#cries at all my beautiful mutuals
autismsupersoldier · 5 months
every single person who has ever reblogged my art with even the slightest "i like this" or "omg this is so funny" has my heart forever. in the afterlife i imagine i would run up to you like a dog whos been waiting forever to see you. i love you so very much
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deadrlngers · 2 years
i was tagged by @indorilnerevarine and @denerims to take this quiz and by @florbelles @risingsh0t​ @arklay​ to do this quiz too for some of my ocs so i practically decided to put both together into a single post. thank you so much to everyone!! <3
tagging: feeling a little self conscious of tagging people so whoever wants to do any of these two or both just go ahead and say i tagged you!!
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double, double toil and trouble. yeah you don't really get much facetime in the myths but you're literally the god of magic and dogs so stay winning. mysterious goth energy, does she really do complete dark rituals or is that just her vibe. no one knows and you're not telling
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you literally were born and then invented mischeif. like you were a newborn and you immidiately inbented theivery and then lying. go you. you are the living embodiment of chaotic neutral. Yes people are so annoyed by you sometimes, but you are so unbelievably charming that you get away with everything. who doesn't love a charming rogue
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i mean this in the kindest way possible, you give off huge autistic lesbian vibes. oh you're living in the isolated wilderness? hmm. only with women? yes uh huh. if we're following myths as metaphors you have literal trans egg cracking energy so doubly good for you.
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tarot, the fool is numbered 0 – the number of unlimited potential. as the protagonist, he is ever present and therefore needs no number as well as no introduction. the world revolves around you in ways that i can't begin to describe, though you'd shrug it off if i were to begin to explain. i need you to know that time is running out. if you want to get this done, you need to start now. sloth is your greatest enemy in this world, and you can only run so far from the opposition when you start with such a disadvantage. keep your head high, yeah? the kid you were is still in there somewhere. you need to show him that it was worth it.
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the house has burned around you, and you’re the only one left standing. is it gratifying to be the survivor? fear and anger are weapons in your capable hands, used only to serve your agenda of fighting back when deemed necessary. you're a powerful person, built from the ashes of your despair and your family's mistakes. with time, you'll bloom into someone softer, like the full blossoms that grow each spring and wither away with the leaves in fall. they won't disappear if you take your eyes off of them. you're enough.
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loyalty is the saint you pray to. if you ever were stabbed in the back by your beloved, you'd probably apologize. to your enemies, you're fierce. to your allies, even fiercer. you cultivate a thick inner circle built on promises and devotion, fit only for the best of the best. it's impossible for most to even begin to dissect the type of person you are, owing to your unbreakable emotional walls and confusing philosophies. dream careers? body guard, movie star, unwitting pawn. don't let people get the best of that loyalty.
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no amount of orchestrated class is ever going to hide the fact that you’re doomed to be alone. you’re a puppet, you’re a weapon, but most importantly? you’re a fraud. your facade isn’t malicious, but that doesn’t change a thing. everything in your life is in your control now, and you chose to let yourself become stiff and distant. you’re guilty of everything you blame yourself for, and your misfortune is the fault of nobody but yourself. your selfish nature forges you into a man-made monster, so quick to blame and so desperate to escape consequence. i hope that you can become someone you’re proud of soon.
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bimbosandbubbles · 3 months
All Consuming
Starring Yandere Siren Gojo and Geto
Synopsis- Two months ago you became a sole survivor to a supposed animal attack on a lake trip and because of that you’ve become alienated from everyone else in your much too rural community. However,you’re finally not so alone when two mysterious men are way too interested in you…But something’s a little off about them..
Fic for my Summertime Slashers event!
Warnings-mates,Geto and Gojo kinda have a feeding kink in this(they like seeing you eat bcs they only eat human flesh and obviously you don’t 😭), stalking,cum marking(you’ll find out), voyeurism,mirror kink,mutual masturbation,biting,oviposition,icky flirting(they’re very confused on the fact that humans don’t just mate like sirens do), dubcon,borderline noncon,multiple sex scenes,leg worshipping?,manipulation(you’re very vulnerable in this and they take advantage of that),abuse of super natural power(not clearly stated but implied),panty sniffing,lots of breeding kink,and ofc and always CHUBBY READER!
An explanation on sirens and how I tweaked them from traditional folklore! Just so you can have more understanding on why things happen in this fic! So Sirens typically are beings that lure men in with their beautiful voice and then capture them with their magical touch! This is kinda like that but not really! Geto and Gojo are male sirens so they usually target the opposite sex! Their siren voice isn’t necessarily singing it’s just something they can activate in this fic! Also they can go on and off land if they’re well fed! In this fic I imply heavily that sirens take mates like many other sea life!
"Can you give a description of him?"
"Them." Is all you can answer. Seething hot acid pulls at the back of your throat,begging to come out on the steel table. Your quaking hands grip the very edge of the table for some kind of support—a sense of grounding in this situation.
"Right,them. My apologies. The descriptions though,(Reader)?" You gulp,"Well one was taller than the other had these piercing blue eyes,almost like light itself. The other had these soulless black ones...emotionless and empty kinda."
In front of you there's this quiet man presumingly sketching away the description. "Anything else?" You bite your lip and glance down at your scarred fingers but you quickly look away because the memory of just why those injuries remain are there is much too fresh. "I don't know...everything was a blur. I can't remember a thing other than seeing them..."You swallow a thick wad of spit before you utter another word,"tear into my friends."
The officer in front of you stares into your glassy eyes that you bet are red and bulging to the point it looks like you've been choked instead of crying. He sighs,"Look,(Reader) you seem to be a nice enough girl but these details are just not enough to drive this case. This is the third time we've invited you down to the station and you've said nothing to make us believe two men did this to your friends."
"Please! I saw them! I really,really did! I swear! I wouldn't lie about seeing those—those monsters!" The officer sighs and ounces the bridge of his nose,"Let's be real,when the attacked happened you were intoxicated,right? You were out having fun with your girlfriends and probably doing other substances. Or maybe the shock of seeing your friends mauled by an animal got to you. Whatever the case may be I know it's not two human men who ate your friends in front of you."
You clench your fists in pure disgust at the audacity this person has in front of you. He's not the one who had to see it,he's not the one who had to watch your friends cry and beg for help and couldn't do anything about it, and he's certainly not the one who had to live through their constant cries of pain. You finally raise your voice an octave,"I know what I saw and I won't suffer through some accusations pushed onto me because this story isn't believable enough for you!"
The officer doesn't take lightly to your shouting and doesn't remain so calm with his doubt. "I'm tired of listening to your bullshit anyways! There is no man eating monster with glowing blue eyes! And there definitely isn't another soulless black eyed creep!" He takes a deep breath and stands from the metal chair. You sit there in silence fighting back tears and you have no clue why the liquid is fleeing your eye ducts.
It's probably anger or sadness,or both whatever the reason might be you curl up into yourself and sob in front of the two cops. "(Reader), I apologize...but I can't take this case serious. I know you're hurting,losing your friends in an animal caused massacre but you're wasting resources and precious time for cases that actually need to be solved. So just go home and get some therapy,yeah?"
Through teary eyes you gaze at the officer in his harsh eyes and you're left wondering why does no one believe you? It's been two months since the attack and you're doing all the right things;therapy,self groups,going back to normal life,yet you're treated like some crazy person. You've never been the type to lie. Never been the type to abuse someone's trust,so why?
Why are you so unbelievable? Are your tears not mournful enough? Is your slowly deteriorating appearance not evidence enough? Is the scars on your body just too artificial looking for people not to believe the truth?
With your head hung low you whisper,"Sorry officer,I'll go home."
"Oh my god is that her?" The whisper flows through the dining hall. Another answers,"I think she's totally crazy."  Then another,"Oh be nice,her friends got mauled by some kind of wolf in front of her." "I heard it was a bear actually."
You chew on your mediocre sandwich trying to ignore the constant voices mumbling about you. It's the first week you've been back at uni since the attack and it's not going so well for you. People only pity you or look down at you for not just dying with your friends. Some people think that you're even responsible for their deaths. But it won't be much longer until you're free of the university gossip due to the fact that summer break is nearly two weeks away. And even with that time frame people are already leaving the dorms entirely.
And what makes it so unfortunate is that no one's in your corner anymore. Your parents have turned their backs on you because it's like a sin to have a child struggling with their mental health in this godforsaken small town. And your friends well...gone because of that very event. And you can't even dream about making any new ones because now you're looked at like some disease instead of a victim of a horrifying crime.
But it's okay,that's what you tell yourself. And that's the mantra that keeps flowing through your brain as you take bite after bite into your too cold food. You people watch from the wooden eating area—turning green with envy as you glance from after people enjoying each other's company.
That was once you, eating and laughing among your beloved closest companions. You don't wish to be bitter for others happiness but it's hard not to when you're actively being shunned by your whole town basically.
You glance down at your depressing looking tray of food and decide it doesn't even look edible to you anymore. You debate whether or not you should throw it away or just eat it. Simply because you haven't been eating much since the incident. You nimble on your lip and decide you shouldn't force yourself to eat food you don't even like.
You arise from your seat and wish you didn't because now all eyes are on you as if they weren't before. You sigh and walk all the way to trash trying to power through all the chatter and seething stares. They all look at you like some parasite slowly infecting them with your presence alone. 
Sure,you've been stared at before being that you're a bigger girl in a hick town but this is something different. Something crueler...and more hurtful. It's so hurtful that you're just probably going to skip all your lectures and run away into the comfort of your home.
However your mind sets that aside once you see two strangers sitting at your once empty table. Your brows raises as you walk confusedly back to the table to retrieve your book bag.
Once you come closer you're shocked to be met with eyes black as the night...eyes that are so eerily familiar. "Oh I'm sorry we didn't know anyone was sitting here!" His voice is calm and gentle,gentle to the point that you'd melt into the his arms right now because the longing for comfort roughly tugs at you. Pathetic,anyone would agree to that,however you're just so entirely vulnerable for any type of interaction and touch at the moment. Then you take a look at his face and you're shocked to see how handsome he is.
His long raven locks go past his broad shoulders that is covered with a loose breathable crew neck. Not only are his eyes pretty in color but the shape as well;his kind monolids gazing at you right now practically has you flustered. "It's alright..I was leaving anyhow." You mumble with a nervous smile. 
"Nooo! Stay! This table has so much room!" A chipper,more energetic voice adds in. Your attention is turned to the voice and this time you're even more shocked at how good looking this man is too. He has snow white hair that frames his pretty face along with eyes so blue they're almost hypnotizing. But again something in your belly finds those eyes too familiar almost like you've met the men before.
"Oh no you wouldn't wanna sit with me...people will start talking about you too." The black haired man smiles,"Let them talk," he extends his long arm on the back of the seat next to Gojo,"sit." Gojo moves from that seat to make sure you're the one in the middle of the two men. You shyly nod,"Thank you."
You sit down and feel a sudden presence of something....something intense between the three of you despite just making their acquaintance. "My name is Suguru Geto,"he points to the other man beside you,"This is Satoru Gojo." He smiles and waves,"What's your name cutie?" The white haired man peers at you as he awaits the answer to his question. "(Reader Full Name),nice to meet you guys." 
The both say it's nice to meet you also and you guys chatter about each others day,major etc. "Have you eaten yet?" Suguru asks. "Umm kinda,the food I got wasn't very good so I just threw it away."  Gojo say,"Oh no,eat with us! Me and Guru always eat good food so you'll like it for sure."
"No no it's okay! I wouldn't wanna have you guys pay for anything from the food bar." You used the word pay because all the good food you have to pay for instead of meal swipes. And because you're suddenly shunned from this town you're naturally unable to keep a job anymore,therefore making you broker than a joke. "I'll pay." Gojo says.
"It's o—" Gojo interrupts,his big hand managing to fully wrap around your plump upper arm,"I'll pay." He affirms. You just nod silently and watch as he walks up to the food bar to buy the items. Geto looks at you and smile,"So what's a pretty girl like you sitting all by herself for?"
You look down and feel your tummy doing backflips for two reasons;the compliment and the question. You're nervous to explain just why you're being ignored and you're nervous you'll mess up the chance of making new friends. However,you go for being honest and not lying,just to see if they'll actually be someone you'll want to have as companions.
"Well two months ago an incident happened at the lake with my friends. They were attacked by two monsters and I was the only one to make it out alive. But the weird thing is...I wasn't attacked at all...they just ignored me and only went for my friends. But after they were done they looked at me in this way—this way that was so,"you pause,trying to find your bearings,"haunting. Not like they wanted to eat me but something else entirely..." Your rub your pudgy fingers as you explain and Geto does something surprising.
He grips your hands to stop the constant movement. His smooth fingers rub soothing circles on your now healed skin. And it feels so good to be touched with affection, so good that you almost forgot to finish your story. "I went to the police as soon as it happened and I was told it was probably an animal attack but I know what I saw...I know wholeheartedly. And that's why I was sitting alone,everyone thinks I'm some crazy person making stuff up." Your bottom lip begins to tremble as you feel tears begin to pool in your eyes.
"And you probably think I'm crazy now too..." Your voice breaks and your brain is working overtime. How humiliating that you're breaking down to a total stranger in public too! God,why are you so pathetic? So vulnerable to the point you easily melt into the arms of an unknown person. Has your sense of self truly scrambled that far away from you? 
Geto extends his arm to wrap around your supple body,he's warm and smells like ocean breeze mixed with sandalwood. "I don't, I believe you." It's a whisper yet the impact is like a loud shout. "You do?" He gets closer,his soft pink lips muttering so close to the shell of your ear,"I do." You shiver involuntarily,your body unable to contain the way his coo affected you physically.
"Thank you." It's a mumble but still Geto acknowledges it with a soft squeeze on your body.
"I brought the food!" A happy voice interjects. Gojo sets down loads of plates of delectable looking food. And suddenly your tummy rumbles just looking at the many options of food.
Gojo hears it,"You hungry now?" You nod shyly and can't help but look down at the very good options. After weeks of eating too cold food and mess hall trash seeing the hot bar meals would make anyone hungry. White hair bobs as the tall man takes his seat next to you.
"Go on,eat." He smiles a toothy grin. His hand extends to your lips with a forkful of pasta that smells so good you literally inhale it. You instinctively open your mouth only to quickly close it. Because oh my God were you about to let this stranger feed you? Has hardly any human interaction made you so compliant?
Gojo pouts,"What's wrong?" You quickly try to reassure him,"It's nothing...but I can feed myself,y'know.." You almost forgot Geto is still holding you,the only cause for remembering is strictly based on the firm squeeze he gives your upper body. "Eat." He asks,more like demands.
Despite how demanding he sounded it was still gentle? Almost like a calming song in an odd way. You open your mouth and Gojo happily stuffs the fork in your mouth. You chew and melt into the flavors of the yummy dish but you can't fully enough it because the men you're sitting next to are quietly observing you.
Another bite is feed to you and another,then another until the pasta is all gone. Every single time you took a bite Geto and Gojo all watched in admiration. Geto,who still has you in a half embrace would caress the supple skin of your bare arms that are free from sleeves in your cotton cami. The texture of the pads of his fingers would rub you as you ate.
And Gojo would clean up your chubby face if he missed your mouth just a little bit. He'd use his thumb to wipe away the evidence of the mess with his oddly sharp and long tongue. His other hand also stayed close and near to the pudge that hangs low on your abdomen,practically cupping the fat that adorns the area.
And all while eating you didn't realize how intimate this interaction really is. Two men watching you as your spoon fed by one and both touching you so...personally;this is not a normal interaction between strangers. You know that,yet it feels too good to tell them to stop. You haven't been touched with affection in so long so why fight it when two handsome men are practically draped all over you?
"Would you like some dessert?" Geto asks. Gojo chimes in,"You should absolutely have some dessert. I got these cute cakes for you to try." You look down in embarrassment,"I don't know if I should...I just ate the pasta." Gojo quirks his brow up in confusion,"So? You can't have dessert too?"
You smile,"I guess I can." Gojo grins brightly,"Atta girl,open wide." Already with spoon in hand and a sweet treat in it, he moves it to your mouth. Of course you accept and chew happily on the sweet treat until a thought interrupts this indulgent interaction. Why haven't they eaten? You've been here,being fed and talked to by these for at least an hour or more,but they haven't eaten? Why come to the lunch hall then?
You quickly swallow the treat,"Aren't you guys hungry?" Geto answers,"Oh me and Gojo were earlier but watching you eat has satisfied our appetite." His response is followed with an enthusiastic nod by his blue eyed friend,"Mhm! You eat so cute it's hard not to get full."
You make a face full of doubt,"Umm,I dunno if you guys are trying to be overly nice to me but I don't believe that for one second." You push away Geto's hold on you and Gojo's slight grip on you to scoot away from the pair. Suddenly,you've fully realized that this whole thing is really weird even though you truly are enjoying the attention from the very good looking men.
