#deltora quest fanfic
The First Day - Outtake
‘If only Grandfather were here to see us!’ Anna said with a laugh. ‘I wonder what he would think of all this?’
Anna had spoken half in jest, but at her words Jarred’s stomach lurched. He knew perfectly well what Crian would have thought. Crian had always held Anna’s safety and well-being as being of the utmost importance. He would not have been happy at seeing his beloved granddaughter be put at risk living in a forest of nightmares. He would have called Jarred a fool for wanting to help the royal family who abandoned Deltora when they were needed the most, and a bad husband for dragging Anna and their unborn babe into danger alongside him.
He did not tell Anna all of this, but instead smiled back at her. ‘I think that he would have wondered why we are staring like fools at a stream instead of doing somewhat practical with our time,’ Jarred remarked. ‘I do not think that he care overmuch for such sights.’
Anna laughed. ‘I know! It may be silly but it was what I loved most about him. When I was a child and my father was never home, Grandfather would let me play in the forge, if I promised to stay quietly in a corner and not touch anything. I… Even now, I cannot believe he is gone.’
Jarred felt the same. The old blacksmith had been so large and full of life that it was hard to believe that, even six months after the fact, he was now lying six feet under the ground.
‘Crian would be happy for us, Anna,’ he said to her. ‘I am sure of it. Perhaps even now he is watching us, wishing us well.’
Anna shivered. ‘Perhaps,’ she agreed. ‘But I do not like the thought of being watched in such a way. I would not be comfortable knowing that we may not be alone even in our most private moments. But I would be happy knowing that he is at peace now in the spirit world.’
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Summary: While checking out a rumor that may lead to one of the jewels, Lief, Barda and Jasmine run into trouble.
So happy to finally write something for one of my favorite book series!
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bonepointlight · 6 months
roddacember day 1: character, and day 2: place. of course I had to choose verity, and the bone point light
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the-dragon-violist · 9 months
My first fanfic was written before I even knew what that was. It was Deltora self-insert where Adin the blacksmith would come save me from my middle school math class. All the preppy girls would be so shocked and I could rub it in their face as I left to go fight monsters with him. Ah the good old days.
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lordquiver · 9 months
Looked up Deltora Quest fanfics and didn't find enough so I've decided to add some more:
Hopefully more fanfiction coming soon!
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uh-oh-its-bird · 1 year
Staring very agressivley at the current 142 Deltora Quest fics on ao3 like what if I singlehandedly doubled the fic count. What if. I bet I could do it if I tried.
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i-sveikata · 2 months
hey, just curious if you could rec any particular authors you love read or rec any books to read? I tend to only read fanfic and when I try to read anything out there...ugh just the storyline is predictable and the dialogue is cringe. I trust your judgment, so anything you recommend?!
appreciate you love, hope you're doing well and take care of your health 💟💟
hello anon! i mostly read fantasy/queer novels so i can defs rec some of my favourites but if you have any triggers or things you don't like to read etc id recommend a bit of research on them here for triggers or here for goodreads synopsis. But here you go in no particular order:
-iron widow series/ Xiran jay zhao (1st book out 2nd coming out this year) -the radiant emperor series/ Shelley Parker Chan -the queens thief series/ Megan Whalen turner -the graceling realm series/ Kristin cashore -mo dao zu shi series (grandmaster of demonic cultivation)- Mo xiang ton xiu -all for the game series/ Nora sakavic -the cruel prince series/ Holly black -the celestial kingdom series/ Sue lynn tan -six of crows series/ Leigh bardugo -dark rise series/ CS pacat -villains series/ VE Schwab -leviathan series/ Scott westerfeld -a great and terrible beauty series/ Libba bray -legend series/ Marie lu -anne of green gables series/ lucy maud montogomery
heres some i've read when i was younger that are a bit more y/a but still slap and i still reread them every now and again
-the lightning thief series/ rick riordan -deltora quest/ emily rodda -the missing series/1800 where are you series/ meg cabot -the mediator series/ meg cabot -a series of unfortunate events/ lemony snicket
Also just some stand alone books I’ve read and really enjoyed: -the binding/ Bridget Collins -where the crawdad sings/ Delia owens -the martian/ Andy weir -life of pi/ Yann martel -green lights/ Matthew McConaughey -song of Achilles/ Madeline miller -howls moving castle/ Diana Wynne Jones -holes/ Louis sachar -the invisible life of addie larue/ Ve Schwab -the seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo/ Taylor Jenkins Reid -the island of sea women/ Lisa see -aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe / Benjamin alire saenz -all our shimmering skies/ Trent dalton -red, white & royal blue/ Casey mcquiston -ella minnow pea/ Mark dunn
you'll probably find a few of these titles familiar already but a lot of these are favs of mine or are just really damn well executed stories. happy reading!
