#cremesius aclassi
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Confession: I always romance Iron Bull, and it’s partially because how positive he is with Krem. It took a lot for me to come out as trans, and the idea that someone (even a fictional someone) will still love me, despite a lot of people I was close to saying that nobody will if I come out to them, means a lot to me. That and he’s a big cute dork and it’s really difficult to not love him, at least for me
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mage-rights-trash · 7 years
Ok, so this is gonna sound really cis-y when I say one of my best friends is trans, but I'm saying this because he had never played a single DA game, and I showed him Krem, and I showed him the dialog between Bull and the Inquisitor discussing Krem, and how trans positive and accepting Bull's dialog was, and he, never having played any of these games, was just so excited that this was a thing and that this happened in a video game, that it was good accepting representation. And it meant a lot to him, and that's why Krem also means a lot to me, because [my friend] means a lot to me.
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oftachancer · 5 years
Ch 2. pier-pressure (2/2)
Between the rain and the salt spray of the waves crashing against the shore, Aran was in heaven. Cassandra looked like she was one inch away from either combusting or rusting. It might have been the water logging her armor.
“Right, we’re here, let’s seas the day!” Aran beamed. Or it might have been the puns.
“Shell we see these mercenaries then?” Varric asked.
“Enough!” It was definitely the puns. She snapped, “I’ve had enough of both of you.”
Aran glanced sideways at Varric, “She wants me to be more sofishticated.”
The Seeker groaned, ready to let loose a lecture on the duties of his representation if the Inquisition again when the sounds of fighting ahead distracted her.
Solas tilted his head to the side, watching her rush forward into the fray. “It’s possible that you two have made her suicidal.”
“Nah, she likes us,” Varric locked a bolt into his bow, “otherwise she’d have made us go in first. Isn’t that right, Ar-“ he looked around, “Huh, where’d he go?”
Aran slipped through the battle, looking for weak spots. His dagger wove, illuminating the weaknesses in armor-the bands of a greave, the laces of a breastplate, the cords holding a quiver to a back. Everywhere he went, sheaths fell off, bowstrings snapped, armor fell off or open.
Figuring out the difference between the Chargers and the enemy was an easy matter, thankfully. The Chargers were the ones who were everywhere, whooping and swearing, like a swarm of drunk, happy wasps. And in the middle of them, the giant qunari swinging a massive hammer around him as though it were a light staff, knocking men back and shields asunder.
“Chargers!” The qunari shouted as the last enemy fell, “Stand down. Krem! How’d we do?”
“Five or six wounded, Chief,” a young man in slapped together plate reported brusquely. “No dead.”
“That’s what I like to hear. Let the throat-cutters finish up, then break out the casks.”
Aran wiped down one of his knives with an oiled rag Varric had suggested, slipping it into the torso sheaths.
“So, you’re with the Inquisition, huh? Glad you could make it. C’mon, have a seat, drinks are comin’.”
Aran glanced up, up, up. He’d expected the qunari to be talking to Cassandra, but she was away, sending a report back with one of Leliana’s agents. “Right, I mean, yes-” He sank onto a driftwood log, hoping that sitting would bring the giant of a man down to his level. Even sitting, the qunari was taller than him by a head. He’d never seen a qunari up close, but the descriptions didn’t do this man justice. He was seven feet, at least, all brute strength and thick corded muscles, and there were those qunari horns, yes, but they weren’t anything like what he’d imagined. Long and twisted back from a scarred, intelligent face. “Iron Bull, I presume,” he said, putting on the ‘deep nobility voice’ he’d been practicing with Varric on the way down.
“Yeah, the horns usually give it away.” Aran took pains not to allow his gaze to slip back up to those horns. Maker, they were stunning. He itched to touch them, to see if they were rough or smooth. How deep the ridges really were. How much was shadow. Instead, he focused on the young man in plate mail from before, as he trudged over to them with a couple of massive wood tankards. “I assume you remember Cremesius Aclassi, my lieutenant.”
“Good to see you again,” Krem acknowledged.
Aran nodded to him, “Same,” curious about the subtle shift of… pride? in the young man’s eyes.
“Throat-cutters are done, chief.”
“Already? Have them check again, I don’t want any of those Tevinter bastards getting away. No offense, Krem.”
“None taken. At least a bastard knows who his mother was. One up on you qunari, right?” Krem smirked, turning back to check again.