But that enjoyment isn't enough to just ignore how fast and dangerous this all could possibly be. You don't know how you just dazed off and forgotten all about that. You stand up and urgently say,"Look,you guys have been really nice to me and I totally appreciate it but this is just all really weird for me so I'm just gonna—"
Geto stands up with such a quickness it's almost supernatural,"Shhh...you don't mean that sweet girl. Just come and sit with me and Saturo,yeah? We'll make all that confusion will go away,okay?" His words are so sweet,so soft and gentle;inviting to the point you almost relax back to the seat but you don't.
"No—can't. This is so personal and you guys don't even know me...plus everyone can see you behaving this way with me." You go to grab your bag but Gojo stops your exit this time. "C'mon cutie,it's okay. It's just me and Sugu,we wouldn't wanna do anything to hurt our lil pretty new friend. If it's the people watching...we can take you up to our dorm and continue this there."
Geto adds,"That's a good idea, all these people shouldn't be watching you anyways." You look at them in confusion and seriously debate if going back to their dorm is actually a good idea at all. "Don't treat your new friends like this;we're not gonna hurt you." Friends? Are they really calling themselves friends?
You bite your lip and glare down at your beat up sneakers,"I don't know.." Gojo pulls you close to him by gripping your soft hand,"It's okay,cutie. It's just me and Geto,we won't do anything."
You bite your lip,stumped with providing them with an answer,it's useless though because an arm links with yours and already starts ushering you along to exit the mess hall. "W-Wait!" You try to pull yourself away from the limb but it's like forged iron. Geto utters,"It's okay. Just come with us. It's just us."
You were panicked,worried,anxious to the point of feeling like throwing up. The feeling washes away as Geto soothes you with his words;odd considering the fact that he's not explicitly saying anything too calming. He's just talking,yet his syllables feel like warm chamomile tea that just eases your mind and heart.
It feels magical...too artificial of a feeling it's almost like being on a high. The feeling only increases when Gojo joins his friend in talking to you;literally and metaphorically syncing with him as he also links his arm with yours.
The longer they talk the more woozy you begin to feel. Your walls of distrust and logic melt away like rapid candle wax,so much so that you begin teeter into their touch.
Your mind is confused and vulnerable to the point you don't realize you're in front of their dorm room until Gojo pulls you into the room. They both free you of their hold and suddenly you feel more conscious.
"Why'd you take me here? I didn't even get a say.." Geto rubs the apparent flesh on the back of your arms,"It's alright...you'll enjoy being with us." Your brows scrunch and you want to spew something aggressive but his touch and his voice are just too...distracting.
"G-Geto.." you whimper. You don't know why you say his name,it's just the only thing your mouth will allow you to say. "Yes, tell me what do you want?" You snuggle closer into his touch,breathless and confused,"I don't know..." Gojo then walks closer to you,taking up the front portion of your body. His hands cling to your wide waist;digits dig into the dough like flesh.
"Would you like for us to give you an option?" The long haired man whispers in your ear,his lips practically pecking the shell of the cartilage. You're weak and feel all too needy. Needy for what is the real question though.
"Please,yes.." you lowly whimper. With that the two men place you onto a soft bouncy mattress,leaving you without the their touch for a few minutes but that doesn't last for long. Gojo already has his hands on your tummy,practically massaging the flesh with his hands. He leans forwards and starts suckling on the skin of your nape.
He starts thumbing the beginning of your loose fitting shorts,"I think these should come off." You gulp and grip onto him,"I-I haven't shaved just so you know." Gojo starts pulling down the waistband to the point he could see your bellybutton,"I didn't ask if you shaved,I said these should come off."  You gasp as you feel a new pair of hands on your thighs—pulling down the bottom half of the outfit.
Geto looks up at you from the position of him being on his knees;slotted perfectly in between your big thighs. "I agree with Saturo,everything should just come off you." Gojo starts pulling off the hem of your panties and once they're low enough Geto grabs the material and carefully slides them off your legs. He does something unusual,by bringing the damp material to his face and taking a deep inhale. He groans into the panties,eyes closed in bliss and a deep harbored groan flees his lips.
Gojo looks down in jealousy and whines for his other half to hand him the undies. You watch as Geto begrudgingly passes him the undergarment. Gojo brings them to his face and his bright blues eyes almost glow with light as he huffs in the smell of your pussy. "Mate smells so good. Fuck..."  You brows furrow in confusion,what did he mean by mate? It's such a primitive and almost animal like to refer to you as that. You don't have much time to think of it though as demand takes all your attention.
"Spread,so we can see that pretty pussy..." The ravenette orders you. You're about to do it but insecurity nags at you,the condition of your unshaven and wild looking pussy drains away at your confidence. What's the point of spreading anyway? The fat of your lips and hair will block the view of anything worth looking at.
"Spread." Gojo repeats. You shake your head no;embarrassment and now common sense are starting to grow back into your brain. Both of the men huff,annoyed with the fact they can't just view the pussy they can smell from miles away,even in water.
For two months since they last fed,they've been so stuck on finding this woman with an unearth like aroma. The being smelt of brown sugar and sweet honey. They've been so determined to find the owner of the scent they've enrolled in this stupid college and kept tabs on you for so long.
Now they have you,almost bare,snagged in their hypnotic touch,yet you won't even let them see what rightfully belongs to them? No. That just won't do.
"Gojo,bring the mirror over here." Immediately the man sitting next to you stands up and retrieves a long floor length mirror to right in front of the bed. You observe yourself in the mirror,tired eyes that look bothered, your flustered face and your slightly messy hair,all the way to your bare lower body.
Why bring the mirror though? Your question is answered when Geto suddenly arises from the floor,taking the space the former was sitting on the bed. His strong hand grips the fatty flesh of your thigh,placing it on his lap. Gojo,now sitting on the opposite side does the same action. You fluster,"What're you doing?" Gojo hums with a happy expression,"Spreading."
They both extend your legs further til your pussy is completely exposed to them in the view of the mirror. "Perfect." Geto says lowly into the cusp of your neck and shoulder. "So pretty,I just wanna lick it." You tensed at the admiration for such a private area,a private area that four pair of eyes are constantly eyeing hungrily.
"So many things we could make you do..." The white haired man suggests. "Mhm,but right now I wanna see her play with it." Geto answers. "P-Play with it?" You try to close your legs back but their grips are too strong on your legs. You couldn't do that—not in front of them. It's embarrassing;being open and exposing yourself raw like that.
Gojo whines,"You're so mean. Trying to close what's rightfully ours. Just play with it...you wanna make yourself feel good,right?" His words and his touch feel like the law,like you have to obey. He didn't say anything overly convincing,yet your body can't help but comply.
Your pudgy digits reach down in between the plump lips—traveling way down to the pulsing hole. The fingers circle the entrance,barely touching the wet flesh. You huff at the light touch,already feeling needy. "It's alright,you can put one in." Geto urges.
You gaze into the mirror,observing the sight of your finger so easily sliding into the welcoming hole. A gasp flees your lips as the appendage starts moving in and out of you. "There you go...keep going."
You obey,moving the lone finger faster and harder than the first few movements. "Fuckkkk,that looks so good. Mate looks so good playing with her pussy." Gojo howls out. Playing with your pussy is not the only view you're able to see in mirror. Gojo and Geto's are in the displaying glass as well;their hard cocks out in the open as they go up and down at the same pace as you.
You bite your lip,immensely turned on by the view of the two men bringing themselves sweet undeniable pleasure. Their hands wander up and down your legs,holding tight the excess flesh you have on the limbs. Geto groans,"Your legs are so pretty,just like the rest of you. So plump and soft. Perfect for giving you so many pups." You moan at his words,adding another digit for the adding bliss.
Blue eyes close in joy,"Oh? You like that? Wanna get pregnant with me and Sugu's babies? Wanna be full of pups?" His hips stutter up into his o shaped hand,"F-Fuck,say yes! Tell us how badly you want that." A whine falls from your babbling mouth,"Want! Need it so bad." Geto groans as he reaches over you to bite into the soft skin of your neck;sinking his teeth in so deep you can feel the light liquid of blood dribble down. Your back arches at the strange sensation that hurts,yet feels oddly so good.
Gojo also goes for a bite,lower though,he finds the spot of your plump shoulder to be perfect. "Mm,you're gonna take it so well when me and Gojo fuck you." The ravenette mumbles into your flesh. His hand travels down to the pouch of your fat that rest slightly above your uterus,he gives it a harsh grasp;fingers digging into the moldable skin. "Perfect,so perfect for giving babies."
Your digits curl into the wet cavern and your body almost folds itself just trying to reach that special spot that resides so deeply in you. You whimper in frustration,your average sized fingers not being just enough to reach that oh so very special spot.
Gojo laughs,"Can't reach? It's okay cutie,me and Sugu will be touching you there all the damn time. Just continue making yourself feel good,yeah? Want you to cum all over your little fingers so I can lick it off." With that bit of encouragement,you thrust deeper;curling the digits so far they're like hooks going into your sloppy cunt.
"Mmmm,look at your cute face. Making such adorable faces in the mirror for us.." Geto hums in your neck,lapping up with rouge from his bite with his slender tongue. Gojo grips your chubby face in his palm,"Right,look at those pudgy cheeks,just wanna bite em." He releases his hold and goes for a gentle nibble on the fat,almost suckling on it like a baby.
With a loud moan,your hand darts out to get a hold on Geto's hair;an action he revels in,loving the harsh pull on the silky strands. "Feels so good." You stammer. "Yeah? That feels good?" Geto purrs. You nod furiously,too caught up in your own pleasure to chatter anymore.
Geto and Gojo experience the same feeling—their eyes are shut in pure anticipation,their pretty swollen tips throbbing to let out the milky substance. You moan louder at the reflection in the mirror;the glass showing you the two men who are so close to falling off the brink of pleasure. The men who just look so desperate to spill all over your spread form.
Faster,harder,deeper is all the thought your mind allows you to even think. Your fingers are working overtime,trying to get over that brink of sweet ecstasy. With one hard thrust,your essence splays all over the mirror,distorting the clear reflection of the glass.
Geto cums soon after,then Gojo. As they do,they make it obvious the cum is all over your body. It mostly splatters on your thighs and your tummy.
You breathe heavily and look at them in astonishment,"Oh my God..."
You couldn't believe it,couldn't believe cumming in front of people you just met,couldn't believe letting them cum all over you,couldn't believe hearing them call you mate and say things like mate—isn't that really weird? You sit up away from the duo and look at them suspiciously. And again you feel more conscious without their touch on you.  More like you can clearly think and think logically.
"Why'd you wanna do this with me?" It's accusing,the question,it practically spews suspicion if it wasn't obvious enough. Geto reaches to touch your thigh,but you move away. "Don't touch me. I dunno what's going on with you two...but it's weird."
Gojo chuckles,"Aww,cutie are you feeling nervous? It's okay—" You cut him off with a desperate shout,"Answer my question! Please! Why?"
They look at each other for a few long seconds,thinking about what to say. You know they’re probably thinking about some elaborate lie that won’t even begin to fool you. How could you be so stupid? So easily wooed to do something so very intimate with these strangers? God,could you be anymore stupid?
They don’t give you any answers—no,the much bigger men tackle you onto the bed. Their hands grab all and any appendage that could fight back.
There it is again…that strange drossy feeling. It returns with a revenge time,it no longer feels like a light enjoyable feeling. Now it’s overtaking all your senses,stealing away your conscious mind.
“Sleep. You want to sleep. Sleep. You want to sleep.” Both of the voices chant to you,repeating the phrase over and over again. No! You don’t want to sleep,yet the more the repeat,the more they tell you what you want,the more your eyes begin to sag and you no longer see anything more.
“No,Su’ you’re not covering her enough!” The annoyed voice of blue eyed man shouts. Geto huffs,”That’s all we have left in us. We could rub it in to scent her further. Calm down.”
Lips pout out in a childlike manner,”I’m just sayin so we can be careful. So many will probably want out mate,she’s so perfect for pups after all.” A chuckle follows,”You’re so possessive sometimes. No one will want her since we’ve marked her.”
“Oh,I’m possessive? You’re the one who said we should eat everyone just because that little guy friend of her touched her while making an escape. I—“Gojo points to his chest proudly,”just wanted to eat two or three but you got all murdery after he touched her.”
Geto rolls his black irises so far they disappear into the white of his socket,”Whatever. You would’ve ate them all anyways because you’re so damn jealous of others having her attention.” Gojo gasps,offending greatly,”Am not! I don’t get jealous like you!”
Geto laughs amused,knowing exactly how his life long friend works,”Alright,you win.” The white haired man hums triumphantly. Physically saying,”I know that’s right!”
“But are you sure we shouldn’t cum a little more on her?” Gojo cranes his head to look next to him,”No,we have to save some when we cum in her so we fertilize the eggs.” He nods,accepting the answer.
When you wake up you’re greeted with the sight of loitering heads hanging above you.
You attempt to yelp only to have a hand roughly clap against your mouth. “Shhh,the yell will only echo in the cave.” A high voice says. Cave? Last time you checked you weren’t in a cave;the last location being a college dorm rooms.
The now known voice of Gojo exclaims,”I’m so happy you’re up though! Me and Geto were getting worried that we’d have to give you pups while you were asleep. Which is no fun cause we can’t hear your pretty little moans like that.” You cringe at his explanation—the thought of being used unconsciously giving you the creeps.
You get more creeped out though,the view of your surroundings not seeming so promising. There’s visible peeled human flesh in the cave,scattered around the stone. And the smell of old iron and rotten flesh takes over your nostrils. Oh God…you fingerfucked yourself in front of a bunch of monsters. And they probably want to eat you next too,just like your friends! Once they’re tired of you, you’re definitely on the menu.
Tears start streaming down your chubby face and your body begins to shake. “Just eat me already! Please don’t play with me and just eat me!” Your pathetic cries are met with laughter. This pauses your sobbing because why are they laughing at you?
“Oh my God! You’re so cute! Eat you? Noo!” Gojo folds over clutching his bare abdomen. Geto joins the laughter,”You’re so silly,we don’t want to eat you! You’re our mate! Imagine that,Gojo? Eating all our future pups like that!” Mate? Pups? These words sound familiar,like the ones they were saying the last time…intimacy happened.
Now that you look them in their true form you see why they chose the verbiage. They have scales matching their hair colors coating all four of their limbs,paired with gills on the neck’s and sides. As they laugh they also show their three rows of flesh piercing teeth. They were definitely some kind of animal like creature. But what?
“So you’re not gonna eat me?” You ask tentatively. Geto nods,”No,we want to make you our mate. That’s why we went through all that trouble of getting you.” Gojo urges in agreement,”Mhm! We just wanna fill you with pups and live with ya forever. And actually,”he lowers his hand down to his bare crotch gripping his already hard cock,”We’ve been meaning to do it soon as we brought you here. But you’re such a sleepyhead we had to wait til you woke up.”
You watch as he gives it a good stroke,looking you up and down as does so. And that’s when you realize you’re completely bare too;with some white milky substance coating your whole body. Another voice joins in,”Mhm,we’ve been dying to get inside you. And I don’t intend on waiting any longer.”
“W-Wait!” You try to protest but it’s no avail,Gojo is already on top of your naked body. Grips and gropes are felt all over from the monster,your chest,your plentiful body,your wide supple hips that sting as his hold won’t get any looser. He licks and bites every fiber in skin in front of him,everything being marked by his rough movements.
Geto comes in front of your laying position,stroking up and down as he watches his companion go feral with his urges. “Warm her up,Satoru. Make her feel good first.” He doesn’t respond verbally,his actions speaking loud enough for him;his mouth moves to suckle on the hard bud on top your breast aching for some type of stimulation.
You moan at the sensation only to be silenced by a passionate kiss from the long haired man. His tongue intertwines with yours creating a languid dance with the pink muscles. Gojo pops off your breast,sounding breathless and needy.
“I don’t wanna wait no more..Wanna be inside.” He whines,already lining up his cock with your soaked entrance. Geto sighs,”Maybe I should fuck her first…I’m more patient.” It’s a loud protest,”NO! Me! Please I want to first.”
You interrupt,swollen mouth readily to spew exactly what you want at this moment,”Just do it. Fuck me.” You don’t know what came over you to say that. Maybe it was their hypnotizing touch? They’re intimidatingly now known power over you? Or perhaps after months of being so harshly ignored you just needed this. Needed to be molded and groomed just to be something again…Whatever it is leads to the man on top of you finally giving into his desires.