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tunedtostatic · 10 months
Charity Commissions for Vermont Floods
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Photo of flooding in Barre by James Buck for Seven Days
As I posted last month, my home state of Vermont (I am not there right now) experienced historic flooding, with many areas hit worse than when Hurricane Irene hit a decade ago. I'm offering short folktale-inspired story commissions in exchange for a donation of $5 or more to the fundraisers below. 💚
The charity commissions I'm offering
Give me a character or two (dragon, evil grandmother, talking plant, &c) and a situation or object (getting lost, a duel, a magic sword, &c) and I'll write a story of ~1,000+ words using both (and also some kind of twist because I read the Deltora Quest books at a formative age).
Stories got more interest in my poll, but I'll also do graphic design with free use images (e.g. unsplash and pixabay), if you want a fanfic cover or fanmix cover: example, second example.
How to donate & commission a story
To commission a story, donate at least $5 to Waterbury Good Neighbor Fund, NEKO flood relief, or message me for a list of GoFundMes (I'm trying to keep an eye out for GoFundMes that are legit and aren't yet close to their fundraising goal; I don't want to chase this post around editing and adding new ones, especially since I don't personally knowing anyone fundraising and how they want theirs shared, but ask me for links!) Then, send me a screenshot of your donation (please crop out any payment information).
I'm not in Vermont right now, which kind of puts a damper on the word of mouth experience. If you're in Vermont, let me know of any GoFundMes you know personally or nonprofits you've had good experiences with and I'll add them.
Like I said in my initial post, I don't want to discourage anyone from donating through the main gateways! They're just not what I'm focusing on for charity commissions donations.
Bad experiences being treated disrespectfully or dangerously by some other Vermont nonprofits (and neighbors and…) make me disproportionately grouchy about this, but I'll go with being a little grouchy being my niche in the Vermont ecosystem at times like this when it's hard not to think about how people treating others poorly in Vermont spreads out like ripples and makes disasters like this more damaging.
Other ways to help
Reblogs will, of course, help!
If you're in Vermont, let me know of any GoFundMes you know personally (or nonprofits you've had good experiences being helped by) and I'll add them.
If anyone else is doing fandom fundraiser things, let me know and I'll link those too.
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Photo of flooding in Waterbury by Kevin McCallum for Seven Days
Don't hesitate to ask for the commission once you donate! I know sometimes people feel weird asking the person offering charity commissions to do the "work" of the commission for what's meant to be an act of generosity, but on a practical level each commission functions as advertising and makes it more likely other people will see the post and donate too.
(Of course if you really feel more comfortable simply donating, holyshtgoforit. 😃)
I've chosen something (writing short stories) that's fulfilling and doable, but if I do need to pause, I'll leave a note on this post. Commissions are open indefinitely; would love to get a few going this week as we reach a month since the mid-July flood and people are grappling with the damages.
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chryseis · 11 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
This took me the whole day to respond to, because I usually cringe at the idea of rereading my own writing lmao. Okay, in no particular order:
come from the holy fire
I would like to study Roy Mustang under a microscope, but this fic is the closest I'll get. The argument he has with Hughes in the second chapter is one of my favourite bits of dialogue I've ever written.
in the lost myth of true love
I generally write the messier, damaged sides to Riza and Roy, so writing something much more tender was a nice change of pace. Their conversation about choices had floated around in my head for a while before I wrote it down, and I like the way it turned out.
there's nothing you can do (it's already been done)
It's very possible that this is my favourite fanfic of my own. Kimblee is such a weird character to write, but in such a rewarding way. I have a headcanon that that Riza was under Kimblee's command during the war, and would have stayed that way if he hadn't gone to prison (I will definitely return to this thought one day). Writing this and going really, really dark while also staying true to canon was very fun. Also, I wrote this not too long after getting into Ethel Cain, and it shows lmao.
breathe, darling, breathe in deep for me
Surprise, not FMA! I wrote this in 2018, but it remains one of my favourites. Someone asked me to write something like this way back in my ff.net days as a kid (2009ish), so when I started writing Deltora Quest again, it was a topic that I really wanted to tackle. Jasmine has been a favourite character of mine for, my god, around twenty years?? I like to think that my greatest strength as a writer is characterisation, and I really think I did right by Jasmine in this.
we'll go down together
This one is very short, but I think it really captures the way I personally view Roy and Riza, especially during the war. It was also adapted in to a fantastically well done podfic, which was very flattering.
