kohei-tanaka
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