With a shaky groan he impales you with his cock. He doesn’t halt nor wait for you to adjust—his urges of breeding being too strong. As he bucks into you he reshapes your legs to his satisfaction,bending them all the way against the fat of your stomach;indulging in the way the soft flesh jiggles with each rough piston of his hips.
“Good! Feel so good!” He howls into the echoing cave. “Look at you,taking it like such a good mate.” Geto purrs,rubbing his now scale textured palm on your soft face. “You see all the faces she makes when you’re fucking her,Saturo?”
“Y-Yeah! So cute!” He thrusts harder into your welcoming cunt,contorting himself to almost nuzzle your face every time he goes in and out of you. You whine and grip onto him,feeling an orgasm coming soon. You face twists into one of awaiting pleasure;the orgasm just teetering away from you.
“She’s about to cum! Go faster!” Geto encourages. Gojo,obliges,each of his harsh thrust definitely leaving bruising marks on the back of thighs and asscheeks.
Every movement is like a symphony—coordinating your final path to pleasure. The instruments? The clapping noises of Gojo prodding your hole roughly and passionately. The applause? The sweet noises you’d let fly past your tongue. And finally with one last shove into you,the orchestrater of your orgasm allowed you to sing his high praises.
You see white,yet Gojo doesn’t stop his hips—No he goes faster until he oozes into you hot white sticky semen. He stiffens for a second then reels back into the cavern,to the point his tip kisses your cervix. He stays in you until an odd sensation travels through your walls.
Orbs or something resembling a sphere fight against the strict wall of your womb. It starts with one,then the second,the the third,and the fourth is when you start to feel the invasion of whatever is being deposited in you.
“W-What’s going on?” Geto leans down and kisses your plump cheek,”Gojo’s giving you his pups. Don’t worry it’ll only hurt when they try to get into your womb,but you’re such a good mate you’ll take all of them.”
“A-All of them?” The reparation doesn’t help with understanding the idea. “All of them! And then you’re gonna take Sugu’s too! Isn’t that great?” Gojo joyfully informs you.
Your brain and body hurts so you simply just nod,pretending like you know what they mean. You’re tired. So tired that you lean into Geto’s gentle cupping of your face,closing your eyes;letting the two beings do whatever they want at this point.
Allowing yourself to be totally and wholly consumed by them.
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jr-ills · 2 years
i think a part that sucks about all this is what i really need is a close friend to just in-depth vent to and get everything out but every time i start talking about it everyone just gets awkward or tries to distract me or just.. doesn't say anything. i've had so many people tell me 'i'm here for you through this' and then... not be. like i know i'll be okay i know i'll get over it that doesn't make me feel better right now! doesn't change the fact that the past 8 months of my life are gone, doesn't change the fact that someone who meant so ridiculously much to me won't be part of my life anymore. i don't know. this is something i'm new to feeling and it's really hard right now.
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thinemoonshine · 3 months
⋆𐙚₊ 𝐚 ‘𝔀𝓮’ 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐧 ‘𝓾𝓼’ ˚⊹♡
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downbad!enhypen maknae line x fem!reader content(s): fluff, slight angst in noo’s (he cries :c), enhypen being down bad, like whipped for (y/n), (y/n) is sassy and sulky, enha being so cute i want to chomp, petnames (honey, kitten whiskers—it’s not serious pls believe me) type: oneshot
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˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ synopsis: in which (y/n) doesn’t call them her boyfriend because they haven’t officially asked her to embark on an official courtship˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
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⋆˙𐙚 K.SUNOO 𐙚˙⋆ "...pretty please. pretty, pretty please?"
“(y/n)-ah~” he sings as he enters her room from the living room. it’s supposed to be a stay-at-home date at her apartment and yet, here she is, laid on her stomach on her bed and leaving him alone outside. “what are you doing~?”
“nothing. just playing with my phone,” she casually answers, lackluster, without a single glance to the blonde boy who pouts.
he sits beside her, legs criss-crossed as he watches her scroll. and the anxiety bubbles again. he feels nauseous. it’s been more than a week since she’s been acting this way. she was so sweet and loving before—clinging onto him just as he does with her, showing him her ootds and him gushing at them, and both of them enjoying sweet little lunch dates at school—so what happened for all that to go away?
and as if fate too is against him, he looks at her screen right when she likes a post of jungwon and his heart shatters.
since when? since when were she and jungwon mutuals on social media? as far as he can remember, (y/n) didn’t follow any guy except for him and as much as sunoo said he didn’t mind it if she wanted to follow other men, he can’t help but feel relieved and prideful knowing that he has that specialness to him—something that only he has, and no other guy does.
his mouth dries and throat tightens, brows knit and eyes already feeling hot from the emotions threatening to spill. “is…is something wrong with us?”
“what do you mean?” (y/n) asks and still, she doesn’t look at him.
sunoo bites his lip, chewing on the rosy nub for a second and gulps. “i feel like you don’t want me anymore…”
“HUH?” the girl’s mouth is wide open as she nearly shouts her response—sitting up and turning to him promptly. “of course, i want you! why would you think i—oh…oh, sun…”
her voice quietens to a soothing whisper when she sees him all flushed in the cheeks and nose as his eyes brim with tears. she cups his face—smooth, milky skin pressed warmly against her palms and he lets out a shaky breath.
“th-this was supposed to be a date,” sunoo says sulkily, trying to keep his composure by acting petulant and yet the hot, fresh globules that cascade past his lower lash line down to her hands belie his attitude. “but you don’t even want to look at me.”
“sunoo,” (y/n) starts and lets out a breath. “this is stupid. i should’ve just said it.”
“what do you mean?”
“the reason why i’m acting distant and all is because it dawned onto me that we haven’t made things official. we confessed but there was no follow-up or anything, we just started going out but we didn’t really like…officiate things,” she explains and sighs guiltily when she sees his glossy foxy eyes staring at her with surprise. “i’m sorry. i was being petty. i mean, not everyone does things traditionally anymore at this generation. if i wanted it so bad i should’ve been the one to as—”
“let me be your boyfriend,” sunoo blurts out, effectively shutting her up and she gapes with confusion while his hands raise to hold her wrists. “let me be your boyfriend…please. pretty please. pretty, pretty please?”
with his lips jutted and head tilted into her palm, he blinks at her with those beautiful honey eyes of his and she thinks she has to be completely insane not to submit. she giggles and the melodic sound perks him up instantly—searching into her eyes frantically for her confirmation and the sight of her single nod, he engulfs her into his arms.
“thank you, my girlfriend! the most beautiful girl in the world! the most sweet, most loving, most gorgeous, most warm, most kind—!”
it’s now her turn to shut him up by pressing a surprise kiss, lips molding into each other’s as his widened eyes slowly flutter shut. his arms loosen and body melts as they fall onto the mattress together.
(y/n) pulls away and is positively amused at the sight of her boyfriend’s glowing face—his eyes half-lidded as they trace her features with a lovesick gaze.
gosh, she’s beautiful. she’s so, so beautiful and so, so dangerous. the fact that a singular person can cause such havoc within him is concerning.
but gosh, it’s times worse to lose her. he was already eyeing the window behind her in case she was to reject him earlier. thank goodness, he didn’t have to proceed with giving himself a concussion, or worse.
“sunoo?? why are you crying? was the kiss bad?” (y/n) asks, worried, when heavy tears suddenly flow sideways on his face and onto her sheets as they lay together and he shakes his head.
“no, i’m just—so happy,” he chokes out, accompanied by a giggle as he sniffles and wipes his eyes but the stream doesn’t cease. “i thought i’d lose you.”
“oh, honey,” the other coos, touched by his sensitivity, and the endearing term only makes his cries to thicken, now wailing entirely as he tries to hide into her pillow and under her blanket.
but with the help of (y/n)’s tickles, the room is then filled with his shrieking laughter and ends with a happy pillow fight and cuddle session.
“by the way…since when did you follow jungwon?”
“oh! just a few days actually. it started because i wanted to ask him about you. you know, consultation and stuff.”
“do you…want me to unfollow him?”
“…no, it’s fine! it’s completely fine.”
“you’re pouting.”
“am not.”
“…i’ll unfollow him.”
“oh! you will?? :D i mean!! you don’t need to but, do whatever you want :>>”
“…you sly fox.”
⋆˙𐙚 Y.JUNGWON 𐙚˙⋆ “i love you”
he’s mature and responsible just as he is playful and mischievous. but that doesn’t mean he’s going to be able to maintain his sangfroid all the time—especially when his loved one is acting as if they’re just friends.
jungwon’s fidgeting in his seat, unable to sit still as (y/n) sits across him around the circular table, surrounded by the other members of the club.
when the club first announced that they’re gonna have a lunch together, he was excited—thinking that it’s the perfect opportunity to declare his relationship with (y/n). they’d sit side by side and act all lovey dovey, subtly of course, but people would have to be blind to not get the hint that they’re together.
but against his expectations, (y/n) finds herself a seat away from him and to make matters worse, she’s sandwiched between two of their flirty, pesky male members.
his hands clench under the table as jaw tightens when one of them leans closer to (y/n) to ask about the menu, her being too engrossed in choosing her own meal that she doesn’t seem to notice.
“hey, you good? you seem a little tense,” one of the members ask him and he puts on a strained smile but enough to show his dimple.
“yeah. just hungry,” won says and eventually the ordering process follows when the waiter arrives.
jungwon’s eyes almost never leave (y/n)—staring at her while she lists out her order, staring at her when he’s listing his order and even after they’re done, his cat-like eyes are transfixed on the girl who’s slowly starting to get nervous under his intense gaze.
“i’m gonna go to the restroom,” she excuses herself and escapes but just right after she enters the corridor, away from people’s eyes, her wrist is captured in another’s hand—making her turn with eyes wide and lips parted in mild shock. “jungwon?? i—what are you doing?”
“why aren’t you sitting next to me?” he asks directly, wanting to resolve whatever issue there is as soon as possible.
her brows knit as lips pull to a smirk, amused yet incredulous. “do i have to? we didn’t agree on anything beforehand.”
“then i’ll sit with you,” the other declares, loosening his grip around her wrist to lower it down to her hand—entangling their fingers together. his mien is nothing short of conviction but at her silence, his knitted brows soften as his pupils shake slightly. "...if you let me."
his abrupt polite meekness makes her smile, finding him oh, so deadly adorable that she just wants to chomp on his cheek.
"of course, i'll let you, wonnie. what makes you think i won't?" (y/n) sounds, the cadence in her voice compelling him to remove his stare from his shoes and to her eyes, only to gulp and shy away after. "hm? oh no, did the cat's tongue finally get caught instead?"
jungwon's feline eyes widen in surprise when she pulls him by their joint hands—him stumbling over but before he can fall flat on his face on the floor, she spins him to the wall, one hand pressed on his chest and the other still intertwined with his.
it's always like this. he thinks he has it all figured out, he thinks he has the upper hand and that he'll lead everything to its rightful place. but then, she comes in and all his objectives, his points and control comes crashing down to smithereens.
and unlike him, she doesn't even need to try. she just has that power on him and although he'll never admit it publicly, his actions prove it all. despite his cuddly appearance, he's this figure of authority and he's proven that time and time again. he's meant to lead, and yet the moment (y/n) comes in, he turns to mush—both brain and body.
"i just...well, i noticed that you seem a bit distant," jungwon brings up and he hangs his head down, too bashful and flustered to meet her gaze that strikes into him in a way it seems to uncover his deepest secrets. "and i thought that i may have upset you. i'm sorry."
(y/n) tilts her head and brows lift. "you do know that i'm not a fan of apologies when people don't know what they're apologising for, right?"
jungwon snaps his face up with eyes round. "i-i—i know that. but i can't think of anything. i've wrecked my brain, i've thought of everything and still! i can't seem to figure out what it is. please, tell me. i'll fix it! i promise, i can do better. hm? hm, (y/n)-ie?"
his bottom lip sticks out as he pitifully blinks his sparkly doe eyes to her and she knows he's trying to get her to surrender using his beauty privilege. and darn right, she will. that's one of the things she loves about him, his mischief hidden under an angel face.
"you're so sneaky," (y/n) scoffs but the smile that forms on her face acts as a sort of assurance, an agreement, and jungwon's own grin appears.
he still takes cautious steps though—gently prodding on her crown with his nose, then to her forehead and to her nose. at her stillness, his smile widens and eyes shut, relief taking over as he buries himself into the crook of her neck.
a few giggles sound from her and he only nuzzles more at them, wanting to be graced by her joy time and time again but then a worry crosses his mind.
"still...you were upset, weren't you? will you tell me why?" he asks quietly, muffled by her shoulder and he instinctively presses soft, warm pecks on the exposed skin up to her neck.
she shudders pleasantly at the fuzzy feeling and lets out a gentle exhale. "nothing...i was just throwing a tantrum, i guess. i mean, you haven't asked me to be your girlfriend and i got sad. kinda. i don't know."
jungwon suddenly grapples her shoulders, not roughly of course, but enough to allow him to detach her from him as he looks at her with his jaw slack open and eyes twice their size. "i haven't...? i haven't! oh my gosh! i'm so sorry, honey! (y/n), i know this might be late but will you be my—"
"yes, wonnie," (y/n) chuckles out at his panicked and frantic gestures before abruptly seizing his lips into a kiss—sucking the air out of him as his eyes flutter shut.
jungwon's heart jumps, knocking itself against its cage as it too seems to want to kiss (y/n) by itself and his head falls to the side slightly to deepen their link. his hand flies to tenderly cup her cheek while his free arm clings around the back of her waist to pull her closer.
and at that moment, his senses are numbed to all but her.
safe to say that when they came back to the table, everyone already knew about jungwon and (y/n)'s status—well, at least they knew of won's feelings first. they're surprised that his stare hasn't actually lasered through her skull from the intensity of it. and much to jungwon's delight, he gets to have (y/n) all to himself right beside him, and not sandwiched in between two dirty, flirty and intrusive flies.
and now, instead of thinking about his laser eyes, people are wondering when his face will break from how wide his happy, giggly grin is—dimples deep like blackholes as he practically buzzes gleefully with (y/n) so close to him.
“i love you,” he whispers at her and (y/n) smacks his thigh softly from under the table, reminding him of the presences of other people to which he just snickers at—boba eyes shooting hears at the side of her face as she tries to focus on her food.
⋆˙𐙚 N.RIKI 𐙚˙⋆ “hush, kitten whiskers”
“thanks, riki!” (y/n) chirps before ruffling the younger’s hair—a gesture he’d usually welcome, if it isn’t in a way where one rewards a young child for practically anything.
he pulls a feeble smile, one that doesn’t reach his eyes and watches as the girl enters her lecture room with her bag that he carried for her.
it’s not an unusual thing, to have her ruffling his hair or cooing at him since he is after all, younger than her. but after they confessed to each other, those gestures lessened and instead, she treated him more of like a boyfriend, a man, rather than some junior who needs to be taken care of and guided by a senior.
and riki loves that. the fact that she trusts him to be reliable. but then after a while, she reverted back to how she was acting before—reminding him of their ranks of senior and junior, of older and younger, baby and babysitter.
and oh, does he hate it.
not (y/n). never (y/n). but the way she’s back to babying him is making him pull on his hair and smash his head into a wall.
he’s capable, responsible, dependable. he can be her pillar.
‘i’m not a child,’ he thinks as he stares at her taking a seat before he retreats.
hands in his pockets, he tries to think what must’ve happened to make her go back to how they were before. and that’s when it hit him.
if he wants (y/n) to treat him like a man, he has to show her how truly manly he is. a smirky grin forms on his face at the realization and just like that, a wonderful(?) plan is concocted.
(y/n)’s finished with classes? oh, riki’s already waiting outside—leaning against the wall with one leg in front of the other and his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose.
the girl halts in her tracks as a soft furrow forms at the other’s model pose. “uhh, riki? what are you doing?”
“oh, (y/n). done already?” he’ll sound, feigning ignorance as he pushes himself off the wall. “pass me your bag. i’ll carry it for you.”
she’ll slowly do as he asks, partly cautious, due to his odd behaviour and he’ll then dangle it over his shoulder—effortlessly lifting it with a hand.
(y/n) wants to buy something? riki will pay.
“but this is supposed to be my treat,” (y/n) insists as she looks up at riki who’s adamantly shaking his head with plump lips pursed. “riki, as your senio—”
“hush, kitten whiskers,” he’ll cut her off with a finger pressed on her lips, effectively silencing her before internally cringing at himself. “i should be the one spoiling you.”
“here’s my card,” the young man will say as he passes the object to the cashier with style—flashing his striking right side profile to (y/n) for more charm points and deliberately ignoring the face of disgust and incredulity worn by the girl.
(y/n) needs help getting something off the high shelf? don’t worry, riki will spawn in the area.
“you want this one?” he’ll ask lowly, deep bass voice rumbling through his chest and making the girl shudder as she feels the vibrations against her back. he’ll smirk at the reaction before pulling out the book.