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vampirebutterflies · 1 year
taggied by @not-nervous-jester kissu ( ˘ ³˘)💕
Last song: I got halfway through I wanna dance with you by royel otis before my phone died so technically last Full Song was demon by blake rose
Three ships: Ed x Stede, oluwande x jim, and will solace x nico di angelo
First ever ship: god. percabeth maybe ??? Actually probably lief and jasmine from deltora quest if we wanna go waaaay back. Now I’ve got old memories of self insert fanfics I’d make up in my head as a kid after reading the books and then watching the anime
yes I’d ship my self insert with both lief and jasmine And a more grown up version of self insert to ship with barda. Barda was my absolute favourite because anime lief and jasmine could get hell annoying and also homeboy was known as barda the bear so uhhhh jesus fucking christ let’s move on
Currently reading: unfortunately I am Jared 19 and never learned how to read 😌 I got partway through song of achilles a few months ago does that count
Currently watching: no current series i don’t think?? am mindlessly watching the hairy bikers with my parents. I would do anything for Dave and Si I love them so much. Silly lovely fun uncle energy. They’re making Thai spring rolls with teeny tiny shrimp right now
Currently consuming: woter because I’m a dehydrated little bug
Last movie: knives out I think?
Currently craving: mixed berry sorbet (I’m making some tomorrow), painkillers (taken some just waiting for them to kick in) and a three hour hug
Don’t have enough spoons to tag nine people per the rules so @blakbonnet @blackbeardskneebrace @chupacactus @gremlin-soup also anyone else who sees this and wants to play mwah <3
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The Shadowlands Outtake #1
Anna awoke at dawn, shivering and heartsick.
Dim light was beginning to fill the clearing where they had lain to rest, signalling a new day of marching, but she could not bring herself to move. She lay where she had fallen asleep the night before, her arms curled protectively around Jarred, feeling her entire body tremble with the memory of what had occurred the day before. Jarred. The Grey Guards. The whip cutting into Jarred's back, causing him to scream. The blood dripping onto the grass at Jarred's feet as they stopped to make camp for the night, a spot of crimson against the browns and yellows of the half-dead land. The taste of bile in her mouth as she vomited from the sheer horror of it all, feeling the tears run rivulets down her sodden cheeks.
She struggled to hold down the bile that she could feel surging up her throat. She suppressed a shudder. The memories resonated deeply inside her soul, horrible and haunting, filled with blood and darkness. She did not think she would ever be free of them, however much she tried to forget. It terrified her, to know that.
We survived, she told herself firmly. We may be bloody and battered, but we are alive. That was what she should focus on. However, she knew that if Jenara had not chosen to help them as she did, they would both have perished- Jarred from blood loss and herself at the throw of a Grey Guard's blister. They both owed their lives to Jenara, who now lay sleeping some feet away, her cheek pillowed on her arm, and to the woman who had helped her; Kaldi, Jenara had said. Jenara had agreed to stay with them, to Anna's relief and pleasure. She had grown fond of the girl, and not just because Jenara reminded her of her lost daughter. Anna had come to respect the Jalis girl and care for her, and was glad that she had decided to befriend her. It had made the march at least somewhat more bearable than if she had not.
The girl in question stirred, and opened her eyes to gaze at Anna. 'The Grey Guards are waking,' she said.
And she was right, Anna could tell- the sounds of grumbling and rustling of limbs could be heard just outside the clearing. Soon the Guards would call the march to order again, shouting their captives into submission, forcing them to move. It made her sick to think of the increase of pain it would give her already unbearably aching sprained ankle, but she knew nothing could be done about it. The march had to go on; the only other choice was death, and that Anna could not do, not with Jarred there with her.