“So,” Iron Bull said, drawing Aran’s attention back from the shore littered with bodies. “You’ve seen us fight. We’re expensive, but we’re worth it. And I’m sure the Inquisition can afford it.”
“The Chargers seem like an excellent company,” Aran equivocated, wondering where the hell Cassandra was and why Iron Bull seemed to think that he was the one to haggle with. Maybe his green-ness was exactly the reason.
“They are, but you’re not just getting the boys. You’re getting me. You need a front line bodyguard, I’m your man. Whatever it is, demons, dragons, the bigger the better.”
Aran stayed where he was as Iron Bull stood, muscles flexing with the movement. It had to be in purpose, didn’t it? The words, the muscles. It was worth tilting his head back at the odd angle to avoid standing and showing just what part of his body he wanted guarded at this particular moment.
“And there’s one other thing. Might be useful, might piss you off.” He squinted up at the qunari as the sun pierced the storm clouds behind him. “Ever heard of the Ben-Hassrath?”
“They’re a qunari organization, right? The equivalent of your guards and city watch?”
“I’d go closer to spies, but yeah. That’s them. Or, well, us. The Ben-Hassrath are concerned about the Breach. Magic out of control like that could cause trouble everywhere. I’ve been ordered to join the Inquisition, close to the people in charge, and send reports on what’s happening. But I also get reports from Ben-Hassrath agents all over Orlais. Sign me on, I’ll share them with your people.”
He wondered, was he was supposed to be impressed, or angry, or horrified? He was curious, instead. “You’re a qunari spy and you just… told me?”
“Whatever happened at the Conclave thing, it’s bad. Someone needs to get that Breach closed. So whatever I am, I’m on your side.”
“You still could have hidden what you are.”
“From something called the Inquisition? I’d have been tipped sooner or later. Better you hear it right up front from me.”
It was a good point. One that had Aran reconsidering the number of things he himself had failed to disclose up front to that self-same Inquisition. Maybe he needed to at least have a talk with Josephine. Explain how little she should be relying on whatever she’d heard about his family. She shouldn't be expecting people to come out of the woodwork for Bann Trevelyan’s youngest son, regardless of what kind of weird light glowed from his hand. “Alright. You’re in.”
“Excellent. Krem, tell the men to finish drinking on the road. The Chargers just got hired.”
“What about the casks, Chief? We just opened them up. With axes.”
“Find some way to seal them. You’re Tevinter, right? Try blood magic.” He glanced back at Aran, “We’ll meet you back at Haven.”
Blood magic. The words got his mind churning. “Ah…” Aran cleared his throat. “Just… hold on.” “P
“Second thoughts already?”
“No, I just- Let your men drink. We’ve got a camp just up from the coast. You can stay with us, and I’ll touch base with our agents in the meantime.” Aran kept his eyes on the crashing waves against the shore. He’d wanted a few days on the coast, but now his thoughts were whirling. Damn it.
“You… just going to sit there?”
Aran rested his fingertips at the bridge of his nose. “I’m thinking,” he said.
“Not what you’re known for.”
Blue eyes snapped from the waves to the qunari, “And just what am I known for?” “
“The great and pious Herald of Andraste,” Iron Bull grinned. The effect was bracing. It had to be on purpose. “Closing rifts with that thing on your hand.”
Aran flexed his glowing palm reflexively. “And?”
“Not much else, to be honest.” There was that damned smile again. “And that’s saying something, coming from the Ben-Hassrath. We know things about everyone. Especially nobility. I can tell you things about your brothers and sisters that you probably don’t even know.”
“You think so?” Aran tilted his head to the side.
The Iron Bull hummed quietly. “But until the Conclave… no word about Aran Trevelyan. Then again, we’ve only had about a week to dig into you specifically.” “
“You’ll have to let me know what you find out.”
The qunari eyed him, that smile still tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Will I?” he asked, thoughtfully. “Have to?”
“Herald!” Varric’s voice pulled him out of the dark pools of Bull’s gaze with its joviality. The thick-fingered hand that dropped to his shoulder was an anchor. “Did we make a deal?”
“That’s up to Josephine.” He tried to relax under the calloused palm, “And Leliana. Varric, the Iron Bull. The Iron Bull, Varric.”
“Remembered the ‘the’,” Iron Bull commented, sounding pleased. “Everyone always forgets.”
“Probably because it’s a mouth full.”
“You bet it is.”
Aran blinked. Grinned.
Varric glanced between them. “So… they’re staying…?”