(y/n) turns and lifts her chin to meet his face, blinking rapidly as her fluster fills at the proximity. “yeah…”
riki’s lips curve upwards at her bashfulness, especially so when he flickers his gaze between her own. “here you go.”
she accepts it as he slips it between their figures—not wanting to step away from her just to revel more at her shyness, her timidity towards him. finally, she’s getting it.
he’s a strong, mighty man. not just a junior, or a guy who’s younger than her. he’s capable. he can be her knight in shining armour. she understands now.
“thanks, ki!” (y/n) exclaims and her hand reaches up to pat his head, ruffling his hair slightly before she walks away—completely oblivious to him turning to stone before shattering to dust then being swept away by the janitor and ending sadly in the bin.
she hasn’t gotten it.
however, nothing shalt stand in between him and his journey for justice and love!
which is why he’s now sitting on the couch of (y/n)’s living room while she’s in the kitchen, making some drinks for them both. he’s restless, fingers tapping on his knees before he stands to his feet.
how can he tell (y/n) not to baby him? how can he ask her to look at him differently? as an equal standing and not of hoobae and sunbae? as boyfriend and girlfriend like what they actually are?
his legs move quicker than he can think—carrying him across rooms and to the kitchen as his eyes frantically search around.
“(y/n)! what happened??” he asks and gasps at seeing her kneeled on the floor to pick up shards of a broken mug.
“ah, riki! the water was just hotter than i thought so i lost my grip,” (y/n) chuckles nervously but the other can only frown as he watches her hand hover a shattered piece.
he promptly strides towards her, crouching right beside. “let me.”
“no, you’ll get hurt.”
“i’m not a kid,” he declares and stares her straight in the eye. her lips part and breath hitches at the fervor in his gaze to which he then repeats, “i am not a kid. i can do stuff like this. let me take care of you.”
he keeps the eye contact a little longer, ensuring that she won’t try and pick the pieces up herself before finally pulling away to do it for her.
he does it swiftly yet precisely, not letting a single sharp edge graze his skin before wrapping the broken parts in a tissue to safely toss them to the bin. then, grabbing a cloth he starts wiping up the spill and finishes with washing and drying his hand.
through all this, (y/n) only watches from the side. riki has always been good looking and attractive in each and every way, but seeing him like this—so capable in a domestic way, in such a solicitous manner in her own home is…different. a good different.
“and this, this is the bare minimum, (y/n). this is nothing. i am capable of so many things. i can take care of you in so many ways—not just how i do in school. if you just let me show what i have to offer,” riki says with conviction as he saunters to the girl before resting his hands on her smaller shoulders. he exhales through his nose as lips pull to an endearing smile at her awed expression. “i am your boyfriend, after all.”
unlike his expectations—in which (y/n) will end up blushing and hiding into his chest—she instead smirks as her previously rounded eyes relax to a more siren-like sharpness and head tilts.
“are you, though?” she asks with a teasing lilt and question marks float above the other’s crown. “when?”
“when what?” riki queries back, now confused and slightly worried at her rejection.
“when did you ask—to be my boyfriend?”
the younger scoffs in amusement. “when we confessed!”
“oh, did you?” (y/n) sings and the doubt in the other’s head heightens, evident from his faltering smile and rapidly blinking eyes. and that’s when she understands. “don’t tell me…the reason why you’ve been acting extra weird and hard these days is because you think i look at you as a kid?”
riki clears his throat. “were you not…?”
“ki, no!” the girl laughs out loud, almost doubling over but instead stops with her head hitting his chest. riki thinks he might be going insane to be feeling all fluttery for someone when that someone is literally laughing at him. “the reason why i’ve been treating you that way is because i’m treating you the way i did before we confessed—as junior and senior.”
“b-but why?” he argues, coming out whinier than he expected as lips jut and making her giggle.
“because you haven’t asked me out yet. i mean…i can be the one to ask you but i know how you love taking the lead so—”
her eyes widen at his abrupt peck on her lips and at her surprised mien, he repeats the gesture—peppering kisses all over her face until she’s a giggling mess.
“so, my picky princess,” he teases which earns a joking glare but he quickly diminishes it by pulling her in by the waist and bending forward—literally sweeping her off her feet as she almost dangles from his arm. “would you grace me the honour of embarking in an official courtship?”
(y/n) snorts, amused before grabbing his face in her hand, making his lips pucker. “wow, expensive words, huh? what a noble guy.”
“i try,” he chuckles and lowers his forehead to meet with hers. “so? what does her majesty say?”
“hmm~ if you promise to never call me kitten whiskers again, i’ll accept,” she emphasizes and he laughs.
“i thought you like shrek??”
“yeah? but not kitten whiskers!”
“STOP!” ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ hyung line ver.
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𝜗𝜚 ngl not really much of a fan at this one but yeah :/ motivations just went ZIP! along the way :(( but if you still enjoyed it, don’t forget to leave a heart and reblog—they give me some motivation, ya know? but please do not spam like!! X♡X♡, romi ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
copyright © 2024 thinemoonshine all rights reserved
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jennifer-jeong · 6 months
Guess who😊
As a reference to what you posted earlier, imagine that after the reader dies of old age, Xiao and Scaramouche encounter a reincarnation of themselves? It's your choice to make them mortal or not (I'm under your bed. If you make them mortal I will kick your feet at night.)
Take your time dear <3
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG FJDKSLA;FJDSA; life has been kicking my ASS but fuck it we ball HELLO MY MUTUAL THANK YOU FOR YOUR REQUEST, I’ve honestly been thinking hard because I want to also request some ideas because your writing is so sweet ehehehe OK PLEASE DON’T KICK MY FEET AT NIGHT THAT’S HORRIFYING - I WILL MAKE THE REINCARNATION IMMORTAL
ALSO @iota1111 these are my ideas for that Xiao and Wanderer angst! If you read only to the *** in each fic, that would be where I’d end the story if it wasn’t meant to be a happy ending! (I would suffer!!!!)
Fluff + Angst | Xiao/Wanderer x GN!Reader Reincarnation
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CONTENT Angst to fluff, happy ending, reader death, mentions of death, mentions of fighting/them taking their anger out on things
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When you passed away, Xiao was absolutely heartbroken. He knew it was coming, he prepared for it, he stayed by your side through your deteriorating health in your last few months. But no matter what, he knew it would destroy him, and it did.
No one saw Xiao for weeks after but everyone noticed that Liyue was safer than ever. Xiao engrossed himself in his work. Taking out his emotions onto the monsters in Liyue. He worked himself to exhaustion every single day. Zhongli still came to check up on him but knew Xiao just needed time.
He didn’t know what to do with himself. What was he supposed to do? You were gone. HIs sunshine, his muse, his… everything.
Xiao collapsed after giving himself no rest for who knows how many nights. Laying in the grass, he stared up at the moon. Asking himself what he could’ve done differently and if he could’ve "selfishly" extended your life. If he could’ve made you immortal like him.
He listened to the bugs chirp around him, the breeze drying the tears he didn’t know were falling. For the first time in a long time, he cried. He sobbed and bit back the urge to lash out at everything in the vicinity. He was on his side, clutching his aching heart, crying into the soft grass he used to lay on with you.
He had gone through so much pain in his life: his karmic debt, the abuse from his old master, losing his found family, and all the years of deafening solitude.
But nothing would ever hurt more than losing you.
Xiao cried his heart out and knocked out from the exhaustion and pain. He slept peacefully for the first time since you passed. *** Xiao woke up the next morning with a start. Confused and disoriented not because of where he had fallen asleep, but because he sensed something insane.
He sensed you.
It was your soul, the one he swore himself to. There was no denying it. Was this a sick joke? Was some old evil spirit messing with him?
It had been months since your passing but there was no denying it. It was you.
Unfortunately, years would pass while Xiao searched for you. He was obsessed over it at first but once he could tell that your soul was safe and alive, he relaxed just a little. He still wanted to see you again, hold you, and whisper how much he loved you, but he knew you’d find each other eventually. He made himself a silent promise that he’d find you no matter what. He didn’t really have much else to do for all of eternity anyways.
Xiao confided in Zhongli through these years, the elder god revealing the possibility of reincarnation, revealing that it’s not uncommon. Souls return to the Earth in many forms but he hints to Xiao that he believes what he’s sensing is indeed you in human form.
Eventually, Xiao would be on a typical nightly patrol, sensing your soul nearby as always. But it was a bit different today. It was stronger.
As if right on cue, Xiao entered a clearing and despite it being nighttime, he saw the sun.
His beautiful sun had somehow risen again against all odds. You didn’t know his name but you knew his soul.
He recognized the sigil on your clothing, it belonged to an adeptus master he hadn’t seen in decades. The draconic horns on your head told him you were reborn in a different body, an immortal body. One that had you trained as an adepti for these past years, likely hidden away in a domain. It clicked in his head. It’s why he could always sense you, but never quite find where you were.
You turned around after feeling his approach. He wondered if you could feel his soul the way he felt yours. If you longed for him even in your new existence. He had so much to ask. But you pulled him out of his noisy thoughts.
Your voice brought him serenity he had long forgotten.
His heart pounded as you spoke.
“I missed you, my love.”
Instantly you were in each other's arms.
“I missed you too,” he says as his voice cracks.
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He was angry, reverting back to how he was before Nahida, the traveler, and you helped him. He blamed the gods, the world, for his sorrows, for his pain. He sought to destroy it all again for somehow making his suffering worse. He had felt pain similar to this. It was all too familiar for him. The constant cycle of loss, betrayal, and agony. But this time, he was on the brink of insanity.
You, his perfect flower, had finally wilted.
He’s stuck bargaining for months, reverting between stages of grief: anger and bargaining. Never able to move on past that.
He continues on his missions for Nahida because he knows it’s what you've wanted but also because he didn’t know what else to do with himself. Any of his combat missions turned into tortures and near assassinations. He used it as a tool to cool himself off, much to the silent disapproval of Nahida. But she knew he’d never disobey your wishes, your morals. You taught him better than to kill out of emotion.
Wanderer commonly visits the forests where you two used to adventure to find some sort of peace and familiarity. He tends to avoid the Aranara despite the fact that they know about your passing and would probably be able to comfort him about it. He just didn’t think he could handle it.
Seasons pass and on one of his trips into the sunny lush forests, growing again due to the spring season, Aranara bring him your favourite flowers when they bloom again the next year. They loved you dearly too, you treated them and the forest with such gentleness that they could never forget you. They didn’t know how to approach him earlier so they used this opportunity instead.
His heart ached and his anemo vision surged with energy when he saw the flower. He finally reached his breaking point, he fell to his knees on the grass and sobbed, clutching the flower to his chest. Letting go of all the stupid anger and bargaining. Who was he kidding, he just didn’t want to accept that he’d have to keep going without you. *** The Aranara tell him not to worry though, comforting and telling him it will be okay. At first he’s confused as to what they mean but Nahida walks out into the sunlit clearing, the sun about to start setting.
She tells him she knows it hurts but that the Irminsul has a message for him and it says that he should not fret and continue to live on and explore the forest. His tear stained face raised an eyebrow but it slowly turned to determination, he knew Irminsul would not lie.
It would take years but he slowly started to feel you nearby. He’d dream of you. The forest felt like you and he could feel your energy in the flora. He confided in Nahida and their bond only grew stronger, he’d also reach out to the Aranara when he’d adventure out of the city.
Eventually, the Aranara prepared and held a ceremony, sensing the birthing of something new, a nature spirit. Nahida described it using the term “nymph.”
Wanderer was silent as he put the pieces together. He held his breath as he realized it might be you. Your reincarnation.
He always saw you as his flower, but he didn’t think you’d become a nature spirit, he was not complaining about it in the slightest though.
Nahida explained that you would exist in the physical realm but had strong ties to the dream realm, you’d be immortal like Aranara are but you’d still be able to live with him in the physical.
As you manifested and blinked open your eyes, you immediately looked at him.
His hands were shaking, unsure if he was scared, happy, both? Was it really you? Had the world finally decided to grant him happiness instead of sorrow? Was this a gift?
But as you took gentle steps towards him, he realized something important:
It didn’t matter.
You were here again, in front of him. Nothing else mattered.
You reached out to hold his face with your hands. You knew him, you knew your soul belonged to him and his to you.
He drew in closer to you, holding your face and touching your foreheads together, tears threatening to fall.
Your beautiful voice spoke to him again in what felt like an eternity. He had almost forgotten what you sounded like.
“Don’t cry my love, I’m here.”
His eyebrows scrunched as his tears fell. He wraps his arms around you tight, never wanting to let go, scared you’d leave him again.
“I missed you so much,” he whispered shakily, scared that his voice would fail if he tried to speak.
“I missed you too. I’m here to stay.”
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|| MASTERLIST ♡ || Thank you for reading! ||
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chxrryhansen · 8 months
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Pairing; Husband!Jake Jensen x Wife!Reader
Warning; smut, huge breeding kink, ever so slight mommy/daddy kink, oral (f receiving) Minors please DNI!!!
Summary; After seeing the way you interact with your colleagues kids, Jake can’t wait to put his own in you.
₊♡₊˚ 🎀・₊✧
Jake sighed heavily as he watched you from across the room as you mingled with your friends, a bright smile on your face.
Your pretty cheeks stretching wide as you laughed. You had both attended a small gathering at a colleagues home with a group of mutual friends, some of which who had kids.
His eyes practically glazed over with lust seeing how you interacted with the little ones, that motherly instinct taking over you.
You led a sweet little girl to the food table, your hand clasping her much smaller one, helping her pick out some snacks and watching with a smile as she happily scuttled off.
He couldn’t take it anymore, standing on shaky legs he snaked towards you. You spun around at the feel of Jake’s large hands wrapping around your waist, cupcake in hand, looking up at him with your beautiful doe eyes.
“Time to go, baby.” he whispered, his breath fanning over your sensitive nape as his thumb wiped away the crumbs from your lips.
“Wh-What? But we only just got here Jakey.” you frowned, puzzled.He said nothing, grabbing your arm gently and dragging you out of the garden to his forest green G-Wagon, shouting a passing goodbye on his way out. “What the fuck Jake.” you mumbled.
His thick hands gripped the steering wheel tight as he pulled out of the driveway. His foot pressed against the accelerator, driving as fast as he could without wanting to cause an accident. “Jake. Slow down, oh my god what has gotten into you?” you practically shrieked as he took a sharp turn around a street corner.
Again, he said nothing. As if he were in some sort of trance, not even noticing you spoke, or, choosing to ignore you. Shortly you arrived home and before you could even blink Jake had hopped out of the drivers side, appearing next to you after ripping the passenger side door open.
His beefy arms linking underneath your legs as he carrying you to the front door of your shared home, his highlighted locks sticking to his forehead while his chest heaved up and down, using one hand to jingle his keys into the lock.
You looked at him in shock, you’d never seen the poor man so worked up before and you had no idea how or why. His shoes pelted against the stairs as he stormed towards your bedroom.
Slamming the door closed, he layed you down gently on the bed, kissing from your throat down to your stomach and lifting your sundress up and over your shoulders.
His hot breath fanned over your panties as he pushed them to the side, licking a long strip from your hole to your swollen clit. You moaned as your hips writhed, his glasses nudging against your clit as he tongued your hole.
Whimpering as he attached his lips to your sensitive button, he sucked and slurped at your cunt as he pushed a finger deep into your pussy, you cried out as your pussy clenched at the intrusion. He began to thrust his finger into your tight hole as he looked up at you, his baby blues shining with lust.
Pulling away all too soon, he climbed back up the bed and pulled you into a deep kiss, your tongues intertwining as he dry humped his dick into your pussy. You stopped him with a sharp tug of his hair. “B-Baby, what is this about?” you spoke breathlessly.
He shook his head, blowing out a puff of air. “You just looked so good sweetheart, the way you handled the kids, makes me want some of our own.”
You paused, deciding this was the right time to tell him “Yeah? You wanna make me a mommy?”Jake moaned out loud hearing the words leave your mouth.
“Fuckkk. That’s all I’ve ever wanted, baby.” he said pulling you into a soft kiss, your tongues intertwined as his love poured through his saliva.
He sat up on his knees, peeling his boxers down his meaty thighs. You closed your eyes as you felt his swollen tip press against your soaked entrance.
He lifted your jaw with his fingers from above, forcing you to look him in the eyes as he pressed his hips against your own roughly, his thick cock bottoming out inside your pussy with one deep thrust making you cry out in pleasure. He pressed his hand against your flat stomach, imagining what it’ll feel like in a few months.
“Gonna’ cum inside you baby, f-fuck….i cant wait to see you get nice and round f’ me. Your belly all swollen with my kids.” he growled, a switch inside him flipping. He pulled out until just the tip remained inside and without warning slammed his hips into yours.