She rolled over to face Jarred, searching him intently for any sign of infection. She had seen it occur before; her own father had died from a wound gone bad, having been unable to find a healer capable of helping him properly. It was partly why she had chosen to delve into the art of healing and medicinal herbs- she had had to be sure in herself that if she ever found herself in such a situation, she could be of some use, unlike most women in Del who knew nothing of the sort, being too caught up in their duties to their family business. She had never truly thought that she would have to put such skills to use in this way, but now the time had certainly come.
There was a slight sheen of sweat on Jarred's forehead that worried her. His skin was cool to touch, however, and she could see no obvious swelling to the wounds on his back when she crouched and peeled away the makeshift-bandages to look. His breath, when she felt it, was only slightly warmer than she thought it should be. It caused her anxiety, but she knew nothing could be done. She did not have any of the items and herbs she used for healing, and she could not search for any amid the dry, dying shrubbery. She could only hope, and pray that he was strong enough to avoid infection, and combat it if it did come to it.
Gently she shook his shoulder, and he opened bleary, bloodshot eyes. 'Yes, dear heart?' he muttered, clearly still half-asleep.
'You must wake up, Jarred,' she said quietly but with urgency. 'The march is to begin again soon.'
Immediately he sat up, swaying slightly, gritting his teeth from the pain Anna knew he had to be feeling. Automatically she reached out a hand to give him support, concern almost consuming her. If Jarred were to collapse during the march, or even before... Anna suppressed a shiver at the thought.
‘I must see to…’ she began, gesturing to his back. Even as she said the words sickness rose in her again.
Jarred waved her away, almost carelessly. 'I am alright, Anna, truly,' he insisted. His words slurred together slightly, igniting more fear in her heart. It did not sound-or bode-well for him. But what could she do even if it did? Without her tools and herbs of healing, all of the skills she knew were useless. Her heart ached at the thought.
She frowned at him. ‘You were flogged last night,’ she said. ‘Let me see to it somehow.’
‘And what could you do?’ he said. ‘There is nothing here that will help. The land is dead. It will only cause you pain, Anna.’  
She let him be, even as the pain in her heart swelled. All that day, he was alright, alert and walking without help. Though she could see it irritated him to have her hovering close to him as if he were breakable (he had only suffered a flogging, after all, he told her, exasperated), she could not stop herself. It comforted her to see no worsening in his condition; hope bloomed in her, a change from the dull weight of despair she had felt for the past days. He was strong enough. He had to be, she thought desperately. She did not know what she would do if something happened to him.
That night, as they both lay down to sleep, he was alright- there was no fever, no swelling, no pus. With hope aching in her chest, she fell asleep curled in Jarred's arms, taking comfort in his body resting beside hers, and his quiet, even breaths. Silently she gave thanks; it did seem like he was in no danger.
It happened so quickly. Quickly, and unexpectedly. One moment, she was asleep, safe in the arms of her husband, blissfully ignorant. The next, she was waking to low, pained rasps. In the half-asleep state she was in still, all she could think was that something was burning- something was hot, very close to her. But why? Fire, her mind thought hazily. Fire in First Wood. The tree-house was on fire. She had to go, run, find Jasmine... Put it out somehow...
In her distress, she felt herself move restlessly. Her hands knocked against something, a body, incredibly warm... Reality hit her, and she found herself waking with a painful jolt of awareness. She was not in First Wood anymore, was not watching her home burn down around her. It was Jarred she had knocked against. Jarred's which she had dimly thought felt surprisingly hot. Jarred, who did not even stir at her intrusion, as he should have. He lay against her, his skin like a burning flame, his body trembling, the breath gasping unevenly in his chest.
'Jarred?' she whispered.
No response.
'Jarred?' she repeated, louder this time. She shook him, gently at first, but more forcefully when he did not respond. Panic swelled in her. 'Jarred? Wake up! You must wake up!' She felt hysteria rise, felt her movements become more frantic. Her throat choked with horror. By fate, do not let this be happening, she prayed, almost dizzy with horror.
He was alright when we fell asleep!
'Jarred?' She shook his limp, too-hot body again and again, feeling her breath sob painfully, and her entire body tremble with despair.
'Jarred, wake up. Jarred? Jarred!'
Anna watched as Jarred tossed and turned, his body shaking violently. His eyes were wild, anguished, afraid. His breath was a rasp in his chest that was almost painful to hear. She clutched at his hand but he jerked away, unused to the coolness of her touch against the unnatural warmth of his skin.