“Yes.” Aran lifted a brow at Iron Bull who nodded.
“I’ll tell the boys,” he said before turning and heading towards his men.
“Big guy,” Varric commented.
“Everyone seems big to you.”
“Short jokes,” Varric sighed. “That’s beneath you.”
Aran smirked, gaze returning to the waves. “Do you think the Grand Enchanter might be able to help find a missing mage?”
“You know one?”
“My sister. We haven’t seen her since the Rebellion started. She was in the Circle, but when everything happened… no one knows where she went. Or if she’s okay.”
“No harm asking.” He whistled low, “So you’re going to go ask the mages for help. The Seeker will love that.”
“It won’t be the first time I’ve disappointed her.”
“Now, now, you’re still alive. And unchained. It took me weeks of spinning stories to get out of her interrogation chair.”
Aran snorted. “Tough locks?”
“Tough armored guards with swords.”
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fadewalking · 7 years
cremesius aclassi
Put a name in my inbox and my muse will have to admit how they feel about them. - Accepting!
“One of Bull’s best men, from what I’ve seen. Though I admit I have not had much personal interaction with him to have much of an opinion beyond that. He seems capable, yet not insensitive. I would find it worthwhile to get to know him better.”
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caijennichi · 7 years
Knock Your Heart out of Sync
Knock Your Heart out of Sync by: DragonBandit WC: ~43,000 Fandom: Dragon Age Pairing: Cremesius "Krem" Aclassi/Cole Rating: Teen
Summary: In Tevinter, “soulmark” may as well be a dirty word. Even for soporati it’s hidden, relegated to childhood games and disparaging talks about those barbarian Qunari, or the equally barbaric nations in the south. No, in Tevinter they were already born whole. No child in Tevinter was cursed to be half of what they should be. Forced to search for a half of themselves that they would, in all likelihood, never meet. Like most of Tevinter propaganda, Krem had thought it to be complete and utter bullshit.
This story took a little bit to grow on me, but then I fell in love with it. What an odd, perfect pairing.
Krem starts. The mug of wine slipping out of his fingers onto the floor, forgotten as he turns his head up to stare up at a boy that Krem swears on the Divine’s holy balls had not been sitting on the table a few seconds ago. The boy, blue eyes wide and staring distantly out at the tavern, blinks owlishly.
“I’m not a ghost,” he says. “Why is that what people always think first?”
Krem--stares. Taking in a mess of ragged leathers, swinging legs and a truly ridiculous hat, and this is coming from someone who has spent the better part of five years in Orlais, covering dirty blond hair.
“Hi,” Krem says, because he has manners.
“Hello,” The boy says. His eyes flicker, over the tavern and then bore straight into Krem’s soul.
“I’m Krem,” he says, mostly because there is a script here, and swearing in Tevene has never made Krem any friends.
“I know,” The boy says. “you’re with The Iron Bull.”
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lingering-nomad · 8 years
Do we have any info on Krem’s age?
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lohelim · 9 years
Has anyone else noticed that Krem’s maul is a giant opalized dragon skull?
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ohbuckle · 9 years
Krem wears Free Marches Heraldry???
Anybody got an explanation for this? 0-o
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Confession: I absolutely adore Cole x Maryden x Krem and I wish there was more fan art of them snuggling and being cute together. Best OT3. I feel it'd be an Ace relationship though, they'd just cuddle a lot. And lots of cheek and forehead kisses. 💖
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Krem's VA is Jennifer Hale? I did not know this
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strangeharpy · 10 years
*clears throat* cremesius aclassi
*stands up* Cremesius Aclassi
*climbs on top of desk* CREMESIUS ACLASSI
*tears shirt off and runs down the street* KREEEEEEEMMMMMM
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Songday Sunday Collection (SSC) for May
So we’ve had our first two Songday Sundays last month and it’s safe to say it was a success! Looking at the amount of songs you’ve all sent in and are still waiting in our inbox for this month’s edition (10th and 24th of June) you can be certain we’ll continue this. :D
Underneath you can find every song once more for easy finding. And I made some banners for each character we’ve had so far to break the wall of text and links, so, long post ahead!