You screamed as you felt your tummy tightening. Your hands gripped his thick biceps as his balls slapped against your ass. The bed began to creak with each thrust of his hips, the headboard slamming against the wall, sure to leave a dint.
“Oh, fuck. Fuck yes. D-Don’t stop!” You whimpered as the knot in your stomach came loose, your cream leaking around the base of his cock as you came.
“Yeah? Right there baby? Right, fucking, there?” Jake growled, accentuating each word as he felt your pussy clench, watching as you orgasmed.
He leant down to bite your neck, hard, as he came. His hot, sticky ropes of cum filling your cunt to the brim, leaking out of your pussy before he was even finished emptying his load. His hips stuttered, groaning as he pulled out, resting his soft cock against your pussy lips.
His lips met your chest, then your throat and cheeks, your forehead, anywhere he could reach.
“You look so pretty like this, my cum leaking down your thighs. Can’t wait to see you carry my babies, makin’ me a real daddy. You’re gonna’ be such a good mommy. There’s nobody in the world i love more than you, sweetheart.”
He whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to your stomach before resting his head against you. Almost like he was listening for a heartbeat that wasn’t even there yet.
You couldn’t tell if that last sentence was directed towards you, or the little bean soon to become the light of both your lives.
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oatmealthighs · 10 days
bigbro!choso x blackfem!babysitter!reader
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 contents: nsfw 18+, MDNI. overstimulation, rough sex, mutual pining, breeding kink, masturbation. i guess a lil stalking? choso's last name is itadori, yuji is a lil one, reader is black-coded and depicted to be a bit thick. but yea gets pretty nasty. minors gtf back
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 author's note: yea this is a bit more self-indulgent than i'd like to admit.... but nonetheless! i still hope yall like it! inspired by this work of art
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“so you're the new babysitter, huh?”
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his voice was so deep. it rumbled through your every limb, made every hair prick up against your melanated skin. your throat went dry as you looked up at the man so casually leaning against the doorframe to his quaint, humble home, towering over you as he observed you almost menacingly.
as choso itadori looked down at you with indifferent eyes, you couldn't stop your own from scouring, observing the way the black tee he had on was tight in all the right places, hugging and squeezing at his muscular biceps and clinging to his formed chest. his brown hair was tied up, spiky locks in two ponytails. black jewelry adorned his ears all the way up to the helix.
you felt small, under investigation as his dark orbs intensely pierced through your own. but you didn't waver, it was never in your nature to showcase your uncertainty. instead you smiled, glossed lips parting to show your pretty teeth. “yep, that's me! my name is [name].” of course choso already knew that, and maybe a bit more that he didn't plan on sharing with you. he had no shame when it came to investigating who he was entrusting the care of his baby brother to, yuji being his heart and rib, the only family he had left on this entire planet. he'd die for him, kill for him, do worse if it came down to it. but with you, all that extra shit didn't seem necessary to make clear.
choso knew you looked good from your instagram he managed to find after some digging, but your posts didn't capture the true, full essence of your beauty. the camera didn't necessarily capture the way your brown skin glowed and shimmered in light, or accentuate your curves like how they looked now. you smelled sweet, like yams and vanilla. the magenta yoga set you wore clung to your skin tantalizingly, outlining your curvy silhouette and the top zipped down just a little low to show a little cleavage. your hair was styled* into a neat bob, bluntly cut just above your shoulders, not a single hair out of place. your lips were lined a dark coffee brown and ombré’d into the pink natural color of your skin, coated with sparkly gloss. your large glasses sat on the bridge of your wide nose, a french-tipped nail pushing them higher up. choso continued to feign disinterest, but he knew the darkening scarlet brushing over the tips of his ears might be what would give him away if you took any notice.
luckily enough, your attention was drawn elsewhere, the sound of toddler yuji cooing as he waddled through the living room towards the front door making your eyes widen with adoration. you kneeled down to his height, yuji’s big brown eyes finding yours and him sending you a gummy smile. “and this must be yuji! ohh, you’re the cutest thing! making my heart swell.”
choso needed you for a short while, just until he could find a new daycare for his little brother. between him working over forty hours a week and using the weekends to focus on bonding with yuji and resting up, he never really had the time. or more-so, seeing how well yuji gravitated to you, how he began asking about you by just saying your name during bath time, how he always cried when you left, was what made it drop lower and lower on his priority list.
you were much more help than he expected you to be, and did far more than what he was paying you to do, which resulted in the extra hundred dollar bills he would sneak into your cherry coach bag every evening. it was the least he could do: you made meals, helped clean, always put yuji down to bed before you left. even did the laundry as needed. you insisted it was okay when choso told you you didn't have to bother yourself with tasks that weren't in the job description, and that you didn't want or expect anything extra out of it. but you stopped fighting against his generosity… not that there was ever a struggle.
some nights required choso to stay later, long past his typical return time of six o’clock, and some nights he wouldn’t return until 2am. he would come in from a particularly tiresome day at the hospital in his his grey scrubs and his hair pulled into a low ponytail. he would never be surprised to find you laying on the large sectional sofa, glasses still on but your bonnet tied tight around your head, under one of the extra blankets with your phone replaying a tiktok. choso always had the guest bedroom prepared for you but it was always all for naught, as the couch seemed to be your preferred place of choice. it was so soft, it had to be well over a thousand bucks. he never disturbed you, you deserved your sleep. at most, he’d shut your phone off and turn down the tv, and head upstairs to shower and prep for bed himself. he’d often hear you leave the house later that night or early in the morning.
choso was the strong, silent type most of the time. he was an action-driven man– if he didn’t say it he would show you. you knew he liked you for his baby brother when he asked how did you feel about hanging around yuji for a bit longer than anticipated one evening while you were just about to leave out for the day. or when he would sneak those crisply folded blue bills into your bag. you wondered what he did for work one day, and you asked him. he was an anesthesiologist, he said. and you knew he was rolling in the money then.
there were no signs of a woman in his life from what you’ve seen. no feminine hygiene products in the bathroom, no pictures, no particular scent aside from your own aroma of sweetness. no mentions of a “she”... not that you’ve ever talked about it. you wanted to pop the question, but you didn’t want to weird him out- you opted to just “keep things professional.” but shit, it was hard sometimes. choso was a nice-looking man, with a height of 6’3”, a hard, muscular build, and dark eyes that made you shudder when he looked down upon you with them. sometimes he would come home after a vigorous work-out at the gym if he had the pleasure of getting off on time, wearing a black underarmour compression shirt that would be so damn tight you’d see every sculpt and cut of his meticulously defined upper body. his hair would be down, brown tresses clinging to his strong neck, thick eyebrows knitted together at the feeling of sweat and perspiration sticking to his skin and his growing need to shower. you would be in the kitchen, just cleaning up since you wrapped dinner up not too long ago, and the smell would make his stomach borderline roar at him. he’d shower, then come back in a tee and grey sweatpants, damp hair hanging as he sat at the table and basically ripped apart whatever you had prepared for him.
sometimes, you’d be in a rush to go home. not because choso would make you uncomfortable or anything. never that… but you knew your body. you knew that warm pool of heat in between your legs meant nothing but trouble, and was something that needed to be handled, preferably asap. you’d rush into your little apartment, make a beeline to your bedroom and strip down to your bare skin before jumping into your silk pink sheets. you’d grab your vibrator and press it to your clit desperately, pussy squeezing around nothing as you threw your head back against the soft pillows. you’d pinch your brown nipple, bottom lip trapped in between your teeth as you moved your vibrator in small little circles. more and more, you’ve began imagining choso in between your legs, his large hands parting your thick thighs like the red sea as he ate you out, his tongue lashing at your clit and slurping up your honey like a man parched. you imagined him pinning you against a wall with those brawny arms of his, knees pressed to your chest as he pounded you, burying himself to the hilt as your pussy squeezed his thick, long dick like a vice. it would be so nasty… you could only imagine the way you’d be cumming around him, how he’d make you cream and release until you’re ran dry.
sometimes when you finish, you’ll feel ashamed, throwing your vibrator to the end of the bed as you squeezed your legs together and hid under the comforter with embarrassment. other times… not so much. the fire would still be stirring and burning within you, begging for something more, for you to truly be filled. there were times you were a smidgen too close to calling up one of your old flings, just to fulfill your desire of being stretched out once again and to just imagine the man over you was your employer instead.
your feelings didn’t go completely unrequited.
choso held his tongue for the greater good of professionalism and your comfortability, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t contemplate asking you to dinner a few times. from what he’s seen and observed on your insta, you didn’t have a special somebody. and he figured it would never hurt to ask. but choso was careful. he often opted to just not say anything.
he felt his gazes getting longer, his eyes moving more risky every time he’d see you moving about in his home working. he picked up that you really liked two piece sets, especially the ones made of sculpting spandex that always clung to your body almost provocatively. the way your ass sat in them, he was almost embarrased to say he dreamed about grabbing a handful of it, palming one of your cheeks with his entire hand. your glossed lips always caught his attention. he often thought about how it would look smudged on his skin, smeared across his own lips after tonguing you down.
your smell lingered. on the furniture, in the blankets, hung in the air. it was embarrassing how the scent of shea butter and vanilla was enough alone to make his dick stiff. it’s been so long since he’s rubbed one out. and he was doing a good job until you came along. he wasn’t proud to admit the amount of times he’s touched himself to you, his hips rolling his dick up into the clenched palm of his hand, soft squelching sounds filling his master bedroom. he’d imagine how you’d ride him, slamming your hips down against his own, your ass flush against his skin as you moan sweet nothings into his ear while he tried his damnedest to not nut in you.
the tension was growing thick. it could be sliced with a chainsaw at this point. but the both of you both opted to play it safe. until it spilled over… and it was bound to happen.
and it did.
"ouuuu, shit, choso!" the way that man was absolutely drilling you from behind was almost criminal, the deafening sound of his hips cracking against your fat ass echoing throughout the sound of the living room as he was trying his best to fuck you through the couch he had you drooling on.
you really don't know how you got here. well... you do. after all, this was the day you've been plotting and hoping on the moment you first seen choso's fine ass leaning against his doorway. it was like a dream come true, watching the way he deliciously hovered over you like predator over prey, his silky brown tresses draping around his sharp facial structure and his silver chain dangling, swinging in cadence with his hard, deep thrusts.
the two of you were just watching a movie, mr. & mrs. smith to be exact, courtesy of the invitation he extended earlier that night when you put yuji down for bed. an opportunity to "get better acquainted" over wine, gourmet chips, chocolates and a good action-romance.
"i see the way you look at me," you had stated boldly as you sipped your third glass of wine, the pillar to your sudden courage. "i know you notice how i look at you, too."
choso was sprawled out on the couch, legs spread and his arms thrown over the top. his head rested in one of his big hands, gazing at you through heavy-lidded eyes. he's silent for a moment as he looks at you so intently, his orbs filled with need, before he finally diverts his gaze to the tv. "yeah."
you look at the tv for a bit, not interested at all actually, but feigning it as you finished your glass. it was silent for a bit, albeit the sound of gunfire and car collisions booming through the in-home sound system, before choso speaks, "you can sit closer."
your scooting closer somehow led to you sitting in his lap, which led to a passionate, sloppy makeout session involving you straddling his firm thighs and his big hands gripping your entire ass in his palms as your tongue dived into his mouth. and all that led to him softly laying you on to the couch cushions, your lips never leaving each other's.
his lips are as soft as they look, yet leave scorching flames of desire in their wake as he litters passionate kisses all over your jugular and chest. he buries his nose into your skin, almost moaning at how sweet you smell and taste. as he continues to trace his name on your skin with his tongue, his fingers find the zipper to your purple yoga jacket, his eyes peering at up at yours through his thick lashes to ensure he has your approval.
you nodded your head gently.
choso made it his mission to show you he had much more to offer than some blue bills to you. you never depicted or predicted the guy to be an eater. but oh, were you pleasantly surprised.
that man can eat some pussy... and he does it like he gets paid to do it. he had you spread out like you were his dinner, and you were, your legs wide apart, knees bent. he sat on his haunches on the carpeted floor before you, spreading your lips apart and sloppily sucking at your clit that throbbed eagerly against his lips. he'd dip his head down, lapping up any of your leaking wetness before making out with your pussy yet again, his eyes trained on you and watching intently as your pretty face contorted into expressions of pleasure.
he'd make you cum all in his mouth, encouraging you to do so, never letting up as your thighs shook and vibrated, your eyebrows pushing together and your eyes fluttering shut as the bright hot warmth of your well-awaited orgasm overtook you, leaving you gasping for air. his compliments, "good girl," and "you taste so fucking good" would just get you all riled up again. choso came in his pants too, his ear tips bright red as he made it his duty to lick up all of your sweet nectar, but he kept that to himself.
that's not the only way he wants you though. he'll sit on his bottom on the floor next, his head resting against the couch, requesting for you to sit on his face. "what? choso, no, i'd crush you."
he'll take that as an insult of course. he benches twice your weight, easily. a little extra plush on the thighs wouldn't kill him, in fact, he'd love it ten times more. you'd saddle up, hesitantly brushing your pussy against his lips, and he'd look up at you, unimpressed.
"whaat?" you feign confusion, in reality, a bit shy and nervous at the thought of putting your weight on him.
his words made every hair stand at attention against your skin, sending a shiver down your spine. you bite your lip, your gloss long smeared off and all over his pale skin. you bring your weight down on him a bit more.
"all the way." fuck.
you do as you're told, and a deep moan of satisfaction rolls through him, his tongue already dipping into your dripping folds. and before you could even think about letting up, his strong arms are locked around your thick thighs.
he'd have you writhing in his grip, going insane at the way his tongue wrote love letters in cursive against your clit. he'd be damn near drowning in your release, your cum slicking and dribbling against his chin as you rolled your hips back and forth against his soft lips. you were chanting his name like a mantra, and it was a beautiful melody to his ears.
and lo and behold, that's how you ended up on a first class flight to poundtown, your eyes stuck in the back of your head and your manicured nails digging into the arm of the couch for personal brace as his huge dick kept brushing up against that soft spot of yours and his girth stretched you so damn good. you knew you were making a mess- you done squirted twice already, your juices rivering down the insides of your thighs and seeping into the soaked couch cushion below you. "fuck, please don't stop!"
"yeah?" choso breathes over you, his cheeks flushed pink from his endurance. you knew he wasn't slowing down no time soon... he told you about his daily four mile runs. his pupils were blown wide as he watched the way you managed to still throw it back at him, stilling his hips as he watched your hungry pussy swallow his length every time your ass sat plush on his lower stomach. "you like that shit?" his calloused palm smacked against your ass unforgivingly, the fiery sting setting you ablaze. he did it again, one more time for good measure.
you were losing it, moaning exasperatedly into the couch fabric as you gave him everything you got, tossing your ass back against him, trying to match the impact he was winding you with just a second ago. "yess, fuck yess," you whine. you reach your hand back, your nails clawing at his shirt and yanking it in a ball. "please, choso, keep fucking me like that."
"what, like this?" his large hands were at your lovehandles, squeezing the flesh there as his resumed his relentless rythym, his eyebrows pinching at the way you squeezed around him like a vice. you let out a wail, your cream decorating his veiny shaft, and he relished in the feeling, a deep groan of satisfaction bubbling from his throat. "shit, you just keep cumming.... what is this, your fourth time?"
actually your sixth, but you weren't gonna correct him. if there was anything you knew, you wanted more. the way the veins of his dick dragged against your walls was a wonderful, irreplicable feeling, his balls slapping your clit with each profound stroke. his thick fingers found your hair, tangling his hand in your locks and giving them a courteous yank, making your back cave and arch deeper as you let out a yelp of pleasure. any other time, you'd for sure cuss him out... but his dick touching your soul was plenty good of a distraction. besides, you knew your hair was long sweated out anyway.
he was gonna give you some money for a new hairstyle anyway. he was good for making up for it.
choso feels himself teetering against the edge, between the sounds of your disgusting squelching and the mess you left on him and his couch, your pussy still begging for more as it and all its sloppiness still squeezed him whole, and your pretty keens and gasps bouncing around the room, it was almost too much. he felt like he was losing it, the hearts in his eyes palpitating as both of his hands held your jaw from behind. "the fuck are you doing to me..." he mutters aloud, his eyebrows furrowed as you eagerly sucked on his thumbs with a slutty moan.