Like ice touching fire.
Unbidden tears sprang into her eyes. It had been two days since the fever appeared—two long, agonising days in which there had been no change in his condition. She could not bear to think of what it might mean. Jarred was strong, she knew, in body and mind. In Del perhaps, or even the Forests of Silence, he may have had a large chance of recovery. In either place, she would be able to find herbs and water and other items to help bring the fever down. There would have been tinctures she could create, mixtures she could brew. But they were not in the forge, or in the Forests of Silence. They were in a forsaken part of Deltora's countryside, laying on dry, cracking earth. What chance was there now?
She bowed her head. Footsteps sounded behind her, and she looked up again. Jenara sank to the ground beside her, her eyes dark with concern. 'There is still no change?' she asked quietly.
'None,' and Anna felt her throat tighten at the word. She blinked rapidly to forestall the tears that were brimming in the corners of her eyes.
Jenara touched her arm and said, 'He is strong. I am sure he will be alright.' She said nothing more; indeed, there was nothing more she could say. Jenara did not know Jarred, so she did not feel the insurmountable terror that Anna did. There was nothing really that the girl could say that would possibly comfort her. Jarred may be strong, but the march was hard, and coupled with the harsh conditions and meagre rations of food, it had weakened him. There was no telling if he would survive or not; the fever was not as high as others Anna had seen over the years, but it was high enough that it could be possibly fatal. In more comfortable conditions, there would have been no chance of death, but here Anna was not sure. She could not aid him in any case; he would have to fight it out alone.
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cutebutalsostabby · 2 years
C, P, and R?
C: What character do you identify with most?
I am projecting all over LU Legend these days. Not the canon one; the one that lives in my head and eats all my food. We're different in a lot of ways but one of the particular traits I gave him is saying thoughtless things in the spur of the moment and then obsessing over that thing every night/morning for the rest of forever. Oops it me. Also: SO much ADHD in that man. Did I mention I was projecting?
I do also see him as being quite different from me in several ways - for example him being a raging bisexual disaster and me being extremely aroace. Plus he's a fair bit younger than me and I try to write him that way. So I don't identify with him 100%, but it's fun to put myself in his shoes.
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
Hahahahaha what's planning?
No but I think how I'd put it is that while I don't have a solid step by step plan, I do have a rough mental concept of a few important scenes to happen later or events that I want to lead up to, and I often spend more time thinking about those things than actually writing. None of that thought process gets written down except if there's a particular scene I feel like writing out ahead of time, and if I'm publishing a fic chapter by chapter it's being almost entirely written chapter by chapter.
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
As far as LU/LoZ fics: I'd definitely recommend @/sister-dear and @/enjolras-out. They're constantly inspiring me with the cool stuff they put out. My current style is probably also influenced by an Undertale fic writer called Nilchance, who has a really engaging writing style and some great phrasing - though mind the tags and ratings on their fics (most are E-rated and contain ships that some may find triggering or upsetting).
Also, Emily Rodda was one of my favourite authors growing up and I like to think some of that love bled into my writing - though one of the things I really admire about her is how well she plans ahead, which I definitely don't lol. She's the author of the Deltora Quest series, which is still one of my favourites.
Thanks for the ask! 💜
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The Great Big List of Stories!
My brain is full of tribbles, and this writeblr is not just for original fic. Also AO3 bios are very small so I can't list potential/unwritten fic ideas there.
Original Series:
The Sisterlands Sequence/Ylonaverse: My big original baby, where most of my OCs have their origins, or found a place to rest. Very long, and still growing! It has evolved a lot over the years and I have consequently restarted the drafting process a number of times.
Tulatia: My series of original fairy tale retellings, where I come up with my own completely unique spins on my favourite stories from childhood and later. Will include adaptations of The Twelve Dancing Princesses, The Wild Swans, Brother and Sister, Iron John, Snow-White and Rose-Red, Dwarf Longnose (with the antisemitism stripped away and the cool stuff I actually liked left behind), Princess Belle-Etoil, The Singing, Springing Lark and others.