-Mod Kirra
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Anders Ever Dream - Nightwish God help the outcasts (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) - Heidi Mollenhauer (singing voice of Esmeralda)
x Hawke No Way - Fifth Harmony Irresistible - Fall Out Boy (rivalmance)
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Aveline x Ser Wesley Vallen Sweet Memories - Maiden Rose OST
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Blackwall x Inquisitor Can you feel the love tonight (Disney)
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Cole Not Too Late - Lemaitre Gasoline - Halsey
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Cullen Fix you - Coldplay  May It Be - Enya The Draw - Bastille Little Lion Man - Mumford & Sons Rear View - ZAYN Soldier - Ingrid Michaelson Hollow - Tori Kelly
x Inquisitor Rain - SID Can you feel the love tonight (Disney)
x Trevelyan  SPOTIFY LINK Ahead of Myself - Jamie Lawson Can’t See Straight - Jamie Lawson The Words - Christina Perri Hearts Don’t Break Around Here - Ed Sheeran Next to Me - Emeli Sandé Beneath Your Beautiful - Labyrinth ft. Emeli Sandé Be Still - The Fray I Touch Myself - Divinyls I Love You Will Still Sound The Same - Oh Honey Kiss Like Your Kiss - Lucinda Williams Bonfire Heart - James Blunt I Found You - Kina Grannis Forever Starts Today - Tim Halperin I Get To Love You - Ruelle Until You Came Along - JJ Heller Best Friend - Jason Mraz
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Dorian There For You - Flyleaf (friendship with Inquisitor)
x Inquisitor Death Of A Bachelor - Panic! At The Disco
x Iron Bull Love Love Love - Of Monsters And Men  Circles - KIRA Be As One - W-inds Can You Feel The Love Tonight - Elton John
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Fenris x f!Hawke Tale As Old As Time Intertwined - Dodie
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Hero of Ferelden f!Cousland Akatsuki no Hana (Yona of the Dawn OP)
x Ser Gilmore (also for f!Warden/Alistair) Sweet Memories - Maiden Rose OST
f!Warden x Leliana Tonight And The Rest Of My life - Nina Gordon 
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Hawke Human - Christina Perri Brother My Brother - Blessid Union of Souls
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Inquisition 10th Man Down - Nightwish Legends Are Made - Sam Tinnesz
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Iron Bull Look What They’ve Done To My Song, Ma - Melanie Safka
x Lavellan Sacrifices - Tinashe Honeymoon - Lana Del Rey Make You Feel - Alina Baraz Can I - Alina Baraz
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Josephine x f!Inquisitor Tonight And The Rest Of My life - Nina Gordon 
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Krem  Reflection - Christina Aguilera
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Leliana Burning Cold - Eurielle  Utsukushiki zankou na sekai (Attack on Titan ED) - Yoko Hikasa
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Merrill Field of Innocence - Evanescence Mary - Oingo Boingo Ingenue - Death Cab For Cutie
x f!Hawke Tonight And The Rest Of My life - Nina Gordon
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Morrigan Walking With Strangers -The Birthday Massacre 
x Warden Far Away - Nickelback  She Lit A Fire - Lord Huron
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Sera Royals - Lorde
x f!Inquisitor Tonight And The Rest Of My life - Nina Gordon
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Solas Fade Away - Matthias  Dancin’ In The Ruins - Blue Öyster Cult Different Frequencies - Skyhill
x Lavellan Nature Boy - AURORA I Went Too Far - AURORA Running with Wolves - AURORA Only Love Hurts Like This - Paloma Faith
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Varric Cry - James Blunt
x Cassandra My Kind Of Love - Emeli Sandé
x Hawke Immortals - Fall Out Boy 
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Vivienne Walking With Strangers -The Birthday Massacre 
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Confession: Okay so my uncle is an ex-barber, yeah? As such, he has always cut my hair. After I came out as trans he started cutting my hair more masculinely. The first time I described my desired (now regular) haircut, he searched for a reference image online for what I had described. Oddly enough he found pictures of Krem and used them as a model. He had no context for him, no understanding of his character or story or anything. I was trying not to chuckle at how "Well, huh." it felt.
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Confession: I really really hope Krem is back in DA4 and he’s a romance option.
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Confession: Regarding a prior confession, I don't dislike Cole/Maryden. However I prefer Krem/Maryden because as I'm trans myself it gives me hope that someday I'll have a great relationship like my boi Krem. It's not that I think Cole wouldn't be able to handle a relationship or anything like that, it isn't like that at all. I support Cole and Maryden but since it is an actual choice I prefer Krem and Maryden. If it's me you were talking about sorry to offend anybody because that wasn't my intention.
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