"you know, yuji gets lonely sometimes," he whispers, slowing his thrusts and leaning forward to crush you with his weight, his dick bottoming out and making you let out a cry as your eyes snapped wide open. he rolls his hips more sensually as he licks at the back of your nape, the cool metal of his chain brushing the skin of your back and making you shiver. his lips trail to your ear, tongue lolling out at the shell as he continues, "i'm sure he wouldn't mind a friend. you'd like that wouldn't you? for me to fuck you full until i got nothing left, huh? you gonna drain me of all i got?"
you nodded your head desperately as you hummed a whiny "mmhm", turning your head to the side as you watched in awe as the man over you was spilling over the edge. "yes, i'd love it, cho, give it to me... please?"
choso hums in satisfaction, his heart thrumming against his ribcage as your words made butterfly cocoons hatch in his stomach and his dick stiffer than ever before. "yeah..." he slams into you, winding you with power and force that insinuated that he hated you, but he'd only make such a dangerous, promising offer to someone he truly liked. let alone anyone at all. "i know you would. you're nasty as fuck."
you didn't know if you were to be terrified or turned on, but the way your core pulsated around him let you know you were the latter. he let out a breathy moan at your physical response, but it didn't stop him. not even for a second.
he wasn't letting up. you weren't getting any breaks. the way you would be teasing him wearing those tight ass clothes and smelling like you wanted him to eat you alive. nah. he was giving you everything you ever dreamed about, everything you imagined when you'd resort to using your little vibrator between your legs.
and you loved every fucking second of it.
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whiskeyskin · 29 days
Premise: During their first night together, Astarion muses how disgustingly easy this seduction will be.. right? Right..? 👀😬
• Astarion x f!Tav • M rating •
Astarion!POV, dissociation, mutual handjobs, bloodplay, improper use of tadpoles, confused erections, guilt, loathing.
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I'm unable to find the person responsible for this heartbreaking picture of our boy, please tag if you recognise it as yours 💜 Gatta credit the Artists!
This is almost too easy, Astarion thought to himself as he leaned in to kiss her.
His mind had automatically retreated into himself the moment he scented her presence, reversed into the well practised charade he'd played for tens of decades.
She was the perfect prey.
She was a bleeding heart. A filthy do-gooder. Thank the gods she couldn't see him rolling his eyes every time she stopped for a stranger.
Well, apart from when she'd stopped for him..
He picked her up and felt himself press her against the tree, continuing to kiss her. She wrapped her arms and thighs around him and squeezed him tightly, running her hands along his shoulders and the sides of his neck. He flinched when she grazed the marks from Cazador's bite but passed it off as a gasp from his desire.
He had to admit; she wasn't all bad but he couldn't be sure of her dedication to him and his cause. Not without devotion beyond a shadow of a doubt. He had to woo her, far beyond what he'd ever done before.
He had to be clever about this. Seduction was a sprint, whatever this was would be a marathon.
Tav smiled and traced her teeth over her bottom lip. She was very beautiful. It was less of a chore when they were attractive.
Her eyes were flitting over his face, Astarion kept his flirtatious smile ever present.
"Would you like to feed on me when we have sex? I assume you've never done that before?" She offered with a suggestive tilt of her head, exposing just enough of the taut flesh of her neck.
A jolt of something he didn't quite recognise zapped through his body like a Witch bolt and Astarion's flawless smile faultered. His flaccid cock twitched and began to ache, rapidly growing.
His body tensed at the reaction. This never happened. He could count on one hand how many times he'd naturally gotten hard - as natural as it was for a dead man to get hard, of course.
The surprise on his face must have been abundantly apparent, as Tav smiled brightly with a cheeky glint.
"I assume that's a yes, then?" She chuckled, her eyes dipping down between them to his rigid member, beginning to roll her hips against him, her wet folds lightly teased his swollen member as she undulated.
Astarion chest felt tight and his eyes rolled back unexpectedly at the delicious feeling.
Suddenly, he found himself falling backwards, as Tav pushed herself off the tree.
Now in ordinary circumstances, he would have been able to save himself and them and soften the blow. However, seeing as 1, he wasn't expecting to be falling and 2, was suddenly filled with a need he'd not experiened in quite some time; they both fell unceremoniously to the floor, reeling from the impact.
"Ahh, my fucking knees!" She cried, laughing and hissing in pain.
"Your knees? What about my back? You just threw us on the floor, you idiot!" He spat at them, a dull throb radiating.
Tav started to laugh, "I'm sorry! I thought it would be sexy. Ow, myfuckingknees." She covered her mouth, still chuckling and sat straight upwards, her warmth settling on top of his confused erection.
"Are you okay?" She giggled, placing her fingertips gently on where his heart was.. where it used to beat.
If he had breath to hitch, it would have.
"I'm alright." He shrugged off, "it's lucky the ground's soft around here." He swallowed, "Are you alright?" He asked, realising he should show concern.
"I'm fine. Just wasn't expecting smashed knees and tree branches up my arse is all." She smirked in faux pain.
Astarion let out a loud and unexpected "Ha!" at the comment and gave her a genuine smile.
"Just to preface, I wasn't expecting anything up my arse tonight. You don't get those goods out the gate, Mr. Vampire. No matter how pretty you are." She said plainly, with a hint of amusement.
"Spawn. Get it right, or don't get it at all." He countered.
"Ooh, I do apologise, Mister Vampire Spawn Saer. I prostrate before thee, how could seek thy forgiveness?" She flourished her hand in a mock bow.
He gripped her quickly, and flipped her with new found vigor. She gasped and giggled as they rolled.
Now encased below, he crawled up the length of her body, "Well, I can think of one way." He lilted playfully, as he braced his hands by her head.
She smiled again, relaxing into the position, before offering her neck to him.
For the second time that night a jolt of something he didn't quite understand coarsed through him, it settled low and hungry in his belly. His cock swelling back to size, laying like a snake wait on her soft stomach.
He couldn't figure it out. Figure her out. This wasn't how it normally went.
His usual feelings of disgust and loathing would sit in his throat, like bile. Would grip his haunches and made him recoil, make him feel like he was the lowest creature on the face of Faerûn.
Despicable. Foul. Vile.
But this new feeling, this desire, this.. need? Was completely foreign to him.
Tav pulled him from his thoughts with her gentle touch, which he flinched from unconsciously.
"Hey, you alright?" Concerned furrowed her brow as she gazed up at him, moon and starlight reflected in her gaze.
His veneer slide back into place, "Of course darling, just thinking of all the ways I can make you cum." He reached between them to pinch a nipple, she gasped, to which he silenced with a deep kiss.
It wasn't his fault. This is what he had to do. What he was good at. What he'd spent so many years doing. Perfecting. But this would be beyond that.
He needed to her to fall so deeply in love with him that she'd never betray him. That she'd die for him, sacrifice herself for him, so that he might survive Cazador's impending attempt to drag him back.
To do that he had to: seduce her, sleep with her numerous time, make her orgasm so hard she wouldn't be able to move. He'd have to use his most advanced moves to assure this mission's success.
He would manipulate her so convincingly, that she would willingly fight a Vampire Lord to protect him. That was a tall order. Depending on how long he had to work on her.
He made people fall in love with him in an evening. This shouldn't be that much harder. He'd have to-
"Bite me, Astarion." Tav breathed against his mouth, and his mind stilled.
It was like he'd walked into a solid brick wall. Something hot and eager flushed him.
He came back to his body with two fingers stuffed inside her tight cunt, her warm juices spilling on to his hand and his cock limply hanging between his legs.
Clearly he'd been busy while he'd stepped away from the reigns.
Her words echoed through him like a gong reverberated through a temple.
He pulled his lips back and bared his fangs to her, tightened every muscle in his body.
He knew how delicious she was, how rich and delectable she was. And now he knew how emotions flavoured the blood; her anticipation and nervousness the first time, the relaxation of the following times, the fear of the bandits he'd drained to death on the battlefield. All of them tasted different.
Gods, what would arousal taste like.. desire.. orgasm..
"You're a shit Vampire, Astarion, honestly. Oh, Vampire Spawn. Let's not forget semantics." She teased, biting her lip.
"Well, you're a-" He had nothing. He had blood on the brain, and his cock apparently wanted cunt.
Her muscles clenched down on his digits as she laughed, "Good one, Star."
"Oh, shut up." He snarked with a grin, that she replied with, as he finally pierced her skin and tasted her decatent blood.
She hissed and clenched around his fingers again, as he removed his teeth from the puncture points to release her blood.
It filled his mouth, rushing out of her in spurts. He drank deeply, tasting her excitement. It tasted citrusy, bright and sharp on the tongue, then it changed to deep berries, rich and warm. Her delicious blood coated his throat and nourished his body, as he swallowed her down.
He began pumping his dexterous fingers inside her again, his thumb flitting over her clit. She gasped again and brought her hands to grasp his neck and shoulder.
She moaned and twitched under him, "Ah, ah-starion. That feels.. ngh.. don't stop."
He hummed and shook his head in agreement against her neck. There wasn't a chance he was stopping. There wasn't a chance he could.
This felt fucking amazing. Tasted like pure heaven.
He was painfully hard. The blood he was draining from her filling his cock with sensations.. divine, eye-rolling sensations.
Limitless freedom, hedonistic pleasure. A heady high that had him groaning against her skin.
She writhed her hand between them, towards his thick member. It would be awkward but gods he needed her to touch him.
He'd never needed anyone's touch more than hers at this precise moment.
He pushed his hips up higher wantonly, to allow her more room. She grasped his cock within her grip and immediately started pumping.
He broke the seal of his lips against her flesh, gasping and panting. The cool air of the night a stark contrast to the warmth of her blood dripping down his chin.
"Oh gods, Astarion." She keened beneath him, digging her nails into the muscle of his bicep with the other hand.
He gasped against the overwhelming bombardment of sensation assailing him; the taste of her blood, the smell of arousal, the burn of desire, the delicious friction of her hand.
It was wrong, wasn't it? Feeling good during sex? It wasn't supposed to feel this way. It wasn't meant to be enjoyable. It never had been before..
But gods it was now. It was almost too much.
His hand moved of it's own accord, practised for years in the art of autopilot; finessing between curling his digits stuffed inside her tight pussy and his thumb fluttering over her clit. And thank that gods, because he was not present. For an entirely different reason this time.
He whimpered, mouth agape, thinking blood coating his tongue. He was in a state of total and unexpected euphoria. Nothing mattered except remaining forever, in this moment, in this clearing.
Feather light touches brushed against his mind, seeking connection.
Astarion flinched at the intrusion, "What are you.. doing?" His mind's voice irritated and desperate.
"Going to cum.. soon. Collective ecstasy.. remember?" She replied, her's tense and full of revelry.
Astarion swallowed, latent blood flavouring his tongue. His face tensed, unsure.
He looked down at her face. Gods, she was close. The throes of pleasure evident on her beautiful face, bathed in the moonlight. It hit low in his belly, tightening his testicles.
It would be fun to use these parasites for something as debauched as this.
Those tentacled freaks wouldn't expect that, would they?
He allowed her to enter his mind, just a little. Only to be blown backwards by the rush of orgasmic energy that blazed towards him like a Thunderwave.
The storm that was roiling inside her, the building crescendo, the sheer desperation to cum. It paralysed him. It tangled within him. It wrapped itself around his cock, his hips and thighs. It painfully pinched at his nipples. It delectably nibbled at his ears.
"Gods above!" He spluttered, knocked completely off his guard.
His own orgasm rushed to meet her at the precipice, his body straining at the surge of endorphins.
"I can.. hold on.." she muttered, weakly. He clasped his hand to hers, above her head, on the forest floor.
He could almost see her, stood at the edge of a great ravine that dropped into nothingness. She reached her hand for him. His fingertips touched hers.
Their hands entwined on the edge of the swirling void. She let out a deep exhale and willingly fell backwards into the abyss, and he was unable to - refused to - fight it.
"No.. cum.. cum.. with me.." No later than he'd uttered the last word, he felt her walls clench around him.
Free fall..
And for the first time in over 200 years, he actually looked into the eyes of the person with him. Her reverent gaze pierced through his sorry façade, his pain and his suffering.
It was like time had slowed.
He saw her in two realities. This one; where he loomed over her, fingers in her cunt and her hand wrapped round his cock. And the other; the leap of faith, the never-ending galaxy around them, their hands grasped so tightly.
Her pupils flashed and dilated, her face flushed and strained, as she came on his fingers.
Hers hit a moment before his. The bow string released, a spell's magic unleashed.. the storm overcame them both.
"Astarion." She whispered, smiling in absolute, unbridled euphoria.
She looked deep into his eyes, and never strayed her gaze, as her orgasm lashed through her.
Looking into her eyes, with a roar that died in his throat, hot, thick ropes of cum spurted from his pale, undead cock. It shot up her gorgeous, soft body and coated her fingers.
He felt her cunt flood with her juices, staining his palm, as she called out his name like a song.
She bucked and writhed, face contorted in ecstasy. His own pleasure causing him to thrust and jerk, veins in his neck tense and popping from the sheer force.
He collapsed on top of her, utterly spent.
There they lay in stunned, post-orgasmic bliss for what seemed effortless hours, when it fact only moments had passed. The muscles in his legs twitched, as he came down from the high. His hearing returned to him, after the thumping of her rushing blood slowed inside him. Her hard breathing softened to laboured exhales. His eyes growing heavier as Reverie beckoned.
Still collapsed on top of her, she stroked her thumb across his shoulder.
"I would call that collective ecstasy." She whispered with smile against the sweat sodden hair stuck to his temple.
He huffed out an exhausted laugh, and she pressed a kiss, to which he reciprocated in his delirium.
"I would call that a miracle." He mused, lifting himself up and peeling his chest from theirs.
He cast his eyes down on the sacrilege between them. His cum glistened in splotched patches up their stomachs and chests, where he'd collapsed after orgasm.
"Oops." He said, without a morsel of regret.
"Eh, comes with the territory." She shrugged, waving their hand and muttering the somantics for Prestidigitation.
Astarion let out a groan and rolled off her, to the ground. He was utterly spent. It had been a very long time since sex had tired him this way. Well, it hadn't even been sex.
Tav rolled onto his chest, laying her head down and letting out a big sigh.
"That was interesting, huh? Using the tadpole's connection?" There was a tease of intrigue in her voice.
"I can imagine that's not what the Illithids had in mind when they implanted us with them." He said, flippantly amused, bringing his arms to hold them.
There was a pause.
"Were you there with me? On the edge of that terrifying expanse?" Their tone was cautious but curious.
Astarion's brows shot up his face, "You saw it too?"
"I thought it was my imagination but I felt you, felt your hand holding mine," she moved her fingers to finesse his hand into the correct position to hold hands like before, "I had to know if it was real."
A twang of guilt ricocheted through his chest.
There it was. That old familiar feeling.
"Of course it was, darling." His voice was thankfully more convincing than his expression.
She smiled against his skin, pressed a kiss and let out another contented sigh, as she settled back into his embrace.
Despicable. Foul. Vile. The lowest creature on the face of Faerûn.
He sighed through his nose, his body tense with undeniable self-hatred.
Yes, this would be easy.
D'ya like reading smut and sweetness? I've got a Masterlist 👀🤫
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timdrakesbussy · 4 months
Some of my™ Stardew Valley HCs
TW: mention of miscarriages
Emily listens to all kinds of music but despite not looking like it, she mainly listens to heavy metal. It's one of the thing that brought her and Shane's early friendship together. And because of that, Haley shares a bit of fondness to the genre that she enjoys Sam's band (but don't tell him. this will mess with her rep).
Sam is pretty educated when it comes to literature, and English was always his favorite subject when he was in school. He's the main songwriter of his band and while Sebastian could also write, Sam manages to be witty and clever with his lyrics. Other than storytelling through song, he loves his double and triple entendres. Suffice to say, he could get along pretty well with Elliott and it's one of the reason why Penny loves hanging out with him.
Ever since she was a child, Maru thinks that Sebastian is really cool and she wants to be like him one way or another. Of course, she still wants to be herself but Sebastian is just so damn cool. During her time at school, she made herself learn how to ride a motorcycle using a friend's bike because she knew Sebastian would never lend her his.
Elliott was from an esteemed family from a foreign land (just Stardew's equivalent of Europe tbh) and was a licensed lawyer until he stopped to be a writer. Needless to say, his family are not happy by this sudden decision. Not that he needs their opinion on the matter, he was pushing thirty when he made this decision.
Harvey was an ER doctor in Zuzu City until the incident™. He knew that with his line of job, he can't save everyone. However, he can't help but feel guilty and terrible afterwards. Which is why he has routine check-ups for the villagers, and if they can't visit him, then he will visit them. You cannot escape him because he will find you (affectionate).
Both Haley and Alex believed that at one point, they actually liked each other romantically. But when they had their first kiss together, they realized that they weren't meant to be. They have this deep platonic connection that even Emily doesn't really understand, but she's happy that her baby sister have someone she can rely on and trust for all her life.