The Big List of Fanfics I Still Intend to Write:
The Maginite Chronicles, which has it's own sideblog specifically for it here: @themaginitechronicles
Shadows of Deltora, a Yu-Gi-Oh/Deltora Quest crossover
Daughters of the Forests of Silence, a Sevenwaters/Deltora Quest crossover
Of Peacekeepers and Pokémon, a Pokémon/Farscape crossover
Tales of Domino and Darthania, including Wild Swans of Domino and its sequels. Yu-Gi-Oh-based fairy tale retellings
Yugi and the Faraway Tree, Yu-Gi-Oh/Faraway Tree series crossover
Of Shells and Wings, Gargoyles/TMNT (2003 continuity) crossover
Of Beasts and Roses, Disney's Beauty and the Beast sequel fic, in which the curse is transferred onto Gaston and he becomes the focus of a Sno-White and Rose-Red retelling
Sisko'Brien Salamanders, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine AU of the Voyager episode Threshold that got way out-of-hand
Family Defiant, a series of fairy tale retellings centred around the Deep Space Nine cast, radiating out from Seven for a Secret
The Emissary, the Avatar, and the Children of Fire, a DS9/A:TLA crossover
My Compliments to the Captain, wholesome DS9 fic where Sisko makes food for Odo while he is solid.
Dominion Studies Major, in which I demonstrate how the DS9 writers could have sold us the Kiraodo ship if they hadn't been cowards (also known as the canon-compliant Changeling Kira fic)
Turnabout Is Fair Play, A Sisko-Dukat bodyswap fic.
Dungeons, Dragons and Q, a trilogy of fics in which Q and his son shove my three favourite Trek casts into DND campaigns to play them out from the inside.
Star Trek: Galactic Warp, my own idea of a Star Trek series set in the 26th century (from before New Trek took off).
And more stuff is being added all the time. My brain is just like that.
I have also been known to occasionally write for the Infinite Loops project, though its restrictions make things a bit less fun for me. Which is probably why I flung myself so hard into the alternate timelines of the Maginaverse (see that sideblog for more information).
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forrestcat · 1 year
First post of the year! Thanks @luckymoonly for the tag and bringing me out from my burrow lol
1. Three Ships: Sakuatsu (Haikyuu) Sangcheng (MDZS), Scorfuma (SPOP)
2. Earliest ship: Troyella (eight year old me was DEEP into HSM lol), but if we’re talking first ship I’ve written for a fanfic then probably Lief x Jasmine (idk what their ship name is…) from Deltora Quest when I was 11
3. Last Song: Eine Kleine by Kenshi Yonezu has been in my head a lot.
4. Last Movie: Princess Mononoke (I’m behind on Ghibli movies….😅)
5. Currently reading: The Circus Train by Amita Parikh (book) and Innocent Gift by chiicomics (WEBTOON)
6. Currently Watching: The She-Ra reboot (it’s pre good!)
7. Currently Consuming: Pringles and blueberries
8. Currently Craving: nothing, I’m fine for now 👍
Idk who else to tag rip but if anyone sees this feel free to do it as well! 🌸✨
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clood · 2 years
hi! for the writing questions: #2 and #19 :))
woohoo thank you for the ask!!!
2: If you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? If you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil?
FUNNY YOU SHOULD ASK. i totally could, i love physically writing things even if i never do it anymore. i laugh at this one because a hot minute ago when i was visiting home from college, my mom told me go to through some old papers she had kept of mine. what did i find among math assignments from high school if not literal chapters of free! fanfic written on homework assignments that I PROBABLY TURNED IN LIKE THAT??? it made me laugh so hard. what did my teacher think??? i could probably go back to those days.
19: Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
so basically my first ever fanfic was published on ffnet in 2011 and it was for deltora quest!! i think it was born out of anger that i was never able to finish the anime, because back then there was not a single webbed site that had subs in english for the last ten or so episodes... they were all in portuguese!!! i will out myself by saying it was never finished and then i wrote for a couple disney shows for a while xD. took a break from like, 2012 to 2020 when i rewatched hxh during summer lockdown and the rest is history!!
i definitely still read fic all through high school, then stopped reading it because i thought i was so cringe and had outgrown it when i got to college. little did my bf know when he made me watch hxh in junior year of college (even though i told him i totally was past my anime phase and that it was lame LMAO) that i would still be in the throes of my obsession several years later!!
as for where i am/where i'm going, i am trying to take ao3 and writing in general less seriously. thanks to the greed island server i'm vaguely helping shal and liv mod, and another with so many lovely friends, i am definitely getting a lot of chances to flex my writing muscles and try new things! i'm posting whatever the hell i want to my ao3!!
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