Robin takes pride in her name even if her parents weren't supportive over her work at first. She have Sebastian share her last name, and when she married Demetrius, she hyphenated their surnames instead of just taking his.
Demetrius and Sebastian were close when he was a child. Sebastian was an overly curious and precocious boy and Demetrius was happy that he could share something with his stepson, their interest in biology. Although Sebastian was squeamish and even almost cried when he dissected a frog, he managed to calm him down. And even after their mutual parting as Sebastian grew older, he's the only one who knows what Demetrius' favorite animal is: moonlight jellies.
Jodi and Kent were teenagers when they had Sam. Jodi came from a highly conservative and religious family so they forced them to marry after Jodi gave them the news that she was pregnant. As they were teens, Kent took any odd jobs he could get in the city, from a corner-store clerk to a garbage man. Until he got offered into joining the military.
Pam was a trucker before she became a bus driver. In fact, she met Penny's dad in the business. But in her childhood, she was in multiple beauty pageants and even into her adulthood, she knows how to hairdo. She helped Penny with her hair since she was a child and hope that she could still do Penny's hair in her future wedding, whenever that is.
Alex's mom had multiple miscarriages before she have him, and that was into her ten years of marriage. She was beyond ecstatic with his birth that she immediately called her aging parents who also shared her happiness, they then invited her to the Valley a few days after Alex was born so they could celebrate in the Mullners' house. Lewis heard about the news and asked if they wanted to celebrate in the Saloon in which Evelyn denied because Clara wanted a small celebration with just her family.
Abigail is the only marriageable candidate to be born in the Valley. Sebastian moved in not long after Maru was born so he was close to her as he was the only child her age at that time. Penny moved in when she was seven with her parents until her dad left when she was ten. Haley moved in when she was ten years old while Sam moved in a year after. Alex often visited his grandparents but he officially moved in after Clara's death in his pre-teens. The rest moved in as adults.
Similarly to Alex, Shane only ever visited and stayed for a while in the Valley until he needed to take care of Jas. He wasn't close with his parents and they never tried to be anyways, Marnie is always the mother figure he has. So other than Marnie and Jas, the only people he considered as his family was Jas' parents. Her father, whom he met and befriended in college (as he was his roommate, before they mutually dropped out) and her mother whom he wasn't very close to at first until they both find comradery in bullying (affectionate) Jas' father.
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wonder-mei · 3 months
Two hearts unite at last (Honkai: Star Rail’s Aventurine)
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N9nQet on Twitter/X
Reminder : I do not write accurately to the lore of the world I am writing. I write whenever there’s an idea
"Hehe… i told you i can take a bullet” 
“Don’t speak! Save your energy,Aventurine”
The blonde with the most beautiful eyes she has ever seen is bleeding through his abdomen. She put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding, she tore a piece of her clothing to wrap around his waist. Aventurine only chuckles watching how desperate she is in this situation. Who wouldn’t? The smooth and glowing skin of his is now pale and lifeless. His beautiful unique eyes that always show cunningness now show weary. And, the lips she dreamed of kissing are now blue, not the pink lips of his. He’s in verge of death
“Idiot! You were already an idiot before but now you are millions more idiotic,Aventurine! Why did you do that?!”
He just laughs weakly “I told you, to prove that—”
“Don’t repeat that shitty reason! You should have stayed at that spot. Not coming to me!” 
“Hmm…” he only hums. He didn’t know why he went to her. They were on a mission to get information from this club owner who was associated with Ten Stonehearts’ enemy. Aventurine did the task for and only needed to wait for her outside the building but something unexpected happened. One of the guards caught her and pushed her into an isolated room. The feeling of his heart drops hearing her scared voice in the earpiece. He had to save her even though it got him shot. They both got out of the building after he got injured. The situation adrenalized her to knock the guard out after seeing how serious Aventurine’s injury is.
Now, they both hide in a dark alley where they waits for their team to come and save them but between both of them they will arrive late….too late
“Hey, stay awake!” She holds his face. Aventurine’s eyes start to drop from time to time “Don’t close your eyes….please…”
“Give me 5 minutes of nap”  
“Don’t joke around in a situation like this” she grips his face. He looks at her and smiles “Stay awake” Her eyes shed more tears than before “Stay awake. Don’t leave me…”. She brings out her phone after the phone dings. It was Topaz “There’s a clinic nearby. We need to go there. See? It’s not that far” she shows her phone screen Topaz has shared a clinic near them. She tried her hardest to speak normally 
Aventurine stares at her for a while “You know…. You are the only person who is nice to me…who sees me, the real me but….you still treat me like a human. After all i’ve been through… you talk to me like a normal friend would. I always want that…. Thank you” he takes a few breathe “And i finally felt how true love is…. To be loved….and to be in love. Everything was from you. I–”
Suddenly, the weak heart of his beats faster. She kissed him, stopping him from saying another word. Aventurine lays there for a while but returns the affection. His other hand lays on her face bringing her closer to him smothering them both with his blood. Both of them kissed for a while and it broke when she leaned away. Their eyes still on each other “Don’t go… I want you to stay so I can be with you forever. I love you,Kakavasha”
His eyes widened. His heart beat more for her. Not once did he think the feelings were mutual. Only he did not notice this fact while everyone does because his past prevents him to see love but now he does.
“Say that again…”
“I love you,Kakavasha”
Not Aventurine but Kakavasha, the true him not the member of Ten Stonehearts but himself Kakavasha who had gone from the misery past and who has kept his emotions deep inside. She loves his true self.
“More” he asked again for assurance. She once again repeats her words. He asked again after that, she answer again “I love you,Kakavasha” 
“You do?”
“With all of my heart” 
From gaping mouth from disbelief curves to a smile. The drowsy eyes retalized gleaming with life in them. He who hasn't cried since he was a child finally cries but now from joy “Thank you…” the feeling he longed for years after the loss of his family and home finally returned to him. His wish came true after awaiting for years 
She takes his hand that was on her cheek squeezing them “Let’s go to the clinic to get you recovered,okay?” 
Aventurine nods. His eyes never leave hers “Yes” 
“I’m going to be with you during this whole process. Always will”
“I’m going to pull you up. You’ll feel pain but endure for me,okay?”
With a nod from him. She gently pulled him up. He let out grunts and hiss from the pain “You are doing great. One step at a time”
Every step they take, she compliments him to make him not feel the pain on each step. It worked. After awhile they finally arrived at the clinic, the doctor patch Aventurine immediately after seeing them both came in covered in blood. And she never left him as she promised. The doctor told her to leave but their hands intertwined so hard no one could make them let go. 
When Topaz and other members came to the clinic, they were greeted with Aventurine and her still holding each others’ hands leaning on one another in the same bed. With that, they smile knowing what this means. It finally happened at last. He has found his savior. 
I thought that dream could light our way
(You take me higher, take me away) whoa
Oh, be my savior, take me away (away, away)
Take me away
Tick and tock once more, you're hosting (you're hosting)
A magic show I cannot escape (cannot escape)
There's nothin' else left for me to do
Goin' to the other side, other side
I don’t wanna be alone tonight,
Oh, lead me with your altered sign (come on),
There’s no one else left for me to lose,
Headin’ to the other side,other side.
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ghostfacd · 1 year
WE DON’T HAVE TO TALK ABOUT IT. — king george iii
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pairing; king george iii x fem!queen!reader
summary; you and the king weren’t inlove. it was as simple as it sounds, but that didn’t make it hurt any less.
genre; angst, crying, reader deserves better, mentions of sex but no smut, based on “cool about it” by boygenius
author’s note: this song makes me cry so of course i had to write an angst fic to cope 😭
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When you and King George III got married, you knew the marriage was destined to fail.
It was a sensitive topic—you and the King’s marriage. You were still young; he was still young. You wanted to live your life and he wanted to live his. But both of your parents had other plans.
The two of you didn’t even know each other before the label was sealed and you two were pronounced husband and wife. During the first few months in the castle, you and George have grew not only distant, but greatly depressed.
It started off small, with you missing your castle, your bed, and your siblings. You were feeling homesick, and your own husband could not be there to comfort you. He had problems of his own.
He was quiet and calculating. The King rarely showed emotion, much less sleep in the same bed as you unless it was for the conceiving of the next heir.
The only time George had shown any care towards you was the birth of your first son, Prince William. You were in labor, and pain struck through your entire body. With shaking hands, your husband placed your hand in his, letting you squeeze it tightly for support.
When the cry of the new heir rang through the hospital walls, George cried. The King of Great Britain and Ireland had cried. He cradled the baby close to his chest, admiring his nose, small hands, and eyes.
For the first time, you and George had felt a connection. It wasn’t love, but rather, a mutual understanding that it was both your duties to serve this country, and by that, it meant that you had to keep your composures for your son.
“Oh Will,” you say as you hold your baby close to your chest one night. “My beautiful prince.”
George walks in a bit later when William is sound asleep. His eyes look tired, however, there’s a soft glow in them that seems to be reserved only for William. When you gently place your son down on his crib, George leans in to give the baby a kiss on the forehead, smoothing out his tiny tufts of hair.
Though the two of you don’t talk, George looks at you with a certain look on his face, one that you both silently understand. All of this is for William, the future King of Britain.
So when William had gone sick in the middle of a very cold January, the two of you were losing your minds. The boy was now four, very intelligent and well spoken for his age. He had gotten a terrible fever and was on his bed for the entire month.
Maids and servants would come in, changing the young prince’s sheets to keep him cool, put cold towels on his forehead, and feed him soup to make sure he got all his nutrients. He still wasn’t getting better.
“Will?” You say, opening up the door to his bedroom quietly. It made a small creak, alerting the now awake Prince.
“Yes mum?” His voice was hoarse, and it broke your heart.
“I came in with water, please drink it my darling,” you give your son the warm glass, helping him sit up to drink it.
You run your hands through his hair, rubbing his back softly. You prayed to God everyday that your boy would recover soon.
“Mum.” He says, looking up to meet your eyes. He had your eyes, but his face resembled that of his father, your husband, the King.
“Yes darling?”
“How come you and father never show love towards one another?”
The question caught you off guard, your eyes forming into a sense of panic. But you quickly cover it up, not wanting to worry your son.
“What do you mean Will?” You ask, running your fingers through his hair gently.
“I mean, sometimes when I look out the window, I see visitors outside Buckingham with their parents. They look so happy Mum, their parents look so happy with one another. But I never see you and Father smile at each other, or sit in the same table for dinner. Why Mum?”
You didn’t know how to explain to your son that his parents didn’t love each other and that the whole marriage and his own birth was simply for the next generation of royals.
“Your father and I are simply busy,” you say, making sure to be careful with your words, “he’s the king, he has a lot on his plate my dearest. But we both love you very much.”
“But you don’t love each other.” William whispers underneath his breath. You don’t catch it, which he is silently thankful for.
“Well, Mum has to go,” you say, standing up to adjust your gown. “Feel better my darling.”
You place a kiss on his forehead, and he closes his eyes, ready for another nap.
That night, you sit in the middle of your large bed, tears filling your eyes. The doctor had told you that you were with child, about 3 to 4 weeks. You of course didn’t tell anyone, not even George. Your emotions were all over the place, from your firstborn being extremely sick to this news of you being pregnant.
Your head looks up at the tall ceiling, which was covered in gold and decorated beautifully. Even though you were inside a glorious palace with servants left and right, you have never felt more alone.
A sob leaves your mouth as your breathing gets heavier. You knew it was stupid of you. A queen must always stay composed, but the news of you having another child absolutely wrecked your soul. Of course you loved your child, but it was going to grow up in a loveless home being only being known as the spare, important only if your firstborn were to pass away.
“YN?” A knock comes at your door, the voice of George coming from the other side.
George? You think. Why was he here?
You quickly wipe away your tears, walking up to open the large doors. George’s eyes meet your bloodshot ones, and for a moment, they softened.
“What is wrong my queen?”
That was the only thing it took for you to lose it completely, falling into his arms with sobs wrecking every part of your body.
“Hey hey hey,” George coaxes as he carries the two of you onto your bed, placing you down gently.
You crawl into his arms, wrapping yourself in his embrace. He doesn’t stop you or tense up, instead, letting you place your face into his neck.
“We don’t have to talk about it,” George says softly as he pats your back. Your breathing was uneven, and you were sure you were staining his clothes with your tears.
You guess this was a good way to practice method acting. Pretending that George cared deeply about you, pretending that the two of you were inlove, and pretending that you were one happy family.
Maybe then, William and your new child would grow up happy, fooled by the thought that their parents were happy with one another.
Maybe, it would possibly fool you too.
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monsterrae1 · 3 months
still got you all over me
5.5k | explicit | bucktommy | Read on AO3
For my beautiful gf @loserdiaz <33 who donated to Haiti in exchange of this fic
Buck had had hard break ups before, after Abby he thought he’d never get hurt like that again, the pain she left behind took years to get over, but then he and Tommy split and well, Buck’s entire world seemed to have changed after that. Even if the break up had technically had been mutual, truth was Buck hadn’t wanted to break up with Tommy, but he didn’t want to make him stay, he was done trying to make people stay when they didn’t love him anymore, so he agreed with Tommy that they should break up and try to stay friends and then cried himself to sleep. It was a little pathetic, Eddie found him the next morning curled into a ball watching Love Actually and yelling at the screen. They made a pact to never talk about it again. And now, after two whole months of no-contact, there he was, standing in front of him, frowning at the price listing for the cars available in the establishment, probably trying to get back to L.A. the same as Buck. * Or, Tommy breaks up with Buck, and after two months a road trip might be the thing that brings them back together.
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bbyangyl · 11 months
ʚ♡ɞ˚— a/n: these are some thoughts on what I believe izuku is like in the bedroom, what I believe he’s into, and the type of kinks he has.
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izuku is a freak bro- literally so fucking nasty.
will cum in your mouth and make out with you as he tastes his own cum.
his mouth is almost always attached to your pussy and ass. loves eating you out so much and will cum untouched at times where he’s too turned on from it.
any position where your pussy is on his mouth is his favorite. whether that be face sitting, 69, etc.
If you end up squirting, will literally burry his face in your cunt!
loves fingering your ass and pussy at the same time.
lowkey has a mommy and lactation kink. will often call you mommy while sucking your breast.
pull his hair- oh my god that definitely gets him going. he wants it so bad.
when he’s subbing, and you peg him?? spank him, pull his hair, choke him, he’ll come so hard.
loves when you ride him, the sound of your moans and your breast bouncing in his face will make him cum on the spot.
loves when you rim him from the back while jerking him off.
will say the nastiest shit ever. doesn’t matter how used to it you are, he will always have you blushing 😭
his dirty talk is so filthy, whether he’s submissive or dominate.
the textbook definition of a switch
when he’s submissive, he’s a whining and moaning mess. he makes sure to let you know how good you’re making him feel through his sweet noises.
when he’s dominant, he’ll be a soft dom, but sometimes he’ll be rough with you if he’s extremely pent up or if you ask him to be.
If you want him on his knees begging you to let him cum then that’s exactly what he’ll do. if you want him to fuck you so hard against the mattress that you forget your own name, that’s exactly what he’ll do. however, if he’s feeling one thing more than the other he’ll let you know so you both can compromise.
likes to fuck you in front of a mirror just so he can have a view of his cock going inside you
loves when you leave a ring of your arousal around his cock if he’s fucking you raw
would love to film you both someday, but he’s a little shy about that one. (funny enough)
he thinks mutual masturbation is one of the hottest things ever.
if you both are away from each other and he gets horny, he’ll steal one of you pairs of underwear, sniffing it as he fucks himself against his pillow.
toys are definitely welcomed. you both have a lot!
he loves fucking you and himself with a double ended dild o in both of your asses while he fucks you himself.
quirks are also used in the bedroom. has this fantasy of using black whip to move you up and down on his cock and use your pussy like a fleshlight.
If it’s too much for him he will unintentionally activate a tiny percentage of one for all and fuck you so hard you pass out.
praise kink, degrading kink go brrrr
edging kink, overstimulation kink go brrr
he also wants to give you a oil massage and get you off slowly. wants the same thing done to him.
he wants to be used so much he’s covered in love marks, cum, and back scratches, and wants you to be in the same state.
wants to go on for hours and hours. with him there’s never a dull moment.
and that’s why he’s such a fucking freak bro 😭
but don’t call him that cause he’ll get off to it 💀
however, he can also be extremely sweet and wholesome in the bedroom.
he loves you so much! sex is a very intimate act for him so he wants to show you how much he loves you.
he so soft, and sweet, will be so gentle with you and ask you if everything is okay.
body worship is one of his favorite things in the whole world. giving and receiving! please make him feel good with your words. tell him he’s beautiful while kissing every scar litering his body. he cries with love filled tears.
he also does the same to you. will spend hours kiss every inch of you body, commenting things like “you’re the most beautiful person in the world. I can’t believe you’re mine. I love you so much”
it’s very passionate and overwhelmingly emotional. If you’re not tearing up he is.
the amount of love he has for you cannot simply be described in words. It’s so much more than that
you’re his other half, his soulmate.
and despite his dirty mind, despite all of his sexual desires regarding you, he cannot help his infatuation with you.
so in love with you that sometimes he overwhelms himself with his own emotions, despite the two of you dating.
but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
so that’s why sex is such a roller coaster of emotions, passions, desires, intimacy, and fun!
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magics-neptunes-things · 11 months
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Hi guys!
After the last one, I needed another with fluff and easy love, so this just come from my imagination. I hope you will like it ♥
Resume : Motherhood is hard, especially when your better half is in training camp far from you.
TW : Little Angst, but fluff :)
Alexia and you met when she was going through one of the worst moments of her life. It was when the footballer made her ACL. For your part, you had graduated as a physiotherapist a few years ago and were looking for a new challenge. When you heard that FC Barcelona were looking for a new physio, you didn’t hesitate to apply. It was hard, but by some miracle, you got the job. The managers didn’t tell you that the job was for the women’s team, but it suited you even better.
A month after you arrived at your post, Alexia began to follow her treatment after her operation. You’ve been assigned as Miss Putellas' special physiotherapist, probably a bit of a probation. You��ve been warned that she might be difficult to handle, her injury having affected her otherwise than physically.
And it was true, in the first few sessions, she barely spoke. She was polite, said hello, thank you, and goodbye. For your part, you remained calm while being empathetic. As you were told, she seemed even more troubled psychologically than physically and you could feel her pain. So you searched about her favorite songs and you made a playlist for her during your massages or during her exercises.
Over time your relationships relaxed and you found yourself eagerly waiting for the time of day when you would have to take care of Alexia. You obviously noticed her beauty and the aura that reigned around her. A friendship and mutual trust was quickly created between you two and she gradually confided to you. On trivial things at first, before your discussions become deeper.
She told you about her father, her family, her fear of not being able to play again and the difficulties she was experiencing with the Spanish Federation. You were shocked to learn what was happening and immediately felt angry. And the first feeling you had was a vital desire to protect Alexia from all this. And the other girls you’re playing with at FC Barcelona as well of course, since you’re the one who plays nurses on the bench at all their matches. But Alexia was coming first.
The first time Alexia could start running on a machine now, you could have cried of joy and relief. She was recovering well, even faster than the best prognosis. And seeing such a sincere smile come back on her face was something really comforting for you. The embrace you exchanged that day gave you chills you still remember.
The day she returned to the team for her first training on the pitch, you were there too, but in the back. Her friends/teammates welcomed her with big smiles and hugs, but at the end of the training she came to you. She once again took you in her arms and whispered a thank you in your ear. No need for long speeches, you knew perfectly well how much this word meant to her.
While you expected this to signal a new distance between the two of you, Alexia surprised you by asking if you were free the same evening to go for a drink. It surprised you, Alexia having the habit of not changing her schedule meal, back to school or bedtime. But when she stuttered "For like, you know, a d- a date?" you couldn't say no.
The rest is history and here you are years later in an healthy, loving et happy relationship. You even got engaged last Christmas.
Alexia always wanted to start a family and your heart melt every time she was interacting with a baby or child. On your second date, she asked you if you wanted children, testifying to the importance she already attached to a future family life between you two. You answered positively, because yes, you wanted to have children and with Alexia would be amazing.
So, a month ago, you welcomed into your lives Santana Eli Putellas. A perfect photocopy of Alexia, even if you were the one pregnant. Thanks to modern methods, you were able to transfer her egg into your body. It was much easier for Alexia’s career, even though she was more attentive to you than ever.
The same eyes, the same mouth, the same hair, the same face, the same look. Even Eli couldn’t figure out which of the two photos was Alexia and Santana when faced with this plot. It’s almost disturbing, but the idea of having created a second perfection in this world suits you perfectly.
Except that even perfection has its difficulties and you realize it more than ever today. For some reason, Santana hasn’t stopped crying since her afternoon nap. Despite her clean diaper, her full stomach, her usual afternoon stroll or her favorite nursery rhymes, you were unable to calm her down. So much so that you couldn’t even answer Alexia’s messages, who went to training camps for the national team.
Even if this camp is held in Barcelona, the team lives in a hotel for a few days, before flying to Canada for their first match. Your lack of answer probably explains why you find yourself having to answer a call from your fiancée after 9pm. You hesitate before answering, your physical state must be scary and Santana is always sobbing on your shoulder. But knowing Alexia’s protective lioness instinct, you’d rather not worry her any longer.
"Hola mi Amor" you try a smile when a frowning Alexia appears on the screen.
"What happened? Why didn't you answer to my text? I was beginning to believe that something serious had happened to you"
"Don't worry, we are fine"
You were still rocking Santana on your shoulder, putting your phone on the counter of your kitchen. After bathing her, you put on her pajamas in the colors of FC Barcelona and she is currently digesting her second bottle of the evening. Whereas normally she takes only one before falling asleep to wake up at midnight and then around 6 am. This baby is really perfect. Except that today something seems wrong.
"Are you sure? You look exausted mi vida"
The concern on Alexia's face is deep and you don't want to worry her. You don't want her to believe that you can't take care of your daughter for a day either. Alexia only left this morning after all.
"We are fine Ale, I pr-"
"Does the best goddaughter in the world make her Mama miserable?"
Mapi’s face suddenly sticks to Alexia's, certainly so that she can also have a glimpse of Santana. Choosing Mapi as godmother was the best idea, the tattooed one being the most adorable with Santana. A chaotic godmother certainly, but you know perfectly well that she too would be ready to take out her claws to defend Santana if necessary.
"Kind of, but everything is under control" you laugh, before realizing that she wasn't listening to you at all, cooing sweat words to Santana. "Did I suddenly become invisible?"
"Not for me" Alexia answer with tenderness in her voice. "I miss you both of you so much, I don't know how I will survive two weeks so far away"
"You will be perfect, as always mi Amor"
She smiles at you, Mapi having a side conversation with your daughter, and you see the concern coming back.
"Can you promise me that you are fine?"
You bite your lip and sight. It was not fair of her to play the sincerity card. She knows that you can't lie to her, even when you want to make her surprise, you have to ask the help of someone.
"Look, she's just having a bad day that's all. Tomorrow will be better."
Alexia opened her mouth to speak and most certainly contradict you, but noise next to her announces the arrival of other people. You smile when you see Ona and Ingrid appear on the screen, Mapi pulling the sleeve of the Norwegian to almost stick her face to the screen ("Look at her, how is she so cute?").
You greet them friendly and discuss with them a few more moments before feeling that Santana starts to agitate again. Before Alexia can see how bad, you tell them you’re going to put her to bed. After promising Alexia to write to her as soon as Santana sleeps, you hang up and gently lift your daughter to put her face up to yours.
"Now that you’ve heard Mama and your Godmother, maybe we can get some rest yeah?"
After a final diaper check, you enter your daughter’s room and sit on her rocking chair. His blanket between you two, a little melody and a lull, it should go well and quickly.
An hour and a half later, you must realize you’re not. Santana continues to struggle with sleep and has begun to cry again. Seeing her like this ended up making you cry. After walking around your house trying to put her to sleep, you went back to her room. You don’t know what to do anymore.
You were thinking about calling Eli or your mother for help when you hear noise on the ground floor. Which shouldn’t happen, since you’re alone in the house with Santana. You listen despite the cries of your daughter and your hear footsteps, making you shiver. Holding your daughter close to your heart, you rush to the kitchen to grab a knife. Putting Santana safely in her crib might have been smarter, but you can’t bring yourself to leave her alone while a danger lurks in the house. The baby stopped crying, like if she understood that something bad is happening.
The noises of footsteps approach the kitchen and panic fades to give way to a cold determination. You have to protect your daughter no matter what. Sticking your back in the fridge, you raise the knife you hold in your hand, ready to hit the figure that enters the room. But...
"Wow! It’s me Baby! It’s me!"
With both hands in the air, Alexia looks at you with wide eyes less than a meter from you.
"Alexia? Wha- what are you doing here?"
"You weren't answering my text again and I... Can you put this knife down please?"
"Oh... Yes, sorry."
You were shaking. The sound of metal that the knife makes when you put it on the marble of the worktop resonates in the room.
"I was too concerned to leave you both alone."
Alexia confesses with almost shyness, certainly fearing that you would take this information badly. You could have, a few hours before. Exhausted from this day, you carefully avoid your girlfriend’s gaze.
"I’m so sorry I scared you. Can I have her?"
Santana started to squirm in your arms and cry again and you gently reach her to Alexia. With a natural ability, the blonde forms a small nest with her arms to accommodate the little body of your daughter. She calms down almost instantly and only then do you realize you have tears in your eyes. After admiring Santana for a few moments, Alexia looks up at you and notices it too.
"Come here" she says, extending her free arm to you.
You cuddle against her, hiding your face in her neck. Her arm squeeze you thigh against her. Her smell helps you to relax and you mumble against her skin.
"I don’t understand what I did wrong today"
"Probably nothing mi Vida. Just like you said, she's just having a bad day. Let me take care of her and go take a hot shower and put on comfortable pajamas, alright?"
You hesitate for a few moments, but Alexia kisses you tenderly before gently pushing you towards your bathroom. You end up obeying, enjoying feeling your muscles relax under the hot water. When you get out, the condensation masked the mirror above the sink. After putting on Alexia’s shorts and t-shirt, you go looking for her in the calm of your home.
She delicately closes the door of Santana’s room when you appear in the corridor.
"Is she asleep?" you ask, incredulous.
Alexia answers with a simple smile and a nod, before taking you into the living room.
"How did you do it?"
"As usual"
Alexia shrugs while smiling and you sighs. That’s what you did, but you are still convinced that Santana simply miss Alexia. You’d rather not say it out loud, though, fearing it would prevent Alexia from focusing on her professional obligations.
"When do you have to go back?"
You try not to pout by asking her the question. It was the deal anyway, you knew very well what could happen when you decided to have a child.
"Not tonight, I informed the coach. I have to be in training tomorrow morning anyway."
The information makes you much too happy, you who promised not to prevent Alexia from following her professional ambitions. But you cannot hide your smile and you stick against her again, in search of affection and tenderness. Accepting your request, Alexia tightens her two arms around you, allowing you to feel perfectly safe.
You stay here for a while, simply taking advantage of the other’s presence. Alexia’s hands play with the tip of your hair while yours fondle her lower back tenderly.
"Did you eat?" you ask her after a few moments.
"No. What about you?"
You pout and Alexia doesn’t need any other words to answer. You just haven’t had time to swallow anything since your breakfast shared with the pretty blonde.
"Let me cook you something. It’s your turn to go put on your pajamas"
You let go of her arms and put a tender kiss on her lips, happy to have her with you when it was absolutely not planned. A few minutes later, you find yourself cooking a fideua, Alexia’s favorite.
Lost in your thoughts, still exhausted from this day, you don't hear Alexia’s steps coming in your direction. You’re too tired to jump when you feel her arms go around your waist, her lips kiss behind your ear making you smile.
"It smells very good mi Vida"
"That’s good because it’s ready"
You tiptoed to grab two plates, paying particular attention not to make too much noise to avoid waking Santana.
"Why don’t we sit on the couch and watch the television?"
Alexia’s proposal surprises you, but you willingly accept. You sit on the couch, letting Alexia settle against you this time. After all, she too is probably tired from her training. Seeing her eat your dish with enthusiasm makes you happy and you find yourself admiring it rather than feeding yourself.
"You're starring"
Alexia smiles and glances at you, making you smile back.
"Perhaps, but it's certainly by admiring you as soon as I have the opportunity that I was able to clone you" you joke softly.
Alexia laughs and puts her plate and cutlery on the coffee table, as you did a few minutes before her. She turns around abruptly before throwing herself into your arms, making you fall over on the couch. Seeing her so spontaneous with you while she tends to constantly master her image makes you melt. And when she puts dozens of kisses all over your face, you can’t help but giggle.
"I guess today’s not the day to tell you I want a big family?"
Her mischievous smile makes you roll your eyes.
"We’ll talk about it in like two years, if you don’t mind."
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perseephoneee · 5 months
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↳ masterlist  ↳ ship exchange ↳ taglist ↳ 1k celebration
last updated: 04/15/2024
↳ as a writer, i'm always consuming things about my favs, and i thought it was time to share some of my favorites. every story here has likely been reread by moi a million times. also-- my psyche can be easily viewed by how many stories are under one individuals *cries*
every headcanon from @via-l0ve
her boys @octoberclidan. (tfw)
dances with team free will @octoberclidan
cruel summer (18+) @waynes-multiverse
ladies with experience (18+) @hintsofhoney
dean reads you wrong @zepskies
she's my siren (18+) @fatecantstopme
smoke eater (series) @zepskies
a taste of summer @impala-dreamer
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ CASTIEL
dreaming (18+) @impala-dreamer
beautiful to me @impala-dreamer
angel alpha (18+) @crashdevlin
i'll watch over you @octoberclidan
if you will have me, i'm yours (18+) @gilverrwrites
neckties @supernaturalfreewill
love, by any other name @zepskies
peculiar @supernaturalfreewill
because of books @supernaturalfreewill
last night on earth (18+) @hollybell51
don't bet on it (18+) @hollybell51
his charge (18+) @impala-dreamer
sharing is caring (III) @zepskies
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ ISAAC LAHEY
sick reader @smellslikemultifandomimagines
aftercare @smellslikemultifandomimagines
hidden with isaac @scoopsahoy
mutual losing (18+) @smellslikemultifandomimagines
facesitting (18+) @smellslikemultifandomimagines
cruel summer @hotdogwillex
come back to me @hotdogwillex
cold feet, warm bodies (18+) @scoopsahoy
i'm gonna kiss you now @sourwulf
drunken confessions @teenwolffan-with-nolife
dream @rogershoe
fratboy!isaac (18+) (all time fav) @mermaidenisaacs
teaches you to kiss (18+) @mermaidenisaacs
prove me wrong (18+) @twjournals
dating the mikaelsons @wholoveseggs
hold (18+) @wholoveseggs
extra-extraordinary (18+) @wholoveseggs
blood bath (18+) @wholoveseggs
warmth (18+) @wholoveseggs
the result of naps @fitzs-trained-monkey
she knew better (18+) @klausysworld
distracted @theeoriginals
you bring me home @theeoriginals
sharp (18+) @theeoriginals
christmas khaos @wholoveseggs
goodnight kisses @kmikaelsonimagines
frustrations (18+) @madhatterbri
thigh socks (18+) @geminioriginalsimagines
proposal @kmikaelsonimagines
Christmas in dixie @fitzs-trained-monkey
bruised and battered @fitzs-trained-monkey
shots @so-long-soldier-writes
little favors @fitzs-trained-monkey
of ice skates and sugar cookies @fitzs-trained-monkey
ten minute blood stain removal @fitzs-trained-monkey
like a box of chocolates @fitzs-trained-monkey
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ KAI PARKER
for my valentine (18+) @babeydollx
lace (18+) @geminioriginalsimagines
game on (18+) @socio-kai-path1972
kisses @socio-kai-path1972
why? @socio-kai-path1972
affinity romance (18+) @socio-kai-path1972
is it hot in here? (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
party crasher (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
sex tea (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
say it again (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
the red means (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
the price of hatred (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
spoiled (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
birthday girl (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ JIM KIRK/BONES
a well documented debacle @mybullshitsensesaretingling
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ PAVEL CHEKOV
sweatpants @youre-on-a-starship
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ LOKI
reformed villain squad @give-me-a-moose
overtime (18+) @cleo-fox
loki's happy ending @gingerwritess
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ BUCKY BARNES
graveyard @wkemeup
red flags (18+) @astroboots
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ FINNICK O'DAIR
oral headcanon (18+) @lucilleslore
darling and the virgin (18+) @wife-of-all-dilfs
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ JAMIE TARTT
chilly cheeks @veryberryjelly
about you @buckychristwrites
saved you a seat @benedictscanvas
operation: tartt's heart @theowritesstuff
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ TENTH DOCTOR
family christmas @writerlyhabits
gestures and evasion @doctenwho
before you go @doctorslove
falling in love again @doctorslove
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ SPENCER REID
virgin!spence (18+) @fortheloveofwonderland
i'd bottle the feelings you gave me @spencersfunkysocks
all the women he's loved before @fortheloveofwonderland
a helping hand (18+) @sinfulspencer
second date @samuel-de-champagne-problems
preciously pure (18+) @foxy-eva
two ships passing in the night @hairringtonsteve
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